geitgrapil. irorlllret float that standard sheet. IPitere breathes the foe but falls before us With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, '4141t1 Freedom's banner stresining (ger nit OUR PLATFORM THE MON-THE CONS TrirriON-A.lO THHENFOIXEMENT OF THE LAW. HARRISBURG, PA. Wednesday Morning, October 18,1861. 7 -- SIIVISAL STAMPEDVPS Ai "lipo .. ,.._rted to have recently . 0 in; Wor * O,Mte - linida Ts Pinis 4444-iilutvicar tylitritS advertised its an , 7- ; held is West Chester on the 24 .. t. William Loyd Garrison is among the invited speakers. GIRL MCCLELLAN'S command in and around Washington city, amounts to 240,000 men, all well armed and equipped, in the highest disci pline, and under officers of tried ability and ex perience. The wielding of such N body of men is a work of great mental labor and personal responsibility. INDIANA READMITS are all accompanied by a competent person, whose business it is to care for their comforts, inspect their personal condi tion, and report to the authorities at home, all the wants necessary to promote the health and well being of the men thus in the' service of their country. The chnsequence of this has been tb render the troops from the state 'Of In diana, cheerful, healthful and contented, three irresistable qualities in a soldier. TSt FRSNOH PROUST/LIMB in .Paris 'mated in prayer and supplication on the day set apart by President. Lincoln for that,phrpose inAhissoun try, in behalf of the federal government now nobly, battling to pat down rebellion in the slave states. ,This is a signal and significant sign of sympathy on the part .of a portion of tkeZtench people, characteristic of the friend• ship long existing between that nation and the people of the. United States. Axon TEM PROPKRIT lately confiscated in Vir gyda,.by order of the rebel government, was an estate owned by William d. Riyes, Jr., of Boehm, consisting of eight hundred acres of fine lank fully stocked with negroes, live stock and *laments ; and another estate, owned 'by Franiiis Rives, of New York city, also contain * eight hundred acres and well stocked with slaves. The aggregate value of the property thus confiscated, owned by northern citizens ,or loyal. Vitgintans, is estimated at eight hundred thousand 414*s. A prrnotaarr has recently sprung up between GeneralStirges and General Lane, who were at last accounts at Kansas City,. Missouri, waiting orders—the former with four thousand men said the latter with three thousand. It is said that General Lane was about to make charges against Starge&tor conduct unbecoming P. gen tleman, and that Sane had- refused Any loner to obey his' ordets, on amount of practices WhiCh he has recently given way to that en tirely .uniit_hint to , command. The difficulty threatens to prove serious. ' THEIINEXLIS or 'FREMONT are again at work predicting . his immediate overthrow hebause th e Becretiry of War is in St. Louis, _ They have no reason for ,making such predictions. . The 01amotaiainet, the'Oeneral was so terrible that nothing remained bat for Secretary Cameron .to go in person to Missouri and view the situation of affairs. No sensible person hes any idea that Oential Fremont will be removed before' he baEl an opportunity , to clear . Vssouri of the rebels. Of course, witli the immense pressure against-him, if he makes a failure he will be at once recalled after that fact shall have become ; Tun lacoutemix or WAR has refused to open .a cdtatannicatton forwarded td the War Depart nient by Lafk his country, going the and how . Sobnable was, and doubtless still is, one of the most shamefully corrupt and depraved men in the count y—devoid of moral reputation, lack iTtg political integrity, and utterly deficient in personal probity and virtue. Ile should be held In confinement at Fort Lafayette as Of too leprous a character to be allowed to , roam the elittii main, and the Secretary of War did well to refuse all communication with him. . Gov: A. G. Ctlets has been absent froth the . State %pita& foraevetai days, on a visit of bilsi,. net to his former home, Bellefonte. The Oen, *rat Press thus refers to his presence in Centre county : ' . .„ Our honored wpaman, Gov. A. G. ClArtin, returned to this place to-day, where .he wlll, .remain a few days for the purpose of IV" eltdattik his health. He 'was Yreldn4C4 'back 11,6.,14Q5t of persenak and politicel ?kiends,lor. Is t this community at leabt his ; patriotism and, b#pity are hest understood and appreciated. Ws, saw pleased to see the Governor look. .so. weltoceasidering the unceasing labors which last is i , i No ,chief magistrate of our Common agemtliaysr entered upon the resPoosible duties o f th e office under more trying circumstances \ th an these whi h surrounded Mr. Curtin in the e e oroges of ' administration, yet he has ORpliiiilt trOxii. - t, the hbrior of the st a t e vifidicrited;aiidt4 oriously. A 4 pl ies. we NO t 0P#A#P 11c11111 " .. ." '' ' • *'' AP!. PIM r embed llarrisburgtor;43r, much biogkidahr,bleolth - 44 , -Ide journeyted' stoic relevAlon frouvidiVonehdintiee. ..4 a "ft i hie, SEQUESTRATION. The tendencies of this war, so far as the au r, thoritlett...,are rammed w ' -h• , : been ra : ; . poNie by Ita li a:4* g . . in a '1 ~ :1 dgetion. The :sou ern , : .le engag .. lik, rebellion have done-nothitg,•) , brave, chi: Mario or, fair cikarac . ito ad ira . .....1 .eir cat* . While all their-se, ts Ogi, 0 n o , , desc ri ption to degrade thWt in e of t, world , and make them sffil Mae am le ~ the justfce of those laws they are daily violating. They conceived the pan to bel, ,to enrich them selves at the exp ense o " 6,7, regiiiiiiire'iniern meat and loyal people of the land. Evetratep they have taken, is criminal and diabolically wicked. Before they developed their treason, they w ere concocting a system of tbierbigiwhich has since, beencatiied out to afford, the ==Means forannipt A1:kiii = e4.144440.0 1 4.4r Avcrui4r 8 4 - slating their forces, replenishing their coffers, and liquidatingsyarp i f thekr,obligations as i are made necessary to supply ibemselves with the common articles of liv.htg. otherre, these obligations are as ciimmtinitgiganicstei's Word or a harlot's yow. In thitiespect, thgy carryont their violations 'Of alt`thaili s togribib"tthif just, by engaging in' ilia lwrixif of iiquestrating `all lands, goods, andd - Securities belonging to out Ofthe Peouliar condition of society at 'the south. The collection Of a 'debt. by a' northern man in person at thh senthi was always a dan gerous operation, arid thereforwit did not need this act of sequestratiOn of , nertixern property and securities to seal :talready dreadfully augmented infamy of the-leaders hi the south ern rebellion. The rebellion was started forrach objects ) , and-theirnohievement will become one of its regitimate -reCtliaationa.. In this manner millicuusof property will be feloniouisly abstracted from its• legal owners, while Many millions More , of debts- will -be repudiated with the scoun drel's plea that-it is justiliedtbr their .belliger itnt ixisitiort towards: se gOvenittietit Unit has up held-and cherishe,d - and -maintained them for yeariw.._ - - , s;b:i .tl,l $... When the south has thus repudiated all-the northern debtslif its Citizerieand sequeStrateci alt the property held 'in ita - tdast by - the nor thern• int:ohm:de' and therchabt," we may ex pest theth to Slione'• signs - Of repentande and ask for terms of Twain: - These' two prirposes 'are among- the great Objebleof the . rebfillion. 'The that design 'writhe 'establishment of a grand, royal and magnificent' ordei of 'aristocracy-at the soutiti Thiiliasteen thedarling desiredf the slave holding poptilittOn'of that regiOnibr many years; stabil this Purpose; whim avowed in the old world,' theYibaised,:the - hive of - male- - leg alliance with the:titled-arbitotiats - of 'cont - V mita' Etirope,':=-eurd - -Great but since th 4 'have failed and are Without maps.' thisers or friends on the other side of the }antic, they now; tUrri`fo" the '4J:divo t -meat of a more deino6ll. 4 pUipOse by making themsefvei; nE4ion of rtlliben's, repudititOis and esaszelns:--LZ This is partly aerqopitrateci by theSeqnestratiOn `trnokt . to' make 'reputation with 'the si/Ord'oi the bayonet, and unwilling march on theinuizle of ' loyal Ales arid Muskets, the yillians and traitors are contenting themselves with'repUdiating their debts and Sequestratjng the property oftloti lioneet, eriterpriaing dustrious merchants and' mai:nib/diners of the loyal states'. It is a game worthy of those Who are attempting it, and Cannot be played with success for any length'of' trine.tlawil fight and thiable'tifreop6 the force their' treason has called to the deferiCti of - thetrniou; the traitors ex.hibit their doWardibiand . tes"'eness in these coninitui act of theft; winch therjus . tice'of the age will sooner or later overtake and overcome: ' ' ' By the terms .of the - rebel sequestration laif, • all citizens 'Of the - United' States alre declared ellen eneirdes bf The 438111'6i:feral& States ; es cept those 'of 'the'lEktrder Statei Who'syMpathise with trout:it; 'and' all' the ViciPerty of the allenS . aforesaid in the Ceonfedetate Statee,_consisting of lands, Siva, bends, debts and Property of what:. ever description within the 'liana' '&114 said bonfed'eracy - are'cbitiliited:" -- AllAlNitiiensbt Ifelkware;'*iferylerrd;Keiditciir Missouri favoring the bard* oit'sketisita are &1:44d froin the opdation of the act: • 'Only the "loyal adherents of the Union is the fotir 'States 4te by' the law; to'haittli'di Sotithern • pas- Sessions and claims seized for the tbeand sup pert of the Corifederate Governicient: It is not stated *hat 'to bethe , lair of 4ttitchthent to the balm in these Bata; tOI therefore we havi, a right tb i lnier that the lelui to the same results which have already accrued from oat rebels. .whVoliii i d`them ttte l lavkui eiCuie“.sr the weak and oppressing , t4P Suspected feriee/aSS.3 LShielY-Stiogi4lmeioi thesiiniim soon invoke their pnniiihment from a higher source than .that:: of mar. They cannot pro ceed.nruch longer in their iouessesoand larcenies without ibeing arrested brthe bend of retribu tive justice!. ' • Wrlntatit,ltzt.T.t has become the sole' business manager of the . Washington city Sun ifyrffingChronicle. •Mr. Iteitzel was connect :midi, Adams Exprses company for many Yeanif. , ?..u . P..4 4 r act * ,printe r of experience ability, and therefore fully competent to take:ebarge. Of thelbusiness and publishing 6 partuna e„uewspapen,:.:.../Is withal, tlemen zof "character', anal integrity,v, and;. will win esteem and 'dm/dance as he.becomes known to the reading public :thelederalmetropolis. • We wish him abunihintsncoxis in his new posi tion and enlarged sphere of- business responsi bility. Tin; Feosam. FO RCE IN WISDOM TIRGINIA.— Generals Bosecranaandare-et. Mountain CaNly cordiElbirttieki mires from GriukyLßridge, - with only ea-thousand troopstivii‘ta . M'i perform active duty and aie Gaultly Bridgeitnietnitir. !Lookout there were on TuescloGiatitostetheusand4iisglintSiiiip t hid fostylpetinstria thelliMittalkiii4Mthiiedo with the eimirleseetowitt CAls BsildleiteMetiffiti ,Ifeeryi mut ley Bridge, are one hundred. and sixtrgalettV' IT TELE Front oar Evening Edition of Yesterday. NAVAL ENGAGEMENT - AT NEW 1. ORLEANS. Rebel Account of the Affair. Reported Defeat of the Blockading Squadron: Run:soli; Oct. lb. The Norfolk Examiner, of Monday, received by a flag of truce, contains a dispatch from New Orleans on the 12th, Stating that a naval en gagement had taken place at the head of the puma Onlthe night iiNhe lasting one hour, and was afterefeads renewed. Also the following dispatch : 1• 1 -= "Ircatflielnion, .Oct Last night I attacked the blockaders wit) little fleet. I succeeded, after a very struggle, in driving them all aground ok south-west pass bar, except the Preble, whit sunk.. I captured a prize from theni, and r they were fast in sand I peppered them wf m our side. It at Santa Rosa are also given. ANOTHER REBEL ACCOUNT Ilivrimortz, Oct. 15. Richmond papers state that the steamer Nashville run the blockade from Charleston on 12th . inst., with Senator Mason as minister to England, and Jno. Slidell as minister to France, with their strive who are now on the ocean. The Pensacola papers gives a list ofseventeen wounded from the Santa Rosa fight at the hos pital, including J. Bossell of the Third regiment United States artillery and James Millington of the First New York artillery. Another despatch from New Orleans expresses the belief that if sufficient forces can be organi sed, they could capture the whole Federal fleet in its present disabled condition. The rebel fleet was in command of Commodore Hollins. From Fortress Monroe and Hatteras, Escape of Contrabands from Sewall's Rolot. :4 3:4 'TS :115*0 :111 FORTRESS MONSAR, Oct 14. via Baltimore, Oct. 18 The steamer Spaulding returned froni 'tares Inlet this morning, bringing up General :Mansfield, who has to-day taken command at Camp Hamiltbn. The entire loss'of the 20th Indiana' regiment in its recent' retreat was forty-seven. No ebinges have taken place at the Inlet during the last four days. Eleven contrabands came over last night froni 'Sewell's Point., They say that there are four ihnndred rebel troops at the Point and a large ',number this side of Norfolk. I. Lieut. Murray of the gun'boatLouisiana two !or three dayii - shide Idundnertbet vessel in a ?narrow opening this side - or Oregon inlet fitting out as npirate. ,He took rs)ssaieion and burned the vesspl. ThPietele, were. in ,force in the vi- 'kit, it *- - ;,:ij itte , :- ~:!- ,-`-:;,',:-.';',. 'The staniei'Gtainiso, frofix the'enimirs camp at Ccilulfibii4, ing for an exchange of pr4oners, , ~ciived: here General Chant 'replied that lie could 'Makes no exchange his own accord, as he did not recognize the Southern ConfederaCy;but he would Communicate with higher authority for their views on the subjcct. A detachment of Capt. Noleman's cavalry, '!twenty-five in number, had askirm'eh with the rebel cavalry one hundred strong at Becknith ifarm Missouri. The rebels were repulsed with tone frilled and five wounded. The-captain of the rebels was killed. A detachment of the Twenty-ninth Illinois 'regiment seized a large - pantltroteorii and a tnumber of - horseS, mules, and cattle., and* took two prisoners on Thompson's farm yesterday. FROM KEN,TATOKY. An Iron Bridge Blown Up by 'the Rebels. • • '; t ' Lourstut,E,Oct. 14. The iron bridge over Green ' river,' at Hirt°. fordsville, on the Louisville and Nashville Itailroad was blown up , by the rebels yesterday morning.' No southern news or papers at hand. FROM, GKN. BANKS , €01:17BEN .9?,uttritero•Nsrly • everything was 4tiretalon trie' niref:line Nothing hari transpired I p C2:l kloiveritarslial, anacriiit PPP . 4.10#411. NO TAMES GRANTED TO WASHINGTON, Oct. 15 • To save trouble to all concernedit is officially announced that the Government has ceased to grant passes to go south through the United States lines. • ' • DEATH OF PROFESSOR LONG. ' - ' " " ;Bowes, Oct. 15. Professor Long,' of Dartnioiith College, dd . in Now Pfampshire,"last night. , MBLEB E/EL.ES I . A Large acitulcrOughl* cessplatc.miick of , . BIBLES. ''MBIPRIENG — EVARY• - VARIETY From the Smallest ;Pocket to the lariest sized and Hass FAMILY BIBLES', ;Has Just been piaiithased and received from ine Fel :Trade Salts. Having purchased these at - I 'EXTREMELY LOW RATES, they will be sold at a very small advance. Please call and examine this Mei* at ~1311 AGNES'S ailidEtßocaszon, , • Market Street-a. AL' .NEW--LOT, wiltromytTENG.4 Taman BAG LOnn (101 prlsing a number of new styles ,rp' and I. ' DUES' Koney-Purieskind Wallets. line . martins retwOrmland lousale at . . - -.. , ,t. ~, • ,, " Bil r ens" CU P W II * ..' 4.;.! I 4.1 t:i Z. oti ....) 11 , ~...- , riin . wittpti.,. r . , I ,91Yi ~.1%,5 ektio Alt . . / a 4 ~. '2lotitrtisl LIST OF LE' RENAININO IN THE MI OFFICE, TUESDAY, OC' OFF CIM.LY PUBLISHED IN THE k THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Arnold, A Adams, T A Allison, It H Anderson, E Koover, H Anderson, M Krantz; M Kane, B Bendy, E Kunkel, S J 2 Koons, M A Kirk, H Maims, W S Kirby, W _ Baker, M A Bandlink, A Babb, A E Bay, M A Biller, M Benjamin, B. Blackburn, C Blair, It Bridle Osman, Oct. A fleet was forty men, while-the t was sixteen gum is reported that de with her iron red last night. rounded Confedl Bricker, J H Marklen, E Y C Maynarch, E Causpanth, M Mader, R Caslow, S J Mellinger, C Crole, C Mother, A Chester, M Miller, N Carlin, M E Moiler, R Cann, C H Moloy, E Clouden, M • Monley, H Clark, L S Molson, J Clark, M Montgomery, M Colerane, M Cowen, N Cuckler, C B Reed, R Coalman, M Ray, S Crqp, C Rabin, F E Cunkle, A Rife, R Creighton, E Rishi, A Cadey, K B" Robinson, A M K Cushman, N 2 Rowan, It D Rumicbs, B Donnell, M M C Bapley, L Denison, A J . ' Rudisill, E Dressler, L M Rees, B Deeters, M Richardson, 8 Dieffenbach, I ~ Romichi-g Dorsey, M Dorsey, R Doran,-E - Ellinger, M Enterline, R - Eherk, C, Eroin, E A M Evans, K Shearer, X Ettinger, J A Shartey, S Etter, S ' Shannon; A Bryan, L Schreadly, EL .13K00 S Sinivrde .l'• n, D Smith, A '?'''''Snidtit, • -t Snowden, D Bnally, A SiMpson, E .Suringman, B 2 ASlvitner; J 'Stevenson; M A Fi her, J- Finney, E C iFe3rder,,} A iFaCerkti,- . 0 'Foster, Farkler, 8 , Vegan, A '; Fenner, S E ortney, E Fleck, - Fear, L 9, Franklin, it Freese, Fray, Frey, B Fottrell, S r Tucker, 11. , IJlrith, L ' .Updegrove, J' Watson, W. D Wagner, L S Gilchrist, J 2 . Walker, M A Grotner, E J - Weaver, S J H. Weirich, S Hamilton, E J Welker, M Hatton, M e.t,Wver, E Hess, B „ . 'Weygand, Heffeltinger,. A Werner, E Henry, E. Williams, S A Heater, F ' Wines, E Heileman; M'M Wilson. A Hildebrand, A L Wilhelm, A E Hilt, ;Williams, D Hiney, M Woodard, E Wyne, E Roffey, E E Wyant, M Hummel, C A • " ' Y. Huntingdon, F Yonse, M E Hutton, H Youtz, C 743 1'11V,, M 2 Z. MEMIME OA.rao; Oct.• 14 Jones, I Jones, C Jones, F A. ( Anderson, 0. .Allricks, J August, W Ault, V W Andrews, L Albright, J Aungst, J Abel, J 'Arthur, T S Alter, D G Barton, 3 Bowett. 3 Boas, G Bowy, B F Davis, J . Bickel, L 2 Deninn, B Balsbaugh, V IleOliarltori, J - ' Slayer, A Davenport, Capt Blessing, C Davenport, W B 2 Bai r d, W W . Dettrick., , ,,H P. 2 Beeinarl, J - A,,, ' - Deal; P - Bender, D,. P.lF.! , edh, P.,. -.. -_ . Basehore, B . 'Davi L - 4 Bandy, .B ~M: • - * L=DeruiY, WH Bates, S Deisher, H l3ossard, 14 F Derstine„j . Boughter, J Donley, J P Brown, S E DOrsan, Mr Bragg; Lid . ' DoMan, F W 2 Birmingham, TT. - Doan, A 2 3risben, A , ~. , Dur(cah, J A Balse't, A' '' DuStilk-N J 3reseler, Lient _ Donwart, T Briggs, C A Diemon, J H Bradley, W 11 ~ 4l • , Dix 4 lll l . l T.A. , Brower,. A , ' ."' "Drelk - 61: H 2 Brown, W C I)ta, F trr=l;., T' - - Dogr e t: r ( 1. W urr, D S : f . ~/' i 4. ,: 1 i„ t,K7. , ; 4 =. , -‘ - BqPre4ria 'I T 'l 5 f • - - '.., 7 n, J ...tiger 13 z . , a * . i-E.B- ~- 4- 1 -'• Esslinger, w Inutuairr;"3—"` " "'" m itrahicl Vi :: -::-::;. *. ha&S,a. .. Nyder, Cl 3 Care t -J OF ing, LADIES' LIST. A Johnsor., F Johnson, E M Jones, W 11 Lilly, M P E rogan, E Bay, M A Sayline, M Scholl, S Schartzer, C Schweitzer, R Zarehne, S A GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Clevepger, F Clark, H Cooke IV • Clark; lif 0 9 * W Clingan, ; W Cady tim-W Cleckner, F - Culp, .l . C ' Crawford, S N Cramp; Capt Crary . ./. M C0.,..,C punk W i:11* I- J Coo tr i i Cr _ Davis, J A 186 L em rAbrartioments Moore, Col B Moltzon, W H Moore, RH Morrow, W G B 2 Morgan, W M • *Luis, W M J 'Jr MMunroe, H L H Fayette, JG. D Gansals, J , George, Mr meth H H Grahms, J S H Goulden, G Grahain, J A Godley, C Grattan, A Guyer, W Gleave, W Green, T Gibbons, It e ibbe, J Haynes,. T Osborn, A 8 Hall, 811 8 Orbison, W A Hohlahim, J W -1.. Haynes, 2 Palmer, II Hawk, D Patrick, J . Han, W 2 Palmer, , W Harts, W Panling, B Hftrtitita i Phoenix. H acatiolacAP 2 •., ,N • I P Ht. 1- . . s „ . ,:-4t - ~. on, I : --.• .. r . . e 11,4 B. : - „fi..,;. , . •,1 .. •.oe, Wl' :.. . ' C , - ".' .. R gains. , .-...; . mid, Reed, l J E Ilonsberger, H Reabnck, J Hotehkin, G B Reinhold, J Hoover, W 2' Reif, G Hefting, W R Ranney, A Hen; J R ' Iteed,'X Hermann, Capt. Reamer, Capt J Heart, J Reber, L B Helmer, W *Ritite J Hughes, Mr Himick. E P Hilgas, C H Hummel, J .1? Huber, J B Hutchinson, D Hutton, K Hunter J J H Huston, J C auttei; Humphreys. J J. Jervis, J H Jones, R Jones, 8 F J 8 Jackman, D Jones, H Jennings, W H Johnson, J W Jayne, T B Keeley, ~W Kennedy, T Kerr, J J Kreta, H. Kaufman, J Keller, J Kinnterer S F Kelley, W Kansa, W Keys, D Kelley, T Keehn D l EannlS!, J D Kirk, W Kunkle,Gt King, Kidmad, %J ' &terrier, B Keller, J W Koonrad, M Kiser, A Kistler, It Kiltown, J Keith, W ;A:tart Singles, I T "2' J . Plf4 W "Sitrtery, M J Spri2 i j • Strebig. J .• Strobecker, H A B • eiStabk, Swartz, M L. Stalbird, M D Livergood, .1 2 Swift, S R Lane, B B Lither, J M &Att.*, B W Lightner, W Stair, S Lain R • W Leverbig. Lieut. A Sfiiiiy, Col J Lamlxiit & Co, J D Lawrence, G J Swaim; ck, Lingle, J Linn, J B ISM Thomas, W H Linsinmeyer, J • Timoney, 0 • • Leonard,„Lierr &Co Turbot & Jackson, Lottelinan, J ' Tanning, E T Lane, 8 • U Lilly, W Urich, W Lemon, J i , 4 , n , -..„7,. - ,.,„1V• Ludlow, H - '' Wallier, SIL Lymer,.J A Walters„ D Lloyd, P ' ' Watson, Letiit M F Long, J 2 Walters, M Lydick, • W. . , -• „- • iftiters, OW , Long, H A Walters, H M Long, J F Wagner, W Mc. ' !Waller; .11::: McLain, W Wartman, W H McConms,i J Warner, Lient B McKean, J Wagner, B Mme,:m.. ... -.„ „, Eldtce, • MoLne, 'J• '— •' - - 2 -- Weaver,'Mr • • ' McOlintock, J H Walters, 13 H MOCaskrey, A '5 Walter, OD - McCarter, J ' . . ,We rn er,, J , 2 It McCane, 'White, H F 310 0zater,, la W Wt/er k T M Iliallister, J C ' 'Weber, J McKenna, W West, W McAllen, J `-' , Whitman, G McClure, W Whisler, J ran, X' I Weitseli I I X,- Wetzel, S Waver, 1Y;01 B 'W J tchellilll- 2! .Wilson, T A , 411, Yi r Willaner, J Mitirer, 0 W "Williams, ' J N Meredith, Col Willson, T H Moshon, A H Wise, Capt J Malhonr, M 8 , , i.. , •Wise, B. G ! 11 oney, D 201 Witanan, H K 'ybr, J *4 , 4 • WisedW W. r y , „Wiiifint, L • t •"" '' ' Wolv erton, B land,iLient Wal, L 13 Mellinger, Maj W EW.olf, J Manger; J Wolf 'W Mahrer, IT Wright, Jl3 Mendban, Capt G C Y. Main; J W - Yining, TW Marecklech, C ' . ,Younkes, J MiCliels; :3' Z. Miller, 13 • • !;- `- : . ,' Maws, J Minter, Coi in Ini F fl.eri ta, L . Meier; J Xmas LETTERS. •Flanian, 0 Cogan, M BriAion, , A 4y. 0 0 , Ar i iibrod, 3 B • 9, Bagm le, ill, s Ackley, G Bloom, 3 - ligEdf, 8 Bader, A H Archer, W Bloom, E - • .. Arb, &P. •._ lio D rown,,J H r Archibald, W Ad i Alaheek ri -• „ Eirgatti; C - B , -.•Suleek,,M : Biebtag, fa W Bowman, 3 H Brum, 8 4 :"1..) I ii i iirliarAirt 8 4.: temmt, J writ, 0 T : a , j 1 ,Ll. - -vitrim %A •- ' ' b i t m, , , 0461, 4 ~. .i)--- * Baker, D E caw, .7 J Mandick, J Neidig, J Nelson, A S Naman, S Nedhamer, J Neidig, D Olick, W. Reitman, J J Railizu3, 3 .11 Rigby, W Riddle, W Rickard, T Bp.*, Capt H L Ryan, J W Roy, F Rodier, 0 Rhoads, E iit“ A Rimiamer, W F .x 8 Sadly, T • • Bahl, . Schaffer, W S hek,l" ;Shrioar,-11 M P il, 8 fteerier', H ,Seeboldi J L Searfoes„ J H :131fithghneesy, B Abiznp, W Shope, C B Shoop, 31- - ,ShumbergeT, 0 Wirer, 0 . '111141141319114111 Sihle, W H 'Smith, H Sal*, F Schilling, N •Sibith; Nato bvertisemmts _ Corcoran, D Coleman, w Caulfield, W J Camp, G W Campbell, H Carey, G B Callwell, J Chambers, M B Cuskaden, S Cavell, E B Campbell, D Craft, W 8 Cosler, F J Coleman, J Crider, F B Murph e y , j J Moore, A Alillhouse, j Mllinford, 0 2 Mecarty, J e, Mervin I,V j Manspeat-, e Matatz,ll.. G Matthew. Mange r , ' Murry. I j Mager. Maxw,lj , Morgan, E Miller, J Dunlap, 3 D Donachy, J Dolby, J Dross, J Dun, B Duncan, G Day, C Demander, B Denslow, M O'Neill. J Parketisori. ' `- ( t PeOFies, 'f E- li Perregn A Pifer, T. Print, ~l Paul, Peoples., G Phil A Price, N Ei Patterso n , s Phillips B BOler, S L Ellis, C Eason, C A Ensworth, A L El 2 Royell, L D Rodgers Rode J 2 Reitrnever. Rider, 3 Rhodes. C H Rinehold, s Reese, G.' S. Spangler. J Seller, S Storm, J Sweeny..l Stant J SuPPlee Suthill. Stover, .1 Stewart, I) Stowne, L Stout, D Stouffer, S Stevens, H Sweeyert, s Smith, D r Smith, G Snyder, R Slick, w H Smith, G H Snyder, D B Sharff, W Scull, W IV Shama. S B Seely, L Savidgr, TJ Styer, J B Stempsou, B Stern, li Schimels,fenulg. CA Sill, 11V Garret, C P Gomel, J Gaylord, NV C Goodrick, E C D R Galligher, M Holten, T J ,Healey, G .Hunt, J Retch, C P Hoffner, Rees, P W !Header, W M : Ripple, J Riney, M Howard, E G Hoyt, H M E S B Howe, R Hall, E Jones, L jetfrle, H E Jackson, B S Jones, J prdluoon, T K Kilburn, J M hom, E J L fight, W Kohler, H , E A fer, M • etley, T Keith, A Toiler, A F Taylor, A Tyson, W Lunn, Thorn, G W Tones, A Thomas, E W Ulrich, J L. teas, A Neagh, A o. J Le Roy, D h. F tits, C rd, L A A tteir, A W tter, M tinobeY, W Lawson, J J Lowe, 8 Vogel. S Vanhorn, t., Williams. Woodward. E El Wikel, J S Wilson. J E Wolf. D Wikel, I Waters, L L Weaver, A Wallbridgo, P Walters, H H Waltz J Walters, J Wilson, J Webster. Warren, W Wenerbaih, S E Waters, L cut Washburn, W Mc. rcHiallers, H anery, A J Ale Gee,: J t M. S oyer, M R Mickley, C More, T Moore, J Persons calling for any of the learn will please say they are adverti6ol. ,eat due on each. It GEO. BERGNER, P. M. Zimmerman. 11 ~. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A BOY for a Dry Good Store from the country who has had OWO expert ire, 1,1 ao speak the German language and give undoubted re et one. Enquire at this Mac.. 9415,44 • SEALED PROPOSALS, rEINDOBSED " Proposals for Forage," will XI be received until 3 P. If., os the Toth inst., for supplying by contract fur the I:alted States : 100 TONS OF HAY, , 5,000 BUSHELS OF CORN IN THE Elit, WO be delivered free of cost to the Uuited Statei at Harrisburg, Pa., within one week from test date. Bids to state the price so delivered ac d the amount proposed to be delivered. The right to reject any bid is reserved. Bide to be addressed to B. DuBARBY, Capt. & C. 6., U. S. A octls-dtd The time for letting the above has been ex tended to 3 p. m. on Saturday the 19th ihst : o t :C r a il' , . 0 .. .. = X i 1* : f ° O r r w 7EmENT IS DENTISTRY , YlO '. __ ... it.,- ALLABACEL, surgeon Den. - llai, maouracturer 01 Slicers' Plate Treth, the ouly '' ethos that, obviates every .bjectiao to th ~ vas 0:' sit. , dal tada, =Praying pulial, ILt.f and wh.lx sett of cue t i lt; e a m a I t e d u m t n d u e . ; i t i r o u n t . t o f -.. , 1 ,:n e d mice tri r rt l i , c, ii!i:lo•ei Lei, to -r-'",2".l.l433ocdrendve user front fine breads, ts some . Dyed ...din their consiradioa, there cau be ri.) tal , i C Ilt- Ine"lC told. Hence th , lathy ittual is cot lue. o .Ted Willl sore Inlaid, be.dache, az. Oill,;e la .orth Second street, Harrlsbur dealt sly M'ARKELVILLE ACADEMY A.ND NORMAL INSTITUTE, ARKEL VILLE, PERRY CO., P.A. TwillWint e begin oo MONDAY OCTOBER 28th, awl `' " continue lIVJ NOVIaI. 00:Lnia.0.R.ipe...; sanion p l i c;r a d r TERiI 4 . ' Atelier t week .......................... i .., 6 arokhed rooms per awatun. ............. •• • -"';`,.; iyolf4agrrildtezt .............. 1taci.410,..... pcidentsl expellee; ............. ... ......... .0 I . -adk from a distance are expected to row at , . ._ .. andante from a amnia , ...... ---• :Academy building with the Principal. ilitalittenticin of parents and guardians and of an I . rii 3 O , I' thalitill to study. is invited to this sellout nu acc.iuni ii. t, tetired•situation a , d the good character d thsr her Alt ,,! ustained. The community around are mural ant tut i gent and no allurements to vice or dissipation cre loundd the neighborhood. A trl-week y mail,Aage tear ewpaAt Attain !on the Pennsylrarra fiaild , ot , %W..,,,e6°_,_eadaY and Friday afteraoon, chs- ace . -„,..—. regialegoeived at any acne au d are charge ... a -."-- 12,P°20.91.ntering to the end of the session. . Payable In advance. F?Alkihqr information address G. W. LELSFLES, A. 51. , , , etieWintult. Markeluille, Perry cooly, rs,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers