. • .„ . - • - • = • • • ,• . . ^"4 • _ • • < lo' _ "11 4 k ) • , • ( • '• 4 4 , , • „ . _ , • ". '11;- • - = EGRAPH. . , BY GEORGE BERGNER. Orbital. R . JOHNSON 3341.1-aTI3tICO 3 ELMI LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. 111,111? 111 VOX SO TIMM NOM. No Memory or Noxious Drug,. tro rA CMlti WAiOUNTI wo D, DAYBOR NO Cll4llOl, ISOM 011111 T. 11.1 Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains lc the Loins, Alleetions of the Kidneys and madder, or Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thee . mg, Dyspepsia ' languor, Low Spirits, Con . 'aliltation or the Heart, Timidity, Trem Night or Giddiness, Disease of the Ski , 1:;" • the Head, Throat, Nr so or Skin—those to tees arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises whir. , produce constitutional debility, render marriage Impos §lble, and destroy bulb body and mind. YOL'NG MEN. Young ine e especially who have become the Manna of , o htary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit which " i muy sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of ;ming men of lhu most exalted talent and brilliant Intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening ;unities with the thunders of elegance, or waked to ',o -w the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or those contemplating tsarrsage, be• 'ne aware of physical Weakness, should Immediately con. Ind Or. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAXNES Immediately cured and foil rigor restored. fie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and eon, !Wendy rely upon his skill as a physician. a-Office No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, V., on the left had side going from Baltimore street, 7 lore nom the corner. Be particular in observing street iame or number, or you will mistake the place. Be per. ,fcaller for Ignorant, Toyfling Quacks, with false Damn, Paltry Humbug Corti/leaks, attracted by the repute eon of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. All letters must contain a Pestaget3tamp, to use on the reply. DR, JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London, gradnatelrom one of the meat eminent General of the United State and the greatest part of whose life .has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, beahhilness, with frequent blishing,attended sometimes with derange meat of mind were cured Immediately, TAKB PARTICULAR NOT= Jr. .1. YLlttrefflieS all these who having injured them selves by private and improper indelpenews, that secret and solitary nabit which rains both body and mind, an. fitting them for either business or society. The are spate of the sad and melancholy effects am bers or early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Beek and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of. Sight, Lou of Muscrtlez. Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Worsmmp. lion, itc. 111ENTALLY.1 , essuum, the fearful effeets on the mind are amen go be dreaded :—Lose of Memory, Confusion of !desk De. presalon of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toSoofe ty, Self•distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ago., are some of the ova anklets. Thousands of persons of all ages, can now Judge what is the cause of their decline In health, lotting their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emackste4,. have • singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp. me of consumption. . . YOUNG NEN who have Injured themselves by a certain practice, In dieted in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evll zompanions, or at sehefol, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage imparalble, and destroys both mind and body, itionld apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coon. try, the darling of his parents, should be matched from all prospects and enjoyments o f life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a pla certain secret habit. Su th pentane must, before &Intern • ting atAßltLiGad effect that a sound mind and body are;the most n requisites to promote connubial happiness, I TiuM without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted-with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING RESIEDY FOR OB GANW WEASNMS. By this great sod important remedy, Weaknesirot 111 Organ% are speedily cured, and toll vigor restored: .Mo'll'lllElll6 of the most nervous and debilitated Alm had last all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage Physical or Mental Diequaliii• tattoo, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the inset fearful kind, speedily eared. TO ETRANGRRB. The many thousands the n eared at this Initintion within the last twelve years, endnumerous Important Burgles' operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the pnbllo, Midas Ms standing at a gentleman 4 character wed re. tae, Is a. antlinient guarantee to the afflicted. sad IMAM Offimprudent IMPy of RUDENCipleasure ff..—Whfinds en the misguided votar he haa the weds 01 this painful disease , It toe often ha imbibed en ppens that atimad sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re. ipeatability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con. satntional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, akin, &o,progrenini on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to gnat bourne from whence ao traveler returns." It Is a mei encholy fact that thou:Lauda fail Minima to this terrible disease, owing to the uuskilfulneea of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of !fret deadly poison, mermry, ruts the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. To frossiamm.--The Docter's Diplomas hang In his offlae. si'Letteter mud mutate a Stamp to ua on the reply Sit - Remedies seat by Mall. isit•No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. serla.dawly All Work Promised in One 10 4 . PENTI BYLVANIA STEAM EYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 Market Street between 4th and sth l HAERIBBIIII4, PA., Iap[THERE every description of Ladi' and Gentlemen'', Ommenta, Piece G oo d ; Arn., i es re Jjecl i 014114210 d and finished 1* the beat 1111411181. tfeboreest nonce woes b. CO. Novll•dawlv Proorietc, SONEFFEIRS BOOK STORE, OMAR RAZRIECEIMG 8R1D48.) UNION ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, of Six different de — e77l, o7Printed to two colors, sold by the thousand no runt at Oily Cash prices. Flags, Union Breast Ptaa, Agee, Union Binge Z y rtiva at vary toy prics q . Gall at • 80.6441111R1 BOOICSrORg. glt tewiy replenished stock of Tobot and Fancy Goods is nasorpaased in Aide Mr, and matident at reodeting eaudaation, " lid r". DoCtla ug r invite a etat al market street, two doors soot Sourth stmt. Booth 40, ID. 21 Ones & , . ,- .. .C- .------:"----.--'',." a. -'"••-• d'""..-4 91 , 2 ' - ..".....' 7 4••• z - ---"... '...- D W. GROSS & 'IA ti OLAIWOC AND RET, , ib , i • ti, % 4 - •' . ... - r. ? -0 ' ' : • 51 ~.-re.. ... „:„....„... ~ r ... , , NO, 19 , AR:KET STREET .11.ARIUSBURG, PENN'..? PLANTS, Ac Our IS tocY is remarkably thrifty add floe, and we offer It at rrices to eolith° times. IlEir 0 stal og cos mailed to all applicants. Address LDWAII.O J. KVANi A CO., Central Nurseries, York, Pa. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, I sep2s-2md DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Oil., varnishes and Glass, Dye-Stacy, Glaui and Patty, AirOst:Colors and Tools, Puss Ground Spices, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Speria and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials ,mvp.d Lumley Globes, Castile Soap;Sponges and Corks. &e., &c., &c _ , &c., &c., &c With a g(iteral variety of , PERFUXERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Per: lumen of Europe and , this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, Wl= LEAD, LINSEED. OIL, VARNISHES,' . ~ WINDOW GT ARS, ARTIST'S . COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES - IN ALL THEIR: VARIETIES, ; COLORS AND, BRONZES OF ALL-E.INDS, • . . . .. . „ ZS - rt I m 0 • . . 0 . ..,•.• -- ' ; 4 • -*- 0 _ 0' _ . We respectfraly invite a call, Sealing, yea dent that we can Supply the Wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH TEETH !I • JONE'S AND liVElMiaii3 POROBLAIL4 TEETHi• PATENT MEDIOIN ES AND HAIR . RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direot•#om the Proprietors. Saponifier (ionwatrated Lye.! ;/ t • • Wholesale AgentsfofjBapoolfier, which we sal as low as it can be'petehased in the &les.: ' MAYER% MEbXOAL, FLUID EXISACITS COAL 0,1144 • ,OARBON OIL!! , Being large parchaseie in these Oils, co offer inducements : to close buyersi': Cool Lamps of the most improved pattem, cheap. All liindS l of iimps changed ERS AND GRAZIERS, • ose of yon what have not given our p,ND CATTLE NAP** a trial the:r superiority, and the advantage lain in keeping Home anti pita° healthy g ad condition. Thousands can 4104 to the profit they have derived from the use of -our Oattfe Poltdera by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the' general' illealtir and ap- - pearance of their Cattle:- Our long ex patience in the business gives us the advantage of's thorOugh knowledge of ' the trade, and our arrangementelhi the , cities aro such that we can in Avery short brine fur nish anything appertaining, 'to our business, on the best of tame. Thankful for the liberal patronag e bestows on our house, we hope by strict attention 'to business, a careful selection of PURE eaves 1- ' 1,.. v. - a -: , ~ ..11 xsa... at fair prima, and the desire to pleanat, , .= anent a opniintiunn??pf.,,Pe favor at a , "sliliflustr . .. , 7 % -; flitting PUblla: I. :a 4 1 p• .4.) 51. a ... ESE 11AR RISBC ga, PA., WEDNESDAY Me 1 NG, OCTOBER 16, 1861. ME BM illisullantous '24,1018/4 . 1 TREES ! I TREES I ! ! undersigned agttieixntvi: of s r ttention to their Iarg FRUIT Ali O'OE4 A.MEN TREF4 410 PIIIIIPM:aII3ELPI3 DAILY an LINE! Bet Ween Philadelphia Loco . Jaesar SHOOS, Wils.talaSPOßT, MINOT, UNIONIOWV, WATSONTOWN, MILTON, LaMar/BA, NOrratraßastaire, Stitiarrair, TaiVOiroXi, thionoirrown, Lyszswerown, Mums alma, Sawa; DAOPHIS, AND HARRISBURG. The. Philadelphia Depat being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A antdaetor goes through with each wain to attend to the Lure delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of PRIM WARD k FREED No. 811 Mart et Sleet, Phila delphia, by 5 o'clock P. SL, w ill be calivered in , . Harrisburg the next mornito. Freight (always) as low as by ayly other one. Particular attention paid bYrthle line to vrompt and speedy delivery of all liarrisburt The undersigned thankful for past patro ; e hopes by strict attention to business to merit a con:. “tanoe of the OM. T. PSIPRIM Philadelphia and Beadle ; INOL of llt , ltitt 3tvut rt: burg dol7 dfire JUST PITBLIS EI EU. A. MANUA I. MILITARY SURGERY HINTS ON ' IHE EMERGENOIF3 OP Field, Camp, and Hospital Priatioe. 8. D. GROBB, M. D. I, • 4.. •• .• 01. g;,• •,0 For sale at BIRAINIIIMI 11BHAP BOOKSIOnit. may 24 ! BUILEFFOWB BOOK STORE{ ! . (Mar gha . . 11 ‘ 4 70 1 •7 Brid9 4 ) 011 i CI JUST - RBOEIVELt from the l e Zeje Mills a !Mot line COMMERCIAL NOTE A22d, winch we will Nell at. 21.25 per ream. ' $2.1511 per real ter NOTE PAPER, deoorated with the latest and very handsome emblems and patriotic motto.. 83.80 for 1000 WHITS,EI49I6.6PICS, rain rational and patriotio emblems, printed in two Golan. • Please ere cis a call. ' TH2 . F. tiOREFFER, $22 Harrlatairg. CAUTION. GUNNERS. ;and al other persons are cautioned not to tre3spass upon the farm formerly occupied by Thomas Morley, n Rye township, Perry county, without permission from THEO. ODIN. 5ep30.1861-diw MAKE NOTICE! . HAT wehave recently added to our al ready fullatooli • , ,OF •SEGA.RB . '.. LA NORMATIS, ^ SARI ICA.RI, , . EL MONO, . . • LA BANANA.. . . OF PERFUMERY FOR, 281 HANDKERCHIEF : TURKISH ESSENCE, • ODRA OF MOSS i r LIIBINI MEMNON BOUQUET. Tog tam HAM : , .. . . ; EAU LusTrraLs_ , CRYLTALIZID POKATINK, . MYRTLE AND VIOLET TOMATUM • FOR 1118 COMPLIXIOB : . TALC OP VENUS., ROSE aka POW)* . . , NEW MOWN RAY POWLMR, ' . ' BLANC DE MMES. . , S • , Q 3 SOAPS Baines Forza • • MOBS RIXE, WINZOIM, ' le and wazranted . 0: ZIMMERNIA.N'S BANKING STOCK, BILL AND COLLECTING OFFICE Nes been removed from No. 28 Second St. to NO. 130 MAtahT STREET senicome, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAB. serat-ctr OMB CIDER! I—Striotly pure, spark ling and meet—ban received a Olver Yodel or Id ioms at every Slate Agricultural Fair Main UK For as by , land WK. DOOK 411 00. SPIORD . SALMON 11 UILESS AND. VERY DELICATE. Put up neatly in live pound Gans. WW. DOOM, Jr.,aoo. . . O R%OVAL,. TIRE SUBSC R R: would rospoOtftdly a Worm thetpabfii 'hi Ma removed Ida Plumb- I az paelkSlMl fouidiat esiginablawit to 24 * 8141 11: t EMPTY -FLOUR BARBELS. r s oft osiouliwcw4wkel. usaldidlozi". 4 42 I A.lGjr. NEW fa HT oa r s% dodiftwg_..N.° 63 " l ""*" l4sll " 4 A u • # G 141: q a aantlagaso• sa t ri. ~.,* „ ,,,t i BARBELS fa mail .eanditioiktur 1 ' 7-111 f . - ",-" ii.Erm - • 61iitt pREP.A.RATION- WORTHY OF thiverAk Confidence dz Patronage• JIIIVEiL CLERGYMAN, to all parts or the world testify to J Wood's Hair Resterattre, and are twaoilhail9 In Its praise. d to be here given ; see circular ur ipoetible for you to doubt. Reel, New York, Deo. 20th, 1858. 'dote or the 15Addroias beep ri h ad di re, and r 'ttlat jali a d l / au ••••'-' wfull ..ms .. me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was Induced to try Wood's Bair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling off of my hair, for I had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes. I wag, however, greatly surprised to find after the use of two bottles only, that nut only was the falling off arrested; but the color was restored to the gray hairs and aessibility to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my bead, very much to the gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation I was induced to try it. For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sex, I strongly recommend all husbands who value the ad miration of their wives to profit by my example, and use If growing gray or getting bald. Very respectrutly, BEN. A. LAVENDER. To Co. J. Wood At Co., 444 Broadway, New York My family arc absent from the city, and I am no tom e at No. .11 (howl place. Siamaston uly 20th, 1859. To PROD. 0..1. WOOD: Dear blr : yo ur "Bair Baton, live" has done my hair so much good since I oommenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to the PIIBLI9 its effects oaths hair, which are great. man or wo• man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your" Restorative, " the hair will return more beautlfUl Man ever; ket‘t this Is my, atperienee..- Halters it all l Yours trul y Sif M. H. RENEW. P can publish the above If you like. Bypub-. liabingin our Southern papers you will get more patron age south. I see several, of your earthiest.' in the Mo wie Mercury, a strong Southern paper. W. H. Howdy. . WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Pew. 0.1. WOOD : Oear fflr : Having had She misfor tune to lose the best portkm of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1861, I was in duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed. Aly hair is now Mick and glossy and no words can express my °blip lions to yen In giving to the afflicted such a tremetre. 111NLRY JOHNSON. The Restorative Is pot up in bottles of three shies, via : large medium, and small ; the small holds half a pint, and retells for one dotter per bottle ; the medhun tirade at, least twenty per ewit more in proportion than 'he small; retails for twoltollars per bot Ale ; the large held* squirt, 40 per cent. more to proportion, and retails for R J. WOOD & 00., •Proprietors, 444 ;Broadway, New York, end 114 Market street, Bt. Louis, 110. And sold, by, ail good Draggwts and Fancy Goods Dealers. Jylli.daweow Examsnra. Dapasernorr, Itasiumnum, Sept. 8, 1861. f 1. linperdon will be granted until notide of the application therefor shall have been given by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper ,printed in the county •in ,whic.h the conviction wa3 had. 2. No pardon will be granted unless notice of the application therefor shall have been given to the District Attorney of the proper County. S. No pardon will be granted without first consulting the Judge who presided at the trial of the party. By order of the Governor. ELI SLIFER, sepi-lm. Sec'y of Com. THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN A, is solicited to our very large assortment of Qum atm Dawns of every else and quality emus' Joann Kin at ovss, best ardole manufactured All tint Meant kinds Or WORM GLOW& Laigest seaortment of Roma! in the city. CitiVAIES Suirienme, llANDlOnbaufirth Ready HetamsA. And everything in Gents' wear, at FRESH ARRIVAL lloitairr, flunk Saxe, email ' ' oou • ?auk BATUIT, *ARROW FAT BRUIT, WHOL; PUB, &a., UN „J 1 raaatved and „tar sate ; at the - unraii OA= maim tt - Dux JR. 00. ALDERMAN. HENRY :PEEPER. OFFICLE-TBDID STRUT, (SHELLWROW,) ' NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. OM OF HARRIOBORA, PENVAL myl2 etl - WHOLIISALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY Market Sire( MOWN HAY "41101 M. . `AM ER WS ant WALIIII F.int PR than, lea. Country men Anne prices and quality, and convince them. salves of tnia fact. aug234.ly. LIGHTNING. iroperty destroyed Ttit to be s warning to buildings. ea orders silon store of W. BARB, ap In the latent Unproved Jel2.d DWELLING HOUSE WANTED TO RENT. A. comfortable two or three-story dwel ba. ling house, with six or eight rooms, with rent not to exceed $175 yer annum, for the three, or $l5O for the two - story hou ne. will be rented immediately on applica don at this omoe. seplS-U BUTTER (good, sweet- and fresh) in one ' pound rolls, and tete& EGOS in large and small quantities taken at all times and °lab pais or grocerise given in exchange. Rtgular market raas always paid WM. DOCK, JB. , & CO. `Opposite the Court House • ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and lot of ground, pleasantly located on Front eon Mulberry alms and Wilahlogton Avenue. Also TWO LARGE PIANOS In good bonditlon and of ex callent tone. Apply to NOTICE. IN coneequenooof the death of W. J. E. Bishop, om the firm of W. J. E. Mane and Sim, no tice is hereby given that, the books of the late Arm are in the hands of thesurvintog parthei% All pennons know ing themselves to, be Indebted to the. late Arm„ and all those having claims, will present' them; duly authentica ted, for settlement aulltdoatreto BANOICIA .111,"rtner. A filiaUtlllllLUM. Some . the scalp cad daadeuff to _ Wilts increased with time, and about Smyth was added to them, by bale ay head and threatemlog to make REGVLATZONS. ATHCA RT'S, wort In the Flareis C beer Bank TO FARM PIRS 1 augl9 City Property for Sale. C.. 0. ZEMIUIRNAN, No. 28, South Second scree I. BY TN 'H. LATER FOREIGN NEWS Arrival of the Steamer North American. I==l Rumored Recruiting in Ireland for the United States._ bound to Quebec. The steamship North Briton, from New York, arrived at Liverpool on the 8d inst. RSOIIIITDea IN lamuns.—The Dublin Post re lates the aeration that agents of the United States Government are employed in Ireland in recruiting for the army, but it is thought that they, are not very succeisful in their efforts. GRAIN Butexorm.—The shipments of wheat and flour in Great Britain for the eight months ending in August were valued at £20,000,000. Fameas.—The Paris bourse has been much agitated and rates have fallen to 68f 25c. Pri ;rate letters feem Paris state that the Bank of France will probably soon be compelled to raise the rate of dissounte beyond six per cent. The rate of exchange at present is strongly in flavor of England and bills on London are in great demand. A notice that the price of bread will be ad ;canoed foßc entimes has produced a bad im- Preston and added to the despondency of the bourse. It was reported in London that the link' of France had applied to the bank of England fora loan of two millions sterling. The London papers in alluding to this rumor intimates that a sounder course to be pursued on the part of the French financiers would be to raise the rate of discount. is reported that Blchaaali has sent an ultimatrun to the Papal Government for the seklement of theßoman question. The official journal of Rome announces sundry diplomatic appoißtmenta among which are M. Gr. Chigi to Paris. Sratv.—lt is asserted that Glen. 'O'Donnell is oppmd to uniting the Spanish Government with Frarpi and England in the Mexican inter 'Ventizon, believing such a oourse derogatory to the dignity of Spain. The Paris Patric says the negotiations between the three Governments relative to this affair have not suffered any in tervention. TURKll—Advices Montengrore state that the Prince was using his influence to restrain the impetuosity of the people to prevent their annunlng an offensive position before Europe. ttriyiANNCloll - lasiinoor. Carron Mums, October 4.—By 2Weraph to .Lauktuterry.—The sales for the week amount to 67,000 bales, including 28,600 bales to speculators and 8,500 bales for export. Prices have advanced *d on the week. The sales of to-day (iday) are estimated at 12,000 bales, including 8,600 bales to speculators and exporters, the market closing firm but un changed, at the following authorized quota tions :—New Orleans 10* d ; Fair Mobiles 101 d ; Fair Uplands 101 d ; Middling New Oilcans 101 d ; Middlings Mobiles 10 d; Middlings Up lands 91 d. The stock in port at this day amounts to 718,000 bales, of which 419,000 bales are American. Lummox. %ammo Matuter.—The bread stuff' market is steady. Mums. Richardson & Spence report "corn with an upward tendency. Sales at 82s for mixed wheat, White western and red southern have declined id. LIVXELPOOL . PaoTIaION liassza.—Froviaions t:ontinue dull LONDON' Mom ?damps, Oct. 4.--Consola for money are quoted at 821a98. American own rides are , quiet but steady. The bullion in the Bank of Alugland had decreased £117,000 during the meek. DIET DOWN THE POTOMAC. StillEreotii' Battetrim. WASIUMICS, Oct. lb The steamer Wyandotte which came up this morning reports all quiet down. the river. She lay under Matthias Point on last Sunday trans ferring stores to the Howell Cobb and neither vessel was molested by the rebels if any were there. The rebels were seen constructing a work of some strength at Ship Point on the lower side of Junction Point, where, if they are not dislodged, they may prove of some annoy sake. rsnit It is thought, however, that the work is Merely defensive on.the part of the rebels, and with a view. to prevent any landing of our forces thereabout supposing we intended to take that route to Manamas or Richmond. The schooner Dana was fired into by pickets from Norwaine 61if63 near Mathias Point last Saturday, but the Island Bell cone up and sent a shell among the bushes which dispersed the rebels. poirriteirs OF TOMEI' AND szymous REMOVED FROM TEE SENATE oNAMBER OF 00ANEOnOUT. atricom, Con. Oct. 15. The 134t.198pa; by ,a iota of 12 yeas to 6 I Osys„ to4ay_pwaed a rdialUtian removing imm the . SfiNth: obsether.• the Perthdth ef- balm `liMilkd TOMO Se'llswer,oik emovotof 1 1 , 3 01ffiggil* •1. PRICE ONE CENT. A VIOTOBY IN missotrm, MoCulloughDefeitediiy Mintgoiery. Reported Capture of Lebanon by the Federal Troops. Roma, Mo., Oct. 14 The report brought here a day or two ago, that a battle took pl.ce on the 27th ult., be• tween a body of Kansas troops, under Montgom ery and Jennison, and the advance guard of ienault, Spring- with miles field. Great alarm was felt in Springfield lest Mont gomery should attack that place, and the rebel troops there had rested on their arms several nights. Montgomery is said to have had 3,000 men, and the rebels 2,400. This statement can hardly be relied on, as we have had no previous advice; that such a force of Kansas troops was in that vicinity. A band of 360 marauding rebels, encamped at Wilson's Mill, on Bryant's fork of the White river, Douglas county, were attacked some days since, by a body of Home Guards, , and fifteen, rebels killed and twenty wounded. It is reported here that the 13th Illinois regi ment, under Gen. Wyman, has surprised and taken Isibanon, in Laclede county, with ail the stores and provisions of the rebels. This needs confirmation. FROM WASHINGTON.- A Battle in Anticipation. Wesumaros, Oct. 16 During hat night the rebels appeared on a bill near Lewinsville and threw three thirty pound shells into the division of our troops oo cupying the advance in that direction. Great excitement immediately ensued, .and that line of the army was at once under arms. Our pickets also came in and reported that the rebel pickets had fired on them, and th4re Yiad been brisk skirmishing during the evening. There was no further attack, howeverr This morning onr forces moved forward, and now hold Miner's Hill, the rebels not being in sight. An extensive reconnoissance, in force, is going . on to-day, which will develope the position of the rebels. Our forces now hold possession of the rail road bridge at Harper's Ferry, preparatory to the resumption of repairs on it. T:' . .S: • B: The steamship Bremen arrived at this ix‘rt this evening. Her athices have been anticf pated. Division or THs AB= or INN Porostac.=&Ths army of the Potomac will probably soon be di vided into several corps d'ormee, according to the practice of European commanders. The plan of thus completing its organization has met with strong opposition from military men of the old school, but Gen. McClellan has insisted upon it, and the plan will be probably adopted. Should it be done, Gens. McDowell, Franklin and Porter will be among the commanders of these grand divisions, or corps d armee, which will be from 30,000 to 60,000 strong. Tna K. G. C. IN Oato—Farther Developments.— The Cleveland Herald, of Oct. 10th, contains further developments of the K. G. C. in Ohio. It Bays : "Deputy 11. S. Marshal Smith, of Marion county, returned to Marion on Tuesday for the purpose of arresting two more of the S. G. C.'s. Considerable trouble was expected, judg ing from the excitement and threatening de monstrations made when Court was arrested on Monday. Deputy Smith was prepared for a rough reception, and was determined to lA*6 his men. "Contrary to expectation, he met with no trouble—the tone of popular sentiment having changed greatly, and the arrest of court being now generally conceded to be right. About noon on Wednesday he eded in arresting Dr. J. M.. Christhtni•tt ocratic poli ti.4)lli er, editor of Den;@*. or. The ar - . rests - 7 : • e quietly, e men were' brought away withorit any great exciteMent. What feeling there was displayed was in tavor of the Marshal. "The men were brought here last evening, and after a brief examination before U. B. Com missioner White, were released on bail of $2,000 each. 'The further examination is set for 10 a. m. on Wednesday, the 16th inst. Mr. 8. B. Prentiss was retained for the defence. "Dr. T. H. Christian has long been known as an active Democratic politician, and until the' death of Douglas processed to be an adherent of his principles. T. S. Hodder, the editor of the Democratic Mirror was another full-blood ed Democratic leader. The tone of his paPnr has been 60 treasonable of late that threats were made to mob the office, but it was feared that: the attempt would bring down a bloody retpik bution from the traitors leagued with the ,edi tor." Mies Ansa& GUILD, of Dedham, Mass., who vas ninety years of age on the 4thi'day df July last, when a girl of five or six years knitted stockings for the soldiers in the Revolutionary War. In April last, says the Boston Transcript, she assisted the ladies who were making shirts and drawers for the Dedham Company, now with the Eighteenth Massachusetts regiment, CoL Barnes ; and has knitted several pairs of stockings for her two grandsons, now with the above regiment at Hall's Hill; Virginia- BUM* ;WOOMIANS of Chelsea., Idassachu• set* " got off" the folloadig prize conundrum at /Imam/ List week : " Q—Why is a water- Illy like a whale ? A.—:rfiecause it comes to the amface to Idow"—which so tickled " a nom 's ttbat, Szeldel received a hendred Id watch is "..lreirirtiliOxyilit. UM back, forty, Green- Nsw Youx, Oct. 16 MEE
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