EEO 13* Etll*. Saturci:Q July TO AD V - ERTISERS. of the DAILY TELEGRAPH F ;01i:s URGER than any other •0 • • ',.:Led or circulated In this city, and prments grader inducements for p ronage of advvrtlato shah oftreato .avutlgh say other 018ee vraut buyers, try advertising tu iGLE ;Ai•If. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH i6sued every morning and eon- TEE LATEST TELE . A. l' Li I C DISPATCHES re ..,,ivQ(l luring the night. - - ABUSED are FAXILY.—One David Koonts, ut the sixth ward, celebrated the fourth by siting drunk and abusing his family. * Alder- In an Kline sent him to prison until yesterday morning to sober up. nocirmo drata.—A man named John Stick r was arrested yesterday for discharging a pi3tol at Augustus Millhouse. He was drunk La the time. He appeared before Alderman lil;ne and entered bail for his appearance at ~« to .rswer. l'Arriorro Iliono.—We have been kindly — pre t.Dieci, by Mr. W. Knoche, with several new p.n4l popular pieces of music, set to patriotic and also a copy of the ° 0 Union Song B o) k. ; " one of the beet ever published. These, wir;) all the best sheet music and ,noisiced ....!flents, can be procured of Mr. Knoche, who a large and varied stook. CABII.—A row occurred on Thursday :,tor near a lager beer shop . in Blackberry al y, I,etween a white and colored man. The was so badly cut with a large knife as require the attentions of a surgeon, who the wound, We did not learn the ~, ;ne3 of the parties, but the presumption is ;;,,Lt bah were , intoxicated. Ksrxen arascumse, Captain Wilt, after he parade o►} Thursday, by Epeotal invitation of .Sr. Wm. L. HaHock and wife, partook_ of a limptuous repast at their private residence, L:tvr which a number of patriotic airs were .:ung, with piano and flute accompaniments. Thu company then gave three cheers for Mrs. Elallock, and retired much pleased with the en :ertainment. • - - - -'N....-.. A DESPXRAIX).—On Thursday Augustus iflll . while under the influence of drugged b a, assaulted Cecelia Rees with an axe, and • In ale things rip miscellaneously" in Verbe • , NVII, annoying and alarming people residing 111 that locality. He was captured and taken • Alderman Kline who bound him over Yesterday Millhouse was arrested again jr: assaulting Joseph Bangler in a ruffianly man la.; He gave bail for his appearance at Court tvdBwer the charge of assault with intent to .YrrZ BURGLAB9.—One the boaiders at Buck's tavern, Mr. Shafer, tad eighty-five dollars taken from his trunk t •_:rntly. Suspicion attached to two strangers, a mall and wife, Miller by name, stopping at the bailie place. A search of their room was ac.ordingiy made on Thursday. No money was Lad, but a variety of burglarious implements L;,..1 skeleton keys were discovered, when the U.: , pectvci parties were arrested and 'committed r ;.risou to await an examination. Yesterday a hearing took place before the or, which resulted in the recommitment of and his wife. It is evident that they profecalonal burglars and thieves, and travel . the game. F:LOTOUB DEMONSTRATIONB.—OUT city was die t i and the fourth of July desecrated, by riotous demonstrations, caused by the era' and indiscriminate sale of beer and INuur. 'lhursuay afternoon a party of drunken soldiers congregated .ins the vicinity of the I.l.lyur's office, and avowed a determination to an assault upon the lock-up and rescue om of their companions who was confined there, unless the Mayor released him. The Mayor re fil,ed to accede to their demand, and the rioters, in ling that he was not to be intimidated, final dispereed. The Mayor subsequently des patched a messenger to Camp. Curtin for a squad f military to guard the lock-up, and the sum - ~ns was promptly responded to, a detachment 'apt. Itaidy's company, the Easton Guallds, g detailed for that purpose. These men itully discharged the duty assigned them; , patrolled the city until four o'clock this Ling. They captured a number of etrag soldiers and citizens, and kept them in (.11) until daylight. Ranter Foxe.—At a meeting of the held on Tuesday evening, the 2d i n 2 t. W• Fl, - Kepner, president, in the...chair ; esertt—Utsris, Kepner, Kelker, KWh, Ott, Trace, Bostick, Hamilton and Edwards, the t.,llowing communication from the Court was nbmitted : Hanusarrao, July 1,1891. art Wet IL ,Er lynter, Chairman Relief rum 21y Dear Sir :—Upon consultation, it has been erred advisable to reduce the allowance as ii.;inally made to claimants upon the Relief uud 33 per cent. At the present rate of pay. rL nt, the Fund would be exhausted before the t ,,,, mmencement of winter. On behalf of th e 42viLt, Youre truly, A. 0. Hanna. Please make the reduotion next pay-day. After the reading of which, on motion of R. P it was Resch,7d, Th at the communication of the (,hurt entered upon the minutes and published, with our ~proceedings, in the daily papers of this city, Lur general information. action was taken upon a number of new plioations, after which, on motion, the commit. tee adjourned instil next Tuesday SiMing, at 7 o'clock. O. Senna, swr Teti UNION PRATER Mr,Eruio will be held in the Presbyterian church, corner of Market Square, this (Saturday) afternoon, oonuxtenclnt at four o'clock, as usual. ANIAL7LT AND BATIZICY. —Yesterday William Heiner was before the Mayor charged with as saulting and beating Jbhn Piston. He entered ball to appear at Court for trial. ISE AN012671 FUG PRIUNTATION.- During the progress of the procession on Thursday, some la dies presented the Mount Vernon gook and Ladder Company with a beauti& American flag. /10101111).—Air! T heodore D. OreentiwaltT of Oa city, who left here as a private in the ranlM of the Loohiel Greys, has been appointed assistant of Major Thomas S. Allison, of New Jersey, a Paymaster in the United States army. Mr. Greenawalt itiooated 0 WashinilicatAti• Commerims. —Our -notice of the old soldiers', dinner, in yeeterdlLY'lli iajne, oinidined an er ror. The guest whose geniality, unit liberality'. him aspechdisiogitest thebautiliethoerd, was the whole-smded-commander of the in. Capt.gulina Sherwood, and not Co Sherman, as repx:tall4bt mbtake) EOM= now. ivi*Jr.-17p.—0n., WaMmedar night eight men 4eCaped from , the Weit. by forcing open the inta bars across , the window.. Last night the. institution contained eight lodgers, all "drutars." They "iNtre arraigned before the Mayor - yesterday who reptiMand ed and dblyluirged them.. • z Pjbsib =A patty of young olks went to the wooer yesterday morning, amply supplied withi good things to spend the day, in; picnic fashi Of course they had yr . pkOlitvand, refire time. Several similar partici ire to' want ,off: in this vicinity,. next weelcoMelof which will go to the. Hunmitelstown cave, to' make an exploration of that famous institution. Tam roman At Giuctrowit.--Chir Gratstowtl Meads had a good time Ilium's/. i;There rair a military parade, a flag. raising, and appropriate deinonatrations.. ;:4141"tic4stallibyoat tracted a large , crowd of the lads and lasses of the rural districts. Col. An 'Jilltirr and Robert L. Muenoh, Rags., of this city,wort, - -preOnit and delivered patriotic addressee to the periple. Dirmuitr ARILIVAIS.—We notice at the 120. tels and on the streets a number of young:men in United Stateesi uniform, said to be WestToint graduates, ordered here to officer the new ar tillery regiment about formed under Col. Sherman. They are all newly appointed Cap tains and Lieutenants,' Mid some of thMn youthful in,appearance. • - Annum Tmass.—A. lad named John Solo mon, apparently not more than ten yam Of age, wass before Alderman Kline yesterday charged with theft. The boy coafeased guilt, and was let off with a severe reprimand. This is not his Brit offence, and unless oared of his proper:ugly for stealing, he will, get to the Howe of Refuge before another year. Toe 802115 07 BAOOI/1371fe70. out in fall force last night, and kept up their reiels until a late late hour, to the great annoyance of corder-loving citizens, who vainly sought to woo the em braces of Morpheus. Men and boys were to be met with ,apaparty enesa-7 4 ,4".A :ding ander the e ff etitriff Auld Olsen, and thisoon duct of some of, them. mut ,outirtNieuna.. No doubt many of them found their way into the prison or look-up. Tun Color ON 1861.—This magnificent comet was again plainly visible to the naked eye last night, and hundreds enjoyed the beautiful spec tacle. Its nucleus did not appen to ui pits so bright or large as upon the first night of its tip pearance, and its tail though narrower was much longer. The rays were distinctly marked, and stretched up even beyond the smith.. , This comet has been about probably for some time, but both of its 'transits occurring in the .clay time and not being expected, it was not visible before Sunday night. It can, doubting, be nen every clear night for some time yet. &arm" Slimes Bsrso w Amman wound in this city OD Thunday. John a. Weiser,. of Marietta, a Foreman on theTennsylvanin Rail road under Kirk Few, while attempting, to. get aboard the passenger train which left here at live o'clock, missed his kold and s . D3ll, the car wheels paadnig over and cutting one of - his feet. He made a second effort to get on the train, and mut under thi ' car, the wheels of which passed over the other 1% ro*- dieting it to such an extent ea to render arepn.-: tation necessary. He Is now lying , at gte United States Hotel in a _ruffiring condition; but hopes are entertained of his recovery. New Goons PROM Am YORK Aucrzos.-60 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 12} and -20 ate. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for'B, bland 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavelta Clothlor ,ote, 26 (keen Linen P ocket - Handkerchiefs for 12}, worth 26 cts. Splendid Mohair , Mitts at 81 and cts. 16 dosen towels at 12} cents a toweL— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 26 eta' 60 dot& Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. I® ptecee of the best Calico ever sold for, tfctz. 60 pieces Broche Bordering' very cheap, large lot of bleached and unbleached. Mrsdin. is:the time to buy bargains at Lowy's. A NEW LOT or WM' :SHOPPIN% & Tittle - 24011 - Comprialata amber - of new styIos.GENDE and G DU' Maim Purses and Wallets. She nascaints wit recetweand-fairsale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, el Market Strad. SPECIAL 010E14. NO. .1 HAAD-Q.Bins-r. M. Arn,guy, may 27, 1861; . _ Quarter Master . General R. O. Hale is ordered to forward the clothing, es per roleleitlicßul dated 28d .May hist; by OolOrtels Ildrhamft -add lki'Dowell, of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, of sending It m heretofore directed. The Fourth and Fifth Regiments being now in actual iserviee and in great need of proper clothing. By order 01 the Oommander4n-oblet JOHN A. WRIGHT; my2B - strra. : of Worn It 4 otr ol t ral u td, a =aid by ins satallkaut :want Ina 1 IinTICI 11 04,440na11aa.... ai. mown to the contrary. tlw M-"apIEUIL4 Prabinagry tintnfitituata Watlv cliclegrapti l Se:intim') RiatiinCliiit I=l === - -.- I=l BY TEIMii From Washington. Favorable Advioes from Abroad. SECESSION DEAD IN EUROPE. REMICTNO IN oppicuit audio. Army and Navy Approw!baionsr The Fourth at the Federal Capital, A GRAND GALA DAY. EITLINDID MILITARY DBMOMSTRATION. itfitHAL SCOTT AMONG THE PEAL BPEOH BY THE PREISIDENTi IPEAKEA GROW 'SEittIY;II6IED. MORE TBOOlB SRI & TO VIROINLL :tirAbmilknos, July 6 The European dispatches, it is understobd, , show ant lhapeoved: disposition hi England. From FranOothe Nonittur's article, which afford ed so much joy to the secessionists, has been ex 1 40 9 4 avilqd. to, *-esTl.4koLiiittisfse* of & -tali Seward. From all - torthern Telotie, Spain and Italy, the most hearty and sincere expressions of *math)! for the Vatted States, in the - present `so t, are furnisheil to this govpurntat. Alo'privateers. will-,belr*tted to -Mar Mb any tareign PAL — Fro:iihese e account* ti . iere ,fi r4 t Aer (n. ffi ' cowers, that aecelii a d ti _ blotil. ' Ms ticrtan atm ter th " - eof the three months men there will still be an availa ble force of volunteeris amounting to one hun dred and eighty eight, t4quaand• which, added to the .rigulak &ant, Wil lioniiiitddi a total force of'two hundred and thirty thousand of ficers and men. It *ill be for congress to de termine whether the arm_}! shall at ttiiie tiinfl be flidiersolar byakilladiticiAota stilg 'Wi' , :et 44- unteer force. As: probable taall, Wottaa MOO tllr the army, twitted to the appropriation made for the yearending,vrithaJune Way 3860, from the force'now in thetektrofwhlttll has been accept ed and will' bent sOrtlie *Mill' trier next twen ty days, is about 4184,800,000. The estimates tor the navy are also large, but the easetlighies are not yetexothited. NotWititiWAlng: the very many ,personi on the street, yesterday, the: excellent. 'l'he review of the ‘eighteen or' tWei. York regiments _was the grand feature of the day. tastefully - arranged pavilion was erected on l'ennsylvania avenue, near the Ex ecutive Mansion. for the accommodation and comfort of the E xecutive and military 'oaken . ' ; by this pavillion the troops passed. fliePre sident introdtmed Gem boott-o5 thermultitode of civili4ne and Made a few' highly acceptable ,remarki. - Secretaries Seward and Smithy Attorney Gen end Bates, Cleaentre Hanford and D 1 r,, also in rdiponse to the impatient demands of" thei crowd, delivered brief addresses.. The scene was intensly interesting' and repeated cheering' mutilated the deptli of the patriotic enthusi ,inun. 4.11 the mentheni of the Cabinet and other distinguished gentlemen where sheltered from the nun under appropriately adorned pa- ShertlY 'after - the dispkayAnt/ulklo?. the Presideut with . Wands-were - coded to the'rreastiry Grounds, wbonnitielmll o 'ted a national ling on a staff phdited for the 0 . 1:014- _ The ringing of belle--and firing of cannon during the day and inmunerable street ti0n4 1 4. 0 4.1=41044.e et-4 21 4b...te1l " pie celebration., ef tha , four :J y."kb* military in camps were uotUaerdble to. thettb‘ eereance of the day, and a'beapant of ttiei Texas Cavalry :i44lnalisof the - WM.l+,4Eli IT getting married. The Baptiblican members of the House are his monlineholding a caucus on the subject Of candidates for SergeantrateArnis, Door Keticer inuil'ostmaeter. Speaker Grow was last night . Serenaded, and made a speech andrilrear; joiciugs and cheering. It:would require a person 4 übiquitous paw. era to ascertain all the movements Of troe_pa.— Some U. S. Infentry,, pawed into '7,49fAlit*be -ween 12 ` arid 1 o'clock this minting. ,"list stew York Twenty-fifth regiment of volunteers nave arrived. The Garibaldi= Guard iirpased over to Vir ginia this morning with battery and baggage. troops have advanced within three miles of kairfax; Court House, GREAT CONFLAGRATION ATEENTON. ONE MILLION DOLIABB Warn OF PRO ME UT insTgovi4 Two H=ared scgoolimi. .-....t. i - i. . ', .- ..., ..Borony.Jaly 6. An- -inutieriis,-'sponilegration` 'sionftrecylit eist • tali listen*. Ili 'fOl)))o4:'polieftl* ere destroyed : Nicker:soa r s Wharves and salt cone ; the - Suffolk stilt mills 1; the east Iron Fo undry' and Machine shopst the row,l.lnd Marine/ ItallwitA ; , nOuly e hundreedwellings, and the 'MUMS arid echanical wambousea r es-well as an immense cunt of -lumber, timber, 'marine stores and Mans .of all descriptions, includlur -the it oulds for the new gun boat contracted' 'Or by The bark Ilysiery, of Boston , was co mp letely d troYed; alio the brigs How Mattheive iMa Ey 0. Field, and the schooner Qtiindsro e latter had arrived in distress with a nem°, o mobmsegfronerdedialilifkl tine Edward Hill, of New York, schooners way, F. A. Hawkins, and Martha Ann sill, were all.badly burned. Ma inspossilAO estimatA-the 'loss. 'Twelve time itoryliwel ind = and A/ben.y i!treet! were ago ?The fire yeeterdity, in addition to the inuneoso noble wharf property and' store bonne, 'de s Yqd about one, hundred hoot* rendering 0 r Uhl - Ininselaw:, Large n . t q titles ittelioe and other preparedloraber timber fur ship and bast bolidiokir destroyed`;:'alto, the , which corps is :mast the meat of liar. • e total lose of property is oy:er , qerigliyol of TEEM Mahn& Ulte lips in Albany and Hudson streets de stroyed twenty building". Loss fifty thOnlind idaty thousand &dim. The losi, by_ the tlioldon fire 15. estimated at about &shun. . thousand dolhas. cica P eut " ,lPmem vt i PO r, r , wasitooditim -8 .4 fvt4",yymosiketwow From Fortress Monroe. Gems' Butler and the " Satanic," C4EBRATION OF THE FOURTH BlSettets Mattson, July 4, via Baltimore 6. The Washington correspondent of the New Yorb Timm does great injustice to both Gen. Mut* and,Jam,e s Gordon Bennett, in hit tele -106120t Atiy 2d. lEftstatoS tbitC, the editor of . ththSstauio is being roundly demo need by Gen ! Buller as a traitor, and that the commandant of Fortress Monroe implies that he ;bps eon clalffill evidence that he (the editor) is in cot; resjondence with thwrebels, giving them &LIN comfort and -informition. Om_ ;inter . _has made no dinniciation of this kin d ,'and has n etisissice whatever that the editor of the ,Mird4 is iArres pondence with the rebels. 41 4 ortruce: yosterday brought down the Brikh lau . d gorfelk, who was desirous of halting Baltimore in reference: to an Blogilati 'the had got into trouble., siddore *cold_ not ternde 4t ilo.:.*A. tie 'retiaori that , .privilege the flag of trash, had been already sufficiently abused by . , itegvY,Aft`mas heard this morning in the direction of NorfOlk. It was donbtlem in lion oret.isnesioan Indepandemes. The ships of war in the harbor tired a national Salute at noon; thipsuise of ths,Fortrees corresponding. Therd aretranct parades this evening atahe Severed agape. Tirre'srkiity military =minion* ex- POW ' Work $4 . the Fortress las been geherally suspended. Another Brilliant Success ! Qom Atteroon. Still in Pursuit of the_ Ene4lYa 41IE REBELS AUDI'.RETREAT I Slit, Rebels Killed and More Wounded In the Late _Battle. Wanimow, July 6 Om Patter % has addevedallother end hipoitaiit - succorer infuriation was *Awl yesterday from Martinsburg, that ilicen- 1 tired an d posed through that place h& the' ;pining - in hot pursuit of the enemy. The army, was welcomed with enthusiasm by the mews of the population, gratified by the protrittiMiprow 'wd and now given . * the gov- Minkel " Thustheiourtit of July was gloriously cele brat*A at Martinsburg. The &megaton forces which Gen. Nide:von scattered on the second, when he crossed the river, lost sixty killed and had many more wounded. It rallied and pre silted front,yeateTley but again retreated to a dis fof veiiteir eight milts, where they PPIIIII. ;TIM sitar [ , tts Puts AND Ptimmix Brrrias.- Pro/11 1 0w 1144.201, RoSsoru.-In cows '3I.C. I.llderr, Sdnrvy, or Eruptions of the tin in, Me operation the Ufa Idedicinerin stint' niininlShiug, often removing in Am day it,. every .90138140 orgies* toMbeonae Mafiosos brOiamirAlitqlkikke,pkiod... %Mows Fevers, re Wand' ifitrun,npopout,Vropsy,;plissi, again shun, 1 4 04 *****1 li 4 gitsmitor ourattost.proporUos Ifs ntstpt them, ts by. that umely nee tali& and nuecoup. onusso4. traird bfrs9 3 4-4 4,11 IWAT. .43, New Yore., end all Druatalvit . 1 1 1[Vjakft * OrtlaitEbtrgin :fER: - 1411)1Ei - f • OtheItRAPPE kamcian .-aorratwary to olislanners nuaolyaia,armasial4elag the ai au 414, 0 1 001 1 1 - .2.1"0 1 16 4004mi1e oomatuatan subjeei - ft 'enter all raceme and re. : 11 M", i ' .4111.13 ,# Mnlitlegta ) " 6'4 'lso* bake; 41a,Y be "L„aro efAlittil4 l 4:l. ll oss it tuttut . irur In a short time, onus on the monthly period with regolarlty. Bach bottle, price Qu.. Rodger bears •the government OAtITIQN. Then Pais_ showl during the 'Pliitta r laingt" ;estalteY are elm I n bring on Miscarriage, but at glty .. , thew they are gape. ,{}oestetrof ttiorevattritdiSignaidafeetliens, Pain in 'the 'Babb iiebVlSiaberfietifila ob TeltettisteilMen, Pupils ;On or the Bean, Breiee‘e.4 l .—Wiltelkl hAlle encl. a core Jrhyta l l a ar ,eetwilage„„ ; and el , themtly i rtSigeryki otteirdantnahn, calomel, :antimony, or any thing Mindy 414 eopostine., Fill directions In the intilitithlek-nrohed curb package tAl lu itaidkiiiidloseki to any 'thorned Agent, will insure- Volitaltdat 60 Pat, hy return god. , •rot Ogbiebrst. '; 9 ' t 1.114 dawly PRO..C:IO4IIViI E:MEUPSER, OULD rospoothilly ridforna -hid old I' ~, . .Eitjmn,Pailimthstiat,' 2 atem, ..9. 1 4 ~and_OP.*Umiscienoe of 111011.01Xli :Be pill 'Om Aware wait, span pupils at that, `.holcas . iii &IV Oak iliglareak. or. lawone-will . tie etyma: Ma raaidaaCe, 13, Tlo.4jtc,ket , r y ,w : chars below the . listrma4.l Refortood .11 a. _. , docib-atl :.X.",-0337:1111 1 tttii, DIMIRCW:ANDA.4OIIE For the oars of these dletredellig thasttlee. ursestb'e , the tait t a lio EVerYF Orpoure4matie-ot c i t to ratuble , edlthe thiry.isko Ike. of 0, ~ C. at. 9AN11Y44 9 14 Store, my 2-dem ' iltrrts 0,1E4, • larE ORSETTYSBURG * AR P WR E I CIE P.T? 4144- THROUGH TO ~EHAT3(I3I3IIIIG . - - 1 , or • j a ctivaimn a ; established a 4.1r3 burg, cxiupeatil) v - °Our lionguLTILD tualti, The Axuagui.i.kseist;evertit day.l'uouitZtgadAtoted,Sulardat, rekuruthg *wart upri Sr Skappuradownriggsburg, " W rib l a r tlat GOUIPAguir are canted at amodcond roam Jukkdit 52.W31. APTATILi % • I . ITOUN . S.. 132dITEria ..- - • -.- ..: #OOT it SHOE 'STORE, I 00ENE.a fIBRIMPAND.',WALNUTATS., i •=• • - -Plitirrisburgi ti. - - It' LWAVE 43i:44: 4100 simortcaektoi bsurs, stiotr,Gi.imids, &0., of tbe - very. beet 1 11 . 64,406 L ~/1 616% PeSieraws, end etaldrens , max.—. • lo.orussiceslmes A 1 15. ,, u 0 of-woax. itADE-To ilit,rl:42 best sarigaktromkal , 6-dtf JOHN. B. 814i1:1R,Abr . b . o,rt. if, ;Lai ' 1 NEW opAtt HE UNDERSlGNEDliii4 f aitered in to the COAL WISAD4 liiiiii eiti;woeid respectfully '" ' " imp AtirgelolPeg d... iletclUercus. ,: fottliceep ow MAW s '',. ''''' w "" . "; - ",iu be ' Oeil' allif4. erod to ' any '. ad a. lai r- 4;401 ' 0 ~.'' 41111, issd o .~ Cupcake. frou. Vf mein • , • . 330e2-Loao,- pea ' Oa Oagaa. r 2 4l 4frpg-Rilltag .. .byAlllA!olla r ' ' Losidiviti. 216 pmb4rocklesTon. , u 21/ 1110 . 7 6 WWI elecollssooad gam Seem Pellr beer r 0 Tooted *LW aiiialetole of.zicith. Amt. or 4: l i t! .. opipll4,ther roosiie prompt auluglon. -...., _ _ __Aina_us_HALL,...ww... _ ... • IR J .:,: IdG:t .a ~ • QUANTITr of lama, kir , : '•-_':.` I. - - -,.-,, 1 - : - - Nem - 2tbratisznats. LADIES' WINE, SPEER'S SA.MBUOI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every-rum:Lily Should Use. SPIIER'S SAMBUCI WINE. C ELEBRATED for Its medical and ben 1:13.1 qualtios an a gene Ile Et In bleat, Tonic We re): and Eselordc, highly etteemed by enunent hY Wig% and Some or um) lit fanlike to isnrope and Amtrics. S PRE iva samara( vrrsin 13 not s oadslora or masturamorail article, bnt is pore, from cultivated rortuial Elder, recommended by Cheep_ sirs snd Physicians as possamlee „medical properties on " r i or t o soy other Wines ;a use, ant an tmoallant ard- We for all weak and dakalinoad Nona t i and the aged and therm, imProwieS the NI Otto end ImileatiaS ladles ak.d Cbildre4 A LA.DII3II , WiNB, becalL.Te U will not Intoxicate as other whoa, as It con tains n o minter, of EpirttS or other' Dopers, and Is tni.• erred lb- It rico peznhar Savor and nutritive yropertie*, itnpettlog a 1,921 , hr tone to UM digeittre ornate, anal blooming, It and healthy Man end COinelamon. None ratline unless the signature 01 AI RE]) sellEß,,Piuitelo, N..., ever the cork of e kth bottle, • WARN 0.4 E TKIAL OF TEM WINE. A. St' MB i Proprietor. Pewit N.l. Otate 208 Broadway, Ned lock. J. H. EATON; Apitt,Phtladelptda. For sale by D. W. Gross; a Ob., C:K. Keller, John Wyeth and by drerglste poerally. • Thilir klST ' B. M. GILDEA, D. D. S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical, scleutitlo 111 periormed Mulea moderate. id NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. THE County Commiseionora hereby make knowa, this Kier WEDNESDAY JULY the 80,, 1861 es 6 etlook A. M., they will sell at public out.ory lu BranthiClty Ball, Harrisburg, among ,he varies aril dee not nen Inumerawd, one Bell, 'known as A. Cbes House Sal ;" Mane Cosi, Stowe and Pipe, "Pigeon ho.os" or tAsos mama away Were Womb, Doak', Book Oases /sc. Tarmi or tale are "cask." iuRN 8. 111313581 L ...COB BERK. GEORGB aaaysatca June 2:011 1861. Commis:Lure. Patriot and Union Insert. HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, uU7 It) .SWVE U 8 (..011D inBIV92I 2Q SUlf :Platt:44##. AZ-511, LUCUSI PU..11.s dbti VilletTNIIR RUES 2Y) 0#41512. ALE... 15 ~ 3 1oNK aortpare Of the 1114141urtbr. et Wu !mildew:a ourth• ttldge +, ..pposlte the dead. Will Kngsna..ttouso f or it the iar I, .!ortier at' 4.1.1 .tread- - .trsqta, Wattthe rs , my 27 1 • ' ' B. OULE L . SCIIEFFERIS' I .IBOOK. .STORE, ( Nm.„ mi, tIaRETEBUEO Baroas.) UNION EN VELOPES. NOTE PAPER, of six. different designs, Pruned to twit copra, sum by the Utiessand ape by tag ream at City Cash - wises ALSO, Flap, UlllOll Breast ring, BMW, Onion RUM and Badges at very low priors. Cali at urtyB SCREFf Rh% BOOKSTORE. . DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST FFERS his servioes to the citizens o Harrisburg and Its etoinity. Be solicits a share o the public pair:wage, and gives assurance that hie beet endeavors shah be given to render aattatiinthm in his pro- Eression. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feeds Bale In writing the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will net be dissatisfied with his serrkes, Ottlee No. 128 Market street, In the bowie torn:tarty co - lcupied by Jacob R. gby, near the United Staten Hotel, I liarriebers. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. TrtiE undersigued CoLectors of County ,_1„ and State Tates for the . resent year, within the easy or Harriebtul, hereby Inform the public tha Are er coat abatem•nt will be allowed on be. Mete sod CORM? Tax tap to the 17th day of AO Al= The phew d residence of .he ,e'lectoas elontal i are se folk:ma Peter fetnha'sel, rtrst; Weri, Nomad Inflow fdniberry greet. 1 Nicholas Toldeger, Second. Ward, Chimes near Fourth ttreet. Joseph Huffman, Third Ward, itarket between Third led Fourth stmts. Daniel !Stromlo:or, Fourth Word ) State near Third 4treot. t 'timbers Dubbs, Witth Word,Tiard abatis North Meet. Bed. td hornet, Flub Wari, gear hound limo. Ihntototo MS Dor tuns have an opportunity by calling on calteLnrs inaillet4vely end mite Wet .dLimmunt by Yrmupt payment 01 s lid la ea. ny order of County Conuniu loners, JURY a MUSSER., Jaoo/1 Jy -td tiZAGEGON. EMPTY FLOUR BARRELS. IokyLARGE NEW, BRIGHT- EMPTY Frauicks4A4ini6,tutocid i'3lllfitt for sale ww by DUCK, Jr., &.b. : X1.3E311.1C;1t1ir k .46. IA : ' You will pleme take notice' that I . have removed - my Place of btudness from No 187 South Pourttt Street, to day Hanulhotory ~. NOS. 114 and 118 ANTJTCII , MEET *Moen 2 Loinbatd mit Soulk.,cutd: and Second Stir., Philadelphia,. Thankfal for put Cavort' I solicit a conidnutume of your dem., As 1 have enlarged my manutactory so ,as to doable me t..) have coistantly on bends large t twell seasoned Soaps, all of the best quallefa d free orn Fish Oil. PALId,.. , - . - VARIEGATED I WHITE, . , - .HONNY ..gSTILB, and all ki4di 9,I' SOAPS. TOILET CHEMICAL OLIVE 90AS of pure material. SETTLED, .#4 IR and ItßOltl4 SOAP, Snidisb Sal. Soda and PIUM *tzar conetautly on hand ' tirItign,.ADAYANTINS an a 1 Low CANDLES of a t.ttsee. f, Having adopted the °subsystem I am enabled tooth' my goatee:. the lowest f , t load Hoping 'that , you will dill and examine for yourself both the good. and 'irked, before purchasing elsewhere. , I am Very Respectfully si.wiyik _ _ Y. CONWAY, Plidladalphla 118 N0A873( FOGialf STRIOIT Ammo( AT TUC OLD STAND. Wholesale and Rein,' of MaanDieharer rtartaintbw:Clipaxima:Putaee.ADieneinVOkeea, 1 . 1 .7:04 1 "i! / 1 44ukk CM Oases, Vceri We% 146:134..Mign, . Wripueleaki,, rO4 ,IfollBo, Bookaohn. 41 OUR GOVERNMENT." 64 THE unity of Government - which ow , . Otinuis you one ugh . ), iiitoir dear to you.”— ArdthwaydiStylroirseuff ei.. , t, A, antionalitild 014 - 114- f vo li to the enduring prOsperity Of . our °Nutty, Trupp. ottani mast kriall fr om knowledge. It 119*y a propu dershiddind of our civi l ; instiudioni that coo Wiese E ! woad sehled'attoctudent to Mar 1640piee,fitul I part ability fortheir ntithadutanos. ult ittM.R.Niuttir 1. Ai explanatory " of ttie !Otani of Goverment ofthetXtuttny moan. A fi e OW. ofthel:Otile linifori firths United &atm, and the Coo stitutionat provisions or the severe &sites, with their meaning and oustructket, u datertednekhy ludkdel a s % e t" 6 498$ l'Aiztricu___.sNge-AerifeE.liiii a , AA' ; didoeivvrwe for pouter un t oef.M ; 81, 1 4 4 Y - . - -: - , 31-. hi/Mt 1 _ p a-, ' ' i. - ' 'N - • i HAVisb . , rm. N 0 1 1 1 ,I,Q E! 14Rit t g/3 " 4 ' BIUPDXI * COMPANY. I d . ' itigiVitittot..tte_Direotoro of the Thu ' mouLg von imotny, li T s tlye nay %ma a di ' tan aktillitYXlW fn pg Etwai.oll4 l ,4 911 1100 k ~,,, laLid gampeal. Oiaiiinais nn!A ' 34,7 .IV I Wi IIaI S 7 caiildAsiiiilirittel utooosoo tomo:pAg,:ootoptz to youttorffisirktrA rajMtirt the //Lb iiillti t ar.—: . I ' lisnisburg Boggs Oak% 110 7 4 le"' IP: Allardtim=l. DENTIBTRY.-- . GEO. W. STINE, grimittithle .01 the D altlmore GAM ge (Mutat Buripulf. ltasllg perms neatly !Matted In the city of garriatiurg , dike lormerly occupied by Dr. tiorges,,on Ettisatis*reet, between Mirka sod Walnut, remamfolly,laiimmle his hiebds lead the public; to optimal, that he.b.presmpliddle perform sit openness In the Dental profession, atilitiar surgical or mechanical, in a manual. that ettall i kOst sumsseed by operators in this or ear other qtr. ' ith mode .01 hiserdug artificial teeth to vpon-lbeittett I os• "retied Ptienttlle principles. Teeth, trvisi one to a full set, mounted on On* flobil, ear, Pietism plates or the Vulcanite Base. I talteifrell pleoeure b remintoondiag the aboes . op tlenan to all my former pitieuts of Harrisburg and vi .dotty, and feel eounderd teal be will phibrin all opera tions In is scientific manner. from my knowledge of his ability. Liny.34141 f.. 1. d *AGA D. D. S. CIDER !! ! VINEGAR 11 I MADE from choice and selectedApplee, and gaeranteel by ua to bostrsotly pure cad 4. !i &W. FOR SALE I A BUILDING LOT, situate in West Her rleburg, frouttag on Bra t 1 street 20 feet, am/ [la- Wag back lel feet, mon) or le s, to a 20 foot alley, ad jololog on One side the property of Ur illamepatlne. For pertkoalara esquire et fItIBM scitgorstt l , Beigner's Bookstore ,s 1061_ A' LIME. FOR SALE. TriEDE UNDERSIGNED hsvinglabbrked `!n the LIME BUSINESS la prepared to I ornieh 'tit very best article at short notlee, and at the lowest prime tar cash.' He sells the lime burnt at Columbia and tufo that band AS home. my2itditot . EWER BEILMHIBM, POPULAR REMEDI.b.I3. , MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething, and SPALDING'S CB PHALIO for headache. A fresh supply received et 11113.- LER'3 DRUG SPURS, where you ciao purchase all the saleable Patent Medicines of the day Si Marto streak two doors east of Fourth street, awns side. STEAM WEEKLY BITWEIN NNW TOUR AND LIITERPOOL. r ANDINU AND EMBARKING PAS SENGERSat QUEENSTOWN, (,reload.) Ttie Ur*. pool, New Nora mid Philadelphia Stommolldp company Wend despolohleg their full powarwt Ctyd.bull& iron Steamships as follows: KANGAROO Ilmarday July oth • JECNA, Saturday July ; 'EDINBURG, Saturday Joky :MI and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pler 44, North Mohr. =I C.6=o $76 00 I . .. 030 00 do to L0nd0n.....5110 00 do to LoadU.MIS 00 do to Paris 0114 00 do to Paris do to Hamburg-606 00 , do to Hamburg SA 00 Yeasamera also lorwardso to Havre, Bremen, 'Roder. dam, Antwerp, Ito" at equally lo rata arPersopa Mining to mug eat weir thradill ton buy tickets hero at the following rates, to New Tor Yromk: Liverpool or Queenstown; let Cabin; $717,"156 aid 0106 . eleennvirrom Liverpool 140 00 from Queenstown, $BOOO. Those Stemmas hare Superior ecoommedattome for Pnemorwit. end carry experienced Surgeons. They are bulk in Water-ilght iron Sections, and have Patent fire Anstibtlators ocr.ooard. tor pettier Information apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN,' Agent, 22 Waier. Skeet,' Olargow to NIL INMAN, 6 et. 'Snook Noire ;In Qaeenstown. to it W. .D. SEYMOKIR CO. ; In, London CO BlVra MAA.Y, Ol King WISMIn I n kali to suLas nscome, 6 mo• die la Bootee ;" In Philadelphia to JOHN 6. D ALS, 111 jWalntat Street ; or 'Little Company's Mow. JNO. G. DALB4sopt, 16 Broadway Niler,Urk. Or 0.0 . Timmerman , Agent, HarrldbAyt. EMI 011 It UNION be OONSTMMOS "9IIR GOTERNKENT,".bi 1 10411- I=oB ..a work oonteinine doftio=noliolo to men STATZ3 I / 2 giving the construction et ha Terms and Provision% anowia‘ the relations of the_ several antes to the Union and each other, and explaining nin l y the System of Government of Via Clammy. /Kt 41' be. Sold, and orders supplied, by hint, at Bard,- burg; Pa. feb2l Agents lbr Counties and Stateswanted. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. riqu, vast amount of property destroyed annually by LUbtalng ought to be e erwaleit to property holders to secure their oultditivi. Ail ordeal; far Whining Rode left at the auo,lon 4010 Of W. 446 will be attended to. Rode pot up to the laleel. latproe. kyle *no wamoted. . , Jel.S4 ot3CHEFFER'S BOOK I STOBJC I (Near as Efarriany 2640 , , s l.2s. JiliE lo lt io rZlLlD u j i ti",:*. .__ , BaL 494 Aeras t *film we will sell at 81.26 per ream.' riSbtl 'per ream for NOTE PAM, docolit die !Wit and very handsome mottle= and piyr, , Mottos. . ~ . ; igt.tiO for 1000 wilinTs ENVILOPENw1410011140114•, patriotic amblen3s, printed la two colors. _, ~ . Please give ni koala. THAO. I , .. lwagrons, -- .1 4 : 2-4 G 0 D • • Valeghtti.-6 4 -, mars it WM 440 c LWS !Owe Ogre t gg, IL sidirsiettatiziabove hamwliplcoli t .ht 4 . 04 1 , _ Moe, will meet with vcchipt'idtettitin. Mintc ••• 1007,calw. • . • . FOR RENT. - ' EHE ROOldanow oecittptetPliy the Poet Geoe. Posse!lion given on Cho Or ss of M yr.. zip q jellldtf GWAG.II W. town. $ firtHE ANNUAL MEETING of the & . 11 holders of the atlantic sea Ohio Tole L. 0.07 for the election of Threotore, and this! their usual busineaa, will be held at the T of said Company la Harrisburg - on Th , day of July 1861. n H. sintits ti l ija • adel n e 141 h, 18131.-td UOll. REN T. =-A. desirablo,jtesuwastin Locust, near Front street. Tbres.stom aria. 11114 modern oonreolencea, se to water, beat and not. for info =UM ply to pr. W. W. Rutherford. Poi 511010a Oven telly. Jeff-dtd, FROM One to,- Ave .H.inidred Dp worth or ail Bonn Q. o: 2101111411MANI ` No. SW Sonthierwoa, Writ I= • ,‘„. i' 4;41E610 ' removed'' i . 41. 44( DER h as remorns frffnustß4ll3ll,ANDlßßAdd ..FLAINDOr.k.O.MMII- L6tr t% - igu - so - 1 at T Ta piit garkei rommP ° lfa i tga ths bby strict urob. Thankful for Pia grit a Outlawing of rt. mir26-Srad ,l ozi to bristrigi" to at 11.. P MEL 1.,-,,,,, Eil. . . S - EINLQ_ sUßSCßlßEßromitkpoppeoptfully inform the publio iiialise 'Phimb ing a ,* arm!' Annotkiir .910440010111,1014:31:1-. UNA Third greet bdilow /AWN, Hotel, tvnamrielrilin b 7 Or* O#4I I IWHI t9J19104030 VIM% ORIAZWO/67 Ont. ' . • SP/Zdtt J. ANN& FOR RENT. v~H :"T:!' • PSI ^l , F ..... ~~. .~. 11 1 .7 6rT 714 . • -I..iitrllltir r tir a k i rki . laileri,ltaral ;Or slim 1866 germ Web: , Jel/4 19X. DOCK CU. i 'ALS, Ear* . .4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers