THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BgRGNER. Tsame.--2111GLi soBE4oitrnoß ..e DAILY. ,T.TIZGRAPH IS served to 'subscribers In tha crscgh at costs per , ?reeks. Yearly. subscriber, !"..3 cbarrod WFIXEMY .B.IPD VSI iOR.L.Ph iN also published twice a week during D. s' , 3 , 4ion 01 the Leglalat_ nre and weekly during the Te a:leder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the oNownag :atee, viz: :1 1 14,10 Subscribers per year Seven si Ten a cc THI .LLW. of 11111911PAPIREI ,t a ubserlbera order the discontinuance of their news. k ,4)erm, the publisher may continue to send them until I arrearages aro paid. subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they hav sett ed the bills and ordered hem discontinued Miscellaneous. DR. JOHNSON LOCK HOSPITAL. ETAS discovered the most certain, speeds and effectual remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. =LIM Is six To iirsivs ROURS. No Memory or Noxious Drugs MEile*-6. Coax WARRANIZD ' OR NO CHARON, Of FROM OFF V) Two DAYEI.SE. WeakueSs of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, AffeeflOns of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness; Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhysica Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits Confusion el deas, Yallitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Nese or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN young men especially who have become the violinist of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening fienates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to so tau the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Marriod persons, or those contemplating marriage, be log aware of physical weakness, should immediately con snit Dr, J,, and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEARNES Imntediatedy cured and fun vigor mewed. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and eon, fidently rely upon his skill as a physician. figrollice No. T South Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. Soutar for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the repute. tton of Dr. Johnson, lurk- near. All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to nee on the reply. . . DR. JOHNBTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Illurgeons, London, graduate from one of the meat eminent Colleges of the United States ' and the greatest part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Varle t Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great net , voueness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange. moot of mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICII4AR, NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured them selves by private and improper indulgencles„ that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, ion fitting thorn for either business or society. are some of the sad and melancholy en.-cts pro duceu by early habits of youth, vie Weakness of the Back and Lbnbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpltition. of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive runetions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, &a, bfANTALLY. 141C(TALYr, ti on tbs mindere oe dreaded :— r ass of Memory, Confusion ofgideas, De presider( of Spirits, 801 l Forebodings, Avulsion toigoole ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timldity,gio., are some of the evil effects. _ . Thotmands of persons of all ages, can now jadge what Is the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough„ and symp mu of consumption. TOIJNG who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in lulged In when alone—a habit frequently learned from eoll Jompanions, or at school, the effects of which are Mealy felt, even wheo asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroyahoth mind and body, Should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his soon. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments ot life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Su }h persona must, before canton plating dARRIAGE, edict that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. indeed without those, the journey through In becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be• comes blighted with our owe._ DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY ;FOR oa: GAIV/0 WEALNESJI ity thia great and important remedy, Weakness of tt4 ifrpenis are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. ihousands of the moat nervous and debilitated whe had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. Alt. impediments to Marriage Physical or Mental Disqualifi cation, Norr : Orts, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO 6TRANGMB The many thousands oared at this Instiution within the Last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgical operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices 01 which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character (Andre tiperuribility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF IMPRIIDENCE.—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has' imbibed . the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that tit-timed ill-med sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re. apectability can alone befriend him, delaying till the COQ. stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, sec., progressing en with frightful rapidity, fill dlitti pass period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to “that bourne from whence ac traveler rehiring." It is a mel. aticheiy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of LIDA', deadly poison, 'mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. To Sratricisits.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hie virLetters must contain a Stamp to 1111 on the reply /a-Remedies sent by Mail. a-No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. sprlB-dawly 11. 30 NZ CO NT AL . You will please take notice that I have removed 'my place of business from No. 167 South Ifourth ',Street, to my Manufactory NOS. 114 and 118 RELIEF STREET, Betwon Lombard and South, and Front and Second Ste Philadelphia. Thankful for past favors I solicit a continuance of your . orders. As I have enlarged my manufactory so as to enable me to Soapstan on hand a large assortment of well seasoned all or the beet quality inid free from Fish 011. PALM, VARIEGATED, WHITE, HONEY, CASTILE, and all kinds of TOILET SOAPS _ . CRE3IICAL OLIVE SOAP of pure material. SETTLED, PALE and BROWN SOAP English Sal. Soda and Pima STARCH constantly on h*o l nPER.II, ADAMANTINE en TALLOW CANDLES of a t sizes. Raving adopted the oashsystem I am enabled to offer my goods at the lowest t.tices Hoping that you will toll and examine for yourself both the goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. I am Very Respectfully, F. CONWAY, Philadelphia al•wly* ~..,•------., ~, CHAS. F. ItUMPP, ~.: ..t... ~./. iis NORTH FOURTH Brazsr ,-, 0 ~,,, PHILADELPHIA, AT THE OLD' Ti) - . . - - - Wholesale aid Retell Manufttcturer ;of '' Port Monnales, Cabas and Purses, Dreatlng Oases, Money Belts, Reticules, Cigar Oases, Banker's Cases, Leather Bags, WrltingDesits, Pocket Books, Port Folios, - Bill Books, 6314 1:19t346,Y .. . . . . 0 \ w /.). ....cub" - . .. . , ~....;. . jil l'll 7 11 ). ...A.4. 1 .. •:.-. . . . -t. / .. . '. :, ~. ... 2 _.- -.., .-- :.,. 11 , ;. iii titilli„ ID am i , -'- 77-,-.0)---_- ' - • ; :j , CA: ' A .,- - :: 1 - , ' ''':--- . _.; :",-7. :,"- --; ',::..,- ,'' ' ,7•79 . 1 ......_: . t e ap „,=„ ~_:, _-__-- .$ 700 . 12 00 . 15.00 VOL. Bank 2t./3131ixati0ne. BANK NOTICE NOTIOII is hereby given that the under signed have termed au aOOO laden and. prepaid a ur.rrideate for the purpose of establishing a baiikot lame, discount and deposit, tailor the provisions of the Act en titled. ' , an Act to. establish a system of free banking iu Yennsylvarlia, and to secure the public against loss trona insolvent Batiks," approved the 81st day of March, Md. The Bata to be caded the Bank or Marietta, to be to,. Gated in the borough of Marietta and county of Lancas ter, to consist of a Capital Avoca of One Hundred Tnou sand Dollars in Shares of Piny Dollars each, and it is contemplated. to Increase the Capital Stock to the amount of Two Hundred Timusand James L. Shultz, Henry Huaselmau, John Kline, John Miller, John W. Clark, S. Y. Eagle, Aaron Gable, Doc. J. H. Grove, James Mehagey, B. F. Htestand, John B. Didenbaoh, David Harry, Thomas Zell, A. N. Cassel, John Becker, ' ' Barr Spangler, jel.Rmwein BANE NOTICE; NOTICE is hereby given that the under- signed have forme an asSoelation and prepaid a G.riltlcata for the purpose of establishing a bank of issue, discount and deposit, under the provisions of the act en titled "an act to establish a system or free banking in Pennsylvania, sad to eecure the public against loss from insolvent Bawls," approved. the 3.lst day of March, 1860. The Bank to be called BANK OF MARIETTA, to be located in the borough of Marietta and county of Lancas ter, to consist of Capital Stock of One Hundred Thous and Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, and it is contemplated to increase the Capital Stock to the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. JANES L. SHIIL7I, away MEESLERAN, JOAN Kura, JOHN MILLER, JoaN W. Gun, . S. F. EAGLE, Aeßox GAJ3LE, Doc. J. R. Gisovs, IMES MEEAFREi t B. F. MISTAND, Josh' E. DuorEßßAc.a, DAVID DARR; Taouss Zavt, A. N. Qum., JOHN BEimoß, Ram SPANGLES. mar3o-wara . NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that an associa tion is formes. for the purpose of establishing a vane of issue, discount and deposit under the provisions of the Act establisbing a system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania—said Bank to be called the "The State Bank of Pennsylvania," to be It sated at krie, Pa., with a capital of FIFTY:JiIt/WAND DOLLAKS, with the pre. vilege of increasing the same to Five Hundred Thousand de2ti.wem BANK NOTICE Trio President and Directors of the Col umbia Bank at Columbia, Laueseter county and Owe of Pennsylvania, intimate apply itc the nest seeelon of the Legislature of said State for a retie/Ail of Onarter and LLD extension of privileges of said sank with ail the riots and privlteges now enjoyed, for a term of Lwowy years from the expiration of the preitnt Charter, With the seine name, location, and capital of $500,000. By order, Cashier of the Column's, Bang. June 27th, 1381-411-w6in Kraal Notices. NOTWA _ T- 14 _tiao matter of the applioation' to the OrEnallx - Dauphin clammy, ketasylvania, to cares the - specific performance of the coatroom of SWAM Lyres.--vvnrulflTl/6110. cleseoteci. Tne . oourt on the Stit day of May,1,861, appointed Henry Fetter, Esq., Commissioner to take testimony alter thirty days 001105 by an insertion in a newspaper published in the city of Harrisburg, Pa. In pursuance wherein notice Is hereby given to Sarah, widow, and to Joseph, Jacob, Jonas, George, Joan, Henry and Adam Wlliter, William Hoffman, and Lydia, nig wife, George Shepley and Mary his wile, and Jonas Loudenstaiier, tiaarcilan or John, Adam, and Ma rietta, children of Simi), late Wither, deceasen, who was intermarried with. Joseph. Londenslager. deceased, that depoaltiJne to be read In evidence on me hearing of said case in Court will be taken before said Henry Pam', ail., at his Dace in :Minh 'thud street, in Harrisburg, on VIE:DAY, the MIGHTEENIM DAY OF JULY, 1861, between the hours of two and four o'clock on the after• noon of said day, when and where you may attend it you think proper. WM. T. BISHOP, Attorney for Joseph Wilier and Win. Hoffman, June 11, 1861.-012 w Administrators. otters testamentary upon the estate of 1.4.1ar1a 11. Lawrence, late or Harrisburg,' Dauphin deeeased, having been granted to Cie undersign ed Executors of tae last wit and testament or .said dece dent, all persons naving claims or demands against said. estate are requested to inase known the same without delay; and persons indebted to the said estate will please name immediate payment to JOHN J. LANdENOE, Huntingdon, Pa. ' • SAAVL.N.LAWHaNCE, Whops, Elk Co. Pa., ELsecutors, Or to H. A. Lamberion, Attorney at Law, Harrisburg, Pa. tity29-6w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOE. yHEREAS, letters of Administration on the emetic of MARGARET HESS, dec , d., late of Londonderry township, Dauphin county, have been grantee to the gabaoriock, all persons indebted to the estate are requerted to make immediate payment, and chose having claims against the estate of said deceased will make the same known without delay to kIEtS, Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. rirRE undersigned Executors of the estate CflitiSTLtiN ntliilNK, late of Conewago township, deceased, hereby nothy ali parsons indebted to said es tate to mate paymeat immediately, and ,those having claims to present them forsettlement. PEVA Ear-I.ll{, ABSAFfeei LUNGNECIEEk, Jel2-etw Arecutors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE ishereby given that letters of Administration on tne estate of JOHNATHAS Funs; uue ofLower Swatara township,Dauphin oo.,doe'd., have this day been granted to the subscriners. All persons hav ing claims against the , estate, are • requested to make Known the same without delay, and persons kno wing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. ADAM FIBELF.R, POLLY FL3FiEIk . , m.1.6.* Administrators of es ate of Jonathan Fisher. NOTICE. -The Harrisburg Pioneer Beneficial Society, No. X, have theft an application for a charter of incorporation in the aloe of the Pro thonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, which will be continued by the said Court at the next 'regular term thereof if no sufficient cause be shown to the contrary. xny22-vr3t WM. haTCH:ELD, Prothonotary. ARCH ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE OLDDEN & BICKNER, 832 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ARE now receiving for SPRING TRADE & splendid line of -English and American. CARPET !NUS, bought at Panic Prices, and to be sold very low. Velvet, Brussels, Three. Ply, ingrain* and Venetian, with an immense stock of low priced CARPETiNGS; Oil Cloths, Gruggets, Mats, ac.; Fifty pieces of Canton Mailings, all the different widths very cheap. Parties in want of CAltEerflrlGS are reminde d that this stock of Goods is very extensive, and as we buy and sell exclusively for CASH we are prepared to offer goods at very low prices, at least 10 per cent. cheaper than any other house in the trade. rniu . 2B smw ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFIGE---TAIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR 'MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. OITI OF ILLESISIOIRO, FENNA. aylfia "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 8, 1861 PORTER'S PATENT SHOE PLATES. CA- 0 4:20 1:0 JlEt NAT NO MORE wearing out of the soles of Boots and Shoes. No more tapping to be paid for. No more wet feet from worn sales. No more running over at the heel nor lido. No more slipping upon the toe. No more slipping in haying. A few cents pays for a set; and more than doubles the durability of the Boot or Shoe. Anybody can put thorn on. Just the thing for Boots and Shoes that get hard usage. For local or traveling agencies, address P. B. PORTER, Waterville, Maine, sole agent for Philadelphia. JOSEPH GODFREY& CO., No. as North Fourth street, Philadelphia, Importers and Dealers in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS. All orders' promptly attended to. . ap24-lyw BIBLES! BIBLES I 1 • A Large and thoroughly complete •stock of BIBLES, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY From the Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and fines FAMILY BIBLES, Has just been .purchased and received from the Fall Trade Sales. Having purchased these at EXTREMELY LOW RATES, they will be sold at a very small advance. Please call and examine the stock at • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, M. Market Street. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT . OR LADIES' TRAVELLING SHOPP'INGr. BAGS At all prioes,for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE,- • • 61 Mark6t Elm VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Ennavers on Wood' N. E. COB. FILITH & CHESTNUT STS. • ' Phiktdelphia. E XECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving E" with beauty, oorreinness and dispatch.' Original' assigns furnished for Fine Book illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges, .churoises, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents ,. & a., engraved as well on per= sonal application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings. Show Bills; Visiting, Business and other. Cards, engraved In the highest style of art, and at toe lowest prices. For specimens of tine engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. H. Butler &Co. ocialyd • • AA N CONTROLLING ELEMENT OF-A TIONALITY is the system of education In a. cmtn try:. "In proportion as the structure of-a gOvernment IL- - - en .oxi to, public opinion, that public _opinion should this end the peCiiiiiiirleil i gAi n giati f ff e lis . T ? ' correct and familiar acquaintance With the nature and p.i....ipte.rsdnent and civil derthelkinigk mOGR. GOVERNMENT ; An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the.Couidry, &c .4 MANI/. I,L FOR SCHOOLS, ACADEMES AND POPULAR "USR,P , Is p work which, with. proper historical notices, gives the construction of the provisions ot the Constitution' of the United States and of those of the several States; as determined by judicial authority, or derived from stand ard writers, including some references to administrative Na and practice; so as to show the actual workingor our general system of Government. It is free (rod specula tive opinions, conservative in its tendency, and calculated to Cultivate the love of our country. It haS been need to a considerable extent, in the EDUCATION OF YOUTH sn different states, and is recommended by Jurists, statesmen and Presidents, and Professors of Golleges.— Wilco $lOO. Sold by M. WHINNEY, del • Harrisburg, Pa, THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal. THERMObIETERS, do dO Bronzed do THERMOMETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THEROIO2daTER, do Brass. Bound Double Seale, THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10-12 inch. THERMOMETERS, Metalic Frame, 840 inch.' THERMOMETERS, THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut Case, 10 inch. .THERMOMETERS, Tin case, 7.8 woo. , We bare Just received a due lot or THERMOMETE or various styles, and are selling them low. SELLER'S DRUG STORE, AO 91 Market stree OPENING OF SPRING 'AND SUMMER Black and Seoond Mourning DRESS GOODS, &C. anglusn Rep. mourning Silks, Plain Black Foulards, Black and White Dress and Foulard Si Purple and Black 0, 4 C Lupin's Crepe Tammatans, 6-4 Mouaselaines.Deloins, g,4 a Pena Cloth., (new article), • • • Lupins Extra Alpacas, NeopoMau Bilks and new goods, Osiris Peeling, Summer Valencia's, ; Madonna Cloths, • Black and Purple All Wool Delaines, White and Black ia Wool Delaines, .• : Emeline Cloths, Challis, Deb/Ines, Cashmeres, lifehairs, Parislennes, Silk Warp Levellers, Lupin's S. 9. Bombazines, 8-4 Crepe De Espange, Camels Hair Lustre, new goods, FrenclaGiughams, splendid styles, English Chintzes, Domestic , Ginghams, Silk Warped Plain Black Challis, Lupin's Grenadines, Croton Cloths, itc., &0., &c. Our Moak of all kinds of DRESS GOODS in Black and Second Mourning, was never more complete than now, or prices more favorable to pure hae•re. Lupin's Square Thinbet Shawls, Cashmere Square Shawls, Lupin's Long Tlaibbet Shawls, • Second Mourning Shawls, English Crepe Veils, (every size,) Grenadine do English Orepee, French Crepes • • • Shrouding Clashmere, Shrouding Flannels, Black Bordered Handkerclues, Silk Hosiery, Black and Grey Gauntlette, Black Gloves, (all kinds,) Black and Lead Colored Hosiery, Plain Black Ribbons. A large stock of English. Crepe, Collars and Sleeves. New 'Aylmer Second Mourning Sleeves and Collars. • Notwithstanding tne difficulties in securing a full assortment inthisdepartment,we are confident our friends and the public cannot fail to be pleased.— For styles, make and prices, we can fairly compete with any of the larger establishments in tha east ern cities. CATHCART & BROTHER, ' ' No. 14 Market Square • Next door to the Harrisburg Belli.. W A. CATOCART. T. L. cAugur, HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS CO. Short and Quick Route to and from NEW YORK. GOODS ORDF ' V 1 ) IN THE MORNING RE- Leave New York at 7% P. M., by net Tig ol 44 FS press Trate, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M., WiTIIOV2 czwgie of CAIM • oi4eicrCiode, marked . - • • via HOPE EXAMS CO. , General office, 74 Broadway, New York. Branoh " 412 " For runner Infonnedon Inquire of wig nun ENE ea Misctilatuljus • . „ _ EDUCATIONAL. - THERMOMETERS 1 FREIGHT REDUCED TURNED TUE SAME 'NIGHT. latebital. CONSTITUTION WATER Y-11.NOWN REMEDY FOWDIABETES tllk t;IJRATIVE properties of this me diciNe - direct themselves 'entirely to the organs of secre: iyn. asoi by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver, tad. the starchy principle of the FOOD is rim contwwd 'into sugar so long as the SYSTEDI is under the influenced too _Constitution Water • 2 which give those organs time to recover their healthy tone' and vigor. We are able to state that, the CONSTI TUTION WATEB hes cured every case of DIABETES in which itbas been given. IRRITATION OF THE NECK, OF THE BLADDER, IN FLAMMATION OF TDB lilliNaYS, AND CATARRH OF THE:BLADDER, STRANGUARY, AND BURNING OR PAINFUL URINATING For these diseases It is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot bo'said In Its praise. A . single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms ; TRY WE BIG or lOU, these cases, and you will give your praise to 00.1!ISTITIIION WATER. ULCERATION OM THE RSDNEFF, BLADDIF. AND IJEINARY PAS SAO.W, 'RETENTION OF URINE, DISEASES or THE PROS• TRATE GLAND, STONE IN THE BLADDER,-CALCDLUS, GRAVEL, BEICEDUST DEPOSITS AND MUCUS OR MUM! OR MURRY DISCHARGES, • AFTER URLNATINO. Diseases all occurring from one and the same cause Will Ms entirely eared by the'Constit titian Water. There is no class of diseases that produce such exhaus ting effects upon the human constitution as Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Passages, and through a false modesty, they are neglected until they are so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary. remedies, and in a 'majority of cases little can be done by this physicians, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER To, the public withT.lM conviction that it has no equal in relieving the ciao of diseases for whietrit has been found so eminently successful in curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for,our.- efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the, requirements of patient and. - physiCian. 'For sale by all :Druggists. • ' ¶ll.ll. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. . MORGAN.& ALLEN, general agents, tparS6.6nw . _ No. 46 cliff Street, New York. • IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE; Steam between Ireland and America NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY. THE following new and magnificent first ± class paddle-wheal Steamships compose the above line : ADRIATIC b,BBB tons burthen .Capt. J. Maury. (formerly of the Collins Ilne.) HIBERNIA, • 4,400 tons burthen, Capt. N. Prowse. COLUaIBIA, 4 . 4 0 0 t. P. Leitch. - ANGLIA, 41,400 " Nicholson. - 2,600 " " I. Smith.. •PRINCH ALBERT, (Screw,), - • • 8,800 " I. Walker. One of the above ships will leave Now York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for Galway, carry. ng the go vernment nulls touching at St. Johns., N. F. Tbe-Sleamers of this llso have been constructed with the greatest care, ender toe supervision of the govern. ment, have water-tight compartments, and are unex celled for cOMfort, safety and speed by any steamers 'afloat. =They are commanded ' by able and experienced officers, and every exertion will be made to promote the comfort of passengers. An, experienced surgeon attached to each ship. RADII 07 PASSAOI from N. Y. or. Boston to Galway or Liverpool, Second class, $lOO first-clue, to M. , - 1 - Au) • to Galway Of Liverpool, or any town in Ireland, On' a hallway, no Third-class passedgera are liberally supplied with pro visions or the beet quality, cooked and served by the servantsor the, Company. . - . Parties wishing . to -send for their friends from the old Country can obtain tickets from any town on a railway, in Ireland; or from the principal Mt!es - of England and Scotland-at very low rates:- -- - Passengers for New York, arriving by the Boston Steamers,,will be forssrarded to New York iree of charge, for passage or further iriformatioa apply to -.- WM. H. 'WICKHAM, At the office of the Oompanyon tne wharf foot of Cana street, New. York. ap24.wltai HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, Agents. UNION PITRNITITRE DEPOT GOULD & CO., 202 and 206 North Second street, and 145, 147 and 149 Race St., PHILADELPHIA. [prom the Philadelphia Ledger.] UNION FURNITURE DEPOT.—Every head of a family has a houseto furnish, and, no tn,itter whether rich or poor, every one wants the best Furniturelais or her money will buy, and every hems can be WELL FURNISILEb if the money intended for that purpose be carefully expended. The safest way to purchase is to send an 'order to a 'fair dealing firm, who have the facilities to manufacture and sell at the lowest prices. But no matter how honest a firm may be, unless - they have the best machinery to manufacture and the trade which will enable them to make large purchases of stock and materials at the low !est prioes, 'is folly to expect - them to sell as lew as a larger establishment. The "UNION FURNITURE DE POT" combines, perhaps, the greatest advantages to be found anywhere by housekeepers ; its extensive ware rooms, which occupy' a front of Stiff feet on Second street, with meg HONDRED feat In depth and sixty feet on Race street, with sivsterit-snreTeet depth, are well stored with =assortment of thebest made FURNITURE, of the latest and best Styles ' which cannot fail to' satisfy any family want ' direction. Nears. GOULD Pt 00., theproprietorit;have every manufacturing facility known to the trade, and any order entrusted to them, whether a single article or a general assortment, at whole. sale or re tail is sure to be filled at the lowest price for which the same articles can be procured anywhere, and for much less than is paid at some places. There is some satisfac tion, too, when sending orders to them., to know that you have a lair dealing firm to transact business with. mar6-6mw R. NEWELL'S PHOTOGRA.M GALLERY NO. 724 ARCH STREET, PRILADELPHL9. One of the largest and most complete Galleries in the United - States,where the best Pictures, known to the Photographic art, are taken at prices no higher 'than are paid for miserable caricatures. fJIRE PROPRIETOR, A. PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHER, attends personally, every sit ting-and allows no picture to leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect satisfaction. • Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes, of absent or deceased friends, photographed to any required size, or taken on Commas, life size, and'painted in Oil by the best artists At this Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather— as perfect in cloudy days as when the sun shines. Persons visiting the city are respectfully Invited to ez. amine our specimens, which for price and quality defy Competition. agrlnstructions given in the art of Photography. R. NEWELL, Gallery of Art, 724 Arch Street * Pniladelphla. From Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, M. C., Ohio. My family and friends all concur an the opinion that the (Newell) Picture is mere life like than anything they oversaw: My likeness has been repeatedly taken by different-Artists in various ways, but I have never yet bad one.whiob presents so true to nature, aliens features and expressions of countenance as this. From Hon. E: Joy Morris, late Minister to Italy. The exquisite finial, beauty and softness of your por traits, conjoined- wtth,their durability of color and faith fulness as likenesses; cannot fail to commend them to the attentthiknott Patronage of all who appreciate true rat. rrvoi Jabies Page Havingeeclution for A portrait, I procured one from ifr.f.Bobert Newell, of the city of Pbliadelkia; a mints. tare fn.Oil Colors, tut dq celopi:amts discosered by him, take - great Pleiticire bi 'expressing the sa Um action even me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but its artistic finish to all respects, and recommend blim to the patronage of those disposed to encourage the beau tiful art. Mum Putts E4t Ettegrap4. FATAL RAILROAD ACAIDMT. —A freight train on the Pennsylvania Railroad met with an ac cident this morning one, mile below Highspire. The locomotive was thrown off the track and rolled down the embankment, scalding the en gineer and fireman severely. The engineer, Mr. Andrew Glosser, from Columbia, died some two hours after the accident in this city, at the United States Hotel, where they had been con veyed. The fireman is suffering terribly from scalds, and will hardly survive. The conduc tor was also considerably bruised, but not seri ously injured. Some twelve long freight cars ran right on the burning locomotive, and were entirely consumed with their contents, consist ing of sugar, coffee, hardware and a general assortmant of ruerchandize. Word was at once conveyed to this city of the accident, and the Citizen Fire Company were immediately on hand with their splendid Button engine, which was conveyed on trucks to the place of the ac cident. The engine was placed near a small run and with the aid of plenty of hands they poured an immense amount of water through some nine hundred feet of hose, and this quench ed the flames in a short time, enabling the hands to repair the railroad track, which had been destroyed for some sixty feet. The passenger trains were but little delayed. The Superin tendent, Mr. Young, was personally on hand forwarding the repairs, actively assisted by Messrs. Andrew McCullough, Kirk Few and Mason A. Shattuck. It was at first reported that the boiler of the locomotive had exploded, but upon examination of the wreck it was clearly discovered that no part of the locomo tive had exploded, but that the accident was caused by a broken rail, and was one of that kind of accidents that may happen at any time on the beat regulated railroads. Ws.Tan LosT.—A silver English single-case Lever Watch was accidently left in the water closet of the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, yes terday. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it with the, ticket agent, Mr. Burk holder. BY TEI Later from Fortress Monroe A GRAND MILITARY REVIEW The Zouaves under Orders to Advance. The Skirmish at Newport News FORTRIM MoNum, July 6 Before the departure of the Secretary of War yesterday evening, there was a grand review at dinner and other festivities were prolonged to Camp Hamilton, and the firemens' grand a late hour. An alarm occurred at Hampton about midnight, and Gen. Pierce came to the Fortress for an extra supply of ammunition. Strong batteries are being erected by our troops in the direction of New Market bridge. The California Regiment, Col. Bahery, bid fair to be come very popular here. The Col. went to Washington last night. The Zouaves have been under orders to ad vance, but they still remain in camp. Sawyer's projectile, on the Rip Raps, is this afternoon throwing shell at a supposed new bat tery on Sewall's Point. A flag of truce went to Craney Island to-day with a party residing in the South. The following is a correct account of the skirmish at Newport News : Captain Hammel, with 30 men of Col. Hawkins' regiment, while on a reconnoisance on Friday morning, encoun tered a considerable force of Confederate infan try and cavalry. Shots were exchanged, and three of the rebels, including two officers and one private, were killed and seven wounded. Capt. Hammel, unable longer to withstand the large force, withdrew to the camp without loss. A ZIIOAVE ASSASSINATED. EXCITEMENT IN WASHINGTON. Two Disreputable- Houses Burned I=l WASHINGTON, July 6 Last night one of the New York Fire Zouaves was assassinated in front of two notorious hous es near -h Street. No possible clue to the per petrator as been discovered. This afternoon at 3 o'clock several Zouaves and others, went to the tenements above mentioned, entering, broke up and destroyed the furniture, drove the inmates forth and set the houses on fire, and by their conduct prevented fire companies from extinguishing the flames. The homes in consequence were entirely con sumed with their contents. Great excitement prevailed, and the Provost Marshal's force in terfered to restore quiet. Several arrests were made. The battery of the second Rhode Island regi ment experimented with rifle cannons on the Monument grounds this afternoon in such man ner as to elicit warm commendation from all present, including several military engineers. Among the spectators were the President and Governor Sprague. The range of shot was three to four miles. =BEL PRISONERS AT CINCINNATI. • - Caul:Duran, July 6 Lieut. McGowan arrived at Columbus, Ohio, yesterday, with twenty-three Becessioniste from the Kanawha valley, Virginia, taken by Col. Norton's command, as hostage' for the safety of the Union men carried off by the rebel cav alry. They were token to Comp game, ftsam tinting Pm Having procured Steam Power Prams, we are Prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ee tabllehmenthi the country. RATES OF ADVERTISING. itglrFour lines or less constitute one-halt soars. Eig tires or more than (oar constitute a square. salt Square, one day 1015 one week t one m0nth...... ...... three mont hs 3 0,1 • six months 4 0 one year.... 600 tole Square one day 60 if one week. 200 one m0nth. ...... • • ....... . 800 three moriths...,-.1!• 00 Ha - months— .. . ..... : 800 one year 10 00 air-Bwittees notices inserte in the Leazt 0011021 , A._01' befbre Marriages and Deaths,llVE CENTS FEB LIN G or each insertion. NO. 57. *a-Marria g es and Deaths to be +barged es regular advertisements. XXXVIIth Congress—Extra Session. WABRIA L TON, July G. SENATID.-Mr. Harm (N. H.) moved that the Senate proceed to elect =assistant Doorkeeper, which was agreed to. Mr. LANE (Kansas) gave notice'that he should introduce a bill directing, diatom the first of August, 1861, all commandants in the army and navy of the United States, assemble from their several commands court martials, and de fining the jurisdictions of said Courts. On ballot for Assistant . Doorkeeper, 41 votes were cast. Isaac Bassett, 80 ; Charles Jones, 8 ; scattering, 2. Isaac Bassett was declared duly elected. Mr. Wirsox (Mass.) presented the several bills of which he gave notice on Thursday. Mr. Gaimis (Iowa) moved that the bill to promote the efficiency of the army be referred to a special committee of nine Senators. The President of the Senate then announoed the Standing Committees of the body. On Foreign Relations—Messrs. Sumner, Coils mer, Doolittle, Wilmot, Browning, Polk and Breckinridge. On Millitary Affairs and Militia —Messrs. Wilson, King, Baker,Lane, (Indiana,) Line, (Kansas,) Rice and Latham. ' On Finance—Messrs. Fessenden ' Simmons, Sherman, Howe, Hunter, Pearce, Bright and McDougal. On Naval Affairs—Messrs. Hale, Grimes, Foot, Sherman, Thompson, Nicholson, Kennedy and McDougal. On Commerce—Messrs. Chandler, King, Morrill, Wilson, Ten Eyck, Saulsburg and Johnson, (Tennessee.) On Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, Foster, Tea Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, Powell and Cling man. On Post Offices and Post Boade—Messrs. Col lamer, Dixon, Wade, Trumbull," - Hie, Bright and Latham. On Revolutionary Claims--Messrs. King, Chandler, Wilk'nson, Hale and Nesmith. On Public Lands—Messrs. Harlan, Bingham, Clark, Pomeroy, Jolmson, (Tennessee,) Rice and Nesmith. • On Claims—Messrs. Clark, Simmons, Howe, Wilmot, Pomeroy, Polk and. Thompson. On Private Land Claims—Messrs. Harris, Foe ter,-Sumner, Polk and Bayard. On District of Columbia-Meese. Grimes, Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy and Powell. . On Indian Affairs —Messrs. Doolittle, Wil kinson, Foot, Lane, (Kansas) Harlan and Nes with. On Patents and Patent Officu—Messrs. Sim mons, Stunner, Cowan, Thomson and Sauls bury. On Pensions Messrs. Foster s . Bingham, Lane, (Indiana) Howe, Wilmot; Pomeroy cad Saulsbury. - • , On Public Buildings and Public Ground,— Mesas. Foot, Anthony, Chandler, Bright and Kennedy. On Territories---Messrs. • Wade, Wilkingnn, Browning ; Johnson, (Tenn.) and Bragg. On Engrossed Ball 9 Line, (Indisua,) .gorrLll Bud Latium.. -- To audit and comptrol contingent - expenses of Senate—Messrs. Dixon, elfair. and Johnsen, (Tennessee.) On Enrolled Bills—Messm. Bingham, Baker and Saulsbury. - On Pri.uting—llwars. Anthony, Efarlart and Powell. • • On Librafy---Meifo. Osillamer sad Fessendat. After the Executive melon, Mi. WitMOT (Pa.) announced the death of Hon. Geo. N. Scranton, of Pennsylvania, a member of the /louse of Representatives. Mr. W. paid a brief eulogy to the public and private worth of thelleceas4 and at the close offeredthe usual resolutions. After some discussion, the bill of Mr. Wilma to promote the efficiency of the army was re ferred to a committee of nine, via : Messrs. Wilson, Hale, Latham, Sherman, - Powell, Cowan, King, Kennedy and Howe. The other bills were referred to_the Pommit tee on Military Affairs. Mr. POLK (Ms.) presented the credentials of Waldo Johnson, Senator elect from Missouri, who appeared, was qualified and took his seat, A message was received from the President of the United States, and the Senate went into executive session. • HORSE.-11T. WRIGHT, (Pa.) announced in a befitting eulogy the death of his predecessor, Mr. Scranton, who died during the recess of Congress. He offered resolutions of profound regret at his loss, and sympathy for his family, and also that the members of the House wear the usual badge of mourning. Mr. Cousx, (Ind.) also paid an eloquent tribute to the deceased. Messrs. Stratton; (N. J.,) Campbell, (Pa.,) McPherson, (Pa.,) Moorehead (Pa.,) and. Mc- Knight, (Pa.,) followed in - a similar ■train of remark. The resolutions were adopted, and the Rouse adjourned till Monday. Two privates of the First MiChigan regiment went out scouting yesterday without orders. They returned last evening, reporting that they approached within two miles of Fairfax, meet ing a few of the Confederates and fued upon them, "killing one and creating a generai stam pede among their pickets. Another scouting party of the same regiment met with four rebel cavalry near Cloud's mills. The latter seeing them fled, although only two in number and afoot. La Mountain's balloon was brought to Camp McDowell, near Falls Church, to-day. Prepa rations are being made to inflate it. The 3d Minnesota regiment, Col. Howard, arrived here to-day. Lieut. Barringer's artil lery are encamped at the north end of Wash ington street. A dress parade and review of the troops in the brigade was made to-day. Indications of a remarkable degree Of-improve ment in the 6th regiment of hifant r y, w i th Capt. Ricketts' artillery and Capt. ioWe's cav alry. All quiet at camp. GOOD NEWS FROM FRANCE & ENGLAND WeiumoN, July 6. By the last steamer'offinial despatches wets received, giving emphatic assurances that the English and French Governments will fully nr spent the blockade of-the Southern ports, eottou or no cotton, and also that they heartily sym pathize with the Federal Government. A MISTAKE og Tip3lLEszio. Wasiumamoyr, ;Tidy • Yesterday, as a regiment of the rebels was advancing from Fairfax 0. EL, one of their own regimente mistook them for Federal izoope, firod on thug, Wing eight of Qom. FROM A=iAN"Dlilt, Alarmlima., July 6 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers