..... . . _ . e ,, --. P• ' . - • • --..-, • . . . TE I _.... ~_.,.. . • . _ LEGRAPH. ~.. ..",.„„ , _ , 6 •^ • - - --'' . ------- - ; 7 7-__ l 7 ; A i :---- . -1; -.'llllll - • . . BY GEORGE BERGNER. .~#lcDital. eo;jiIiTUTION WATER ! fur. ~ t t ENCWN REhEln FOR DIABETES •t: RATIVE properties of this me. tient tb mselves entirely to the °mous 01 t. ro ty so alto nog the euhutclon ot the st moult tit nc.r, a 1.1 the Maltby pao.Ctyle of the FWD Jo no, t coif o it .o , ogar ho long as the e1!..1/01 is unuer the otawitirt l the Constitution Water • which give those o lotto d nu to reCorer flour healthy one Ito rigor, We are able to state that the CONSTIo IMN WA!. kat has cured every case of mesErss In which alias been given. tßali'A MIS OF THE NECK, OF THE BLADDER, IN- N /0111alloN OF fah: ERIN. Ye, AND Keit F l %IL IL/Dc.ll, A . ltaNtiU altY, AND BUM% INO OR I , II.NFUL For wren of-eases it is truly a SW/00V remedy, and too much ',suet be said lu Its praise. A single dose has beau ittiowL to relieve the most urgent eymptoms ; TRT r, ws s,o or von, in those Gwen, and you , a 11l give your prides lociM I JTUICLII WAMR. UI.cI.fIAIION IA TOO Isinssrs, BLADDrIR AND UnISART PAS• Ufa+, fit,TKolu% us L Alla, MUM or MK PRO& ors tiilebio, b. 1,N2 IN THE kIIADDAR, CALOnlaa, tosiilta, Jinni/DUST Ihrotilre Ann) Mocha DR Wall/ on Alma brrooArtors, errsa Ushunso. I,:ii4se3 all nocurrii.g from one and the Sable cause ebt,rely cured by 1.13 n iguristft 'Wien Dater. I here ;6 Do else of diseases that produce such °Shahs• i;di ie.., Is up di the human constitution as Diabetes and icoe,sca of iDe hidneys, bladder and Unwary Paueagee, tat th rough a false modesty, they are neglected until are so far advatiCed as to be beyond the control of :in4ry remedies, and In a maturity of cases little can acme by the physicians, and we present We, 'CONSTITUTION WATER public with the conviction that It has no equal In ir:ieving the class ol diseases tor which it has been found enueoutly successful to curing; and we trust that we Li ue rewarded for our Mots in placing so valuable 1 . 01111,1 y lu a term to meet the requirements of patient and phy.iclau. For sale by all Druggists. WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN, general agents, No. 46 CIIX Street, New York. mar 3) 6mw IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE; Steam between Ireland and America NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY. ' ABE following new and magnificent first clnee paddle wheel Steamships compose the above lino : ADRIATIC, 6,888 tone burtben... . .Capt. J. Maury. (formerly of the Collius Llne.) HIBERNIA, 4,4 0 tuna burthen, Capt.. N. Prawns. LULU %I Ulft, 9 400 " " It Leitch. ANLiLIA, 4,4U0 " " Nloholecon. PACIFIC,2.BOO 4, " 1. Smith . .. PitIMIY. ALBERT, (Strew,) BALI " I. Walker. Ono of the above shwa will leave New York or Boston altereately every 'Tuesday t irtnight, Tor Galway, carry-. eg thug(' verement mails touching at .t. Johns, N. F. Tns Steamers of ads line nave been constructed with the greatest care, under tae supervision of the govern. meat, have water-tight compartments, and aro oyez , eked for comtbrt, safety and speed by any steamers attiat. They are comminuted by able and eXp.inenced eincers, and every exertion wilt he wade to promote the ibtafort of passengers. An txperieuced nurgeon attached to each ship. RATIN OS mugs. cast-elas3 from N. Y. or Boston to Galway or Liverpool, $lOO .Spoond-class, ~ L.. A 64 70 FirAoclud, tl II to Bt. JOhns, HO itird•olass, .' `, to Galway or Liverpool or any town in Ireland, on a nallway, 84 Third-clam pasaeugers are liberally impelled with pro. Vll3lOllB Or the oust quality, owned and served by the servants of the Ovmpauy. I=l Parties wishing to send for their friends from the old country can obtain tickets from any tom' on n railway, la Ireland. or from tb principal elves of England and :icotiuntt at very low rates. . . Pasaingers for Nuw Yerk, arriving by the Boston Steamers, will be forwarded to new York tree of charge. h'ur paaiage or turtuer 111101'0241011 apply to wAI. H. At the Mace of the Company ou toe when toot of Cana etre t, New YUCti. atik4.lrou HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, Agents. UNION FURNITURE DEPOT. GOULD de CO., 203 arid 205 North Second street, and 145, 147 and 148 Ra ce St., PH ItuADIgIIAPIIIA. [From the Flutladelphla Ledger.] ITNION FURNITURE DEPOT.—Every u Iliad 01 a foamy has a house to 'furnish, aud, no tu..llol' whether nub ur poor, every ono wawa the oast 013 ur her MOLIAY will buy, twit every beam ran be WELL SlidNinkiEle If the tummy Intended tor lb a purpose be carefully expended. feu -eteit way to purchase Is to Bend en order to a audhug llrue, oho have the tacillhos to minufaeture LOA :61 nt We lowest prices. But no matter bow helmet tl,m May be, eud.s , they b,ve the best machinery 1)1.1,..)1 intone awl toe tra.te which will rumple ttiem to u ,. ^ . l ance 1A 1 .' 011 4401 ut Musa ant materials at the .ow. ea pi a%ea, 0 Is ,Uty to 04/001, them to lied as law an a loner t...t.ahliAtuicut. the 'Um RYA SURNITUIth , otatuned., perhaps, the greowest advent/00a to be ,0 - .1,,d and wuere by houatmeepero ; Ito tateutive Ware. 100110, wind' ucCupy a trout of tarn teen an &Gond Ete,t, with use EICISDRXD feet la depth and earrt feet ou ninool, with savour-viva feet depth, are well stored mita 14L18,41V.IrtUlelliigtne boil nude FURNI tux..., of the latuit mkt best styles, which Cannot fall to satiety auy 100,11 y want in that direction. Messrs. GOULU & ell., the propriotoro, have every mattufacturtag facility ItuoWe to the undo, cod any order cutrdeted to them, wataber a 814 y, 4thill or e general assortmeut, at Inhofe ate or re— /ad i, sure to be tilted at the lowest price tor which the vane arLuilk , call DO procured 1111 Y Wciere, and for much fees i au is pvti at sumo places. There Is some sattelas ta..o, too, were 40001.4 orders to them, to Snow that you have ile.aing Olin 10 traaaaCt nilanieati With. ware-thuw R. NEWELL'S P II OTOGRAfiGALLERY Nu. 724 ARCH STREET, PiIIuDIiLPELLA. the I ingest and most complete Galleries In the Ucitiid ?hates, where the best Pictures, known to the Puutegrephic art, are taken at prices nu higher than are pu t t fur met:cable Caricatures. PROPRIETOR, A PRACTICAL tior O OHAMER, attends personally, every si t t I uliows 110 picture to leave the Gallery anima it . n rs poluct ds,tl4lm3loll. 1) ti pet mid Atubretypcia, of absent or deceased Iran is, iliiiiihtrepouil to any required size, or taken on Ciuli , ms, lee size, and painted In iii by the best artists At this L.ll,kry lecturer] can be taken In any weather-- us pa feet w cloudy nays as when the sun shines. t!ersons vieuing the city are respectfully invited to ex amine our competitionepecimues, villich for price and quality defy or instructions given in the art of Photography. It. NP.W.P.U., Gallery or Art, '124 Arch Street, philadelphia. L'OMAILNDATioXs • From lion. Lewis D. Campbell, M. C., Ohio. My family and friends all concur in the opinion that the (Newol9 Picture Is more life-like than anytnti 4 th ey ever saw. My likeness has neon repeatedly taken by deferent Artists In various ways, but I have never yet had one which presents so true to nature, all the Natures and expressions of countenance as this. From Hon. E. Joy inert; late Minister to Italy. The exquisite anistl, beauty and softness of your per uoujomed with their durability of color and faith re , uesi as likenesses, cannot fall to commend them to tbe r ettrmuen and patronage of all who appreciate true at, From Col. James rage. Ilaving Newellon for a ortrit, I procured on from Mr. Ityburt, of thecity a of Fldlade/Phia) ae mia la tare iu tilt tolord, under ths netoprooeu ditoovered by ham, arid ta s te grew. pleasure In expreaung tee $*+111311" given eie not only by the tioollllloy of the liken l4l ess, but its anis& nutish in all respeote, end rea01341 4 0 , 4 , 11 Ithn, to trill the part atr / oolge of those disposed to eueottrane the 01°4' jlO2- . yer J.mas Nast flisLellantuus. PORTER'S PATENT SHOE PLATES GI- CP C 6 X> N IEI alinT NO MORE wearing out of tho soles of Bouts and BLOCS. more tapping to be paid for. No more wet feet from worn s les. No mote running over at the heel nor bide. No more supping upon the Ice. No more slipping iu haying. A few cents pays for a set ; and more than doubles the durability of the Boot or Shoe. Anybody can put 'ham ou. Just the thing for Boots and Shoe. that get hard usage. For local or traveling agendas, addro:ws P. R. PORTER, Waterville, Maine, sole agent for Philadelphia. JOSEPH 0( DERBY at CO., No.BB North Fourth street, Ptilleielph la. Importers and Peal. rs In LBATHER and Sit lE FINEINO:S. All orders promptly attended to. ap24-lyw BIBLES; BIBLES I A large and thoroughly complete stook of BIBLES. COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY From the Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and flues FAMILY BIBLES, Has just been purchased and received from the Fall Trade Sales. Having purchased these at EXTREMELY I.OW RATES, they will be Bold at a very small advance. Please call and examine the stook at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 111 Market. Street. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OP . . LADIES' TRAVELLING AND SHOPP'ING BAGS At all prlces,for Bale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, • - Market Sties : . • • VAN .ENGEN & salmi:tim e Designers and EnoTavers on Wood N. E. CUR. FIFTH & OHESTNITT STS., . Phikaidpkia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Ellghiling with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original cosigns furnished, for Ftne Book Illustrations.; .Persons wishing cuts, by „sending a Photographer Daguerreotype, can have view. of Colleges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Btoves, Patents, &0., engraved as well on per sonal applleation. Fancy Bavelopes, Labels, Bill Readings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, , "engraved in the highest style of ert, and at tue.loweet*Prices. For opeolmexta of fine engraving, see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott & Co., E. H. Butler & Co. eat2b-lya EDIICA.TIONELL. - ACONTROLLING ELEMENT OF NA TIONALITY Is the system of education in a coun try. "In proportion as the encoder* of a government gives force to public opinion, that pUblio opinion should be eniighten ed ."—Washing on's ;treason Adam& To this end the people in general should be educated into a correct and familiar acquaintance with the nature and principles of oar aortrroznent and atoll Institutions. "OUR 00FlittNi&R.bilo An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country, auk a MANI:f el FOR SCHOOLS, 410A.D8M113 AND POPULAR MR," le a work which, with proper historical notices, gives the construction of the provisions of the Othetitution of the United Oaths and of those of thessevival States, as determined by Judicial authority, or derived from stand. and writers, including some rerorenoest so administrative wa and praCtice, so es to show the actual !salting of our general system of Government It is free from specula- tive opinions, conservative In Its tendency, Ind calculated to cultivate the love of our country. 11 has been used to a considerable extent, In the 11ZUO'ATIONOF YOUTH go different states, and is recommended by Jurists, Matednuan end:Prestdents, and Professors ofHolleges.— Priloe $lOO. Sold by M. WHINNET, dal Harrisburg, Pa. THERMOMETERS I TREMMOMETeItS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal. TtiIIitIdOMRTIERS, do do , Drowsed do TnaIthIOMITERS, Distillers Tin Cue, 12 inch. TIIIRMOMaTtIRS, do Brave Bound Double Boale. TaEICEUMETeRS, Union Ouse, 10-12 inch. THERMOMIIMIS, tdttaito Frame 8.10 Mob. THERMOMRTERS, BMW& Walnut Case, 10 lea. TilElild4METEkta, fin Case, 7-8 10 Inob. We have J ust received a Him Ibt br THERkIOIIIIITE R of varloue nylon, and are aelll4 _them Wm. ap3 MELLMIN . DRUG STORE, 91 Market wee OPENING OF SPRING.' AND Eitqaßigia Blank and Second mourning Ditk:Ss CIO 011 b. 454 4 0. mewl, sop. &windup, ants, Pogo Blank Foulards, Slier rad White Dress and Foulard Si Purple and Manx " " 4l Lupin% Crepe Taaanatans, Motutselalnea Delains, 3.4• . a a PIMA °Loth., (new artlole), Lupins Extra Alpacas, Neopolitau Mks and new good., •Parie Mune. Vi/ehoble, Madonna Cloths, Meek and Purple All Wool Dolmans, White and slack 4.11 Wool Detainee. Emellue Cloths, Oahe, Wane.; Oluthmires, Mohair., Partsleaties, silk Warp LOvellia..LyphPa S. 1., SuMbsillisa, 5 4 Crepe De Mapange, Camels Hair Lustre, new goods, trench Shightneyspleadid styles, lingllsh Chintzes, Comeau° Gingham., :ilk Warped slain Black anal; * Lupla's tirenadinee, Croton Cleans. am., me., 61.- • Our moot ot all hinds of BMWS GOODS in Black and Second Mourning,ltos never more complete than now, prices more utvorable to pure halters. Lupo , * square Tblobet Shawls, Cashmere Square Shawls, Lupiti's Long 'I hibbet shawls, Second Mourning Shawls, English Crepe reds, (every size,) Grenada,e ti do longllch ()repo; French Crepes Shrouding fallahmere %Shrouding Flannel; Black Bordered Handherohles, Hd-tiery, Black and Grey Oauntletin, Sleek Oltrcee, (all . kinds,) Black and Lead Colored Hosiery, Plain Black Ribbons. A large stock of English Crepe, Collars and Sleeves. New styes of Second Mourning Sleeves and Whim Notwunatameng the dllaculues in *enuring a Ml assortment in this department we are confident our friends and the public cannot Sul to be pleased._ Sot styles, make a. d price., we can fairly compete with any of the larger eetabliebmente in the east ern cities. CAfRCART & sauraitit, No. 14 market Square, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. W A. CAISOAIcr. T.'l,. Utantaddr, NOTICE TO COUNTERFEITERS. BEREAS several persons have late ly been engaged in countermitlng the names of Members Of Comptes art,l Senators on 'otters and dOeto , menus, notice le here oy given that MUM treats will avail them ['Wang as they will not be race.; t,za.ll, and all uch letters mum be Bent to the Dead Letter OlSoe Wash ington. Seine seven hundred alters are now lying at Lint ounce with counterfeit .ranks on them, end the par s" w ho deal:tatted them had better 6.11 tor them and get them pro,srlymalted . WU'S aolll * m 01 then fraiks can be discovered it will be the duty of the nnderaig ded to have maybe them criminally prosecuted however Wang it dell/ Gb.O. BlilhaNlift, P. 1L - PRUE FatIII nF every deeoription in cam tod auth pubige minute& • nut ..wm. Dock 42.-is. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1861. atiscelicateous. WY. FLINT I WL FLINT 1 WIL A FLINT WIN. FLINT! MEM No. 807 Winn, No. 807 !Dauer, No. 807 maloca, PIELLADILMA, PEILADIO2ii PsuLoiranna PA. . PA. PA. TBEMENDOUS SACRIFICE $lOO,OOO WORTH OF JEWELRY, ALL FOR ONE DOLLMI, EACH. APirge and Splendid Assortment of Jewelry, eonslettng CHAINS ) BRACELETS CAMEO SETS , &C., &C. And all styles of French Plated Chains, Gold and Plated Jewelry. We do not keep or sell any gilt, gifted or galvanized goods. 'Orme la What are sold by the beat Jeweler as Bold Jiiiirelry. We receive our goods from the best Gold Jewelry Banufacturers le the stater, WHO Alta: FOROFD TO BELL. 71110 ARK FORCED TO SKt.L. WHO IRA Funczo WOO ARE FORM TO BELL. The following is only a partialltst of our immense stook. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR • TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR $l. large Slue and Splendid Cameo Sets, General Retail. Priced— ...... SS to 010 Do do Lava do 1010. 80 Do do. Carbuncle do- Bto 80 Do'Ladies , looamelled And Ooral do 710 20 1/0 0 do and Carbuncle do Tto $0 Do do and Ruby do Tto 1$ Do Gold Oldster "Grape Sett log sets do 10 to 80 Do do ; do Vero do do 10 to 12 Do do do Jet Sets do sto 12 Do d 6 Black' Mosaic do 18 to 10 Do -. do Gold-Stone Mosaic do Bto 21 Do do Nile° Sets do sto 82 . Ribbset Twists, with brilliants do oto 8$ Do Boquet Sets, new style do Bto 01 Do Enameled Cluster do do 10 to 2 , Gold Thimbles, do 3to 50 Diairtond Pointed Gold Pens and Ckuses, to 80 ji des. Silver Plated Spoons, ... 2 00 4Stiver Plated Mugs, it . 4 00 Over 1,000 other 0181wilstYles 'Ladles' Jewelry; Mei- Millions, all atilt*patoirokaud sizes; Lockets of every description ; cold bons, le karat, with Silver listen Mon Holder ; Gold Pencils, eleeve But one, Studs & : be, Se, Coral, Lava, Caring and gland Bracelets ; , 4euis i Vest Chains, warranted to wear ten years without changing color, a d .1,111 stand!thi add—they area *bid by Jewelers as solid gold chains—all made in yetis. You can take your choice for E. each. Ladles' and ''Gents! Guard Chitlins, $1 eaoh, werally,sold by Jewelers at from If, to 380 each ; Ladles' and Children's Neck Ciampi, beautiful patterns; Armlets, brilliant, enameled and ruby BettingSi Prossah plain and enameled, l'ot $1 each, retail prices from $6 to 10 each. Every style and variety of Jewelry and desirable goods for $1 each. This Sale, at tee above prices, will continue long enough to sell oil our Immense stook, which 'was pur chased at a great Sacrifice from litanullicturers' Who have roiled, TAKE TOGS 9:10ICE FOR $1 EACH. iIPECIAL Nan= Aparliow.To SEND SL Write your Name, Place of Rasldenoe, County and State,pkain and duttnst, as we can make tusAing out Past marks. 'Seal all tetter with WAX, as Envelopes sealed with gum or wafers coo beelosal bP00 4 4--the oontesnivtaken. out and resealed. Atten to this, and we will be re. sponsible for your money. - INDUCEMSNI'S TO AGENTS. Any person acting ae Agedt, Who will send neat one llme , $lOO, we will give a Mid Ranting Case Watch, extra. sao, 4. 'I Gold Lever watch. E 26, " 1 ' -Silver Wotan. A Klatch ofd the articles seleolad from the above LIM at ON DuLLaR &Ica. Persons ordering by mall must send El and lAcents in postgoestamps. GIVE US A TRIAL. All communisations must oa ...Idresaed to WILLIAM FLINT, No. 80T Market :Area, Jan3o-6mw Philadelphia, Pa. ' PHOTOGRAPHY, In ill its Branches, Executed in the best style known in the art, at C. G. CRANES GALLERY, Ansh Street, Ant of SislA, LOB BM IN OIL AND PANTIL. STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, dm., for Cases, Medallions ins, Rings ' , novl4 wly FLAGS 1 FLAGS 1 MOTE PAPER ;AND ENV SLOPES with 1.1 niationil aaatioa, LATTER eArgii` w•th a view 01 the oliy at Harriett Arg, printed aaa for sale at SCREFFEA'S BOuatiTORIC, 24 Neat Abe Ow' Mars Bndge. • IMPORTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGE.-A very rare bijou received and for gale by as WY. DOCK JR. it CO • Sla .25 An mercl e e fo N el t le p nt artiol b e e of Co had ra:, za per r...at et 111 - 11 85tEM144,413445 . 1Z0 :1 KS 1. OBE. °I FREIGHT. REDUCED. HOWARD HOPE EXPRESS 00. Short and Quick Route to and froi NEW 'YORK. GOODS ORDERED IN THE MORNING BE- . TUNED THE SAME NIGHT. Leave New York at 7) P. M., by Fast Through Ex press Train, arriving In Harrisbarg at 8 A. Y., TF727700'2 ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goodk3, marked via. HOPE =PRIM 00., General office, 74 Broadway, Now York. Branch " 412 " 16 For further information. Inquire of tuna Gkosay BBRGNF. en .1113EILLIZISI. QUINCE, PEAR, CURRANT ,PBAOH, APPLA BLACKBERRY, ORANGE, RABPBBRRY. Jut received from New York cid warranted imper One. MOW] Wm. - DOCK, Jr., &Co. ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OleFiCl6--THIRD STRUT, (SHELL'S BOW,) NEAR MARKWP. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. MR OP HAHILISBITEG, PIEN2e.t. myl2-du PUBLIC NOTICE.—Notioe is hereby given that Wen testamentary on the ecate of Kato. B, • H. Waugh, Late of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin imunty, demaned, having been duty granted to the sub 'bribes who reside in add persona having nialom .dilreanthi againeathe estate of said decedent ire hereby *mated bradvixi the same tO p the nelfseriberit withontdday. . • .„ &Min WH. EWA JotiMaiw _ Ahowicci P1E1r5'331333Et. 0 113 DAILY law LIN E 1 to: 80 mazer, No. 80 No. 1504 mass= Between Philadelphia Legit gaosur, Wzr..usxsroscr, Minnx, . ' tbnowrowx, iWATsoirrows Wall UR% , - NORIUtraBsIII.42ID, (43111r1 i , 'lBOO AO; 0110111GSTOWN ISSZNIVAN auto, kLALIZA; LtaralS, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot belng cesktolli Welted -the Drove will be at the lowest rides: 4 caiduotor goes 1112011101 with ea= tram to attend to me tato delivery of ell goods ',wasted to tea 114 e. Goode delivered at the Depot of BAUD, WARD & FRBBID, No. 11l Mara et Stoat,-Phila. o'eloot P. a, will be c. eilvered . In Harrisburg the next moruin lirreight (*help) tut kr, as by any other .no. Particadar attention paid by thla hue tG prompt and speettydellyery Of. alt .ftrrieoor; ; oode. The underalped Wailful for paievatro t Of hopes by strict attentmn to .buidettes ID mere a oon u -Zee uf th e lams. • • T.: Nile i • Philadelphia, and /width , , t ot, • Jel.7' dem FOG Of garnet dtrea , ti tlz burg. JUST PUBLIS.I.I A MANUAL, OP MILITARY SURGERY OR, HINTS ON THE EMEHOENOIES OP Camp, .and Hospital Praotioe. S. D. (}ROSS, M. PROVISOOR OW SWIRGRWY IP TIM stimanox =Kat coLLIGI PRILADILZBIA. F0r14410 at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. ' noty 24 ESTA'II3.OF W,Di. ii—LOGRAIAN,, DRO'D. 'IODTICE.--411.persone indebted to the IN estate of Win. ki. unionise, deo'd, , wlll Otis• mike istrattnt to the undersigned, and these having on. mends will present theist duly authenticated for settle meat. N. B —The remaining al OCit. of HARDY/ABB, consist hig th'partef Looks, Latch; Binges, Bo.ta, -crews, Car- Pethor 000. Pecand limunistoom, MU. and Circular t-awa, Cork Screws, Brom nd Pewter di, iggote, Weights, Brss-. Illingeseind Bohai Rialors; Ivory Knives and'PiatelPerl4, taae Large Platform I,clock lb gorrloon deities and a va riety of Hardware wawa wtil sold be at a great loss trots Philadelphia pries& JACOB Eli,llnEk, et. . • Surviving Partner. THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMAN ioliolted to our very large stwortment of Athenians= into 'DINIFXII4 of • every else and quality. Gime' Jour/ODD %one, Inlet article manufactured. ' all the different ginas of tifurna Choy's. • Largeetnelortment aerostat in the city. • • thuLvtte,;ftwanowta,aannessmus,ffeady Hemmed AMY everi , thtutin Genial wear, at NVErITEPaIIit SPRINGS - 1101'k,, Cientasur., Cumberland county, Pa, -Tim pro prietors take phateure to announcing that they are now preprell to reoctimOviettora Persons-4011ring a benittly Kaation . tor the sumener will find tble mar ortne mom An. Ilibtful Piddle the country. The water of these springs amok be /surpassed tbr &laming, bathing iti4 MOilleirtat pnrposee. For ItilerMation Mad eiruthire ailtireca WM. H. BURUUUDHS, • D. 0. BOHNkTI', Jeli 2m . Proprietors. .141RiENG13 MUSTARD, English and do- A: meow Pickles, (by the dozen or hundred.) suite to, abut tnl, ttentaup, Sauces and Coachmen ti or avail oe lliyit ‘Wki..Dooii: ADMIN.LSTRATO it'l3 NOTICE. THE undersigned' being appointed Ad -1 mieistrater's of the Estate of tiecno itamakm, dou'd, horeey notify all persona indeb. ed to sand estate to make payments, and those havms claims to present them for settlement. ..Wat. S BUlil.„ hlt WALT PAhtt.E, June 27. 1861-Iwd Administrator's. .:.RE.DVOTION PItIGEB 1 14.11KINGE5, Plain and Figured. ; GAtiGENERia-G, -Plain-and Figured. ALL WOUL , DaLAJNIPI , -; Extra .itylee mid Quality. BEGGa LONG aislAWI, different prioes. ruts eTota.oir fikehrkar ELLAWLd• The prieee in all Um above. Good; en examination, wit) be Mond urower tbanever,” at OATIICART'S, son ,Nari door to the aarrbseurg Bank., Jones : • JOII2I W. Bitowi. 0 '- Y & BROWN BTTORNEY&B.I'.Imitai7 RIBS II R PENN 'A. HAYING., !associated together in the prim) ciao of the Law, yilll attend faithfully anu promptly to all prefessionel-bnetri•ea entrusted to then Moe to Thud mireet three:doors from Market N. Conatutationa in Mnigliah and Berman. KMP:TY Ale4iBSE6-40tallEAD8.—A' large quantity of empty Molasses Barrel s , Hoge ends and , Meat WWI, Iter sale by my 24 - UNDERSIGNED hats or. aned his WlTiMoorner of Third Mx e... berry allay,.near Rarr's Baal. Cry /Amber, of all kinds and quabtlea. tar sale by W. • 9 MURRAY, Thu underaigned will aell Monies, Carriages and bar e= low lbr cash, ALSo—Horsas and Carriage's to`blre atthe game Game marl I`9IA.NIE A. HURRAY, SOHN WALLOWFA,ATIL, Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GUODd AND IdERCILANDISE promptly ttiritardedzbyThiblidelpkila mid Reading, Northam Waal, thuntwOad yalley and Penneylvanla Ballzeads *rid Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the (aileron' Railroad depots wilt be done et the very lowest rates. ' FAIII/4143 remising wet be proniptly.atteaded to.. Orders left at Brant% European Howl, or at the store of IC: S. Zollinger,•will resolve= pretaja attention. Ocin signmenta of fr et reepeetfully solicited. JOIN' WALLA WBeadinggt • ape . • • Depot. GAiLD . ER SEEDS. i t FRESH AND COMPLSTE assortment lust reoelvect eucl Ina sate 07 ebyo dom. OM FRESH ARRIVAL Homily, Bit" Sum o (barn, 4 11 :9“-.19 1 1= 111 12 I v ird utt i te z Aug rsiediedinutfie OLBT 411 1461: • 016 WY. D 0 44.0. ,11,..% N en) 20vertisentrilts. • ; :Adixlebtrator 2e4Bwilr.auu6ne:.ed. 'kraut in the Harrisburg Bang Bank '2li 3 / 3 litations. BANK NOTICE NOTICE, is hereby , given that the under , - • algaeti have named enanietiadta' and prepaid a ...(.Ideate for the purpose of eatanltahl , g a beat of liana, Otaainaut, awl deomit, en .er the prevision, at toe Ad en titled ...ea Ace tayernultAh a. ayeeeta at tree beating la m'anne) IVauia, audio secure the pubdo against loss iron; insolvent Bents," aaproeei the eint dey at march, MO. 1 . 110 JIM. to he ca lea the fau.k of Barletta, ;4 ue Ai oated ln the boroaah of Amirante are county of Lane/m -ks' to consult of a (-sputa! atom ot One auradttd Won- Saba DOlutra to f3harea of Fifty Dellike P etah. and It le bonteniplated to Inareave the Dept id Amt. to the =mud or two Ensured Thousand Dopers. ; Jaaes L. Mal a, GenryliNntan, John Kline, John sAilier o , Jahn W. Clark, B. P. Eagle, Aarom Gable, Doc. J. M. Grove, Samoa Mehaffey, B. F. 11.eatand, . John It. Dlffanueoh, David harry, Thomas Zell, A N. Deseal, John livelier, Barr Spangler, jel2-wftm SANK riCkTIOE. ocrNOTICE is hereby given that the under algaed have forme. an asaostition and prepaid a cam for the purpose of estabilshms a bank of Inoue, disothat and ctepoittlunder tho provisions of the act on kited "an act to e.,Mbil..h syctem of free banking IA Pennsylvania, and to secure the public agitinSt lees from insolvent. Banns," approved the 81st day td March, Ilea The Bank to be called BAN:. OF humurrre, to be le ci oadla the borough of Marietta and county Of laadts ter, to consist of a capital Stock of Ono liundred Thom. and - Dollars, in snares; or Flay Dollars each, and It Is contemplated to Increase the Capital Stock to the amount Of No Hundred Thousand Dollars. -Janus L. Sauna, Herter ittranlinflzt, Juan KUNZ, JOHN limaig, hAnN W. CLAM, EL F. Baena, 6A511, Dna& E. taws, JA2fnn Ulniterrir, B. F. &WUXI; Joan it. Dirinearaiou r Davin Hans; Tucarsa Zaac , A. N. Wilma, Jogs likatuk, BARB. Seasotaß. mar&t.wem NOTICE. OTICRie hereby given that an aseocia ; N non to fortnea tor the purpose of establishing a wawa of Issue, discount and ' de,,cialt natter theliviiriduns of the act establishing a system of Pree Banking In Pennsylvania—said. Bank to be called the "The Mate think of Pennsylvania," to be heated at lfrle, Pa.; with a capital of FIFTY TEE/WAND DULLAOS, wits the pre 'liege of increasing toe . a me to Five Hundred Thousand de26-wom BANK NVI'IUB. frillE President and.Diregtors of the 001- i. umOla Bank .ad. (Mumble hautraster, Gouty. and P.exe of t - enasylvani y worm tb 4114 i -et the nex total.° of the Legislature of awe otaxelonee tens iet of Coaster and AIL exteuelon el prlvilegel of said slawittkith aU the rights and prlvieges nor/enjoyed, for a t.ren' of twee .y years from the expiration of we pros , nt .Charter, with the Caine name, location, and capital of $500,000._. By order, • WM, al:1,AB, Cashier of the Coludrow Bank. June 27th, 1.13131-illt-Weat legal Notkes. NO'fl OE. N the matter of the application to the I Orpttens , Court ol Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, to uecree the specific periormatioe of sae cataracts of ADAM WILLIatt, or Lystens to anatilp, La paid county, aeoes4ea. Tee Oourt oh the eth day of hlay,lllol, mope/sited Beery Petrer, Esq., Cuinrcussoatair to taactesilmuny ad ter thirty days notice by an In.sertion In a newspaper published. In the city of Harrisburg, Pie lu pursuance whereo: node* 18 hereby given to Sarah, Whiter, • widow, and to Joseph, Jacob, Jonas, George, Juan, Meaty and Adam Miner, *Mon Hoffman, and Lydia, noi wilt, t. Burge Shepley and Mary his wile, and Jonas Loadmilager, Huardian of John, Jitlain, and Ma rietta, duld, ea of ilarah , late Whliet, deomeed, who was laterdlarried with Joseph faundetislager, deaeased, that uepo.a.na to be road m evideace on tuo hwarlug of said ease in Wart will be teams Whore said Henry Parr, tan., at lout aloe is South Third strew, in Harrisburg, on TIL/CallaY, the EltitMEN.ll DAY OF JULY, 18(11, tetween the Doers of two and four o'clock on the-attar noon 01 anal day, when and where yon may attend it yuu think paper. WM. T, ftlaa. Attoreey for Joseph Waller and Wm. Hoffman, June 141881.)elaw Adams:ire/art. y ettere testamentary .upon the estate of X./Marie M. Lawrenee, Lae or Merrnourg, Deuphin deceased, having been graded to the widen:ago. ed',Executors in we .ast wi I and testament or add dcp nem, all hereon aiming clamor or iltinauds against add unto nro requested LO Lofts° Into .Yo WO Sabot without delay; sad persona indebted to the add estate wilt Wises, Wilke I woodier e payment to JOHN J. LetilnESOß, Huntingdon, Pa., SAM% .M. LAWnlthltlii; Wt.coir, Ant Co. Pa., libroontort, tir to R. A. Laraberton, Attorney at Law, lILLITLOUIt, Pa. My 294Pir ADMINISTRATOR'S .NOTIOE. • VATHER.EAS letters of Admiaistratioii . WY the MIA, 01 MARGARET dea'd., late of ilmuu,ndorty township, irauplimbonnty, is., nave been giituktt to the a+bcortu r, an pereuua tadebtod to rile Wale are requer Led to make immonste payment, and ..tnaottavin 6 osuma -tweet tlie stiletto of kola deroateti Rlll made Cbe sauke tu.wit witliout 'doLy to juto.ftto Gau.lLJieS, Administrator. • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TRE undersigned Executors of the °elate . . .catu...lrLio+ brIANIC., bac 01 Canewagu tuvriuship, dineatited, hereby noti.TeU persons indebted to liald tate to make platen% qoutied , finely, and ,those hallos claims 10 ',meat fornettlernati. kliTrat AIittEARAM UItiGNXCILER, lacicutors. Jel2-6Lw ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ~TOI'IUJy is heieby' given tliitt letters of Adminuaration on tue Witte Of 4°101.0;14 Foggia, owatsra to erustuo,Osiiptdo Wise nos Cy been grantee totnetionsorioeni. sil peesous row ing elalma against the. Waste, are renowned to Make soon the slams without dotty, and perions kno wing iheinseiSes Inaebted are. recluses/A to maks. insmeduda payinent to the undersigned. ALAI& Flfitihit, - POLLY ml6-* Administrators of es ate of Jonathan fisher. NUTICE.—The Harrisburg Pioneer Pens finial Society, No. 2, have Wen an apptication . a charter of incorpozatiou in the office of the Pro- Menotti/ y o. the Coen of Coffitnon Pleas of Dauphin minty, wrbell will be COuftral ad by the said Court at the Lien regular tam thereof if no sufficient cause be shown to the contrary. my 'l-wit WM. kiIICJIBLL, Prothonotary. ARCH ST. CARPET WAREhOUSE OLDDEN & EIOKNERI 832 AMC ki STAIILET, egiILAUELPRIA. ARE now rece i v i ng for SPRING- TRADE. a splendid hoe of English and American CA.EtrET- Leb.,A, bought at Pardo , Mateo, and to be sold., very, low. Velvet, Masao's, Three-Ply, Mgrain and Venetian, with an immense Btook orlow priced OARPIOIBI3B Gli Goths, orageetsa Mats, &c.; FlftY.PuMoll of Canton ltatesngs, all the. afferentielatrus very cheap. • Parties in Want of ohAriiiitios are remlude d that this stock of Eitskis is very extensive, and as we buy and sell exclusively ler Lana we are prepared to offer goons at vary low.prtces, at Meat 10 per eves. cleaver than any ether house In the raae. ma? 2 SraW A. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. T9close up the am:Learn the entire Stook of Slitdo9, BOWS, ko.,_late of wee r inane doecesei; In the rooms ei tab Market Square • will b e ,eete at private sale at 00ST; sad the vats's mid be rested to the parameter. if desired. The terms- - ' Wei be wade easy. . jeri-dtf DAN'L, 11 Do4,Ag9at,., PRICE ONE CENT filistitiantons. DR . JOHNSON 13..ELICATIINCCPX%.311 LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, sped . •and effectual remedy to the world fdr DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. . wail? ism TO il►Ror Boma. No Morcory or Noxious Drags, ar-A emu WAssuurrar., OR SO Cures, m neat 08. ru Two DalL•ll* Weakeeas or, the. kick of Limb" Strictures, Palm to the Loins, Affection' of the Kidoeye and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decak dem rhyina Pow- sire, Dyspepsia, Languor, LowapiriesOeurtuitou oi demi, fulyltation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling; inners" *taiga or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affechens or, Ins Head, Throat, gum or alio—these terrible since dere arising from the indiecrelion Or Solitary Habits se Youth—those dreadful and destructive pewees melon produce oonsiltutsmati debility, render marriage Impos sible, and destroy Both body and mind. * YOUNG MIN Young loin eepeohdly who have beentoe the clotting Of solitattilioe, that dreadful and itintructiveluibit *mob annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ce young men of the Most wafted Went sod Who might otherwise have ontrasoed intoning Senates with the thunders 4461cm:write, Cr waked bee Way the living lyre, may oat will nal confidence. YARELIGE.: Startled pereookor those emeaddsitlng marrige, toe ing aware of physical weakness, should Immediately OW - nit Dr. J., and be restored to pertain , health. ORGANIC WICASNME harxedtataly cured sod ftd viserratorst. lie *ho places Moiler under the care of Dr. J.., may religiously Gonads in his bozo as a gentleman, and ma, fldeully rely upon his skill as a physician. liirOhlee No. T South hr,oderiolr. street, Bsitimorr, Aid., on the lea band side going from Baltimore street, doors from the corner. Be par Molar In observing the same or number, or you will 'mistake the pima Be per dottier' for ..lsnoranr u ftintp Qwzoks, with aim names, Or.Pdair, litalidittg reOlosta, attracted by the mina don or Dr. Johnson, I urk near EMMilliiMiilailiil DB. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson mbar Of the !loyal Collage of Soriaore, London; 'graduate from one of tne meet eminent Cblietips of theihiltad ntatae, mid the greatest part Ot whose We hie been spent in the lictspeala of London, Paris, Pella. deljdna and eleewhere, hie ollbotedttome of the moat ea. tontithhig owes adt wet°, ever knewn.. Many trade leo with ringing in the eats and head When sieleip, great nor mimeo, being. alarmed at sudden sounds, bastithinees, with frequent blushing, attended /sometimes with derange meat of mind were oared tinmedistely, ' TAXI PARTIOOLLIt NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all Mese who having Inkired them selves by private and Improper Indulymales, that secret and solitary habit which ruins both body and shad, sp atting them for either businessor The.. are oeme.of the mad and melancholy Oil i ii pro duces oy early habits of youth, vls : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Geed, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation 01 Me Heart, Dye. Nervosa Irritability Tieraingement of the Digestive fki. a , General Debility, Symptoms 01 Mummy. tkra, Meorp44,Y, lb. fbariNd effects on the ailed ars mush w be !leaded :—Lcus ct Memory, Oodusioti of Ideas, Le preisiOn of Spirits, ihnl Fbrebodings, &iterates' twice** ty,,Selt-distetutt, Loss of Solitude, Timiditur,Se., are same of daemon alias. Thogettoto 01 poirsolus of all ogee, *Oa noirludge WilA 15 the 045110 or their decline to health; . 10641 their vligur, becomes wait, pale, nervous and emanated, nave a etitsnlar appaaramm about the eyes, cough, and gulp ing of conemnpdon. YoUNch JUIN Who have injured themselves by a oerkin.praodoe, in dolled lu when alone—a habit frequently learned from zomueniona, or at wheel the effect* of wbtob are aightly fel‘ even when asleep, and if nor enrediftenders marriage Impossible, and destroys bow mind and body, should apply immediately. iithat a pity that a young man, the hopes Olt Ms min. try, the darling of his parents; &maid be suatonol mom all prospects and enjoyments of life by the conseettenoes of deviating from toe path of nature, and indulging to a certain secret habit. Sin th persons most, before content plating nietuuwaa, ellinit that a sound naiad and body are Woman necessary ravishes to promote connubial happineak indeed 'without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrlmagm the prospect howl." dartteres to the view; the mind becomes shadowed who despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happinese of another be• CORMS blighted with our own • Da. JOHNSON'S INVIL4ORATJNO REMEDY FOR OR PANIC wewasisa. By this greet and important remedy, Me nknelle Of Pa Organs, are speedily oared, and fall vigor 'motored. Xhorniands or the most nervous and' debilitated wht bad loot all hope, have been immediately . relieved. AO impediments in Marriage, Physical or , Mental Obtqualln. cation, Nervous, Trembling; - Weakness or ltithsulnlon or the Most fearful kind, speedily oared. - TO STRANGER The many *emends Gored at thbsinetiatiort within the last twelve years, and the aumerouw haportata bermes, operations performed by Ih.. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papaw, sad many.othar perailmowdoee which have appeared agile and wile Delors' the putdm, besides Me staraftim as avestientaa auraster sowers spry, 13 a ardholeet . aaantmee to the adlmted. . DIM, • OF IMPRUDENCE, -,When .Me misguided and bipriblent votary .pleasure Stahl he has imbibed , the sows oienne painful diseisigh, It SOR often hoPessi dtai ill.timed sense oor f shams amid of discovery &spa Mtn from applying.to tlioseybo, from education sad "he .spestabillty can &Wee befriend bin; delaying lin the con • etitutional symptoms of this' Boni d Manse 'make War aPPoillsOsei arming 'the ,bead, throe; nose, sou, se., Prlr.eloinB on nighOU rapidity, deeds put a pima to Ilse &maul eufferinge by sending nun wades. bourne from wheece no traveler returns. ' I mei. inclibly rant that thOueands tall victims to this terrible disesee, owing to. the dusicillidnese of !porton pretend ers, who, by ÜBe of Wel deadly petION 1 111Offelfir, mllts the constitution and make the residue of nifeerable. To kIUBIGIRS.—The Doctor's . Inpansuia tang' In hr aloe. jyarLettere must contain a Stamp tone on the reply lkirßemedies sent by Mall. oirNo. 7 south Frederick Meet, Baltimore. aprlil•dawly • 1861. 39 OPENING, 89 OPENING 1861. er SUMMER DRESS GOODS 01 . EMT Dineesnenos. The quad* of the goods fUr Maisie° will bean Wm/- meat to every one to prelim°. The most desirable geode of the season at A greet 11110. rifts. MOZAMBIQUES, . • GRIESALIAS, VALENCL ,92 , OBEPS D'RSPANGS, • 13ERROR ANGLAIS, BROCADE POPLINS, NEAPOUTANS. LAWNS and LAVELLAf are among the liar - ... CA TRaeliT At 8R0TR;14... : Next d oo rr to the ilarriabOit - neon. SKELETON SKIRTS; The largest shooli_or the veryhest mike to' !bend at ceslicalt2l4 Next door to mug- Parasols, Sun Umbieltas and - IfoliMas Wow-Aviv per ceo .14er Spep vizrbe3mr liewhere l alphacßy• CATRO' 4.11T,10314740 21 . r ' ifo..l4,lfarigel Squats, ayes Slit lothelstriatanliknk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers