T TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, GEORGE 13ERGNER. Tiatma.--Ettsaie same". Teraweimi is served le eubsorthlr eo n the ~1,0,01 eg beats per weax, ieariy iii suribers be charged $4.00. WUEI.T TWOLpg AND 901-IVioXiar The TILIGILIPII Isaias published tufo° weelOaring / be Am ong," the beetsdare, el_itliteddy &Whelk. re mainder of !the year, laud PoibMisea tatabooftbers at the 'blowing rata, viz : Rblide Rummes's pow rot Seven Tee Tun MW Or 1111/111 , 47011. t subscribers order the dtammhhalthee of their news• papers, the publisher may Continue to send them until all arrearalteS ore mad. If subscribers netted or refuge to take their seersee. ; from the office 10 whieh they ire directed, they exe res re ponsible until they Ow settled the tolle and ordered disoutinned MILITARY FORCES OF P=ll- 'SYLVACT/A. ALJVTAIIT GENZBAL ' S OFFICS, Harrisburg, May 3, 1861. To the Howe of Representatives of Pennsylvania: In compliance with a resolution of your body, I resepctfully submit the annexed : statements, showing a list of the companies of the militia of this State sworn into the service of the United States, under the requisition of the President; also, the number of companies not accepted which have offered their services. On account of the various channels through which the tender of services has been made it is feared that this information may not be as full as it would have been if application had been made in a more formal manner. The companies mustered into service are all armed, but not equipped, except in a few in stances; uniforms and equipments for the entire force are are being prepared with all possible energy. E. M. Thrm; ) Adjutant General. LIST OF OOSPANIES OF monism 1401 AO CUM WHICH HA VS OFFERED Taint szarrioss UNDER THE CALL OF THE Plllllll4lll Of THE UNITED SrATMI AND THB .NAN. ;OP TEM COUNTY FROM' 19111011 BETH UNDO. H/4.9 BUN lUDs 1. UOVornMellt Guards, Captain Anderson, Pittsburg. . 2. City Guard No. 2, Captain C. F. :Jackson, Pittsburg. 8. Anderson Infantry, Captain Hays, Pitts burg. 4. Allegheny Rangers, Captain H. B. Flem ing, Pittsburg. 5 McKeepsort Union Guards, Captain J. lh K. Snodgrass, 4llegheny county. d. Jefferson Riflemen, Captain R. E. John ston, Allegheny county. 7. Independent 'Ranger's, "Captain John T. McCombs, Allegheny county. 8. Pennsylvania Dragoon, Captain Sahl, Al legheny county. 1). Lawrenceville Union Guards, Captain John 1). Herron, Allegheny county. DI scotch Highland Grenadiers, Captain John Duncan, Allegheny county. Allegheny county., 11. Name not given, Captaioßobert Chester, 12. Blue Rovers, Captain .T. C: Dunn, Alle iheny county. 13. Columbia Legion, Captain John W. Pat terson, Allegheny county. 14. Washington Rifle Guards, David L. Smith, Allegheny ociunty. 15. Pennsylvania Light Guards, Captain W, i; Johnston, Allegheny, oonnt3r. 16. Name not given, Captain Leonard, Alle gheny county. 17. Light Infantry, Captain Hartmeyer, Alle elleuy county. Is. Ringgold Cavalry, Captain Halty, Alle glieny county. 19. Elizabeth Guards, Captain Copeland, Allegheny county, 20. Union Guards, Allegheny county. 21. Keystone Infantry, CaPtain F. M. Bayne, Allegheny r nunty. 2" Duquesne Infantry, Captain John L. Boyd, Allegheny country. 28. Chartiers Valley Guards, Captain Charles Barnes, Allegheny county. 24. Friend Guards, Captain. Brenner, Alle gheny county. 25. Name not given, Captain Themasli. Car roll, Allegheny county. 26. Lafayette Blue*, Captain F. N. Wilkin- son, Allegheny County. 27. Pennsylvania Boyer Guards, Captain James Barr, Allegheny county. 28. Pittsburg Rifles, Captain L. W. Smith, Allegheny county. • 29. Pennsylvania Life Guards, Captain J. L. Williams, Allegheny county. 30. Benton Guards, Captain R. H. Kerr, Allegheny county. 31. Plummer Guards, Captain A. Hay, Alle gheny county. 32. Name not given, Captain Henry Cleaver, Armstrong county. 33. Name not given, Captain CantwAll, Arm strong county. 34. Freeport Guards, Captain B. Dougherty, Armstrong county. 35. Independent Blues, Captain S. M. Jack son, Armstrong county. 36, Cavalry company, Captain S. V. Armstrong company. 37. Name not given, Captain S. V. Lightrass, Armstrong county. 38. Union Guards, Captain Loudon, Butler county. 39. Connoqiaenissings, Captain . „ Butler county. 40. Rangers, Captain Ash, Butler county. 41. Worth Invincibles, Captain. Wallace, Butler county. 44. Three companies, (names not given,)Blo4 ford county, 45. Cavalry company, Captain C. R. Motet ter, Blair county. 46. Cavalry company, Captain U. I. Hamil ton, Blair county. 47. Emmet Guards, Captain P. F. Keis, Blair county. 48. Curwinsville company, Captain Cumin, Blair county. 49. Name not given, Captain G. H. Levan, Blair county. 60. Curtin Guards, Captain W. H. Bible, 1 Blair county. 53. Three companies, Captain By. A. King, Bedford county. 54. One hundred mounted men, Captain W. P. Schell, Bedford county. 55. Name not given, Captain S. P. Morgan, Bedford county. 66. Clearville Blues, Captain Samuel Mail, Bedford county. 57. Bedford Rifles, Captain Lyons, Bedford county. 58. Keystone Rifles, Captain H. Berson, Bea ver county. 59. Brighton Bifles, Captain J. Cuthberson, Beaver county. 60. Curtin limes, Captain M. R. Adams, Bea ver county. 61. Name not giver', Captain J. C. Shearer, Bella county. 62. count y. Name not given f ,Captain B. Der ; Bark a 66. Second Reading Artillery, Captain y. Linhart, Berke county. 64. Name not girl ! Captain pli!irlea I. !crate - ra, Barks county.' 66, Readi l l immoyei s c pss , , Aue nna, Befits g count 6 4. Kelm Miles, Captain S. Boas, Barks county. G 6 . Reading Gaier Juniors, a. W. g , Barka count y. r county. 68 . German Mlles, Captain ••• ~ 4eusis 69 . Seigel' G co uards Beaks unty. 70. Captain D. H. Footar, Bucks connti., 71.0 t 7. Doylestown Grey', aspiapi 61 , 1 11,4191 b . Bad. 91111 =1 4.... 1 I. , l '•,. . . thr , • ' ~. lir - ki . • V''''ll / /.o . .. . . ' .W-- E VI .. . 7 ;.. -it 1:, - J.l =-:•• '... . 'ff s • 11 , 7 41 1 - 1-' ) , ' - - , . . 4111 ,;; . I .! : ~I 1;; .1; , ,: " _, ~ ~,,,, zu oi :._,..t_.,.,_,,-„, ! - -, . 4 -: • -' -__,.- .., '' - • . :. . .;; c., ~ .._._ ...2 2.00 12.00 16.00 ................ VOL. XV. 72. Name not given, Captain H. 0. Johnson; Crawford county, _ . ,' 78. Name not given , Captelia. ,W,. Fisher, , dolumbia county. :^ ; 74. Name not given, Captain F."Sterart . Columbia county. 75. Montour Cavahy, Carttidli B. S. Syming ton, Columbia. comity, ~ , .„.•,• . I 76. Name not given, Citi6tata IL- P._ Ptak/ Columbia ~ 77. liniiitilt . "- d„sitiorrut, Cap tain A. G. Win ' e ' chtuity. 1.78. •un.9n Gal l 4 l l.4llt4ifir lifihtitr4a, Art bon 0 - 014, ..q' „... • , , •., I .. - A,....1 79. Summit Artillery, Captaim.dhaa,•Bitter-4 lin, Catkin enraltf ` ' '. ' -7- ' ' L' 60. &Me *u)t given, Captain M'Connell; Carbon (Aunty. Captain - • 81. Mauch Chtmok Ranger., - C John W..Pryor, Carbon Wanly. ' • . 82. Name ' n' given, CicisriAi - 0:" F; Itayiar, Cheater county.. , . ... , 188. Eaton Glued* Captain. Babe, Mesta Bounty. 84; Nance not *lye:a, CaralmJOhnflaaageh, Calabria cOlUsti• : ~1 ._. ~.,_ _ _,‘,_' I 85. Name . .not given, Capuarr lE. musener, Cambria Mindy. CB6. Name not given, Captain E. stif t etrD ambria county. ,'"- 87. K filante not given, Captain Jeans', .Pot Oamdris county: 88. , ".Natne not given, Captain • ` James P 4 4 6 5" Cambria county. • . : • • • - 89.. Mountain Guards;-Captain W. H. Gard ner, Cainbria bounty. 1 90' Mune not given, Captain E. M. Eiuley, Cambria county • ~ 1 . - . ~ . -91.- Mountaineer - i t , Captain David Mills, Cam: brim county. . . , . • 92. Kirotmitr:Dra . , Katitsthete hor ses') ',Ban; i'Mrair . n'OMtr.. -- -- - " - •-* 93. ' ,readeta, iitikittildn, 'V ox. Clearfield co , 94. Raftanielo•Bangerat Otiftalii:lr446, Clear field countrA r ~ n r " 1 'DSI - eltlithrizion 6 ftetWbeptairilteltrari Dauphin ocamty. - ' - " 96. Kiel Grays, Captain ItPot;al;ccdck, Datv phis County. • : ' f 97. Verbekeltifies,• Captain Nevin, Daupbli clounty. • 88 . PastarY Infantry, ,C!ptail,s • • • • • .... t Dauphin county. ' • 99.. Name not given ; Captain Fully, Debt ware oonnty. • • • • • 100. *by Volunteers, claptairk;... .. '.. • -• I Delaware county, -t •• :, " 101. Name not given;• ...Thomas Is Kane, Elk county. 102, 108, 104, 105, 106; , 107,108. Seven Companies, Colonel J. McLane, .Brie county. , 1 109. Name not given, Captain John -B. Krippa, Fayette•connty.: - • .••••.,. 110 • Fayette. Gruktils, Captain" - Oliphant; Fayette bounty, " ~ •• I 111. Uniogyolunteers, Captain E. Brener, Fayette ocenity. • •.- • c • I 12„ - t ifii.":l34 -tiro teityL r it9.,,,4a A 2 n. l2l.:davalrY: litiginriett; tlenersl. ffitAi i Fay ette county. ~ ~ + I t 2. YougldogeuY-Dlttei, 4 oeptaid Micholl, Fayette county. , ..• • ... 128. Uniontown Volunteers, Captain 2: B. Flippo, Fayette county. • '' • 124. Brownsville Grays, Captain C. L. Cow ner, Fayette ocerty. • • 125. Name nat even, Captain Washington, Franklin county: . 4 128 . Namen°4 l */ Captain . Nr4ertF ll 44 127. Name not i given, • chyptahrt•Dioirinson, Franklin minty:- - __- ll'. IV3..ltaraci hat given, Captain Sillt#V, Frank- lin Na 129.• Name riot given, Captain Campbell, Franklin. county. • lao,isl is* 188, ilx, 185,441 4;) - u s v • -I 1 T 8, 189, 140, 141, 1,0, 148, 144{ IAN ' I46, 147, 148 .' 14 8, Oa!, Reesstattsizbilgiunral Allen, Franklimeouncy. , , ...., ~.: 150. Name not given, ea ftl iu k cisa ,t,.kt .f. u , l l t*n 151. Name not given r Captain' ii:Fi!*y, 1 1 1 31.., ton conty. ' ' . ~- • 152. Name not given, Captain W. L. Grcihb, Chester eounty. 158. Name not given i Caplain '701113. , - S, Pik loon, Chester county. - __- - •. 164. - Warne Gitards, Cap Park ,P.l' 1 1 . , hips, Chester counil; - - ' '_ ' ' 'P ' I. 155, 166, 191, 158; 159, - 14 Six 044111ilegt Names not given, Captain 411111, Clinton county - . 161. Clinton CdtmtY Guitill' i l3sptain I..yrian, ;Clinton county.-"' L' ' ''; ` .. i 162, Stenbim Gruirde, Captain BrOw'ni•ollition county. _ 163'. Itttany Blues, Captain Tolbett,(llhiion :. - , 0:1 tit county. 164. CantroGuards,- 014 tall Gra gi!,011111ion country. .i . •, ' 183 . Clinton -Dragoons, Captain - - Bithagsr, Clinton county. " 166. RW 0011Plori OnPfoln OtupPball; urrcu county. t . • 187, 168,469,110,4711 .17-2i:17 8;474,1761 ,178—One BeginiesitiColonel IVM.I ht-Penkombi Oumberlind tount, J 177: trillon.Gulidii)OsptalikTohini'eambt, toad c o un ty. .., .4., .. , ;.. ;...,.- :. ;t; :,- :,1. ~ t i . ii• 178. Wally: _Company, Captaln•Win. Baugh: man, Cainherhued county. 199. - Ceara °nerd,. Osptdin- J. Irwin Gregg, c... , ...„: Centre comb 180. Scott 1 #5 1 17,9 1 ,04}1, rit N/s.,eff , Hun tingdon-conit .- ' - - 181. Huntin g don ar#4404 , ,,(4904,11A t fi• Harrison, Hiutthigdon - %%l ark • tin ' • 181 One regiment -fa,addithsx from,.-Tini gdon county. ' . -.. . 1 . z• - --; • '-'• 188. Name li b t .leilin"g. J r. A. T'Orte4, PPP ajar a ci7 ' ll4k erw . a Rifir ' 3,, `!' L : J . d ' t e., u-. i in tr cl U ' ,,. t: l :Mird t3aplslnwnl.i p iing., Indiana County. ~_- - ~ ._ : . •! : .. 188.gbreutie not Oiy en, Captain Kano i lLifkison ,111hteiaeghtii dailtihrfitin..V.3llll - Isuacsoter- 00 ,401, - . c ., v . r 188. Niunenoirgive, baitiiiiithdatith, Lames ter county.. :, ,-, ~, . ..- ,i , , i i 180. Union.Guardsi Captain :Dysart ) , Lanare-1 1 90„1!anosater Guards, Captain meter sont anppco 191. W liegion, .thiptaht Barge, 1 Lycoming . county - . • I 142- tettetleliilleaptgo,BwiuMth coming ccrunty. H 0 •01 = &` I :o' l 4 2L intng Nalh ee un i t t . limi t ()14) , . teak . - - - ,II:* .- ' ''.: , 1 104. Packer iiaht iniiii k y, ciiipairNia, andl96. liirhuon, Jr.,-lyoondsg ~ oounty' - A Luzerneel, , _ ght Colh parries, staludg L i 198. Na me not give; Captain John H. Oliva, 4mlo. 11 unty aE otgliien, Caitah t Al l * tionapialra,,,.c apt , g „,b 4tAraii ~.!yr a-D ~.,.......... 1... ..,...1 ... 4.. • • -4 •.,.4:•.1.. •.e,:rb '.2.r.-., CHEM "-INAETANDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." MI PIIIIIMO ismassum HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY G I 1861. „ . . .. • 129. Name. not given, Captain W. C. Shurlock, r kOToc9ootY• .. - AONOkltain Jiokooi ooa . rdo ; coPt al . n:PA O , - t ab,lawremievounty 261'Niune`nOigiv,Ozitain Lantz, Lebanon county ' _ ' g92i-aNiPi nAgiien, C apt a in rent er, Montour nounty_. . - 208. Mime not given, J. J. camber, Montour 4 0 04.3:.. 1164, 1 7 • . ' . • ; • qd Brigade Fourth. Maim' (all the clininiina)* (*4 . , Captain Z: I. Furst, Mifflin .L. 1 •2 44-; Nam eunty not given, Captain VorolovO4ort i l "Acllia-9419rimounty- '. 1 .wn. j!larii6p. Troop, (cavalry,) Captain Gwen ones,. emery coultY. . ' 20 . 4 mast iltiOlesaz Amgen', Captain J. M. GA'oeuicif tirceiPOOALY., . 2 9. bi 1 . P.1"9 0 RP op D9toin 4 . J. Won/or:An' - i*O. • Plea, Captain lime lii'Kean rril . ' 4 mki;knot:gtiyv-e n, . Captain ' Pet er Baldy, , No P m eion j 1 '2.Nanotgiven,captain Dewitt W. Clei ver,,Nehhiunpton county. ' 212 1 same uct_giveri, Captain lit'Cormick, Nor thumbs4land county. , . , 214. oak Guards, Captain , North ' tunAierlfuiLi count ~ . 1 214, *lto Mon ongah ela . Blues, Captain O. H. P. Blacklium, eghejni county. 2 1 6 . yrantaidet POOPollY,.DoPtain D. Arm - ItTollr Ai11114, 0 4 county. , 216. -n . .egGpards, Captain Wm./I. Gorm _ „. , ley, Allegken/ Mlti, . • 12 47 T90bt . g 13 991 ( Guar ds, Captain I. Kunkle, !LllogODO7: 4 =9,roltYr • ' 1; n AY, i Spans mrg&AliitcaPtftin B. Scanlan, A-ne gelay, e1., 1 114. • 24.9.ogilignia, Greene, Captain P. Kane, A ll a- AAliwtcountYt • • • 220, Alpiuncf Guards, Captain Hugh Fulton, Aligglap,A7.ooul4. • ; 221. Montgomery Guards, Captain Maurice *WOO. A..eifielli.countY. 4 , ,.. , ....f Captain H. C. Mac k eit.typtiliti.• , , . Salim:Laic/win CaptainJno. Myna Al legheny county. . , . Andarann Infantry, Captain Alexander &Ott, Allegheny count , . • • 225. National, Guio44aptain Nizem Milts, Allegheny county. - 228'. hiarlUiiiiteers, Captain Jolm Murphy, Allegtenyvonnty, • • .228:hlfurnaee Guards, Captain J. C. Hull, Alle gheny county.,. , 228. Velma.Towiishiplliflemen,Captain Thos. Gibson, Jr., Allegheny county: - . 2299:- . .8t.-Clairiluailki,'Caphdn Thos. Espy, Al leghe,'tioliiity. . ' • , 14 230! ' 'Fireniazirs'Home Guard, Captain H. W. Giginnin,aAlliigiteU y co . ; 28 1 ' 'One 'llegiMent; Captain Thos. J. Worrall, Philadelphia: ' '282.. on, Regiment pinertcan Rangers, Cali fisttig3l:ll:-Vair4., •Phltwiolptd",..~34”. - . " 1 Tvici• Companies, Captain Howard Ellis Philadelphia county. .. - - ' j 234. Germantown d-nardsi. Captain iltdmas Meredith; Ph:ll'l64lo:6a county. . 286. One Reginient,-(cavalry and artillery,) Ca titiAAWlck,..Philadelphis county. ' 4 , ,Fran ;Light Infantry, Captain Duf ii - Xhi4ilof _ ..o.lNiitY. 28 • 4 1 4 , ~ . earl , Captain Woo, Mt* i k pfAii Offoolit, .-' : i I__ . - ' 2B lk• Name LltOksfveircoPtaill Col. DoKorPo• 289. Afiji ..- Ala: °9l/ 1 /tY- - ntatunliciri of, 4 hundred men, E. J. ChOrMinaldladel,pida county. . 240. lteatiGuards; Captain W. J. Byrne, Plallseiti)phia •ennia,iy, , - 241: One Regiment, Colonel Einatein, Phila- Idelphia county., 242. Young Guards, Captain Charles W. Illorbridge, Philadelphia county. j 248. Curtin Infantry, Captain H. G. Siekela, Philadelphia county. • .244: tWistar's Light Cavalry, Captain Wistar, 'Philadelphia county. 246. Union, Infantry, S. W. Eller, Philadel !Ala county. 1 246. Union Infantry, Captain Morris Mara .ditki, • Pldbuttdphia county. 247. FiveCompanies,Captati ld'lnqre, Perry county. : 248. - . - Ickes - burg Light Infantry, Captain B. E. Duffield,. Perry county. ~. - 249. Ickssliurg Lig•ht • Infantry; criptain W. G. Bunwell, Schuylkill county. I . t i2g i ackltturg= 4 l , r i t t l; . y ? Captain- W„ 261. Fremont Union Unlade, Captain C. D. BlPit illild . Gds: p 'n Yoseph Anthony, Behnylkill (malty. 268. Ringgold Rifles. • 264. -First' Troop, Captain E. K. Erhart, county. . 266. WetheriE Rifles. 268. German Company, Captain Sohops, Schuylkill eonnty. 267. Namenotgiyan, Brigadier General C. M. Queer, Sap/shamus comity. . 258. Namenot zniDaptain,D. C. Z. Dim rock, Susquehanna zolualp • . 259. Name notlirroni Gaptitin W. H. Kont,z 1219MAdiaticolusty. r-1,;" 17 260. Name not given Captain N. G. Schefffin, 261:1uunsigunk Cavalry, 'Hogs county. Union 262 • a 44 4 4 1 1 . 4 1, GAO* Thera Orwig, IS& litafte not threw ; Captain Judge Denikson, Venaiiva Naine not given, Captain E. Dimmick, t2lEdazurt il • , ;crifillidii,.tiptaiii , W. a •Oslo- Aari, WIE III2 OOI. neuntY. • 266. Moupt Jackson Guards, Captain H. a, Danforth on county. ..4114014 Pakralry,Raptain Keys, Wash • ; . late.sTgavalry . and Infantry, A:Ma* Captaiss lmer 21tiuftli3ng Infaitcy, 0404111.:irs16": Washington county. t: 271. 271. Nsunsnagisen,CaptainF. Van Stewart, Wastmcusland county. '2791:' Walthington Blues, Captain FrAd o on ElPires, Weitmorehtrid county. . Westt Newton Guards, Cap:aran A. O. Wastansmland county. 274: Ninienet given, daptaiA 'andel Kistler, Westmoreland county. tn. Bifintre coniPTYI: INitain S. H. Mann, OM sow Raw Captain A. K. Lewis, York l'tqlll/111, Captain a. thirthier, ztotir: 'Captain Boy Stow War; zatroinusty. • ' • • SZEL • ITAPRMA elgok CaPtida. Roubaix la; minty. • . 41104.0 Wallas Buyer" , eactsio, Winter aslocticortott 4fi2w 3.4 ISE • 281. Willson Guards, Captain George J. Whitney, Warren eOtintl -282. Ildiouteßifies, CaptainH. C. Lott,Wir re293n 6 : u"n 'll t clitrota Cavalry;Captain 37 R. Hunter, Warren county. . • LW . OF COIRVILIiq OF THY lIILFF4 OF PINFISILVA NIA SWORN INTO TUN litohos OF Taw =Vito rumplaitavni vamunium OP ads mud'. • ' April 18, 1861. Captain htEnight, Ringgold Artillery, Iliad mg. Barks county.., Captain Thames enger, Allen InfantrY, Al lentown, i f.elfgh county. - - Captdin "J'. - M. Power, Johnstown Cadets, Johnstewn, , Hiumbria 001111 tY• 01114 1 4 Hational,Light lnfanq i tty, Potll64le, Schuylkill county, Captain Henry Aralung, Pittsburg ftfiln - CoMpany, Pittsburg, , Alleglieny county. • Captain James:Wren, Washington Artillery, Pottaville, Schuylkill county. April 20 ,. 1861. Captain film in Franklin, Lancaster Fermi 'Wes, Lancaster county. Captain William H. °angler, Union Rifles, Allentown, Lehigh county. Captain `James Bell, Tyrone Artillery, Ty rone, Blair county. , Captain J. M. Ryder, Chuneron;Guards„Har risburg, Dauphin county. Captain john B. Mitchell, Bellefonte Fend blot, BellefOnte,Ventre 'county. ' • • Captain Henry A. Hambright, Jackson Ri fles, Lancaster county. Captain Peter B. Houtitun i Chambers Artil lery, company A,' Cha.mbersburg, Franklin corm Captain James' L, Selfridge. Washington Greys, Bethlehem, Northampton county. Captain Henry D. Woodruff, Independent In tfantry, Bloomfield, Perry, connti. Captain' Charles Heckman, ' Scott Gimes, .Easton, Northampton connty. Captain .George W. Alexander, Reading Ar tillery, Reading, Beaks county, Captain Thomas Lalialey; Johnstown In: fantry, johnittown, Catibfia, county: Captain Benjamin H. Sweeney,. West Cheater *gas, Walt Chester, Chester cou4i i ty. Captain Jacob Logan Altoona; Blair county.. Captain John boefter,-Chambers Artillery,' ;company B, Chambersburg,.Franklin county. Captain William B. .Sipes, State Capital :Guards, Harrisburg, Dauphin county. Captaiii Josiah I. Lawson, Higley Zottavag; East Liberty; Allegheny bounty. Captain William H. Armstrong, Easton In vincibles, Easton, .I,lorthampton county. Captain John It. Ti!' Farland, Hollidaysburg Pencil:UT, Hollidaysburg, Blair County. Captain Alexander M. Floyd, Juniata Silks, Hollidaysburg, Blair county. ' Captain William. L. Neff, Wayne Guards, Williamsburg, Blair county. , Captain nomas' *with, Shawnee Guards, ; Columbia; Lancaster/ county. A• : Captain John! P. i3nton, Citiam Guards, JohnstOwn, Cambria county. Captain Jacob Dtiohrodt, Citlien Artillery, !Easton, Northamptck county. I Captain Ferdinand Bell, National Guards, Easton; Northampton county . " - Captain Jamits•G. Elder, "Union Artillery, St. 'Thomas, Franklin county. . U. S. Zouaves, Pittsburg, Allegheny county. Union Rifles, Delaware county. Turner Rifles, Pittsburg, Allegheny connty. Union Light Infantry; Union, Union coginty. Lewisburg- Infantry, Union county. , State. Guards. .4,pril 21 ; 1861 Wyoming Artillery, Lucerne, county. Captain F. B. Medier,Soitt Artillery, Schuyl kill Bnyen Schttylkill con*: • Captain La*mace,'Ringgold • Rifles, Ill nentvills, Schuylkill county. . Captain Taylor, Norris City Rifles, com pany A., Montgomery county. Captain William Allehaugh, National A;xtil lery, company A., Montgomery county: • Captain William S. Bolton, Wayne Artillt try, Montgomery county. r • Wilier H. Cooke, Norris City Rib*, coni riy D.,' ktOnignmery county. • Captain George Aloey, Keystone Rilles,l4o ata gornery county. . Captain A. a ,Pkydm, reee Guards, Mont gome countY. . Captain Reuben T. &hall, National Artillery, company B; Montgomery county. John IL Brooke, Madison_Guards, Mo:atgomel ry county. daptain Miller, Standing Stone •uGards Huntlngdon county. Ofirkildll William Hower, Mien/villa Minersville, Schuylkill county. ,paptain John Ulrich, Lebanon Gunrde,,Laba non, Let:mut:Si County. - Captain James Brannan, Columliia In Autry' ? Glen Carbon, Sohuyllcill-aounty. • - April 22,1861: Captain James Carroll, -Weald :c o: a Rifles, Wilznore, Cambria county. Captain Henry Bum Wain, Mifflin county. Captain FiancisP: Robs Allegheny county! - • ~ • Captain Robert liVrailaral,Carnerou Infantry Captain. -John - E. ''Vrineoop,' - .A.alill4d' - • • • Ciptitn l'olinkK, Reigfried; Maritin Mit; Port Carbon; gichuyik . l county." • Captain William Briiitaine,, 'Wyoming Light Cragodhs, !tisane county'. Captain Joseph Gerard; Mitt' Pennsilimulia Zouava: Pittaburg, Anaemia y county." • CaPiatlx Willlatri'fflreell, Imply Mpines,Airia CisPer *liang, Allegheny Itilea, Al legheny city, ; : allegneny county. CaPtain. l L-R.-Kanibrua4-Fort Clin ton Artil lery, Pod Clinton, ScluaYlla, coun ty.. ' twin biance , Stewellyn ocrAnylkill,Schuilkilt Count - Y. Captain William S Troliffle; "Prttsbtug In incrblea; bbljnif• * I CaPtkriemaipie Tciwer, Tower Givirde, - Kohsvare, Sdiuylkfll county. 4 ' l 1? TYaniol~ Na gle, Nagle Guards, - SchnirWcilr county. CaPtain John.. Gi ig, Anderson Greys, corn PanY 31 ,; - blanch Carbon county. captain T 1 onny3 Wilherm ,Anderaon noinpani<C., Mali& Chl4l, 11 .0 - o; lo n,do l 4.tir • Captain,V*Z. ClnUe.r An,40 1 " g te r;Pr - WY A-, /Guilt C4u4I:C4IP county.:P - April 23,1861; n.: r.;, .: . _ • CaPtain. Albert .11ightiineyer, Reading Riflea,- Reading., Seili s - cc lujity. ' Ceptaln lettae Shiveddr, , Wallington --21rt1 3 /40:411idhig,"Beikit cbta -,..,411 :-.... .. ....- 1 , - 1, ;;....._ ;°04 0 144 in.... .__'tiebigeWEE , Ten l2ll 3 4 4, itl r' interyl mathi c ie B e a * t o thits,.,... ...:!..4_, . •404 ! A 40 4 ,0 M flan' IV RiefillAi, WYrinft,,, betrf,, ' ' ' ,- ..*lariretiabtolnelk.- ' ' .l • , xt i am:: .0: a.:1:.1! ahg,.-1 t• 1 =, Copt** Munrice Wallace, Soott Legion. Captsin William Tiovillo, Pittsburg Inviu ;Ales, Pitttabutg, Allegheny cotit4r. • Captila John- ZUsanno Quark La :seine county. Captain. lireng - H. Bennet, Washington Light, Schuylkill Couutt. - • • Chiptctiellidry. Poeiby,-; &wanton Union Volunteers, , Seritnton, Lamm county.. , captain liatthow Ausul.ilKlLYstene ( M.& M Y Ptain l rifitin" pf . ' SI trailif," l 6ibligtOn ren pibles,•Luserne oionnty. • .. • • • • :•• Captain John=-B: Jolunlonjitteton Vobni iteeD3, /mem vounty„ Cap tain Christian Kuhn, SUOniar Rifle ctoW kainr,Viirlittle, Clinabarbind comity. Captain- Wil li am B. Runts,- Williamsport iftirlee, Williamsport, Lyccaning dountp. '4 1 400 11 4cokßeFtehl- A captain 'nada, 0-lituimaancitaity GUM* Sunbury, Northpnbarland Captain ;Henry , BAtetwaiffs, Union Blue., gheatar, Delawana county: April 24, 1861'. Captain William B. Leto, Scott ItMes,Tama qua, Schuylkill county. captain James A. Congdon, itariatAa, Came- TOII Qpards, Marietta, lancaiter county. Captain' - Richard 'Coulter, Westmoreland Guards,- Gresiisilurgi • Wastriibreland county. . Captain HenrylEGan,tiationtlQuards, cum - . patty A.,West Chester Chester county. , Captain GeOrtreb:*and; Allentown - laid Ca tailaqua.-Riftea, Allenteirn, Lehigh county. • -Captain Ricitard Gruff., Esatou Jeagers, Fasten, Northarapten eoanty. • , Captain Edward Fame, Wetherill Rifle com pally, St. . Clair; - S4tifikill. cdtuity. Captain' John C.' IN3dite, Woodward Guards, WilliatusportvLycoming county. Captain John M. .IkamuuN firady.Artillery, Mrincy, lecoroing county. . Captain Henry ..c,Heine's, Maytowit ariftuitry, Maytduin,-Eancaster courtV.'. Captain JaraessY. Andrels: !National Guards, company Wedoheatert.C4!fer countY. Captain Samuel - Hitty, Jr„. National ainipany C., Weatdeate'r, Clibettif•county: • eaptatelliomai Holland ; Mak Clointy✓Rifles, .Stair county..: . . ( Captain William. (.I..Gi.l4gher,*eadt! Guard , littsbUr& Allf;gbany conlati• Captain John H. Stover, Outfit Gtutrds; ißellefonte, ‘ Cei - iffe - anni*. -`• Captain 011ristian-Sity . det,L ltlaquippa - Rifle Company,:ldasesport, Allegheny, county. . April 20; 1881. Captain lianniel.A. Jackson hide pendent Muss, Pittsburg, Allegheny county. Captain John H. Stewart, Fireman's Legion, Pittsburg, Alegheny comity:: Captain 'Avner, U. S.' Zonave Cadera;sPittabing,:dlleghbnylcounty. . : Captain pareipt.4asure,, Lawrence Guards,. Company A. New Castle, Lawrence county. Captainld 'O'Brien; Lawrence sGuails, Company B New tie, La w rence county J : Captain ohn B. ,Kannedy, Drumeno,Grays, Company. 4, P.litti/Pikrgi 4 1 WtkenY county- . oiipkaan. James Armstiong, Washington , WitshiAittbilCount': 'COMM A. Tonilinsbni, unicin Gmlirds,.Pittsburg, Allegheny.eounty. Rot** ~T- ; Ipippgahila Artillery, siOnongahela; Allegheny . county; tiiptairi' MOM • R. 'Monter Weshingion 'ln fantry, 'Compaly Pittsburg,.; Allegheny ocroaty. • _ , .Captain Joseph Brown, Kegley ()filets, Pitts burg county. .Captain ' John B. id' Fall:old, Washington infantry, , Companly it, Pittsburg, Allegheny Captain John W. Patterson, Union Cadets, ' Birmingham, Allegheny dottay.". Captain -William 'A. Oharltm, Fort Pitt Giards, Pittsburgoilleglieny. county. : Captain_ Jacob. Zeigler, ~Butler County Blues, Butler, Butleecounty. CaptainVillinaldays, WaiOlington'bgantry, Company C, Pittsburg, Allegheny bounty. 26, 1861 -Captain Alfrtxl Dart,Ctiriorindale City Guards Carbondale, Schuylkill county. eaPtah; Edmundgf. Savage, Washington Rifle I Con/PanSr• „kwistown Llaa countY• Captain Henry L. ilecointell; Biddle'Guards, linntingdon, Huntingdon. county. j Captain George W. • Easley,Atilegiony Guards, ' Johnstown, Cam county Captain AdolpTaus W. Bolenitui ' Staub** GuardS, Unwind, lancistet cority. -Captain William' MI- M'Clirre, Manville Rifles, Dan.ville, Montour county. _ Captain James Crowther, Tyrone Cavalry, Tyrone, Blair county: ' Captain George .T. 'Hi,gigirui, Jackson 'Guards, Transom, Schuylkill county. Captain Jecaph Anthony,, Union Guards, Pottsville, , Schuylkill county . Captain Amor A. M'Knight, Brockville Ride; Company A, Etiookville,lefferson oounty. Captain' William W. Wise,llßrookville Rifle; Comps y AKankvillg, Jefferson , , county. Captain Benjamin K. Jacipica, Lock Haven Artillery, -Loblelltiirea; Clinton dainty; • ' Captain Tan %tilt& Guards, Beg ford,. Bedford - county: 4 ' • 4 t ARA 2 1861 - ' Captain-Chdttan Robinson, Lackawanna Rt" flea; Scranton; Schuylkill county. Captain. Franklin T. Hennett, Schuylkill Guards, lirmeriville, Schuylkill county. Captain Solomon Stunner, Pittston Artifice; ista, Pittston,_LUsenleounty • . ; Captain., John W. Johnston, Ridge Rraigart, youngstoWn; Wititannallind - county. Captain Sanatel T:ltraichand, 'North Hunt- ingdon Glardi r Jacksonville,.; Westmoreland oomty. - ' Captain Oscar COlumbis Danville, Montour county. 'Captain" William , Wirilack, - Wyncixop- Silvet Creek/. SchnylkilLoounty., Captain Drava .A. Griffith, Union Guards+, Reading, 13eritsuounq, , C i aptain raiin Boland , uquesne Gi l a Y ak com pany .1 . 3.; Tittalatig, iidlegheny county. - ' - .Ariz , 29, 1 861. ; Captran Denny City Guild,' Pittsburg,- Al legheny County. 2 • April 80,1861.: T aptain Soeeph Soliziatcrn, , Union Quaida,•,Pe teraburg,irientingdon ofnaktY, Captain . Philip Geuther, Gorman Lii‘ht In fantry, Taini4da,'Seldylicill'eatulty. Captain Stephen N. Bradford; ' -Seyetone Guards, SerantagchlittiterFotatty. - ilenningtoLafayette Rl flee, 8t 4 :9 111 i4- B autikill county..:; . York —C114444 " C A (s "l , a 4f g , ) An'iL /oe*; coluilar. • Wciith - inhhirjr, 713fitijpg16301) - • I,ollpridtklilyne. •Maric94z4;01.41.8,1•31,9* -41100'.., ‘ • - • B O tidif eS 414idinf / • if • Sham n0t.i..1! , :,,5*4 saving procured !!team Power Pronto , we eao prepared to enema JOB sad BOOS P 511199010 of eery description, cheaper that It ma be dose at any taker Oa tabilohrnentin the oouotry RAM utc..111191X13. igriour lime or lea oonatitute otaball slur, If* aces or more than roar co stoats a atiserth. . siatioars, one day. 6 Go. • •••• 6• 6 • . .pt b one week .............. ........t 00 one unentli. ........ ......•• • u th ree maw; .... S OO t six months 4 0 oao yler u .. 000 ton* Square one day SO dt One week.— 9 00 It one mouth ..... ... . .... ei.... • u S 0 u three moths • 04 .. six months.— . . • OD e one year .. ... ...... .. ... .10 Oe orßustnore nodal Iniertel In the — Leeat eseeL of belbre Marriages sad Deaths, Fru ostapl liza um or each tosertioa. f ! Wilarliages NA Meats to be °barged ea perdu NO, 4 Captain - Timodiite' D.- Coebraarlovir. Told gums, York county . . • Zia#2,'/564 • Captain William W. Doylestown Guards, Doylestown, Buck" %Pen_ ,t/a_ CaPtabl Datfi W. gatterka..PNICIMWRRY Infantry : Ulm: A ste r , I.anewster mant a Captain H. IL Bowed, Kayittone try. • Captain Anthony *own, White Haven La tem C a P tatai J4ln •N i ffirit Verb* RitS•,_49 l o l- burg, -Dauphin cibunty. Captain Thomas *govern, Nagle Tight Ia- Captain Alexander Bobb, Mart!naburg is &DAV Caphiid John C. Shearer, Keystone Infantry. Captain • Henry WCormiak, Loohiel Greys, lharislung, Dauphin county. - •I'he Wolfing Regiments of the First , Philadelphia City, have been mustered into the 'seriloe•of the United States. No reports of the names of Captains and rem nitrating the same have bemf nap at this of fice: First Bagbnent, Artillery, Plot Erigads, Ire Division Pennsylvania Vo lunteers: . Colonel-F. E. Patterson. .Lisut. . Mrpor-Wfilhluir - A:Leecli: 2. - Secondt*imant, Wintry, Thst Mods, Eist IDivisionPennsylvania Volunteers. cokna--,Mithop P..TAwis• _ . . Lieut. Wond--Cluirles nhulut. - Major-Alezander 3. Second Regiment; Infantry, nit Brigule, First Division Prairutylyania yoluuteal. Wand l -Peter Lyle. Lieut. CdonelDe Witt C. Baxter. AliVoi-.1. W. 'Frits. 4. Fourth Regiment, Infantry, First Brigade, First Division Pennsylvania Volunteers. Woad-William H. Gray. Lieut. Wond-George Moore. Major-Andrew H. 'lippen. 6. Rifle Regiment; First Brigade, First Pennsylvania Volunteers. Woad-John F. Ballier. Lind. Colonot -Charles Fmlirlvier. Major-Adolph Mahler. 6'. Semmdllegiment, Infantry, Secondlhigade, First Division Pennsylvania' Volunteers. (,bland--P. ; W. Conro,l. Corand-:D. Heenan. Major-J. 0. Kane. 7. First Regiment,' Infantry, Third Mods, First Divislori-Pennsylvania Volunteers. Cbknel -Turner G. Moorehead. Lieut. Wand-William L. Curry. Major-G..P. McLean. 8. First 14ginient, Artillery, Third Brigade, That Division Pennsylvania Volunteers. a/and-Charles P. Dare. • . Lieut. Coiond 7 -David B. Birney. Mayor-Deurgsrcnisly 11/ 7 -resigned. . From our Sunday IditlOn: THE WAR FOR THE UNION, latest from Baltimore. DEFEAT OF THE PUBLIC SAETT MIL FROM WMIINGTON. Interview between the . Preeblept and a Qopunittee of, the MeityW. Legiaature. . • MY ADMIT • T , RIO RIGHT •A ND ,WER OP THE (vviniffliEbrr IY) BRING TROOPS THROUGH' BALTIMORE. No Resistance to the Fedmi thorities Apprehended. , THE PRESIDENT'S NO COMMISSIONERS FROM THE CONFED ERATE STATES - PRESENTED BEFORE THE FRENCH• COURT: INSTRUCTIONS TO THE MINIM TER TO ZRANCE. WasermeerOu Aftty It is ascertained that the Committal:Lot I,* Maryland Legislature, in their inthi•Vieir, with the President this morning; admitted both the right and power of the . Goverlinient. to:. bring -troops through Bestinuire or the Steel Ind .to take,any measures for the public eig in th e discretion of the President, he e mended, either by deturd' or reitetine tipltni prebehtlell'exigeneres .. .;,, • ' They expressed- their , •belief that nn lame :dieter. effort at secession or resistance of:gedllno authority would he Attempted by the VI tare dr State eutborities, and askedlluit ' view the State thetrid as long Mt imeliblei be spared. the (wile of military oecatiges mere revengeful cbaatisement for fonnur pens greesion. The President replied that theiretigg esakaie nitd representations should be dulrticinsidited, but-that he should now say no more tharethet the public interest, and not any , spirit, of.re verge, would actuate his measures. lite Government 'hart been offibially advieed that at the latest dates no Commirdoners front the .oonfederate,rStateii had ;presented them selves at, the h'rench,Court. The State Ilepart meat has instructed: new Minister; ad*. 'Lliytoti; to eipliqtlylnthe harm° to the French Governmenti'•that shore is not now, Roe/al' theretheeny nor will: _there be any or 0. 8 ,4411 it existing, in this Government , oft,gerbma dissolution of the Union, to WO hilly way whatever. Later from &lOW*. The:Public Safety.Billiathe: Legidatgit.:Nliated,' Nothing bis been tieerdfrem. Fzedmicii tills morning, but private parties protein to, bimk.M firmition of .the . defeat of; the 1 2 .01id - liabil etdo'repiitiallitt 4 he 4-Pwatiiicriliveltitit6filtheike to ;. e haters* ikretiitteitipvtiiimeiStrasbilb NeThe seiiimentihire tiverggetreMATAo* thrtzmigBl% : J 1 , 1 ENIE Etlei '"Aimms, 1 4, A EMI BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers