bbliant fait* navies prooared Weis Pewee Presses, we are N r.tuti to execute JOB gild BOOK lace at any other CZ 'IIIIOIIID the country ItATES ----- ur out mdtTISINU. Q's 1 cur Cues or less constitute one-halt solar& Eli .• ,r more than four constitute a square. tit': Square one day .. . ... . • • • " one week.. , one month. three montne.. - six months..., one year • . • • •• toto -4uare one day.. ..... • week ........ I: 00 ' one ,:me MOnth.,. . 3 Ou ii• roe months— ..... .......... . 6 00 ~ ix menthe.... ......... ........ 00 one year 10 00 earßuoinees notices Inserted in the Local column, or i eforo Marriages and Peatbe, FIVE CENTS PER LINE or sash lo,erttou. w bf“rriagio. and Deaths to bo charged as regular ittiverti,lnents. • AM filiztellantans Dr. D. W. 3ONTis HAGERSTOWN, MD dAFFICE in his own dwelling, a few 1, j dome West of the Franklin Railroad Depot, where be may be consulted oa all diseases, but more particu lars on Diseases of a private nature. There are many persons in Hagerstown, Harrisburg and elsewhere, woo bare been restored to sound health after all ether treat ment tailed, by the use of his powerful vegetable remo 0. Dr. JONES may be continued personally or by letter,de .cribing every symptoms. And medicine sent to any part of the country. Any aftlletesd person that will ca// personally and makes bargain with Dr. JONES, he will beep them In his own dwelling, and If not cured no pay ,clll be required. GONORRHEA. Dr. JONES oilers the only safe and certain remedy for Gonorrhea, Cleat, Sirloin's, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, and all Derangements or the Stomach. This preparation will cure Gonorrhea In frcm three to five days, and can be had at any time of Dr. JONES, at his ot. hce, at One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle Is sufacient w cure a mild case. SYPHILIS. This Is one of the worst of all diseases. Dr. JONSH pledges himself to cure Syphilis in Its wont forme. Thin disease makes Its appearance in so many different forms, that a single plan of treatment will not reach it In all Its feati.res ; so it may require different remedies, according to the nainre of the Dose. Dr. JONES will make a writ ten article with any one—NU CURE NO PAY The re mediae used by Dr. JONAS, are purely ovetable, and need as change of diet or hindrance from business, SPERMATORRHIA. Ale habit of youth is indulged in while alone, info o often learned from evil companions when at school, and if not cured will destroy both mind and body. Both sexes fall vlOtlmit to this theme. Them ptoms are— Pain in the Head, Dimness of Bight, Ri ngin g m the Bars, Pimples on the Face, Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams et Night, Weakness In the Back, Pain in the Breast; and Cough, (indicative of ConsumpUon,) Dyspepsia, great Lieraegement of the Nervous Systole, and no on till Death puts . an eud to their sufferings. To such Dr. JONBB of. a perfect restoration, with such mild and Balmy Juices of Herbs, that will perfectly restore the victim of this DigTOSOing Disease. FEMAII COMPLAINTS. ipeedily restored to sound health. All letters must content a stamp to ensure answer. Address DR. D. W. JONES, knd Hagerstown, Md. , OPENING OF SPIUNCIr AND SUMMER Black and &mond Mourning DRESS GOODS. &C. Loglom Rep. mourning gilts, Peale Black Foulards, Bleak end White Dress and 'Foulard Bi Purple and Black - Lupin% Crepe Tammatans, 0 4 Mousselaines Deaths di " Pena Cloth., (new article), Loathe Extra Alpacas, Neapolitan Bilks and new goods, Paris Poplins, Bummer VaiellOtill, Madonna Cloths, Black and Purple All Wool Delalnes, White and Black All Wool Oohing*, Smells° Cloths, Challis, Cashmeres, , Mohair., Partetonnes Silk4Warp Lo;ellas, Lupinis S . Y. Bombazines, 8 1 Crape De Espouse, Camels Bair Lustre, new goods, French Gingham., splendid styles, English Chinless, Domestic Ginghams, Warped Plain Black Clutlibi, Lupin'. Woundless, Croton Cloths, Am, Re., Sto. Our stook or all kinds of BROS GOODS In Black and Second Mourning, was never more complete than now, or prices more favorable to pnro baser% impin'e square Vitt:that Shawls, Cashmere Square Shawls, Lupluis Long Thibbet Shawls, Second Mourning Shawls, English Crepe Veils, (every odze,) .Gran tame " do FnglUh Orepe. French Crepe., Shrouding Cashmeres, Shrouding Flannels, Black Bordered Handkerohles, Silk Maier y, Bleak and Grey Gauntletta, Black Gloves, (all kinds ' ) Black and Lead Colored Hosiery, Plain Black Ribbons. A large WHY of English Crepe, Collars and Sleevol. New styles if Second Mourning Sleeves and Collars. Netsitluttanding toe diltiou/iles In securing a full aliOnalont in this department we are couddent our friends and the public cannot fall to be plestsed.— For styles, make a , d prim, we can fairly compete with any of the larger establishments in the eut ere cities. CATHCART dt BauTußa, No. 14 Market Square, Next door to the Herrlsburg Bank. W. A, CATHCART. T. L. CATHCART, Ja THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you Will Sad an assortment Mine Ladies' Traveling Satchels. T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will find a great variety of Walking Canes. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will food an unrivalled assortment of Perfumery, Po. nudes, Hair 011 s, Cosmetics, Soaps, AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will And all kinds of Brushes—English Tooth and Asir Brushes, Cloth and Leather Brushes. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE yon will find a fine lot of Gilchrist's Pocket Cutlery. T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will find a large stock of Portmoursles, Pureee,‘Wailete n Bogor Cases. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will find a choice lot of alinna Cigars. Na. 01 Market Street, Two Doors East or Pourth.Streat. CMI SOWN CIANNT. JOHN W. BROWN. CASEY & BROWN, ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAINT HARRISBURG, PENN'A. HAVING associated together in the practice of the Law, will attend faithfully and promptly to all prormisiotuil ' business entrusted to thell CAM Office In Third street three doors from Market N. B. Consultations in ffintilish and Osman. Duo DMOTHA NOT AGNE WINES, -=•& Co. • CALowol Oluoma t T K at 0., AXOIIOII..4IiLLIRT 1101404 Drumm litroania, Nom & Cora Viou7; Ia E% afore and for sae b alo y JOHN H. ZIEOLZ R, 78 Market Street. LIEBROTYPEEI FOR 25 CENTS. MEE subscriber respectfully announces to the Minns of Haarisburg and vicinity, thit he has taken rooms over KELKR'd HARDWARR STORE, intall.east Corner of Earket Inure, where be is prepared to execute every style of A MBROTYPES r ot the wweiti prim, from %cents and upwards, psonnutgory.pik, earehdly copied, sod Plelnves Inserted In Lockets end KM Wes of doscrbilloas constantly on hand. 01,* me a can It you re it a good and cheap mature. midins OkOßttrd R. PARKER. Ambrotyplet. _ - - ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE—THIRD STREET, MEWS ROW, MOAB MARKET. Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY or mamma, rzys'a. rayl2.4tt 011. A few respectable gentlemen can be ao. . 421 .Anullrodated wittt were At Mn Johnnie:l L DIM 1111111% Won Pbo street, NNW „ A , N ... A Fit, * • __.-__, .4ktvw ,_44.4-,- t tun .. , ami . : : : „._______, :4o „,,..„,. :7 ; ;; ,,. L . , •, 7 __________„" ):: • tt . a _ • * Air 510 ._,_____ ...... , SO: , .1. De ............. . 3 OD ................... .. .. . 000 VOL. XV. 1801. BARGAINS IN PILLow Cass MPOISLOI, all Widtha, SaElvaa • o lINBLIACUID AND &Ouzo lissuift, all stems. Daman, all inkus and widths. TOWICLISGS, all kinds. CeturriutrAnas eery IoW. Camay eery Asap. PIiPAPIP WS! 11311% Massa Oliaatles, . 1.1.11 X PHU:TWOS, all qualitted. FURNIIORiI cucca. ' • Luta' If TOM OP t RAMOS. • • Sun Ott (Xmas. Bass Mass or Dawkins. Any House Funthhing or Ddmestto Goods will be found VEST CIPLIIP, at GREAT EXCITEMENT IN State street east of the Capitol, be. monk 4th and Spruce streets: ' A new Lager Freer oon Plat opened, where everything in that line is ge nerally kept, and 1 nronid respectfully, solicit the patron age or my numerous friends and the public generally. 1w4 5 D. It "MANUEL. KT BERGNER',S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 MAR= STREET ELSIE VERNER : A: romance of destiny. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. GUADALOUPE : A tale of Love and War. By a Military gentleman of Philadelphia. THE AMERWAN QUESTION In its national aspect. COUSIN WILLIAM : A tale of rfashionable life. PIONEER PREACHERS .AND PEOPLE OF THE MISSISSIPPI, by the Rev,. Wilburn. JACK HOPETON ; or the adventures of a Georgian. SONGS OF IRELAND, by Samuel Lover.= , THE WITS AND BEAUXS Olf SOCIETY, by Grace and Philip Wharton. AR the new books of the day for sale as soon as pub- Books not on baud, will bo procured it a abort time at publisberaprices, without additional prices, at BERGNER , d BOOKSTORE, &1 gasket street. JOHN WALLOWER, JR.; Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING *ND COMMISSION MERCIIANT. G OODS AND MEACHAM:OE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia. and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads, ...nd Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and from allparts ot the city to the dillerent Railroad, depots will be done at the very lowestrates. FAMILIeS removing will be promptly attended to. Orders left at Brautli FOropoan Hotel, or at the store of E. S. Zollinger, will receive prempf attention. Con— signments of frelgbt respeoutilly solloltat JOHN WALLOVVIIR* JR., Agt., . apg Office Reading Depot. 1%7 3EI NAT " FAMILY DRUG STORE., T E UNDERSIGNED' HAS '-` OPENED a Wholesale and Retail DM and Proscription Store, in t e Iron Front Sollning,.No. US Market street, lately occupied by Mr, £by, wehre,oan be found an (Intl re nets dock of Fresh and Pure Drop, Perhunery, Sons • tOA OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, Burning Fluid, Alo e , bol Patent Meoictues, Stationery, Fancy Articles, &o. We have the epoxy for the sato of Kline' s Celebrated Arti ficial Teeth, to which we would Invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to busineeS, and' desire. to please, we respectfully ask a share Of Mille Petroltillo , G. W. MIMI. N. B . — Prime Havana Sugars and Tobacco constantly on band. apre-dly REDUCTION IN PRICES afERINOW Plain and Figured. OAFEHIFRES, Plain and Figured. ALL WOOL ORLAINES, Extra Styles and Quality, BROCA LONG SHAWLS, different prices, FINE STOCK OF BLANKET SHAWLS. The prices In all the above Goods, on examination, wil be found "lower than ever," at (WrgOART'B, an 24 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 51 MARKET STREET, 18 THE CHEAPEST PLACE. IN THE CITY TO OAt . SCHOOL EOM SCHOOL STATIONERY OomprhUng altittomarioue READING AND SPELLING AWOL!, ARITHMETIOS ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS, ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONARIES, ELsToRiEs, PRlLosoPingq and ail the iCHOOL BOOKS used In the various Albite and Private Schools efae ~City together with , COPY AND COMPOSLC4 ON ROOKS, LE2TSR, OAP std NOTE PAPER, BLANK DOORS, SLAM,' LEAD.A ND BEA 2,1 PENCILS, PENS AND HOLDERS; INK INKS.TANDS, RULERS and the most complete tuwortment or SCHOOL STATIONERY constantly on baud and for sale at EBB LOWEST PRIORI or tNT rums In the city. at BERGENIX'S CHEAP Boos-WORE, 51 Market Street ifirLiberal enemas made to teachercand dealers. Any istlele.not on lwad promptbr furnished without extra charge. sen2d LOSING 017 T our still large oodortmen of FIIRe s consisting of Handsome Dirk Sable Setts, Handsome bark Siberian squirrel Setts, A tine stook of au kindiotiow, priotaurs; • A alum for Bargains in Fine Furs. Call at OATHCARTS, No ‘ l4 Market Square, ianSt ail to the Harrisburg Bank THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN is solicited to our very large assortment of storitsanon Aso Dammam of every sue sod Axality. Gans' Jouvut Km Owns, best ertUtle manufactured. Al) the different kludtkof Worms; Glavin. - - Largest assortment of ROW= In ShO.Citi. CRAVATS, SI7BPILTDIRR, MAZDRXRINCIMS, Ready Hemmed. And everything In Gents' wear, at CATHCART'S, ' Next to the Harrisburg Bank. NOTICE. •- . A MEETING of the stockholders-of .the Acia. Commonwealth Insurance Company, at Harrisburg" will be held at the oboe of the company in Third stroe , , on MONDAY, the oath day of Idav Nl ZT , tetween the hours of ten and twelve o'oloog A. K., for the election of Directors to nerve the awning year.. aplB-te S. S. CARRIER, Secretary. N OTICE ie hereby given that lettere tenementary ou the estate or Dr. Bdward L. OM ate of the otty of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, deceased, have been duly granted to the subscriber who resides. In said City, All Persona having claims or demands, against the *stab of said decedent are hereby reqetentlid to . mlko known the eante to the enhaoriber without &Jur spitoitetwt, MANISA farkikoOnfrilk "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." Kart) ewobs, s4t 1881. CLA.THCART & BRUISER'S, Next to the firtrylaton Book. NEW BOOKS PUBLIO NOTICE. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 7, 1861 SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER OR GOLD, ECM] IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAR, =STATE 'THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS OTUGINAL VIGOR AND PURITY 133 PROF. al J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL, BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what its name indicates; for, while pleaaan to the taste, it iirevivitylng I exhilarating and strength ening to the vitaPpowers. t also revivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood In all Its original purity, and thna restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks or dis , wee. . It is the may preparation ever offered to the world in a popular toym so as to be within the reach of So cheailcally and skillfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and hence soothe the Weakest. stomach, and tone up the dl gestive organs, and allay ' aft nervous and other Irritation. It Is also perfectly extdiarating In its effects! and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and consequently con - dever Injure. Aa a sure preventive and cure of • CONSUMPTION; BRONUiUEIS, INDIGIMITION, DP& PEPSIA, LOBS OP APPETITE, FAINTNESS NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, mum awe, PAL. PITATION OF THE HEART, MILAN oaoLY, HYPOCHONDRIA, NIGIV SWEA'ftli, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL 'THAT CLAW OF CA = so FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED FEMALE WFAENR.'S AND 'BENUMB'. TIES. THERE IS .NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also liver .Derangements or Torpidity, and. Liver Complidnt, Diilellitaß of the Kidneys, or any genera da• rangement of the Urinary organs. It will not only cure the debility following CHILLS and PINTA, but prevents all-Attacks arising from Miasmatic inilhences, and mire the diseases at once, if already at tacked. , TRAVELERS should have a bOttle with them, as it in fallibly prevents any deleterious consequences following upon dial:qiet chmate and water. skit prevents costiveness strengthens the digestive organs, 11 should be ln the hands of ail persons of seden tary habits. LADIES sot accustomed to out-door exercise, should always.use' , - MOTHERSsiouId use it, for R ii . SPerieet relief. Taken a mew hor two before the anal, trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. There is pc, mthutto about It. THE CORDLAL IS ALLAWE CLAIR NOR MOTHERS, TRY IT! And to you we appeal, to detect the illnow or dawn° not only of your daughters before it be too l ate, but also goer Sons and kinghoods, f o r. while the former from tabs delicacy, often go down to it:premature. grave, rather than let their condition be knownin tlmo, the latter are so often wised up with the mamma of business, that flit were not for you, they'G o, wohld travel In the Same downward path until it la too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother Is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal; for we are sure your nevor-tailing affection will unerringly point you to Protestor WOOD'S RgoTOBAVVH. LORuLLL AND BLOOD ItElft,WATOit as tee remedy whickshould bealways on hand in time of I need what the Press may after thoroughly testiest he matter, and no one can have a doubt. PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL.—It le tee corded In classics that Psyche area once sent to it elltnite warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample of the beauty of Protierphe In a box. After some delay the messenger returned,and as moon as the lid of the box was removed out flow all the Ills that flesh is heir to.— Fortunately hope wis found in the bottom of the b ox. Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial revives the recollection of the story for it invigorates the blood, aids the organs of diseekin, Motets stren gt h to the nervous system, and fortifies the citadel of hea l so as to bid defiance to the swede af amine. It Is a ealthy Undo, composed en tirely of vegetable productions and while It is exnllara dng as pure wine, no Injurious results can possibly follow Its use it Is a desideratum in the , medical world, and those who are afflicted with lose of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Faintness, giddiness, Neuralgia, Palpita tion of the Heart, Ad., will here tied an Infallible panacea. 'Bt. Louis Daily Express." PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL end BLOOD RENOVATOR is, without doubt, too beat Tonle Cordial In the world. To thole who are Suffering from general de bility we would recommend Its use; for, while it is pleas ant to tee taste, it Is strengthening to the satem, and will at once tend to remover all impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of disease. It can two, taken by the weakest stomach, while those In good heath will at once feel its exhilarating power. We aro confident- that after using one bottle of this cordial none will be for a day without it..—" New York Leader." A PURE, HEALTHY TONIC, and one free from th deleterious and Injurious afflicts sure to fellow those In ordinary use, bus long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfully combined from the vegetable kingdom as to act in per fect accordance with the laws of nature, and thus soothe the weakest stomach, and at the same time allay ner vous and other irritations, and tone up all the organs ol which the human body Is composed, is offbred In Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and illoodßenovater. Reece, it is perfectly adapted to cid and young. Baader, try it. Thonsands have , already done so, and the testimony Is universal inks favor.—" New York Atlas.. PROMBOR WOWS RESTORATIVB CORDIAL AN I. BLOOD- RENOVATOR, for the oare of General Debility, or Weakness arising from any ems., also Dyspepsia, Nerv ousness, Melt Swells hilliPlent Consumption, Liver Complaints Biliousness , LOSMI of Appetite, Female Weak. uses, in &its stages, Mao, to prevent the contractlon.of disease, is certainly the best and most agreeable cordial tonic and Renovator ever offered to the afflicted, and so chemically combined ite to be the most powerthl tonic ever known to medical edam. Reader, try it. Iv wan DO yell 000 D. We have DO heeds ion in rer.ommendLe • it, duce we know It to be a safe, pleasant, Riad .sore re. medy for the diseases enumerated.—“ Now York Dis patch." Before noticing a patent medicine, we have to be oar lain that it will prove itself to be all. that It Is recom. mended. Austere would say that the Restorative, Cor dial and Blood Renovator of Prof., Wood will stand the test fully, and,in fact, It is without atly doubt the first article in market for purifying the Blood and streingtheni mg thesystem. We have no br .114100 in recommending lte ape tO 8/1.1--"The.Now-Yorkee! • LOOS. TO YOURSKIX IN TIME.—H ow many in mate: pence of a false delicacy suffer from suppreseed, palm tol, or obstructed meesuration, and think because they are. young that by-and.hy nature will work itself clear from ohntructions, and ill come 'aright in the end, little dreaming that the seeds 'of death are already gamines sing in the system, because the vital energies are Im paired, and the entire animal economy deranged, debt* tated,• and yet, careless of thenealvel as they are, If a remedy were set before them whets wield restore all the Ihnctions of the ayetem, and reniVigerate body, they would take It, and thus be In time to save in, ir lives.-- Parents, think of this; stel, at once glee-them a beide of Prof. Wood% Reetorattv.e.Cordlal andßlext H e.s. TAUT. — "The New York Courier." • . 0. I WOOD, Proprietor 444 Broadway; New York, and 114 Market street, Bt. Louis, Mo. ,q -At N 0.444 Broadway, all the Family:and Patent Medicines Constantly on hand, elwaysteah and genuine. Ford & Macomber, Witehington Avenue, Sole agent! or Albany; Dr H. Snell, agent for Seheneetedy. ;Bold also: by A. B. Bands dr. Co., corner of Fulton and Witham. stree ts, janSt.en Suer . . PROF. ADOLPH-. P. , TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform -his old patrons and the public generally, that he *IP oontinue to give Instructions on the -PIANO FOIRTA LODEON VIOLIN and also In the soignee of TLIOROUGEI RAS& flowill V* pleasure wait upon pupils at. Moir homes at any hour desired, or lesions be given et his fashions°, is . Third street, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. deold-dtf. CHAS. F. RIIMPI', ....,%*.dive . Norma . Youßriir arAtelfT PHILADILP II _ I 4I AT Tag OLD. .BW4D. , waokkais and Beton Idannflkoutror of. -... Port Moodalist, Vobso sod Pomo, Drsasin cam, mow -41 1 Bono wrizi, LTOre - BOVllotdosylko. ocita•ory , , New %hitrtistmtnts NOTICE TO CONDUCTORS, S -- PECIFIGATIONS adopted by the Conn ty Commissioners of the comities or Dauphin and Petry, fur the building and onist , uctrn of a Pa bas Road, as recited in the Act of Assembly, In the follow ing words, to wit : sorts 1 That till Commissioners of the several counties of Dauphin and Perry are hereby authorised and instructed, immediately atter the passage of this Act, to lay ou tend coastrnot a good and substantial road, commencing at a point near where the Turnpike Bridge crosses the dilliquetutanit Omni, I a .WAUI towaship, Per ry county, and running along Towing Path of WI can a l, such distance as will enable them to strike the Turnpike in Reed townshi Dauphin county, near Diinean's Barn, tut not to intertere with said Tuwing Path so as to street navigation or otherwise. Seams 2. That the several counties through which this Road passes will be entitled to pay for the making of only as mush of the same as passes through Its own territory. "anemone, April 18th, 1860." Therefore, In pursuance of the above recited Act, the Commissioners of said counties, as aforesaid, have &Copi ed tun following Specincottooe to wit ; let. That the said Road shah be made and construct ed in strict accordance with the Plan or Profile now on tile In thendlues of the County Commissioners reapeet ively named. The material used must be of a substan tial description, such as earth, gravel, or both, of which • stone may , form a component part. 2nd. The said Road will be let to the lowest, respell- Bible bidder or billets, by the cubic yard , ; rip-rapping included. Proposals will be received by tho Commisqhmers of Perry county, at their effilia, In Bloomfield, and ablest the Mace of the Commissioners of Dauphin county, to lia:risburg, up to MONDAY, THE 20th DAY OF HAY, at 5 o'clock, P. it, 1881 . All proposals to be Indorsed on a blank ispoolflostioo, which may be had cm appal. don to either of said daces, by letter or otherwise. Bald contract will be awarded on the =et day of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , at the Jul:adios House, oa Dunesm's Is• land. "All proposals most be sealed." Terms will be agreed upon on the day'of Letting. . Cubic Yards. DattPldit county— ..... 2,218 Rip-rapping 6. • o 382 Filling up in PerrY Cannty.,„ , . 1,997 Rip•rapping In " " 11.3 Aggregate The following communication is hereby ordered Lobe published, end to be tumoral to the said Spec]neat° ns by the Comm!sidebars oforesaid : Orrice or Gramm. Sorseurrmroerr Da WEST BIANO7 AND SIMONS/ANNA CANAL COXYANIC. Northumberland, Marra 18, 4. D , 1861.. COILKNINOIDDIB or Dacram Camay : Gentlemen :—J . A. Gamble, Presidentor this Company, has hutted a permit to the lock-tender, at New Entail), to allow yon to boat material, till (roe, fir a road over aulleg's Out, at the Junction. Be 'has also directed me to Jill up the embankment at the Turnpike Bridge, at the same place, which will be done as soon as the canal u navigable. R spectraly yours, Re.,' J. DItd.MENBACHER, General Superintendent JOlll4 S. MUSSER, JACOB BMX, GEO. GABVERICH, Oonunissioneni of Dauphin Co. Attest—Jonas limn., Clerk. CapBo-dtwtd 1861. 1861. INTERESTING TO ALL , a CATHCART & BROTHER', M. 14 NARKRT SQUARE, a&?. Z(011I 019121 1111111 - thlt%ll, LLRGI ASSMITUNT 07 SPRING DRY GOODS •LL IMO, AIR PEICIII, WIRT =IS, mar qUAInT, ANY XAKI, PRIM LOW .11000RDISGLY. ' DRESS GOODS IN GREAT vsafireint t HEAVY STOOK OF DONE3IIO GOODS, PRICES LOWER THAN Erim. • Every Inducement offered-to purctmere at CATHCART'S, mar2B Nor . no. to the Hardeourg Bank. The West Chester Academy, AT WEST CHESTER, PA., within two bones ride from Philadelphia by the Pennsylva nia Central or the West Chester _direct railroad, will re sume the ditties of the SUMMER TERM on the FIRST DAT Olt May FRIT, and close them 011 the use DAT OF SWUM BM The schoal, therefore, la in cession during the SUMMER MONTHS. Pupils are received at any time at proporuonate charges. The average number of students is 85, under the charge of nine teachers. The French, German and Spanish languages are taught by Native Resident Instructors. For catalogues, apply to WM. P. WYERS, A. M., Principal, apt 2md At West Chester, Pa. NEW - GOODS ! NEW PRICES!! FRESH ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES! PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ! THE subscriber has just returned from Philadelphia with a large and varied assortment of Fitaßlif GROWBILIES, QIINENSWARE, BACON, HAMS, NOTIONS, and everything usually kept In a first class Grocery, respectfully calls the attention of hie • Gusto mere, us well as the public generally, to his last arrival. Thankful for past patronage he hopes by strict alien- tlrn to business is merit a continuance of the same. T. F. BOYER, apitair Corner of Third and Chestnut Streets. FLAGS! FLAGS I ! OTE PAPER. AND ENVELOPES with National designs, LETTER PAPER with a view of city of Harrisburg, printed and for sale at 80.11EFFEW3 BOOKSTORE, ap2t BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE: 6 HARRISBURG, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PRO.PBTETOB. CARD The ab ere well known and long established is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being In a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. Gamma J. Beams, who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to is guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en eyed , I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the ppunblic ♦or. [Jeg wtfl da WILLIAM B IIEHLES. UPHOLSTERING. ; HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATIUMES, COTTON - COMFORTS; FRENCH CARPET HASSAOES, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, Ste . ., On band and foe Sale wholesale and retail at the very karat rates for cash . : „ MADE TO ORDER SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR. HATRESSES, &o. Repaired and made opal to new very reasonable, all at No. 109 Market street between Fourth and Fiftb, by mar 29 J.T. BARNITZ. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. • WHEREAS, letters of Administration on the estate of Leonard Stine, late of the city of Harrisburg, deed, have been granted to the subscri ber, all persons indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment, and haying claims present th em forth t wiLiBETEI Matti , my/ 4ltlew W.. Usrrtearg. • BY TEMPI From-our Morning Edition. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. The Seoretary of War Opens the Road to Travelers. APPOINTMENT OP ADJUTANT GOVERNMENT DECLINES TO RECEIVE ANY MORE TROOPS EOR THREE MONTHS 90V. LEIVEER ISSUES APROCLAMATION 2V PREPARE PO.R WAR. UNION MEN TEIIIKPIIANT IN KENTUOKY. The Secretary of Wax in order to accommo date the . travelling public has directed the opening of the military route between Wash ington and Philadelphia by way of Annapolis with two daily trains. Those from the North leaving Philadelphia at 1011 o'clock in the morn ing and 11 o'clock at night. The President has appointed Lieut. Nichol son Adjutant and Inspector of the Marine corps vice Saylor resigned. The . Government has declined accepting more than one regiment of threemonth's vol nnteers from Michigan, he will, hoWever, re ceive two regiments under the requirements of the latest proclamation. Governor Letcher, of Virginia, has issued a proclamation saying that the sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Virginia having been denied, her territorial rights assailed, her soil threat ened with.invaelon by the authorities of Wash iogton, and every sacrifice employed which could 'influence the people of the northern States; it therefore becomes the solemn duty of every citizen of Virginia to prepare for the impending conflict. To this end, and for these purposes, and with the determinaticin to repel invasion, Governor Letcherenthorizee the Commanding General of the military forces to call and cause to be mustered into service, from lime to time, as the public exigencies may require, such addl tional number of volunteers as be may deem necessary. • 4,7 N yards The Government has given permission to the Bay Line of steamers to carry mails , and pas sengers into Norfolk. No Trcight, however, is taken. • The Eionthern,rebals are lorming, an• encamp mentat Lys!chi:Kim Va. The Charleston Courier, received here, is ap pesed'to Jeff. Davis taking the field. It is believed here that the movement of troops to the. Itelayalouse is bat the prelimi nary for, a movement on Harper's Ferry. An, immense amount of military stores is a rifting At thiNavy Tani: All the -volunteer companies of the District of Columbia are to be mustered ittto regiments for active service. . Two Umlauted stand of arms that were Seht to Baltimore, from Harper's Ferry, by the Be= cessiontets, are 1 be returned to the Gevern meet. There are now six steamers in the Potomac - armed for the protection of transport ships, &c. Gen. Saitt desires it stated that he cannot answer one letter in fifty of those that are sent to him, and he hopes no more will be written, soliciting autographs and recommendations to office. Governor Buckingham, of Connecticut, is here, making arrangements for the troops from the State. The weather continues very disagreeable for military purposes, owing to the cold and the rain. The New Jersey regiments arrived here this morning all in good order, thus adding several thousand men to the garrison at Washington. The proclamation of the Mayor of Washing ton, requiring- drinking establishments to be closed at. half past nine o'clock at night, was issued by the advice of the military authorities. On Saturday, Senator Wilson suggested to high - Executive Officers, that such measures should be adopted, in view of the fact that some of the troops were evidently becoming demoral ised by intoxicating liquors. Much alarm has existed in the neighborhood of the city of Alexandria-for thepast few days owing to reports that the Federal military con templated taking early possession of it. Many families accordingly fled. .. The Virginia militia proceeded to Culpepper Court House. The First and Second New 'Jersey Regiment arrived here early this morning. Omani Scott publishes another card beg ging his correspondents to spare him. He says he haa no office within his gift—no power to accept of the services of individual volunteers nor .of corps of volunteers, and no time to read applications for autographs, and cannot acknowledge the receipt of one letter in fifty. ANOTHER 'UNION VIOTORY ATTER POLLS atiVECON AT LOIIIINILTA, The majority in this oity in favor of the Union candidates to the Border State Conven tion, ranged from 8,000 to 8,000 votes. The Secession ticket was withdrawn some time' since. Thal:talon vote is supposed to be larger than any ever polled here. SENATOR BAYARD PLACARDED. W/MINGTON, May 5 Soon after Senator Bayard arrived here, on Saturday, a placaril 'was • posted on a telegraph pole, announcing the arrival of the "James A. Bayard, the Prince . of the Inner Court of the K. G. C." The Secessionists apparentli sus pect an attack will be made on the Senator, and, it is thought, will take steps to prevent it. Company B, of the. Delaware ,Blues, was mus tered into the service ,of the Union and the other companies are filling up rapidly. _ . LATER FR O M' BALTIMORE. 4 Belantoas, May 6 • The passage of trains over the Baltimore and Ohio road - has not been interrupted by the United 43tatea troops at the ltalay Rouse. They fortifying,their pottium. NO. 5 WASHINGTON, May 6, 1861 Louravata, May 4 Pitc Dans ori , ugh at 6. cea:' ill be charged $4.90. WIVKLT AND SOU-WILL. IVVLORAPII ie also pebilithed session of the Legislature, andLweokis nuieder of the year, and fUrnished to abeam. °Sowing rates, viz: Sloes Subscribers per year Seven Ton Tan um 0/ 1011W10.421X1 . 1 aubscrmera order the disonitinuance of their maws papers, the publisher may continue* seal them Gatti ail arrearages are paid. enbecribera neglect or rebate to take their newape ?era from the office to which they are directed, that aro responsible until they hay* scatted the bills and ordered them discontinued Nothing defudito is known with regard to the Philadelphia and Northern Central Road,except that the Work of reconstructing and repairing the bridges is natively progressing. The 11. S. Recruiting Office was opened oo Baltimore street, this" - morning, and the Stars and Stripes displayed. THE STEAMSHIP CITY OF BanseßE LBRIVED. Breadstnls Dull New Your, May 6. The steamer city of Baltimore arrived- this morning with Liverpool dates to the 24th ult. A prospectus has been issued at Liverpool, with influential support, for a company to run a line of steamers from that port to New Or leans. Another company has been formed for Charleston, and the latter starts its first steam er in July. The House of Commons has rejected the Berk, lye annual motion in favor of the ballot by l2i majority. A French fleet has been ordered to be fitted out to convey the French troops home from Syria. A commercial treaty between France and Bel gium ie said to have been signed. Prince Napoleon, at the instance of a family council, has abandoned the Intention of going to England to seek satisfaction from the Due d'Aumale. Routes are quoted at 68f. 50c., the Bourse closing firm. The Italian chamber, by a large majority, have agreed to consider earibaldraproject for arming the country. The ministry voted for the resolution. The correspondence between Oia!din! and Garibaldi, has been published. Cieldint re itereted his friendship, but objected to Gari baldi's last acts. Garibaldi characteristically defends his position. The latest despatch from Turin, to the 16th ult.) states that a perfect reconciliation has taken place between Garibaldi, Cavour and Cialdini. The independence Beige states decidedly that the negotiations between Paris and Turin, for opening Rome to the Italians, approach a favorable conclusion. It is stated that the Pope is more than ever resolved not to quit Rome. The Southern soldiers of the garrison of liendovi have protested against Cl&biles let ter to Garibaldi, and arrests were made in con sequence. affairs at Warsaw are unchanged. The Manchester markets were quiet, but prices had advanced partially at In some cases, for yarns. Breadstuffs dull and nominal owing to the fine weather. Flour very dull, and wheat ea sier but quotations unchanged ; sales at 284 31s 6d. Wheat steady at full. prices; red Bdial2s 8e; white 12s 6d@,l4s 6d. Corn very duit and offered at 6dals decline for' mixed; yellow 85s 6d€4B6s ; wnite 86401375. It is denied that Spain intends to reject the offer of a re-incorporation of . St. Domingo, and ft is asserted that Hayti requesta a Spanish pro tectorate. THE LATEST. Torun, April Cavour and Gari baldi had an interview together to-day. Tha King of Greece has recognised the new kingdom of Italy. Accounts from Constantinople state that the Porte has scut money and troops to Beyzont. LrvssPoox, April 26.—bales of cotton yester day and to-day, 80,000 bales; inchrding./0;000 to speculators and exporters, closing brat and an advancing tendency. Breadstuffa dUll. CD. F. MitlE Q 313 MC CIEL TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. ITIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE still In successful operation and prepared to tarry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Ynitadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Letrlaburg, WURIMIS port, Jersey Shore, LOCK Haven, and all points on the Northern Central, Phtladidphia and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. MUENCH. Goods soot to PEACOCK, ZELL di BINOHLB.OI, Nes. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, Pi IL; will arrive at Karriabarg, ready for delivery. the Pail morning. C. P. !MEECH, ap3 U Traveling Agent. . . NEW ARRANGEMENT.; CHANGE OF LOCATION WALLOWER'S LINE. Mlle old stock of cars being disposed of, the undersigned has broke out in a new Vane saut tautished a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New York, Harrisburg and all points on the ?bertha= Central, Sunbury & Erie and LackaWana gr. Bloomsburg radlrosile. Thanktul for the ilber el patronage heretoftwe extended he home, by promptness in delivery, to relent all hie old customers and patrons kit goodshnended for the Una must be delivered at the depot ol the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, Broad and Oallowhtll streets, Platadei phia. AU goods delivered at tho depot up to five o'eloilk, P. M., will roach Harrisburg next morning. J. - WALLOWSR, Jr, General Agt. Reading Depot, Harrisburg. marll - REMOVAL. , rrHE SUBSCRIBER has removed 'hie PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY frog&Karim street to Fourth street above Market, opposite theltetite church. Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by atrial attention to business, to merit a continuums of It. , made-Sind WM. PABXNIL ST. LOUIS HOTEL) CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. IN the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market. Third and cteinati StreetS, the Banks, Post 011 ice, Merchants' litschange, &0., &o. =Pr BOTH Or( stni AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY.... OA. Dinner between * 1 and 8 otoloaz, 60 cents.' room from tO Conti upward. A Brat mass Resteurant attached. Frioot 0000 rooM to Bills of rare. The City tare take. Passengers from any Station tn.or abase to the. Hotel. Jar Eug.isk french, German and SPanish Spoken, AA ;ma REMOVAL. - rpHE SUBSCRIBER would texpootfany inform the public that he ha. 3 removed bl.rim& trig end Br-es bounding eetabllabment to No. Zt Reath third street below Nerr'e Hotel. 'Thankful tirVist romg e, he hopes by allot attention to business to omen a continuance of it. apl2 dtf ' . - Harris])lug Broom Malittio.torli pro Dow ...F#o.3( IRON:2 ST., IN Yfr • w. AYPTA DRoom. Bold laoleeale aud ; 20 par,eezke. Owe!' Men cibe be bed eleurbero.-- and exalnine our stock. ' AP64all'a. z. ..s: ..I1 ~ 16.00 71.-111101,4cvi
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