THE TELEGRAPB LS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, )13-va-EORCIrE BERGrNER. Sesecskrtsos. The Patti Tv-samara Is served to subscribers th a t 67f c ome per week. Yearly subscriber: be charged ikt.fih Wismar it a aye Ste' twice =sonars. 'the Tnixaurn also published twice during Week ieagion or the Legislators, and weekly daring there inc mainder of the year, aud tarnished to subscribers at tbe ronowing rates, vis Sluj le Subscriber; per ,, year ..... 64 e'VeD tea no LAW ON 211111ffe2Iail. c.osertbere order the dhaseetinualsos of their mews• perere, the publisher may coathme to met 4 them ustil 2 , 1 arrearagge are Paid• mubscribers neglect or refuse to take their Ileinpa pyre from the office to which they are direeted, thee responsible MAU they hay* eettled the bills and or dieeo them discontinued illisallantous. ror. r). W. arcavmos ECAGERSTOWN, MD. 1-IFFICE in his own dwelling, a few 1,../ doom wog of the Franklin Rallrea.l Derr, where be may be contnited Qs all disesies,-but more psrticu. iarty on Dleoisee of a private nature.. There ir e , may persons la Hagerstown, flarstsburg and ales W Who have bean restored to sound health alter all Whirr treat. went tailed, by the use of hie powerful vegetable reins. .tes. Dr. JONES may be consulted personally or by letter,d& soriblcig every symptoms. And meditate's , sent to any part of the country. Any afflicted person that , will oall personally and makes bargain with Dr. JONES. be Will keep them In his own dwcling, and lf not cured no pay will be required. 140NORRHEA. Dr. JONES oilers the only safe and certain remedy far Gonorrhea, sleet, Subdue, User Complaint, Dyspepsia, Costivenesa, and all Derangemeuts or the Stomach. This preparation will cure Gonorrhea In (rem three to Ave das, can be had at any time el Dr. JONES, at his of ficey, at and One Dollar per bottle, and one bottle to ourneltiod to cure a mild caeo. SYPHILIS. This Li one Si the worst of all diseases. marON pledges himself to cure Syphilis In its Word fo This disease makes Ito appearance Mao many different forms, that a single plan of treatment will not reach It in all its features ; eo it may regatta different remedies, according to the nature of the case. Dr. JONES wiU.snaks a *et. ten article with any one—NO CURE NO PAT 1 The re mand used by Dr. /oNgs r aziptoricir goostabit. sod need no change of diet or, litudranstrfrom badman. TIIIB habit of youth Is Indulged Myths alone, ands o often learned frOM avU oempatileta when at mshoo' and if not cured atill'deetrayi both ,mind- and body.. Both sexes fall victima to this dieteticTbeimptoms are— Pain In the Head,' , Dhsatterte of Sight, Rio ng the Bars, Pimples en the Face, loss of Memory, rightful Dreams et Night, Weakness. in the Back; Pain In the Breast, and Cough, (indicative of Cossumption,) Dyspepsia, great Derangement of the Nertotis System, and so on till Death putt an end to their sufferings. To such Dr. JON ca rers a perfect restorados, with such mild. and Balmy Juices of Berbk.thetWill teralolr restore the Victim 01 tit Is Distressing Disease. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Speedily restored to mod health. .911 letters MUDS annals stamp to endure answer. Address DR. E. 111:. ONEa est Smd OPEN DIG OF SPRING AND SUMMER Black and Second Mourning DRESS GO ODS, &O. English p. Mourning 8, Penn Black foulards. Black run Vaitleitress and YOulard Si Purple and Bloat 4 .4 Lupbee Crepe Tammanins, 0.4 MoumislidnesDoloins, Pena Cloth', (new article), Lupins Esarit Alpacas, Neopolltaullas andnew.gdOds, Ports Poplins, Bummer Valenolas, Madman& Glottis Blank and Panda All W o ol Belaines, Whits and Black 411 Wool Lelalnes, • Emellne Cloths, Challis;; Del.hess, „Clashmeres, Honiara, Paiieleanes, Silk Warp Lovegaii, Hy. Bombannea, Crepe Ds "aping', Camels air Lustre, nawdOods.freach Glagluuns, apkudld En tit ChlpUles, Domestic; Gingnams, Warped git ßlack Challis, Lapin's Grenadines, Croton Cloths, dW , sa., ka• oar moan of all Kinds of DRESS GOODS Ist Black and Second Mourning, wu never more complete thou now, or prices mars timetable to puro User& impin , e square ?Monet Mann, Coltman aquae Shawls, Lupta , a Long Shlbb et shawls, Second Mourning Shawls, lingliah Crepe Veils, (every size,) Grenadlim do Inglish Orem, Preach Crepe., Shrouding Cashmeres Shrouding Flannels, Black Bordered Handiterobles, Sit Mullah. Man and Grey Gauntletts, Black Glares, ( all tinily) Black god Lead Colored &eery, Plain Black labbons. A large e took of SUM Qv" Cosa" and 'Levi,;o New etyma of Second Mourning Sleeves and Collars. Notirlitistaudlog ins ditlenitles In securing a fall amortmsat In this department, we are confident our friends and tn. punka oannot fail to be pleaded.— For styles, make ard pilau, we can fairly compete with any of the larger establishments in tho east ern mites. °MECCAS/ . & BROTH'S, N 0.14 Market Square, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. W A. Cauca/.. T. L. Cedudelsi THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will find assortment of tine Ladies' Traveling &stylish, A T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will ri tlnd a great variety of Walking Canes. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will nod an unrivalled assortment of Perfumery, Po mades, Hair 0113, Cosmetics, Soaps, &a AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will Mat all kinds Braalltihillah Tooth and Bair rushee Cloth and Leather Brashat. AT KELLER'S DRUG 'STORE you will Cod a Coe lot of Gllehrist's Pocket Cutlery, .4T KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will Bud a large stook or portmonnales, Puress,,Wallate in Seger Case.. AT KELLER'S DRUG STORE you will find a chola° tot of Havana Cllgirst -- No. DI Moan littreel k Two Doors gust of fourth Stmt. febil SOUTH OABIT. JOHN W. BROWN. CASEY :4k: BROWN, TTORNEYSAT-L.AW EIARRISBUREt, PENN'A. trAVING associated together in the .1.4 practice of tiro taw, will attend faithfully sad promptly to all prormaional busloam ontruatal to their cam Moe In Timid street three doors from Market N. N. f.kettudattons to linstisk end German. OHANPAGNE WINES, Eutimar Clumse G=2 ll4l roo, 4Xolll)*.allait YotteutrA, erAUMIS MVIKIMEIN Moirrx at. oa. in • - 1141' oote saikkr IMO b 7 ,JOHN R. ZHOU 419 : 711 - Wirket Strad. • , ILIFROTYPRO FOR 2 OUTS. to the ou scriber respecfully alitiOluiceS ifitirons of Haartsburg t AA A vi ck i n ft y. a b et be hes taken rndroa,s,ar KELKEII's HARI:Men ROM south.esst cOrnOr elf Market Spare, !dell% prepared to moats essay style of a MBROTTIIBOI the k ien t prima from 26 cents and upwards. Deurnoussurypit., oseerally copied, and , Pictures Inserted in Lockets and PinkWe of all doscrbiloas constantly Go h an d. Gme me a if Looiradt A good and cheap picture. rdidlm GEORGIA Et. MUSK Amorosysoa. The West Chester Academy, . _ AT WEST OiIESTER, PA., within two toor's alai bint tktilaASlMMldek°B3' a antral or ' id. rit*. ....,-..• ,i Will re addle Ms makes stilts SpiiiliCailliali on the itita Da OT lIAT tau, and 4 Oloill Mtn +nibs Lan MI OP *PIMP keit Tb• sabot Menai% In .lli__rsASPl dllthalrall SIMMER IdoNTils, Pupils are rew .. iittyp owe+. amproportionate charges. Iliotior Polor Or Iltal4a_ lll e n ded uder the stump( aim . , Mho macs, Spanish LW Mars : ught tir p l y( / 4 0140 AtiAltrttotara. tor spl-2ad VII ' L ilrAk Pia ast 0140.4 ..... \\ \ Clu'i/ • - ,B ) ,Acc\ wil ,-A'-!% Quit titltalll c h ---=--- - --, --- -4',., 4 t -- 4 1 ---:- C - .74 f ; l# k )1, Ep saw 1200 10.0.1 VOL. XV. 1111rp $4. 1801. BARGAINS IN PLLIAW CAIN ISnaiiBls , lat Width'. iliteruso lINBLIACaIak AAP EtMaiab Moms, all Prices • Twirusos, all prices and widths. Towauses, an kinds. Ceurrsarmass, very low. Came, very chep. Plum Cam 1 vise, different quaiittes. Izmir Patuinsass, all qualities. Franunita Casco. • Iraaa aadit at lailato. Etats Os CLOZII23. awn liana or DauGorra. any Holm ffurnisbing or Domestic Goods will be found tar calsar, at GREAT EXCITEMENT ''N State street east of the Capitol, be. tween 4th and Spruce streets. " A new Lager Beer goon Jut opened, Where everything in that line is ge nerally kept ) and I woeld respectfully solicit the patron. age of my numerous friends and the public generally. iwd. D. ft 'MANDEL. NEW BOOKS AT BERGNER'S OHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 MAREVI ELSE VERNER : A romance of destiny: By Oliver Wendell Holmes. GUADALOUPE : A tale of Lore and War. By a Military gentleman of Philadelphia. • THE AMERICAN QUESTION in its national, aspect. COUSIN WILLIAM : A tale of fashionable life. PIONEER PREACHERS AND PEOPLE OF THE MISSISSIPPI, bythe Rev. Wilburn. JACK HOPETON ; or the adventures of a Georgian. SONGS OF IRELAND,. by Samuel Lover. fra, WITS AND BEAUXS OF SOCIPAY, by Grace and Philip Wharton. 111 the new books of the day for sale as awn as pub Usbed. Books not on baud, will be procured in a short tbne at publiabere prices, without additional prices, at ' BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE, Market street. JOHN WALLOWER qtr, Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. • - • - GOODS A.ND MERCHANDISE , promptly forwarded by PhlladelPhitilind Reading, Northern Uentral, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads, Aid Canal. RAULJEG ANODEAYING to and hom all parts of the city to the Itinerant Railroad depots wilt be done at the very lowest rates. FAlifiLleg removing mill be Promptly attended to. Order left at Brant . '.; European Betel, or at the store o f R s. &thaw, watt rivolve premet attention. Con signments of &diva respeonnily solicited. • JUIN WALLOWER JR., Agt, ap3• . • ' Otllas Bawling Depot:. ZU . MI 1017 FAMILY DRUG STORE. HE UNDERSIGNED.H4IB. OPENED iIkMA IM adideale and Drug and Preficrtptlon Mora, Iron Peens Sniffling, No. 128 Market atreet,lately occupied by Mr. Eby t .wehre can be found an anti rens* dock of Prekti and Pare Drags Perfumery nom - CO6. 014 COAL . OIL Lel" Ale clog Patent Mouiclueler--BbttOltellh.lanny_Artkilna, &c doe.: dm.: We have the agency for the sale of Kilne , a Cele brated Arcf dctat to which .we would lotto the attention of Dentists. By arid Attention to business, and desire to please, we respecatully ask a share of Public Patronage. G. W. MIL®. N. 11.—Pfbne Havana Began and Tobsooo ctsistantly Oa band. - • aprOdly REDUCTION IN PBIOES I m NRINO&, Plain and figured. OdPIDISIted, Plate and Viewed. ALL WOOL Da LAS Katea t itsles and Quality. BEMs. LONG SUR dlKerent prim. PISS STOCK or KW SHAWLI. 4 . The Men In all the abo . telloodsoneaamination, WLI be foaad " lower th ew eres,!'.ed claim r e „ WANext door 14 lie WarriebarK Basic. . . BERGNER'S OEfE4P BOOKSTORE 61 MARKET STREET, IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE ern TO OM SCHOOL BOONS • a:dividing IWO! various EE ADINE ANHAPALLLOW BOOZE AItirTaMMIrAINEBRAS, AItEALEMAIV IL TIZOLOGIXS,_ - DIC27 ARIEK_ITISIGIRPEK -P PHIS% and • of the MOM. BOOKS dand tu the.varloue Publki aid Private &hada ef taisCity, together with OOPT AND COMPOSMOB B Zl2lllB, OAP awl NOTEME, ALANX BOOLE, _SLAW, LEAD ANDELATE PICITOILS, PENS AND HOLDERS, INK INKSTANDS, EULESS and tbe mad dotaplate alwartment of SCHOO L . STATIONERY acmatautly on hand and for sate at THI LOWEST PRIM or ear n.eda in the dity a BERG 'S COMP BOOKEITORTA - - - El Market Street sir !herd dliooente made to tangent and dillent. Any WWI" not on band - vitality furinhea without err charge. matt UPHOLSTERING. NOSS :XIV:BIWA . armor; TOP ite.'llaMlS, OfYITON COMFORTS, FRENOS °ABM SASSAMIZI, CMS (MISSIONS, LOUSGEII, ; 01111114 oa4 tot sale witototalo Ind Malt IPA the Tia 7 , lowan wag* bash: HAIR MAIRASSES a n d SPRING BOTTOMS ILADSI TO ORDER, SOFAS, • LOMME, HAIR MATILMILS, gce. Sopatrod and =do aqui to stew verresasonablo, all at N 0.109 Mutat mast between Fourth andinfilt. by mare J.T. BARN= cLOSING -OUT our still large asoortniou of confuting of andante Dark Sable Serbs, Handsome Dark silvan Squirrel Setts, A tine stook of all khan Of len- - prloelfors, A. nano, for Bargains in Tine Furs. Call at OATOGARTS, lio.l4.ofarket Sqnser, en Wl* Birriabara Bank 11Z3 TEE ATTENTION Or' GENTLEMEN l l s loused ie per von , Win cipermatat ntileatila an Damns or - every ate and . limner ..:tint Joann gm cieest%po article noindlu:tann4. AMU* Ultima Xmas or Wntoi urged anOripent of..Hoonot in _.. camaikinninmek.usagamomi% =Aar H 0000 w" bid nowithin Goole Iner t nt: ' • '- ‘ATECIII2%" NM to tittt ilattlabori liwiL "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE-" HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 8, 1861 180.1. CATHCART & BROTHEWI3, not to the Haretebumgßank MIOOL STATIONERY ail Ettegrap4. Frain otir Morning Edition. PENNElifrii AIM THE BALTIMORE MOB :•..9310 , frdlowing resolutiolat were previented in the Rouse of Representatives yesterday by Mr. of Allegheny, and referred to the Special Committee on the Goiernor's Message : • Winans, It is represented that theieltut teei citieexua of this State and of the State of Massachusetts, on their way to the Federal Capital, in obedience to the reqUisition of the President of the United States, have been treacherously assailed and some of them bru tally murdered by a riotous assemblage on the streets of Baltimore, while the means of the hosts of freemen who were then rushing to the defence of the Capital, have been embarraased and interrupted by the destruction of railroad bridges in defiance of, if not in actual COlLlA vahce with the authorities of that city and of the State of Maryland ; therefore, Resotved, Etc. That it is the right of the Fed eral Government to march its troops for the purpose of suppressing an armed rebellion against its authority or upon any other lawful errand through any part of the United States, without hindrance or molestation; and that any attempt to interfere therewith by waylaying the said troops or interrupting their passage is an act of rebellion against the authority of this nation whioh involves the quiet and must sub ject the parties so offending, whether acting under State authority or otherwise, to all the penalties of treason. 2. That the people of Pennsylvania will ex pect the Federal Government to vindicate its own dignity and power, and to redress the in sult and injury inflicted on its loyal citizens, while responding to the call of the Executive of this Nation, by demanding and insisting up on the immediate surrender, or condign punish ment, of the cowardly malefactors who have wantonly shed the blood of the unarmed and defenceless volunteers, weose only offence was that they were repairing, in obedience to the 811/1111110tlit of their Chief, to the defence of the standard of their country. 8. That they will ever hold in grateful re membrance the that martyrs in the cause of Liberty and Union, who have thus perished under the hands of the assassin in the perform ance of the highest duty of the citizen. 4. That the attitude of the border StateS, in their refusal to respond to the called the Exec utive, and the declaration of their purpose to observe a strict neutrality--whether armed or unarrned—as between the loyal States of this Union and those which are in armed rebellion against its laws, thereby giving'aid and comfort to the public enemy—is, in effent, a rentutteLs ' dee of their allegiance, equally treasonable and ezere able, because more cowardly, than , smoker' and that in the d.otheatic strugglenow imiugureited, there is no nentraliex In which either trate:fiery or pearl& nimitY can find a refuge,.artd thew) who arena with us are necessarily awdzilit. us. That lobking to-the paramount obligation to the government' trf the United States; we kniarnelitaites contradistinguished there. .from, and nttertir rentiOlete, tie Inicomltitution al and inadudialtde the idea of :compacts be tween States, or mediation by any onikor more of them, as . though they were independent powers, and the present a mere war of seams. 6. Thatihb whole question at issue being one only bet veU. the government of the United States and its revolted subjects, there is, of course, no care for treaty or compromise, even by itself, until it shall have proved Inadequate to execute its laws against its rebellious mem bers; that any overture Involving the idea of its dissedution or re-construction, would be an act of revolution ; and that the people look— as they have a right to look—to the Federal Executive to employ all the power with Which the Constitution and laws have armed him, to to reclaim the public property, to re-establish the administration of the Federal laws, to re dim the mal-contents to unoonditiOnal sub mission, and to visit upon them all the penal ties which the law annexes to the aims of trea son. 7. That while the people of Pennsylvania fully realise the difftcultles which have sur rounded the new administration of the general government, and duly appreciate the modera,- don and forbearance, as well as the 'wisdom and patriotism which have thus far characterised its policy towards the 'rebel States, they desire to declare it as their unanimous sentiment, that they would greatly deprecate any compromise with treason—that the Union of these States, one and undivisable, without abridgement or diminution—is to be maintained with all the power of this' government, at all hazard, and at every saccifice ; and timt. the blood and treasure of this State will he contributed un gntdglnglv and without stint or measure, to maintain the integrity of that Union, and to vindicate the honor of its flag •by weakling out in the Maxi of the ptuicidal traitors, the stains which have dimmed its lustre, and • damaged our fame and•credit as a leading power amongst the nations of the earth. 8. That as the earnest of their willingness to follow and respect the standard of our com mon country upon the dismantled fortresses of I'which treason lug deprived it,- Pennsylvania can point with pride to the mustering squad- rons of her gallant sons, who are now vainly dammoring forthe envied privilege of raising that standard from, the dust, and dying, 11 necessary, in its defence. '9. 'That the Governor of this State be re quested to forward a copy of these resolutions to 'the President of the U. S., the Governors of the iseverarStat to be - laid before their re sPective LegislaW'N, so far as the same may happen to be in session. Rums on rHa itansoen.—Day before yester day afternoon as the down passenger train on the Lebanon Valley Railroad; was approaching Wernersville, and about one and a half miles above that place, a man named Daniel Stand, of Wernersyslle, was driving two cows on the track, and,- although the engineer, Mr. Butz, gave all the warning in his power, the unfortu nate man did not hear, and was struck by the engine, as were also his two cows. Stand was Instantly killed, having had his neck and legs brokette The cows *ore also killed. The train was under fall headway at the time, and there was no possibility of stoppiog it. Mr. Stand was about 66 years of age,:and leaves a family df nineteen`children to Ennurnhis.dismae. The SeOnased mat cirrYing an umbrella at the time, milt is .supposed that prevented 10i -from hearthg-the warning of the whittle of thisjocp. When will -pisiple - ham tOikeell of th• Wined track? • - From the Pittsburg Gazette, May 7 The Secretary of War. There wag some disposition to oomPlain, among the hien& of General Cameron - , • that the President, in making up his Cabinet, did not give, that gentleman the Tivasury, instead of the War Department ; but events have proited ttie chOlee of the President a wise one: At'the head of the War Department, Geri. Cameron is emphatically "the right man in the right place." At such a time as this the War Department is the most important branch of the public ser vice: It needs, eminently, a quick and prompt man—a man offirnmess, decision, sound Judge ment, and of good business habits. In - all these qualities does Gen Catileton eicel, as the management'of the War Office in his hands abundantly shows.; and the country is fortunate in having secured his services at a time and in a place so well calculated to call all his abili ties into play. From the moment of the inauguration of the President, when the course to be•pursued tow ards the seceded States became the great ques tion before the Cabinet, Gen. Cameron was among those whO stood firmly by the President in support of an active movement for the sup pression of the rebellion, and he maintained this position until the Cabinet became a unit upon it. In spite of the rumors to the contra ry, and the sneers at him from various 'quar ters, the Secretary of War has bent his whole energies, and - all the energies of the govern ment he could command, to the attainment of the result witnessed in the great demonstra tion now exciting the wonder - Of the whole country, and which is certain to .aeoompliah the suppression of the rebellion, if there be no balk in its future management. We are glad to note a willingness to acknow ledge these facts on the part of some of those who have heretofore been slow to do justice to Gen. Cameron. The New York Trgane much more inclined to depreciatithan praise him, Is now free to admit his energy and firmness. It says It is now acknowledged here,even by those who at first objected to that course, that the , action of the War Department in the eight days fol lowing the riot at Baltimore was judicious and necessary to prepare the way for intelligent pro secution of the policy now determined on. Taken by surprise, not ready with the -overwhelming force properly equipped, wherewith to cut . a direct path, the question was• between a circui tous route with certainty of arriving it the de stination, and' an abortive and -murderous at attempt at directness. The fact is at last demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the policy of the Ad. ministration, now and henceforth, is war. To this conclusion Mr. Lincoln has urged his Cabi net for ten days past. Messrs. .Chase, Blair, and Cameron eutered heart and soul into' the• plan, and but for the wavering of Messrs. Sew ard and Wellea on this point the Cabinet would haven been a , unit. Mr. Welles has received such letters, petitions, and appealo front his own State , as have insured his conversion tb an , anti-peace tioetrfne, and &milli Mr. Seward has addetthis ilindoubdntaasent to the neceasity of such!&Connie. • •- 7 ; - Prominent 13altimoreans have been impor tuning Lincoln for several days to, reopen cont , ! rantiloation, to send dig:onto - hes - by telegraph throughlheir City, andEto Ittsuria'-speedy mail facilitlit. This has been manfullyopposed by Secretary Cameral, who• was ;determined -to force them to their senses, . deeming . a whole slime punishment the e - bait thing for It adds, in another paragraph; "Gen. Came - ton exhibits a marked degree of shre.wdnem in the selection of men ; and, altogether, it bears lull and faithful, and true, testimony to. the vigor, ability'and promptitfide with which ; the affairs of the department are managed." We refer to these facts with pleasure ; first, because the country is so fortunate in .having such a man, in such a piaoe, at such a time ; and'next, becaose'the occasion affords an op portunity of doing justice to a much abused and much misunderstood man. The prejudice so widely felt against him where he was not knOwn, by men who did not Understand hint, will now; thank fortune, melt away Vefore the enlighted sentiment of the oountry, and the public will learn to appreciate one whose la bors show him to be a true patriot, as well as an efficient, trustworthy and most valuable public servant. AIIMOSTID &BAUM A TATMIL ---4 5WOrge D. Boyer, a carpenter, who had-been employed' at Camp Curtin, was last evening . arrested on the charge of [stealing a letter from.the Post Office directed to Dr i lteed. It map that Boy ar was working, inside of the office fixing up boxes, &c., and whilst thus engaged he took the letter. Mayer Kepler 'oommitted him to fail to await his trial at the August Court. =CZ= POST 011101, HAILILIBBURG, PA., April 15,1861 Kuis Won. Tennsydvania R. R. Beet. A: M. 12.18 P. M. 9 4' 8.30 " West. 12 M. 8.80 P. IL It Cbhmibia Branch, P. R. R. s.§ol l . M. Northern Cannel B. B. 12.16 P. M. 9 et 1 P. M. Lebanon TWIN R. R. 7.30 A. M. ARP* *,Buillifhfinsaß.. B. LW P. M. ounikrzeia TraUey . 7.80. A. M. 1 P. M. 49 1 7 A. M., to thettieburg, on Tneadar3r,- Thursday and Saturday. 7 A. M., to Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 P. M., to Lewlaberry, on Saturday. South. North. Orl4o Halalo A sSunday—From 7* to 81 A. M., and .8 to 4 P. M. Postage to California,- Oolontdo, Nevada, Da kotab and Oregon, 10 oents, ' All Letters and transient pr °mime r are re quired to be pre-paid by gitarnw,hefore they can be mailed. -- Gm. Bawer, Mom Y-BssosßAP* me XeSt..-41 Y. Boa* fotcji_Vrofirietii bf the welrY 1 0 1 4.43: ito 1 - 64 r 6? s nieoltbi ZrAketolnlf.• tofferlag• to BY Malin THE WAR FOR THE UN lON, Latest From Washington. The War Feeling in New Jersey Subsequent Enlistments of Soldiers to Save for. Three Years. lOWA TO Diann TWO REOMENTS TO- SZEBVIOE. MOBE RESIGNATIONS IN TIM ARMY. ANDERSON PROMOTED; The, First Roston Regiment Offer Their RAILRPAD TRAVEL OPEN THE REBEL FORCES. MAJ. ANDERSON TO VISIT KEN TUCKY. SIXTY THOUSAND ARKS IN WASH - INGTON. CANNON PLANTED BY GEN. BUTLER The War-Department has informed the Gov ernors of the States which have ordered out their quota of military under the Ant prods: Dation ,of. the President, that it . bkcisOrahle and. preferable..that thole -who have not been marched; forward: shall beAtnatered in for three years under:the eubannent,proclamation,, Full instractions,awthia aubjectmill emu be i given. ColonaL Curtis A • member o,congrese from lowa hasosolsiVed Anthority atuetsr, in two .nsgimeategromlthat.fitaio s jR .9IW tbe.:_lj- a oilloertfarlhatkpurpoie.tduttnntaukye wiled tbertudeavaus,Ao4.4lllll - be9 . n. Ortieri4 t9.tzaike preparations for.tbelLaquioaent, , 'Animig;theiteeent-tellignitions Are , :those of COL idarylandof the ElrstCAvalry, Major Mordecai, of North Carolina, of the Ord- nance,•and Dept. Major R. B. Lee, of Virginia, Commissary of Subsistence e Major Anderson will soon be ordered to ha notable duty- The President contemplates promoting him a Coldnelcy. S. W. Febbiggen, of Cincinnati, has been v.; pointed . paymaster in the army. The New York 28th Regiment, the Salem Zouaves and the Sappers and Miners of the fith Massachu setts Belgium:it arrived this Afternoon, The;.communication.byregular andjoimage trains will be continued over the Baltimore .and Ohio, Railroad as usual, from Wheeling to Baltimore. Pint all trains will be ampained at be BeitY goo* Atation• Eon—George 0..-Whitingslate ;United States Clouunisaioner of: Pansions, has been appointed •to -tale charge.of the-hind of two millions re lating to.theltaPinrectoiftiotum The- Charleston- 'Courier, of Saturday, says that the Collector-.of that port..has been in structed :bytheCoufederatagovernment -to clear private veasele•andcargoes until-war it declar ed, and-the will of .Ooagrees iamade.known. General Beauregard has left Charleston for Montgomery. Brigadier •General • Cooke, commanding the militarg and.the defences on the.. Potomac bor der of , Virginia, in • a general =order says that General Ruggles has taken up his quarters at Fredericksburg, and• that he (Gen. Cbakej is to take a position in front of .Washington,, and id connection with , ; the commanding officer at Harrier's Ferry,.on his left, will thus cover and* `defend the Potomac border against invasion from North. He adds - that the Ospital has never been threatened, and that it ii not now threatened It is beyond and outside the lim its of the free and - independent State of VII , eats. The North his not - openly, and accord ing to the usages of civilised natidnir, declared war On us. We make no-war on.them t, but 'should Virginia soli or the grave of-Vritshing tonhe polluteti - by the tread of a single mania armirfront the Ncirtirof the : Potomac, it will cause open wax: - Major Anderson, the hero of Fort !hunter, contemplates a visit to Kentucky, whence he will address the people in behalf of the Union. He has bad several interviews with the Pre sident. Way Mall. Way Mail Way Mail. wAr *a4 Several of those officers of the United States Army who resigned their commissions and -of ter Wards failed' to get appointments .in the rebel army, have had the - impudence to ask the Secretary to restore them 'f.o the service ; but they have Met with - an emphatic refusal. There are siztrihansand stand of arms in the Igsshltigtort Navy Yard. • catilltipliiive been planted, by cten'• Butle r', for 4; 'on stonoviadact 'of ihelpsh.. 1402 *each which mil** t he taiiilkiiso and to kuxot,ding ammo.' FM LOAN" BILL PASSED Services for Three Years _.•...._ WABOINMN, May ISO ittam Trinting fat. Having prooured Steam Power IPreeete. we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRDIPIING of every ireoription, cheaper that it can be dose at any other ea tabbahmentio the country . . Diener lines or lea constitute one.balf Muir& Ets kites or more than tour constitute a square. Elalf:lquare. one day..... . one week . . one month three months six months one year.......... One *pare one day if ene week.. 200 one month_ . Oa three months ~........ ........ 606 u months._ 606 o me year 10 Olt sir-Bnitnem notices Inserted in the Least iledbre Maniere and Deaths, FIVE Mrlll ATM or mob umertion. aritairiates and Deaths to be obarged ea regular 4doortrneritlPUL NO. 6 NEW JERSEY LEUISL&TUBE. ._.TztorroN, N. J., April - /a Rouse Assembly this afternoon a hill to raise a loan of one million dollars'and State tax of $lOO,OOO was ordered to aid fending. [here was spirited debate. The Republican members supporting a loan of two million, and Democrats ono million. The lag woad sum was finally agreed upon. The bill fot aWog four more Regiments and for putvitsalqg ten thousand stand of aunt, artillery and muni tions of war, will come up to-morrow morning. Resolutions thanking the Governor for the energy and activity h 6 has displayed in raising the quota of troops for this State, and express ing strong confidence respecting his Judgment, patriotism and ability in Upholding New Jer • sey to pse her power to maintain the Union and Constitution, and thanking the President for the energy displayed by him in defence of the Union, were introduced this morning by Mr. Moore, (Dem.) in the Senate, and passed by that body by a unanimous vote. Mr. Cook, (Rep.) has introduced in the Senate a supple meet to the act for the punishment of crime. THE WAIL IN EARNEST. TIM PHILADELPHIA THOOPS ON ?U MARCH. 3.ENA.212R BAYARD IN TROUBLE. Orders have been issued for the marching of troops, and the following companies will leave here to-morrow, viz: (Col. Lewis's First Regiment Infantry. Col. kloorehead's Regiment. Cul. Patterson's Regiment, First Arillimy. Col. Lyle's Regiment, National Guard. This body of Pennsylvania troocs mill be ac companied by two regiments of Ohlb volunteers. They will be under the command of Brevet Major General Cluivralader. Their destination is as yet unknown, even to the Colonels of the Regiments. Early this morning certain parties at Wll mington, Delaware, telegraphed to tn. city that Senator Bayard was coming hither in the morn ing train. Word was passed around among some parties in the southwest part of the city, and by the time the train arrived, between eight and nine o'clock, a crowd had gathered at the depot. Mr. Bayard was accompanied by two daughters. He was pointedd -out to the crowd upon the arrival of the train, but he was I allowed to enter a Eiftee_nth street car without moleshstson: lelr. Dubow.° escorted Mr. Bayard to the Central Station, at Fifth and Chestnut .streeta, where he remained a short time, until Mayor Henry ,arrived, 'IT ben he was at once dia. . charged, and entering a carriage friend, residing in this city, he was driven kg. He returned to Wilmington to-daf, having made but a very short stay in the city. UNION DEMONSTRATION AT FREDERICK, The presentation of a flag to the Brengie Guards, by the ladies of Frederick, will take place at two o'clock this afternoon: The Presen tation will be made by the lion. Reveriiy John son, and the occasion is . attracting thousands from the surrounding country, and will be made the opportnufty• for an enthusiastic Union demonstration. The Stews and Stripes are flying in all directions. Two secemilonista tritre been arrested for cheering for Jet Davis. THE FIRST 130STON REGIMENT The (doers of the First Boston itegimsat learning that no troops will be accepted under three years, enlistment, waited on G9v. 4. /Andrew this afternoon in a body, anni tendered their services and those of the Regiment for that term. . . . . NEW GOODS ! NEW PRICES! FRESH ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES I yHE subscriber has just returned from Philadelphia with &lode eivl varled'agrottment ai ' wag 'ORCHEIthid, QUiletlieW trig, IMO% Rebid, NOIIONS, and everything mu al,' kept in a Heat ohm s Grocery, respectfully cads the attention 01 tits Glilata tdari, as.woll ea the puolio 6eaeratly, tl hia.laat arrival. Thankful for past patronage he faopsibtstelcs sun• tt n to butineet to merit a condonauovi of tinlapi:lne, T, apl:94ltt Corner of Third anitChegtistitlitreets. FLAGS! - FLAGS 1 ! NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with National Mtfsnt, Uinta. PaPkt w a view at ar/IntrISOM, ponied an / male it liCHlthersts Boum/wag ap24 Near Elie Haritsbuter Dadra BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG -, PENN'A. GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPEZTO.E. The ab ore well known and long eguddided Rog is now undergoing a thorough renoration,knd beingin a ;restdegree newly furnished, unde r the forocitetersidp of Mr. Gi N nos J. Onion, who hats been totAngnate of the ammo for the last . three yeara, and "li . well known to Thankful for the liberal patronage. which ,tt has en oyed I cheerfully commend Mr. aoiton fo . the @@ubHs Tor. LW Inn 217 AI•DERMAN HENRY ..I)EXP.Eit. oilmr,--nuaD tram, • oREWs Bow, NlA.ll , llAfala-, --- 1144enee Chestsigt Street near ibtirtA. °ITT • 07 lern4lt RATIN ur ai,VNB.TIBI29O SO 1 , ......L (8. . 800 4 0 •.• ..... 6 00 Ziy 7 MARYLAND Fzenzniest, Slay 7 Btmunr, Itay 7 CARD , rime*. 3
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