THE TELEGRAPH --- - IS EVERY DAT, By GEORGE 13ERGNER. - aussaurnos, 'Erie 0•15.1 r 11111314 ;WS, is 4prted tfr,subaortbera to tie jougti„tit ajCoe' liteper 4early subsantere in be cbarged 54.90. PiioxLy Asp F. mat.Wioutrr Tamagnrra 211.305AP8 %Mao_ nut,dhaltia twice a week. during atuipagitid CLifind weekly during the re mainder 44tWoMred to subscribers at the Singlb erk_per-senr „ „ ~ .. seveit Teo -• subsoilhninrottreelgieinutoe Of their cows parent; the.initAlihile Ihht:'etitiellithto send them until arrearages are . pad. 11 subscribers neglect or rause to take their n'ortiPu -2'rB frow thl4 ' l2nee t9.** l l ll :they are:directed, they are responaibie until tiley mar. settled the tells and ordered thaw discontinued .filitc-tpantoul! 73r. I)..TCON3IEDS PHAGERSTOWN, MD. • OFI7IC,FI his own. dwelling;' 9,- . few • doors weseof the Fraliklitiltailroad Depo; where be may be conmited oa all diseases, but more particu larly OD fldsolsee. or w,priritotia,tUre:, - . There are many persons to Ifagerstowir, Harristrbrg lidd elsewhere, woo have been restored to sound health alter all other treat ment Isdled,, 1?y,01,0, MO 0, 1 4, prearful Togetable reme d'es. ••• ; let .1 ; . . Dr. JONES may be consulted personally or by letter,de• eorn32°S every 5 7 13 , 1 Ptets,a- r An4-.lno4Ecine ; sent to any parecrth4.eduCtry.: Any afahrted Ammon' that will call personally and make a bargain with Dr. JONES, he will keep them In Ms own Awedlng, and IS not.eared a° pay will be requlredo • GONORREVA. Dr. JUNKS tears ilieraily safe and certain remedy for Gonorrhea, filleet,Stalatitrel liver. Complaint, Dyspepsia, Coed...nese, and elf Derangements of the Stomach. This preparation will, lionorrhea , itt from threi to Ave days, cad can be had at any time of Dr. JONES, at his ot• ace, at One Dollar per bottle, end one bottle is puillaieni Qum a.tiliplifsger: friumPf. - / This is one of the. worst of all diseases. Dr. JONES pledges himeelf to hare BYARS in its worst forms. This disease makes Its appearance in so many different forms, thatwreingleplan of treatment will not reach It in all Its feateres ; so it mitymiiite.different remedies, according to tholiatered the"olise:' Dr. - JONEB will make a wri4 ten article _with any one ,NO CURE NO PAY I The re. ,medles tiaecilif'Draol4l/9, are purely vegetable, and need no change of diet Or hindTance from hinnagea.,. BPDBRATOBILITA. . • ~ This habit'of 'yOiithia thd - urioa iii while atone, and a o often learned from evil , companions , when at echo6l, and if not cured . will destiny' both inirid and body. Both sexes fall victims to this The symptoms are— Pain in the Head: Dimness of Sight, Ringing in the Ears, Pimples on the Face, Loss of Memory, Frightful Dreams at Night, Weakness the Riot', Pain in the Breast, and Cough, (indicative of Consumption") Dyspepsia, great Derangemint of the:Nettroes System, and so on till ,Death puts an end to their sufferings. To such Dr. JON XS of fers a perfect ,rentoradoe,•. with: such andl - Balmy Juices of Herbs. ha ' twill ' lierfactly ' restore the victim at th is Distressing Disease. - .• ' - FEMALE" 'COMPLAINTS. ' • • Speedily restored aqua health, • • • . • All lettere Mast contain a stamp to ensure answer.. Address DR. D. W. JONES, spl 3md Hagerstown, hid._ OPENING ; OF SPRING AND SUMMER Blaok and Second Mourning -DRESS' GOODS, &C. knglisu Rep. mourning Silks, • Plain:illack•Foulards, • Black. end White Dresa and foulard Si • Purple and Black "“ • • 1 .; Lupin's Crepe TaMmatans, .• 0-4 Boucsclaines Dahlias, Pena Cloths, (new article), . • LuPhis Extra Alpacas, Neopolltan Silks and new goodo, • . • Paris Poplins, Summer Valenclae. Madonna Cloths; • Black and-purple All Wool Delalnes, White and Black All Woof Delaines, Emeline Delalnes, Cashmeres, Mohairs, Earisieedisi4l.lll(.. ,, Warp Lovelies, Lupin's S. S. Bornbasince,l4 . ..Orte De Espauge, Camels Hair Lustre, , new OW E melt Gingham!, splendid styles, Engll4ChlOW me Gingham, rilk Warped than Ms, Lupin's Grenadines, Croton Clottilf 4 Egd` - Our stock 6T.41 r DRESS GOODS in Black and Second Hour • cyer more complete than now, oriirto' . rfttiteren'able to pure basers. Lupin's Square'Thibbet Shawls, Cashmere Square Shawls, Lupin's4xiiig 'think Shawls, Second Mourning Shavris, English Crepe (Iriery raze,) Grenadir.edo English Crepes,. 64 ; . • . French Crepes, Shrouding Cashmerei, Shrouding. Flannels, Black Borderpt 11414,ketitlei, gdiellHosierki Black and Grey Glitintletts;lack It loves ' (all kinds,) BlacX and Lead Colored Hosiery, Plain ,Black Ribboned. A large stelOkUr Esikllslitrektollarsneid Sleeves. New styles of Second Mourning Sleeves and Collars. NotwtthstaiidinsperdiliculttSS its aitaring a fell tessortdent in flits depaithient,ire are confident our friends and the public cannot fen to be pleased.-4 For styletroxiskelesAllledsisfe can fairly compete with aurtif tile - Urger Catabilihnaents in the east: era cities. CATHCART & BROTHER, • • 'NO:. 14 Market Square, • Next door to the Harrisburg Bank., W. A. CEVICART, -T. cpipourc, . . • THE 'CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION •,--- ' A Tt.EttEit'S D t,U TORE you will „Clfind an assorimpatolene LadteaVravallpgfttchils AT EELLER'S . DRITO STORE; you wil find a great variety of Walking Canes, AA T . KELLER'S liittrOBtong you. wil tied qn .nniivallakt amortment Perfomery, Po modes, Hair Oils, Cosmetics, Soaps, &c. . . . . A T KELLER'S'DEZG STORE you 'Will ii find all lauds of Breithes--EngliSß . Tooth Anil Hair Brushes, Cloth . and Leather Brushes. A T KELLER'S DRUG STORE Lyon wpl find a tine lot of GileUrlst's Pocket Cutlery, rKELEER'S- 1 1fRiTGP'STIIRE ydu will . find a large steak of PortmoTaales, Purses4Walltits AT.,K;r4 , g.R..!§„.DAVG, STORE 7 0u wil gild a choice lot of Havana Cigars. r , el:Market Street; ' Two Doors East or goarth,Street. febil JOSIEPH CABE!. JOHN W., BROWN. CASEY BRO W N, . . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW . PNNIVA. AVING . ' itigallei in the H praolice 'Pri the ,Law;:. will 'Attend - Seithfully• and promptly to oil professional business entrusted to their . pare. Oaks in Third street three doors rrom Market -..S9wSM!!ItIPPJ 3 1!; BoOkih eed.German. • . :0 ~e ' AGNE WINES. Drc Dilttorerimme, 'Entrusite, 164; ctes!rtes Bziesowe, . I ;:figLegescia , os4 Paz_ 011-43= 11 . Moms.litrX. Ming x: k. Coil VERAY; la Store sad.for sale - - H. DEGLER, . • . : • ,- .l3.Market Street. AMBROTYPES FOR 25 - , CENTS: • THE subscriber resßectfuliy- announces. to theleiazeriwor:ltee'rtsburg'inVeicintty, that he has taken rooms over ITELKER'S HARDWARE STORE, southeast cOs:ner, of Market &plate, where heals Prepared to execute orrery style of AkIBROTYPES, Pm tomtit Prices, froa.2s .eiste and lip ivar,%-tiousaREOTYPEn Carefully copied, and Pictures Inaerted,in j..ockets and Cases of all descriptions constantly on hand. Give me a - call if - you yanks - good - Mid pietttio, m7dlra ,GEORGE R. PARHER,Ambrotypist. ODEIDLIN • • , . HENRY t- P.EFFERs - OFFICE--TEOIEVKIIIEET,, (SHELL'S BOW, NEAR'IidARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fcrtrel-6 PENN'A myl.24tt OARD Afewcab b e ao cemmodatelbeliti_boura at Idrst. Johnison's, Third street, belowPlsi 114":4. . . ... . ~ ,= tea A Irrte, l ;: ......._, . II 1 --4,-.',70,,,_,4, •---- (-- —"um.' , - - We '') • ..", , I Vi - t i* a :..1 .., ; . , . . „a.Q. 1111 82.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. XV. Misuitmeous. DL T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS his services to the citizens o Harrisburg and its micinity.- He solicits a share o tho public patronage, and; gives assurance that his beet endeavors.shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro- Cession. ~ , Being an old, well tried dentist; he feels safe in nviting the public -generally to call on tam, assuri4g hero that they -74411 not be dissatislled with.his services, Office No. 128 Market -street, in the house•thrrnerly oc-. copied' by. Jacob t. Eby,-near.-the,United. States :Hotel, Harrisburg . . Pa- • • . . NEW BOOKS BERGNER'.S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 IifARKE2 STREET. ELSIE VERNER : A romance, of destiny. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. GUADALOUPE A tale of 'Love and War. By a Military gentleman of Philadelphia. THE AMERICAN QUESTION in Its national aspect. COUSIN WILLIAM : A tale of fashionable PIONEER PREACHERS AND PEOPLE OF THE MISSISSIPPI, by the Rev. Wilburn. JACK HCiPETON ; or the adventures ofr Georgian. SONGS.OF IRELAND, by Samna Lover. . THE WITS :AND BEAUXS OF 'SOCIETY, by Grace and Philip Wharton. All the new books of the day for Lao as soon 113 pub. halted. Books not on band, will be procured iu a short time at publishers prices, without additional prices, at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE, 51 Market street. JOHN WALLOWER, JR 'I Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly.. forwarded by Philadelphia and Rrading,-Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Penntzylvania Railroads • ...nd Canal. , HAI:SLING AND BRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. •FAMILI tc 8 removing tvill be promptly attended to. Orders left at Erant's European Hotel, or at the store of E. S,Zellinger, will receive preinot attention, Con signitente of freight reepeotiully sol:clted. JOAN WALLOWER JP." . Agt., tip - - — Office Re.adineDepot. "qi7i7" FAMILY DRUG STORE. HE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED .. K a Wholesale and Retail Drag and Prescription Stare, int e Iron Front BeiMing, No. 128 Market street, lately occupied by Mr. Eby, wehre can be found an enti re new_ ;took of Fresh and Pure Drugs, Perlumery, 30A OIL, COAL. OIL LAMPS, Burning Ftuid, Alc r , 131 - 1 1 Patent 'Medicines, . Stationery Fancy Articles, &e. fie. We have, the agency for the sale of Bline's Celebrated Arti- Octal Teeth, to which we would invite the attention of Dentists. 0 • By strict-attention to business, and desire to please, respectfully.we ask a share of .I. l 'unlic Patronage. .G. W: MLLES. N. 'B.—Prime Havana Segue and Tobacco constantly 'REDUCTION IN.' PRICES tifEWINOE,%,PIain and Figured. OAPENIFRES, Plain-and Figuted. ALL WOOL DisLAINES; gate titytes end:quality, BROCA , LONet.SHAWLS,.diffarent , pricea s FINE STOWE: OF: BLANKET BELAWL,S. Tne.prines in above OtiOds; on eAamination, Will be found "lower than over . ," et • • • ,CATHCART'4, An 24 , . .-..Next,door to the - Harrisburg Bank. BERGNER'S CIEAP BOOKSTORE 51 111.40111 ET STREET, IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN.THE CITY zo - SCHOOL BOOKS SbEfOOL STATIONERY, Comprising alt the various. READINO AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITHMETIC'S ..ALGEBRAS,' GRAMMARS, Err moLoolgs; DICTIONARIES, Tasragrils' , • ' - us a all the SCHOOLBOOKS .used In 'the vart Cos' Pubho and Private Schools of' the City, together with. COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, LEITER,'C'AP and NOTE PAPER, ~ BLANK ; BOOKS, SLATES LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, PERS AND HOLDERS, INK • INKSTANDS, RULERS and the most complete assortment of SCHCM, STATIONERY constantly on hand and for stile at THE LOWEST PRICES' Or Arm Minx in the - city. at . . . . . PERONIIIRII Caf.,AP BOOKSTORE, - . 51 Market Street Aga-liberal discOunts made to teachers and dealers. Any article not on band promptly furnished without extra charge. - seo24 CLOSING OUT our still largo•Ussortmou of FURS consisting of . HapAsome Dark_Sable Setts, • . Handsomer Dark Siberian'Squirrel Setts • • A finestodk of all kinds of low price Furs, kcbance for HargabasAt Fine Furs. • , . Call at CATHCARTS, N 0.14 Market. Square, est to-tbe Harriabors Rank THE ATTENTION OF. G , ENTLEJIEN is solicited to our very large assortment or UNDgftBl3lhTh AND intswEit.s of every Shit) and quality. Givra' Jour - IN - gm Giovns,be=t article matiufacturid. 'All the:dilferent.klaCs.of Win ULOFYS , Largest assortment of R . Daterty jrit the, city. CEATATS,,SUSPILNDE,II.9., NANDAte hchlras, Ready Ile tarred. Awl everything ha Gents' wear, at ' ' Nest to the Ra:rtzbueg Acad. • I NOTCE OF ELECTION. NOTICE is hereby given that an eiectisin Will be held In t he Se.,end Prosbytirian chweb, (Armory building) on MONDAY, the 62i day of May, commencing at 2 o'clock and Ciosibg at 8 o'clock, In the afternoon ; for the purpose of elecilog oevou persons; to serve 4% Trustee:2 of the lifirrla Free eemetery; from the first Monday In Ma3 ,- , 18;31;to the first Monday in May, 1863. .Every . fretOriale,c•iiored person of the age of 21 yearsAndupsyardui ls entitled to vote. By order attic 'Board of Trustees. JOB. 0. BUSTILL ap25141.2w Secretary. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN' NONE." HARRISBURG, PL, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY .4, 1861 STEAM WEEKLY ,t,„ BETWEEN NEW TOES AND LIVERPOOL. .„ LANDING . AND : EMBARKING' . • LiEN9,ral it QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pea,' 'Nee , ork Mid. Philadelphia Steamship company 'wend despatching their full: pewsred Clyde-built hen Steamships as follows.: , CITY OF WASHINGTON,. Saturday,44h May ; CITY OF MANCHESTER, 15xturday; Ilth May. ; •CIVi BAI TiSIORg, asttin - du.y, - Leda May; - and - 'egery Saturday, at iSfooli, from Pie[ 44., North Wirer. • sans OF'PASs,t4E. _ telltST CABINS7O 03 ..... $3O, 00 do' to'London....4Bo 00 do to Loudost..s33 00 Bteerage Return Tickets, good' for Six Mouths.— ~60. 00 'Passengers forwarded 'to ' Paris, Havre,. 'Hamburg, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, .te., at raMced aiming/1 tires. • , . Persons wishing to tiring ou.ttbeir friendi can buy tickets here at the following rotes, to New York From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist (Sabin, $76, $36 and' $lO6. erage from Livorpooi 310• 00 From. Queenstown, These Steatuers'imite ourtericir AC6017/D2odatictas for passengers; and tarrj . .experietteed Enigeons. They are built in Watertight irOn. Scelloux, and ha* - Peis 4 -Fire Aneibilatora on hoard. For further information, apply at the Company's Offices: 140. P. DALE, 'Agent, • • EP ,Broa4wriy,,Now York. . Or o.p. ZAtiuiertiatu, Alma gaii.t..4batrz. CHESTEVT ST., ABOVE THIRD, TN the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market, Third and Chestnut streets, the Banks, Post Office, Merchants' Etchahge, &0., au. ANEMIC A N AND EUROPEAN - PLAN . BOARD PER DAY . $llO. Dinner between 1 and . 3 o'oloon, 60 cents. Single room from tO centsnpward. A first c.asa Restaurant attached. Prim' awarding to Bills of Rare. The City Cars take Passengers from any Station to or close to the Hotel. • gar Engtils, Frenoh, German and Spanistispoken. dui Smd ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL BOARDING SCHOOL, FOR 'YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, NOUNT JOY, LANCASTILA COUNTY, PA. TIIDENTS prepared for College or busi ness Locat'on pleasant, healthy and easy of ac cess by Pennsylvania Railroad. For circulars contain ing terms. ike., address the Principal. ' R. L. MOORE. TO ARMS i TO ARMS POWDER.! POWDER! I' TILT PONT'S celebrated GUN . AND 1./ RIFLE POWDER, and all other Powder and Fuse manufaclured by E. I. DII POST,HE NEMOURS & CO., Wilmington, Del. For sale at man demurer - prices, by their agent, JAME.ii Si. WHEELER, Harrisburg, Pa. Orrders rervivcd at wara,uui:e, to any extent, for sap plying the state Regiments, Companies, ..FIT-alLarS6 ! -1F"-T-mAL.CarISPI G. S. HARRIS, T.TNION MANUFACTORY, S. E. CORNER fOITRTEE AND VINE STS., PHILADELPHIA. Matted Stataa Flags of all Maui, both Muslin and Bunt ing mai:tura:eared and cold. ap29-3,d OFF/CS OF Tax LYSE/P4' VALIST COAL NCO., j - NeW York, Aprll.6, 1861. j THE Anuuallleeting of the- Stockholders and an election for seven Directors of the Lykens' .. Valley Coal Company be held in Philadelphia at the office of EDWARD GRATZ, No. 2 South 7th street, on Monday, the 6th day of May meat, aCIO o'clock, A. M. The polls will open at 10 o'clock end close at 2 o'clock, A. M. WM. HAWKING, apb-2tawte 'Secretary. . . . , . THE DR. .KANE- REFRI GERATOR. T - HIS. supetior REFRIGERATOA: , to gather with several otter cheaper Myles, may be found at the mancifactom at exceedingly low prices. Also a Areal variety of HAEJU .000 L CB* of supe riorfl iksh .. . T. a Favattotz & ico. . :• - Col.: Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia. aprill6Mn - - Os ac oF IRE JAIENS' VALLET-RAELROAD:AA. COAL CO., j , Newyork, April 6, 1661. THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders and an eloodon Torn. PrtUident, :even! Manageru, and a Secretary and Treasurer of tee Lyirene Rahroad and coal Cam rany will be held in Phil adelph ia at the office of. HOWARD GRATZ, to. S S•ettu 'lttr street, on Monday, the 6th day of May lira, at 10 e'cleck A. M. The polls will oputkAL.l6.o'clock and close at 2 o'clock P H. _ WM. HAWKINS, ap6.tawteSecretary. , , . . The West Chester Academy , , A T WEST CHESTER, PA., within two ;A. hour's ride from Philadelphia by the Pennsylva nia Central or the West Chester direct railioad, will re sume the duties of the 0,11.1.51 ER Pleßitt on the FIRST per, of MAY NEST, and close them on therrer DAY OF Smelt /TER The who:A, therefore, la in session during the. SLIMMER MONTHS, Pupils are rseeived at any time at proportionate charges. The average number of students is 85, under the charge, of-tiine teachers. The French,. German and Spanish latiguages . are taught by Native . Resident InetrucitOrs. For catalogues,' apply to • WM. F, WYERd, A. M., Principal, apl-2md At West Chester, Pa. CHAS. F. RUMP, u NORTH • IEII7IITH STREBT - \affilliatt PHIL ADYLPHIA. AT THE OLD STAND. - Wholesale and Re:all Manufacturer of Port Memosles, Cabas and Purses, Dreaing Poser., Money Belts, Reticules, Cigar Oases," Banker's Cases, .Leather Bags, WritingDeskS, Pocket Books, Port Folios Bill Books, ad. oct3-wly . . 200 `CA R RIAGE S AT AUCTION. SECOND SPRING SALE, FOR 1861: IN consequence of the extraordinary =mei , pressure of the times, and the accumulation of his stock of NEW CARRIAGES, the subscriber will bold a second sale for this Spring, 1861, which will take place on Wednesday Morning, May 8, 1861. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., AT THE PEILADELPIIIA BAZAAR, NINE!" AND SANSOM STS., PHU • DELPHIA, the 2,0/111:1:01/t (aloe' Two Hundred) will be folly 1 equal to that otifzed at the first Sate, including all the I most modern styles, and from some of the best makers ' of Philadeinhia and Wilmington. ,dg-file Sale will ba positive. ,y No postponement .n account of toe weather. 19-2td ALFRED. 11. IitERKNES 4 ', Auctioneer. 4 WNINGO sewed at the office of the WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE ( 0 ., 11-Yard Tntrd and Market Streets, filieteltanrous. ST. LOUIS HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA =I WAR.! WAR ! WAR !I! Liz Etitgrap4. HARRISBEMG, PA Saturday Afternoon. May 4, 11.881 From our Morning Edition. BY THEM THE WAR, FOR THE UNION. i=::== 10g..'F1101;W41.INQ1101... Yli g ilii.'. - B46kiii g • ...D9t* THE POST MICE DEPARTMENT. Rusiness at the War Office Efflaioomy of tho Admin.istration. Government to take Thasession, of Virginia Post Offices and Custom Houses. EMIGRANTS MUST LAND IN THE NORTHERN PORTS. Defences at Washington. RAILROAD IN THE. RIGHT HANDS. MARYLAND LEGISLATURE DISTRUSTED Pennsylvania Troops at Washington. A SOLDIER GETS MARRIED. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. DELAWARE STATE VOLUNTEERS New Jersey Volunteers. =ZS= WASELUMTON, May .4 From, private sources, believed to be entirely reliable, it is ascertained that Virginia, of her self, does not meditate an advance on Wash ington, that subject being for the consideration of the Confederate States. Their throwing of troops into Virginia is said to be in antici pation of a declaration of war by the Southern Congress, as well as au-apprehension that the gathering of so large a military force here is designed, ultimately, to invade, the. South. The Post Office Department, after carrying into effect its past orders as to offices, will chiefly confine its action to supplying vacancies by death and resignations, and to 'removals for cause. This is deemed a proper tribute to the patriotism and loyalty of the people of the loyal States, in view of the nevi and controling issues of Government. The War Deprrement especially keeps its officers employed night and day. An immense amount of business is transacted. The tele graphic wire leading directly to the Chief Clerk's room is both convenient and, time tow log, and is constantly employed in, the trans mission and receipt of messages. The Administration is not a little amused at the representations made in the papers of New York and elsewhere, that it is sluggish and not sufficiently active, in view of the present crisis. They point to the fact that Fort Pickens .and all the'forte in the Gulf, and Fortress . Monroe : and Fort Mllenry, are fully reinforced and supplied, a blockade actually organized, the, capital of the country securely guarded ; and: a formidable army ready for any emergency ; ,_ And, besides these things, the', strengening the Navy with' the least possible . delay. The II S steamer r Pawnee left this port this morning for a cruise in the Potomac and, to be . • on the look 'out. The' Alexandrians are expecting that, the Government will take possession of the POst Office and Custom House there. The wharves • are deserted; owing to - the blockade of the . Chesapeake. The United Btates Minister. to Portugal, Mr, Harvey, leaves for his post to-night. There is no truth in the statement that Hon. C. 3. Faulkner, our Minister, to France, pre seated the Confederate Commissioners at the Imperial Court His official connections with the French mission ceased before thee. Confed erate Commissioners left this country. An application has been made by the diplo matic corps at the Department of State, and the following points relative to the southern block ade have been ascertained: First—Vessels lying in blockaded portawhen the blockade took effect, will be allowed area Boilable time to depart. Second—Vessels bringing emigrants, though they had no notice of the announcement of the blockade, will not be allowed to enter, block aded ports. As emigrants and that class of persons from abroad come to the United States chiefly to settle in the Northern' and North 7 western States, it will be better, for enter at an,open port, and thence make their way to their .destination„ than to encounter the dangers and casualties incident to the insui reotionau'ecindition of the Gulftitlies. The quiet of the pest, week continues here, but every . daY.heiPoi to? strengtherthe . defeaces of Wind:dust= and, the discipliue.of the troupe.. Tide railroad facilities : bogween. here and An napolis are much improyecl Since additional care .have been brought ironi.-Philadelphia. Mr. Thos. A. Scott, Tice President of. the Penney'. Tanis Baßroad Company, : who: has charge of the read, is "the .right_ wee ha the right place." The doings of the Maryland. Legislature are regarded with distrust and uneasiness. But JULIO faith is put ha the protestations of the Border kiat2s. little.morg•show of strength on the partef the Governinent is needed to keep *Viand right. . . , , The Providence Marine Artillery arrived here yesterday evening, +tact are much,admired. - Some of the Pennallvania troops have been sent do wn tot Waabitairtglit. The accounts from down the river. and along both aides of Chesapeake. Bay, are satisfactory. The rebels do not show themselves, and Ito bat tcrles tar/ 11 %1.1 erected • Charles:Tibbetts, a member of the Rhode Island Begin:Kurt, was married last night to one of . , 'the daughters of tbe.regiment," Mimi Sarah Beasley. The ,soldiers celebrated the event with great pomp and festivity. • THE MAINE REGBIEHT TO LEAVE NEW YORK TO-NIGHT NEW Yong, May 3. The.steanier Chesapeake has steam on and will start this evening, if the Marine Regiment arrives, direct for Washington. She has 600 barrels of- provisicns, /20 head of cattle, a company s of the - seventy-first regiment, a de tachment of the twelfth regiment, 600 stand of arms and a number of uniforms fur the vol unteers, in the beverity-East regiment. FROII BOSTON .Desiruetive -The Murdered ,a)kltere--Trade with Baltimore BOSTON, May 8. A large storehouse, on Commercial sir*, wars:destroyed by fire this morning, involving a loss of $20,000. the body of Corporal Needham, one of the soldiers murdered at Baltimore, was delivered to the Mayor of Lawrence, by Gov. Andrews, this morning: The steamer Ben De Ford will sail with a full cargo for Baltimore to-morrow, hy permission of the Secretary of the ,Treasury. She is for 'bidden to call at Norfolk._ THE WRECK OF. THE .STEAMSHIP UNITED STATES AND OTHER DISASTERS. MONTREAL, May 31—Two steamers have been Sentto assist the Steamship United States wrecked on Bird Becks. At the last accounts she was going to pieces. No person could 'be seen aboard. The ship Spartan is ashore on the beach and her crew has been saved. The ship Salads is ashore twelve miles below Father Point. Crew saved. The ship Poaerful is anchored among the rocks off Cock Point arid leaking badly. The ship Marlon has been, wrecked. Crew saved. The brig Minnie Dawson is a total wreck. One Man was lost.. - Three bodies have been recovered. from the wreck. The roads are filled with drifted snow . SAFETY OF .THE PASSENGERS. lossams, May B.—The 'paSseugers of the wrecked steamer United Statei, i have arrived safely - at'Quebec. One of the steerage 'passen gers is still missing. • 44tntkier Ship is ashore on Sandy Bay. LATER FROM CALIFOIIiZIA AZILIVAL OF THE NORTHERN LIGHT! The eteamidgp - Northera Light has arrived out front Aspinwall, which she left on the 25th She brings'B6o' passengers and $868,000 in gold. The ship Marco Prolo, from Anstralia for London, had put into Valpamiso dismasted and leakinirby contact with an ice berg. THE DELAWARE STATE" VOLUNTEERS. Wttiltuniton, Dim., May 2. `The Governor's proclamation mastering. in troops has given a new impetus to the war movement. Yesterday Fompanies B and , C were sworn in. They are Wane healthy , set 9f, men. The Governor has made a requisition on Secretary Cameron for . 11:90 rifles. We have now in the city of Wilmington between eight and nine hundred muskets and rifles, which when added to the thousand asked for by the Governor will place our State in a fair con dition for defence. • 'The knights of the Golden Cirele-sre plentlfu .• • in Wilmington but they are keepinggulet. NEWS FROM.THE WAR' STEAMERS. - - - Yoßs, May S The steamer Coataaeolens, from Washington on the evening - of the gcr, arrived this after noon; Shareppits having "spoken the steamer Quaker City on a Orden off Hairpton ROad. Off .Cape May Saw steamers Harriet Lane and Star of the South. 4ittam Vtintiugi Vic*. Having prectilea Stye _Pow en er__Yresece, we prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PallenNO eCeingt description, cheaper that it can be done at any Oi mi tablishineutin the country RATES ur Ao'VRETEBUIRI. Ja'Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Rif uc e 8 or more than four constitute a edema's. Ralf Square. one day one week.. , ..... one . c ... e aid ..... ['- three months 3 00 • nix months -4 0' - One year „ , „ . 6. um Square one day • 01 ono week.... ' .3 “ one month . three 0tenth5......... ...... n six months . 0 44 one year '.". . sa-muthess notices inserted in the Lama St oefore Marriages arid Deaths, FIVE cskrasrpga or each insertion. agrthirriagea ana Death to le'cOnitad' en regular Avertise,niente, , NO. 3 . 1 ,1 1 4 y R. The iiiet of prOpallers.w#h 4 r4ettiey yid unteera have passed ihrougfillie ;aimllll.4lnd wilt proceed no further this evening than Florears, where the fleet will anchor, and to-morrow leave. in two detachments. copio ot.,the propel. lees will take aboird . before it passes Philadelphia. , . Bola Homes of the Legislature - edloornad over yesterday w/til three 0'c100k,.P.4 7 aezt Monday. Fissr Examen Luta=Att Catusaw. , ;-- Tito Sunday-echool rooms of this churck have beta put in order, after being vacated by tbe troops, and the sessions of the school will be held to. morrow as usual. Public worship will be held, ma -idea aid evening, tut mud, la the body of the cher& Movemma os Taaws.—Tna NUM Hee ment of Pennsylvania Volunnosts left . Camp Curtin yesterday ramming tojuln44loo:Wayiria, near W6st"CheEiter. The Tenth Regiment left here lasi Tit! to join Camp Slifer, at Chambersburg.. Oa the same day six companies abici left bee. to fill up the Sixteenth Regiment, et Camp Scott, in York. The Eleventh Regiment will leave this kern ing to some point, at present t111Y.1201/II to 11111. It will be accompanied by the celebrated Re pass Cornet Band, of Williamsport. 7 A. M., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, illmarla,l and Saturday. - 7 A. M., to Jonemtown, on,pgmlim and Friday.. 1 P. M., to Lewisberry, on Sattirdiii.. b: ". l ..; Office Hours on Ainday—Fromlf to 814111 L, and 3 to 4 P. M. • . Postage to California, Colorado,Neir/414011- kotah and Oregon, 10"ceicir All Letters and. transient Newspapeie iee re quired to be pre-paid W - Etamps beforel4ey can be mailed. • '` NOTICE TO 8111 ERS:—This - Trus of the Farmers' Ugh ecave propOltle for the tit .11 weary.Slar. pouter work, and elss erloi of tne rol'aiiialati past: et their bulldmg, which cametate of dye storlei WA - oas laundroa tmd forty-two feet in frecit,, the enNtlag esr tending back eiAbty-one feet and shninehal: - The proposals will be received at the,FartaAlceitila Centre county, until Wednesday, the 93d day 'ef, 1861, at 11 o'clock, A. si.; and may be fir acy'Dart or tits whole work. Drawings and Specilicatious eit "fetk may be seen at the Farm 4ohos1; at say cling wasima . _ plVation to Dr. - PUGLI, the Pro (dent of - thilhill; Toe Trustees hays on hand a loge qttau, Utruf,:glgult, brick, Saud, lumber, fisting doers inui - alleldoWar, 011 aad sills, which may paused in theilanddidg, ant which the contractor will: be required tq at And ptices.. An examination of the wi,rkle - be dblte; ay materials on band, would be naceseary to eoa saYillosa Wind :for it. ' MILITARY BOOM!, JUST RECEIVED. COOPER'S TACTICS, -- - - HARDEE'S TACTICS AND • Instructions in Field Artillery have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. nay4-dtf -. -Pixy Yoas, May 8 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRIORS! . . . WHEELER & WILSON'S .. . • • SEWING' MACHINES, . . NEW IMPROVEMENTSI AT REDUCED PRICU: THE • WHEELER. &, WILSON Moles°. taring Company having-gained .it tbeir_sialajai law, with Infringing manufacturers of.Sewing.Mscalaillis propose that the public should. be , bentiatted' and have accordingly reduced the prier of. Pair Machines: After this date they will be sold' at lateitbila will pay a fair profit on the cast of: laitaiatactaria. tweeted, and expense or making sales kulk-,Pdellki a will enable them to make first claes - iosettliallll;4l44 heretofore, guarantee them in every pita:4l4mi; In accordance with the announcement aboveva4 sell, their splendid Sewing Machines at.tiewee t tiarls, to $9O for the fine full case machines, It is a arawipagab. &hod fact that the Wheeler & Wil s on . s owing is the beet one in the mark et,,the beat tp } de a :myst apply and least liable to get onto f order,and'they siellow as tow as the inferior . machines. Zell .and see .11laiM , tat Third arid Market. • W: CITY BONDS* FOR SATIPA...! _ONE OR' TWO CITY BONDS o f each. bearing 13 per cent. Interest, being hate good Investment. Apply to - teb4 Said - W. IL VIMWEIM . . FOR SALE.: VON One to Five Hundred .Doiltikki worth of CITY BONDS. Novato CL 0. ZIMUMUUN,;.' marl 4 No. 21114aValmon0. Omit THE NEW 411;ESEr YOLUNTF6ERS. ......0..•,p4.n...w•••••. PO6T 011101; HAEB/sIOHG, TA., April Li, MAas CLoss. Pennsylvania & R. 0 A. M. 12,16 P. M. 9 '4 8.80 t. West 12 M -8 80 P. M. 9 46 II!!! ailumbia Broach, P. R. B. 3.80 P. M. Northern Gintral R: 12.15 P. M. 9 61 1 P. M Lebanon Valley E. B. 7.80 A. M. .043uphin ar snuck :ma 1 80 P. K. Cumberland Vary B. B. 7.80 A. M. 1 P.M. By Stagg. South North New Mverfietnints. EVAI4,pO - 48r; Fat.WIC .WATES McCIALLI4.II* . Go mitten of tl4o.Bafftt of vista's. may4-3t ~501 .i. Of- Way Midi Way kfa4l. Way MALL I ?filY *AL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers