4, iLLIT' * gnat ta filar /Mr nt• 1 BY 011 E virtue of a writ of S 0 LE Vendi tont &porno' issued out out of the Court of Coniti o 1 Pl.-as 11 - , ... , ' of Greet e county, and to me directed, there "A Horse 1 A Horse ! My kingdom will be exposed to public sale at the Court i House, in Waynesburg on Saturday the 234 of for a Horse 1" I July next, at one o'clock, P M , the following In view of the almost impassibte conditkm t ir la7n P i r o t T . t v i l i z e det i n i dhaentroPit n thle d , interest arid of the public roads in !,geese County, many tract of land situate in'Cu4ibetrnlantdotpa, certain teamsters will have occasion to quote this C li c o u n n o t n y, a r e a la , boundedl the ,the Roast j by the Shakeeperian language this fell when their IFuller, g on the r lV e e r st o ti ll y t l t a e nd e' s 'lli f 1 3 y ohnt n rag b o warns are stuck in the mud, with es mach l on the North by the lands of Tames Crago and acresr a s i3o c u o t nt s a e i v n e i n nf y o tt n: e n s it o n i dr:d hlca earnestness as Richard the Third. The le t s: h re m c o le re are o d orate road leading from Waynesburg to and has erected thereon one hewed log dwell Wheeling, is horribly oat of repair, especial- 1 out m t o ull s d e m a gs " slap l tch a e t n en tenant heoluasebleasnadndg garden ly that part of itipetween Ely's bridge and attached, apd extra apple orchard, and an shun the ridge at Isaac Ingbrant's farm. In Hills i o dn f r c i e ve i fb c fn a t l om cm a U n le d fl t i e e l e th e o P le 'A i r-t a d rin a i ri n u a a n ni ex tlY lane there is a ravine la the m i d dle o f th e cellent state of culmation Taken an execptjon as the property of Wni road so deep and wide, that perhaps, a strang- Chisier, at she sent of Presley Swan, for use, er would conclude that travel hart nearly &c. THOS. I UC4b, Sheritl been checked by an excipstion for railioad Seartirr's Orrirs Waynesburg Pa ,July 13,1864. purposes. Stich neglect of duty and flagrant violations of larv, cannot longer be toilerated ,by the travelling community. The Sten- Lion of the Grand Jury was called to this subject, and process was awarded by the -Court against the Supervisors at the last term, and unless these timely warnings are speed ily ,heeded, chose who are entrusted with the repair cf the roads, may expect to suffer the severest penalty of the law. "A word to the wise is, or should be sufficient." South Western Normal School, Mills boro, Washington Co., Pa. We have received information that a Spe cial. Session of this School, designed to pre pare Teachers for the approaching examina tions, and to,more thoroughly, qualify them for their latior,of the winter, will commence ,on Monday, July 11, 1864, and continue eight weeks. Boarding ran be obtained in this village fur about $2.50 per week. The corps of instructors must certainly be effi cient; embracing, as it dues, the Superinten ,dents of some of the counties of the 'Normal .TYstrict, while Prof. Gilchrist will be acting -Principal. Teachers desiring improvement their calling should not neglect this oppor ,tunity. Address the Principal for informs- Ann. Death of a Worthy Citizen. Mr. Neal Zollars, ofyranklin tp., fell upon the pavement, in Waynesburg, on Friday last, and expired in a tew moments from dis ease of the heart. Medical sA. was calle4 as ,soon as possible, but the blood having ceased to circulate life could not be restored. Mr. Zoliars was an obliging neighbor, a kind husband, an affectinnate father, an hon .est and reliable citizen in all his business en gagements and pursnits, p.ntl abwie all, an ,exemplary disciple of Jesus, which fact can only give consolation to his weeping friends in this sad hour of bereavement. The de ceased was a deacon in the Baptist eburCh, of this place, and his sudden demise has cast a gloom over the church of his adoption, and the comm Unity at large . His distressed family have the sympathy and condolence of all who knew him, for he was an honpra hie man, and by hie mild audget4le.manners and respect for others, hat e.i deared hi m selt to all aopaintances. Let the living be admonished, that, "In the midst of life we are in death." Melanotoly Accident. Franklin, eon of ,Tohn Syphers, of this place, was killed on Thursday last, under the full 'wing sad circuingtan3es. Whilst aid ing his father in hauling wood with a yoke of oxen and horse attached to a wagon, the bcrrse becoming frightened the boy ten upon the ground near the tannery of Y.r. Cotter el, and the wagon wheels passed over him causing death in a short time thereafter.— His parents, brothers, and sisters are called to weep this sudden demise of a "loved one." And the community can only express sympa thy for them in this affliction . •• 14 . 9. qL, A T a regular meeting of Richbill Lodge. No. 571 1l it was resolved that said of the celebrate its or gr., awien. and the principals of the older in Jackson “reene ()query. Pa., ' THIIRSpAii AUG 25TH, lafel, in fall Regalia of the Order. e ate - eiderrigned coopokte i s " ipo th m i the th e ,purpose.' fraternally rod coiflptily Invatv nur Rieder Loops in the cop nt pod adjorplog counties to emend, and participate with ua on the occasion. A public or ation will be delivered. Procession (brined at lei o'clock. ' waynethura Brune Bann win be in attendance to An A tvea ibe occasion Turn out brethren and snow your autachinent to Me order. A. J. DICRERAON. HONIAA N 8 0 0 11 E, B ' , ENDER:4Iw r. Committee of iikvitatje.o .101 y 10, Mt ftßil FOR SILL H 6 oil dersigued offera fur safe upon alvintageoua i s . e6 lr n e a ills eol a nt v y al . u i a ,a b . le au tr u n o ct o illint lands of u e asc pr fiL o .,:i l.u i r p d . : Junes iturdrue and oat .re r,.n,.,itt,,,a 3.82 .A.CrEILMOVII gad In a good state of cultivatton. 1 here rr one , dwelling house, stable, and other outhuil -nss A good Apple. Orchard. and well walered. The farm is well ada.ted to grazing. and in a good neighho hood. TERMS-11.ibarat and will be made known 00.0 Ytp• pheation to she undersigned, living th; premise i July 20. 111114 -St. CATO a SINE COU Administrator's Notice. r STrafta of Ad= .13fts4l1l111 .4 1 . elltierile 1, II" hal , ing bliss granted upon the estate of swops! linos , Seed. hos 01 Morgan tp., Notice is heist') go. eii to all persons indebted to said 41nal will Blithe 110111MdIaLti PnYho'nti Penton' , having Gauss will present them pro peep autbsaticated tar settlatatent. . WILLIAM KINCAID. Jab , 28. MAC Adners ORPHANS' COURT sit,LE. BY vir.oe of an order of the Orphans' Court of Greene county elle undersigned will sell on the premises o • apiaturday, July 23d, 1564, , Ake following tract of land, viz ; shout one acre, situated in Franklin tow'nehip, Ureene county, l'a.. adjoining the Scale Lot of Jesse Hook, and the Waynesburg Turnpike, and other lands of the ea' d TLRMS--xllte whole of the purchase money rt; be paid at the confirmation of the sale. ABNER GAILY. Guardian of Catharine 141argaretta, -minor child of Andrew Lantz, jr.. dec'd. July 13, 1864. SHERIFF'S SALIE. B y ovul u e 6 B ) o f ult. w o r P ' fl f ni Ven o d u it Ple H aa t E o i rVr a e l e i Le ilw r il o e u d n o ty nt end to me directed there will be exposed to publie sale et the Court R e use in Waynesburg On Saturday. July 23d,1864, meat, at 1 O'clock, P. M. the following orator ty, viz: all a t right, title, interest and claim of .the defendant of in and OX a certain Tract of Land saint- in Coln btriand tp., Greene couniy, Pa . hounded on toe Eon by. the Monongahela River, on the South by John el. r o ver ' on the Wort by lands of John Cr go, on the Pinahby lands - of James Crap) and others. containing One ilundredAmmaiooto nr less, about Steve ty Acres of which Predated, and has erected thereon one Ilew ed Log Dwelling Homeland Kitchen. i.og ettible and ether nut building-. also a tenant Howe and Garden attached, also an Extra Apple (eclat d and an alma. dares oftatal an the pretniose. and a quantity of river w aw a, and the whole traria is za eAsellent state of switftwdoll . Tannn. 1. 44 101 Sehi.ter ' I + °IS • i A S' a g e: *airy GYM, I • lIDMI HAWKERS AND PEDI.ERS, 1-a CI Cs IX. GI 17, pk he act of idisein.ly of March. 18 Hawkers and 1„) rediers in Grrene county aye required to procure a lict.l se from the county 7 reasurer immediately, or •In-y mill be r , isivelled to liar the venallY of One thiodr •il .1) liars. to he_trotecte I by summary proceed - lig heooe a Justice of the Peace. T.l.e License is Say dollar J. 43. JENNINGS, Treasnver. June 2;1, 1864 Legal Notke. Letters Testamentary on the Estate of LOT I, CALE,VIAN, f Whitely toirnabip, Greene county. havii a heyt gr oiled to the undersigned, by the tints' er of Greene ,iity persons knowing them selves Indebted to -aid Estate are re.qu im,.e to pay the same, and persons haying claims against a iii Estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated for set tlement. MARION CHALFANT, Executor. June 15, 1664. Executor's Notice. etters test•rme wary having been emoted to the lin dersitf nett on 'tie Vstate of Joseph Thompson, ate of klorris boa nsh p deed. .1 persons know ieg themselves indebted to sale Estate, are hereby Ipotitied to pay the 40411 e illllllClii ttely, and How hay tog claims against the Estate, are requested tr. present them duly auttmattstntre., for pav them. tiAtlt triom PSON. StILAS TtiONlrtatilti. Ea're. June 8, 1884. SCti 004. NOTICE% T ILE School Dire ct ots of Alleppo tawnship Rive no ice in ell iho e hewing claim's azatoit sad LOW prior t0z..•60 to p e , eto hefo e the lloard, at ito nest 111 , C,1 ill 2. on the tint elniortlay of Atigu,t. By or ler of the 'Joan!, MONROE WHITE. Pre!. ADAM WtitE Bet July 13 'RC Election Nonce. n':44 ., WHEREAS, a joint r.ssolution, proposing certain amendments to the Constitution of this Commonwealth. tias been agreed to by a me. jority of the riVembers, elected to each house Di the Le,gislatufe. at two successive sessions at the same, the first session commencing on :he first Tuestiai of January, in the year 01 our Lord.doe thousand eight hundred atid'sixty , free, and the second session commencing' on the first Tuesday of January, in the year,ot,our Lord one thousand .eight hundred andsixty four. • And Wherv4, It issrovided in the tenth ar tide of the Constitution, that any amen mem so agreed upon shall be submitted to tbe 'pen• ple,Mauch manner and such times, at leant three months atter being so agreed by the two houses as the Legislature shall prescribe, such submtanimn ,t:ein sach manner, and form, that the people may mote for, or against, each amendment, seperately and distinctly : !bere t-ore., Sec - runs 1. That for the purpose cif aseertainiag the of the perm{ of the, Cotton liwealth. 2n regard to the adoption or r.-jel UM! of ar....1 alrif4o44/18014 either 01 them the ..;;:tvernor of Mis Comm at weal.. shall issue a writ afelcmiott, directed toearh and , very ethetitf of this Comnimitvealtin, commanding then, to give wince in the usual seamier tit not liian lit ritm twit newspapers i each city and county, provided that so maily are published therein. and by at least two p toted mot in exult elect-on distfict of et ert city alt. .cotney a - hetet!, no nett epapera are soliiintiett that tie election will beheld in each cliAle tow ',slims bornigi a. wards, iiiecitics and it:id-iris therein. on the first Tuesday of anten.t the year of our Lord one thous and :eget hundred and sixty tout. fur'.the perm 'se :it decidieg upou the enmity:Liam) ratiti Thou 44r tele Lion of the saitt amendments which =std elm tine shall held and cloneti upon tile day last aforesaid, at the place, and within; the hoots at arm wialin lr llich the general electiens of this Commonwealth are threcis .d tote opened and closed; and it snail he the duty of the judge,:lanspeoors and lerks of each of naid town shine, horangns, warde, precincts and districts, to re cries, at :he said etc tit ns ti loos it-it exceeding the number of pr-poaril ArronAlif..nlA, either Win:en of printed or p 'sly written and partly primed fr.tni ea: of the quo{ Vo!eri of tilt.; State wilt, may infer the same, end to deposit them tit a b , a or bo xes lor that' purpose.. provide.! by the proper ~tigers. Which rick ets shalt be respectfully labeled oft the outside, - First Amendment, ".ecouri Amen meat," god "Toile Amendmeitt," and those wim are tavorable to said ametutments or env lute of them, mav expreor their p proval thereof by' satin g.sach a many seperate written or printed, or partly written and partly primed arms or tickets as there are amendments approved by them contoinifig On the inside thereof, t e words, Fur the amendment." and those who are opposed to such amendments, or any of theist, may rime-s titter oppo sitton b 4 voti-g each spinally seperate written or print ed, or partly written and partly printed b tllots or Itch et as there are amendments not approved ty them cot twitting it the..inside thireet..the words. For the Amen Intent " and those' Vrlm are opposed to so: in amendments, or any of them May express their opp o s t . tion ty voting each as many tarp Prate WrOr.teri or min tell, or partly written and partly primed ballets o r tickers an there are stnetichnomin :tt' approved.y them containing on tee inside It, renf the word.. "A c,ainsi the amendment " The mei tors voting for or the f,rat antend,paent shall he considered as ior ur against the proposed fliuriti s:iction to a, tide three of she Cumnitintinn, exteeding the right of sultrage to soldiers. Electors milling for or .against the second anienitlment ehall be cennetered as voting for or agailos the proposed eighth tmetimi, to article eleven of the Constitution and electors voting tor of .the third ameedmetit stall hero eid t d young ler ur agttin~t the iliticiose'd ninth :CeciM4 to article eleven of .the *Constitution SECTION i. That tte,electino on the proposed amend meld chef). in all respects, be condu• ted as the general elet•tioes 'ef this Commonwe.ilth are now condivted and it shall he the deny of the return judges of the re spective cou••ties and di.tric•a theleof first having care rutty asce.tained the number of votes given for or against each or the amenenttmts, in tit manner a'ore e aid, make -tit duplicate roil fie thereof• expressed in words at length. and not to 11rue:01141y floe 01 which retur..e so made shall he lodged in the Prothonotary's orrpe of the Court oftontmon Pleas oftt . e proper coon • ty and the other sealed and directed to the 14ecretary , of the Commonwealth. and by one of said judges depnci tell forthwith in the most movement post ofike, upon which the postage elm) , be prepaid At the expense of the proper I minty. St.crton 3. That the several ditties required to be prrforped by the Aheriffs Voletrelitht . .ollPre, I;oustables Judaea Insepciore, and all °titer off: ars whatever. iu and :about the geneial el-etions , r this Commonwealth shall ba performed by such officers in and ato n the election herein provided for, and an pereo.lB wheth, r otypers or others, ph ill be liable to the same punishment tOr neglect of ary duty Or the comm•eeion of any 0 , fence at, in or about ; the election. as tney would f,,r the neglect of like du , 'y or the coirimission of ~ . ke title-At at, in , or abbot the general elections of this• Comuldo. wealth. Approved the twenty third day of April, An no'Domini ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-.four. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, By virtue of a writ uisued by His Excellency, the Governor of the Commmon• wealth of Pennsylvania, arid to me directed, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, approved the iwenty.ihird day of April Anno Domini. one thonsand eight hundred and sixty font, it is rnatle Vs duty tagiye public notice of a special election to be helron the Ist Tue-day of August 1864; and in said notice, among oth er things, to designate, 1. The purpose of holding such election. 2. The place where twit election is to be held. Now, therefore,' in parsuance thereof, I, THOMAS LUCAS, fig Sheriff of the county of Greene do he'reby- 'make known and give public notice to the dlsetete of the county of Greene that on the FIRST TUESDAY OF AUGUST NEXT. (being the 2nd day of the month) a special elec tion will be held at the several election districts established by law in the said . county. at which time the qualified electors will note by ballot upon certain amendments to the Constitution or Pennsylvania hereinafter mentioned, viz; riRsT AmENDSrENT Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual mi.' itary service under a requisition from the Pres ident,or by the authority of this com monweal th, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all trlections by the eitizenit. under such reg ulation...as are or shall be prescribed by few, aa filly will they were present et , their usual place at 4ectietut., - • ... SpCOND AMENDMENT No till shall be passed by theLegislaturs con taining more than one subject, which shall be closets , expressed ia the title, except apptopria ;ion tottl3. THIRD A3I:E.NDIIEN.Z. T No bill shall be passed by the Legislate granting any power or privileges in any case where the authority in grant suet' powers or privileges has been or may hereafter be confer red upon the Courts of thin Commonwealth. The said election will be held throughout this county as follows: The ,electo.r.s of Washington township Dis trict. to meet at lhe *rick School house, be tween I he:fartne of I ' eiith .loins and '1 homes Ross. - _ The electors of Franklin township, to mott at the house of M. S. Green, in said district. The electors of Morgan township to meet at the SO of house, near David Cell's, in 4,11,id district. The electors of Jefferson township to meet at the house or Kelly, in letfersoo, in said district. The electors of Cumbe,rland township to me/4 at the .house of Samuel Houston, in said district. Toe electors of Monongahela township., meet at the house cccupied by Wm. Mescrezatt, in Mapletown, in said district. The electors of Perry tcwnship, to meet at the house twmerly occupied by John :vlinor, in Mt. Morris, in said district. The electors of Dunkard township to meet at the dwelling house at Maple's Mill in .said district. The electors ot Greene to.wnsh,i.2 to meet at the house formerly cccupled Et. Davis in said district. The electors of Wayrre township to meet at Phillips'. chop! house, in said district. The electors of Jackson township to meet at Johnson's School house, in said district. The electors of Gilmore township, in meet at the house , of Enoch klenuan o :in Jollytown, in said district. The electors of Springhill to„wAship to meet nt Stephen White's Mill, in said district. The electors of .` Ileppo township to -meet at the house of A.e.x. Miller, on Wheeling Creek, in said district. The electors of Richhill township to meet at the house formerly of Joseph Funk of Jackson ville, in said distrct. The electors of Centre township to meet :it the house of •.:,zamuel Woods in Clinton, in said district. The electors of Nforri, township to meet at Edward Barker's, in said district. he electors of Marion township to meet at the west window of the Court House, in aysteshurg, in said district. The eieciors of Whitely township to meet at the house formerly occupied . by Lewis Head• lee, in Newiown, n said diStri2t. The electors of the Borough of Carmichaels to meet 4 , the mat .indow of the house ocou pied by ,joseipli...Gor,e,jh Ciirtnichaeis; The e lection to be opnedbetWeen the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the lorenoim. by a public proclamation. and ;a be kept open unill 7 )'clock in the evening, when the pulls shall he closed. "The Inspectors and Judges of the election,, shall meet ht their rt spective places tor holding the etectifim in the district to which they re jspecrively belong, before nine o'clock of the morning of the elecdon and each of said In spectors shall . appoint one clerk who shall be a qualified. voter of said district." The I.Z.et urn Judges of the respective District:, in this cot City are regaireddo meet at the 4 ..nrt House in the Borough c.tl .Waynesyurg on I'm-i• day, the sth day ,ot Au Ist. 1d64, die.) and here to pt.r.torrn tho ,duties ,enjoined on Ahem by law. Where a kidge. by sirkness or unavaida; le arcidemt, is unable to attend such meeit g ..f jodo•s, wen the reltlticate or return snail be tak n ctt tr,, , ,e of by one of the tespectors or :lerks of the electi.in of the distract, w , a shalt do ar.d parform the dun, required ot.' saM • judge uhatile to alien make known and give notice, as in and by the 131 1 1 seet,no of eliist:on law I a.O d recied. , !ltt t. 1 evert petan , , a xeeptilr.: jins.tres of t 1:, H.,ce. Who a all hold any of, .e or appointment of profit or !lost under the g' v intm:it:4 the United Staifg or o' this state. or a y city or im orm.r.:ted r a rootlets- Miker or otherwise', subord?ti -r 4gen who ,11 tie emplo,ml wider the 1,2151 a• live, ju icinrc or ezezittivebeinfrinient , t 7 Um ea Sm , tes, or of any eat or incorporated district, oi 0 Iso . ttiat every member or Conercas and the siatie Legislature slid of toe le,.t common c.docll any city, commissioners of any Incorpoluted 11 4,1 nc t by law toe .p .ble of ho.dititt of eXervisio . g at the same tiowi t tlie o ffi ce or alp mil upiot or id.!ge .ilispeqtor or clerk cif a y ehmion titis,Co:onninp:m.llll, aml that for orja..ge. or wrier .'(firer at ant such sloe Lion. all.,llbd e.igibie to alt, otbeit . tivtii to be voted f r " Alan. ton.; i n the Ottanh nectnut of the Act of , tssentlity entitled. “Ait act relating to ole touts, :idol for 4,111 r putitoses." approved A pail 1,d40. it i, edaeted that the athic.salit 11 . 10 be oonAtiw n as'tu Atrevoto :tot, tototta thee lie Oftil, k t from noun • as judge, inspector or cteik at tiny genetai or spe oral eitttloto On tltts onononweanh A Aso. that fiat sestina if said art it is enacted hat —evert general and s; , eciale cetion a al; he ups ed b- try , en the Ifdurs apioq:,l).l ten I:1 trio forenoon. and sit II COI/1111U, VI(II , ,PD 4,4.11.1r111311013 or 'atijotoltinen. anti: seven o'clock in the eve. i When the polls ::hail "No person al. all hoe permitted to v-.to at any election as aforesa i d Isnis g white ;Ise.onstit hf the sage if Ens tnnt - sine }'Cars or too e, nigh have I.•SI oP,I 111 ihts cos an at least one year, and in tsa sic. is•rsci where Ise vote al . I -pet tell days neloserliao. y p r i P I It g .00h elecion. :uid ... wi hut two ),.oar- pant n stair .ir cosnly tox ahrU elt,i have 4eell nne.,sesseil at •• ass let d a y s before 'she esect•on, bon a Alai:Pa iiU.,s Utii• Slates nn fill has pr Vaala 3 bs-en a gisalifisel yoiVr 'his Mate and r• intoned toot , fr to ;slt r. tisane :, mid who shall hare nesided on the osectscn slistrwintsit paid taxes ..5 t' lilt Ir, etititted an, vsnte of,cr sob) di g tn tilts Si ale six months; Provided, that while lawn in. cdaz•ass s•t he s soled Stale, bona en the zgo, ~t twenty-nine and twenty-two. and havinstr resided I the elec oat district ten, says as aroressiel shalt h- es:- m ea l to vote, although the% shall not have pats! taae• 'No Verson eliall he permitted to vo e whose Hattie is not cow:tined in iitr. li-t nil taxable Spina:suntans, tar His ed bi the councupsorners nelesp first, he, prod ices a receipt f r the pay slate 461 atr °p a sl a ng or c• u sty la zois-essed aperably to the coast nolo no,and give salssfactry evid.unce en lies on his own .say;:, or of nustanii or It tof anothe ;hal he has pahl.pro.h a ta4:„ 1, on at lure to produce receipt oh oh make oath of the payment the red. or se c ond it he c l aim a via , I, y bean" au essctor b. tsveen the age o,f twenty one ain ai twenty two y ear, sin tL dep .se o oath or adtdrinsis, tt i s tlOp. lie has resided iv th State at least one year netore n s ipptic. tiou, and make su It preen( or los residentc'e in the dadt •ct as is ten iced by this act, nd that tie dues V. rilv believe froth the acc hails given him that lie is i•f age aforesannl, and give su. h other evi deuce is is regained by this ant ; wherensp•su the name of the persons so adulated to vote shad be inserted in the alphabetical list by we itispe• ore; and a noir made nposite thereto by winning the wnnt • - t z," if he shall be ad:sorted to vote by reatins of having paid tax, or the word • - age," if he shall be ad witt e d to pita ley reason uf Boob age, sod shall be called out so the cie.ks who a all make the like notes in the list of voters kept by them. • 'ln oh caged where the name of lie person claiming to vote is found Ph the list furnls . .zeci by the commis sione,s and assess••r, ur his righ t to vote, whether thereon or mit, is object.ut to by any qualified cnizen, it shalt he the duly of LI) inspectors to exam ine ouch. in, bon on oath as to his (pi lifications. and if he claims to have resided within the *ta. , e for one year or mote. his oath shall not he soffici•uit proof thereof, but ahalt make proof thereof by at least one c , repetent witness. who mall be a qualified • lector, i,bat he has rustle • within tile district for more Chao ten days sex pre, ed ,iug sai,le..e , :tion, and sh:+ll also hiins-lf sweau that hie Mina file residence, in imr • Isoance of his lawfil calling, is within the din. riot, 84 , 1 that he aid nth tenlnVe. into said district for the purpose tlmrein ••Every p erson quaitn,d,a e ;1111i wUq shall makq due prof qulfen, orhis reildence and pay ment of faxes af.resaid, shill he to vole in the towlishcp, waiti ur nimriut in which he shalt reside. “lf any person shall prevent or au erupt 11l prevent any election, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, of shah interrupt or Improperly ,interfere with Luu n th e gxernajon of 14 dri v or slinflidock up the window or avenue to any wiiid.tw where the same may be holdine or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall use or practice any in_ intimidating 'Meals, force or violence, a itli ttatigii to influence unduly or overawe any elector or xi prevent him from voting, or to re train the fr.:ed ,, ru: of done, such pirson on eottviption shall iv^ fitted in any' sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and imprisoned for any time not lean than one month nor more than twelve !flambe, and if it shall be shown the Court Where the trial of such °genre shalt be had, that the person so offending was not a resident of the cite, war,d, district. Or the to win:hip where the said offence was committed anti not emitted to vote therein, on r noviction he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not (ass than one hundredmot more than one thousanddoltara'and ite imprisoned not lead than six months nor m ie ban two years ” In vase the person who shall have received the se cond highest 'lumber of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of election, then the persoo woo shall have received the second highest number of notes for julge itr tie next a ring election shall act as Inspector in his place; and n case the pesoit who shall have received the highest number .0 1 vote s for inspe• tor shall not attend rite person elected judge shall outt au inspector in his place, au in case the person cected judge shall not attend then the inspec tor whit rece ved the highest numbOr of votes shall ap point aju iuplace •• or if any vacancy shall continue 111 tile board for ;he space cif ohe hour of et the time Cited by law for the opening a tie election, lie aiihtl.ti v tern of the township, ward: or Ahearn for wit Icli such . : 1 11 , :er shall have beep elected pres ent at 'he place of elet.tion, ah .11 select 'One lid id their um ter to till such vacancy. • It shall be the duty of the several assessors, re_ epee ively, to alleoll at th, place of holoinrevery een eral. 'Teel ihor township election don ng toe time said ,inn is sept open., for the purpose of giving m f or _ illation in the iii&peetors a it judges, when ratted on. in ichnion to 'he r.ght of any wino, assessed by then, to vote :tt such eteetteee,ur each o .i m , =atm in rota tine to the esseseta-nt of vote.s as the said teepee/on or eitb-s at tb•as sbaildboar 'time require." • "THIMAAS WAS. Sheriff. 4 elivirrei Optic& Wayasebars; taly IS, 10114. MERCANTILE APPRAISER'S NOTICE. OTWE is hereby it iVerl to the huderaigne.: Net- VT chant., Olen. ¢ , that they have been ap ditaiseil and ciaandl,d anti utertnrated as twiner and ;hit „at ',lirt of appeal will be held at the dike, in Wet nerhuig, oa Tuesday, the 5111 day of Jury hell, when and yr:tern all perinilis iu ierested Can attend it they eee proper. SPOIIdEf. 11.4.1( Mercantile appraiser. • 4USPPO T 7 CLAIM. $ E B Woodrug 14 CUMBERLAND TP. 1.. - arudchamis Borough. ❑eory Jemison .1 W Ilathaway J lark wan 11.•lLt Flentwean (tartman Frmo & Alomy er S J Arklin Jamb A Pennington DMURD TP Wm Cuinirlyie G, n Ludy A P ?-4tewart W T Will am. Jowl IL Taylor FRANKLIN TP Jeßpe Ronk A J Lip, ,, peott &len Huas 911.)10ER TP McCuilcugi .9.REENE TP %tahlnn St;anley Imn Taylor twer4u,is JEFFEAtIiON Pollock & Co Curh & Vieouvan Jacob Ff finch itn & Pogue H 11 atelsey 11 Rey uuldg Hugi;es & s & J sesdew irk Bayard 4- llew it JACKSON 1:18 P Grimes MORRIS TP Milton D t otOP.riAN Flrtcher Allman 14 7 00 Anne 41 alum 14 7 00 Nliller lam:. 14 7 U 0 MONONGAHELA TP. William Gray 13 10 00 r G Black* Co Robert hood A .4- W I:oughlter W H !McCoy 4- co It ,briby C A Met trezatt MARION TP R K Campbell .hoeolo 1 eater Ain hew Wilson, Jr . . .Inlet Mu loiel 14 7 00 .10!.0 Strosnider 14 7 UU D I,V Itraden 14 7 00 Andrew WilsOn. Sr 14 7 60 Tionnas Bradley 14 - 7 no Lewie Day 11 7 00 .Insi.th Porter 14 7 00 N Clark ¢ Son 14 7 u 0 Sayers* i losk i neon II 7' 0 Wfilig. .4. Porter 13 IP 00 U , iiliain I. C.eigla II 7 OU Ceorpi E 914:0r .9c.40 19 10 (41 I•tac Iluvoer ~ 14 7UO A.l r 3 yWe rs 14 7 00 lamer It Lindsey .1.4 7 00 1/ .I.r. .r w Clark ;14 7 110 11 A Harvey 1 . 4 7 DO PAW T. South .4t Brother 4 14 7.60 1; 1 7 M. ells tV G )I.rris BIOIIIIILL Tl' i) M Walton Jahn W w-dt,pri .I,iws GI v ,lorgan Itefl if uglies s Klitkaid CEIITER T.P 01111 Cali & SO Ail ah.ou brut Kent & F Thumpooll lloge & Pa 14' -.CS° HILL Tr 11 . 9akiason VIIITELY Tl' Fted , on It & T M Calvert NN U Ilueson WAY NE TP E ijah Strocuider Joh.. S r snicte.r lio:pas Brock IS AP lIING TON TV. 14 Sutton DISTILLERS CUMBERLAND TP Aimnn Mnreilock ,Dl.7.tig AIM TP Jonc. , & Wolsry Eolw a rtl CieTet.ger Fit AN RL I N TP El= JEFFERSON TP George 'Moredock WANGS OAFLELA i4anitiel Minor 0 ,}5 .03 «,I 131/) Gr,,y , 6 50 00 A lexander Mes trezatt 6 45 00 MOEGAN TP, G 11 Muredock 6 95 00 TP P iryan Join; I.lllton R 111E,', 'IT .1 p... 01,1, & C., June 22. 186.1-4 t Executor's l'Olice. IN 'he matter .f the pet;lion , •C Daniel I ..I I. ITllom an H. bet,. G sol-r, I:x. smr and Execstr x of the last 11, and thstaim.h , in .14,§ li. Gam,., dee'd • Th., • ..0 I grants a xule on Ignatius Doak to route Into Crept on 1114.{116; 41:13 04 . 11 , it term to show cense collitoisp lon II °WA 14 t he to perpetuate . 1114 . 1et , 1111.41.y flizlw return ter ti l e wh,rir nig a . 1,1 , g,-41 by the petitioners was pleilg•-11 try said Ignatius. ir,,,j; I.r iiid,rn ittv to Elijth A,•rime aid said Jas 11. tea near in 1:1eq ire, for tile pa,ytvent of a judgraettt given ,cien Lazear in eirnsideratton,r .legacy • hereuen the coon dire , ted nonce ti. he given to e , R441 li{.lll ' llllls Honk, try outiii• ;aim. iu tie Waynes bttrg Messenger three .y t v.-'eki nrereoing the arst Sac of next June. F Pr4thimouirry. And now to wit: June 13th, A I) Isig, the Uoisrt appionts James Itighram. E-q cominia.i.mer to take testilin,ny in the above eagle. J, F TE M Pr..ti•y I will •tiend t • the du•les of tho ab •ee apu,intment at the of:11,e of fins , and Ingitram. in Wayneabur„, on Finlay, the 22d day or July next, w en MI penman i,tereeted r. it attend. JAMES June 2.9, 1864. Comititssioner DISSOL.PrION. Take notice. that the partnership heretofore existing in the nameof HUGHES & 01,IVER, in the Grocery, Forwarding & Commission Business, in Rices' Landing. Fa , is this day •lissolved by mutual consent. They feel thankful to their customers for the liberal shar.e of Custotn that has been testow,:!-d upon them. All those indebted to the above firm. either by note or book account. it is to be hoped, will call a,,d settle without delay. July 13, '64. HUGHES & OLIVER. Niw Firm, The undersigned have associated them selves together in the name and style of OEMS, 11.1LITARD, CO., at toe old stand of Hughes & Oliver, in Rices' Landing, Pa , for the purpose of carrying on the Grocery; Forwarding, and Conpru,isaion Business in all is .1, arrkoia s .hranohes. TI key hope, by the long experience of one of the part• ne,rs, and strict attention to business,to receive a Veral of the puhl,iepatr.Onage, in their ll'irtAf business. 'they will keel? c,onstanily on hand a good supply of groceries, such as sugar. coffee, rice, molasses, and nails, iron, oil and paints, and all articles usaally kept in a grocery store, all of which they nil] sell at a very small advance over cost and Carriage. LiNDSEY HUGHES, SAMUEL BAYARD & SON, ISAAC HEWITT, Jr ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order issuing out of the Orp phans' Court of Greene county, Pa., the under, signed will sell on the premises on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1564, at pntilte cave, 04 the interest and estate of Robert and Elizabeth Kincaid, minor children of Jetties Kincaid, dec'd,of the undivided fourth interest in the following tract of land situated in Jefferson tp., said county. adjoining lands of Wm. Kiricaidentrothers.conlatutng three hun dred acres, riii:rfe Or less. IVerriLIZLISI of .5#36,31.e. Ose-third of the purchase money on the con firmation of the sale, the residue to he paid ja Iwo ecpitil annual' payntenti with interest lio,m 'he date of confirmation of sale. THOM AS TAYLOR, Guardian of the said miner '44l4;lren July 11, 18&t. WANTED TO KNOW. • 4 FkIEND desires to lean) who was th•purchaser , 1" the dela for -OWSN'e) IWPINIVIED PAT ENT URCHIN 't for ass of ths South Western 00111111" dos of able Owas. Mass address isformatiga to IttkiltAlNS OvIrICI Wishisatoo, Pt., nil 13: REFRESHMENT SALOON. L. N. JOHNSON, Rosemont of the Wrigbt House, Waynesburg, Pa. Mr. Johnson hay.iiiinineh expense, fitted up in fine style, several rooms.in the basement o the Wright House, where ne . itivites the publtef ,to refreshments of •COVED AND ,SPICED Sardines. Ale, Sarsaparilla, Pop, Porter, Lager Beer, Lemonade, 14 700 14 7 lit) 14 700 14 7 00 ICE CREAM, 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 0 • 14 7 u 0 Strawberries, Segars, &c., Sc., &c . He is amply prepared to accommodate and entertain all that call, in the most approved manner. TRY HIM. July 13, 1864. 14 I 00 .111 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 011 MRS OF GREENE, 14 1 00 7 Od 9 ii 7 Du 13 ,7 CO TO 'YOVR ACRES, RAILROAD CERTAIN 14, 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 041 14 7 00 I'4 7 00 11 7 (.0 14 7 1.0 700 14 7 00 1?! 700 fel I 7 00 7 410 HAVE elegantly filled up the room foriorirly rd-rn pied Ly l Mincis Ilraahi,i, and having made heavy purr:llo3oA in the Last, ate now prepared to offer a la:ger and more lashirtjasM stock of 14 7 Ou J 4 7 00 )4 7 ( 0 10 00 14 7 1)0 lk 7 00 ZN11111..4 1E14) alaitlll 14 7 00 14 7 Oo 14 7 ot) .Clothing than they have ever done. and would kindly invite their malty good and fait Mot co,tclmets, anti a!I others who have it ver linen so fortunate as to give them a call, to stop in TWO DOORS WESI OF NE ADAMS INN ud they will show you styles and qualities teat can-. not fail to pease. "and at such reasonalfl prices you will i, agate yourself" Urine is the good old I lye of peace and plenty tur assortment cannot he surp ias eu. ,liens std B. vs' wear of every grade. Vests Gout the tissst s velvet to the. cheauest cnttonade.— Plain awl Fancy Caaaimere pants, of French and A met kan masufacium MP. MARSEILLES, LINEN, :3 ATI:. Err ANU COTTON A DE pa r ts. Fro,kg and tacks, Liu& dusters, awl Bummer Casa mere U rercodis, aho the vett- latest. the p.s,”rtmeni. of IIAT 4 and C.4PB, consprisiti 811 fle be,t ,s.od est Ea,ret it a y les. A greater riev ~f an than wio:, I,foutul m att . ) similar estap:ishment Coloreu Neshgee Shirts, s 4 crtris awl 'ries--antonu. which :..re the Tulittl at. ilarvatd at;tl j r.otgll,att Sualte4M. G. , ive5,..11, ! .111..i';', Lit.Eu Collars, alld Emil:ruttier ti', a i:rl "' im 14 '7 GO 10 00 10 00 7 i 0 7 00 7 00 EDO _PAPER CC,LLARS 14 7 CO A great improvement on the Lot hviond Collar. GRA I'3 patent Eitameled DLn fed L e;lar superior in 5131 e, Mit ability an fit. i. 6..80s (ti ten and ore hun dred. head the ti ign —make no otiatake—Two door tA eat of tre Aalanis inn, and nearly opposite Joe Va ter's Confectionery. May 4.. '64.—tf. 14 c 0 11 7 ou 14 7 60 14 7 CO 14 7 ou 14 Ou NEW GOODS, 7 pp nn .0, EMOP tVZ 7 00 Lln VING made eatensive improvement.. in then 1.1. store Are better preptirtql than biter to ac eiimiimilaie their costonicra They are olPritie the largi et. hest and latest style, of Dress ' , lliac" , I u Lela. Alt colors , Niozatetliques, ad kinds, Nil de Ctiev.res: Figured Wool , elaines, Solid Wool Dc lames, Solid inilk Challies. solid 114.red,Chnilies, in a word, we have a full line of the latest style of 0 45 00 o 15 t.O 0 It 60 0 15 CO 2. 00 :Ladies' Dress Goods I 0 15 00 =ha vls, Cloaks and Mantles, Collars wild Sleeves, Em broidered mete Bonnet Silks, [lead Nets, fltuvesand 110.dery, best qu .lity Kid Gloves. l'rints and Gingnams Italtnorws and skete , ons, of all pizes and pnces.— Tromiiing6, eonsiotini: of Quilled Ribhona, Itottolis Also, a large, aasoruueut of Linen handker chiefs, plain and benismned. • 0 10 0.0 0 ; Ili at Mourping Goods EIES larg.e and full assortment of the moat tashiona bie urnlitg G.od, thkut could he had NE '3O ZsT ' NAT .41L, Tivg.eds, COMM Shirting iann. , ar.c,' IJ A RD WARE, HARR Alf LIMES, Collea, Te t. Sugar. Molasses. Salt, Tuhaccp, &c. &c, HOUSE FUKNISHING GOODS, 3-4, 44, 5-4. 10 4 bleached Sheeting. 3-4, 4 4. 5-4 unhieached Sheer ing Cousin end When Table i Liven Sliestings .11e.1 Ticking and Window Curtins. our stuck is complete in every line. at.d if our friends want g -nu b.trgaitts, all we have to say is tual this is the place to secure them. 94/011 before the rush begins. May,. 4. 11464.—ti imp= NEW STORE! SAYERS & HOSKINSON, SAYERS' CORNER. 0 AYERS & lIOSKINSON have just opened an ex enstve and rottrely nee• stock of Fashionable Dry Goods, liought in the /Astern market, at the very lowest cash rates. en niprieing alleiylea nfthe most fashionable and seriic,able teaturmi of Penf4mien and Ladies' wear It is useless to enumerate. They bve everything in the line, with Hoe 111111. Hata, Caps iforde At Shoes.— Wares of all kinds, and a complete variety of the beet. CaIEIII. 4I CO 4 IOM3EILIEIOs. AU of which thet propose to sell at the very lowest figures, depending on the quality and cheapness of their goods to gain them custom. April 2701, lONG IS 0111-10TERIS TIEW 'INMAN'S She eitt2etts of Greene muuty that lteht - ot ghtm up the Daguerrean business and resumed the same old trade the SILVER SMITE BUSINESS. lie is prepared now to repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. in the very be. et} le, shortest notice. and on reasonable terms. lie has on hand the very best Clocks for sale dllOP.—Campbell's Rowe, neat do.ir to Squire Webbs. Wayneabarg, Pa., May /8, 1864 /f. ORPHANS' COURT SIM By virtue of an ordor "nut of the Or phans' Court of Greene county, Pa., the under signed will expose to public sale on the prein• ises on Satuiday. Sept. ard, 1564, all the right, title and estate of bevid L. Keen er, of. in and to the following tract et land sit— uated partly in Perry and partly in Dinkard townships, Said connty, adjoining lands of . Phineas Fledlee, Immo Lemly, Eadon Rout.' heirs and ethers,' containing SEVENTY ACRES, more or less. One-third of the parchue money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the reaidto in two equal anusal potentate with interest front the confirmation et sale. WORKMAN HICKM AN. Ada's. at David k Keeton'. 4 , 0)3- _ /sly 13, 13641. HOLD RUNNING THROUGH , CONNECTING WITH THE OHIO N. CLARK& SON COATS OF EVERY STYLE, English Walking Coat. .fast Arr Iw ad at WAY NESBURO, PA iDt 161A1c4 TIMJEVIIKIN, Ity. The scrofulous .contamination is variously caused by mereurig ..disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food. impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula in produces tubercles , and finally Consumption ; the glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which pro .duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints ; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the seine origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and. these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, von can not have 'health ; with that " life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. is compounded from the most effectual anti i dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and. for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised. lVknown by all who have given it a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary . in their effect upon this class of complaints, iseindisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made ,of the following diseases : King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, M•y sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, 'Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Wections, Mercurial Diseases . , Female Weak:raises, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in AYER'S AISEXICAN ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all see lions of the country, in order that every reader may have acmes to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal' experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies. and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are heslthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, tad does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, although it is COM, posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best . of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid Ton may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Parge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital nine dons, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or .burst out on any part of it. We know the public have Iseen deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and (lid nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although ander .the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which hap ever been available to them. CHERRY PECTORAL , The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con- • - sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and so naives , . sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. prepared by Pa. 3. C. ATER & Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. ~ r .cr .1.4,1 Vuu. Waynea. burg, Pa May 3lm. ( E CIVIC e r P 1 v 40.1.9 oix BOXES Mr TICS OPECORINtd 141111, WILL Pit SIPTLy .0n) PWRII/OVENTLY Crwa AZIr CABE OD Sperm—tore:sea l Semifinal I.7ealEneas, oa I.lvol unitary 1% oa Daily Losses, nowsysa 021GINALLY CAratz, OR stowavra Ao csivima ite cnir..s.oraa wh:lo they V.ll speed::y correctthose terri.f.a morbid oonditlonavhicli spring from t he p-inawy d isesse, orfrom secret vice. TUE SPL. IFIO PILL is equally applicable to the treatment of eo ery kind of Genntaior Urinary Irritaiion. L Llcanacity, or Impotency • Diabetes, Lime or"Bric2:- butt , ' De omits in the 1.76174 21,711:4 Discharges; Ilflammaticn or Weakness o ft:lo EX. nays, 11;o. Clergymen,Laryers,Sluden!a,ende:lvrb o follow sedentary oczu:)ationa, or whets .Rain and 2V:weenie System ara over-worked, are peculiarly sub. ect to weat neves oftOrY.Crrantrge.^T Otosas. Thtreshouldn Aftt'atol.l3o T E pr.c. Lc PILL. Pers.ns af.lictcd wt.h any one or more of the above di orders, a:a sure to have several, and roam times most, oft 210 POLLOWI2O3 =I SYMPTOMS.. Deranged Digestion; Loss of Anutits .7,oss of Flsti; Conttipalect Dowe:J; Fitf.:l and Norroaa, or henry alep, with clreama; Trouji 'Broat:tiag; Failure of roioot Irryular aclionqf net Boort,' PuBtalous Eruptions on thoface and meet; Madache;Affection a tirthe 4:08; Loss of Itemory; d'addenfiashcsir,f eat and Blushings; General Weakness ant/ ;ends; Aversion to &clay; lialazocl Condition, or Diminished Biro, of ne Genital. Organs; Involuntary Nightly or Daily Rmieeions; frclaten t desire to pass Water, trithpeoldiaratee' itdingeolutations; dts4nalig4y, <to, Professional Opinions.—"l have used your SPILCII2IO in many eases of Spormator rhea, and with the mos pert ma Mae Tort SA: JOWLS, M. D., LL. D., Brooklyn. "It is as near if ‘speeMe' as any medic:nos can be. I have cured very severe eases with from six TO TEN DOS"E."—B. KEITU, M. D., EL Repertory of ,fed. Yew-York, "I know of no remedy in the whole Maserio Ned tea, equal to your Serzrno PILL in Seminal or Weakneeeee." Amotru Berms, M. D., Prof. of Organic CLeynistry and Pleyet4logy, N. Y. Personal Opinions.- O Mr. Winchester ra wOLTICT or ALL CONFIDENCE, and devotes himself stat.'weiaet tea:ly to these Preparations."—D. MARS DMZ Razes, M. D., LL. D., American Nedioal Gazette, Z - etro- Yorqz. ••11.1ave a pereonal knowledge of Mr. rramres rsa's HONESTY AND IYTECEITT, and can assure the Profession and the pu'Jl:o that urs rE.JVARATIONS CAN as ratan ox."-Jes. CESILTON,Z.D.,ChamOt,N. Y. Is not a Homeopathic remedy, nor does it cantata Merrery,lron,Cant4rides, or any Injurious twredtent. r:r. Price: laps? box, x boxes ( tole.ert* orjered at ewes) forfb. Seat by Sold Wholesale aad Rete/1,, at the Sole General Depot In the United SteUie, by . J. wurcamm• E T., 36 John ireet, N.. upon the Estate of ALLEN ' . Legal Notice. L!WIN EVEln it .nrMakard township. Greene sows. ty tiee'd. having been granted by fife Review ...I Gteene county to eke undersianed all nevem, knowing them selves lonlobeed to said E.taaa aro Ratified tam e same, and penman tterisio ediets sgaiese an seesawed (opals' wet teem, duly ibilhe fa; stolactaaaa. , . . Juse IS, 1161 'KZ peculiar taint or faction which we cell 10FU LA !tuts in constitutions of !abides of men. It Aier produces or is Iroduced by an en 'filed, vitiated state the bj ood , wherein flui becomes in ipetent to suste n . vital forces in their trorous action, and ves the system to into disorder and flyer's Sarsaparilla A."ZER'S THE SPECIFIC PILL ' n~i Taige - *-Z:~•" rPotoia. Dr. Hoonand's GERMANNTTERS PRIPARED BY DR. O. M. zAcicsap, nat., rt. IS NT A Bar Room Drink OR A SUBSTITUTE FOR RUN OR AN Intoxicating Beverage, but A HIGHLY COPICZNTRATED VEGETABLE EtlitAtf A PURE TONIC, Free from Alcoholic Stimulp .t or Inform/a WAV-82 4 AL) WILL EFFECTUALLY .CUBS LIVER fiCIMPLA DYSPEPSIA, and JAIJI% ffoofiand's German Bitters WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Citronle or Nervous Debility, Dtseaso o the tinkle)s, and Diseases ails . ing trots a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FULLOViN3 SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Follw, of Blond to the Drool. Acidity of the Stomach, !noses. Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Vylista in the Stoutest. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the heart,' Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of 3:igloo, Dots or Webs before the isigbt, Fever nod Du!, Pain in the Dead Deficiency of Per im iratio n, Yellow,ness of the Akio anti Syes, Pain in the Side, Back, hest, Lin be, Ate., Sudden Flu/dies of fleet, Burning in the Pleat!, Constant Ituagininge of Et il, and great Depression ot• Spirits. HoolJand's German Bitterp , W!LL E you A GOOD APPETITE, 11R Al.l Y NERVEI, STEADY N Elth 6 4 , LIRIOK FEELINGS. Eb.G FEELIFGA, liItiALTY FEELIIN43B, A GOOD CONATIVITIoN A in HONG CONATITrTIONs A HEALTHY CONSTITUTION, A Ofit:11111 CONATITUT/ON. 10032111:01 WEAK I= Delicate =I Thin WILL. X.I.1:11 TILE Depressed WILL MANE THE Sallow Complexion Clear. WILT: MAKE THE Dull Eye - - Clear & Bright, Will prove a bleating to Every Family, Can bs used by perfect safety by MALE Olt FEMALE, PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles. eumpouniteei ut cheapest whiekey ur - apuit»ou tun., mating trout kt le iu Louts per gulibit, the taste disguasud by Anise or VG riatider Seed his cle is of Bitters ban caused an.; win contiktre C2 l / 1 .0, 11$11011 as they can be told, hundreds death of not druilklud. .f3y their use the system in kar t continually 1114tii the induence of Alcoholic lents of the worst kind, the desire tor Liquor is created nod kept up, and the resuit is sill the ho,rnra atieuilsid upon a iirm.ka d'A l.fe and dealt. For those who desire arid will have a Liquor Ritter*, we publipti the following rereipt. .Gtet one bottle of 1101.diantr9 . Uerulan and ads with th re* quarts n 1 good Itrandypr, whiskey, and the result will by a preparation that will far excel in medical- virtu*, and true excellence any of .the numerous Liquor Bit ters in thy market, and will cost much. less. You will have. all lilt virtue' ne iitiIIPL*DID'S BITTERS ill OGO: oeeti.in with a good article . o( Liquor, at a mooch taw price than these itiletior iireparationswill cost you. DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from MARA:OIIIs, waiting away with scarcely" any deals on tlietr Loma, are cured hst • Very short, rime; one but4l4 La shill CBStAI, will kis, most surprasaig efiect. Resulth.g From levers of ally kind— Those alltaiht renew your arentub iu a very 'Lori time* rzvra AND ALGIIZI, The chills ailf not return if here Bitters are need.— No person in a Fever and Ague District altund4 ie without thew. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor 41 the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to tavor or reconnuenii retest Medicines 111 general. through distrust of their ingredi rote and effects ; I yet avow of au auffictent mamma why a wan may not testify to the benefits he Iselietrea himself to have received trout any muiple proparatiofi, in the hope that he way thus contribute to the oonogis of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Ifoogand's Gentian timers, prepared by Dr. C. AI Jackson ut air city, nerause I was prejudiced against tincui for many years, under tha imression that they egve chiefly as alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to inigiriend, Robert elhoemaker. Esq., Cut the removal )f * this prejudice by proper teats, and for encouragement totry thetn, - wltsh ruttetiujt froin great and log &maimed debility. Th e use of three bogies of these Damn, at the beginning or the ;resent year, was followed by evident rent!, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I. had not felt for six. months berme, and bed almost despaired of regaining I therefere tha..k Doi/ and toy friend for directing MO to the use of thaw. Juue 22, 'Oa. J. N. DKOWN. ATTENTION SOLDIERS AND FRIENDS Ote SIOLDIERS We call the attention of all having friends in 1110 army t.. the fret that "1100FLANytl (Inman WI, ters ll will cure trine-tenths of the dames induced by exposures and privations incident te camp lite. In the puolisbed almost daily le the newspapers. en the arrival of the sick , It will be noticed that a very bug, proportion are au eying finui debility. Every mow at that kind can . he readily cure.! bx Hoagland's German Inners Diseases resulting from disorders (Vibe di. • gestive organ. are speedly removed. ske base no hesitation In stating that, if these Bitters were freely used .aitiong our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved alai otherwise will he bast. The proptiet.•re are daily receiving thanktW loiters • from sniferers to the army and hospitals, who base been reatoked to health 'y the use of these litUare,eati to them by their tiitedti. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS bee that the •ignetnre of "C. K. JAC4(4ot." Y ws the WRAPPER of eat•h hottla PRICE'S. • Loo gist skom rm. bunts, OS [fat, Dot D 5.00 Manlog tits 75 " • " oa lists* Dow 00 The Largo size, on account of the quantity the bot ties hold, ate much the cheaper Should your nearest druggist not barer" aittete, do not be put of by any of the intometwing preparations chat may bo offered is its place, beg send to us, and we will forwent seeurel‘patilteri s by express. Principal Office and Xanufactaz7f NO. 631 MICH SIREET. JONES & EVANS Oue , rsenr • Fm , Slab, Dr %Vat 40,41 rtele 111** • raitod sTRONO-, Hearty, stout, Lively, (A,lll in Y0411!0,
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