%41trt lottrl • A Message from the Army. BY NES. BOIS:LAND. Oh, .Friende! our soldieltesits cry out From all the far-off camps; Froza lonely watch-fires in the West, • From Southern woods and swamp Wherever in their windy tents Brave boys are gathering, There, snn•brow•ned faces smile, and bless Your Christ-like ministering. Blow! blow, March winds! from mountain 110 From gulf a 4 river banks, And earry to those Northern homes (Jar thousand, thousand thanks! .Aol we who lie ozinarrowheds. All over the sad land— From stricken rows. in dreary wards We stretch a. Pallid hand. And grasp.tbe palm whose clasp we know The generous, tender palm! Whose very touch on heart and head Its ,spice, and oil, and palm? .Lad we whose beds aremarrower yet, Beneath the sun and rain; Who never more may carry arms Though spring has come again: - - iVe too would tell how loving hands Shut down our dying eyes, And*end a - blessing Jima the dead On all your sacriticel Oh earnest hearts! oh generous hands! What better thanks can be Than His, who said—" When I was sick Ye came to visit Me!" Work on! Pray on!—No heart may faint, No hand shall work in vain, Soon Pain shall conquer us a Peace, And Peace shall heal our Pain. • March. 1864. Wonder is often expressed that the loss of life in large battles is so small. The condition of the 28,000 muskets picked up at Gettysburg may explain partly. Of these 24,000 were found to be loaded, 12,000 containing two loads each, and 6,000 from three 40 ten loads each. In numerous in stances half a dozen balls were driven in on a single charge of powder. In some cases the former possessor had re versed the usual order, planting the ball at the bottbm of the. barrel and the powde t r the top. Not' unfrequently se4Williiper cartridges were packed each other without being torn or broken. air Petroleum is rapidly superseding All other kinds of oil in use on the En glish railways. When properly clan-- tied, its illuminating power is found to be greater than that of any other kind of oil. A lamp with a flat wick six eighths of an inch broad, supplied with petrtheuin, gives light equal to 7 15- 100 candles, while if fed with the best olive oil,.the effect is that of 2 29-100 candles. _Again, petroleum does not congeal nor char the wick of a lamp And is much cheaper. *Mansfield's Dismnsatiry says that ,nuif4pf theSarsaparllla of die shops is inert hind worthless. Dr. Ayer in his writings on Phis drug states that not only is it inert as found in the shops, but so also aro most of the preparations from it, or bearing its name. He shows, however, tha i totis fart arises from the use of worthless varieties, or un skillful preparations by incompetent men ; that the true medicinal .Sarsaparilla (Sarza Smihq off) of•the tropics, when freshly gathered in the bud, is one of the most ef fectual alteratives we possess. Corr.:blind with othsr snbstaaces of great alterative power, like lodine, Stillingia, Dock, &c., it makes Ayer's Comp. Est. of Sarsp., which we have reason to believe is one of most ef fectual remedies• for humors, skin diseases and for purifying the blood which has ever yet been found by anybody.—[Bangor - (Me.) Mercury. GRAND FLOTILLA ON THE riMia.a. " WA.,ll.3o • FIRST SPRING ARRIVAL OF. CLOTHING . A, 1 SOWERS, 4 ILI MIN'S BUILDING. onpsiterthe public square, basejest arrived tz - iiin Philadelphia, with a splen did assortment of many tripe Clothing SPRING A% SUMMER WEAR, and is prepared to dross any customer, from the small est boy to the largest man, and lit him tidily in the Height of Fashion " Ile has , also, a fine stock of Hats and Caps, Tor men and boys, and a good variety of oseful No tions. All of whirls he otTers fur Cale at the ver,l cheapest priri . s going. e i li sst&TALAIC) Wt. I Z 4 - Cit' Mr. RbilietßlS is also a pra mina Tailor, and keeps a good supply of Mothi, Cassiineres, &e , which he will make up to order Also, cutiing making done when the cloths are furnished. Waynesburg, April 27 NEW 1300 KS, EN BOOKS. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES, Sunday School Tes•aments. • Sunday School Hymn Books. In any quantity at DAY'.-• 1300 k STORE. II OOL & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, A general assortment kept constantly on hand at DAY'S BOOK STORE: SINGING BOOKS. Melt . aeon, Minstrel, Ellesia, Jubilee, &c., c., a DAY'S SO OK STORE. BLANK BOOKS. - A bugs assortment, all sizes, good paper, at old prices, at DAY'S' BOOK STORE. Wall Paper and Win owßlinds. Srirappistg•Papei, alt sizes. Also the hest assortment of Stationary ever 'brought to 'Waynesburg, • aril at DAY'S BOO KSTOREB a, 24 Sheer' of Letter paper for 10 cents. - 40 - DAY'@, BOOK STORE. * Tefr al! tidos& LEWIS lune at LEWIS 15AY. r si URR . .64,21:18 FOR WiNTLERVIV._ Ilat egologpiso moat Sr 2.$ easso. 'So . SW sowdoWAO) your own Noise imiligeoo. tip VIRCIROTTE, 64. ;.lbeitOmot, • " A Ivor, Tort. 4\fee & c ra "les' Firm PI OTOGROII GALLERY, lonk Frame Building, one door east of the National Bank, WAYNESBURG, PA. Messrs. Wallace a Craig 11"lE fit t up a sitnciSk' ll"aiierj; the f, regr pictotakingeitaZi:mcttev:r in stituted in the place, Where they are prepared to execute PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, iNEALETANOTYPES, CARTE DE VISITES, And an other hinds and siies of pictures. in a style ec . nal to t e het artists. Espee.al attention wilt be given to copying incturem and enlarging them MI applications will be mommly.attended t o . Their rooms are commodious and attraeti , e. and every de, suable accommodation will he rendered to customers. This is decidedly the best "ppm tit airy to secnre accur ate likenesses every offered to the monk , of Greene County. Call any time it snits you. Pictures taken any time in th e day., add in al l kinds of weather Photograph Albums always on Hand. Wayriesburg, hpril6, IS6L-tf 186 3 ! FIRST IN THE 'MARI:MT: Lllll 0 DM JOSIAtE PORTER, Porter's Old Stand, opposite Wilson's Brick Building, Wayndiburg, Pa., has just opened a large and elegant assortment of Fall and Win ter Dry Goods. comprising Press Goods, of all kinds and at7all prices. Domestics, a very large stock. Flannels of all colors and qualities.— Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, 'Pickings, Check, Drillings, Crash, Towlings; Boots and Shoes, Cloths; Cassimeres, Tweeds. Hoopskirts. Ho siery, Gloves, all sorts of Fancy GOOtIS &e.; also a complete variety of GROCERIES AND BARDWARE We buy principally for cash, and as goods well bought are halt sold we are enabled to sell at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and exam ine for. yourselves. Thanks to the public for past favors. Sept. 9; 63-iv. • BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE NICII-ALNICYLV ! WM. BERRYBILL • Respectfully informs his customers and the public that he has removed his hoot cud Shoe'establ.s:i ment to the frame dwelling Opposite the Methodist Episcopal Church, formerly occupied by Joseph Titylo; - . where lie will keep on hand oc make to order FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, • For Gentleman, Ladies' and Childrzxr.s. ware, All work will be warranted to give satisiaction and not to rip. Orders will be tilled prontptly, and every elfort made to please. Reparing done on short Notice. - Waynesburg, May 11, '64.—Gino. R. DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE DIANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the pnitkc that lie has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description. From his experience in'the business, he feels confi dent his werk will give entire satlsfa'-tion He will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new Work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square South of theeouri ouse, Waynesburg, Jan. 25,1860—n0 34 THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. SBOSNIDER & SIMINGTON HAVING purchased the stock of Grocerhs lately belonging trroGreen & Sirosnider will continue the business at the old stand They will in a few days be in receipt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Provisions. Fruits, Confectionaries, No;ions. . Fzc., Ace., which they will sell at the lowcst prices for cash. Corn Meal, Flower, flutter, Eggs, and Country Pro dime. generally always on hand. March 4th 180. WAYNESBUIZG MARBLE AND STONE WORKS. SAYERS t RINEILkitT Practical Marble and stone Cutters. Third Door East of the Coart Rouse, 21j a i n Si - Sept. 2, 'e3. HAMMON HOUSE, Waynesburg, Greene County, Pa S. iIeiRTZELL, Proprietor. litE subscriber respectfully informs his. friends that he has taken this well known Ilu-se where he is prepared to accommodate travellers and others, with goodandstihstaiitialmeat, drink, &..t. Ile will spare no pains or attention in rendering his guests comfortable and happy during their sojourn with hint, not forgetting to giv due attention to their horses and carriages, &c. April 10,—No 44—ti ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURG, PENN'A., JACOB HENDERSIIOT, TAKES. pleaqure in informing hi; friend? att.! the traveling public generally, mat he has taken charge of this popular house of entertainment and feels confi dent in saying that he a ii render perfect satisfaction. Every effort will he made to meet the wast 4 and u idl es of hia guests. The BAR and TABLE will be furni9lird with tie Crest articles found in the mai kt , .. A wple Et , !14:1 . 11- ten t stabling. l'Alveusa!ml. = BRIDGEPORT HOTEL', At the bridge, one mile east of Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIETOR. THE undersigned hereby notify the citizens of Greene and adjoining counties and the DIWVIA and TRAVELI NG PUBLIC in general that he has ta ken charge of this Hotel and is fully prepared to en tertain the :raveling public in the veryithest manner lie respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage of the p4blic. The BAR will he trupplied with the choicect LIQ BOBS. The Table famished with the best the coun try can afford. The ftT ,BLE will be carefully at tend+ d to- call and try us. Jan. 13 , 1864. lIOSUIMKA LODGE, No. 558 11. O. we , ce(fire.oo,l4 ITEST in Waynesburg, in Allison's Dail, onprifl'e n the Court Ilnuae, on Thursday evening of each week, at o'clock. 01,FIVISRX: G. J .u , ene, N. C. D. R. P. DIMS, PG. fA. L ANKAux,.V. G J. Jr. Tarset6,l3ee'y. D. W. BRADLN, Treas. Nor. 8, 18627_ Odd Fellows Saving Association OF '-..vcr.a. - sr.NTJECUSI33I7.II4.I9I-, Pa. Clutrterad by the Legirlature Al e& 276 i, 4862. J • Rttl LPH, Pre iden%J. F. pelitrtt, Sec'y; 101/d. A: PORTE.% Cashier. Are Biladriesis Conimunieadoria shohild be iddressed e"to oi. Po r t e r, )111~4s, Gritime COUnqr 'Pa a" ions ip - to. Loses sae Die . ' • Look at This!, 1864 To all whom it may Conoend THE in form zl is er o s l if i n c e n ct ßto w m o c u r l respectfu l ly andtittll puhlic.generally, that he has returned to Waynesburg, and omsV a sanDLERir 'WHOP, On Main Street, one door east of the Farm ers' and Drovers' Bank, Waynesburg, Where he will keep constantly on hat d all articles in his line, such as Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddies, Bridles, Martingales, Collars. Harness, in fact every thing usually kept_in au establishment of the kind Persons *jelling to buy will please give gs a call and examine our work before purchasing ejse where, as we flatter ourselves we can sell as good work as we ever did. All work manufactured of the best material in the market, and made in a neat and substantial manner. "Warranted 11 , 4 IC cut in the eye." _ _ Waviteshitre, April 27. 1R( I 4 DAILY' MAIL HACH RUNNING RECuLARLY BET V'EEN 'WHOM BB FIE 1.111118 Till' undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public. that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above points, he has placed upon the route t new and commodious Hacks for the ac commodation of !Ito traveling communitv, One will leave tire Hamilton 1100 e, Waynesburg, every morn ing, Sundays except...." at 71 o'clock, and will arrive at Iticee' Landing in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other Rices' Landing at the same tune and arrive in Waynesburg at 110011. No paina will be spared fur the accommodation of paps f i l g era , Ti mom V DOUG HER, Proprietor. ugust 7th, /891..90. 9. • I IWanamaker & Brown,l . 1 11 OAK HALL. II FINE READY MADE CLOTHING, E. Co k r e n t e•L t E re is e t t h s. & Mar-1 t i l l PHILADELPHIA. Department .1 11 ' CUSTOM. WORK, jj INo. 1 S. Sixth Street it 6ptii 1. 1964-Iy, i t Afflicted Read EFAD , : e i ; i l i n e ; r d' , ll l n_ tfid , : Lion of the fear% Torpid Liver, Paky, Irrita hihty 01 the ystem General or Local Pains or Weak ness, Night Sweats, liminess of sight, F i t s o f bespon ddiicy. Must afar Poistratem a n d all di. aces o I the Nervous Centres. nexer drain of the CAUSE of their several afflictisnq. They neat results as it they were c..uses; and so no relief is Mond WHAT IS THE CA,USE OF THESE DISEAS4S very frequently 3 . There is the secref—solitary self abi..se, practiced by thousands. Commenced wan boys, at school or elsewhere, it is kept up even during young manhood, producing mental and uhgsical pros tration. If continued, these diseases, and even mad ness are the result. If the victim be conscious of the cause of his decay, and quit it, he suffers under those terrible nocturnal and involuntary emissions which weaken and shame him, till life becomes grievous..L- Thus place between certain . decay and premature death and horrible suffering, the wretched victim rush es to SELF-DESTRUCTION. or sinks to an untimely grave. If he emancipates himself before the practice has done its worst and enters Matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that this-to caused by his early follies. SUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no false modesty prevent you from explaining your case to one whose acknowledged position in the medical prof*ession, and rest:mai! ility in px vats point hint as a private counsellor. Think not to cure yourself, anti so tamper with a faculty, the destruction of which renders a man truly miserab . e. Come to Dr. KINKELIN, confide in hint as thousands have done before you. In short, to be cured radically of all founts of secret diseases, and ruinous effects of self-indulgence apply La the most successful and experiencld Dr. KINKE LIN, GERMAN PHYSICIAN, Northwest corner of Third &and Union Streets, between Spruce and Pine, a square awl a half from t he Merchants' Exchange, Remelt, her that STRICTURE of the U L A are rapidly removed by the a,:plication of a new therapeu- Mal agent. only used by Dr. K. PACKAGES OF MEDICINES, ADVICE, &c.. for warded-to address, in any direction; put up secure trent damage or curiosity. 1,17 - POST PA ID LETTERS addressed to Dr. KIN KELIN, Philadelphia, will be answered forthwith. April 2.7,.1E..1.4-Iy. MA RIUkGE l—lts loves and hates Scrl'OVil art ac- CM'S, hopes and team, regrets aim joys: MAN HOOD. how lost, how RE:STORED; the nature, reatment, and radical cure of sperniatortheea or sem inal weakness, involuntary emissions. sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervousness, consumption, fits. mental and ph , steal incapacity, re sulting from SELF-A ,ilLlSE—are fully explained in the .`,l ARRIAGE GUIDE. by WM. YoENG, M. I).— '1 ;.is tilos; extraordinary bffok should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every nine o woman who desire to limit the number of their offspring to their ci•comstances. Every pain, disease, and ache incidental to youth, maturity, anti old age. is fully explained ; overy particle of knowl edge that should be known is here givea. It is full of engtr:ings. In feet discloses secrets that every one SI , illll knhw ; still it is a •hook that must be locked up and he about the house. It will be sent to ady one un the receipt of tar rely five cedes, in sper;e postage stamps- Address - Dr. IA M. YOUNG, No. 416, tSprnee.St. above Fourth Philadelphia. _ 11D ---- AFFTICTED and UN FORII UN ATE, no mat !et what may be your di•eaee, before you place your s, It under the care of any one of the notorious Quacks —native or foreign, who advertise in this or any other paper. get a copy of Pr. Yo,ang's and r.rs.d itcare, fatly. it will he the means of saving you many a dyl lar. your 'watch. and pos,ibly your life. 8. II A RI7.ELL oUNG can be consulted on any n f the es described zn hi= pnblic..tion, at hi • Office. Not 41a, spruce sr.. above Fat rill Philadelphia. e . Office linurs from till 3 o'clock daily. I 'lt'll '134-Iy. NOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. • T vsEA S' , ES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and y System--new and reliable treatment—in sort= of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by tail in seal el letter envelo:le , . free of charge Ad dte,,,;, Dr. J. SKILIN :1011WITON, Howard 21.nert aline, No. 2 youth Ninth Street, Philad4., Pa. nrit SOWER, BARNES & CD., PCBLI MERE AND DEALER!! IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, AND STATIONERY, No. 37 North Third Street, below Arch, cif. c. ()%v 1:11, W. 11. ISARNES, PHILADELPHIA. F. U. Ports. publishers of Pelton's outline Maps and keys, the largest and best Outline Maps ever published. San— der's new Readers, Greenleaf's & Drunks' Arithmetics, &c.,Blank Rooks, %Vritrng, Wrapping, Curtain and Wal Papers. Aug. 19. '63, 10211 LAM tpoo IMPORTERS & JOBBERS OF H osiery, Gloves, 17\W%1 &WO WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, No. 2S North Third Street, Lately occupied by J. 'l'. WAY tz CO. JOEL .1. DAILY, 112 N RYJ. DAVIS. Philadelphia ELTON H. IILFOPD. ei AWL W. VAN CULIN June 1.1564.-1 y To Clear the House of Flies, USE DUTOHBRie CELEBRATED Lightning Fly-Killer, a neaZ r chenli arttcla, ;au ribeet will aiitrart, BV,ERVINTruI te LNCS, urea* WA ir;, ast4 Marla et to, rtrilatkOtria,ftillliatatlittiartaa. Juae f, .1. T. HOOK ianbing, hilalc~pj a. 3SHAEb GOIJtD 123171:1 AiVA/ GOODS James B Lindsey's NEW STORE THE undersigned has opened a new pb Store, in the room formerly occupied by N. h ark iv. Son, in Minions building, immediately opposite the Court !louse, Waynesburg, Pa , where lie has received and is now opening a very large and excellent assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trimmings and Notions ! These goods were all purchased for CASIT, at the low. et market prices, and will sold at a small ad vance on first cost. I have determined to do a strictly CASH BUSINEsS, and will be able to sell at small profits. My GOODS are ENTIRELY NEW Most 3f which have been made to order, by the very best workmen in Philadelphia, expressly for mar ket. I invite your attention partictAwly-to my Kock of Ladles' and Chlfderen's flats, 4 Gloves anti Hosiery, Ladles' Collars and Corsetts, Shaker Hoods, &c., &c., My assortment is large ! My work is good ! My pikes low: If you need any article in the Shce line, FROM THE LARGEST TO THE SMALLEST! 11=iiil From the Finest to the Coarsest, OAU' AND BE SUITED AND SAVE MONEY! Call and examine, it iv no notaile to show goods Irr Greene Costnty Orders taken at pox for goods. JAMES B. LINDSEY, Waysechurg, March 30, 'tit AllisniCe Building. ~Yi~bcZ~~r~. 1864, * s .'Px - i - z`Tar 1864. ,)RYI VOO/1484!) Great Inducements to Cash Buyers ! ROOD, BONBRIGHT & co„ Wholesale Defiers iu FOREIGN & HOE DRY GIIIIIIS, •529 Market St., and 526 Commerce St,, PHILADELPHIA, Would respectfully invite attention in their LARGE STUCK of leading DOMESTICS, • *GLASS ia 1"' MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR, and ma.. y popular goods of PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURE. A prii 13. 1864. THE GIRARD ROUSE, Corner Ninth and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. H. W. KANAGA, Proprietor. April 1. 1564-Iy. States Union 'lota 606 and 608 Market, St., Philadelphia. CHAS. M. ALT.MOND, Manager. • Tuts Hotel is located in the very cebtre of business and is near the respectable placer: of amusement, which makes it particularly desirable to persons visit ing Philadelphia on busirt , ss or pleasure ; and the Manager hopes, by close personal attention to tic wants of his guests, to make it a comfortah'e home for such as may laver his house V , OW ft rtiotyTe, April l3:61. VIII 314 IDILI Chestnut St., Between 3d and Ith, PHILADELPHIA IN the immediate vicinity of principal Bankipg Houses. Custom lionise. Poet (Mice, Coinn:ercial Exchange and iheJobt:ing Houses. The be=t hilemie:ss naan's house in the city. lIENRY N Ell:, April 13,'6.1-Iy. Proprietor. AMERICAN HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite Old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA WYATT & HEULDINGS, April 13, 15.61-_-_lyr =I EMEEEM GOLDMAN, BERG & CD. VET.Ia co Iso mit:4,lga Clothiczasi . AND DEALMIS IN Cloths, Cassinieres, Vestings, Tail ors' Trimmings, &c. • No• 306 .3larkct Street, Philadelphia. Aug. 19, 1563 MARTIN BUEHLER, I=ll FEEBLER, 110111111 & CO., 4 , Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN HARDWARE AND CUVLERVI No. 441 lilt rket Street, below Fifth, Phila Aug. 19, 1863. ELI HOLDEN, No, 708 Market Street, between 7th & Bth, SOUTII SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watches and Fine Jewelry. MANUFACTURERS' CM/iOC-lE. WHOLESALE AN RETAIL. All KINDS OF CLOCKS REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. tug. 19,'63 GILLESPIE, ZELLER. ck CO. Wholesale Grocers, A ti D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. W. Cor. Sixtk and Market Stn., April Verl-6zn • PHILADELPHIA. CEO. F. WARDLE. 6 4 HARLES N. REED. WARDLE, 'ABED & 'CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco spa II lila null out E TS, NM. Co. eixth &Ili Market gia• April 17,'04-Iy. PEILAINIALRA 1864 Oil PRoPRIETOUS I=l JA:. A. I= I= AND DOMESTIC SOMETHING NEW. & T. W CLARKE, AT THE Hamilton House. Waynesburg, Take this method of informing their numer ous patrons and the public generally, that they have made very large purchases of SPRING AND .SUMMER GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, All kinds of Groceries, SUGAR, of every Grade; COFFEE, of all brands; TEAS, the 44cEt in the market; NOTIONS of every description. COUNTRY PRODUCE, The highest market price paid tor all kinds of Country Produce. Give us a call. R. & T. W. CLA RKE, • Opposite Court House. Wayneshhrg, May It, '64.-tf. MW%V6Ik BRADEN & HUNT AVE on hand a supply of the HUBBARD MOW -11 LNG MACHINES. Any one wishing a good re liable Machine can now have the opportsnity. Read the following testanonials : WE. whose tames are underwritten. having used the light Hubbard Mower, take pleasure to recommend , leg it to the Farming public, as the hest Machine ex -1 taut ; and we feel confident that those who wish to purchatfe a Mower will be satisfied that then have made a good investment of their money by purchasing the light Hobbard. We have used the above Mower dur ing the whole of the ;fist harvest without the neces- I shy of stopping to repair; such is the strength aed firm ness of the H ubbard that with the proper all the unrecessary expenses and loss of time is avoided which is so cdminon with other Mowers. In short, the Hubbard fully conies up to our expectation, agreeably to the recommendation given it. Not only on account of the elegancy with which it performs the work, but also the ease to the team with which it Is done. The draft is lighter antfthe horses' necks never suffer front soreness. All this is avoided on account of the Ma chine being so perfectly, balanced. The Hubbard ex- Gets other Mowers on account of it doing the work as satisfactiwily in driving slow as last, which also en hances the sa fetycrt the Machine on irregular or rough places. ASA MITCHELL, CEPHAS MEEKS, HEATH JOHNS, DAVIS W. JOHNS, A. CARY, EtIADRMCH MITCREL, HENRY BELL, MEEK, HUGH MONTGOMERY, JOHN CLAYTON. For further particulars inquire at the "Messenger" office, Waynesburg, or of the undersfgned. SAMUEL BRADEN, • JOHN HUNT, Agents. itufre Creek, Greene cm, Pa., June 22, 18h4. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an 0/der of the Orphans' Court of Greene county, the undersigned will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 13th day of August, next, All the right, title and interest of Win . F. Ballou,.of, in, and to a certain lot of ground, situate in Monongahela township, adjoining lot of S. H. Cove on the north, tits• public road on the west, lot of Wm. U. McCoy en the north. and the Monongahela river o.n the East, containing about one acre, awl on which are erected a leg dwelling house, kitchen, &c. TERMS or - SALLE : One-third of the purchase money on confirm ation of sale, one-third in six months, and the residue in twelve months thereafter, with in terest from the date of confirmation. JAS. A. BLACK, Ad'.lnr June 15 14 WAYNNSBURG STEAM MILL. M. ROGERS respectfully inform his frienda and the public that he bas leased the NEW STEAK' WU, at Waynesburg, Pa., where L e win always be fo.und ready to accommodate all who may call on the shorte,st uotire. Grinding done on the same terms as by water tuUts. FLOUR and FEED kept constantly on hand. Orders fur either can be left at the Minor at Yeator's store. I.lan. 27, 1262 Notice-to the Public. fr HE Cabinet busineas will he carried on at the old I stand, by the undersigned, where all kinds o Furniture can be had and made to order. A Hearse kept in readiness to attend funerals. A 4102 MILE RED, March 2. 1864. REBECCA OA NEATR. vittsbu44 Nnertistments. DRY GOODS. J. W. BARKER &) CO., E LARK STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. haveii store the largest stock ever exiiibi tcd in this city, embracing 0 -aii:WiTio - Q- 9 CLOAKS, renzms Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' 86 BOYS' 111111, &c., &c., &C! Which they offer at WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Country Merchants supplied I•at the lowest Eastern CASH PRICES. March 16, IS6I 101141/1)1 1121 V 121.3 "DEAR MOTHER, I'VE COME HOME TO DIE." A Song of the Returned Volunteer 25 "BROTHER'S FAINTING A T TIIE DOOR," De scribing a Toudhing Incident of the War • • •• • • • 25 ' BABYLON IS FALLEN." Sequel to 'Kingdom Coming" 25 "0 WRAP THE FLAG AROUND ME, BOYS." A Song of the Dying Soldier 25 "0, I Wls II THE WAR WERE OVER." Song of the Lonesome, Waiting Maiden 25 "WHO'LL SAVE THE LEFT Y? Descriptive of a Charge at the Battle of Murfreesboro 50 "WITHIN THE SOUND OF THE ENEMY'S GUNS." Describing the Battle of Geti}stiurg• • 60 ~ IrAtly of the above sent by mail, on receipt of tae price. CHAS. C. MELLOR, 0ct.21,'63-Iy. No. 81 Wood 6t., Pittsburgh TINDLE & 2W00R313, Wholesale and Retail CHAR AND FURNITURE .I;kmA., icrim.a-crxwcrizmEtirs NO, 21 SMITHFIELD STREET, Near the Mongabela ll.,use Rept.30„.63-ly Pittsbureli„rn • ST. SIMOSKOSBAS HOTEL, CORNER CtRANT AND 4TH STR.ES PITTSAIIRGII, PA. FZBL, rropriew. 14" SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS FOR 1864 AT THE PIMEBUEGH CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, No• 73 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA world rewctlully call the attention of the trade to our large and elegant stock of Ladies and Wises' Cloaks, ritaimes are Circulars for Spring and Summer wear, hawing now in stock all the lead ing and popular styles of the season. to which we shall daily add all the fore•gn and original designs RS they come io hand through the regular European steamers. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find us fully prepared to fat Cher orders at all times, haring a large and magnificent stock of 6.) X 3EA X-K. v . •- and LIGHT SUMMER DRIES, from wh,ch to inanufaetare •Lulicg' zar, , ents of every deirriptiOn• Buyers would do well to remember tbat ours is the only exclusive Cloak House in Pittsburgh, whsre LaJiPs' Fashi.lnable Coqu meg can be bad at all times, ..nd retail. M. J. SPEM:F. March 23, ISO. J. & 11. PHILLIPS, 2C & 28 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Manufacturers and ticalero in FLOOR, FURNITURE & OARRIAGE WL Otoant 4 Table & Window Shade Oil Cloths WINDOW SHADES, SHADE FIXTURES, &c. ALSO, DEALERS IN LEATIIMR Lace Leather, lnr. ia Rubber Bolting, Hose, Steant Packing. and Rubber Goods generally. N. B. Soli , Agents fur Allegheny' county, for the sal of Metrniaiiitatt Co.'s UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Wholesal.• and Retail Enyers will find our stork we!l aßs,rted and at reaSua aide prices. Apiil 13, CEDES I. CLQ S ! CLUE 1 SWYStat- 31 4 1)11E 0 - vcr 3E1.30.49.3:› Y And Receiving Daily New ,Additions, CLOTIJI AND SILK Paris Cloak and Shawl E PIFORIUffi H GUNSENHAUSER, & CO., 68 MARKET STREET. Pittsburgh, Pa. 11.3M1V1rOliTlkI-i. H. KLEBER & BRO., NO. 122 WOOD STREET, Four doors above Fifth. and nearly opposite the First National Bank, PITTSBURGH, PA , Sole Agents, and only Depot in this city for THE GREAT SEEWAY NANO LIZ Carhart's Harmoniums & Melodeons. EsE two instruments are 40 - intig the Inns! ex t Forresses of modern timer, as attested Ly the bent performers in pitifesFional and private cir cles. Tile 1 4 TEINWAY NANO has become the adrnira tion of the Wole musical v:of - Ifi, and has recebeed thirty-two first premiums of gold and silver, and also the first prize medal at the Great National Exhibition at London in 1862. Also : Best lidliau and French Strings for Violin Guitar and Bass. Newest Sheet Music received week ly. Church Music Books, etc , etc. Every Piano Warranted for Fivc Y eriis , rr 0I 41 Pianos taken iu e.xchange. April 6, 1564.6 no,. B.L. COOK, E, PETTIT, WM. M. COOK, E. COOK, JR COOEL, PZIS.TX,'T di. CO., COYMISSION And U? Producg, Flour, Bacon, Wool, Grain &c. 12 Smithfield St., Corner First, Pittsburgh. REFEICESCES—Sirittvr liathaugh & Co , Pittsburg; Hitchcock, McCreery & Cw , Pittsburgh ; George A. Emtliey, Cashier German Tract and savings Bank. Pitt,htirgh; Mitchell & Ladd, Cincinnati, O.: W. 11. & .1 ,f). Ladd, Richmond, u., Jon. hints, Cashier Mt, Pli.zisant Branch Bank state. Bank Ohio. • , •pt. n!)..1i2. y Young's Eating Saloon, COPNII VIRGIN ALLEY ANJ SMITHFIELD STREEIs, riffiII'STIMINIFISBNIRMINITM will be tierved up in the nn - LA palatable stc,e. ELI YOUNG. Corner Virgin and Alley Smith& it PittAurr,ll, Oct. 14, 'tl2. y Wl%l. N. COZEN & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF (1111111Dil 1111J11)34 Ab.D Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, &c No. 69 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Serf :30,'1,3-ly ST. CLAIR HOTEL, TURNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITT.SB , 7ROH, PA. J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR. LEP This popular house . has recently been thoreneh ly refitted and furnished, and new forms nne of the moat pleasant stopping places in the city. Terms mod erate, and satisfaction warranted. April 8, '63— ly S. B. A; C. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURERS AN!? Up',ALERs 1N BOON, CAP, LETT 4 XI, AltD ad kouis of WRAPUING PAPER have remov . eii from NO. 27 WOOD STREET tn • • No. 33 Snithlteld Street, pirrsßunGll, PA. 13:7"orCaslt Tridofor Rua. Nov. k 3, COANUOOPIA SALOON, No. '7 Firth Street, PITTSB URGH, PA FRED. 1 1 1EISS, PROPRIETOR. October r li4 I y 1. O. FACKINER. JOHN M. IRWIN' FACOLINER, & 11 ANUFAcTUTURERS OF Furniture and Chairs, N.. 103 Sinftbdlehl St., Nerv.4,'6l.ly. . PITTIIFInteif IPA. En HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Consietin2 (If flardwa're, Plain and Plan ished Tinware, Brushes, W , . , fleri Ware, Harrkers, Plated Ware, Cutler - , Iron Ware, Japanned Ware, and Cooking I:tensile of all kinds. A great variety of Shaker Corls, gird Cages, &c , can be ohtained nn tile 'nest re. enable terms. Refrigerators and Water Coolers, DOOR MATS AND FANCY GOODS. KAY & RICHARDS% pt 33, 1663 CAN. AND WOOD CHAIRS, SELLINCi orr• WHOLLSALE.OR 11 T: JAS. Y . IVOODII mid 99 Third 9 , r; r 9. opposite E. Edn ondson &Co and I IU f'olirth stre:?!.. Aug. 9. 'O. Thoyimrivd.: , f,lyinoroa.cith.rterrn ,. . ,7, nmi r7<apfil, the color y h4:ue the and diallaish t the a t su,:dbr, alwaya*, 11.:,rn r rit to Jou rtei It q. h.' C : pen's to at once in z;iy. , :wred,:md ttla jolt 9wpi.i/77 vaia,./7e,!,; the cough at I the (ijieult ~Ithi2,l l ere E. pc,dily relieved; the sleep becomes cal in awl reireFhiag ; the et f;011.4 repu an& rah ALI, '1 iIE 3i NEPAL APPEAR \\ ITU A 1: NPi I , IT Y THAT SEEMS 4.II.:VLLLOUr.3.—J. Churchi TEE EYPOP=OSPIIITES arr , tin spproprint nid s^rrTmc f oricr .1."4col Lae IVF.Nl 7 t,l:72pel:rfrt,( r tOO'nrip•bi, 8re,q3.177,7, I.:,ire ; 217 VA f/ ,nti, y ; Tra , !;ny of 1.7(•, , , Enlorytmta; t of (114 (;1071,1g, or ,Szo., n c•s• ; Cuugh ; of A.SI'C7Ci TIP g of t:le 9rrrreq cr V ',:e7r.e; PrrtnStlirOllgh the S.' ; .p.,rtict I or T;t4 1 Lusa cf ht, C,6 of 1.11(3 Rec , l,tcho; Exee.,:7-6 Pt( C 7:0,1; ..:cj,ht.l Loss of Ai) loft Il• La •• a., (:',id.va • of St.-,4adott, r, or sV, ng of the Frit. ; 11,a/.; ; L 1.4.3 PortrFn; ; 1 ) , trte, .L;rt ror ; Lce r,/'d • yed „Do , tio n, e - n ; Exe..c).•26 , re:,B to C 0; ctc. , As in the several rr c.l Cat: , th, A, Eh Br< , Y.t . Se..N . V . ul,l, 1, tirulg; a, Tarn% ;i. co.p.Ve), d and Ispecialii yin E.:no ' , lens or UJeina Lln..unZar;rica, sn , h aa Sapprts,,/, 77, Exco - ~ T - r e, Le z, entataro or too 1're.q20.,;,t WINCIIESTEII,'S HYPOPEOSPHITES re the best mne , ly known to Medical Eeience, 1h wlwre the I,!1:.• . n c.'“ touic.," iron, 2c;:zoice d „ , ,to-ticer 0.1, quinine"... Winchester's Genuine Preparation. OF TEE .171TelPITOSPI7.17113 3 the 07:1V r form of this I: , .rledy : Ltrid is a • v , : Profc. , lnn ger, rv: v. L 7 iist,, 2, El) y Ili TY E 3 :—I aI cz ro;l1c , , sl—Six (. r D U. In Di 02. oti.c Titr , *2—ee br fide. -bold by rill r,. - .eclaYe trld at U.) eole General Depot in the United Stows, by J.:WINCHESTER, 36 John. Street, N. Y. Tn. Pulmonary Diseases, the most ac. five treatment should be pursued during the Summer months, the period 'when most rat ierits isely suspend the nse of the I:tented y. For RAts, Mice, Roaches. Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths In Furs, Wool ens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Six. I'ut up in :254, SW. $1.60 Box Os, Bottles and Flasks, S'..! and $ siz.is for HOTELS, PUBLIC (NS ITITTIONS, &C. t•Oi ty infallible Toßleftiett known." “,, , lee from Poisons " • '•Not dangerous to the human "Hats come out of their holes to die." _.,;"Sold Wholesale in all large cities. _:..lt-Sold by all Drug sts and R,:atlers every where. !!BEwArtr!!l of all worthless imitations. i`Seethat'•Cosrea's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. 1 , .F.1.-Address HENRI( h. COS CA R• 71.4rTrincipai Depot C'2, Broadway, N. Y. Sold by all Wholesale sod Retail Drug gists in WaymF , bm - g, Pa. Feb. 17, le•ii.l.-Bm. MERCHANTS, litiMOD: ROW Int, LifROHM U:4l' pablislied. a new edition 01 Dr. Culver- CP Cel.• 'waled Essay on the radical (ore (without (lied:doe) ot Spermatorihwa, ter scnonal ‘4' rah nose Involuntary Seminal Lcsses, Impotency. (:lental and Physical Incapacity, lir.pellitowys to Aiar riago. etc. ; also, Consumption, Epi!elisv, ruit Pits, in ane l I a,lf-jmlulgeace or peva a I extravagance. Price, in a sealed envelope, only h tents. The eeleMated anther is lis admirable eF,ay clear ly demnneerates, from a thirty yeas successful practice, that tt,ti alarming Cflll6lllll.'llti of sel f-ahuse may he tadically , :urn., without the dangerous use of inteinal mourn e, or the aun'icalion of th. Itnile—pointing out a mode of a cure, at once sinitte, cetlaill anal etrecotal, I,y }means oh which every sufferer, u, matter what it.. coodition may be, man cure hunself cheaply - , privately, and radically. This Lecture tiiinnid he in the hands of every youth and every man in the land.. eat, Ititlet seal, in 4 ; - .4a.:in en,..,lnre. to any athire. , B post-y. 64, on receipt cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. KLINE & 127 flowery, New Yu/k, 1 Office boi. 43 , 6. June 22 1561. $l, $l, $7, $7, $l2, $l2 Beautiful Gold Plated, or Silver Watches, Perfect Time-keepers, Sent Free, by Mail, for only .$7• Elegant hurting Case Watches. same :13 above, 11 , r 1 .: Also, WaictlPs. Chains, Sets cft.lewelty, Gold Pens, Bracelets, Lockets ! Itlngs 6 IC., etc., Witipiut regard to value, and not to he paid for till yo know what are to get. Send 25 cent= for d Certificate and Circular containing full list anti particitfais , aunt intianio Sou what. nu ran have far SI. fi CERTIFICATES' AGENTS WANTED Circulars i‘ctit free 2(8 Broadwry, N. Y April 13,'ti-l-ly SEVEN OCTAVE 11 225 S22 IIOSEIVOOD PIANO-FORTES, Grovesteen & Co,, 499 Broadway, N.Y. NEW ENI.a, GEL) SCALE . PIANO roRTEs, with all the latest improvements. This ye•lrs' exp?, , fieitce with great ly increased facili ties for wanufactaring, enable us' to ie!l for (!A Sif at the above Unusually low price Our Instrument= rc• ceived the hizhest award at the NVorl,l's fair. and tor live sUccAissiVe year, at Qt e A met ican Instiwt e. War r 4iited fire years. Terms Cash Call or send for ee scriptive March 9. 1514.-Ernes BLANKS OF - ALL RAW FOR SALE AT 1u MICE, Importers and Dealers in NO, 30 FIFTH STREET, Flrat door below Exchange Bank, PiTTSBURCii, PA., YVIIF,RE EVERY INSCRIPTION OF Housekeeping Articles, sirAzi • al A.IOT JZ) Bay path. emptily and Ce IN ALL SrACES OF CONSUMPTION. SI - MPTOMS: April 27,1'fA.1y The Greatest Chance ever Offend ! TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, Address A. J. HARPER & 0., Box f. 2.19 P. 0., New York )3: 8, REDI:CF.D PRICER, MEI EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers