nriDlT MOBMH, AUGUST M, 1871. BOHOUGH OFFICERS. JhH-0 H. It. Mat. (Hnhfmm- J auob Shriver, J. R. Stroup, W. W, rlm'nd. 8. H, Haslet, J. Winans. Justices vf the Peara W. P. Morcilllott, . a Knox. f btMfaftr J. N.Teltsworth. frAeoJ IwrcforJ. Winans. J. A. Tnlo, t. A. Proper, Jacob Shriver, 1. H. Knux, . t. Irwin. FOnKST COUNTY OFFICERS. ;relf JudgtJ Km Camfbklu oein( Judges 3. A. Proper, An ita w Cook. Wmy-K. L. Davis. JHHriet Attorney W. W. Masod. Treasurer 8. Nktlkt. iVof Aonwfriry, Register A Recorder, tfe. 4. B. Aonkw. twnmiiofir N.T. Whrklbr, Bkhj. Slliott, Pbtkr Mkrcili.iott. Omnfy .nertntendent 8. F. ROHRRR. Jnrv Commissioner! Jab. Gilfilliak, fm. PATTRRSOif. (fcwnry .Msrveyor H.D. Irw1!. Coroner JosiaH Wiwaws. (Jbimty J(i(or L. L. MacKCTT, Eli Mt.RMA!i, Wat. Clark. Member of Vongrtss 19th District Q. W. SCOPIRLD. Stat Aenute W. A. Waixacb. Atseu-bhiJoim ii. Ham.. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. -'-There it a strange cow running ith Win. Hood's. The owner can ire her hj coming after her. It ouly costs two dollars a year to nd tht Republican to any given Jkoiut. John Dice is euttine some stone for Capt Knox, with which be intends to put a i ew foundation under part of lis houfe. W. P. Neill some time ago lent a acrow-d river about 18 inches long, to soma one. The person who has it will confer a favor by bringing it home. The Superior Lumber Co. Store old three sewing machines one day last wetk because they advertised that branch of their business in the Replb- LICAX. Oa account of doing a large mount of job work during the past week we have not been able to look bout town as much as usual, and pos sibly may not Lave all the news in this issue. W. W. Dimond came to town on Monday evening of last week, to make Ilia friends hero a farewell call previous to settling in the West. He goes alone, laftving his wife in Mayville, N. Y., until be looks up a place to suit him. We, and all of our readers who know ain, wish Will, a prosperous future. At the city election in Titusville last Tuesday, li. D. Fletcher was elect l City Auditor. He was a Republi can, supjiorted by the Democracy of that city. The Courier office and the successful candidate were serenaded in the evening, and the editors and Mr. Fletcher responded with speeches. Dr. F. Dally, Mechanical and Surgical Dentist is at present stopping t the Holmes House, Tionesta. All parties desiring his services will please cU upon him early, and they will be skillfully and properly attended to. Jininci! dentures on gold, silver, or vulcanite base made to order, and war (anted to give satisfaction. 20 tf. Tlio Petroleum Monthly for August haa arrived. It is a periodical worth jsany timet the subscription price to all who have any thing to do with the greasy fluid. . It is growing stronger very day, hat a good advertising pat ronage and a large list of subscribers. Terms of subscription $3.00 per year. Address Publishers Petroleum Monthly, Oil City, Fa. Yesterday as Mr. Dithridge was hauling load of household goods from the cars, his team ran off and forded the river at the ferry. One of the hones fell in the water but got up again all right. They were caught as they came out of the river on this side. There was nothing injured with the exceptions of the wetting of a few things in the boxes and a small break in the harness. A man named Fitzpatrick is now in durance vile in the Forest Co. jail, for exhibiting a tendency toward Mor raonura, which tendency is not relished by hit neighbors. It appears that the woman he married the second time was perfectly aware of the existence of No. 1, having been a servant in the employ of the family. He was said to have been highly respected previous to his second marriage. We cannot get the full particulars of the case. On Monday "evening, 14th inst., one Hfatherton was stabbed and killed by man named McDonald. There bad been an old quarrel between them. They had been parted once or twice before the fatal blow was struck. Ileatherton at length struck McDon ald when his back was turned, knock ing htni down, when McDonald arose, drawing knife as he did so, and stab Led neatherton in the left breast, from the effects of which he died in a few moments. McDonald is in jail in Meadville, awaiting trial. The affray ftViV r'-re ?n Tittisvi!!. 8. Clark it building an addition to his house,' which gives him more room, besides adding to the appear ance of his residence. We neglected to mention last week that Jas. M. McKay of this place bad received the appointment of rust Master of Tiotienta, Hackett & Proper are busily en gaged in working at the old barrel fac tory, rigging it up for a planing mill, sash, blind and door factory. There were no services in any of the Churches iu this place on Sunday morning last. Mr. Lloyd preached in the M. E. Church in the evening. W. H. May started fur Philadel phia on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. May, Miss Sue and Benuie started fur the same place to-day. They will be gone about two weeks. J. A. Proper has moved into the huuse recently occupied by A. 13. Kel ly. Mr. Kelly's family will soon move into their new house, which will be finished in a week or two. W. P. Neill, at the Post Office keeps on hand a large amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, confections, &c, for sale. Give him a call, and you will get good meusure and good fruits. The dry weather is playing smash with the water privileges uf our place. Several wells which have never failed since they were dug, have gone dry re cently. If we do not soon have a wet season we shall have to use river water. Mr. Roberts is building a sort of a tunnel over Council Run, and in tends to fill over with dirt, and so im prove his lot. If be carries out hit theories he will have a nice place be fore he gets through with it. Mra. HuliDgs has finished the rais ing of her house, aud has now room for several more boaders than former ly. She has expended quite a sum of money on her property this summer,4 and a great improvement is the conse quence. Some of our "ballists" went to Oil City yesterday to witness a game detweeo the Forest Citys of Cleveland and the Seuecas of Oil City, and learn a trick or two which might hereafter be of service to the "Whooper-ups" of this place. , M. Ittle, who has purchased the Tionesta House, of J. A. Proper, took possession last week. He has re-furnished a large portion of the house, and proposes to keep a first-class hotel, lie comes among us highly recommend ed as a whole-souled man, and will, iu all probability, be weir patronized. See his advertisement in another col umn. Win. Henry ,of Pituburgh.a broth- of M. Henry of this place was in our town and about the country ou a tour of combined business and pleasure He is a wholesale dealer iu Boo; 8 & .Shoes, aud while iu the country attend ed camp meeting one day, aud took occasion to give his card to those whom he thought likely to buy goods of him. Some one who saw hiui at it, gave out the story that he was a preacher dis tributing tracts. Had he heard the story before he got off the camp ground he would have probably nave convinced them that he wasn't that kind of a man. Last week we omitted one item in the communication from Fort Pitt, be cause we weie advised to do so by a gentleman from that place, who said he thought it was a mistake. Since our we have recieved a letter from the par ty who advised us not to publish the article, saying that he was satisfied that the article was correct, We there from givo it a place in this issue: "As Mr. Alex McFader was return ing from church on Suuday evening, accompanied by a lady, a man named Wm. Ambrose stepped from behind a tree and fired several shots from a re volver at the gentleman, happily with out effect." We owe an apology to our Fort Pitt correspondent, who has been of great service to us in more ways than one, for thus treating his communication, aud hope he will not "weary in well doing" because of a mistake on our part. We will publish his communl cations in full hereafter, provided he deems the above apology sufficient, and dosn't cut our acquaintance. $50 it t:vAiiox Stolen from the subscriber iu Worth township, Mercer couuty, Pa., on Aug. 9th, a Sorrel Horse three years old, white mane and tail, at ipe in forehead, hind legs white to the gambrel juint, fore legs white to above the pastern joint, a small wart above the right eye. The above reward will be giveD lor the recovery of the horse and the con viction of the thief or $25 for the re covery of the horse. Address, Wm. T. Jack, Hendersonville, Mercer Co., Pa. cr D. Gillfspip, Tidkute, Fj, ''ii" 111 lii Those who advertise in the Re publican, say it is a paying invest ment. ' The Elk Democrat gives the par ticulars mf a bloody tragedy which oc curred in Wilcox, Elk Co., on Thurs day morning of last week. A man named Thus. Richards shot his wife iu the face, and himself through the heart. Richards was subject to fits of temporary insanity, aud hit wife was afraid to live with him, and refused to do so. He entered the house where she was living by breaking out a pane of glass, aud raising the window. She was in bed, but got up aud commenced dressing. He said he had come to get her to live with him. She told him it was no use, as she did not feel safe to do so. He insisted that she must. She told him to wait until she had dressed herself, when she wold talk with him, to which he made no reply. He then said, "Ain't you going to speak to me?" at the same time drawing a revolver, with the further remark, "Here's some thing that will make you speak." She declined to answer and continued dressing. While iu the act of stoop ing to pick up her dress, he fired, the ball entering on the left side of her nose, aud lodging in the back part of her head. He then shot himself through the heart, producing instant death. Mrs. Richards is lying in a very critical condition, fears being entertain ed that she will not recover. Peterton't Magazine for Scptembrr more than maintains its reputation as the "best and cheapest" of the Lady's Books, as well as the supreme authoi ty in matters of fashion. The steel engraving "The Miller's Granddaugh ter," illustrating a charming story, is one of the prettiest we have ever seen. The double-sized colored steel fashion plate is of rare beauty, and gives the latest and most elegant Parisian styles. In this number is begun a new copy right novelet, "The Tragedy of a Quiet Life," which is unusually good even fur the magazine; and there are original tales and novelets, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Daisy Veutuor, and other first class story writers. V e do not see how anv lady can do without "Peterson." . It is the leading guide in fashion. The price is but $2.00 a year ; with great reduc tions to clubs. Address, Charles J. Peterson, 300 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia. The New Illustrated Edition of Vebstjlb' Dictionary. This seem ingly dry aud certainly ponderous book has its peculiar charms. Here is collected aud tersely set down, a vast quantity of various aud useful knowl edge, such as is indispensable to edu cated men aud women. Here are an hundred and fourteen, thousand words, defined with a clearness, fullness, pre cision, and wealth of illustration, that denote the soundest scholarship, aud the most entire fidelity to laborious de tails. Altogether the work is a mar velous specimen of learning, taste and thorough labor. We praise it heartily, because we believe it deserves the hear tiest praise. New York Albion. My hair ws lulling off, I used two bottles of Nature's Hair Restora tive and it checked it at once. It is clean, safe and efficient. If your drug gist boa not got it, send direct to Proc ter Bros., Gloucester, Mass. See ad vertisement. Fresh arrival of Dress Silks, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, and goods gonerally received this day by Superior Lumber Co., Elm street. Call aud see tliem. 19 2t Williamsport Dickinson Semina ry a first class school for both sexes, Williamuport, Pa. Fall session opeus Aug. 24, 1871. For catalogues ad dress, W. Lee Spottswood, D. D., President. Where did you get your Sewing Machine f At the Superior Lumber Co. 'a Store, Elm street. They sell the Singer Fam ily Machiue for $65 in monthly pay ments and it is the only machine we would use. Call and examine the machine for yourself and they will give you full information in regard to it. 18-3t Book Binding. We are agent for as good a book bindery as there is anywhere. We are prepared to do all the biudiug which may be brought to us, at low rules, and satisfaction guaranteed. Ssmplcs can be seen at this olhV. M. P. Jeuks, Jeweller, Meadville, Pa., is selling Watches, Jewelry, Chains, Diamonds &c, at 20 per cent, below marked prices. Several of our citizens hare patronized him, aud find him "square." Give him a cull. His establishment is on the comer of Wa tvr strd Cbrrtrat in Oillgm Work. Burlington, Leaving the East and arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we reach the West T The best Line is ac knowledged to be the C, B. & Q., joined together with the B. & M. Rail road by the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and railed the Buhmnqton Route. The main line of the Route running to Omnha. connects with the great Pa cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead ing route to California. The Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Platte mouth, passes through Lincoln, the State Capital, and will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming the shortest route across the Continent by over 100 milct. Another branch of the B. M., diverg ing at Red Oak, falls inta a line run ning down the Missouri through St. Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas. Passengers by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, and, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views should remem ber the Burlington Route, for its towns "high-gleaming from afar" its tree fringed steams Its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceans stretching over the prairies further than eye ran reach. Land-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Land Commissioner of the B. & M. R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among the four thousand home steaders and precmptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where "Un cle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm." Foil Sale. The house and lands known at the "Christie Property," lo cated at Irviaton, Warreu Couuty Pa., are for sale. Terms cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dale, President Tionesta Savings Bank, Tionesta, Pa. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Oil tneti, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. 50,000 lbs Wool Wanted, At Hilbronner & Co.'s, for which the highest price in goods or cash will be paid. They have just received the agency for an Eastern House, and want all the wool they can possibly get. Take your wool there and get good prices. For Sale. One 20 Horse Power Timber Engine and Boiler iu good der. Inquire of D. 8. Knox, .. 1-tf. , Tionesta, P A. 11. Steele, Cushier Tionesta Savings Bank, has been appointed agent for the celebrated " lumau Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of .going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. Aeie Advertisements. Tionesta House. TIT ITTLE. Proprietor. Kim St.. Tio. i'-l, nests. Pa., at the mouth of the creek, Mr. Iltle lias thoroughly renovated the Tionesta House, and re-furnished it com pletely. All who patronize him will lie wen enicrunnia at reasonable rate. 20 ly TItlAJL, LIST, FOR SEPTEMBER TERM, 1871. Geo. K. Thayer vs. J. A. Nolan 4 Co. Abial Irake tor use Vs. A. J. Maze. F. II. Kllsworth et. al. vs. J no. Ji. Dilks et. al. Eliiabutb Goer vs. It. C. Soott et. al. K. 1j. Jones vs. I'unicl Murphy. Solomon Xenta v. John 11. Iegnard. K. 1.. Itlood vs. Jaineg Painter. Cha. Hinton va. Johu A. Proper and D, Uill. Chaa. Looper vs. Warren & Franklin R. it. to, r ForeHt County vs. John O. Brandon. KoreMt Count v va. Chaa. J. Vox. Commonwealth for use v. John W. Mil ler et. al. ROPER CALORIC ENGINE COMPANY, lJ4CHAMHKIUiST., Maufacturers of Hot Air Engines. 1, 2, and 4 Horse-Paw er. Ho water uaedl Cannot explode! No iimuraaeedvinand ed I Not lialile to get out of order I Requires no Skilled Knirineer ! Cools tu run 25 oeuta per day per homo power, 20-H . POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, OV TUKUTATG OV PENNSYLVANIA, MARKET ST., west of J7th, PHILA,, Re-npeua September 19th, 1871. Thorough Collegiate training for the piardue of Mine Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechani cal Engineering, Analytical Industrial Choi lihtry, Metallurgy a'id Architecture. The liiploma of the Colluge W received aa conclusive evidence of proliciuitcy by the brat engineer and companies engaged in works of improvement, r or H'th Annual Announcement, address ALFRED E. KKNNEL'Y, M. T., Pr-. ef Timttr. m PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION OF PENNSYLVANIA. JOIWT RRSOI.tTTIO: Proposing an amendment to the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania. B it Resolved ty the Nrnnte and IToust of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penmiytv)in.a in General Atnemhly met, That the following amendment of the Con stitution of this Commonwealth be nro- pated to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strike ont the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following : "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service as shall be prescribed by law." JAMES II, WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Hpeaker of the Sonate. Approved the tlflecnth day of June. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and Boventy-one. JNO. W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con stitution. V. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Offlce Secrctarvof the Commonwealth. I Harrisburg, Jul v 5th, 1871. J lfm3 PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sunday May 1, 1870, Trains arrive at and leave the Union Depot, cornor of Washinton and Liioerty street, as loiiowa: ARRIVE. Mail Train. 1.30 a m : Fast Line. 1112 a m ; Well's accommodation No. 1, 6.20 a ni Hrlnton accommodation No 1, 7.50 a m ; Wall's accommodation No 2. 8.65a rn :C'in- cinnati express. 9.20 a m r Johnstown ac commodation 10.50 a in ; Rraddock'a ac commodation No 1, 7.00 p m j Pittsburgh express 1.30 p m; Pacific express 1.50 p hi ; nana accommoaation imo , p m; Homewood accommodation No 1, 9.55 p m; Wall's accommodation No 4, 5.50 p m ; Rrinton accommodation No 2, 1.10 p m; Way Passenger 10.0 p ni. DEPART. Southern express 6.20 'a m s Pacific ex- f ress 2.40 a m s Wall's accommodation No , 6.30a in f Mail Train 8.10 a in ; Urinton's accommodation 1 1.20 a m ; Rraddock'a ac commodation No 1,5.10 p m; Cincinnati express 12.35 p in ; Wall's accommodation N 2, 11.61 a m ; Johnstown accommodation 4.05 p ni ; Homewood accommodation No l, 8.60 p m; i'hiiadcipiiia express 3.60 p m; Wall accommodation No3,3.05p in; V all's accommodation No 4, 6.05 p m ! Fast Line i.w p in; wall's os, 11.00 p m. The Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 9.05 a. in., reaching Pitta- burgh at 10.05 a. in. Returning leave Pitts burgh at 12.50 p. m., and arrivo at Wail's Station at 2.10 p. m. Cincinnati express loaves dully. South ern express daily except Monday. All oth er Trains daily, except Sunday. For further information aply to , W. II. BECKWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any Risk for Baggage ex cept for Wearing Apparel, and limit their rsponsibility to One Hundred Dollai "val ue. All baggage exceeding that a onnt in value will be at the risk of the mer, unless taken by spocial contract. A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoona Pa. uVDPsychomanCy. This word is derived from the Greek, signifying the power of the soul, spirit or mind, and is the basis of all human knowledge. Psychomancy is the title of a new' work of 40U pages, by Herbert Hamilton, B. A., giving full instructions in the science of Soul Charming and Psychologic Fascina tion ; how to exert this wonderful power over men or animals instantaneously, at will. It teaches Mesmerism, how to be come Trance or Writing Mediums, Divina tion, Spiritualism, Alchemy, Philosophy of omens and Dreams, Brigham Young's Harem, Guide to Marriage, etc. This is the only book in tlio English language pro fessing to teach this occult power, and is of immense advantage to Merchants Law yers, Physicians, and especially to Lovers in securing the affections of the opposite Tip mi vi nit tovaiiii riuiifs or uappiuesa. Price by mail, in cloth, (1.25 ; paper cov ers, ( 1, liar sale by J. B. Lippincolt A Co., and Claxan, Reiusen A Co., Philadelphia, Agents wanted for this book. Medical Works, Perfumery. Jewelry, arc. Sam ples free to agents only. For single copiea uy man, aim lerma vo Agonis, auaress i. W. Evans, Publisher, 41 So. 8th St., Phila., Pa. Mt G. W. TIFFT SONS i CO-, ENGINES, 13, lO, 8 HOUSE rOWEIl, WITH OR WITHOUT LINK AND COVERNOR. BOILERS, 21, 14, 12 aud lO II. P. LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. 40, 20, 22, and 18 II. P., STATIONARY TUBULAR K. BRETT SON, ACTS Room No. S, Chasa A Stewart's Block, 36-3m TiTl'SVI LLE, PA. THE t'Kl.KBRATKD WARREN RANGE, With its Special Attachments. th PUMPING & SHAKING GRATE. WARMING CLOSET AND FENDER G-TX-AJRID, Is celebrated for its Reliability, Simplic ity, Economy and Convenience. FULLER, WAb REN & CO MAKIiFAUTt'BKRS, 23S Water St., New York. WARR4MTKD. 3-4t RUPTURE. "Sift? r.TOIt!.98- KEELEY H HARD RUBBER TRUSSund SUPPORTER. Cool, comfortable, liirtit. titan ly and durable. Never rust, break nor soil (steel springs coated). Used in ; naming, snapea to lorui. iwmi known. Send tSUMiip for pamphlet, to J. fl. Scelcy's Truss llaiulae Establishments, 1H47 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa., and No. H Ann f. N..Y.J r V NATURE'9 KAIR aE8TQrAXlYG Contains no LAC SULPHUR No SUGAR OF LEAD No LI TIT ARO No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely free from tht Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric, perfect! v SAKK, CLEAN and F.FKICIENT-dcsidcratums LONH SOUGHT FOR AND FOUND AT LAST ! It rwttores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, iinjartM a soft, glossv ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevent Headaches, curea all humor, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DRESSING FOR THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST ARTK'I.K IN THE MARKET. DR. O. SMITH, Patentee, Aver, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTH ERS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, mado expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. st-Send two three rent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it con tains is worth 50O,O0 to any person. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORY OF THE WAR EN EUROPE It contains over l.'iO fino engravings of miuie ncenes ana incidents in tne war, and is the only FULL, AUTHENTIC and OFFICIAL history of that great conflict. Agents are meeting with unprecedented success selling from 20 to 40 copies per day and it is published in both English and (terman. P A 1 1 T I fl N Inferior histories are being UHU I I Ullcirculated. Hoe that the book you bur contains 150 fine engravings and 8011 pages. Send for circulars A see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila., Pa. 15-4t M0WER & REAPER, -Ifc MAC' MANUFACTURED BT AKRON, OHIO. This Machine lias never compoted at any national or state f air, or great trial without having received too f irst rremi um, and baa been awarded a greater num ber uf Medals than any other machiue now bcrore the public. FOR SALE BT D. S. KNOX, S-Sm. Tioneata, Pa. X L REVOLVERS! The Now X L Revolver, No. 1 22-100 Cal No. a 32-100 Cal., short, No-8 31M00 ( al., long, No. 4 88-100 Cal., for Pocket Revolvers, are unsurpassed. They use the ordinary Copper Cartridge and are beauti ful in shape and finish. THE BALLARD DERRINGER, 41-100 Cal., baa no equal as Derringer. Full and complete stock of Guns, Bifles, Pistols, Ammuni tion and Sportsmen's Goods Manufactured by fflilHUVIX a nixnERT, 83 Chum Iters and 65 Reade Streets, Send for Catalogues. .NEW YORK. ll-it. JU RUBEBA. Ia a South American plant that has been used tor many years by the medical faculty of thone countries with wonderful elttcacy, and is a Sure and Perfout Remedy for all'Diseases of tbo Liver and Spleen, Enlargement or Ob struction of IntsHtiiivs, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Orirans, Poverty or a w aat of lllisid, In termittent or Remittent Fevers, Intlamallon of tlio Liver, Dropsy, NluggihhCirou-' lalion of the Blood, Abscesses, Tumors, Jaundice, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Ague and Fever, or their Concomitant". Dr. WELLS' Extract of JURUBEBA is a moat perfect alterative, and is offered to the public a a groat iuvigoratnr and remedy for all impurities of the blood, or for organic weakness with their attendant evils. Fur the foregoing complaint Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba ia confidently recommended to every family us a household remedy, aud should bo freely taken in all derangements uf the svsteiiiv. ' It is NOT A PtI YSIC It ia not what ia opularly called a IMTTEKS, nor is it In tended an sueli ; but is simply a powerful alterative giving health, vigor and tune to all the vital fore,, and animates ana) forti fies all weak ami lymphatic loinperniueuta. JOHN U. KKl.l,(H,l(, Ph.H St., Nw York. Sole Agent tor the United Stales. Price Ouo Dollar per bolllu. Send tor Circular. l&-4t BIBLE AND BOOK AGENTS Look to your intciesr. Send name and nrr ' vT, Flis ("-V, PMV. . fA w JcV ADDRESS To the Nerveoitt . MX9 . ID EBILITAT 32 73 . w HOSK sufferings have been pretraaa- d from hidden causes, ana wnosa eases requir prompt treats ts rsaisas existence desirable i If yoa are suffering, r kave nfaresT from Involuntary disrhargss, what ffe does It produce oft your general heallkf Do you feel weak, debilttated, easily tlr4T Does a little extra exertion produce pal pitation of thejicartf Does your liver, r urinary organs, or your k idneys, frequent ly get out of order T la your urine some times thick, milky or flocky, or Is it ropy on settling T Or does a thick aknm rlM the top T Or is sediment at the bottom as ter It lias stood awhile T Do you hurt spells of short breathing or dispepalaf Are your bowels constipated T Do you hava spells of frainting, or rushes of blood la the head? Is your memory imparedT la your mind constantly dwelling on this adbjectf Doyou feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or Hie T Do you wina left alone, away from everybody? Does any little thing make) you start r Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless Is the lustre of your eye aa brilliant f The bloom on your chock aa bright T D you enjoy yourself in society as well T Da you pursue your business with the sain energy T Do you feel as much conf.denea In youself? Are your spirits dull and flag, ging, given to fits of melancholy T If ), do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your baak weak, your knees weak, and have bat lit tie appetite, and you attribute Mtie t 4fm pepsiaer liver-aeaaplaUtf Now, readar, aalf-abmse, Tsmralac easea badly cured, and sexual exraasaa, ar all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organa of generic tion.whon in perfect health, make the rnaa Did you ever think that those bold, daft- ant, energetic, persevering, successful bue iness-mon are always those whose genera tive organs are In perfect health? To never hear auch men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpltatioa of the heart. They are never afraid thay cannot succeed In business j they don't be come sad and discouraged ; they areal ways polite and pleasant In the company of la dles, andjook you and them right i the face none of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do nat meaa tnose who keep the organa inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin tb air constitutions, but al thy do business with ar tkar. How many men, frem badlyrea! eases, from the effects of self-abusa aa excess, have brought about that state f weukness In those organs that has reduc4 the geneol system so mnch as to prodaca almost every other disease Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affoctions, auicide, and al most every other form of disease which humanity la hair to, and the real cause af the trouble scarcely ever suspected aa have doctored for all hat ta right i Diaeases'of these organa rsqnirs the of a Diuretic. HELM HOLD'S FLU IK EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure 'for diseaaea of the Bladder, Kldnoys, Gravel, Dropsy, Orgaa ic Weakness, Female Complaints, Gener al Debity, and all diseases ot the Urinary Organa, whether existing in Mais or Fa mala, from whatever causa original ag, and no matUrof bow loaf siaadlagv If no treatment Is iabmitt4 si sumption or Insanity tnsy ensue. Oar flesh and blood are supported from those oour.-es, and the health and happiness, asd that of Posterity, dspsuds fm preempt as of a rsllabls raaas4y. Helmbeld's Extract Bueha, ataslik4 upward of ltAara, prepared by H. T. II ELM BOLD, Drufgist, 604 Broadway. New York, and 104 Ssuth 10th Streat, Philadelphia, Pi I' par bottle or 6 bottles for fA.Vi, delivered to any ad- draw. bold by all DraggaslaeTsrywi N ton! ark orNrnrp; chems DONE TP IN STEL ENGRAVED Wrapper, fae-amlle of my Cbemlcal War house. and signs U. T.HBLMBI.. esT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers