lit &oxtti gcjmMirjuu" R. DUNN EIDTOR. TIESDAI I0KMNG, ATGIST 11, 1871. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. rOR AUDITOR GENERAL, DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. FOR BCRVETOR GENERAL, ROBERT B. BEATH, of Schuylkill. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. FOR COMMIWIORr.R, T. D. COLLINS, of Hickory Tp. roR ArntToR, T. B. COBB, of Tionesta Borough. Communication from Hickory. Er. Kepvbucas: Tbo Fourth Quarterly Meeting for Hickory Circuit as hold at Beaver Valley on Satur day and Sunday, the 12th and 13th jjist. Rct. E. R. Knapp, of Clarion, officiating ai Presiding Elder. Many thought tho Love Feast on Sabbath Morning the beat they had ever enjoy ed. Brother Knapp preached with acceptability and power, the Lord was with His poopla and filled their hearts with rejoicing. Edward Miller of Bulltowa an able exhorter, was elected Lay Delegate. The peoplo at Beaver Valley have given about $400 to the Carrier Semi nary at Clarion. They have also con tributed $100 to the Missionary Socie ty of tao M. E. Church. Rev. J. A. Hume of the nickory Circuit will start for Conference on next Monday. He has had a happy year and has won some souls to Christ. May the choicest benedictions of a kind Providence ever rest upon all who have befriended the young itinerant. A burglar attempted to enter the dwelling house of Thomas J. Bowman, merchant at East Hickory on last Tuesday evening last but became frightened and ran away. Yours Ac. V. 1). M. Juror, for September Term 1871. GRAND JURORS. Barnett township W. R. Coon. Tionesta borough Watts B. Lloyd James Hulings, W. R. Dunn, P. O (Jonver. Tionesta township Geo. S. Hunter R. M. Carson, D. G. Hunter. Jreen township James Haggarty. Harmony to wnslrip Hiram Flem ing, William McCrory, J. D. Glenn, N. H. Siggins, H. C. Scott Kingsley township Elias Berlin, William Toby, George Morgan. Hickory township J.M. Ahlstrand, Jonathan Albaugh. Jeuks township James Whitelock, James Ward. , Baruett township Justice Shockey, Sebastian Cook. Howe township Thos. Porter. PETIT JURORS. Bu-nett-tp.; James Irwin, William Shicldrt, Frederick . Childs, Hileman Irwin, Geo. Lackner, Samuel Brandon, W. H. Warner, Robert Hilliard. Green tp. Albert Butler, George Walter, David Walters, William llaM. Harmony tp. H. C. Orr, W. C. Bromley, Aucon R. Curry, Fred. Fu gle, A. A. Copeland, H. C. Parker, Sr., J. W. Siggins, Charles Landers, Wil liam Gorman, Byron Landers, Benona Scott, J. J. McCaslin, Thomas Mack, J. C. Miller, Jesse Burchfield. Hickory tp. Henry W. Hall, Hugh H. Hanna, William Cropp.Geo. Giiitcr, Charles Albaugh, Jonathan P. Albauph. Htw tp. Thomas Wingfield, Wm. A. GiiTord. Kiegsley tp. Seebert roorham, George Watson, Jack Farr, William Gibson. Tiouesta tp. Fred. Stitziugcr, John Carney, H. C. Church, Esop Cronp, Mosea Mealey, Jacob Stitzinger, Geo. Mvaity, Samuel Clark. Tionesta boro. Leonard Agnew, Bear Shot. We are informed that n baturday evening, August 5th, as nr. junn ourgooo, oi I'enn township, wad returning from his saw mill on Curry's Run, in Bell towiibhip, he met a huge she-bear with two cubs. Mr. B's dogs at once grappled with the bear, but after a severe fight were forced to give up the contest. The icnr thee reared on ins hind legs, when Mr. B. shot it dead. Bruio measured flcvi ii feet in length, and evidently was fin. eld resident and offender, as it wail miii is the left fore paw, which, proba bly was lot in a trap. The cubs ef fect c i their escape, during the melee between their "mammy" and the dogs. CUurfUld Journal. Ono day last week Pithole was ex cite J over a hundred yard foot race be tween two of the falleu women of that .!ce known as ' Black Swan" and ''Ctacy Jane," for a small sura u side. O -er JTV) peopl itnuH the rneo. The Chautauqua Horror. . About half-past seven o'clock la9t Mondav iveuinir nur ritirona startled and shocked by the report that me steamei Chautauqua had exploded her boiler at Whitney's Bay, about six mi I oa from Mayvillo, while on her re turn trip frort this place. " The explosion took place about six o'clock while the boat was taking on wood at Whitney's dock, some six miles from Mayville, on the western shore of the lake. Very many of the passengers were seated upon the upper deck near the pilot house, and imme diately above the boiler. The explo sion cam suddenly, and without any previous warning, and in a moment the boat was torn to atoms. The steamer at the time of the ex plosion was fastened to the dock. The bow was poiuting toward the shore, and the whole force of the explosion secerns to have been toward the bow. The steamer is a total wreck. The boat lies beside the dock, the bow pointing toward the shore. All the boat forward of the paddle boxes and above the hull is entereiy destroyed, the bull is ruiued, but not entirely blown away. Where the boiler stood there is a gap torn through the hull, the paddle boxes and after cabins re rnaiu but in a totally ruined condition. The wreck is covered with broken tim ber, and it was with some difficulty that we could make our way over it. The force of the explosion seems to have been immense the after cabins are entirely riddled and the whole front part of the boat is literally torn away. No vestige of the boiler could be found on the boat a piece of the boiler weighing six or eight hundred pounds was found in the woods many rods away. The engines remain on board the wreck. The direct cause of the accident roust for the present be a matter of surmise, as the boat is a complete wrek, and pieces of timber and iron are scattered tor rods around. There were about thirty passengers on board at the time of the accident, nearly every one of whom were more or less injured. The list of killed and wounded at last act count stands as follows : Mrs. E. C. Cochrane, of Buffalo, killed. Henry Cook, of Mayville, son of reward look, the well-known barber of this city, killed. 1 Mrs. Hopkins aud Miss Julia Hop kins, of Westfield, killed. Miss Iduca Eells, youngest daughter of D. P, Eells, of Cleveland, killed. Mrs. S. II. Bartholemew, of Port land, N. Y., killed. Captain Murray, Jamestown, thigh broken. Major W. Cameron, Jamestown, wounded in the head. John Bemus, of Bemus' Point, bad ly scalded. . John Brown, Bemus Point, sererely Bcauieu. Caleb Norton, of Bemus' Point. scalded. William Smith, of . Jamestown, fire man on the Chautauqua, badly scald- ea. - Benjamin Garfield, of Bemus' Point, scalded in the tace. Alvin Plumb, of Westfield, leg broken. Cornelius Shaw, barteuder, James town scalded. Albert Southwick, Ellery, slightly wounded. Mrs. Leer, child and nurse, of Cleve land, each badly scalded in the lace. Jotuam iiemus. of Bemus Point. slightly injured. Fred. Jo Dhuson, pilot, Jamestown, scalded. W. P. Miller and David L. Craw, ford, of Pittsburgh, wounded slightly Alfred Credel and C. W. Auchutx, or Allegheny, Blightly wounded. It was at first reported that the in juries of Captain Murray, the owner of the Chautauqua, were of a fatal character, but we trust that such is not the case. A coroner's jury, we inr paneled at May ville yesterday after noon, and an iquest will be held imme diately up the bodies of the killed. Clipped from Chautauqua papers ana liuuaio Jxcpress. We clip the following from the Clarion Democrat: On Wednesday, a child of Thos. Mclntire, of this place, about three years of age, was iu the smith shop, and a chip of red hot steel flew from the anvil, and fell inside of its dress at the neck, and dropping downwards. burned its body severely, though not latauy. There is now fair prospect of having an establishment started iu Clarion to manufacture Kniffen mowers aud oth er agricultural implements. We learn that die 8a w mill of Dan iel Fair, of Oliver township. Jefferson county, was destroyed by fire a few days since, with a considerable quauti ty oi lumber. Ut the cause of the fire we arc not informed. Th borough authorities have laid special tax of five mills on the dollar of assessed valuation, in order to raise money to pay off some debts, and erect Tveigh scales. Man Killed. On Thursday morn ing last the express goining east struck a track walker on the road named Dan iel Downs, killing him instantly. It seems mat uowns nad toiiowed a sec tion of freight up as far as Shawmut, and there sat down on the track wait for expresses east and west and fell asleep. The express going east came along, and though the engineer saw mm, tne tram couui not be stop' pea in time in prevent the accideut lhe body was taken to St. Marys. De ceased was a temperate, hard working man, and was tho main support of a 'n Jove-l mother. K!k The following items are from the I Venango Spectator : Darwin Henry, a resident of the Rrynd Farm, died on last Saturday from the effects of a heavy dnse of laudanum taken the night be fore. Henry was addicted to drink ing. The wife says he has often threat ened to take his life. He was about sixty years of age and a stone cutter by trade. Coroner Larue held an in. quest on the body, and the jury found that the deceased came to his heath by willfully and purposely taking lauda num. ' William Kittn was burned so severe ly on last Monday at Cherry Run that he afterwards died. The fire resulted from a gas explosion in a pump forcing oil to a large tank. Five other per sons we severely burned. The explod ing gas made a complete wreck of a boiler house, machine shop and three tauks. The cause of the explosion is a mystery. The Farmers' and Miners' Railroad Company will hold a meeting on the 2bth of August to elect officers. The Company has a charter to build a rad troin rranklm through JJutler county to a point in Allegheny county, People who are so relucUnt to ad mit wonderous advantages of adver tising must "come down a peg or two when we tell them that a lost horse wa recovered last week two days before the advertisement of the same made its appearance in this paper. We have learned the following par ticulars in relation to the accidental killing of Adam Hatcfelt, on the Cor nen A Beers farm, yesterday. Hatc felt, who was fireman of the large Doner, .at tne lime me storm came up was in tne engine nouse with three nth er men. They had witnessed the blow ing down of seven derrerks. and fear, ing their own would go doiw. started out on a run, he three men ahead and the deceased last. They had hardly got out than the wind suddenly chang ed, twisted on" the smoke stack as if it had been a reed, and throwing it to the ground, striking the unfortunate man on the back ot the neck and kill ing him instantly. His neck was brok en aud one leg was also broken. The smoke stack was removed almost in stantly but life was exticet. Deceased was an honest bard working young man, and had been in the employ of Messrs. tornen & Keen tor nearly two years. In that time he had saved up wards ot SflOO, which he intended to send to Germany to his parents for the purpose ot bringing them tothiscoun try. He has a brother here and a sister residing near Driftwood, on the Alle gheny River. She has been telegraph ed to but no answer returned up to this afternoon. A coroner's inquest was held last evening, and a verdict of accidental death rendered, lhe remains will be buriea at Cherrytree village. Pet, Cen. Record. Two young Indians,' last week. having. a little misunderstanding, just over the river, in i'leasaut towship, undertook to fight it out. One of them finally dtew a knife and badly cut up his opponent, though he is not dan gerously wounded. Ilia car was cut open, his face gashed up, and a bad cut about the eye. lhe names of the parties are John uordon and Ue forest Billy, the fat ter Deing tne wounded mau. lhe case was brought before Justice Dinsmoor on Tuesday, and settled by Gordon paying $20 and costs. Warren Ledger, About a quarter to 5 o'clock yes terday afternoon, a most frightful run away accident occurred on Main street, which will probably result fatally to one person Charles Phillips and the serious bruising of Mr. I. N. Phil lips. The gentlemen named had been to their wells on the Rooker farm, Pit hoie, and were on their return to the Centre. ret. Cen. Record. GQMFQBT Patentod No vera per 1, 1H7U. Hamnlea free at al rocerv stores. II. A Uartlett s Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. , llMt POPERY. THE FOE OF THE CHURCH AND REPUBLIC. What it has done. What it is doing and what it means to do. Its power. Its des potism. Its infalibility. Its i'rau Is. Its relicta. Its miraclos. Iuidolutrv. Ji per secutions. IU hatred of ourpuli'ie .srhoolg aud of civil and religious lu.erty. Its startling crimes. Its horrid wickodneae, and its New York Riots. A book that is wanted everywhere. We want agenU to introduce it iu every coun ty at ouue, and will pay them liierally. 1-M'iul tor circular. Address Ziegler it Mo Curdy, 16 S. Sixth St., Phila., Pa. lU-4t L. P. BROCKETT'S Popular history of the blood v FRANCO-GERMAN WAR ! Now conuining a full account of the Fearful Reign of Terror in Paris. Is selling beyond all precedent. It is by far the moot reli ilile and only com plete aud imprrtial history of that mighty struggle and iu nioiuentuus resulU. 042 paues nearly 150 spirited illustrations, price, only $2.30. 40,000 copies already sold. It is issued in both English anil German, and is beyond ietion (lie faxiest selling liook extant. Wide awake energet ic agenU wauted. Terms extra. Now is the time to coin money. A. II. IILIil BARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St. Phila., Pa. llMt COAL! COAL! cr.s. E-vE!imLiT IS Prepared to deliver the boet quality o CW at the old Kverhart Bank, two miles from Newmauville for Tceuuper or at Tionesta aud vicinity for 25 CENTS PER BUSHEL, He always has a large supply ou hand, Now is the time to lay iu a large supply frT proirplT nirl OP STOLEN I On the nlsht of the 7th Inst, a horses were taken from mv barn In tiones ta tw p. Onetsatnare, six vcar old, has two white opotu, made by saddle, on her back, and a small lump on loft fore Ion. The horse has a spavin on right hind leg, and la eight yrara old. Roth home were of a brown color. Two bllud-brUtles were also taken. . f0 reward will be nal! for their return and the arrest of the thief BEL1K). WHITMAN. " TtoneNta, Pa, M K A V K R 1 K M I 2f A B Y AND RMSICAJ, INSTITUTE t Rev. R. T. Taylor, D. D., Principal Open Its Seventh Year Settemler 12th. Rudding extensive. Ur-uinls amnio taMet'ully laid out. Rooms large and cheer ful, well furninhed, warmed bv urate. Course thoroiiKh and pmetical. Huperior advantage fur muxin, vneal and iiiftru mental. Pupil board in family of Prin cipal. Refer to Dr. W. F. Hunter. nn.I IT. II. May, or any natrons of the wlniol. Mend for ratal go to It. T. TW LOK, DAK 1 Kl. a1 N KW. Beaver. Pa. Prext. TniKteoe. 17 -yt ST. BENEDICT ACADEMY. COSDCCTED BY THE BENEDICTINE SINS. rpiIIS Inatitution Is pleaoantlv situated -I- near Mt. Mary'a, on the Phila. A Krie Il.v.,eneonnu(ed by the liberal atninano it has hitherto enjoyed, a apaeioiiH budding has leen ereeted. and the Minters are pre pared to receive an additional number of pupl a. llio Scholastic year, w hich con aitta of two neaiionn, commccea ou the first Monday in September, and cIohum in the latter part of June. TERMS: Board am! Tuition tineludlmr Knirllah and Herman,) per aeaalon, payable In ad vance, tw.iiu. r renon, uatin, Vneal and Instrumental Music, Drawing and Paint ing, and Fancy Work, form extra charges. Vtir further articulars apply to the T1 RhTTUVVWak Til L1 A f a'IIL'vi V Mt. Mary's, Klk Co., Pa. 17-um. FOREST HOUSE, Tl . BLACK PROPRIETOR. Onooaito XJ Court House. Tionesta. Pa. Just oiiened. Kverything new and clean and fresh. The beat of honors kent constantly on hand. A portion of the public patron age is reepeiaiuii3-tKiieiiea. 4-17-iy BOOKS. STATIONERY, l J . I.l AND WAT.iL J? 1PER. DAVIS & ECHOLS, ' (Near the Co .4 House,) FRANKLIN, PENN'A. Have a general assortment of School Hooks, Law Hooks, Histories, Bibles and Testaments, Hvmn Books, Music Books, Blank Hooks, Envelopes, Note, Ietter and cap writing paper, Peas, Ink, (Slates and everyimug in ine BOOK t STA TIOSER Y B CSZXESS. All of which thev offer to sell WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL, at lowest cash prices. DAVIS ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with Mnnn and Company, editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Office for over Twenty Years Their American and - European Patent agency is the most extensive in the world Charges less than any ntlior relia ble agency A pamphlet containing full instructions to inventors is sent gratis JIL'NS Jt CO., 37 Park Row, 13tf New York CHAS. IL SHEPARD, OE.VKRAL DKALDH I DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, . CAPS, AND SHOES, NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PAj AGENTS Wanted 1225 per month by the American Knitting Machine Co., Boston. Maw., or HU Louis, Mo. 28.8m AGENTS S f 100 a week VU per f cent and tf.OOG in each Hlale X Female. 1 lree. Address Aineri. can Book Co., 62 William St., N, Y. 4Mt AGENTS WANTE) ?225 a month by the Amkkiv'h Kkittiko Machinb Co., Boston, Mm., or St. Louis, Mo. 46-4 THIS IS NO HUMBUG I 35 CENTS X Bysendinir with age, bight, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and dateof marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 34, Fulton ilia N. Y. 13-4t JHoiiongaliela Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1803. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASS COMPANIES. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED 1XD PUD. A. C. 8AMPSON, Gen. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't tor Venango Co., Pa. Applications received and information furnished by A. U. Htkki.k, at Tionesta savings ilank. anltf. LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. O. SICKLES, ' , 79, Nassau St., New York City. 8 O'CLOCK. 18-4t ViJCll I 'or 1st class Pianos sent on V.V trial no agenU. Address V. fi, Plww , Prrvpvuy, V, Y. !.! JACOll Having fitted up a first class PLANING MILL. Are prepared to furnish to order all kind of manufactured lumber suck aa FLOOR ISO, SlDlXa, SURFACE DRESSED L UMBER, SASH, DOORS, BLISDS, AXD EVERY DESCRirTIOA-OFVLAlXAXD FAX. CY MOULDIXUS. Dealers will And it to their advantage to CONSULT OUR PRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, as onr loca tion In tltn heart ot the luintmr region gives us superior auvnntages in the purchase of lumber that will enable us to undersell those less favorably situated. Address JACOll SHRIVETt. Mar. 4, tf. Tionesta, Pa. PITHOLE VAIXEY R'Y. ON AND AFTER Monday, June 8, 1871, Trains will run as follows: TRAINS NORTHWARD. STATIONS. No. it 1U.4A a m 10.38 " Ki.;tO " 10.34 " 10.10 No. 4. 3 .40 p m a.: 8.1H " 2.45 " Oleopolis, iienneit, Woods Prathera Mill Pithole City TRAINS SOUTHWARD. STATIONS. No. 1. No. 8. Pithole City, 8.40 am 1.40 p m Prathera Mill 8.48 " 1.48 Woods 8.6 " l.ftfl " Bennett 9.02 " 2.0'J " Oloopelis 9.16 " 2.lfl " Art Extta Train leaves Pithole City on Saturdays at 6.10 p. in. making close 'con nection at Oleopolis with Trains on the Oil Creek A Allegheny River Railway for Cor ry and intermediate points. Return Train leaves Oleopolis at 7.16 p. ni.. arrivimr at Pithole Cltv at 7.M. A II other Trains make close connections at Oleopolis with trains on the Oil Creek A Allegheny River Hallway, North aud South. Two Lines of Stages rnn daily between Pithole City, Miller Farm and Pleasant ville, niakiiigcoiinectiou witharrivingaud departing I rains, J. T. ULiAl K, FID. BIMHOP, Sup t. Ticket Agent, Pithole City, Pa. Hollar Leader IropeetnH. On or about the first day of July, will be issue the tirst number of the DOLLAR WEEKLY LEADER, The cheapest literary newspaper in the world, published overy Wednesday. It will comprise 28 columns of choicest read ing matter, me news or the week in a nut' shall, culled from the latent and most re liable telegraphic dispatches, together with ail tne most important RELIGIOUS, SOCIAL AND PO LITICAL ITEMS OF IN TEREST FR OX EVE RY SOURCE; Carefully complied statements of the Wholesale and Retail Markets. A condensed but reliable Financial Re view of the Week. A well-edited depart ment, containing new and valuablo HINTS TO FARMERS, Familiar but Instructive and Practical "Talk to Housewives." which will togeth erform a Comieudiuin of useful informa tion that can bo purchased in no other snape lor ten times me huDscription mon ey. This milftt commend tlio DOLLAR LEADER as an invaluablo auxiliary to every head of a family who would have those for whose culture he Is responsible well informed concerning the weekly his tory of the world ; while, on the other hand, the light but accurato "Fashion (ion sip" and Uhit-chat of tho ljulios' Col umn, the piquant but not offensive Per sonate, the sparkling effervescence oi the Humorous Department, the entertaining as well as Instructive Answers to Corres pondente, together with tho choicest Stories, Sketches and Poems, will furnish an amount and varioty of spicy and enter taining Reading that will be sought in vain from any other source The terms of the DOLLAR LEADER will bo, as its name indicates Per Year - - . One Dollar Six Months ... Fifty Cents Three Months - Twenty-five Cents -"Subscriptions must be paid in ad vance. j-Only a limited nnmberof advertise menu can be received. PITTOCK, NEVIN & CO, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS, 14-4t 78 5tb Ave.. Pittsburgh, Pa. fc,THE LONG LOOKED FOR MAS TURPI ECK TrI E CROWNING WORK OF HIS LIFE.- HENRY WARD BEECHER'S LIFE OF JESUS THE CHRIST. Sure to outsell any book ever published. Prospectus books are now ready, ami torri t ry will be awarded to reliable Ageutaon early application to J. M. STODDART CO., Publishers. 19-3t 734 Kansom St., Phila., Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE IfJ UTAH Being an Expose oj the Secrect liitet and Mysteries of Mormonism. With a full and authentic history of Polygamy, by J. H. beadle, Editor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Agents are meeting with unpecentod sucess, one reports 186 subscribers in tour days, antlior l in two davs. Send for Circulars and see what the press savs of the work, national fublisliing Co., f tna., itMt Attention Agents I Think of This Wonderful Kucco ! 25,000 copies of Brockett'a History of the FrHnco-German War, sold lirst 0U days. It will soon contain a full history of the bloody Rebellion in Paris, making nearly 600 pages and 150 elegant illustrations, and will sell S times faster than heretofore. Price only 2,50. Incomplete works, written 1n the interest of the Irish and French, are being ottered with old cuts, and for want of merit claiming to be of ficial, Ae, Iteware of such, lirockett's in both English and German, is the most im partial, popular, reliable, cheap aud last selling work extant. Look to your in terests, strike quickly and you can coin nionev. Circulars free and terms excelled bvno'ne. A. li. HL'HIJARD, Publishor, 4u cnostnui ei., riiiia. 1Z-4W. ACJETTS WASTED TOR "Convent Life I'nveiled, " by I Edith O'Goruian, Kscaped Nun. whose disclosures are thrilling and startling, Franklin Pub. Co, 712 Chestnut rhila s i I CD CD a 0 o ' 0 w fl vA H M H 'C 11 ' 5 O c " -2 re eo if re V E o c ci a g u a a a 5 re - 3 5 re g 4 - J.i 2 41 Si o SrS - S 3 u 5 0 5s o re 3 2u. a t O tf w tf 8 in O (S . O 3 CO 1 CD I'IDIOUTE TEA S T ORE ! Th plaoe to buy every rarier the VERY BEST TEAS l o west rnicjss,. la at the extensive Tea Store f n. t. cnArrEY, where you can always find a large r'tmrt- ' ment ot the test Teas at New York prima. 11 H MWI tlllVIlfc Ul Groceries and Provisions, unequaled in quality and cheapness bvenr other store In Warren county, alwava oil hand. The people of Forest county Irlll save money by purchasing their applies' at this place. . . Beat brands of FA MIL T FLO UM, delivered at any depot on the Has ef the I Htor on Main St. nN.r th Tpot THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. TF YOU WANT a perfect fit and ge4 I article or BooU aud Shoea, of Us flaeat workmanship, go to If. It. McCA JfCE'S. 89 CENTRE 8TREET. OIL CITT. FA. r-Satlsfaotlon iruarauteed. 8-J3 t f . H. C. CLARK, TIIDIOTJT3I!. PA. WATCH MAKER JEWELER, Arvd Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AHJ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Renoirinc dono in a workmnnlika manner and warranted ta triva satis faction. iu R EYNOLDS.BROA D H EA D & .CO 1 Centre St., opposlto Poet Office, OIL, CITY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN FOREICN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS. BOOTS A- SHOES. HA TS & CAPS, TRIMMINGS NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. A.. RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS REVOLVS.. Gun materials of every kind. Write for i-rico 1.1st, toureat AVestern Oun' -Works. Pitbtbursrh. Ia. Ann. iriii.. mnA vers bouglitor traded for. Agents wanted. I-4 WANTFn AGENTS, everywhere to T .7. V canvass for our great DOL LAR Paner. A ilnn'; nnuti given toevery subscriber. Extraordinary iMMuccuiciiis. Auureaa JJ. li. RUSSELL, GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS IK) you want a situation as agent, local or traveling with chance u Ijl make $r, to fM per dav selling our ' " ni't'llil . UIKV ITU V lOllirS LilevT Thev lurovi-r. uii'iii. m w - I l tree, so thero is no risk. Address at once i .. i . ,j i . - w ; ... i. .. . .luompii nun ti iin , orivs, lor. v aior St,. iV Maiden Lano, N. Y.( or 16 Iiarb3m hit 4 .. ortrt IU i AGENTS WANTED! For the Brilllaal Wittv Rook THE MIMIC WORLD. AND PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS. Ry Olive Logan. Pleases everybody ; will sell immonsoly; is genial, jaunty1 and. liure-tonod; has title in 6 colors, and Illustrations. Nothing like it 1 Canvass-ing-Rook a rare beauty. New World Publishing Co., 7th A Market Sta., Phila. 12-41 NOTICE. Whereas letters teaUmeatorT to the estate of II. F. A. Stingle, late of Kingsley Township, deo'd, have bee S ranted to the subscriber, all persona in el. ted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, will make known and pre sent the same without delay, duly authsa- FRED'CK. LED A HOUR, Executor. 8-flt Kingsley Township. TIDIOUTE EMPORIUM. M. P. GETCHELL, Deafer DRY GOODS Motions, Hoots A Sh ocas' HATS & O.JLS, Ac, Ac, Ac.; i CORNER MAIX A DEPOT SVt. t TIDIOUTE.PA. lias the largest and moat Complete Sleek now on hand, of auy store iu WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Having purchase.! ray toek tioea the great decline in Gold, I can sell eooda cheaper than any Dry Gooda House in the Oil Regions, "renona purchasing good of me will save 23 percent. M. P. G ETCH ELL. Tidioute, April 11, 1870. 4-tm JOB WORK neatly exeeuted at this eSea at reasonable rates. Tle Republican Offle TaF:K5?S ,"fntly on hand a larre as- tu.Ti """"""" "lank Pce,t, Mortua 4 n ! i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers