1LLEGKENY VALLEY RAIL ROAD I ' MEAT THROUGH ROTJT ' FROM The Oil Koglonslo Pittsburgh, THE EAST AND THE WEST! SLSEFISO CARS On ill night trains. Passenger and bag tB transferred at Oil C'itv, Freb or ClIAKOBl Trains make direct connection with all Roads centering at Oil City, and leave as follows: Day Expross leave Oil City at. Arrives at Pittsburgh , 'Might Express Leave Oil City Arrives at Pittsburgh Mail Train leaves Oil CItv.. Arrives at Pittlburgh 2 30 pm 9 Ot) p m 8 20pm 6 75 a in 605am 5 50 p m Pay Express leaves Pittsburgh at 7 20 a m nrrnrmm ni t. lv at a 15 p 111 Night Express leaves Pittsburgh H 40 pin Arrives at Ol. Citv 0 15am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 15 a ni Arrives at Oil City 7 H6 p m Tassengers travelling by this Route will find better accommodation and make bet ter time than by anv other road from the Oil Regions to Pittslmrgh. t J. J. LAWHKNCE. Pen. Snpt, JONES HOUSE, CLARION, FENN'A. B. S. JONES - - Proprietor. Agents Wanted for the Land of SACRED MYSTERYB.'.S7r . . The grandest and most popular new book ut. Hundreds ot superb illustrations, teel, etc. No other book like it none elling half so last. Agent soli 80 to 160of it and Prof. Stowc's tSclf-Interprcting li ble. Kxtra large Inducements ottered. end forcrculnrs to Wortlnugtod, Pustin A Co., Hartford, Conn. 48-4t OCTOUGR, 1800. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-CORD I KOW THt ONLY 1 hresd put up for the American marker which is SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to-No. 100 inclusive. For Hand and Tlachlnc. HALL'S YBgetabfe Sicilian HairRenewei 'Tfa stood the teat of seven peart hefore the nubile ; antl no prepar ation for the hair has yet been dis covered that will produce the name beneficial results. It Is an entirely new scientiflc discover; combin iiiff man u of the moat powerful and restorative ttyents in the VECET ABLE KINGDOM. It restores CREY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It make the scalp white and clean; cures dandruff and humors, and lallirjgr out of iJje liair: ami will make it a row vpon bald heads, except in very aged uersons, as it famishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourislted and supitorted. It makes the luiir moist, soft, and ft lot;, ami is unsurpassed as a .llAklt It 11 E S S I NO. It is the chenprst preparation ever oferal to the public, as one bottle will ac complish more and last longer than three bottle of any other preparation. J is recommended and used by Oie Flrat Mod left 1 Authority. - The Wonderful result produced our Sicilian Hair lienewer have inducal via n a to manufacture preparation for the Hair, untie r various names; and, in order to induce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part tiers, or had some connection with, our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion wa similar to ours. Do not be decei red by tliem. I'urchase the original: it Ita never yet been raualled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certifictUcs, sent free by mail. See that each bottle ha our private Iteveuue Stamp over the top of the bottle. All other rt imitations. H. P. Hall L Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H, $M by all Druijrfittt and lMdri is Mtdicim. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Pcaler in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TI3DIOTJTH3 IF.A First Door above Exchange Ilotel. 4-ly "W" ALLLIS I 'I M M P R O V E D M A O I O IP K O V E D IMPROVED MAGIC M A G I C B AL IMI I TV. H. PERKINS A CO., Sole Tropri etors, Frankliu, Pa. 44 SCHOOL TEACHERS Wanting employment, at fixnn &0 to floe wriiuiriin. anoiiKi anarew .lilOLJ-Jt & 9m ' r i't , r-nii r A GEAT MEDICAL mum Dr. WaLK.IB'8 CALIFORNIA i VINEGAR BITTI TiW-Pdl ff fir' Henri tlmt'-r l.i i'.-lt ' i.M' A y 'I K V rn.l Hi" s".l, frl r .t '. J. i-I:,(j" Slui.wli.i III: I AT ilV:; I I llll lr. UivtM: i him m.;i in. J A I .il-'C iici-vtu;r llJ lr.TlffCrt.UT t I" ' f-V; t; VI. CUT I u g 4lt x;orior.A lub'.'.ra .1 f. t! ; h:? r J. op r.. j v. ' ! IK. t .:.!. r . Ml.t. i ..-1 t t . M .--i ViO- l S-J tt Ijtalt; y t-riKlit.tm. . Ikinvatlo ace, trovi V.d ' I y mineral reUuB or M.iiur.Ti.vrita buor.itt 1 Ml 1 1.. rj r..iJ t hrate l;arnwn i.'rMn, vr la(venillca, Itiii.'iit.. n.ni - t. .( luu:iutltrDt Fever PltfcnRl i Ui- i.ttiKi, l.ivcr, Hidncya, and lilaiucr. tuini l.avii been ami iooocm- ii... (ath .: cu icd ty Vitiated Blood. wliicUibvu;rt t rodoccl by derangement oi t.iv lismtie Oi sun. IYS"kl'slA OU INDIGESTION, Head aehp. Pain ia the Siionlderr, Cotisht, TlchtacM of Uio 0:ect, 1ii z;ncM, oar Kmttaaoct of too Stomach, Eau Uu la Uio Mouth, BlUou Atuoln, rtlplutlca of mcllctrt, lLllaiiui'.aUoD of thoLasc. rtinla tho ractona f lh Kldocyi, and tmndrcd other r .nl ftyiuptonu. are the cffuprlofe of Uyfcpcpefa. Th y InTtfiorata tho Btonach and eumnlaia tVt t'r pld llTr and bowcla, wblch raodtrthem of unequalled efficacy to eleaoalaf the blood of all lmparltjca, and tmpartlar new life aLd vlnor to the whole eyetem. FUa SKIN JMSKaSES.ErapUon.TeUcr.SaU jram,t!otcBoe.BDou.i u.ipi(.niiM,Doiir. iiiuiEio, i.iuK-nuiui, ooiu-nsma, oro eyes, nrynp. else, ltoh, Geerlk, SHcoloratlone of the BLlc, TJnniore aud Diacasoi of the bkla. of whatorei uarac or nature, are literally dug np and carried ont of too eyetcui lu a ahon time by the nee of theee Blttora. One bottle In neb eatoe wtU convince the molt Incrcdulotu or ik :r cnrtUre effect. Cleaate tho Vitiated Wood wbcncvrr yon fi..i. i In-parltlee bnrttlnK throncb tho akin In tlntplw. I mp. tlone or Borcc t clcanau It when yon find It cbtitruetrd and ilncelth In the veiai eJeaneo It when It tt rnui. and yoar foellnee will toll yon when. Kocp lilo. pnre and the health of the nyttem wlllfulijir. riX, TAl'BaudoUiorlVOims, 1-rtinir In Uie eystvm of eo many thonaande, aro effectually ocstrcy. ci anlr moved. Tor direction?., r-at! car.Tuily t'jc clrrn!. around each bottle, Jliut.w V- iJ-ir ior r.oaf.n :igliili,Gcriuau,FrcLichaiii Liuibh. :. W..1LCII, TroprUtor. It. n. ilcDOii AiD CO, ' . i-.:!b and'Oea. ZjiaTita, fas Iranclren. ral., and at and 84 Commerce Street, yew lor. md bt ui nr.unoiBTS aso dkaixbs. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTER'. Priaes eashed and Information furnished by (JUOKUE UI'IIAM, Provideuoe, It. I. 304t WANTED AOBNia To Bell the tKta (ton Sewinp; Machine. It in t.icened. niakon the "Klastio Lock Stit-1i ' and I warranted for 6 years. Prico $1.". All other machines with an under-feed sold for $15 or leas are Infrinircnientx. Address Oetaiton Sewing; Maehine l'o., St. louis, Mo., rhirago, 111., Pittubursh, Pa., or lios ton, Mass. 13 ;m S10 A T)ay Business entirelv new ami honorable. Liberal indiiceiocntjs IescriDtive circulars free Address J r. Hand fc Co., Biddelbrd, Me 13 im ITORTUNES offered to live men naro i A. Chance. Send Stamp. Dimond K. Co., WaHhington, Del. 2:i-.lni. UXCUItREXT HIOSTKY. THE highest Cash Price jvaid for the old State Bank Currencv: Bank of Craw ford County, Venango Bank, Oil City Bank Petroleum Bank, or any of the old State Bank issues ; also, for mutilated Scrip of nil issues. . A. H. STEELE, Cashier; iH 2 Tionesta Savings Bank. I WAS CURED OW nRAlvntia AM) CATARRU by a simple rented v and will 1 send the receipt free. " 1 Mrs. j. u. LKUGETT, Jersey City. N. J. 30-4w . THE 9IAC.IC CXHIIJ, Will change any colored hair or lieani to a permanent black or brown. .1 con tains no poison. Anv one can use it. One sent by mail for I. llealeia Mipoiicd at reduced rates. Address Wm. Hatlou Trees. Spriugtield, Mass, aj-U AGENTS WANTED FOR ' non. wm. BKWAKDS GRANT) TO Hi of Jexico. Adventure and Sight-soeing i , "Our Sister Republio." Is a work of rare merit' profuse! v illustra ted. Send for circulars to Columbian Book Company, Hartford, Ct. &-3t WANTED Ao-enU fm the history of COD'SCHURCH By Prof. Enoch Pond, 1). 1). From Adam to the present day. Liiilit business lor luon and ladies everywhere. Good pay. send for circular. y 4t ZEIGLEK A McCUREV, Phia. Pa. HMSST 1 REE TO AC.EXTK. A Pocket Prospe;tus of the best Illus trated Family Jliblo, published in both Knirlish and Oermaii eoi.ii.i,,;.,,, ijo.i.. History, Dictionary, Analysis. Harmony I and Uiitorv of Religions. V. Finn A I . 'M Soutii 7th Wt., Phila., Pa. 15.4' Ike deUaate aaa rerWehU, fraaraaoo mt feamlae Farlua -sUoe H aMr. aad to 4 $ -,sll.tnlil f the Telle, of err Lady or e "Wl MM ky VrareiaU Wells Carbolic Table., For Cough.8, Colda and Hoarsenesa. These Tablets Dresent the Acid in rv,m- bination with other elUuient remeilies, in a popular form, lor the Cure of all H.....I and lung disease. Hoarseness and Ul ceration of tho throat are iniiiieilialcly re lieved, and atatcmei- ire .-.nstiintlv ba. inij sent to the proprietor of relief in cms... of Throat ditliculties of years standing. CAUTION r.TJ.te io Tablets ; don't let olhertfiMjds be imiined off 011 you in their plm'e. uoiiu t. jvenoif, M rialtMt., J'. V.' Sol 2 a Hi what Ann Tv-v III " - , -. v.. .-v ti1' f ; 1 ' : :v' -.7v.'. ' !. f1U,v: if:" l ""' 1'" " - 167 Water Street, - . . . . MeadviUe.Pa. ALO A BRANCH STORE IN FRANKLIN, TA. In Store with STAPLES .P SIBLEY, Opposite Post Office. THE LARGEST DEALER IN Floras, om&vs &vx me&odeqxs In this .section, inrhidinir (lie fnlrnwinir celebraterl makes ev.,n . , Sons, Steinway & Sons, Wm. B. Bradbury, Kurtzman, bi others. ' KUITNKY A- SLAVTON'S OIGANS AM) MET.nHF.nXfi TU ' OrtfMlia iihI MeloiivoliB are arklinwlttiired by all eood ttldifOg to be thH ln nn.l : iii,,.v.t fiiiiPht'il Ivc.m1 IiiJtrunienta iimiie. t 'Pi I. . .1 i i : im Pi-nig uie vuirox and irpcot House in tins section, superior induee : in. nt cbii nn.l will be oflored to purchasers. Stools and Spreads, Sheet Music U.ioks, aim b inrgr. mock f everything store. ' ' D-lv $288 in 16 DAYS Made by one Affent. Do you want a aitua ! tion an salesniHii at or near hoiiwi Ut mnlrn V to per ilay, sellinif our new 7 strand uiii: I1.1M1T9 limn m mM kit ever. Sample fre. Atdrea ltiuNon Kiver Wire workx. l;i .Maiden Lnno, or. Water St.. N. Y., or It) Dearborn St. Chicago. 7-4U Salesmen Wanted. JSuaineas henorable. No eomnetition, lih- j ei'rtl pay KIVCU. . S. W. KKNNKDY ' 3ll-4t S. 4th St,, Phila. GROVER & BAKER'S Tae following are selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, aa expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of the Grover A Baker Machines over all others. .1 "Hike the Grover Raker Ma chine, In the tirst iilw-e, because if r had any other. I should still want a Grover .t Baker ( and having a Grover A linker it answors the tiuroose of all the rent. It doe a greater variety of work and iaeastor to ieam than anv other," M rs. J. V. Cro ly (Jonny Juno) a "I have had several years' expe rience with a Grover A Unker Ma'hi e. winch has jrivm me crcat satixfa.-tion. I 1 think the Grover t Baker Machine is more easily inanatrcd, and les- Iiabl to prct out ! of order. I prefer tlte Grover ,V Bnkcr de- cuieiiv. - Airs. Dr. Watts. New York. '"I have hud one in my fimiilv tor .imo two yeam; and I.10111 what I know of its workings, and from the testimonv "i many of n.y friend.t who iiko the s me, I can hardly see how aiivthint: could Ijc more complete or ive better xnli.slitiH-.n. -. Mrs. 1 tun. Giant. ,-I believe ! 10 !m II, c a';' tliinirs rv,n4i.)crc'.!,or!oiv tl.s t have ':.". i. II is very siiiile and ca i.'v li-ai nul ; i ewinir from the or-linarv Bonn's i?i a rr. if j advantage; the stitch is entirelv reliable; I It does ornamental w .rk beinitifullv; it. is not liable 10 c-ct out of unlw Mr- t M j Spooner. :w lloii'lMt. Brooklyn. I "I am ao'iiiiiiii'.'d with (.he work "f I the principal machines and I incur n,h Grover v Baker to them '., because I con sider the stilehmore elHMi,-. I JIUVe work in the hoove which '8, di ne 11.110 v'ai acowhlcli Is r-t 1 1 1 i'iH..i."-. Mrs, I M. Creadv, Vo. 43 i :.- -JM str. i l, . Y "More than tw; .-thirds of aV tie, s wim; done !n my family for tl.-lai two years lies been d me bv Grover v BakrS .Mie bine, ami I in ver'hii'l Lmriniit "r ,,,ep 1 '"""I'm-'- x--6' O.oj. tiolu soin. hoys w.ii make ip I:U 'ti;sh w bob It is, in mv opinion, hv ai 'lie 111 ;. al.leol ai.v 1 have Ward lleecher. 1 -The ..o eliin'e ha- . -'i.ie lei.Sl p-ilei 1 , il.K'lV llliV.1111,1 te-n and c ..... t,t i-e-.o v o . r r I I .V i-v , - .01 lei tt . V. tf ( ijl I "VU J l.e- iriv , r- . I "1 have bin ;h.' ''.1 1 chine lor te;. or 1 w,. . j use in mv l-.ou'-c I '. j evcrv kii.d . "I 'am lbier ?! w t! arc li,r u. : 1 bo: sonal an t hoi; -e.i -bl, ibo Grover A linker -I I '.tl hattMacf !nr o u r 1. cree l - I!. v sr. It. Tv:,:r. . . ., . "1 find Hie ' 1 rover Maker Si. I.-!, u .'l 1 wnaraslona 1 nirinenb ,!,. ... .)Ui almi niei.-aniici,i .1, (an. 'I'he snteii.wiil pot bnak en ti.a- eani, n bei. sl'i t, :,(...: others do ; and neither does it oia.i 'ito work." Mrs. Dr. Whiun ;, 4 i nm f.vee.-ty-lbnrth strt-et, N. Y. The tirovei ttu.l Kvkei PllllUt-;. Iliu --..r,- 1.. ;, 1;, ' . an 1 H (Siitih Ai.tc.vin. ei.i. r ;.,e public a choice of Ui be.it raru hinrs of holh kinds, at their eslabii-hmriits in all thclar-e cities, ami tluou,;!, aceneies in nearly all towns throughout the cotintrv. Price lists and samples of sewine in both stiU'hes furnished mi application to (irover A Baker S. 11, Co., 127 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa. EVBKS' GIFT BOOK IKTrRPBiS" We continue tn an,,! valuable 1:1 w t '.very lsok botichlot us. Thontutiidr wi.l b-stily to our promjuness and ia.ri.ess f.ive ns a trial. Write for aeutalntriin. Sen. freo Address, l. M. Osns A Co 71 Market street, Ph.iudolphiu, l'a. 41; ,( SLOAN & VAN GIESEN. AND WAGON-MAKERS. Corner of Church and Kim Streets, This firm is prepared to do' all work '",p. '"! 'II warrant everything doi Us 111 im doitM at thei sh PS to trice Kutisiu'i.ti..., i.. tuular attention given to IIOltSLVSIIOI ICi in re- J3 lv. . in the Music line, can bo found at mv ' J. O. HULL. READ ! READ ' The subscribers having re-renU-d the in vim: jiiist mills. Would Ray to their old customers, and the community irenerallv, that they keep constantly 011 hand a laruo stock of FAMILY FLOUR of all (Trades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Ilran, Gats and O.rn. With our facilities for lo inif business, wo purpose not to be iiiidor s.!d by any establishment in this section of the oountry, and would sav to the lum bermen ami dealers of Forest county, that they can be , SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. Immediate attention given to all orders from a distance, ; K. JONES & CO. ' A 2YnATC1? FKEE ft,r WMybodv n iTa. $.10 perdav sure, Bnsines liKl,t and honorable. N'o Gift enterprise. N !i..7.,v: biiir. A .1 . nunc B,n. .Monroe tvone(iv i,.ts- burgl 1 a. tr CHAIOB J A. DAXA, Editor. A Kewawaperoi the Present Ttmea. Istended tor People Now aa Bank. Ineladinc rarmera. Mechanic, tlerchanta, rro ealonal Men, Women, Thlokere, and all Van Mr of Honeti Folke. and the Wrre, ftoaa, asd Danxhsari of all moa. NLT ONE DOLL1B A VKAR t ONE HCNDKKD COPIED FOR Ut, Or lew than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a 83 U CinD at trerr poet Offlee. linbWESHLT SCN, 99 A TEAR, of the lame alxe and general character ai THE WIEKLr, bnt with a arealer arlety of sjiscol.aneom) readin, and rnrnhhlnf the nwe KiusnBeeTlbetewlth neater freahneaa. beeanse tt eoinee twice a week loetead otonce oaly. THE DAILY 81,'N, tO A YE4R. A preeminently read ihle newipaper. wun the lariwi eirculatluu in the wonl? frSu inVl! "d learle;. In rTom?e.r Ail the Jew. Lm-'''"",,,, Tr' copy . by maX 00 conn . mouth, or 88 . year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY sr!. Five eoplet, one year, uiara:i.v iw dret-d fmur Dollars. , Tea rooie., one Tmtr. .en irnteir adilreiied laud aaexiraoouy touiegeuer up orclno) Eiuht Dollnre. Twenty copiee, one yenr, tepnraiel. adrtrewed (a .d an extra copy tu the seller up of ciub). Flfteea Uotlare. Firry anpiee one Tear, to one e1drra. land the . keuu-rteok.yoneye.rf-eetlerrp of club), Thlrty-tlireo Dollars. iI ESTV"'?,'"- narietT cdro.l (tut tue Send- W eekly one year r. cetwr or. 01 elnh), . Thiy.T Oallars. one nnnored enrlee, one vcar. to r.n aaa. tand tu. lally fgrn. yeartojSe.Vf One nnndred come., one rar. eporntrlT as dre-ne.1 imii.! thm ittti.....:..r-rVT r,r I p ot dub, , - "-mwSLiSXS THE HEMMVIEKtT BUM. Fire ronlw. one year, .eparately .ildies.ed t. Elahf Dollars. teea Dollars. BEND YOCR HONEY In fovt xn.- I W ESOLaUn, Pnhllsher, 8uu nmce. New Tori City. V 111 'lo X.il'liSU.. I.UI 1 i'eill.lle AircntshorsB mwl tntli lllrt.lMlB,i. Aildres. sia. Ci 13- ' A ' -.KNT.S I.O0KI J;t, to fa ik-r day. v V Iv'-v ' f'""'-''4'' "'"I protiiat,:,, business. A lilto .Novelty which evavyb "wants ;S!".f.'T,, h.U1'',' "'" '' rfulitra! I tuicliil .V l'etiip.uton, Mu eturcrs, 015 Broaiiwii.c, N. Y. T HEA-NECT AR IS A Pl'BK BU. lt TEA . th tiie Ortten Tea Flavor .VurraiUtod Ui suit all astcs. For sale every where, For sale whole niiv l.v thelire.it Atlantic and i acute York. P. O, 'lea Co., H Cliutch Ht. New Box GSoj. Hend lor Tbea- Nov tar circular. lit HO FOR MINN SOTA ! 160 Acre Farms Free!! The Northwestern Colonization of Free Hoiustcad Company, (Chartered bv the Stale of Minnesota. 1 furnishes Cheap ltat of Fare, and locates Free Homesteads. Se.id for Free Pamphlets, giving History of Minnesota, its Jlesources, Progress, Fertility and Advantages. Address K. l'ae I. avis, Coiniuissioner of luim ignition lor he State of Miniuta, nod (ieneral Ait forth N. W.Col.oor., N0IS3 Broad way. N. . (Active and Ciaiabla Agents W anted in evervlocalitv.) u-il ssooiiia Isl e'ass l''ano -- a.iul mi I 11. . a -cut. Ad.1i.aa If si PIA'0eOtH Kroadwsy, N. Y. IS-li 0IICri?ck& Allegheny RfTcr R) ON AND AFTEU Monday June 6, 1871, Trains will ruu as follows! SOUTHWARD tTtAtlts. 6TATIONSI lit Class, 4 it 6 Bd Class. 10 14 a. tn. 8 00 n 10 0 80 0 54 10 20 11 00 11 20 a. m. a. m. p. ni. Corry 15 11 00 6 50 . in. Spartansburg 0 42 11 86 A 24 0 40 6 55 Mlyndon n M 11 47 7 01 11 M 7 13 12 0.1 7 UA li 15 7 86 U Uo Ceiitreville Trj'onVlllo Hydotown AR Tltusrllle PR Miller Farm Nhaflor Pioneer AR Pet Centre l-R Columbia Tarr Farm Kynd Farm Uousevllle McClinUirk AR OU City PR Oleopolis Fugle Ks:k President Tionesta Hickory 7 42 12 45 7 40 7 50 8 03 8 10 8 S3 0 10 11 3"i 0 M li 15 7 20 12 20 7 40 12 43 7 55 1 05 8 02 1 a 1 08 1 18 1 25 1 28 1 35 8 07 8 17 8 25 8 28 8 : 8 40 8 30 8 38 8 42 8 50 8 50 00 0 15 8 10 8 20 8 30 8 40 0 00 9 0.1 9 20 1 55 2 10 2 25 2 40 2 55 3 00 3 20 3 40 I 38 H 4tl .l 44 8 53 1 40 8 M V 10 9 15 45 0 50 P 50 10 23 1 53 2 05 2 10 2 30 2 46 ;2 50 3 12 3 32 8 41 8 58 4 40 10 15 11 10 4 25 11 82 4 50 1 1 38 4 fifl 12 SO e H7 1 20 HI 1ft 1 45 0 43 2 24 7 10 4 05 8 40 10 44 Trunkevville 10 54 Tid touts 11 11 IrvineUm . 13 01 ADniTIONAI. secoND-CI.ASSTnAINS-SOVTH. No. 10 Titusvllle2.10p. m.j Miller 2.50; Pioneer 8.20; Pet Centre 8.33; Columbia 4.15; Tarr Farm 4.23; By ml Farm 4.37; Koiiscvillc 4..V; Oil City 6.10. No. 8 -Corry 6.15 a. ni.; Titusvllle 8.35; Miller Farm y.2."i; Pot Centre H.4K; Colum bia 10.13; Tarr Farm HUM; Kvnd Farm 10.27; Itoiisoville 10..I5; Oil City 11.00. No. 18 Pet Centre 1.28 p. m.j Colli mbln 1.50; Tarr Farm 2.05; Kvnd Farm 2.10; ltouscvillo2.30; Oil City a'.OO. No. 22 Oil City 6.30 a. lit. ; Oleopolis 7.25; Tionesta 8.54; Trunkeyville 10.15; Tidiouto 11.11. ' MOUrilWARD TnxiNs. STATIONS: 1st Class. 2d Class. 6 8 1 13 a. in. p. m p. m. n, m. a. m. 12 45 5 05 0 00 7 45 Irvlneton Tidiouto Trunkeyville Hickory Tiouesut President Fugle HiK'k Oleopolis AR Oil City n McClint-s-k Kouseville Kynd Farm Tarr Farm Columbia - AR Tot Centre mi Pioneer Shatter Miller Farm AR Titusville Hjdetowti Tryonville Centrevillo tllynden Spartansburg Corry 1 28 5 47 7 20 0 05 1 45 6 05 8 0.- 10 15 1 64 ;0 15 18 20 10 44 2 14 H 34 8 45 11 40 ;2 35 m 65 JO 30 12 21 2 38 Q 60 9 35 12 32 2 47 7 OS 10 05 1 0:1 8 15 7 35 10 55 1 60 2 10 2 25 2 80 2 40 i 55 3 10 3 20 S 33 8 45 6 00 13 tt 10 6 20 6 25 0 29 0 34 8 36 tl 42 3 20 a 82 8 85 3 40 3 45 3 40 3 55 7 40 11 30 7 55 11 50 7 511 12 00 8 04 12 25 8 10 12 88 8 II 12 4S 8 21 1 05 8 69 4 (Ml 8 23 8 30 1 25 1 45 2 00 2 15 8 45 6 52 6 60 J7 15 15 8 40 4 20 8 44 4 40 9 05 7 35 4 45 9 10 8 05 7 44 4 55 9 20 3 20 7 67 6 08 j9 34 8 50 . 8 05 6 17 9 43 4 10 8 14 5 27 9 60 4 80 8 24 S 38 10 02 4 50 8 65 0 10 10 3V S 60 ADDITIONAL HKCOND-T LA SSTRAINS-NORTU No. 15 till City 6.55 a. m.; Roiisevlllo 7.20; Tarr Farm 7.40; Columbia 7.5f; Pot Centre 8.10; Pioneer 8.40; Miller 9.25; Titusville 9.55. . No. 7 Titusville 9.00 a. ni.; Corrv 11.25. No. 11 Oil City 11.20 a. 111. ; Kouseville 1 1.45; Kynd Farm 1 1.53; Tarr Farm 12.03; Columbia 12,10; Pot Centra 12.20; Miller 1.25; Titusville 2.00; Corrv 4.42 p. 111. No. 21 Tidiouto 12.45 li. in.; Trunkev ville 1.45; Tionesta2.43; Oleopolis 4.25; Oil City 6.20. () Trains do not stop. (J) Stop on signal. ) Stop for meals. Trains 5. 6, 21 and 22 run daily; all other ..urns nun v except ounnava. N. B. Traill No. 19 is ail I 1 au Ex press from Titusville to Corry. SILVER PALACE SLEETING CAR TRAIN'S. No. 4 Direct from Philadelphia without change. No. 1 Direct to Philadelphia without chin-ge. No. 5 Direct from Pittsburgh without change. No. ft Direct to Pittsburgh ' without change. C. J. If EPBUKN JNO. PITCAIRN, Superintendent. : Gen'l Manager. OSADALIS The ingredients that COMPOSE JIOSADALIS are publialicd on every package, there fore it ii nui a secret preparation, consequently, ... PniSICUXS PEKSCEIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Dieoaiea, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of the Ulaod. CUS I0TTLE C? E0SA2ALI3 wi.'.l do more good tlian ten bottles of the Syrups of ISiraapanlla. THE UNDEHSIQNEO PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in their practice for the nast three year, and freel eodoras it a. a reliable A Iterative and Iilood Purifier. DR. T. C. PPOH, of Baltimore. DR. T.J. BODKIN, DR. R. W.C'ARR. ' 1111 v n i"vawl-(iv DR. S. 'SPARKS, of 5(lcholaTille,' DB. .'L. McCAHTHA, Coltunbia DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AND INDOESED BY J. B. I'RKNCH a SONS, Kail Biv.r, r. V. SMITH, Jackann, Mirh. A. V. M HilKl.Ut. Lima, Ohio. . B. HAI L, Limit, Oluo. CRAVEN A CO., ;.,riloiuvlll, Va. Si.M'L. (J. Mc'AXlN, Jdtufreea. boru, Teao. Our space will not allnw nf an -v- teniled remark, in rt-Uliea to the virlliclor Uua,lahs. To tho Medical Prults.iba we cu.rantee a Fluid Ks. tract suut-rior tu anv thav h.v. ... 1 . .. . . . J ... u.u in 010 ,rra-.mciii oi aiaeaseil Blood; and to the attlirted we . ay try RlMtailHlU. .lid VUU Will h Matnr-A to health. Boaadalli Is .old t,r .U DruririsU.' price Bl.ao per bottle. Addreu S3. CLSU2NT3 CO. .VaauorTurte Chtmiltl, llALTiMOaa, kf NEW JEWELRY STORE. It. li. 3IOIIHI!-), I.ate if liradv's Itond, has bx-ated in Tionesta, and is prepared to do all kinds ot work iu the lino of repairing Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c, In good style aiid warranted to give satis faction. Watches, Jewelry, Ac, will bo loll in care of 1). 8. Knox, who will be re sponsible for Uieir safe return. i' -l.v. K. F.. MQJiniH. A A s ERIE RAILWAY ! Abstract of Time Table, Adopted May Ifith, 1871. ' NF.W and IMPTtOVF.D TTI AWING IlOOM anil Sf.I'.KPlNtt COACH VM, com bining all Modern Improvements, are run through on all Trains between Buffalo, Niagra Falls, Suspension Bridge, Cleve land, Cincinnati and Now Yor, . WESTWARD. STATIONS. New York IV ve Jersey City Newark " Patterson " Turners " Newbiirgh " PortJervls Arr Bitighamton " Klmira ' Corning " KoehcRler " Buffalo " Niagara Falls " Hnsp. Bridge " Dunkirk " Jamestown L've Corrv " I'nlim " Meadvllle " Cleveland " Dayton " Cincinnati " STATIONS. New Y'oik L'vo Jersey City ' Newark " Paterson " Turners " Newbiirgh " Port Jcrvis Arr Binghamtoti " Klmira " Corning ' KtH'hester " Butlalo " NingnraFnlls" Susp. Bridge" Dunkirk No. I. B 00 A, M. 9 16 " No. 8. 11 00 A. M. 11 1ft " 11 05 " 12 00 M. 1 35 DIN. 11 40 A. M. 8 85 " 9 17 " 11 39 " 12 28 A. M. 6 SO 7 10 7 1ft " 10 43 " 11 65 " 8 60 " 6 44 " fl 24 10 27 " 10 60 ' 11 5(1 12 00 M. 1 30 A. M. 11 00 P. M. lit 01 A. M. 1 25 6 50 " 12 30 p. H. 2 45 " No. 7. 6 30 p. M. 6 45 " 6 40 6 2.5 7 45 Sup. 6 30 P. M. 9 20 " 2 21 A. M. 4 40 " 6 28 " 9 65 A. M. 11 20 12 15 p. M. 12 25 " 12 63 11 311 A. M. 12 50 p. M. 1 15 " 2 20 Din. 7 20 p. m. 4 05 a. 111, 0 30 " 7 20 8 16 ' 7 88 " 8 04 " fl 20 " 8 80 " 7 2.5 " 10 IS " No. 8. 7 00 P. M 7 20 9 10 Sup, 10 30 P. M. 3 13 A. M ft 15 ft 55 9 65 . 1 11 20 1 12 15 1 12 25 ' 12 63 Jamestown L've 11 Kit A. M (. orry lllioil Meadvllle Cleveland Dayton Cincinnati 12 50 r. M 1 1A 2 20 Dill 7 20 P. M 4 0 a. Ill 0 30 Additional Local Trairs Westward. 6:30 A. M., except Sundays from Sala manea. Miuininir ut lf.ul 11, Steimiburg 7:5(1, Handolph 8:25, Kennedy fi.si, jiiiiicsiowii ii:(sj, Ashvillo 11:3.' Panama 12:25 p. in., Orant 12:40, Frocholi 1:08, Col 11 111 bus 1:42, Corrv 2.17. Concord 2.4 t, Union 3.12, Mill Village 4.12, Millers lim, v amiiri(igon.'J4, Venango 5.40, Saegor town 6.03, and arriving at Meiidvillo at v.ev J. 111. 12.30 p. Jf., daily, from Salamanca, rstoppuig at Ked House 1.07, Steam burg ...... ivuoooi.n im, iveiineiiy .4M, Junies- town 3.8.1, Ashvllle 4.13. "Paniima 4.35, Orant 4.50, Freehold 5.13, Columbus 5.45, Corry ti.05, Concord ti.32, 1'nion 7.15, and arriving at Meadvllle at 10.20 p. m. 4.00 P. M., daily, from Salamnnea, .stopping at Bed House 4:23, Steambiirg J.jn I, 1..I..1. ..r , - , . n i..oiioij.u iei(, iciiiicii v o:j, James town 6:50, Ashvillo 6:15, 'Panama fl:'IO, drant 6:.'l7. Freehold 8:50. ('iilnmlui. T-in w'rT ' u"iol 8:00, and arriving at Meadvllle at 9:50 p. m. EASTWARD. STATIONS. No. 12. No. 4. Cincinnati L've 9 45 p. in. uayion " 12 03 a.m. Cleveland " Meadrillo " Union Corry ' Jamestown Dunkirk " Susp. llridgn " Niagara Falls " ltutlido " Rochester " llornellsvillo " Corning " Klmira " Itinghamton " Port Jervls Arr Xewburgh " Turners " Paterson " Newark " Jersev City, " New York " STATIONS. Cincinnati L've Dayton " Clrivelar.d " Meadvillo " I'nion " Corry " JamcHtown " Dunkirk " Susp. bridge " Niuvara Falls " Bntralo " lUx-hestcr " llornellsvillo " Corning " Klmira " 7 2ft " II 32 Din. 12 27 p. 111. 12 50 " 1 40 " 1 25 " 1 40 " 1 48 " 2 40 " 4 00 " 8 03 Sup. 7 R3 p. m. 8 10 " 10 OS 2 63 a. ni. 6 8.5 p. m, ft 4' 6 2ft 6 40 10 20 1 11 48 1 13 a. in 2 20 7 05 ' 11 40 a. ni 0 05 lift. 6 50 7 00 " 0 ; 7 00 a. m. No. 8. 5 45 a. m. R S5 p. m. 8 10 Sup. 10 15 a. in. 2 05 ). m, 10 64 a. m. 11 10 a. Ill No. 2. 1 15 p, in. ,1 ss 10 Off " 2 85 a. m 0 Hft p. in. 4 Oil " 10 SO " 6 02 " 10 00 " 8 40 ' 6 (Kl " 11 20 " 7 00 " 6 54 " 2 58 a. m. 4.1 " 4 25 " 10 6ft " 5 04 " 11 .10 " 7 00 ' 1 22 " 11 40 " ft 25 " 8 30 " Tlinghnmtnn Port Jervis Newburgh Turners Paterson Newark Jersev City Now York An 1 18 Din. 411 Sup. 2 20 p. m. 7 88 p. m, 6 15 " 2 55 " '8 12 " 3 10 p. m, 8 30 11. m. 12:01 A. M., except Suiiihivs, from Mend villo. Htoniiinirat 1'nion 2:M. Corrv fl.JO ColiimbiiH 4:13, Freehold 6:05, (Iran t fc.'iaj ,. 00,0.0. .iivmi(i :,i.i. jiimmtown 7:05. Kennedy 7:47. KHiidoli.liH.or, burg M;55, Redbouso t:2(i, and arriving at Siilamiince at 0:.'i5 a. in. .tii AM, e.x'it Sundaya, from Mead- ' "iop,MiK hi rMieirci tow n 5:55, Venango 6: IS, Cambrltlgert:.'12, Millers7 (ri Mill Village 7:2.5, I'nion h:04. Concord 8:45! Corry fi::to, ColumbuM (e.vi, Freehold 10,:i0, (.rant 10:57, Panama 12:03 p. m., Ahvillo 12:27. Jamestown 2:05, Kennotly 3:00, Ran dolph 8:50, Steaiiibur? 4:40, jed Hoiiko uw, uiki arriving at Walamauca at 5:.m p. 111. 1:10 P. jr., except Suiulays, from Mead yille. Stopping at Saegertnwii 1:33. .o. ,"0? -:1 uinlirldge2:'J0, Millers 2::i0, , ...o ii.n, i. ,11011 .v.ii, (oncont 3:32 Corry 3:55, Columliiis 4:05, Freehold 4:35 (irant 4:50, I'ltiiiinia 5:lii, Ashville hfSi Jumostown 0:00, Kennedy 0:45, Randolph ...,,rj cuiiiou'if i.w, in-ii iiotiKee:uo, autl arriving ut Salamanca 8:30 P. St. " Daily. L. D. RUCKER, WM. R. BARR, Ueii'lSup't. Gen'l Pass'rAg't. ANDREWS & CO., Manufacturers of ENGINES BOILERS DRILL1XGI TOOLS, AND ALL KINDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEal.KIlS IN H ID W H , A:, aire., TIDIOUTE, PA., JOHN ANDREWS. 6-tf u. Fisnnt. Free to Book Agent?. We will send o handsome Prospectus of our AYie Illuntriitrnteii J-'umili Jltlile eon taining over aoo fine scripture Jlliistra tratioiiH to any Hook Agent free of fbarge. Address National Publinhing Co. Philsv dplpfaht. Pa. Ti il J O B WOR K DONE AT TBS N "REPUBLICAN'' OFFICE ' . At he lowest cath prices, neatfy, prompt ly, and in style equal to that of any other eitablwhtnent in tht District , - 4 BUSINESS CARDS,. SHOW CARDf, , . , .' . . " VlSITIKQ CA RDM, SCHOOL CARDS AVEDDIXG CARD?, PROGRAMMES, ' INVITATION, ' ' , '"l BALL TICKETS, ADMISSION TICKET?, ' JIOXTIILY STATKMESTS, JENVELOrES, BILLHEADS, ' . -.1. -: . LETTER HEADS, - - NOTE HEADS, CIRCULAPiS, BLANKS, - ' A POST E R S ' . DODGERS, HANDBILLS, LABELS, ' 1 SHIPPING TAGS, Ac. ERIE & PITTSBURGH R. R On and alter Mondnv, Nov. 15, l8rW trains will run on litis road aa follows LKAVE KRIK SOUTllWAltn. 11:55 a. r. aocommoiiation Leaves Newcastle at 7:ti5 and arrives at Pittsburg-. 10:00 a. m. . 10:25 A. M., PiTTsnrnoii stops at all stations, and arrives at A. A ti. W. It. It. Transfer at 1:50 p. m., at Newcastle at 3:13 p. m., and at Pittsburgh at tl;00 p. ni. 6:06 A. M., accommodation, from James town, arrives at A. A (J. W. K. H. Transfer at 6:40 a. in., at Newcastle at 7:06 a. 111., and Pittsburgh at I0;00 a. in. , 6:00 r. m.. Mixed Train leaves Erie for Sharon, stopping stall Intermediate points and arming at 10:15 a. 111. .: LKAVE PITTS BUHUII-NOKTWA KT, 7:15 a. M., KitiE KXPRRss. leaves New castle at 10:00 a. m A.&ti. W. 11. It Trans fer at 11:20 a. in., and arrives at F.rieat2:3a p. iji., making close connet'tion for llufla lo and Niagara Falls. ' .' 3:35 PM. ACCOMMODATION, IcBVS NeWa castle at 0:30 p. in , A. A O. W. R. K. 'J'ranslVr ut 7:55 p. in., and Jamestown at H:3o u. in., connects with mixed trains that arrives in Erie at 1:55 a. 111. 0:30 p. m.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie, and arriving at lirard at 12:30 a, in., antl Erie at 0:55 a. 111 . Trains connect at Rochester with train for Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, antl at Pitt.shurgh connections for Philadel phia, Harrisburgh, lialtiinoro and Wash ington via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Erie Express North, oounocbt at (iirard with Cleveland and Erie trains Westward for Cleveland, Chicago, and tall Miints in the West ; at Erie with Philadelphia A Erie Km road for Corry, Warren, Irvington, 1'itlioute, Ac., anil with ltufihki A Erie Railroad for Butlalo, DunkiiH, Niagara Falls and New York City. F. N. FINN BY, tieural Hup't PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY I Wa te r S t ree t, f . . ADJOINING TIIE HOLMES HOUSH'. Tionesta. Pa.. " - M. CARPENTER, . . . ProprfetorV; Pil'tUTOM tnV tr in all 1 a a.i the art " 2? ! i. w. ROWLAND, AMfX.MCIloVm. J. W. ROWLAND & CO., M R CHANT TAILORS AND DEALKHS IH . fit ills' I'linilslilnjr Good, And Agents for the Celebrated Grover a . Ilukor Sowing Machine. , LUlEItTV STREET, NEAU pOlt ' FRANKLIN, PENN'A. 't: i 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers