- trZ SUNBUBY, SEPT: Z 1871. Railroad Tim TaWM. N. a: R. W.Eat. P.APR. It. West, Buffalo Ex I've 4:10 a mIF.rle Kail, I've 2:05 a m Erlo 8:1)5 RnfnloF.x. 4:15 ElmlraMnll " 11:45 RinlraMall " 13:45 nm Erie " " 1:05 luOCK li. AO." 4:83 BunburyAe." 5:45 p Erie Ex 0:50 IUMOK!r MVISI03 K. C. B. W. I.KAV) I AHHIVB 8unlinrv at 11:50 n m At Eunbiiry 8:45 am ' 4:40 p mi " 4:00 pm d. ii. a w. n. it, Leave Sunbury 5:55 n. m., 4:115 nnd 0:50 p. m. Arr. at Sunbury 10.-00 a m, 0:20 nnd 8:40 p m. Accident Insnrnnco Tickets can lo hnd of J. ' Shlpwm, Ticket Agent, ntthc Depot. focal Iffatrs. K's Sf.wixo Machines. Miss Cnrollno Doling Is tlio agent for tlio sn1o of the three best Sewing Machines In existence, vli I "Tho Improved 8'mgor," "Grovcr A Baker" nnd "Domestic," which nro constantly on linnd and sold at rea sonable priced. Call and Bee them. OOlco on Market street, cast of tho railroad. A Word to Oun Friends. Since We have become sole owner of this establishment we have labored under many disadvantages on account of not having tho means to make such Improve ments ns wo desired. Depending solely upon our earning nnd to kind friends, to whom we ' feel grateful for their patronage, we have llqiil . dated debts contracted for tho Improvements which wo wero compelled to make. Wo arc anxious to make furthar Improvements, and make this one of tho most complete offices in the ' country. For such a project wo must, however, rely upon our friends throughout tho county for their liberal support. Wo nsk the favor of all those who would liko to seo us prosper, to exert themselves In dur behalf In securing subscribers nnd Job work. In doing so they will reap n benefit ns well ns ourselves. We therefore solicit tho patronage of all who feel an Interest In tho Republican cause, and dcslro a rcndablo family, ns well ns a local Journal, at a lower ruto than Any othor published In tho count'. To accom plish such an end wo propose to compensate nil for their labor. Believing that "tho laborer Is worthy of his hire," wo make the following pro position to all who will engage In canvassing for us : For every list of 100 subscribers nt $1.50 paid in ndvuncc, we will give an order of fit), payablo In good, at any establishment that advertises in our columns. For T." subscribers,!!! ndvancc.nn order of $35 00 " 60 " " " 4,) 30 " " " 25 i c " 20 " " " " 15 " " " . 10 . . " 15 00 " 10 00 " 0 50 " 5 00 I " 4 00 " 3 Ot) " 2 00 As wo nro at the beginning of aft important political campaign, nnd the Asirhica is publish ed at a lower rate than any other paper, nnd con tains tho same amount of reading ma'tcr ns others of larger slue, we feel confident that can vassers can very readily obtain subscribers In every parts of the county. All clubs received will ha promptly acknowledged, nnd tho paper promptly forwarded to any address. Not curious that A. G. 8. C. F. C. A. F. M. C. S. M. S. S. P. means tluit nil goods sold cheap for cash at Filling's Mammoth Cash Store, Sun lmry, Pa., and such Is tho fact. Cull and con vince yourselves that Friliug is selling cheaper than ever. nug.20,4w. SfsnniT Academt. Owing to tlio illness of Prof. Browno, tho opening of this Institution Is deferred to Sept. 11th. Tub work of the now depot Is progressing very rapidly. Workmen ure engaged In putting up the foundation which Is nearly completed. Tuc Democratic Judicial Conferees of this county and Montour, met at Danville on Tues day of last week, nnd placed In nomination E. G. Seott, Esq., of Suiibury, for President Judge. Yb regret to lenri) that W. M. r.ockcrel ler, Esq., of this place, now prominently before the people ns a eandidato for President Judge of this Judicial District, is confined to his room by an attack of bilious intermittent fever. We hope that tho disease Is uot dangerous, nnd that ho may soon become convalescent. We nre happy to note Hint our esteemed citizen J. W. Frilhig is rapidly improving in health un der the treatment of Dr. Panconst, of Philadel phia. V.'e hope he ine.y sopn bo nblo to resume his position In bis business transactions from which ho has been grootly missed for some timo past. Early Grapes. Fluo Concord grnpes wero Introduced into tills market on Saturday the 2Gth ult.. These grapes came from the new Vineyard of II. B. Massir, Esq., at Bellnsgrove Station. The last game of Base Ball for tho Champion chip, between tho Star club of Sunbury, and the Union club of Watsoutown, wns played at North umberland, on Satnrdny last, ami resulted In fa vor of tho latter. A Game of Base Ball will be played to-day (Saturday) between the Ilonswaggler club of Danville, and the Star club of this plncc. The gau.c will bo played on grounds of the N. C. Railway nt the lower part of tliis borough, com mencing at l)j o'clock, p. ni. The fall term of tlio Sunbury Academy will commence on tlio 11th lust. Tills Institution Is in a flourishing condition, and in tho comhig term a number pf new pupils will be added. Mr. liiowu, the Principal, has Issued a large uniubcr cf Cutulognc which can be had by all who want liiformulion concerning this excellent school. Cool Weather brings Its changes, It Is well to provide, against cool mornings and chilly even ings. Wo uotLe a complete Hue of waterproofs, wool plaidx, opera cloths, alpacas, flannels Ac, just opening at Wclmer's popular cash store, Haunt's Block, Sunbury, Pa. Give him a cull und secure your fall suits, while you can secure tho most desirable patterns and new styles. A complete stock of goods always on baud at popu lar cash prices. The County FAikwThe list of premiums of tho Northumberland County Agricultural Fair 'will be found In another part of this paper. The premiums are very liberal, which will be a great inducement to exhibitor. From lulwruiuUou bad from different part of the county, we fe.l confi dent that it will execod by fa, any Fair ever held In tho county. We are happy to state that the different Committees havjnj coutrol, arc not sparing any efthrta to inak the grounds the best aud most suitable for that purpose of any In this section of the country. Thekb U evidently some fear In the wigwam of the Irish Catholic element of the Democratic party In regard to their candidates, and much anxiety felt for their success. We noticed no less than three Catholic Priests In tow a who appear ed to bs greatly Interested In the proceedings ot the Republican Connty Convention, on Tuesday last. On Tnursday.Put Hester.the prominent can ' didato for tbo next Sheriff, came to town, we pre sume, to arrange a plan for the candidates to pur sue during the campaign. ACCIDENT OH THE PniLATIiarniA A EftTE lUlL- jiOat. On Saturday morning last the Erie mall train bound west, collided with the Empire freight trnln going east, between seven and eight o'clock, about a mile and a half west of West- port Station, near Rcnovn. The following per sons wore killed nnd wounded i Killed B. C. Bryan, of Lock Haven, and R. Winslow, passen gers, and E. W. Ilymnn, of Wllllnmsport, con dnctor, and Thomas Gannon, of Dunkirk, fire. mnn of the mall trnln t James W. Ward, of Bcllo- fonte, Fa., conductor, nnd William Kllllnger, of Altoonn, Pn., engineer of the freight trnln. Wounded A. M. Atwnter, of Lock Haven R. nillcr, of Wllllnmsport t J. Sehcffor, of Llnnc, Pn. t P. McCooncll, of Baltimore, engineer of flrst passenger trnln t Thomas McNanny of Wnyno, Pa. ) A. IT. Steel, of Tionestn, Pn. i J. Cornwnll, of Binghamton, N. T. ( M. K. Foster, Lock Havonj G. A. Lacy , of Philadelphia Judgo J. A. Dull, of Tionestn II. A. Thompson, of Wllllamsport t Ebcn Kltcr, of Llnnc t Frnnk Boon, of Altoonn, bnggngo master of mail train, nnd Alonzo Lyon, of Rcnovo, Pn., fireman of tho freight trnlu. Tho passenger train was nbont nn hour lnte In leaving Willlnmsport, nnd was rimnmg thlrty flvo miles per hour. . Tho freight train wns running eighteen miles nn honr. The trains meeting on a sharp curve, wero not vlslblo to each other till they were only a few yards apart, and thoir speed was not check ed? The baggage nnd smoking cars of tho mall train were telescoped nil but a few feet. The passengers In flic rear cars wero uninjur ed. It appears that tho accident was caused by the conductor on tho mnil train mistaking tho gravol train on the siding for tho freight trnln, winch was to pass him nt Wcstport Station. Mr. E. W. Ilymnn, the conductor on tho mnil trnln, who was killed instantly, was a yonng man of excellent character, nnd considered one of tho best conductor on that road. His remains were brought to thisplnco on Monday Inst for In terment, nnd wero followed to tho grave by a largo concourse of rclntlves.and friends. Mr. Ilymnn tho conductor who lost his life In the recent nccldent near Renovo wns a worthy nnd moral man. A few nights before the acci dent, he awakened some of tho family nt the Cen tral Hotel in this place, where hcbonidcd, by Ills moaning and cries. He related In the morning that ho hnd n terrible dream In which ho Imagined that ho was in a wreck on the road, nnd that ho was unabie to save himself from destruction. Hi wife, on his lenving his home a few days before, saw that he was dejected, nnd told him she fear- shc had seen him for the lust time. Tills is tho third fatal nccldent that has very recently occurred in this vicinity, which hnd been previously presented to tho victims In dreams' n short time previous to tho occurrence. Is tills simply a coincidence, or has It a supernatural connection t In every Instance tho fact of tho dream hnd been mentioned by tho parties, nnd the same dejection of spirits followed. Special Courts no longer Necessary. An erroneous opinion hnvlug been industriously cir culated in relation to tho necessity, tlint will necessarily nriso for tho holding of "Special j Courts," In the event of tho election of a practic ing lawyer 10 mo position oi 'resident Judge, in the county in which ho resides nnd has practiced his profession, for the purpose of disposing of the cases In which he may havo been concerned as counsel, ft simple reference to the lato Act of Assembly upon that subject, will be sufficient to correct it, nnd to show that any other President Judge In tho State can be called to hold tho iiko vlau term of tho Court, when there nro cases, upon cither tho eii-ij or criminal list, which tlio Judge of the proper district, by reason of any dis nbllity, cannot try ; nnd that all such cases may thercforo now bo tried at tho jiegii.au term, without calling Special Courts as was at onetime supposed to bo necessary. The Act to which wo refer provides, that "In "case of sickness of a President' Judge, In nny "Judicial District in Pennsylvania, or sickness in "his family, or of A is inability to hvta me regumr "term of his Courts, In nny comity, from atnj emm "vhatever, It shall be lawful for him to call upon "any other President Jndgo in the Coumiou "weulih, who may uot himself ho engaged, to "hold said regular term of Courts, nnd said Pre sident Judge, so called upon, is hereby nuthor "ized nnd empowered to dis?hnrgo tho duties op- "pertainlng to said office as fiilly ns tlio rcgular "ly commissioned President J uJgo of said district "could do if present." In n case recently before the Supremo Court of tills Slat o, the Judges, in nn opiniou, delivered upon the 27lh day of February last, and reported In tho last book of reports 1 -lth P. F. Smith's Reports, page S3, held this act to be constitution al, nnd upou a very careful review of tlio whole subject, they say, "Our conclusion therefore, Is "that, in the case of sickness nnd other disability "contemplated by tho net of legislation ulrondy "referred to, the President Judgo of tho proper "district has power to call in tlio President J udge "of another district to hold the iievi'I.au term of "his Courts In any county In his district. Tlio "President Judge, so called in, when sitting, has "jurisdiction and authority to hear and try all m "set pending at that term in any of tho Courts, ci "vil or criminal, Including capital nnd othor "felonies in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer nnd "General Jail Delivery." It wns under this Act of Assembly, as constru ed ami enforced by this decision of tho Supremo Court, that Judgo Woods, of Mililiu county, held tlio Inst regular March Term of our Courts, al though it was supposed a homicide case was then to bo tried, and under lis very liberal and jtidici cious provisions, tlio presiding officers of our Courts cau exchange with each other whenever necessary, and thus no difficulty can ariso, and no additional cxpnnso to the county bo Incurred In the future, In tho trial of causes In which tlio Judge of the District may have been employed before hi election. We notice that Dr. R. B. McCay, of Northum berland, has invented a ruin gauge which has been tested during the late rains. A corrcs oudent gives tin; following account of the full of rain at Northumberland, ns tested by tho Doc tor's Invention i - Rah fall ay NimTHrM-nwnJkwi'.-Thi' amount of ruin for the week, endiuu at o'clock, X. M, August 30. by the new rain gauge, Is S luohes uud 54 hundredths "plumb water. ' Tub large assortment of Orsl-elus furultnre placed Insthe store of B. L. Rauduubusli, In Ma sonic Hall buildings, lilglUy commended upon It Is tlio largest stock ever opened at one time In Sunbury, and compares with any city establish, meut. A splendid opportunity U offered to those lu waut of auy klud of furniture. Tits new aud splendid assortment of goods opened at T. G. Nott's mercbat tailor tore, on Third ttreet, U attracting great attention, fall nits are ordered constantly, and soon we may expect to see our young friends clad . In the helghth of fashion, Mr. Nott has all the new cltv stvle. which lie will now Introduce, With the most fashionable goods and Arst-clas work, men, ho is determined to retain the reputation or having the beat cAablUhmel In the country, I. O. or R. M. Mr. E. Wilvert, lias been re appointed District Deputy G. Bachm. of the Im proved Order of Red Men, for this county! There are now four Tribes jn this couuty, all Jn flourishing condition. i i i . 11 Tna member of the Steam Fire Engine Com, pany, are equipping themselves wltk neat nul form. Cominntilented, Paxinos, Aug. 81, 1871. Mn. Wilvert t Knowing that your paper Is open to all parties who are opposed tn fraud and corrnption, nnd that you aro willing to giro tho oppressed nn opportunity to express their grie vances, I nsk a placo In tho American Tot this Communication. Asa member of the Democratic party I cannot rofrnln from expressing my condemnation of tho nomination of the eandidato for Assoelnto Judgo by our Convention. It wns by fraud, nnd so glaring, that I need not go Into detail to prove It, for tho fact Is pntent to every Democrat In North nmbcrland county, and outside of the Ring, bv whom the nomination wns made, will be opposed by nil honest men of the party. Properly considered this is not n political office, nnd should be filled by a mnn who Is honest, nnd nnd can tnko the oath of olllco nntrninmellcd free from all political Influence. To this end I would suggest tho calling of a Convent ion ol tho People, and let them select a man of whom it can bo said, "ho is nblo, he is honest nnd competent." And, further, I would name Hon. William L. Dcwart, as tho man for the nosltion. He has tho qualifications Is n well read lawyer, and is con versant with the business of our Courts. Tho Mnjor Is well known to our people, nnd I hnve no doubt ho would rcecivo a hkrgo majority of tlie voters ol tlio county Irrespective or party. ASI.IAMUIUM DE.MUCKAT. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL EXIIIIil OF THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY AG RICULTURAL SOCIF.TY, TO BE HELD IN SIX It IKY, On Tuesday, Wednesday and TnunsDAy, S8P- temukh xum, -itn nnu ustn, 1171. OFFICERS i JOSEf'n BIRD, President) John McFarland, Viet Pretitlent s O. W. Armstrong, Secretary J. H. MeCormick, Treasurer i Lemuel Shlpmnii. Corresponding Secretary t John H. Vincent, As sistant Secretary ; George B. Caldwalloder, As sistant treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Edward Grady, J. M. Follnrer, Win. Wnldron, J. M. Bartholomew, Dr. Joseph Eystcr, Solomon Mnrtr., George Gnul, Samuel John, Thomas Johns ton, Peter Burrel, Joseph Nicolv, Lewis Sticker. Gen'l D. O. WATSON, Vhirf Mu-tttU dipt. A. Caldwell, Ellas Wrist, Captain S. Uryson, J. E. Mucneh, Peter Oberdorf, Joseph Hnngha wout, A. N. Bricc, Philip Forrester, and J. K. Da vis, Amistnnt Jiii'sAnif. The Books of Entries will be opjn on nnd after the First day of September, nt the Olllco of tlio Assistant Secretary, at Northumberland, nnd con tinue open nntll tlie morning previous to the Fair, when the Olllecrs will be on tlio ground. Exhibitors can enter goods without extra chnrgc upon tho purchase of tickots to amount of ono dollar, which will ndmlt tho exhibitor nnd tho stock, or articles to bo exhibited during tlio continuance of the Fair, nnd nil persons purchas ing n family ticket, will have the privilego to en ter all goods frco of charge. These regulations apply to all entiles except where test of spec i is required, in which ten per cent of tlio wholo premium will be charged. All persons who intend to exhibit horses, cat tic, sheep or swine, shall have them entered upon the Secretary's books as far ns possible, tho week before the Fair. Exhibitors will receive a check for each article entered, designating tlio class and number of tho entry, vylilch must he attached to the article. Articles or animals removed from the grounds before the close of tlio exhibition, (except by per mission ol tho President,) cannot receive a pre mium, though awarded. A general Invitation is hereby extended to the Farmers and Mechanics of Northumberland nnd the surrounding counties, to nttend this Exhibi tion, nnd bring Willi them such articles of their own growth or manufacture, as will interest the public, nnd Illustrate tho Improvements that nro goingon in those branches of American Industry. To Agricultural Societies, wc beg leave to say, that nny olllecrs or delegates whom they may commission to visit us will meet with a cordial reception. All agricultural friends honoring us with their presence, as representatives of other similar societies, or in oflicial capacity, will be considered ns guests of the Society, and free to our grounds. . Judges nre requested to report themselves at tho President's olllcc, on the grounds, first day or before ten o'clock, p. m., second day of Fair, when they will bo furnished with books of entry, which they nre desired to till up with the uwards nnd return to tho Secretary dnriug tin: secoud day of Fair. Those who cannot attend will please notify the President. We invite, therefore, all, both nt homo and abroad, to nttend nnd participate in it, cither ns exhibitors or spectators, feeling sure that nono will bo disappointed. No premium will be nwrt r -MVle or ii .,. .k... .- ...... cililon, nnlj im, Judges deem it meritorious. Cake, melon, confectionery or other stands, or wagons, nnd snows or cxiiimiions, may oe ad mitted to the Kair Grounds by application in ine President, and paying a reasonable compensation for the same. Nono of the above will be allowed outside tho enclosure near the grounds. No species of lienor shall be sold or dranK-on the grounds, nor shall gambling bo allowed ou the grounds during t'.ie days of tbu Fair. A strong nnd efficient police force will be on the grounds day and night, during the Fair. I lie POOCfcV Hill irul-.r,u llll Ulill'ius mimic im exhibition, lint they will not be responsible for any losses or uecnlunts that may occur. ....n. i..i,i!,w n.i ..i'.,,,,.!,,,. r orui,! r.w.,1 far nnlnmtiinn exhibition, will ba furnished hv tlio Society at fair prices. AI1 premiums not called for by tho first of Jan uary next, will be forfeited to the Society. t7 Excursion Ticucis ou nil ruuroiuis 10 nnu from Sunbury. , Exhibitors.upon receiving thclrchccks from tho Secretary, will report to the Committee of tho Depnrluicut to whicli tlie entry belongs, ny wnom the places for exhibition will ba assigned. The I ridge nt Northumberland will pass ail to the Fair at half price, and goods or stock to pass free, by order of tlie Directors. AtliulNMion, MMiiLK. 1 nutlet, i-ii. " Single Tickets during the Fair 50 " " Family Tickets, Including all " under 21 years, good during the Fulr, ! OO A Grand Parade of tho Order of Red Men. COO or more, will take place on Tuesday, the Flr6t day of the Fuir, ou the Fulr Ground. Jitnulv4d, That nil member of tUe rres be admitted frc. No winiiiiig horses can enter for a second pro- mium. LIST OF PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED. CLASS I. For the beet y, bushel of While Wheat, $5 00 Red Wheat, 0 00 Second best j bushel White Wheat, 2 50 lied ) ncut, -i Best M bushel Rvo, 4 00 Second best " 8 00 Bast 'A bushel Corn In Ears, 4 00 Second best " 00 Best i bushel Outs, .. 4 00 Sacoud best " 8 00 Best bushel Clovorseed 4 OU Bust " Timothy Sued . . . 4 00 Best 14 bushel Buckwheat , . S 00 Judges.. Solomon Mullck, John Khipp. Joliu Cadwullader, Amoa Vanillic, Isaac Campbell, Henry Morgan, J. G. Smith. Win. P. Hull, John Tweed, Joseph Nlely, P. D. HhnlWr.V CLASS II. DunnAM Cattlb. Best Bull. years old, aud upwards, $10 00 2d best " . 5 00 Bust Bull uudcr 8 years old and upwards 8 00 2d best .4 4 00 Best Calf, 8 00 Best Cow over 4 years, 8 00 2d best ' . 4 00 Best Cow or Hulfer under 4 years 6 00 2d best " 8 00 Best Heifer Culf, . 00 No premium allowed ou this list except for thorough-itrt;d. L'edigreca to be left wltk tho 8ccrelarv. Judge. n m. lielnon, Jolin Moore, j nomas McWUliams, Wm. Lelguow, John HmU, LI. 15 Montgomery, v. Retires, jonn campueu, juo, Klaau, Wui. L, Bhaffer. CLASS III. DEVON AND ALU BUNT CATTLB. S Same Premiums and Regulations, as tn Class 2, Judoes. Isaac Vincent Isaiah Johnson, Cald 'ell kuckman, Geo. Conrad,' D. Cares, Frank Hoy, John Cooper, Jacob beasbolts and David owans. CLASS IV. - " OBAJia AND COMMON pACTLB, Best grade Cow over 4 years $6 2d beat " Best grade cow under 4 yean 2d best M Best grade heifer calf Best common cow over 8 year Sd best " Beat common cow under 6 year 2d beat ' Best common heifer Calf " nock of neat cattle belonging to one person 10 nel Brosions, Isaac Rcitz, Daniel Evert, Conrad Cares, Robert C. MrKco, Emnnuel Gelst, R. A. Gnffy, Levi Drumhollor, nnd Adam Vandllug. 1 - CLASS V. SITEEP AND SWINE. Best French or Merino Buck f 5 Cotcswald r, Southdown ' . tt Of nny other breed " B 0 Ewe Sheep ft wenthors fi Best Boar 1 year old, or over fl 2d best . " ,. 3 Best Sow nnd 6 Pigs 0 2d best " 8 Best Boar nnd Sow under 0 months fi 2d best " 2 f0 Best Utter of Pigs from 0 to 10 weeks old 5 2l best " 3 r.0 Best fnt Hogs, 3 or more fi 2d Bet " ' 2 W) Jmlije. Joel Biltermnn, John B. Lelnbnch, John A. Sumircrs, Dr. Jos. Hans, Chas. Kase, J. Hunslekcr, Geo. T. Selbert, P. 8. Bicklo, P. M. Shiudcl, C. A Koimensnydcr. CLASS VI. imported and TiionofonnnED noilPEl. Best blooded Suillion, 4 years and upwards $20 2d best io Best bloodod Stallion under 4 years 20 2d best " 10 Best blooded Stallion Colt under 2 years 10 2d Best 1 ' . jj Jm!,)rt. Amos E. Knpp, Dr. J. P. MeClecry, John Nicetv, J. M. Bartholomew, J. Basset, D. II. Drlesbacli, Furnsworth Reed, H. 8. Rohblns. CLASS VII. itnns.ES ron all work. Best Stallion, 4 years nnd upwards, 2d best . Best Maro or Horse, 4 years nud upwards, $;o 10 10 ( 10 Ml nest Best Btnillon under 4 years, Best Marc, nnd Celt nt sirto 10 Jwliien. nr. Tlios. Hull, Win. 11. Kemerer, W. W. Horning. Valentino Diets, Win. Fnrseman, Benjamin Hnrto, Hiram Young, David Seller, Elijah Bycrly, Frank Leiseniing. CLASS VIII. horses ron heavy draft. Best team or pair fio 2d best 5 Best single horse or marc. 5 2d best 2 f0 Best Colt 8 yonrs old 5 Jmhjer. John Sheep, Ellas Emnrleh, Dr. 11. M. Raker, Im Forreslor, John Holf.i, Peter F.' Dal liot, Dnnlel Kuts. CLASS IX. MATCHED AND 8INOI.E IIOr.SES. Best matched team In color C10 irrespective of color 5 8 year old Colts 5 Best sluglo driving horso or maro 5 Horse or Mare for saddle fi Best Colt upon tho ground, (sweepstake) 4 2d best " 2 Best 2 year old fi 2d best " 2 50 Best 1 year old 8 2d best " 1 60 Judiiei. Win. Conner. Gilbert Voris. M. L. Savldge, Geo. W, Kiefer, Cyrus Brown, James H. Cathcnrt, V. S. Triickcuiiiler and Emaudus Miller. CLASS X. JACKS AND MVLeS. Best pair of Mules, $."i " single Mule, 2 ,VJ " Mule Colt, 2 50 " Jack, 5 Jnthje John Porter, F.q., (Milton,) U. I). Mourer, Samuel Biirkenbine, John Uingain in, Hiram Young nnd John S. Snyder. CLASS XI. SPEED OF HOUSES. Division 1 Second Day, 8 o'clock, P. M. For horse entered In the 4 minute, and 8' -j minuto trotting race, ami the )i mile running race, best 3 5, five horses to enter for the trot ting, and must trot inside of four minute", mi l those horses entering for 3 4 minute trot, mu?t trot inside of 8 minutes and 80 seconds, or no premiums will be awarded. All horses to be owned in Northumberland county three months previous to the Fair. All trotliug to harness. Premium for the 4 minute trotting, ? 100. First horse, best 3 in 4 $r0 Second " " " 80' Third 20 Jwhiet. U. F. John, Abraham Wagner, W. H. Watson, R. Montgomery, J. W. MeCor mick, Isaac J. Sober, William M. Weaver, E. Chldcstcr and John G. Marklo. Division 2 Second Day. 3 o'clock, P. M. Premium, $75. First horse, best 3 in 5 f Third1 15 Jvihjet. P. L. Hnckci.ourg, Go. B. Caldw.il- lader, John R. Cooner, V. M. Smith, Thomas Nesbit, Dr. A. C. Clark nnd George Burr. Division 2 Second Day, 10 o'clock. A. M. Run ning 3 in 5 ; same rules as in Division 1. Pre mium, ?'-!.r. Division 8 Third Day. 3 minute i same rules ns in Division 1, best 8 5 to harness. TluoQ horses to enter. Premium, $100. First Horse f oO g.cC4i(l , . 80 Third " 20 Running 1 milo heats, tu'Fi v 3 ; samo rules ns In 1 11 vision 1. I rcmium, First Horse, $M Jmliet.V. Ncff, John Slltwl, Ii. M. Slack, E. Bartholomew. Win. 11. Dolitv. John Deckel, R. Slater, Joint U. Hopewell and J. K. Rathbun. Division 3 Third Day, 3 o'clock, P. M. Open to nil horses. Three to enter. Mile hcr.ls, best 8 in a. Premium, $125. First norso C'75 Second " 85 Third " .'. i 15 Jtulnct.- Tames Vandvkc. Augustus mild. H. C. Sticker, W. C. Knpp.'j. M. Fullmer. Wm. Me- Much, llonert Montgomery. Allien weaver ami J. McFarland, ( Northumberland )r CLASS XII. rouLTRV. Best two Turkeys, or more $3 1 8 1 i 50 Best Geese, " 2d 50 Best Ducks Chickens 8 1 3 I ' 3 1 2d Best 8,1 Best Game Fowls, or moro 2d Best lot of fowls of one kind, not less than (1, 4 , Jtuhie: Emanuel Wilvort, Weisor Busslor, A. Vorls, Wm. H. Lamb, Joseph tt. llonsel. Win. Grady, W. H. Bogle, M. J. D. Withlngloii, John Best uud Will lu ii) iieui. CLASS XHI. VEGETAU1XS. Best V, buslicl Potatoes X " pweev roiuiocs i " Turnips Best peek Tomatoes " unions 6 nends Cabbage " 0 Stalks Celery 3 " 6 Rod Beet ' ' , 3 ; 8 tfweet Vumpklns 2 " 8 Field Pumpkins ' '3 " tt Mangoci .' 1 ' 1 a Judtitti. C. norlon, H.J. Reader, J. E. Elchholtx. Isaac Muitx, Michael Farley, O. Ii. Ostruudor, t. B. Horning and A. Blusscr. CLASS XIV. FRITT. Best specimen of Apple $ j " aud most numerous varioty 4 " specimen of Fears 2 ' variety :- 8 " pcckQnlne 1 60 " display of Grape 3 " ' specimen of Peache 3 For tecoud best each, ono-lmlf of the above premium. Judijn John F. Dcrr, L. Huff, II. B. Masser,' T. II. Purdy, Bcnjamlu Bohuor, M. U. Priestly and Jacob Buasholtz. CLASS XV. ' n AOUICULTUUAl, (MI'LBXgJITS. Best Plough Harrow Cultivator G raid Drill . Horse Rake Hay Fork Fanning Mill Harvester and Mower Two-Horse Wagon Grain Thresher Clover Judgtt.i. W. Furman, A. II. Stone, Jacob naniuan,- cporau tvoreii, uoa. Heifer, U. W S'.roh, Martin Gass and Michael mvicb. PLOWING MATCH. ' I Second Day, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 2d best " ft Sd " 3 r.0 Jura?. Joseph Giiss, George Seller, 1J. tl. Klbie, Samuel Hoover, Admit Lenker, James Smith, Adam Vand'ing nnt John Lcshcr. CLAPS XVI. IIASfFAf'TfRERS IN nF.NF.nAL IN HIE COfNTT. tlest Carriage, l or 2 horses 0 " Huggv, open or top ft ' Sleigh 5 " Double Harness fi " Single " 4 Sirto Upper Leather ft " fto lbs. Klotir ft !?d best 4 . Bert Boots 8 " Shoes 1 f,o " Calf Skin 4 " ,i rlor.. Brooms 3- Spring Wagon g " Sewing Machine Diploma. 2d best Sewing Machine " Juttift. J. F. l.creii, Ira T. Clement, Win. Hood, H. I). Burr Bitter, (Tnrhutvillc), Joseph Curr, John Buyers nnd John Younginan. CLASS XVII. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Best Homo-made Woolen Clotli 10 yds " Flannel. 3 yardi " Linen, 5 yards 11 Woolen Carpet " Rag Carpet " tiuilt or Bel Spread " Farmer's Wreath " Woolen Yarn, I lb . " Fancy Patch Work (J lilt C4 2 3 4 3 o 3 1 r,n 2 so " Knit II 00 1 " H.indSrnde Shirt 2 a. ,'. Wm. T. Forsylhc, H. Y Fixing. V,-. R. Crolwr, Win. Sividge, F. Pqicr. John H. Goodman, U. Uilliot, Mrs. Henry lliilingtoi, Mrs. Murlln Giikh, Mrs. Geo. Gmili Mrs. (i. W. Stroll, Mrs. A. Wubl. Mrs. John Nicelv, Mrs. V. H. Lmnb, Mrs. K. WPvtut, Mrs. Ad.mi VandHng nnd Ml 8. Ellas Ijuericli. "CLASS XVIII, f!!CNn nit ISION. Best Loaf Biead 51 Poiitid t'ako 1 Light Cake 1 filb Rnfler 1 f,J !i!h Honey 1 ftib hard Vo:t Apple Bailee . 1 1 quart 1'e.ich Batter 1 Fruit Preserve:! 1 Spice " 1 Tomato Figs 1 Cnnneil rruil, glass Jars 2 .VJ (Jrape Wine 2 Current " 2 lilaclibcrry Wine 2 Catsup Jellv Fruit 1 1 , .Tor Mrs. uler, Mri. Mi uuali Jii-,;'-.-Mi's. Wm. M. Rockefeller, Mr; d 111, M is. W"i. Heln-:i Mrs. J. 15. li.nl; Wm. T. Korsvthe, Mis Mrs. P. M. Sliintlel. Mrs. Faber, Miss l'le .Mart., Clara Miller, Miss Marv Geo. It. C.idwall, John MeKarlatid, Mrs. C. J. llrun. r, "Veavcr, ilus Ha Pric.'ley. CLAOS (X. r.OVS AND t.Ittl .. l)!5f.ittTM3NT. H''-t. Plain N.'.'l'e Work Oi'iiam ;nl il Needle Wuil; IlouKvni.'ide Dress CheiuiiC Yolie Worned Collar Cuff Pair Knit M:tte:is Fancy Slip'Lis Tidy Ilea 1 111 Rug Lamp Mat 1 Ml 2 t ) ' 1 1 1 1 1 ! Crciicl.ct. V.'o'li T,.:t;n Wiirsted W01U Oriiameiital .Sbvl; Work Was Flow .ts Bead Work Pin Cualiio'.i Sofa " Pair of Ottoman "ii hloi:.i Jti 'ti-n. Mrs. ,1. L'.ir.l, Miv. Kii-nan . 1 r.J ipie. Miss liai.glia-voul, M:.;- Anna ';obb!;i, M Kate r-lrlne, Mi Jeunv K!a;;. MUs Emma Fi l ling, Mrs. John I'. Hupewcll Miss Mary Leader, Mrs. John Niielv, Mrs. Jos. Haas, Miss Irene Miller, Miss Mary Musfer, Mrs. A. N. Urlee, Miss Liiinic Weiciur CLASS XX. FINE ARTS. Reft Photograph ? 3 " Oil Painting 3 2nd best do 1 Landscape P.iiiiliag 2 " Painting of any kind 2 :!nd best do 1 Best Maiblc Sculpture 3 , , MrTrsI'.btes'ViVf. lirsi"r:il. Vincent; Mrs. Marion McNinch, Mrs. Win. 15. Douty, Miss Uinglmin. Mrs Peter Voris, Mi ;s ( '.il rie Mor ton, Mrs. Dr. MeClecry, Mrs. W. T. Grunt, Mi's Amelia Doiincl, Mi-s Sallle Fry. CLASS XXI. atscni.i.ANiiois. 15,'tt Mcdlev of Engravings " L imp Sliado " Infant's Dress " Fancy Trimmed Basket " House Wife " " ijet Toilet Mats " Fancy Picture Frame " Arranged Bo net of Flowers " " Vases of Dry Grass, &c. " Moss Work and Zyphers " Display of Feather Flowers " Shell Work $ 2 1 Jrr.'.'ic. Mrs. John B. Packer, Mrs John R'.is sel, Miss Bell Montgomery, Mrs. Win. I. tin-enough, Mrs. K. Montgomery, Mrs. Geo. J. Piper, Mrs. P. Clark, Mrs. Dr. Awl, Mrs. Dr. Purdy, Mis Haiiiiah biilzel, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, Mrs. Sol. Marti!. CLASS XXII. Articles' uot mentioned, but worthy of Pre miums or special notice. jndijc. Col. Wuguusellcr, J. C. Horlon, John M. Hutr, A. Shlpni'in, Win. Montgomery, Eli Shaffer, (Jordan,) Wm. L. Dawart, John Tag gart. Christian Nell, Henry Reader, John B. Hel ler, Wui, Reese aud Samuel 11. Ktiuwlca. BASE 11A1.L. 3 o'clock, P. M., 1st daw 4 o'clock, P. M., 2d dav. 4 o'clock, P. M., SI day. Best Itasa Ball Club in the county. f-" Second " " " 1-"' Third " " " I" Each Club to select their own umpire, 10 per cent, cliarj.'ud for entrance fees. CRICKET MATCH IN THE COUNT. Best (two to enter) - J Jutiiic. J . II. Vincent. Dr. A. C. Clark, J. M. Fullmer. H. J. Heiiien, Wm. B. Bird, J. K. Wag ner. Lewis Dewart, Wm. Savidge, YN m. Merviue, Nick Wcuck, Cept. Charle J. Bruiuicr. FIRE ENGINES. RIAL OF ENGINES 3.1 PAY AT 10 A. M. A premium of t "0 will bo paid for the best Steam Fire Engine, provuieu iwo ui uiuiu uugmn entered. Ju.Uk: Dr. R. B. McCay, John Haas, f.eorgj Blnmx, Steplicii Biltenbeniler, . r. uougai, Joseph Hollcpeter, and Dr. Hurley. WHEELING MATCH ON THE T11IRI) DAT, AT 1 1". SI. Best . . . , ?J Jiu'iJO. J. II. MeUornilcK, i. A. ii:ui, eo. il. Cndwnllnder, A. Ditty, W. Reese, Isaiah S. Goiiler, A. Caldwell, in. rarreluud m. Kitehcu. FOOTRACE ON THE 8ECONO DAY, 1 ' Best In 500 ynrds 2ml best ' " f ,M J,ulqet G. W. Gutellus, L. M. Morton, jonn Auteii, O. M. Fowler. John Younginan, J. K. Eiehhuitz, Em'l Wilvert uad C. A. Reimeusuy der. BEST COLLECTION OF MINEKALS AND ' CURIOSITIES. Premium f'-1 Jnilict. Hon. J. B. Packer, Dr. Henry Life, C. H. Dougal, Dr. Jos. Bobbins, A.J. Gully, Dr. Purdy, Dr. J. W. Bowman aud Dr. Jos. R. Pricatly . LADIES RIDING MATCH Premium, f 15. . THIRD DAT AT 11, A. M. Three to enter nnd each lady to bo accompanied by a gentleman. First Premium 1" Siicoud " 5 Jmi,jtt. Mrs. W. L. Dcwart, Mr. W. C. Law rence, Mrs Robert Montgomery, Mr. P. L. Hack euburg, Miss C. Kupp, Miss B. Hortou, Mrs. Jacob M. Folluier, Mr. J. P. Montgomery, Mis Kin ma Hauv, Mr. A. G. Murr. Mr. Churle Weitzel, Mr. Dr. E viler, Mrs. Jauiu Vaudike, and Mrs. Henrietta Cooper, PREMIUM FOR BAND AND STRING BAND. A purse of 150, and free access to the fulr grouuda at all times. B.st Bund Ui SJ " 15 Sd " " 10 JuJgct Hon. F. Bound, Thos. D. Grant, John W. Uuchcr., Judge Pultou, J. B. Nowbuker, J. P. Mnrr, N. F. Browne, Geo. Hill aud Jo'.oi Adams. shoot r.;o on the wing. pitse, iio. Each cnr.t.slaul shnll liave five birds from spring Hep to shoot, nt, lo be f 'iriii--ln-J hy tbc Society. Umpires nud riffles to bu selected by cnntertints. The Packer Guards have been rntrnfjH to guard the Fair ground durbig the Fair. Arrniitfeiiiptits have been made with Ira T. Clement to have tlie 81 can. bout clvirli .red during tho Fair, so that frco pasfuge. may be had to those crossing' over from Snyder county. IJusIncss Notices. Regulator Boot, Shoe, Trunk nnd Leather Storo consolidated with the Book Ftorc." Call one nnd nil. New coods nt low prices. You are safe la dealing nt Oak Hull, for one of Wannmnker A Brown's fundamental prlncl pies is "no mlsreprc' cntutious." To look into tho Hat Store ofS. Faust, one would suppose lliero was n supply of Hats and Cups for one generation to come, but ns his cus tomers nre coming from every direction they arc soon disposed of and a new supply put lu their place. The Croquet Shne, a novelty, elegant and com-fort.-.blc, nt the Regulator. TonArco and Sr.iuitH. J. G. Trimble, on Third street, is constantly receiving huge supplies of Segars nnd Tobacco from the best manufactories In the cities. T'no.-e who wish to enjoy line segars made of the best mateiiul, will call to pee Tum ble's stock, Gn.s-T.-i' (lne Fiench Cuf, Bov-toe Boots, tliti'.i cd bottom, nt tho Regulator. For Kent. Two rooms, suitable for offices, ndjoliiln;; the Post Ol'.icc, near tho Masonic Hull building, on Third r.treet, Sunbury, nro offircd for rent on reasonable terms. Apply to C.1AS. GAKINfilV.t. IcE Cold o.I.i Water, with n large collection of syrups to salt our pat ronage. The most pala t'.ib'.o nud refreshing drink for Indies ami gentle men, on n warm summer day or evening, nt GiionMAsnno' matorlu'e Ar luaiiuraciiirln, nl the Regulator. 1 TnLKZ is no lack of selling off boots and shoes nt the Kxcclsior fitorc of W. II. Miller, in the Ftotie building on Market street. They nro not only sold nt retail, bat we notice many merchants baying nt who' ' ale, who save the freight by doing so, nn.l get a better article besides. Tlie ivlio'e: ale business is drawing quite a trade, be cause his stock is constantly kept up and n bet ter selection cau be had than In many of the city establishments. 5,0 JO Rolls Wall Paper just received nt Light ner's, cheap for cash. All Rubber Wear, at manufacturers' prices, at the Regulator. Tlie ConiosMioiiN u'r.:i Envnlitl. I)L'IlLlt'IlF.I) as a warning and for the benclil of yuKiuj ;i.;i ami others, who null'er from Nervous Debility, iV.c, suppljlng the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself and Bent free ou receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address, N A't II ANIKI. M AYFAIil, May 20, iSTl.-Oui. Brooklyn, N.'Y. ; In Rusli township, on the 0;h lust., Gen. W. II. KASU, nged years, and T days. The deceased hold many prniuinen: positions, both military and civil, aud l .presented this county lu the State Legislature lu 1GC7 and 1S03. Ho was highly respected as a good citizen, and excellent neighbor. His remains were interred iu the Rush Prosbytorlau Cemetery ou Wednesday last, with Masonic honors. iclu Sfcbrrlfocmcuts. ; ;ks-ic !t nil Woci-t j . Pen . THE Exhibition of this Society, for 1S71, will bo held nt Seraiiton, on Ti usnw, Septcm berl'.lth, Wednesday, September 20th, Tunis 1VY, September '.'1st, FltiliAV, September 22d. The grounds are spacious, ilu buildings and ac commodations niiiple, and the premium list liberal. Tmre is no chtnujc jr eitlrif, except Horses entered for speed. For catalogues or other Information, ndJress cither of the Secreta ries, at Scranton. JOHN C. MORRIS, President. D. W. SKU.r.it, Ree. Secretary. Ei.uunxiE McConkey, Co.-. Secretary. Mig. 20, 1S?t. It. Merchant Tailoring. JS. 31. HO.ST2.1X, In tho Post Office Building, opposite tlio Depot, (up stairs,) SUNIJUUV, TKNX'A, Informs his frieuds and the public generally, that lie lias Just opened a iarge uud aried as sortment of Cloth. ('HKfsimrrr.s, ' Vest Iush. Ac, which will bo made np to order in the latest styles, nnd warranted to (It. Gentlemen in want of fashionable 6uUs arc in vited to call aud examine his stock. Sill UTS scientifically and practically cut nul mado to measure. RUN NO RISK. Wc furnish the above styles of improved yoke and sack shirt with entirely new shape sleeve, and guarantee a -rfeet titling shirt. It is the bet model of a shirt ever offcrd to the trade. Fine uud fancy shirts made t-i order. J. M. BOSTIAN. Juno 8, lS71.-m. ROiAMLiS iTim i.CRi:i)ir..vTs that COMrOSK ROSADAI.1S aro !puU.slic) on every i -.(V.f:'--, lecre il'oro it is uot a secret pri;i. ration, co;-jiioiitly iraisunxs rr.i" cr.iLi: it Itil a ccr'.uin euro (or f'irofula, ypiuiii in all iU I'vrius, Kiieuina tidio, Skin Uieae, I.ivt-t Com--ilniiit and r.ll discsMS of the Blood. o-s rcriL3 cf ec:a:.'.::3 will do mora puod than ten Lultlea of tho t'yrups of tarsaparilli. THE UNDERSICi.-iL'O PHYSICIANS have used RoFsdiilistri their prsetue fur the past three years und f. tcly endurso it ns a rciuiliu Allcrulive und Blood Puriher. DIl. T. C. VVti It, of lialtimcio. Dlt. T. J. DuVKiN, " 1 lit. It. W. fAl ll. ' PH. V. O. 11ANM.LI.Y. " Vli. 1. . Si'AUivS, of NichulasviUe, Dtt. L. McCAKTIIA, toluiubi, S. C. Vli. A. I). NOBLKS, Eilgecomb, N. C. USED AKD EKD0E3ED BY J. P. FRENCH ft SONS, t all P.itr, Masi. F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mlrh. A. V. M HKKl.b.l, Lima, Idiio. B. 1 1 A 1.1 , l imt.ohin. CRAVt.N & t'(l.,;.itJensvllle, Vs. SAM'L. G. MtFAlJlitN, Aiurfroe. buro, Teun. Our space will not alluw of any ex. tendud reuiarka in relation to tbo virluriof llosatlalii. Tulh Medical Profuaaion we Kuarautee a Fluid Kit. tract au penur lo any Ihey have ever usd in the treatment of diaeaaed Ulood; and to theauluu-d weaay try U.Matllia, aud you will be realored lo btiallh Hoaailalia is sold bv all Drurcials. pri.o 0t.SU pir bottlu. Aadras 2. CLSXSXTS & C9. Manufuct urtng (A:aut, BaaTlMOSS, tio- July J9, 1871. ly. -....... , .. ... iittniriii snot- wit i:;v rttiMmr. Gi'CO.-.KOIIiiliAOII & riOXfj, NiiiiJmrj', Priin'ii, INFORM the pMl lie tbut tbev are prepnri-i ii do nil liiinls i ft ,b t'l.NW,-, "nml having nU.bd ii new Machine Bbo In I'Muieetion wilh'tliclr I'onn.li v, nml have supplied tbeinsetve v lth rJt-vf Lutlies, riaiilug und lloring MnchiiU'S, with the latest linproi-meiit's. "With the aid id skillful liuchanies, they are enabled to eien'.e nil ord ;rS or ... NEW WdllK fir. KEl'Air.ING, that may be given thoin, hi a satisfactory man ner. ;r;!(r to null nny Move. IKON COLL M.Vi. for churches or other build ings, of nil sizes. 1H:.UM CASTINGS, Ac. OriTRTSirotal Iron Fcnciufs i-'ij: op.ave vaud i.otp ( VJJTJAlTBAIiS, I'O'l YA1!IS AT ltF.SIDK.WKS, AC.-., AC. Tin- PLt)Wr, already eclcbiuted for their 'su periority, have been still f-iilhcr impioved, and will alwavs be kept on hu-id. Aiso, TIIIil SllING MACIII.vr.S. P'lnbury, May '!!, 1M1. -A. E 1ST ID IsL J2 IT T TO TUB ('(imt'tnt'on if l'cnnsijhanlr. 30r.1T It Iv-OLl'TION I'mposiDp; tin AniriitltiU'iit In llic Cotistilti lion of IVntiNvlvituitt. it Itrfinli'ftl hi fut Smtf? ftn7 How. frf Jlrprt wutil"r cf fci (7i'in)nn.nr.-i'th nf I'rnnryl'rnnUt, in t-rnrrnl A ssnnhbj w t. That tin following i-tncml-meut of the l'ontit mien of the Couimonwealtli be proposed to the prople lor their adoption or rejection t-i the provisions of the tenth article thereof, lo wit : AMKNI;Mi:XT. Strike out Hie Sixth Section of flic Si.xlh Arti cle of the Con?lituiion, and insert iu lieiulhcreof t!-e lollowing : "A Htnta Treasurer iball be chosen by the (ualilicd cleelorn of the rotate, nt such times and for such terms of tcrviec as shall be prescribed by law." JAMES II. WF.nn, Speaker of the House of lieprc-cntatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. S;-eal;cr rl the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June. Anno Do mini one th'jiiianj ei.gU hundred nnd scventv onc. JOHN W. GEA11Y. Prepnrel niu! ccitlli.l for publication pursuant to tlie TentU Ailicle of llu Constitnl ion. F. JOKDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Ofik-c Seeretarv of the t"imino)r.vea!lh. $ llarriolmrg July 5th, 1T1. AttgJjjJSTl. J JAUUWAUE FOP. ALL - AT THE IIAIIDWAKE STOKE OF J. E5. COLMNSLLY &. CO., Slarlict Kti-oct, Knnluiry, Ja. It is useless lo enumerate every hind of nitielc in his Store, but among the leaili:;g Items may be set down tbc following: Iron, Ktcol. Sciiles, Steclv.ird.' Lead, Grliidslonc.'1 MaiU of all kind ; and s:;;cs, Vices, S:-.v.f, Phmes, S eves, Chains, AcS, llrafs r.ud Iron Kettles, Cliovels, Hoes, Forks, rlpndcs, Hakes, llatelictf, Carpenter nud Ehielismltli lloring Machines, Cellar (".rates, Drawing Knives, Stoac rlcdgcs, Piafterers' Trowe'.f, Masons' Ilamiiiers and Trowels, Hand Dinner l'ells, and largo cast iron Bells fuf School Houses rr. Farincia' Dinner Uells, CVrijc ' '""en Screws, aio forks for digging potatoes, Looking via,,,.-, t..i.; Hopes Knives uud Forks, Spoons, TucKs, Male and Horse Shoes and Nails, Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Hroonis, Locks of till descriptions. Coffee Mills, Lit s and Urncc-s, Carriage ".oils of all kinds, IV.int and Wall lint-lies, Duckets, ilils, YarittalicK, Japans,. Lye, Sod.i Ash, Washing Soda, t'AISTS OF A Ma Sill iu Oil or Drv, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDA1UWA11E nnd other Wood.-n-Warc of nil hinds and very cheap, li.iy-Fork Pullcjf, Ticks, Mill Picks, Levels, Level Grasses, Files, Hinges, Coal OH, Hems, Combs, Screws, S iddlery and Shoe Findings, lluggy Trimmings, Excelsior Gluts Culters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, KIiol, u;vi uikI I'oudrr, nnd a grc-.t variety of ot'ier nrtieles. Any thinir wanted a-.iil not mi h ind, will be ordered at onen. Sunbury, Aug. 19, lrJTl. Azeitl.-t t an toil tor -1 Ilriinful of fan r.n-1 humor, with incidents mvt advintures in llie principal cilics of the world. It (ici-cribes his tricks nud feats ns a Magician and Ver.triloiui:t. Sold only by subscription. Liberal terms to good Aucut. Address. Dl'FFIKLD ASIlMKAl), 711 Kaiisom Street, l'liiiadelphiu. July CP, 1ST1.-0I. Hare t'ui-o for Tetter. rililE Subscriber, resident of Seven Points', Au .JL gu-ta township, Northumberland County, Fa., has a sure cure for Tetter, which ho olfers to those iitllieted with this annoying disease. Ho was troubled with it for eight yum, aud nothing would euro it until he obtained this remedy. It has been tried iu a number of cases, to his know ledge, (one case of ij years standing) with entire success. I' pou receipt of tl t!'1, he will scud a box of the medicine, and diiectionii to use it, ortl boxes, for S5, free of postage. WILLIAM MAKER, Augusta P. O., North'd Co., P.i. August 12, l-)il-7in. i;::;:-s Canons. tTlUXG AND SUMMEU STYLES, now open at MISS Ik.lTE I, LACK'S fiTOKi:, Market Square, SCNlll'P.Y, Penn'a., LA DIES' DHF.SS (iOODS A SPECIALTY. Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Notions, Vc. Gents' Collar, Neck-lies, Hull-hoec, Handker chiefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Ci us.lies,Conih8, etc. An Invitation Is extended to all to call und se cure bargains. April till, ISTt. ' AS I'lATl KKS. TIIACKAHA, 1JUCK & CO. SCtC ESSOr.3 TO MISKEY, MERRILL & TIIACKARA, MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, BROXZES, &C., &c., 'Iiaudeliert Peudsul, linseketa. aVc. aVc would respectfully Invite tbo attculion of pur chasers to our elcgaut aasortmcut. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL 8ALESUOOM8, Tl ( hektuut Street. MANUFACTORY, -t03, 404. 400 AND 408 RACE STREET. Aug. 19, 1S71. jUDiB.-AUrauanj euipman lienry euer,am 1 Best Plowing 10 1 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers