ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 1 0 Lines, or nbont 100 Word, make a Square 1 One week 1 Two weeks 1 8i So 8 8.! 4 8n V'ol J,'col 1 col 5.00 8.00 15.00 8.0011.00,18.00 9.00 13.0020.00 10.00 15.00 23.60 12.00 17.00: '.5.0(1 1 8,00-1 8.00' 37.50 15.00 20.00 30.00 .00 U.00 8. .ft0; $.00! 8 00 8.M 4 50' 4.M 5 75i ft.00; 6 00 B.75i 7 as; 7.Mi 8. 60i p.(X)i. .9, i.BO; 8.0(1: 60 4.01) Tlirco .60! 5.00; .50' 0.00 .50, 7.00 SubteriptUm tatttn for ten than six Monthi. o Four " Five " Blx " T fro mo'i Tlirco " Six " Nine " One Ycnr nmr,m with this aatahllshment la an exten 50 8.00: ilvcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing ft variety of .50; 9.00 50.10.00 ;30.00 :iri.0040.0C filaln and fancy type equal to any establlBtimcn a the Interior of the State, for w hlchthe patron age of the public Is respectfully solicited. jTwtAMInliert In lIO. ) PRICE 1 50 IN ADVANCE. ) SUNBURY, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1871. Mew 0rlen, Vol. ft, No. . Old Jrlest Vol. SI, No. 40. 00 9.00:11 .0013.00 38.00 35.1. 0 50.00 35.011 45.00 75.00 40.0U!li0.tO I 100 0010.0013. 0O13.0O.15, 0015.IHI oo'ao.oo, THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, 13 PTJBLIS1IED EVERT SATURDAy BT EM'L WILVEKT Proprietor, MASOtn'S BUILfert0, nuwtit SO.CA.RB, At $1.50 la Adv'i. ' 11 not paid vrltbla Mentha 2., CAIN iroftsslonal. WHI. J. WOL1EBTOS, Attorney a Law. office, door No. 5, 2nd floor, Haupt's Block, near Millers Shoe Store, Sunbury, Pa. March 25th, 1871. 1?. , fC3 B. BOYEIti Attorney at Law. Nos. 0 9 and 8, Second Floor Bright' Bnlldlng, v'Bunbnry, Pa. Professional btislncss attended in In thecourls of Northumberland and adjoining counties. Claims promptly collected. Consulta tion can be had In the German language. . March 25th, 1871. ly. JEREMIAH SXYDER, Attorney at Law, Snnbury, Pa. All professional bnsl mess Intrusted to his care will receive prompt at- tentlon In this and adjoining counties. Can be 'consulted both In English and German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county, Aus.80,1870.-iyl J NO. A. W1XSOW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 144 FODHTB A VENUS, tJotary Public, Pittsburg. Pa. Jan. 15, 1870. ly. MARKI.K CO, Market Street, i z) SUNBURY, PA. '. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, 'Glass, Varnishes. Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, tfockct Books, Dairies, &e. ' :rt P..HOLVERTOK, Attorney at Law. 0 Market Square, SUNBURY.PA. Profession al business in this and adjoining couuties prompt ly attended to. ' DR. A. It. SAVIDOE, respectfully n nounces himself as Physician and 8urgcon to tao citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, laving lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Fairmount Hotel, where ho can ho consulted at all hours when not professionally engng;d. npl24-ly W. ZIF.Cil.F.It, Attorney at Law, north 'V3T side f Public Square, one door cast of the old Hank building, 8UNBURY, PA. Collec tions and nil professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland nnd djnlnlng counties. sept 15-66 C' ATltEIMEXSXYDER, Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, PA. All business en trusted to his care attended to promptly and with 'diligence. npl27-07 ' TWO. KAY C'EEM EXT, Attorney at Law, U SUNBURY, PA. Collections nnd all pro fessional business promptly attended to. mch31-66 C. J. nitt NFR. L. n. EASE. BKl'XER KASE, Attorneys and Coun sellors nt Law, SUNBURY, PA. Otllco on Y'hcstiiut street, west of the N. C. nnd P. & E. Rnilrond Depot, In the building lately occupied by F. Lazarus, Esq. Collections nnd all profess ional business promptly attended to in Northum berland and adjoining counties. npUO-6!) HB. NASSER, Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA Collections attended to In the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. npllO-09 WM. M. ROCKEFELLER. LLOYD T. UOIlltnACII. I ROCKEFELLER A ROIIRRAC1I, V Attorneys at Law, SUNBURY, PA.-O'f-tiee in Uaupt's new building, sccoud door. En trance on Market Squnre. jiuil OS AN. RRICE, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. (J nice in Masonic Hall Biillclinir. Collections of claims, wrltlugs, atid all kinds of 'legal business attended to carefully nnd wit li dispatch. April 8, 1871. ly. 1K. J. F. VXHL.OW, Ofllao and Residence, Walnut Street, between Third and Fourth streets, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat ed or operated upon, such as Strabismus, (Cross Eyes,) Cataract, (Blindness,) and nil other di seases relating to Surgery, as Talipes, (Club or Keel Feet,) Halr-LIp, Excision of Tumors, &c. Also tho cure of Epilepsy (or Falling Fits.) Sunbury, May 13, 1871. " XxTirUAXrfrE"cOAL ! VALEXTIXE IIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPl'RR WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken in exchange for Coal. Orders solicited nnd tiller promptly. felilM-71. W. 8. RUOAIIS. t. I'ACKEK HAAS. WS. R1IOADS at CO., RETAIL DEALERS Or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Orrus with Haas, Faoelt & Co., Orders Ion at SeaHholtx & Rro's., office Market Si reel, will receive prompt attention. Couulry custom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, 1871. tf. COAC1IMAKERS. WE are selling Rims, Snckcs, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolts, Cllpo, A'c. o., very Large Stock at CONVEY & CO.. Sunbury, March SO, i860. pW.IL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY.PA. (lower wnAiir.) t?" Bole Agents, westward, at the celebrated Henry ( lay Coul. jantO-liU E X C 1 1 A N ti iTll V E R Y j. M. liAHTIIOLOMKW, I'kohiietou. FOTRTH STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nunbnry Va. rilME best of riding and driving horse ulways JL ou hand to serve customers. Orders left at the Central i Intel, for vehicles, will receive prompt atteullou. Nov. 5. 170. DENTISTRY. GEOKUK M. UKNN, Jit .Simjuhjii's Jtuildinij, Murkrt iSjuure, Si NuiHT, Pa., Jpieiared to do all kinds of work pertululng In iK utislry. He keeiw coiiMmilly on bund a laitfe assortment of Teeth, and other Dental ttiAieiial, from which he will ho able to select, ami iiu-at the wauls of his customer. All uiu warraulei to igive satisfaction, or else the money refunded. 1 tie trry ll Mouth ash aud Tooth-loader lull on baud. Hi reference are the numerous rairous for a Uum lie Has Wutkeo lr III laal tel years. niiimury, April 81, 17. fcfcW (OIL, Y.tltlK TIIIK undersigned bavins eoniie.lrd I lis Ciwl A liiinaa Uulailuulv LOl K At.KAIN trude. Is priri to supply laiulllc with the miy uwroriun., t IIE ll OH '4ll. flit, Utovs sua Nul, eomuully or baud, tiruiu laitu lUCkelutugS luf t ul. J. U. I 'AUWALLADKU. Muubury, Ju. l l70. if. M.VKKHVI HAKKUVII HAKKIIV 1 1 1 l.K.uNtuu iMivmiii. IIAa iqwu.4 a a lLkoi ua Ki.aii ktinoi ui lbs Kallitx4 a4 at Suitliuuilm- luj, su. U livpi(4 la fuiuub 11m iltuum of NuitkuiulaiUu4 kua Daubuiy aaU alt klu4 ul '.i kii i itkM, suit) a kill. a bHKllv bHtAH BAK III u lk HKlMTIi. ud a lull lib u (IV.t t Akk., l ltiu, li'i a4 I ws. ' p Ui4 k4 lk akliitiMl j (akiuinaii iy Ml'ifklwtf. t'.ks luf tunt rttea, Wwld.a.t, 4, , Iuiuulti4 kt kbtMi In. U. titut tkr, k4 koiMs kuiit4 kl buluk Ml Muubuil (w ktiktkl f't ht I k.- 14 yio wliUtkM tu hi '-t"m tkt4" kkt IMS, t Nil ,4.1 a l Niltnu i ilk4, ! la, l( tl oicls nub jcstantants. LA PIERRE IIOCNE, Broad nnd Chest nut sts., Philadelphia, J. B. BUTTER WORTH. Proprietor. Terms per day, t-8.50. April 15, 1871. ly TJ1 NION HOTEL, THOS. FOULD8, Sr., Proprietor. Shamokln Street, Trcvorton, Northumberland county. Pa. Tho table is sup plied with the 'best the market affords. Oood stabling and attentive ostlers. Jun.21,'71 T. BTERLT. B. O. BOWER. UNION IIOINE," LYKEN8, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A., BYERLY A BOWER, Proprietor. The table Is supplied with the best the mnrkct affords. Oood stnbllng and attentive ostlers. May 20, 1871. NATIONAL LAGER BEER HA LOON, OH THIRD STREET, NEAR TIIR DEPOT, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH B ACHER Informs tho citizens of Sun bury and the pnbllc generally, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the nbove place. The best of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors will be kopt. Also Oystcse, dee., constantly serv ed up to customers. NATIONAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Va., at the Station of the N. C. It. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. Tho table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. ALLEGHENY HOUSE, Col. CIIAS. KLECKNER, Paoprietor, Nos. 813 nnd 814 Mnrkct Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, ti per day. Ho respectfully solicits your patrouuge. WASHINGTON HOUSE, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second Streets, opposite tho Court House, Sunbury, Pa. May28,'70. HOTEL RESTAURANT, THOMAS A. HALL, Proprietor, Sunbnry St., west SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Meals served at all .hours, at short notice. The best of Manors ut the Bar. The Table is snn- V'lied wtlh the best and lntcstlii 'the markets. At tentive servants, terms moucrute. Patronage solicited. HU.tlHEL'N RESTAURANT, LOUIS HI' M M EL, Proprietor, Commorce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. nnving lust refitted the nbove Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared to scrVc '.lis friends with tho best refreshments, and iresn Lager Beer, Ale, porter, nnd all other malt quors. J. VALEIl'S WINTER GARDEN AND HOTEL Am. 720, 722, 724 & 727 Yin St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GaITdEN HOTEL, (ON TIJE EdtOrEAN PLAN) Centrally located, connecting with all tho City nisscnger nauwny i.;iirs, irom nil luo Depots in tho City. Excellent Accommodations Tor Tra vellers). Grand Vocal nnd Inst rumentitl Concerts every evening in tho Summer nnd Winter Garden. QgrOrchtMrion Concert Ev)ry Afternoon. Jgfr rrr lames' restaurant tub best op ltrrilESHMHNTS BWlVr.P. Office of J. Valor's Fountuiu Park Brewery. June 4, 1 870.-1 y. LKllOK STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF. Second St reet, opposite tho Court House, BUN- dihi, i-a., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he bus on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LltjlORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: C'ugniuc, Cherry, Ginger, Kochcllcnnd (Hard. Whiskies: Pure. Rye Coppcr-Hislilled, Monnn galiela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Ciiampagno Wlue, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Ciiampagno Cider, N. E. Rum, Browu Si out nnd Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can lie found in tho city markets, which will he sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a lar-rc lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on band. l-tt Orders promptly attended to, and public patronage respectfully solicited C N F.FF Piniliiirv, July 3, lSHft. ly. JACOR 8IIIPMAN. THOMPSON 1IEHU. Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE AGENCY or NIIIP.1IAN st DERR, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American, Philadelphia, Enterprise, " Manhattan, New York, N. American " Lorillard, " Yon Iters it N. York " Hanover, " lniH'rlal, London, 1.) coining, Munry, Fruukllu' Philadelphia, Home, New VorTj llartferd, Hartford, l'liu nil, Travelers, Farmers Ins. Co., Yolk, N. Brill. U A MerrMiitlle Nimweree, New Yuik, Cor wli li, Norwich, New Kiiglaud Mutual Life, Assets, 3,783,."iH0 " 523,305 " 1,3118,01)1 " 802,570 " 1,0.6,13U " 882,180 750,000 " 8,000,003 5,501,000 8,825,731 " 4,516,31)8 M 9,544,310 " 1,1127,010 1,351,007 " 02U.100 " 14,8H5,2-M " a.w.ioo sax, Jul " 7,300,000 VP rCLOTHVG oAk HaLL July I, IHTl. yOU UALJt, finVO VAIUAHl K LUI i.m lb wrucr ul 1 bwuud aud ( ItMluut stiia, lu tba Uu. luutilt ul auubuijr, uti bb ts Ibvrn nt ( ltd a l.i dwuillug ti'UM, l ibis aud vutbulMltis. 'I Im bauuwlMd, UM ul Huh kWlUs, llw'll. A I... - I .... U . . L ... .1 , lu Ik. U ........ 1. "I awMlMiiy, ua bu.a ttu davilif buhMi, sULlt ul uM'.kmJiur. i.Uii t IUv ultivo l I . sel l an en, , (sit, tl. AJwiuUiatu AlMt4t4aAYi(iMial uf (jri.l't luiulblug U-aai k Wukla 4 l'lMlU4l's. si-44 (til Ui Mw, lMiaM' M M bus I U'I M su'4. . ... (til Wkuis Ihsm M kuMilul ltM I Ijw,4, '44 BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL D R. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, lias discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and cnccinai rcmouy in tno world lor oil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs. Strictures. Affections of Kidneys aud Bladder, Involun tary uiscnnrges, Inipotency, Uencrul Debili ty, Nervousness, Dvspepsv, Languor. Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of mo iicnn, i imiany, -lrcinonngs, . Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of Liver, Lnngs, 8tomnch or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to tho Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, Scc, impos sible. 10UNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive tinblt which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with tho thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstney the living lyre, may call with full conltknce. , MARRIAG. Married Persons or Young"Men contemplating marriage, nwaro of Physical Wenkness, (Loss of Proercatlve Power Impoteney), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the cure of Dr. J. may religiously contido in Ills honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely unon bis skill asa Phv siciaii. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impoteney, Lots of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing A licet Ion which renders Life mlscratilo and marriage Impossible is the penalty paid "by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent ? Besides licing deprived tho pleasures of hcurrti'y offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body nnd mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procrenllvc Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep hcm trilling month after month, taking poUonoris and injurious coinpouuds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from rre of tho most cmiucut Colleges in tho United States, and the greutcr part of whoso lfe has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has etlectcd some of the most astonishing cures that were ever kuown j many troubled with ring ing in the bead und cars when asleep, great nervousness, toeing alarmed nt sudden sounds, bashfuhiess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of iniuil, were cured immediately. TAKE" PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by Improper Indulgence und solitary habits, which ruin both body und mind, uulitting them for cither business, study, society or mar riage. Turbb are some of t'n'o snd and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Back and Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous immunity, Derangement ot DlireBiive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, Ac. Mentally The fearful effects on tho mind are much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Deprcssiou of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some of the evils produced. Thousands of licrsons of all ages can now Judgo what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weuk, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular uppcurunce ubout the eyes, cough und symptoms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prnc tieo indulged in when alone, u habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the elleets of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders murriuge impos sible, and destroys both miud aud body, should apply immediately. What u pity that a young man, the hope of Ills country, tho darling of bis parents, should be snatched from ull prospects and enjoyments of lifr, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature uud indulging in u certain secret hubit. Sueb persons mi st, before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the proiect hourly darkens to thu view ; the mind becomes shadowed witli despair and tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the huppiuess of another become blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided uud imprudent votary of pleasure tluds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, It too olteu happens that ail ill-timed sense of shame, or drcud of discovery, deters him front applying to those who, from education and rcsectnblliiy, cuu alone befriend him, delaying till tho constitutional symptoms ol this horrid disease make their upearanee, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uoeturul pains In the bead aud limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes ou the shlu bones and urms, blotches on the head, faee and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rupidity, till at last the inlule of the mouth or the boms of the nose full lu, uud the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of comiiiiserution, till death puts a period to his dreadful sullerlng, by sending hliu to " I hut Unducovered Country from wUeuco uo traveller returns." It U a meluneholy fact tuut thousands DIE victims to this terrible dlsuiue, through falling Into the hands of Iguoraul or uuskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the Use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ac., destroy the coutiiiuiioii, aud iueupablo of curiug, keep the uuuupoy sufferer uoiuh after luouiu taking thulr uuxious or in jurious i'oiuHumU, aud lualead uf being restored to a reucaul uf Life Vigor aud lluppiuuwt, lu des- I 'air leave bliu vulu ruiued Health lu slgU over lis galling disapoolutiuciit. 'lu such, there lure, Dr. JouksTun iilcdge him self lu prescrvs Ilia iuul luviolablo ttmreey, and I rum UU eUeusltu pracliua aud ubwrvalloii lu lbs great HustiiiaU ul Europe, uud lbs ttrsl lu this country, vlsi Euglaud, rraueu, Philadelphia aud slscaberti, U suublcU lo ulhr lha uiust u-r Uiu, swdy aud titletiuai remedy Ul I Ua Muild luf hII discuses uf luiiril lento. lilt. JullVufoy, OKKJCE, NO. 7, It. HlKUHtK'K MTUEKT, litl.llMokS, M. (. U'fi baud side going flout tUlltmuftitlrM-t, ( w duui fiiuu m tuiuuf, Isiiuut lu ubwi tnaauts aud number. f".Su Utters received unless pustpaU u4 ej.uululiig a aUuip lu bs ummI uu lbs r ply. Per sous niiliiig should UU age, aud scud )iltlui4 ul sdlrtUH.iu'.'Ut dewiililug syuipluuis. ibcie uis sii IU4UJT t'ultir, Ihulgulug aud WuilliUs iupiiltrs adtvilUliig tbeutw.JVes as l'b)ieUbs, lnHmg ault aud ruluiu lbs Italib ul all Him uufoiiuM4itir rWll lulu tbvir in, that Dr. Jubuttuit dituis It uutri la say i. ull lu tbuM tiitaciiUdlulMt 'la bis rvpuU. iiuu Ibrft bis CrcdtulUi uf I'll luui !) km lu l.l i.m.. fMHiu.tMKM r on nit riuM. tbUt4U IbuMMiad mud al litis sUUbllalt. ,ut, i4i alUs '!, au4 lu butuaiuus lt Jxiitaul aiykal I'liaibaM (llu4ia.4 by I. luLwlwu, OUmsv4 b Iks tut.olaiitv ul lua tiaaa u Uuu talMf Mitt, u ajkul, at a Iaik4 aaau, a 4 aaia lltn uitLiu, kai4 U sialt llug M .uUiU.a u llkWvll ai4 i,HiUtu r, u a ilM,t (viutt4 l ll.valtli.u4. uim itha Saa4il tan4 lH-l tl, lH TRIAL OF JACOD NCIIOCII FOR MURDER. Reported bt A. N. Bnicii, Esq. Commoowealth vs. Jncob Schocli In tho Court of Oyer nntl Terminer of Nor thumberland County Murder. l'rioncr arraigned, yafr.rday, .August 12, 1871. The cottusel employed on the part of tho Commonwealth were O. W. Kyon and W. IT. M. Oram, sqs., and for the Defendant, Hon. John li. Packer, W. M. Kockefuller, S. 1'. Wolverton, and 8. 11. Hoynr, Esqs. Tho defendant's counsel offered nine ob jections to tho Bill of Indictment, which the Court overruled, and tho arraignment of tho prisoner was proceeded with. Tho calling of tho Jury then commenced. The following Jurors wore selected from tho list of sixty Traverse Jurors : John Martin, Northumberland. Jackson Hoffman, Elyshurg. Atutou Troxcei, inrrjoiviiie. Jncob BtlUcI, Delaware. Solomon Klase, Snydcrtown. Thomas Artly, Milton. Franklin A. Clark, Bhamokln. Henry W. Bucuer, enntmry. - Samuel McNlnch, Cuillsquaquc. Wallace Russell, Lewis. Robert Russell, Delaware. U. F, John, Mt. Carmcl. The caso was opened on the part of tho Commonwealth by W. II. M. Oram, Esq., at 1 o'clock, P. M., Saturday, Betting forth tho alleged facts in the case which the Com monwealth intend to prove in order to con vict Jacob !Schoch of the crime of murder ing Matthew Kearney, who was shot and killed in Shamokin, on tho night of the 31st of October, 1870. Tho first matter offered in evidence was a photograph of tho house from which the shots were tired by Schocli. Daniel Eiscnhart, sworn. 1 reside in Shaiuokin ; I lived in Shamokin last Oc tober ; at that time I knew Jacob Schocli ; I knew Matthew Kearney ; during tho evening of Oct. 31, 1870, I was in Ilauck's saloon, between U and 10 o'clock ilattck's saloon is in Shamokin ; I was there about 0 o'clock; I saw Matthew Kearney in there; 1 wits silling in tho saloon when Kearney aud Edward Cory came in ; I don't kuow where Kearney went when ho left the sa loon ; ho left first ; Cary went out with him ; I saw Kearney again that night ; ho came back again with Cary ; I was there, and went out with them when they went out again ; wo went down the pavemeut as far as Weaver's tavern ; Kearney asked us id there to have a drink ; wo did not go in; tho door was closed ; Kearney and Cary crossed over tho street then to Strouse's clothing store ; wo tlirco then went to tho house of Jacob Schocli ; no one was along but us three ; it was about between 11 aud 12 o'clock, or thereabouts, when wo got there ; 1 did not kuow what was going on there; I had heard there was to be a party; tho party did uot lead tno there ; 1 don't know what wo went there for ; I don't kuow who proposed to go there ; I don't know if we expected to meet any persons there ; when wo got there, I weut up to tho frout door and rapped ; this is the east door-, (t'hotograph shown tho witness and tho Jury;) tho other door iu the house faces Heading K. li. aud Methodist church; there were uo shutters on tho house nt that lime;'' tho house was lighted up; I could seo the light through tho windows; I heard music inside ; 1 heard nothing else ; when I knocked at the door, Mr. Schoeh canto out; Kearney and Cary were standing back of the step near me ; I.stood on the lower step, at the door facing town; Schnch said wo should clear away ', I said, "Jake, let us iu ;" he said, "Xo I" ; we then went away ; Schoch then went iuto tho house ; I then stepped down on the ground ; I stood ou tho grouud about a minute ; his wife then catno out; one of two, cither Kearney or Cary, asked her to get in ; I heard my name called out iu the houso ; I then weut to the window ; Mrs. Schoch had then gone back into the house ; tho blind was down at tho window, nnd I did not sec auything ; I heard Schoch's voice ; he stood in the door facing towards the Methodist church ; Schoch said we should leave that window ; I did not hear Schoch have any conversation with Kearney at that time; 1 don't kuow if ho had anythiug in his hand ; I did not hear Kearney say anything to Schoch ; Kcuruey stood right behind me at the wiudow ; it was tho wiu dow nearest tho east door ; Kearney stood nearest tho door at tho time ; after that I heard Schoch at tho door tell us to go away that was at tho kitchen or south door ; neither of us made a reply to him ; I then walked away from tho window down ou tho U. H. ; I did not seo Cary then ; Kear ney remained at tho wiudow ; I then saw Kearney leave tho window ; ho walked to wards the other door, where 1 thought Schoch was ; I heard Schoch say to Kcur uey that if ho did not go away ho would use his revolver ; he did not say anything to Schocli thut I heard ; he then walked uway ; ho went towards towu, iu tho di rection of tho Heading depot ; thut was tho same direction from which wo came ; I then heard a shot full ; 1 only heard ono shot full then ; after that shot fell, Kearney fell ; this was about a miuuto after Scliocii threatened to uso his revolver; I don't kuow whether Schocli had gono in ; 1 ran away ; I rau up the JU-ndiug li. It. ; 1 wus standing on that road wheu thu shut wus II red ; wheu Kearney Ml lu wus going away from tho door, aud lu the direction from which wo catuo ; wheu Kearney fell, 1 think Cary wus buck at tho door I Unit knocked ; after 1 started to run, I heard two more shots tired ; ou my way down thu railroad, 1 met Imuus lUko ; ho was going towuriln tho houso ; 1 did uot meet any body t lso ; tho first shot flrvd cnino trout thu door iu Schoch's house Which faced tho Methodist church ; that wus the door iu which ischuch stood, by his voice ; 1 saw tho flush ul that door ; the report sounded like u revolver going oil; 1 was looking ut I lie door wheu thu shot wus Hied ; I saw nothing but Uiu lUah ; 1 iiiiincUuiely run uwuy after thu Ural shot. t'ros-Ex.-1 never kuew I'ury uud Kcur uey to U at Milieu's Ut'oro thut night ; 1 did Uot see Hit lit Hull liiyhl be tor. i ( nut Uu-iu ut lluutVs suluou ; I dou'l think it was be lulu UoVbak wheu met Ilium. ', 1 did liol hear them any lliul liny Lu I lutli down ut Mioth'a: uheti iutt ilam ut I tutu s ' they Heru IntoaU uU d : they wtru Ullder Ihu llillucitou of liiUor ; Mr. lluutk ktM ui uiu uud liijuur tu Ills suluou ; it us about twenty iiiiuuUs lit l w lien thu Uo Him I lilt I Ihuiii ill ru I I doM't kuow huW many dm ss H oy tm k dmlug Uit luuu 1 ihey took soumi ; I don t aiort bo i.iuuy ; 1 drunk with ihvut l I d m I thmk I diank wall l Ue iu ttuiy uiuu t 1 drabk wiUi iUiu Iwu vt ihiua liiuasi 1 lltluk llity diank onmiyf Iwlui Ida I 1 did Hut Uliuk with lluui I u ilians Utf uu. BU, j u vttW u aiuall ulky llaui k sluuu 4d MittVti's Uottlj ll.y iVW tut U4 utiouvtl liotti Kim ilisi tiUM. Vttit I4i.t Ihsii Uu lw : Sw li Ilauck's somewhere about an hour; 1 was with Cary and Kearney all tho time till we went To Schoch's ; we wero not there at Ilauck's throe hoars ; I think it was about 0 o'cldck when they went away from Ilauck's tho first time; then they wero ouly gone about 10 minutes ; I said it was between 11 and 12 when Kearney was shot; 1 said it u about 12 o'clock; it took about twenty minutes to go down tu Schoch's; I suppose the shot was fired about five ' minutes after wo got thero ; I can't say how long it was from the time Cary and Kearney camo back tho second time till wo went to Schoch's ; I don't kuow if we drank any more or not in tho 2) hours; I don't remember what took placo in tho saloon during that timo ; I was sitting down ; sometimes I stood up ; I don't know who clso was'tft 'the sajoou except Geo. Ilauck ; I did not hear any noise in tho saloon ; I don't remember whether wo drank anything or not; thero is mora, than ono room in that saloon ; wo Wero in tho nar-room ; we wero not waittnrz lor any rrson there ; I was not hclpiug tend bar ; remained there during tho eveuing to pass time ; I st.nd my timo there occa sionally ; I don't retnbmber that Kearney asked mo to go down to Schoch's; I talked to Ilauck during that evening no one else; it was tho last day of October ; I know it was October 31, for 1 was told so ; it was hollow cvo night ; Cary and Kearney went over the street to Krouse's ; I went on down tho pavement ; they camo over to ntc, and wo went townrds Schoch 'o J no ono asked me to go ; I did not say to any ono that Kearney and Cary came over nnd asked tno to go ilown to Schoch's, ns Cary would not go homo yet ; Cary called to mo, that ho could not get Kearny homo ; 1 stopped ; it is about six or seven squares from Ilauck's saloon to Schoch's; we cross ed a bridge on our way down to Schoch's ; I do not remember that Kearney fell over the buttment of tho bridge ; 1 don't re member that made a noise-; it is over 1 00 yards from Schoch's house to the Metho dist parsonage ; when we got to Schoch's houso wo did hot give a font! rap; it was dark ; while Schoch was out at the dum my name was not mentioned ; no one's uanie was mentioned ; Schoch ordered us to go away ; ho spoke loud enough to be heard ; I don't know whether they heard him up nt tho parsonage ; we did not go away becauso some one inside called me, and I went to the window ; I don't know who called, it was not Schoch ; I was iu at Schoch's once before this ft few minutes ; Schoch went in, and then in ft few minutes came out again ; I did uot sec him have anything iu his hand : 1 don't think lie went back after ho came out the second timo, whilo wo were there ; Mrs. Schocli came out, sho did not order us away ; she said there was a picked party and we could not get in ; wo did not go nway becauso 1 Wanted lo eoe who called mo ; Schoch said to Kearney : "If you do not go away I will uso my revolver." Kearney was close up to the door in which Schoch was standing; Cary was around at tho other door; I don't know that Cary was trying to get in ; I walked down to the middle of tho Uailroad; it was not at this timo the shot was tired ; it is four or five feet from the window where wo stood to tho door where Schoch was ; from Schoch's house to tho It. It. is about thirty feet ; nfU;r I went to tho ltailroad it was not too dark to see any ono at tho houso ; 1 stood iu front of the house ; I could seo bflth window aud door from tho ltailroad ; I said I did not seo Schoch in tho door ; I saw a man ; I did uot know who it was ; 1 could not see who it was be causo it was too dark ; I saw Kearney ; I knew it was Kearney ; I also knew who was iit tho door from the voice ; it was Schoch's voice ; when tho shot was tired Kearney was walking away ; after the shot he fell, and I ran up tho railroad; Kearney fell aboct tho centre of the house ou the south side. . Court adjourned at 4J o'clock. Court met ngaiu at 0 o'clock, a. ni., Mon day, August 14, 1871. Ihtniel Eisenhart, rc-called. I was sub-pa-nacd ns a witness at tho last Court for tho dcfcudaU; I did not drink ale at Ilauck's saloon ; 1 do not remember that I said on a previous examination that I drank alo thero ; I cau't say whether wo wero drunk or sober wheu wo went to Schoch's ; I don't remember to havo look ed at tho clock during the evening. Edward Cary, sworn. 1 remember tho niebt Kearney was shot I was a Ilauck's saloon ou thecvetiiug of Oct 31, 1S71, with Eisenhart aud Kearney. Thero was no one else thero except tho bar louder und us three. Wo started out of tho saloou. Ei senhart said "lx't us go down to Schoch's to the fiolic." Wo went down tho N. C. It. W.. over tho bridgo ; Eisouhart was u little ahead of us all tho way down ; wheu wo got thero Daniel Eisenhart rapped at tho door ucH thu It. It. A man camo to tho other door, and told us to go away. Wo stood there u few minutes, aud a wo man catuo to tho door. Sho said, "Co away ; this is a picked party." Keuruey and mo wero going awuy, about four or live steps away from the comer, when tho shot wus fired. 1 wus ou thu left hand side of Kearney. When tho shot wus tiled Kearuey fell ; he full ou his mouth aud lace. Two more shots wero tired. I saw tho flash. 1 turned Kearney over uud called hiut by his nanio. His feel wero to w in da tho house. 1 heard two more shots tired ufter this bchiud tho house. When 1 till ned Kearney over ho was dead. 1 staid with Kearuey till some ono caiuu out of the house. I think it was Hum. lie weut for Kearney's brother. 1 staid with Kear ney alter I iu lull ubout ten iniuuUa. 1 car ried the body uwuy from there, lu a wugou, ufierwanU with his brother. Cross-K.-lu the evening of Oct. 31, 1H71, wo wero ut Thymus fioll's suluou, befortt wo weut to Ilauck's saloon. Mo uud Keurttey had one drink ut Hull's. 1 drunk whisky. It wus near V o'clock wheu we met. 1 duu't know whut Keuruey drunk. Wo wuut lo Ilauck's then. Elm n hurt was them, YVe remained hImiiiI Imlf uu hour. Wo hud twu or Ihrve drinks there. Kiat'iiliurt drunk with us every lime Keuruey uud 1 drauk. Keuruey uud t went uul lu diuw wuter. We did mt drink ut Weaver's or any other place. We were uul uliuui li vu minutes, uud llwu weut buck into lluuck's suhMiii. 1 duli'l kliuw how long W0 llieu aluid ill the Suloull W lu I) Wtt went Utk. It was slur k sii went back u muck's. Afur wo weul Uuk the ktxiuiid tiiuu think u hud ouo luoiu diiuk. Kiatnluirl di.tnk with us. Wluiii wo sUiu-d do mi tu Mih's it UiUH hairs uUel U oYhak. Wu tto p4 ut Wvavtr's lo Uko u di ink, but it as tlna.4 up, uud Ihu light put uul ua we Hut Ihuia. VVs did liol Ultiiw ut IIuik k's US ihllUa'll we Wtiu diunk. 1 ttsi ut wuik day, 1 duit't kuuw Ktuitu.y Mullud, llatulutll iuiuat.4 ll'l MS should K' duttli ti bile aha. 'I I. la 4 ...j4li. Wsavti t lluUl. YYa a tl Mum ' isuts.1 uu iuf way U Mnali's WUm Kti4.y ls.ll U nut iv ii.i dm house, It was near the corner. I did not see Kearney at tho window, I saw Eisen hart at tho window. Kearney did not stand on tlw side of Eisenhart between him and tho door. Soma one camo to tho door and said if wo did not go nway ho would use his revolver. Kearney did not go to wards the door," he was walking away. When Eisenhart started away, Kearuey did not go towards tho door. I did not seo Kearney go towards the door nt all. I had no pistol. I did not tire a pistol that night towards Schoch's. Tho last two nhots were fired from tho back jwirt of tho house I remember. I don't kuow where they wero fired from. Wo did not no rlaht away when wo were told. I don't know why we did not go nway. Dr. C. W. Weaver, sworu. Shamokin. I remember tho night upon which Mat thew Kearney was shot. I was at homo when it took placo. I am a physician in full practice. I have practiced over four years. ' I saw. Kearney ou tho night ho was shot near Schoch's house. I think it woe about 1 o'clock, Mov. 1, 1870. lie was lying on his back near the hou&e, duad. Tho Jury was there. I weut into tho houso first, and then catilti out tt examine the bodv. 1 examined the bndv. I found an opening in tho ceutro of the buck of tlo head. It was a small hole. I probed tho wound. Tho direction of tho wound was forward nnd downward. It was made with a bullet, about 4 inches deep. That wound was the cause of Kearney's death. Tho bullet was not extracted. Ono reason Why I did not extract, the bullet, was be causo I did not Ihiiik'tt'riecessary, and be causo also, that tho Commissioners of Xor thumlicrlnnd county do not pay for imt mortem examinations. Cross Ex. I could out say exactly how ho stood when ha was shot. .1 never 'made any experiments in reference to tho direc tion of this shot. Balls sometimes change their courso after they strike tho skull, hut 1 do not know it to bo a rule of medical science thut balls always change their di rection iu striking a skull. ' 1 do uot kuow positively that a bullet caused Kearney's : ueiiiu. a auppoau tii uiu. C. L. lloyd, sworn. I live in Shamokin. I tun a civil engineer. This is a plan of the house of Jacob Schoch made by myself, this plan is of the house on the photograph. I made, tho plan on the 2nd of January last. Tho front of the houso ou tuo sooth 'side is 25J feet. Thero are three windows and one door on the south side, first floor. Thero are two windows east of tho door and ono west. Tho first window from the corner of Iho houso is four feet,' to tho second wiudow from the corner, 10$ feet. To tho door from tho "corner it is 15 feet. The house is 2o feet aud 8-l0t'h deep, ruu uing back from Heading H. It. tho door on the east side of the house is 2 feet 0 inches from the corner. There are three rooms on the first tloor of tho bouse. Thero arc three doors iu tho western room of Schoch's house. The back door opens out of a back porch. There aro two doors leading into tho eastern room. Tho eastern room is 10 by 13 feet in the size. It is 32 from the south side of the house to the centre of tho Itonding It. It. track. Wo have a town clock in Shamokin. I know where the sa loou is under Marr's JJank. it is 67 feel from Ilauck's saloou to the south-east cor ner of Weaver's hotel. It"fslt5 feet from Weaver's to N. C. It. V. track, along tho west side of Shamokin street. It is 750 feet from this point dowu to Liberty street, to the place wliere tho bridge crones tho creek. It is 800 feet from tho bridgo to ! Schock's house. Scliock's houso faco the street. 282 feet from Schock's the Metho dist parsonage, south. Cross Ex. I made the plan of Schoch's house ; I was iu tho houso. Th'o plan and plot of tho borough of Sliaraokin oll'ered in evidence. , lteubcn J. Eisenhart, sworn. I am the owner of a revolver ; I have it with me ; it has six barrcls;(tho revolver here broduced;) sold it to Samuel Dampman, last October, I thiuk ; I kuow this is the revolver, be cause tho barrel is loose, and by a damaged screw ; 1 got tho revolver back again siuco Kearney was shot; 1 got it ut Francis Taby's ; Samuel Duiupiuau boarded there. Cartridge ottered also. Tho pistol is ono of Smith & Wesson 's make. Samuel Dttmpman, sworu. I lived iu Shamokin last October ; 1 boarded at Fran cis Taby's ; 1 had n revolver in my posses sion nt that time ; 1 got it from llcubcu Eisenhart ; I had it ou tho 31st of October, 1870 ; 1 was ut Jacob Schoch's houso that evening ; 1 had this pistol witli mo ; it was loaded ; nil tho barrels were loaded except ouo ; this is the pistol ; (tho pistol showt witness, and thu cartridges ;) 1 gave tho pistol to M rs. Schoch to put away till 1 went dome ; 1 don't know whero she put it ; thu house was full of people, but 1 don't know if auy ono saw me give it to her ; this was about 0 or 10 o'clock ; I know this is thu pistol from the uumbernud tVom tho barrel being loose ; it is Mo. 03,250; 1 saw the revolver again during the eveuing ; I saw it iu tho bauds Jacob of Schoch'. ho wus shooting ; ho was shooliug from thu door towards towu ; 1 was iu t ho room close to tho door ; ho tired two shots then ; 1 heard three shots before thut ; 1 followed Schoch uud took tho revolver out ol his hand ; 1 emptied tho cartridges from tho revolver, una put three fresh ones iu, und put it iu thy HH'ket again ; I keplit in my ockcl till tho inquest camo ; 1 then hid tho revolver in by Ihu oven ; 1 left ii there till the next day ; 1 did uot get it fur four or live days utter ; 1 got it front Mrs. Sehuch; 1 then took it homo to Francis Taby's ; 1 put it in the drawer uud told his wife logivo it to Iteu beti Eiaciihurt, if ho tamo ulUr it; at Schoch's 1 saw Ijtviuu 'Khriver, Auua liluir, uud sumo uf Schoch's chiUruu ; 1 saw Juaiah Cublo there slao ; they were iu thu eaaU rn room ; the daughter of Schoch wus daneiug ; Juaiah Ilulalioo wai play ing thu liddlel Jacob N hoch wus there ull eveuing ; there wero four musical instruments there ; Win. Haas played the UiuIhjiiuu ; 1 duu't kuow who played Iho bonus ; ufter we were iu u whilu wu ull got tu duueiug ; lliero where xiilu going out uud touiiiig iu ull evening , Duvid Miydcr uud Jo. Dilelilleld eaiUM iu ; Jacob Kill wus lu ulso, uud a man by l be. uuuiu of I louver ; 1 did uul hear ill thu early purl uf the twu lug, uuy rus ; it wus pretty luto uhcu ( liua id twu rul UU thu door i souui uuo culled," Mil li, there Is sums uuu ut the diair" : hu Weut lo door 1 ho letUIUed vvrv siMiii uud gut it club i wo were diluting ; lui 1 wuut uul u4iu,uu4 cue uuk ngui uwuy, uud tuilM lor Ins rvvulwr j l" and Ins w Us ut ul to the di4 r iu the burvau Mr ft re vulttf the burtuu ktiMHl iu HiuuiHtli- eusl k iu r uf lbs eust room tlu-y wen I ritfU uul um tu UmI d.Mf I 1 llwu btard j tint iHiiU uf llui itvolvti ; Miiuli taiiiu III sud Hud lu shuts uul uf the ulluf I d-aif ; Its aai.l.' llw wus fciiij! U U Usi U his uu sl'Siit" i I bund It-tiM was ft uuu hut sU'Ut li iwiuuks ulur Hits; Mm. I llaas UM us i laUli luruid II i I did Uut taty uuiUiuk; I WtUl uul, uj Mis. Mta,U usuvd im tu put Ul tbtl-1 drcn over the fenco ; I then got a light and went' out' to where Kearney was liug: Kearney was dead ; I full his pulse ; I did not see Schoch when the inquest came ; I did not seo him afterwards ; it was about an hour after I saw tho body that the Coro ner came ; I was at Suhoclrs before that njghti, and nioro then once ; I was lli'jtat often, at night and in day time. Cross Ex. 1 have no other mark lo de signate the pistol but tho number, and Iho looseness of tho ban el ; I looked al the is o. when 1 bought it uf KcHbcp Eisouhart ; I made a memorandum of the No.' and put, it away for fear I would loose it ; I havo ili nt homo in some of my pockets ; 1 never compared the memorandum after the pis tol was taken out of the oven ; I never had another pistol; 1 was not invited to Schoch's that night; 1 carried the pistol always, night nnd day ; I carried it because a u ty followed mo to whip mo ; 1 was working in an itnlcpcndcut colliery ; I did not Liko tho pistol lo Schoch's to shoot anybody; wo were dancing a cotillion that evening ; I don't know whether thero was anv dis turbance outside ; Schoch weut out from the cast room to tho west room, nnd then went out from tlicre ; wo could have heard the noise if it had been loud ; thero wero eight of us on tho tloor (lancing ; tho car pet was taken up ; wo had boots on ; 1 did not heur what was going on betwceti Schoch and tho men outside : ho camo in it great hurry, took out a -club, remained a minute, nnd came in ; we wero dancing all thiV timo ; 1 don't know if Schocli was excitetl wheu ho came in for a revolver ; I think it was nbout two uiintiles Schoch was out with the revolver, and while the shots wero tired ; I did not hear Schoch say, "Tho fools thought I was firing nt thorn" ; nov did I hear, hiin say after he tired tho lait two shots, that "the fools thought I win shooting at them ;" after the last two shots wero tired I told tho tiddler to start up, but pome ono said, "Look out for tho windows, thero may bo a crowd out thero ;' it wob nbout 15 minutes after the shots were fired that I heard there was a man killed ; he laid about three or four steps away from the comer ; I did not hear any shots tired out of the back yard that night: SchocR fired at random ; 1 saw the last two shots fired ; tho first three I did not see. Win. D. Haas, sworn. I lived in Sha mokin on thu 31st of October last. I was ut Schoch's house tho night Kearney was shot. While there I did uot hear any rapu. Wo wero dancing. 1 did not hear Jacob Schoch ask his wife for anything. Sontu piK. said,- thero was a rap at the door. r Schoch went to see who was there. IIo soon came in and got a revolver. He Avent to tho kitchen door on the south side of the houso and fired three shots. Ho catuo in nnd weut out to the other door ou tho casi side, and tired two shots out of that. I did not understand what Schoch said when ho passed through. 1. saw Schoch stand in the door nnd lire out. Ho mumblei' something, and camo in iu n perfect rage. I said nothing to Schoch when ho catno back. He ran right through to tho other door. Ho then tired two more shots out of tho cast door. Schoch took the revolver out of the bureau. Alter the firiug I went out and found a dead man al tho corner of tho house. '1 went back iuto the house, and told Schoch of it. I did not sec Schoch after that. I told Schoch ho had better f ive himself up if he had dune the deed. lo said, "Ves." I did not see Schoch ngain till ho gave himself up. Croas Ex. I stw Schoch go out and come iii.' lie 'might have gone out twicu before ho fired, I cannot say, I sawir Schock staud in the door when the three shots were tired. I was about 8 or 10 feet from him when ho (ircd. 1 did not hear him say anything. Schoch was in a pas sion when he won l out, aud was in. a. rag when ho camo back. Elizabeth Ilolshoc, sworn. I waa at Schoch's house on tho night of Oct. 31, 1870. Heard raps at tho door about 10 or II o'clock. Schock asked his wife for a revolver, every limo Schoch shot, ho said, "get out." 1 did not hear him say any thing till Isaac ltako came in. Schoch said to Kakc, "Did you seo that fallen man?" Schoch camo iuto tho room and fift wife said, "What made you put us in such miseryV" Schoch said, "I don't caro a Cod d n. I'll shoot every ti d d n Irish s n of a b h that comes around my house." He told his daughter she should take his clothes up stairs, ho was going away. Ho bid us all good -by and started, ho went dowu tho Heading it. H., to wan I Trcvorton. His wife said, "Como bacli and staud your grouud." Hut ho never said anytiMtig, but went on. I heard uo disturbance outside that night. Wm. Holshoe, sworn. 1 live in Shamo kin. I lived there on tho 31st of Oclohtr last. 1 was thero wheu Matthew Kearney was shot. During that eveniug 1 heard raps nt tho door. .Schocli was uot iu the kitchen. He camo in tho room where wu wus. Ho took ft. slick., and went out. Ho came back and ctooU with bis wife at thu bureau. He then went out, I did uot tmi him have anything wheu he weut out. 1 then heard hitu shooting. 1 was daucin;;. when tho tiring commenced. We kept on dancing. Wheu he came iu aud went tit tho other door to shoot out 1 stood behind hi in, I heard no disturbance outside t was thero w hen Mioch was told thero was roiuo one kiiol outside. Ho citmu iu nnd gave hi little girl his clothes and seut her vUlithem up stairs. Ho then wuut out. Ho told Mrs. Schoch to stay and sUtud tho groom if it coal the house uud lot. 1 think ho weut across thu railroad, I saw him ou thu ruilrt'.d. Cross Ex. I heard no disturbance out side. Wo were dancing, there wus eight of uaon the I'odr. There wero three muai t iaus. Thu windows uud ditors were closed. Thero might have boeu u disturbance uud wo not beur il. 1 was ubout twenty lot-1 from Miih Ii when the llrst shots were llred. 1 did not heur Schocli say anything. Af ter this he came right through and Hied out of the diaii tomuda the town out uf this door ho llred two shots. 1 lo whs umd when he weul thruuuh tlio room. He was lu mm li t'fu rago. 1 dou'l know wlivtltr lie took uiiu ur ut when he llred. It wus dark mi that night -il wu two or three intuitu from the liuiu hu flicd Hist lilt 1 heard Keuruey wu killed. 1 heard thu iilher Wllllcaac lcUfy don't know whether Ihey are right ul me-dou't kuow whero Hclua-li uul the clollu which he handed U) liiaduughlul'. 1 did Hot hear hliu say any ihiiiK uboul goltig uwuy In gel rid i'f tho I Hllii luighl huiuj- 1 did Uul sun Miia-li life the lii at lluvu bol-lhu lulcll on llul d a.f unto' uul l uu the U It hand kiile. The l'illi'uiiig utiu duueiug; haul U l Ikimpumtl, Jtaa I alile, l.lliuUlh lluU sluaj, A uu lituir, Ma. aud Mr. Mtia.ll. 'i'lis fuil up aud Me UJ dam uiu u nil bat uu. JuaUb lluUliue, i'M. - I live lu Mi- mi, tin - utMili's uu tha tilwhi uf IS tola. I 31.1, sJ' I MS lUlo WlilUMU l.Lo', sub iUUik, ouutut.1 lui'iuu, I ValMtDa Mwl t.M-)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers