from tbo Reformed Church Messenger. t'rom the Appendix to Au Original HItor.v ol'the lt-riuiiu lu IVnn Mylvauift. Ily I. I. Knpp. Xo. 1. A true Account vftht Hail, (toixlition of the Protectants in 'the Palatinate, in lli'JH, id fico letters to c-n English yenthman. fin : I tierce with yon, thai tlio Petlati nate is one of llio hmt Countrios in tlio "World ; whoso natural fertility and plunty is Midi, Hint there is nono Hint recovers itself sooner than it. J Jut nlliiirs at this time, nro rniuli. Hint it cannot bo expected that wo should sea it In that lluunsliiug condition it was formerly, when you Saw formerly, wlu-ti you w it ill you r Tra vols. During tlio "War, onr hopes to havo our condition bcttcr'd by tho Peace that should insuu, made, us cheerfully suUtr, hoping to enjoy our J'sUiUmi nnd llolioiou as formerly, wf!U liostilitico should" ceu30. liut our ex lactations proved .vain, for though tho "War is ended, yet the wild Doars nro ravnin;; our Vineyards. JJut theso blood-thirsty Zealots for l.cliolon, though they dill'crcd from ns in opinion, yet wo suilurcd them to dwell among us, cud wero used kindly, for requital of which kind usage, they nro now turning us out of (nir Houses, and Churches. Thus those whom wo tolerated and protected amongst us, are for extirpating and depriving us of that shelter nnd countenance that wo af forded them ; by which means n new fire is kindled hero in tho Palatinate, bo that we Protestants nro in as ill a case, as tho 'c. ic(i llcformcd nro in Frame, nnd Worse than you were in Enylund under the lata King James J In this, that you had unly tho storm hanging over you, but this is fallen on our heads, to tho extirpating tho Protestants, and their Koligion out of ihcir Native Couutry, nud this is to make way for Popery, nnd n crow of indigent Uomanixts who sock Lut for occasions to pr'otit by tho ruin of Mich of their neigh bors, that canuot adhere to them in their superstition. With remission I would here make eotno reflections how consonant it is to tho Prince's Secular Interest to countenance Innovations contrary to the faith and practice of his predecessors,' by which we limy observe that nono of the llomish per suasion arc to be trusted, but they will when opportunity oilers itself omit nothing to propagate their lteligiou, to effect which they will wado through all cli fticultios, though they thereby sacrifice tho Peace nnd ltichc3 of their Country, nnd their faith given ; so inherent is persecution to Popery thai to be a Papist nnd n Persecutor may lie looked upon ns convertible terms, that imnly tho snmo thing. 1'l'icse are thoso who nro for Damning nil that nro not of their opinion, a true mark uf a bad Cause, that dare not trust (Jod to convert Souls his way, but to assist him in his work will use Firo Faggots, Dragoons, Force, Terrors, nnd nil to constrain thosa Hut differ from them, to n compliance; but they consider uot that Conscience can not be forced, though tho Will and Boily may consent nnd yield to forbid compliances yet the Conscience will ever bear inward testimony against all such shiful conseuts, let the imposing be never bo dreadful to Nature ; for we nrc taught not to fear men, but lliui Hint with the body can destroy tho Soul also. Dili this is the sail Slate of thoso Coun tries that fall iuto Popish hands, who suf fer themselves to Imj biased by a bigolted Clergy, by whom they are influenced to become unnatural to their subjects, and instruments of overturning tho established foundation both of Church nnd State. Thus tho Popish Clergy becomes in a Common wealth, what Vcrmiue are to the fruits of the earth, whom they destroy and consume nnd so become the plague of tho Age and Country wherc-cver tlioy pet fooliiii'. The long cxporionon of theso truths iniqlit open the eyes of Sovereigns, a -. see tho eellishness of theso, CalUM-pillam : How have tlicy devoured tho Laity i and tloatlicd themselves with the fattest, and fairest of their effects. How many families have been impoverished to inrieh Monas teries and Abbeys, nnd ltcligious Societies, who are bo many Nurseries of Pride und Idleness ; bo that the most numerous pari of the subjects are become the most useless Members of tho Commonwealth where they reside. It were to be wished, that IYuiccs in this Age, as in tho times of Reformation, knew their interests so effectually, as to banish that Vcrmiue, and ns in Eaijhtntl convert thoso incomes to better uses ; this is it that hath modo your Island so powerful and wealthy, as it is nt this day, us also other Countries aud planes where Church Lands nre possessed by the Laity, whereas in 1- Iiish Countries tho Clergy possesses ono nilf, in eome three parts, and in others more, which revenues if otherwise disposed of as iu Protestant Countries, the Prince' und People would be proportionality rich according to tho rest of their l'clbrnied neighbors. Dut. our Prince, not content to liiul a Country lately lallen to hita by inheritance, disposed so ndva'itageousty for his interest by tho constitution'' of i!:; governnient. buu hu must bring in innova tions, and not satislled to enjoy such a Principality as his Predecessors left him, but he must net so prejudicially to his own interests, and tho ruin of his subjects, by bottling his lteligiou at the cost of" what is taken from tho right owners. It was noL bo with Charles Louis, tlio former Elector Palatine, who though a Protestant, would not suffer tlio Protestant Ministers, nor indeed any other of the different persuasions to invcili ono against nnother, altho, it might be expected that this our Prince might havo retained a tincture of such principles, more especially being descended li-oni a Protestant oil-spring, llut this consideration hard for the lt.jinish party is this day requited with iugruliiudc. Would to (iod, that our Princo would but make rcllection on the advantage and benc lits that did accrue to tho Sou of that Prince, viz'., CharUs tho last Protestant Elector Palatine. Ho found tho Country in a flourishing condition, with a great Treasure in Monies, all of which were, marks of his Father's prudence, by which means lie was enabled to support his Coun try, and protect thoso of different persua sions, that Hocked to him from all parts, us thoy used to do as soon as a peace is cs vablished, by which means his Country was replenished with inhabitants, which so long a war had unpeopled, and having suitable priviledges granted them wero thereby incouraged to bo inhabitants and to increase- rI ratio. Thus tho l'ulatinatc was replenished witli inhabitants, tlio ruin ed Cities rebuilt, nnd new ones erected, ns Munlieim and Jfredtrkhsboarg. This effect had Toleration, and that in n short timo, for the Protestants had that inoournge ineut, that their Jteligion was tlio lteligiou ot tlio Counti v. nnd others wero drawn thither by their being tolerated nnd coun tenanced by public Authority, where all liuding protection were incouraged to Trade ami gather riches, since ihcv worn nsun,i to dwell quietly In tho profession of their different persuasions. llut what cucouragctnont is thcro now to Jjvo hnr. whore promises nro violated V tUO Natives that liavn Un Vi..i.i i from their Habitations, and scattered into other countries by the War, dare not now return, seeing our Princo is foriuUoduciu" J opery and its professors, who bcintr, U unmcrous and rich Uiau the Protestants rf'i'Slf. ''J e,e l'ntd. wUrlnally. hi Lon don, 10J!l, for Richard Parr, at iko Unlcoam. under tho ttM.rv. , i 7. I . .. . -....( Am.. I , v.'Ui .. the end of rcpeopliug, nnd re-instating the Country in its former glory, cannot bo ex pected, for they show to havo nothing In view, but tun violating rights nnu Iiroperties of tho Protestants, ns will appear y the following Narrative. At Jhkiellerj und M.'.nhrin they have built very much, sinco his Electoral High ness hath published a Proclamation, where in he nromiscs a freedom of lliirtv-ycnrn, and assures them Hint their privileges shall not bo altered, but that ho will maintain thorn nil, which did Incourngo us to carry on our buildings, so that tho work ndvancod very much ; but having sinco issued out ano'thcr Proclrtinntion, by which tho Popish Holy-days nro inloin'd to bo kept through tho whole Palatinate, nnd that tho Frotes tauf burying places shall bo common, our buildings nro nt a stand, and wo soo tho Homish lteligiou introduced by Authority, and exercised iu our Churches through the wholo Palatinate. Also his Electoral High ness, lias taken irom us mo seven juut Schools, with tho Cloystcr nnd Church nt JlcUhllirq, where thoy nro erecting Cloys tcrs for tho Franciscan!, AugnsUn, nnd Vamwhins. with n Seminar.' for the Jesuits; and aro very busy to get into their posses sion tho Holy Ghost or Cathedral Church, ns also tho Cvllainm Sqienlicc. As they have done with tho Cathedral Church nt Woinhcim nud Iftdnilnrfnnd other places, and has taken from tho Ecclesiastical Coun cil, nnd the Vcrwaltunri their ancient privileges nnd rigiits, nnu rcveuueo, Liberties nnd nronertics. nnd tho Freedom of disposing of their Ecclesiastical Incomes, so that the Lands which belong to the Ministers nnd tho Tylhcs, wlucli mako a part of their Salary, lire given to the Komau Catholics, which proceedings have cast us iuto so great a consternation, mat no uuvu fast nil courage, even our desires arc cooled roin going on with our ltuilding.3. When his Electoral Highness came into thn Palatinate, and chose; tho Castle ol ll'i ;,ir;;ii for his residence, lie Ihcn promis ed, nnd assured both Laity nud Clergy, that he would maintain an meir imviioiigos, but wo ffud theso were but Popish promi ses, wlilcli do aillif t us vory inuuh, nnd tho In Hint his Electoral Highness refuses to (ill up the vacancies in the Ecclesiastical Council, WHICH C011B181S ill ireeiiL nut in two persons, whereas their number wj,ht to he six, nnd a President. It is true he promises to a.iow me jto- tcstant ministers something out ot llieir Subsistence, but without doubt it will bo littlo euoU"h. If nny one lias been bo charitable as to believe that tho spirit of llonianism was oinpatible with the spirit oi freo or repub lican institutions, ho will hnd himself hard ly disposed to indulge Biicli cliarity, nUer reading the unblushing avowals made on the part of Komauisin, by Us lvcognteod authorities. Vc have sometimes been re proached for charges which mvolvo them in the odium of intolerance for the sins of their fathers. Naturally enough, they do not like to hear of the funeral pile of Huss, the extermination of the Albigeiises, the II res of Smiihlield, the horrors of the Inquisition, the cruelties of Alvc, the mas sacre olM. liarliioiomew s. c. ; nnu wncn these are mentioned, they scotn willing to have it believed that nil these things belong to the nasU Inconsistent as this may be nilh tho theory of Church Infalibillity, wo would gladly, for the credit of human nature., fiivo them the penelit oi sucii , inconsistency, if they would nllo'.v it. JJUI . they will not. S.'i.ili!inr f.nnlil lm tdninr-r llinn the in- comiatil)ility of the urinciples laid down in Papal Encyclicals, 'with the maintenance ot republican institutions, in our American eense of the word. The highest authority, the Infallible; Head of the Church, condemns all education which ia not subject to priestly Vriurjioiiirfrt8ft9a.wi5fihX..;f ;rcS?-y i subordinnic to "the Cliureii,-' ami inai ucc , eiiceeli, free thought, nnd a free press, bhall bo tolerated only bo far ns "tho Church" ; shall see lit to nllow. In oilier words, the . Slate csiiils to obey the chelation, nnd J and execute the will of a hierareh. iiself: governed by the Poic nnd the Jesuits. J This is a doctrine liiul wa had supposed to i be tli;iTucd for other latitudes and times than oiirs. There was a certain appropriate-1 ucss in tho Pope's propounding it to tlio t ignorant masses of European despotisms, ' or the traditional lielievcrs in ineditcval j supeistilioiiu. From n.Council like that of j the Vatican, where free difccUosiou was suppressed, and where the air was thick with the laiilina vapors of the new doi'ina, which insults reason nud Scripture alike, such teachings mi.lit be even expected. Eut it seems' that they have at last found ultcrance annnii? us. nnd that American citizens are now bluntly informed that ' what they had charitably r.ecoiinled obso-; leto theories are the living nud avowed ' principles of the Roman Caiholic Church. JulHe August number of the Catholic' Worll, (Koniau Catholic,) we iind nu ar-j tielo entitled, "The Secular not Supreme." i It makes avowals, wlucli it siiapeil into ; chare;i, would a few year.i slnee havo been i accounted slanderous, und would have been t indignantly rciwlleil. Jsntv, however, we : aro told that "the i;t:itj tliv.irccd from the ! Church is n godless t slate," and that "all ; overiiuicnls based on pom en I auieisin, or . . .. .. . the assumption that polities nre independ ent of religion, on no l'oundati 'ii, are usur pations, tyrannies, without ri,',lil;" aiul we all know fu'l well the w.isc i;i which tho word Chu.fh ii used hy wrilerj id'thia clasa. Rut to make the matter more definite, we (iiil scqiieiil'y told that "The Calholi' hUeacehy represents, in the secular and vhiblu world, in the affair of individuals and nation:;, this spiritual order, on which tho whole secular order depends." Aain, we aro assured that "civil society can no i.;oro disiiei'-.-iO Willi tlio Church, than the body wilh the soul." Yet, "t!ie American jieoplo see noUiiii',- divine, noth- hit; sacred and inviolable in their Govern- ment; wo need the Church to consecrate the Governuioiif, t f.;ivc tho law a spiritual sanction." Rut lest these words should suggest what thoy were not intended to ex press, wo arc distinctly tout mat tuc Church" that is to do tho work is no other than tho very Church that has crushed out liberty already in so many ouarters the Church that has its cxpur.itorial index for hooks, its censorship tor the press, its Iresli memories oi iiicliniuisitioii lor such nsuaro to think. "There is no hope for our Repub lic under Protestantism." It has nothing outside of the world to stand on in order to move It, "lor it rests on tho world ; and, iu fact, is only tho world itself." it is not diiiicuit lor anv thoiiiitlul read er to draw from such lanuao ns this ap propriate liilerences, or to unuci stand us Lcariii;j. Rut the writer of tlio article will relievo him of the neccusity. His expressed conclusion is, "There is no iustauce in ail history of a .Stato without some sort of re ligion even an established roli;;ion, or re ligion, which the Slate recognizes as its supremo law, nud docs its best or worst to enforce. AVe here, ns well as iu England, as well as at any timo in any Euroiieau country, havo an established religion, which tho law protects and enforces on all its citizens, only it is a multilated religion, n religion without dogmas nnd called morality. There is no such thin as a complete divorce of Church und btnte prac ticable in any couutry on earth. The only question is : Shall tho tSUito be informed and directed ly the iufalliblu and l.oly CWWTh ot dnd, or by the syuae;iu3 ofl r-uiau ,'" Such language n this indicates vory plainly tho principles and position of lto manism. So farns our politica' Institutions nre concerned, it is avowedly revolutionary. A State not Informed nnd directed by "the iufitllible nnd holy Church of God" as ours is not is informed nnd directed by "tho synagogue of Satau." Such a "godli'sa" State, based on "political atheism,'' "rests on no foundations," belongs to tho class of "usurpations, tyrannies, without right." "The whole secular order depends" on "tho Catholic hierarchy." A Papal encyclical could scarcely go be yond this. It subjects nil civil and relig ions rights to tho dictation nnd control of "tho Church." Logically, it crentes a union of Church nnd State, iu which tho State Is a helpless nnd subordinate factor. It legitimates nothing which the "hierarchy" does not sanction. Iu a word, it demands n.i entire nnd unconditional Burrcndtr of all tin institutions of freo Government to tho Pope of Itoiuc to the control of that Church that has been for generations in tho closest league with persecution, intolerance and the violent suppression of froo thought ; thnt has been the steadfast prop of old world despotisms, nnd has not belied its history when transplanted to those shores. Such is tho position and nltitudo of Ko mauisin on "the Church" as it at lcngth fully unveils its features to our Amer ican gazo. What is it, and how can it bo described, except as an organized intolcr uiiec'r' Tlio generations that havo passed sinco tho ltcformcrs of the sixteenth cou- tury encountered It with pen and sword, have left it unchanged in Bpirit. It is tho same absolutism now that it was when it deposed kings, or nttcinpted to thrust the inquisition upon tho Netherlands. It has imbibed nothing human or Christian from tho succeeding centuries. It lias learned nothing ; forgot nothing. Doubtless it numbers many nominal adherents whoig nornnlly follow and sustain in multitudes who, if they fully understood them, would promptly repudiate its claims, llut its avowed programnio is hostility to tlio State hostility to whatever docs not sub- mit lu iln yoko. Expol tlio llililn from thn public schools at its dictation, nnd it con fesses that this would not satisty it. It de mands tli3 unrLLtiicted control of educa tion, th'j shaping and sanctioning of laws. It insists on being tho soul, while tho State is only tho body. Protestantism is only "tho synagngUii of Satan," disqualilied to inform or direct tho secular order. Tliis is no fancy sketch. If it has any features of caricature, the Catholic Wvrld is responsible for them. We have not con sciously exaggerated a lino or nn iota. Such claims oi superiority over "tho secu lar order" arc here and now put forth iu behalf of "the Catholic hierarchy" nrc sim ply revolutionary. They cannot bo enter tained without the implied surrender of llrj independence and nutonomy of the State. All the talk of the Catholic World nbout the divino founda tions of government, is simply irrelevant. No student of political science can call in question tho principles of natural law, No etudeiit of the Hiblo will hesitate for a tnonu.nt to admit that government is "nn ordinance of God." Ent when tlio ltoman Catholic Church attempts to monopolize these principles ns its exclusive heritage, or to invalidate them except they have its formal sanction, it sets itself nlikc against logic, justice aud the authority ol'Scripture.' Our ltcpublicnn institutions must be a low ebb, indeed, when we feel ourselves ncccs- dilated to invite totlieir support nn orgaii' i'.'nliiiti flirt liiuttfi eC ivliiuli fitt nitti t iii'inci i,as p,, ouo 0f am-mcc win, despotism nnd nt ii'vnniw-ilnliln niilnnnisni In f'lvil nnd religious freedom. lUCOtlS. rUUXlTUllE STOltE, In Masonic Unit ViiildinL'S, Tlitra fiirec-t. nettr the Post OIIIcc, h Kltl'KY, 1A. 13. now oilers to tins public Fclccle.l nnd mnda with Rrent c-nre, and wlthu iev lo pienoe the warns of liia uuiucrous cu: louierf!. Ills stock Ls new nud of the latest etylc. PARLOR SUITS, ! PARLOR AND RECEPTION CHAIRS, COTTAGE SETTS, j A'-h, Walnut or Hosewnn.l of tho fluctt patterns made. KirtV. KOAHDN, la VvM or Walnut, nml Dining Koom Funilturo i or all kinds. LOOKING GLASSF.S AND PLATES, l M.illrce&uK. Vi'.lows, Bolsters, Window Shades uuu lutures. xjxriDEPiT-AK:nsrc3-. Speci:-.! itttenilon Is paid to this department by V. 1'. JOiUerts wlio has had n number of years c ;ienenco in inn city, l olllns or every Ucaerlp lion and Fixe.-, conrtnutly kept ou hand. AIbo, " '"'I. UlllMl VIIDVM UUIUUtlQ 1II1U u , rtakeiV m.-icrlais nru ti.i ! '-')" l'eii unal littcinlauco to funerals. Koniiinbrr, tho Masonic Hull Buildings, on inini si rcei, uiinuurv, i n. H. L. KAVDENBUSU. HiiMiuiy, July 15, 18U. c: A it i. j 002 Clicetnut Stroct, Fbiladolphia, ; Deslro to Invito tho csioclal uttouilon of purchu- sei b uiul others vibitiiiK the city ,to their unusually i;ii:ju uir.i vi'.ncu assoriincnt oi .'e Jewelry, FINE WATCHES of most reliable makers, GOLD CHAINS, .tt-iislic Silver Ware for bridal aud other presentations, T;i!j!c Cutlory, Electro I'hitcd Goods of tho lluest iiiallly. PRENCTI CLOCKS, RRONZES AND MENTAL ORNAMENTS, received direct from Paris during tho proscut season, C'ouiteour, oml Kjlite ntlontlou ls extended to r.n na m:.y no iiuiuccd to accept a cordial luvt taliou to viiiit their beautiful store, oust hcotaut Ntrcrt. July 1, 171. MILLINEUV. SPRING STYLES HATS, BONNETS, ELOWEIW, FRAMES, ETC. Mouruing and Bridal nuts and Bouncts. bAsn iiiiiiioNri, Feathers, Flowers. xieeo uuu Ariuiniins oi cvory variety, Full Hue of wuuuJSlU VEILS AND CRAPE. r.oiioiib, lull assortment. Guutleineu's Gloves, llaudkerehlofs, die. MILLINEHY 18 THE SPECIALTY, 9USH V. KIIISKI.EH. MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA. April sy, m. t s . -r , , . " I I"-ui'V' ua ""IvlJ, K genera! ussorV .m i ,-.v ...oie v iru Xx- V-i"--t'e,",,,"a'' J-A ,7 "i?.:tf!tv--v V" tettllnntons. AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, hits Just received aud opeucd A MAMMOTH NTOt'lt OF CIO OWN, wlilcli lio lins (SELECTED WITH Gil EAT tAliE mul ofllrs to tho Public nt tho very lowest cash:priczs. lluviiij; of laHllhln-il n reputation for low prices und FAIR DEALING to nil, will endeavor to maintain thut in)ltloii COME ONE & ALL & EXAMINE THE LARliKST STOCK, REST ASSORTMENT & LOWKST 1 'RICES IN THE COUNTRY. Thankful for the hirce uinount of imtroiuitfo heretofore In'stoued upon me, I will eudeuver by rurnlshiu lliu lie; I L'ooils at the lowest prices to merit u couthiuaucv of tlio same. 1L V. FKILINO. April 15, 1871. SPRING AND SUMMER. CI.OT1IN AM) t'ASSl.tlEUKN I FRENCH AND DOMESTIC GOODS of every nule, J iibt opened at tho MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP or TIION. U. NOTT, Bucccssor k J. O. Ilcck, Fourth Street, below Market, SUNDUUY, l'ENN'X (leiitlonien who desire fushlonnhlo clothing nuido to order, will cull ut the aliova pluco and examine tho welt selected flock, and havo their suits niado up lu the hitoet Hylo. Call nnd be convinced. THUS. U. NUTT. May U, 1871. Estate or licorgo Euiorldi, Nen Iile ( Jordan Toumship, deceased. NOTICE la hereby given that letters testa mentary have been granted to the uudur Kiucd, on tlio ortiito uf tleoryo Einerich, Sen., hilo of Jordan lowiiship, Nortuumlicrlivud coun ty, I'a., deceased. All persons Indebted to said esluto are requested to make Immediate payment, aud thoso having claims lo present them uuly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL KMKUICII, Executor. Jordan towntdtip, Juua 10, laTl. Cl Nl'ltINU OIXMSiUI Largo Block I Ilettcr I'ncllltics I Just opcued largo, fino and substantlul assort ment of SPRINa DRESS GOODS, Domcfitios, "Win to QooJh, Fancy Oooda, Trimmings, Cloths, CaasimcrcH, OARPISTS AND OIL CLOTHS. Housekeeping goods In groat variety. FHEfcll GKUCE1UKS, Quocuswaro, Willow-Ware, Glasswaro, &o., 4c. A Ouo stock of substantial Ilcadj-Made Clothing, for Men and Boys. Each lino full aud coin plot. IV Substantial Goods a Specialty. Jt rriccsj to Huit the tinicM. Call und ee our Mock. All kiuds of couutry produco token In w clutuge for goods. MOORF. A DI68INGER, Haupt's Iron BuUdlug, Market Blreot, Buubury. April 33, 1871. ' ' Clock Watch Repairer. r. YOGT, Iu Dowart's Block, throe doors west of the Cen tral Uotol, Murket Square, BUNBURY, PA., Respectfully Informs the citizens of Sunbnry and vicinity, that he Is prepared to repair Clocks and Watches In all branches, also Gold and Silver. Ware of all descriptions. Having had forty years experience In the busl uqm in. this country, he nailers himself that be uiu Rive general salUfaetlou. All work b'uuruulecJ tJustoia repcctfully to Juue 17, letl.-tf. SftisctUnncons. PRICES REDUCED. HOOTS A N1IOEN Manufactured to order nt GREATLY REDUCED TRICES, JOHN W1XVER, Nprnce Mreel, Nnnbnry, I'onn's, Is ronstaqtly mannfnetnrlng Boots, Shoes & Gaiters, nt enrprUlngly low prices. Its stock comprises tlx) very best in mnrnel. ills long exper ience In the btislnoss has won for liim ft reputation for making first class work equal to any city manufacture. AU work warranted. TEUMS 8TKICTLY CASH. The prices of repairing aro also reduced. JOHN WILVER. Sunbnry, March 4, 1871. MILLIXERYUOODB GENERALLY. NEW 8TYLE3 OF BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, FRAMES, &c. M on ruing and Ilrldal lints nml Bonnets. Full line of Mourning Veils nnd Crape. MILLINERY IS THE SPECIALTY. Sash Ribbons, Ornaments, Feathers, Gloves, lliiudkerclilvfB, &c, &c. FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. MISS M. L. GOS8LER. South Fourth St., below the Railroad, Surbury. April 22, 1871. NTKEO!S'OIEN, V1EW8, ALBUMS, CnitOMOS, FRAMES. B. A II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Invite the attention of tho Trade to their cxtcn slva assortment of the above (rooMs, of their own publicution, inumifncturo nnd lnitiortallou. Also l'HOTO LANTEHN MJHES nnd ciUAnioscorEa, NEW VIEWS OF IfOSF.MITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY A CO., 591 Broudwny, New York, OpiHffilto MetrotHilltan Hotel, lMrOIITF.HS AMU MANCFACTl ltl'.US or I'liotORraplile Matcrlulsi. MkreTi lh, 1371. ly. rOJIPFBET JIIAXOIt CEMKTEKY COM I'A NY. Tills column V Is now me pared to sell lots In the new Cemetery, located on nn eminence about onc-rourlli or a mile enst of Banbury. Tho in crease of tho population of tiunbury, and ennso qucnt advance In the ratio of mortality, as well as the limited facilities for the interment of those who havo fought life's battle, have succstcd tho organization ol tlie above named company. l'lun of Cemetery may be scon nt the otlice of J. A. Cake,, or I.Iovd T. Itohrbach l'rlce of lots from t5 to tl5, ncvording to loot lion. Ueeda will ha executed for lots sold. LLOYD T. K01IKBACII, Sec'y May 13, 1871.-tf. lMlIC l'.S ItKDl'ClCU AT tub Mammoth Hoot & Shoe Storo OP EM !tIILM:it, Iu C 11. Smith's Koom, Queen Street, one doo i.tiFt oi ino l out uinec, NOKTIIUMBEULANI), l'ENN'A. For El mini Roots, go to Ell Miller's Hoot nnd bhnc (More. 1 hev nre sold, Jiext Calf at For French Calf Boots, go to Eli Mlllor'e, only u to t-il ler pair. For Boots, Khocfl mid (iailero, nt loweht )H).-6l hie prices, go to Ell Miller's, on Oneen Ktreet. For all kinds uf Gum Boola and thoen, cull ut l.ll Miller's. For Ladles' Gum Overboee, soc lino nssort- ineui ut .11 MilierH. I'oruii kiiiiis or uiiiiilreu'e Bhocs, go and ex umiuo Ell Miller s largo iisuurtiiicnt. For uiiythiiig In tlio Hoot and rihno llnc.'ca unit estniiiluf V.I I Mlller'sstoek before purehaHlni .,niier If )uu ku w Bw .i.., i. lowest prices. Jan. 7, 'Tl-Sop. 8, '70.-ly. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAX.KEK'15 CA LIFOItNlA VINEGAR BITTERS Ilandrcils of Thonaanda ? 5 llcar testimony lo thflr Wouiler. 5 H.B" iui cuntiivo iiuu. k S 0.5 WHAT ARE THEY? l eg b5 CT I TI1ET ARB KOT A VILE "ii FANCY DRINK. ess Uulvof roar Hum, M hlokcr, 1'rowi bplrlis end Itcfuso l.lqnura docturcd, sploed tindfwtct- Kiel to flcKMltlio Iuto, Callol'Monlcf,"" AlpotH on," latorsrs," o.. tUal load tlio llpi lcr on to cruunonncfls ami nnu, nut tro a Irno KulkliKi, nisi'.o from tbo KsUio IlooUand Ilorbuof tllforiiia, fico frnm nil Alfnlivllo tlttiulnntM, TUoy aro U:o liKKAT 1ILU1 ri'UltlUlt and A I. H E tMlVINU I'UlNC'iriarrrruct ljno.atur and Invlcorator uf tlio tly.tum, enr laz ot all itol.ono'.ia mnHor ana matorliif tlie klood lu a iuoltliy couilltlcn. Kopvrson eculaVo t!it Litter, tccorulug to direc tion ana remain long unwull. 100 will bo tlvoufurau InrnraMorato.prorlilt d Vo bonca sro not doclxoyctl by mineral pojaou or othor means, aud tbo Tllal organs a tot boyvud tlio point or ropalr. Far Inllamnixtorr and t'hronlo Ithrnmn. tlam nud t.oul, llyaprnala. mr laillacNilon. Ullloo, Konilllriil nnd InlcrmllK in Fercra Itlannaoaar ibo Uleed, l.Uar, KldHvia. and Uladder, IIhm Utllora liavs boaa uioat sueecto- ful. Huch Illacaaea aro eautad by llitnlod lltood, which Is tronorally prodncod by doranucoivut ruio Ulai alUo Urcnna. )''Ki-!41A Ult INniCEfTHI.X, Head ache, I'aln ti tba Niouldon, Cunlis, 1 1chtnua of tlio Clio-t, iiUzliioss, (tour Ernctatlona ot tho etomacli, llod laato la Ui Mouth, IllUoas Attacks, ralpiutloa of thv Heart, Inflammation of Oio Lane. Tain In tho logluns of tho kidneys, and a linudrod otlicr ralnful ayiunioma, ara ino omprlnesor Dyenona a. Tu.ylnvlgorato tho Btomoch and Umnlato tliottr lildllTorand bowels, which render them of uncoualli-d aOcacy In cleansing the blood of all lniporltlc, aud unnarunf new tiro and rlsor to tho wliolo svatom. l'OUHKIM JIIHEAKErt,Ernfku.Tettcr,ftaU tuwom, moiciios, fcpois, llmnlca. laatulra. Bolls. Car. buuelca, lUnc-Wonna. Boald-lload. Bora Lyca. Eryaln. clas, Itch, Bourfa, Iilaeolorattona of tlio ?kln, Uiuuora anQ Disuaaos of the bam, of whatever aaiuo or oalase. ar Ularsllr dug up and oarrlod out of tho system lu a anorl tun by the use or thaw OlUcra. Ono boulo la such eaaea will eoarlaos Uto suott lucroduloua of their aurally oflbct. Cleana th Vitiated Blood whenever you find lu Impurities banting through the skin In I'lmplce, Erop Uoa or Korea eleaoso It wbca yon find u obstructed and alogtilah la th rains i cleana it whoa It la foul, and your fueling will tell you whan. Keep tho blood pur and the aaalth of tlie aratora will follow. TIM, TAPE and other WOUUS, lurking la tho system of so many thoBaanda, aro offoetually destroy, d and remoTed. For full dlroctlona, raad carefully Ut clrsular arouad ca boulo, prlutad fn four laa guaatoaIiugllah.tiermaa, Fituah aud Koaukk. 1. WALKBB, Proprietor. K. Zl. UcIXNALD CO, Prugglsta and Ova. AgenU. Ban Francleeo, Cl. and tl and M Coumwos Street, Kcw York. UreOLD BT ALU PBUUfllSTa AKO CEAUUta. BLACK ALPACAS of the beat quality, cheapo at Moore l)lsln(rw's. spaa. GROCE1UE8 of all kUdT constantly keit t Moors & taUuior's. apW. 5 S il li IS; lamtfadnrers. Airy View Academy, PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA COUNTY, PA., or jnsue mil rtmnie I'tipun. Attractively situated In a healthfnl nnd beauti ful region, Jof mile from I'enn'n R. K. Four regular graduates, nslnted by otbor competent instructors constitute tlio corps or instruction. Tho Principal (for manr rears in clinrire of Tns- carroiu Academy, nud, since 18o'J tlio bond of tnis institution,; rcrcrs to his numerous pupils in an tuo icnnicu proictsions, and In every de partment of business. Music nnd Pnlntlmr spe cialties. Full nokmou will commence Hop trmltcr lnt, 1971a Tcrnift, $200 per Annum. Address, DAVID WILSON, A. M. A. J. PATTERSON, A. M. Pout Royal, Pa. July 22, 1871. Ct. NEW MEAT NSIOl. THE nndcrslirncd rcsjieet fully In forms the cltl r.ens of Buubury and vicinity, that they havo opened a MliAT M1U1', 111 Dcwarl's biilldinc,ou the north side of Mnrkcl Btjunrc, two doors from the railroad, were they will keep a constant supply of tho best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, &c, nt wholesale or retail, nt the lowest prices und of tho tirst quality . A wnt;on will lie run to supply enstomers every niornintr. (except Sundays.) Tho best of meat will found ut their shop, (jive us n call and satisfy your selves. 11EFFEW di liOWEK. Oct. 10th 18(59. tf. IN A AC Ii. NTAl'FFEK, WATCHES, JEWELRY, UN Worth Nceontl Nt., Cor. of lnrry, PHILADELPHIA. An Assortment of Watches. Jewelry, Silver nud Plated Ware conrtnntly on hand. Kcpnirlni; of Wutchcs nnd Jewelry promptly attended to. (April 1, lS71-ly. 9III.MKEKV AN1 FAKCV NTOltE. MISS L. AVEISEH, Market Street, one door west of (icarbart's con- rcclloncry store, KUNBUllY, PA., lias opened her Rprinir nnd fiiimnvr stock of Milliner' iiikI Fnnry ooli, HATS AND BONNETS. The latest styles of Dress Trimmings, French nnd American Flowers, Luces, Kibbons, Sack loops, Chlisnons, Collars, Cuirs, Jouvln (jloves. aim it large variety oi oilier articles. in connection with tuo Millinery btudncss, she carries on mo DIIESS MAKING AND FITTING, lu all its brunches. She ls also ngent for the sale of Kuniscy, Scott & Uo.'s Patterns. Tho ladles of Bimburv nnd vicinity nre cor dlally Invited to cull and examine her eplcudid BIOCK. May 13, 1871. LCmtEK AMI l'la.M.VU 11 1 L EN. Third Street, ndjulnlni; l'liihi. .t Erie K. K., two Syuures North of the I'entriil Hotel, 6UN11UKV, l'A. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepnred to every description of lum ber required by the demands of lite public. llavinn all tbo latest Improved machinery for iniiniirueiiiriiie; Luuber, hoi now read)- to till or ders f all kinds of FLOOKINU, MUINO, l)OOU3, Hlll'TTEUS, SAhH, 1ILINIJS .MOL'I.DINtilJl, VE UANOAS, llUAt'KETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Perots 1 Work. Tunt liij; of every dest.ijitioi: prtimjiily executed. Also, A I.AKir, AfSOIiTMKNT OP HILL LUMJ113K. HEMI.Ot'K nnd FINE. Also, ChlnUs, Wekets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shlpK-d hv Kallrond orotlierwise, JKA T. CLEMENT. dccl'.MlSily NTOVlf & TIS I'.STAiti.ISII.Mi: vr. MAKKET BTUEET, SLSUt'UY, l'A. AIFIIED KltAUSE, Proprietor. 3l CCr.StK TO PMITII A il:NTUHH.J nAVINO purehnsed the nhovc well known cs tablishnienl, Mr. Krutise would rejH'et ful ly inform the public that lie now has on liuitd u litrc assortment of u J u K 1NG S T O V K-S , piwr's CiMk Anli-lliist, Un.-ulator or Kevolvini; Top, Coiiiliiiiutioii, StiHiiilniiiiui nnd others, which are so iirraueretl us to be used for Coal or Wood, and nro warranted to perforin sitUsl'itc tut l ly or no sale. IIKATKKB of nil kinds put up I, i heat one or more rooms. HEATING tjTOVEti of dlirereut UllliLs ut ery low prices. Tinwurc of Every I'N rIploa kept constantly on hand. Koollng and tlH)iitlne; wilb the Ih'.I inaterktl, ilone at short nut ice. KKI'AUtlNO attended to with disputeh. Coal Oil in d Lamps conslauily on hand. Japan ware of u lls.inl.i. Store tiipooite Coiihy's hardwato store, tiive me u cull. A."lvKAt'SE. uplM4-ly tisii; is itio. i-iv i ! ALL Wall l'upcr and llonler, sold by me wll lie trimmed ready for use, "WITHOUT EXTUA CIIAUGE, nv Tim YEOMAN'S WALL l'Al'EK TH1MME11. 1 KvnvWu-i which I have tho exclusive rlirht to umi in uiiburv and vicinity. Save money, time and labor, by buying of K. KEKKEE EItjIlTEK, Dealer In Books, Statloucry, Wall Paper, Muele, Ac, iVe., Ac. Sunday School bl'ITLlES mndo A S)icc'tallty. Uluuk, Mciuorauduiu V l'usi Uooka) in endless variety, Just received. HOOK BINDING done to order. Persons will avis exieneo by leaving their orders for hlndiim wilh mo. l'ICTI KE Fit t MEN orallslzea, cut from tbo Moulding nP very low rates. OVAL oc SyUAKE FHAMES always on luiud. ALBUMS, UltAC'KETS, GOLD PENS, &c, &c, &c. A largo and woll selected stock of Toysalwny on hnnd. Anything not ou hand promptly 01 dored. Bargains for cash. Call at N. FEKREE LlGHTNRU'S Hook btoru, Sign of Foley' Gold Pen, Murkcl Sijuaro, Sur oury, P. Suubury.'Angnst Cth, 1870. NIKlll KV MA It II EE YAItl). fllllK tiuderslgned having bought tlio cntiro - stock of Dissimrcr & Taylor, would luftirm tho public thut ho I now reudy to do nil kiuds of MAltllEE VOKH. m lias ou luuid, aud make to order at IT 1 6IIOUT NOTICK. jr IrlonuuientM 4k Ileud-Ntoueai, i t FV t STILE. V? IAAI1 . r V. M. . . iw AiNU WINDOW SILLS AUo.Cemctcry Post with Galvniiiicd pipe and all other leurmg generally used on Ccmetoriea. John A.Taylor will conliuuo in tho eitiployuient, at the old stand on Market St., Buubury. luayli'tia Gunbury Cattle insurance Company. TUlto ANNUAL STATEMENT FOU THE YEMl V.NDINO JANUAUY 1st. 1871. Number of Volleies. 13. Amount ofl'iM,erty Insured, Amount of Proiuuta Notes in fore, fr?,oi.ri.(H) m,213,W caSii assets. Amount nt iunrost, fWOO.flO Amount In TrcnRuier'simnd9, M0l0,0() Amount due from Agents, 1,110 Amount due from other sots?rps, f "'Jti.Otl Available Capital, $S9,23'J,95 Insure your Cntiie. INSVUE with a responsible nnd perfectly re liable Company. Insuro where jour losses will be paid promptly. THIS IS A MUTLIAL l'UOTECTIVE COM PANY. Hence, nnllko other Companies, yon nrc sum of belntr pnid promptly for nil losses, If insured In this Company. OUK BATES OF INEI'ItANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHEK COMPANY. IJclnR mutual, our expenses nre less, nnd our Charter is Perpetual. We pay losses by nil kinds of accidents by death, (excepting lu cases of epidemics,) by theft, fcc, Ac. We pay prompt ly. o reel tape proceedings to obtain your money lu case or loss. Nearly $3,000 pnil on Cow alone nIiicc Ortrnuir.ution. Look nt tho list of losses paid on Cows alone by this Company. M HennlnRcr, Buubury, Pa $33, I) llilpert, Northumlierlniid 5(1, (Jcorue Eckcrt, " 41), 8 11 Dodge, " 30, Charles llollck, Mt Cnrmcl oOt W, .W, U3.33 M, 0(1, 40, 30, 50, 40, 50, 45, Ksubeus eipplc, ' Catharine Wagner, Wntsontown. . George Heir, .Northumberland Jacob Snyder, Sunbnry J W Basslcr, " Minor Jnly, Ucwart Oitharntc Martr., Shnmokln Francis lluchcr, Snnburv Samuel H Price, Upper Lehigh.... Joseph Dcpien, Mt Carmcl Mnllbins Sebolly, " Francis McCnrly, " Maria Kramer, Wntsontown Joseph Nicely, Jr., Dewnrt 40. J cuu ijttlgglc, I'lne, (Jl in ton co 40, It Knuiage, Shcnandoali, Schuglklll co 40, J 8 Tharp. Shnmokin 40, Thomas Wurdrops, Mt Carmcl 41, N A Loudcnsiagcr, llcrndnn, 40, Kaelicl Cramer, Fisher's Ferry 40, U L Iteairan, Shenandoah, Schuylkill co 50, Jacob Shine, " 40, Jacob StolU, " " 40, D 11 Dower, Hormum 30, Geo H Lnltr, Georgetown 40, John II Osetnan, Suuhury 40, W 11 Wnllncc, Northumberland 30, II 8 Graham, 44 ..50, Ue'icccn Koble, Georgetown 40, Philip Wintcrsteln, Wntsontown 40, G S Low, Limo Kidgc, Columbia co 40, Lew is Osterlianl, l-aurei Kun, Luzerne Co.. .40, Mary ,T I line, Northumberland 40, B F Krohn, Snnburv 40, Andrew Healy, Girnrdsville, Schujlkill eo.. 40, Patrick Fttrgeson. MtCarmel 40, Martin Dclaney, Shenandonh city 14, John Dane, Ashland, Schuylkill co 10, Anthony McLaughlin, Giraidsvillc 40, Dayman S Hay, Muhanoy Plane 40, H Johnson, Kavcu Hun 40, David Handier, Berwick V!7, J D Focht, Potlsvillc 30, Eruslue Sober, Point twp -t, A Lippeiicolt, Watsiintown 40, Maria Kramer, Wntson'n,'Jd loss pd last sum, IO, I P I.ippcucoU, Watsontown 40, It S Ammcrmaii, Snydertown 'JO, Natlian Illoss, Berwick, Columbia co 7, J .V C It Oui'.'gle.Pino rita'n Clinton c ad lua,40, Charles W llazzurd, Unpctt, Columbia CO.. .40, .Iithn Foglcinitn, WatHontowu 40, Patrick Hester, Mt Carmcl 40, Thomas Metz, Paxinos 30, It McClosky, Lock Haven 134, -HON. A. JORDAN. PriJiident. C. A- REIMENSN Y DEK, Sec'y, Sin.bury. DIKECTOBS : E-Gov. James Pollock, Hon. C. J. Brimer, Solomon Stroll, Win. Biindlc, Solomait Sliipi', John A. Shissler, Dr. 1). T. Krchs, Dr. Duvld Will, Iron. March 11, 1S7J.1.VL FO R SALE! 17MG1ITY acres of Improved land In the best Li Ecctlou of Southern Miebiguu, within five miles of the town of "Three llivcrs," in St. Jo seph county, wilhln two miles of tlie Itailroini Station, giHd btiildiiigs, nut houses, large 01 wtiant, suil, rii-li tfuixly Umltl, school liouses nil, I cliurehs witliin sluhl title indisputable, ten ai res arc in wheat, thu reiuaiiider in clover i;od. A c pan of hortcs, cattle, hoi's. grain and furiniiu; utensils, Ac., will be sold with this properly. Price J i'O per acre. $3,000 in rush, the balance Li time pavuients of f.VHl. Applv lo ' WM. A. MASSE11, T'iiree Kivcrs, Mich, or, II. B., Snnburv, Pa. Buubury, March 11, 1S71. MANHOOD 1 ED. Just i I1UW MIST, HOW KKSTOi:- -I publislie.l bv Dr. LEWIS. 'J.Mi pages. Third Edilkm. THE MEDICAL COM PANItlN AND GLIDE TO HEALTH, on lie radical cin e of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weal', ness, Involuntary Seniiit.'tl Losses, linpotincv. Mental nud Physical Incapacity, Impediment, io Marriage, etc., nnd the and S) hi!itic Maladies with plain nnd clear directions' for tlio speedy cure of Secondary Symptoms, (iouorrlin-a, Gleots, Sirietmes, and all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotch es nud Pimples on the face und body. Consump tion, Epilepsy, and Fits, Induced by sclf-iiidul genee or scetual extravagance. The celebrated author ill this udmirablo Trea tise, clearly demonstrates, from n forty year's succcsful practice, thut Hie alarming consequence of self-abuse may be radically cured pointing out 11 mode of euro ut once, simple, ccrtuin, ami ell'ecliiiil, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may he, call ba ellee lually cured, cheaply, privately, und radically. tlt This book tliould bo in the hands of ever youth, and every man in tlio hind. Sent under teal, in a plain envelic. Price, 50 cents. Address, DIt. LEWIS, No. 7 Beach street, New Yotk. ! NI'ltlG A"Sl Nl M.TlEIt MILLINERY AND FANCY" GOODS. MISS ELIZABETH LAZARUS, Iu Dowart's Building, Market Square, SUNBUKY, PA., w here will be found a now supply of goods, con sisting of Millinery nud Fancy Goods, HATS AND BONNETS, TItlMMED AND UN TRIMMED. Also, CHILDREN'S HATS, for girls and boys. Slower of Hie latest and tiandsoincsl styles. Sash Ribbons, plain and figured. Liulic's Spencers, Lace Colars, Linen Colurs and Cutis for Ladies and Children, Crochet collars. Neckties for Ludic and Gent's latest fctyles. Silk Suck Loojis, a superior article. Gloves including Kids, and Ladies' Buckskin gloves. Handkerchiefs. All kinds of Trininiines. Embroidery Patterns. Hoaieiy for Ijulics, Gent's and Children. Nots bjue and phmu triuiiuings. TRIMMINO SILKS, Chlguons, Zephyrs und Yarns, and a general variety of Notions. Thankful for past patronage, sho hope that tho quality of her goods will merit a continuance ol lhesaine. ELIZABETH LAZARUS. April a, 1871. " ratiuts, OilMTAr. A FULL stook of Oil comprising Linseed J.. Oil, Cotil Oil, Fish Oil, und Lttbricatiug Oil for Engine and Machinery. Varulsbaa. always ou baud, at low price ut To tho Community atLarge! CHANGE AT THE REGULATOR." I have this duy purchased the entire stock, good will and llxture of tho Regulator Bool, Shoe, Trunk, Leather and Finding Storo, of J. b. Auglo, and will continue the business at Its pre sent location, corner room, Haul's Iron Frout, Market Btiieet, Sunduby, Pa. When bavins; established arrangements with the loading inunufuttnror ol the country, I pro pose supplying tho market with a class or work of established reputation for durability and finish, at price uiu.-l claim popularity. A spe cialty will bo made lu tho furnishing of Shoe makers materials lor manufacturing. our patronage la feo.lclleu. K. F. LIGUTtER. StinbtirT, Jan. 21, 1S71.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers