V t f THE SUNBU11Y AMW ,oAN. 13 PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY BY EM'L WILVEKT, Propriotor, MASTER1! BITII.ninaS MAIIKT SljrARB, At fl.5 lit Ativan'. It not paltl within 8 Months ft2. .Vicriimt eaten for let than tiz Month. Coxkhctfo with thl cstnhllithmcnt Is nn extcn elvcNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a "nricty of plain mid fnncy typo co,nul to any entahllshnient In the Interior ol tlic mate, lor wnicninciiiiiiou oro of tin public is respectfully solicited. jirofcssiomtl. -1TTM. J. HOLVEKTU.K, Attorney n TT i.nw niltnn. door No. 5. Slid floor. Haunt's Block, near Miller's Shoo Storu, Sunhnry, Pa. March 25tli, 1871.-1?. Sit. HOYKIt, Attorney nt Law. Nos. B and 8, Beconil Floor Bright'. Building, Hnnhntir. ln. Professional business attended to In tlieeourts of NortltHmborlnntl and adjoining .. - ....... . ...1., nllntn.l fA..,,!!..- COUUIICS. VI11HIIO l'1UlllIH,t VVFIIVV.,;!,. VUII.HI.I. tlon can be hnd In the Herman hingunfeC. March SiotU, 1871. ly. , JEKKMMII NSVDKH, Attorney nt Law, fnnbnry, Pn. All professional hnsl iiess intrusted to his enro will receive prompt at tention In this nnd adjoining counties. Can be consulted both In English mid German. Also, District Attorney of Northumberland county. Aii!r.ao,1870.-iy. JKO. A. WII.KOK, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. T44 Fouutii Avenue, Notary Public, rittsburg. Pa. ' ,Iil"' lr' lL0L1y:. J CI. DIA1EKI.1'. '. Market Street, . BUNBVRY, PA. Dealers In Druifs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, OUiss, Varnishes, Manors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Hooks, Dairies, &e. S IrWIVEKT. Attorney nt Law. . Market Square, SL'NBURY.VA. I'rolession nl biif iness In tills and adjoining comities nroinnt .y nttetided to. jYTa. 1. MAVIIMilE, rcspectfiilly nn lioiinecs himself as Physician and Burgeon to frio citizens of Bunbui y nnd vicinity, having lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly opposite the Falrmount Hotel, where he can be consulted ut all hours when not professionally cugni; sd. nplS-l-ly GW. Zl EUIjEK, Attorney at Law, north side of Public Niunre, ono door east of tlic old Bank biilldiuir, SL'NHUHY, PA. Collec tions nnd all profei-sionnl business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining counties. ' C A. KEIHEXSXVIE!:, Attorney nt Law, SUNBt'KY, PA. All hiishicM en trusted to Ills care ut tended to promptly nnd with diligence. upi-.-ix T(), KAY (TEJIEXT, Attorney nt Law, fj SL'NBl'KY, PA. Collect ions and all pro; fesslor.nl hin-inc.-w promptly intended to. ntehl'.l-t'.li C. J. ilUINKlt. I- II. KAMI. 1Itl'M-.!t A KANE. Attorney and Conn- sellors at Law, BL'NlllUY, PA. Oliiec on t'liestnut street, west of Ihu N. C. and P. .V: 11. Kailroad Depot, in the huildlm; lately occupied by F. Laarns, V.f. Collections and all profess ional buslne-'s promptly atten led to In Northum berland and adjoining counties. aplHMit) Hit. MASSEIS, Attorney at Law, SL'N- HllU", PA. CollNi4)iis nilend 'd to In the counties of Northuniberl..iicl, Union, fnyilcr, Montour, Columbia nnd Lycoming. nplliMi',1 1V. M. HK Klil'Kl.l.KII. I.I.OV l T. KOll llllAI'M. 1 ('! EFEM.EIt A ItOEIKIt.K'lI, A Attorneys at Law, BL'NBl'RY, PA. Ol llee la liaupt's new building, second lloor. Kn trnuce on Market S.tuire. Jan Mi AN. lilt ICE, Attorney tit Law, Sunbiiry, Pa. Ollleo in Masonic Hall Building. t,X)lleelions of claims, writings, nitd all kinds of legal business intended to c.irel'ullv nnd with dispatch. (Ap'il N, 1SJI. ly. IK. J. V. tASEOTV, Olllee ond .Reside-ice, Walnut Street, between I'l'.iid and Fourth streets, 13 U N B U R Y , P E N N ' A . "All forms of Diseases of the Eyes will be treat ed or operated upon, such ns Strabismus, (Cios KycH,) Cataract, (Blindness,) nnd nil other di seases relating to Surgery, us Talipes, (Club or Reel Keel,) Hair-Lip, Excision of Tumors, A:e. Also the cure of Epilepsy (or Failing Fits.) f'ltnliy, Muv 1S71. VALENTINE SIETZ, Wholesale and . Retail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds ol (iraln taken In exchange for Coal. Orders solieitel and till''-' promptly. feblS-71. W. K. HIlOAPS. J. I'ACKmt HAAS, WN. KIIOADS V CO., Ki:nn. ik.ai.i-.i;s ok ANTHRACITE COAL, t' UN BURY, PENN'A. Oi'ricB with Haas, Faobi.y & Co., Orders left at SeasholtJ! iV: Bio's., olllee Market Street, will receive prompt ntloulh.li. Cuiiijlry custom respeelfallv solicited. Vi. , 1S71. tf. COACH 51 A K EEN. WE arc selling Rims, f-'kes. liijlu. Springs, Canvass, Bolls, Clips. A"'"K. e., very Largo Stin k nt CONRi" iV CO. Sunbiiry, March !!(), 1 Still. COALt COAL! COAL! CKANTHROd., J Shipicrs and Wholesalu and Relail Dealers ii, AVIUTK AND RED ASH COAL, M NltL RY.PA. (i.owku wiiAiir'.) Z-ft" Side Ag at-, westward, ut the rWcbratcd Henry Clay Coal. Janl'J-tiil EC1IAN.E l.li:il. J. M. 1IAUTIK)I.JM1:V, l'ltopitiKToit. FOTRTIl STREET, ABOVE MARKET, Nn it bury fn. Mini', lust of r'nling and driving hcrsi always .JL on liaiiil to ftcrvu eustomi'rs. Orders It'll lit the Central Hotel, lor vehicles. Will receive piolllptltttelltlol). Nov. :, i;u. lENTLSTItY " (; noitm: m. it kxx, ,S'ijli).soii'i( JliiiUliiiij, .Vn &jHUttt Si Mil HV, P., pteiiurol to do all kinds of woik pertaining to t'ciilUlty. lie keeps constantly on hand I a lard" ussoriiueut of Tecih, and oilier Itenial rnuleiial, frtiiit whieU he will tut utile to select, uinl nittl tuo ttauts ut lil caloiuei-H, All voik w;il muled to iltkaml.ult'il.or el.o Hie money refunded. Th Very Int Mouth Wu'h uii lToolh Portdeis kel oil build. His reletviiet's ate the itiiiaerous patrons for wliiiiiiheli.it Hoiked Inr lh 1. 1. 1 lel years. Mtuliury, April 'il, i I. NEW OII. V tHII. rllllK llll. l.'l.K'iled having lulllteeled li I'.mI 1 liu.tueM ttiili liUektea.itu r l.ut It I. It VI li.ije, U l . t . t ... i ( . tapply l.o.iillet walillie uuv it i. trot' ol, !: I oil ( tsii. t-JiV, Mi uud Nut, enii.l.iully ou hand. I.l.ilu lukiu lu t'lehallfcu loll .ul. J. M. I VDW AI.I.AIH K. Kniibiiiy, J in. .l, imo.- it, U.VKLUV I HAKKKY !! II.VKKUV I ! ! 1. E N lll lut .u j il, II i'l-t i.H)iu. 4 llll I'Uo UaL.ij uh ,,i. li, I mar lliu Killi.4'l it. (.a, S.iilUniului I m l, et U pi! paled In . iliil.lt lliu ntls.iiaul iiiiliiiiii i.iii l u4 anbury .lU all Li,,,w ,, ltli'1 Mil t -tk, ( SUi U HiiuH S ilh III, uiu bio. to, bill, tit lttkr.li..! t i,e Ilk u III, mil 4 lull iii l ri t i kla, li.it,. , I. I ...i.. Hi,.. I 4u4 fck il ll ud t.i m Iku.iiiI.ij i i-)tiiiii, t .k. . ,. It, i(, I'mlkt, W,4ltu.;4, lulu, 4, , lulltl.U,4 41 kl,llt 11H.,4, U""4 4 fl4.l.4l t,ki.,4ul b4llb4 ..ik.J : !. I u. . m SuiillHI f i. KHUI ,4I, I 4.t, i alltrittliiiu tlU tIKI'illi.li 1 1 .1 u it . 4 I io. I -II O s nsitAlillsrecl In lSlO. PRICE 91 50 IN AOVAXCE. ) hotels tiub ilestanntnts. L' A i'IElVltE ilOI'SE, Broad nnd Chest, nut sts. Philadelphia. J. U. BUTTER. WOUTII. Proprietor. Terms per day, 3.5U. April 15, 1871. ly UNION HOTEL, TIIOS. FOl'LDS, Br., Proprietor, Sliam'okin Street, Trevorton, Noilhumbeiland county, Pa. . Tho table Is sup nlied with tho best tho market nffonls. flood stabling nnd attentive ostlers. lJan.21,'71 F. livniu.Y. v.. o. nowr. ITNION IIOI NE," LYKF.NS, DAI PUIN COUNTY, PEXN'A., BYEKLY & MOWER, Proprietor. Tho table is supplied with tho lici t the market affords, (iood stabling and attentive ostlers. May 20, 1S71. NATIONAL. EAUEIt ItEEK NAI.OON, os Tiunn STiinrT, jseaii the dkpot, SUNBURY, PA. TOSEPIt nACIIERinformsthe rltlwiis of Sun tf bury nnd the public generally, that he has opened n LAKER BEER SALOON nt Mm tovo place. Tho ber-t of Lager Beer, nnd Malt. Liiiiors will bo kept. Also Oysters, iv.c., constantly serv. cd up to customers. NATIONAL I1UTEI.. AUGUSTUS WALD. Proprietor. Georgetown Nortb'd County, Pa., at the Station of the N. C K. '. Choice wines nnd clears at tlic bar. The tabte Is supplied with the best the market nllords. Uood stabling anil utteutiro ostlers. A I.EEJHENV IIOI'VE, Cui.. CIIAS ii. KLKCKNER, P.iouielor. Nos. M! and M4 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA Terms, per day. He respectfully solicits your pat ronugc. AKIIINtSTON 1IOINE, C. NEFF, Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second Streets, oppoMte tho Court House, Sunbiiry, Pa. Slay:.'if,'70. BOTEI. V ItENTAt'ItANT. THOMAS A. HALL. Proprietor, Sunlmry St., wet SHAMOK1N. PENN'A. Meals served at all hours, ut short notice. The j best of Ll.iiors ut the Bar. The Table is sup I plied with the best and latest in the. markets. At tentive servants. Terms moderate. Palranu.";e solicited. IT l"52 31 EIN It ENTAI'It A N T, LOUIS HUM MEL, Proprietor. Coeimene St., Sll AMOIvIN, PENN'A. Having Just relitted the above Saloon for tlie accomodation of the public. Is now prepared to serve '.lis friends with the best lel'reshmenls, and fresh Lager Beer, Alii, Porter, and all other malt tjuors. J. V A L K It ' S AVINTEIt A ttl'. AN If HOTEL A'i. 72, 722, 724 A: 727 Vim PHILADELPHIA. V INTE 11 G A 11 1) 1C X II O T E L, (ON TIIK ni'llOPPAN I'l.AS) Centrally located, c'.lniieetlug witli all Iho City Passenger Railway Cars, from all tho Depots in tlic City. Excellent AccoiiiiiiutlutioiiM for Tru voIHtn. (I rand Vocal nnd Instruiiiental Concerts every evening in lite Similiter and Winter tiarden. (lyOrchcstriun Concert Eeiry Aj'tcrnnm.j l'INB I.AOins' lli:sTAl'l!ANT Till! llliST OP iti:Fiti:siiMi.NTs si:nvi:n. Olllee of J. Valcr's FouiH.alu Park llrewery. .lime 4, 1S7().-ly. L I l 1' O tt N T O It E ! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite tin) Court House, SUN 1IURY, PA., Respect fully Invites the attelillou of Retailers ami otliers, that lie has ou hand, mid will con stantly keep all kinds of FOIlEItiN AND DOMFTIC LIQUORS Consisting of Pure Drawl!'. f : Cognlue, Cherry, (ilnger, lioehelleiind (Kurd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-l'isiilled, Mii,'n gahela, Apple and .Nectar. PURE HOLLANO (UN ! "iVincs: Champagne Wiuc, Slierry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F.. Rum, lirmvil Stout and Seoleli tTOllACH AND li All HITTERS, And all otliers Liipiors wlileli can be found lu the city niarkels. which will be sold ut Whole sale and Relail. Every article guaranteed rcprescutc I. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS uu l ItO 1 ILLS, alwavs ou hand. ! t;" Orders prompt Ij attended !, nnd public patroii!ie respeellully solicited r, NEFF, Sunbiiry, July !1, lli'.'. ly. JACOU SIIII'MAN. TIIUMI-SON Dl'lllt. I'lro, Li To anil Act'ltlrut INSURANCE AGENCY UK MII1MIAN A 1H.UK, MA UK V.'V .STUKKT, SL'Xl.L'lIV, l'A. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. N. American, Philadelphia, Assc; 2,7s;!,.')yii K.merpriso, " UJ.iMi.'k MaMhatlan, Nc York, l,;itiS,ti!il N. Amciieau " rio-j,:,7il Lorillard, " ),.VI,:i!l Vonkers ,i N. York " KS2,1S0 Hanover, ' T'xi.ikmi I in IH riol, l.oiidiiu, H.iHHI.IIO'J Lveouiiug, Miiuey, ;i,.''(H,(MHI Fiaukliii' Philadelphia, 2,s?:.7:l llninc, New Vork, t,.Mii,:iils llartloid, Hai'llonl, 2,.MI.2IU PbieiiU, l,ll27,Ull Travelers, l,:t.l,tKI7 Farmer. Ins. Co.. Yoik, tt'.'tt.liKI N. Iliitish .V. Mereanlilo 1 1,!.',,'."!! Nommerer, New Yull, J.Vi.loO ( omieli, Noi wieh, :nll,'4til New England Mutual Life, 7,:iiW,iKK) an ' " '1 Clojh vg July I, l7l. If'OU BALK. V tl.l Vill i: I.Ola ou Uiu n .iii.r IWH ei,u4 4ll4 Ibi.luul ,t, n4., It, I be II.. OH IS hk It Ut, lu 4iv , , l. .1 4 tuiili i aiiiiiiut , , I It u ,14, llll It.'U vu lat'tw 4b, outbmhlut,; llti. U..iu.l..i., I .lu ul llunU 11.11.,., il,t 4, I'"'. 4 1-4 uu ll.rtil iti.il, Ut I lie lli.tiiu.lt I ii.I.ui ,, u aim u U. .i 4 4 4t IIIU4 tin,.. , l il. U 4U. o.nl..n..uh . I., .,.u.e ..t It., i. ill, , uj . I', Mill. I I UlnS, r"'. n, t, i ii A ii..t..i t,..tu 1 i.i.iiii il..., l.l ut Ill HI HiS ' ft Ulltt-liUi. .(.44. -It 4 U 1 4 III. I II I I W -.1. A. U..ifc, I 4b4 1,'t Ik. U t Li M k.U I,. I. 4( .4. llll, I 1.4. W .t. 41 ItlfUikt lo, U44il4l X.. ' 4 I I NBUEY SUNBURY, PA;, IIALTI5IOKE LOCK TAR. JOHNSTON, HOSPITAL Physician of this celebrated Instliutlou, has illscovcrcd the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remcdv In the world for nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. iVcnkncss of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, A flections or Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involun lary Dlschnrgcs, Impotciic.y, cueral Delilll t.V, Nervousness, Dvspepsv, Lauguor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Slight or Giddiness. Disease of tho Head Throat, Noso or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Rowels these terrible Disorders BA'lsliig from the Solitary Habits of Youth thoso tecrct nnd solitary practices more fatal to their vlettms than the Song ot Syrens to tho Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, mulcrlinr marriage, ecc., linpos. Bible. IOUNO MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soil lary Vice, that dreadful ami dcUctiyo baMt which annually sweeps to nn untimely gravo thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might ol her wise have entranced listening Senates with tho thunders of eloquence or waked to ccstticy the living lyre, may call wttti tint coiuuiciico. MAR III A UK. Married Persons or Young M'eh c6ntcir'pl:tlng marriage, nware ol Physical nenkness, (Loss of Prmrcatlve rower lmpoteuevi, Nervous Ex citabilitv. Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner. vous Debility, or any other Disiptulillcution, speciiuy rciievcit. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J, may religiously coullde in his honor ns n gentle man, and eonllilently rely noon "It s'!l nsu I'll v. sleiau. , OROANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncy, Loss of Power, ii'.'.mediately Cured ami lull I Igor Restored. This Distressing Atlectlon which renders Life miserable mid marriage impossible is the penalty paid by tho victims of Improper Indulgences. Young" persons urc loo apt t' commit excesses from not beiugnwnre of the dreadful eoiiseieiiees that may ensue. Now, who that understands tlietubject will pretend to deny that Iho power ol procreation Is lost sooner by those tailing Into Improper habits than by the prudent? llcshlcs beiii" deprived the pleasures of hcallhvon'sprine the most serious and dottrnclive symj liims to Imth boity unit mind arise: lliesysiulu becomes de. ranged, the Physical nnd M utal Functions Weakened, Loss of Proercative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation ol llie Heart, Indigestion, Coiislitatlonal Debility, a Wasting ol lliu frame, Cough, lonsiinimi.ni, Uecay and Deatli. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS Persons ruined in health by unlearned pre. cu llers who keep them trilling in. null tiller month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, Manuel apply iinmeuiaieiy. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Roval College of Surgeons, Lon don, draduutcil trom one ot tlic most eminent Colleges in the United States, uu. I Hie greater part of whose lie has been spent lii the hospitals ol Loudon, l"i is, Philadelphia and elsewhere. has ellected eome of the most usloiilsliiii.r cures that were cir knoi4 1 tunny troubled with ring ing in tho head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed nt sudden soHiids, bashfuliiess, with frcmicut blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured liiimciimif iv. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have lulured themselves by Improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both hotly and mind, untitling 111cm lor euner iiiisiness, tiihiy, soeie3' or mar ria ge. Tiiesr arc some of tlic rail nnd melancholy cnecis proituceit .y early llniills 01 voiiili, viz: Weakness ol the Hack am' Limbs. Pains III tho Hack and Head, Dimness tit' Sight, Loss of .Mus cular Tuwcr, I'uIvHulioii of the Heart, Dyspepsy, nervous irriiainil'.y, uerungeinciil ol Digesliie r uni t ions, Oeneral Debility, Svinptonij of Con- sumpliun, tV.c. Mt'.NTAi.i.Y I he lenrlul cllects oil the mind lire much !! ! ricaded Loss of Memory, Con- iiisioit 01 iiiuns, iiiMircssioti or htitrils. Kvil- borebodiiigs. Aversion to roeletv, Sell-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timidity, iVc, tirb suiuo of the evils prxiuceu. liiiH sASiis or persons or nil ages can noiy Judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing I heir vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having 11 singular upiearauco alaiut tlx eyes, cough and symploiusof consump tion. VOUNC MEN Who have Injured themselves by n certain prac tice indulged lu when tiloiie, 11 habit frequently icnriica trom evil compaiooiis, unit school, the cllects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage iinios siblc, and destroys both mind and body, should apply liuineilialeiy. l hat 11 pity 1'i.it a youiijf tnan, the hoiH'or his eoiintrv, tile darling of his 111 rents, should be hiialehed front all prospects and enjoyments of nif o llti' consequence or deviating trom the path of nature ami indulging lu 11 certain secret habit. Such pel sons mi st, before contemplating MARRIAHE, relied that a sound mind and body tire tho most uecca.ary uqulsites to promote ct.111111l.inl happi ness. Indeed w itlloul these, the Journey through life becomes a itcary pilgrimage) the prospect hourly darkens to the lien ; Die mind becomes shadowed uih despair and lilted Willi Iheuieliiit choiy relict !i'm, that Iho happiness ul another becomes blighted with oitrown. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When llie misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure liuds that he has Imbibed lliu seeds of Ibis painful disease, it too ollcti hapHiiK that an ill-liiued sen-e of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him livui upplyiug lu tboco hIio, from eilucalluii uud res.v..iuliliity, call alone befriend liim, deliiring till the const ilulioiial syutptouis ol this horrid disease make their nppcuriiiice, such us ulcerated sure throat, diseased nose, lutciural pains 111 the head ami limbs, dimness of sight, tlenfiiess, nodes on Iho shin holies end urins, bliilehes on Iho head, lace ami eMreinilies, pio grt.ssing wiih fiightfiil rupidiiy, till at last Hie pal. lie of the Itiouilt or thu bones of the nose full in, and thu victim of litis awful disease Ihcouics u horrid object of e.iniiulseriiii.ui, till death puis 11 H.Tiod lo Ills dreadful sulleiliig, by semilog hint lu " lli.il I ii.liieiiieredC'uunliy fruiii wIicuihi 110 Iruieller returns." Il Is u liielaiieholy fad lh.lt Iholtsiiuds DIK lielliiis lo this lemlilo tliscase, Ihroiiglt InlliiiK Into llie hands of Ignorant or unskillful I'llk. TENDERS, it ho, by the us of llmt tleudl roi, sott, Mercury, Jtc, destroy lite imislilittlot., slid lucuNtblu of curing, keep Ilia unhappy sutleter ihoiiiIi utter iiii.iuu l. .king 1 heir not ious or in. Jut ions coiiikiuiiiI, and lu . lead of U lug resloicj ton renewal 01 j.iiu I Igor ui).J Happiness, In des. Mir leatii him villi ruined llealih lo l-li ovr ll galling tli.lpmillllllenl, 'In sueh, linn lure. Hi . JmissTi.s liledgi'S Lliu. sell lii piesetie Iho liu-l lultuUbUi bwrecv, uJ troiil his t.iuiu.lio l.t'ttelicti tuttj oliscriulioits lu Iho urtut llii.pil.tls til s:iiiu4., un, Dm Uimi h: Uu. ciiiiiilry, kin Ki.gl.iit.l, fiance, PI1ll.tdelI.hi4 llll. I l Leu lu le, 1. r114l.l1 4 lo l.lhr lliu Ulost ler- lain, s idy uu. I 1 11., lu ,1 reiiiul) lu I tie utl4 fur till dlBl.tseS ol llllpl'll'letiee. UU. JiillSnliiN, I'H H F, Ml. I, il. r lii.Dlt.Klt K M TUFF. I', llAI.VllttlMH. 1. II. la II hind side guilia 1 1. .HI ILilllltiult' sttcel. lew tiis.ls 1 1. .Ill lliu toilivr, full u4 lM OWrtsKAIliu 4111I iimiiWr. s Sii Idlers l..iitt- uuless u,iiuU uu.) ei.i.lsliiius' 4 l.ni.p to Im umh! im I Us It ply. Per sons ttlililiu sbnul4 sl lU ttue, 4U4 S u4 4 IStJlluli ul s4t 11 it, itti ul Ui iiluiia tiiii'Luus. I Uetu uiu so UtitUt I'ullm. Ittstllltlil Mud Vuttlll,44 Illll'ltlCtS 44lt llttlllM ItuUlSLtttft 44 I'll). I. Ulls, I1III11.4 llll 4 l I IUIUIU4 111 r4lll I all xlt.t wuIimIuii iI, I) tail lulu lUi.'l .4rr, IU.ll IN. Jiilttwl.itt 1I1UU.S II IH..U4I) u 4 Is ull lu lit mi U114. it.,luto4 ituit 111 ItptlU. IliMI ln.it 111. I li I.I.IUI, M lilpluM.S 4 It IU4 Itt l.t fill- 4. kMmllok Ml S r I'lf IIIK l Uln. Ik. IM4U) ltllU4t4s IUI.4 41 IlltS M4l.ll.l). II! Ill, (1 II 4.1.1 .4. 4tlllul U4U11I..W. I.U , l .lljl.l I ' J. I .1 I .14 1I411I uiku..l 1.LUU1.4 kf lt, tlH,4M4 l k It flSSt tll4llS Ul 1U4 t'S4 u4 tH4U) uttul ll., H'MetSul S) LI l, 4iv u.4l.4 ; 4iM 4U4 44 ill! bl,US lbs bulillt, Ul4 t L.t sltw.tiu S (J 4. UIU Ml ill l . 1.4144 Ul 4U4 1 1 "4-.4t4.4Uim I , It 4 4 4 Ut. kU tSUtlllH lu Ik' 41. t. I l k.4, 4.4441 .Jl.l J t.4 l..44lj i t yPTur. tilifw"Tu uToi?rNor.Hz'.jf SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1871. I EltsIITEENTII ANNUAL EXHItiI TION OF THE NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY AG RICULTURAL SOCIETY, TO BE HELD IN SIN1UKV, On TfEsnAV, WrnNrsnir and Titi-iisnxy, Sr.v TEMBEit 20th, 271 11 nnd S8th, lsll. OFFICERS 1 JOSEPH BIRD, PiiiAiuENT 1 JotiNMcFAtir.AMi, Vies VtfWtrf 1 O.- Vi Armstrong, Secretary 1 jl. II. MeCormlek. Treasurer ; Leinucl Shlpm in, Corresponding Secretary ; John H. Vincent, As sistant Secretary ) George B. Caldivalluder, As sistant Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTER 1 Edward Urmly, J. M. Folhner, Win. Waldron, J. M. Bartholomew, Dr. Joseph Eyster, Solomon Ma'rtt, (icorgc Until, Samuel John,Thomas Johns ton, l'eter Uiirrel, Jmcph Nicely, Lewis Sticker. OcnT D. C. WATSON, Vhiitf Marth.it Capl. A. Caldwell, Ellas Weist, Captain 8. Hryson, J. E. Mueiich, Peter Obevdorf, Josejih Ilaugh.i wout, A. N. Hrico, Philll) Forrester, and J. li. Da vis, mrislmtt Miinhaln. The Books of Entries will bo opt n on nnd after the First day of September, at the Ottlco of tho Assistant Sccictary, nt Northumberland, nnd con tinue open until the morning previous to the Fair, wncn the t Mirers win no on tlic grounn. Inhibitors can enter goo.la without extra charge upon the purchase of tickets to amount of one dollar, wlurh will ndimt the exhibitor nnd tho stork, or nrilcles to be exhibited during the Continuance of Iho Fair, and all persons purchas ing n family ticket, wilt have the privilege to en ter all goods live ot charge, these regulations apply lo nil entries except where test of spec 1 is required, in which ten per cent of the whole premium will be charged. All persons who intend to exhibit horses, cat tle, sheep or swine, snail iiavettiein cmcrcd upon the Secretary's books as far ns possible, the week before the Fair. Exhibitors will receive 11 check for ouch article entered, designating the class and numUerof the cntvy, v hkh must be attached to the article. Articles or animals removed from tho grounds m-fore the close or the exhibition, (except by per mission ol Iho President,) cannot receive a pre mium, though awarded. A general Invitation ishcrcby extended lo llie runners and .Mechanics of Northumber and nn.l the surrounding counties, to attend this Exhibi tion, nnd bring witli them such nrilcles of their own growth or manufacture, lis Mill interest the public, nnd illustrate Iho improvements that are goingon iu those brunches of American Industry. To Agricultural Societies, we bug leave to say, that nny olllcers or delegates whom tiny mav commission to visit us will meet with n cordial reeepfloii. All agricultural friends honoring us with their presenters re'ircsenlatives of oth -r similar noddies, or In ollieial capacity, will be considered as guests of the Society, and frco to our grounds. Judges mo requested to report themselves nt the President's olllee, on the grounds, first day or before ten o'clock, p. 111,, second day of Fair, when they will be furnished with books of entry, which they are desired to till up with the u wards and return to tho Bccrctnry during the second tluv of Fair. Those who cannot attend will 1 .lease notify tho President. We Invilc, therefore, nil, both nt home nnd nl.road, to attend and participate In it. either ns exhibitors or spectators, feeling sure inai none win do itisappoiiiteu. No premium will be awarded on any nrtlcle or nuimnl in the absence of competition, unless the Judges deem it meritorious. Cake, melon, confectionerv or other sliibds. or wagons, and shows or exhibitions, may ho ad mitted to the Fair Cronnils by application 10 tlic rresiiienl, and paving a reasonable compensation for the Funic. None of the above will bo allowed outside tho enclosure near the grounds. o species ol liquor shall be sold or drunk on the grounds, nor shall gambling be allowed on the grounds during the days of the Fair. A strong and clhcieut police forco will boon the grounds day uud night, during tho Fair. T be Society will preserve all articles while on exhibition, bill tl.iv will not bo responsible for any losses or accidents that may occur. Iioo.1 stalls, bedding, nnd abundance of good feed for animals on cxhibitiou, will bo furnished by tho Society at fair prices. All premiums not called for by Iho first of Jan nary next, will be forfeited to the Society. B -4-1' 1.... TI..I .....II . . 1 - ' . ' . ,4 4..eui pujii 4 leivets on mi ruuruuua 10 ami front Snnbury. Exhlbitors.ulion receiving their checks from tlic Secretary, will repoit to tho Committee of the Department to which the entry belongs, by whom the places for exhibition; will bo assigned. 1 he llrldgc tit Northumberland will pass all to the Fair nt half price, and goods or stock to pass iree, ny oruer 01 inn Directors. AiliillMNloii, SINtJLK TICKETS, 25 cts). " Single Tickets dining tho Fair SO " " Family Tickets, including nil " under 'i years, (jocit durlu.r " the Fair, '(II 00 A Grand Parade of the Order of Red Men. f.OO or more, will take place on Tuesday, tho First day of the Fair, 0:1 the Fair Ground. lituitnd, 1 hat till members of the Prcs bo a. linitle. I Ire.'. No winning horses can enter for u second v.rti- tnluin. LIST OF PREMIUMS TO BE AWARDED. CLASS I. For tho best bushel of White Wheat, " Red Wheat. $5 00 5 0(1 2 rxi 2 50 I 00 3 t' I 4 00 3 (Kl 4 no to 4 00 4 00 Second best '.; bushel White Wheat, Red Wheat. Best U bushel Rve, Second best " Best ' -j bushel Corn In Turs, Second best 4, Best ; bu-hel Ou;, Second best " Itesl i bushel Clovciseed Hot " Timothy S.t'd best .; bushel Buckwheat 00 Ji luii:,. Soliiiniiit .Mallei;, Julia Kl.ipp, JhIiii a lwallader. Aunn Vastiuc. Isaac I aainbeil. Hi.niy Morgan, J. li. bi.iilli. Win. P. Hull. John Tuecti, Joseph Nicely, p. D. Shaher. CLASS II. Ddiiiiam Catti.ii. Hot Bull, ii years old, and upwards. 10 no A (hi H (Ml 4 00 it U) M 00 4 IHI A (Kl a mi 'J no J.I l'.t Best Bull uudtr li years old nnd Upwards 'M hc.-t U.-SI Calf, Best Cow over years, M Ik si Besi Cow or Heifer under 4 year 'Jd Im-kI Best llelll r Calf, Nu premiums ull..we. off this llt except fur llioioiuli Lrw.la. pulpites u bJ hit Willi lliu StHielary. Jt in, K, Win. Ileln. it, John Moure, 'I leiuiiit Me Williams, Win. I.el.how, John Rmish, i. II. Mtiulgiiinery, D. E. Kehrcs, Juhu I'uinpbell, J110. klusu, Win, L. Mutter. CLASS III. I.UVOM At 11 sl.liKllsy l AT1I E. ? tliiu I'teiiiliiiiis uud Ren'Ulalioiis, us lu Class '). Ji I...1 l-aiic Vineeiil Ivtlah Jehusiiti, l'al,. fll l(ii. km. 111, I icn, t itma.l, D. t nit's, r.t ii Is Hoy, J. .Im Cixqicr, Jacob Sealiiilu uud D.tiid Mwuitl. (LAM IV. t.Htl.S tkll mutton I 1TI E, Ik.l i;r.nlu low uu 1 1 )vais 'M U.l lt l vr.nlo in uu Ur mi 44 Ih s4 Ik 4l l4.u Itlllfi r t.tlf Hist tututitutt tli Otif A leull M u. si Hi! toniiituit tu uii Ur i4i '4,1 Im.I Hi'l toltillluM b.lbrl alf u I " Sllitl. U Ul.ll I4lll Ulullglug .i Ul (,,U (i Jl l.SS. Alill,SUI hliltl4U HvUl, .S.4IU4- U.I iltusuiut, S44 It- Us, D.i.kl l.l, 11, l.'an. I 41. S, Ui4lM.il I . Mi k.441, klU41U4 l4,i.l, II. , liitH), Lsil DiuihUIUi, su4 44414 V 444111.4. ( . sussr uu siks. Hist flSU. Uf Ui-llltU bSl I 4..S 4l4 M i oulb-Awttl Ol KJ KALti 4IIV4I Ian HI... u kiciwi 4, I ,4, u 14 b. A U . .4,4 I ', i U-t W Uttl AMERICAN Best Boar nnd Sow under 0 months A lid best 3 50 Best litter or Pigs from 6 to 10 weeks old 5 '.'il best ' 8 50 Best fat Hogs, 2 or more B 2d Rest " 2 50 huhc. Joel Biltormnn, John B. Leinbach, John A, Summers, Dr. Jos. Haas, ('has, Kase, J. Hunslckcr, Geo. T. Sclbfu t, P. S. Bickle, P. Jl. Shindel, C. A Uiimensnyder. CLASS VI. iwpoiirr.n and TiionoriiMr.ttr.n roitsrs. Best blmidcil Stallion, 4 years and upwards fO.l 3d best " 13 Best blooded Stalilou under 4 years Ud 24 best " 10 Rest bloode 1 Stallion Coil under 3 ycnM It) 2d Best 5 Jtuhin Amos E. Kapp, Pr. J, P. McCIcery, John Meelv, J. M. Bartholomew, J. Basset, D. H. Driesbucli, Farnsworth Reed, H. S. Ruhl'lns. CLASS VII. iionsrs run am, ivokk. Best Stallion, 4 years nu:l up-.tar.ls, ?'J0 2d best " 10 Best Maro or Horse, 4 years and upwards, 10 2d best " 5 Best Stallion under 4 years, 10 Best Marc, uud Colt ut sldo 10 Jwljei. Dr.Thos. Hull, Win. 11. Kcmcrer, W. W. Horning. Valentine Diets, Win. Forscinaii, Benjamin Iiarto, Hiram Young, Davit, Seller, Elijah Byerly, Frank Leiscnring. CLASS via IIOIISKS l'Olt HEAVY DIIAI T, Best team or pair 2.1 best Best Blr.glo horse or mare 24 best Best. Colt. Il veins old f 10 5 5 0 Judirt. John Sheep, Ellas Enteric h, Dr. II, M. Raker, Ira Forrester, John Holl'i, Petr F. Bal liot, Daniel Kutz. CLASS IX. MATCHED ASO SINOt.fl IIOHSB3. Best matched team in color f 10 " Irrespective of color 5 " K year old Colls 5 Best single driving horse or maro 5 " Horse, or Male, for saihllo 5 Best Colt upon the ground, (sweepstake) 4 2d best " ii Best 2 vear old 5 2,1 best " 3 5i) Best 1 year old J! 2J best " 1 lit) Jn.lije. Win. Cooner, Gilbert Voils, M. L. Savi.lg.- Geo. W. Kicfer, Cvrus Blown, James .1. Calluuri, V, Miller. S. Triicki'iuiller uud Eiunmlus CLASS X. JACKS AM) MI LTS Best pair of Mules, " single Mule, 2 "i0 " Mule Colt, 2 50 " Jack, 5 .(. John Porter, TN.,., (Milton,) II. D. Mourer, Samuel BiirKcnbine, John Blng.iiiian, Hiram Young and John S. Snyder. CLASS XI. F1TK!) Of IIOIISCS. Division 1 Second Day, 2 o'clock, P. M. For liorse entered in the 4 minute, nnd !i'j mlnuto trotting race, nnd tho mile running race, best .'15, live horses to enter for the trot ting, and must trot inside of four minutes, find those horses entering for S'-J minute trot, must trot inside of 8 minutes and SO seconds, or no premiums will be awarded. All horses to bn owned lu Northumberland county three months previous to thu Fair. All trotting to harness. Premium for tho 4 minute trolling, ?100. First horso, best 3 In & f ."i0 Second " " " K.l Third " " " 20 Jmh;,. V. V. John, Abraham Wagnrr, W. TI. Watson, R. Montgomery, J. W. MeCor mlek, Isaac J. Sober, William M. Weaver, E. Chldester and John (i. Marklo. Hhlslcn 8 Second Day, 8 o'clock, P. M. Fremlnm, C75. First horse, best 8 in 5 I0 Second " j.',) Third " If, Jwlo't. P. L. Hackenbare. Geo. B. Caldwal- lailer, John R. Cooner, V. M. Smith. Thames Ncsl.it, Dr. A. C. ( lark and George Burr. Division 2 Second Day, 10 o'clock, A. M. Run-Pre- I Ill.M nlng 3 In 5 j same rules as In Division 1. mliim, f 25. Division S Third 1'av. ii mim.lc : sadC as in Division 1, best S 5 to harness, horses to enter. Premium, ?100. Threo First Ilorso t-r,a 8J 2J Second " Third " Running 1 nilie heals, 1iest2-i-3 Hordes, 8 lo enter. Premium, open lo r.ll First Horse, ?:,() Jnlm. C. Netr, John Slitzcl, K. M. Slack, J. E. Bartholomew, Win. II. Douty. John Deckel, R. Slater, John V. Hopewell and, I. E. Rathbnn. Division 8 Third Day, 2 o'clock, P. M. Open to nl! horses. Three to enter. Mile heats, best S lu 5. , Premium, f 125. First Horse 7 "1 Second " li Third ' I., .W.if.--James Viindvko, Augustus Wald, II. C. Slicker, W. C. Knpp, J. M. F.illninr.'Wiii. Me Niueh. Robert Montgomery, Albeit Weaver and J. McFurluud, (Noitli'iium ihuul). CLASS X!I. I'UI I.TIIV. ltest two 1 urkcvt, or more a I, , tt 1 50 :i 1 50 ;t 1 il 1 a l Best 21 Best 2.1 B. t 2.1 lies! 2.1 Giise, " Durki " t, it Chicken " tt t Game Fowls, or moid Hc.-t bit of fowls of one kind, 11.. I lesn Hi in fj, it.i.n. Mietiiilel Will.U, Velser II ts.ler. A. VorU, tm. II. I. anil., J.ivi.li K. II. nisei. IV tu. Gr.t.ly, W. II. Hi.j'l.., M.J. D. iibii.j-.ou, John Uesl ami l I! I li. ill KueiJ, t LASS Mil. XKtlKTlHI.HI. Be t lei-he Put ll.K-t ( I " 'j " Sweet l'olat.M-4 ; " " Turnip y Hi 'I peek T.nl'iil.' 44 " " I'nioiH a " I. II. ;i l. Citbh.i j " II IM ilk I Vlt'ry :j Il Led II els .j il ,-,.. 1 I'niiipkbii " a Field Puinpkiui " M.tu.-.. J 7-...-J. C. Il.ill.lll, II. J. Ileuiler, J. F. F.ii hhu'tA, ln.te M tllt, Mleli.n l alley, II, , O'liaii.b.r, J, It, HuriiltiK uud , ll.,., i, t I.ASi XIV. rut it. It. I k . hue n of Apple. " ttt.4 ittiMl ituiiterou. t.rl. ty " HH'lllllU of fv..ft " .tilii ' s. k Ijillncr " UttpUy ol lirs t " 1. 111 II ul I'. ai In t i 4 I 60 rui 4uti4 bt.i of 414th, one btlf uf Ihd ul..t .f ItlilllUti . Jt.j.t.-Joint r. U-rr, I.. Hull, II. T- II. I'utily, II. nUium Uobuvr, U. .UU JtU 4.4441,11.. H. .t t.ter, M. I'm ttl (I. M V. AukU I I II II 11. IWI IIIMCIi ll. It. I I'lllU.ll f " l4H.. I " I I4llll4i4( A I,ii4liiill t, 11 .1.41 ii..Wn 1 11. t ... I r -.1,1.1. VI. I 1 " Ibili.l.l U,.,o (j " 1 tu II .it H 4.-44, 4 " liia.u I L.l.41.44 u I -4 4 " , J...lv.t J W r4'.444, 4 II H J.4..14 ll.-l-.i, k,t...4i iiit.ii, W I,, 1, m,'. ' -. M'l.tt I..M t4 Uakatl tw.ll.U o Now Scrip. Vol. 3, No. 25. Old ?orlc. Vol. 31, No. I?. PLOWING MATCH. Second Day, ut 10 o'clock, A. M. Best Plowing il') 2d best " 5 3d " " 2 51 Judge. Joseph (lass, Ceorgo Seller, II. G. Kllnej Stinncl Hoover, Adam Leaker, James Smith, Adam Vandlingiind John Lcdicr. CLASS XVI. MANtTACTt'lintS IN flENKUAl, IS TIIK rofSTV. Best Carriage, 1 or 2 horses tC " Buggv, oH'ii or toj r, ' Slclgli 5 " Double Ilnrncss 5 " Slngln " 4 ' Side Upper Leather 5 " 50 lbs. Flour 5 21 best " 4 Best Boots 8 " Slioes 1 50 " Calf Skin 4 " '.j iloz. llrooms 8 ' Spring Wagon 8 " Sewing Machine Diploma. 2d best Sewing Machine " Jmhje. J. F. Lerch, Ira T. Clement, Win. Hoo.l, II. D. Burr Hitter, (Tiirbutville), Joseph Carr, John Buyers and John Vouiigiuiiii. CLASS XVII. DOMUSTlU llANt'FAC'TI'HKS, st Tloihc-made Woolen Cloth 10 yds ' Flannel, 3 yards 1 Linen, 5 yards ' Woolen Carpet ' Rag Carpet Quilt or Bel Spread 1 Fanner's Wreath ' Woolen Yarn, 1 lb ' Fancy Patch Work Q'lilt 1 Knit Hose f 1 2 3 4 3 3 o 1 it ; 1 1 3 " Hand Made Shirt t.;m. Wm. T. Foivythe, 11. Y. Frlllng, W. R. Crolzer, Win. Sivi.lire, F. Piper, John II. Goodman, B. Balliot, Mrs. Henry Hillington, Mrs. Martin Gass. Mrs. Gen. Ganli Mrs. (i. W. Stroh, Mrs. A. Wnhl. Mrs. John Nicely. Mrs. W. 'II. I41111I1, Mrs. E. Wilvert, Mrs. Adani Vandling nnd Mrs. Ellas Eiuerlcli. CLASS ivV II I, stitoxi) lin istoN. Best Loaf Bie.nl 1 Pound Cake t Light Cako 1 51b Butter 1 5!h 1 loney 61b hard Soap Apple Batter 1 quart Peach Butter Fruit Preserves Spice 1 Tomalo Vig.i .. .-! Canned Fruit, glass Jars 3 50 Grape Wine 2 Currant " 2 Blackberry Wine 2 Catsup 1 Jellv Fruit 1 ,7r,;.:.i.-Mrs. Win. M. Hecki 'fuller, Mrs. A. Jor dan; Sirs. W'm. llcincn, Mrs. ,1. L. Davis, Mrs. Wm. T. Forsvthe, Mrs. Geo. 11. Cadwalhuler, Mrs. P. M. Shindel, Mrs. John McFarland, Mrs. Fahcr, Miss BcMc Main, Mrs. CI. Briincr, Miss Clara Miller, Miss Mary Weaver, Miss Hannah Priestley. CLASS IX. hoys ash oiui.s wiu-autmest. Best Plain Needle Work 2 Ornamental Needle Work 1 50 Ilomc-uiuc'c Dress 2 HO Chemise ol e. Worsted Collar Cufr Pair Knit Mittens Fancy Slippers Tidv Hearth Rug Lamp Mat ititt l.i t Work Tet'ln? Worsted Work Ornamental Shell Work Wax Flowers Bead Work Pin Cushion Sofa " Pair of Ottoman Cushions 1 Juilw. Mrs. J. Bird, Mrs. Ilarnian J. Kline, .Miss llanlniwout, .Mis Anna Itobi.ms, .Miss 44.,iu-et 1 nil-, .uiss ueiinv tviaii, .ttiss i-aiima ri Ihi Mrs. John V. Hopewell, Mi-s Mary Keader, Mi". John Nicely, Mrs. Jo.t. Haas, Miss Irene Miller, Miss Mary Manser, Mrs. A. X. Brice.Miss l.inniu Weber CLASS FINK A UTS. Bed Pliotograph " Oil Painting 2nd best do " l.ainlseaiie Palnilns " Paint in" of any kind 2nd best do Bed Marble Sculpture Juthjfa.-J. II. Jenkins, II. liil!iii!.rtoti, Mr';. Jos. PriestiV, Mrs. JaincH Boyd. Mr... .'. II. Vincent, Mrs. Marion McNincli, Mrs. Win. II. liuiilv, Miss Binu.liani. Mrs Peter Vol is, Mi-s Carrie llor ton, Mrs. Dr. .Md'leeiy, Mrs. T. Grant, Miss Amelia Uouul, M'ss Sallie Fry. CLAtfd XXI. M!st'i:i.i.iM:ni s. Best Me.lliyof i:nravln;.'i ; 2 " Lamp tslmdii 1 " Infant'. Dres 1 " 1'itneyTiiiiime.l BasKd 1 " House Wife 1 " Hel Toilet Milts " Kaiiee Picture Kmii.e J " Arrnued B.Mitet of I'lowera 1 " use. of Di v Grn.'i, iVc. 1 " Moss Work and vplicrs 1 " Disjilav or Feather l ojitcrs 1 ' Shell Work 1 Jwl.... Mrs. John B. Pinker, Mrs John 11ms el, Miss Bell Montgomery, Mis. Wm. 1. Gn. niniirh, Mrs. It. Moiiluom'erv, Mis. Geo.,'. 1'ip r, Mrs. P. Cl.uk, Mr. Dr. ,'1, Mrs. Dr. I aid,-, Mis ll.tuiiali tstilel, M "s. Win. .'d.usli.i!!, Mr'j. !ol. M.nt. CLAPS XXII. Article not mentioned, but worthy of J'rv. Iiiiilins or speel il nut ice. Ju.tiii. Col. Wat;ouel!er, J. C, llnrton, Juiiii M. Hull', A. rdilpniau. Win. M t mt . .1.1. r y, KU thaller, (Jonl in.) Wm, I. Daw. ill, John' Ta,? at t, llii iMiau Nt It, lleniy Keader, Juhu B. Hel ler, Win. Kccae mid Haiuilel II. Kn.ml. -.. limn lull.. 3 o'eliH k, P. M., 1td iv. 4o'e:.Hk,P. M., 'il day. 4 o'el.s k, P. l., Ud d.tv. lie-l it.i.o U.ilJ ( nb in thu c.iiii,' V. .'5 ifoiid ' (.', Third " " ' in Lueli ( lull lo e!eel llie!ron umpire, .)s r cent, eliur. d for eulrutieu let... I till WKT Itt II It llll: I, )1 NT. Best (IWO lo fl.l, l ) f t( Jiul,j.:J. II. Vliueiit, lr A. C. I'l.iik, J. M. V'.illn.ei, II. J. II. In. . 1, Win. II. Bit, I, J. k. W.tt;. tier, l.eU Ik-Hail, Win. Ktiilje, V. in. Mil inn Nitk tU-iiiW, t'.i pi. I hath J. ll.uiiiur. Hill, KMil.NK.I. mitt, ur kmjisi: a iu, tt Id 4. u. llll llliuill llf I ) kill I141 p4l fill Gil' U.l (ill. llll r im I'.uiiie, piukt.lnl l .11 ur moit L.iin,, m. 1 llti-red. Ju.lj...t. It. II. ,(',), Jl, t, lie ir'tt Bllllllt, Mepb. 11 ll.ll,i,li.,., t W. p, ll.1ll.4l, JijupU I loll. 1-4 ur, mid li,. H.iil. y. Will II I Vii U I II II 0 tttu mm 11 im, t 1 f, m. Ii. a Jmih - J. II. it.cinii. ., y. I Ltd. lien. II. I 4.I..IU4 1, V l'H, W, It., . ,ul, 11 i.4Miir, A. tlj..l, V .,1. (rnoi 4 M. kiuUtu. rr icu k ut Hill tu i.kii bit, t I f. u. IU.I III b-kj 4l J, 1 iu 1 i4..t " i Vl J i. W Ii.iI.IImi, .. U. kl tin 1, 1.1 A Ul. 11, II. II fu:.l, J..I,., li.,.i.i,,, J. I t-UbLwlU, 4.14,1 H .4 .u4 I'. A. I. iu.. 1441.. lilt . bill ml I tl II" Kf WISIUII li tl tiIIU C14 luUui Jul.., . .41 J U '. t.4, ,. I - II t . . 1 , lit 4 H " , 4 'LlJ. , j W II,,,.,, '.v" ) I ., I i. II. 1.1 I J It'll ! IM, ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 1 0 Mill's, or aliout 1 00 Word, innko n Sh nro 2Sq; 2.00 3.0M 8.50 4.50 8q!4 Sq teol J.;coi:i col One w eek Two week Three " Four " Five " Six " T v,i m,8 Three " Six Nine " One Year .50 :t. .00 5.00 8.0(115.00 .50 4 .50 5 (K 8.00 11.00 18.00 (Ht H.00 13.00 20.00 .no it, .O01O.O015.(HI'.5O 5.00 li, 0.75: 1. 7.50: H. KiUf It. tl.00 11. 10.011 13. 12.00 15. 50 7 00 12.00 17.00 25. 00 00 13.00 is. GO ;!7.50 (H) 15.00 20.00 110.00 ,00 20.00 2.V0O 40.0ft no; h, 50, u, Vi 10, 00 1 2, (10 15, 0020, :.tH 2M.(KI I'.o.lH) iO.OU .00 :si.00 4r,.(!0 .5.1(1 1.00 10.00 oo.co; tioo LADIES' RIDING MATCH. Pucmium, 15. Tlllllll DAT AT II, A. M. Three to enter nnd each lady to bo accompanied by n gentleman. First Premium $ 10 Second " Jt'J.jc. Mrs. W. L. Dcwail, Mr:. W. C. Lnw lence, Mrs Robert Montgomery, Mrs. P. L. Hack cubing. Miss C. Kapp, Miss' II. Iloiton, Mrs. Jacob M. Fullmer, Mrs. J. P. Voiilironifrr. Miss Eninia Haas, Mrs. A. (I. M.irr. Mrs. C'.iailc Welt.el. Mrs. r. ICyster, Mrs. James Vaiieyk.-, mid Mrs. Henrietta Cooper. PREMIUM FOR BAND AND STRING BAND. A purse of f.t.t, and five access tothe fair grounds ut nil times. B 'sl Band 2 1 " " . V, 3.I " " to t(,;,,..IIn. F. Hound, Thos. D. Grant, John Wi Bueher., Judge P.Hlou, J. B. New baker, .1. P. Marr, N. F. Bio.rne. Geo. Hill and John Adams. SHOOTING ON THE WING. Pi:i:sn, $10. Each contestant shall have live birds j"i .:! spring trap to shoot nt, to he furnl iiel by tint 1 Society. Umpires and referees to be selected Lv contestant". The Packer Guards have lucit engaged to guard the Fair grounds (luring the Fair. Arrangements have been made with Ira T. Climi nt lo have the Steamboat chartered djriiig the Fair, fo that free pa-.sai;i. may he had to those, crossing over from Snyder county. nii'KciiitA-n stati:. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SYSTEM BLEND ING OK RELIGION AND POLITICS la Xow York n tlic Into disorders show, llio ti'iiuliiniis ol tho Uoiimti Callmlic i Cliuro'i nro of such iv chnrncter that thu masses then! believe tlml they litive a right to blend politics and, religion. Inthore ligims papers of that Chut'ch, religions nnd political mailers nrc discussed in 11 mnniier nnd with arguments which if curried out !r. this country Vottld subvert our institu tions. Wo do not think that individuals in the Church can bo held ivnniiiisilil.1 f,i- ! this; in fact wc know Catholic, most excel lent citizens, who believe that this system ol tlic Church if enforced here, is hostile to 50 1 Republican institutions, nnd who do not ' appi'ovc of jt. Tho eflect of the teachings j I of the Church in this direction of blending l 1 religion nnd politics was seen this week in 1 I New York in tho shape of a formidable , I .;.,, ft 41. n i..:i ... nm : e 11,11. jb t.ta tut; icl;ii uiiitiu tlli.spilllg ot setl- tinietitg cnutlciated by the Unman Catholic organs, nnd inanifctstcd by the lato Arch bishop Hughes, who always signed liia ccclesiatieal ironunci.imentos. ''tJoilN; ! Archbishop of tho I'lvvinuc ofXew York." I Province ns Webster defines it, is nn ap pendage of the Sec of Home. And in this I light according to their doctrines, wo have I no doubt Xew York is held, for tlic Catho lie Would published In Xew York tho chief .Ionian Catholic organ in this coun try, says: "Whilo State has rights, sho lias llieni only in virtue and by permissiou of the su perior nuthority, and that authority can only he expressed through tho Church that is, through the organic law infallibly Announced and unchangeably asserted. 1 ; regardless of temporal coiisen nonces." springing irom tins have cotno political encroaclinieuts ns wiinc-Ksed in New York, culminating this week in attempted out rage upon tho rights of citizens whicli awakened a feeling throughout tho coun try equalled only bv that which nwoko tho I I ual'on when treason fired on rortisutupter: 'l 1 a feeling which placed in circulation iti J j Xew York for signature, tho following I I "ClBCl'LAU : In view of recent nnd probable future- 1 events. tlic tmmciiiatc nrnanixattou ot ; to bo known ns ' Tho Protestant j soetetv League of American,' headiptaters in Xew 1 ork Lily wall atliltated swielies through out tho L'uited States, in reconiinendcd. J'or tins purpose nnd properly to consider tho immediate event that given rise to this suggestion, let public meetings bo trailed; nt once in this city and clsoivhcic. The claims of Kotniin Catholicism nrc incom patible with civil nnd religious liberty." For the pre.scrvnti on of lawnnd of or.lci. I to guard our five institutions, nnd to'cSet- ciso vigilance which is the bulwark of lib ; erty, there would be no impropriety id I funning a League of that character. Any j thing done hhould bo done in 11 calm and iletci tinned manner, with ust nnd eijual rights fur nil classes of cili.ens kept prom inently in view. It is the duty of nil citizens to si t their faces like ndanmnt, against tho political encroachments of any religious demonstra tion iu this country a;;aiu.st the blending of religion nnd polities, a union of Church and .State. .Demagogues in Xew York havo attempted it, nnd to come extent suc ceeded. It was this that caused tho ditll inlty in Xew York this week, nnd which lias iiwakeuetl llio nation to the danger to its institutions of 11 system whicli declares, iiieuly that governments rightfully exi.si only by the permision of tho K.iinaii Catho lic Chimb. Some have suggested nn American or gaiiizatioii, but this is till fudge. A largo portion of foreigners in this country nro n good nsany other cIush of citizens, nnd many of tlniii Utu r than sotno natives. Americans can Im found who uru ipiitu im b'goted uud intolerant ns any men who come from abroad. No, we want no nar row organisation. 'v do not want to in vito foreigners to come here, nnd then Mig inatizenutl otraeiso llieni .imply liecnuso they oro foti igut i.. Not 11 1 ull. o would condemn thotto only who net badly, and join gladly with those whu would keep religion uud politic, m parule, uphold thu nriji.ty o law, recnguizu tho ju.l lights of uu nu t., nn.l iv 1 i uu i iieroai Iniietits upon tl.o Ireo in.titutiiiiiH of tho country. This i. the true spirit ot uu org inialiou of trun nu u, wot thy in Ut in I hd Aiiiiriciiii iit. xoiu. Men lnj would uol nvalo lioU, but iHhiily and iht.initiu.lly uphold thu li,hl. i4 nil, uinl ih ft uj lb. 111 in .pitti of ull oj jKi. itiou roino lioin what couivo it may, Ai long n there is five dint ui..ii and nn Ulltl.llllllu Ut.l. lli.li l lldellt ptv in ihU i ttunlry, lliu dain;. r 1 11. l no j;n ut, but U 1 Uu in Im iippiv.M.-ii or iivi i iMt'd, mid lliun llie ky.it 111 m hit U U iiiiuiii itl (.1 our iuditit. lion, mi) 1 itv.iil uinl mob rutu will lj ihu Uldi-r of lite tUy. All tlilM uicll lluln tu I '.lli.illt'4 III, iiim K a, Him ,)t 1,,, j .441,1 ut It rulo, itij who tin not approve of iUn .i.Um 1.1 Lu It nu nli 1, mu.i Ui Hi in in lliu iti4iiiU.intiM.v o (Im liilti, and tviut'iii U r llttii "t n uul it,il iiieo 1. ihu en. t uf llUll) " .Ntu' u,i (V.aiit.r, lvn o Ihu l.i.i riuiitiui pd.i lu 4 lily liiniiy t ut. Il tiiti.liuu. il.i. ; An ol. mitt U n.lLiiij iu Li. .....I..,. ll'iia-llllv ll.ti litllkliuil i'tilitt', I..IJ, uul' i.uju ihu l.i'lifc',til. 11 muII uud flu. ,is iu.. J. .iti4iy )v!l. 11, 1 .ml ludi, ..um.iIiiu, l-ul U 1114 it ry d..if. I. uitbiw iu i.wi out )Ul Mlldl 1. Ul.t..,n Lu ,ui, i,,, Mf 1 liuiiis.l m pi.,. , mil i U 4liuj lU U.litvl.-u I fill Ilia H4II, tl. I41111., (I, 1. . M.lkiii4t Uki. 11 ti II tluli, uud t .,. 4 lt.4Slt 14 llilo ll.u i. .,.l, ,., ,u,( j,,,. .1404.11... uii.iu,., i j, .(,-ul a u.i 4.IOI4 4l lilt I I Ul I 141, I, ll..M I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers