Sunburn American, M. B. HASSER, I. WllVERT. Editor. SUXBURY, Af RTL 23, 1870. - i . EDITORIAL COIinF.RlOXlEXCE. New VoitK April 18lh, 1870. Business here ns well as In Philadelphia, la not brisk, but is -improving. There Is a downward tendency iu nil thing's, more apparent in New York than in Philadel phia, which alraj'8 takes Its cue from the great metropolis. The liUerence in the two cities fs greater tlian many imagine. One is bold and enterprising, the Other conservative, or rather old-fogyish. In New YorTt 1hey conform to changes at once, iu t'hikdolphia only when they must. Many reticles, especially domestic, nTe' nearly ns low as previous to tlic war. This ts of itself the- best refutation 'the. policy of free trade. In New York every class and every taste Vfin be suited. Iu one place you can grt a rnodest dinner of roast beef and po'tiitoe's at ten cents, in another ten dollars is frequently paid for a first class meal and scfecrnpa'niinents. So it is in their amusements. They arc ndt numerous, but suited to the wants of 'all classes and at all prices. The German theatres have now ngain opened their Sunday evening entertainments, with wine and lager accompaniments, handed around bj young girls, for which privilege, a lead ing Democratic Sutiday paper reminds them, that they arcfridcbtedto a Democrat ic city government. Thesctiie rife "customs of the fatherland.', aiid the Democratic leaders in JCe'w York favor any custom or teiigion that will increase the vote of the jiarty, and one of the troubles that caused the late split amonj the sachems, in this city, is the cultivation of the negro vote, which some of them insist must be done to save the party from utter Annihilation. Yesterday being Easter Sunday, the churches were profusely decorated with flowers. The weather was unfavorable, but that il'.d not prevent a packed audience in the Episcopal and Catholic Churches, which are unusually attractive iu tho cele b'ration of I-'r.f: rev. Tho mu-Me, on t his cca eicm, was most grand, solemn and irViposing. Thanks to the Sunday cars, I was enabled, notwithstanding the squally weather, to attend St. Stephen's (Catholic) church, so .j.i-tly celebrated for its impressive and S'.aAsieal murk. Our Catholic brethern Hupruciatu tho power and influence of good music iu their devotions, and it attrac tions for all classes. The deep f ub-hn3 liittvjcr of the organ, accompanied by tho wcasion:iiolin, trombone, &c, with an objectionable to"tl)i2 drum, might appear its efl'ect was solemn ri',litivatecl cnr but the service's Joim-wnceil' ZiiCh Avhcn could not h.. i ? -om V v T n itlll.! OU8tantIv IrMVinnr Mm A 'unc..!-Ji.:e presented a brilliant ivrli as a vcfv imnressivfl .n. ti... tutar yhieh in a beautiful piece of work- There couid not hav been !cp? thau six ui nrmt 1 r, - i T...1.. ..... ! 4 ".'uuneimviv liiununait'fi. seven thuurf -a-urgan at hal) ten o -i-LocK uj a pnicession from the vest ry and around outside the riltar rails, prior to the cuuuiouuniig.uuass. l ne music, under i.'.L-...iou in .nr. uco. . Jlorgan, tlie gieat orgiwt, was sublime. Ibere was nn oii-hwtm in ntteniiineo, consisting of I f pee! fie duty, of fl2 p-r ton. In 1?0;1, twenty-eight pieces, inclu-ritig .some of the S5-Ki,4M. In 1S(5I, ;j,00i,017, under a beht instrumentalists iu the riiilharmonic ! fpecirte dutv of ?fi:j 50 per ton. In 1S05 Sotiety-a chorus of twenty-four well j 3,111,213." In lk.(S; 5r2,!i02,410, under trained voices. The harp accompaniment an wl v do rem duty of' 0U cents per hun was very sweet and effective. The double dred weight. In 1807, ?3.-103,71-; 1808, qi'.urtct consisted of Mine. DeLussan, Miss '81,373,102; 1S00, S7,305,v'i-, Under nn E. Uailey, Mire. Anschut Miss Smith, ad vulurnn duty of 70 cents per hundred fngnor Lotti, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Weinlich : Veiglit. niul Mr. rH. ..1 I -. . ....... a .v ouivn nviu e.L" iMitrd in n tkl.tfiuiiie. tii'.niw,.. fri... o iiuiuini, 4"v Di-i vii:eo li.l nnt . inruiinma ..t;t the organ and orchestra playing, in supJrb fctyle, Meudelssohii-s grand '-Weddim: March." l!ev. Mr. Frothinglam, in his churcTn was unugally severe on the follies of the day, and said the gods tn si worshipped by many, were the gods of fashion, vice and drink, aud referred to "the girl of fs.'liion .ib'.e walk and urns of false hair," a; un instance. " , PROTECTM,? 7 0 AMEliH AN 'LaIR.K.-. An exciting dol.'f.w; took place in Congress on Monday laht, o-i (lie TarilV Hill, In which we tind otu; n V-'ber, N-.m. J. R J aekef, taKiln; ;;n active tort. 'I'l.i' lull ! ea.iie up to be v-ted on in u-a.u and l.ltl ZTUaU" W VV" aUW'"1 ,l f :"K i ' . "n r-,,u"" ''""3 to pig nun wa.i r.-aelied. Mr. I acker ' - , nm..... uouoie uie Ullieailolliil. Mlurli is 1 jiupiiiii.-ni anw t-. iiimsiit and c.iMitu int). Mr. Packer trgn-nr nt will liffjiind in another column. rur Lgis''i!iu- jct-sou ;ithu.iaiie rc-fcuhlli-itiji in i.raiw ol i:H i.ilirem Ix fore iu 'ijoiiiiimeii, an I i.'ld lieiidinl, Ac, rre preH-ntr-l (,uit, niimi r .ii'ly, i.-'i-'iit-ingC rt the p.j-k( N .fM. ml., i had uuii.e.l neiill ' l!,e M;s-,i,in. M,-. Keen... 'l 11.0 It llfte, oiVind Iho lull i'iiig, whii h w k i con-priiu riive mi l uppri'-ciatlvf !te!i,rrieU.r that i! no dun! t nut with m in iiui- (.i"i lavur : 7i...,.Vr t, Thut nil tl,0 ,,rv,r.,, jni..ii, tff,cruh-wunirl n-J aiikiU- eoiikliliieul, nr k'.ld fellum. inu 1 1 Kir AHII.MI..--1I,- ecu .! I.U I UMA si,,, , j;l)rol1 Udaj t((1 r'! ,. M;. Jl.iUt i 11 c.i.lhlen. e tut it .,. (ofi.mi iii,. dvhtm n.n.t.,,1 i,r. i;;t Hi,,.,,.;, , , j,, 111., Hi Ml In,; fn-Jii if ui iju.if ui Ui Alr.kd, P ni tti..i.,i4n. ri.l.rk uV ., t.ufctti.4 n.d on tb p ,,,. , xrf.l.-IUJ l, Hut pi h,l,rt t-u.i iht.r ff i ,tlUin u M..W.T f :-'.. . lUW;Jt,ii iai (pin, in' t u..f uyV v!u i..t . .f La of Hi sljl.t,. ibW fcifciTj ., 4itk4. . r.uu.1, IS ftn J- fc.'.SJ V 1 ' l , ft. 4 . rn'oTEcrtow tV American I.AIIOIt. Exciting drlxitc on fi Tariff, Wit, bit eo tiont, relating to tAe duties on rig Iron, on Monday, April 18, 1870. ARGUMENT OFHON J. B. PACKEK. Mr. Packer. I move to amend tho amendment by striking out "85" and in serting "0," tho rate under the present law. Mr. Chairman, the proposed reduction of the duty iipoh pig iron from 89 to $7 per ton looks like an abandonment of tho general principle- 'which is understood to have been tccbgnized in the preparation of this bill, and would, I beg leave to say, with all P.efercncc to Iho honorable- .chair man of the'Commfl'iec of Why s aiid Means, bo a mrjst thwiso and tfijudicioua with drawal of the fd'-tc'rifrg'eare of tho Govern ment from tine of the 'grcift "industrial in 'tcre'sta of 'the cocntry, 'toward Which, in 'the present state of tho trade itself and in view of the peculiar cmiditio'n of 6i;V finan cial affairs, sound and c'nligirte'Aed policy would dictate an extension of incicnhcd protection and more liberal encourage ment, rather than a desert! in to the inevi table consequence of dircctjand unjust com petition with the productions of the cheap aiid pooily-psiid Labor of Europe. For a number of years there has been a large, and for the last fofcr years, with higher rates of duty than how proposed, an alarm ing increase in the "importations of iron of all kinds. tht in the few minutes allowed under the rules I will confine my at tention strictly to the item of pig iron, now immediately before the committee. inc official returns from our own castomhtfuset, as compiled from the efficient 1 data in tho Bureau of Statistics, show that wc imported foreign pig iron during the thc-al year end ing June 30, 1133, stated at the vcy kv valuation of the citstoni house, in gold, at 5739,049: ih 1350, at $1,049,200-, in 1B0$, I't Sl,06j,P0o, under an ad valorem duty of 24 per ceut. In 1801, at $987,910; in 1862, at 8285,323; in 1803, at 5135,191; iu 1804, at ?1,2S8,424, under a npecillc duty of 50 per ton. In 1805, at 800.552; in 1800, at 51.683,180; in 1807, at 51,831,405; in 1808, at 51,778,077; in 1809, at 52,138, 30, Tinder a specific duty of 50 ler ton. binclal return published by Authority of the House of Commons show the follow ing shipments of pig iron from Great 13ri- tain to the United States : during the year ending December 31, 1807, 119,853 tons ; , . ... -... - . . ' uuring tno year cnuing tne j ear cnuing tons during , 1SU0. 132,- ' ' December 31, 1S0W, rili,JUl ihe year ending December 31 I 4S5 tons: In tlVc m6ih of January, 1803, Great Britain Sent u$ 1,70? toil: of pig iron; j in the month of January, 1S63, 4,o21 tons ; i aIld 1,1 tlic nlonth ol" Jai""y. 1 i"r'3 i t,,ns- Mwv 'mZ increase in the nuhiW-r ! of tons received by us in 1SC9 over the l-'jantity received from that source of sup- j i PO' '-w(;g 0f over 60 per cent., and an in- j i creade in in,, rrft montn (,f ..Mr ,,f; ! month 01 1,1,8 J'( nrnrtv inn rf ' . ing mouth oriast Vc-n- I. J l" '-i. M-er the correspond- 1 I may remark, m 1 year endinc on the Mtli .lav of .Tun was by this same cu.-itom-hoiise valuation in 1838 valued in gold at .S2,0S7..r,70; in 18:.',), 5-J-,'J74,iKJJ; in 1W.0, g:j,70D, 370; in 13C1, : !fj,l(32,i!).j, under nri ml vaiortm duty of i 21 pel- rciit. In lSii2, $22 ,SM, under u compilation of offlcial returns , , ... , , lately nttbltshcd by nutliontv of the House ! of Commons it appears that Great Uritain ! ?1 10 tao 1 "V . du'S tl,e I M7aW th ,0,7 U, fiU!ln,,Ul" "f "- K'e over 2TO..IOO to,,, f i(f hun r .6 j 1 lad ,ron : "C!lr cm,,o lumber 31, 1807, ,,res. their belief, VaM-d t'J'oii veronal know IGjA'M tons ; year efl'V'Vg lcemlxf 31, I ledge, that the above H;it, nieut of be c'.'imii- : ; ISoS, 208," KM ton; yep.r ending December 8ioiu''' will be f,.snd upon a i-ritleul rxamiuatioii j 31, lStW, COl l. llli tons. In tho month (,( orroueous, and if invented by Conp-ew u most i i.Tonunrv. t.V.J Pn-ln.,,1 ni,i it r,nn M il'g""" guide fo lei;ishi!iou. l i.un ibu an- I ! ton's of rail.: in tl-s i,v,ir,,i, ,.r i4;,f m I.,, , ... -i " VIIUUllI I I 'ari?ary, ls7u, 2-l,10 tons of rails. I he average premium upon gold durina i the Ura l yriir cmTing Juno 30, 1800, add- 1(1 10 tne fj goM Uty upon pig uon, uu-1 dor the p!v'i;t law, gave to tw home pro-; I ductioii racMe!lf a j rotecfiori r'f ?13 41 ; j i lu:r ..fji-i r.n. i.. .vat.-, , the lial year oflSO'.' (f fl2 "'f w-r tori I With tLo rat!, of imp.; LCr nairiiiiin, the iniiiortiitmn (f p- iron in Kiut .i '...... . iiiini wv'iti'ii ti inni ti jrui, r.iirii ; 1C uvem-e urcmiimi .... .-..1,1 rnt. nl...e.. :fil , pciHtit. In Im'm ivo imported 110, -KW- IU -;' Ions iu 108, J,-J4i,liM linndi-. d ; ' weigh, tnd in the lisMl yi-ur eudini I hH-,'ik of course of ou the ntli of dune , . l , 1 - ... i"i , IlK'llll-lll imported ,.oo,l.j I.uinlivd weiKhtijtuevannneU.e evidetic, f,,rnis.hed ui hy and jet, in the p'ebeiw e of nuch fuel as .mrndvemrici, and nhall hhow, I tVnk to thue.esh.lurin-so lurttn imporl.Uion. nu. mti.Ki.-tioii of anv ,l,,.l. i-.uo noon a ui.:i nit lon iv niuuoi.u io" i . I .1. ..I ... .1 r .. : ... ,.....,. i vi u wuii tho iiiyher rnlo vt tiuty, u' iiient' il by the premium upon gold, ""oiiM itndi'id Hiieee!.fiil!y coinpi te with our own p.-ople 'i our i n inail.eU to' th" i-M. 1 1 repri M-nted by llio liun-k I have piveii, we are asked to redir't e the duty to J7 pi r toll, ttilh the J.lilnurl.l UpoU ohl donii to il.iy i J j r ccut. ami re.liii iiii; tin r.tic oftluiy tn tl Ki n r tm in oit'i -ncy. Ifliri at Ihitiiiu coulii kill ii-', t rotuiil i.uiuU r.-, 1 'I, !,(!. tuna of nn i -I j, i arnrii, uiili lumveiii'e iluty ol b.) toll i IT fUl HU'-y, WlHlllI li'll K'ellta in, , wl.oli'.vrr M n iluciimi, In the iuurisi, UlttiOUI, l.(fi', of the lor , p. , niauu.M.turer, ilio l ueUu t-aj n.iii.i, i,in ll forri-u lulHilel",'ullll IU Iioh inu, , thry Hill Mfinl u.nitli 'N duly n ln,.,J t fl ri ct I . Ai.4 I "fail i4t t , i Ull ut, liu otJj tUy Hut.; oitr l Uu, ! iruUuii, who art lii'M llw j 1 1 i j t, "tlio UU.r. ri. ortti) .f In hi, 1 I4l I'-ll J4)'4 M ilk J ft) V 1 1,11, i. iUuuhu j Ut ilir's hj.m, ul I. . Ik'iiiM llw tt-MlAue, lm til ts ,, ,, fc.-:i iti lU UUi-il pitm 'pi s '.f oyr 'i- tl- c how humblo his standing in lifc, is entitled to all the rights, tho privileges, tho bless, lugs, and protection duo to his high "posi tion as K. citizen 'of this great Republic, where all clr.3sc's of men havo a common interest in the gl6ry and prosperity of tho nation ; that here, where every man may stand erect in the honest prido of American citizenship, and assert his right to refute to labor for a penny less than hu may honestly believe lie is justly entitled to receive for his daily toil ; here, where fair and liberal wage-, are fixed by contract to which both the employer and employed are parties ; I repeat, I would like gentlemen to tell us how long our producers could stand the unequal contest, subject to such a competition with the manufacturers of Great Uritiam and Belgium, whero labor is not paid for or compensated, but is purchased at such miserable rates as are barely suuicicnt to furnish a scanty supply of the most absolute necessit ies, and none 6f the comforts of lifc ! A few of our furnaces, favorably located, with their ore at their, tunnel-head, with their coal and limestone in convenient proximity, and with rolling-mills to work up their pig metal, within a short distance, 'incuVrmg bit little if any expense for the '. f .v.. - i. ....... transpm lation of the raw material, may possibly fctrngglo cn, as they have strug gled before ; but a large number would be obliged to blow oiit, dulled by tho cold blast of congressional neglect, white no new furnaces would bo erected ; tho whole of our undeveloped mineral territory, rich with deposits of the choicest ores, Vill Re main untouched ; and thousands of men wto a"rc lio'w earning a comfortable living a'Ad arc prosperous and happy will be thrown out of employment or driven into agricultural or other pursuits The value, Mr. Chairman, of tho raw material used in the manufacture of pig iron, before it is mined or touched by man, is comparatively So bnall thai Vt vould be 'ic.irly correct to ray that almost its whole manufactured Value represents labor, and j hence there is, perhaps, no other item in j the whole list of articles coutaincd in this i bill upon which the price of labor has so j large and controlling an influence. The: , .i n. expense of its production and the profits resulting therefrom, whatever they may be, aTe divided equitably atttl Klniost fully among I'm difleivnt classes c.f skilled and or"nmiy opeiamw, mo capitalist, as a Consequence -of the strong aomcstlo com- ! P'titior, iccoivins but a small portion of I Ihe ut wotits as a romnmisnHon his ...... . .- . .-'..'. ; j-estment, and conuentiy the protcc- 1 1,011 of t,us is preeminently the i..i : .... i i . ii protection of American labor. I am assured, by letters received within , d.vys from gentlemen of the highest respectability connected with one of the : M'Ft and most extensive roliing-milk iu i Pennsylvania, who are ptivdiaiers and consumers, not nianufaclui-eii of pig metal, ''that the proposed reduction of 82 per ton would be Very disastrous to tlic iron inter- ! .... . ii .. i :.. . ..... . "- uuu, c.euai pu-eui ! rates, noiKirg lutt Hie nifist skillful nnd and that fury many .f them would be : comiKlled to Lion h..nld this c ,A,.ti..n i.. ! made." ' In the early part of the session a memo , rtd was presented to this lluu,e, coinin g 3 Vu,,7'. tu,I,m" ! nttat-K-d i.n.l rarri. tlrs poitIri of Lone? inqiK-stioned integrity : wl. was till,,', toathcr with his son, Ch aracter, having charge ! "i'l Iopez, F. S;lnchez, Vice 1'rcsideiil of "oiu gL-ntletnun of unqiK . and of the highest ch ells in relation to the average cost of inaiiuiaeiuring pig iron in Pennsylvania ' which have been so frequently ot'otcl -uid l . .. t . . , J " JU"'inu ! In'rtlmitat, xy exclusively, I iun vj.vj.i ij gLi.ticuieii .ni vocaiing a re- 1 fV MitVup"tt l"at arliol mis noor. luevsav: i ..... ... ! fur'n i baima reKiou,, w " JZ Z? ,horl "r cw tonM kuowk-J e u-K u-ave I - iaa4ej-;iL'e cost Per ton ut the fur- .1 . ll. i .1 I ami ti... v.,.i... 1 . . the furuace. in the imix ..-..' '. . ' the lir-t mi ir.,tfth', of I"i!fi. -fi.i . .i,n . DU"',,,"K',',,,rl 'l,rthe Iaix believ m. ml lis will not vary therefrom, these prices hcing the nvira'c ,, thj,liu-f . emi.r .i, n... ' qu-ill'l.s oflrnn. iiaiuelv. N'ni. 1 " i . 'J" rwtMl- the cnvieiion that I 7't ? ""I '' ! eft:., r.,-,N,-; r Kuwth. , ,... " , , , :. ,. , ' . . . rn.m fiiruac, s i-oileetlvely; u iniiiy Diir I Tlli'l that wo reproenl Interests haii,j inpuuunt eeiiii.miic" l''-'in thU teAiu'ory, Vhlih oi.ld 'jui-stloiied fir a moment hv anyone !Vt r.i t U ii.uiii uu a( (ii:';iit..i:r.. .Titii ii... , ii ' flJl'. hIhiIM il eolll.-k 1 t.irn I',.. .. . ' in. llL'UIV o ollell r li. ,1 lino,, l.e lint ' supjioiteri. of Iree-tnid'.Vill, when proper- j ly i-.viiniin-d, fully siij.poi t tbe position we ! "a-.-. I poll the ei-luy ll,'St K,y. 0f last iiH,..lMr. I'lililiniUoi'i r , ill tho III t I'liaivi'liKfu'rilniiii, v.liii h ho u -tlic ilVcrnyn eoH tit liijujiihiWiii",! t 1,1,1 ir-.ii iii IVinikylvuniit r ir.' ivaj; , t l tf.'ll Jar t ill, u.1,1 iu suiuu ,;.l;iui i nun 1,1,-a,," iiiionus iu' il,.,t tliu m,-i-.ioL mwki i rii of j,irf ii-uii ;u liival Uniuiii for the lxi7 iw. latin v. i.i. ,.i . (Ihe lt ii.i!ilyj mi t4ililiiitl, Hill X ;t. I -1 b "Ui-i-u.r, m y UJilSl), r Hill, j.o,l t r t'J i j r to,.. o, UUin. ilu.,.. f Mr V, , U,.i., hi u's.t., llirt Wil 1, i,ull nuuld l.,ViJ lutl if lUu iliiM l, tun mlai-tui. i, ! t, .,,J f iil'oniiU I.i. I. t i-i io nnl iiuu! 'Ii ll H.t 'i u Hi t-u-'i-U b Illi- i, l.t loUi.'li ! I. ..) ,,i MI I,,., ti.i, .. (k-,4 AuM-iicm oi some ot tne pnn-ip:il luruar-es iu niy um Hfpuuiic. t.eileral Conrnns, and several St;He; in wl:i-h they civitradict, aud iii "'111',1' l,i"h ,0ll'''s "f Paraguay. ... ,.vv..,. .. wiiiiiiiMiiiiir a- vi-ir I I - un ii -o ne.r.t I suil, tl.til) 4;.'. alowr Amunki, i "itiitni piii-iii tu p. i.i.oliiivt Tl.n i,i. rlsnj j iUi, bt tuinl hy ir. Willi, it l-IL-.1.1,11 it m iIUrnai4 lui,4 ll.i; iwl 'I'",' f ' I 1 Ii .)., nl.ul, .io a . ItU lai ii i b,r , oinioimi , 4i., oil, ' '. 1 ,'i of I ( , , .,. .,J, ., Ut $2 71, we have a net cost in Wales of 824 41. It is generally conceded that 90 per cent, of tho whole Value of a ton of p'.g iron con sists of labor ; but to be entirely safe let ub assume It, for the purpose of this calculation to be but 80 per cent. , and then we havo tho value in our currency of the labor re presented by a ton of this Welsh pig iron as 519 52. The average wages received by the workmen employed at and abotit our furnaces aro moro thstn dotible the wages paid in Wales ; but assuming them to be just twico as high with us, this Iron would cost, in additional price of wages, 'per toi, $19 52 ; making 'tho actual cost of the Ip.bor in this ton of Welsh iroii,if paid for at our rate of wages a fid iu our currency, $39 04. If to this be added the 10 per cent, deducted above for commission, &c, 52 71, wo havo the mar tot price of this samplo ton of iron advanc ed, iolely by our increased wages, to $ 10 75.. The principle of protection to American industry, Mr Chairman, ft familiar to the people of Pennsylvania, and intelligent men of all classes and of both political parties adopt and sustain it, not as a means of securing a sectional advantage lor any . particular interest, but from a well-consid nin4 .r.r.,-1,'1 t?bb.b Tim m-nu-n filrniiffe cred conviction, which ha3 grown stronger with their larger expedience, that the prosperity of this grea; nation, the early development of our resources, our future advancement, our financial and commercial independence, depend mainly upon tho fostering care and judicious protection we may extend to every branch of trade, to all our industrial pursuits, and to every mechanical, manufacturing, and agricul tural interest, iu which the labor anJ en- ! 'l11''80 of our l'norlc ,cay be brought in competition, either dircotly or indirectly with the cheaper labor find more abundant capital of the nations of tho Old World. Here the hammer P-ll. MArni Chcxit, April 18. There f.ave. V":en very heavv rain? IhroWghont the Lehigh Valley dunu. il'n past, thirty-six hours. A dispatch. , Jioiii While llaven tliis afterroen itated that the wAter was within sis inches of being as high as lrtst Scptembc, hfd etill rising ; that the out- Mile ujuii: uumvu, nun Lin; it.i'j's e..u 0l, ovor llie ' I Alater dispatch stales that the whole j boom had. partt-d, bi't that the logs bccai'ie i pt''rSlV ftnd niiht bl! ''' ,hti --' SUl)S I IMUi;. allknt(in, Pa., April l.-TI'o! streams in this section are greatly fwolluiv, j ; and unlcM the weather clcetrn llwni will be a ircslict. I! is &UUd that a coal boat i belonging to the Lehigh coal and Xaviua- wm, riw average rise is ni I -i ii ..-1... i.i i- . i i am at tk-thle- iiiue let, and Vill iifol5ablv!io one foot higher Lcfoiu sul)- tidinj. . WiliiXj-spokt, April IS. Evening. It lias beer;, raining continuously for ti e i last fi'irty-liVe l'.ours." Tlic river has risen i seventeen feet arid still rising at the r;te of j four iilches hour. The LovalsoH:, I ,n iu'lsoj. Tlx creeks w. llaven are mt r,o high, Some damage i,as d-.;iic to l.vLonniig ui-.'i i ire ttecKj arc now nigni-r t of Lock the ciuinl ! wliic 1 vill iwobablv take a week to rennif. i . T v f .,,,... i j ...iiinvO .ou-!m-u i.c'iv ov-..,. i 1 rili Death of I.ojm-i. j ! . A. ' 1 . . I,u- MnK,r "lail 1 Iflll .1 'l fn r. ,- v.. ..! . . !. : porr to-u.ty, uflngmg details of the term' i ntion of tho war in r;iin'--i::iv n.i n. I " . , ' . i-iT. at IIM I lit" t day of March : Jh-uzililm (i..n'.r:ll mi:: nt Uv OI arms anil iuuinunitioii were also cautilr- ' At he latest advices a treaty ;t' peace i ! T- l - " ' rc'a w,Ul i'v!.siomi I 'Verr.tneit ot Parpn-uiT. Wh'eli had con- 1 j yoked the CordtftiHic-nl'leinbl Z that I i"i'iut ! iw .wiiTTw TloTloo. ! Aliril Irt: L'l.nni'-I of 1 M'e wonderful richness of ll l. lli.w rrr.1,1 li'iiKS in New Mexico have been leeeived; ' The ledges arc from lifly to tlnve hundred j feet iu width nnd contain verv ri h mH ' Tl.'e loc.tioii of tho mines is ivy-'he S-lli I.ieHerblV mountain; in tho Virginia db tricf, lifteen niilel' west of Jiever's mrun tai;i. Tucson is said to be nearly deSerted: the people having sUiinpeiled. i.oionci tnii'ine, -command n? Vn't J.wic, has CKt.ibll .bed a port at the mines ., 41... i,HJi.,l .... -j-. - m . l'"--u unite miner. J'Hltus the new mines. OrstructUe 4 i-chlM-i in Hie niseis Kii. CiHi-AfiO, April 13. Tlio condilion of; l' Missihsippi river is very ularining. The ! thawing of tile ilillliense ninoiint nl'tnou- in I the north lias rai.ieJ the water totliehiyh- Vr.l'mH nl ""i 'V' Cu."TJ Tt j pole.i have been mnvpt hhv, leti'lier yards' ! biilnimd, iid inilvo.Ml enibar'kinciits eu- danxeie,', lion. St. Paul to M. J.ouls. At (Juii'i e tlio llannilial and St. Joseph rail I road ii t'uder water and tlio tniin fia - fetnpiK.'.!. Tho weather is clear, and tho l water must boon i-ulsi.e. ! - - ! Coventor (J.-nrv vetixil tlie rieliertil ! Appropriation bill U-cihim! it eontaiiad nu I provision o- Vollehels iVom persou.i reeeiv ! in' pulilie luiids for ehaiil.iblo pur)ni.. This ulilei tioii was i-i iiiove'l bv llu. UiZ. I '"' " I UUI' ul" ""' '.l-'iilll pa1-nil. Pl'ir it ..TuiTTl Tgrrruhlc. It hfis hue; -.-.' a to lave u tonic I'T in v. i.,. i. i. liolh iili-usai.t iui.1 ll'IV.-:il In In ll t.t.ilu, 'J'hL Au li.ivu in tin- Miiiiii.iiii un' liiiti'i-' ol Mi-. All'ivil I .(-r. Their ,-11'mI uj.ou tho svi.lcin ii lllll fly UllUIUl.lllll, llillllll.-, kllilolilit: .ttlU tih; ; U ui lii'lal in uIU-couh i f the lvi.1. U yi', llil-oiiii- (liv-ui , Vl .th jji Ucrul Jubility of ti e Constitution. 'I.' y I'mi-t-'. XHI'MSCi! r.TT.rt"u IK-I,iy, Heart I Hw ai', hiiI lniit throliii', lini i iii;; ili-t-UM-a wlii. Ii at-' r-ciilcir to li niuU-s', nit run. I bv llmt oi,U ll; '. an. I v ttn ililn v it-sly-- I r. I'i,it' AHerridivu Ktn,il, toliii-u M, .i. al ,M oviT v. Ir Mtiiiit lii.,1, 'I l.ioat llll.l I. Ill j( iIim-Mms il "J lii'trltlll. "v.l. I bv ill u.'h'UIk, ,'fin. loM' Hot.-lloll ,K Mil 1 tASi'llh Il) O UlS. l , . V'. Pl.'l I', llulliito V. a 1,4 I lilt U,l !. , ,vg ,.i lit) let t loiTL'tii If A M lti W AV I A Pot I I K t f H I,,... Kt t , Ii I b in l'i, H ami (flii: K I, ,i,i,. 1,1,,. iii. iii, uioi i. "i !.; i.' mi'ii t u n.,-1, i H.IUU ' U't'lto.l ' all I l l ,i.J ll. , ll I. l.u .1. 1... 1 1 - . . ... . itutu r lU.u uu.h, i n.i.'v I 'I il l, I J ill '.ill , t l It . k,J ,,,,,,,(! )Hl, ,at Ji " io., tl,Hi tj,,!! j IU i ..-1 iiii bt -t Ii , kbit) tin, .i , I u I SPKINtt AND SUMMEK MILLINERY G'OOibS. LATEST STYLES 'SlOXNETS AMI HATS, which, for beauty, have never been excelled". FHAME3, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, LACES, Ribbon, nnd n gonornl assortment of NOTIONS. Everything that enn bo wished for In the Mil linery Hue can be procured ut . .. MISS M. L. GOSSL'tin'8 Store, ou Fourth utreet, below tho S. Wit V. R. R. Call mid examine her Stoek. Sunhury, April 23, 1870. G O to Moore A bise'iriger's for beautiful Dress Goods. A splendid iwcortniijiit of Cloths And Cannl-'.X.V- meres, nt Mooie it DisslrKcr's. np'23. C CALICOES Wc'-cry Variety "at IHooro & Dis J siugur'g. np23. " f OORE A DI8SINGER have the best Dclaths. L BpL'3. 4 variety of Lawns nt Moore A Dieslnpcr's. ap2a. GO to Moore fc DlHBiiigcr's for White Goodt, and got tho bis't. npS3. Ahirirc etoek of Hosiery A Notitns nt Moore it Dissliigtir's. njiiiS. OIL-CLOTH and Carpets, a general assort ment nt Monro & Ulsslngcr's. ap-H. TEADY-MADE Clothing, a lnr'e stock on J- Innd at Moore te DiRsingor's. np'JS. A splendid nso,iti!oi)t ff Gent's Furnishing tiooils nt Mo rc it t)i69!nirrr. ap2H. Bt ACE". Afi'ACAfl 'f "the best quullty, ch-ixp, at Moore Jc Dlssinger's. " np23. GROCERIES of. oil kind, orstautly ki-pt at Moore ,c I)lsii;i;('r's. up'J3. MOORE & WSINFR Veep Fih, Unit, Ac. aSi. Qt'EENSWAKE, a 'flfte atVortim'uV n't Stoc'C A Uissin-rer's. 'p'S3. GLASSWARE of nil kinds, Moore A I)ip'mi r's. Jut opened nV ! n p.'a. O'L, Muslin nnd Paper Window Shades and lliinirinirs, nt Muore A DisBiiigcr's. np'JS. FOR a nenerul variety of Goods, cull nt Moore i: DisiiierV. ap'JH. JOPUt-AK PUICF.. " I'OfULAR PRICES. THE PRICES CF TUT? NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT 'IE A M M O T II CASH ST O R K, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBl'RY, PA. SPUING OPENING'. THE LARGEST A?!D MOHT COMl'tETE J5TOCE. Or NEW SPUING i.XL UTMMLK (iVOm EVER OFFERED IN THIS MA1IKKT ! AND AT PKICEi SU LOW TO Pi:i COMPETITION Ol'T OF Till, t.iLiTJON. l)HES.-5 GOODS, domestic; AND h ors fa: e epinc; c ; c. ns; OF EVERY DESC-RIPTION. CAIM'ETS, AT LOWER TRICES TH VN KVi:rf. CLOTH. A NI OKNT-S fCKNISIIING DEPART Mf.nt IS TOf'KED VTITII THE VFUV FINEST VA1UET1'. filtOCEHY AND (JUEENSWAltE j DEPA HTM ENT J IS COMPLETE IN STOCK .nt Without a Parallel for LOW J'ElCES. ! All jf which have been seleele.l n-i"l i eari1 lied at such rrice!, at cannot Jail to salit'lv evervboiiv A LSO, Dni-.5, Me.'i"ines, Paint.s, a'ls, rerftlr'u-HeE Dyi'Siufia, Ac'., Ac. fall and he convinced that the "MAM MOTH" is the St(f to buy. cheap. . . u' V. Ulll.i.x;. Till: Ki:Uli..tTOU!" riNE oPE.VIXti. The yi())ir lit Kt. SUf.e ,i1 7V,,ii- .'.... j LEATHER l I'l'El! AND SHOE FINDIXii stoim:, fn the elegant i:ev room recently built by (.'eorye Aright, Eaip, MAKKTT b'l'ULET, KUNUL'Ky, PA. I'ltKAT STocTL iOOl) ritl.ME dueil'.-'. tt)i.D pure KS. will be ml I nt lb hiw.-ri' en.), 1. J llceS. A oil mil cuuiluea inu Hi.. I uu can tuic money uy iniulia.lik' at lUa It. ifiihiior. Jir ill MHF.MAKKItS...Weall-Uiirlto,i. lion Iu th Hoe Iiiiu ot LLor AND fell OK I' IT Kit a IKVlltilt both Juntos ami iNMrri, nd s yi.trt,l i.t. allorT f iNnrsi,!!, ul I'iunt ttU.tU fuf u luja.tuai.t U j ur- t lltt!. J n. :.i. r feu'thai), Apii! 'ii', Tl) - tl. NOI It I .-A u 111. M .ten, I u l.'-'l I .1 I .1 ,. i I.i UU- I I ul III I lU '. , . 1 1 un. vol in a. i . I I . Ill till, I ..1 uu Vi l.kl Mi l Hi... . t , ., , i 1 1 Hi, I il'l I III' I J , , -c ol 4..l, i44 li.. .11-. ul ,.U. . l .it I II.. .- 41, I.I I ....I- t 4 1 1..1- I Ua.lut, i li I ...... t.l. it ir. i ii.i is,. Hum i . t.lual,l4 'r .(brrl; Iwr !'. " t ' I .-J L -il. e 11 -. I I I iii i . I, ..ii m u, l ib - liit - ll l. I I, .1.' .... I i I ..I ft . I. ; , h I . , r ' , " , " 'I I I ! uu '...... il, I.-, iu , j i Ji'1,1 lit kt. I - .1 llu I iil , ' Ii, 1 I ' bbcrlistmtnts. APRIL, 1870. PEKING or rat "SPRING TIIADE ts nrvnY.iAi)ECLoT n is u WANAMAKER & BROWN THIS MONTH Open to the People the ftrc'atest Stock OF FINE CLOTiriNa FOR MEN A BOYS, XT Oak Hull han tievcr Contftlucd. Since 1 ist Fall we hive secured the two large lots adjoining us, and have erected upon them an iron-frcnt building, equal in sizo to our for mer Building, making OAK HAt L T'ICE AS tARGE AS BEFORE, In crier to accommodate the GREAT MASS OF PEOPLE who have become our Customers. tJT'We Invito all our customers, with their neighbors and friends, to pay us an early visit, to examine our MAMMOTH BUILDINGS, and to inspect onr MAMMOTH STOCK. WANAMAKER & BU0WN, OAK II A 1. 1. ! U 1 9 T II I N G ESTABLISHMENT. Nos. ("30, 3S2, DS1 CjO Market 6trcet, and Nee. !, 3, 5, 7, 6, 11 13 South Six.h St., i'ii7c?cjjiii. i J5JT"Send your Orders If you Cau't come, j April 3, lb'.'0. It. i DRESS MAKING AND ! CUTTING. rpiIE Ladies of Sunbnrvnnd Irinitvnre invited .1 to the new MILLINERY STORE, Just open- ' ed bv ! MISS L. WEISS 11, Market street, next door. to Uvaviiart's eonfee i tionary store, Sl'NB.URY. 1 A., v. here n hire ns ; eortmeiitof t'llir.';. tiondsat'd Trinunin; have Just Lten cpr.iei. .' NO 1 lONS, such as j fifi)KERCHIErS, GLOVES, COLLARS, i and a variety of other articles. w ill carry on the DRESS M AKINli and FITTINti In all lis brnne.hi-K. Also the cutling of l'AT- Is. vnucOtinu with the Millinery bilxiiiefs, she 1 TEKNS of every deKcriiition. . . ,r I . Having selected the uioat fashionable xoe.db iu j the city markets, and having liail .-a' drjat'l : - crpcrience In the Millinery and Dress Mai: in i; hii- ' j i-iness, I am solicitoe of filling ordi n, and invite all to (jive me a JriaV, as a g'Kjb ut grvat- l lv re.lllei-d l,ripjr. f '"nut. ..... I " Kemember tl.,iilac..t,uc d-:.'r west or (.. :ir- ' heart's Confeciln.-iLri' i:oro, Market ttrect, tftm- turv, i'i MISS L. WELSER. 1)571). i Suiibiuy, I'j., April W bPKlNti MILLINER V. " I w X StTS .1 X I HITS 111 . ?pk!n ,stvlps; v ... t at I" MiH.le';' Ktrrv, S Mark,- Sriiinre, HL'.NIiL'KV. ; Ti hi-es':'.a and Xc t Vovk st-'.-.i ..f I ... -MlLI.lMtV (.Clous. : HON NETS. II ATS, t-I!AMi:S, l' and AinefVan Flowers, Eibbons I ie. , Collars, Cul!', (!!i,ve. llandkereliiel's. and ' -Nutions of every vai K tv, and in fact, i everythiujf that is kept In a MiUinei v .-;., i-e. dent's Colllirs, ( 'lifts. Neel'.tie?; IT r.c'.'.'i.rr!.:, -f, : .:e.; Ae., c. I Having just opei-'.. this 1'- '.. J (.' .-; "... .'ilim-nt ..oJs, ..h Idi. a...j th public . ircneriiiv n:c ur.i.ed to call and exaiuine for I theui.-rlvcs. l SUir-' 11' j Snubury, April 10, 170. rpiIE suhseribtrs havinu taken possession of j 1 the Siinbur Su-am Mills, on Walnut street, j and hiivliu; repaired the same, arc oiv prewired I ,u mauul.icluu-r all brands of FLOCK AND FEED. They rniftcfnllv lnvKe tie citizens of this vicmuv to Kjve ieui ji li aa, a? jUeif . facilities i.i maKo 'tHf r,ur,ii:y.ur; .ili to any lu tUo Mute. ' s.-ir present i t-tail f-r'cs ffrt i h'.'at l lni.:, per b ir.-cl,-Corn Meal, jut eivt, ., liuekwlieat Flour, per cut Itye tl:, 'l JO 50 i ill I 3 -' ."i f. 'I f Ail I live t.'-.c, " "5 bhoils, " 2 00 h'au, , ,' - a-V- re'siiecu'li'v M.UcltVd and will iiroiMjiMiUintion. MOY Lit A KOLB. Saiibury, March tl, lSIO.-tf. It OUT AMI MIOL M A N C F ACT C It V. R . rpiIE iiDdi-rnltrnril Informr the eltUeui of un .1. bury and vicinity, that ho hai opened u bbnp at hU resl.'enc.', on Arch stna, .lt the public I'hool house, where h will tii ini fuettire to order all k.ii'df JlOo'18 A Nil Jfi!:S of ihe bit ma leriai, .. . Ite; a'. i 4 .ne M short notice. Orjeri nn re.p.etlully milieitcd. JAItl l) Ulio.Sl(.iCS. Snubury, March W, 1 eTU. tiui. v'hm: iioisk u Lor, Iu the VoroiiKh of tCXBCUV, OllVrotl mi I'riiate Sale, T A LOW ruich. Term. iat;-. A 'ood title wl!! be klTei Iotscsiou i veil iu W d.i Addres., fil'L W1LVEUI. Huubuijr, MVvh '.r'i. aluHblr I lourliiK "III For Kale. Ioll'.r liY Mi'l fi-r U u,.j;iio4 niuniio lil.lel, H,.iu; f.ut w.i:W, III l sp'el',., ,K.4. ii. ii. XI i iMU'i fur sol on.- r. I ..ii ,.. - i iii) yiuv llIKT , tjij. bam AHH OT (lioi .41 it i u .. ll. Uill . i ......... Murwi. aiming ,u. h jiroivrtr. 1 ...,v, r,,r ,r,l.uJ oariieu in. A4UUII, l Il'l. L ...... LlkJIttllllM III ...I..... 1 . I.. U. J. Ikl' li ni i' April ! liTd.-jiu. A t uiuli, old r fcr I Ui a t lii'iuli.t IiuuiioIui iuui,ii. l ull. u liwUUt Iu ! Lull' ll. i I U.k l. ,..,1. rlaoa' bk.-aiMiil Tanrur l.l i. ...i Iji-, iiuj lr i linlmil luikf for )rou Wi t, AMlm i, lUlik. i uamiui'llii. ut Ifelflal ! Ihl) liu4 u.4fc. '!. MSblUifcl I LiU(-J-44kl li M lUia I i . U, tJ alt, i.iUtxiht ,.. o. 1 1 tt --'i , "UU. 4 f l.Uil,) "I lit flW- UM, UIU) vrilt l ! I tlMI l.u 14 u uH.i.l, ki.a , 4U1.4 ul a-AW.l. lt llt Iu ul.U. I III tl husi a&uattiUl TftiXJICf oia iir ana w ! till Ol l ltl, OF FINK A H ATI II, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN COYFRIi MENT SECURITIES. Ko. i Nassau Stkket, Nrw Yohk. Felninry, 15tb, lb?o. . The remarkable success which attended on. -negotiations of the Loans of the Cfxthai. Pacifp Railroad Pompaht and the Westers Pacific Railboad Company, and tho popularity U( credit which these Loans have maintained in lb. arkets, both In this country and Europe, bar shown that the First Mortgage Bon) of wisely located hki honotnlily-managcd Rajlroads r promitly recogniiced and n-ixliw taken as th most suituble,.safc, 8ii(! avantagid-n form of In vestment, yelhllni; n more liberal income thai can here-after be dcrlrcu from Goverumeat Uondr and available to take their'pliico. Assured that, In tho selection and negotlallui of superior Railroad Loans, we aro niMtlng i great public want, and renderlug a valuable ser vice both to tho holders Of Cpitli nnd to thosi great Nutioual works of iuturnul iir.jrovotncn! whose intrinsic merit and substantial clinmcte CHtitle them to tho use of Capital and the crnll jience of investors we now offer with specia confidence and satisfaction FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS or tux CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO PAILHOAD CO Tht Chttapeake and Ohio Rnilroad, connecting the Atlantic const and the magnificent, harbor o the Chesapeake Bay with the Ohio River st i point of reliable navigation, nnd thns, with th ftntlre Railroad system aud water tninsportatlm ofhe-gi-nl'eat Aud Sftuth-west, rormn tlt additional, Vint hud Went Trunl Line, so Inivalvely demanded for the ncrom modntioa of lUe lmn.tne and rapldiy-growin tranFportatlon between the Atlantic " seaboar and Europe on the one hand, and the great pro during regions of tho Ohio aud MiKeihsir; Valley (i tho.othor. .. Tii$, iiriitoi-tuncc of Ihi Itoad an i hew otitic from the West to tlicnri riiaguilles It in'.o one of. national eoiir-eqiiene. and insures 19 i tun extensive tlirontrh train from the day of its ennipUtion ; while, In n. development of the extensive agricultural m.. mlurrul resources ol Virginia aud West -Virgin!-It postcbses, along its own line, the e'.uu-.i-nts 1 lurge aud profitable local business. Thus the great lnteresti, both gcnernl an loral, w-hicli .demand tiic completion c-f tli PATTEKN Ciiit; ir.' Ouj'j Railiioad to the Ulii Rivor, uuVd tl'.cjsurctt gnurnntce of Its stiere!- j ' . . .' , , . " . .. .. ! and cuhMnntial ICailrom mi i (ii mi: nun in rigrc iti mi Con ntry. Its superiority as an E.Tt :ind W(-t route, r.a the promise of an immense and profitable tr;, ! awaiting its comph lion, have drawn to It the jt tentlon aud co-opcr;itiun of pioniincnl Capitaliii Uiiilroad men of this City of sound judgment n;i known l:ile:i'v, vhote conuectiun with it, t' hcr : i mi-:' cf ViiL- ha', of eminent citizens and busines 'lnia aud West Virginia, insures n I'P'tie, honorable, nnd succcstl'ul tnuna I ni tut. , l(T!.eIJ"'id is pomplftcd and in r.ieration fio: Iiiehmoud to tho nh-lirated White SuTj T.i S-prliiKH of West Virginia, J7 miles, umj thci remain but S0O milc3 (uowj -.rtkilly con.trMrtu! ' lo be completed, to e:irry i to the luoiniscd te I minus on the Ohi) ri-er at, or near, the inr.u; of thu liiL' Saudv river, 150 miles ::bj Hi- nati, ajn! 'J50 miles below Pittsburg. ; Lines .ne now j or in pingiess thn -,i : j Ohio nnd Ke'itu.-l-v to thin jkjmt. which w. , c mi.ect tic Clifaiiau uikI Ohio Mil I tiro entire Ilaiiroad h sir ins of t Wfst aud Soiillinl,iid wilh" I'aoiflc Unllroixt. i l'V',,14a,':,!frvhUes un l sup-rior,t i Bis v. ill ,-laee U,.: CiiESii-iKK iNr (iu , i;Ai noil. .( . mi-vsv iiuorr; :',e ri. 1..-M 1 . lJJ-"-v'' 4 Uuv.c.-.t:y err. nations of ti ' ; iuiu ;ii.t.- sKjs-.j a j .t v-.tuc. i loinp., i, it -.iad and w.'tk done tire iiii; , f Ihe morle'as.'. l'' tn th... f : '1'i.e a 'tails df the Loan have Iven i "I'ei-ia! r-fer.-nee f. thn Wai.ti ol nil elas's- of iniestors, and combine the vaiiolu features . , convenience, safety',.; ,u ...,;,.., 1(, ; or fra-i,!. Ihe lloin nre m n-ri.iiiatUirs n $1,000, ?(,.. and SIOO. 'I h-y ;a he i.-i.-j ....4 .-.jn,.,.;, pavai-.-: to Hearer, an t may be !.e.,l in tUl,; form . or j 1 '"' 1,01111 Way be KvUteivd b, :!;f imc of :! , owner, with the c..up.-,.s -,-r.u. jj.,,,;,, , hearer utt iehcd, the VC, - l . :iial hen tre.n- i ar c:i!.;cij the Us jo, of ' l.a Couijuny . , reussliruf,! i ;,: j The or.j. :!'. m.v be detntit-d and e.i: ,. j tic t-.)d ie.U; a jrt'i'UiaiK'lit Keisteie.l li,.i , :r.-is,iera.)!e only au fut books of the (Viu a-i " ' Uit -rot made payable only ta ihe re tercd cwuer or his attorney. Tl. . .1 1 ..... uLct'ciiiim oc Known ri-'S'Ctivi i ki: i j ' " Si" to red I(ondi nith ( ou I ' "" rd ond With lou l0,,", "Otaflioil," and should be bo desina j led by CVi iwpondents In H'ecirilBC the class r- Bonds , The" have tlilrj- jcrn to run from Jan " 15, 170, with Interest at fix per cei.t. pe n in. inn fr,.iu November 1, lr.;i. rnclj .il n I'H'V- I'O-itle !rf.!d in the e;'yrfytr Voik XLe li.tercfci it payable lu -May aud N0V1 tuber that it may take the jjIiicc of IL. u.the eai li, itturn I'f F ITc-Twenliea. mi.l n.l II.,-,. ! of our friend rh. nlrea.iy l.u'A Ceuti j'. an I Vetlin Pacific Iioad, iti luiitr.-t payable i: I Jauu.nrv and July, atij vho 1,11, i ,'M ail ing adihtionul iu.veiiu iiu, 1 1 i,a iBteni.. I'e-eivatV li. li .'.ilel.t re.if.illt of the war. Tl. ICi.ll '.i le-v'red I y a Un itjae upon III. tutu ti; of tbe liud f.o.u h., i;,ouJ , , t.t UIUO, ollh I lie euij imiu an I .1., .the! ptoptity ul j j urteuaucn i-oun..Ul ll . re with. . A Milking Fuud ol tlvO,im jht nnmii , pn. -. 1J1 I for the riJuiipliou of thn II, 11 1., to 1 , nlka witu yaar alter Ihe eniiip!c"' u ol '. V, ad ilia woiigttg I for J 'i.o-i.iKKi, if liM-t l;',iaiO,uim, he re,. - id i"ifl lu l l iii irn.i I, 1 tl.e 'edou.j lir-i of,l.u. 11..U.I. nl 1 he ii Kii'l.t l'iu.i.1 1 alii ud I .uu,i, iiott um-ij;. 4 11 lint t 1- 1 u I Uilo. Ol Ibe lolXaiMI ii:i,0"0,oD, tliltt. i. ul ami. in,, aitt U- .J. Vo ,4.ij'lii ll. r.u l l i U.t inu, rlvrr, .-'l'ec. i'!-! Hi'l'iur Ibu ..itiou 11. h ii., i.4 .U.'l";i,lo) c,uip Itu I. ii b.i Iti.o an J a. -u 1 1 uille, lb p i.vul ne. I, UU , ar.-rui. 1 .tert. A I . ti aiup!) icuii.l, in il .-.i,' j .1 I (J, u4 to ittuiu hni4llgi 1 1, i' aud a ll.lU.Ul plan ilUolij llje .l,l,.t , ,1,,,.,, i 11,,, bulk of Hut I'uuLlrv au t u,ou., .11. Im at iu. appifcUud ta t 1.11, k'j l.,i -..-1 Vaijr iMiuilitliy, tl"a, A IUH II, Batui.i r I H'i Imui4 pauilkU .." la i intai, tu,ii4i d,u. av; , ii U. H ... ! 1 (4..Li 1 k,.. a V' I if V. U,i iii 11. 1 ltwMII-iliil.1 biiJl, iu u-ta ll i..ioi.,l aui ti, lit-.k.f 1 1 lai tfca, ik4 ult'i, ' J u tkt a I' .. '..III 1 tat t.M, UUiaM J ' ?ki .in t-k I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers