THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, IS TUBLtSHED EVERY SATURDAY BY EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, MARKER'S DCtLDINGS, MARKET Q,VBf, At $USO In AtlTnncc. Subttripliont token for Ism than tit Mwthi. 'tVmuHCJM) with this establishment Is nn extcn slTeKEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plahi and fancy type equal to any establishment In ths Interior of the State, fur which the patroo niifre of the public Is respectfully solicited. jkofessfom... .V,V"lA."V A JJKO. A. WII.KO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 FornTH Avekck. fiotarv Public, Janl 15, 1870. ly. FIttsbnrg, Pa "I EO. IIIM.. Attorney at Law, 8UNBU VX RY, PA. Will attend to nil professional mistnoss tn this and and naioinuii; pountics. Can be consulted In the English and German Inn guages. T MAHKI.E V CO, Market Street V 8UXBURY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, OH fllass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, .rocket Hooks, Dairies, o. C! I. WOLVERTOX, Attornov at Law KJ Market Square, 8UNBURY.PA. Profession il business in this and adjoining counties prompt ly attended to. WW. II. AUMSlROJm. SAMCM. MKN, i A ItSISTROXfG at I.IXT. IX. ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW, llAUMSFOUT, rKNN'A.. Jnly 81. I860. 6 inos. A. R. SAVIIK5E, respectfully an- 'A. nounccs himself as Physician and Burgeon 'to the citizens of Banbury and vicinity, having lo cated tiiinscii pennanciiiiyon .Market street, nenr- 'ly opposite the rnirraount Hotel, where he can 'be consulted nt all hours when not professionally antacid. aplVH-ly rpEETII! TEETH! .1. rv. tKWSI.MjKK, ' X Surgeon Dentist, SUNBUKY, PA. All work carefully attended to and warranted. Am thnnk Tnl to all for the kindness extended toward me by civine me their natronaes in tho past aud hone a eontlinmnce and increase of the same. ' W" Olllce, first door east of Adams' Express ruee. apUO-UU W ZIK4.T.ER, Attorney at Law, north VJ side of -rublic Square, one door east of the old Bank buildimr; Sl'NBL'KY, PA. Collee trous and all professional business promptly ut- tenaeit to in tne courts or JormumBcrland and adjoining counties. sept 15-80 4 IsIMSOXU. !IARRJ Attorney at Law, 1. HIAMOKIN, PA. All OMslness oUeuded to with promptness and diligence. atiRlO-07 l A. Rl,Pli:SXVni:K, Attorney at Ky Law, SUNUl KV, PA. All business en trusted to his care attended to promptly and with diligence. epHJi-67 JKO. KAY CXE.TIEXT, Attorney at Law, Bl'NBCRV, PA. Collections and nil pro- tesslonal liiisincss promptly attended to. meh31-6 c. J. nmrNi-R. I.. n KASK. BRI XF.l! A ItASl'.. Attornevs and Coun sellors at Law, 8L NBUUY, PA. Office u Chestnut street, west oftae N. C. and P. A K, Railroad Depot, ill tiie building lately occupied by V. Lazarus, Ksq. Collections nnd all profess tonal business promptly attended to In Northum berland and adjoining counties. apllO-ti'J s. u. noYKit. nr. i. wiyi.tuktos A WOf.VEKTOX, Attorneys at Law, on second floor in Hrij;h'i new buildinu', BUNBl'RY, I'A.-.S, B. Boyer and W. i. it oiverum respeetiuliy aniioutiee that they have entered intoco-partuersliip in the practice of their profission in Northumberland nnd adjoin ing comities. Consultations can be had in the Jennaii language. apU-H Hit. M.Hi:, .... i iiey .te-r..,.. , w S a Bl'KY, PA. CoUeetlone attended to in the eountie of Northumberland, Cnton, cnydor, AoYitoiir, Columbia and Lynnming. iipllO-OU wm. M. iio; I.LOTD T. KODRBACH. IV Attorneys nt Law. SUNBUKY. PA. Of fice in Muupl's new building, swond Ikior. En trmiee uu Market Square. Ja"4-0a tl5UUS9 J AlOH O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, A D DBA LEE UN CLOTHS, CASSIMEP.ES, AND VESTING 8, Fourth Kt., South of Weaver's Hotel, Sunbuiy.l'a. Man li XI. 'IW VA EE Vr I XI! HIETZ, Wholesale ,-id IV tall dealer iu every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBIT.Y, PENN'A. t- (ri'ritu wiiakf.) Irdflrs solicited aid filled with prompt nets iatch. innvli-Oii lOAlXtAtlToTl"! GRANT BROS., V,1 hhippesg and Wholesale and Retail Utultrii in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURV, PA. (lowsh wniitr.) J-WFole Ageats, westward, at the celebrated H.:nry Clay Coal. Jan 9-86 w !. It II OA 1S, UKTAIL 1E4I KK OF ANTHHAilTr COAL, IUNBURY, PENN'A Orrfru wi tn IIaas, Fioti.T A Co., Orders left at Heashatts & Bro's.,otnee Market flreet, will raeeive prompt nttentioo. Country : ".inom rcspaejrnllT solicited. Jan. 8, 1870. tf. jacor mnr-u ix. i7rnT: a like insurance agent, bun I1 BURY. PENN'A. Kepr'sents: Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., York, Pa. j Cumber land Vallry Mutual Protective Co. ; New York Mutual Life 1 1 ini rd Life of I'hila., and Hartford, Conn., Gi ueral Accident. -." DEXTINTRT. GUOHGE M. RENN, In Simp!in'$ JJuihlinij, Market frputre, m Cl'WBl'HT, Pi., I A pn iiared tn do all kinds of work pertaining to liriitistry. lie keeps constantly on baud t !n;t assortment of Tinh, aud other Dental material, from which be will be able to select, mid tnr, i the wanii of hi etislomers. All woik wai rained to give satisfaction, or else Iho inouey refunded. TU very hei Muuth Wash and Tooth-Powders kei t on hand. Ili references are the numerous patrons for wliuin ha line Hoiki-d for the last twelve years. Miiilniiy, April 31, I!. IK iM) II in IlUt K II.OO V 'A "Hft ami mtiMt .SUt,l JnitUulnm the Ximt JX .St 'Mll HY, 1'A. JVf. WAflllNtiTON', having ruuioyed to his a new building " 'ibiid lieU, b.l a Mar L t nnd the Depul, Is now .i.'.amd to miii his i.ioiiuis l"U,r lint ever. Uuvmg ire u ltd I Us ,uviai of irt -class B.utM is, ,IIAVISj AND HAIR IiREWIMfl ;il lm neeiu.d 111 the l.ttil style. Tl build tut! Ii4iii ' tin ld teiully far the pur t ol a ln.l . I.i.s li.iiUf 1uii, aud liming l.;.- l it up in lh' l.iut klUe, h tiopus 10 receive 4 I, l. ml li in ol p.itiouae. In b .Ijoiiiiuj kiiu Ull-las CoiifwiloM (i v l I '-.u ' m 4 l"i Iba srfle ol l K 1 HKAM, I VM'IKN, 1 AMI, It LI. It, aud UUiueiua utlttf , 'njM.1 m I'liiik III 1UIHUIIIII b!, OlUllgrS, 4n I oil. il d' 1 ( "'' tulablus I'f bolus lid l . -ill luia til licit (yiuliwtuu aild ir'Ul Ml Oil' AUD. IK l.ult' MlflH 4 hilli.i Coil u d IliS Coal T I.,,.. u.t i. ivu-i ? - unti l ..I. it 1 1. ii suipir isuiiii wiiittus .u I or oii-, in it ton it . hi i.4 Mi'l, ibslat7 UH Uaua. Diem i. M.i AlivrilLAlJaft. 1 I Il.c.. I..n.l M"t 4 a. i ' it -ro Xlta1llnliol lii If to. PRICE 1 50 IX ADVANCE. ) Hotels cslanrunts. MV CARMEIj IIOCNE, Mt. Cnrmcl. CHARLES CULP. Ptonrletor. A rieasant Summet Resort. This well-known IIoiisc. Is refitted nnd repaired, will fumUh i,u best of necomincdations to travelers and perma nent ooaruero. vn Hccouni 01 Its location tt poS' sesscs peciiliar attractions as a Buumicr resort. July 3, 109. ly. P aci ' i c7 i 1 6TT: V. s uxii vn r, rxxxu., WM. T. ENGLF.MAN, Proprietor. A pleasant Summer Resort, being on the bank of me Busquenauna river. This stand having beon newly built by the Proprietor, oilers excellent ac commodations to the traveling community. Choice wines, liquors nnd cigars nt the bar. The table supplied with best the market ntTords. An umple aud well stockod stablelu connection with this hnise. nplli.'4-ly HEM AI RAXT A EATI.U- IIOLSE. CHARLES ITZEL, Pkoi-kietob. Chestnut Street, a few doors from tho Depot. Si-Niintr, Pa., HAS opon a Restaurant nnd Eating House, for the accommodation nfthe public. Warm meals ean be had all hours. All kinds of game, fish, &e., served up nt short notice. His bar is supplied with the bestllquor in market. No pains spared to pliuiso, and terms moderate. aiiniiury, Sqtenihcr, 4th 18(111. ly. K ATIONAE I..;i.ll DEER M AEO, ON TUIKD STltltUT, NEAR TMR UKlOT, 8UN11URY, PA, JOSEPH BACKER Informs tho oltlwns of Sun bury and the public gonerallv. that he has oiKiied a LAfiER BEER SALOON at the above place. The best of Lager Heer, and Mult Liquors " will be kept. Also Ovsteri. Ac consiiintlv nr. , ed up to customers. i HOTEL. Arai'STUS WALI), Proprietor. Ueorputown M,,rih.i Comity, Pa., at the Statinn of tho N. C. R. W. t. nolee wines and cigars at the bar. The table if supplied with th li n, alfords. Good stabling and attuntivn rutl.r. A1 EEECJHEXV IIOCME. Nos. 813 ou t 814. Market Street, nbnvn aiirlnh iim DELPJUA. tv .iui, . :.:.- ""V.1W..IUI- l. i urniH. ma Tier mm v w .....,.. r..i RI.ECKNER & CAWLEY. J. V A L E li ' S "W I1WTER GARDKX AXI UOTEL -Vo. 720, 722, 734 A 727 Fill St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER G A R T) E v imTfr (OK TDK ElKOl'EA Pt.tKl ' Centrally located, connecting with all tho City ioonuncr nanwav uars, from all the Depow in Lbu ('lir. Exo4lleiii Accoiuinodwtious flr Tri- vtmerst. Graud Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening in the Hummer and Winter Garden. fffi-Onhcxtrion Concert E)ry Afternoon. J FINB f.AT)lK' KKSTAUBANT Tng BEST OF UKFRKSIIMKNTS SHRVRD. Office of alcr A Lnwser's fountain Park Brewery. April 10, ISM. fnWlBHI mtenutt K. ri.UKKE i.iiiTEn, im BOOKS, STATIOXICltY, WALL rA PER, WIXBOW SHADES, etc., etc, has largely added to his stork and facilities for supplying his trade. His stock consists of a full lino of SCHOOL. BLANK A MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS, CAP, BILL, NOTE. LEGAL AND OTHER PAPERS, BUFF, WHITE. CAN ARY, AND OTHER ENVELOPES. ALSO PAPER A OIL CLOTH, SHADE FIX TURES, PERFUMES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac XV4I.E IA1ER A 3D IIOKDEKS made specially, An lnimenso new and cheap stock. . SUNDAY SCHOOLS supplied from stock or by order promptly, nt the lowest Snnday School discounts, with books and other supplies. MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Flrtnro Frames nnil .Tfonlriing, FRAMES MADE OF ALL SIZES, AT TRICES OF MOULDING. All dally, weekly and monthly Periodicals nnd Newspapers supplied by No., "month or year. Goods not on hand promptly ordered. Single or qunnity. Persons In want of goods In bis line, especially cash buyers, will find it to their interest to rail at N. Ferree Llghtner's Book Store, sign of the Big Geld Pen. PLEASANT'S BUILDING, MARKET SQP ARE, 2Mh 1W9. ly. SUNBURY, PA. BREAD AXD TAXCT CARES. DAVID FRY, KF.SPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of Pun hnry nnd vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of CAKES FOR BALLS, PARTIES, Ac. Familes are supplied with FREtjH BREAD, Twist, Rolls, Rusk, Tw Buns, Jte., and also kept on hand and manufactured out of tho best materials. All orders left at his Phon in Market Puunre. one door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at Ids Bakery on Spruce Street, between Front and Becoud streets, will meet with prompt attention. BALLS AND EVENING PARTIES supplied with Cakes, iee-Crcnin, Ac, at the shorteet notice. Orders are respect fully solicited. DAVID TRY. Buubury, Dec. 12, ISA. SEW MEAT Mil OP. rpiIK iindcrsignid respect fully Informs theeltl X ens of tlunbury and Tielnily, that thry have opened a MEAT SHOP, In Dowart's buildiiiL'.oii theuorlh side of Market h'jiuire, lo diMiis flout the railroad, were they Hill keep a coo.lum supply of the best of Beef, Polk, Mutton, Ac., at ttholeiuleor retail, at be Uirt prices aud of the lliet quality . A wagon ill bu run im:i. lily euoiurrs every inuriiiiig, (ccaj rtnuduys.) The be.l of meal a ill found at llielr shop, lilve -js a call and snlUfv vouf lttFI'V A UOWCR. tlet. 16lh HiHI.f. EMIT OK TO HE cimibTUN N:rr, en.l (iirest, opposite the Court Houso, Bl'X. Iil'.lliillj luvilet Ike atleuliuo of Ketailert and i-tu.t., that be has oa kud, aud will tB slaully kep ail Winds gf rottEKiN AM DOMKhTlO UttlOIUI, Cuiisuting of pure Biaudkai Ct.gulae, Cherry, Uliii; r, l(nrli lis and litaiU.": Pure ll t upper DUlllled, Maaoa. ahela, Apple ail Nisrlar. I't ICR HOLLAND OIN I H Inos. ( bampagu Wlue, khcrry, Port aud llaivt. t lab ( l ire, Chauigue I Ul, K. E. Mum, Diwaa btoiil aud ISvuUa Ala. roW AMI AbUH iltUITrkM, And all tubers I I U.t lib It be oiu4 la Iho nt unik ta, hub ail) be "td at W I la. ale aud H UH. aitule (ui4iiUi as I l.ttwuled Ai, a U's U4 l'tMll"IIV a4 P ' 1 1 1 a, kloaS un hau l.' j l J" 111 I. it i..o.i I aiiud44tW i tUHie l aliuaaas leoIUl'l u'Ulte4. I I -s .r it ! SUXIilJIlY, PA., clu bbcrliscmcnt. t tetter.' .i m vt vvy 6ZLS LUTED SEAST-EASS OL0TEHT8 TBI Jeight of tha Style. ((?ENSianMio&- READY TO PUT RIGHT OJC. ns eV)Mt gf th Chestnut Strut Clothlaf Bilae lUbm.ut ft to furulih a data of Boadj-niailt Cluthlag tup.rlor to aoytlilag that hat fatrttofore betn offers t the pukUo. Ouly the flour fabrics are ettd, and lbs but trlmnilugs, sad thm art tut by the met! skillful sad srtUUe tutttrt.aud msdtup In tlaborste ud tut.ful itjlu. A full ttook of tech elothJug U now In itort, and Ulug told at moderate prloas. CountoUd wtta tbt MktklUaatut, tttirej ran advaata-t. jutforii pols. Ke nntr wrk It dons fa any Marehaat Tailoring Boutt la tat laae. No btiur at'lta, ao rlohtr gooia, no mors rtnowatt nttwi, bo awrt jwrfMi eta oaa aoywhtrt bo oetolatd. TOFKB QIXTS AND LADS. eatlfwl aed Sercloeabla Garmenle. ' ix luBaaer raaurry. li r.tfsal Aseirtasst of GEXTT'B TO 618 A 820 C-SSTWT STSIXT, FKiioai.rsit. joHKitA (rieill Xots. By oar ijiltm of Sttemtoourtintnt, gn ill.m.D at a dlitaneo oaa ordor with t.rUlnlj of baring a good at. Folos for Stlf-aiMaurowoal aid saaploi tost by mall wh.a roqaottod. Dec. lKth, 1H9. ly. K N n n n n R V 1 o R A a R A I E I n S I MARKET UTRKET, Jt Jttupri ron fVoitt fiuildinq, Mouburr, I's. April 10, l-tK. XtW .UO SJt H I ORE. niJIF. uudertlirnetl realise Ifully Informs the 1 cillaeus of huiihury and thu public ireiiiral- ly, that Ibey kae orucd a New Uioeery hlme, near the moth east eoruer of Thild aud Muikel Mraeia, tsUNUl'HY, PA. '1 hey alii ruiislunlly keep ou baud (irm-rrii of all Undo. Also, a regular supply of Win .. I, Hu kwhoal, Cora-Mnil and oili.r Flour ol Ilia beat nualiiy. All of vblrtt will be sold at tho loacat prlcat. WFtTZn. Not. , IMiit. ii mirm ami: kioiir, J. II. I'ulvrt si Co. MAIIKKT hfllKKT, M'NIU'HV, PA., II Ab lwlte4 a aw aswwliuiut of all bludauf ItalUaaia. ( uliori. M liauiea' I 0.1U, A.. ol all deei4iua, A'.o Uati-m iakr'o rials, UuU, ttiitis, bp"ksa. Alto, all kinds ut lalbil li' aiMMUutkal 's aud baddlei't. kil. thiug la Ibe tlardaai itukiaa lm fuimj aiiult ill 1 ould ae lu as fau - boUbl ul au otu. f taUtiliauttMitit lu lbs suuuti). t all aul soe tbtlf .. u.i.u.y,a.. U, lii Wtkl lt -the b.l ...... u... ,i S .la 1.11.' il mUi, I'oell la'.l'ti'.l, M. ... .S alia, I i ul -i. ao. U, 4 sisa4i wt.' i t tV i a la, t m - . - Ixl sJ(, . - - -fc nT yS-fuc ti'urnTv if Tsci:rTrrp"c:t SATUliDAY MOUSING, APlill 23, 1870. f elect pottvn. " xiie oed" c.i i 7ir. Wlicrc the roe'ts are gray and the shore is steep And the waters below look dark and deep ' Where the nursed pine, in Its lrnety pride', Lenns gloomily over the murky tide ' Where the rcuds and rushes afe.lousr and rank And the weeds irrow thick on tlie windiu" b itik t Where t he shadow is heavy the whole day throii"h Lies at its moorings the old canoe. ' The ttselcss paddles urc Idly drojipcd, Llko a sea-bird's wings that the sform has lopped And crossed on the railinir one o'er one, ' Like the folded bunds win w the work Is done While busily (etck and forth between, ' The spider stretches his silvery acrcou And the solemn owl with his dull "too-hoo " Settles down on the side of the old canoe. ' The stcru half sunk in the slimniy wave, Rots slowly nwuv in its living giave. And the green moss creeps o er its dull decay Hiding Its nioldci'ing dust awav, ' Like the baud that plants o'er the tomb a flower Or the Ivy that mantles the falling tower ' While many a blossom ol lovllest hue Springs up o'er the stern of tho old canoo. The currentlesR waters arc dead and still But the light wind plays with the boat ut will And lazily In and out again ' It limits the length of the rusty chain. Like the weary march of the hands of time, That meet and part at the noontide chime, And the shore is kissed nt each turning nnew By the dripping bow of tho old canoe. O, many n time with a careless hand, I have pushed it away from tke pebbly strand, Aud puddled it down wherp the streams ruus quick, Where the whirls arc wild and l:e eddies thick, And luughcd as I leaned o'er the rocking sidu, Aud looked below the broken tide, To sec I Iml tho faces and boats were two, Thut were mirrored back from the old canoe. But now us I lean o'er the crumbling side, A nd look below in the sluggUh tide, The fuce thut I see there is irraver grown, And the lautrh that I hear has a soberer tone And the huiiils that lent to the light skiir wings Have grown familiar with sterner things. But I love to think of the hours that Hew As I rocked where the whirls their white spray threw, Ere the blossoms waved or the. green grass grew O'er the mouldering stem of the old cauoe. WHERE THERE'S A Wil l,. "And so he is coming to-night. Clara ?" Lyman Palmt:r asked, standing just at sunset, in the norcli ofMf. Town ov's fmr. broad fronted residence in L . Clara Townley stood beside him, and a very fearful look stole into her deep blue lus trous eye ac she answered the question. "Yes Lyman. Papa received his note this moniitig, saving that lie would surely be here in the eight o'clock train." "Your father ia as determined as ever I, suppose, about this alliiir of of the mar riage V" Lyman i'ahm r's look was averted of tho other. They were delicate, enough, both iu shape aud hue, those hands of Lj'in:in l'nlnier's to have belong lo a woman ; his face, also, devoid of lyard or mouslach, anil glowing With the fullness of healthful beauty, cut rely lacked, (he was only twenty-two) the clemeut of inaniless It was a face that Lyman Palmer's enemies had he really possessed any would have been very likely to call insipid and girlish. Hut they could not truthfully have said the same of the man himself, lie was every inch what his youthful appearance failed to show a highbred, honorable, coura geous gentleman. "Determined !" Clara Townley ex-claimed in auawcr to her lover's last remark : "Why, papa is so bent upon my lx'eomiug Mrs. Livermore that he would die of rage, I think, were my resolution known to him." "And that resolution is, Clara " "To civc Mr. Livermore plainly to un derstand that the times we live in are not those which tolerate the atlianeing of two children in their cradles, merely because, their parents happens to be friends. Aud then this creature, Hichard Liver more is a perfect tiend of homeliness, if you will pardon my intense style of rhetoric, Lyman. The photograph which ho sent me, through papa, is just about the most frightful thing 1 ever beheld. He has passed his wholr life, you know, in some obscure place out West all places out West are obscure, in my opinion and, to all ap pearand s, lie has the manners of a regular clod. He actually had the impudence to apeak of mo, in his last letter to papa, 113 the 'sweet Clara whom he longed so pas sionately to behold,' and whom he fondly believed to bo 'a picture of womanly grace and loveliness. I've never told yoti Ibis lxd'ore, Lyman, for fear of makiug you ungovernably angry at your unseen rival." "We ought not to lie culled rivals," Ly man Palmer answered, in a voice wherein there was much more despondency than anger "his chances are so far, far above mine." . "Nonsense' Lyman," "How 'nonsense,' Clara ?" "lo you believe in proverbs ?" "Why do you ask V" "Hccaiise 1 do." Clara Townley' face wore it look of very firm determination as she siMike. "lo what particular proverb do you have refereneo jutt now V Lyman listed. "To iinn whlca aays, 'Where there's a will there's it way.' "I think that adage a remarkably trim one. Ami 1 think, Ly man, that you and 1 may teht its truth if we are ao inclined." You don't mean by an elopement Clara, do you V Ollcu and often havo 1 ! .1... I I, I jilt lltlfu- -i- "And i.jVn and otleti have I refused, " was the puniipt interruption. "Ofi-ourac, 1 won't tliqaj villi you, l ymau. I don't eoiiaidi-r tilii)a-uii'iil ri table, I aha'l never many you if I have to do it tin to !" Alld ahu looked quite w lii ilia 1'lloili.dl lo kia p thu resolution Jf culled Upon lo do So, "You Iiii-Hii, llit u. Clara, by eoiuiinx I lie lltlylltly t'liapit lllowr )ourpUlUt I" I.JUI.lll oealloin.i. "Aud git aai ptiol ed fijr our pallia," ssidl luru, with t slight l.mli. "No, I man, 1 mi mi sonivlliiiiii ttla". Pa-.i is i still sali i p, mid bkt ly to iiuisni so Ur uil I hour. Ik auii a, Uu ia tial kaiblu Iu kltvu III rHim this mining. 1st us l.iko slioll ! ilu'oti-lt iho tuidi ii, uinl, aliilo mu li'ill, I shall dlbuid.u in) sell ol 4 wiij ly Si l lS I " "I Mr. TuwiiU y si Inumi 1 ' I Hu liai'l, llii'-lu uikiU tin sIk'H- qm i 'oi ij Mi . 1 .h i.U tii . ml, mi l, li tiling su slliuiiilti i"), ah"!! lotos an. 11 a.illu lioio on llic yiouu I it-Hif I I lilt' houac. t loli.' liu man l ilt I. H.tiinirf iho I II i4lal" til I.. f t. St,lt-iS t our to lUto ibsl i i rs m u l ' K' AMERICAN ly the face nnd figure of n. pentleninn. "Tho olmcurc place out west" has evident ly loll Ks ittiprLss upon tho general bear ing of Mr. Richard Livernioro. riVHiuitly the door of the sit ting-room opened and a servant Clara Townley's private maid, as it happened entered tins room. "Mr. John Townley liabce unwell for several days, sir, aud as he litis lately fallen into a doze, his daughter, MisaCUtni, does not consider it adviaablo to awake him. liut Miss Clara will lie very bannr i.i vr.. t : i , . . '. , f I m -j. iiiiiiiuuiu uurscu. I'loviui'U li Wishes it." "Of course of course by all means certainly," stammered Livermore. to whom tho immediate prospect of beholdin g his fiancee was thoroughly overwhelming. "I shall be most happy to see Miss' Clara Townley . Po good enough, won't you, to iuh IUJI stj ; " Ho was gratified, not loug afterward, by the appearance of a tall voung lady (who struck him, the more he looked upon her, as a very uunatttrally tw disagreeably tall young lady) attired in a rather short iU littiug dress, and wearing, upon a counte nance full of "broad-blown comeliness, rod and white," about tho most thorough frontrcar-to-ear sort of a smile that Mr. Hichard Livermore ever remembered hav ing seen. i "How d'ye do?" said the gigantic vir gin, accompanying her salutation with a rather vacant-sounding laugh. 1 "Hope you've well. You're lit-. Livermore, of uuuioe. r cu, j.iveremorc, 1 Uon't like your looks a bit. I low do you like mine V" "I 1 there must be some mistake," murmured Livermore in amazement. "I 1 1 understood that Miss Clara Town ley was to " "Well, I am Miss Clara Townley." "Impossible !" " You're complimentary, I'm sure ! liut perhaps you mean that I disniinnint v.m agreeaoly, Mr. Livermore. I hope I don't. I t are say you're a good enoimh kind of ellow out then you're decidet)ly not the the fellow for me. Saw that the instant I flapped my eyes on you, Livermore, if you'll pardon so vulgar an expression. ..1 me Mil l oi a gut mat likes pluck sporting-men with lots of i'.yo" iu them, and a general air of being "up to smpX" Now, you're not that sort of a chap, Livermore as I told at a glance." "Xo !" exclaimed poor Livermore, who had grown pale by this time, and with something which was not embarrassment "no. Miss Clara, I decidedly am not the type of manhood which you seem to admire. Is is your father in ' 11 mean can I see htm lor a lew moments V" "Our girl told you he was asleep didn't she '( was the young lady's inditlerent answer, searching for something, as she spoke, in the pocket of her dress. "He sides, Livermore, as you have come to stay several days, and have brought your port manteauthere, for that purpose, anytime will do, I suppose, to hold confab with pa." t orn, r.ii',,.1. " t; 'i... r,-1 'i '"-j'.iciaaiing ening visibly in manner, "it is'be'VrtA sie I should at once take my departure. "And why so Liv V" "Lie ."' Could liiehard Livermore be lieve bis own ears ? Was this vixenish, holdenish, overgrown female the Clara Townley whom he had worshipped iu dreams as his future wife V Had her lather been mad, to write as he had concerning her ? He would rather die the man was already telling herself than become the husband of so hideously ogreish a creature. "1 have no reason to give for leaving so abruptly," he now said, in sharp, cold t tones. Miss Townley made some odd sound be tween a giggle nnd a chuckle. "You don't like, hie ; confess you don't !" she cried, and taking the unsuspecting Livermore thoroughly by surprise, she performed the action popularly known as jiuke in the rihs, Miss Townley 1" gasped the unhappy gentleman, thus maltreated, "do you intend insulting mo V" "Pshaw ! not a bit of it. Have a cigar, won't you V" "Heaven P exclaimed the bewildered I Livermore, holding up both hands, and j stumbling backward in astonishment, "you I can't possibly mean that you smoke i" "Certainly I do," was the reply, Miss ! Townley biting the end oil' a very nice jiijttro ns she epokc. j Mr. Livermore once again, and as if by a masterly ellbrt, regained Ids sclf-controf. i Walking deliberately toward bis pnrtiiiau- i teau, he picked up the article, ami having 1 bowed to his hostess, was alamt quitting , iue apartment lieu jiiss l ownley ex claimed : ( "I hojie I haven't offended you. Pa'll j Ik- frightfully mad when ho hears you've gone iu Una style. He'll be sure to blame me, too. 1 wish you'd leaven little note explaining that you go tif-of your own five-will, us it were. You don't mind ih itjg t) lis, do you ?" She looked at him with what was evi dently intended for a winning smile, but poor l.ivi rnioro thought it only a repuUive leer. "I shall laj very willing,'Mix Towu- ley,' ne saw, "to leave a note lor your father thoroughly vindicating you iu the matter ! oi uiy iii (iaiuiiT. ii oai is u mat you desire me to write V" taking a card eaao and a laiieil front oue of hi pocket. 'Only that you don't want to marry me- that you don't think we shall suit each other, and all that. Please U good enough not to uy unylhtng nbont tho smoking, lavauao pa don't know that i smoke, and " Hut, Livermore, without waiting for further luMructions, Ugan rapidly writ In-' .. i I . ... I. : i. I. t t . ! oil one of tho cards which he had selected Irjui his ease. lit u be had thu. lied lu lunad toward Mi ToMtiU-y with thcao word ; "Tho following Is my m saage to your fullu r : Sis il dralra 14 have hs airrif iiii-nl broki tuiii't iiiiiiit my luluiu marii.iiiu ali )niir d iuifh. t. r. I bat b Id .in Inl. 1 1 1. Willi h, r aud etui. , la to b. lnu h..lly uusilllllg Dial aurb Uf hull oiio. lay Sllu Itn ussu l.itaasoas." "Tbal' ii i l ly It I" llinimaly ex l l.tilllid Mias Tow Itley, whi n Iter eoliitl. ion l,t i In-lidi d la r tlu) tun), "tlld , . low," suddmly sUippiuj l.iveine.iu ta- tiiih.ul' nil the Iwli "old Mlow, you',, got 4 slivuk III ) oil, lor toll Ms Juii'i lAu i 4i li i ibn. It. 1 1. r try t lit i;U Ol gll." lillllo I llabtd I'lolll tlio 4i,t(t loil.l ;i ll.oo. It u lillllj I t llllMlll Itot 41) III- lilt lull, I r 111 liio 'h a t) i. a-l tail 4tt.l. out 4 looi.-.l I . a I V if W "l,l.,liiia.i ., klo.lltt slUIKlid lb.' bull d ail' t loan, U)U Ilia It 111 ill!:,J ll-lll''. 'It,... 1. 1, )ui It tin 1 1 I Uililf U.i llldb. 'I,j tl uiial l,i-. ,1:1:4 Mwluiw ul ,1k:' 't t l ( as l ' II .-.r,v . I Sew Ncrles. Vol. 2, Xo. 7. Old Series,, Vol. SO. . 8S I have been listening j tfw (yuxu room yonder to every word you said." And the real Clara Townley having just entered the room by a dilletuiit door lViiiii tln.i i,,. which noor Livormoro luoi .,..!.. iZ ...7? surveyed his disguised love wit U lauohin- evea. najre now Clara : for hn will ed lest you lack the power to attract a hus band to your side, 011 peading this rattii'Mii" criticism from Livermore, ami gratefully accept the next chance that oilers itself." helher Mr. John Townley indulged in any such train of rcasouinir ua I in 11 hiivit ,it would, be dillieult to say. But two facts mvcciiaii, viz : Ins tleep indignation on reading Livo-riuoro's message, and his ulti mate consent to Clara's marria'o with Lyman Palmer, tho man of her choice So much for tho clever diseuchantment and tho venlic.itioti of Clara Townley's lavoritc maxim : "Where there's a will, there's a way." lUKOUS. r TIi Auu'rU-uu Elttg, " WIIEHK .VXD BY WHOM YVK11K TIIE ST A It 3 ASD STItlPFS rrUST UNFURLED ? At a meeting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, held iu Philadelphia, ou the ovening of the 11th instant, Wm. J. Canby, i:S(j., rend a pnper on "The first fctar .Spangled. Hanner made in America, aud who made it :" "He discovered, iu tracing tho history of this national emblem, that tho first instappes when the stars and stripes were atjho siege of Fort .Schuyler, August 17th, li i t, and upon an occasion just about oue year prior to that time, the brig Nancy was chartered by the Continental Congress to procure military stores in the West Indies, during the latter part of 1775. While at 1 orto Kico, in July of the ensuing year, the information came thai li (..,t,i..;,. declared their independence, and with this miormation came the description of the nag tiiat had been accented as the national oaiiner. A young man, Capt. Thomas MaiKlenyille, set to work to niako one and successfully accomplished it. The tla was unfurled and saluted with thirteen gum. "When the brig Xaucy was upon iier return voyage she was hemmed iu by British vessels of Cape May. Her ollicers succeeded in removing all tin; munitions lo the shore, and when the last boat put oil', a young man in it, John Hancock, jumped into the sea, swam to he ves.el, ran up nu. oiiiuuus ui me mam, ana .secunug the Hag, brought it triumphantly to the sTp-y through n hot lire from the llrilish w!u. "The fhvt American fi- however, ac cording to the desii- "! approval of Cou grcssi, was mail" by Mrs. hli.altcth Uoss. Three, of her daughters still live in our V'eitiji v, to confirm this fact founding their but upJi,',IWi"J..1.','vii.tll'.ii'i.1'01' 't. W!IS them. A niece of ihis lady, Mr. Marga ret Hoggs, agci uiiu ly-livc'years, now lives in Ceriiianto vn, ami is conversant with the fact. The fact is not generally known that to Philadelphia not only belongs the. honor of flinging tho first star spangled banner to the breeze, but to a Philadel phia lady belongs the honor of haying made it. "Thu house in which it was made still islands No, .'ill'J Arch street (the old num ber :i!l) the lust of an old row. It is re lated that when Congress had decided upon the design. Colonel (ieorge Boss and (ietieral Washington visited Mrs. Boss and asked her to make it. She said, 'I don't know whether I eati, but I'll try,' and directly suggested to the gentlemen I IllOrO 18 fill- idiu.f trn, ,1,tr )l ! 1 Lyman, waving above his head "tho ' rd '"V,vunJ of "'""P, tllan bw much of which contained Livermore'a niessat'o to . " P't-'ssness becomes a disease. It is Clara's father. "Jn(0"S "hen it doh falher will ,,rc, i 11 , .. '"l 'r wwli that 8l,d result, it is still full of "-".- s n.ui;,iii iiiui, uiesiars ; ag geese. Tl'.ey have churn bills, are brown were six-cornered ; and not five-cornered, as j m t.0lr, and are exceedingly nimble. They they should be. 1 his was correct, she made ttro tame sea ravens or cormorantn. They the Hag. Congress accepted it, and tor ' live on llesh, and have voracious appetities; half a tjoacu years this lady furnhdied the i Tbey will cat theirown weight in lish in a (.overnmeut with all its national ll ags, j fc.y,. boor. They seem to be always hun haviug, of course, a large assistance. This grv, The more thev have, the more they lady was also the wile ol Claypole, one of , w, t xvaut. Being always hungry, they the lineal descendants ol Oliver Cromwell." I are exceedingly active. They have" sharp How Mahujium Attic Madk. The I chief place ofthe manufacture of "marbles' i tnose little round pieces of stone which con- j : tribute so largely to the enjoymeut of j I "Young America," is at Oboi'ritcin, on the j ! Nahe, in Oeruiauy, where there are large ! agate mills and quarries, the rcfne of which i is carefully turned to good paying account ' by bcii;g made ii(to small build employed by experts to. knuckle with, which are j mostly sent to the American market. The ' substance used iu Saxony is a hard, cal- careoiis stone, which is first broken into : blocks, nearly square, by blows with the i hammer, Thenc are thrown by the one ; , hundred or two hundred into a small sort i of mill, which is formed of a tlat, stationary ' slab of stone, with a uunibcr of coneontrio ' ; l'ui i'iiwe tiiKiu its face. A block of oak or ! 1 other hard wood, of thu Mine (liana trie 1 si.e, i placed over the small stones and 1 partly ii sting upon them This block or log la kept rcvolviug while water flow upon j the stone klab. In about fitleeu minutes the stmu s are Untied tn iphcri , and then, iM'ingtit tors. ileum liencetortli,ealled "mar bles." One establishment, continuing only three ol 1 1 a o rudu mills, will turn out lull sixty thousand "muiblen" iu em-It week. Agates are made into "marblis," at Ola r- hli iu. by lu'st cm ppuig i no news uem iy round with a li.iiunu r, handled by hkilllul j woikiin li, una ineu wearing imwu i i a- ges uimiii tho uiiai-e of a Lugo ijjrtudhloiie. .Uiaa'i fiirti- nnd Jtutl'lir. CuUiAHI La.Mw.-A aa.i was ilecidi d by the I' idled Male .Supreme Courl sottlo da) a;o hu h v ill no doubt en-ale tt st itkutioii among lite holders of eonlia-isu-ii in the Miiitli, ninny o whom liiado Ihvir .iiu'h.ias viilhoul fully uudcr sltndliig liu l.i vi upon the subject. 1 he fan.' i Uial of Bil low U-r'orivat eruin iiat" M'rJ"" "'i 1 und.-r His eoiiii ii ion U "d sold, Its owner Uuu sdiu.l.;.d gmhy of Insaon. 'Jlutl aroU bat Uii sini-u dud, hi hilts brou-bt in .j. . urn nl I" M"er Mm. l-HqajM). 'J lie rUoil .! Ti klud Ujaat lbs uriMwd tint itsss inUi ..f ihu uriimUl wwiU'r wsaloilnlid b) lo irtasoii, Slid In MiiMs lu Hu, ptopiiii li. .naiiny .iiui..i. I'lillhti j'uiU'.l M it' S'M'" ""' '"'"I'''" Uio Uwt li m,, IV Ii . . -I tie ilainiti Iilk bill Vltli ll t,,ial. d. in I itt-'e Ills b" III, hi Ian, 4y ,,,, ,it liu- (( : 'll. 'il"S dl. Uloiiia m a,.,.,).!.!!!,. ill. 1 1- 1 I'l"-- l" st thai ll.rtv, ana lu t!....'l if. t a .1. ta ll -u if Ilia I'ou.d . .1 , h "Cm. '.-. klill I, i. I---1 t '' '"' I'Ull.aitiit. , lta,.a.ts, l"'l " ' ' ' aUwl .Mk t .,ti.. li l "t ' ' ' ' t. . 1. . r 1 . . 1 a . I", u. 1 tu , , Vl . 01 '4 tfcsi)i I U ill'J a) ',. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE. 10 Lines, or a bunt 100 Word, make a Sqnare 1 Pq 8 Pq' 8 6q 4 Sq J.ool VjCT.l.T ocJ One WceX l.DU 2.00 y.OU V.OU 4.0th 7.1H1(MI0 Two weeks'!. SO' 8.00. 8.00 4.00 fl.50 .00,14.00 4.50 fi.00 7.00 1 0.0Oir..iK 5.MV U.00' 7.W11.001H.eO o.w. 7.00 o.oo' 7..rH) .(i0 8.00 1 3.0ti'iiv.'.li( S.W1 9.00 lOilld IS.OO'US.CHI ! Thiro ly.oo 8.50 4.50 Four Five " Six Two nio's Three " Six " Nine " One Year a.w a.75' 8.(K) S." Hi; 7.50: 8. ml! S.0o tl.5010.lK112.IKl l8.0t:)0.t'0 5.00: U.OOJ1.00 12.00 15.00 .20.'. Ml' V) 00 II ilrilio on l ? 00 ti.OO 'Jll.lHl'R .ISl'l V.(H) f & M-1 a!oo; 1 5.W'20.W iio.oo 5o.( m; t loo 0 MEEE1IA. BY tfrcxRY WARD HETCHFCR. There are tliou.satulH of'busv tmrnik who !"e every year lor want of i die every year for want of sleep. It may I at too.ln,1,lcU hKV inj"re8 80,!le' but I business habits there is far more mischief v.,i.iLiiuiu iiowiiiu iviiu UU1 uikoiinu I peril, a well as of sull'ering. Thousand c;t mrjn have been indebted for bad bargains, for lack of courage, for inolleotiveness, to loss of sleep. It is curious that all- the popular prac tical representatives of sleeping and waking are the reverse of tho truth. Wo apeak of sleep as the image of death, and of our waking hours as the image of life, liut all activity is the result of some form of decomposition in the body. JIvery thought, still more, every emotion and volition, wastes some part ofthe nervous substance., precisely an tlame is produced by wasting tho fuel. It is the death of some part of the physical substance that produces tho phenomena of intelligence and voluntary life, , . On tho other hand sleep to not like death1, Tor it is the period iu which the waste of tho system censes, or is reduced to its minimum. Sleep repairs the wastes which waking hoLrs have made. It rebuilds the system. Tho night is the repair-shop of the body. Kvery part of the system i3 silently overhauled, and all the" orgaus, tissues, and substances are replenished. W akmg consnmos, sleep replaces ; waking exhausts, sleep repairs ; Tvaking is death, sleep is life. . - .. The man who oleeio little, repairs littlo ; if he sleeps poorly ho repairs poorly. If ha uses up iu the day less than he accumulates at night, he will gain iu health atid vigor It he uses up all that he gains at night', lm Will just hold his owu. If he uses moisj by day than he gathers at night, ho will lose. And if this last process be long con tinued, he must succumb. A man who would be a good worker must see to it that he is a good steeper. Human life is like a mill ; sometimes the stream is so copious that one needs care but little nbont hi , ! 1 -ow oiien the streamthiit turn a "r mnl euus to be economized A f!:m) is uutit to tioiii a large supply. The mill runs the pond pretty -low through the day, but by shutting down the gate, the night retills the poud, and the wheels go merrily around the next day. Onco iu a whila" when spring rains arc copious and-l day ; overtlowytho mill may run u1nill should but this is rare.. Ordinary will till up by run by day, and U''' . wight. 0 ;l9 niueli force iu him ai h 'Wiled for by sleep. The quality ol" Mfon, especially mental activity, depens upon the ouality of sleep. Jf day time i the loom In which men weave their pur poses, night is the time when the threads are laid iu aud the filling prepared. Kvery mail must sleep according to his temoerament. But .ight hours is thu ; average. If one requii'.-ii a li'.'.le mre or a 1 little less, be will lind it cut for himself. I Whoever by work, pleasure, corrow, or by I ..... .,.,... :.'..rrnbirlv 'liminishitig I may bold out tor a time, but "liatere r.wi,.. those accounts, and no man can dodge her settlement. There is a great deal of intemperance besides that of tobocco, opium, or fwandyi Men are dissipated, to overtax their system all day ami tunlci-sleep t- vwy night. Somo men are dissipated by physical stimulants, and some by social, and some by profes sional and commercial. But a man who dies of delirium treinen is no more A drunk ard and a suicide, than the lawyer, tho minister, or tho merchant, that work ex cessively all day, and sleep but littlo at 'ht- HflW f'lllVAMI.'V l-'lvll Tho f'binnc.t c(Uch ih with trained birds about as largrt iV1". ".'.r.' wngs, web feet and swim very liist. Thev dive as quick tis a Hash. Look at that one sivimmiiif; in the stream on the watch lor fish. There he goes I In a twinkling he in out of night, Here ho comes with a tirh in bin mouth, which is struggling to get away, but the raven holds him fast and swims to his master's boat, where he is taken aboard. He cannot swallow the fish because his owner lias slipived an iron ring upon tin? poor crea ture' throat, lie lays tho li .hdown and wails until the ring is taken of, atid then he can only have a morsel of fish, just enough to sharpen the apetite, and niako hiiii wi-lo awake for more. The owner strokes the bird' head, calls liim a good fellow, and throws him into the water for ftT outlier venture. JhiwnhegiKS again. A minuto passes. Here ho comes I but without a Huh. Ha get u whipping now. Ho can have no luncheon until ho catches another. rritiKYivo Cim-kks W.vrni. It i frequently the case that cistern water ! comes ollefisivo and uutit l'r use, which iu its pure klalo is the iwcrlcftt and wbolc snniest of all water. To di stroy this ollen sivelirbS, hum ha be ll retoinmetided, li largo lltlilli or two, bill this luunl hal'ileU (ho vviiter ; i fivqm nlly useil will K,HPj .m hieh is iiiostetlieient on rcapoiiilert in Blualu Island assures ui (,t ,j t,t. t,,.,,,!,,,, puu( run tn ft hittt mt a)' I'll' i-i'.-. m. Tluifi-i all waler beiiu heavierthau Ilia enld.foleis Ilia Lit Ii r to lla. siirf iceaiid ialhu-icoiituuii-d It lore it U--.-in. s otfcithivo, nud so on nt ih. Ii r iiu Thi looks like Is ing a rem. dy l'it' what ha la.-u so UlUi'll I'umpiaiut'd of Mid will bo an answer to instiy inquires made of uou tin) aohi.'ft. lint ill. rw are .-. it nn e-uidiiioii thai klmiild la- obaerv.-.l by all having a cia-U-r it. Ilia iirl ol Mbi.-li i that it slioiild 1st Uiorourlily . Uiiuid l uu a )iar, aul lint second the I'oudiu'lor tut thu r...l alimild Is. st-rNed in I ho stum w ty.--C1r1.040i.1u a ii;r.'-A Wll N lit til Na. Ill Int. t April ! tl'Xal us Sll) llllie to i tine bi d ! Let. Itt-I of luiill.a k or .S'l.iy ainil-f, NlU-r til.". I oi tlia iii i- Una, As tha lo'iiu ml wn I U ' L'l.ipll 4t, liu! llulij l Stool la a bill ', and tss uah liaVii il in .tp'll. H' ; 'U'O.' I't VSlda Mild y trd' US C-U. Si. ll w i bo pllllii'd. 'Una l.i.usJ l l tuttli ' oil a.j inu at Ow lops mm t da, bp ""' , i. sd or )tlo ir'vii laaiW Ilia ni ll, ' (!oiU I J i ion l n:i b..: It s. X s lit s po.i.l, l.Mio 'l.'l'i ..'... I.tal )ral ' ' l I ' tc lli'tirf sb-.til-l b" t lie Ml ll. Hi I h lli'4i . s l.u siw .ma in J l ott. i J It. ilai Vbala 1 1. I 1 1 l: si tlti.iti lu tfiosr it ra- fat i.ufrii 'a si ' s:i(.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers