brui or TUti fcUINlHJlU AUJSK1VJAM, U rUUI"Trrr' ETKBY BATTRDAY BY SM'Ii W1LVEKT, Proprietor, UHia'l BVltPWO, MABKBT BOCABB, At 91.50 la Mtmw. SubtcripMotU tatunfJintkan tlx lfimMe. -11). thu ..tiiWlnhinent If an exten- VWeNKW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of vtata and fancy typ eqnai w an, """""i: to the Interior of th State, for which Mm patron aage of the pnbllc U respectfully iollclted. rofcssionnl. SUN BUM EdtotoUrtied In 18AO. 1 PRICE 1 80 IS ADVAXCE. , 6 AMEBICAN. gotcls nnb cstanrant$. J NO. A. W1MOS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 144 Focbtb Avmtcb, . P(l Notary Public. rutrtmrf, ra. Jan. 15, 1876. ly. GEO. IHI.Ii. Attorney at Law, BUNBU RY, PA. Will end to all professional on.lnc.. ta this and and adjoining counties. Can be eonsulted In the EnSllsn ana uena. traces. T MARKI.E CO, Market Btreet, VI . BUN BURY, PA. Dealer. In Drug;, Medlcln, Palnt'i Oll, Glass, Vnrulshcs, Llqnors, Tobaecoj Ugars, Pocket Books, rtmrWw. Ac. TaTT. CAKNCL HOUSE, Mt. Carmcl, Pft. CHARLES VJlr, nopncior. m. Plcatant Snramet iteson. io '-""-House, is rcfltted and repaired, wlU furnish the boat of accommodation, to traveler and penna neat boarder. Qo account of 1U location It pos sesses peculiar aUractlonaaa a summer reeon. July 8, lmw. iy. n-........ i vnTnU. Attonssv at Law. . MketBqnare, 8UNBURY.PA. frofclon-1-thl. 2d adjoining cuntleJrompt- W s CXB vr r, MSlTA., wu T. ENOLEMAN, frorrtclor. A nl-ntant Bummer Resort, being on the bank of the Susquehanna rler. This stand nav mg ocen newlT built tj me rroF'"Ti uuoi. ... cominooau - ----- . 11 t linunnt and clirars at the bar. 1 I table supplied with bent the market affords. An ample and wcu avocaca m.uiv. - - this house. apll34-ly SUNBURY, PA., SATURDAY MOKNDiG, APRIL 30, 18T0 pcto bbcrtisemcnt. l'ew Merles. Vol. Xo. Old Merles, Vol. 80, IS. 4 "VI3E BITTERS : y v 1 6 0 . i al uusinrn im ly attended to. RESTAURAJST EATING HOUSE. CIIARLES ITZEL, PnoraiBTOB. Depot. Vh. n. abisstbobo. :. umr. a nnsTRomo lis jr. :A. ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW, WJU.IAMSPOBT, KM A. July 81. I860- o mo. r-Hl. A. R. SAVlftCE, .rcpertfully an- .irMi paiu7.pred , f ?U.. .d t. moderate. 10 me chij" u.,b..,,t. near- Bunbury, ocpiemwr, where he can iTinV lt, EAGER BEER SIiOUa, Cheelnnt Btreet, a few doors from the SrimcBT, Pa., I XT AS open a Kritaurnnt ana tuimic uuun, 1-1 .1.. .nmmviiitton ofthe public. pan be hnd all ho brt. All klude f came, flsh, &c, .crvca nr ai nor . oar it eupi'n w ivu mi r..,..,. i.i,.i.irtvrmanenMvon 1 W oppotuVthrFnlrmonnt notel, where he can eSlted at all hour, when not rrofe.-lonally "1 r.-cvTU , TEETH I ' tKB)BlUBi TVV" A...? , LVkriirY. PA. All work carcfally attended to and warranted. Am 1 thank iul to all for the klndne.. extended toward me n, thnlr natronace in UW CIWIIK . . the pt, apUO-O'J ianm. nt door ea.t 01 Auaui Ofllce. GW. ZIEGEER, Attorney at Law, north - -t,iM of Public Square, one door enul 01 the old Bank bunding, BUNbVrY, ".-Collec-ttou. and all profe.Kional burine.. promptly at tended to In the court, of Northuraberland and OX tnUD STKEIT, SBAB TBB DRPOT, SUNBURY, PA. rniirptt It xmER Inform, the citizen, of Bun Ik.n. .nih mil, lie eenerallf. that he ha. opened a LAG ER ?MR?ALOOSf at the alve plnce. me ocoi imki bvc, , will be kept. Al.o Oyter, &c, constantly .err ed up to customers. XTATIONAE HOTEL. AUGUSTUS JM WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North & County, Pa., at the Station oltue it. . n. Choice wiue. nna cigars ai mo imr. The table If supplied with the best the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. adjoining counties. N scptl5-C0 itnil'F.. Attorney at Law, Bunbnry, .i. in iwintD, rnom uo stairs, of llaupts New Building, "marly copW by G. W. Haupt, Esq. Collections of claims, " and all kinds of legal business attended to care fully and with dispatch. April a, -iy. a nvinnMl'IIER, Attorney at U. Law, BUNBURY, PA.-AU business en trusted to his care attended to promptly n"w"11 diligence.- apui-ot J ""NO. HAY CEEMENT, Attorney at Law, BUNBURY, PA. Collections and M fro- 1 business proinpuy anenncu w. CUA. BLKCBNBB. CBAa. CAWLET. AEEEGHENY HOUSE, Nos. 813 and 814. Market Street, above eighth, PHILA DELPHIA. Terms, 12 per day. We respectful ly solicit your patronnge. ' ' KLECKNER & CAWLEY. l'esslonii C. i. VKUMClt u n. KASE. " lloV. at Law, SUNBURY, PA. Otllco on fhestnnt street, west ofthe N. C. aud P. & L KaTlroad D..pot In the building lately occupied - by P. Lafarus, Esq. Collections and all profess. . J . . . . 1 ..,tnnii..t in in Nortnum- berland nnd adjoining counties. apllO-lW ;;B.nOYEB. - W..W0LTE.T0N BOYER WOLYEBTOX, at Uiw, on second floor In Bright hew -.buildlug, BUNBURY, PA.-8. B. Byer and I W. - 4v Wolverton respectfully announce that they Mijiatiui ljit i 1 1"- 'r In the practice of atontonr. I nlnmM. 1 iL 1 . .. nuv. .,.tuilliy. nlMUMlU J. YALEIl'S WINTER GAUREN AND HOTEL Xot. 780, 733, 724 A 727 Hits St., PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GARDEN HOTEL, (OS Tnl ECBOriAB rLAH) Centrally located, connecting with all the City Passenger Railway Cars, from all the Depots iu the City. Excellent Arcommodallons tor Tra vcllcrH. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every . evoulni: In the Summer and Winter Ourdeu. titrOrchtstrion Concert Evrrg Afternoon. JE HN LADIES' 1IESTACBAHT TnE BEST OF HEfttBHlIMEMT. 1EBVBO. Office of Valer A' fountain Park Brewery. - April 10, 1809. ' ' iSTRENCTHI '.BEsU'VI 3 OF BPEER'S WINS with Herb, and Root., U by far the BEST ad most Reliable Tonle and Bitter la the market The best Is always the CHEAPEST The Herbs, Barks and Root, used In PEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS! Are Perntlan Bark) Chamomile flowers, Snake- root, Wild Cherry bark, Calamn., Ginger, and auch other Herb, and Root. a. having always bcu found the most HEALTHY-GIVING and Invigorating. They Impart BLOOM s oths .allow, care-worn and loan person, and BEAUTY to their pale aud .Ickly countenances. Eadtrtf from Utah, South Amerlqa and Europe are end- Ine by Express for these fitters. Bold by Druggists generally. See that the ii.nninr.or Altsid Bteeb. I'mhuIc, N. J., Is over tte cork of each bottle. IMl'ERISIllBEE. The pure, the bright, the beautiful That stirred our hearts In youth, Tte Impulse to a worldly prayer, rpw. L,m, of love and truth 1 Tho longing after something lost, The spirit's yearning cry The striving utter better hopes- These things can never die. The timid hand stretched forth to aid A brother In his need. The kindly lord In Kj;k tonr That proves a friend Indeed The plea for mercy soa.y breathed When justice threatens nigh The sorrow of a contrite heart These things shall never die. The memory of a clasping band, The pressure of a kiss, And all the trifles That make up love's " I If with a firm, uuehanglng ruitu, And holy trust and biEti ThoSe hand, have clasped, these lips have met. These things ehull never die. The cruel and the bitter word That wounded a It fell, The chilly want of sympathy We feel but never tell t . The hard rcpulec that chills the heart, Whose hopes were bounding high, In au unfading record kept These things snuu nnw Let nothing pass, for every hand Must And Bomo work to do ; Lose not a chance to waken love, Be firm and Just and true So shall a light that cannot fado Beam ou tliee irom on iusi M. M. MOCKKFEIXEn. ,T?otKi:I'i:EI.ER LLOTD T. ROtlKDACU Attorners at Law. hitk'riidv i , V, , o UU,"""K second lloor. En .... ..iTun pimare. jan4-64 wT AtWB BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR. UD DL1LM l CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, m-lt, . ND VISTINOS, JJarch 81 ' " 01 " ' U0ttl 8nbWlP. y A I.LMT E 1 I ETZ, Wholesale and Re- . ...11 usuirr in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PENN'A. U'PPEB WOARr.) t iT" Orde ami j-.n7;K "u u"oa wllB Promptness " . inariaW COALt C OAL! COAEI gr t nt nnna , Shipper. aud WtotJaRSaffiSS--' tVIIITE AND BED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA, t" wiuKr. WM. RIIOAOS, BETA1I. DEALEB Or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A OrricB wtTH Maas, rAOEir A Co.. ' Bt Zml",1" Bi't..offleB Market Jun. 8, li70. tf. JACOB it I p MATS. iT.....rf..',lEN! A- IPnwmt.1 Farmer.' . ..' """ranee to., York. Pa. 1 Cis land Valley Mutual Protective CoTnW Mutual .i?e, Glrard Llfeof Pblla.,aid III, 01m., General Accident. Cumber- York Hartford, Bttac B?,S' STA TIOyzn r,'" WALL PA ha. largely added to hi. .took and facllitla. L. UDolvlno-1.1. wine, for .. --' uii siock consist. ttfafullllne of con,,l OTHER ENVELOPES. ft ALE fAFER A'1 BORUERS made .peclallv. An i,, " . stock. . -u.o new ana cheap 8UNDAY BCHOOIB . ,t. by order Dromon. .u ',''2" ! lro nt or dUeounts. wuL ZlT. n T School ... -mw utucrsupniies. L0IC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - inittM mm W . . . FRAMES MADE OF ALL SIZE3 AT PRICES OF XfniTT ufvTT' AT And angel voices say to thee. These things shall never die. $isrtIIancott$ THE AMESiOttEST IN THE SIXTH WARD MEETING AT NASBl-S SALOON. How "Jluimr the Eldaicr" Got Wllte Romance lit Real Lire. Within tho environs of the quaint old borough of Tort Carbon, rcaidca and sub sists au honest Teuton of about 27 yenrs of axe, who, like-alt the rest of mankind, loved tho fair sex Hefollinlovo with a handsome Kattarina aud wooed her. By industry and ft angality he for hi in self a coinfortablo home, and had got a young nnd nourishing family of thrco liiklrcii. mmrinir from 12 months to six I'unrK 11m lor Vav.n11d thn nniohbors thought everything was moving along quietly undry tho Tcutouie roof, and wo nelicvc it was, until Jimmy tho i iddlcr made his diput in Tort Carbon society. Jimmy and Kat tarina met (we don't know whether it was at a ball or a church) aud, as tho story poes. fell in love with each other Jimmy declaring that he loved her like rare beef lyiuiuiy in uu x.iigiisiuii(ij, uuu nuiuuum declaring she loved Jimmy like sauer kraut. No 0110 dare deny there Iniing love true love there. Jimmy's visits were frequent and annoying to the husband, but they were not to be endured forever. One day the honest Teuton accosted Jimmy with qucstious : "Would vou like to marrv mv wife ?" Jimmy was stunned, but recovering his sclf-m6sc8sion replied : "Would you have no objections t" "Ccrtaiuiv not. You may havo her and and I will give you moucy to go and get married, yet, iu the barggain." "And u paper to show the Squire that you iiuvc given your conaeiifc f "Yes." renlied the husband. "It's a bargain," cried Jimmy, elated with the turn thihss had takem Kattarina was informed of all that occurred and she too was agreed. Nothing more remained to consummate their Lapniuess. but the tvinx ofthe knot, which was to make them husband and wifa nrwl tliev fiirthwitli hnalnliofl tnl'ntta- villc, whero that little job was fixcjM-T I Short order, and "Jimmy tho 1 aged forty-eight years last grass, wu Strossmaycr was compelled to leave tho Trillium w itlmnt finishimr his snecch. The nolan was so ereat that it was heard in the ante-rooms, and the bishop's military anrvnnt drew his sword and endeavored to force his way Into the council chamber to defend his master. 10 Un, or abont 10jV-X iLfJaU. One week Two woeks Three " Four " Five " Six Two mo's Three " Six " - Nine " . One Year l.lid 2.W .M .(K 4.eS.-r. r u.uo, B.wr 4.60 6.00 l.ou lo.ou ia3 9.60, 4.50: .50 ,00 IJWVl.Ools 0 S.70, 0.u o.oy i.uu g.wK.wzu.wi J. 0O 6.T5J 7.60, 8.00 00 tS.wro.O0 ' 8.8S'. 7.50. 8.50 10.00 15.UOW6.W ( S.50! 8.00; S.50 10.00 12.IKMS.0O.30.0l 5 001 0.00 '11. 00 1S.00 is.oo w.wno.oo 6.00 10.00 U.00 1 5.00 W). 0X1 2i.0Up&.t 8.00,12.00 lG.0o!fc0.O0 S0.0O"C0.M)iUO0 I ANOTHER N1VIXDEL. A New Move ln the Old Dlreetlon Rend Reiuembee ad be H'ttrned. Tho following correspondence explains itself : 2b tht Editor of The Tms : Sm ? ImI wet I received the enclosed Vol tor from New York. Having never dealt iu drawings or any kind, it is, tnereiore. one of the boldest attempts to swindle heard of lately. Yours. Ac. "W. M. Blakslek. r. S. My object lu sending it to you is that yon may bo able to warn the public in general by saying sometihg in your paper. I'liiLADELfiiiA, March 1, 1870. Office of II. Tappan & Co., Importers and .Wnoi.E DF.AtKtts is Diamonds xsii) Fixe Gold Watcaks. Factory at Geneva, SwitScrlaH'd. Jiuff Yore, Feb. 21, 1B70. Dear Pint About fourteen mouths iuco Messrs. Head & Co. paid us S200 for a solid gold Geheva watch which they stated your ticket, No. 02,094, had drawn, requesting to to send it to you as Boon as the 10 per centage was rccuived. AVe have since then mid out 83 taxes on the watch, making tho charges oil it now 813. Let us us know by what express to send tho watch, so you can call and get it and pay tho 13 charges to the agent. ' "Wo are, sir, most respectfully, W. II. Tappan. No. 19 Howard street. Now York. Tn W. IV. Vhiladelphia. Fa. lKineo the Above wasS in typo we have rc- the annexed additionWkrtlers c Mitor of The l'rtss : Wb again call upun tho constinwn 0 coal abroad to not to submit to high price t, there is no necessity for it. Tim market y can be supplied even with the BcliuyikiJl and Bhamokin Kcgion almost entirely , J.. .1 1.. nnnt tnta,-H rnM LllA Wtm, - Buspcnuuu ,u r ""--7- .h,, board lor several ween yew 1 trado were to start now, coal would jjo r. downtogJ a ton, in less tliau a weea, j r the present state orbusiuess, anu m w be followed by another suspension ailor running ibr two or ttirce weeka, no jierson could pay last year's basis wages and sell at less than 3 a ton. 0 - ... . I ..... I1.1.V so tar it ts a oeaa locx sou wo uu. tho AVorkingmeu's Benevolent Assoc is in tho wrong by adhering to br rates, without showing a disjr give one iota, while all other submitting to reductions' prices. AVe learn that IK Canity are receiving u(T r rduntice whero thev are a.e" tr . they suspend to assist tho nioiyl.'Vj' ,, ' AV. B. A., iri this andS- i,vf? vuuuiii:.. " w.i Jf 4fr r$ good wages, while tl; return, seems to us . .... . y - . is asking a little W ?m.iiivik ill luuiiu:c.v. t 1 X1 rrun nf ilia Tresident's proclamation . - - - . announcing tho ratincauon 01 ui Km .ndmout. readied Mr. Nasbv'S Harn of . , i' .ii. -i'nfH rv aw Erin Saloon,. in tne oii.i rork, on the -2d iiist, Nasby at once draped his bar and bottles m mourning, and had a meeting called for the evening. After some preitmnsiry bijcccucb, ig aaopted ino innowmg ivsumuu... . - nl ved . 1 liav me ji uiiKinr u ...... . ... , Uliu, j 1 , , , ki . l- until una nlrrlir. V w ....cMnrin nni IK-llWIU LI1B UlUULl I jiu ncui uu Lr,iiuimuS., --0"- IfllB., ClfllBWVll- - . hannv husband of a fiiir vounrf brido ol . IB,', . v ' a-.i. .w.. - .t..i. i IlnVuTd ik tl.n h1 honna. the eonnle re-towered it by saying tby might forward turned to Port Carbon and the youngest ofthe children demauded and given utito their charge, after which thoy comnt-cd house-keeping the next door to the former husband, who by this time had made arrangements to take the mother-iu-law (an amiable lady of fifty summers, whom his Teutonic lordship learned to love better tinoadontiMl the fcUowing resolutions : than her daughter) to be the mistress 01 nts "Besolvcd, That tht lMmocrisy uv Noo house. onsidenn anu ocieeviu uiu uiygi-i "v"v "nr""" J i l " ' . a fa. .1 Ina iiiakI. a.lnm M MMMtf tt mnll finfl IM1V Sar-sjjTft Sirging any" Tv the okT into' hs"oTry Jimm's I . f .rtnin time, or thev would 1" . him or tear tho house down over The wito was askrd y she y her former ' " ein his bcin given tb- wiint nn ahen. nlcdnes liseu to '"""v""' V .1. ......uiil Mrt." nil,,. nrn(,J:-- 'ntCIt I"WCU UIM iuNttsbys own words'! '"x, ,t , wuz aaoptia without GUAND OFKNING or TUB NEAT YORK DRY GOODS STORE, Ilaupt's Building, SVSBURY, C. B. WEITZEE, Proprietor, AN uni)aralled stock or Dry aoods just pur chased in vue lrf t the . . .i... 1. n nlTcrBil at nrices lower tnau coods were ever sold for In Bunbury, consUlIng of iMLiJtO, of the best quality and superior lustre nd flnlsh suca as ltr . aok ixTB A HEAVY CORD, JAPANESE SILKS, The celebrated Buffalo Brand of JJJbACK ALPACAS, Jh.'lrSe",Ud' 8llk Btaek. pur. .H1tek, Yh,t8 nJ Colored Alpaca. KBrii.h fopllns. Prlnt XT,.. uaa ool rolled 8-4 and M TZJ,"1 K " :.":w.l iIincs. woo! Mlr"r.::"' J..,""..' Silk and MOURNLVO nm the nigger, hoy a vote and ? V'"J- and Jimrav thB v w...' ..M"? FLANNELS, AVUITE BLANKS M Wt 1 tt TotL- 1. n . w A I vvaa4 flilll Hll I IIO mhA'i, J : . . I - J. ALE-C0VER3. wat Liu we dTm 7b7.E?!l in n..iz rr,-" wies r it bv tho Adam's Expre!. to which they sent me the enclosed lotter. It came to hand this niorninc. Oil rweivlns it I call. ed at tho cspress ofllce, stated the. facts to the ag"Qt, aud asked u no woutu auow mo to optu the package before paying tho $13. He replied "that the company would be Myelin then to accuiv Under all q repeat our at members in llin are at work, t' tho price of. r refuse to uo ' if their wag will hs,ver sealed," nnd at the same tiN i not to touch it, because I -dead swindle : the X" 'S1-.S?' not worth 81-23. V 5s be obliged to H;..N author! '- WO"' vou .i,.TCnV""ut W l -Ve game-in your "AtS"Ul( Sew T hew genera electricity to tho nj- a recent heatwh source that, m bodies, piodu' electr' good dj-n and till, th Ji m fai Wlllitlt cl.A i. . ;-ative. Th- for ' ne wanto,! V .l """-"u was ' AfBnn(i . : V . uuol,ua WUI)0Ut a uegativelv Ti.aTir UULh. na replied k IVt aU.d, the etthxiastic Mc- hcrlmucJs i h -0 was to 'take !T.V nJ,l2!!' out noighShc.1111 Jmmn auJ Evo the J j v-"lr::.".r:-?' " 1bs- . TLt luw-jL... .. 1870; -"1 uuu AUUCklD'Cm flOWIl tn. 1 - i J UlUiA lriaf .. i ' meetin and com- j,.iJ . "ce.ra .uv.lLe t0I in the eniovnif,r.t: nf " .12 SVT mothnr-ln-l..".,- "wieiyoi Ins To ?r. Dea XBP?ffi 1870 Pliance therewith com- watch to voiir ..T;i ' . rruM wwart "ua CUftr? for returning ,uon. ' aw' ",'f 'Pectfulfy. W. 11. Tappajj boi oi1r,Zm.toonijf uuiter tho .tulle nottMwl nV,:. . J lr- others rnav i.V, mimni oqi j" Tiiit . ..... . ... V.M. IV H" verai?e ftiiimai t., -M.u.llJM.IIIITl -J.I r .. . "( u iuoum z cent. 1 told him in a breaffi w'ha hTd bindone ?ho n ',.-U, J old assT I'm I. f'oi.u.. t. . I-.,, . this side of ti i hed of nQy PlHce RICES OF MOITT nrvp. W.ean,D,0vnthl' PlodIe.U and qnanlty. rea. KDgt Persons In want of irooH. In hi. n . .. cash buyers, win flnf UtoTh 11 Lr.J' -.6htner'e BookStoreVsofTh. mVmSaSrS9W IIBEAD AXI r.ttV CAKEsT DAVID rnr all k REPELLANTS, JEANS, TWEEDS, Faaey Casslmeres. Cloths of all description-. Balmoral Sklf j. Frlnts, 7 Delaines, Olnhlms, sUuens, Uandkershlefs, Muslins, NOTTnva vt,. Hosiery, carpets!; :,r '.lir.UOODS. and Btalr. ' ""lr7. iraJn, Hall These are but num.. .i. varied Slock at 1 11 vl. "? attention of h. " "on,il'i be tau and vT-,r;r"'.f-,?ta correct estlma i rf.IS"' " 2?? form ,uu uiceun to orticf anin.'i KOJIE. but 1 caUcTl .n"1' 1? .W, rv nT,. lt. .. r'nj.. r . wiur nc more. .i A . ,wc wie lokiicu ;ou bln0amem S rt Delate . that the DimnrridV frieiiH.,,vti". ' -Arw.wsauthe A letter from i . wood no- "-"i'i'":iuBna aowi trodden, or April 1 rerojri.7i.I ri. tt"8 L ",ver T.t0y "clpin hana nary case U the fullowing cxtraordi- Cltizenah n Tl.-i:. . w lull (jiu uur ureuiren crease di?S tli v f"""" tn- A man in Cincinnati. t..V' VOUr awav from hl " V orth SeVen- powder into" a hoi J. ' it aud then himiihV.." ""CU.",B Xlie uv p . . . ... Hiucc hi. K&K V-hP. order bids uf Wuity, that he will bake eocrec, estimate of XtobilS ,.X l'rk-ee as u u bef. B'"7 MT Country produce Ukoa ..ehenr. Mureh 26, lTO.-ly. C B WT2ll for .flf 1" ro".?-LL. PARTIES. to Ac. they bed nofooiin colornd hr... - " Our ter thev VL aM.t - titoobUen u ti f.,iLi YwklKM Vicariate w. wH UV lllt'MHIlrVB aiAK I . . M llirfll IA 1. 1 ... we nev uo words t ... .1 " . i,nJt lo the nl,. .i..:, :w. "" In Such attarta wxu '"UUIgllig RurnaL SSl?,uHntJ that t'UrJin,a fit to counsel moderir rU,'ns1aflda't,,oul't to go to the cw Uo,V oml ,uvile1 ''iui of nio Passion SSni?5Bu- W 1'uul im n ."" "u rcmaiu tliere fur A row yeart arn - er,10. San Fra JaZ ... oM store one afternoon , rn P01? t0 police aaWi,.. ..ii'J v,. !j "Wien. The Arizona. whn k scot, from AIexleo. Tr- arrived individual, Wa John Key" lie h.l gone to California with thtS.: "e.h.d Ieaituent f toJ' . notorious 14th said ho Lad ,W ,.ST ?y. reached tian FraneiarT" lu reS""nthad astream h X,Kp,oe ,,1,ty above on' S. da.bhrir.r..h' guard-house lcaped"boidlv ovTr XX? l"t'UUm h aud then abiiliotrs ,.,..... a ko his local r,ftl . ? i". l0?. P'- to man, cspeciairy ir nfe rsJ P11? Voh a : W hoover heard of a man toTnr'O: families might , "loai Thereisagreu. '"Uof ' as to what is good people to cat and drink at'Thi A CaEXTLEMAWSi Bara a mammoth sToik' Jr ssfflt . rATs ssssj a ffi:',,:; UVDni i .. I I 1.1... i ' "uu uavlnr .., . IE.TITnY. GEORGE 5t. RENN, iai'BT, rk., are sumi erf i,w Wist. Roll. I7...L. mat.rlli" "ua ""nuracurcd out of the Tumn fiT .. All order, hft a. h, . . . 1. " w MAJlT door es.t of Mli A.3i"1."V,rt..rn'. OT'' DCS"lTr, WA., E2 .f "-kery Bpr'nee S . "'?.f? ZIE0LZB, rr.o.. ;.n:0? ..WU1 meet wu FRENCH & ENGLISff ,.iu,.,.n-. CLOTHS or rv the the 's TS prepared to do all kinds of work pertaluinr .1., aeejie sonstantly on huoj larjfe assort uirnt of Teeth, aud otlur lCn,.l " 0lch he II. able 0':' T" nd. " wants nf h. ...... M JL Sensor BALLS Avn - Uh take.: W "'?.T, "I'PIW BiHlce. snortesl Orders are respectfully sollcUed Bunbrv. D,. i iasa DA AID TRY. MKKCUANT TA1LORIN0 nousi, . .The meetin didn't want to rass IL T... J? f ''Xtt (lit Ilk sa t... . r oi to De rooted at Vmth i.. .trr". and sueuaflnl vehiclanerhranr OUt of and the ageo ta'whte1. .um. y TWi fahung ttamffitr 5 JhJ Ti-6- ,u"y t win serious. An a.HtJji?thfr. f more . . 1 fV VI Ulllllf. flilll a-U J i - iniurv. n-... . ?apig without to hlni. JWo rtiii. ih7,I nu Rita u ine in Arizona u?ru " &nU no two person, ire Tahke ZTeni1 blacksmithinrand orked at " V bat " man's meat la en,..!. .J... poison:'' uiun,s TLe lairs of tiiiha were mai' omn .' that the So.Ij-Tj...P'wW" under pain of iMuZ " CUiUVaU law .W8 Wiom,n ha recovered br KIITT. Embraclnr Mara .-.n. Ksw Jfurk and Phi77.7..i,rVW thai Ike betu keoeToIr M0tt,h W"h "ToHS f-der. liu i... . .. buobury. April iirisaa."" U" T W. WAllllvilTou I ik... . . ho and lb. U j,, u ru.l.iliirr. hall.. iL.i ' .r. "WTe SIS kll AVIN'U AXD IUI DSHUIMfl EW MEAT tsllor. rslcaed rasDAeirull i.r. ... llEATKIirw la tV.w.M. ;..tiji Ill kp ea-j,i 7,. iV ,""roats were ibey WlH beruBtasui.i.1. ". n '"7 --. i iklch a it..... ? I daWr i.J; all 1W A bOWtH. LIQI'OM ITOMll CUKUT1AN Mirv gSHss tasis ui b. -;,-DT:rh.rA' .-., i.m. ........ i J. : -m u( .rub w niHMbr -ear. satlsf.e- mex's ruu.visiuxo GOODS. "low HUnuul la m. ra.LT-.'L"!- 'k. sue ,b. EES J U VIL-I Thk, St., -us diH b.w Market, albars P. ii!ZiJ!.ajJAI?w. NEW UKlM'EHV aiw.A.u l. tbai tkey u uYilT P" rr "t "t, 4, umoattf Mi. - W 1 bi.4 ssM., ft)EtiJ( AbD bnuiMTif ..... . sr c7- i.. .... .77 , r-.- .-"J-MMittd kws a fohil.. Wl Ml Iwh Mw4 S Mlka b.1 ..I 11 Bll. H.v. rv UUtlABOOIlll t f U, ( baetaaSM 114f H m1M. ne bu4 sad aZa iia. ' tOklAlU AXIsaiabiTi,.. saJ lMtlLa.i:.."V'-'7 "wv.n Ol4oiS ru,il4li .1 l.. StiMlM.a la..i&.!.. .... i WKITIIL A BtOTUEM. ..j 4.tww fcau.-7:rz: , - F I ill! Ha.l...i J s r, .,4 ki. suMi , astabiuk 1. .k.:. aa-Mh sis. m 4 s-e -1 H'ir-"..ft'rS4 1 At iLatniinil aT""".!''- . "dAnronlues. un'' Armeuiau. side. out- me aticaq 5 but TiJ; 1 ""wnatle of receive tU visitor, on "T SPh1? '.'.'"O'Gn.dy. MeGuire. J ' nW taU' cu luVl'u uilB01' !" O'Crady, brintf inteudent of the ,n .' h-lnjuk and exhibited oh.M 9 no hat :ous tha d frou a to in ire befon From there li Willi I Sfc P..I m here he killed . n.u ,."T!' co . n.. 1 :. "iiwu tie iini Kellcy found it UZXi 1-u of human cars, iclu ZX1 L' ... -s . li t of the couutrflo VscaL jvilch law i rom that i.Iuco h i.A'S'.H..!' ...... : k. . - VUIUUSDUS. wmu ciiy ne murdered his iruveliiH; co.n,u.UU for hi. money. fcnffi.5 abie to t1,e Ui W relifiou. exertisea. lij"?! Ihew w f 'r vrd-d . to; snuiit in . n ' . " wv uoaua tiaJ not retard lienor "pL'X d woman reeovrn..i .1.. J.:. ana tU that it hsrt ik. jrr .Vu "e ground withou eJir 7rw 4118 "'I-w n-ade ..IIVH, In attcmptlns to carte M rv.m i j fouu JZZl It u! .?" dr, a istraiiua it. Jotnu. mT;;Xi " .T.u,7 ln Umi Uluu Who fiud aoki an r."""1 "brini: Hinted in hi. rWuITi "VV'1 "b'l ur. Antlueruslied H.t.j L.0 . 1 'bu, iliahop oMili )" to two uufortunaua. TUy wc. ',n tLa "otettion of aucTauik.10 ' ed up about the lace li l . .'X "k" at'". ,auu" Htat th iloJv tllilk an. I L.,.. 1.... ..... . "" . . "as. aiiki .1...... .t ... ' ", aim hl's. iiuL ii:.u.iu 7""-' 1 Jtrribi j- .1 K.v.r dia 1 a?" -.7. " j"a. v iiiaiir.rrs.r .uusiu:ua. .u7r in.u..k:i.n u; 11. . wuu iiauactiuired the ..i' 3 ouns chicken. 1 1 IS aArlvni.,i IP .. 1 -j ....... - . J . iV V """. was lluu arrt-.i.,! V" '""U s wilo ."doo't ... i.y s..iii 01 mo HiiiHbtUuU oftlu. . h. the a-cl and k V . ;ja ho wreaked their vengeance tU Mf l" oVcJru tha' , lUev tarried h 111 into ....... j .'." nuri.,iv .. " WS p .-. ,. . - aoine uia. snow." mild h... wuli uuiu iHOfiiy. wiiera tli.w 1....1 I "MUd I Is llv- An F tllMW li...l .... . ul'in 1 1 ; . s . - J wsuue ilia hittd huilif w lb in a liw t;.-. .V !? hiu to urop u,t .yilala uu thej, iJJ. BTLU"kl? ?-A-al2 Sin UaT I.-: , ""uVr .'a'ly's rye I Ail .11 1.. . m' un.iii t, uj aUaotUu Wllk aiiu-lk..ik. ....i A .1.'. UM kunia. ' w nicir iuj. 1 tuk the era iui ii.L .1 . ... rliur.. .. i ? r W'tiai. aud . m. at Ibis Ua M , - ...... (.kui nwe,' . - WaiJ I M. i c 1. 1.1 .1 . TU m4 lt I.. ..1 . . . ; r"T "!' lucaua il 1 etardij u-M n-u-. TTl 1 ""! e-u, M Hkkllki y Li.auil it ofll, ai.4 ( niii U 1 1. i. j 1.0 i.... . - .i . : wm u iu, riaJ I il.nif ... . . . .l oUrvea tU, U U uurtatk ilJtaUuu I roUsUutmui a. n.. 7MUU't. tw tkatriL. prouud, Tlay tl builta .w tT "! uuiil Uia.h put J11111 and allowed luiu to remain ....... i I cud to Mi esiiuute. HUlbeUut, and touiJTYi 1 Ullk.iaiu. a"y iujm,ui l'rouui7u :.7, " new tik buuoii waa iu,ri:r:. " iua. l.r.kl.M.1. fk. 1. . ' w iuiu it 1..... i HUH, fkJIfl. ul l WH HUMii Ua, I'roUeUW. of iTkiT' b tsbltD as w-w we vieni'U L. MManTa 1 .i.iii - . waa iu b iiaj 1 a ..... a- . 1 r fUWft fUff IliAM -hai-C -- i j s ,a.. . .. " S S Wli.ll I kill i.l. 1 . .i.f. L . "I w-. i.. Uimjm ,Ll. k. .11... ,1. . ' T -"1 B- ' UJ 1. !. . I. I 1. I W ius4uut wuti tu duiir.? re uiNiblusuua, th, I Vhiui U ill all I "i'umi.ja.nj 1.. L." t tl 'MABT MyHTLK" couif. down' iuthe f.kll..k.lii.. .1. L. ........ .1. . . 1 . . who aud datitflM, aud wear uut lU tflrU llb ..u ats.1 I .1 j s . r,r . r rr:" i"? ,l.M?"', n,a a st uBTt-iiiinT iu inrii hkii-i i.ii .1....- aua nrw suuiiuou tousxvsuillthht 0 nmetiou and ll i, qiK.,,, i',,., , 11 lutlu Is .MyHii-i; iisun, hearteuhur W A h 1 lt 1 All III .a it m. Lai.e .k.k..ri.l.i.. 1 b i.T:i. " . .7" s" a v.'iiji uava Lr" j uiauiti is. troiuiua wouwa ru -..e uu . uuna sua Uji hit lar Ujo W"0 aallial-W UN Ul, rtaaliis. Mu 1... . . k . . . .-w.w JJJ foo, lUolStrs liiouaaud. "fl h&7. Z':,"Z fr?. . 11 At m... IL. ...k ' Hll.klk Kueiall a faa'is ais aoMWmaaoUlJSfjr; iu iiieuuruj itt uch about ue plaut " luuiod in i...i , this hen aT.7.. ". r."?'4 -.-n,um i4 up. IkiLilAkl'a 1 . liuie. at ..r . "... .VUce ou Indian wm JivervdTa anxiety lo.-uiriuj for ceU m wf 1' ai ne tost "vv.i , .7- --7 Ilr. .. 1.1.. . Iin.-l t i.v . . . lost -IndUo Are f" r . 1 avt-a hTU' lla Uve nut sr-.t- . Wcy about rwi,, v'"4 diul. Xlekico'a r.anaik.. ... 1. . . UitU aoAkknliit. 1 ..... -k , W-4UJ. tha. sT; ,T7 Bu liuuly "'Vhll. I'al.l . aiikk... fc Jik. rny fc-iainr MiOuM of Hot I "..II IU 1111111 lliiiliW I. . i-s u t(, n,,, M u n. alU lurf n... '"Uy Hvt''i b.i fr -is kiain. '""iMs!" ewttilh. UJ rxbetf J tit. ay. H't "Id. ICUettiei uuur, ... . 1 - - bttei fU Itul f1 e- l'4" fcUiW V, 1 , , -n 1 JMt I'kal it 1 l4t. 9.m I L. . ' " "v""' " ' " ' : 'e ttilMik,.. K i.ii 1 . , 1 ... . b7W - "bwi ! ' T ..... . ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers