.--WW-- J THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, in rrBUanED EvxaY batcrdat bt Eri. WILVKBT, Iropriotor, sussxr' nrn-ntsoi, mhirft tgrJE, At 01.50 In AdTanee. SiAieripHom taken fur len than tlx Month. fyjpnvTRn with this establishment if an Mten rlreNEW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of ! and fnncy typo oqnnl to any establishment in tbe Interior ofthe State, for which the patron nnge of the public It respectfully sollcltod. Jrofcssionnl. .VO. A. VII.0., ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 1!4 fomTU ATBUCB, rJ.-ttiT p.ih'.lp, Jtttibnrg, Pa. Jan. 13, 187U. ly. GF.O. HIM.. Attorncr nt Law, 8UNBU RT, PA. Will ntton'l to all professional irislnc In till and and ndjoiutoir enmities. Can be consulted in the EugiiaU and OermAi lan ynners. M lllKI K A VO, Market Btreet, srswrnT, va. rnli't in Drugs, Medicines, rtilnts. Oils, G'.nv, Vnriishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Feck' t V wks, T)nirii!S, &e. r. WOIV.VERTOV, Attorney nt Liw, IO Market 8.;i.nrc, SUSUURY.PA. Profession Hi bustuo-t in this and adjoining counties prompt ly rtfeudcu to. -wit. AUMsxnoNn. savest. ums. t. RMfiTKOXG A I.IXX. . ATT0UNEY3-AT-LAW, WII.t.lAMSl'OnT, tekn'a. July 31. 1S60. a mos. Oil. A. I. SAVIIKiE, respectfully nn l.uinoes himself an Physician and Surgeon .".6 t".. citizens of Snnhnrynnd vluinity, ha,vius lo 'weirHmKetl 'permanently on Market street, ncar " r ' f e titc. Fainnouiit Hotel, where be run lie consulted at r.ll tour wheu $qt "professionally .cngaoil. p'.'.M-ly rpEETII! TEETH I .1. f. mwsiNUEK, JL Burgeon Dentist, bUNilt'RY, PA. All work carefully utOmled to and warranted. Am thank ful to nil for the kindness extcuUcd toward me by irivinf me their patronage in the past, au I hope a conlimtunce and Increase of the same. r"Ollice, first door east of Adams' Express Ollice. apUO-GU GVI'. ZIE;i.ER. Attorney at Law. north side of Piihlic Srpeir'', one dnor cast of the old Hank huil.llni;. SL'NBURY, PA. Collec tion and all professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining comities. scptlS-li'J A 1SIK C5. M ill!!, Attorney at Law, J.X. SIIAMOKIN, PA. All business attended to with promptness and diile'iicc. ouglO-GT C A. nr.IJXi'.XSWnER, Attorney at I..iw, Sl'NilCItY, PA. Ail business cu f.-uted to his care uttcuded to promptly an I with ililigi-iiee. apl27-C7 JXO. KAY CEE.UEXT, Attorney st Law, bl;NHL'RY, PA. Collections und' all pro f i-si-ioua! Iiiu-iu'j.- promptly attended to. lnclilil-Uti c. J. mit'XRit. t.. v. KAsn. Attorneys and Coun- nr.rM',K A KASE. J" Si-lors nt Law, KL'NHL'l IV, PA. tJifieo on C lieMimt htrci:t. west of t'ie N. C. at.rt P. & E. Hai'ioad Depot, la the . Hilling lately occiipiel by F. Lazarus, Est Collections and nil profess ional business promptly attended to In Northum berland and a lj'iini.iL' cuauti -s. uplUMi1.) e. n. povr.it. w. j. WOI.VKUJ0N J OYER A WOM'EHTOV, Attorneyi. J at La. o' second floor in Uright's new b.uMi:iL', hL'XBl'RY, PA. H. B. Coyer nnd W. .1. Wo'.v.Tton repectf illy nntiounce Hint thy have entered into eo part nership In the practice of tiunr prot.' -'ion in :iorth;t;iV)erl.in I und adjoin l:itr.ui'"itici:. CimsaiUtiotis can be had in the (i-Tin in lan':ua;:e. .hii L'2?. H ' IJ. XIASSZ'.iS, Attorney ut Law, fUX- I!i;:'.V, PA. t.oilections ntteuded to in .tie eottiitl'es of No.'thu-.nbcrUnd, Union. Snyder, 'Montour, Cilumbi.i an I l.ye.nnim;. upVld . v. v. itr..-:.t'.:'; i.:.i-:'.. l.i.evn t. uohuuacii. It 1t ?iEri-:i.i.. i R"ii"A.isi I'oi l ;. - .tl i.:iV.. lain I'i !e.v t J . i dil L'UY, PA. Ot- eond lloor. Ku 1 m4 H.t ea I 'I'' . K2'.t Si, MEKt.il A N'i' TAILOR, iss xrALS is ('.'.:" I. virilF.S, AND VESTING?, r.-uth of Weav.-r's Hotel, &uubary,Pa. ,'(0 CLOIIIS, 1". iit-.h : ..!.-e! T A S.t'.X'!' t .. i'. I S l"i'., Wholesale and Ro tail leai-T la vry variety of ANTHRACITE CoAL, ::L'XUVRY, PEXN'A. (i fi'fa wiiAur.) Or Jer sullcite.U'id Ulled with proir.ptnew mi I rtepateli. nmlv!-0fi OAI.t C VX I A COX E! GRANT BROS., V - fchippers und Wholesale and R. tail Dealers in WHM'K AND RED Aaii COAL, SL NUL RY, PA. (t r.v.nn vriMur.) J TTS.-le Aircut.i, westward, ut ths eeVbnitc.l JLairv Clay Coal. JnlU H6 AAf H. KIIOA1W, V a ltrtui. ni'Atr.R or ANTHRACITE COAL, H NUURY, ITNN'A. Or?:'." wttn Haas, Kaoslt J; Co., Oi rl. rs left at St as'ao'tz .t Bio's ..office Market ftic.t, ill ree.lve pi-..mpt n'.lenlioii. Country c.i-loir. resp"ctf.iliy aolleitis 1. Jim. i, 1T0. If. JAt:t KIIII'MAX, THIE .V LIFE I NLT. A NCK AGENT, HUN ' iil'RY, iiNN'A. Repiescnlsi runnera Mutunl Tire lii-.un.nee Co., York, Pa. ; C umber I n). I Viio.-v Mutual Pi-oteelivrt Co. ; New York Mutual Lli'.M Girard Life of I'hila., aud Hartford, Conn., (icneral .'.cel. .cat. IEXTI?TRY. r, Eoinii: m. urxN, T Simeon's Hx ihUnj, .Uarif( Square, . Stvnt'iiY, Pa., tS prepsre l to do nil Winds of work pertalniur to Dentlrtrv. He keeps constantly en bund a large ai-n.it uient of TewU, And other lutul uiiiteiial, from which he will be abl l Islecl, nnd 1111 it thu wunts of his customers. All work wai ranted to glvoaatUlAcllon, W else the uioacv refund -d. 'I lis v.'ry bet .Mouth Wakh audTooth-Poders kepi oil li;ud. 111. refi reiiecs are the numerous patrons for whoia he has woik.- f r the Ut incite yers. Sunlmiy, Apnl -I, l ". .V.V.V .47a".ysA. i ..... a., wl, . - tlIBL i.'.rtV FllVVl 10) .M li.virt PRTshiXa -1.1... 1 1 . Ihe let' t y In bnl l i.- l...i .11.' I. -.1 en el I t' el.ii y f.,r h put. 1. I e..i D o' l..4'.o.:i, aai nn .i r.', L lu'paa la ifflt l.'nl ii Cuti'eellni). :a.i.M KtCUt iM, l.o- t it a 1 ii 1 . In I . n 1. . 1 in ih-. i."i y U. . I'ullOU.. 4'1J. OII4 .H... U ',.i ... . I I.. 1 t VM'il. A K S. Ilk TH. bimI Uwr.H- Vr . u.. 11. 11. id I'H .l. In l-oiuill 10 u " ... . lll.llU.'l ... ... ii. ... 1 .. ii.ii .1. 1. ... i. I, u.i. uuJ .ui.iu.aa ui a"." I f ..i.i! ..siu 'u i.U biuiusiou aud v'.a ku vti.u. ai'ttf I.V (OtL 14ltl. Ml'll u,iliiiiiii.l li.viiij i-. nil il. J lb Col f liJ.'U.U M .U k. .'.l4 - k I.i1 1 .lAllllll I. i ll, t. .i ji.I li u. y UiMl.i a4 ll m nir or , 1., in vt run caii. f H .1 . . 1. I V j. i .rf. .. 1 ) ,4 Uu.. liiaiu . I. 1 1 . J a Iu. i IV I' kl V ) '4l I Vbill. .ill . III. I'.H I. . 1 T .4 y."t ' "' '"'"" " "f IS SIMI UV, IX. 1 V W Vi'UMiT J, hiNi'U re u.'elto uli 1 . , .'. b 1 1 tto-t ou '11.0.1 .t,e.l.h.ta... M4ru 1 . , Hi U.-. I. Is now prrpucl to arrve hi a ti.i i-r iii.i . . -.- tUlb-ie, IB Eta1lliHol In IN IO. PRICE 91 SO IN ADYAXCE. ) jpofcls uub Ijcslanritnts. VirTcAirMcTTiVij 1A Pa. CHARLES CULP, Ptoprletor. A Pleasant Summei Resort. This well-known House, Is refitted aid repaired, will furnish the best of accommodations to travelers and perma neat boarders. On Account of its location it pos sesses peculiar attractions as a dutnmer resort. July 3, lSWVly. PAC IFIC IIOTEi.. SVXBVJtT, rzxx'A., WM. T. EXGLEMAN, Proprietor. A pleasant 8nmmer Resort, being on the bank of the Susquehanna river. This stand having been ucwiy b lilt by tho Proprietor, offers excellent ac commodations to the traveling community. Choice wines, liquors nnd cigars nt the bar. The table supplied with best the market afloMs. An ample and well stocked stublcin connection with this house. npll'J-t-ly RESTAl'RAXT A EATIXlT HOUSE". CHARLES 1TZEL, TKOmjion. Chsstnut Etrcst, few doors frijin ihe Depot. BcKnCRjf, Pf HAS open Re&taurant and Eating Ilonse, for the accommodation ofthe public. Warm meals ca,u.Vc had nil hours. All kinds of game, t'-n. Ac. served up nt short notice. His bar is supplied with the be-tllquor In market. No palm spared to please, nnd terms moderate. Bunbury, September, 4th 1309. ly. X ATIOXAE E A U E R It E E R SAEUX, ON TBIKD STKEHT, tiK TUB DEPOT, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPTT BACKER Informs the citizens of 8nn bury nnd the pnblie genenillv, that he has opened a LAGER BEER SALOON nt the above place. The a6t of Lager Uiier, and Malt Liquors will -be kept. AUo Oyslcrtj ic., couslautly serv ed up to customers. NATIOXAI, HOTEI- AtGUSTl'8 WALI, Propiietoi1, CJeorgetown North'd County, Pa., at the Statinn of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and eicars at the bar. The table If supplied with the bett the market affords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. C1IAS. KI-rcKNltR. CBAS. CAWI.ET. A1 M.EUIIEXY HOl.SE, Nos. 812 and K14. Market Street, above eiirhth. PHILA DELPHIA. Terms. 83 per day. .Wercapcctful. ly solicit your patronace. KLECitNER & CAWLET. J. VALE li ' 5 WIXTER fJXJlZiKH AX IIOTEE AVs. ' A 727 I'ii.s St., PHILADELPHIA. INTER GARDEN HOTEL; (on Tn ErnorEA ti.as) Centrally located, eonneeting with all the City Passcuger Railway Cars, from all the Depots in the City. ExccIIeut AccoinmocIuXlou for Tra vellers. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concerts every evening in the Summer and Winter Garden. ZfrOnhcstrlon Concert Evtry Afternoon. FIXE LA runs' KrSTALItAST TUG BEST or nurnpsjiMESTS si:nven. OfHceof Va'.cr A Lawei's fountain Park Rrewcry. April 10, 1S0U. -li. ' Kisfcilanccue. i i.iit i: v.'i . i i i i r S e u', PEvi.a im LOOKS, STATIONERY. WALL rA- l'Elt, WIXDOW SHADE, dr., t(r, has lare'v a Ide 1 to his stock and facilities for aupp'ving bis trade. His stock conir,ts of a full line of SCHOOL. ULANK A MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CAP, B1I.I1. NOTE, LKItAl. AND OTHER PAPERS, BL'FK, WHITE, CANARY. AND OTHER ENVELOPES. I.SO PAPER OIL CLOTH, -finAPE FIX TURES, PER L'MES, EANCY ARTICLES, Ac YVA1.E I'AI'ER .VXD BOKDERS made specially. Au luiniuuse pow and cheap -tock. SUNDAY SCHOOLS supplied from stock or bv order promptly, ul the lowest Sunday School discounts, with books and other EUpp'.ics. MUSIC AND MUSiCAL INSTRUMENTS IMcture Frames nmi Tlonldinga, FItAMKS MADE OF ALL SIZES, AT l'HICES OF MOULDING. All daily, weekly and monthly Perlodica!s und Newspapers snppiicd by No., i.ipujj. nr year. Goods nut on haui.prbip'.ly wruercii. :t;iii;lc or .pianitv. Persons In want of poods In hie line, especially earh buyers, will find it to .their interest to call at N. Ferrec Lifhtucr's Booi Stuie, sig l of the Hi; Gold Pen. PLEA SANT'S nUIT.rtlNG, MARKET EQlT ARE, hept. g.Vh 18o9. ly. hUNHUlty, PA. BREAD AXD r.iXCY CAKES. DAVID FRY, tj F.SPECTFl'LLY informs the citizens of Pu i li bury end vicinity, that bo will bake to mdrr all kln-is of CAKES FOP. RALLS, PARTIEP, A-. Famlles are r.ipplkd with FRF-SIl HREAP, Twn-t, Rolls, R isk, Tea Hnns, Ac., and also kept on hand aud manufactured out of tho best tni.terials. All orders lift at his Phop In Market Sq.is.re, one door eatt of Mis Ann Painter' V.llHnsry Store, or at his Bakery 00 hf ruce btreet, between Front and Beeout slrmts, will meet w ith prompt uttention. BALLS AND EVESIN'O PARTIES mrplled with Cakes, lae-Crcam, ie., at the shoiteat notio. Ordera ara rastieetfu'.lT solicited. DAVID FRT. Pnnbnry, Ike. 13, 11CS. Si.Vi JILtT biior. fpiIE nn leralgned resieet fully Informatbaeiti. X. tons of buubmy uud viciuli v, ibal tbay bT onenal a MEAT SnOP, la Ptwait's bntldlnL'.on th unrth U of MvWrt tVpinre, two doors ftom lh railroad, cr they will ket-p a eouai-iot supfly nf lh bl of Reef, I'oik. Mutton, Ac, ut whuiatalrr rttail.al tha loHuat ruts and of III Ural quality . A waS'in wl l be net to supply eu.iotui-i .iy 111111114, (eei-rt Buudavs.) Th bt of meul will foioid : at their sui'l'. 0i us e ill and sat 1 y s our s!va. RtrrtW t ByWER. Ott. ICth IMP --'.f Liqi'OR ITOHEI rimiBTiAM Ntrr, n'si' l Ptrtct, bl oaltt ts Court Jloase, SX'JI. tit KY. I'A., Hs.itll iHy loUies tU aUantlon of Rslallsr ausl ythaia, Ul a tw oa baud, sod wbl fan. auut.y kesp all kludaof rouiiox ai roMfTic mqcors, C'oo.ur.tia tit Tut kiaudita: Co,ui, Crr, fjli'Kn. R.ielirll and Ol'inl. 1'hlkiu fun Mv ( oi'ixi-D'.atlllaJ, XliMo. BUia, Al l'1 J Netr. VCtfat (iuLLAMD CIS I triaaai CUr8u Wla l'"T. Ft 4 r 1. ..1. t i ruut, cmrn l'r, y. 9. , i u 'a ku-ui i4 a.tk kTuUAlll A.iO DAK tUUR. And U irtasia l oin-, U') a l I U II. ol) Mtaikft. h Wttl 4 .1 Wu.il. .... aul IliUil- ' '"' ' " t.i.wulti Atfia, a U.sM ! bk. UultA a. ..I ln ll.f is uu Ual. 1 if lli.l.i. i.i 4l) all "l.d If, l- 'UM' 1. i..H.as i.ifn .'iu-td. (i wi.rr. RT SUNBURY, PA,. finest Cjothjig? ai rurs a r Height of the Style. UPErBLY If,I?HT-D. RXASy TO PUT RIQHT ON. Tbs eljset of ths Cbsstnut Strut ClatMng ttl). ilshmsnt U to fwDUh s class of Itwtj-msde Clothing supsrior to anjthlug thst b.u heretufars bssn offartd to ths puhlla. Out the Sasr f.brlct sr nitd, SDd lbs bt triaimlofs, snd tbi srt cut by th molt skillful sna artist! cattrra, ud mado up In elaborat end tastsful itjlu. A full stock of siirh ctoihlsg ow la itors, sim! Using said at modsraU fries. Ceoaaotsd wttk th MlibLahmcsit, brdj rars (dTaatagss, jmperttil ooii, ijhrst rt in uHnj fy. Xo tntr vcrk I 4on la mi Mmttant T&llwlaf Uouitf la th 1ndL No Uttr itvlc. bo richer K'iOtlf, io bioto rDwar4 aitri? av mort perfect flit t&a 07 bore etui oed. iraro crsrs akd uts. EMBlifcl aaj Scrvlcoablo Carmen!. V I.ASSXS? TABIITT O . Aa Siful AiMftctat af (GEHT'3 rUBNI3HISa G0OD3, H8 628 CCESTirffT ST2IZT, XAXASaLVStA, Crieiit Kr.rt. hj unr .)!. of falfmaatnremsDt, Csllfiuta at a d.itaxescsu nlr with ccrtaiut t Latiog a good 0t. P:dsfir 9lf-aifsareaiaat auS 'BiUs scat 1 Basal xbsa raqasslsd. I)?e. lSih. 1SC9. It. 91 .11 4 O U at E n i) -el n Ai ,R N P It It n .j O Is 1 n o it r. n i i IUXKIT ETRFET. llauyt'M lion 'rout VuihUm, Nnuburji I'm. April ti M.w catuci.uv svmiii:. risHK undr.lt!i'd rcptetlully lot wins inr .'I .1.. . ....1..... I t.i.1. Mi. ..i.fl-.il. ft thai ib.y kva ciieutJ a New (iroeeiy hl..re, r..ia uwi wiiui.i .in . Bear ,r lbV,o....V.l corn., ofTUlrd .ad M-ran slrralt. ttSBLUT. I'A van. el adlqi. ra. baud fiioeml. civ of Wbr.il, r I lour of Ihu 1 h.y alll eou.tauily keap n ofallklud. Also, a irfular sui M ..Vwhr.it. Com Meal aud othrr lM.loual.ir. A'.lol wklck will l aold at lh Nuf. ,19. Il iUJtU SHE HI Oltt. J. II. t ml v. t . i .nvri' iiTlll'FT Kl.'S'UL'ltV. PA., nlr.lrrtaewa.vt..ttlofallWI.l.c.f lUidwai, CiU.iy, M-!.!'! is.., Ii-u,riu4, lka. J'-., .1 fci 'i. of UlU" Vaa. a aa sua . . ... w i la a4 a i m kouaste' ''l ald a law t souaal r ..y iS.r Mbll.Wwl UlaMnaubtty 4l tH tl"l' l- s. bukiixif, (. ll, Iksie. NUl l'E la avtM ts U.sl It a. Iiiahi. i.i l4.i 4 ll.o, lu euai.si, k. wia ' - 1 -l I.i lux! 41 1 c .uail .Iba b.k an....i. : e . l l ' I L) " W "I I a,iiua ib i.4.iuaa ! la w4 aaaail 'n't av XvwTUt tinrn-- v'"',H3r'rTi;M.w'ct SATURDAY MORNING, SfARCII 2(, 1870, $ttct flodry. IIOE VOIR OW.V lilllV. T AUCR AnET. I TrttNK there nrc sur.e maxims I'n ,er the sun ' "l EC r.c wont; pres.trvatiun, lint here, t..y, is one, 60 sound and sinipb-, 'Tis worth whPe to know t And nil In n sl'ijle line ! . ' lloe your own row. " A pool inmy wm Iters, I've known in my time Some bail lers. of ln'.i-c., honi" Iril d' t'1 of r'.ivnie 1 An I they tint were pi.pcru.1. Were p o i.red. I know, Ry the i .1 'nt 1111 1 nicanint; of '" Hoe your own nov." I've known, l'V, n .,'oe. 1 many idlers, who Sai.l, I've a linlit t ' Tny liyinst. The truU oivf ir.e IncaJ ! A ri;.'i!, iuliber ! A tnous.in 1 tin'ie No! '1 i 1 Ms, 11 ml lif. on.y, Who li.ie ;js own row. From Uallon's Monthly .M.ie;i-.ziiie. IIOIV I E Ol'M -tlTi- MARIA. IIY N. P. DAKLINO. My name ia Smilh "one of the few im mortal names that were not b'X-n to ii0 J.ibez .Smitn, and I am not a niartied man, thouoli I expect to be one soon. My hair stands on end, like the quills on lite "fretful poicupiae, when I' think upon the doom thai awaits nio. it i.1 hard, for one so youii3, so beatutfulj find with such bright 11 ipes as were mini: only a lew shot t hours ao, with the woild all before tue, a,; one might say, with the expectation of what is uelund me, to be thus doomed to dra out 1 a weary cxsst-ncu as liie husband of a wo- j man I never s.v.v bur once, who is ten years j my senior, and who has only one tniiii? to 1 recommend herself to my love her name, ! winch was Jones. ov there is not, ung i-: the pimple name : c-fjotiesto cause a man's heart to palpi-I i.i.v, .i.iii.ij'o jwu iuuii, ni i..vei ii.iiii 1 Under ordinary circumstances. "I aeree witu you ; but if for three lone; vears (one was lenp year) and more, yoii fiad loved with your wholf heart a irl who bore the euphonious iianin of Jones ; if for one thousand and ninety-six conclusive nights fan unprecdeuled run") you had retired t-J your virtuous couch with the. name of Junes upon your lips, and the fancied ttn ;u.e of Maria Jones before your eyes, would it Iv btraii;.! if you came to love the vume only less than "its lovely owner V Would it be strange if the naine"of Jones, no mat ter wiiere you saw it. should l:: ot:ir :it tentiou'f' Would it he f L nil siiuV.iir l'f v'ou .,.. . ..a. -,,. ...... i.:..t 1 1 1.... became iutvnseiy iiiiefj:tt:d in everybody ail.l. i eeriii'"'n " ' i-an to tbo whofi' Jones fa.uiiV, or iniher an the faiiiuics "ind llll'llllH'I'S of l lO'-V wu.i ii"W.iMlH ""'.V.M.CiLptiiej tho celebrated Havy, und b.s I'aoioUb loekerV I rather think not. This was tiie eas" with me. 1 wns inler e.iled in evubtly by the liauii: of Jones ; I iovud the name," but alas ! I loved Maria belter. Maria, the beautiful, Ihe dark-haired, thu Iiri7.id-e0 1. the loveliist Jones of all thejoii. stsl O, where was she? "Ask I of the winds tnat far around with frau I incuts strewed the sea," as the late Mr;;. Human renlied when (inflionud us to the whereabouts of the boy who sl;iod on the 1 .I....L- UUl l.ii.' ' I r, I don't think the above ouotation quite apia-opnate, but it was tile only thiiij? I cond Hiink of. and 1 felt iusl as tliouv.li I I in 01 mi.itii sunn ihioi'. Mv feeliuos have ' been s wr iught upon iu ti- last few hours, j t.:at u, ilii. ng bat mental picture of thosj lieoide who at some period of their lives found thetnseivi-s in a wor.se situation loan 1 am ut present, a'.l'or.l me the slightest re lief. It made me almost cheerful when I thought of voiu:-CiC-sob.anea for, although my situation is 'horrible to cfiiiteniplatc. Ins was certain iy worse. liui to iu- story. I must tell it. for I can hud reiiei uo filler way, and I have but a lew minutis to do it in. The e. ar riage ceremony is to take piaec at two o'clock this aileriio in. The minister is engaged, and my panicular friend V illiam Vi liiiain.s.itl lius'iusl left niu fortlie purpose of obtaining llu marriage certilieale. I am mono with my tuougnis. Whe-e, Oh, where is Maria t I Vnow uot, but, ah I let me forg. t l.i r. She can nevi r be mine. Il is three years 11 nv s.nee .1 ........ 0 ..... 1 it-...., li... ht-iiilti- iHl nv 1 eo im ii.i.n. , 1 m4 - ous cotiuienanee, since she told me tnalsne ! loved me. During .hose long years 1 have , I ....I...,. l.S . jli.ot l lll.U III ludliiu but her dear letter and aconitort- able salary to coiiilorl nii-. I made her tieiMiaintanee while I was jinucir.ul of the 1' Hull booi. Mie was one ol 'my juijuls. When sue gr.ulua ed it was our id' a to marry, and oi u uu academy for young ladies and gen.lemen, where we could insiruet thu yoiin;, idea in tins art of shooting on ihe inest u roved 'l'li.. But Uforo tnu arrival ol tu nny 1.1.11 was to inaku us both iiuemelv hai'l'.Vi I reecivul aiieh a very Ids nil oiKr Iroiu a Mr. Jordan, the father of one oi'niy niimla. to become his ou'a tut.u and t;.ith.K couiiauion, while the lad miulo a tour thicuh K.iriiM-,forliie'M iii liiof biaheuilh, whicli hail bi ciniie i.iueh imi'iiiivd by aludy, bat 1 ilioiubt. and Marin il 'reed v.ith Hie, that U wiiu.il U- very I Miliah oi me to ttc- cepl. Ami o, lilililmg lurue to nie ui ii 'e,ill. Who liul wound laiaill HRi-4iuuv Uun thr iuli ih v.-ry e rd of my heart, I , kissed her upon both 'iheeks, und, pfomls- , : i., . .. I., i ... i.. tv.-il na lo lll.i r.al " , . ' . ... ,i,lct ri.y r fttm ,., .- - - . - - I that very dav, in coiiiiuitiy with my I'Ul'll, i tuiUilied ill the Aia for 1 Iv.-riaml. , jur (iri e jenia, a I r nmrWid U lou',.1 travi Ud or a iloill aid in Kui'nia. ' l':'" I ...I i. nu.i. r in Nil... wtili h la n Very Ulcu pluca) to ss.lol rt wnUer. llii-ugb aonie trabUd la opiu don't proiiouinu It '; V' SiHx.iid in fidcu. aud tiw tbird in !. i and a.b ii'-u l us m i") i..iun - i l I ..i,v i.i t.du lli.il lb" ll'sdlo ol my luu.t I ;imf ( t "'' luaiulil Wii.l, oui imiotiil U4 l.l l" ' ur u .- r:..l , ..,iiL..r.ulutv...UaUi. l- - . . . .,..,,. liy Usnui"rs """. i m a .....,...... as al. l i n. il . 1 . . r . .7. I ... .u.i.j l i lur iK el .iu. y. u aim ii!ir. nu.. a..J lu r-.tit ; kiu-ie I k1 u.r, t.MUm.'M Itb.wiiiiJ J. ampu l.aol III" Witoua count 'I. a. "U. "'" dot.l, Ul I lilu'. a u.J Ho.1 wdUIUlo) j iiiM y i ind lb" as l.d Al a. i, I l'l ' lavi" u,.'ii Ho; a id iW) uau Ul tbl IgUua io, AMERICAN end ralhcr (lifticult font (for I liuvo soon t 1 Wittl-l ll'llf T'Al 111 'f ft it till 111 11 1 va.il l.r.iit ' .i-.iu " ny vvwinii jiuku s. 1 1 iil? iiiityiiL li'-lp) oicciittd lor tlie lirst tune in tlirou voice, or the voico of a female), wliilo I yon-M, just 0110 wt-ek ago to-day in the city stood shivering With tlio cold, and lroinl iit New Votk. limr with fear, endeavoring to persuade the hat inv loehncs were I shall not at tempt to describe. Jt. would take to.) lonsr. It is enough to say that I was supremely happy in the tliotinht that I was once more Hour my own Maria, and that in a few days, nt inwii, I should prewi hor heauteois l'liin to my wildly thrnhbinj heart. With the utmost despatch I transacted wlmt little business I had in tho city, and then Marled fur ihu villatre of M , wlieru I expocted to lind my Dulcinea. . Alas 1 she hiul gone from there, no one knew whither. All that I could learn was, that Iht brother had returned from Australia, immensely rich, nnd that he was yoino to settle 's.uiifw here in his native country, and Maria was to live with him. 1 believe Ihut I have not told you that mv love was nn orphan. Knowing how ti.'tidi.r-heiirled you are, dear reitder, I didn't want to harrow up your feelings, nnd I shouldn't have niotitioned her latherli-sA ami motherless condition even now, if I did not think it was positively necessary for you to know it. I loved hir better on that account. You sec I had been iu the habit of falling in love wi;h youiij; Indus that hct'l fathers' who had money, and the said fathers had been iti the habit of de- I cliuins my proposals, sometimes viciously. to speak mildly, unt.l 1 retired nt last in disgust and centered my afi.-ctiiis upon the orphan MatMa;- cocrntiltiitiii!; p.jyself iliat hi liiit I "liad a,nclioied in a port from which no cruel parent could drwc me. My love had a sister some years older than herself, whom I had never seen, and a brother in Australia, whom I had never called upon. I!ut, of course. 'the former would not undertake to iniluencc Maria in the choice of a husband, and us to the latter, I never expected to rey him. Dut here he had leturned, with wealth, and his sister' was tin ier his I'linn-n I knew not where to find them, and if 1 did ni rlintm t!.i l.r,nli..r u-m,l,l .l,i..,.t i.i i- over his sister into the hands of .1 poor tutor. Alas ! was I always to lie balked by crabbed fathers and wealthy brothers? " Hardlv knowim; which way to turner whel to'do, 1 tarried in M , nearly a week in a state of Ureadfal uncertainty, Hut in the meantime 1 wrote to in v old ... , -. ... J. . inend William Williamson, informiii ' him of my return to "my dear native land." His answer leached me before I had decid ed upon any particular Jilan of action. It contained an invitation for me to visit him immediately at his home in the town of IJeckliubur, where he was keeping bache lor's hall, his family 'heinz away. Without more ado, I immediately pack ed up, and started for JW-klinvkurv;, via. New 1'ork and New London, per steamer. The steamboat train, as it is called, roaches luckliuburg at alvmt f..ur o'clock in the morning ; und at that hour of this very niornino I I'miiid myself landed srt a dark nnd dismal depot, from which I hur- lied out into the street in search of my fi'i nl WieicJt.JvV-4rii;;e. have been lie:'c '0 HeckliLburg many i'i!tJl':.,t;fore, and I am quite familiar with three en i'B ago, ana iimu inr 1. few cliiuws. To be sure the town ts larger, aiul quite 11 number of buildings have been erected in tny absence, as I no ticed this tnaming while walking through iu deserted streets. I noticed in particu lar, that some one had built a house 011 the lot adjoining my friend Wiliamson's, and so tiiiieh like his iu every respect, that it would have been dillieiill lor a stranger to distinguish between them. However, I had visited the house too often to experience j .--- j -- ' - - - tlnmohl so, for 1 pride myselt a fin-at deal upon the fact that I never forgot a face 1 that I have onee seen, a Mad that I have any tiiiiiettity on mat score, or at least 1 ' ........ t .... ir..t...l i.i n lofllui. whose threshold I have ouee crossed. When I reached Williain.ainV; gate I was undecided what course to pursue. Il was really too bad to ring a man up at folir o'clock in the nfiriioie, v .-u '. oc was your friend, if I could ciVet an entrlnce wiih uit; and I knew I could, i.s 1 h i I d ne it many a time before, in coiup tn i w't 1 iili i os in, when we wore boys, und s'l.hily ild ; cr imps. Around the house ran a varanda, the top of 'vnieh was easily ivaehe '. by s hi e trellis work at the side and from i'lietv 1 could step into one of the chamber windows without tr mbiiug any one. This I resolved to do. I s.leeiTilcd in cdlllh.tig to the roof of the veranda without any serious lUUIculiy, and j with but little noisej und then a lew tail ! ti 1 ns tei. .brought me to the window of ! Williamson's room, which I raised noise- ' less!, and entered, not without s me trepi- d.ition, alih uuh as I knew mv fri.-iul had . . , - . . , , . , , new t -i-w. ... 1..1. . )..rv(. . . about h.m, the danger, even it he. lireai'ius slioiiid I IIMMU, IliUlilSiH. i Unce in tlie room 1 pae.sul to listen, lor i it was so dark that I could make ii.ilhii'.g : out of but the dim outlines of the bed and 1 fuiniture. I believe I trembled sii.l.'.ly. ' but the regular breathing of thu occupant ' ofthe bed reassured nie, uud so cillllio'.lMly i closing the window I ndvauced into the rnotn. Still Willinmson slept, reeling through i tho ilaefcncn, I could diseiivir his form : lying very i.eur the t.lgi o the bed. liuvlug j h-tity of room lor mo to alijiuj on the otlur mile wunoui uiKiiiroui uou, or ut ka-l 1 I.oi.gl'.t no, n uicinbi ring Hint he wai a h"!- vy" sleeper. It 4i .with u chuckle of aluticiini' uud delih' thai I Hire oil' my cloth, ? , ihiukiug in. un while what would bu the surpi iMi of WilliaiiiKoti u hen ho awoke ni Ihe iiioiiiiug to find hia old friend Smith milol liibiy reiHKilllg la aide till A. 1 could I Niiith, ainl ruiiaervaiuiiiK away, or jiui nl lhi moment the a e r turned oyt-r, uud I 1 .euiii.) ipiiet a il inoiia... baldly d.iiin l biiullie ; bill bu did Hot awake, and I. L.iUllg loiii.u iei mv jneiwrrii.ii, tupt aoltu toward the ! .1, ittiillouaiy imiu.4 Imii k theabei t, and allpja d III. I'iad 1 how lb. Udatead trsaki,l. Will - i no. u rt..pid our, but U did u..i wuke. II., i,,..aii.d iitu.b al y. and t u u lu. niutu,. ..t "s.uiby, and I kiwi Uu was dream. Ing.lme. ly u -iHluioiUr uawl l i Ull me that If joup-idi slwimg aia..ir l . ta ill amiwer any 'P )" " '"4 it. i.r tjuif ll i but Urw w iuim v an ,,, . In n t 11 U l It i -ui l - .mi ta war h -t .,' iiii.uuui ... . Ul-iu l.l0.l. hluw. IIUI " ' haul y reaii.tiii inell iroiu iiU 'iimj out- ''Uiv ei i.i.nj .v. 4, - - I liyht. us ...V laueypii tu.ed o ?u & e-lor ol U.i ba... ami ho i)cs Weiu sleeper a wouderm. ul Hiul iha, s alarm. I u. r.d us a . mU-i fuilo u , r that h hieh would be hia, t find u Ud Nl'' . v '"A i'X ,'orw" d f. Row. Would he lake me for tlie eleM of the J m-i'-iou J lad), H'"U'"? y allppaa' f Uai..l U.lHUl tllU Utl, kt ii.IV I ' W'l.a.1 tku Mr,M M ul. r I I. ,il In lot rulp 1" ( m i'l W'o.k.in.a m 7 I a. rm., uul ou ! Iiui.t dv. kaj Ua 4s j iao umI i Ui !' ai i if , Siow Soriois, Vol. !t. Xo. ' Old Scrlr, Vol. .10, Xo. 1C. the bed, yelling murder, nnd crying for i:ip ni me lop 01 ner voice (ii was a Ii ninlo lady to "Inlsh up," tleclarinsr that I Was a gentleman of honor, And that it was nil a mistake, nnd that what' 'wasn't risht then we'd make right in tho morning, but I really don't believe she heard a word that I said ; and just as the lady became ex hausted with screaming, and might have been iicrsiiadcd to listen to reason, I heard footsteps outside tho door. There is nothing like pre uce .of mind in n true like Jh's. Somajo.iplo w..uk.n't have Vnown what to tl- ut this juncture. I did. With the (jreutat presence of mind I seized tny pantaloons, and jumping into them (I never 4iad a pair to go uu with more ease). Iverycoohy made a da.'oi at the window, dasoed through it of course dashiuv. it nil to "mnithereciM." and laud ed myself handsomely on the roof ofthe veranda, my face, hands and legs beauti fully ornamoiited with "cuts ;' but I did not stop to admire these, but with greatest celerity I made my way dowu the trellis work to the ground, followed bv cries of "robbers !'' "ihievea !" etc., froin tny un known bedfellow,' and fat; puily pentletnan in a red nightcap who bad popped himself out ofthe window with a lampiu one baud and a "seven-shooter" in the other who began to let it oiP' just aj soon as i disap peared from his view. "Bang, 'bang, bang !'.'. Ho discharged every barrel, but fortunately he was a poor shot ut long range. He missed nie, but awakened all his neighbors. Lig)it3 Hash ed up into tiie houses on both sides ofthe street. Windows tlew' up a'nd nightcaps popped out to see wlmt was the mutter. Fortunately for me, at this moment I saw 11 face appear at a window in the next house that seemed familiar. It was Wil sou.' I sprang forward, and leaping the garden wall called to him to-come down. . "Who is it i" cried he. 'Smith Jabez Smith, I replied a, softly as I could. " Where'd you come from at this Urn, and in such a plight .S;i:i'.h':V" -' "Don't stop to ask cueslious, now, but come down and let me 'in." "(jo around to thu door then." I 'did so, and was admitted. Williamson closed ttie door behind me, staring at nie in the greatest astonishment.' "What in thuuder docs this mean, Smith V he cried grasping my hand, "your liice ami bauds are covered with blood, and ha, ha, lia where are your panta loons r" I looked down, Egad, I had jumped into the unkuowu's biilm ral skirt 1 "Where have you been V" "I've been roaming, I've boon roaming my d..ur boy, and 1 lost my rcckoubnr, ni.tl slipped into u-d with a luir.ile in the iiext tiouso, thinking it was you ; und 'I dashed mysc.il' liirougti-ii window ; and I've been snot at, and u' we c.inft liuli this matter up, I'm ruined. Hide 1110, William, hide me, lioiii 1 He terrible man next do.-r." William;,. ii 1, riled 11. i;Uc tue nuriur. and luruuing liiinself on the sola roared j wall laughter. - ""!'!!"'!' i".""'' ";" 'U.V"trv' V't-M "Ilusti 1 keei quiet. ait here aru i u go and see what is wanted," said William son beginning to be alarmed. "Don't betray nie don't." lie took the lanio and closinsr tho door after him, left me alone. iv was a moment 01 lernuie suspense lor nie. It" I had been seen to enter William son's house, if they searched and found me there, what would be tf'fe eouseqlleiicc 'f 1 dared not think. 1 had Kjutt guilty of something worse than burnir.-ly, and al though I mighl be uble to prove. tnat I was innocent ol uny bad intentions, still my siitlatiou was dreadful to conteuililale. At thus moment I heard u strange voice at die had door. "l!ut I tell you I saw him enter this house, Mr. Williamson, cried the voice iu a tone tiiat assured me tout the speaker was letnb.y in cariK-.t ;'' mid although 1 have not a t,earch warrant, unless you mean to harbor a thief, you certaaily caa have 110 oojeeiions to my satisfying myself that he Is not litre." "Jiut he certainly wasn't a thief," said my lr.cuil. . "iJow do you know that, Sir. William sou ?'' My friend was nonplussed. ".ouie," s.nd lie, "coiUO iu, and I will e voloiti 11 fi 1!. "i 011 explain il ! man ?" ".So, but it was a What, aru you tho friend of mine. Close the door, und let us keep the matter th- 1 lit'cly to oinseivvs. Veimmiv, ii our friend is an honora ble iu.ui, and is willing to do the righl iiung." i.tit it was a mistake you see." " i es, and a very bad one, Mr. William s.m, and if men wid make biUudera they muit jiay for liie.u." Jiut my friend miatook the house. lie tluei.'iii ii was my room tlmt he enter, iiig.-aiid lie thought it was I iu thu bed." "tiut It was IMJ h.ater. " t il, there was uo liartu iu that." "llow lite deuce Uo I kuo.v, Mr. Wil liams u ' I lUiiiJy know the lacts in the ...... . i - i i . ... case. IUs. as i nave si.tteu loeoi, uou x inn bound to l.uve aatitUieUuu ol yout itieiiu. Uo iiiuat marry the lady, even ii aliu is cnu- l.ied lo sue lor a UKoi'ce tho uext day alter." .. " , ' Ai.u lose my Maria 1" ,I.y'.eU, fort- iv in the agony of that though I too uu IV lor sia liee. ... , ul ttu'.' bun," cried tho fnt gentle. man, i usiiuig into the room, followed by u a.n . tlnll. lutd-li. ed, luaUU chlUlicd, .u.i . ; .iJ .; j. mv i- . . . . ... ... i j., y Inn -id H l "i'i"." I ui-crd tryinj lu sink U.ti "i K4HOOI . . . SiUm1 rtl J u e-"a . in annul u ,iry Ju.i u,i mv mat, m )V" ' "1','VM u., ,a ml, nun, .laapiu. me o ino rut. ' -H ,., thai a '' n (u...ui..i t i. I; r w biwii ou iiu.i.i , u i,s.,.l, ..r i "' )"u V uu u iiiul-J. . "'- '" )" !ll,ik iu d.i lobvio.bi. air. Ur aiUnioi.. m . n l" ,u , h ' , 7. i In IU, ul t,M'"',fr,' ; 4Ual U iM ' , ii l,k.i, . i i U i k.'ii4 s-a-.r, t cwuim , bul an., r iu ilia SIM .na. ie "Au.1 .. . ..it J - i' !" i 44 VJ A I U-.ii ii i . ... a I:..- lit I.I .u.l 1.-1. 1 ... i.i, aorys fi ' W.)V. 1. "I b.r oU ,,, ,..i 1 .lie hii a. . Us , Iii.u4 W ..ii., u. -I I W'l.U. I k. I. - i . . . . ...... li.... U. .. .it... ll'll. .Mil LIL'U Hill list. . WW- I ADVERTISING SCHEDULE). lOLtncft, or abont 100 Words make Sqr..n I il Sq 8 6 8 8q 4 fq 'enl eo1 1 ee i One week il.lK) 8.1HI Jj.fi'J g.W) 4.00 ' 7.00 10.0 lV WClftO io O.l'O. O.OO .W V.VV H.IS) i.Ut Three " Four ' Vive S.00 8.5'V 4.50 5.00 7.00 10.01) 10.0 .50 4.(0 .! .0 7..'.Jll.0''t1.0 07.". k no 11 Ml Too s r.ii' mi. 11 11 Ill.Olf tl.-.Ti. 7.C.) .00 Kl.i.Hi'iJ.l) ! Two roo's I3.2S' 7.50 U.60 li. note. ou i5.o-j Three " IH.W- 8.1K): H.fiUlo.OO Vi.W -lH.Pi.MU Sir . " f.'hic ' One Year 5.W. V.W ll.no I'J.u i iri.wC!ie.'.K.i:rHi. j if.oo lo.oe ia.nu ift.on -mam :jc.ik:;7S.oi it.ou: i a.uo; i so.00 'mam su.tw,: . They must be r.ipped in the btid, nir nipper in the bad," and tho faf genliem-i': look. .1 exceedingly lieree. . ."To come to the point you must either marry my sisii r. or " "What V" I gasped, tiding tny eyes up't; the countenance of the tan-coloied li-niale. who gave mean amorous glance at th.s point. ' , "Mftrry my sister, or I s!ioot you like a dog." ' . ' "Cho'isc," cried thu tsn-eolored ono. "And quick, too," ycllud the fai one, growing excited. ''I'il inarry her," I fiiHerrd. ''When V" Inquired the lady. ".Name the day yourself. Tho sooner the better." "This afternoon, then, r.t two o'cloek." "Ami meantime yeu' will remain a pri soner in one of tho "chambers," said the fat gentleman, "and your friend must bnve uo iutereoursii with you." "1 iibnilt." ' Very good," t aid tlio fut gentV-maa ; "aril pitvr follow hie.'"' He-'k-J ma to this room, brought, tny clotheri, nf d-loeked me ih. I have taken a bath since, end p.pi now dressed reiidv fr the execution or tj;e marriage cereiueny, rather, hhtill I ever sv.ryive it "lold lifirt 1 And vou, my sinews, jrrfsr not Instant old, Hut bear me stilDjr tip." I hear a footstep nt the door. My timo Is almost come. The fat gentleman enters, Adieu, my own Veloved Maria, Hdieu I Taee o'c'oct, P. -V. Thn ceremony is concluded, and still live. Truly. 'There's n 'divinity that shapes our end") Romh-bew tlicru how we will." The fat gentleman conveyed me. to his house, where I found his sister arrayed in her best, the minister and 'Williamson wailing for 13. 1 was' intr'0yt:cecr to th'j minister, nrd then Will'.atn'ion r.'ked nie if I was all ready, and I answered that I was. "Vou can take your place then, said the minister. . ..... .' "Piaee mc on the Uap, and draw the cp over my eyes." "The bdy isu't hero," said Williamson. "Yes, I am," auswercd a voice from tho door. I sprang forward almost crazy with as tonisiiment p.nd delight. " "Th.U vo'.cfj !" I cried, "that form, those eyes, t1:em nose I It is, it is tny own, tny datling Maria !"' "Vou bet I shn exclaimed, throwing her self into my arms. We kissed. And tiiis is your brother from Austra lia i1" I nsked. "Yes, love. And this is my sister ; but you are pot going to icarry her. We found out who you .wtre; by r.ini. of ' my letters which I found in yoTir 'sort, after your ab rupt departure this morning from my room." "Then it was your room that I entered not your sister's V" Exactly, l'ut don't make suel ainia tr.ke agr.i'n, tiiv de.;r."' "Won't I, thought V' . Then we took our places, and the mir.ieter mane us one iiesn. IhctHilKCCUa. freight Tro.sjorfitt ion Complete Hevoi vtiqx Iua from Jai'an to ii-:v louK is 1'okty-onb Uays Vali k of Tin: rAciFn; I'.Oau. . Coinmereial people cannot have tailed to rerui'.vl'. the complete revolati' iiot only in tho'Pietl'.od of transporting Tr'eig'nt ft'or.i one ocean to r.notuer, but i.i ttie lime occupied in thu transport, by tlie facilities supplied iu theorem railway lin. s unr.ir.iiug the coiilinet.t; An iirj'ui'ee i" point oc curs in the conveyance f.fthc cargo of tea brouubt liom Vokohn.iri bv-lhe shin j EiiujuUieiH to ban I-'rancisco. The oners j Messrs. A. A. Low iX Co., lelcgrai'ilied her captaui to Ktii iiooi oupiiu, m 1 1 no ruiii us fully lii-lci"., to sa.a t raucis iuster.d of .Nuiv Vork, as had bveu tuevijusly arranged. Arriving at the meLrono'.is cf California the entire cargo, consisting of eleven thou sand packages of te; wis imiuediatoly piaced abouid the Caiif'T'ila f.'.-t Height une, aud disoutehed to lu-iv York, beiu miti.iiy distributed at Chicago and other points by the way. A j,'i'.v.'n at the lima occupied iu this matter will be iiisU'Uciiva and give occasiou fur some iilleeiion. Tho sain v tsi i; ; IV i n Vole ..i i:n.i t o.m Friii ciseo was made lu ! days : i!io tii"' fioin anu I'ranciseo was to iew Vmk was 1 days : allowing iu ull only 11 days f u- afu I cargo tci.sigiicd'iu w.pau to be delivertd in'ew' i'ork. i'ro.u .Vow York to London i. say twelvodays, which would make tho tuna necessary lor a consignment to reaen Kug lau.l froin Japan but lilty-thrtc nays ull told. Mich liguns demonstrate mora puwurfuily thau any lreatii the marvelous progress ol'bciencu,"ihc Imuienae s ivin of luue, u Uu tlie 4,'icai ruvolu'ioti in tiio C'hi uesu und J.ipaui sii trade, elieeUd by tho constriK li ui of the. l'.ielta rondi. -Tho uuuext-d telegram shows still fuilhcr ho-.r near Jiosiou is to the Caui'oniia titns. It been slated that a cn.ignim ut has been received at Sacra inciito in llflecn days Iron: that city. It reads as follows : . (Copy) . "c;'.c:a"'.vnti, March 0. 1370 To ti TKulter'. Agc'nl Ci'".l'on.ia Fust Frelht I-uie, .No. K.'b liiou.lway, Js'aiw Voik :-k reigbl is cmnin ibrotioii from 'evv i'mk by your lino iu Si.veliUnU (17) nnd eighteen iHjilnti On 3 rousiunwut for Levi ftiuiiss A. v,'' ' recivl iu tiiux'o (lj;du)S from ikiatou. "A. K. Towne. ' General Suprrintf ndvrl (Vntrt laeiflc n k. The (ilxive ! proof si.X li nt of the caput . ilv and Itii.lluml lo Value of tl.i.' r.-ad N.viiitevn day IH'iii New Vork i4 life.!.. i ii.,.,,... 1....,.,, Li.lif,.ri.LvalnirtL irlil.ia i , r. T . i ... l . V . ldium dltaiii. or at lesai Us It V"' 'l. . .uuv - aubui b of llm t-t. Iii4tead if a i. . ri.(,i,inil.; i,i.O rui.a J Z i Horn ..r iiai.a.t aeros. the uTl.s.'. Armn?eim.iiH have txtu mad' '7 l.!ch ,u (.W(U wH'.t aivio. at -V' ''rk or lU tlu uun vbr..u:il . V. u:iai i lllbr,. Tl Ca,UI ., ' 6' r"-'l .1.1 ul.lv une iramr, ta ll 4 " -N .1lrf'ei ' ll.a ... . . ,T '""'O-'J.ltl,.! , if Vial a ' Jo . Ml.. alu.,1., !, , ,; ' I I . ' tt. i tif S'S . -4 'Am, te itr. tm iy
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