GTijc unb-;m U. B. MAHSFJU, Editor i' 3mcv(fan opnoto:. STVPrAY, 1, 18'(D. iloral 'l ffaivs. one nam ami woundim: four ntl Mill EMToni a t. cortmosPOKDENcn. I.STrJl.ATIO::Al, IIotei,, New Yo.iK, October CS, 1SI!2. J TVn: is mulling Vi liiclv surprists forit;n-ir-.i vl.'iliii-; this c" i;try fo much ii.-1 t lit prospuity, wealth and business, cvmiiln rc nppartnt, lifM withstanding nr are carrying en n war, tn n tl'- of tiuigidtude nni.l power, unparalleled in tin1 history of, the world. Tli truth is) the people of this country, though conscious of its vigor nnd rapid rtrowth, Vint no corccption of its immense resources and. its almost unlimited military powir, not only in its (-ipiicily to fcrni-h soldier-, I lit tin- munitions and appliances of war which modern -i nee an 1 mechanical inge nuity can produce. A liat madness and folly, then. In -p!it lutu fragments a na;ion which combines in il-cit' all the elements of power, happiness and wealth. At present New York is in the midst of a political campaign which is car ried on with great vigor. Tito friends of (ii 11. Wadsworth. tlic Union candidate, are confident of his election, not only on account of his popularity and worth, I 'lit because they feel that he represents the true patriot ism and intelligence of the country, in con tradistinction to the low dctiiftgngucism of cratty and leading politicians. On Satur day night I attended a meeting at the large e Lnilics of eu.iii.aii h:i I III- xh in v. tu knil pocks h i- tic soldiers, cut vbiniii yum, . cel ling nt Mrs. Duunels. Cjp" 8. E. BortR, Kstp. of lliii place hits been appointed Deputy United KtHtcs Tux C.lkeior fur thil county. Mr. Dover in nn energetic business nu,n,and will, no doubt, muko nn excellent officer. Tlic Ciittuwiwa I'liilroml Company is milking premriitii lis to rebuild their engine house lit Milton, v.hioh wns btlely destroyed ly lire. Z'Jj' Tl"' VVuchiiiKton correspondent of the I'liilii ilclpliiii liiipiircr, euys : llroiioi: Hi ssit.. iilioul twelve yeiirs of no, none hi re In look for ti if l.rolhor. who is n nieiiilier of lliu i irsl rcnievlviuiiii Cavalry, lie vviut picked up hy his piece were sarved tiiosl faithfully, his ! gnilnnt arliilei ists standing In their work nidi ! till only three were led to man his right piece, i he battery ot LiciHcn-iiil Cctt.iiiis. of the 1 liird regular art ill' i y , w u.s i.l.o bwliy cut up. Lach ol the serious losl ui.e. man killed and Hcvcn wounded. ;'"iin thii i! i- due t; theeiit rgy of Captain I'liUcr, ( hicf imiten. lifter of tlie ilepalt ii ii -iii, ir tlic in inner in which the tioops v.i re lorw ir led niiii dim inharkcil. c c.'ipc liiion i.nd despatch liuve nuvor niuni , I', sim! I m mseUes in this Tlcinity. As 1 have s.iiih wo have ffaincd a victory, lint at a tearful cost. The expedition did The brigade of General Terry was nt once not n suit in the muteritil success which was thrown forward, nnd in iifew Momenta from . hoped lor it; hut of our troops, who, crowd the opening of the hut tie, were actively en- cd on shipboard, were deprived of rest ; who gaged in assisting tlcncral Uranium's troops, j marched the next day ten miles nnd fought The Third .New Hampshire and Serrcll's , the enemy six hmus who returned hungry, engineers were held in reserve, ittul tnougli thirsty, worn and wearv, and who to-day ini'ou r.tvr l itovi rut; abjiv Ol' 'I'ilK IDTOMAl'. A ditivrnt Motenient Along; tho 1 liol Acidic Tnkcfl through the day these troops were under severe lire, they escaped almost entirely without injury. The rorly-M'veuth 1'cnn Rjlvania and Fourth New lianip-'liire, Wliich stipporteii Henry's guns in the advance, were terrilily t-hatleled. The former lost nn,: hundred and l'ortv, and the hitler about fi'ty tome of llio' imlrolnun wliile wnmlerins the ; Killed and Wounded. The liiiltrcH cnibl;u e trei't'.inn sn Hi i lie- unit eiiiiaeueii i-nniniion. iiiim nn their ml ire casim ties, but the oleater Hot - ! V.iV I....H I tion of them is due to the I'nrious tire w hich ! mm I'vn ... . . I li.'irt'tv reenieri'il Inmi n n-vere til of siikin lives nl unluirv. I'll., mill his frii'ims flu nflir hi in He is nt tliel'entnil duiinl llrniso. !" "'.v ''' 1 1,1 Hi rc Iri'fte'.l in Mifllin coun ! ty. C v '' l'ow'-r. K'.. i lioirof the MiiniKikin lli: ' .vi e, low lately been reeruilins '" Snyder county , forllie ItTili Ib'iinenl I "it . A'ljlunteeM. i'j V. (ilnr.lnrf, ("Hi of Mr. Samuel flherilorf. of I'pper Aiiu-tn ton-liip. w Im litis lieen in the nrmy t'rr si'ine time, died nt the Hiai '.-hiun hospitiil, on J'ufM.lay of Inst week. lli remuins were brought home l.y his futlur, mid followed to its Inst resting place. ly u Inr.irc eoncoiiite of friends nnd relaiives. tie was tt young lntiu niueli eH-eiued hy nil who knew him. fell so suddenly among them as the lonlliel commenced. After the rebels had assumed n second position, our ammunition had become par tially exhausted, and our lire was in n mea sure moderated, but as the enemy invariably redoubled their exertions ns we slackened ours, another advance was made. The rebels resisted stubbornly, but were again forced back, and took up a third position at the iron bridge across the l'ocotaligo. ha'f a mile this side of the village. In this contest Colonel Chatlicld. of the Sixth Connecticut, fell, struck by a Minnie ball in the hip. Shouting to his men to uo on and do as well are busily ic-embaikiiig, I think too much cannot be raid in praise. They have ntiswcr ed the niosl ardent expectation of their ci'intnaiidi rs. Another expedition win on the tapii, in which troops now at Mackrtyl'oiiitwercto participate. Whether the fatigues of yester day will de'.ay another and more important movement remains for Ucueral Mitchell to decide. .Sit 1"J r- O II (Til 1 K I'll II 4 MmcII'b CoimiinnOt Waubixctox, Oct. C4. Mnjor-Gencml Ttosuerans has been ap pointed to succeed lien, lbicll in Kt -mucky. Thi is certainly a iood clianm and one To Connnmpltvcn, rrITE Artverliprr, hnrlni; been rrsi'or. A tn lirnltti 1 lu n lew wf' ks. tr n very simple cessl'ul in Western Virginia, in Tennessee. and no one doubts his good lortune w ill tul low him in Kentucky. Hilton Hi:ai. S. C, Oct. 21. -The olfi cial list of killed and Wounded in the late light shows our loss to be less hcay than I snppos-'d on yesterday, w lieu I forwarded from Mnckiiy's Point a hurried estimate of our casual! ies. My account of the battle was necessarily hastened, from the fact that the Circa -siati w as under sailing orders : but she had been tletitined. and 1 am able to send you to-d.iy a I'iiU record of the engagement which I omitted in mv di -patch of yester day. The content, riirhtly named, might be cull ed the battle of I'raniiilon and Pocntalino CALTrMOitu, Oct. 27. An evening pnper received tho following despatch from lieilin, Maryland, this eve ning ; The movement of General Hums'idc across the Potomac at llcrlin, of which you were informed yesterday, though it has not been followed by any immediate general advanco of our forces, is undoubtedly an initial move ment of that long promised activity on the part of the army of the Potomac, which we nil uniin u rii ii.-iii Hiritiii.,1 iii r i inn il . .. . . .... ....... j. ... ..Q - a leinale ntiuontr. Lou ,tance v Hson, lias mosi aggennK oiow , Wm 8entcn-wJ tl) tll..llh in io-uay uiere i.asueei. oo.i.ove.i.e.H nulr(k.rifr ,,v ,,,, s,, a,1lnillist. r, d youa (jrauuaiouiiieav, icmiorecmenis. ol t.(:,ic-um, and it is bcMevcd has, like c.ic.ui i, ...i3.ue ,,. ...c- ,s , e ; l)mollarl. fiilled a cemetery bv her crimes taken on the lrguna side ot the Potomac, ; . ., , . ' . near l.o'.cttsville. Infantry and artillery (it ! yi A IS It I A i: S " will not do to siiv in w hat lutmber) have ; - J- - . '' hem moving in that direction until it is evident that tlic movement is no mere ro- connoi-,sance, the left win it will be observed, brings our left wing, which was previously in the rear, 'or nearly linvinif fler'-d ei verni vt-ai-w i h a m i e ititiu hf- tecli"li, nit'l till, l it rend it iense, f Viitr.ii ti i fit i',n is anx ious to niiikn known to liis f'-ll-.w -fullis the lui'.-tnn nt euro. Tn.llvl,. ,le:r,. tl 1,,. i. Ill r.1 ....v ,.r that meets with almost Universal tavor ill i jii-csci iption used i tree of eli-n -), w i!h I he 'lirt-etioni this City, the onlv (lisnpiiroving Voices being ' for preparing and uihl; the mih. whieti Iht r witt Huell's immediate friends or those who are I r"' Sciin CrnE f,r (oxsimi-tion stmm i. Cm,. , , . ; rniTis, Ac. l ie oulr ol.peto I i -Adv r iser in Secessionists at heart. (.Ion. Rosccrnn has ; t.niil)' ,hp Vri,t,r;,l ,. ,1, ,M1,.,- lC ,. iirovcu flimscu vv in ute uim amw n' ni reu-1 inloriiiiitlon whn-li lie coiKt i to i,e .nviiii; energetic soldiere of the War. lie W HS sue- ; bio, nnd lie hopes every sutlercr will uy his reim-dy, In Tuibutvillc. on the tilth in-t.. bv lh-v. Mr., I.ieut. P. H. SriMtr.Yr.u to Mi.- e, but in reality an advance of ; j,,;, ip . u j,,', of Miltn g ol the army. This movement I , . m. . . . ; y Take C'aiii; of tiikik Famii.iks. As w inter is fast iipproiu-hin. every tato sh"iild look to their neighbor's fnmily. who hatt pone lo fiirht In ertisli tlii wicked n lii-Hi'Hi. that thev lire not in want. Ma- hall of the Cooper Institute, which Was t fly persons have been dratted who ean illy iifVord to densely Ducked Willi perhaps five thousand I leave their lioines and families. Thero are many persons, every available spot in the commo dious hall Vicing occupied, to hear what a number of Southern gentlemen had to say ! about the conduct of the war. The meeting ! was one of great enthusiasm, both on the part of the speakers and the hearers. Col. j Hamilton, of Tvxaa, the Kev. Mr. Carter, of j Tennessee, Thomas ,1. Tioynton, Ksq., His- trict Attorney of the I'nited Stctes for the ' Southern Didrict of I'lorida. and Mr. Hove. ' of Mississippi, made switches. They sus tained ,he Proclamation of t'iie President. Miu took the giound that a peace without the abolishment of shivery was impossible. Compromise v-as impossible. There were thot'sands of Union, men in the South dt si roiti of ligiiting for the I'r.ion, upon whom untold cruelties had lain indicted, they longed to be free to l-e protected by the folds of the Stars and L ripci. The !at fn'tti was well-filled, a large number of clergymen of till denominations being pre sent. Colonel Hamilton is a.i able speaker, and was formerly a member of Congress from Texas. He siiited that ho was a Southern man by birth, a slaveholder and a Democrat. But much as he was interested in slavery, when he felt that the perpetuity and pros perity of this once glorious country depend ed upon its abolition, he was willing to sec the manacles of every slave on earth knocked off. lie thought the time had arrived when this should be done ; that the present eon test was -whether this country should be ruled by an aristocracy of slaveholders or L-y freemen. He denied indignantly that the so-called democracy id' the South ever were Ie;'.nH r.:;-, end as-i-rtcd that all th'-ir ui , a... I Cw'.uu- i nci" at variance with c-vt.-y l..icijlc (.4 such I 'cr'.o.-ni'-;." as v. ; , i V 'ishc 1 h ,1- ;Vi i-ioti wid .be.ks'iu. If our pympalliir.:.'"- , iiit i'i" ai-.'u-r-and abttloisof B'-'Cf-sion could have heard the-e Southern inea reeout.t the horrors nnd sufferings which they endure. 1, f -r standing by the flag of their country, they would, perhaps, feel ashamed in their attempts to palliate or distressing cases of poor lntiorers with large families, nnd some with sickly wives mid nfllieti d ehihlren. who will row proluilily he left in ade-'litule condi tion, or with scarcely sulfa .-lent means to drive olT hunger ami cold. With these wo deeply -ympatliizo ' served. uiid commend llc-ir eases to the con-i'uleration of lie. i nevolent and patriotic neight ts. The families of those j men must he attended lo. and they must not he per- 1 Initteil tosaflVr for the necessaries of life, duriiig the j uosenceof their hii-hands and fii'icrs. who have liccit ' cull el aw.iy to npiiold the tlov eminent and put down ! treason and rebellion. Tliis duty rests upon llioso i who remain at home, whieh no one po-.-issing the ltii-t .ci:ei-"sity. huiiiaiiily or intriotisia can wel' shirk. I I mii t:i i I as they had already dune, he gave up his I Itrid'c, tor at the former point, indicated coniniaml to tlTc senior ei'ptain l.ieutt tiant Colonel Spidell liai ing pre iou-lv been di-a-blcd by a bullet in the arm, and was carried to tho rear. At the bridge the rebels made another desperate stand. In artillery they were much the strongest, not less than twelve pieces playing upon ih. while our own artil lery consisted of but four Parrot t guns and three boat howitzirs from the Wabash, brought tip by the Paul Jones. These pie -i s were under the command of I.ieut. Pho-nix. of the flagship, ami were most beautifully The conduct of the brave tars w ho manned them, ami especially a youtlitul midshipman named Wallace, filled our sol diers '. !th enthusiasm. While the rebel tin was hottest Mr. Wallace led his men forward and sent a number of shells among the enemy. Three of his men ere wounded, and he w as called in. The Fourth "New Hampshire Volunteers, which, till vc.-tcrdav. was never under sevi re lire, he'o made its mark upon the enemy, i !v a da-hing i h.ii-L'e. in wliifh thev were: AV A 11 IMBMMS'l'AVr I'irOTI I'AIS.Jl.l.Vt. Till: ATTACK t.N TilK CHAlHJ'.SToN AM) SAVANNAH KAII.lioAl). r! v-scvcntl d the r-beN. t'.rivir: Tlie ctr. in1' at one 'urc i ( n. ipir up t!i it,, ah ; h." t ii -tie work ! the po -.'.t ility ..I :,,! A BLOOD V AND OBSTINATE BATTLE. suppo-ted by the po nia. thev again '"oi '. tie in acros. the brid: tleslroyid this s-ru laid imr and pithing and placing it beyon l.ieili itc repair. T'ne light bisteil from noon till in arly ; i o'clock. Slowly but sieai'ily tin- rebels had been forced back, until it was now I eyontl our power to pursue them further. The whistling of locomotives ami the dalle of trains. In hering to the station i los on tin-miniature map I sent you. the ene my made their strongest stand, while nt the latter we accomplished the work of driving them across the strt am. When the enemy were driven from tluir lirs t stand point, they hit behind them two caissons lilted with ammunition. It wa sent back to theni from the boat howitzer of the Wabash, and proved to be our salvation at I'lampion's. Had w e bet n enable to avail our-clw-s nt this nio-t opportune be.pu-st of the nl.els we would undoubtedly have bt en compelled to retire, inasmuch as the ammu nition of I.ieuts, Henry and liilliii'js had become exhaie-it-il, nnd we were lighting some eight i.r nine mih-s distant li"iii sup-pli.-. PrhaU- jiiek, of the I'irst nrliihry. per formed a iim-l ptviscworthy act during the eniiageinent. A shell from t he enemy '-guii-lodged in one of our ammunition t hesis. At the risk of his lite he seized and thing it away, ,'iinl was wounded by !h'- ph-.-iona.-it fell from his hands. We caiitlil'iil sewn pri .ui i -, four ot Pcnnsvlva- i whom we,e taken bv iollt .!-i I "Pi nr. i IV , under Aciiui :ht. Tln-ir le :,l.ew i !' oi ri 1 I'.-i i.'ive; Ma ti si-s- V i.ppr, holg m the Paul r iniioii' I. before ci-" a!-n b'if.::'ed. oaeli. an I .e;e i) :C.!l ral .u.i Tc .- re! . I - w T. Ulll il I 111 11 loin I excuse the treason of the vilist miscreants and most ungratcfiil seoundrel.i that cer disgraced modern civilization. One thing seems to be certain, and that is, slavery is doomed. This seems to be the opinion North and South. That it has been a curse and a fire brand, quietly but gradually working the destruction of the Tiiion, cau Eot he denied. liusincss lure is generally brisk, excepting , about eleven among those who previously relied on Sou- 1 lst. OAI.l.ANT COM'tTT OF Tllli 1MO.N SOl.PILUS AMI f Ml.OKS. Iroiu the New York Herald. The United Stabs steam transport P.ri -s-son. Captain Limber from Port lioyal "Jlth inst., ii'rivid at this port hist night, bringing the details of the attack of the Union forces on the line of the Charleston and Savannah Kailroad. The details may be found in the . subjoined correspondence. I M.ukay's Point, 15i:oad llivictt. S. C. ) J October 2:1. " 1 I have lo write you of aiiotlitr hard fought battle. The brigades of (Jens. Prannan and . Tt rry encountered the enemy yesterday at a point about four miles from l'ocotaligo. on the Charleston and Savannah Kailroad. 1 'J'hev loUied the rebels from their position, 'ro.c I'leiii back, pushed them aero-s the P.a otaligo river, t lie enemy ties! nn ing the bridge as they retired, thus prevent ill" further chase. The contest resulted ill a ietoty for our troops, pireha-;cd, however, at a fearful cost. The expedition whose history I am at j tempting under many disadvantages to record had . this for its object : First, a oom ph tc lvconnoisanec of P.road river, together j with its tributaries, the l oosawalchie, the Tulilinny and tlie Pocot a I i l'o ; second, to ', test practically the rapidity and safety with which a landing could he effected ;"third. ! to learn tlie strength of the niemy on the , main land guarding the railroad between ! ( harlcston and Savannah ; fourth, to at coin ! pUsh so much of the destruction of the rail ! road as could be dune in a shule day. I The land and naval fort es participating ! in the movement saihd from Hilton Head lit I 1 o'clock on the night of the tbern trade. The hotels are. as usual, ! pretty full, and none more prosperous than ! the "International," under the management of the Messrs. (iilsons. This house posscs bes all the (pint and all the comforts of home in a greater degree than any hotel I have ; known. The proprietor attend to every- 1 thing in person, ami nothing is neglected that will add to the comfort of guests. The otitcitil vote for Congress in this district is as follows ; Patterson 3,!i."i0 rauphiii, Juniata, Union, Northumberland Snyder, 1.5.VJ ii.O'.KJ 1,53 10.10'J Mill t r ma.ioiity. Miller. I). 3.4'.i:i 1 .f.s;t I, 1(10 II. OSt l,!i4 10,lO'J j.'l I.ATKsr News. The news from the Army of the Potoniac, although limited, is satisfactory. No further advance has been made at least, none is reported. The rebel General Lee, instead of retreating down the (Shenandoah Valley to Staunton, is stin ti force between Winchester and liuuki r 1 I'll, unit, a he is known to havt sent all ,U sick and superfluous l ag";.gc lo tl.t n ir. it i-t-xpectetl he is '! -jcu in for a battle with Oneral MeCh Hon, u hich ct cut c.ioaot now ho long delayed. The r. : cut i.,o'e., :.t of tieticral lluriiside n.orc siaifc.nit i'mii ,a lilsl kJpposed. Ill it our left wii.g is plia t tl ill a more eligible position, and II. e ri I4 1 IhtllK of the It-bill is- , 1 ioiisly t'un alei.e I. lbll this believed Hot to li.n i- ii, ( u t he on' y it isi.iifor thif nine, I,., i,t ,.f 1 ;L-ui.- p.uni. i h; It is j'eiii r:J!y I i lii v.-d 1 but Lu- h i, lini'ied Lis urui) iiiio t-, .,; ,r,in,,, . one lo bt eomii aii K I by J.ic!, son and the other by Luii;'tivi I. .In'k.oll h.t I bi ill dell' hed f.rtl.epui posU of t russing the lllui lildt- by the j. .1 ) nt Front Jtoyul, uud tin 11 iinireli to Ct i.tre- iile uud iiiuupt eti ill v fttll upon ige eorp tt 1. I i n h uvor to difi ut it. Hut (ieiit M lltllan has, b) 111,11 inj Uim lijlil Willi, liuier t.i lur.d Ibllllside, to .ot tuvillii, 1 Maekev's Point, which we P ached shorllv before daylight, is at the continence of the llroa I and l'oeolaligo rivers, and has been for seviral months occupied by a strong picket of the enemy. Its distance from Hilton Iliad is tw cuty four miles, while the village of Pocotalig'i lies about 1 levi n miles lo the northwest. I'roni the point to the village the road leads through fertile cotton lands and cool, shade groves, past a few line their plant .11 ion mansion.- uud neat negro 1 planers ; ' yet the lands were neglected, tlie dwellings were thscrteil. nnd only the tramp ot the cheinv's videttes. it set ined, had prevented the obliteration of the narrow path. Over this road, at an early hour, the bri gade of (iciicral Uranium took up its inarch, the artillery of Lieutenant Henry in the advance, supported by the Forty-seventh Pennsilvania, ami follow etl by the Kiftv-tifth I Pennsylvania, the Sixth Connecticut and i the Fourth New Hampshire. Close behind followed Ocneral Terry's command compri 1 sing the Seventy-Sixth Pennsylvania, the j Seventh Connecticut, the Third New llamp ' shire and the New York Volunteer F.ngi ' lieers, preceded by n .section of Hamilton's batten, under Lieutenant (iittings. Your correspondent accompanied the Scvciitv sixth Pennshaui:i reeiim-nl, inarching 'a portion of the di-taiicc by tin- side of ( apt. Hamilton, whose death' J am tricved to S'lllI I'lllticllllll-W of llie I',ll";Slt IIK'lll. hatul Irish troops troni ( harlcston, were distinctly heard. Night was l.a-tening on. Altliough piepar.itions were made by the engineers to provhle a crossing, it w a de termined to have the lit 1(1. To (icneral Terry wa- given the ("tiduet of the retreat. It was made in the ino-.t ailiiurab.e order, each regiment pri-erim its line ami covering itselt with honor as 11 retired, no le-s than in the trying unhid 01 the nltcriioou. (iiiieral and ( ii n. Tt rrv t t tht ll-eles delighteil with the conduct ol' the troops. They W ere .-tt adv. ti 'le and brave. I know the troops arc satisfied with their generals; and 1 have yt the i'irst word prejudicial to tie. conduct of any olliecr upon the lield. ('aiaaiu Lauooit, Captain t'orgell and !.ii 'itctiaM .b iuia'oie. of Prannan's stail', ami ( apt. liacon. Lieut. 1 Terry, and Lit utcn.iu' .bunt:, of the .-a:l' of (.icneral Ten y, wen eou - .ieiioits thr. .ug'.n ait the light, but 1 -coped unhanatd. ' If hi.ty losses may indicate o i!la--.t ry. t lie ; palm may be giv u to Colonel tin-n's 10, Lie 1 regiimnl, the l'.irtv -scvcutii I'i nnsylv'aiiia . volunteers. Upon this. command the brunt i of the battle fell. Out (if mill who went in!,. 1 action, nearly loll wen' killed or w oiin-e, 1. All of the Iwystone troop-did splendi-My. as did t'nc ( onnccticiil Volunteiis, under. Chatlicld and I law Icy. A company of the First .Massachusetts cavalry, which map hcil from Ueaufort to Uroad river, arrived upon , the ground too late to pailii ipate in the action. One of the numb, r was wounded. the gunboat M..rbleliead, 011 vvliit li 0:!n ofl tht: Third Phoile Island were traii.-porit d, j got aground in Uroad river, and these I troops in con-ei pie nee did not get up in j time to take part in tlie oallle. I ompaiiy M. of that ri-eiiui-nt however, wa. in the advance, under Captain Cuinsinck. Its) c-eape with the h-s of but two men is I remarkable. W hen the lleht commenced Pr. Haily. of the Forty-seventh I'eiin-ylvania, was placed ; in charge ol the hospital. un the wounded men were brought in. 1 could not ! but notice the kind attention he I e lowed1 upon Iheiii. In the care of tlie -uilerers be ' was ably a--i-tt d by r. Sehail. of the Sev. i elity-sixth Peuii -1 ivania ; Ir. Merritt. of tlie ; Fifty tilth, and Dr-. Porter ami .Mt l'lellan i of tlic t oillieclieul Volunteers. Tlii morning the woundid are being; takwi to Hilton Head. Thcycaiitiol number i less than four hundred. The lioston has nearly one hundred on board, and will have at ten o'clock. Captain .Johnson is attend- j ing in person to their wants, and the maim- i eii ami lucciimg soiiiu rs mm 111 111c otiieers of his ship the w armest hearts and tenderest fsyinpathies. Those who go 011 board the lien Ileford fare ipiitc as well as Captain Hallct's hiimls. The force of Col. reirtoii. coiupr'tsing four hundred nnd fitly men. of the forty eighth New York Volunteers, and one eonipanny of the Third Lhodc Island nitillcry, nndir Captain (ioulil, had also an import tut doty to perform. An the force which your cor respondent accompanied moved toward l'ocotaligo, the steamer planter, with the above force was despatched lip the Ctiosa watchie. The Planter, together with the nt the fact that an atttmut on the nart gunboats Vixen and P itronn. penetrated of Captain Oray, of tue Seveinh Coniicetieiit, I nearly to the tillage, and landed a portion to bag the picket at Mackay'i. din ing the ! f t licit- troops. The latter were ju-t in time night had resulted merely in surprising them, I intercept a train of three platform and il was that tic eiuiuy had tiliu Iv notice t'l,vv" pa enger cars, befit with I'oop-. I in- appma. h, and v.ould be pieparcil for us which had been tehyraphi d f r from Poco i:i -tio.ig force. We met hi 11 at noon about 1 'align, and were on their way to that point, -ivdi 11, lie, out. 'lie n-1,,-1, h.ul i.laliolit d ! ' ol. Carton opened upon lli.s ti,,iii with ti Id artillery on eilhtr side of the road at miull iirius uud witli grape from a boat I I 1 .- I umit of a -I'mlit iim en! In 1 h v, to. 1. ! how itor. and killed and Wounded from we ,-rc coiupt llcl o eros, an open lield twenty live to folly of the fori c- among j : ...I a i.aiio v 1 aiisiwny. Ib-if, us th,. Furtv- them the engineer. The PlaMtr and the! s 1 1 i.t I; IViiii-v 1 v imia came up, the enemy Patroou shelled the ton n, w bile a pai ly of ) Hiri I into us a fearful lire of grape and Forty eight h went ii-lmiv rnel tlc-troveil j -i.i iiot l, vv bielt was promptly answered by the lailrotid and telegraph, tearing up the I o :r luu-kelry. Lieutenant Henry's artillery track and lie., and bringing oil about u also pn -.-cd forward at great spied, ami got 'inarb r of a mile of the wire. They al-o o close to the u i m I s us lo play upon them captured one prisoner froiii the train. The c if 1 1 11 a 1 ly with grape and (a'lilii-ler. A litter was imiui ili.tlcli stopped, and all te.iui the bail opened, 4. lu I the echoes of artillery Wu l'"1 on for Savannah, gi. w nn. ic I'm, m ill, our boy pressed on Tin arrival of In uvy arlilhry compelled with liners wire caie-hl no l.vilie l ol llm 1,1 l.ill I..l in . i ... el-tin- 1 1 ! u ui 11 . and in It II liiiiiuti s the lebi Is by the du-lrilclii.n of blidge.. as be eiire., I h id Im a for. id I'ioiii their po-iiion. 'Jluy In- prevented il. pur.uit. f,.w f il'tiu..' n il ouch laming in tlu-y wciil, our troop, mv iiibiiu ry loll. iwni him, hk ulking ulong i rovvding Hu m ul udisl.ti.i t of it mile and a the woodv shore, and iiniiiiliiiiiiug u Vi-.xe- h- r u ki t of mil' kclry. Thev wt r- driven Jhe nUI lire was from (he hist well mil by the Patroim, uhii h find lint h- (lilttled olid wt 11 maintain. ,. hv,i hot tlun 1 I ails among t in in. The i r Il.l.. I . . . . .i ; i . ... . .1 "'""y i.i-i"oi which u .?. .v'v.,uwi ;n. "y. .,vA,,'.,',; r , i f , jt . i ii(iitwp ut UitllH 4 j lllilllMIIM, 'l III' I II I 'I III!' 1 I II J n t i I M I , Ulhl .0 nv.f th... ,1,.,.',,, .f the l.l.nd i,,o h , ,xp..'l.. iq ll:wl. ..,,. I I! i,..,uM-Hv un', bis "' tut bi ct I. n iiti iijiit l r - ,-u". t. '!.. . .l.stl, i st arrivid Iroiu e re! i 1- ill pel -oil nt pn-the The I'ni. t:i i i - v. re un.b i lirig. (iemral .!. M. lh.mti.i.;. being second i I eonn.ia'l. I. TI, coiiiii'.auile.l by Colonel W aik' arrival at bridce. w lg i I'.eaureoid, who had ju at Charicsioii. couiaiamlcd th Tln-i: facts I learn from an intelli soiier w hom 1 met last evening. The navv, which was repn senl. . I in liirht by l.i.-ut. Ph.eiiix. and lai-i lac. A da ii is and Piersoii. with tin hie drilled "iinncr-. wa- under coi-ini and of : Captain S; Im:i:i. and rendered valuable. only in trau-poi ling troops.: but in prob'. t'uig their houiitig and th par ; Pare. 1 tlcncral Terrv r.-iuaim-d on shor--' i.t ! Maekav's Point Until the last mail had re-i e-.iil.arked, wlnnthe bi.ildings. vvhit h had! bei n occupied by the rebel pickets, w ere I I. red and ue-tr.-w -1. One of the nios'.s ii-efi'l men who ;. "-t e "sixth r.r. y i .op- 1. : p ;r. ifd tlie I -ui h-r ol' the 1 more th-!". Wound '1 tn ; The f, ll.e , cd ill Co. 0. ( : en. P.rannau i Ki'.lcd.- P:- bert. Peter V.oif. I Peter llaupt. in ar.xl l tin w a : ' ( 'ol.-- S.-.ia (' Ii Ii i- rnriu in lc! board the ti an-j ,v ing are kiit-.'-l a:.- . Captain lo b.'-: . -i : .lie- "'... '. r V. ., I VV..I1.. - -,, : Corpond in in a straight line with the centre, and all the distance from Pleasant Valley to Lovctts ville, nearer to the enemy. In this respect it will be seen that the movement was a necessary preliminary to placing the army in a position for an advance, whilst it docs not in the hast betray the plan on which that advance is to be finally made. From Lovcttsv illc (ieneral liurnside threat ens cpially the rebel liank at Winchester and, their line of communication via Front Koynl. I (ten. Ihirtisi.le's forces arc m.t-.-c.l in the vicinity of Lovcttsvillc j Our cavalry and light artillery, under (ten. Pleasanlon, are reported to have occupied j Lee-burg last night, the rebel cavalry loree there retreating before our advance, but we i cannot now verify the report from any cue i acquainted with the facts. In relation to the rebels vte have numcr- , ous u ports, all tt nditig tootle conclusion.' that tin. main portion, if no IN he entire army have fallen back b.-voiid Winchester. The , fact mat be .-aid to be certainly istablished, that tln-v have' desi-ried the line of the Po 'vin -ic. mil an-neither to be found in Charles, town or Martin-burg, nor Shepherd-tow n. l'arii.g days ol last week, il hasbei-u their practice usually before a retreat, they -Imweil lliciiivho- in strong force in vari ous point-of our lines, and their pickets were ikhoisly belligerent, tiring at any and cvt i ;'i';e-r On Saturday nil tli. -e demon siritioa ee-i-. d. and their picket-di -appcar-i cd entirely from our front. I le l'ugce, from Winel'.e: ter are also r. poi f j t d to have come vv il bin our lint -. and stated ; Pi: I their town had evacuated lo the . n- lay. who were retreating towards Mann- lull. I ::'; c il "u'v a . a n port. It i.. the v erv g, :,. ral b.-iiel hov. ever, that (Jen. Lee i- liiahbi-.'. fa-t lime tow ap Is I inn lensv iile, and that the main portion of his army is ait civ well advanced in that direction. lAervthing is i putt i at Harper'- I'erry, cx ccpt the bii-le and stir incident to the pre sence of a large body of lie n. Not w ith-taiuiing the predictions that hav e been almo.-t daily made for a wtik past of an advance of the force-on Colivnr nnd s id- j Man lend Heights, lliw an: yet tpiiet at l llmra- ! tfo ie telit-. ele-a-'i d witii milliner more iin. portatil than the usual duties of camp life. I'he nien. inv igoiatoil bv a bracing north west i r. appi ar in the finest health and spirits. It is admitted that the army is now fully prep ired lor ml't nsive inov etneuts. ami the (irest ut ipiiet, tin-It fon . i-iean-!,i. thi.l'.'. Our outposts in tlii:. direction h.u'..' been in Ibi'ltown for several days. and. it i- ia sonahh: to eonelude, now held Charles- ! tow n. The Whciit. live, Corn, Out-. lluek heat, rinxseed, Clnvcrrced, Potatoes. Inied reaches, 8UNBURY 0 on f 1 b't a 1 r,2 ,.. .'.a $ M SI nn .'.a MARKET. bw. lilllltT, Till low, bur. I, Pork. Ilicoii, 1 1 11141. Shoulder, lU-esivlix. Plied Applets. it Mill cual (hem n-jtUiu, uud limy prove n ble nt Pnrtiei wislnns tho nr." ah it ion will pi tn e u J -dress ;i:v. l.PW All I A. M I LS' iN, W iililllll-i.lltL. Nov l.lsf.2 H.n KiiiKs Coiin-.y. N Vol!;. 1 7VIH l!Y .!' AllbHl. rXMlV. S-LNPI ' It V AOAPl.MY will l.e opened on 1. the first Mondny of .NoveiuLer, P o J 1L1T10N l'KK (if AUT1.U. .titv-etiih' s.-holiirs. do I-ailisl. bl-.-llieli-s. .f tin S ii'ii'.'t-s 1411-1 higher Muilo-milies, .'. dtt l.ngum5t.'S, ti uo M lllli'PbS. Pi iit'-ipul Suiil.iiry, Nov. 1, ln)2. IlEIMSTREET'S litiiiiUaltlc Iliitr Ct.'-loi'iit Ue. iT J.-' NOT A I.Vi;. I. 'It ie-!.re- '.Trill- llinr let ll- oli :ii:,t c.lor l.v ii;nlv HI 12 0 t!.'i $1 lu Xi;W ADVERTISEMENTS. i mi -r.-.l til. J'.i-.-t .'ill'.-i c irnt : art 'l-: IV 111 i; h IVi r Fink, leg; Corporal Samuel S. II. unit, fie, Privates "r II. IbliilU'ton, leg: .1 .I n l;.i;-t low. leg: .breii'iah Haas, l'ice and l-r.a-t Conrad Ih.hnan. face: Tli' . I. na- Kn-hl.faci O'i.i-. I.t lib r. Ic' : Michael L-irkins. -i ic at-,, hip; I iicii ii 1 1 O loiurke. -ide: .la-. I'. Khine leg; Thomas Latiirard. body. I'l'OEIl (at'tl. -1(- ll-!;il(- W .VSlllM,'! ON. niioi-ance from Oem The re." i command ' rebel ( it'll nu n ami s Anothir to L it -burg K-eoveicd Mumford is tin re. w i mie artilii ry. Iceoiint.i-aiice to Tin : cl. 2ii. ral N'...l'- that tht It l,-"ell, Cap di-eovei'ia Laltiinolc. The em my i con-istiug of and nit ilh rv. l.'lit ire i vv I a small rein 1 lon e at N 1 ai.-o fi potte eav ali v at Wen -ollle ill Uloll U.ttv record. LFo II vi:ri:n's I'r.itiiV. ( -1 . tickets ili-appeared froai our the The fe lloul !a-t :i'.!it. I he evidence- t la enemy i- mov ing towards ( hirdonsi iih multiply. Km- four day- larue wagon trains have been leaving iuelu -It r. and large cainps have bet il cslabli.-hcd at l'roet IIov at. W VslUNt.Ti.N, ( let. 2V The rebel- are generally believed to be rapidly retr.atini.' southward. Tin ir pickets have disappeared in front of our lines. They evacuated .Martin-burg, after de-troying the railroad property. Tin: w.iis i .Mitosoi hi. V ikii her ISiitilc ui l a liUIgc. W Asiiim, Ion, Oct. 2"). The following : : was icceivid at the head iplarter.s id the army to-tla , : - j si-. Liu is. M,t Oct. 21, isi!2.-To Major Hallcik, Ceneial in t hief :-( im : arms are cut inly successful aga'ui'-l North , west .rkan-a-. ( s. h. -field, lin.iing j that ihe enemy had encamped at I'ea ltitlgc, I si lit (ieticial iiluiit, with the first tliv i.-ion, wtstward, and moved towards Hunt-ville , with the rest of hi- forces, (itti. Uluiit, l.y Making a hard night's march, leached and i at l at kul the e I.t 1 fori t nt Man sv iile, mar the northwest cumr of Arhan-i'-. ut ; o'clock A. M.. on the Ad inst. j I'he i lu my w as uiutt r cto t r. i liinatcd at sonic "tlitl'l to "l.;ill strong. The uu ill la-ted about an In in. and resulted in the ! total r. 'ill of tin' ciieine, with I he hi of all . hi- artillery, a l ulliiy of six pounders, a i large number of hoi-. j, uud a portion of 1 In ir, camp ami garri.-oii (lipagi". Ourcavalrv ami light howit.cis were :-till in pursuit ol' Ihe scattered forces. When the lot cneer left, our lo-- vv a-small, dill. .N hotichl pin. -.tied the IJcbeU through Mavsville, and bcjoiitl Hillitsv iile. Coining ( lose iipci. him, the cuciiiy lle. piecipitatcly bcyoiid the l!oloii .Mount. iins. All the orgalii.ed licbcl forces nf the West have thus been dlivcli bat k t i the valley of the Aikaii-iis river, ami the army of the frontier has gull. Hit ly uud lit eessl'lill V iiecolnplislied li. i i in is, in ol v .-t.-r.iav i "i:::. 1 up la-t ni'-lht in a turi-n -lorin nf rain and wind thai wa- si verely felt in camp oocupving ep"-eti po.itioir. on the snmiiiit mid sidi- i ; of li'c mountain. On Itolivarani! Maryland .1- ; llcb'ht'. the -to mi r.i'.'i.d with such fury that tent- wife ov iTturiu ,i ami u'eti torccd to a midnight bailie vv it h I he eh nit nis. -U w ithstail. fiiL' the considerable iptauli ly of la'n that f.-'.l yestertl.vy and lu-t idrht. ! t!a river has Lceii but litth-'t tt. . 'teal thereby. Tlie water has Ml t ri.-tn over a foot, au.l , w agoiis i -ro-.- tin. lord at the ferry to-day. willed tlillieulty. The rain will r-ola'-, tend to the facilitate than retard any niovv nieuls that may be in coti!em)ilat inn. l ii.ler the influence of the lui'ht s'liishine and dry ! wind that ha.- foH'U'.td, il will hai.lcii j ( ila-road-, i. lid place in first late con I di'.ioti. .ludiriug the coiiditiou of the army by' j what 1 have -i en of il there and at Sharp--biir;.'. I our men in re never in a liner ' .-tan of health and spirit-. IIk.viii.h vt: 1 1. its Anviv or un: . ; October-.'. - livening.- ( It ni-ral Fit as.mton' ' advance arrived to day at I'un t llv ilh , w itli- in a few hours' inaivh of ib' Loiigstri'i'l's i It bt 1 1 couiui.iuil, which is bt lievcd to l.v at ! I'ppi l v ill.:. In ar A .liby's I iap. ! A de-pa:eli from (ien.Tal rh-a-ai.ton. J written at four o'clock, .-tat. s that he had ! ;drivin the emtuy so far with the Ins. of a corpora!, who wa- t.ikiu prisoner ! his. h"r.-c failing. ' No inf. irma'.ion has be n it- t iv, . to-,la . chaiiLiug the I'li.-ition of ih, main lunK of. the rebel army from the vicinity nf in i che-t'-r and Hunker's lliil. , The recent rains have not materially inter- ' I fere. I with Ihe fords at eilher Siepherd--I town or ilii.uic port. I At Harper i Ferry the water ro-e two! inches, and the Shenandoah was increased ' four i in lies at the same point. : The rebel cav alry, in considerable number- ' still continue to show themselves betwet n ! Martimdiurg and Chcrrv Hun, and a rctri- ' mi nt was setii and tired at opposite Sharps burg M-ttrdav. I.ATr.H. II VltfKK'h i'KltltY, Oct. 27. News received licit to-day, from (.ieneral 1'le.isiintoii'ti HtlvHticc, confirms the prov ions ii port, that the rebels arc retreating rapid! v up t in valley. j Winchester via evacuated to-day, it is thoutrht, and Strashurg will not beheld w ith any large force. , The entire n-bt 1 army of Xoriheru Vir- ginia is said to have bien tliv ide. I into two I bmlies under Jat k.-on ami I.ongstreet. I Jackson's column is mov ing directly to Staunton, where it is said w iutenpiartcrs for a large force have been improvised. Loiig-trect move to (iordoitsv iile, it is thought. (It a. liurnside moved south (o day. au.1 is ' now on his way lo Winchester, meeting no ' enemy, but his cavalry have brought in a I coiisidi rable number ot Ktraoirlers. I A Ian I ICIAI. I. IS I' j ( If XfrtJi'llitlt rhinil Cvmiti. fur .Vol-. T , 1.-02. ' l--. l-nti-'t vs Surnh Futi-t. widow, ot ul. I Ilnyis. lllli.'tt. byon A lio-h, f.T the use of W. II. Krvinire vs .1 nhn Milh r ' lu the of tin: Hi port of the peei:il un lit.. rs on Iin: tteeount of.lneoli VounK. Ti-ea-uri-r Henry 'I'littrp vs Northern l it 1! Co H. (' Welker vs I'eter Kt rlin. lury ('. ineent vs John b. Wiil-on. ('"li.'le It tn-iel s bnninuel Artintui ll.-ir-'of II .M i-s.-r. ibi-'d vs N C. It It Co Soii'h. .Sellzer.V Co. v.-ll. W. Haven 'Until'. iv. Hughes. I Co v Stiulden, .Murr.t Ce. C litinniii v- tieore Ib-i-ki'ft. S .M-'ii' h vs ll.'K-hi-l-ler iJoiveii. 1' K.-iliii vs li C Wt'lk.-r. ltiid l'alt' r-unet .il vs H Kverett mid William II !'!: .M-.tiitt :tTi4 Iaiproveineiil Co v. T Il.-niniaidiit r ,1 II mi l W II Jioiity. li. K. y'T vs M Ml-oll-e Kmv ."niinia for the u" of J Ki.-itie.'r vs J I-' VVolfui-;er I- C M.-i-!. ll-ui vs I T Ch ni'-nt. I I! I'lieker et ul vs T HminiiMrdiii r uud .1 H I .it t v , ,1 i'i I-. diner v- s l'.-ll. .1 M I .lino rvl'i' lliifiia. I nnd J II l:.iril.-t Kli'.'.-ili b.-iil v.- .1 W ..ruiiaii. T M I'ur-'lvs.l nt-.iKe nnd I. nil ll.-ttti .In.-. .l.y A MiiUr -. s A elf e s I, II l ank I' o C.iiiipliell vs H hoit.iae J I - - i i- - .a .i II t ire.ini'l ' f r lo.t l C onjiiaiy VV t'r. :ii..i-r v- I it I. ice. W l-'rv v- C Ad.-.ii.-. S t Mill.-r mid i II W ..M vs ti W Askias v . II luii-omiti. .,, do .1 I. llrl'.-llllin 1. I- T'h'.lllpsoll V s .Swpiei:ilM:l ('"ill A C M Co. '1 lie Mime v s (in . ii It id."- Iliiprovetia h' C-t j I-. Kill..) A Co V- II Ihels ' .Mnry II li.ulmi.l s heirs vs N C 11 It Co .1 M lta-;iaii an I if.: vs Hiosioii I-; liri'ht i n vs blizatjeili n-in.'in un.) A t - ' num. Aiii-iil i W nii'd .1 W liatiL-ler v l'.-ler W limy. i It.-iirel. lia'ud A Co v. V M -arer. d.-c'a. t v .ator i II K.'il'.Ue v- IraT Clelnent A M Cn.-iwi.'K v- Cleiin'r. I'. .my f. :.I. M It liht-rt vs T Ciiiiiiiiin.:;- Adlll'r of W Me.N'itl. dee d, Is Hen..-. Cell HI. 1 bud tt C W olf vs li With Iron --i.-lle.s of K llell.'ll.-leiu V- I'.-iIik!. Had,,' .1 I niev t - .1 S-i!. r .1 I'lie-'le. -It vs b 11 bri. -I..i.'i :t'id v. :f.v . .1 I' ll-ism: v- .1 llollopler ft 111. , b K i iunt r v j the sunn ! 1' Siiellcr v - I In- same. liveeator o-il.:i liird. dti-'d. vs.ll'.ird mid II I'm Kit. C.iilntrine I'.'itVr v.-.l Iiiiakf 11. -r.-r ,1 11 lliu. t ter Ile.' I 11 1' b..w until vs V sln.rli 1 I' Iirie'keniilli-r vs It n-te.ri. Wt i-et .V l:o r .1 W.-it;.. vs V I. ,-vo.t. C la- . u vs V Siroh i .' A ' Ciuimin.'-' v- .1 HI:. in Administrators . I'll S K .l-i.. v- A vie. h-r A liii'in-u aa-r of II .y-s - I ere-a- rs i.i.d . , hol t, t-of M.-KtveiiM ill.- A -iiileinv la.- .iier.a-.. 1015 ne-e.-iuuiry itltii'S ivtin neliir.u -ii-.eiitui-.i . in. pmr.'.t l.v turo or disease. Alt it -'-nit m, , i ,0 roii.po-L.l t.f Inntir rau-tie. d. -:i-..vm.' the vinilnv mid l.emtty of the hi :r. m nllord i, iln'iiis. I e' i'i thi's-iiijr II-iiii-irt-.'t s I oiiainil.i-( .il..riuic not l'"i"r" ll ll.ll" i. s i.:uiu il . j..r I y ea eii 0'ivc-: : lie hnir it l.l'Xl HI T I i! M TV. I' remotes its a:u -il.. l i. t i ;,i- i-. l'.,;;, . j e. in-.-d nidi eli. :,n I iii,j ;ii i-i,, :;i, ti t I lo .In lie. 1. 1. II Ii-jS -lo. 'l lie le.-l "I :, ,-. .-liiiial li.iir r.i.j. an 1 i- . ..a-:, ,n'' in ft.v.r. I s- 'I l-y . 1 1 t-.'tii. in. a M.. f,. s-.l i l.y .ill r,'nil.le dc.'ili -. ..r .-.a, I,. hy l ll '.-411 ol'lhe e .loin. -i-.-iul ii. ni. i o liro.tdiv:;v. . . V. Tvi..-i.. -. ...i net- tier 2.'i," 10J. y It.-.':--. . .. i -r.-idi , -.- a:,l;. r.-. I- ii.,- Ill- li'.'-'. 'i:"m ; I b.ii;N i s. S - T-1QC0-X s IV.tniriiioii f Sit r-i-.. ri i,L:h-ii. nn, I in ieoii:te. lr:sK( Th-v rut 't toy ..'i.-.i'e i. h. :t!ihr nt l.e-i:. 1 ri. y are nn nn i n, . io.n-e etel:-,i-..-t-;:.-,-t-.,l ll--lei. - r. i: rih.'ii i!i''-v-i.-:a t- ihe f vi-.;. r ni.d di--" ,:: :ili 1 la'e hours at . o ::..- i.nii.l 1 to y j r.-t ,at tii i.t-a,. nie nnd iai. no: ; '..-',i I . rs Tliey purity Ihe hreuth mim .i -i t::vel:,e sl-'u.e-li I i.ey t are b;,.-T -ia :m 1 C..i;.; ij.:C i.:i lli. y euro bi.trilien. Cholera, tai l l ie ;-ru M-.r-lai- They cure l.iier Con: l..i:.! in. ! S'.-rv-n- 11, . 1- lie H!::--: :: ihe to ..! I 'Y:iv t.o.i ll--. ! 1 .i " ev'e. ,:-:.-1 u:,:e,. Thev I, n- the l.-J tt tali matt sliei 'i e:it r.'-:.,r'-r '1 ;ei 1 I4l!i. tai-e.-li-!..-i.e. 111: I :e -f . li 11 It di' I out r-v l-i to .-il- it c 'i.l. . .M. I .. s;h. .!:!:,,,! s-.,i j llV ...s 1' II ,. ..:. H. ..-.Ill- hi. 1 1 liv 1.. : - : I; erloii t'onl nu l I. ail Vine I'. Vi'rn,;: V" ,- b i: :.. : 4N lla: i,.n ii:i :i on !:,- . -' a lo vi : !a;-. p'-l.i..l:s ii,,! I .iy!i..,ia i lor ; ! .iela et 1' ,.l.le :e 1 : La-o.lel to " s S;..pi.. I,, .rlici i -,.iu-.'v. lean,-.- .1 I., a,; k in".-;. -ii'.- ,iler. t .-teitii. .l,in --..I. Ai! I. :i ; i - ' ,K:i, i rt I. . li.-:. v:s.-'u ' i;:'i i '.:--!-t . I s,; a ll . lai i- F"IM)KH,S&- MACMIMSTS Wll.bIAM.-!-iI;T. l lA.N' v. Shu, ..a in. I Hr:is C.i.-tii. ; 'ui i .Vl.t- hie, 'I f il '1 Ai,-i.::.-lur:il b-a : I 1: ,-. I W.-it: ' :i :iv li-elii. K .1 C ' uu I let"! I I'.-. 1 i.1.1. 1I ITIVIi'iV jiILLI.NEiiV M:ss M. L. '. - i . t s Giisbl:-r. II M M l ; . :v : :V .: I-; !: . II !:.:-." -:i,d -I :t!, if lu:-l I :.:.--' ', BcTittc'si, Ilutj, bliukcrs. Ti- .-i;.i; VS I'.-i-.-inif vs .1 .Settoi'iii nnd l.try Setviimn of It II Mi.C.iiini.-k vs bin. -tots u:. I a. kh'-l'b T" et .M, !;-. 1 ,- lit" A. el-in , to e I :tl - v- .1 K C tv el at In :-.iti - v-i VV J l'(iili;-s iitei l.t-i'tiii I'i, I a.- t; -1 ti.aiv i - :.:.,. :',i-.:,, -t i r tho s,-,-,.i I k .11 111 IJSI-Vi. MiO!. n.';v ,!,. I:, 'Al'.s. .Mil- roiumg i,:ii !,- j n.- he ::- 'I'- ,1 f.rp -- a ii... . .II.WI .11 l:V . 1 1 ra v fn ,'ainct 1 .-'-eland, dm lliil. V. .Mi Williams. I !. W. .vrinstron-. 'T..!..;l:l 11. r.ia- I h hi wire Ins. Samuel Heller, .b viccvveiisviiie - 1 1. vv . .vrins'.ron-. i .-hauiokin - Amos 'atii.c, ,loh:. (,i!!i:ig ' er. 1 'tdi-r kric-icr. . Norihum'.eilaud .1. M. I ' lUitv Vin.k. ' : Washington I.. 'I'. Iiniinlu Ih-e. .loM-ph I ager. I'pper Augu-ta .lotias I'ry. Lewi- -William Kissncr. .budaii -- W. I. llothu in. Coal- W. T. li'.th. Suuburv Henry Korn sti r. Little Mahanoy .1. I!.w ineha: t. 'I'url'UI .lohn liorlaelu r. iliiaia ilsot . N. Heaver. Lower Mahanoy - Kliiah l.ycrly. I.otver Augusta .laeob liaki r. t ii vv i;t:si-. .H utu,-. I.'ini r Mahaiiov - John I i.n lickmau, Josiph Woliertmi. Lower August a i i. Sit ''Vi. ,1, mm (. ni rad. Wa-hingtiiu- Samuel Maliek. ,1. Ii-uia !. S. 11. Keiu. Shamokin Samuel Hummel, S.,.:inel 1'ur- iniin. d. .1. lieeil. Jackson- II. Y. Latsha. .Io-eph Uressh-i, Washington tto. loiilan -1 lanit 1 Wo'.f. Turbul Samuel HnlVa. William Smith, Samuel Jacoby, Charles I'oilmer, Thi tnas Litter. Milton Thomas Swcnk. Samuel Llioa.'.-, l'retlerick Wilhehn, (ieome Lvaiis. I'aul Mastcller, .1. 1". (iauger. Lewis John Tweed, Thus. Waits, Isaac Turner, li. A. Wykolf. Tin but Charles Komig. ('hilisipiaipie W. C. 'jlendcrshot. Win. Winchester, Andrew- (Iray. Sunbiiry - J. M. Simisou, Lrealick Mcr ril. Coal - Casper Sholl, H. H. Tit.-worth. 1 H law urc J allien Campbell. Northumberland-Jacob Kiittr, Nathan Iveinn r. 1'oiiit (i. A. Lcighovv. Mt. Ciirmel Haniel Hciscr. McKwcnsv iile - Jacob Truck' inilicr, Sr. l'trir jt'HoitH. Lower Augusta John Smtek, I), lu-eser. hipmuji, s.ui, m 1 Kt-edt-r. . t.i:; t-'t i;; . us '! ui: MM. bit i. sp.J I t XSI.M, -jp, RT'.WINa MACHIMK i - a 1 r:i .'C.-.l :.i.i.. eli: ',: : ,. i ' ,. ,1 ',. I ii -.- .M.i 1 :.:i-.t -, :- I::,',iv .. I,, li. l:..el I- i.l . - I 1 1 V l-.l 1: it i Ol.i -i r.e 1 I e.llil n . -l el , tl.i I-.: I . I, in . . ,.- i ,1 . ,t I., : i I r-..iit n ' : a r. I -i 1. Is : leu- IlilV il..' I!-1 I. I -.' - el ,:( .-l'.-il it licit', el "i i li . !i i: ; ' ;! . I ye. .rs .'-in aa.i. l i: iein.. - , ci lallv . I ll l- i'i-: at nil tinl.1- ; ,.,u l'.ieh'liiue is ,,111 up ii, .., , I uied i:li ti.!I and , .; a.i ' Iin . ; ( l:ei-t!e' j S, i a lo any i'.J he.- ia the I'nii . of tin cider, il.t :. nni. hy K.v t. - en ,. i., , i, , a,,,. ,, Ae. n:.- Hiaile i etei v Mte-re. j lit-. l:il in Iin. ,-u:, ins v. ill I,.- f- ;, j tor p.u ,- .eanens .1 s i f -111'i t or li'Cilli p .-l::-e. A l io .M4 lu vi,.i:iM. ,. 7 ; p Or 11 11 .M.tssri:. -. ia. . j i;v.-iv i.ndy. .M'.il.r. .M:i!i- -lliuild llhVv ot"--'I lies. ;ilu:il ' Hctt.hvr :"' !--'-.: 1 1. I Slut, . , n r. ci- r niev l e .-,.11, e; loll, I l- il.. t l,' l" the . -ell 1 S X 1.1 I'I. -.11- etl 111 .M l, ... .'NiM-llililiilti't-liiiiil V. I.l ell. .11 I .r ! I, reel,.,-. 'I 'he blll.kill-lloii.e. 1 . II. I -I .. let w e. I , .,. J, . . ,. i l:e .-tlilituil II ei : : :, - ,.;''(.. s., pl'l'-e h! the s.nne . I , ls"i i II V n l.l.s W Mi.uu kin. u. i I-. I -..' - ..a i'otiiily ftattl.. ., I He- ll.ii, I, il, . oil'iv. S,. ,.,, "I IH V VI M.. .. p -s. .,!.,. I, . .-. it .! ; , , l .v ., J ,.r i'i: u.i:. c.i.-i,..i Wil: A. iu mis-ion. Major Cel.i Comiii iuiliiig, Venn. mt, tluiiigh one of tho smallest of Si it, i- inn: of the iiidilcl uud uiuot patri , otic, lit tore lhi Wei k U out, her livu I. gi l I. lent., nf the at cull, niiui inonllm' men, I will be on llelr wy to tlie nut el m . u 1 nbtl.te, , , ' loree is now einplovetl on both Ihe. Haltiniore ami Ohio ami Winchester rail ! Caleb, Jacol roails, ami liotliwill be in running order i S. M. Keener. during the coining month. Our forces w ill occupy Wincln ttr during the present week. ll is believed that Cicticrul liurnside will come up with tho rear guard of Longstreet, and that a tight vv ill ensue, and that (it n. Mocuin'a tur if arnioc kin becu eut for war.l tit bUppoi t Uim. The entire army of the Potomac will move across the river iu oon u trunAnorUtinn for miiiplick can lie becurcd. ll U a mo urea of congratulation to the olll ct r in charge of the li'urtcnnml. r'li Ie purtuient thut our troop, uto comfortubly clothed and fed during the season of con st ant and kevirn campaigning, ami rviry one will uinu wilU inc tlmt our trooim hvu no rauac lo linn iii.r vvlun t lit y hr, what I ' umi, joint .vioiitgoiutry. have nen, rebel nblitTs t Hplur'tal v ith kpuri Cnal- Lmaniiel iniint rni.ui. I'tat to tborlmt hctl-, nu Jill in lgs I Milton - Smuni 1 Tins, a I tat (tii. ' I'oiul-J. V.. Uori-'ti. rpni: I n, uiak ol" irituiiit.-i-iila Turbutvil c - llHt'vev Norilitllubcihtnd - J Foglt Ulan. Shainokin Jacob Stat I. el, Daniel Evert, Solomon l'm't ly. Hush Chiirle Kate, Joseph ward ( , Laiubert I'il uu r. I'ppir lahanoy Williaui Smith (ilest, Daniel (iotisert, ,1. II. Mallch. Jordan Martin M trkle. Jackton Isaac Smith. McLvvi imvillc I'hiliji WilitiTi.teen. Tin but -T. J. Carl. Turbiitiilli lieoroe W'odcy. Sunbury--Jacob I'aul, Snloiuon Shii 14. I 4 T I I 1 -hoe. John I 'i rry John, Itlair, I'd IMir tiinoo.l . lie: ii i r l .i ( 41. k ai h, i... ,.i. .Vl. i, 1 .V, Willi. I, elite, .: tl , 1 ,.,- ua-l ..V..-k. I' M I lie - .lied iia. .to I, ie-eio , ill I e . ,, ., . ,, ., l:h d.iv i I S.., ,ot '.,-r ,: - . I I- l't:n .Vorthtnul-.Tti.ii.l i i. l 11 ! s; li ll! I., held triad,, th.. I.. A f III.' -Cekl,. - or To. , I.,. k. V M II I V. fvl, 1 ' It law arc- A. I'. (iootlnmii. Lt wi Aurmi lleikman, John M. I' il i(lil(ti- 'Niil'., 1--IU.- It .tk,! C, ,i. i Th. in, I. r-i-n. I. ii j o.ote.l nodi', r i , V .-. pi -I . II., I 1 , !, , ...u., ,. p.. I,, x -' r . . f At "!. in i ..I,,,,, p ,,, .,..',,( , l.-f-ale Ihe .,u, lie, e ol w , 1 1 u, , , , p.,,,,,, j, t-i. I Hot. III. i.l l.i. . It: . ... i..r..11L, ,,, , lu . , il W , ,, i v i... j-,. ,p,v ii( ,,,,,. ,1-0.' I . 'Jo ei,., k A M , ""l' ' bJ I'Vi -K I.l: huahur , (M II s,,- SIMON V. WOLVUUION. -llloriii'v umi t i.iiui.1 Itn- ui I. ii ('I i. '. M'tlLet Silt, -I I ... . ....... I. ... . BUNJUTHY, PA. I AI II I 'i, i I t r .ti pn. lo if. . II, II "Jd u l "ll.if I .- e I.l '.-,,... : ,, lir.4iu N-lll.t lUl i...',i .o ,, 1 .- ..i "I.. ' I "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers