Of 'A'U M"AMKnifclX 8IS0LE fcilLiaURIPTIOS i Two TtoLLAna per annum, to be paid half-ysyudy In advance. Koyapv ditooudnued audi U a Toaraget are paid, clem ; Thrn eoplce to one addrcea, 00 da lo 10 "u FUeen J 20 00. Five Pollara, In ndvano, will pnj for throo jeora lutaoriptiun to Ihe lirii.irt. Club inscription! mii't bo Invariably puld in ad vance. Mill rent lo one addrew. If uh..eril'ers ne ih-ct or r"fue to tnlio tnelr new pup' t tV.nn the !!i - to which they are direetr-d, nr.' e-porislV.o until they lev aestk-d tho kills and or Inred them ilK-midimed ' ... lV.'m'iH(iTs will view net in mir Aznle. and frauk Inter; contiiiictnr, t"..h-.,'iipti"n money They aro permitted to dg thia under the Post Office Law. HUMS OI' AIMUISTISl.Vii. One jqnnro cf 12 line, .1 timet, 1 00 Every subsequent ingi rliuD, , 'hie iijunro, i niouihi. 3t.-) hut mouth, ;, mi 111.! year, s, tn H n-ii m:-- Cards of i linea, p.-r annum, 3 liO M'-r.-initiH nn J .illiers- U'iverli-iiiK by lht ycr, with the prr.i!e-ooi' ilist ilil, d if, or rut l.J-T"rii-inj wn.-kly, Jo oo limim-v, ivtijf:4 ii,i-rl'd in th" Lnrtr. C'.n.f mm, r M'UrUei mid UcutLs, FINE CEXTS I'LIi MAE tur i.a-ti iim.iti.in. Li" Larger Alvgrliseu.ei.U aa per aricintLt. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, RY II. 15. MASSER, SUNRURY, NORTH UMRE1ILAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. J o d p p. i j,- t i ?; r. . Wo liavn c.uii.e't' l nkhour ,.'.,: a..'..-, i i, (: NEW SERIES,V0L. 15, NO. 02. SATURDAY MORNINU, NOVEMBER I, m. OLD SERIES, VOL. 23, NO. (J. fa ,.ia " """" u : " AMEE CrIIHDfoni IMiHadrlpliiu Com inert t:il i'ollcsp, J?. K- Comer of "ill and Chestnut its., I'Liliulclphia rpill-t INsTlTl TIOX. which nn rtblislied in 1 1H I. find if now cuiineinieiilly in Hie lSlli veur ct itf evHlein'c mmiljers innni.ts ii" irrniliiHtis. fiun drirN the nnwt meei-ful Mercbmitsniid llusiud Men nl'inireiuinliy. 'jlio object of tlis tinlitntion i i".M.V to nn.'nl v.iiinj! liu-u fcn-ililiw t'T lliorov.gli preparation tur lnlf.ine-. ..... The hriin-liM t.iiiL'bt are. llonli-hrepinit. ns nppli c ible to (lie vnrioiu ilepnitmenti- of Irmle ; IVniniiii fliio. both plain and ornamental ; I'mMiiereial Law. Ma'themnti.-K. Naviatiiin. Civil Knu'ineeiini;, Iiraw iiijr. l'hoiiojrapliv. and Modern Lnirjuairif . The '-tvta of iiwtnietion U peculiar ; n.. cliis-ed or net ..i.'lis are iiride nw of. Imt eneb Kllflent is lanirlit i.:dividu:illv. p.i Hint lie may eninnieneu at any lime, an 1 attend wlintew r Ii .w are mo-t e..iiveim.-iit. Catiil.v'ui are i-M"'d annualiy lifer the 1 nil ol April, e.oiuii.iii',' t.aiiK' "f tbe sl'idenO t..r tb- v. nr. mid full p:irlieularnf t. nin. and may be ob f,i.e. at nnv time by :ol.lr. -!liL' llie I'lineipal . In evtrn-he luirnimuuilitt mna. wine-.-,ir.:. i i . ;.... .1 tli,. leni.'tby exo-rieneo of i be 1'rineipal tioll. nil1 this Ir.-lituii. 11 oil. if laeilil.f .-i lienor to nnj oiner in the eniitrv. tor vuiu' m. n wi-inni o. V"T';i l u-ine" id I to obtain at tbe Miine tune a dip.cinn, which mil pro- a rvoouiiu. ndation lor tbeiu to any Mereanlile llmi-e. . f fritiendi h'k Seviis of Tr'-atie on J.f .k Keepii " now more widely circulated than any otlur work on the ?uhj. el. are f.r -ale at the College. S lliilaibS t'KlTTr.Nl'EN. Atljiuiy nt l,a. 1'eSiiiary !?, ii2 lv As Impr.iv.id for 1;-S'J and l.-ol, liv V,. KM CHAM A CO., : IVrUt.. NewYh. f rplIK onlyVrcerer con-lruotcd on ,ci t.-inc rnn- , 1 ,ii,l,-. isi 1. a rovoliii'i; can and spnns blalc; F":ai r. The one haitum li.e fi .inuofthe c.rcalu I i-uti-r. I lie i. k- nun 11? un- u .mfevt t!....-lhrr r-:ii.. it nr, fmon. I The iiM.-t m !riiai!i', wiihtho lt-asf .(inutity t- ; 1 Vu- in.-t f.v.p.-n.v.l i:: uf MU TLoX pin-.plo i,r":iti:i ftii lii" l-i -1.11 ci:i.e w.J town-in thft , T'n:,, I I-.i, -n--no,r.-.,ic; wish b-s-'k ,f recipcf iuiJ u-l-.irc-si' :.s. ' I'KlCErJ. .... s ..--. J.I f't) -V-M-. ; 1 , o nn 'M ,,,r,rt. . '- 1,- lvtolI E .Vfh.!It, Putibery, P. Mir-h Si l-i2. i:oc.sr,:'i:i.r.i is a sMtr.5 Attorr.ovn lit j..,,,,, uul.w...,,. - , - .. n vnrv. , ii ' , .Uii-tlvN It'll r.I.n.l.l.blt ant !-')l.ii.v.i A : ;,iv:i'.. re--p"Ci:'n'l.v ei-.nour.ee thai th' y i.,,.i'ia"i hit-. e.-pnrtii.'i'iip in the pra.'lico of ,'',' ;'. . i, n. and will continec to attend lo i,'l bii-ic.'fs eniriete-l to their i-'n.rje. in the eo-.inii.-a of Xo.-iluim'" ibin I. 1'nioii, Snyder and M .jstoitr, nr.eni.i'y. i'aii!,laliv and car.-fnlH . Speei' ijtten. ! li'.,,.' 'will 1? piven to the j:i..LK.CTii.S I'I- j CI C ,i:-i.l;at.o:e: c-.n bo had .n l!i Ul-.K- V, '.' . , ,,, I ' Vi.',' Mar'-'et r're-.'. ,.pp..,it Weaver'! Ilitc! I -.-n. g;r:. t: ; . !!, Cii"". Ac. nisi" -,e - ,il.. :. bt.' ii).: o..-n. 1 m Itwrj-on ' f ,, i:. . ... i ....... Ih.'.:'. n sr-ro i " - . 1,11-1 c an u-o: s.o -K ol i .-.'nl,;:; and r.fMr.-'Tic iwibs, - .;.'., . tl,.. I..-' l.rr.n 1, of Hrandio.,. ("iiii, "Id a ,'i i.i-1, v i.i-i-v. Port. Sherry. Mv I Hv. - o' . .-, , . -i. .n I ..ili -r w tli.ss. ot a.' zr, u s. a. i el I,..,,---!:.:-;., 1, by L-ciu t.f us. eusan ! r- i - ,iir. ns oi'il.r..': .ai'.u-; liqu r f. v m i i. v t: .- r. . J ,, i V I I,, tr.-: f..r..i-l,ed w.tb a P"r, lu;'1 l.'l'-l 1 r.l- i . . : ........ 1 1. ol f.r .. I, . r, -o- -t i, V - ill -. as II. e iliauiliu i!. Ail ord-.ipr'.:aoiIy ntt,-aib, l t". .IKULMiAU S. UAI.Ij. .1 .. I '. Wtl. Pal.v'. - , - . " - i s-:ii'' )ur 1 rull. I - - :. I'.ut-t 'rh' et Metvil 5crew Tp i .,. ,i ;r hi'.. , .,; vf'TT VF.TXL il" 7". -'sy.l':;-: fV.r'r'VoVV,' ,, -7! ,. 'r ii a--.: i T-'1 " '" 1'''"' ,., ,l..r. !! ..n -i-hl '.a.' i ' - ' ' '' ' I' '. ' '- '" "" ''-,,' r"' ; i,vir .-. ly i.va.si? sa :oi.,a l U ;';'; ;;',:,l,'i';,7i1',.?l;:it!,h' ,v.!. i-v, m II. Ii. MA-i-i u.. I 'ee - 1" ' j H -t s'liilfilOU Hollar, . '.V rrvi. iii-vv'-viV ivit ; ?,:.,;:i:il M' i i.l.AMi. 1 I.N- ii. A.-iA, , i.'..-r t'.' 11'!-'.-.' I MV!" p- I--r h. :! I.-i- I lb:. well known 1 VV-.rV .-.'ii,d. '...el.- i; ;! l- vlis. , . ltroMii, ; re- . " ': - iiv e". -i n.s tie '-ii.'.u- t i-.t l.e i- relitttnij an t ; r...'i,'iii' V:.-.r.-i,'.i-.- r'iI v.ilb" ' r. -icrrd to in- 'j,, .. ,-.,,.-,it..! :,. ni.nn.-i. b; nuuier "is ! fii." l- f roc.-1 . :' t:,.: e.-uiiiy, mel a. i -.i-ocivy e.-.l , , a:i -i- i. - . ,,:' ue t ,..-a t i - .in.-l I'.I VAoivll' J'.-i'ai.lia l.'Oiin-, j i)l t;; ! I l a ; I1 ' . ...... ...... v -. i rn. o r-i o: P 1 1 1M"P E p ., v.. T.rf,...- , " i.'l . I It.. i.e. -I I. Ti nn-. '. I ' li i.:.. l.v l : - ;' . J in- St. iMUlH, I I in ii... 1. r.i -tvi- il : .'viitrally locatti.l, oi.veai. ni lo nil Ihe depot in. 1 ptcaiiib.at landing-, Old in lite hnllicd!..!-' v i ini'v of th Ciutum Uouse, !., ii'" . and tho l..m 1, -i.ane r.. .,. ;o, ihe Jh.t. l i- a Kentanran for tbe , Inu.i, 'I' ihose pr.b-rnni; Ihe European .'an. Pr: i - o! I! ' in IV. ..1 i brec to Scv.'ll flulluu ,r week, a -".i.iii',; lo location IS iaol.rl :' p. r day Table d ilute for nierchauH J I u-iu. -. ami In, a. 1 tu u J' M. iihNUY xrn.. IS A AO L IitVOE. Aid 1; 1"'.' lv Uiir! Hurl )nrl o.mi: nt".'.' Tin: xoiiin. 1'ti.Mi: 1 1 1 i Tin: sol TH, i "Mi. nti'M i in: KA?T, I 'i:..l-. Ht'i.M THE WEST :o ., tb . .......ear . io"l I, told voiirp, lv,- honied, for . ellKtii.. li.-.l v ,.r ban I" r eiieap Yf, ' v Mis i:.: i.r iurn i.r.VHFi: : ie, br ., r hiited at '.o rate l the KTtAM SAW llbl.,,1 . t r cu:.vi-:t. M'.xuvKr. r.t . I I. as Palo-! I., U. I,, r, I'rainu 1 uu l.er, ll, i.ld. Fi ai .-lui.it1.-- lo ..a i . in s. i or in- a.-siud, l'bustirin i i... . i- , . .,..,!. .. ., , All I .'l-, i i, ii 1 to. in.v l.iiel ol l.uiuner, will us i, ! , 1 ui il e .-',oi'. -i iio'.i. ' i,i. I IIXMF-XT ,-nl, I nr.. M.u h I -.'1 NATRONA COAL OIL! iii-i'ii m oi u.i;iioif, ,,a 1 1 ,,,, Kl.rl ( sl.P. v a. i,iv,.,i,ai. (in. w.i.i a Uw ei.ia mo,apr 4... .I w ai N'1'..ii ). u vv cii a I'viit-.-l O.i ' M . Ic , n I'A SAI.r -MAM ACM IU(j COMPANY, N ' Pi Wkl.ml iil Pu'toJOlK rcUuiiy li. Is -In BArONIULR I b kl 0U Il ltttd Till: I'AVIILV ra.Ap MaKI.U 1 1 I, u anUf.4M nut la, a.i i.,u 1 t-mp, aa.. jj y 4.i., ' i.rtdi...ie Ac--OMiiJiii)'aft l.a. a II 04 ' rntPi, r " "'' eui f erf. ll .a, i i'. i ., 'a a -..,... PA SALT MiM'I'K ri KIMl ( f'MfANY v. n,H. ji ,, ra'l'e fi .a.-. ! I- .-,.., s... ,, .. J eMj ;.-..! !"''" l?!S?V . l!'!v",M' il'" rot" '..'nd iu-.. .-.a.-..o, .t...;-:.; il,.- Canawi-,..: H...pl,. ros,- rpwilh a culm and iv-lm,- course, tVol; up ihe i. ml l.-r w here the i el a 1 pears no pr, .i i,. ..I ity I .. l'- ' he d.ll.cu , ly wrl, ..L(MK . vrm J1!lv .,,:,.. .lTS ' rmi.xi.nui-,. j 'TZ lb T,, to'ha-.'y i 1 "''''"' -(lid. was only ,,a-c,l hy I iov. ahaire hi ' ,h and ,,-in, ll," idc tltical . , S .K ' ut.Vht. ll -IlilF uvler'-ed 1-nin- l.'.c-d f.r a term ..' : ci-.,: m- . a, d 1 ,.d! H .veil V- ll, lloVi.rd 1 I'.. the siih'ili.e patient c mid modern ion wit 1, 1 aauiiaee contained in the appeal of hi-, t-'Y'cM" h'-'s n. .......t .Ue t'-' 1 , m tch :.s ill l.t-r iirs, to make t b: i w ot 1,1 ,,-.'i;e 1 veVi'. Vi VVV.'ihtr h a c.hav lb" pV,ur. of , 'Ibo W-kly Tveniiis P.-I. publi-bed every Tla.r.. - riwVsIi.cina'Sn.Cantoin Tiov iaiuir,,: which they bore defeat and misinaiiaenieut . j llxeelhncv, to , pa. rioti-,.," of the dar- I Maty a. n;l were -o co.up.t t.y . ;l ,,!lMaKt U:iX ,:, ori.lrimll u.nounci,,.- I- tiiea- IM.-I..I' and Ibe Ir .'"'. cm- , day. i, edited with I'-pe ;ial ret.'re,.ee ., the u.i.,. I ,..,.,.,. !.;.,.,. .Ni:,.,,,,,. l , all ,,, -,1.1c ! and niH-ertaill oiiidnv e. Shall we Hoc pr.- I kic-. he ha- ohtained md olilv ,;.t hut half; 'r ,'.l-v'1 V"r '"iX ''i""K'1 " i ;t Udell. We tali: us philo-o.,!;, ,lU,l vMn-ll ;""'y i' i n "1-;. '; re - .... j j:, j,: ;.-i!.iO,dy,-.e,,..V'w V..rU 1 c.,a lie by wl.i.-h , ,.litim la, t!lU,al vva-a leii.Mon t a d,.e reoinient-in that vh-ini.v who are , hall supply, .mm mr d.lu.u ty w ,,!, U-. Ui, j, t,ia ;uk1 a.-::e a! ,., ,lat vveow-to J . ... .. ..ii . . I .... I ..... unit tit. A. -r I -till Ural Colli 11111. deeded lo I lie lat t' st 1 - 1 ti, , ,i-e ,.,i..i,o..- I.i tin- i .. pi. of , I i-v ,- , .. i ......... IS I ., ., 1 , . .1 w. . , i . ,i ' ., j i , . . ... I U' 1 c .. 1 1 not H. I Is I'i anii. uu 111 I'i 1 ue . or n. ,. ... . i . , I.. 'ia. . . IHGQ. Ariimsememi. tH'J. of ."New Vorli Lines. Tlir CAMDrX AXD A.MUOY AND I'llII.AIiUL- ! I'HIA AM) THKNTOX li. It. CO.'S LIM t-. , From riiH.iilr'jUiii lo Snr Vcfit ,iW Il'ny iV,rr, from r,,h,t street ll-,,..- ,. Ktiuiiiztvu . .. ' Dtiwt, tn'i u.trr as fttlnn'. vt : : taiiC. At 0 . M.. via Ciiiinlon and Ainboy, (C. and A. Ac'Viinmodntion.) $2 2j Al 0 A.M.. v ia Can.deu and Jrrscj City. r . J., .V'eoinmodation. At lij A. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Mornim; Mail.) At IL'J 1'. M., viaCumden und An, by. (Ac- comiiiodation,) At 2 1. M.. via Camden ai:d Amboy, (C. and A. l'prsi.) At 4 V. M.. ia Canideu and Jeri,y City, '. i niii Y.x res.) At 4 J. M.. ia ('aniden and Jersey City, (Second CliiRi Ticket.) At i'i IV M.. via lvcnsintftou and Jersey City, V. " I . i u -j: Mail.) At 1.' 1'. M . via 1. iii!!ii.;!i n ni.d.Inf. y Ciy, (Soiilliern Mail. I At j 1'. M..vin Camden and Amboy. :Acom- inodation. Freight ui.l l'af-en,;..r, 1' iut I'lu? Ti.-kot. Second CI aw Ti,l:e', 2 -5 fl 00 2 23 3 00 3 00 2 25 3 () 3 00 0 o-( 1 lo The Gj 1. M l.ioe rm. s 'laily. , Sun, liiviirxroi.'.e:! ! TholJl' M.. Sonlheui Mail. rui,. daily. f l'ur at--r ijnp. tion-l-hiu-'. Seianion. V. iil; i- bine. M. .niriwe. Ureal IS. tid. A ; . , a 7-n A.M.. from Kei.sin:.,!!, via l)cl.inie, l.ackawaina ai.d i -tern liailroiid. 1". r Jlnindi Chunk. A'.butown, Ibthli lnni, Is. ivi- il-re, Da-Ion. Laii,b,r' ille, 1 lemji'lon. Ac . a; 7-10 , A. M . Iroin Ken.-mjloii licj ot, aiul at i 1'. M., iroin v it 1 1 1 it i siri ii lou t .Tl... " l.i M 1 .. . . , ; i:: - n f.-i .M:.,,.;h ft.m.K. a. 1'. M. ; i ii.. i-i" .,. .-I. i.iii, oiuiivri.- van I nai. ruian ' ; j ' - ' ; ;;" ; .f J' ' l I - l t; - i.'-'- li-r .MoiiM JK.I.v. nt f. A. M.. i V. M. . . I or Jlr'oi. Ti'ii? mi. .v. a' t -1" iiicl 01 A. M. itinl nu V. M. tn-m Kt-MMi.-on, nii.l at M. Irom nnu fr i ,nit. ; K--c Mri-U.l :u-'l u:t-M un.-li:uf Sialic.. ?it 11; A M.. Fur I'alm.M... liivtitm. Vhxnct Uxn-W. Uur- mij;iii. rnnt'iico, toiai:u!ow ii, m i.':, I. i, I an - 1 M 1'. M. , !--eaml'oat TrmMi, fn- :r,-en...-.v an., in'cae. j ii..tc .-!:.:,,,-. t:.-i J' .vl Iron, u, .baits; Ml,,,: I v '' A-' -v ors. a:, a n nv lam - ,,. . iv,., . ,, i,,., ,,, ,i . ,,,,, l ,,. i, ., ,., into the I.. ,,t. :.d .... the a.!ivl f each T.ui,,, , J . .,,,' .,'.,,ll,OI l,"lli lilhll.t ! unyil.ii'j; '.s i ia,,,' !,,,: i',,',: v. .-arin.' aieeind. All ' .--ae over lil.-yi-.. aids t.. be paid 1-1 e:i-l. Tae , . it,,.;, t ... . ti'i,.. , i , One li.,!!ar p, r .-tii.d. ntid will id be li ii ie l. r.mv I 1 ' l-'l-1" - - - - - I - - " ' nt nt, in- se. ei .l .... .. .ly,,. Aeent I " I ! i 1 lfr:"r";i ..,,.(,;,l Marc!. 2-.. 1 .-a:. its. m isies j mx;. ritHT mbiseriher rf-i e.-'l'illy ini'..ros hi- -.M frieru J uud the public ii..r:.i !y li at lie li.,.- : . L..-ia .... (U l'LACK.-'MrnUNCr I'. I " r-1 !, K.-.-s. . . ,- . ,n thf i-nop attache I lo 1.1. I'i l.rt.t s ! onn dry, an.- w prepare. I to do all kind, of IJU.ksmi.hu . 'in th. i i.r.r.,,1, a t,, .1., nil kin I. ..f l!l,i. li..i:l,-, lull... 1... ...I J....I ...a. . " best plvle and ... ikii All cusloai walk will be w .-.mptiv a'ter lid to 1 1. ,l,,i,.x- .. .1 11. Zl.V.MUI.MAN, A.;-i.t Puin.ury, svpri. -. I s. t; vmtsPi.vii,. Tin: K T. W V O R K Y, V K X I O P O S T. ! i a. : i.t.. . - i ve. to., v..-.. ' I'onuMmlw Klia-ralhT UU ' 'J'railor?. For ( Ci.!'i mil tic Vi'.j- Thif wctt-known jouin d u new iu tho F.vty.frM I. .,, m .,1 I ,,-,ot v I :,k io ....:.: Ill . i 1 ir , .1 c.f tbu dav. and lilt.aini i ii-.-iuiii,. irs v.i'li e:ii. lr. j f.-irbw-.-iiKr. and independence Tr. e'.oii: icnard IV-...,r l...n ! will ci.iitinii.. I.i l. il, liio'ln . The Principle, by hi'h il is iriii. led are : A ,s:i-t,-t Coi-irticii,,ii of ibe CuiisUiauon. Kciioiny in (luvci ncitnt, io IViliiic-il Jolil.rry. ll-rei-t Men l r i 'Ure, Tho SuppreMion of the Slat-i Towtr, anl the yro.evui m of l!:e war mainst reKn until : ia., ti.,; reb, ! has laid do-., n bis in in-. . ,hc A ,.;... lwt. while it it fearb-s.- in the j cx-.r. ssi-.ii of ila opini,.i:. aims chicllv a: beam a ' , n,.ft,p,..,.r. n mil contain fall ,: n:- of all I;, , a- ,1. . a...- .... I..-....;,, . 1 r.-eoil anil rice speech. l-'-'- Connote iiiicorv f Hi-Mm. VoUtU-.l lioniliients. P.. p,.l-s of !, , -;,: f - p. - e - c, A nnj Pruccedin.;.- of I.t-isl.-Uive i,.,li,r. 3d. 1 he lalle-l .vi'U lO't". Col.-.li.cioil.l ino.lli. -. ltep'.rif and Iasii- of J'l i.-i . j,. Kv,.r. Nuvvs.-A lviccii by tb t-.r.'.-i. fcaiu - 'is. lell.-rfc froiii our on e,.ri. j. a. 1. nr -. :.ii I (..ru: from Kngli-b ai d iri::.!aUi..iai 1'iui.i a-.i:.. n- t.l j.u-.T.,!,. . S:h. Mi.-.'.'llanron? lleadine;, Poetry, hook I. ..-.n Tabs. Ane.-dote nnd tio.-ip. In tli.,rt. it in tho dcsi.-n ot ilio cjilorj to u. . a .... r.venitit: res' i UK p.K-T MiWSPAI l.I'.S IN" Till! C"t'XT:'.V .No ..in.H ol lahor ant no cxm-iisr, in u...i..- iii.ii,1 - Meirt-,1 to a.'.'oUJI'lih tb 1 1. i. ... ih.i Ii.iity livcniiu' 1'os: circulates more .. , . . ,.i.i. -..is t,n, 11. -rH. ililli-l law V f :-. !; :..i- - - - - , . .fi - 'nris and biisiuefs Men it-'nciiil ly, it has a . -. a '. 1 I -, n ii i,,si c'.i.eble ad.cr.i-ii' n.ediuni. Pet -. i.e.- ;:!:'. ..r iip .'bciil-iiion b-is . n. iin-i sly ii-'ic. .1, ' . i.-h fact ..it. :." nd I'i io.ml in b. i. p-. l,t, lo Oo -.- i... W I.-H Ull II! lil SlM s .MAI'li lv" -N llie rtni. Weekly I-.velilL Cos!, ii'iiisne.l ll-n and iusirneiiou of firiut-ri.. It contains lorty 1 coluains el readiu matter every w.hU. luakiu; il AN JI'MIKALLE FAMILY PAl'iiH. Ti rin i riit T rv-tMxu rofr Finale Copy, ono yoar, u alvtu.ee Thrco Cpiea, in advance, n no 74 biUjiio Co.y, per iin.uiti, siivii-wEEKLY tvrsno rosr. I I'ubli.livd eveiy Tueid .y and pilday P.njle Copy, one year, iu ajvauoe, Two IVnie, " " Five lW,i.e, " " leuCopiei, " ' wttaLT rriMixo rcijr. Is Published every Tbuuday. Pintle Copy, one year, iu aslvauoe, Three Copia " " fi 00 & till 1? Ill 1 lj LIU I J fO a uu & I'" t ive l opiee " " leuCoplet, " " 1 mrtv C"pi,a, " Am I-., t'er number at the ra'e of f 1 rer oar .-.il s.-npii-ii may eoiiinieuca al any Inne I ..j ' ahviiy.-in u,h aiicc. Any per.n .-t,diu ua in:y or none -u i i-:. i l.o i w ill 1)0 tuiili. 1 lu au .-Ji: :. copy for hi. .1 rv ic b . or l"i tensiiliriber l..-'w ill rte. o e a copy f. r x uioi.il.r. Wh.n a olub ul ul'-i"oii ti.. linn I'.rw Hi-u-.l . a.i.u. lo! . Ui .v re uia.lu lu u oi, "'" ' " ' i. .,.... ...er. .... ... - bei ..I a dab alioi.ld ikhii ih.ir pa pen at ll. u n. 1110 I'nai Otace. Lie h is!.- ulicr . icui.c piinu l onliw p.."i CUrgyiu.u ue tupputd at Ue loliun. iue ihI, : Itaily, per annum 1 lal fi lm II eekly. per ar.nuis Vl.iLlv. l.rr bUllUlii ti no I UU Monty no. be oiudrd al eur ilik t-pfoionu ep.. mil ue avui nee loan wnuaema 11 WM C JJHVAST in . Orrn t or tut lai.n. I'..ar 41 Naaaau rv.rvui, uuibu LiUi.y Nta Vora Julie s, I vij hi.uno .ii.ti.iiu, Vlritri nl l.o , ksnbuiy, iur:Luu.Wr lei. I eouu'r r.u.)U.a u V.. L. . . .l.-...., lei. I eouuir P. ,-)!. si.,4 , ra. u.ei 1 i k 1 wubuitt. t u , r ". U. .'I I V . WUUU. S . 'uT IU, IUUH1J 1 (Tl'Ili', M .litli.u.i, "I.. !' ul ul Filing A Oia.l...ie.a.ai.wu.yois..ciheteuiil4 1. Ail i.iuR.o4.l buauiMBV, vU.wi4A i eul In- vruniia aMIfsa HHilli.X ril'HU I'AM .M: S M C. (iCAlUIART 1U.ii-bni:u v,ith a Xkw Stock op 'fi--l iojiarirn, I'riiil mill 'l'fyx. 1 T eein if a iu w aje. a new life was op, nin: 1 j-n aiiiiniil iii e. ery l.- art to nobler . de. .1: un-l lo'hor aino ; Ait. l.ite, al mi; tni'l ''ii tH'e wil I .v anew, and -"ek lo dev,.-oj,e Miblino-r b. iinti. no I trriill tor eolieejaioll. 'Jhc luoino.v. ivoild. too, n nst !. 1 the new inPuonoc and i veiy j.avt be (juiekened and sironihonc.l by an ineiea-id i,aiiiy. wIulIi shall urvre ii, iii wilh e'lee- trie - eerl lo th ns-i'.iiimalii n o' jrrealer thin'stban war . vcr dreamed of in (lie Philosophy ol the pa-1. Animated by the entlinsinsni which perva.li - all J chl-.sv.-. an'i ii- -;l on-nt dolliL' bis share lou iir,!. -The luteal I'Vi'li!- ot' I he A-o." llie sll ioe'lher Uolihl ;a - ; miwlfnlly ii.r-.rn. th- J.--J p.pb-..f ,-l'MM 11 V and ! ti " I'll1 ii,- to-nr'-allv- tloii I,.. iio jn-l retiirin d from j the ,i:v , I'hil ol.-l'pliia with the largest and ehoK-e.-t I Slock ..I' t'i.lil'eeli.1. iliei. I'l'llit llll'l Toy.-, thai ha- i m r In- u Liotuli' !!!. -e i-i oi .,iii,iry. lie i- li'.-o miui..iI li;l in-' nil kin I- of C"l:f clii iu.ri' Ac t" ll!l CI' old' I'-, nl: ..--ale r retail, at -horl l.olieo I Anciij; lo. -lo.k ol o.N l'i'"l i"N A 111 IS ninv be l'oui. 1 : IV..:. b - -V .s. lliiin, I Aiiia l.ds, Creum V l ite. 1., t; 11, ..irn Iiro.e. all kin i.-seeiil. bile I'loi s, ' iet 1 .s. red and while, .l-!!y fiike-. l'rnil l'l-ops, Mi.-k Caiidie-.ol all scents, li..,-!; r.,i:,ly. Abii'.nd Cun ly. i;;;rr. I'rnl er, IL's, l!ai-eie'. Nut- of all l i:..!-. i.i'M'ix s. lsrv lo.-e, altiiia, i; .,, ' ' t oii.nnni ,i c.tic. l'.a;ian.i', Idr.ir. Cuiraul. dried , . , . , . , , V1. VT7.,-r,7 ' ;"" - ". V . ' , V " . l i ' Ill-'.'l"l.it.M. I III. I. I'll. I .. HII !1 III.P II P I of.ei.nl t'h-v w! I- :! i.ii.l i. i.ui. if i.i ii,.'ii,i,t-r iiv l.tt :im- ji ) ii 1 !..'" . 1 .M. ('. i . K A Ii il ART. Mikft tr;vf, i..r .vt-t-l K. . l!ri:;ht V .nV .-,(i,I,im v. Ai'i il 1 t 1 -1! - ! v NI .Aili U I'I-; t I'B-OB ltl.; 1111, S .. , ., . ... , , .. , ,. ! T'. ', ,,ru I;' VI -,.' oCf. r.-'l ! ; ; , ; , .;, ; ; ,;;,',:,.,!,:,.'' .., v I nt t. -loM.-t i ( ii-i..in, i- ..ill l.:.c th.-n- K'" .i,!' A'.!', !' 1 "Xr v"- ""'"T?- 1 :i i... i .. .. , . ' ,'. ,' ' I;','1"1,".',; - ','1'1,', -v.sli. ''1 .i-i'i.ti I' .or. i", u i.i mill i- r.-t ...:;. i' un: I ,- l'.i. to . and ti.e pan ,-lliiiiv i. '," ;e,lll, !-.'. -"li-'O llV I' I''-'- .1.1 a: v. .'.a'e i::. I- i"IH : A N .1 i'i'. ., a . ' ' . ,' . pfivf A-ri..M-.a sm ii-i ', ions oi Ihemo-I unporlan, StS:ii FVAX-j .v V.A'i-o. f, Hi; saj : c!i i:a t -r m eouu.-, ! msi v ii !i the pro-. -cut io:i 'j- s Ci LAM VTNT3D " . " Ml" ' he ,':;r and the di v ;.--,": i 1 I lie l , t i t ; i- nl i' i-t'hiiI' r i'--..',i f' "'"'"!' thf 'oimtrv Lv political ran its. II,: I...J..1 V- . , i . brunrv !-. 1-- r-v-iv-l! u-vr ii..- n-.i-h -i,s-j:.';i-.ti l" ' v-a that ,n il- . -, i,- I. re w-.i. h. ,.n ih- . i.i- ra "I ll.o !' h n.-t iioi.lv o.-'i..'. i-.l all it,. ' s . cli .... I in ,1,1 l.,l- 1 lia.l l in .-.-,1 liiiaadei . i' d : -'er-'l'-Vri'".' ro':''re--'--' oni''-luiiit"'-i ''.I'd ' c : luci'i'1 1 'tVi-..''".'-".:'!..' Ii 'Vi!'' .'.V V.'-. -. i ,.iir- i'.o-1 v, i-ii i; i . li.-;dii.. IlKi: Ca.vv ' in :. c -l i.r s! I .. o i.i .tin .-li'.lv. Pa . ) ; l- l-.i' . -. 1 '. il i.-i' i. i.i (icnil, -.... i . i ',iS1.-i. I- .l. .-,- I v.- I l.v la, v.lu "i. t:.- m n-n. , :r ft h n.-.' -.' '.: i 'II..- ti:!.,:,'-!.-!- .-' ,o- !.: t --1 i-.ii, io: e... If.., v..-...-- -:i,,..'.i. i,i ll-'- a'o ii.-nolo,' I .i,:e- 1 ..,.!;. .-..,.1- in.- I ..!! .. .i i o . - i.a....... ,- i i Ac wl,.- 'i woo- i-.-. rv-d , a pes!---' f '- -; ''''' : n't is.: i. i.t n I'll- - ' '- "iil -.ii ll- an l--r l-iu-r . , ""' 1 .-. o li.nl ! r al-- ''Ah'.- ,v A I .-TIN. :'.r P. - -. float- T't" ..I, ... i. , .v.- ti-'. la a - A U'-r . .n' I'a;. ll! al P..;.!; 1... 1. I ill. 1,1; a,, it ..-.. . .ii.'i! to any to: i- in 1 i , i.., : in I ! I o ; - li 'i i 'i' !. A VV. v. . ,. . i ie- --tiuii.v r.-l.-r l- ! I'.i.i lollou ii. ; llal.i..- i.l.d oil,, l : .. l,:oin' iti.-i: S..f. in.-l 1. . !- - i in a -. lo , i. iii, ,-;;-i.-i.i - tl .'I, 'Ill I I". !.- ri I'-viir.ii.-s,.; - .Vim. h; ' ' I: ik. .-hilbyville i'..i.rd. .p..i .. I- - . .. n , n ' v : ,.-..a. h.'. .v 1..1 ,tJ ,. -. ,. -. a i i..,a I r, :-i.- , ,, '."' ;' ! I f '.! :. t o.. , .. ,.n 1 : a .. 1 ,lo--. lite a: i . I a. t Iiioi-i.io.o, l.nl 1,. I. i,n ;-' :,; b no-. I'a. .I.-.- v si: ).- it '..:. i'i. 1. i.'l' iv li 1. .:..,. Pa. i i. , i. 1" : i. , i" !' .r.,1 -a. h. '-:-. n i i'o.i. ol ' i l l- :l. i ll.-l'k 'I li. -,!, :' .'ll l.ii" I 'I i P. mi ir, i ill, il.tl.k, IV.' I- .-,i,l,-i.l.o.. A I . an a N.-w.,tk l:..'-k. ! 1. M .,i -i.-iiin.W ok.'.-l.'.' tl.,1 i. . i .V. f . it:,!, 1.:!,. I.i ai l..,!.- ll-,: k. I'.-. ' Ji.- I ' - 1'. i:-, .--re, 1. l i.:....b t; io.i March :" !-'"' -y .-.M !'t. ! '.ittti'n'i S'v.ri -. C.u.i nil.1 , U .r. X" ' II i t IV K X"'! I' !" i- il lo.-v I. : e e ,n :,: i, I ,:r i.. in C. nil-:,! Ii-,.i -a 1 .. - . .ii. II f. i- -j k i! li.a .. I r. v.! ...... .-H..I. e '.. ..-I. ar.'. .M,i: .ii. Vln.i'.y. l i'i- . 1 1 a I .' -1 a 1 .- a -. .' ,n,.i ; in i.a ', i.r -. v w i .-t i.i:n i -i ,i, 'a.....;i. Si. J.oai- ,n, d it" ' U.i ii 'ii-i i a ,!n a''"''lV , . i i .: I . I. an l .,.1 . l. - l'.i V, , .-: ti-1 v, idi 1 low an! .'. '" V hi, re-- m Mil:,,,, ,,r h..i.v.!le. I'.lo.n,-1.!,-, :. ' ilio -i.arre. Pill- on. S.-i.ni- Ala... N"trs, liraf-f red lb 11- for f ..lied ion. 1 t:.,-rit:i.i cl in,,l . .ii nn. lu. --elc'cl - . luliloye.l. ; aU every eil..rl will be made ,. . r-. lVVIiVM'''"'' J'".-N , , . ' fi periiitend, nt I'enu'a liii.si.m. Pnita.lelpl.sa Tl. A. i ISt tl KK. AiSeiit lor .-unl.uiv. April i. Ivii- I .iiixtrl nut lo l.,o,r id" (oniinVn, T K l II F A S'TN iuv iie ull. ntioii to iheir Slock of J Prill,.- liie.-t. and black 'Ua. fcunbuiy, .hii.e 1j. 1-vd iiMiiavr -iiir in: iiii:. Now IS THE TIMK T'l ITI.I. . id H AIJll'MS I X Coliseou. II of 'lie :r.-ll V "f cl.-.I.L'e I will -ell I ,.,v ,-b "int FtXutiK l'll CAlihl. idl Vl.-lTi: l'liUIUAIT.-. rkixtcru ferllii.' lloll.tr. Seal hv li. ail !' mire Imid li -e ..f 'he .iv-.r.-u v "f d.-u-ire I will -.11 Tu.-e c ,r Ut arv l.,-l I.I ...-1:. I an l aie p. rn.a- neui lh. y en l.iacu all Ihe priueipal ii.neii.l- "I Ihe Ai in v. I'n -il.-lil. Cube.. I. Ac Ai-iti""!' ll ..lWtt b ,' iltl.uis ulihlll.J l.l F ai.d l.l.At i,l.,iAl:l t'l.iul '.'nolielil 011 a pbeuli .ii. Sample C' i, fcent on ree. i;,l ( f Tell C. It'. .inns ntiMV, 72S anx.iu Si . 1'u.lu 1. 1 bia Septfl b.r fl, P- .' llaiiuF.icliiri r i.l'Moiii' ni l', COWDtlN l WIICOX, HA-liXtlt-lJlUllO, VA. ' f pllt Sl. ne Ware i 11.1. b at tl..- ,.la..l.-lu,., i.t I I f- , ,.,1,1 In Ul,t ma Ie ill ll. - c. Utiliv t-v.-rytu- 1 lie v ..I aiii.de usually u... I- ! uliu Laud 11 11 1 itbui May u, 1'J 'I HI! I MOV" I 1'1'iX r. MA'.'C(i.VKlti l'i..prui..r f MHIS ll'l I 1 L l . el.ln.1, t .uvetilii.l b) I'aaaal.i. I I I ai. I all p-.ru I ll.es.u. aa.4 IU etcay .n li-,.la a-tul'li-U to lut col.,u,l ai:4 HaalJ wl li" L aii.01 puia,.- k Ti.u.i. 1 iJ I -I d.y a pluu.b.i .1 I"., 1 w 'l.S'hnU MIlll'V-'l iy and ,L..p ,1 iui in . ju. tie. u I lo 11 ,.ii.i. 110111 .x . a V ik.allhu Jl.u.u.ili i "f I nj "'""J " i w e be aij lui aaia J I' un. I Uai l.UUl i'abdulaui C.JUUII fi, liwi tic r.-.-i lie i- a onn!, s m, ii -.-ii- i..i.t:ie t . invention tliai Ham, 1 ,,iir I "ii-i.ui- ' V OE T K Y. THUS BAYKTH TUP, bOlin. I OFFKR T ii Tunnr. tiiimis. I V OIlVI'.ll 1V1VDKLI. rum:). In iTt-m.v dfiip, vln ri. Irnit'.is Kilo V'hil nil llie hni'l ii'- ''ItJirit-n cli.Wn I.-j jwi j.I ii! tiinl lirt -.tilling llnniP, I'ni'l t't liu-ir (niiitrv "i wm' ttt-'l tliuiuu, T!ic ri'eiv'Mits hi-"M-. Sr.iv ! Tn c'i 'c!'i;l li ni' ,. wlw"- nti !jt fires 1 'ii li' i" ! n vAtitv ).'! . Thi' tli.-r liiil.'-' tn-r in n.iilii .if fi-Hr, Thr w it,, tljo -i-!cr clipfl; j j; S nr. 'J'. i'i i-rir !i. tl'i -)ir;iii' ivrrl l rh vrt f i! lifil- ulit-ri1 viiry fi f nr, Aul ,M nntiinit k( -! hi -tiiti. Vi.irt; ll"titT"v Ifiwn nml nn .-TitiiN orou:h, 'J 'In- .iri-iMruT. -litril" ! ir.-Tii hii "'U' h, iiui m IV'W t.-oii'iti-r- frum hi i 1 , Ami nu'rmnj- lainthr. 'it! In m t-try i':ii:i.-. t r.m. Jiluill, Tli it i i wi.lt lilV iiti'l Iiniii. Tlir M 1 T 1 1 T ll"--t. W ln' llill lit -! tfll'RtllS Al"tii; ll.r ri i!ll-"nIli'Hii: t-Ti'.-Uilf1, .'miI-. like n Uiiniini; voiee in In um, Wu .iiiit v.. ii. In oilier. M k ' Choi' vc wli iso li.Miiir vp will 'lo. T-. pt. t i iti.. t. .':' S.-'i- nl die l-.tii lo-. in town, I'i ir of ihr l':Miery' ri tiowit, 'J'l i r ili- yoke, the eivic er-:wu Au:iit -,ir cle.'ioe T--!i 3 ! TI --t.-kei-l.-ur O. tf.ilknit imu'!-. W ilh Vr ii!l-i'v"re-I Lrnw. Ii Ilr-uln., -Mi l l..e. l,.l i-Hil-l win, On wh.-iii -li'iil le tin ntnrt.d -in, V Iiomi r-fi.r-1 in. It i.:iitt hr-r hon (iu l e;tll y.tu jiiwer N'W ' isCKLI,AXK0lTS. " .,.. ,,, ' 1 " A,l ' . t ,Z: .. k- ,,v ' S lie (pu' t (t alio- !. : ;- .. ... , , " " ', PrsM-U,. - t r.-iuer.ift. iii ii h-tier vvritt.-n in . ,. .... :, ,1 , ' I ' ; u-e oi i,s name a- a sm.ii-lnlf lor I om:i- - ;,, ,i ,. i.-j ,i , i, l r i' v, ... v. vl - 'f',,. n,vi r,, no n-; w iil have ! -for, il the . . . . . ., , 11,1 ' oi-poiia-n suoa-i i- iii.il ev ei iu: ;e.oi i tile ail, I..I. u "I a r j I'.-.-enl -1 1 v e I .ode sir..,- , the I ', "iv eution thai d our ( .ii:-l 1: u- : :1" 1 '''' M ' ' tou.-.ai: tie- ,i ay ' " s i .a i I 'a a i-.i : .'..' levi'y.or wait of ,1. I,, s a- iIii'-.:l.:i I in- id. I net bo. 1- of pi' a ra : an, which may priive uili i.-nt a -i a -on ot nuclon.ie.l pr. ,- p. r.t v . vv ., o.I f..r t'ai- hour when ni,rj-li-ui it-i u" i- , thii-.le'.u d -.villi ov i : i'luo.v . It i. Inn!; M. il.i.n.. a,'., i-tic I:.', i-ti . liiii ' i-li:.. , ;' iln- !,!.. . I ,.f th,, 1- a-. f. i.-. lo i . - i,..'i,;il :-, t!:e chiif' - of I..0111 li,.u. di-.i-ioi,- and . . s . . . - . i- . 'III. let ill 1 11 V, e I, '! V i -: : 1 1 .1 a l.ii'iiii.l.iid,' army. ve I lo l.nililli-l a! the roils o':r cons lo a , !:!.. p'.i'-n of tl.e country. e st-n-i ' l. ieii '.'r.'iu .v. ry hoti- h-'ld l" i ie- war: th. y -leu on the iiailli-tii '.d the most heroic I eo ii-a;:,-, and v.l we a:,i a-hcl to vde that ! the vv i,r ha- ii.' o! ii , !, that w- li-lil only t" ; r.-t;'e:.t vv i'li s'hiaie if w c are h. at.-n. an. I to 1 i-n'uiit vvi: sl.ai.i. -if we are vi.i-aioii . : '1 nr. iim.v pi 1 1 u.i. n a . i: i . 'it a -rrri'V I. mi ,; i li vv ai: i- 1 1 - i -i vx i ami v or - pta.st.i I iii.x. 1 1 -itiitat 'on blinds i hao ind piol,.,-' s the si rife in.leliiiiiely. There m-s-t !,- soul iu I iv Pr.-i-!-hi. the army. and ill-- ; otle, of the eoiite-t will .IlllL: '.!!' l.nl'-' i.;..-i : lain opinion-: md the -!,-P -i-.ll'. I .'o-il-e 1,1 'Jliill pi ...' to !. iiii--':.,:! n. -:v ehati'.:,' ir ir.io a seven yea:- war. orati.iiiv v ears' war. or a war for fen, ,-ilioii... Hu'.t U. united s.c(i.. can alone ii . .'. I e-voi-'.' of llie St.it- of N.-vv York, :i- i T -i, d li: ti" i-b-i t'ioi-, vv :1! lie."-1 liiaue.h Use li. i. :,'. vv.n,l. s-liMii wi imt do oe- p.it t i m i! e that V"i' i el. ar i.t t he l iii, :. : .-in-i-.o'l: lor the military i.uly ..t the la id. Ar, we to il, v.ite all oi. r. .iii-e- to tarry Ti.e r.1,,1 mniics ;ne !liic, I with lir.;i' ,, "t. n w.i! ..il i ili. i 1 it-' ' , 1 1 ., - . . 1 1 - I xpo ( elitpiovc.l as v rv..ilt- to t he lie I: a- w . 11 a the fliitii ,n I hat the vv.u w h'n h ei-i-'-ii::: ' . - oil':.-, i -. lu Ne.v Diieaii-. a ietji.u :.l "t l'.. ced iii" ,1 i. - ..ad ,.o.:!d ti. .t hav: l , n j u. roes Was ahotii In iip.; oieanire t l.y liui. av.,; i'd. v. as i:i..: . . .rv nn I a mi-t ike : , , ,.-,., wh,, m !! a powerful appeal to A :e lb,- cilvon- of Nt v Yol k to 1 ., -o in,-,.n- I t mir i..,: t ioi i -in. to join it in d. I'-icc of thi i-teiit a- to -ir.-.iu evarv nerve to u-aiu tile in i-terv in ihe Held and then to si:uily at the polls a ivadin. to faint and s' ecr.ml. : . i.tn iiic oniuctiv u uie .-oi.iu ' "iian u.e war l.v w.'.ntoatv in-iolmr our lla:f. I in- lip at of oil r flee in.-1 It ut mil-, have !, en ll'mii ,1... I....,I, ,.,l,- 1, ,,.,:,,, I., w,,. ,,i,,.'l ' r''11 i Ivv.iin f.nv.-r. and have l.c.i ..,.?....,:,,.....;, i. .;,...!.;...,. i... 1...I,-,..-,i... nn, iiuoins ,,, oi. i. .i I.., ' 1. 1 ...i i... . .'iiii--, i.'i:- . ,, ,. v .-.-... - HI tin- tuili' ol -euel il sorrow, that all i ll. It i-made lo persuade our ltd low citieii- of .. ., . ... . . -. ..:.... lor, I jf ii I'irtii loftivc tneir voi.-s in me piici- .., ,1... ,.. ,,:.,, .,,' ,1. I'.ioli.l. lo-i-i,.. ci-.u -v which from k- nersilioti to jteii.-ratiiui oppn-sed tin in at home. I tin- hankers, w itli llo'.ie patriotism, place. I their wclih at Ihe st-ni.-eoi the (.ovrn in. nt. Are tin y no-.v to he loo I that their loans vv. re oil. red without a purpose, and wilhoul anvn. ed.' Tint the (loveriini.-iil hotild have -oiittht peace a' any price, . vt-n ul ( u-sac I i flee of our national chalael' r, by c.nveiino hefor.' th" cnlli.-t which all the po--il.lt: .1. pre, aliou- of pii-illaiiimily could not have avoi'b d .' Will lln-y eoii-ent lose. Ihe t.'.v 1 in lu, lit -o paialy .ed, and its policy so uncertain, a- to jeopard the r,-tirati.u 0.' pill, lie credit, till. I to inv lie the iiilerj.o.di ion el f'leicn powers ( Are o,,r un i'. -hunt s pr, pur. 1 to vvtaii iheiii-.lvi- Ir Mil the 1 1 1 e Use of llicl'ki-i, p. like mt d the Mi-- i - -ippi ( V ill th, y , all. r iiivin.t woiih.-i.-k I la -e ;n til hiuhwnv s, rive I h. ln up to a ( 'out', d. r e v w hit li M Ihe 1 liil-l of .a h. ut. 01 ua. I vv hit h lioiil lull, t, nl r in-. -W ill, III ca-e of it -ep:il,,li. ,1, be lie. , - atily ho-tiie I., a. 1 'I rise, mil in'i r.-la me l".i,n,l up w.ih the S0111I1. l.nl is llie turn inb r of 111 - lap, of I be I li.-., . aki, Mill of Ihe I iilu:-,111 I ol ll., - Missi-.tppi, to r,t"i. 4 pr oh ibit-colium-rc, I 111 I be I. lilepll-li II , nl i.r in ol va I trai l- of 1.. unity the lull.", ul tho I i.il.d Male-., liln.urp.i.ssi-,1 ..r I., a t ' I , l.itilliy, hud ti, .1' 1 1, 1 .1 1 iiv pi,.., I III- la st mode ol pl'olli illlilt I lm I A' hoi,;, a of ttoiu, sli,: pmlu, la I l lliu h.ir of 1 1.. l.'Oi Usoib. a, i tl. Tel.. 1 ki loas the I ha.iut la ol cif ru'ti'" r r he'p lnrru! etvlyv'Mti I 1'n li t tin; l'ovnltf.l ?! :i!is (jo from u lont,iii;r I'i if I lu ii' 1 nido. is, ti tlit.inuli t'. sir of iiciiin; in roimutiro i in: cii. t iiiiorciiirx! on lirrlv mill I'mevi.T liccau-L' to (l;iv it is iiitor- l-i : j 1 1 1 1 . (ur fcllmv-citizi'tis of fnn iirti liiil'n lmvo i n:id siill'riin; ninoti"-t tl,.- ih.o-li- rliv" ; 1.. 1 . 1 c , .....11... i,, . .1 :... 1 II..11-U lit:'. I tin' plotter oi Ii'iaaiolii to Mi ml tip-in willi ii- i:i one iiiitionnlil uml I r tln-r-lioo.l. iiiul tln li.-ivi- j-liown 1 y tlicireoinliii-t in tin: o-.i-itorsil ili-lrcss. Iiow ilioy list vo fnilii tlint tli.-v ni-i- ivreiv. 'l iiilo I he lio.o.m of :i imiion, uml lorm Imtl ol one t-restt. real. luiiio ii ople. Mmll ue j-eml ,.r.l to llios- of them ulio nie in rump that there is no Aim i it nn people that the I'n.'on is a -ham ( l si:r i-ily lit-htiv ,1,1 !;,i.al its :,ympiithv w ilh I he pal hi nt I "oreorsiii w hen he r turm-.l from his lone raplmty. What rnv t!i! rliief I it-1 iv lo hi- service, iin.l his .-ouows except this, that he h.ul l'ouuht mii.4 it.?'.T tl for a country ami it people ; Ami shall we no-.v mar the honoM iiwar.!".'. him l-y .b.-!. Hiil' that tin I'liioii is f ! uivci up. (hat t he American pcoph- has ci :i.-i.'! lo l.e-- that the chl; " nicii ne iipt.ot,-i-to i.e 1-oi.in-i; ot ictii ii-hi iiihtne-s ; Testimonials ol' n-o-ai- haw jii-d 1 ecu sent to the tt. ran ,-io.-!. I, Nc.v v. ,..i- ... : i. . i i . . . .. . i'i:- . " i,i:ioii i ue i i ' n i cei 1 1 . i in i e po.l, .had tin- lellou di eiimr w ill. th" patn- oil-in which ca.rie.l mm :,ero-s th,. h.ih- ol .Mi--i:,in and Arhaii;as ami placed hisii asnn a.:ancc -naid iu Virginia, is lls-.iit"; and dun-' aua The pariy at the Soiilh which has ma le t'ni- i-.-l'eilioii i-, led siinl netcr in- a Demo- ciatic parly: il was and is the ino-t embit-, tered hater of democracy: il r.-ts on the mo.-t liatT-'t, an-.l the nios, s.-ili.-h of oli"ar- chi. s, which . the wrv mce-ilv ol its nature s.-ik.., to c t i ut: u --li 1 1 it- .! 1 1 mcrat it: I pi-imiples. to cn;-li the I'ni.m and the power of the people. To sympathize will, them i.- lo -vipari.e v.ith ..ii-a:-chv in ii-iirocle-t 1 . .... . . 1;1"t t,,n"l'l ! '"' '"' 1 "'' hui-bcl I. IU' t heu.-elv. s at the v.-rv thom-h, of l-eii'tr called 1 )et.-. crals. To call or to hov e , . ,. , , , , , . , , . . . . eal ed Mdcl ai.d ii. t.iamin and their like to .,a,-, who should and who -lculd no! ... . , ...... . . , i v" v, , ,i i , I In :( -. ' 1 1 ,, ! I , ' i : 1 , I ' 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 : , ' 1 1 . i I I . -.t fit had not be,-, loioiv.-l i.v d'-a !'v con-,- 'I'"''"-'". . .nieni,-. i ompi,,ni;s are ma.:- a-atn.-t i:i" .vs"n,.- i-ttotion : ther.' never v;, and n-v. r v.sil he an Aumini Iraii' ii that doc- not re jniiv to1 ;,. i; ,. t!ll. ,,,..,.. ,,, t!oi; I'., -i.b-nl ; and we who preferred . 1 allot in r pid die -eivant mu-t now cou-'-nl to s-ivo vi-..r M the i,...n who is I'r.-sid. nt ; nu.l.-r tin- Cms: u i n. In harp upon I v l.sit is na-t and ""l.e and lrrem,-, liable. would be ti-eh-s : the jrrav.T pi,-ti.l . .- , ... ...... i ,,, i i ;. a:.' e. oil; (' i -onai ii in-: i. ouisi i ,.-n. s'leh a w av a- t" leave l.o .latlifcrol's piece ,!'-i!!. Meantime, we cannot .-umr toe Niean! inie. we earn, uiii. r the country to ''o to pi, ci s !.:e-f-o the I'rcsi- .l.-nt ha-commi'li d ciT.il. Let. t!a ll. the voice... tbi- .li-:r:et ami this city l.e His- tincil;. In ml iu l'av..r of an immediate. vi'.-r. pi..-ecut:..n oi i be v. .sr. 1'or on.'. I wii! lu.t udvc a v..t,. for any t:,.i v.!i.-e election would 1-sin . tit-otii'a::"- :m at to the I'. '.-1 lion to ladd out. I. l'..r ..ii,-. vv ,11 n..; cut t.. .--nd o'tr ns and '.r.-tlu rs to the hattic !h-!-l a'a 1 tht n he: ray ,i . i : i . l in -111 III l lie j:oi,-. llll-'.ll lit llie polls. To r. pr.-eiit mi, li ii 'ii -irict as the l.iv'htli In vneli n ci I v as New York i- as lii"h a t n:-l a-can iievoiy- on anv man. lie- nistrici -hoiild iv riitiiily ivp-v- nn .1 ; si muhlpliea- tiou of i a:n lb ! o s will have the re-tiU v. ry miiih t- -h. ir.ee. I me t. ther, fore, -k your l.-avc to .t.-cliit,- your nomination : and "liaviltr done thi-, I call, w ilhoiit reproach, cat rent t lint there mav he stall opportunity ..If. r. -1 f.r . !. lil a-ra' ion n- w 11 i lea. I lo union of all tho-e who feci l- ply for tl.tir cot.ntry in tin- liour ol lier inou.atio'.i. Very sincerely, your-, Cl ou. ir. Hv'.cr.ort'. To John T. H.,-:i ! nun aiid othci. of ill'" Noiiiiuaiii-i:" Coliim'it'i e tt lac l't ople - L" tl ! ' 11 As-i-,.i:itioil. ... Nr.iillol.s IN 111, . A MM V. We me noitne i. . .- :.. .i a-IV oeate- lor uni III" ii, onus :n me at 'in lite- for .ill 1 1 , . ''-.' -.' " . . .' il- sol, ll, r-. I.III vv e -i i u of ol, j ttoii l-i tli. ;:' In i.i" (iiiplov.il to iio die me- ! ia! labor ol'lhc cainii. w'h, rev.-l thevcaii he ; 1,,,.;. iiaJ ihip, rellive the -..l.iier of t! , l!t"l. ::,:.! i i.aM.- hi:,i to le-et ve his . , Confed, rate nise. T he tokinu ol Ineeitv, j how cvei", hv our forces, put an end lo the i .;il k r.-t-in , nt for the- tin:, h. i.i-'. I tit i.i u. pan nr. Willi l un sauaciiy alio ui..cpeii,i.-i.i c am 1 euerjv vvbt. ll liave liimbeil tits w I. I fo'ind mail lit re. I he Mnoh-li I iovi nunc! I 1....I i ;.. ,1... VV'.., I.,.!... I lltl.l the rrencl, ill Ahfcri.l. Jack-on ,,. ..i .. i ,i... i ,-' e v ... . i.- ii'iou on in in in, in n in - oi .-ii....,- i . ,ii ,. v.., .. .... .i.i.t ..it,, .: .- .... . . heroics lor rebel sv inii:;llii.ers tontleliipi it to i, , . j rai-e a hue and cry iitr.,inst t heir csupio, . .. ... . - ', t. It,,. .111'. .1, I.1U .nr.. ,.,...., ( mei.t win rev.-r tlicy call l.e i.n;t: t s.-r-.u-ea- i i.i.. l.. i..;..i, I ',..,..-, t'il... isiib j wc'liiid il alah-d that -V .i.-'.in, r, , r . -", I ,W ,;.'. v r. e-. loV,,,,;; n.',..V; .,. V"- and we will not U surp.i-. d to find. , re loll- that the l-.-hel l;ov . rn incut will make a n.-ral r,-..,t to aruii.,- U.e , ,r.,. s. d pud, them forward at the point ,d the hay- ,',n,t. a-is now done will,'. heir con-cipts :.. ...... . ..' i... I. .... i.. I ,s.i.. il,,. ill front of the battle, t.i li-tlil siatlist the Yankee,." - i;,:l ( ,'lr: j -"";.'.' . " u,( "'"v" . l l. ::i -l'c i.at'a ...1". - 1 ...,t him with mT ..... hs.ltle ,d ...sutl, Mi-. Ul.-oi. ' J , . ! o- ii lii.-rc ; l.,uil..,,,:,,!a; Kt h.,u ..... .... ' "hiuithter vv ho r. -ide in a ei'tt.r ja.,1 lei..i,d , . i , ,, A teh ,rraplc, tun com,-. :,., I al.tomm , ,u( ,v p;:,,u.t. ,.. ,u.,vv.-:e.t tl.s.' tU-v I kt I'-V'-'i-statin; that a wal.r-p.,,,1 hurt in lac .pir-c I Wir(. ,.,,, u u, ,.,,;.-, a- maid h'e ! i'ad V. a, Mtsisin-.,.,-! toeoilit for r-filly si llied portion ol I .os An. . us c.miry on ... , ,., ,,... ,hw lnl,,, U1i tls- ,ri vd U'si.e to p ty ., do, I, a.-', !.,;. th- INii.d Aismid, Illy .u.i.- Irom U..',.,.W1 i,,, ,l,i,u ua vvll, llie si r. ,.'l .....Hi. boms' t..e h-i.e lovii.e will, wat.r !...! ir.., vvlAtI-i.t l...r...h-..) ovei th. m. ! i irte,-!l l,.t dep. A lili.ll und a woman : .... t..,,,,. t ,.. ,.olU- u l.oi.s, . v, I.., li I ndiu ilia cirri-.",- were cm tht in the ih'od and lln: Won. an uinl lu.i.-.s .irowiit.l. 1 lo in iulloatid more lhaii a Hide lo a pluee of . . . 1 1 . ,., I I ii 1,1 n, ,.l -tin. k Ihe Wlll.llas-, ul.d l.IS I..UI .,a..lUI, !.,..,,.,, pi, i, . m. i. Int.: in lbiilil! ' ""' ... . I IVI! ii.. the or.licc. Il.c poor ".'., Uu; , .,. ,.:,.., ., , k , a. I lie Mormons Mre llllllill III, ir lill, lllloll I.i lh" ciillivitliii of t'Hii , i, , pulling iiioii.y I . ... :. :. .11.. I I III, . pi i-U IlllO 11. Fill I HI OK Ull. Ill KIllS,. I'l-lllllV. Ihe Moiiir, id p.p. Is Hal. that I be. Nov a ..ll , und I .I r.el .r h. nin li.-lu ry h., prov.d a , ouiph I. i...it..e ti.,. .'..,, and 1 , 1 .1. , i.il, , hav c iou. on, ully ml v .in. , .1. 1 1 " Apiib, tu, " pbliiv ill Wislctu New Yoi k 111, I th. V can I, I on a III lor Ijlj ti.lt lu l-ir,,l' I'olil... a tho no u.pl. lua I'l i 'Ir s , nd li.o la at on, a ure a.. I, I p-r a 'rt"l'i t-ai'rl. Ioi Ivuliny kae I Tin: !isk i Cum. It Cmm.s ami I'.i ri.cr. Tin- incn -uc Iv in tin: vtilm- iiM'oiii, (is vm ii nv tlm i-iiiii.i:ii ii ivo sr-nn ity of tilt !i:-li. lr. is X' il in;; yem-ml nt;, utiox iiinl tii.wt likely c.iiisi-jTr:'.i in. .iiv. 11 i ' -i k-; loi.'i.' I l.o w in i r n o or. Dui-ilio lln.' yi-ir l-iil, tlio ::vt1ir:i it.' ei i.l ti-.nli- fell oil' lienilv a million of tons, in..; - v it list ;im lino; t'ie ai-imiml of I In- tlovi rimiinl siloiie w: fie till! !'i-e.ih r t'.-.uii In any pro- , vear. I lie. iliinisioo to tin- TVhw:ir.- :iml H-.i.ls,,n J '.snssl Company, nml nl-n t he l,r!,i";li Cair.il I iliirinr the summer of this y.-Mr. .TP'.-ifio 1 tar.loil tho tran.-portation of eo .iin-iniV t,i- j si-a-mi, :il(hosi;jh hyLrnal c.v rtion.i t!i'.p:a!t- ' thy lroi!rit to innrkK 1ms Ixrn :re:'.t"r ; ?.:! ; was irencraily expi-eteil. Anthntcil.. i- p. .v.- ; ; -miinf. forw.-ird villi grcsil rajii..i;ty. r.t: I ' v hen navie-ation closes it is l.eliev. .1 I Intt ' ' there will lie n quantily taken fi.Mu tho! 1 mines almost c-fiiml to the pro.luct of la-', j . ear. I .Xo'.willist.-iii.l all this, hnwevir, Fcvorai ean-es arc operatino. w hi'h prohnhly l. n l to maintain tho hiL'h niie.s. The ... :. . .. . , , i 'un-l s ire s earee !ieo , onei in i in.-ri , s,., i r:c i ' o! wa-es ; lolls nn.l Irei-hts on the raiho.els and canal., have lately bee, nearly ,1,.u1.I.hI. 1- rciulit from t'nis ciiy to New York duriiii; the l:,,t summer was srventy-fivo ceiils, now it is one dollar and vent v-ri i e ,-nl,. The ' whoh-sale price of coal has ilii'iva-. d, and retail p.-iees iroportionati.!y. l'on i:i coil lists not advanced in price as rapidly as our own. thouuh since (he commene. met. t of the war. and in cun.-e.ptence of the heavy import duties, as well as die inerea-inir demand for . , . . i i ' i i ":as manufacture, the la -t varieties are sold j lil'tv percent hitlier than two vi ars a Native hituminous coal is also in denn.nd i.t increased rales. .... ... .1 I he conimuuity v:-,not d l w n h'Hit coal. and. as a I ...dr. the dealers will reap the ad v autaje of an'v unf.cipatcd scan-it v, 1. ss the , . 1 ' , amount thev o-i in con-ooiie.h-e.i he oi : the Ininb-i:. ' " ' . ,; : . . , , l.vll li lr.,'1.1,,,!", Inn . , 1 1 ,, , t i, it lt-,nd.vd -.-; l,o:,ts and has i:, hav" la-en . , i .i . -..-i -i i taken l,y the (oiv-ernmenl. Has railroads c:.in scout one -i..rtit ,.i tee :n, i. j ue ts- ci-..- lax' on the conimodit v is ;lj p. r ci nt. 'l'he con -timplion of c. i d this vv inti r V ill I e tjiiiu- laro... lor familv u-e. and vv ilh the In av v demand l.v the ( Sovenime:.:. l'..;-'.;.-s, , . . .v.;-., the -uppiy is a m atler ol 'r.itv.-taMsl v. ( '.ue and cm. my np,.n the pari of hj.tt e- keepers i.i cert:. inly adv i.-ahle. I'hi.adcliih.a In nun r 1 . , , l ln.Tl! AT utiMi:. i'i ail nappv nou-e- , holds, that Is the happiest w here lals. -hood j never tlioiit'lit of. Al! peace is broken up i never tnoiii'lit ot. Al! tn-aee i.- i.ro ken no .when once il appears that there is a liar in a lioii-e. All comf.-ft h-i-.'one w l.m ju-picion ,.ls ,,,.(. entered wlnu tneie must he rct-rvi' in talk, and reservation iu la-lit f. An Molt- parents. ho are iivvur.- ol t lie pa:::- of suspicion, will place "i lieial confidence ir. iheir children, and rec. :v2 v. hat ll.cv - iv iVct-lv, i.ii!c.-s there is u mj'oii ; re.i.-oit to ,i;.s- trn-l the truth of any one. if sin h tin iota- si,.u inl,l unliappily ari-c. tii-.y Suu.t h,vp . , . .. i . . , tli(, llie Stl- ili'loll ilolll s lil.l'lllU lis li'llt ,1s H".- i!de, and avoid, di.- ;:'i'. in:r t'aeir poor child vcl.il.. 1 1 U -i eliau.-e of it in,-,, l.v their . cniidciittal n l-tam e. He i,.ntl.l have ; th, ir j,ity and a idiioiis help, as if h- vv re ' st,;!, riiiLt umb-r some liis.tru-i in-jr ho. lily d'.s- or.h r. If he can he cured, he v, ill heeome duly grateful l-.r lite trcttmint. If the eti- j ,J.,.aor fail-, means n:u.-t of cours.j 1,L- taken : to prcvi'iit his , xiimple fioiil do'ii"; liana: : Ml tIa.n as I said, the family truth is ! hr.iketi up. hecau-e tin- t'liriiv cmlidt tire i ls ooue. 1 1. ar that Iron -..mo caii-e or other, there are hut few hive lamill. s where i , -,, ry iiieni!...r is idt-ori-lUr truthful. lh:t ' hiv all mv so or:itii.'.e.l and so iruintd sis i ,0 liollv r 1 !e iii net and word, ih.-v i ale a li-ht to all (Vis. and a joy to all i.rls. j Tiny a iv puh'.ie heiieiits. for l lu-v arc a point . .1' ,,..,,...".1 r .lint,'.. nn.l ther ,-.. mivalelv , ........... .. ..... ... .. .-' i ,1 vv lllilll a.., l v. . uiii. v, un , 1. 1. .in . i , ... . , . , . . . , ;,l,i,. ,1..',. I. ...... .,,,,1 ,1,,.;.. 1,..,,., , l v-" '. " - i l':.-V t'"-' -ccurity ot l. clitudc atul .'-iu- ol llliloeeue. .1 Mi,':, v .1-, Tin: i iv- it. it Tu u;: ho.lv. as is air, l.odv. is more "t- s- mt. :-. -t- i d nt oy-t'-rs, wc -ive the followiu-- fa ts ' Taking Ilni I), cvN. lhil-.ver tells, a paod from the liallinn.l'c Sun of I' ri. lay. iiir.:-ii'd ; ay . f a yair: ; lord who w-nt to Fton. to the trade in tliatclly. The San says; mil w hi -.v..s a t;i d his pi.tue by the Co, k of The o - t. f trade of that city, has receivd a I tl-.- s. hod. a hi'. I.r ,ve li l:.ev,"tl:'- .,i f ii s. i i'ii!'."ehi c'v, ami thctv i ' no -." e cry p:. '';t- lv.iu-,1 w iiiy m..ri h..ut. "1 a'u l.. r.! Dash' hiiity that it will not r. ii' h t mme t'inii ; said the hoy. .tii:ij, "llie ..n , t' thu Mar lifiy per t cut. of t he ii -ti tl amount. '1 ho-e ' "1"' !' li -ir'i." "Ti:. n," .-at I th.- other e:i'i,ued i:i the trade, have held several i t.il.li:.; him ipdi-tly one sldr, ar. ! Liiv:..- him nu-itinirs wit h a iew to r. l.ie.ly the d-j:':ci.ii- j ptactie d I. i nn, th.-re are three kicks cv ;i- far as p..--i',!e, I o.I tin- f.r there up- o:.e for my iord, a;ld two for the mr.r. oie, j." m!eity 1, is t-ti,,.at.d that lully live hsi...!.-ed;t,iitji;i:u IUrtUcr llf VheVocle vV-o- -'o , v,--.!- ,iio,,;'ril iii t.i.a trade have I.n " " ! - cstroyed, or seir, , un.l conlis. alvl ...la e ; the war he'..ui, hc-nh- which, itca.l, a.! th. ( , . , . -Il l's l.-.v .. .1'.. i-.i.i: ,l o I t' 1 tbe , .oi.l lbo-e l'..r..,..!v , mill,. Veil ill lal.il, li thi" v 1 ; , ov-t--rs trom tie: v.iuer have sou-l.t oilier , ... i-ii.ii nl ie.. lit. llie r. -II II 1,1 lliliie-e e a- ' , ', ; . --- - - . ii:llia--iuciii- la inai oysu rs me i..u. n i, ':" '".r m;"'-, rM:' ""'' a'W''. ' 1 ' "'" "l '"' -'"" "'' "1.t''r " " u-r,i ,i pro-trat-d, and the tl.llle V est the ii.Ve,. : . i;h;ui ol Ha:..,e,e. nmu. h, lully au,; -'" pucci IikU -Aid , uuturally lollow o many ''U.u.-,uut. , " i " . , y .t.,. lL.M. udUi.ip'.. I to , J,i, un, ,,i' i',,l 1 , i lOipc. I. l 1" l- I I ..-, 'I. Ii.l- l.i'.ie mu,; p'l. d fuiioUsly with hi.s foie f, , I , mid t'-" !.. .... ,. .il. I I I . ir l'.i., Si, I . ., r. ., All,.! milllll .li.iu no. l i' "i ......i, "'l.-r, Hie iioi-e oy iie.-..-r.,:e ito-.i ti tri. at. d I. im 'f, ulsd tin) , Ie 4V ed. 11. illif, H ir l ia lM a.ii.l lo ho ill I ollllln.nd ,."r r . . M ..1 all h. lroop in lo or"in and South I aro- . 1 . . . i- i. i t : i . lui. i. lie li. nils, a I . lake I tat 1 ul.iskl 111 , ,1(1 , ,V v Mr liopc lli.il 11,11. r.d M.t.h.ll , ill i.,v i ul . a. I I hi, i d.iV s of ci a. . , lhliik thru li.ilt l.t'a.uiiu lui. I ike lilthi" l ame , f l,e ll. loiiiliu.lid. I iwoet i I l.i.i ' i, n ttl,U( , Hi .'", ' IYvu.tv Ton il.'.i l-im; to :-') ;.v;, vntx litl l 1 Ii. - MlS.-ll tlllioslty ii -i t.) know tli.- pi miltii '; uu.Ur .siuic :u..l Aiiiion :il So -i ! -r re I'.-,:: l' to m-ivo v,iu.!i iiiifi, i. Ha-ill. n't is f nt it.-. -1 u:i:br nn mtolC. ,--!-'!- "I'.t'ily. 17, 1 -!;, v liioli l:-l. -.. iimoi, -.il;- r ll.in.'s. ih.it "i't-j l',tm.J,,.t in u-Hu.r-'-. 7 ;.,...'( (;-..M..'.'-v ri'ht tri-l r, .'.( ,',7 7.., St! Ullol ; t.l.'.f U!'- llfl'i ,-tivi; lis 1 tl I I ! ir--iti!ot! ir ewetition of the .irnlV I An ue! of of I'.-nii-.'. ! ci-imh lco-.m-.l in 1-.-'. ::'.U -o, ion, Ai,tii M., uis the ',,,o ,, 1;,!,-M::ne : "Kaels un-l :v.n ' pi i a.,. , 1' -Ji.i miilii;-. t l,,-i -hall 'have nejjl, ot,-l or j. fu',-,1 to -i-rve v. hen ---..1 ! 1 ii.to n. ,. s -,,' .x p-ir-eai'if: of ur. or.h r or i;-iii-;iio.i i.t t ,e i'f. ..i.h nt of the L'niti.-1 i.a.s, .-, , i!i i.'o ii i'o-.- f t'.i.. pi i-.ait;, s" vi.-f.ii!.- 1 in . . .. ' ,'f '.ii.:.r.--s ot' J . brumy si:i, ! ; ,v ' other m l . that lu iy tliVfetit'li r be , I." 1 On reference to the act ol Col.-;:.,! t'.-n. ,1 lo, it viil It: fout.d to wuu-i.ee i::o follow in-' i,-ais "I'very ullhtcr, non r.-jmisiisdoiifd ..ii:.-,-;-, or private of the militia, who shall f-.il to obey the orders of tin; I'ridel't of l.e; . -. . . i ., , .i c. .. . .. , a. - . , , ... t t xcec-tlitej; one Vtar'a iv. and not h-s j than or.,- month's pa"-.-, to U-'det-n .i,,i and ndiu'l.'ed hv u curt mi-rti-d " ' mid j aal-h non commissioned officers and Drivi.'t'a u.,.11 l... Ib.l.l.. i... : . . 1 -V . K .i.iio isoueu .y a HKO -eiiUnco, or failure of ljo iit of tin: f.i.cu a-lju.l-ed !i-.';:in.-t them." for unu calendar mouth for every fi vc dollars of siich line." It has been -b. -ided l.y the Supreni,. 0' . ..rt of this State, that lho'-'o w ho Ui-o! -ey th'! rtipiisition are not employed in the sen a ,, '!, ' '' "'V. ' , t'"" k's v Hr' lmt ! -''"i ',';L' lw tr,ca ,'-v,a ,',"irl ,1.1a. ..a . I air tl".-tihovo a..t. Mich court mar la laa.t l.e r, .-, . i, i-,.. I .:..!.... so as ti Pe n.t! e to the nrlii es of n- i.of . .. . ., - , v. " -..., lul a- I " '' ' 1 ''Uj :it' 7' K ere', v, ( , , e,Trr i r I.I.I i.m. t , li a pi.-. - 1 e f.op, : jh ,ar. kn- ,.r-. , i ,. ..; ,. , , ,, , ' ". I , '. '" !" ''l'-l i ieii un- i -.IU ... S ai;.ielie, ti ., . , li'-i',, j's 'Vr!'' V-vTw I'i ' "i "'. """ i".' ' "' " ,a--v ua I .e,.n i ttiiuhtd Inuit ,, . .. , ' . , ini.hl.s h , wur1., .... ' I ,:, .. tl.,. .. ,i, . . ' . ' i .'. ,, .o ..i:,, ,. i , . i, . . ,i , !'.. . coral U cr JW'n ''' ! ......i, ....-..i.,.,'., Til ,V" ' , pv . in. . i , in i.i. , i t, n s ii , ii. v w ,-re con-' iiul J . : " J.rrn n On:,. J'k.n. r;:.-,, rtnfehl, ! N. .. th- re is it pn . ion-little "irkif iw-lvo y..rs, win. publishes a soiiolillv vvicklv paper, much of which is hi-r own' coniposf- non e.eiy i.ne ot wim lt is set in tvoe hv I,, r ,. ,, i i . -,' . . -. ll.r i-VV U :ti";e ..ie wa- i-orn on ;::e .ii ! '-f Nnvcmhcr. I'-I'.l. Ih.-r father is an invalid ' -M'v t-iniH-r, l-r.l. J!er l.ither is an inv..li,l a::d ahno-t I .!'. ; was t'.rmcriy a j.rintcr. , ll. tills vv ay .-h'.-cai.-ie i:j pn,-,.-sVion of her tjrc nn.l pr. ss. Since tie. death oil., r im.- , t'-- r, she I,,-; . u,o. n-,1 he-r latln.-r and thivj ; ; ' -ni::. t .-t,-.-., ,..r l!;tt , ..,,, in.i,.,,...-. ', i-'C''-. to l.: a: ! I" ..'.iiculc t!i--ia, if tho pat: a. ui-lv ln'stov. ,.d uiuti her i u w :j c-.tait. I in tin- f'ltur-. . "Kjtit:- a:i: 'i.o.- ;'o , -.-,:;:,,: n; llLntt.s." 1 ill!' HI ' : ' I e I ,,0 , -- , ,!' . , ' .1 t ,i ( "" al: try (. !'.:.:- ion. i,;,i;i".i.".i , l;v. - - ,..- .,.. j-.ui.o.h.- rep. s :at i ri ' ''tile to he iaM t ;i tiie altar f her c.v'iiitrr, fearin the f .11 .-. In - iu-. i i i .ii, ,,; ..-im," . , , , :' ' . , ' '. , , '; y ,'," J .i.'',", ' ',.,; ',';'. ; .'" ';-'.'u . y',,, i, vv i e'.'ii-' ('-.' .'l ' ' " I VV! ''' !' ti, Ti .'.s'.,,'' ."''r'Vi- , m. l" s, .o -h i t'.;"--' !, t i',1,.-, 11,0 ct ' ... , , ,,"'"-' V'-'-'"'"""'' "v 111..-1 !:i:;.'V, x. X. ,." a . I'i:vr;i,.r a awoi:i.v vi.t.owitr. akd a SroM. Jl.-.i i:i:. John Mn .-Umier, who for .-ot.i'.- .: ; . t la... la en Havelinr mound the c.oiht:;,- i nt-. 1 1 lining au.!ie:ie,s hv Ins p"V. rr to iduipje tl.e .t .v, ,,r.lilt j,n 'I -t. I ... i ' ''.-1"- """ "' P'isiU'lls. and .V Cst li.tcitv l.l to eat t.l:,l .11 o'v i, I.,... e ' - - v. v stol't S ins one In, .v.-.,f I I v.e -l . .'U1.I.IV U I . 1 : . , .. ill MtlUM.'.V U w- ' n i f AN!) II (MO!!. j v - , f-:,.,,!,,- ...... .,, ...... , v I -, ---.' " ."' "it ,..a,r i , c. 'U I ia a, . I ;, i soaie in' 'i r. I. - o- ,o 1 . - s l I V, ,'IUlet-, aa.tl. lis lit) survey fvl Hit- n;..ui upper works: "YoitM I l.l' I Ll' I, ! have evn a n.iits.ty tall man if thrv hadn't ; i,cut yea oU to lar u: j I: -v,u v .v',"r -'-'. !'t 't:d I fl VO-.lj.:i,M f Thv Iii ,1 that teamd , ; ... , ,-,,, a,u.,.,tJ,, c , , , Ulll,;.,. lR VV . " ' , - ' . , . ; . - , v,-vh..Vl;.i w '' ,", , "i ii i , - ' i ' U-ad. Lc r-pl'v.l : Jud -. hy did v.. , ,. f -c to pnv i Kiddy.- -What f.-r ,h, i Id Ipavf Sare, .Ud i.eM,i i. aSvLnn: b,.t i:e uu: :, s I , uml the ds.ii c, aid 1 k' . p on iay 1 -t ::,. ,b 1 1 .. 1 1 .. tl.,,'. i , ,ni .'' 'l 1' .. , I I., .it U.t I. 1,, i f tlj.;:i p,, i. j ; . A la. i, ! r v, a . oiuc fi, htciu d ia t ,.f Ji eb li, e oi i' i buy Ia Ihe autct -.n p'a l-y a aol.l.iy n:.-t,r, v, l,u. anil," i,,,- i,,., . ,.p.o.l 1, -. I . .t id ll., ., .'. I v. i , t "li J U,t I ) ' u." 1 y .'.! I, -bl.il" d 1 A wl! dl , I usi I M'hi-r poli.p .i a Nol.'.ri mleU), in lu.iy li,i am iv-t'l.bg Iii ll. i i.i. ' 1 1 lb. ul cni..! ;t t l U-IT, i" It ( ami.', n a- v -1 ee.i a4lia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers