ii 1 1' " in I in ' ir.u.us or tiik"A3Usbicjlv Two Poi.tAJii jk imnum, to ba paUI bulS-jcarlj In mlvnnoo. No jot; r diaooDtlcuid, until all rvaraci art paid. to rtrt i Tbreo ooplM to oao addroit, 9 t 00 Beveu do do 10 00 Fifteen do do SO U0 Kivo Dollars, lu ndvaiiei?, wffl pi j fb tlarot yeart aubaoription to the Inurtcau. Club r.iltrirtipti must bo InTirlnUy paid in ad ranoe, nuit scat to one iddicss. If subscribers neglect or re'uso to take their news. ripen from thi ofliiio to which the; are direotod, they are responsible until (hoy hv (oilled the bills and ordered them discontinued ' Postmasters will plouse aot as our Agents, and frank loiters containing subscription niouey. They are permitted to do this under the Tost Oflkt) Law. x;is.is or One square of 12 lines. S times, fcvery suljj" iiiint iiistriiuu, lne soauirc, J Wjlilbs, Sil months, (.'no your. Itt;tiiii' Carol of 5 line?. iwr nt num. $1 01 3 uu ft i t) , nil 3 (i .vict-jiciu'.i ni:n titr-trs ii'lviTtitini; i.y IM" Jrrir, t i.h Iho j.r.t of imuriiiij ililo-i uiA u ! vi-riijiirr Mintilj, 1(0 1'ioii. -s u.ii'.-ii iiivr'.i-d in tit Loi al (a.i.t it .don- M'Ulii()r,., in.d Dcutlis, I I V h ( l.M J'llU l.i..i-. lor each ij,urii.ii. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, IY II. K. MASSE: Vl SUNRURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Jf Amrgi'i- A lv'.iti.-era'.'iiH a.s p- 'item, lit. o n Wc fcavj c.-!iii!,el ...ii i. eil,ii-l.ti,.-;,t. t. Scll-t '.I'd ''.li l.il't'jL r-', i v.ili 0r;li!? a- t NEW SERIES,VOL. 15, NO. 34. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER ir, mi. OLD SERIES, YOL, NO. in il: niaii-ai a1. "op. ci..ry tunny of STJE'BtJRT AMMCAB Crittenden I'liUndelplsia Com mercial College, N. E. Corner of "tli nn.l Chestnut its., I'liiliidelpliia nilll INSTITUTION, which was Fstahlidicd in J 1SII. nnd is now consequently in tin1 llli year ot ii." existence, numbers niiionis. its prmliiali's. linn il rods of the most suectsslul JUrclimits and litisiucss Slen ol our eounti v. The ol'ii'ot of tlio Institution is soU-lv to nfllrd vniinjr men facil'uies lor ihoiough irii:inition lor biiinc?. The lirnnohr? ttiuiclil nre. Hook -Keeping, in nppli enble to llie rnrim deparlineni" if tnolo ; Pemniin ship, b th pliiin nnd oi nnmontal : CumiiKTeinl Law. Mulhomutics. Navigation. Oil il KiiKinciTitig, Draw in;r. I'lionoiiinpliv. and M."lein l-aiiiiiiniri--. The ?vt. in of in'lnu'tion is peculiar ; no pinnies or s. l lesiiis nn- nimle use of. 'nit eneh "Ill-lent is taught iii.livi.lnallv. o that b niny eoinincnee at any time, an 1 ntli'iol nhatcvi r hours are imt pi.mciiient t'-italiiirio'-s tire i.-sucil nnimally alter llie l.'uh of A'.ril. iiutaiiii'itf name of the stmlent for the year, mi. 1 full piiriiiMilars of tonus. ,te.. ard may lie ob tniui.il at any time by ml'lres.injt the Prim-ipiil. In e!eiiiVe accotoiiioibitios. n i 1 1 1 ti m . I ropnln t!on. ao l llie lentriliy experience of llie Prim ipnl, this lu-'litution oilers 'facilities superior to any oilier in the eouiilv. tor yomv men wisliintr to .repar for l..iiine. al'ii to !" it i 1 1 at the S'llne time u iliploiiui. wbi.-b will prove u ri.'"inmeinl:ilion for them to tiny Meicnlil'lc ll.ill-e. ; V (.'rill. nden's Serie c.f Treati-es on Took Kccpinj. now more v.'i'lely eiri'Ulnte.l than any other work ..nllic snlipe!. are fr sale at the Colli'!.'.', fv HOKUKS'l'UlTTLNl'LN, Attorney nt l.aw. February ti. lSil'. ly m.issi-:k" iiTi:vr nvi: i n; i-nv.v.r.f.K : As Impr..v.i.l for K9 ami 1"60. T.y I. KLTCIIAM & CO.. 20 Penrl si.. New York, rpill' only FreufT construct. ! rn scientific prin J eiples. ivi'h iicvoh in can and prina bliw'o rr'i'.-cr. The one li!.sU'i;s the fr. r;.in..f the cream- -the other removes it us fa.-t r.f trojen. The moat wpid iu Irci iinj;. i;h the least quiniiny of 1 'c. , , . The m.t economicil in post, (is (t is the most simple nn l (luralile in structure. For s.i'.e in ml the principal cities an-1 towns in the Union. K.i 'li Ficcz'-'' f-:,cou.p'itii' d w ith o btx.k cf recipes nr..l full .lirectious. TRICKS. .1 quarts, 4 .(tuirts, d iir.r:s, 5 .jii.-irt-:, 11 ipinris. $.1 Oil 4 fid 1 no 0 ml Oil iii.-iri' II 00 Apt.lv to H. B. MA?SER. Sunhury. Pa. M ir. li 20. 1 ',2. E;i;'iic:s'2:i.i.8:5s a boi r.i;. Attorn. va nt Law, Sunb'.iry, Pa i .l"l:'!iAN P.ocKr.FFI.I.EIt nnd S H.OMON a li. 1!' ' V 1.11. re-p".'!fuil v announce that ihey i. ... e ei.tiT' 'I into e. porlii' i-iiip in llie practice ..f lio :r r- l. -si. l,. and will continue to intend to nil bu-iii"ss entrusted to their charge, in the counties of .oi 'ihuuibei Ptii'l. Fnioii. Snyder nnl Montour, i n in'i:l I liihf'illv and Piirefullv. Special ntten ti.n will b.- Kiveh to the CiH.I.F.f TI'iNS Of M..I3!S. Consultations can be had iu the (1E11- -.' - -.M. ". :;-. i -'rc--'. i pp -ilc V'.'ciivrr's H jtel -uubi.rv. 1' l.rti.irv 1. I -C0. Hm.'itS if. Willi's. in. ic. ri!T! sti''-u-ilc-r. hn-.in? ;pcnel in Thoiutsnc's J 11. ij. Ion!. I!. i.'. 31i!l .-tr. ct. Danville, a lurpe r.,.i t . t- ---.. -k of ! -i.t.i ; AND D'lMr.JTIC I.IQVRP. ,',i i-io lu st brands "f I'.r.ni'ttfs-. tiin. f 1 l.v.-. S -.-t.'.i .-ti I Iri-h Iiiskev. Port. Sherry. 31a-tl.'ii-ii. Cli.iiiici'ni and oiln-r Wines, of all ri.-l-'s. nil ol .ii.i-.-U i!ll - .! I WhoU-i!c. ut tl.e Kov -st city i -.. . ! .: -: ti- ti.-ep.'r.s. bv bavin of us. can Kivo .'..' 1 .tit ,!.. n ioh. 1'.. r- i s i -.--.roii- of pur.-htt. ::i' h.yjors for 31 1 I. Y I" S E , ir -iv r-'v up.-u 1.. au furr.i.-ht .1 v.iih a j ere and nt.- Iii!'- r-it. 1 i.rticl.-. . li ;-.!- - riuii.cd to cs'.m1 l'.-h a rep utatiun for s -'i-t-,.. i.e r.-peetiully s-.'i'.'tv the p:.!ronni;c o.'t!,c ' . '!! '. A.! ,-i let-pr-'-iiip'tv iitt.-n'U-1 lo, .1EK1.M1AH S. J! ALL. li,,-, '!!,-. .li.t.e lo. ;- 'o siuie ytni:- t'rusf, TY u-.ii. 31, i-oii's Paten; Sh.-et M-tal Screw Top l'r .-.,'.. Jar. M..-.S M 7:vr s VKVT METAL M'i'iir T.-iy.- Ail tiiii, i- pece-.-iay heltir t . s.-r(w rl.o Cnp A -wn ni-.ii the Ue'iW ...i-k i. i..-,i i- pbft t o-.tsilc ..ij, ,.i i!.c !.,.. il t.-r of i n.' Jar. . ..f an inch d.stai.t tV-'io lo f-.. t ;iri-' oi, tit.' po.-sit.ilily of '.lie tlav.-r of ', ::-,.;' I.a: ivj ar 1 Iv e ,;iin iu ci.iitnct with the E.i'i r. 1 -.,1's -'.c-iiiiic; th. se ,!:ir cin be Mir pi ic 1 by ; I'o-lr o:..-.s .;, li. It. 1ASKK,' Arfcnt. .s;ii.i..i,y. .Iii'.c 2. t -O'l. W :i-.LjftX(itii I(nif, NtiUTlll M l'l!t: LAND. PENNSYLVANIA, : , ,r fW '.' r.v) ri'HIC -:-!! -r hnii'5 ba-cl this w-s',1 known .1 l i.- rtt -fin I. lately kept I.y 3l;s. C. S. Frown, ".-p.- Iv it:'on,,s tin- puWic that la i- refi'tine; an I -' tai iii . i.e t .eli.i-es. al. I wiillc pit-par.-. I Ut en-ti-rti.ih. it. v' . - it.t .. t.-.l'lc iii.-ii.ticr, hi- Miiiivrous .;'i:.!s ihr oi'!:oui ih- njuuiy, ni.d aU who may l -t'. no.- I:is . -pil-li-hnicnt. A,, 112 i-12. J'l-EPII VANKII'.K J'rtiul .liti I !', r)!!i;i ll.T M 111 11 P.XISIIED. Cr. Howard V it;- I i i: ui.ilii s,iv. t. ti tew Siji.-nes est r.f the ,-h-inC r..l ll-.iii.e.d D. i-t. IiALT131')l;n. r . Ti e-,-. l i-t.t: Dv. (i LMUNvi. rrowiol.-r J.i'y IV 1-m -i i in' Si. I.otli'., :htini-t '.i'v.' Ti,trJ an-i Tir!.h, 11111 M.I 1. I'll I A I'lir. no l.-r-i i--i. hat in lea.el. f.,r a term rf I yc-irs. Ho. t. ipuiar l.ous... have thr pb-iuiurrt of tin uiicit.. to ll.-a liu n's t.n.l the trav. !:u7 Com i iia v that i i- !!" . p'-n t'-r lite r. --option oi -,p !io'i-. s'n .- I'lietu-t ,.f 3!ia h i.'i-t. In... la;, n .:,;.! i . ti..-, tit,-1 tin-1 i .II: to I ill a -up.-rior iu 'iu a r ; a - :.p oM..' ot-arc i.u well ...iiilnti'.l and fur-i-'i- 1 iu u.oteiii s'!'-. It i- .''iiil-iilly located. l.l . I.i. Ill to till the lep..t me I .sleattil.-.at l ill'lins, 1. 1 II. til"- illlle -.1!:..- VlC.liHV "t ll.C Cu?tOUl lloUSC. '..- i uli -.- -it. I ih,. ( oi ii Fx.-iuiiii;.- ( oiiii.-.-.- I mill ii,.- lloi.-l is a llestnurant f.,r the ' "iluu,.. i i.ioi. .a lie.-., pi-.-ten iiiii (he Europeuu Pin P.. - "t 11 tioiu Three to Seven Dollars i iiol i. . t.u , ,o p. - ttion 1' .t I ;i ..o p. r ! Tabled lluto fur itterebaaU II 1 bu.-lti. s.- IU. II IloUl I to li P M IIENKY NFIL, I vVAC L DLV 0E. Apr ! 12 I-V2 - lv Mtir! Wart W ur ! -..ML i :i"V I III. N " 1 1 1 II t '.mi i ii"i i in; -mi th, I "Ml. I P.nM I III! K AST, i i'MI! Flt'iM lilt WEST tve the c- unfrv in. I lool l --ir lives bolnts, f.,r i- ihv t'lit ,o . t ur I. tat her cheap Yi, j mi;i:u i.r w ;:.' l.r.Misr.n it I. in !i..-o I 1 1 la is. al Ihu .-IEAM SAW. 11 1. o i.'.i t i.i:.ii: r .-I'.xui'KY, PA , -li a- I1 ii. 1 1 l.uii.t I t. not l.tm.l.er. lloui'U. SI. t, n.l. - ti.... .!..- p. r it.- usand, I'l aieni,g all. P. I.i .- I; - ii I. .11, A A- u i.o ... i. , .1 i i ..i t km I oi Lumber, will be I.i V T. l Ll.MLNT onibur . I. 11 I .1 NATRONA COAL OIL! .iii'.t ill til uu.;)lua.ir. M tl l M (, .' r-o.'.s u -IS 41 I'l ) I V ' SII.I'MIM t V I I I.. Mi I I IMP AV, N 1.. n ...-?. Ici ra.uji i v ', 1 . . .. 1 r. 1 1 , bAl'UMHl.H hAliiSinEK'! 111. r a n i l "U' i vK h 1 1 - It l 1 to lr I. -U 1 .1., ,. 1 ft, as,. 1 S 1 K.t. . ltl' I I. i l. a Ho (! -.... a .,. ' m.i 1, .1. M ... o. 1 . .... I'. . i CU Ul (. f atl I tltvi I 11 II si'liMll'tV . Ill IA 1 Si' It4 fllil!!l-A SWSt 14 I S tl Itt4. ArraiiS'Ciiiriitis of ."c York I.liioa. THE CAXIPEN AND AM HOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND T11ENTON H. It. CO. g LINES. From l'liilndi Iphin to Xnr Yori-aiJ Way J'lam, from lVafHHt strctt Whar ami KcHsuictvii Jhwt. ,r,lt leave ,n Jotcs, faIie. At fl A. M . via Ciini'leu mid Aluboy. (C. nnd .' ce"i(iiii(Hiat imi, ) AlllA.M.. via Cnmdenand Jersey City. N. J., Acc..mmo.ation. Al i) A. 31.. vii Kensington nn.l Jersey City, (Motuiii).' 3Iail.) At 12 J 1'. 31.. viu Camden and Amboy, (Ac- eommo.latioii.) At 2 P. 31., via Camden und Auibny, (C. and A. Express.) At 4 P. 31.. via Carudcn nn.l Jersey Cily, (Evening Express.) At I P. 31.. via Camden and Jersey City. (Si ml Class Ticket.) At Hi P. 31.. i.i heusin.;ton nnd Jersey Cily. (I'.etiin3Iail.) At 12 P. 31.. via Kviisintoii and Jersey Cily. (Southern .Mail.) At j P. 31., via Canoli ii and Aml.'iy. ( Iccom mo.lati.iii. Freight end l'ass.iirier, First Class Ticket. Sceoml Cli. Ticket. 3 00 3 00 - .J 3 00 3 DO 2 2.1 1 50 'ihei'.i P. 31. Line runs da il v. fPumlnvscsepptod.) The 12 P. 31.. South. 'rn 31-iil. run daily. J''.'! Vuter (i:ii, Strou. Ishurir. Seiaiii.-it. Al'illves- .'iiiTe. -iioitsrose, ureal neiui, .e.. al .-jo .. m . froni Kciiini;lon. via Delaware. Lachaivaimu an-l estern llililioa.l. For 3lnueh Chunk. Allni'iiirn. IJethleheui. H.lvi- dor.'. Fusion. Lnmliernille. Fli ininxion. Ac. at 7 -1 ' A. 31. from 1 . 'i-iti hi Iieiiot, ai.d ut 2! P. 31., from Walnut street U harf. ; (llie 7-ln A. 31. Line eonne. l. ni'b Trains leaving Enroll fr .Miiueli t hunk, at P. 31 l For .Mount Jlollv. al it A. 31.. 2:n. 1 I P. 31. i lor Freehold, at ii A. 31 :u. 2 P. 31. For Ptislor; Tret....!,. at f-l'.,,n.l H A. M. and I P iUm',w,V-?L trK-f'nit'm- U)J,U -1 ' JV 31. from walnut Mreii P;u t. . ; For Li i-iol and iiil.'iine.liat..' Stuiiotis. at 1 1 ; A M . i from Kei.sini..n lcp.!. I For Palmyra. Iliwiion. D.-lane... IJcverly. llnr- lniRton. I lorence, hoid.'iiiuiin. Ac. a: 12:. I. l. 6 and P. 31. Steiiinlioat Trenton, fr U-.r-lentown ntul ii. tonne diato Station-, at 2i P, 31.. from Walnut St. Wharf. t V Eor New Vorn. mid Way Fines le-tiin Ken filial. u Depot, take the Cais on Fil.ll street.' l.b. ve ulnut. half nn hour beiOro tlei-arlure. The Cars run into the Depot, and on the nn ii a I of each Train, run ft. in the DeH,t. F'illy Pounds of I'.-i'-jT'o-c onlv. nllnwrd o:!-Tl pus-enKer. Pa-senfis are prohibited i'rolu llkin; linylbini as bii'.-ML'.' but llieir weariiiiiipi..irel. All lia.-'tfiiiSf over liny poun,s to be paid f. r i vira. The ( Coiiipnov liuiii their rcspoi.silnipy i,,r haL'.M.(. to (me Dollar per p.'i.i.d. and nill not l. linblo t..'r.:uy . amount bevuid iluu. exci jn I.y special contract. ; 31. II. li.VTZ.MElt. A-.nt. .March 20. 1S.12. in. t-it;iEiTiii-4,;. rpiIE subscriber respectlully iiilorms his l.l fri. nds JL and Ihc public (p-nerallv'that he has puuniicncvd the LLACKSMITllINi UUSINFSS. iu the shop nttncht I to 1!. Y. llri.-bt's Foundrv. and i." r- pared to .In all kinds i-f l!lack-n:i.hin. iu the tji-t stylo iir-'l w.irkinatiship. All cuslf.m work wilt be promptlv nl'erided to J. II. '.IMAlt'lt.MAN, Ajrcnt. . Sui. bury. April 2'i. 1"S''.2. :f ( , ' I"BiOSIli:"l'tW. the K E .V Y O R K 1". ' K X 1 vi I'OST. , A Daily Semi. weekly and Weekly Newspaper. o ('oniproiiiis.4' or Stnpaihj villi 'I'rtlilor. - Por the Liti"" nnd the War. This well-known I'lurnal its now in the klxtv. first v ear oi ns e.i;'.eii.:e 1 1 lias niivtiv- Peell a leftat j .urntil of the city, titkin part in all Iho di-cu-sions of ihv day. and uttering its scutiui.ii s v.i.h eait.lor. fcarlest-iu'ss and independence Fie.-dom n.ov nr.il i Foicvcr. lit:- been ,np nill colitiiule to I.e Pa motto. I 'Ihc Principles hy wlii.-h it is o.n.l.d :ne: 1 A Strict Coiisiruciion of the Cuiis.:i.u'.ion. , F.coiioniy in t.,. ertaiiciit, ! No Poli.ical Jobbery, Ilouei-i 3I. U f-.r (i'i!'i.p, I The Suppression of the Sls.ve Tower, t Free Soil and I roe Spee-h. nnd the prosecution of Iho wan n-,-,ii,.-i treason un.il ' Ihc last rebel has p,i,l .uhh pis ,1'it,.-. Put the Evetiin' Post, while ii i- foail.-s-in the : cspressiou of iis opinions, aims cliii tly a, l.ciir-: a : (rood newspaper. It will e,.niain tiill a(' 'ounis oi all the intcres ini ocL'tirreiiees of iho -I ty. en. bracing j 1st. A Complete History of the War. i 21. Polifeal Document.', lleports of At.nii.s. ; peetnis aim rroc.-eiiin.'s 01 i.t-ji.-ia'ave u.-ai-'s. 3d. 'iho Latest .Markets. Commercial lulvilitrvucc Fiej-orts nnd iasis ot' Pi ices. 4ih. Eiitorr.AN Ni:w Advi-ts by the forcion tieameis. l,'itei from 01, r own ,-. rrcspoial. p.'s. tin 1 extniets fi..m En'!i.-h iii'd tiaiis'.atiops truin c.-i.t ii;. 11. tal journals. .r-ih. 31i.-i-eilitneous lleti'liu. Poetry. Look IUv!ews Ttib-s. Ai.cC'iojis an. I ilo-s.p In sbort. it i- tho iK.-in ol the editors to u:::Ue the Evenintr P .s. HIE PEST NEWsPAPEP.S IN THE C'FNTIt Y No naii.s of lab-r nnd noexp. ii.-e in n.iuey will be spared lo act..ij..lis!i this end. As the Daily Fv.-iiiiiir P.-.t c:r'ulates ni.-re Pir-re-ly. perhaps, than any other coy j liun.-l 11 on n.,,-. ehitlitt. c.'ij itai is:., Pauiiers, biokirs. l.tivy.-r-. 111 ti.u. futtures nn l luiiifts nit n "a ij.aa.ly. ii in,- n!i..i,. br-.-u a lip.st eii.-iole lehcrit.-iu uieii.iii.i. I'-iit -..me liio war its ciicuPttioii h-t- 1 11 ,1 una. -ly in. 'lean. I. Wh'"ll fapt t-fl.-ls a.l.iti,.li,i iliilu. eni' IPs lo ih-'-e who ttlsll 1111. lit IHSINLSS .MADE KNoMN. T'je Seliii.W ci k!y Evo-iiin los., pulilisi.ed re ;u larly on Tac- lay- mi I In. lays, eoi.tnin.- ill ih,- rml in lnalter of ihe Duly Evening Post, aa-l li.e latest reus. I.y tele -'rapl.s iiu-1 mails, up to .he hour o:' pub ii'M'ion. Ihc Weekly Evcniii' P-.s'. i.-Inal cvt -i j 1 i. up day, is e hied with cs,eetal reterelice lo ,he w tl. a of Country read-as, and b.-std. s all the ut : i .-l.-s - . -,. ul n.l inl-lest pul. listie.l ill tiie Daily I n. in.' Po- . c.iiilali.s 11 com;. Iclc di.sl of tho news of li.etl iy. and an A .'1 i uliural Column, douie I lo the i;oj si un l instruction . faiiui.i. D contains forty louj Columns, of reading mailer evuy wtek. maku'j il. AN AD3IIKALLE FAMILY PAI'LU. 'l'triti-. 1 riu.T rvrvivr. rcsr. Pintle Copy, one year, in advance. 'I lirce. Copu-a. iu advan:o, Single Copy, per inouih. M.UI.UtElil.V J-VCMNO POST. Is Published tery Tue lay and I'll Jay. Sinsli! Copy r.ae veai . in adiujue. J1 fid To copie.-, .. "' i rni iiii'i.T, -- j ,ti IvO tujiles, o wtriiLV eviiMio i-osr. Ia Published every T I. ui ..lay Pintle Copy, uli) year, iu advauov, 1 hloe Copies ' " Five C..pin4 ' " Till Ct.pi.-s. Til ell! V I 'ol.i.S. -I IM uu I ! J PO ' J no ; , ;' ' - ' " i-i nn Any litro;.i laimber it lbs mil of $1 per yenr ; SuU. npii ,i,t uiy coiiiuiin.n al any uuie Piy antsy, iu H-l nnctf. Any per-n mil iiii us Iw.uy or inorr- u!-i.i.niis Mill bo tiaoU I lu au t-tiia ut..y .. Lis ...-I 1 tr. . , -r Iof ll-ll.tllM llbrl. Im Mill rcci Oil a i'"iy lor i uionil.s Win 111 club .,' ii.l.viitUr La. tiiu oMHr.t'l a I ll.lol.. U'MI be Uoi'll' iu il ua lb Mime Uiu.. li i. not ni'i i'v .ry thai il.j u.eu.. I.cr. 1.1 a t-l.tii sLotad ri-ci-iiu IL.-u ini.i-is at ti-a 01.0 I'.l Hit tl- tat. Ii ul. I lUl liuu-t: 1. I HI til t.uliis .r C lrigiu,. u ut- .ui 1 lud al iLu lullo. I ll.ralta- tidily ..r inuum 1 pu Ft. iup VI v. al) . ir aLftuas i CU tt kly, i-.-i ui.t.uui I til M ni't a.jt L I iair 1.4 a u risk tj.iem.u O-J.ua Mill U ..111 io P. all l.u ti.u Il MM f LUVAM t rn , I'll.' 1 "I lu.. I iim , ',r1 41 Niirni si.it.t-t. cuibti L-Uii) ,Na tk Jykli ; I -H' J 0.0'lo M 11.14 Ii, 1 lluPHVt MS l.l. -ii.L.. V...1..' .. 1.. .1 ... i. . . 1. . . ol oui.iy I', i.i..) 1 1 m. 14 . t ,4 ...rt I V I l wl-ul 1, Hy v-lt-f S..UU y ( 1,4.. r.l, i..i.ui uy-Uf Ss.ua y , (tl'tllt-. U.I 'tfil..! Ml. U u loiui I Olai.1 tS-'Ua, at "i a.il t i-..v ls Ctiail II - .1. A.I (.is'sa. t.J Iwikt. hvit'4.l, 1 Ma:v 11011.(4 ni,nst M C. UEAItHART Has Rktliixkd with a Nr.w Stuck op 'onlV't io:ntt'i'si, K's-iiil tiucl 'l'is.. ' T T seems as if n new njjc, n new life w as pi'iiin "1".'", "" ."'"V"" every heai I to n..l., r ,1W ;.. ,, f,.,k , dev elope snblimer l.eau.ie.s 1 nn-l irrnnder conce.tion. The business oil. I. too. mils! fei'l the newiullinnee nn.l every pin I.e .i;i k. ne.l mm! -irenth. iicl l.vi.n 1 YuiiiMi!;!. ft w li:ic 1 t en limn- m-vi r. k ' increased V itnlllv. hirh strill uvsv li- on i i.h . It... .,;,. I!:..... i:. . trie speed to Ihe'eoi, matioiiol ..-rent , lhin-'l,,n ' '"l" l:" ': "' "i.'!""'''"''' ImmIuii -s iu rxlrt- 3 1)0 was ever iln aitie.l of iu the l'liilu-ophy ol tl .-j.:. . -: 1 1 1 : Ills in lily Irniil "l lit. s :mi ol the ! Animated by iho ei.il.usi.-isoi ul.i.-'b perv.i.l.s ell i Chit K.tln tnitiy," lut.s di i n so i rf' connnciit 2 15 1 classes, nnd -irmis of iloinff his sliato t.mar.U "Tiie ! t il inimi m'vI it Is with n .lK:r'. h. ui il... i (treat events ot Ihc .,-e. I In; sul.-cl ilier won .1 re- .ectfuHv inform ihc o,,l , ,,... r s! Mil ;y ,;,i ; the public .nneiMlly. lini he h:ji.' reluin..d rutin the cily of I'iiil.ol. I.tia w iili the r.irui st aii.l i li .ic. st sio.k of C..n!.viionnies. Fruit nn.l T.iy. that has ever been b.on.hi to thi section iof ,, y. lie is lllso nuiiiiiti.ctiil loir all kin. Is ot ( i.iil. cln.iijtr.. ,. A o., to fill up ..l.b r-. wholesale or retail, at -h. Amoiij his s.o.k ot CON FElTli 'N A P. I I.S may l.o fuuml i French S.rcts. . llurnc.l Almond 'linn Iirops. kil..lscel,t. I.PM' Proj . Mini i;-. - le.liin.lwl.i;.' .Idly C..h. s. I-1 ui( I 'I "J -. Slick ('Mii.ii. s. ..I V,i ;i nls l'o. k C: IM Iv. Alii 1 Can ly. I'lillT . l'roi.i'. Fis.. Kni-l-. Nutsi.f I'll hil;.K 1 1 ;ii. .vi:i p t-re.mi ti inie. I., n ..ti. l..-c. " Viir.illn. Col'.'.lllOIl S.'el. :s j I Paiiani.s. li.o. Curraiits. drie.l . "' " I" 1 " '. 'I ;.li v. l.v il;,. ,;.,. r .lo.'-n. A -l.-i :'. -1 lei V 1 . f v.l.i. h i- ,'I1,r,"r '1' -v " "." ''' ot i ..lit. ::i..i i.mi .n-. ,v , . U,-""'"',','r ";. ' J ;, ' ,. ' . M-rkot s-rc-t. I' do...- v..-! ..V I.. ill, ,!., a's' ,, to)(, S'lii'ii'tv nii II l-'.l -Iv ' 1 51 ."Eit'IU 'S'SIA i-'I.Ot KiS.A fplll: nl..-.'li!..'rs l.'.,:i - taken p 1 tii-i ci.-i-s '' .' I n mi;.!. to rc -ci c rriiin .-t al! kin !-. an I '.. .1 i'll of ll.i- ! tie, .-ii.-l it-em n.'ik at (!.. sl.oii.i u..;i 'e. ('.,-:.. in. i - nill j " :' iri -'s mouii'l in. i.h -I i it.-! v up..,, th. :r I. th the Mill. A- i, i- !!, iut.-i.ti : !, t;.. ,.. I hi' Mill, a I'll'.'.-si;i,pv .. L'i .in will i Kcpton naii-i. mi. in.nr i.y si..-i,u-i .i y .-.n .-.Iways HI' ...'il 11. 'O. llo'L-iei .1 e . T I.-' , . , , to ''HO ,.t .. s... ..(, v i' .1 , - .. ,. ,. i i. .i aomiral'l c a-l:.)-'. I . .ii i.-iti n. i..i. . ill I... j,! t.. llie wants ot eti-toiip i s. rt let iln- p.ifn :::i . ,- of die pill. lie .-l.t-lally i- ft-s tlnlly I. -io --. .1 Sui. l.ury . June 2 t. Is in. ' 3i ilii t A N .'. Ci I rnpjsi 4 E..ti-,if .t-M,r( irit-;;l c.i" Ji'.y tl,J EVANS A W AT-i.N S SALAIvIANDP:it P.APK; CLEAT lTKi: AT 1.1! A D! N't ! . 1'A F. I .i.. ti I.'. 1-12 I.1VTI rMI N -K L'lV. - ). li u. l! , ..-a ii t h. oil to ii-f -no y.-u ili.n in il moriiiii i-i tl . I !, i i ..- . . t-U .1.- a. I -.tl n. v stock an. I iioiai ait's. 1 li;.t ..j..-.,; o;,,-- Fire Proof S..: -. Af.-i- !ni!;. -,u in' heat f.r -v.-i. i.-.a-. .1. S , ..-!..,,,,. .1 llie-k. iiial P.i el - v. . n- pi n.-li... ;. ' en liiioii. I -i ..i! j,,. . , ; i.oti.or S. ,. .... ; o 1 ., i L't't p.l. t in oiilcr. 1 o;.i-a n "-' n- ' o ;. . 1 V P. DH1..lN.-"N."ll,.t fi!:f st Hi!! i;!: c r:.i: Ca v'll.t ttsia it.;, l'r 11 , 10 ;y. P. I Au.-i.-t .-I-'. I-'.I . MtSM. EVASS , V,'f. .. I'l al.i 1- i' at ; li 1". men: "n ih. ai. in.' .! il - 2. I . : oi.-t. l-.i. our S,ori-l..-u--- a, ilii-iiii-1-: it- w.i- b tmi.-l l.v tip. 'lLe Saliiiii'iial.-i S ale w iir.-li is. -1 t'n.iii y..it tiie l'-' veals since was iu I he at-.oe p., p, il.i.,-.! -i..u- house, an-i eopPiiiii d a'l opr b... I.-, pat..-:-. - ;-h. A .- . l.i;!i w-ere pre-net in a p-rl. p-litioi. a.t.r belli - 1 ..-.I p, 11 11.. s it .. h, ni f.r - . .1 is Pb .-.' 11 p 1 111 l.-i-.p.n ill, .it loll..- y.Oiui'.l sal ps another I .iv. r .-ate. Youis ,:t,!y. 'tAKS A ACS! IV. S..1 la... 1 1- .-s.l l'o;- 11:.;,-. S ,,:,-. I'.ii.iU. Failliile- Ac. A -. Al-.. l.M.l.-A l . - .p's I' o. IP Al hah, tic .1 P. 11 li l.o I.- ai.d 11 k V ml: I ei ai lo ;a y u.t.a in lie i-'.uiy. i p.l -. i.l . -i ;.- pooil 1. 1 11 -. 1. .. V . w. 1.1.1 i a s... .a io.lv nit to til. I l.tl'.m-. in.- l!..l.l.s .u.,1 o I.e, p .. liailp, tloar S.if.sai.l l..fh- !... itl l..e. i'l li.e" ''I tiie .-.i.i. fiC- tn.li. t i .l n.ai.y .. It.-1 - :l . 1. i.i (l..ir S 01 e I'm I 1 P M A I 1 S 31 1 VI . It t' 1 Pei, l. ll'l,. , 1, ell I I iile Pitllad' l iii.o 'I' 1 lie- . o Em no -1 a 1 p - Al s l:.i .Pi, v I! a k-1 I'lahsde'i hii C .iif-.n.i 1. C, ' .It.l i i ... 11 k 0: I'n.l.'t. Po.t-t.mi. I', t.k Pa Con. a, II 1,.!. .1 ph.! 1. l ......-vitl'. II.,: !.. i'.t. ( ; 1... , It. , k. 'I- .,11. .-ti,....! a, .- - laa.tt. I'll. Pt, Pi ...,. A-s o:.. I h '. i. t-, .-1, .10 i;.ip. pa li ,i,l. ,i ! .1 il.uii i., i Im.'l I. ii'll 11,11 Pal.k. I'll It I I" ., Nol.h 1, l.aolli,.-. 1 ' 11 "''ink. Ilaliii.. I aaiiol- Ipi.i .'il 1. .-. is .111 1 1 11 k ..I V .1. P..11I ...I'l M.lli. Ulll.kll-. Fi.P.-.ii ;..i.k. A'l Pt.'. (in. V! I. .'iiat. N.-wiilk U-.l k. 1'. !. VV li - .-ilin.- VVi lie-b'e L-.-i I: 01 N 1 .. ll-o.-iJi. l.o.-bfr- P. u.!;. I'ti. C'.Ll la p r. i;ce- .1 i. lipoii cillii .' at 01:1 it. No Pi l oliiah .s.ti..:, Piiil . i. 1 i i... 3!:.r.!' 2li. I.-'.2 - ly is'i! i4 s; : 'I'Sjo .t!.ms E'i'. ii'i-s. ti'tiiitjutsiy. rtlVF. N'U'l. I! tint i!..-v have i-.p,-!,, Pi .. I ran o-ineii.s url, -..h- nil' 1. 1 il P. .:!...'.. I i . 1 1 v ... inn n at- l.oin I; ,!. ia o. e 1. r V .., U. li a i l-h.na: D.ati.l.ili. llaPiiA. '! 1 : 1 . . p. -111. 1-1.0 v. ... ,i.t tt.l e. I.e.visi.ea '. 31oio:. 31i:i.,'y. ' ,1- I'.t.ii .-1 o.-i . an 1 all i 11:. a 11. .- 11 1. - a. i- . - eo, no in ' at lliiiisbn.: w i-li th.- i.l: 1. f MI.-II.UN EX- w .-t k I f. at- ; ..r.'a!.ifsi it.- do iiiils w i i Is iin Pl: Lot"? i..r l'K..-! -a, tii.cit.aaii. M. U.U ai.1 ihc t,.i!ti.!. .1 iiitti.lit' '.fVo-i - lla t.i-ti-n: !...i;:id- Al,.wi,b Iltciatil .t l'o . Fvi r. ai Mdtoii or l.lnl.l i'.le. lllo !.. -'..if M ilk.-.-l. ,ia e. Pi:.- .a-. S-.-.p. toll. lit. 1 il.tel 111. -at lie - .i-aops 0,1 lite C.ll . alt i-- I . 1. iciitiu .11.1. -I A l.'uoii.-i.i., - Il.ulo. -.1.- A' VX 1 : -1: .i...-.oil. la ho. .1 I A Co. - l..l r. -.- to .lei- .-i...ie and Lo k ll.icp Also, i.y IP..-,: , A C..". ai. d ilici. i' 'i.inv 1 l'..r l." n oli. 'ii..-., 1. Ilia: 1. Ho h-st, I liuO.i.i. Nli; .a. ; I..I .0 ,,;' : ,.i'... po.l: Is 1.1 IV I si Oil. Noll Y 1 , k M. 1 ' Il - t I . '. O 'a li they itii! p i n .1 1 31 -i - ..t..i. a - ao. il i.kNo -. Jcn.tiy. ni.l V aiu..blii I'.. ,l..t p . -a ,i..y a -li..,. Al- .. Notts. Di.it' s mi l la!!s I' r (' .!!.-. i,,i-. 1 Exp. 1 lei.. -i.l an 1 iltieaii. Ii.t's-el. Is inip'oyel. 1 aui e vcl y iL..i I v. lit bo uiodc ... ret a.-t - 1 al 11.1.11; I .1 il 111 iilAM. I Sap.'tu t- n i rl P. la. 'a Dins en. l'i.:. 1 I. laa. I U A 1 1 -1 111 11 A. l. I- 1 -tiii.luta- I iijxis-lsiiil in t.i . fr tit' (t! 'I :i. TPD'UT - - 'N i"Vi ' nfaa;,, Pi 11 c liir. 11 m.d llliick lea. sui.l.,1 P JliU 1-. 1 .! 1 to ih.ir s.o-k ot iii.vij -.-r -:::'-- t' n'f ' ' ' " Z I'AIH 1- 1 I'l' TIU1' 'I'ii, I'll I V ( .1 ' II ! I - I M T-N'of.-' ,"' I' I 11. v el. ; 11.1 t L.VjiiltAFil I AUDL lii. V I-T 11. p.Htl'llAli.s. ssl'.n t'ii iui'O-.io lo:!;ti'. a -ot bv U.tlil Pr a-c 1.1: ! -it. .. 1 .... 1 ... . 1 1 1 . . 1 . 1 11 cat- s-tii-.i.to.'. .w-i.'inii'-" .i"i.' lu '' "'"' .'. ' '" "'' ; , " '' ' " ' 1 Iii iii P: .ci II U.i .111 -p. I li.i.ii.:..! ' 1 " ' ' ' '" ' le tin 1 ins ui.l.i.li ' J l.l 1 i 1. I II at i.la. Ahl ('ata'i.ru. t i.-ia on , pli fiUiPig c.r i.i s.c in n' t !' i ,1 C n t J ills !AlMV . 1.. .S; I'l.. I . I- !pl..j S. .'finl.,r 9 1-'..'. Vllllllir.ieliu ti ai s.l'. Imif Wi.le. cowulh L. v. 1 1 1..;::. I I A. I I it It! U Uhci, 1J . f I '111. .-' O.U Vt .IU pot. tl . 1 i. . . I. lid. ti.. 1.1 ... 1 ... I , . .,, .1 1.. .,, . t.,i.. ... ,1. , v ! .1 u-U tsa.U) n .K I .. Jt u k.i. I j tl.ii,ii,.l; .'a 1 I . -I J ''Hi: 1 A I .." t 'T"N MIU'iMII, l'1-rtlii..f f I 'II Is) 11)111. . at 1 .1 .I,LI' 1.1 1 v I'a-.e.n I . !.. -.1 I -I S-t .!. i.- .i. I ... . .j I.-.- .. 1 ( i 1 "t 4 v IL. ( 1 ...... '- r s.i .. .... $ I b'- r il V LI - -. d-a 11 I l.s- ill1 i II k,. j......i.l 1 l .. .v.lli.U (Is... HISTORICAL SKETCH. From the (ieiti.iinionn Telegraph. ,'ow ,,, in till' l.roSLtit (lav sdiml out "U,l,; l"'niin.'ntly IhI'HC 1 he wcrH, in our (iv. ll rmmtry litld lllif.'.l.l, tltiitl I Iciicr.il Mc- ! t li'lhin : mul Miico 1 1 if l.;:tiliM iii'iiu tlir 1 i .... ,,r 1, Jo ,.,.., ,, 1 .....11..... . """'t "I tl.W ;,....,.. ,,1 li-ll ;'f. ut ! !.',,V,,,'',L "r !" N 11 '"'. tlitlt llie j wt ili r miiiM now iittrniit to review :is : (.lulls mill the f.HJtlitct t.l'tlmt fatliltli"n 1 , ,-,,.. 1 1 V I inn lilK.rtiiuiilili'. I with (Jen. . ., I. . ,. !( t li lli'.i : J lift i-r v:iw iiim to know l.itn A- tin oM Mil.lit r, Iliad in v prijtii lii'is :i"j':ii-.t Ii 1 111 hi a otiii:: iitir, 'ovfiNlniioiiiim intttiy tin o!il conir.it!!' uinl t'tiitnl; lint "Initlt i Iriilli," tin. I il is m ono wlso nt t. ini!s to ,i ut tin; truth, t'.i). 1 wlm !,,,. ii liiir jii.ior.it nt. tlitit I now rxiu's, my oiiii i.m ot him. Il is. ini:o.ss'il,!i. tt. v.-rite lii!ory : v. !.i!f lit-toii -.tl cvi iiis ,'ito in ..o;iis. i is c-it't i;iiiy mi ri'utir'ls I .allies. Tlie ; I'ttmii stii;.u-i I f. ni si ii lauti hns l.tt p, in a li. lit. nn.l ii, stl;( m-.h-,.(' I.tiyotti t ,.f Imlli't, "I't-Uil if l-oiili.l slt.d. ll.t'r.l'.iiv lie tnitsi ktotn' i. II nl'iir.t it. nt:.! tio ::tili.t i' tiionn I li'ui. l'-!. n w i:!i i ;,i's Mini fais on the Mri.'tch. tit. i r. ii. it to tin if n. tut,! or ns .'-i' tiio Huf-Uor i 'tic wlm knows h-s tiitin they tlo I In ii.... I I's, il' tlii-y I'cn.l t'to lieu iiiii i-s, i ti ii i'-l.ir.'l tiio K'i IniictiU. tn .1 cun mt two :'ii'! two tooitlicr iti tlir w ny of i hit wiiiu: . iitl'.-i i p. i s. A'.ii.i, l! k- iuiMii nit iho urn;;, .us ;i mini or ;i hurst', to whom it is only in ifs-iiiy to siy "oo," , 'in.l motion follow : 'i'l cv 1 ; 1 1 1 1 . tliitl :, tiol.t ctin lie wiin.-T'l l.-.iii ti lii'l t.'j. ii luiinvr i.i. in h fiin to ii ,--l IV.tm iitl.ir.l .-'iiirv window, 'llit v f t ihjs iii inv. :i t.f llll.tl-.lt! ,uin . t.iii-t .- it at h-iist lOil.tnili uiiiil.-. a tl.tv ; tool if tip- tinny i to I c k- pi in piimi.' oidei'. to ,i-t -i'j nt leti-t m liian-s, or.i ot ti. t wiT.f.-ii.itr. VVIit-R' tlioff an- ttinil.iUc , ...'It .... . . I'1-- (. tiililniy fall o'-t (li.iiio vorv well; ', int.' t,:t!V i'lo p.o I iil'tioioi's, llll.l till- wiiitlit r i Wit, tin- iti-i ttiiria-.f of a siiioic i oiii;:ttiy of to 1 i'!i r;, . th,' i hi t i i-ii t It i.tti-ti liiir- - v- Im-iv tltf lii-t t aii iiioi-, a .'im t.'t-liin-t-illy, litis fi'iin-1 no diiiii'iill; . What, iluu, in ii-! it Ic v. Inn t w o or tint f liun.liftl i. t .-s ol' to : illt'i'v, i ttt-li oiif iiffi'iiiianii il l.y.ifiiis '.II. t i a n 1 1 1 . , '. 1 1 i t i . . n v.,'.o-ii. ;i:nl fvirvix WKti a I.., ptul.iti:' six liiimli't'il timl till - . .. i ( iii l t.ioi.s thai ; ii.iu .1 i -tit tie. !i:ivc to I.e laiiii.' l inwt vit;,t:,..r iIhmiioi :i ..w:itiii cotiti! ry. Iilf t !i at. fur 1 aitiiioi'f. ot) the Cliiia n!:omi:i ; '11,;- 1. t'.- 1 iu:; mtitt-ria!. to ulffii :i II t o. 11 or ; ;. )-,! t tl.-.'.l-tllpl 1.-. !'t' i'. d::,o p. '-I s, ii;pl y a Pi 'jn I,, ,uvf '; i ' .;' v. It" litis t-. I... m.ivf.l w 'a.'ti an t.IPl'. 11. in.-, ,,, ,,1 ; in- 1 :,',( !o I y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 : 1 1 tlnit lni f to l.t- tiiv.a ii u'oip'. atpl a I. oft if 1 f l ami) follow i-i's of till kiln!-. I tilll 11 H -P. t:il.o HOW of II flirps, of till IT -.'i:,.; ili.-i: .at., p-t-ti oao si.nl im n il i.o v. '.tli p.. !'!;. l;- Imp t!a!r sail".-. inliCiift; iiti -1 ! ut - t.t p. ivy !''-- i'ii- tlti ic iii.ii" i Pit t;f :-ti :iit. n lib II. In n a i i.:;y i- o,,i,.i i, J'ii piii'i.1 to l. taitl . hat is tiuii in all 1 :.. Ili'.'s i-.titnt ry. .Ip-t M!t-a ant. liny as Mi il.iii iia.l in tl.f l niii-tila. Aip'ilifi- io;i!i!;ir .U'li'sinn '..rows out of t ia- ! -t alif I lilt w la ti .1 : :,l 1 if is cam, a ft n t a'al fas notliinu' t't do I. nt to flsli alif.ol. I'.at ;, L.I . at faltlf. s.a It as Ant it tilin, l.aiM-s l.t;ina,.ts iiiiliuii! t'tlti i'.'s. iitol nir.ifts wiih oitt l'i tii.ii ti'-, in,. I i'i " i a; tip.'itit ';. -n I 1 1 1 11 1.1 s t... aii.lt i , f . If lint,' alt It st-1 p. vi I, toll In,', i' lot lt-11 I. sr. I, iilti.fks nttty It: I'filt Wfil, ii.'t',', '.: li -tiill. ii!pr lii't'til lo-.-.i s, Ian w hi rt . a.s 1.1 Aitl't' tt.nt. ali i' Mf( it-IIun hit.l li. l p.- I I La. kit u it ii "I. ip lli I.l in Viiin. w itii Siin.i.i-r itl N.atn. ,,ti. v. in n. ni.r In- li i.l sriit iiway i i'....k:'.n. u In ( i.fi lrtl the-woi'il ata! In-Ill i,, ia l.a I la s;u to linn, -j, If il,:,t ,f hml no ii.-i; 1 1 e;f ipp.i Put M.ili r's but ti -ry. -i 1 at 1. .tl. -: iiii--ops mpI ;i f,io,-. sianf eitc iittipl.v.i an. I tiliy lai n ami t itj'ity liolsi s, iiii.l t Suit too at:. foist an i iiiiny v. In. so i .-nuv was siill linn, a .ai',.-f I. t ct. 1111 s a n- ci-ssji . Jl.it if th. ini.!ii- ti 1 i:ot know i.il iais !i.ii-r,ll MfC le'tltlll li'ifs ; ami io-,li.r;;tlrt: siiott;.! so fa;- In- fail- t.icards know li.la.,- ., t" ii'.f :i :;.'i'.fi'a! in Mi V'!. ilitii' ilai'f to u i.oiii xiit.'.y i. a- Lis lii'i's floo l. lo win. 1:1 laino is !iff. ;n lit'-. niul l,''o iti hi-iory 1 r, . li- fur ;;o.:i ".',.. It. s for wilat I." lio.'s; if t.p , t'lii'i.l 0:1 t;l'i:it 1. ci "I'.i..!,. Mu ll as iii tltf ! 'in l.iv' i.ul.l, to I i-1-1, tail l'i tin ati-st ; :i:pI 1 -;a i-i, tily winn t;t!.i!o a in ft-alial ami .I. ta.i'.aiif.l afiny in liiiinl, on the 2.1 t.f Si ;.u 1, . r. ho tnaki it i:i 11 Wei. !. f..:ni. ti nt to nn i t tin.' at itiv tiittt I'.-i'l l'o'i'.L.I it I. nt ii oi t::r Motiortn v w it. sttieiis iii-I'.'-n tin- va'l.y lil.r a w lat lit;:l w iinl. (inn's t hr t.i li. -al.- liiotil.t.iliis. :i..!its, diftat-, tlriif- Lr farr him ati. I follow ut.ruii 1 1 i .j.- wlnnn In-tl.s,..d'..-. li-.11 tin ir rt,. '..- :,ti,l tl. ::;.-. ..pi I ! o'l ill . In'.. .1 t i . 1 v. 1 -t I ti sluPp i i:::.o.--i.l .1 i-'li'.i t l.l.f 1 itat V. I.i ai l -rl:t . .ry -1. 1. -I .a:ot-..'i. 1 '. ..a .; i ..nta al A nt irtam. I ;' M-'i If'iali'-. w:..u i.l :t, ;iily '. 'I'm k ot I..- it..;.' titioa' to. ,.r. t lir t:.i oip- ijt.o 1 a "o i.a.i 1 . at 1 it. liti! bt.d no i.i.'.lt v, it!, tin ... itl .. i.". in si.rli I - .1 1 .ait. ic lias, ai-rom i.:-.;,i.l -a.ril lr.-l.ila. Alld tla ll W Inl l'flv;lit at At:l a lata '. If) I (il Sunini'i' ami otin :'-, l. 1. 1. I.l la laid - .' .1 lV .il tli-slr.lftii.il I-t loir li., , ..a .1. 1. w lo ll la.' It !. iilioti of M. lh.u. 11 it', Iff !tl ifl.sl -III I. ad hit iiil-l lo a fair u iitt a 11:1. .j toff I - hill alt tt.i -iitd him tVom. i'.ir oil air nail tl in I M, I low 1 !l I w it r . 11 In - ' ; lii. ll.l . t e . I I . -I V. II II 1..- In ;i-1., utlU Is It. Pit -oi-Pr. I a.A lot'.'.' In.! t 11 lt.ii.it. A It. a . 1' tut 1.. tl-i tii.-y v i.t.t I in U nu 11:11 ; L.l tl.. 1.1 alt ( . il.i '.' 111 1 .1,11 :l o 3l. , ...ii. m..l ht in. m l...f It u.i i.h- mm,-, I.. - . . ' 1 ''" !"' I-. -Mi'ly 'i"..t:.' hi-. Ian, Mll ll.ti' I. via...! ... t 11. t i 10 tin- la l.aiulf, or a- 1 1111 1 1- fil.ll ',. laii-ti I' at A U- t.i'p i; .a. a.la I. is V. I. -tan- 1 11 1 or ... 11' s , .1 1 lo-f ... ai e .1.101. 11 ..1 to w ti 1 1 1 a. ill. Il I - i d, Will did In In -o ti II,' I'll , ; , , , , , . . . - 1 .. . , li.s I ...1 :. o. 0.1. .l.v .' .I..-1 .. - o'l .it 1 .1 t... It. l.i.l Li ad ila- r i.,.l. .oi r an. -: a-i i.i -ti 1' I -v I .. .1 I t lo ta'.r W it 11 1.1,11. ..oi .1 it .lis to be I. trill. Atl ill. p. it . 1 l.t ' . i,. ..till I, the I'otollrl. V, .11 ., y,l I'.at I i, ..It ... v ed. J lie I apt . .lit V. ,1 . I. rl; o 11 ... V t . wlt. .!,o. 1.. I lad li.r ei.t j I 1 t . .. ly loi..' i I 1. I- I... ol . mil. nt. 'fiie e.n u.l kn. w. I i.,i la .... k . -t II. l Vtiliil it tl.f ti....' Id I ,..,ii t 1 uitit a. 1 1 tt ilii ...Hie i . . . 1 ..I 1 t, ti.i. . . .-i,.t..i i. ... . ...1. . i.t' ... t lie . ..I 1, 1 t . I.. Jl. 11..I II I) II. .1.1 ' a tli. .. tils' It ad I' i fc ..l.l I I It... st s . ,j ll.r !...'.-. . I. I 0..I..1...., ,- i I I... It.o.t , ... I 1, , ,..,..'t .1 tl I., I.r I... . 1 1 ,1, , .... . I ,,.,,,.t I, l.-r I 111 .1. .. , . , , I ....... V. I.i ..... It.. I I..,.. ' It u U.i I ti',!. I o l.i.l, 1 .1 I-. .1 W .1 .M -li .1' ' 1). I Mil It I. ui 1hl.1t i.a in i iilcKiti.Kiiiii. t 1" it i. la- .p.itii.ii I.;.') 1 I ' I" "' l-t'p-iMi-.l 11.411. Uu u.i li.ln.v ! '! I a ,41, IO.il i.l the lit; till. I I I li.e I. it and r," H did was tin; wonder." "Did .,Ir( 'lo linn tl.'liiy '" w ns nsUcl of n r!otiel of (ari v, as imjiatifiit n.-piiit 11s v. tn on tint I't tiip?.lii, 11:1. 1 11 I'liivr-, fool itntii. ,-.V-.' r'i il.iw," was in likf nnilincl' tho nti nvcr. "Von sd'.onltl liav si 1 11 tin: road'," lie added, "to rcinovit all donlit." So iiii far lri'tn rtil vii'tvs ; now for the net mil cinnptiiiin. If intf re sic tl. (tike ;i mail o," th" seat of wtr: Lloyd's is tr-md. I'nt your Itr.tv r on Yoflitown. ticvt lind rrlintiti.i on 4 In; laitipn liannof k ; now l'.-flt riiksl.t!"' : 3011 s-c the t!irff jil.ici's ; Mr! 'Irlliin's i!.i!t wais to linvi' an army advance from Old I'oint. tin nrinj f-om l'rt'df rii-ksloir. an nnny tVom ( rl'iintt.i, all tijuin lii'.'liinond. la 'ik n train Hi tlif nnip. iind vo'.i will 'if tltot the 1 '.'nfi'dcrat.' tirmv, if it n mtii.ifd t- litrl.t at Yorltown, would lit' taken in tin' r air by the army advaniinLr from Ft'linn-ia. This I he ( onf"d er.itfs woiihl not have allow -,!. ttml yt t t lit re Wiisl.nl one way to I'n vftit it. whirh was torelrrat withotit t"iw!it itiLT, Iron Vorktown, far i-nouuli lo pilaff the Vorktown ni l I rl.tintiti .'iriiiii s I t ih in front. Look at tin: tii'iji and lie sure of this, lint n army was tolifsi'tit lVniii I'rlianna, titi-l so ll.'l lellan had to ;t t to llit'limond ;is 1 f .t hi? ton!. I ; iind as he wiii.ttd men and laid nnntt tn ;:iaii-. ill-it ml of sin rilling the en'ri in-In.t-nts of tin- t'ont'i.dt ratfs. In- planted l-i.t'erit i and tnadf it f.-st -i.t 1 .1 1 for them to retreat. H id lltt-y foiiLiht l i liiitil 1 ritn i.fl.iin nt tit Vork town as tiny f.moht in the open lit ld ut W iliiiinis!ii:r:.r. tlir I'otormip' tinny would liavf Lit ti ( rippled at the lieoinnintl. Mc C'lfllan forced tiiem in ny w ithotit i tiuht, and t'on-j-p ss w is(-y tliankcd l.iai f ir the -at inn "f human life. Finally, he :!"t to the 'litckahominy. Distantly in: I i.".r:.;i to 111: '. 1 ilt twntpps pa. I. Ir toil u--t.it atioy in tl.e f.i"i; of a Irivo enemy : and wln-u Lis ! ii i:t 1 irid roads rn- l'i ady, he -tn If in d out hit riot.?, hand as it uriv, to M. i'low r!l, ut 1'rc - i"rf ks I'tii'r : and lifjlitiip.' the I at tie of IPmoMr Court Iloii-f, v ;t to I n .ik up the railrottd Lv wl.'nli troops would havf loi-n Mint, (.tlp-i-Ai-p I'm 1, 1 Uii-liinond to prevent it: waited for Mi I mw 1 II toa lvar.ee, h lien, the tun inaifhiito, ujioii it from the e.'i-t apd ft'.itn the norm. w..u',d un.pn -tiottahly lititr Ink. tl I He Capita! of tin ( 'ont'." Irr.l't'S. Mr D.fA. II had '0. 0:1.1 n,.n an-l SiOpiet-.s of ailillrrv. luit lie tli. I imt I'lide; orth-rs from V, H-!ii,urtoti ii-taiin-il him until the ( 1. nfr. it-lairs nit knt.mctl him. t-ee the iif w - papers of the tlay.) thf stan-lini; joke. Disapp .itited ill aitl from I'rlianna, tlisnp poinlf.l in Mi'lluiM'il, what w us Mrt'if Han tn do ; No ifinfori f nn nn to help him in the woih ai.-tif ; pifvrntod I'min 11. l alif injr :i v. as his pui'po-c. at'lt r Kail' Oaks, I.y the liinta -t wiiit ti l'o .'.!. d the Ciiii Kiihomitiy. what w:.s he to do : A- he told P.iiniside nt An'.ii't.un. -0 lie whs told, we j.n t-ttiiif . tVotu :i-liipoioti. "Wf hiiif 1,0 infantry." Tl.f I'l'i i-i nt has --.id as itit'o ii in otic of hi- -pet i-Ik-s. Vi na'. a- in tl.nl 10 1:0 in face of atl allay, in.r. i-td day I y day I.y coii-ci ipii-in. while ..' w:t-. tlay Ly tlay diiitit.i-iiiiii; .' ID' had lo stive il. and to s:r.e iki ii.itnt Use stippiii-s in fii.;nil,i!i d at 'hii.- IIoii-c and in thr llfld. If he could li"t take Hi. !i::r.i: I alone, hi' co'il I a.'foin-p!i-!i w hat al ihr time was tnort in. . rt-uit, he foa! 1 pt'.'s. ie what would - nt' :i'l did .-live, V it-liiuuion. In whose hand- now would he the National Capital, if Suiiiiht, lit inlf linaii tin. I Ki tes, Kearney, l'ortt r and Mi Call, with their re-inctive troops, had Lf.'ii prisoners of war; .McClc iian's stole- w fi'f, a- w e liaM' sail I at iV hitf i I oust', and ia t lie fir Id of I he Chick 11 In .111 lay. Look at a 1::. ip of ihc country around Kiihnioii.l. mid oii w ill -re McehanicM ii!r marked oil it ; iti tit..' Im irintiinv' "f tin- week Mi Clell.iu loinu.tncrl 1 he r. uioMiI of t he -t.'ii s fr. in l.df Jloiise; tvxo d.ts he worked in tjitii I ; the third his rirlit will'-: Wasattacheil nt Mi t hanifsvilif , if lit: could hold that point ti day htiifrcr thf lmsine-s at White lltiu-e would lie in compli-'.icd, iind -o mill h ol' the Wt-lk Wtillld l.f do lie. So .Mi'l'ull tin. ler.-ii.o-1, nnd at the cad of tin iUc he had r'p:d-i'.I I lie enemy an-i w,i:i l.tittie N... 1. The l'i iiu- Iviit.ians t-. tit Word tlay could hold their er.iiiii.l : hut tin y had lof idit lis l.nio t lit if a- v. us m ct ---.try, .'.11 i tiipy n ere ordri'id to fill Lack to the line of battle tainted I A MrClelli.il evtrmiini: from Cuino' Hill 011 the Chi'.'kulioniinv to Cold -Vi'l'.M'. a loiitr Hue. The I at tie No. i! wis to be i'.up.lit and nam. thai the st.,1'1- in ihe lifld n.iht le -avttl. tor till' tieb't of I tat tli i.otitnit'.i. led lite six Lriilo'is in tiie r.iir. att'os- wiiicli tia-c -loi'ts wile to In; earri- d. and over wlticli the ripht and ct-iitrr of l!ir army w us to follow . Had this Lattie l.-'t I'tf.'l won thf litii.t iind ft lit re of Mel i, li.oi's army would lime l.r. ii dr-trioi-d iri c ro-siii"; t in- stri-.ini, and the It-It :n r p.outli iiLi.iiit-t ovi-i'w hi-iniit.e; foroi N mn-i hau--inn iitlfl'f.l. It wa-toitoht mi. I mom: -mill-of tin- it-it t i:u; liitt in .r tu t Toss tin--:r. am. and It tal tin ir aid. V L.h it .s t't im.' on. I'a-.": i-tf. artiili i t. pantoon-, eattlr. woiindc I an. I -li'.ijolt is. iu rd ill safely, and w hell iii-.Jit ciiiif Mi l h ll.tn 1 ro--. t hiiiist If. and thr. I. rid !t w liicli ha-1 I ten built tnt iiil'U l;iiu to 1, ; on Kit l ii.i't:.!. 'ti re i.pple the ihr iii. an- ol' sin :pu hi - arapl Mian r. 'r,-' I--.; iVolu It. I.t c licvt r illitii ipati d this. He s.-nt troops to follow MfClelluu on the r a I y wliiih he had :id :ti:i .1 tital wl.icli naturail nioutrli. he txptrtnl, he Mould I'o'n.it, Put Mrl'!cl!in out '1 m rtU d him. W in II tip st re ll.l w a- eros-i tl I tie li !t M ilo I. tiiiine the rear uaard; and itt'li r tifdil ii;t' at l'i . 11 li On hard, at I':, it Oul. at jv:t's station, a' '. ii it. 1 1 .k 1 r . k , . la tri'it . ante la l.ih,-Hi ll.l.-. Ill tlti- l.llil lif-Mhole Copi. . h t.iie t' .rre Ma- n..i---d iu r :.r. and h. r. M. t Ii-'Imm l.a 1 t-t ( i'i-I a' I a ttn-i II. ht aiio'.ltt I .'i,t'it. d I'ott'e ; tlii-l.'lli t. ti had lo Le w. 11, aid won it .1-. llo-ap p. a., t.luttli sh this the rt litre tel rli.l.l Mil!'' ll. I 1 to Join flue inoti ii w as i. . r, tin- I 'on!'. Ill tlir I. It I W lull It rati on ai'ts1 !e "f tart In r inn pit . 1. II the Mi Hit I llllal I 1 I lid otl t lit I atik- ot t I.e J .,1.1 till I t .p, ,' 11 so 11 1.. '. 11. I d W.,.11 l.t-'. rt d. oa'i pi ,. t l.t in an if I l't't It I tl. .' pl...'1-l tl.ll It iia. lot' I o. 1 1 i,n iit.l r. I ill a. - 11. p.l- v.l P.ll I ,1 oil I hi II. "I, II r. ..t l , .it. I it.o..,-l : .'. hi. h M. 1 1. 1 4 r.ttt il ! t a, i.n li till. -III. .r 1 -s. llll.l II alltl.il'.,- title t ..i.tin ; l i 1 -1 1 1 til - 'I I' it vi r Ih. i .10 .. t. I . f li.e II .ill. It i.Ult l .t I (ll .l at l' i It. 1 ol llo. tit...il. M. I I. litis v. :o :!! Co ld"l t I I.. . 1. -I t 1 I , ' 1, 1. 1 l!,e jll l. III. lit l.f I I.e I.i tt -p ill. I I II ! - I .1.1, .Ol-I lilt o lie I l,l-. I. I I...' t I.i J P "l.l l-l i-i ' ' .1 II. ' t I l.l !x 1 I, I Ptl , .Old It.l 1. 111. ' I '. W I." l'o ,t '. 1 . pi: 1. 11. . 1 1 . 1 1 to..!, r M' ' lait , . I .. I I . II II 1. .1 til II .H tt Ol I a ..-I -kid As 111. I. ,1. .to I s. t II. -ui. 1. I., t t ith I ol i n ir In , 1 1 II i., it .nt I ..ltl.. il it i l.i. 111 n.t lo -!. Iat.lt, -l ll. .l. kh.ll l.l ill. II. III. I, lllul. li I iP .i'il l-l I.JH.I . Vlll.ltllll lilt pUlil.til 4lfl ll'i .Jilt Willi a'Hol jadii Intel, tit ill. t os di.i an-1 toi I It imin ut tUa I tiLjial- as Va.aJ40i.jf ts l 1 iittaiked 111 ross the Antiettim ; thf pi Aft ! tllfrefot'f win lo nltrek the Ih.likt. in ;.U( ces j -itil ; liiiit ou tlu- .I'ij'hl, nnd then 111 the left of the I e.h ials. oiiiil 3!iiokt-r ',:ive Mlffcoileil even w ith the help o! iiUlut.i t, si-. tltitt franklin on I.;.: niat'ch tVittti I'b-i.a'ii I Valley lnitiht have lieeii .-topped ia the r.-ar j of Iiiirn-sidc, so as to cross Antit taui t.l'c. r . him tttid get into Lee's r ar. a- vt ; inleudt d. the 1 til t Ic would have (tided iti a r-tul, and j thoii.iimls wouid have 1 fen capture-!, if ii"t j nil lint nrmy taken. Hut with inade.u:ite 1 Tiuiuliers, McClelhin h id to ti'-c Franklin 011 I the rioht, und lio had nothing Imt Miili-r's 1 battery to give to lltirr.sttle ; still, ii w.u, 1 H trreat victory v.a- i,iiined. I Let us I'tidertand whal is meant T v L'.iitiii'i' :i victory. H is not the hiiiitcr t.f a ffitain nuinher of nn ti ; and Le who kills the most tlois not win a Lt'tt'e 011 that account ; Imt it i-tlie i:i'i'oi!:p!:-!ine:it (fan ol-jeel of your own, fi' tin' detent of all oliit ct 1 of your enemy, Ly a siruie of arms. Thus Tailor won lim na Vi. ta, I 1 cati.-e he prevent ed ."-.una Ai.tpi from pent tratinir to Salillo; nn 1 (Scott won the li.iltle of Cerro Cor.lt) L','(':iu-e lie drove tin: Mexicans from the pass w liicli they had determined to Maintain, (so, lieri', Met iell.in'.s victory nt Autietani wais in a dt ul.le pi-nsf ; lo: deft tited Lee' ol.jeet of ("..iiiin'i; into Maryland, and he forced hir.i to r- tire into VirL'iiiin. Could i.e have taken the whole Confederate army prisoners, could he have rlauejliterud twice us many asi he tli. I, the victory would have. been more ell'retual in cripplim-; the enemy ; lu.t it was a victory, and a rri nt one. not withstanding. WlYit .MfClflhin will do next, nti one knows Put himself ; hut that tin re ih no n.iti iu Vmcriea who can do Ix'tii-r, the :! luily jii-iiilit j u in In iii vin iii 0 f; n a r ujr a il"" t':ith of ,'l:ijr-;f ut rnl Itii kurd IIaiii'i h's Fiinr.T. Nov. 4. lviC'.,.-M.ij. r Oent ral Hit lntrd-on 1 litol at Sharp-l.urjj, .M.l, la-t niht. from wounds received iu thf but tle of A'itii t:im. Mllll.'ll ol' t.l.Nt.UO. KI( it VttiisoV. Major C-mral .1. 11. Kichard-on, u'u..-t ileal il We announce to t lav ,: I led from w ound j ri ieiiid iti the battle of Antietnm, while fommatiditios a divi .iou iti the corps of lit n. Sumner. He commanded a brigade at the . tir-t battle of Hull Uun, ami the hhinni-Lis w hii li pn feiKd it. and ilist'in'iii-ln d himself . by the ilaiu, !lort ami bu.-int - -like rej.ori of hi- I'pei'.ilioiis. a- iiiueli as by his biun ry , in the laid. Crucial Ki hai'dsoit was a na tive of ViTinoiit, and ii said to be a .lisicti tlatit ol the Kcvuliui. iiary hero, Crtur.l r.ltiiiim. lie was a man of ni:i.-.-ive frataj, with the true iron-like expression of ihc men ol the lii'eeu .Mountains, of unusually unit liitiiineis itl.d l.ltpif trntioi. ; iiddiiss. lie wa- edi.i ntcil til 11 1. -t 1'.. int. ai.d set.,:! , nearly twinty ycais iu tl.e I niti.l !t'it : Army, wniii. he left with tint rank of Major il si,.rt tittie t'o ). His evpeiictlrr iis ti l;oht. r has be. a very jn :t. Ibirino the Mixic-uii 1'. ar he lii.-t.uiii-li. I hini.-ell in 1.1 arly 1 . ery itipn.i lant bttltlr, and ptil.ap-, itc-ived in iv b.'.Arts th in iii, 1, t.t i.t r .ila tr i-i' Lli r.-iti;. lie w .s i.nowti in ihc iitiuy l y tin-tobriotiri of "Kitititu; Dick," and it was said of liiia by all oliicer -hiltiseif e;rrat!y di.-liuoiiii-ht.d fir braver; un.hr wiiom he seived, that "Kit liarti.soii never nppiurr.i well out of I ii'. tle. but that ill one he Was lit. liuiii. rl.t. He probi.liiy la vt r kn. '.v h ar iu Lis life, and wi nt under lire w itii a- much ,'., 7,, ,V,.'e a- oldiiiary ptople 1T0 l.ibifahf.i t. .Null', of tile t-ii:tiiiiiit.lfi'. sent to VV a hiittoii by :he Males Mire 1: eled Willi a h. alt ler Wi -iconic by 1 he t t. tn ii lan.irr iu 1 'hi, -I than he was. ' I am pad." said the olj Ccner;;!, upon loeitiiio him. "I" Lave my iithtiii ik-k ilh me iio.iin. and will hiivr pienlv of work f..r him to do," and in a few daysafunvards I.e placed l.llu al the hiaid of tile b.'iL'a'Ie with whitli Leiovirid the le U eat (.1 tiie unity of Kail lttui. livery tle-i'i'tptioii whieii has bi'.-n ivin id' the cijoajH'jjiiiciit icViai tliitl he was a! the i-ilIi'. pin-c at the lie-lit linn', iind that what-vil' lie had t-j il.i woo Mi II d'Uie. It inral Kii ii:ird-on was a!. out 'i t'eet in liliehl, broad fhi-led. folllpai t. poWil'lP.l it) I. mil. He Mas broiiied by uu: 1011 '. ml c. pisiirc of many year- of military life. Lud a I. hi. I, sonorous voire, whirh it wi.itld tulis many cannons to drown, uti l a pincii.r. tii ry eye, whii li li w Iilrli eoiild mut iu une,-!' li.s ini-inatioii and pi.uiuiu ii.'.ioil wen tin a-e of a N. i. la. L'la u '.'..'. Ni title who co'.tl 1 h. f.r hi.n sj,, ah toiiid tlnubt where he can. 1 Loin. II" nt.- no lioliday soldi, r. tiiid had i. o doi.bl that war is earnest tiu-iiit i.-', ia which 11. 1: iiinat idiool and be sl.oi. -.1 : i not a n.t re oppotiiaiit;. to wtar tine clothe.-;, and .ii-Jn-ll i.l llie lr.iti.lY cf Hctior par.tdi s. Ci tn ral Lit hai 'i -en wi;. the pi t'- 11 wl.o J Ti trl'I'i-d t.if 1 IlilVv-- ao-iill-t ( ololirl M.lt s. for bad eoiidui I on tin liti-1 at the first bat lie ot Kull Kitu. U.e lailfr died fr-'ai w ..a nds n 1 ritid ..t li irpi 1 ' lit ry Ihe f. ii.a.1 fo'i.i i- M.iic.l al Au'.i.t.iii. Lolh ht.iiiij r-iiitfl tn-.' w. tM.it witltUl ' IA il ivs of i-.ii u t.'.lu r. Itfiilli til' tit iii r.tl Ililt Url. ti. in r.il Uruis'.i M. M.irliel t t. l om iu I Iil-.il Colli. tl. Iv. lll.il k. Aliellsl 4-. lsio. Al l Ailil Vi al i. ' iljlf . M Ilii )..)Otl Luov. 1 -tf ol l.iti.i iiii't liit-i-k. Mid the ritiittiiU ol In it in Mali. s.. l.t t iiliiu.i l.t . J tue tarl.ii I .1 lill.i.t. lt a.- 41 itlk IU li t.'i'c ill M.kU.i. i). ii". .oil i.i'.i r a 41 i-n li.ott U 1.1 Uct'ii. Vt al .. il i .a.l.l,. . tt I.i 11 l.t had I till h ii.. lid. lu. Ir hi r.llltl I 111 I'll! S Hali44l. uwd tin. ..I U.i i.e. in i thai l-i"k U.ui U) Vic'. point, vthuli pi. ni' hi r. .I.i i n ilk 11 kt- .11 k oil Ills Lai k and Itt i iti tlf is iila .il kit pot kit. iii Julie. ISjj llli Ji.-.'ia4iliir' I.. i-.'D he it 1- 1. 14 I.' if Iii.;: -4 -.. a ll pl'i'li j 'I ol I.e. 11.. ..14l.tr. l.l- it l .o-1 lis In 'U l "l IA" 1 i- i r .iii lo to .1 in 4 iv-... i .1. 'S ill t .1.. .1.1. -tli. Ws.i.1 1 li ' -144 lit i ' 1-il n..:i..i ui ii ti ..1 .4. .1 ... pi-i - -1 , . 11I .. ll"l."li.;. HI I.1.11.....I. lvl. ti , 1 .11 I s.,, tit kill I. .a I i.i-1 k',. ui 11 ..I 11,. l.iil.t M.40.1 Ka.i.i-.J. 44.1;.. icil In tt.i- 4 it., no 1 i i.i iu. l ..-ti i ' i ..'' i. ' 1 lil. Mllll ll) A. ad. 11.) lu U.I .11.. i ol .1 !'.., sv ol It. tli. 1 OU .!(' Il"4-; I" t lie Ill 11.11. h. J l-'-i.4t4 li.t l-a .U fl a'l '! Ital' I -U U4I p l-i 41-1 tli. J ,,.,..l ,. II l.illl.,' I as u.... I ' u . I ..a) l-l l,.s .'till I l.lli 'l-l-. I-' 1" .Hi O-'-l. t l.t II. .1.1.. I.. -li. Ill It'iU Li C 4 it.- . . t. I l.l ll.l I I .11- I l .. ll ! t ' A'' -l I. ill. .Il.o ..I t..t .lit t-l-.t l'i lii.Cl..'.KU it i. I. ll.l' .1 I .1- in: .11 I.. . I ,1 VI. I ' I tl is 1 U.O.. l.l 1. I p. "-...ill I, . i 1 , I . I . 1 1 ... 1 ! 11 - 0 1. I ..11' I ....l.lli I. - . 1 1 1 1 11. r: i.i .l I f- r Lu im -1. no il s ki.l, I t ai ltl II. l li l.l I. a. p. I I- I. d 4 t o t . l I l'p. II 1 I It. I.i LI' IH" I' 4 llol. -II! .1 . I 'I" "I '" II. Oil III. poll U.I I'l lo. I '" I" 1 li"U ! ! - ..l itus 4l l'..t) I "I I" l ll' st I.ttl.l u- 1 u lo.l Mi l lli.llli4lii.i .t tl .1 l.lli tilll.' Ill- U kaui'i'a 4.4. I ul Uiisit Jkik-jt-j sW is I.-.H'eliet if.' tl,..- t-v-h.-t t.ev!o-1 of I'm .ti..;i f MalsIl'e.I ti 1: eoipp mioa n' .Vnli-.li s, 'I ino-i p. pular r-mi i.-iiiti,.i.;-:r -ii -1 f pi,., it.'.i tio'.is is ;-!-'.t !-; t, : y in: i ,;. .a!i,r Wi ,..!," ! 11 i-r.ili eih n ot' .ot:,.'. ..oi. ... !.....,,... 1.. coilectf U ot 1 ! .li.ly, lMH. he p' i ihe 'pi"i'i..it ;.- oli-ile i 1 If' f r-t I 111!,! el' l.f reo r, th" ea.'lii ."i;'nii- 1 1 a! dt'V"t...l 1. . iit-i: ei;, tuan.i" 1.1 iii ', tl.opo'i I it w-ts nl'iin p. i.e.! at il.-j .."iii of tl: j .rand I Veal' IV. sin w-.ut of j.ati.ani:.".'. j' On ilii! V-'tll t,l r-:it ml er, 1"!d, I.'- v.',..i j .'ippoim.-d Ht-io-atliei'-i.lt.-iu :nl. :,:p o'tv-.-.i a ! command 'aider lien. Ptn II. r J . 1 l- tile. j Here hit win; a '.rrii.L favorite uidi pi tr .op,, v.i.o .rave i.i in iliedt .-i'.;t,ation . I'"i I'd .-',.1 " I i.i April, lv, 2, hi l.an. e a rapid t"l: ti. -j ip, tar as liaiit-viii -. Alal'tiuai. ,-u; J f;-. ; l.rpco he lllii trd n boid dt..-!l oil lJppi.. vu' pp ! ens. At t!is iimo he npjietiM ti to be lio: I only u'.'iiei'i.', who i.llael,r.d the 1 ne.ny v i.ii i on: w.iitii.ir f..r advance, fiom tli-tn, Pi! :. . these- rapid blows upon th.j enemy rceei.e 1 tint njiiilau-o id' tin- w hole count ry. In 1 1 -id. 'ration of t hese sen ice, lie w as ;,; .p. nine.' i .Major-liem'ial April Pi, lMi.'. He '-. 1 1 i 10:1 1 tinned lobe tictiely cni.loyeil capi itri.io : many tow ns in Alabama, Mid n.itioi it"; ih.: 1 enemy by the rapidity of his movements, in j AiiL.ti-t wo liini him niiikiiiix n vii;oioi.:i . -pcei li in favor of prosecutii'."; tli.; v.arut tin: Teat wtir ineetin' held Aueii-t 2?. iveceiilly , he was appointed to the command of our ; troops iu South Carolina, and LT'jal ept rt,:- thin, were entertained that iiiseiicr.'y woitld : aeeiiniplish for us tl.e capture of Cuarlesioii ! and Savannah. His l,,,s is a severe one far ! the country at a time when ability is s.i I iiiiicii needed in our militarv service. j.nS(M:iJJANEOlJS1 j IV I-:: t ii Vlii-Nifi- lil. I The lie v. l'r. Coodrie'li is one of tho three j d: i 'in s sent North lol'-ut I.ttl'.iyette by Cell. I P.utlor fir liiiviii'jr lorpitten llieir )i'ofes-io;i. j The fo'ilov, iuj fi'o.n the N.-'.v firleans DJ.t,:, , of I Idtobol' l'J, ifivi.-si an iutei rstilio- aeCeUIit 1 of what the niii'.i.-t .r diil : j bn Snndiiy la-.t the church wa; opened, in i usual, for t thine servie..'. The robed pastor I Was tin le i.l his d.-sk. and a liirute and t'a-ii- iontvl'le conL'i'fL'alioil tilled the pews. 'There; 1 ware prt -cut. too. sev 1 nil tinny of.ieers, and ' aniotio; them .Major C.po. C'. Silting, Ceiteral ; Kutler's A. Ijuia.it -C-erertil. .il;: ni'i,t of , the fllicei's. of ihe i'.-t,!..:' i.nny, the Major ; is u member ut the llpi .copal Cliureli. II-.-sal iu a front p -w, and, with ail the rvve. tl:ce of a 1n.1i) of faith, lie strove to follow I the n.uliiiale.!. juuil ird and "i cbh d .-irvie'e ! whi. h 111'. Coodrie'li ol'.'eri-.l. ' That tl.e sol dier w.i-i iti.U;.;naut at the indie.-my :.i,d audacity of tin: lit tie minister wa, 1v.1t 'mi ; but l.o I'lniC'li.bi 1'ed that Cod sees all heat's, flea iii'. Coo Iricli's. The "eeretuii'.ii-'' role-d on at: 1 on. and linaiiy tin: Major ths-eover.-il that li.' mil. i-t-r iiadomittnl '.iie l'i' LV'-l' for '.lie l'l'i.-ident of t he I'nil etl Mat., oi.i-.li is a- n i't 'ii a j) t't of the J'.pi,eop..'. M-rvii-f as ;i p-r.r.i lit 1.0. 1 ;s paitol lliel.pt-.-eoj -.1 cit ed. lr i'.-H w is . h .tiiite.'i. ar. 1 tta-n thr all. li ft cr hi. .1' a- if i .1 ito tt:!:;.' iti -:l'..tit pra;. cr, ' v. i.i. h silent pi ai r;' mi tht have been int. u.l e.t f.-r the -'.. ee-'s of .b. Ilei son l;ivi-. for 1.!! that wehuow to tip' contrary. While tip: eon" i'i ;!:.liou w. re in tijis j. stii-l.-, Mi.joi-.-'ll'oi.,' 1 .... ".ad -a;d to I he iniiii.-t. 1' . -"Wait ' one minute, sir." Willi the suddenness i f iui!t surprised, the ei'nor.-L'.ition "loud erect, awe-stricken an.1, pale. Turnin:; to them ' tl.e Major said. "I came hi re for ilie pin posja and the sole p'.Up. -.'. of v. .ir-liippino; Coni ; I tit I:. .1-11.1:1 h a-your niiui ius -n.:i ft lo opin invokiue; a ble--i.i:r. a- our Church trvi.ee r- ipiiivs, upon liir i'lv-iiletit of th-i I'uited .Mate-, i pmiiosetti elo-e the service j Ti.i, house wi.l Ic -hut within tin niiuuu-.." The minister nov, -t.-j p. -1 forward to le mop.sjr.ite; but the tidier remintl.'tl liini i-iliiily that tills v.'tis. 110 lime far discm-sion. The minister then niVen d the I'liKdi'-tltii!, a'.nl so ni nt out his '.ijhl. I Cf eours" li.ere w ;is -ome -tir. Of cmu'so S'Uith'.rn ";riulcuii.ii v.t iv iu.'ijrtiaut. Cf Ciiitive t'tK-y pul'id up l be ir shirt eolhirs, ex changed "fhiiicei with lite i.'.dinaiit ."011 lliirn iadlis ; .i;t tie- Uletl Were l'ltlti.'as li la. li'i 1 a.; 'tatioii.uy ;,s ;' -lai .i. i f Jack-. .11 in tl.e f.a.ir.- oi'. 'liir ladies, ho've-.t-r, llockeii I'-uui 1 llie Major, v. I... wn-aitireil in :citii-.u's clothes, ami, i.halt"i .r their M:'y ; liii t.'c lists at him. cliar..t let ie. I in such terms us. "Oh, Jen iiU'it-Ur i.l'crui ity ;" and then t.iriiiii to the livid miiiisti-r. eneil o'tt, 1 "Coo l-by.'," "Ci. -. -it bye." and some of tliem i fia.cttl-.itc wildly, "He's j.-olnu "if to pri-o;-,.'' Ai; aiu tiny tari.rd upon '.he oli'.eer. wlto . I'M'keJ eaiui'y upon the liiiidtiesS of the the uiutrt.us ; ! d 1. -.':. lens. Un.l in coi.i-i rt ' 1'iitv inor.' tav-ic. cut, ib. y. u ninn-ti-i of cruelty ; y.-u li ucver ilisiui'b us iu hoir.cn An Iti li ioa.hn1.1i'. w ho li ul ViorUed his ' way iu from the vestibule, upon overheat ina this, nimble to rct.'aiil this wit, o!i,cri-, , "He. lad, there is lo d.ittp'. r of tint." t Uli. r iudi'-rnai.t reiuarki war. liuide tin? imiiouaat Siititlieru ladies. !-".t ihe iudi.;uaat Soiitiierti men sto.1,1 niotiouiiis 4!! the while. iJurini; all thi.i a'. use ui the ia tic, .Major Stro-n; -tiiod forth in liar! ati iu itiatiity. the ladir-, . We bllppiee, tUoUitht ; but lie tell, c p:e- 1 111111-, veiy liiiirr.iit from Mr. John lore.tr iatilij; that Christmas pie. I Ihe minister wa u..t urn -ted, Lut he w is ' aid -pa ntly sent tar by li. in tal lhtt'tr. What U'ill-piri-tl. 1 f curat'. Ac have no Ine.il.S el' kuowiui bat M. Co-tdiiilii- on his 1 islvlt. isii'l ii. WC lil'derstalid. t" be sent .VaUu. Let Lilltl 1 1'iiel; to C't'iiui 1 1 it nt, the M.te cf Lis i.;.ti i'.y. and to i ll the jcbt"aitj wUicU Siouiii'teu call yivi him. j N'pynm if Mcnui 11 itr Ai.m - i.i 1I14 raeulia- i riic tuiiu art) .'-1 .m.a-i, Hi d i-'ll aiw'.vd uriii'til taai-ts an 1 1. o'to.j ititi.to'i In ; u-a t vlui it-rr strrt n-a Ihcru ara 'i i" .' ...t.-. i-i ai.d 1 Jjci g..i tin. 1 r.iiiS.ciitLt tai.lovra ao.-t. 01 ia iuli li.ire- a-D a av ..'it if.U .ui... 1.. .---d I 'u u--a s-to.1 stall ruiasii-i iuv total ua. unl 1 Iti-..-is l.l bill iisliia-ia cf bits - a.....iu,i Vim .. a lltli yvi.ug I't'i a in ': if .iw t.,il I i;ti- j.'iri. i,,. In, . . it -1 u 1 1 hf 1 .t-'.iwiU L -i-'i: lui in. o "I s ji i ..a- iij k... I. , la i, 1 10 a ,.li lot... ai.'..- s. a 1.1,..' L.l 1. 11. a ' f t .. Uo-li Ac ta, j. Ml H. 1 4 u... 1 i ' s'.a . ...ti 11 ; l.i)ii.i.i. kill. ..i - ... t- a. .4. i U.-1..-J vi 4111.111 Al. Ilill , I i U il r !; I' I lb J -lrr J I.U - U '..- V.. ill d f I 4 I 1 ' 1 ' 4 ii I .U !ip...iji ,t- 'a 1 '' ' 'l''.' .1 4. I . I... 1. al t La I t -' ' 1 " 1 . t l : 1 I, 44 1 1: ut iol ll.l I I ' i a : 4, ' I I . al Iii4 I.C i.' I I I I ..-11 . 1 1 . I : n . 0 II I l-l s I. li .1, I l . .1 A '.till Hull I' !"' I I 1" i- .1 i .i.' l ( - - i'i I t an 1 tin , -Ic alel ilt 11 ,ii.iM i-om . I. -.. Tn. i I. 1 . t k". iii-inos) is " it 'lt 1 1' ti 'l ' " ' k'-fi t.-lli.(4i 4.1 ' J I 'till l,l kl liositS VVhtlslL. I.H!.'. 1 II" I to .al) I, an lU k.N I l-..... il slat -al .) lV-i'" t4-t 14 Ws io wta li 1 twufeU Ayr :s 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers