r.r-- '-rfiT-1 .' i j;iiwjih urn, ihito 'a'a:n:i4 ti' ':': a m e it iv a.. SIX01X Sl:lisCttiriI(0 : Two Itoi.i.Aiis per ftunum, to ho paid (inlfryotirly !,i mlvanre. uu jw'cr lUacoulrhri-d until all ru- r.iiiii-.'. nrc paid. io turns : Thrc.i copic lo one uddret.-, ? 5 00 Seven do do i if ',"n dS , -! . . , I'lv,- rMlaTj. In advance, Kill pay fot Uircu years' riilwriptiun to the American. Chili cntacriptionB mu't be invariably paid in ad vance, and cnt to one adilrcw. 1 1' .iibseribcrs neglect or refuse to take their new, i-at'crs from the otl'ioc to which they nro directed, they ire responsible nntil they Viryij icttlud tlio bills and ordered them dineontinued " Postmasters will please not m our Afionts, and frank lexers conUinins enhscription money. They lire permitted to do this under the Tost Office Law. 1 Wm' 'Vf I'i:s:.ts or a V,;j?'&'s,si. Ono wjnnro r.f 12 liics-. inn., ji 0.1 livery suhscipiont iiH.-i'ii.M. tine square. ; u.'Hi'.Ih, ;'. on 1 1 ' n ; Ij -, :, i.,, One year, si n- lh, .-,,,,- i'iiii! hi ,". lii,. - j ic uii-., ,i , .M rcllMllls II!;. i nlici, loi v ,. . i, e, , V" T. with the plis i!f.-e el ,;jtl. . i( vermin nock's. " I r i 0 lhi-iii.-s i....i , . i ! i -i. i ' ! s V .. u. ' .1,. vn. .r I' '"' ! mi.-, nvi: ci .:... I'J.i. I.I.M. t'.r em li ii,i'itt..n. i.ki ' ' kt f A.lwiiiicti,t ii" per iii'.'i in. til. f O il x K J , T I ?, (J . V" l" ' '' :' Will :ur . Tie ,i iv. i ?.-1e"lid .loll ''';. vlii.ii ni)i , , ... , , vx'-eiiif, in il.o iii-.i!. . 4 !, , . , ,. v.i: ; , .,! 1'riiiliii. yon-rut LPiiir PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUMiLUlY, NORTH UMiiEU LAND NEW SEIUKS.VOL. 15, NO. P,5. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER. 21 mi COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. OLD SERIES, VOL. NO. .. AMMtI(jAJ3 t'rillfmkn'N riiilndrl pills fom. imorcisil Collo-o, . E. Corner of 7th mid Clientnut ftd., riiilnd"!plii riwr? IXfTlTL'Tl'tX. which wan iwtalilihcd in I llt. and is now eoiiequeiilly in the lKlh veiir n't lu ixifteniw. nmnbeM amontf il frradmitei, Imn dreil? of the ino -t nuceeaefnl Merchnnta and JiuHiuisa Jien iifonreountry. . . ... , 'i'l.n oliicet of tlio Tniliiutinn i solely to nllonl yniiiin men fiwililii'S for thoroiiah lireparatiou for tlThe 'hranelie? tini-hl nre. lt.nk-Keor.inj. w "Pl'l'-ch1.1i- to the V!irim departmeni- of tnido ; rriiman. .hi,, hnlli i.lniii and ornnnienliil : (.'ommerfiiil Law. Mthem.itie.. Niiviiition. Civil l'nKineermg, Draw- ir... l'l.ii..:r,i.liv. ini.l Jlo.lei-ii j.iiiiL'iriv"'". The svstom "f inslriietion i pe i-iilinr ; no elnsses or ),.v.'-n n'o ninde ue l. toil eio'li sllulent it timirht in li 'Mimllv thnt he may eonimenee nt any tune, mid iittend whiitevi rhoi.ri. ..re nio.t 'onvenieiit. Cn il.i.'iie. are i.-.-m-d nniiimlly after the l.Hh of ... ;i n..ni.iiiiin.f niiioe " ' ) i-'.ll . l,..,l..ri ..t' tfVlll. .v i i i . . I Hianv time bv nddrowinj.' the I'lincipiil : uf the studerils for the your. 1 ninv tie oli- A i'ia:i iciiiciK m iwi. litm.- iiii:t.i' .'Miwn M ('. GKAKHAKT Has Ri ti uvkI) with A Xkvv Stoi:k op oiiliM liii:ii'i'i. K'l-uit nml 'S'ojs. IT peeiiHas if n new ago. n new Iif.. w:is opeum:; ii'on u. miimulitiir, everv hi-iut to M'i.i.-r dee i- f A-" Yrl Uiivs. TlirCAMUKXAXIt AMBOY AXI) I'lUI.APKl.- 1'llIA AM) 1KEXT0." R. 1(. CO.'M M.V'KS. Front l'hilitrlrlpltia In JVrtr Yuri nml 'nv I'arc, trnitt W'ulntit xl rert l',,ir' tnn .' u ri n trl,. it n,P u-ill haver, folia,,,. r,z: l'AK. "Jw'.TuTl At 0 A. M.. via Cannlen and Ainboy. (C. find un l (,'riin.UT eon e,ii..ii. A. Aeeoiiiiiioiliiiioii.) $2 2j I The banner u-nrld. too. mu-t f el the new influenee Atti A. JI.. ia t'liiiidenniulJersey City, X. J., ' and every part be miu'ld-invl and -tn utrtli.-nol livmi -J j lnereitsed vil.llily, whieil chilli urire lis un Willi elee- , trio ypeed to the eoniunniation of m-eitter Ihinthan 3 1)0 i Htm ever dreamed of in the l'hih.ipliv of the pn.it. I Animated by the eiititii:i."in whiili pervades all 2 2.i . ehi.-r.j, and deiriiu" of d.iinir lii." share lowanU "The j p'eat event" n(' the Aire. tlie -nl.o-il-er wnnH r." .1 00 ! spivil'uHy inform Hie tr.n.d people uf MM'.UIY and the public ireni-raily. that lie tin.-- jii"t ri-turiied fiom it (HI the city of Philadelphia w ith the lart-t and ehnieest pluck oi i iiiiteetionnfies. I-r mt am! I.. vs. that Iiim Aceonini'idiitinn. At Hi A. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Moniinj; Mail.) At lL'J 1'. M., via Camden and Ambny. (Ac- eiimmoilaii.in.) At 2 V. M., via Camden and Ainboy, (C. and A. 1-Apress.) At 4 1'. .M.. via Ciunden and Jersey Citj', ( 1" v o 1 1 i 1 1 tr Express.) At 4 J. M., via ('aindeii and Jersey City, (SiWnid Class Ticket.) At 03 1. M.. in Kensington un.l Jersey City, r.eninir .nail, I In rA'el's ve ne.'iillilu.i'O'tl.'n.s. wmi:- .i-mm i. i .- mm .u, llll.il. ' " , r , i,,-,,,. ,,tl iSmillw.rti M.i i. .. 1 tl.n li.li.rlllV P VI ' 1 r I'!' Ill I""' , ' , oilers tacllilli'S snperioi ionooMo i T ...til oi i.., i ,i iiniiv. f.r M.iiii.' men wishimj lo prepare for ami to ob't.iiii at Hie siime tune a iliplomi. ,i i, ii will prove ii rc oniiiiendation for them to any Melealltile llel!e. ,r Crittenden s Series of Treatise, n l.ol. Ke.-t'in- now more widelv eircnlated than any oilier work on the uhj..e. "re for sale ill the Colleje. S M m ; IS fit ITIKM'l.N . .lt.jii. y nt Law. Vel.iitary , 1.12. 1y ? rs: B'srmc.i-.is ! A" Imi.rov.id lor lrvli linn i'j, Flel.eh jSeerets. n. llnrned Alin..ins, r r ; Cream hitc. At 6 1'. M., via Cannlen and Amboy. (Aeeoin- inoiini ion. i-reini an.i i a-sen,ier, rnt Class Ticket. II,.. ill 1 M i; .'. i..:i,j..i ..,..i',! " l.enion, The I.' 1'. M.. Soinhein .Mail, inn-ilailv. ' " "'"',, Kor Water (ill,.. ST...l l,l.nv.-. Selantoll. Wilk. s- .. . . ' barrc M..,,!ro-e. !ret liend. A,., at 7-10 A.M.. ; ' T- ... i , i .. ,. , 1.1'iie l lee. in .in im m-iiiuioii. in j.einwaie, i.aeKa wtu.na an.i . eslern llaili.enl. I I'm- .Maneh fhiinli. Albntown, llelhlehcm. liehi- i Tlaminiis, dele. Ei.-o.ii. I.i'lill" ru ille. I'll liiiliL'loii. ,Ve.. at 710 ; llati-i.. A.M.. lion, Keii--ii..'i..ii liep..:. niid ut 2i I' M. 1 in rants. .;, ;t 1, IV-ln Walnut "ll eet li.it ('. I I'l iie 7-10 A. M. Line eouneels with Trains Pen in I'- V Kl'TCHAM A C'V. 2.-1) lVarl si.. V-w oik. I-.in.ioti l..r .Mao h Clon.k. a: :..:,.'. I'. M.i v ,,,..,.,1 m s..ie,.!ine i.nn- ' ! '"' :M"""! ll,",.v- ''' 2:m.l I I'. M. i-liv , ...... lol' Iieeltoio. el Ii l .l P M e-lll no I rr.iii; oia. e , - - - I'll ., eieane - 1 " i l i.l . I..-. 2 23 cvr been brmielit tu this section of country. Ho is I also lnaiiul'actnrinir all kinds of Confeciionaries. Ac.. 3 00 j to till up niders. wholesale or retail, at short notice. Anions his stuck ol CUM ECTl'.t.N' A 111 KS mav be 3 ("I found : tliitn Itrops. nil kinds scent, l.ove I , . srf Mint In-ops. red and white, .lolly Cakes, I'lilit I'rops. Miek I'al.die-.ol'rtll.seeilts, lloek Cali.lv. Aln.oml Candv. MISCJEF.LANEOUS. l'h I. list lV'ors! of u liri-tiiitu I'ilill!:. Otic by onn wo luv ilnwii imr n ' (. (!c:i'l in tin. dust ol' thf l.iii'l they li:nl Invc.l. nn.l tlint iln.it liri'otiii s iimrc (!e ii' lo (is hi wc mc(itiiinilf in it. mmr an I more uf (lie immunity wu bnvn ( iicri-.lii.. Aiiiuiio (lie bi.ivc im ii v!n liiivo s ;-i 1 1 nut lo l.nltlc, IHilR' V. tis nini'i' wot t;iy (.!' tho iif.iiio wc liavu iilaccl :it the liiii, 1 id' this itr'iclc, ( lnili;iii I'liti'iol, tiinti Sitinticl K. NY il l.-inl, (if .Miiilisnn, (. inn,, i iit. i nptiiiu in the ) 1 1 i ('(iiii)ri.'ii(.iit li'-iziiiii'til. '1 hot who know liim will lictir witticss tu the liiilli uf lIic ( stitn.iti-. Hut it is not fur t in- snko of lii'ui.-iii lii lit Unit wc ui'ilc tli'n iii'iii'lc. !t K8:u-l fivt '-Jii-infi'. The following K-t I ;-, I'niinil on tlie body di' it ibj.-.il lol, id s-i -..".nt ol'lrr tin: buttle of Atiliciiim. linloii'.l 'illy cvprvis.,., in is roito.li w:iy. tlie fcidin.. of ninny of tlio lv'-ol soldiers : Si i-Tl 1 t. 1j?ip;, ) III C:i:ni lirnr I I;ii:o':-ovn, Md. Pr.Mi .liv : V,- i',i-,'iv.. 1 here ycstonl-iy, liber il itiif.iilmn I'liiro.i von t vi v lic;ird of. 1 (iiiuiitit ncn lH'd omt tu M.try bnnl on lnM : brillinnt. is Initdly (iUn! to the clinioi' ir ICon-cspolldelieU Of the l!etoll .ion rTIII I ' '!'! Hofl. Ili'lMH' , - .. Miijor Kasony Onlil.usc SJa;. : Tin- b.ii-.,.;,.. !, ,.,i': ,.r ,.'.','.,,( ,,r lMfM-l-lll 4 'ill II lr' '.11(. , full, Iijj.I i.M.ic n., :.,., I I. an' -ev.o.t . (i.MM.SVll.l.K, Nm, 11. I liil'o of J'l'i 'I ; i-'.::ii-.i -. 1 1, ( '.;'. The 'li:trn of Znpinv nt hprin.-ticll ImsJ ,! ' ''""".; ' 1 ;; ' I- ,,ut boon miido' a theme for tm urtirlr in the s iilc nut ! .. ! v. ,:i . 1 ( '..:,; , . An.o. ; !,", Athii)!!,- M.,1,!,',:,!. It w:is n doperaie e - M'" '":1 eaj.t i;.-, - nn- t!,.. i'. iii-'i .-' mii. r , ploit. an I'xhibitinn of coui'ii"e, hniM-rv. ' end Ajj'-'i. u lii'-i wuc i 'iine'ltt v.-l :i : I'llshiK'-.s imimriilleied, bicnnse it, wus n'n i H!'-n;iU'U lol.'i,i the bim-kiiile of Chilli s ciiH t'oeiicc rennirini' (in ; 1 1 i i i 1 i i i of such Hill t ', .i ..t:'..ie oil t, ,,i,,, 1. w. NV 'l'h'ir-d;iv wei k. Kvcr since wc lift C.r- , Suuiltiy hist, tit l"ic. k ri.-k.-.i u il--. bv ! lie it ton:-- i !.;!! of it time ; first I '"Uilll'on of the first, IndhuKi C'avalrv , coin : ,N H 'H'!' b'ti. I'll" l.'M e. he: I. tt, r fiMin I i, i,i,...,.i , ..hoi", ei :i. .count of the crij-tui'i! of been lloll. ii il 11- for J.itb lh licit doic-ille wc lene leid a iel! of IX time ; first ', ''lilll''l" of the first. Indiana Clival n , coin : "' ,N ""'i:' H i'.Vk lli'si i.r.-'s, of )n.,' ii"liiiie..-i:!i old Tone, tleoi hard neovh- I inaildet.l bv Canlain Dahloren. I i.W. M-.u Cil Mii.i rox. October '!. lMiL. iiiiT nl'lei- the Cod bun Yat ki-ts urn I livin" I 1 am sittiiif; in Colonel" A-ihtiolVs tent, at ' "''n Friday inoniiuu- last, at da vliuht , ;l Ion "Teen oom and inuddv water. Hard , Genera! !Si;.'elV head i!inrters, listenitii; to n -te:imi r was ili.-.-ovcr. d tryinif to jret in tliis j liohliti". hard fare, and mod Cod datn bard l'l.tin idaleineiit of what occurred, narrated ! - "'hill's 't;l.v humid. I -jot t iieshi, und. 't is liceau.se ho h ft a brief p c ud of both n'"' ':''s ; '"' ''" 1 s" '"" v"n' 1 . was , oy a mouesi. una. .stalling Ma-oeant. j; v, ill j ' ;"""" 1 iiiiuci 1.0ms, an. witn Cliriitianitv and oatrioti,.,!. unieh wc think l" "" '""ted. I can hardly P't M'vo it l-riclly : 1 ... ..,,,4, .-,. ,i. , , on. 1 ue cajitam -.1 the both instun iivc and luournluilv inlertiii" ! ,lI"nit' ("" ':'.v; i ' ' rly won, out. bid ! .cn. Uunisnlo requeMed Con. SL'el to earner l.n.ln, .;!ns(. in'.erc. pled, jire- and which wc arc l.ennitl, d to 'tin- h coif- j sli'' Wl' '"'(' ll''i'-i-,'l ni 1 t the point of vy.iU a cavalry reci.lii.oti.sme.! of Fredc-1 "'n';;'1 ''"""" Ac s, ,,!, to ,,,i,,.r tains much that ii of i private nature but 1 Im-v,;1" 1 h' "M1' ,!""',i "i:iee,s. who dont i nHl.ttr-. Cenetal Sio, 1 sole, led his body Mlllk by n.v piv. M c captured her at wc venture to intrude on Ihc privacy which ''"'' '' ,!'1'" ''"'" a'' vv l!"' 'hlin.o; find , f;'iat,l. conmiandetl by Captain l)a!tl;:r, n. seven .. clock m the inornmsr SI.- proved surrounds inn niaii's home alio, lions for they :;et '. he honor oft he whipping ol'thc dam 1 '!n liby-seyeu ii.e,, of lh lilt Indiana , t0 "c the la.i.o.js steatti, r S.-otia, whi.-h lets the sake of uiv'ine; this coun.hte picture of VatiUccs. 1 am 1 1 in- mo-t .lend sick of , Cavalry an, I ,1 portion of til,' Third Ohio tbc b.ocad.M.i my l.n.esi. NNchadvery the Ainericai, Yolunlcrs soldier, the iovitw hw war. an 1 iff only knew who. I entered It a no linl.t task to ride forty miles, kee,. , work Kcttin-her oil. 0 were obliged liusl.and, tlie dev. .ted jiatriot. the tniiit: Christian, ooino; out to tattle in I he ca;;-r to which he wiiiinulv nave his life. .No on.' can read the recid without 1 motion---i:o one will fail to say ".-ueh ii.cii as tin sc are the incn t" make a nation s-troic." The in. wi 1 11 revoivin: TI.e n ba-'ei'-stlie frr laol , it i.s I'l,-'1 a' t'l ' .!'. l a- llns'ol. Tr. nl.. The 11 e-l 1 niii 1 in I'rteiir;;. wall t!i lei,.-' q-inn: i y ... ...... ni..i i.- c .i ir.0.1 iv. a -iiii nn.l at ;; : . . 1 . ..1 at 7-In and U! A. M ilon, and a -i.s. at III A.M. lion, al, .ut Mil-.-! hai l 'I lie'n...-: e,-iiouii a! in . a, it tic n-o't -intp'.c l'-r l!rii-l.. nd i.a.-n iaa S; nl,t,,.":,!eisln..l,.,e. . .. .. " "' '- "d "'.. , , ,. le 11 a ', ,e piM Clp'U ecu-s 11,1,1 a'-i - .11 " .......... ... . -.i,., m,,.-,, oil . i..,r. ' I hi, 1 loren.e. llo..,lenton. Ac. at 12:. I. I. j with u nc-K ol rccp's . una ,. i . .i I'. r te' -olnpi ' 'l ' 1 ,ini 1 I lM'.ICl'.S. $ Oil III) 5 ("I 6 00 K no 12 On . 11. p. MAiSI'R. Panbury. V. V, . full -lit. fti--i.. I ..' ,, ,', i t i.' i.i. i.'t.wii aim ma rm,- .'i.ii. 'ii .11 1 ,0 . ,ni e ainin si. na-, . 1 i l-'..r New end W av Line.- h .0 in;; Ken- !" I'epo'. t.'ll'.- the Ca, on till!, si . al,.-. . VN 11I1111I. Ii.ill an h air bei-iv .1. pal ' in e. I hel ai- : run into 1 1 j I', p,.t. 1,1. ,1 :, the anonl ol each Traill. i inn Iron, lh,. liep,,! I Fitly Pounds ol' lla-.-e-" ol;1v. allowed eaeii I pa-en-er. Pas-en-.r.- are pr..iil.',le,l iiom taking , iinylhin "-' l.asts.- bet their weariicappiu. I. All ba'ii'.'e o ,r laiy .o,iief. lobe paid t,r , xira. 'I he - onipHiiy limit Un a- resp.n1-1i.1iu v ,.r l..i'i;.i-e t.. lE-'H '' u5'.a'E'.a.!i?'!i A UO I'.flS. i "no Dollar per pound, and will noi be liable i,,r i,,lV " T Knnlmrr Vll "'uolllit b, v olid Jl DO. ovopt bv -pe-iiil eoimael . forays at I.'.l A. Unh VnvoV U M. 11. i.AT.MKIl. A,.iii. . .lol'll NX K'lt'Kti 'l l.I.t.K and S' l.o,o.N Jiareli 2'.(. ISi',2. ,. ...r. 1. ,t r, -, ."nil-' iiin.'itnee that Ha y ;,.i , -hip in Ihc pra.-liw i'f ' "' " 11 ...,,,t;.,ii. to attend to all i til.. E&Sai I'l' 1 1 1 . in, i-eii o.re. in tli ninth fpilK sitW-riber r.-p.vtt.iliv itilbriuK lib ..Id friends j S'.'-hni.,1'. il'U. l. I'i.i.m. M.ylcr ami .uonioiir. , iiicl the public generally that he lia. coii.ineiie. l '. ,,, ! ,. hiiitly mid .aref.iil;. . Special alien- , n, m b. ...-.. 1. to ttie " ' ' , .., 1 rj.ACKsMiTiuxi; i:r.iixi:.-.. I Ill,, loin can i" - KUIIT. Pi iir.e.. Fi..--, l'.aisens. N uts of all kind: I.E.MoX SYKI 1' I "' " ""!-'" 'I'-'"''', bv the -m-.-l- or dozen. A , diary from which we extract tlie lo'lowim ' Mlpt 1 l-l :,na! il V ot I .!. , 0 and Se ;'..l alt i a a net v i .. . ,'.,,., I ;.. , , : , .1 .. . . " lot l'..n:..,';,.na;'i ... 1 , ' . I'.-.-. A - . allot' wheh is 'i;.';,1""" "' " "'' " " ' !"'l"" ' ...!V"!vd el.e... al V, h. I'-,:.' i.l'e I lel.-ol. lba-.l. It. W . I S 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 "t i . . ' .( lo , : 1 I' -r 11 , . 1 1 s I ; .- Il, ..e n.1" : 1 ! na ,1 I pi- I tote forwarded tol.ii w .f. from tMi.e to .M ( 1. 1 A ilIIAII I . ; time, mid ihc record ...P o : - t :,e Sum : o io,.-M.-.,i i:. i. 1 ;ih. .1 Son's; ,. ,;, ,,.,,,. .,, v;,,,,,; tain, and the Monday, l ee-da;. ami W'edne-- 11.1,1 v. liieu i.iiiowcu, 1 io-iiia wuii tlie la-t dat '1 b:.l t le at N ,1, 1. con ON lot' 1. 1. I'M liitn.i: Vlot N';.Ws in the seniee thai th- war uouhl l.e so Ion.. , the movetiient concealed lVniii the i-.ieinv. I ,0 "irow ovei'lioal'd alimut all her coals and am! wc n.i'il 'i be led in -non a dam eternal cross tlie river and daih throtioli the town, ! fvorythinij heavy, even her machinery that .l.-.V iil'..'. ! w.-iil.l have Mil as'.ay from ihe especially as ii wai known the Rebel. oeeu- j t'"ul'l he spared. On Sunday inorniny; .-,ii. w i.o'.: .lain -'...itih.-ni 1 mil' 'ieiae;.', for I lie- J'icl it in force ; it was ail ei.tcrprieO ealeu- u';1'; sill.ioieiltly liy-litiun d to be taken oil th l:u 1 thiiilv i..,t e b: ' e I'' 'i 'humbu-ued lated to dampen tlie anhif of most men. but i ' sl,: wai imnietliat, ly s.ait, v. it h a.i t!m .'.aneii -d.y oar .-rs ol' the war. W hat h'u-h was hailed as aimoit n holiday cenr j "!i"''l' ami a I'tie crew to Fort Royal, in hell 1 1 1 . ,. d ,. , ii t, t u .Um . im bv tho Indi: i.iii". 'I'licv left 'Cain-- " " my return on Sunday to my ship o-i ln'i2. i; '. i.e. . ,'l int.. I Suiil.erv. A 11 il II 1 ".!..-! v Si .iSJ ::i .-. S i: 1 Ti i'I.4 , uhihti- v c liv tmd.r .id Abe . r r , vo-i' i-aiur..:u morniiiir, took a i ircuitous , '"'-1'11 ,""' s. earner lia-,'itiii' ;een hr.d .!.::'. lai.: 1 1 . i . h i 1 i ' th-m care a dam for i i'"iHc, I'odc t'ill iiija:! r.-lcd awhile, and i heen lyiny; oirilie liay, whciv t!a. Scotia w,-. i.s. oniv to ij,, thi-r ih.hiii. ' am! v.-titi". and then un.l. r Fee ii..;ht of the moon rode ra- 1 catitiired.. 1 lound that a.,tb-r sieaniir i i . . , I. F en '.oa !',:. v oo 10 hell for !l t In v care. 'idi..' over the vvotncui fa his ol't'uc ol.l i ni '"' the day ue left, and that site, ... .. it in.i.i r.ot tiib.'; i hat I am t urn'in- an- Dominion. Ihroitoii by-mads, int.'iidin-; to j was in a trap. manned two boit t;,:., 1- it : 1 m, i a- i ;.. i a ..it 1,,-rn ri-ht n"e,n a, 1 !nh into the town at' hn break. They ar- '"-v ".'"'' 11 vi'-'l, "l.e Rctle.. ). and two fne , ever, but 1 b. -ia lo tiiinix that vi' have be. n ; nvc.l opposite the place at dawn, and lound ' XH' l-'hl.u'.in.l in command of the lir.d c:i loohd bv a .i.im'd -et ofoiiiee sci'kiiv,' illiaiis j to tlieir cliipL'rin thai one element in t heir , s,on, ' ''oats We went in ami ";;! her v.le. are too d an la.-v t . work, and havelo-t crocillalion had been omitted -the tide. ; "ul ul0- -'Vt t.' 1 . Al., ve c::pt:ir-. I. rnni: i- i, oi, . e,i e i.,, ;n r I tili! el l-, 11.')! I .; Mil. I., ate prt-c . I i" irain ..t ali I.,:' I '. an I to .lo eiis'oiii n ' I : to i n " irra.ll o: all 1 at the -le.rl. -I noli ... (' irt'i-tr '.'I'oiCid ilnlne'tiaie'o' li e Mill. A- il 1- tl.e il.'le Ihe .Mill, a laru'.' -ippiv t' kepi on han 1. at I !! ar I v I blaine.l. 'I'l... &,:.: -II! a -Ml el ior . 1 1 1 ; . 1 i r V ol' IV ellmlal.'ly adapted. ' sole! t lie w in', - of eu-'olie'l s. .. J, III, lie genera! I v ,- , '! 1 ill ! V I'.' lie-' .-a Snnl.iav. .lai'ic 2.1. I -,n. ' .Ml VX St Ot. will be eoiisiantl v ate 1 :i. 1 i I , low v loi' hi.t'i-: lbti.o: A..!'N':'Aiv. j, j,,,.,,, ,:lt j,;, uilr pv .,. ,.(.(.,ilt, ,,,' p,,,. 'I'he brid-e had la en burnd when wc evae- W;H "lb ;"d s'l- was. ready to '...: , N i sr or I- t:i n.iiii k (i i v. ,., .,,,,( 1VM,,( ..,,; u ,.. iiaied the place la-t summer, ami Ihev had ''"' ''harh'it ei as soon as tli-nitht cam: Simmy Noov. S-ptcmber 1 I. Hii'J. ,,;;,, ,,.;,. j,,,,,... ,,. ,, ,., ,v ll;;,. ,,.; ,,-, tiolhimr to but wait till the wat. r I-bbe.l. : "n- V' c hro:: ;!,! her out and anchor .' .. : care a dam il l oi on u and l.iil every .am . "lieciiino; t hemscives ill the uoo.is th.-y ' "!'"' 1 ''"' " t H''l."-lc-i and Hi" r.!.' on ol' i .. ii' t:.e, ,.;i!v . ,.:i l-.i i p tin i'r dam 1 "ailed impali. ntiv. Meanwhile two of t lie ' l"',,v" '"'"' 'he Iam!i-h -tea.ai-r . :; ;'.;:, n. nt. and ..',w ; .' U ,:,.- You mav Imlianians rodi: alone; t im r: v. r l.ani. I clow , wi! h a ver;. v .'eable cat o-o. This, wit!: :., !i li- l i. ..a nil 1 : .i.t. j can 1. 1 ays down II Word In mil. The vice' IV in i: " w i 1 'e lakeii a. t licit ; i . . " . i , . . r. fo.-wl,;.!..!..- mill i beaut il ul mdc !. but 1 am t.... f.r. i ;.-i.ii..ii will be pi. id t- write m... a. I.f c , i e ;i; c..-: the i';l'. I lie- pa!:. :e,.e of Ihe dice. V, lie . ,"lani t!li'o."i,l p. i,ei .M.idi-'O: v, .'.;,::,;.' on: liy in t-!i'..lcii. 1 -leraa; . - a i '. : ,r i v : ,v tol i i a' :.', ,' u p I In :it in Hi" '.' io ii to ue iam d if 1 '' '''' mail, w le. w :- 1. i:;-. . . -- : i-epn-ciiti:!" tin n I I'.ey hallc I tin s on the (.pp.. ale shore, 1 u - lo be h' bid oliieel's. f tl U of l:a. w ill be worth I.;. if ars. Rut h -i earner are ver. I l,t: 'ti-lo I i Jl' EYAX.- ,V N'.A'iSii.NS i,'.-l " our d , m , a-d ve s. il: i e a l 1 ' c m. o,,p. T IO I'.'lTl l.llll 111: He. I !.. :. ..! !,.... I.Hil. I I t'.l' t 'A O ' tt'.l he ir 'me lails :""1 was dein ill, al I i.l he information of I !""''' '' F a-, e, r.-lmvil to ' tm' Kcbel lor.-c. w hi. h he -aid liunib.-red I "!"" "' hn' :i 1 hoii-e. im. I 'ii.;'"! compaii'i.'i !ie or Iiuudi'e, t nun ie-i r,; .i :, r. ..,:., . brandy, boo-, ,.;.d 1 dim-.-. "1 am much i ialed at my slice.' in i.e.- - . - 1 i t slrei '. oi.cci'.e Weaver's Hotel. ii,!,.', . : . bi nary I. 1-s'Kb " ,..iler bavin" oi. ned in T1iomonV i: :, i( ll.-il lin'-, Mill 'to l".Mvil!f. il lr-;o : '. .! ,!, .a' ,-,' W'li in A? 1 .-'1 i C Llh'T'i'US. . le-l braaf- -I' I'.randi's. ion. 'Md l U l,, !, - de. a! ': low' cay -V .., l.y Laying f i--'. enn snve ' a,' r. ,,- ..f purclii-'i'.-' Ilan-rs for 1' M I 1. Y 1 ' K. ., i ..i,... tei'i:'-!..' I well pr ud about worn oat uhh f. SALA TtA.'JTDTi. CyKFES. : b.'in-..; on tho lea '. e h ! i! EAT l'il'.i: AT r.E.M-lMi. I'A. i"i:e! atiMiim- to na: liaoi in a 1 a., I .. I'. l.nn v 1' ' ' '''I'l:. I'o d l w e start, d oil our loll, II.:,!'. h I Civn.rc. v-I, s:,. ,:,!, -el-f-e.ion . "!U".M '"'.' .'' F1'''' ''""''' ''h-m : larchc I 1 n.l'i.rm y..,i tl,:.: in tl.e . v . ., lire wle.-b. . n lb.- till ti'ir iinnek. He are mov n: of . m. iiiini ..I' the l:li in-,., i i.orely .. -i, i.y. d all lay Icitth in the Mi. I-!''; , Yi.d.'V vi:. !.! hi -o.'U i.l. i n.:i. i a,.-, i na i - iie . i v .in . aiainanm-r si- it tlte;- , I I: I ' ,,'.;,,,. .. a:! told. l"-'"s, ' i. "'i,s oi si'.iipiioi w in. ii were o ."'.'.,,,' ! Tlie tide ebbed aiid Captain 1 laiil'-t'.'li left : "'' l;"iol".,u.1 to then. at., i this ihoU-ht eiyc! ,-i:,ee 1 !.ae ' hi-' hhbu.-' ,iaee v.ith tin: llidianiaiis - lift y- I "!'' llll!.('h t-'l""lt "f s.'ltiiftc.i.m than any p. ci '1 to u .'teat ' Veii-h avino-tli,' i ihioans oil the tiorth. rn j MKl,''V, i'deie-t 1 may h-tv! in the captured Kite t'io.,1 .'.,:, Nl':. 1' an Intel,.-, ed a: I an i i' note;, v . r in Iho -hop niifielied to E. Y. lt,i"ht'- roiindry. and i.- .iepaied to .). all kin of laaeksinit hin'. 'in the best stylo ami woi kiuansliip. All ensiotll work will be nroiat'llv attended to. .1. II Ml.i; MAN, Aent. In :,t I ii -. - , n n-iir . tl.e s..t" ..p.- I. ana tie S-nnbliry, t.pril 2'i. sf,2. tf 11-.ok- and I'-'ipel-Here pre-nled in all illiiblelni-he l . j eolaiPi-n. 1 shall 1.. ,,l el oil:, r Saic a -o"ll a- I iet PEOHiJM'tTI'Vi in "l ler. N an-. I ' iv-i nelly . W I' UK K1NS".. Kea.iin..;. l'a. Tl'K j ,,1 , v:,.-k ". I'ort. Sherry. Ma- , , R u Y O R K 1. Y K X I J I' O S T. an 1 .''!,, '1 Wines. "I nil - : A ll.ilv .Sen. i.w, el.lv ,:,l,l We.klv ',.. r I V,,.. :l-, IS.'.I I M, -i-.lA u, W v 1 . .. PI, a vP '. i;ie- ('...nib- , viour : I .lo not ivt.ivt iii-.t i ;ui" I..:!. n : 'ojal'mi!ic or My njpasliy illi I n en : 1 in die n,.i:i.'i: ; .1 1 :.e 2.' i , f Anu'iet. tuil .' defence of tin ciiti'itiy ; Ih.w l.m-l i-aiKK'i. j our Sior:oii-c at ibe.iiea.-.b' w: de-iioy,,! by lire, triiiv and kno'w tint ' V o I 1 1 1 ' I .ye I 111, j I he .lalani: later .i.tle w e pi:ivtni-e. loin y.u son:.. J"vl' i1,',..' .',;'e,. ,r.,..r tnt 1!',','. ! 1, .vye.i'- -in.-cwas in iln- i.'i.-.e ni.n'ilaed s;,,,,,- : le,n-c. and contained idl our books, pap, . evh. Ac. run: at hi.! fx ca-ti.f. Ci, . m M 1 1:,.. !'i':.i i, an , ' nnl v. I'll.. I -cl'lotis. .M..!Y M, U1N PN. 1. .-1 1 in i n 1 . 1 w n ,i 1 i:v. .N pi. '.liber 1 .", 1 ?'. Thec may be my la t words; if so. :h"y ! nte tin .y : I have filllaitli 111 Je-a ("nrid m, Si h ,r.-f n ,i:,d a sit.y O: ! h.". ..,. waat I - nr.' oi, r .an 1 rumen: . thin'. tor the .ii,e ot a Icy oi le fouml a coo, I deal ot' ho-i ,li :i:e. .! : i This well-known journal is r,.,w in the sixty-fir- ! niel, e. e pi v ed ia a pert.-ci lee n. all . . :i..a."l i-tal.li-h a repiC.e .on f . r ,.,.,. ,,1 in evisiem-e. It Im alav be. n a leading 1 '":':- - I t-a ic -t int. n- I:' -:' t-r m ."i.l I rs. I .. .. p. ..ilully soli'-iis th" peron.i.;,' ! j,,urr)i ,,f th-eiiy. takiiiir part in 'nil the .lisenision.i . i'lea.c inn.nn a.- np-u wli.n tcu.i- y-u mi: .-. II u.- ,-V;l , r I !' pi - ii - ,.'' a 1 1 .id- . , ,, Hi., .lay. a nil tl r T eiiti - n -, 1, nnt a!s wlli c a in loi . ' nii'ilii'i i,urar ,:i:,'. ,!. 1 .u i.vn .101.1. ' toarl "ssin-ss aiiT ln.lenen lee.-.. Free. ..a. m ,n,. t ..111 - inn. v. OAKS A A.FSTIX p-;iv- ):' I'mit, '," il ia:! M.ili t'l rve .1: r. e ' . .'. Paleiit ,-'.,..1 M. tnl ?.-re Top 1 tT:.vr s7-;7.r .vi.i.u, ,v(7,'.'ll' TOI'! -arv b. in-' '" screw the Cup down , K -.rover. I11.1 I.e. 11 and will litilir to be iu itioStn. i Salaueilider S:,n. (,r blink. M'le... I'l t 'Ihc I'lineipl's bv v.hich it is K'uided arc: i Families. Ac. Ac A!-,.. lAans.v Wai-.n'. p nt A Slli.'t Coli-tnicioliof the C,.li5lltll!ioii. I Alph ibelieal Hank buck' and balk N::nll 1 rs. . eipl.il to 1. liv Jt.a.le in t!,e e-taarv. I, I:, I sol, I oil lis . "a "d t. im.' K A W would rc-pe, It'iil'.y i.t,rt. I lh.. follow in- It.aik and .Cli.-r pai ii. -. lee ,1, tlo-ir .1 ,t'e- llll.i beck- llo.V ill li-C to llieil' CO I i I'C sa I i -I e.' - ! tioll. and 11: a, iv o'lo i s ;'i.oi at tin it Slore. ,. Mlr. J y ... n't. bank, .--in !l,v 'iie his an,.- ' 1'lnl 1 b lpi :.,. I I Hut the livenili,' I'..-:. while il i, fear le-' in tl;e : I N : I i:l 11 A I I.s Al:l. 1 .1 ey 1 1 no. "t Moeelel ata I expressi, 11 of il oeiniois. aims ehietlv 11! L.-imr a Calil ,ni.,. Con-.l i ta i",i H I. -I l'n:la ! L.oo, r,ev,-n,ip,r. 1 i ill eon tail, lull a. tits o ail l'-l l.-a.M I. II. .i.l;. Pa. Com 1,1 b. 1 i; ' : lie!:,. ,ei 1.11 11. a-, t lii . ail ; U"le. 1 bey crosscl tiie river in .sunle tile .,11 ral, talk very ; ;" a slow walk, the bottom I.einiriAcce.liii!' 1 e '! ,'.. "' ,,. he ni;; '. b I'ocUy. Reaehiilu' tile oppo-it" ihoR' lie thi -, :;t h. and n started at n slow trot toward the town, i". c the 1 aion m.,',,'r ' lii.j.ir.LT to take the enemy by suiprisc. Rut ad 1 a'cie-i I ...... in 1., i hi a.tvanee had been .lis. om-ic.I. 'Ihe would be a dara vhame to divide it ' 'amy win parlly in saddle. I here was a 1 1, -ye ' hurry im;' to and tro, moutitin-; of sleed. atnoii'.'' t ic ' "in, mint ami 1 1 1 : '. u 1 a i noi lit me people .I'eet. Ill F -:,,.,. at, I lae.iai.i i,:,. (; .... to i'bc a t .1 1111. ici'i ut . Inert .-nupo ,..oa 11,,", ;;-' 1; :...: ai- b h' i c; for. JtaUop. the lifiy-.-cvcll daimtiess incn il.ihe.l ,ili. a ',,, e 1 ti.iii lii; our ri. ills tic, into town. c!e .'i'iim', w itit sabt'i s 'jlittetino' h y he , e eh t '., v cm :' in; !. and it wotiid the se.n iidim; reckles-!y upon tlie :;,; I ;',.:' :!,l,a lo j,,':n ,;; and. in eueui;', who wailed but u moment ill the t - ;a .a 1 ;.:,di'i, 1 , ,,:,'! linalb s,.',l,at n,..iu : !.' ( t, then iy;;iominiou !y lied. Ilav- s w ' hne I -t to make .such ;'t ht II of tl '"( 1 !l i;'' ' 1 'he main thorouiriii'are. Captain ;', -. .. I .. , -i : . 1 t';a 1 ti;'; . s ,i::;i. vlifeiect iii ie ; I'anu.r. n .I'.v.-pt t..rtti!n a i ra-s .street upon 1V0111 w hat 1 .o.peet,',1. Y was t,,,i that another ,ua. iron, with t hi; same siicccm. - Mai f.'i. I w ,s 1:;," for r '..It. ate ! as oon Tlico a.i a, trumpliiii: ..f liooi's, lattcriii": , s 1 ,-,. 1 1 , e I.-!.,-, i 11 Id .1 : , ,,- '..I n::,l "i senbi etrd-. ;.::,! , he -liani. riledli"' cut .,:' ail; 11,1 hi-'her honor th ,n lo die f.,r mv .,..,.,!. I n....-- ... .,...'.,..! . i. e. ..... i t!.c scbr.-. :lie t'.bi.,, ib.il. ii... h,, ,l.o. ,, hid been fooled tile .1 tmde-t. for th" "' Hoi'-ci'ien u.i.l ndci-s, tne ;.,..rv . -.1.-11. s ol 1 , and inlcaxim; thi- v. ..rll , .:' -in I another and litt'-r one. w !.','. i a.a . oali I, did' n. alt. r dent I snail meet .. I Ire civ to---.ve a'l my euei.iies, and ash them lor Chri-1 's -iikr to f..l"ie mo. If III', body should ev-r Vt-acli lo.nie. let t"."iv be 1.0 e, I'.".',:, no. ; I 1 .1.-I'el r. de her.', a,:.', Ii'id tia v (h.u't .lilfcr V.ith 1 '"' -"' cav.ilty Were 1U(, :i iieinv 1 ..!.:',--. 'fli. V only ':',' i.tes -'," Captaia Dahlvren resolved to F 1:010 in li-vern,i,ci t. I'Jliti.-al .b.bbei v. Jloiiet Men t-r I Mb 'e. '1 in' Siipi'i'es-ion ,, ihe Slav e Power. I'l , e Soil nl.il I'ree M.eeeli " '- 1 av b. in- to serew the ( up .town . , ,,,,,.,.,, ,,f ,(. . a -ii,,! li ea.-,... until , . ? ' - I. ,-.;.. r i.a.-M". w ee 1, 1 " : t,e l-l r. led lias ted .! .WI 1 ,1 I i ' .1 ,::'. ". an 111, 11 0 '- '-o . :. . - :ie.i;:y of tie' l'" or of i ,.,' '' ,,..i i, . : 1 in'i'.'iitaet with th" ; ,! . Jars c ei b. snppllel by j A'(.' ;- , ( u. 1 sv.i'h II -lb -1 N.--1 b. Ai" op !iiieal lloennoias. l;,i,'. !')!,:,; -'. 1 " ! m In s and Pp., bn - ol be e., lal i e llo.b. s. 'rtiFi :'. 1 bi.AXi1 ri::-' .'iVi.YANFN. IK rin .' 1'. 1" II .ii In s a,:. Pro, tin.-- ol !.. ! b.l iv e llo.b. s I .':.. '1 l,e bale t .Miilkel,( oiinneleial Inleili-elK-c . I.,- or! and l.i-ls of To, . .. I llil. l.ll:ol l N Nr.,... A'lvics fv the f.-laie'l '', ,-r ..-' '1 .." ' ' "te;if"'i b-: . i-t'l in our nv.ii e ,; n -p.,i .1. n '-. 11 n I , r ,,.ie- I i-'d 'le- will kn-.Mi 1 e!IH '!- ttolll l.nl'-ll and trail.-laboli- tloli, e-.l.lili, I;. .1 he, Iv F "t bv Mi-. 1' S blown, trl j.11.1 ,..,!-. I,'. :b Mil !i I frit l.e i' r. !itilli and fell. Miscellaneous p.. elm j,. Poetry, bo, I, , i, .... I,,.,-, eel will I'C prepared lo .11- ! Till s. Al.ee. b tcs met 'i,,--:p. , .einiei. las linle ,:',,,,- In sleiil . it is li.c -le-i.i 01 Ihc e liters to Initkc ihe - . . - an I all who mav : bv nin- P,.-t, , .,',,,. ' ' 'I III-: !T N'l.Wsl'Ai'Kl'.i IN Tllli col N'I'ltV ,. -.1 pit Y XKU!K ' No nain-of P.b.i' mid 1 .ei.. in iii,.i.. y w.il!..- ' sl'alT.I to Meconipli-h tin- "'I. I. aak till iIon.-, , A- li e lee! c lit enin.' l'o! e'a eulate' in-re lar ' " 1 I'l I ' N 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 C' r II' w 'id I '.v. piabaps. lien, any o ner city journal all" !- in, 1 ( ... ,es it tie e 1,., 1 1 ; -. e , j i ! a I i.-1 -, b 1 1 ... 1 1 -. In -U , law y .1 -. loa nil - " "" ' n iTIMol'F I I" or,- i.l.d bil-ili. 11, ell o. ll.ll.ll.v. il tia-ciway- i; , ,., I ,. ... , l.ol.l I .vi Ul- ; ,.,., .. ,., -lUle adv. rli-ii,,: l,,,"lai: lint -inc.. ' e: "t i''i ... . ,, . 1 the war its eiii-ulali'ii has ..,orni..n-lv ina ea-.1 . 1, l.bl.M.M.! .Mi. 1 iopi.cn r j .t.-J, 1 tV.- ,.i i, i,,al indnee,,,, nl.-'li, ,1 wn- 1 .. . - i U iill 1111.111 111 .-IM.1.1 MAI'b Iv.NoW X I,,. ,.,.ti-, TteSemi-We. kly b.niin.' l'"-t. inl.li-ln I r. n- ' ,. ' b'ulv on fie-dav-an I linlay-. e.',.n,in-all the re.eb ',.,.,. 'Vii, I c thi ""''. I in. maitcr ..fill.- I'.ily Kveimij in.d ll.e Ini.-i I'll 1 1, v 11 1. I.l 111 c i 1-v.s. by 1 1 bairaphs an I malls, up I.. ihe la. ill ol 'pub- bleed, for 1 lorn, of .... T1 Iinv.i I lie 1' ensure ol "e M. ..-.00. .., . . .. ...... ir In. 1. a- I 'he li-.o.'la i , , ,w o , 11 1 1 -' ,' ' 1 ." --. ' ... , .. ; . , , ;.. .1... 1....1.. 1. 1 H.ef.l'sl of Marc . bet. ba- l.-ell on ,.,,, oo , o , .0 0 ... - " ," , ran e, ann. r . " -N .1. ,b a -t ol the new-ot tl.ediy. I " I '''I I in a -a are 1 I ,a 01. 1 . :,.,.,.... Well V.I.OI.M. l lilel II, I- '" ........ . entiallV I'.c.t, d. , '" ' in-ii" ,".' . 1 ii'ii s. .. ,. ,,,,,, .111. in "I I cell le: n. . T ev ei y v. v. 1. . iteo. ,,' 1: an Abv.ir.Aiti.i-: i' am 11. V i'.npi r. .i:o,l-e.ec ll aiU. 1':. ders.-v M,,.:e It.i.k. I'l b ."k li.'o. e Hank. P., I nion bank, ball iai.-r, 1':. ,,, b.,.,1. A Ca.ik ! bank "I' N :'h I'l, it, d, ll-I.e. - e. I. 1.1b. 1 I L.I.. : d I I,...,. .1 I lie.'-. -.Will, b :.. I'. .-' ali.w .'-:. I 11 11. ml; -1 N a . I' a 1'nln.n It:, l.k. A. !.:,.:;,. O... Alae Newalk be k. I let. V. . Il Hal k 0: X.I', b.,1. I.':. I. w 1 mh.T .i I.".,'-.- t-i,.:, ep ai i'iIji: . ' ..in- Sii.r. X... in 1. i',,;,:.;, s 1,.:. la,,;. 1 i.-si.l,j. M ,,. !, 2:', I Ij. -.M l K4 3: ! 'I lie tl;lii" B:i--.i 4'nti:iiiy, i 1 b XI ' I It 1. tle.t Ho y ll 'Ve eolietale t ar H ralc'ene nl- w :: ii ll.e N , llic: 1, I . nl ral Kaibiee cout.tr - lav nte sh.miv in the ;.iae. imi tate my virt'n s. nml I'oreive al! my err. is. I pr.'f.'i- .! ai'i in ti:e . ..u-e of m cimim o Ii:'. in sy n, y at!,;. w ith :l -. e'leini. -. And now. my prc-ioiii wife. :.'oo ',!",,. Ma;, (he '.'i.iee of Co I si. stain 1. and .'. e wi- 1:1 el at last in lb .y. c. si ee 1 in tin- val'.cv on the !,:;:': '.'i-oun 1 ;:, ir I! eivar II, i" it' M .iy m l. M.n'H Fu s, :- W li t. ui. '!': '., .' Maa 'is... p:. K'., 1 - ' ?. 'I'!:.' Ibw-iou moV'.'d ;.. -;, I. !.:;. at ;ih..i,l I'. A. M , pa-- d llno,l"h fie rei'l-'ll ol' th" !.,!:..' hi la. p: - i.'Us day .-. ot I ,'. ,, er, -iie. On:- -i.r.a im- ad.aia'-t i.l to I lie VS., :1s ol' iil.lllV of the woe'l .1 R, i .!-. Se. ,. e,:!i - ! .,( wo.:!:,:.. ! Re! ..... :;, we p . i I tin..":. Ii tlie .'..if r, ul i.l:,"., s. in !.,ta-. holt- -. h" pit.,!:-. it v i- a 1 1 ij so, ry si. - ! fa- oar ',..,;. . - -'i.iF vnv -t loi.e Iv in' i .,.."-. d .-a ttie moiu.t.tia and leal a f t po ',;;,:'., !'UI iho a-ilie armv a;, p:'o.ieh"d. Cea-.i Is Met 1 ..:.:; a:; 1 !h:-'i. i 'le VC-i''l. R.OW'M.'ll Cooiiv "Lieutenant Commandim; L'tii ;. tl States Sailing;' Rar.p'.e Restless," Tu:: I't'-.hi-N Rom at 'A'n:i:i.o,i. n o.b I numerical coincidence. I went v -si :..: taiiont were to rae. iye the- t'y.etbt -i-s.',ia, Irons, i'.e'aiud the ere t of tlie -a. , " , under (oyer of the marked battery, the R'tis'lisli infantry, formed in ihiiteen sij 'i-tet' two bat'.ah'u;.', ;, . M,!i:... ami ap , tw lines seven on Iho l'r-t an i on!!' .. com! -willi lutt-ket to tin- sh e-.hh r .", ; upon tlieir si-his, waitiii-- cairn, si1,,:::; .... ll.oVilble. 'I i:ey could in t s e the i "'.... sices, at;, 1 tlie eair:' -shaN c.n.M tii.t m Ij,. They li-'o-'."l to ;h ri in- of thi, til. men. They hem. I ' he iner, asi m: ,-o;;o 1 '. Ihive thoiiialnl iio.'-t-:, ihe aoeiiia r.-.. a' : i;i''U'tred atriki'i of tic !ioo's a; f,.-.;i : tlie rati iii:-' i t' tl.e e'.'.ira-,-: , I he ei,, '. inc , ' the s-il'i-es, ;ii!, ii m'.i i j' ;',:, .' roar of Re: coniii'u' ho-d. There was a moment of fea:- , io ' : :., lit i :i. a : i j . i .nil inn:: ............ ... ....... . .,,.., ,. ooi. i, oiviiik.., n lllillHb, iilla I h" apo, af.,m e of i heir , eimt ry and cl.il. 'iea-ii shot i, sharp, tl, t isi e contest j standards, ami ihive thoUs.mi faee.i with p. r..iii i on, !!'.!. ni of the people. I and tile town wai in ihc posse-si, m uf the wy mustaches, mintr " l'(V. f .', ;-., I iii,ii, I,, inn li.-iu.s to in I e ! 1 1 n ,, !', t..r t . a 1, . I , i. .. . , , , .., Hal , i-l.n, '. Icnploii. 11 alifa V. 'I i , -a ...II. Siuil.erv. Iv". I pil-m.-l'i "elicj I lom; III I 1 : Ii ,,i.l.in,,i.ei!:ii,.i. l..',-".e ' Vb!:...i. Mnn.y. Wib lh, lime, p.ae'iy .If. ...-I ,! I.ae l....i.i,i ; li,.n.-p,,rl. ,, I ;.,l i, ' I nc :, , -I e , :.n,"! in '. ;,,'laollh F.l;'. w , ,'e to nl If, -b. will, e c. r.i. at " i.i'i : lis fx- Ciie innati. Si le ni- and the be t.;k, II i.l. . l a . ni. 1 bio in .I,'- I,, 'nil '.r 1,-11 I'l! I. s-i lot I'eo-bni U .--I. Alwi-b Howard ,1 C . Pxi at Milt, .n or I'.l.Mll-. bl'. n .bni. ilk. -I. 'II le. l'ul-l...i. Serai.- I.'n kawane.i A I',! a-!. 111 - P., ill i- At W il- t a i I 11 i s i a C o,l 1 if I die I liain-poil. bv II, c , id A C, . I v : c- t- .l.i-ey mv l.oid a : I !::'.. f. Ti ;.-i v M 'Iims'i The b.l 1 !. I.., , e .man i.e. d, t.i-ti killed in, 111 '.'o rod- ol' ne- l. a -'.. II. M v i : lh f.e.ih of . ... I, whi . I day ir e (lie 1 w ill, - nil let. o le'e lo ll.e Hanis of . ! .'..iiiili v tea 1-a . ,.l: I I- -. de- l.!l the al del, s o L'enc- -liole 111 I I.,,,!, lit.,:, Ah... by Howard A Co . died lb, t I loi-hl !iv, aiel tie I, c-.,n, e! ,, t-l V anion. 110V. I.lti.il ll. I . ,,, '.r I:, ol ',, ,,..,r I I., i.l'l ,i.e, ...11. 1.. poims 11, NV, stem Sew York tin I Can , In. by wl,,, !, mc, tiod save the I' 11 i led M ,1, . o 111. V will I ., w ., 1 d M . I't'1 alt I i-e. So. - ie . I ! ink X ,, es. 1 t . 0, 1 bl, o!ln ,e,!l'l'..t' ,.i' NN , are no into battle. Cod - ar Ins 1.1, u 1 I, till .-llenee, then -it -h illy a Ion., i in, of people all appeared bite very w ,il -ai i-:'e d the sabre .tr.,kc. a e.iccriti.i; and hiinahiii"'. I r-i-cd anus brandi-hin' .-abres app-arc.l widt their ee: hte, :i. at I if i enn jude'e and sereamia-' ul' Iriuhlelied Women and above t lie crest, w i: h cas, an. .-, t nimpe'..-, and !!''!,! Lie pi. Ir. ii.'. Hie;. Lav ' me le a , 1,1111 oo,., 1111 ol it ::.'.i-:i in 11. j .uinii cavalry .lid.allclicl cn the i,',i,,,,r by - ay ia; in the I 1, ioa. nad il t ouhl have Ola.' tie R, I , 1 aiteiapi. d to reeevi V ; -m 1 d was like the bc'iniiili!j of all cariii leaa'.hmi .-iaht ! 'ti.r if wc I.. i.l all !'., ' '"al they ha. I los. '.lit a molld impetuous .piake. main. 1 .ieti v. i it . "lalnioa, and iiaw drove iliem back avail:, end t 'aptaiii 1 AM at once. t"aeie to relate, tt the left or i.,,t ,n,:i a iio'f, ;-,,!' oar.lv.s. I bh'eieti -at iercd tlie fruits of ;!a i.tory, the Rn-li-li. am! on ...ir ri:dit. the head of I aai .d'aiiv.i ae ii, a trip In iv, aii.l the thirty -one pii-...er, hores, aei ouiienonts. the column of cuira i.-r n'i.'i'ci withalVicht- ...,';f wi'.l i,, ,tr l.i "'. i l, dak ii ,a a sabrci, hcl.l p( -i..n of t he town f..r three In I clamor. Airivitu' at tlie -ulmin...i:" ':a:n I .: i tiha ia e ..ei:,.. ",:.r here, but we, bout's, aliir.iiitd. lo-iu- but one of his ! point of the Ci-nt. fi.manas.'eable. fulloffurv wet.- for . in a m:;!'!o r a- we was m . iiiy .doi'ioiis band kille.1 and two wounded. ; and b. at tipcn the eterniin:ilion of the '.!",. d o ,;,:": 1 : hi- F a ::.'..! of n. ilk and ha. '.in;:' a doen of the cn. my killed and' -o'tarei and c.i:...on-. the cuiiMsicrs sawlc I. it; ; ." eiyt!;-::: i;::,l ". i uiee. Iti'you woun.le.1. 1 woiiid lii.a t uive the n.iinc twe.-n them-t Iv. . and the Rnoii-li dit.di i'i v,i:;! we 'is, ,; to tlo iii "i in', i.tioe- u i 11:0 1 mem. in,' one t a i: ; a i . i' v.'.-ii.e -'.uikcn toad of Oiiain. , e uov, :., I -alt t i:.u..:h btave lelhov win. lo-i his life had Ibiiirh! It was a lripht fa! moment. There was ,!,...' ,. i; , at . i tlalu -i: ht I '.roll:: li all th " eii.lhel, but st -iim' a hifoe I the ravine, t'.nioohel ',': v, a: t t:i m .; the ,e b , ,i u-ed to. .lini, R. l el iI il; waviii'. from a buiidin:-. he se-ety t'c. t ..f the hor-i.-. two .'.it'.n.V.ti deep t' i ,i". i'.'h iuto t he hand- 'i.i..l it. wrapped it ar.mn-l insbody, ami I a l w . en i :-double slope. I'he -.'eond ralik i h I.' - . , . liohl of it w as f, iia uiii-' to ids e.inimaf.il, w hea a. I'at al I l'U-!ied in tlie tir-t, t la ' hiid ie,:,-hi d in the :'..': I la ar oar -aol w a- hi c 1 fi 0111 a w in ho.v, probably by I second : the hor-cs r. .!' -I. threw i!s. -. is !.- .. .. : - i.j.ott to ic'i. a :C ... n. 1 ! w .c brou-lit to the northern I over, foil i p ui th.. I :,. I s, sm, -ria-ohal . j me kuort if it is ihor.. u.id t here bin i d by hi-f, llo ,v iohlici'1 I w iih tin ir b . t in ill." ail, piling up and '.. ,.:.!, . , . ; : . we is.t.'.i.l . b. iic.uh the for, -t pin,-. I 'ap.aiit t 'arr, of j overt ivnin t !- ii rid, r- ; no pow t i to retreat. la ii. . oil, j. any i., . ucoimtci. .1 a J.ei.l olticer. il..' !.... li-tii.n :.i uotl.uu; la:! a pro- Ine tone :.,..i:i:',d in tiai-h the! ,1:1.1,1V. Oi'.h .ly 1 it I, r had a 1. 111, t to hand , l.n-h h cf.i-lied the I'r- neh. 'Ihe inexora 1 1 or 0; pi.oi um Fe with a Rebel soldier, and b a bte r.. ine eotih 1 not i, hi ,mt il ii wa tilled- lol'ie, 1'. '.,!'- and I.o!-, a lolled 111 toyother l.ell- v,le Wound in,,,:! ihe head. tn,:i. eiiii.iii;::' . .., h . a her. in.,k iie' common lb- .-,1,'id the fellow'- hoi-e, 11 - lb 11.IF 1 ft -Ii in t hi . , hi e :' .1 :i::f, amlwh.-n lliii animal, hi- caioh.o and s .bre. lti- tea 11 , v. 1 , , 11 W;t- I ei of livin- 11. , n, the iv-t, -..'.ie still I .ears the blood stain. Iiot a . m 11 , Led ov ei t h, m :' nd pas., d , ,n. Almost .1 .hi. V. e I". , ,, th O ! ib.mii "! . "ir til' a! . v. ! , ;t, ,' lie,- w. bern ll.i-1 1 : : 0!' - 'i,e ...i'. . I i.e., 1 :t, I. i a ; : 11 : 1 . a . 1 a ' h ;, . W:r Tit. Ream , H- eolliaill a hue ..: ; !'; 11 t he oy '. . i-f 1 e 1 - .01,11, .1 . 1 . ni i N. , a.e I 1 a a hi - F .1 '. lea:. L-l:. i'e -,-i. aid t i III Oi t. '1'iie s.'inbh' llothile: so la , .1 : t ii. h.t r of at'-..'!': I ley uie ,,p, a ,,t i I .1 lie I-, ell. I the f il pi ot I'll, I s ol .l, I ei'.. 1 1. idow -t 1 11. k hi: 11 11 , .in imli. tin.' a An. en. a. , : 1, I m 0 ,.,,:- are en i..., .isle. 1 4. , ,,! and -tca,nl,oat la le I i n :'. ,. v -il.it v of (he Cl.-llillt ll-n-e. a , , 1 ' ',, 1 ie .. bv hm'c. , . 1 . . ;,. , .. j c I j. 11 ll.-lBiin.i t f-r ihc ,' t t, '' pre,' nil. 'he Kiir-p.-ni p1(, , ..-ia '1 la. , a. en bollai . , ... 11.'!'! ..-iti'it. I .j ,, .... , ,. ll,',.,i If '.c for merehi.n's ,. a ,', '.. , I to It I' M 111. SUV XI. lb. I-NAC b l l.No: I I ' I-. ' ! ' ' Wi..-: War! ar! I ii.'.M tut: 'oiiiia. 1 .. .11. 1 1 "l 11IK X'l Til. 1 ni1 i.m Till-: 1 a'T, 1 mi: 1 ii"M nit: Nvr.- r- .c, ,,,,:, . .1.1 leal otll.l" In.l.o'., I'-r 1, , 1 . 1 1 1 1 v . 1 r l.iiu.b. r .'L'M. N , .( .'..'( ; .' ' I.l. MM. li : I ,.1 : .,v tn .- ul lh- ll.AM a.NNV. 1 . ( i.r. Mi. 'a r m'a .( . r, '.t i'., 1 1 1 . ,, ;. - It 'I mi 1 I'M!-. 1.'. rvisi: r ir. ? i 'e C. p.v. , , e year, ill ll.lV. lie'O Tin ee I '..pi... in H-lv ,tl, '.', Single V ,.pv. p, r inonlh. si.sii-w 1 1 m.v i vrMN.i rosr I.-. Pufl. In I 1 1 cry '1 uc.'Uv an I l ii ly i ntl 0 Co) . one year 111 it Ivauc, T l',pie, l':se Co, ics, i tl, Copies. wri ki Y 11 i'Mn 1 -'r Ii Pt.blish.d s , ,) 1 lau.dnjr Sin.'le Copy . one y . ur, lit Mdw.li.-e, I In, e ( ..pica '" 1 IS .. Co.,( - " '.i, C ;',.-. 1 . in v t -p".. " -An I ,r,;. r ...u,. I,, r 1.1 ihe r.ne ,,f ft p. r y .--.r i.l nil oil 1 J I II 2" no I: 20 uu j t l',V 'I , r. Mill Lo . nt 11 b d lo .... t-klrM 1 a. r I 1. tinn Lumber. t-urd.. m- 1 l-r I.,. .. , u, . , ,,r I ,1 " ii-nn-. 1 ,1.. 1. h, will re. . o ,,, : . 1 s p. I Ihoil- .let. I'll"'1 I (I'i ' '"'"I V I". -IV ,,,,,,, Oi- N hi II u . bib of "li'.'! do 1 . I A, Ae ' '' l-l ...... b .1 leldniol.- I..H.V I- I"., to II "Il I 1 1 os kind .'I bult.bl r. Hill bo I ht knit... 1. 1 1.1. Il I,, .,, ee. iy 'bill Iho .!,. l.e , ,1,,,,. , I., r ,. . I ..I. .1.... ,11 Heine in. a itiiai. ul il..- 1 ...it,.- 1'o.t t nin t . . i. t.n. 1 in, 1 . 11 ilt.e 1. pni.iL.l ..It la. pN.. t . L . j, ..no u ui . kopplt, d ul I be l-l lot . n. ; t.a. . butiy p r ui.iinii. fl 00 Nuildl t'lklt. I'O Ul lil.ni I .'" ls k ly pt i on I 0" .VI . ti, ... ,.,.4l 1. I Ul atir rl Iputnurt, HI N T Cl.l.Vl M' , s V . I, '1 I t 4 T R 0 N A COAL OIL! .1. t ....1. .1 ou-llx dul'. , I., 1.. : I M .. , .... 1 i-ilolll.e I . I.l II ru ... ull u h.t .Iv.tlu ll lentliy. ant Valuable Pack..-,..-ot eseiy tbscl'p- lion ai-., X..I, -. biafs ai 1 iiiii- r-r c.'iiecii-n. l.Vp.lien. el an 1 el!,. aelit lilt -eni'l.s inoti.ved. Itn 1 t s . ly t tl'.t t w ill be luiele l.i r nd'T s i! ,-:',,.: 1011 .loltX HIX.illAM. Sup I il ten del, I p, in, ,1 lll.i-l I'laladelphia. It A I- L-l libit. A.', nl I I -iinlaiiy A pi il a l-i'.J ' - I nioi'liiiil 1.1 l..,. r of ..... I Ira. I I II II. Il l' A M'X il V iie iilleltlioll to lh, il i-l K k of I t Pi ni.e lire it and Ilia u I eu ! .sin,n,,,s' .1,11 e I .. l-l f.l Oil 1 1.1:4; im runt 11 11:.; X,,N IS l 111. TIMi: F t'l 1-1. V" K Al.lll MS I X c,n-t' ill. I.ec . I' lb.' -' t" " "t'. haue I will sell I iv eb .0.1,1 1 1 Xiii.ii.Ni'li Atil'l. I'L N I.M II- I'o 11 I UAI I ,, I u.ii liirthi.' Il.iliiir, "" 1. nl I s 10.nl 1'. s; , -e nai l I In -e . lib - are lest ..I b-led at late ) rlnu- ,,l lo s .lid 1 act' all He I '.' , i ,1 i.e. - o,l-..I' ,l.d ,-l II, I" 1 11uv r,.ei..i . n in.. ,.,' ,1-..,....,.. .. .' I 1 ,i, 11, man, fir a h a. 1. , 1 ... . . illt.plO 1 'pi'. -' ot ei. IV v ifi 1 in, tie-. J.'IIX I ' N I S I V . T.'S ..in .- 1 , I'l, ,i.i P l lull S. 1 i. ltd. 1 'V I '- Vliiiiiiliirlui'rrK ol'l.M nrr, I'OWUHN ti WllilluX, HAIIHIUIUIUO, iA.. flMlLM. t.. W ..1.. t,o t., l l il... e i a , .I.,,..,, I 1. . 1-... 1 . u lo 1.1 ll. i c u. 1, ) I ,,,) ,4 I .. I . 1 .! II. I U-.oll I V loU.lft., Ul rf,, . -Il ItU'l 1 ll.iiiflu.y M.t; 1. I- .' we meet at la-l ill 1 bay 1 ,1 w h 1 e t !e le w .1 1 be 110 w ar or in. C vmi' Ni. vn I'i 1 ru -s 1 1 1 . M:i . NYl.l'-.i -,. 'dot,-. 1 1 ill;. Wc ate on the t f a 1.1 a' La. 1 i". Vc- , :,i , li teiday there was an ani.l. ly , :. : . en 1 t . r r: ! . Close by II-, and We Wele d'.'l.'l.e.: o .1- aed 1' !' of , le b ill- f, , ;,b. ii ;t tl.i.e h-, ii . ,',,,' in.i'i i,,.. :a. an d I killed 'A il lli.l lilts l 11 tl't.sCits ,,i',,ol l:,e. ,,nd lh, If . ral ol liei i w ere w one b d. c b.t an -pi ink i.n .' iiniu. n-e army I. en Nt, s h a..u an I lb i t it.,, .n - I -ide ale hire ill con. Ill nil t , ... " 1 - is -I..,".'. I lllore we are oldelt d oil' w i i II VI I e e, 1 , ol turliid''.'- t. nin. .11 ale I ni. m.; ,,,, cury side my I tit It is in Co I. lp:t-ed the bill1,, email N oi 1 ,; . - .is I he dead and dy in;., .ai . s t ' '. L : 1 p . Co. I We Itl iv be in e. t'.l a i 1 th',. ." . I . ,s -, . Ine aaaiu ! i a . ' . , . ! .t- -I. p I : ,i t the u' i, ,i pi. cant -iaht. but i i I., cpin-; s iih tl "I la: -r 1 1 - . a 1 - are silent e. I . . .1 to dive b. 'I i in : all '.he ,1 are coin;, nnl t , I :.!... v il"l - bn,'.. .1. p. a, : -. I.-.I.. I li lt I III i.: one to I," k at. it . to In af t he -lely, to p;,'!l,ie In.' , li -0111:1, I, the wild t !a-h, the s ,s , , , I ,. u nit i w i u, I. : 1,, , 1,, , r-. the l".l! of tile I '.. 1,,;,'. tl I ir . .!if,i.;...'l. lilt e " i.s . I 'I lor p. i , : ', I :. r a 1 a , I . ,.,ii: , y , , , t r ! ;; oi ini . lit. t h m I. .:,! i t' : ;,:,n,,,.,l . r. .1 .a- ol in, ',s,-i r 1 ' s, a i . . , io I ' '.Sill .. f I be Ll I . . -1 io, S e I I "I . !.. ill I . I aosv- Il i'f il- i, a .th ' i. I" nieiil. lie (- Wl.iile. '.a 'it ,1 il.ni'. II 1 he I -li I lliall .i . - . lh .1 k-. I lie pi i-t an i'i sv . if In Lt i.l ai : I - : , l.ii ,, I ' I: h , ss m'd ,1' loos :,! d ' ieloi a i.a.l led fil.e a ' ii.-t i'"f aaa h -ei, :' ,. In:, i I 'I'' - I hi - ' I '.' I . ; I V1 ha il i . I'j the .1.-. 1 . ".'lie l.,i: . lh ' . .Ut ; I , I .1 -ii 1 1: ill t,..:..i. , t ' . . be ; j ;. ., ,. li a. , e, u w in, -, . k foi it. : ni- i - y . - a i.'ty ; ti.i t ho. I I o at 1 1 i. I it t o i . by , p ..it .a th.- v. .:!' I p I , on tb" hole ; i I, ,-. I:., h. :: a i... ll to lil-l a y ..-. I ...r. which in '...'ills ii- - Im a', -oil is . . I I. C war. - '.met ..f tlie Dal. .a- lni;l ,- -mk tut,, this i.'.y-s. ,... ! The .,!-. .1... -, d ., , tl. r,.b, . a, nv at" -.ii I o be I i .i.'i-..i- Ft e and .lack-,,-: ; ' , -'. ' NV, lleao-ht th.t M I" Hat. had ! .','y .''st a 1 1..:.! a Mr, h ...d-tu.ie drc-.in . vTF7xi) iiiiMOK. :.' II I I .1 So , t. pill:. e .,,".pp".t 1 1 ill ss I a : lh. ! 'il, .: 1 1 , III' l.i'.. I at oil. e l.",,r . '..o I s .1 ..,i i I, . . .l in i'i '1 In, I i I ' II , 1 1 , . , 1 tl ill'' I ! . , . , 0 . d tl , I ,t ! -I I: . . ,t V i I I b id I I" ,i,,l... opl,..,.. ni't) l,i, n.-c at ny lime lay ' .,,.., ., ',,ii...... U..I...U,' . t.t i' ..let PI. Nt Id', Mil "1 n II j ' III II lllp'l' My l'll illIIM um m1 U 1 I I 11 Cut. it-,'IIM -I'l l ell l"p 'l, .11-11 ,1 . t S.. - :..,!. .,! I tti.n II 111MJ luMfiSV, ', I .V '., .1 II .st. I'd 1" - , . I I I H M .' Illl V M I ii . I'll.. -r .uu I s . v.... t'...r 41 s.v.. s-tii... i.n....," Nt, N...I1 tu. a I-,,.' S4II OIIIM l II lll. uNlHU! SArONimit'l . 4 IIM.M.) Ill I .... 1 N-.ll.UUl -J -r, I ...... r. ... . -, i. ..... I III! I Mil V" I t ..S Nfc.tCi.Ml ll 1'topii.ior fVll 1' , I I. I. J. I.,,l i'.uhi l.i.l I , P."w,.. 1 I .1. I- .1 l-O. I II.. .'. Ul. I 111 ,,',) I ' ... ul.i i I I I, I lu tu v U.I tl lb t uuul. 'I If U . i ,,l.n. i . bin., II W V-' t- lulUil,.! ifi, -ol 1 11 ' Vb " Ml U l - N . tv ' .1.,,,.,,,. . 1 1 . b . , . 1 1. i S N 1 ul .... Jt.o.u. .li t- wl I ,i:l-( I, .ul . . ,-. I i .. w .1 t I' U III villi ,U P .1 I . . I ! . . S... . .... 4 , U Jl 1 ' . el. t I, O . ,1 Hi . le',' ' I I. III., ll--, ' 1' S i 'ir I .' ,1 tl ! .,.iii i 1 1 , : . p. i . lo I. II ho , ., , I s. L, L, ... .; It is In, I ol,. 'I ' . 1 - ' 'l I ol ;t iii iii . tie ".d t I p in I ... I ! L i po . r . c I. I , i- 1 lh it It I- i....,i' v..' a a I.- I h o I h, boa I i 1 1,.- f . I. 'I I... - I. .is... I ill. ii aid I.l I th - . n. I m. ie U ',1.,1 NN . . . in. a i, 11 .. i. , I i . I -e I L, Indde ,.,,'. ,1 -, , 1 , . ' i , .ml io , st , . tst lh. I ail, I -i n. -if Va, in . I r I. h In pi ..'. . d, IL, ii ,b o I, is l 1 1, . , . I , . ii ," I i Mini. .'"' ' F ' ..'.,.. m ms-i. in im IT a. i i I'i 1 1 a i i ii lis In 4 I . ',' , I tt.lt. I i,l I'o N . I, .1. I U bn it . o it foi. .atl.pl,,. '. bd I. ll. I Mty In ll. II -I 4 I s-a e i.l ll.i pi o .'. I . Iloh a li, I 1,. III. at I ..'..'', I... . , . I, ILui) t'rty ..i.l p i i o . I b -1" ll-,,. ! i . . lUU ltt In .1 , I I ' .'I I. ' . be. I. ..in U.i t... li.,... I I (.., a. t ip li .. i Ni ,v k Uftii.u II. .( t . if. h I t v p .. a. i ' I . '" ii 11 , I . . a a ,, t i I ' ., I .,1 . . . I. i. ; II" .... I ., , ' l , , I " ' !. . I a . , , . I., 111, :i, : . ", l .- I, . ' .. t a!, a , e , , , ,,i t i,..,i, ii U I, , ll U ' I I. . 1 ..: .v.'. i u 1 1 i , . i . ,. i. i , , . i ... I F ss .1 ' ,h . I, 1 , ,' ,.( I a a I.,' , : a- r s, ei - ,j u, i ., i . t in i I in in in i. , , ,. ..nt of - f I, oh: t i . at. ,!,::. 1 1- a V ill. i,. 1 , I I. II t It, I '"" ' " F " '-I .. I...' ' ! . : - I a.- I . . n.e I. . I, I- : I a. i I . ei. .'.', L. - L .el I. '' . ',".' l.i. nt . . , a', li- , , , ' I- II, ; : I., t I ..' i " a I i , li , t. ,,, ii 1 1... i , :, , a 1 . v, . .,!, 1 I . loll , II, 1,1, II III. ;.o. . 1. 1 I ll.lt ." til', I o i . ,, I ..! ,1.1 . I .1 I ..... I I .1 .! I (,. I'i,,,- lal .. o. .. . Ill i.l t 1. 1 . ll.i,. . "I t , . I 0 1 ....... I, . I ., ..I I.. I .. I. l .. I, ,,, ' . .' I . I . .. . ss II SI inn i , ,. il, , l I 1 . ,. I ., Will I . u, . , I.. , I i , I l. h . I , 1. 1 Ii p I- l (, t , t is . , I ll, I.'.l. l-l I ' I, ' i I is ,.i . , I III I ., 1 ,.. a.i i u on "1 I i 1 ,r, i.,m .1 ... , 1,, t ' ' ... I I. . I ,...o. ( 1. 1 I ,l..il. I N 1. . .-i .1... ,.i N ..I . , ul I I, 1 I I . I bo ll I II,. ,.(.' le .. l ... ". I , ....l li .. I ....,.: no' .i, it. .-'ia,'. I 1. 1 I I' I 11 k i .- ...,. t -i . .. fi.i.i.4 , ,., .-'.. .i. 1 . . ., . . . , ' - a ' t I ' u. . tl ... , I . I li I ' . M. . ' 'I I II .. . I . III i ' II' ,1 U I . I 'j . I .1 4 1 IM..I.M. ... I . . 4 t ,ii. i : . I A. I'l I ti i. ' ' i i ti t . . ,.... u.v n.ii, n' " , ft, ., . l I.1M. . " MI'.y - i r 11 I U ' I U . I 1 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers