I lIWlll)iwwllll CljcSunbuvi) amrviran. H. B.M AB8ER, Etlilor & Proprietor. SI Mil ICV. Pi. J-vATUtDAV, JvO VIO.UHKU 1, twi. 8. M. PETTE3VOILL A CO., "" No. 37 Tuik Row, New York, mnl 0 State Stroot, Pwloti, nrc our ni?i for the SL.vntnv American .n Uioso cillc.-, awl nro nuthorizivi to tnko Advertise nonui and Su's-jriplioiu for us at our lowest rates. k-ffNos tatin'o SnnsrntTirns. We shall :ontiiuto to cut off weekly nil subscribers if long standing nnd doubtful responsibility, vho tnnkc no effort to jm-. If their paper s stopped they will know the reusun. - IS'" As Ari-itKNTKR Wanted. A boy .bout fifteen years of age, desiring to learn lie printing business, can have nirooil ehanec y applying at this olllee immediately. One rom town that can board himself, preferred. nproti'd. rilled pun? nnd of projectiles, lnis een killed by the explosion of one of his n shells. -7"" Hubert Coleman, proprietor of tin 'ornwall Furnace, Luzerne County was rafted. One of his workmen volunteered I his substitute, nnd received iflJOOO, with ic miarantee from Mr. Coleman that, in the tisenrc of the substitute, his family was to reive a sum each week equal to that which " earned tm a laborer. In addition to this nn. Mr. Coleman stipulated to pay to the il'e of the man thus acting as a substitute, ie sum of .:i(M)0, in case he should be killed battle, or die by any of the diseases inci nt to the cam). iik I'rm.ic Drr.T. The representations i aile in some tuinrters that the imbue tletit ,t .1 .. tat., i.. 1 is reached two thousand millions, is a gross ! js :agtrcration. On the first day of the pre- ! nt month it was only us liun'lrcl ami i'enty millions, and il is now less than six mdred and sixty millions. This amount eludes l he entire circulation and even ccKs of notes, nnd between seventy and ghty million of the debt ol th.' I.i'te ad inislr.ition, but excepts the claims for hich no reijuisilions l'.ave :i- ;.et been made. ie claims udim.ud a:d 'inadj;st.-. cannot eeeil twent v miliioii ' tloliar.-. l'r .in tin- riilhelplphiii Ii.'piircr 1 l'riitll'H In Sc2i::y!Ui!l u:itT. Tltl 'Mi int. Siiiti'lkill county, Oet.2.'5. Tin re is reason to believe that the troubles ivi;ni to the drj.ft, which threatened to mur.oe a civil w-ir, lum been i,uit trd. llishoj: Wooil arriveii al I'otside, on eiiuesuiy. and despatchi s were iiiinii.li .ly scut to the eh rgy tiirotighotit tin ili ectc.l region... rcipicsling their nl'.cudnncc. iniiii'.nt .e.iong l hose wim complied was priest of Tre'iiont. who, on the prccc- iluv, had address .,) a large coiic-)uise miiU'i sit 'New Mines." lb: e'. plained lii-.iu tiic necessity of juv-eri'jng the .ion and eul'ore'.i'.g tin Laws, and gave i.i to imiier-t.md tin' jicntdty which would ;. .:l,y 1'. s',-;;,ne,.. Ilev, t '.n tlie mi !-t of the crowd ami i-nate i ,:iii,;i of li:.-' r narks in such a iMe manner that cue or two of the ui.l-U- jiotiT. ho w ere ili;vi,.i d to l,c 'ten'., wi re overawed. The coiilelf nee I'oti-viiio was in private, but the clerirv I'-ed in I'-aetions t ' I I !e e il.- of I'e-i -i.o,-',;ie- ut' t'ne hue' ,.i th it the threat i preach oh Sunday i:;g tilt' constituted . and ii w a undcr nf cconini'iiilc!ition those who w r.' sliil le.-o'.ne. at lad to rptict the a.-. ;i class, an- quiet n when urged b lo 1 against j I c trou: i'!Vs came miners, and ii is , Ti i.s that liiey (..ci-oinc ipiarrcl- , . ,! .s"enes o. ci;n-."l during the j hit h might have r etailed vry ' (in Tin r-day some of the '. w- re a.s-ei,ii,led al Coa'.ea.-tle, ' : t;',e ex. 'it ecu lit of the moment i I.-; t he ir.tl.iencc of strong drink, :- liarged, tile ball from which I i.'i ,.f o;ie of tiie men, can: big i eltlC'l' 1 liiif tin :'(. wa-- . "l-e 1 t'.e . ltd tie..', hi i-'ii'i-. tiing' low 111111 It tec V rt of the it to county miners . The I Sal ur al 1 at . ate! I I ',.:l !: to lab ,i wa I lee en .a s, p.; it to - .. ear tllO t n- uing Sal uida; -.-fill, for on t his C )iii. lies Were tie . r.ligio.'.s .e.irit ha ehured into the li r. in ( a--, township a church was n (a .-inc.-aved til! d i broken open and robbed by charae!'.! .. The Catholic iio,, i ;' the community, being greatly in in. dot il ;, , wire much incensed. litis urrvd aboM! tw i weeks ago. When the -flit Iro toles ci until in cd this incident l'i,f 1. and tile Prole:-! .nil, wilh feiy an i cctition, found it uec sary to e tin low n-!iip and d. si rt their ).r .pi rly. ;e is no " i,. I rea-on lor siipp i-ing that 1 '.-.! -tain.- in ilia, win lawed the lie l at I oiiarl: ll'fksh I'soflhe r.-ville, trected appear : mail mining I w nt : i in -i iw ices ot t.lt. 1 i mi: '. !'. a Miii iawere required some time .-.nice, in- o: ca-ion ofastrike for higher nag,-. '1 l.nis lay and piiday tin: iniiiti.-, .,t ti ed I .iV- :,l. ,ng the railroad line, to gic eeofthe appi o..eh of any t i ool 'a. The ei'iior. however, was apprised of the method of quelling the riotoii-spirit did not send an armed force into the y. It would have liein uttt r!y iiiipo.-.-.-, iiiider any circunistan. t s. for soldiers er to have captured or coitijuercd the who werft so well inforiuetl of the Sl i of every mounlaiu pas . and valley, pon mimic of the more ignorant miner. rumor of the introduction of negro ir into the region has had a bad effect. story has obtained u general currency, oiigh doubtless without tiny bicds in , mining, like all other pursuits, being which requires long practice ami a iful hand, a s'u.g!e false, blow of tile pick n tli siroMiig tne laoor ut montlis, una '.-ill"- ilistiitiv and death to tho.-.c tie neath sltrlaee. a i : I : I - : i u.., Oit.Ti. lMl-i.- Cftmp Sim .sistigaiiier.ivv.l. 'l Willi i.il, tiers. Ih leil uiiliiiti are tiiivv nl.iiut being organ- lulu It "liueiils. the l;nt'Ot!ie;el3 ol vvlllCU e been Ile. ill', till diet e;l by tlie Mill. lie Aiiitei -'ii eavn'ry tr.ii'i) Isav o re. I id)' to 1m utaei.v, uml will isle in a tiav or mi. Tlieir liuisi I -een leave .a vwll uiii-lie 1 iliei.i ii, L.uiisville, Ky. lie Milita.'y liur .iu lu ie in colistuntly ee-l l.y pel- inis iu litive been drutlt I 1 1 1 i i 1 1 : 1 1 si it l.e, ami vvlm c 1 ii 111 IS lion. I'm' the hem ht ot' the public r.tllv, tlie t'oIJiiM iu' ilecisijim tti'e jmb .1:- u until lull be t Inliletl floni tllf M rviet n ilrulti 'l, fxe, oi b iirovision ol' l'i f. n iuuu is tlial'te l iin.l has nevi r ote;lit git ul t Van, i.,.il l"il, il Mill y, :ii'.'y I t iiiiiiil dial he i, Ktiiui'l. siib-titiite iiiu-t iis-t cxuniinatiuil be- a i oiiiieteiit uii on, Li I'ure he evu bt .ititl by Ihe I uiiiil I tiiiiiiii-iuiii r. ember.'.' of biiiitls tli i liari'iil from the V t tilitl d t laii'i ex, inpliiiii on that core. . i l r i le, t to the Male J.epi.Uture, It' It 'I, I .ill III 't b rt l-4 ul iblir '-ltl"U ii e ,ta.i'i, ..I l;ntOK-rAJT i nmi rou'rni: Mo.itoi;. 'I'wcnly THounuimI llchi-! Admit' on Yorktowu. Gcnentl Wise in Commait'l. Foiituksu MosnoE, Oct. 04. News has just reached me through a source In which I place full credence, that the rebel General Wise is advancing on Yorktown with twenty thousand men I His man body has reached New Kent Conrt House. His army is composed entirely of conscripts. I do not think they can be depended on, or they would have been sent to the assistance of Lee or Johnson. A WAllNtNO TO WISF.. If there is anything in a name, the rebel general will show by wisely keeping beyond the leach of the slumbering lions that lie crouched upon our ramparts at Yorklown. what Tin: KKDKI.9 dksiov. In my opinion, it is the intention of the rebels at present merely to rc-occupv the works in front of Williamsburg a position which, with very little skill, can be made equally as strong as that at Yorktown. Tins would render an advance of our in that direction one of no ordinary magnitude. Titr.iu iuMMKsn; to r.r. iNcnr.Asun. This advantage secured, and West Point and the Kappahannock in their undisturbed possession, they hope to renew their contra band trailic with their Baltimore friends during the coming winter. The smuggling of the latter will amply compensate them for the temporary suspension of their foreign trade, during the stormy seasons. WU AT WK CAN" DO AOO UKst-l V l-.I. V. Can anything be done, and if nnv thing, what, to foil this bold movement i In my opinion, it can be thwarted by sending a small but well disciplined foree tip the river to occupy a position perpendicular to the rebel bac, and under the protection of our gunboats. This moemcnt would be hailed with delight bv iiinnv in the 1th corps, and .v,,i,! i, i. .;,.;. ,i ..,Y,., .. ' ' . ' 1th of tin urn-nil generallv, wlueh hll. iitible of iuiiirovenietit. what wi: can no n::i i;.si i:i.y. The' 1'iiion lorces nt Yorklown are under the command of .Major-' leucral Naglee, of your t ity a talented officer, in whom his associates have every confidence. His com mand embraces a fore of - - men. and nl h'( -t three batteries of artillery lie precise number I withhold tor prudential reasons. The position is vrrv st ron ir. in thorough order oi'defencc, and I regard il improbable that he w ill attempt to take the foil ilical ion by storm, oi even by a siege a! present. av wi.Aitt.r. cMoN' i -mucks i. i hi: k in: i v OK M.UtKTOWX. The staunch gttti1.Miat Valley City cruise in the neighborhood, and incase of an attack will co-opi rate with the laud forces. 'flu' biigadt; of troops garrisoning the Gloucc.-ler Point batlerii .. inclndin'r n line battery of artiihry. of the lOJth Pcniisvlva nia.and the tthUh New York regiment: . can be used effectively against the enemy, at live I minutes' notice, if lvpiiivd. 1 In adoiti in to t iii-. Yorktown. as nil your renders arc aware, is but u-hort distance ; from t his point, v, hi!,- w e hu e quite an army I nt Suffolk, under coinuiaml of Major General : Peek. Look nut for active linn . i I'oitTiir: s MoMioi:. -VI. 21. I Tlir- :-!eau.ir John A. W arm r left here ; last evening with a llag of truce for Aiken's . Landing. She was expected lo remain till j 1 he steamboat Lvpivss armed with sonic i three hundred Confederate prisoners from : Washington fir liichmond : but owing m some liiisiiu: an ling the K. press anhi-d ; at noon to-day. v, ith il the j : !s..m r-. atid , laden with grain at: ! meal. The A ann r ' wili dip hen- to-morrow tVotu A'kcn's Laud ! ing, and is expect;.; lo bung ,iowu ? c end : hundred paroicd I'nior. prisoner.-. WasUINCKiS, October Cd. The indications, in nil (piarters are such as to give assurance that both the army and the navy will not much longer ruaaiu inac tive, but w ill comment c a plan of operations promising the accomplishment "f the most important result Tho preparations foi this purpose arc marly completed, and to uch an extent as to prelude the probability of failure, and to answer all demands from public ami private sources for a more vigo rous prosecution of t'ne war, with a view to the prompt suppression of the rebc lion. The appointment of General Koseiieians lo the command of which Genual P.ueil has just been relieved, is owing to the vigor but recently so conspicuously displayed by him. and as a compliment to his qualities as a soldier. Lqmd energy and ability will be expected of all cut ru air. I v, it It siinii.ir impor tant duties, and there is also authority tor .-! aling t hat the administration i dt tt rini:icd that fun her injurious delays shall no longer '.a- a subject ol gfUci.d complaint. 'fhe programme im-liid .-, of coti.'s?, nn raHy movement of the army of the Potomac. There have been several recouiioisiinci s during the past week on the southern side of the Potomac, nnd much aluablt informa tion obtained concerning ihe position of the enemy, and Gainesville. New Halt inmrc, i lay marhcl, Thoroughfare Gap, Poultries, Ssaiibrd Springs, Wairttitoii .li.neiiou. .M.i-ni--:is Junction, and other places were v. i,uin their ticid of observation. Our troop:, hail occasional okirnii.-he.s, and both side lost a few men in killed, wounded, ami prisoners. A scouting party, who re turned to General Sigi I's headquarter.- hist night, report that the rebel General Miun- lord, w ith u force of LWU, win at Purccll I ville, about twelve miles west of Lee-burg, mi uie roan lo rsuicui.rs Uap. A large patrol of the enemy is at Lccsbunr, .Middle burg, and vYuti rford. THE ARMY OF TUT 1'OToM.U . The letter of your Harper's perry corn s pondent, "Special, " is i mlor.-ctl by gentle men in high official position., here." An tid vaueu of llcinuchnaii and Sig'1 to Gordons villu or t harlottsvillc, to cut the enemy's communication, accompanied by Gen. Cox's advance over the J5lue Kidgc, and General Peeks attack upon Petersburg, seems to be r'"". u""r"-"' every effort to th McClcllan is bending organization of these forces, all of which will be. under his coiu- IIU11K I I I Imvc the Invest biithonty vvlu-u I say that tlie Atliuinistratiuii mtuiulej to leave I li. I Mel'b.l,,, ...I.. I 1 ..til ow ,,im cverv 'a..jiilv to (turv out bis .a , wi'shes fin. I'lesi.leiii i,,1H ,,b,. , i, i, . i; i . i i i ...-, mt uiaiiti in iu in, uwu IIUII'I-. Ull'4 luis given tlic iissuruuii tlint tlie oiiginnl tiniilation of no outsHe inlerlVrc-iie'u blinll l.f leli;;i"Ut,ly k J't. '' l-l t' A I II O. iMtut .irliiiljr .tiuon,; Uc 1C 1 l. C'.tr.r, Oitober C'. 1-uj.eiie Irmu belmv, reijurt The ti ami r that llio rebel, have liti.ssi-ssitiii ol' the Tell in bsee bliore oioile Lslalul No. 1I. The , iieun-ni of Heleiiu uru uiiilliiii in O be Wilt llollll, lieltlu r do Ilu v Willit to L'O baek lo , .-Kiv cry. They it mlily lou-ut to work fnf waives, uik urrullgeiiieiitu mv being mailt, ,y : VMU, ll liny lire lobe .:i,l lifty ceiil jur ilay, txi'ipt ill cotton (,ii king, hen they nre lo li.no ncycniy nc icul. l ioiu neve- I I I ral mill a i i IicbI "I rri at uei i ity in " ' llie rol'i U ill thf vieiiiil) of lliliua, 'i. k i burg Uli'l Holly ."l'tlit;4. Tiny ivi'lllll't ' llililcllllilulo nn Ultack kuou, but kl Wl. ,1 ! JHillil la Dot kUt'tVU. i Jo Jlio'na Ui ii i to hut tnt ih-'4 sand troops tit Littln Hock, and tho number known to be at Holly Springs is suid to be about seventy thousand. Tim rebels nro crossing their forces from Arkansas nnd Mississippi at Yickslnjrg, and are making every preparation for an iit,tuc lit Holly Springs. The place is being strings, ly fortilled. A rumor licro to-night that they urc moving north, is probably incorrect. The. people, cast of Memphis, near Oer tnantown, arc said to be suffering for the necessaries of life. Cotton is their only support, nnd this hns been all destroyed by guerrillas. The Federals have possession of Glouces ter Hiw.- This is admitted bv the Grenada Apc'! Flannegan is elected Governor of Arkansas over Koctor. Lieut. George Willieh, 20th Ohio,' just in from Bolivar and Jackson says it was report ed at Jackson on what seemed to I e good authority, that I'rice had crossed theHatehic with lifty thousand men and was inarching in the direction of Bolivar. Gen. l'illow is also reported in the same neighborhood with 8,0110 men, this minor is considered highly probable by military authority. An necidetit on the Mississippi Central Hailroad at Duck Hill: Last tstmday two trains collided, causing the death of tiiirly live men and lifty wounded most of them soldiers from various southern regiments. The conscription net is so vigorously enforced in the south, that every man, say's nn officer just from Yicksburg, under thirty live years of age is in the urmy. ANOTIlint ACCOUNT. Chicago, October 20.' A special dispatch from Memphis to the Tr'ttmiir says that the Houston Tihjrth extra of the Jth iust., conlirms the evacua tion of Galveston. It says the federal commander notified the people that four days would be allowed to the women and children to leave the cilv. On the eve of the hist day the troops com- j meuecit evacuating the city. Much contu sion prevailed. The city was oeeujiied by I he federals on the fifth. The Grenada A'tintl of the 20th says Van Porn and l.oveli are still at Holly Springs. Hector has l.een badly beaten for Governor of Arkansas., l'lauiiegan leadline him by a large inajority. I A frightful accident occurred on the Mis sissippi Central Hailroad below Puek-viiie station last Sunday, by th" collision of two trains. There were thirty killed and nearly lifty w ound' d, many of them fatally. Manv of till-in were soldiers. It was the result ol carele.-ncs-i. j ' 'lit! Ai m. October 2T. i A special li.-p.ileh from Mi mphis to the Ji-'bi'ii'- dated the ioth itist., s.;i - mi nlartn 1 ing r. poit prevails here that a force of 1,0(10 cavalry ha- statioie'd itself !l miles Coin , here on the .Memphis and ( harh ;tou Kail j road, ami taken jtossessiou of the iinc, estali : lishing their hcadipiaiters in the vicinity of ! Noiu-onat. Tlii is supposed to In- the ad 1 Vance of a lame lone having design upon this city. General Joe .lo!in-o;i is said to be in charge of a large army at Lit;!" lee k. I'wi'i, OctoN r ii. I A Iler.il f.'icc tiumi ei ing two hundred. I with one piece of ariilieiy. stationed at Va erly, Tennessee, t enty miles southward of Fort Pouel-on, wire attacked by n parly ; of eight hundred rebels nn Thursday la i. 'flu latter were completely routed wilh a loss of twiiity-liuir killed and twenty-live captured, and a large number of wounded. 1 Our l"-s wa- two hi'.ii ! ;iM'! two w omuled. :v (JIKMHIO l.l.ii U s M.W nhl.H M l CA'VAJiAS. M.tV or B" i-t;ic ta nti ( Sell M l. 1.1. I'l. VI 11 t HI N'I Y I ol.- , or i j 1 1 : r:iTrii f i i. ' AMI MIW Iiltl'NS'.VICK. ! I'roiu rt-pcii survew--. eoiiq h'ted An:. In. lsOJ ; eo-I t J''. IIOU to tlmr.'iVe II. Hlld I'llf e.,r - lime Su p rior to nuy ? to neip evt r neidp l eoiion t.r , .Mitchell, nnd s -!ls i.t the low price ,1 lifty penis; h7n. nun iiHiites tirp eiiintived mi thi- ueip. j It h not j ii ' y ii I'oiinly Mtip. hul it i- elsoti : ! Col'NTV ANfi HAII.gOAH MAP ' ! of tilt- 111111-1 Sltlles Hint i'llllltdtt- colid'llied i,l oil,' , giting every Houilruiid .Stulieli ni.i tti-taiice- hp , I tWi't'll. 1 Itllttrill.tre tmy welllltl) or llllll. t! to a T dilV. ' Hlld willlnke bach nil lltilpsth t! i-allliol hp .sold l.n 1 i refund the money. ! Send for ;sl worth to try. i Printed ii.-trucliou-huw P, eal.va.-.- w e'.l, fnmi-hid j nil our H'-nts. I W imted Whi.lt it dp Airents fn-our Map- in t very I .st'ile, C.'ilifollibi, e'niui'i.'i. l-.aidnll 1. t inliep nod : Cuhii. A foi-itiiic uitiy he made with n few hundred th'Mnre Pnpit-tl. .No eolnpe'.iti ai. ,I.T. Al.i'VI'. No. l-'t Itrnadwny. N'.H.Yoik. J The Wnr ilepitt ille-til iim-s i.i. i- .!;ii ef 'ii L'tiiin. ! Maiylnlel. nn I IVnii.-ylvtiiii'i. . e-l . oe nii.i. uu i whi hh innilo d Anih iiiai '.'reek.. -!. tu j'shtn. Mnry- . '. land lli:;his. W'illiiue.spor! 1". rry. l(!i-,ri-i-ill. . -N ' t land's I'urd. mid nil oihel's on tl,e I'alonaic. niel t vei v oilier plnee in M:iiyhind, ilginia and l'ean-y 1 ania. J or inoni'v refunded. 1 I.l.nV'li'ST 'pogr.,;!,; .,! Map ef K. rtitchy. Ohio. . In li. urn. nn 1 i 1 ; 1 1 :-.;.-. i ihe only mil!, -lily f..r ci,. alt 11 ill, 1 ill'' Will- 1'ee-iitiuelit. Vh lli-y r. fltli l' l to anyone liodin;; an tii-.r in il. I'l ic .1' : j l'rom llie Tiiloiup. Aug- 2. ; ! "Id.oYb M ipoi Yiruii iti. Mniyhtrd. nt d P.-i.ti. , fylviuiin. Thi- vtup i- t i v h.re : its c -t ir hut L'j I'll. 1.1. Hlld it il the best whlchedllhp plir.. hits ed. " i l.l.oVIi H lireat Mho of the Mis-i-sippi Iiivr ! Id "in At.-fti.il Harvey- by thqits llHi-t nnd VVui. tt.iw- , en. .Mi.-.-i i i Jiivi-r 1'iloL-. ut .i. I.oui.-'. Mo., show ' pm ry liihu's phinliilieii nnd ..Willi 's iituoe from St. ' bonis t thp Irnlf el .Mexico I ..'"'U mill s ui t-iy .stitid-htir. i-hiud. lowu. Inudiia; nnd nil phiecs en i 1 itiih i tack fioln the liver colored in loanlies nnd I Sl.'ileit. l'licp. jl in shells. tf'J. pocket loiin, end ' i '.'.. 'a on linen, wish roll. -is. Jieadv Sept. I'll. ! .S.pt.K. 1-H2 ir Map of Ihe I Nav y Iiei ah rMtM, 'A.sniNi.ros. S. pi. 1 I J T. l.i.ovn Sin : Send ino your Mni j Mi.-i.s.-ippi Kiver. wild t'lipo per hundred copies lleiir-Adioilul Clmrl i-8 11. i avis. coiiiliiiilidiie th. j .Mississippi Bt-uudron. id uutliori.ed to purchtup u iiitiny us n rp rtsiuired for use of that Hiiiindron. 11H. WL1.1.S. Sicieiury of llio "Saw. Oftoh.r 11. liVJ. !' I I ItN! JOHN l'AIUlin A. No 71s ArcliSii-Pt-t.he. low I mlnh, naiili kid,., I'IUl.Alil.l.i'lllA Iinponvr nml Mitnii liie'tunr of. Hie) liinler in all kinds of l-'uupy . l'urs. f,,r I.telii-s mill ( 'hihli-1'u'B wt-nr. I dt -ire to siy to niy -J tl'ii'tnli, of Simhiirv nii,l Aivtlio -urr'titiidinu e.iun- tie thllt I htivo li, ,w in .-to i-p. one of ilie hiri'.-t mid ,,ll(li' ,, ddi.iu-,,. U,i.t will L woiudur- im? this Full mid Wintpr. l, I',,,, r.. I I io rr,,,.n ..nil '' ';;-'. 'i"l'''n- " ,l,'u .Nl' I luipo-s-luu "Hi ai-.lniiK-rtia -nice ihe lu-iol An- ".' I u AOlild M-n Ktiito. Iliut lt tny dock llt.its. I will otl'tr il ut prk'pe proiNirlioiniti' to whui tin i;t.o.ls post me ; tut. it will hp luip'tst-ildu for lut- to Itopirt mnl lit lUlp'tS-ll'IU I'T lilt IO III, pil ' imp' M.iMilaelure any uiore l-'ui's. niel -t-ll iheiil nl th null' price. o In;; Iu ihit iiu-iltli 1 alalu of lllf ulttiii i f the I'l'Ui.ny t V Hi'iiiviiibpr the lump. nun. her mcl -'re. t - Ji ill I itl.l It v 71 Ari-h Siri el, l'hilud. Iphiti tii'ptvnibt'r 13, Isti.' jiu IMillul lliia & r.r Itaili oiMl. n .iin u a. ii n , i ts-i : ""I "I'1'-'' Momlny. Xl iili. 1m!2. tli lime t iHumiti-i iuuu cimitiu mil uv iui union . I.ittrr Utw.iiid l.l V I'luTw win I ttpu n IU h m , It ipn V 16 in , M:,ll, I I J p Ul I M.I.I, 10 Ul B IU Mt'CpiiiK l'r on N ihl 1 ruin- li,th , h.-l et n illiHiii's,i i ui.d bi4liiio..ii'. mnl on the i'viui.v lviim lUili oi l ht'iKtm lUrruhurif in. I rbil-ulolphu ' I'll -I el I mill ill both diltslioiu k I Alt dlllH ill!. lull lil I'ltin.l It l,l llli,n, Willi, Ul t'!i4l, UlKCVU I'hllkdi ll'lnt "lid Uh'Ii II urn Will U. A IU..M K. V t) 31, M2 rup I Luuib i'nun.u pu - "1 IU lu I ANK il'i.hu,tui l'pi I Ih1 iu. J b!uk rtM'Y i i hi--: MIEiUir' Ml,t;. lfy virtue of e ei :uin vril ff Yin. l;.v. T.ev.iii Th etna ami IMnr. l ev. 1'"h dns, is.-ie :1 e'atnt' llio Court of Cotuiiioti IMe is ot iNorihiiinLci-P lid county. I'.t., mid lolno dil ected. w ill I..! pir.:". '' pill Ik' - ,h' (it Ih' Court H mso. in fuinlmrv. on Men. lav. 'In' !!d dc v ef November, A: it ; tfi-Vi'. at 1 ..-.!,. -ft I'. M., llie Imrinn lipid ll-duc'lo wit : All tleilVorfnin :rjn'l nt'limd. situate in the horoitirh of .'-uiiutiry. county of Nortlinuiljeiliind. nml Nnlo of lYiiiisylvuiiiii, bounded its follow : 1h-;-iiiiiin)r lit n post on Mm south fide of tho t'en're Tnvtiiiko rond. thonep running south two nnd h luilf l.';;iee-. rml sixty-thrco tier'Je's (uhI Mvo-l'-nil' In n ihriu-i' eontti lout-teen itori-es, nest ttitrly-lner p-r.'lies to a I'ost. then'".!' south len:y-oni! im 1 t!o-i'e-li)iitth do-I prce. west thirty-nix n'tclie nml llirep-ti-nlliH to n j I'ost. Ihrnci; south thirty-oiu' il''ee:s lln i-o nimftcrs. west tweuty-onp perehcn mul f.mr tPtiths to n mst. Ponth i ihty-threp tlerftei thi-'-e rii:.i leis, nc?l lilly fipvpt) I'. rchrs nint three tenths 1u tie' Cut. tlK'ii"e in n itorlhwnnlly dtrefiion nlnntf flip eie-tein .si'lo ol s.ii.l j t'ut lo the CVntro 'J'nrniilp to h i -,-t . thciicp snuth sixty-fne inel u hull' ih'roes. eil h-ny I'Pti'h. s nn'l , cilil 1,'i.t lis the il;i''L' of lovinnii i ; rioil'Mtiiii r j lhirty-"i.:ht ncri'.- nti'l one hitntlit'l niij tu.mty-six i pi-lfli'. strii't !ue;Huo. Al.so all Hint cprt.-iin "U I in nn init Int. Minute in tho horoniili of S'nnlniry. tnfirk' il in thp oihtmI 1'liin of ?nii hnron;;h mimhcr H. hejiliininu nt n -l on the tioi tln'Hst eeil of nn iilley uhlch intersects t'niiielitny si re el nt the nil of fuuii pinet. I!.. li'irlh six:y-fi'' il'-;M'ps. up-! iwrnly-fivo pt i. his 1.. u tost in 'il.c eovin r of nut lot tiouil'Pr 5. thiM.ci' twen ty fou: noil H li'lll tli'ree vi st. ei -lileell elrlie- ninl three Iphlh" lo ll "si. niiii ix:y-l.ie ill -lei s ie.il n hn!f. i'!is tw.'iiiy-live perehe--. to n pus: "ii lie' u-i siile of .ii'l nliiy. le.rtli tu t-niy-tHiir nti'l n hull le. plees. e.'l I i'liie. n pd'elies nn I three tenths tu the pl.H'Pof hejiint.ii'L: ; e 'li'iiiniii;; two ner--" niel nne nuti'tre'l iiiei lhiriy-se en ninl n half perehts. s;i ,et niensure. A LSI.' nil lleit eerlnii; )iieei' of lo, 1. silnnle in 'he !wou;:li of Sneliiiry. hoiin.l -. nml ile. vrihe.l n f... low : I'.einnini; nl the .khiiIi wes. f-'l io'i- ui' out h't nuinher ihen, p souih eiht.e'ii mot three qieot' r decrees. el eihli eli perelus lilel one t' nth loll p .-t, beie the poi nt r ol the t'eiiee n s it now .sir(iv in mi out lot nunil'er 1 . thence iilon:; :iid fence i.l' iioi.t lot mini her I to the niljuininff lot. -mith .-i vty-li p d( t;i ee. en-t firty-six peic'hes nml eijjlit tenths' In the ) -' iii thp nllpy. Iheiice hy tho nil, y liorlh t w .-nly-ln e 'le Crcps. oust l i'lu. en perelies to the out let nuiiiher .'I. thence l.v pith! out Int. and out lot number 2. south j fixiy-five dc;rc. s. west foriy-eiht ppiche mid .-een ti nlh- to the plm'p of hei;iniiiu ; oei 1 1 a i r. i t . l; lie n.-res, Jifiy-niiip nn 1 n hull j . rch. strict me;eure. I Al. Si i ell t',oit p.'iinin lot of ground, siluiiie in the j hulouh of Snniinry. nloii. s.iid. Ii'lliifi r it. I, .in, lea , atnl d'-serilii ! n- follow , ; 1 ;-ii' n in-' ; nt n .o-t i,,"'ll: wd- of Cr inhniy str. it. thi ne:. !., onl nuiuhei s. north twt ci-ti.ur no 1 three fourth dco I ll:ir hv tv tivp I'crehes nnd ei;rllt-t. lltl.s to .1 i ,.', th, !!, out lot luilllhel Ii !..)-i i-ixty-tiv e nnd l.lie-loai :. di - li-e--. e-t tweiiiy-t inr I'rr'-h.-s ned one-li nih t" :i pes!, ihei.ep hy an ulh-y sunih tw i.iily-foiu' nod three fourth decree-, west Uiirly-fiv.' p,-'r. ie - nnd ei:;l.t tenlhs to n p.,-., ihenee hv '( 'r.'inlerv . lr".t nn.r. -nil south six iy-t"t v e and oiio-fntirili ilourt---. ma Iw.i i; -fuur p )ii.l. i s end eiijlit tenths to n post i,n. ,,, . ', f heliilnii,; : p.-ntniiiintJ livo mrps ltl:d .-ixlv icieli -and i ihi tenths, sn id inpn-iire .Seit.'d. taken into execution .ml to hp s..ld ;i.- t'.e proderiv ol l':n id I."n''lleid;ei', Wei It, 1 1 ,1 j, e-t . : ,i . '1 ho., Jhuiti.pinllier. i'nineis W . lh::i:i'on i I ii'r teliiin;.-. who sun iv.'.l Clll.s, Y . lle,'ilis, d', .1 Aiso, nt the snli.i' tiuip and plec . n pertniu tun sa.ry fllUnp dwelling house wi'li iei.-, nien. ;.nd lo! o l onn I. situate in li.e lowool 'i 'i e ..i t'.;., .erl.e n.w i.- ship. N.l Ihaillheil.'llld COUlllV. I'."., hop'eled Mil des rilied u follows, to w it ; on lie- no, t!i l steme,. kin -tleel. ..II the w ' si fv lo' ol' Patrick li',.,rii. i.i. the sou;h l.v nn niii-y. .'iieloa the en-t nv n i.vm.l h.t. it bt niir ilescrilied in the irui. rni pim. el' .-n: I 1 'i're' iioii ns lot :,., (,. ii, hic ( ,.. 12::. ,i.r .ei7''d taken in exdeut i .n. nn 1 t . he -oi l property of Jo- ; h Hi, n i -h Also, nt the -.Hue li and pho'e. i.l t li.-tt " ll'W It th'. 'rein li ce. JO! reel . icluliiet.t ni l I..! f eleoi d. .'.,.,. the hololill ot .s.inl.iay. .Vie llialnh. I !.-t 1 . ie, ndjouiii..: lands laieof the ;;an1.ui v i'.i,;i!i tiler rower I ' llip.'ll' . !.o',V I'lMtci- ' I I.i ;'S. Oil' ellt. Wi i! hv -I 1,11,1: of i.eel. I I-lit .nc. n lini-h l.v lard I lh.li. Le, r V, -. r. ! .in-,, I. , .'it'll by hind of Hei.j iii.'a. 1 ! i . : :"i:. eoiiiniu IWcllty ll'-l. -. 11. .re or I -. l.l.d !' iu;r pull- el I lo!.- llilll.he; II,.- in the el:i l :,l phlll of -:ii l l,.e ,.ii l.ii n.l " rs aT leid as. in. ,i tin whole ,,1 outfa i i.ni td "''.l. t'.eth. r Wl'h the nt l-ui 1 1 1.: !e -. S'lii'.!, I'.lo II 111 ' At cn'ioi., i,n d le !, ,,i I proper, y e! .!:....!, ll. Ma - i icd a:, 1, A ,M- 111- w il-. l!'i A1.S'M ,, Ihe s tin; f'f l.a.d. -iill.'ite ill I. .11, 1 helhil.d e aati. Pt, . !, a low s ; en t), . i,,,i 1 1 hv , I'l I i ii tr.. .N ;! ei I ;.- a M.-.h, , I 1 ,e..h i I. - 1. li.o i.l ll:i 1 it-league lei.,, U,'l, . 1111 I oil li nnd t .eorv'' I le-1 is. ..ti t!,,. w , Stun." Vi.ih v I I. ui.-h. . a il., I i' l ,-l 'C' I a Vi.,:i,-1 f.iith bv l..;.is ie. i.v. c.c.e .i It, w! a: - .'-. ! ! Oreh 'l'l lllel :l '. -: O.. " .U.NI-t, ,...'.::,, i-:., .,i. , qUehlUllia. l.ow I r .Vpdllll .y Stntp id .resei I. i i , , n i 1 1 i ti . ,v I bv Inn t t -1 la tilah.'ill i. .a.- i a. i -In i th" : iv, t '. PI. III. I !,t it 'i - -' or h-s. whi'i cot. i -1 i , Al.Sii-t.,1 :'. -pouillv el d St::!-- ,f., .Me'lult l l.tiiir. ' ,. lie f! by Water s,i..,.( pontnie.uu; ee-!,n',ri I u hir '! treiee - ..ut h Al.so-1,,1 ,,. a. poiinty and S.aie :.',, l'. ier lion 1. .,n ihe , d !' f-i't ' ia C ::. 1 "...ll w n. low i -! i . 1 the le : I. l.v Hotel. .... ".' I'l.'d ' !,' i . I.l li o.i 'he I'titt by tin n, y : I' 111) 'ten1, w hi 1 coll in " i : t-e.i ,1 i-p. ic- hott-a-. A,-, neiti- in .-.-.ii'e towti I wa . :o -.lid. b,,i,in, d ell ihe le tlh by lib -. th" hen- of llie'l. See -'. hoi!,:, ell tint w.-s l.y i I t - l- "i lied on Ihe i n. -I hv nil nle-y : .-.'i.tMii.iiie ti: -lo,n th m e i re-ac-l n Pu ,. li .!! ,-invt ri Pom PI ib. h.,y stnl le. a c. A 1. Si I--ii huge ti .tiee warel river btinh oj.piei'.e ihe itl.ove si .Vl.s'i to -tine- loup !iip. n't, Ult le.'li olhtlie -Itilit- with till et U w Itei e, l.e !:.!.! II sttia.ti d let cl le i, ,;t !hlcc- th- e line' l.iltlr llier, 1 10 1 t ll 111. 1 W C-. I.l ' ...tii lo land ef Ae preeii'd n Ij i 1 1 i 1 1 j: in Ihe t c I Her.-" A. Al loans' . on Ih .1 huai U"'. III! luel. .s.-i,-e.. liikeli ill , . .'ittleli nnd t . hi l-ropuiv el I'.ur H' t. I. H A ID VVAI.Iih'i Sti td:' C'.'V: -p. San1 ury fgt. 1",'. l-;j eld lis the SI., i-if!" Notice oj'shc I'ici'U !' ...iiiirlcr .ioil-i. j N1 I 11 1! h h. r, l.y given, that n I'. -thiol, hn- b.-t n filed ol I ec, .ol in the I "tiri i if l. I a it i It r si s-ion - ot hi eounty.io ii,p..i j.erat.' Hip town ot Mount funnel it, ion li-roiiiih .mil urib-s . nilieii nl i-.-m-oh ho .lu.w n to the lid C ittrt. upon the tii-t dtiv of n-xt .- -ioii. the j ad intent o I I lit! liruad .1 tu-y will be eol.lil me i in eoiiioi tuny wi.liiiti- pr in. r ..; ihe pc.al .uci -t. r. r I or of the ;:. )s ',: I'l.-ik of I.t.VKI.la . I': v Ii-oi iiii:l;ii-y " . "ti IN th" iiitt'lei ,,f i!ip nccount of he I':,!1'. : t; 1 t't A t I'.'llfU It. Co.. lute .Siiiihilty nn I late U. It'i.. I "VTOTK'K is heivliy Itivell that the I lliil lll,..v J .-tnt.d. ha-bn'iidiily tiled ill tie- l'r. a h. .notary - I otli-c. nnd l.nles.-i-nu.-e is siiow ll by the li est .lay of ' UlAt tPl lll. tht! Mllnp will be nliowel bv the polll'l. l';rt nr. ii. Pill Kl.l'.V . I'li.ih'y. I l'roiuoii'Ki.ri '.s ofli, -p. Siu.l ie. ', . n-i. H, Is,'..1. ' i v.i-i .titi.a: i ! rpllM -i ! 1 !' ih.-criber- ..If, r 1't-r M.ili' it l'i m '! met "I Luiui. 'si't I liui'il.t rl.iii.l finuity, Pu., j 1. It i U-'. il will l.lliV 'Jlu.v Mi- uj wii ii n i;.i.'ii 1 i I"!f 'itii. I.'ii.-t' nn 1 f'.litT , ii. k i .. o t.n.l A'i !c -'i- ti'.-t- i i ii a .-:t -M ill is i 'n it . it .-!! . .nil town-liir , i.nit ot tthtch i- i-Ipiirt twog I -ized fane- lolie dw'ellil.g house, oillbllildillg. n NEW 11. I'hur'U. find olhpr fne' "1 si.'h mill w hi'-h ihl u 1 hu-in lati ! v l-iu'm-il i Aj'i'lv M".u to ilff-li.il-: COXll !. l"( ) Or IIA1: l.KS I'l.l-AS.VNl- ill 1 1 viaio t i i. r A ii.fii-';t towu-lii . .siii.i ait v. I'll. I 'OK Mil, i:. I itol in Suiihury. ul tho elltl al w ilil Ibo Sun h.t- j I l-l ut pri al" -ale : tisv i '-r tui"hi-- ill- T1 HIS Wv!l known lUU-, l- a Plinii nl" Uo Not tin I'll 't '1 i'Miis "l' h ill )e unt il loriuiuioii. ei oinre nt tlu- ,lli.-tt Au'tratt 2. l"t'-' JOWANT TAILOH, l .ii'Ki'l Mlr.-t'l, iieiirly )-to-itf I he IE til Mtoi'.it llt ptil, BUNBUKV, 1J . , IN l-l dt MS thp ,-iiweii" of Sin. hut v nnd vicinity. I hul ht' hue Jii.-t retain" I twill l'hll.eh'lphiil with u lull ti-.-ol tlltt-l.l ot nl-i:ruv t'i:M i;ii'ii"N vnimii ai.iii Hi- alo-k i- 'li.-;--- of I'!, lie Vi.m h ! a! . !i. k llol- Skill Hlld I'liI" I'll lio'l,--. I'd. -.eh - .' a I'l.. I I Mlk-. I'hiiii mi l 1 tltii-y i a . . . 1. - I I 'i.s. 1. 1, i, III' W ill Inlike lip I't tinier 111 .-t vl. .- to toll lie' I I- t el i-ii-ioiii'-is on -1, ,u nonce, nnd the n. : r i. ill ' I- I III- AllV tioO'b ll"! Oil llllll 1. Hill l,P flltni-,' l ftelll I'll 1 1 lid. 1 1 hot . by "i n. It, I .hit - I. it ,i I it't'd' 1 HI I, -b'd h.l lU.-teUlii. l. . 1 1 , C Hal" l.p III Oldel IU lu-'i-tof lie A hi: will t I.l pi. ' in lie hut i -.pel i' in i-.l w .' kin, 1 1 I'ft-oli- n,ti rely en ;' t:ii,f; l!o ii W' lib -Imp Will 'i 1,111,1,11,1 I ll.t :ill'tl.ll''l ll' I l.f' o I I.. In ris-iti-ciiu.il., oil. tt, m 1 ..i.l.ii 11. a.c Mlllblirv I 't l he I I I lie 4 iil' -,-, .11. ninl lit i l it lit t- il ill! Ill.li'l. I1 bl !'i.- 1 1 1...' 1 .. I ... i kll'l M ' .,l. . 1 ,.. 1 It-rVttU l't I'lul , . I'l Uetl.tr. 1 1. it. 1 1 11, "I I !-'- A Ill Ihn laUit- I..!..' Iff ti.tfO ' 1 -ti: wku ItM run ! h. ti, tell kit, 1 I.. 1114 1 1 u e V , e. ,- ll It ,-',..! It It liMt IllltiU'U U'l'lo'tll imp I ....... k. . .... k.l.V - l'p", tii-ili 1I.V vnt-lmlUk sjwl-pkli k I ll. '-.t 1 1 Vol it U.) Mur. I 1. 1... 1 .. 11, S l!l tll 1. M kVI AIIl, I 1 Im tl-i4 hutf 1 u N V MAYORS OF THE Groat Cities. ' tho uivl-TsinnBrl 10 J Mayors, hnrehy err- ' intn, Apot.lvoor.rio3, nr-rl -in., i .- . . ttfy tlir.t tho Drupsi "P h-sulnl n,, nf .stir n-rnral niiinm ' ,',sr..4 ft doptimont of ry-auvnucc t" vn that AYEil'S i '''io'1!!"ht nn 1 inn hiie rv f..r tin; innhii";. e' -!-8 ARSA'PABIIiti A. htw been found io be , f 1 2.1, 'r nil t.iilivi lunl I.i -h!. n remo-ly of rJ'eat nxoollonoo, and worthy ! Tow n-hip lli-rhis nl be ...id ut th'- mi'-' i-Pi.i"!iab!e the conflitonea of tho com-uunity. I rati . Apply nt riSIU.I. s liiie- Mr. r to nON. JAMBS COOK, Mayo.- of JaOWELL, I HOlvT. ALBIN BEARD, j Mtiyor of NA3HUA, H". H. I lil-IM. m. VV. UaKBlflOTyJS, Mayor or MANCHESTER, tt. E. . HON. JOIIW ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCCHD, IT. H. HON. A. II. BULLOCK, Muyor of AVOKOiJoTEIl, MA33. TTfTM TVTATTT'T. CTT stTPPT' ll(Ji.M. JNAlli Jj K.iJ.bJJ-,, Mayor cf SALEM, MAS3. HON. F. W. LINCOLN-, Jr., llaynr of il0.5 i'0, UA25. nON. Vm. M. EODMAIM, Mayor or PROVIDENCE, II. I. nON. AMOS W. PREIITICE, Mayor of KORWICII, COXN. Tr -,T T T liOlN. J. JM. iiAUUIS. Mayor of SEW LOSS 3011, C0JJT. t-t-vt fr a c e, T,T-T.7-11 HOI. CilAS. S. ROSILR-. Mayor of MOHtfTitEAT., C. E. ITON. D. P. TIEMANN, Mr.yor of MUVV YOKIC CITY. IION. II. M. KINSTREl', Mayor of HAMILTOH", C. W. nOI-T. ADAH V7IIjS0jT, Mayor of 'i'OKOKTO, C. W. II0I7. R. M. EISIIOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OUZO, IIOUT. I. II. CRAWFORD, Muyor of LOUISVILLr, KY. noir. joiin ELOAir, M,iy.,r of LYOIT-J3, IOWA. nOIT. JAME3 ItlcFEETSRS, I Mayor of JJOWMAN VILLE, C. V. MAMMOTH FURNITURE WARE H0:T. JAME"3 V. T70RTIT, ' HOUSE 3VT.iycr ef AV&JZL'A, Z1E. ho:t. HENRY COOIER, Jr., j idiyor of SI AIiIiOWELIi, LIE. HON. JAMES G. EEEIZ. Mayo of I'ErSil'RiC'jTOrr, 17. E. H0I7. WILLARD WYE, Mayor of NEW nEDr02D, SI AOS. EOiv. J. ELAISDELL, ' Mryor of l-'ALL IUVEP., MAo.T. no::, yt. it. ceanctck, Mayor of IIEWi'OIlT, It. I. nON. FRED STAITTj, Mayor cf OALrs; , LLZ,. HOIT. JOHN IIODGDEK-, Mnyor of DUUUaijE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, Tr. HON. ROIvEri7 ELAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. T. EAUGTT, Mayor of MEIaPHI?, TENIi. HON. GERARF ETITH, Mayer of N2V OHL2AN3, LA. J1CTT. IT. D. SCI" ATTTOTI7, Mayo? cf LOL-ilii-ili--.., I. Y. HON. EE WITT C. GROVE, Miyor cf UTICA, Y. nON. GEO. Y7ILS0:T, Mayer vi- riTTSEUnO, PA. Hon. c. n. Buni,, Mayer of DETUCIT, MICH. HON. HEIIATf L. FAGE, Muyor r-f MILWAUIilS, V.7IS. HON. W. W. X'AUGIIir, Mr yor cf HACIN'E, WIF3. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WI3. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. I-I. J, A. HEATH, Mayor of SE1.MA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOELE, Muyor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. nOLYEAD, Mr.yor of CCLUMEU3, OA. DON E3PARTER0 MANUEL, Mayor i,r VEI'.A VV.V2. DON riETFcE EE CASALLO, Mayer cf MEXICO. DON ESTEPECANIE KODEIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECIIEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, VEItTJ. DON 1-1. G. KILANGNO, Mayor of VALi'Al.AISO, CIULI. DON MARO SESQUIFEDALIA, Mayor cf IUO ANliliO, LivAZIL. Crti!'7 tlii.t ilia rr-siJcnt Drr.p.tiiit.-i bave us.juroi lUem Ayer's Garsaparilla la an oxci !!oil rcrr.ci'.j-, nnj v.crthj- th j con- lldoncs of tl.o uv.uuuv.uitr. lnr f-i.-l 11 -jr Ulvrabci, for Piii-lO-inr llir Ittooil. I-'oi Sri-ol'iilu ir Ivln'k Ki-it. Z'or Tuiiioi-s, l'lci-i-, m-tl soith, For Frnpl ions nml I'iiupl, it, I'ur 2Ioti-li-k, IIIuIiim, nml lti-lln. l-'or .t. Anlliiiii 'a 1 ir,-, Kitsi-, vr Tr;- Vor Tiltir nr Mill Itln inn. Istj.elasi, I-'or Srr.lil llcud nut! il !ii,;i .inn. l-'ur C'a:ii'rr uml uii(-ei-uii-i &nr s. I'or Sure Kyt, Sure I'.ur:,, mnl !; ...... m l'or I-'i-uiulc li'.vi-u-,(-. Vi.c ii jipi-ps sit,,, uii't IriT!;:1.,i-:ty. I-ur Si; ,lill'k or A'l-iit real lUr.it-k, I-'ur J.lit-r tu nt;. tit In Is l-'ur LlUitti s ul' tlie Hi-art. i Th Mtvynm of tho chief oifiM of ib TJi-i teii Btr.ren, Oanailiis. u ul hruisli lJro iii, -s, C111I1, rem. It,-..'. :1, Moviav, at. 1 .-, : -t :.l moist till tho tit c i 0.1 l.'ua eenlm -i.i, h've fciKnit'l ini-. (locuini-iit, lo usaiire i-.o. 11.0:. no vl.nt r-fii.oiiin-i thiy 1. lay its i v. .' !i . v '-,-:. -,i C i.'ii'eiit'o. Hut tiurf..viiilUi..; i..;:ail ll J-vlflioil Cf tliCill. Ayer's Sarsr-parilln, Ayer's Cherry rccloiM, Ayer's Tills, tu.a Ayer's Asuo Cure, l-ui 1- iii 11 nr Dr. J. '. A) ci' ' . o., I OH 1.1 I , M A -s , A ail elj ly liru- ,l.u eiry h. re. Id I.) I riliej A Itr-.i.!. ..1 d It V I 1 :, 1 1 f. I'. I. V . ...j .1.1.1..1 , I . I 1 hi. I 1 I.i vi. : 1. J I III I -lit. .11. I Ul i'tlt . dl' II ..I. HI... VI I ,,, I r I. 1 1 ' i .1 1 'I th. 1 .1 VI t V " 1 '''' ,V 'I-'-"'. I ' " u.i l. .1.1- l .it .:,.i. Ah l-l !' .' UVEA'S i'.tTi;i' nirr.vi;ii BP-OOM. rpllE Hithiitrih'T bnviiii piirehaaial t'm liighl for I Northuuibei lnud Loiinty, ellp-c f"r Milt: lNI'IVl I'l AL inn I ToWN-dltl' Hfilirrs. This V.ro-.m m "ni'xpell-iit nnd diiniblo nriiele nml i-i idly t-a.. Fln,"'V.;i, "'!',' " ''I,;M ''i'" i,,l"','",,".'!V '.'""'; P"-t ol tho I'l-vm. inn!' ti. l nnd nl!. will not i:.eir. J ll'.'.l.Vs .Mel.ilH . .T-.it 1 so;!. ."mo r.mhiay, I'a lt.tlV 1.105 :. ",., 1 .s'.-a', nml 77,.-'.'-' .s'e,,-':. II AKitisr.i nr. 1'a , 'PHIS Kill SK, ill po'if-i Min t I i" eonvelli'-l I I Hii.lnnirt.n-iili.ui !. llie I itj.ll.-!. I,..- iiiimIl it h I 1 do, arable -toppint- l-he--, not . niy for He e hnvii.c : business nt the sent of 1 1 o, cri.ta-.-i.! . hot I crj o'.uei .-, i vhi i,,-ii ,isb,-. 1 i .Mm-'-h lsdj. ! t9.mi i.t.VX'rKV.nk -l'ri-'.b 'E''i:i Stl T!IM f.JIIJfll.I.tOM I fllllK enmt noii'l" r ef p. ran- ms nl , wnMi i l't ; I .,-,.,. ,1,,. i.o.iTS nod ,--.ii;-i. ,,w hein .,. j (:.n,d.hv ihe -ub,, t-i! r t lt-tpsi -ly', - vA , tZtll't, ll ZWXrX , n,i,pi-. nil hind ,.( , 4-i4-((i-i:i:iM Kmttm nui 1 i.:itr.'s ?i:iu !i!tmii-ii..(rs, 4 'ii(!i-';i"f Winfs, t'.e., ,Vi' j .,, .,,., ,;,. ,,,, v .,,.,.,,.-, ' . p , a , Pilpi,t of L-ivia- jreiier .fly -:iti-l:u -i- a b. I nil ho may (five him 11 path All vork must bp iiid f.r h, f.r-l-avle-l!.c.-lt.-p ! v.l,.-n -ix perot-nt will he d'.-dn -t-d "If. 1 I'till nt hi-Shop nenrtv oppo-ite thai (.'oort Ihat-. ! i Mri,-p,. s,(ni-p. nnd u-eeiitiin hi- lew pi i.-. - m. 1 1 cvtittinc bin stock beforp t'lircliii-inif el-'-wner" I Smilm-v. nvi !. 1.',2 fim ' , "' Mmlu.Pi t.iht vl ' ! rJIIUP SllAV. Muucy. l.y.:. in'inj e.'iinly, I'll . '. IN'I'dllMS his frii nds nnd the public in cpnertil. 1 J t!"it he e m.-t nitlv lit-eps ,,1, e,uil llonrd--. Shinnies. ; l.t.lh. ,l...ls-. nnd u'll kind- of lainib"!' nnd bail. lilli '" li,l,w vvl.i.-h he will .-..It nt Ih" ha-1 -t I'U.'i-.-. i Mnrcii tin. ls.nl ! - j InTO'W OPEN. ; " '" ' '" " ' , il.l.e 1J. ,' .'. I'M !-. I; '. M.re.; - -1 Wniui't .s'r- e; JUST RGGSZVSD ! S Hi - ja-- rt titrin-ii tV'-'Tii I'la'.:: h '.; I. in -.- iih .1 f "T- V. "S T- T f- m, 4 mj -ij ,Lj it rf i, tJt m. W - - I'l- Goring; & Summer Goods. S..1- .'- us- W;-::r. I :: -..ilnere. c-'.i:,.'. !t'.!a,n I ' l' :. ii : . I.'!.. 11 f i.t ;. tu.d f..ti . e.r-r.Ii-s Vi'-:ir-. ! ',: .' l'i-:".' li-- III,"".! . !' IO--- te-' is I1'! t- k I'l 1 j I -iii.-v Sili.s. Sill. 'I i -a . l'at - y Ih-ra : - !.. !!,;, . iii V, . 1 1 1. ! 111,-. y. i.ii.i il- i.i In I i,-.'. I s.lk l.i-v, I!: -. le I no-. !.!... I.i. .-l.-ii... ::. i ' !'et - A Iti!. lit-.- ..I lti-1. I.i-,. n - d While 1. on 1 cll.i I,. :,ief aad I an y salala, e .s,,t:v, . I. icp M il.liiltis. .'.:. i;,v M ete Cl .'i it:.;, : I A ,1 ,,., -,:,-t of il. ! 1.1. 1 l a; 1. . ' A L'r- t""'"'l", I:'" "'1'"! A full stock, ,f Urop. lies. M..!.-,.-vs 1,11 1 s--.t;.-ar 1 1.. 1 !v..irc nt, 1 La,; .it. ?i..t-.-:.. A 1 .!', I. .f (.- :. -.. ie.1 a :.i! -!o.i. , r h. s..:f i.h. j v.;.;.- i.i. j A lui a-- -:,.,-!; ,.-yv',-. VU r..; -r, ni.d i:.ii-!l..'iiVTiirc. A i-.. w -lo h of A i- l (!: u-:iiid- of t'liic!.-- vet .-la-.ii.ernl. 1 I j ' Ail tint iihove iti'l l.p s ,:d eheiie h: ('-.-a ! I'e-.n.trv Tic Uu" Si.: I ,rv. M v 17. I Eii: w v tin: Tin f.its. I ui- i'l i'iiiii 1:111 1 -ari i-ou ,ij : I'lll-!!1!"-.". Tllilll-Of. MVI.'U ,lis.l'll ll'ihla.'l's. .a 11, e I1I1 Artill.-rv t n.,y. htiviii.: I.,.'ti 1. a. a I I" la :-- u j; 1 -ah 11 of ll,-. it v .'. 1 tiller',' l-i t ,., . 1 nt a. t 1 1'ott . 11! l'oite,-s M, ,1,1,,,'. le,- iti.il.' .I-.-1 1 i t .11, lll-.Ma A I. il.l.e,' Not-hi.teherhad. I. n-ut: u.e ten- I a NEW AND USEFUL ASTICIE. 1 il.,i:,! ' i.l :,V.- .-inHti.,, h, il... Vllitarv ! HALI.1'. McltMi HOYHKN'S s.-n i,.,.. f, the I ,c,ll:,." ol 1. .- P.. fill.. 11 , :,l Oe p, V , I V' 7 t M'";"' '-:'': c el :::,' j s. lt !., II --i 1 1 t'lltll'-i M r!tfl'l' '"p. i- v.. 'I. -l.lv "iii I- ::-:,!,.. :il,.-!l,i, !,.!. "-' ''-''' ''-. ! 1- I.' I P. .' !-.- to loV -lit... - : - 111 i.n . :n- 1 lea 1 'i..; tie- - if, - : ' ' ' '' '" "' '' ' .. . I... II I III,- .-..r - .!i ' I: . I I ,. 1 Ie. - e : t ' lie - ' ! - 1 al 1 1. : I ' , t 1 . , . , . . -, ,-. . .. , il;,, 1 ' j- J . .( , 1 ., . I , . : : -1 ' , . , :,:.:!:.. 1 -.-,..' '-.:' ' l-e; . !. ' : ! '. I a- 1 . i I " 1 , I il c i " I . Ml, I fl -lil.l-.-llil .' l-lt.l I '.'' ai.'ll.l - ' !- '.I'.'i!'--. kll-.v I il-.'l I- a ..tend p.-, - ,1.. .,,-,,.,!. 1 . - , . i. .: -.'.. d 1 1 f , . .... '!' - in pi. - : ; .'.:':- 0 , r i, !, 1 tie, 1. I,, j 1 1, '- . . .11. , 0 . V : t .1 -, ' : t .. , 1 '' - r I - - 'I - . 1 1 1 -: -I I el M 1 : " t ti ll 1 i-i On.: ,. r- l.r i" 1 111, . .." I. .- '- :. , ttiULh- ' : : 1: ; v ..( .'.t i- . 1.. Ujil. 11. H li -. I -.!... ! , I I t r . t 1 "I I ia :-:i, 1-1. :' ' -i-rtf ' p , !..:. 1 ti I" ill .' le to V ' ji.t.ii,- ' ..- i' r-l I-'. S.S-. p , .. ,-.p , ', It, , v-i... .- 1, Alt , , I'lie! It,, t. .',. ;,r vn. ; li.il-t.l.. ai II .:.-' .:,' ' j ol' .-!.., I-'. . -1 1 . :. a. i.i.d la. .-U. Ih- f. - - . i-a . In: . I'n; i l!;.'t,,V 111 I 11. ... I ll." It 'If la - p, , I,.-. . Ih il I.. t -p.. ,., I N, 1 i' 1.1 rii.n I. Hit t I:-;-;: I a..,- u:.';. - M.c 1. .- a '. m, vn'. .. . '- . 1 .- - GKOCERY & PROVISION BTCML'. Murl.i'l V-jiitis-f. . iii'iui-'. , I'.i. v It lo I I.t ,', t, V-I.. JOHN noop, ' ' ' I ' I 1 ill - r eli I. ...... I,. -"d 1 tie I" I l 't I, ,11 VI' l'l-ll . ..I 1,. 1. . ..... ... . the i. e. ,;. If. T.IdUO It-' . . , ! . . ,1 . i.l '. 1. ll I:. i ii .1. . tv a.,- 1 - - I ' I I , I...,-. .- - ...a . . 1 . t I . I ' "-'" I .''' ! I all .it.. I ' I. V . . . I. - '....I . ' I 1 h. .. Ji.ii N i- .... ..... I . I i n ! iit-ii it:: ll' il . .1 ii . ..- e " ., ... 11 . .: I s .1 u I 1 1 ... 1 .1 1 -t ...... , t 1 , . ... I. 1 I I, . ... t - I - I 1 I. - I l!.v I . -I r. tin, 1 . 1 i.l .,. ,. -,e I Hll v. ) !,- U'eO I , ... I. 1 I I .... t 1 - I I I. - I l!.v I . I till, I . I i.l i ... I. i 1 -ill j liivt' I -.:.!'. I....S. ,.. 1 V...1 t .. .... I ! l, S. l I I t li.' - Fin LIN & Oil ANT ;ll:i: b'.M'i'Y 10 AN" N'll Itf.T TIIKi' A Hi: NOW LK'.T.IVIN-,: AX t.'- i . ;. IXew Stock of Goe.is!! MAM' nl V II Tt - II Alt I" 1 hXILtliUCED IN ! I '" ! ugii p.ev:,.iiius- r-pji:-! u,:iy induce U.e Udiif thul DRY GOODS ni-p leKju.cin.:. v.t .di.ult-v i,;i p. i!,tti. -utiraittivn r '-'i :, THE MAIiIHOTH, ill '. 'i:. Iui.- nr.y cniidid limn or tvomnu linn, Lc tho report it- il iiiny. yet the propjitdois of that '-iniiUlu-lion ' havp the facilities fa'-i.i-hinj; CHEAPER GOODS "hi a. 1; , -" v.i..j laty ,,:i.i s, ;; p,,,. i':,,iu le! I'll I Clli.l...'. ,,. .-",. h'UJJP nvniiYTinsu, AM' Ai::: i-ritiuM.wui to 77;. 1 c.t.v ;: '.".'.e ihsfd ri'.n.INi! S r.it iN'I'. I IICW TO rriGKCTE rOXLJIIC :-..id Me. s A t; , ;. Oi1' V ilKis li r ' tj!l I'l" t"l It, V ';"!,- do v "' ' a "i r -lc- pia ; 1 .i.-it 11 !o II I - il . 1 fail i mil,'.: .I j I.. ;.. p. -ih i'! : a t. no;. ! --I ei .-nr.-;. ar hn-l :,:: 1. Mv- llrowu I ."t a, a i':-" "av'iy- P"ul laid iV".! -. : I 1. a - . t : ! 1. 1,.:,,". I And vet yo'.t can aa-ad ... Lay j Ja-i. Iwi..'- 11- Int. a. ei li'.' lp lla.li I. 1 And 1 ''". 1 --.ii;.--: .Ivfiifl " j -:,V:; r. I;,...,,,, p, ..Irs. : -n.iih I .. -,' , ,. I-. .,-,. 1, y il he st.,1 lied V I'll, I It if ;" i.ii; lc. ,-u :: - I '.on l-iy et..::. 1 !'-r .-:.-',. : 1 ! .11 hill ;..:!: . ,l a !":y !l n-ll. I I 1 In up. v.hi!' y a pay ,. -,r ','l-": r "it '.' .' 1 n 'ii t or 'a. ' ' : -;! .-. I. .'-.-. . i.h. 1-:, 1 . ad ! '.-",'::.-' .''. '.-, 1 11 .- i .1.1 . ) Tt. -:; ; tt :" d- -. civ h .v 1 'i e a -a '..,!,- -c to t,,i,-.' : ,-.'. I 11 It .,:;: -, : .. I: ;'. i- I ten : - I My la -' "- y 11 m.:.v -c. I- p'.Vcr. fir. !::.:. I Cf- io-i:i , ! A -id n- 1 t 1, 1. re. ! lh- ::iuc c, h d ih r .a hi !"v I I a, :,-. j -,s. , . a 1 ,1- -..'. Al 1'..,- ch.l'p M lYt.ol It Ml'l . ' : -:i::-!,c 1 M :m Vlt-i s'tnith V ait Mi P: - a - new nri'.h- 1 .. t , : 'i did ct in ine Ti..- hi-: : . 1 I - . h. r.'v.. I St..- h,,-:i : i a, I lo p.eiot.'zo ! T 1 , VI v M : -1 a t ' i r - iiice. ; .' :.d i.. !:.-n v a . I,:.i, -,- t. et j lhrh.l-l 1. i . .-1:.'" h. 14 il the .-'.IC' l. ! '.,t a t:,. r:,cr c ..,.ii -. : Ili ' .... :, j,..,.-.. , -,. -a t, tii- - p .---: : ;l ile A 1 ,- ,1:1 ti'i:i li - I '. t' l:.in,t lanla-e ,: Iii p-t v.. a 1 -. - le -.;, dc-.r -' oit.-e. uio.li -::.d he. V, r ha. a c, 1... r ... I. -tor-. 1 , I ,':.-l V.ts i:,,,'vi,'- lid ,t, Irv. And ."1! v in li-' -d I'll ' ' ' 1- l-ny Al the lilt- :p M VMM, i II ! iiii,!, . :.,-:. 11. id I'woik- .'--ii- .. a: a ci 1 , 1 . 1,. j , iit'pil it e!e . i .1,- l!... I ol- I la: a. e ; 1' :,. , ! :.. 1 ; I. 1.. 1 I vie. k. I I ... . , 1 1. si. : ..1 1 1 e , .,l.!' I-,. I 1 -.M.V, pi, . ..! I . '. . ' . II I. Mi 1 .,!,.. I- ' ,,t v ! M I i , , , I M I I . - I I I . ! ... ' I -I. ile , , VI u ,1.1 I 'u ', .... I.t. I 1 1 . : . I ,,u,". ,t I . !T 1 I Vl fl -WW, ! .i nit .1 !h 1i'.hs l iv 4.i' bi huuiuo-i.. At : I 'ki .tiiio'iu I";' - 1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers