, .SHERIFF SALESt By virtiio of n certain writ or Tend. Ex. PuNAI 10 mo uireciea wm ua epueu iu puu lie gnle'at the Cotrt Honsiin Suubury, oa Mondtt h3d d lit or November at 10 o' clock A.M., oil that e?Ttnin lot of ground aitmils in the borough of Milton in Notlbum berhnd connty, In that part of said town cal led upper Milton, bounded on the North by l'rnarlway street on imp conm dj tamis ui a. M. Patton on the West by the African church and lot of Lawrence Sarvey and on the cast by an alloy, whereon is erected a frame dwelling hous'o ono and a half stories lngh. Seized talsvn in exceollon and sold as the property of Samuel Stover. B virtue of a certain writ of I.f.vam Fici am, to me directed, will be exposed to public tale at the Court llciisu in sunbury, on ftlon Hnv the 3d dav November next, nt 10 o'clock A. M.rall that certain two and one and a half utorv frame house, me&unirc and tenement sit uate in the town of Trevorton in county of Northumberland, ou the side or Market in aid town containing in front on said Mrtrket ttreet, twenty leet more or less and in depth r.bout Jwcnty two feet willi a kitchen uttnclii ed in the rr of the main building twelvo feet by fourteen and the lot or piece of pronnd . imd. cortdago appurtenant to suirf building ("aid lot being No. 3, in tho plol of the said town erf Trevorton und boing- twenty fivo feet front and ono hundred and fifty fivo foot deep and bounded on the south or south west by Joseph Koiser. Seized taken in execution and sold as the property of John W liorrct and Mary Es ther Garret wifo or said John W. Garret. ALSO. Hy" virtue of a certain writ of Lr.vnt F.i rus, to me directed, will bo exposed to pub lic salo at the Court Iloufo in fnnbury, on .Monday tho 3d day of November next., at 10 oj rock A. M., A certain two story steam Saw Mill and engine house Etlnato on Buck linn, in the township of Coal, in the county oi :orjiiuuiberl:inl,. aua on uinns adjoining land surveyed in tho name of llohort Gray and others, and said Steam Saw Mill Imiid in eoiitairiing sixty fuel in length and thirty livu feet in width more or Ies3. Koid .Saw Mill and engino house luildiusr being attach ed together und making oho' building, and the lit or"piec or tract of land and curtilage ap purtenant to said building. Seized taken in execution and sold as tho property o,f tho liig Mountain Improvement Company owners or reputed owners and Samnel Kyle contractor. .11. SO. Py virtue of a,cerain writ of I.k vabi Fa'.-ias, 'to mo directed will be exposed to public: talo at tho Court House in Sunhnry en Monday, the 3d day of November next, ut 10 o'clock".!. M. AH that certain two story with basement three sUry brick building in- teiifled t J be used i:s a College by tin delen ilutil'i iiiesiiago and tenements, situate in the town o! Shame-kin, Coal township, Nortlitnii itliurn- hpriand county, l enna., being o: !', i t in front, bv f.ftv fwet in depth l.nndred I Tho hall ! ir main entrnncp thereof being twenty feet i width, an ilrn winjra upon cither side of Ihu hail fiii'tv feet cquaro, and erected upon biuck No. :17. us inurked and dpsijrnated in tho (Lvm.-rul plan o" said town of Slianiokin, bounded bv virch street, eighth una Chestnut rtrerts. tegethcr with the lot or piece of gr.-.uiiJ and ciirtiluna a.i.u tniKit.t to said building'. Seized ti.kun in execution and sold ns the -iiroperty of the Shamokio Collegiate I.,iU.;iU'. AlQ. Pv vi.liie of nccrlniti writ of Vi:x. Eti'onas 1 1 we directed, will be exposed lo public rale, nt the Court House in Sunbury. n Monday the :d c!n it' November next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the fnllnuin? property tjv.it : A certain trart or piece of T.ar.d, situate i:i .l.mlii'i ti.v. iiiln), Northumberland county, ad joining hiitU of'ftemnel Vhrk, 1'ctrr Hinuhan end oilier.-:, ci.taii.iug 3 Acres more or lcs lira I; nil of nui.'ll urn cleared, whereon is erect ed a ii" '.jocf!!, log stable end small shop. Ae. Scied taken in execution and to be sold us the property of Nathaniel Scii.ieber. AI.SO: fiv virtue ft t certain wrh. of V;:xoit:o Jvx- ! ro.s, to me directed will be crpesed U pub, o , .ale st the Cwrt Hon . n die bo o,, ef St'ot.tirv. on SA 1 1 HDA i , the ioni of Octoimr : , :, . , , ,.,,.-,. nevt. the ful owina dcsciibeil real cstat; lo wit: jiL.y, Minunii, , u.. : a ccru.il. uacc or ' ; T.ower Auansta township, Northiimherlund c County. ..Ijoiuing land, of Dame L on rail, ; Famuel Gariinrrr and others, eutitaiuini; live acres, more or le.is, ail of which is cleared, whereon ore erected a Two Story L'lick House and a Frame Stable. -!i lie 1,'ta'ren into execution, mid to 'f sold as the ropcrty of George McCorty. lie viituo of ueeitain writ o! Fiiri Fci'ins to mo directed, Will unexposed J ioiu'ie sen i.l the Court lloite ia buiumry. on feature tuiilav I 'ho UMli dav rf October, next, at 10 o clock. A. Al. A ciittain Ti.iet or Ltnl. situate in.: trhainoliin t iwn.-l.ip. Nurlhtimbi rhnd eounly. ' raiio4 Alio Si'lortZfl tract, Riijoiniiii; lands of! t'usper Adams, Ueortro ISttrtzel and Joint )', ricJicr, containins lbO Acres more or le?s, ! oi a jiiit of v.hich tho timber has been cut; A'.o, upon another cwtain Tract Land, I uitnsle in said township, iidjoiiiin;: L.ndjof, tho heirs of O.iniel Campbell, Jacob .Heed j end others, containing 'M Acres more or less, j lll'ni'lV 1L 11 ill Willi II 0 nti - Land, situate in Hush township, Northum- berland county, called the liellui tract, ail-1 joining lands of L. C ISarton, Alexander I Moore and Godfrey ltockefillcr, containinp I HO acres moro or lor ;.--Tho undivided half j part oC a Switch and Tiussel work at tho , ltuilroad at Heed's Station. llso, upo'.i tho defendant's interest it) the I Tuxiucj Furnace, Lniue, store bouse, coal ! bouse, dwelling Lotue, stabling, saw mill ond i ull buldings, &e oppurtennntto said Furnace, j llso, tho lot or pieco ol ground appurte nant thereto, containing two acres more or less which U subject to the terms of a leuso held upon the same by Jacob Heed. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Horatio G. Tuggart, Jo siah Fitrman and Klisha C. Uarton, partners tinder the firm of TagRart, Furmau aiid Bar ton. ALSO: By virtue cfa certain wrilof Lt.vaui Facias 1 1 me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court, House in Sunbury, on Suturdiy the 25th dy of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M. Al that certain Three f tory Frame Building, beside base ment and attic, situate in the town of Mount Carmel in the county of Northumberland, in tended for Hotel anJ railed the Mount Car mel House, being seventy feet in front or lemith on Mount Carmel street, in said town, 6ftv fsct ia depth and liciug located on lots numbered respectively, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen in bl'Kk No. 21, in the plan of said town, and also the lots of ground and curtilage) u;';ujte iian'. to said building. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thorns! it'aumgardncr, Charles W. Hagins, Wm. L. Heli'enstein, Win. L. Pcw nrt, Xlex. Jordan, David Longenecker, Francis W. Hughes, John Anspach,jr., John M. ilickel, owners aud conUlctors. ALSO : By irt of a certain writ of FL Fa., to mi directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the public bouse of A. Osman, in the town or Shamokin, on MONDAY, the 13th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M., a certain lot of (round, situate i:i the town ofShamokiu ir Coal township, Northumberland county, and maiked iu the origiual plan of said town No. 43d; bounded oo the East by lot No. 43; on the. Wjit.fcv lot No. 431 : on the ?.ithbj tfiUt 'tSiicst; 'at.i cn lb D?th erectod a two story frame House and a frame ' ,n, tv Hum, outbuildings, ic. ftllAA lNt MAUL LA&Y. Also, upon anothej Tract of Land, pit unto I Wet your shaving brush in either in watm or in said township, adjoining lands of Saniual j cold water, pour on two or three drops of "IJalm John, Jacob Leisonr::i. Joseph Adams and of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beurd well and ethers, containing 100 acres more or less, be- it will make a lautiful soft Inthi r, much faeili in" timber land. lating the operation of thsvin;. Price only fifty Also, upon a certain Tract of improved cents. 7eware of counterfeits. None genuine ccicMIMcclMMlicMlMMaMI by Coal Alley, containing 30 feet iii front ana 180 feet in deptb. Seized, taken Into execnllr", and to be sold as the property of J. M. Miller. ALSO. By Tirtue of t certain writ of VendUio Ex ponas, to me directed, will be exposed to poo lie ale at the Court lions, in the borough ofBunbuwy, on SATURDAY, tho 20th of Uctober, next, the following described real estate to wit : The undivided half of a Tract of Coal Lnnd of which the .laid Calvin Hlvthe, in his life- time was seised, situate in Coal and Zerbe Township Northumberland county, adjoining lands surveved to John boyd, William Wil son, 1 eter Matirer, Michael K10II and Fred erick Kramer, and surveyed on a warrant to Mathies Zimmerman, containing 3G7 ncros 98 perches more or loss, on which is erected nj small log house and which said Calvin Blytho held and sold subject to the Dower of the l'laintitl tlie widow ol U10 said mannas Zimmerman. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Frederick Lazarus Admin istrator ot Ciuviu jsiytue l'oc u. II. WE1SK. Sheriff. SnEr.iFF'cj OrrroR Sanbury, Sept. 27, 1856. 1 PROCLAMATION. TV OTICE in hereby given llint the several I-' Courts of Common Plean, General Quarter Sessions gf tha peace, and Oprhans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for tho county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court lliuso, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'cloek, A. M. on Monday, the 3d day of November next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Penre and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are rccjucotcd to be then and there in their proper per sons, Willi their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several ollieeS appertaining to he clone. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth agnitist any prisoner are also requested and commanded to he then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute azninst him, as shall he just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors ore requested to be punctual in their uttenclaure, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day ol October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six and the Inde pendence of the I nited States of America the '( !Hh. God save lh Commonwealth. HENRY WBlSE, Sheriff. Fntsitc's Office, ) Sunbury, October 4, 1850. J CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A'o 71 Korlk Scrond Street, (opposite th triuunt Vernon House.) Philadelphia. i"10I.D Lever Watches, full ieweled. IS K, cn- VW ,,C3. Silver I.cver do., do.. ! 1 2: Sil- ver Lepine, do., 9: Qusrtier. S5 to $7: Gold S.,eet scles. .fi4 fiO lo 10 ; Kilver do., $ 1 .r0 ; Silver Table Spoons per sett, ijiU to $18; Silver Desert do., do.,$'J to 5; 1 1 ; Silver Tea do.. do., 7T to v? .r,ll ; Gold lcim and G.IJ Ca sts, $:J .") to H ; -Gold Pens and Silver da.. $ I; together with a variety of fina Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Feb Chains. All goods warranted to he as represented. Watches and Jeweb v, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, &c, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Philrt., Oct. -1, 18SB. lyw. THE COMING HOLIDAYS ! I Great Vrcvaratiunt, I "wzlve, t. --zzrzr, i f returning thanks tn his numcrmis friends I and rcridcuce ol .isuuluiry and vicini'y for I t in-it very liberal patronage, and anticipating on increased demand for articles of bis own Manu facture and Importation, lias made expensive ' preparali)iis tJ btijijity the hame, in hU stock ! (surptifscd by none in tho city, and to which he I is ctii.Htoiitlv receiving addilicas from Europe l the newet stviec.) con always no lound o c hoice wlcttioii ef articles suitable for Bridal, , unique de.crip.ion, cc .... , ., ' , ... '.. ' , part liuh DresHinjr Cases, W ntins 1! ' ., ..." ,' . I aiis. llroii.n IJitque and Parinw I f the nio comprising in Desk, Cnl is, sicil LSoxus, Opera Glares, and a rich variety of . , ' . .. - . Au'o.Co.nls Urcshesund Toilet Articles. WM. T. F15V, I2S Arch St., (oppocitc the Theatre) l'hil'a. October 4, 1S5C. 3niw ! A PEHFUMED BREATH. iv u.i lauy or geuiieman w.miui remain un- de.' Ion curse ct a disagreeable breath when by cuing the 'TJalin of a I'housand Flower, as a dcntrilice would not only render it sweet but leave Ihe teeth white as alabaster t Many per sons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop of "D aim" on your tooth brush and wash the teeth night and morning. A fifty cent bottle will last a year. A beautiful complexion may easily he acqurcd by Using the ' IJalm of a Thousand Flowers." It will remove tan. pimples and freckles from the skin, lea vim; it of a soft roseato hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash the ... , unless signed by W. P. FETRIDGE Sc CO. Franklin Siiuarc, New Vork. Sept, 57, 18.r)C Oin Cheap Watches Jewelry yiTHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. U6 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, Gold l.evcr Wutclics, lull ji'wleil, Itc carat rnaei. f-iQ,M linW l.epniB fll. !l.ll' Silver l.i-i. lull jcwllwl, Silver Lever, lull jewl'd l'J hntifiior Uiiarncis, 7. Fine Silver Sjwctuclet. 1.50 cxolil mnct-iHs. 3.011 l.lici 6,00 ii'liea liuld IVitcill, Silver Tea spoons, let, Ci'ild Si.eciacks, 7.1m Golil i'em. with Pencil and Silver IloMr, 1.00 Gold Finger Kings, 37i cents to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 1 8 j ; Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. KTALFFEK & HARLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower thsu the ubove prices. Oct. 4, lanu ly. PHILIP Z. PTJ?1DT. WHOLES LK iSU KITX1L Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. i. cor. Wnlnut und Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and fainfte will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. lH.r,(i. tl 4 LL persons indebted to the firm of Friling i Grant, on Note, Dook account or other wise are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up between this and the loth inst.. as they wih to go to the city to lav in their Fall supplies. Flill.INU GRANT. (Sunbury, Oet. 4, 1850 tf Notice 3 hereby given that all persons indebted to the subscribers, on Jtook account. Note or ciUei wi-s, me its.puclfully requested to pay up on or before the 18th of October inst., i we must have money to purchase our Fall and Win ter supply of Goods. J. F. & I. T. KLINE. Kiir.c-Gvr, O. I. it l AYER'S -Cathartic Pills, (fiVGAR COATLD,) sat mas T ClEAKBK THS BLOOD AHD CUSR THE SICK. Itvl.!a, Fatlirra, Jllolhera, Phrilcilmii, l'hllliiilhrnpliila, read tlii-lr KfTects, fcutl Jnla;s of their Virtues. K)H TIIR tt I1B O If endnefce, Sink Hendaehe,Fottl Ntomnrh. flTTKnuila, I'A., Mj I, IMS. 1)1. AttS. Sin I ImTe liovn rrin-Htetlly currrl of the wunt lii-nOie-tm any hody rnn htiri. ty n ,mi, ur ttwo liryoiir HUH. Itm t(j nrlMlr..in Mil tu ranch, which tin y clrmiv fit iim. If th. jr cui utliwi m tLn do luu, tht rct I. wortli km.whii. Inuil Mh gllint rwj-ict, !. W, MlKIlLR. C7rlt iff .simmer clnriim. Rilious Disorders and I.l ver Complaints. DsMH-mierr i Hit trrttnoF, 1 WAniniiV(, 0. C, 7 Mi., 1K5S. f Sis: T liarf nm4 your PH In mi iciiBint nml hwiiliiit rnieti.ii ornr filnoe tihi mivle th-ni, ami i-Hnout linsiitiita tu My th.'V a th- ln.nl rntharlic tui.loy. Tlilr rogil lulng n.-lliin on tin tii-T ii,il, l and rtnlilmt. cenennint ly th.-y are an a.tntlrahla n-nimly fur irFmngcinenta of that ormiti. Iiiilivtl. I hnYti ai'lilulil fottinl a pao ol bthoHt dit iflac a nllliirit tlml It ilitl nut rwvlily yiel.l to thom. Kriitrnially youin AUINO HAI.I, M.U., IVtyticim of tht Mnrint Ihtpiid. Dysentery, Relnx, unit Worms. Tout omen, I!t.ti.ad, Lit. Co., Mien., Not. 19, 18S5. Dn. Arr.H:Your I'illa are the perfect Ion oT ninllrina, Tlir hare ,t,mo my if more goM than 1 ran tell yon. ho lia. Iwen iick ami pining away for molitlia. ant nil to Im Hoctornd at iirrat i-xjion.... lint irol no Iwttcr. Sha , then cn,ninf.iiri.,l takinf? yoitr 111 la. Whirl, aoon .lilrrrl tier, ' liy oxi'lllriR tni-r;o minntttlca of worma fdiat from tier "'- Tli'y lfl.TWMl cured her and our two children of bloody dTHeulory. Ona of our nt ichNim had II had. and my wifo cured him with two iliwa nf yonr Pllla. whlla other around ,ta mhl fi-om flTo to twenty dollar diatom hill!., ami liwt muah tilue, without bclliic ruid entirety men then. Such a medicine a. your, which ia actually fjooit nnd Irancat, will be nrlried hero. OKO. J. OHtmx. nttmaiter. IntllKcstlnn and Imparity of the Blood. tim i-ee. . r. Jlima, IXMnr nf Attrtnl f'ftnrca, Jhttin. 1.L Atks i I have wed your I'illa with eitraonllnary Alice.- in nij futility and Among thnee 1 am called to vi.it iu .li.tre". Torcftuiate the oivnna of dip'itiion and pucify the Mood tli-y are the Tcry beat renulv 1 hare ever known, and 1 can ronfldeiltly rscommeivl them to my f'lends. Youia, J. V, limns. Wjtmw, WrosiNn Co., V. Y.. Oct. -It, 1856. Dr.Ati Sin : I am iikIiip y.mr Cathartic I'illa in my pme-li-e. and find them an ,-jtcellent purjrilt'va to ctearue tha . ayvtem and nurify the fount:iiii. of the IhoiH. JOHN O. MKACHAM, M. I. ICrysipclns, Scrofuln, Kins's Evil, Tetter, Tumors, ond Salt Ithcnm. From a F,rm;rtting JUmhant '.). inn,', M. 4, 185S. Pa. Arnn: Your I'illa am the pnnuron of nil ttmt la (rieat In medi'ciiie. They have rurod my lllllw dautrtitor of nlomu aorc-t upon her ran:a and feet that ha.l ,-n-oved iuctimldt- for yeam. Iter mother ha. been loin irri!Vo.ia ly nflllrled wllh Moteli -a tin.) piniplea on lier skin and In hi! hair. Aftvr our c-lilld waa cured, alio alo tiled your I'illa, and they have cured her. AA MDItilKI DOK. Illieumntiam, Neurnl);in, und Gout. F.mn Ua JCtr. Ur. Ii,m!.ti. nflhe iltthnliit Vo,rcA I'VLAsCt HorsE, Sav.inaii. fl i., .Tim. S. lflrt. Hooarn Sin : I ahunld tie uimralefnl for the relief yonr pioii niw di-oiiui nie u i ai,l not report my cane to you. A told B'-ttled in my liinba ultd ImiiiKht mi excruelHlinic numljrir pnitia, which ended in chronic rheuinnliain. Notwilhalandiiur I lia l the la-et of phyii iaua. the diaeare priw Worse and wnpw, nnlil. by the advice of yonr excel lent aKcnl In I'iiltimore. Iir. Mackenrie. 1 tiied'yoitr I'illa. Their eileeti. were alow, hut anre. Hy pemevetiiig in the uau of ttiein 1 am now entirely well. ' Sr.siTE CiiAMtinn, IIitox ttoeor.. ft Pi-., ia;,s. Pr. AyKR : 1 have Imen entirely cured by your I'illa of ttli, umatic (lout a tjiiiuful di.ea-e that h'aii atlMcte.1 me foryrnra. VINlK.NT SI.IIII'.I.I.. Tor Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com nlaliita, requiring au tu-iivu jutrco, lli.-y aro au excel- b ut n iucly. For Costiveneas or roiiftipnlion, nnd ns a liliiuer 1111, (hey are a;;i'eei:ic hihI uilercuiit. I its, Suppression, Parol) si. Inlliinimn- tluil, and men Deurneaa, and I'nrllal lillml. liesa, Imvo bi-en nued h the allarnlive action of tlu- I'illa. Moat of the pi!, (n market contain Merriirv, whieh. al tb 'Hicli n rnlimt'lc ri'fm'dv it nktlflil hamlrt, (V i!"i;tii u In A (nit ill. oil, trom ;l;i.'ii'tl rcHiTiUinc'ii lio 0'i' iiMy follow it int imtfonst nf. TIkmj cuuttiii do nier- AYER'S CHEERY PECTORAL Ftm THE liAPW Cl'TlK OF COrGII,,:OI.aO.lIOARSKXFy, 1XKT.V J5Z.l, UKOXi'lIITlN, W IIOOPllV ti COl f-M, (HOI I, ASI II3IA. IX CIFiKAT COXSl llIPTIOX, nml f-r the i-Ht f conMimpth pntifiiln in itlvnnrri tT::rt rtf I Ins tiva(. W'' lift 1 not (j-nnk I" tlif piMii nf if n vh ttu-s. Tl!i"'ttt,Innit Hvrry tov n. tint) Blumtt cvt-iy I'niiih't ut the .i.n r!ftin ..t-M.iu uuiitU't'il ur nf Milmrnnry p"m (iaiiitt liitvc iiii-.i' It HlrwtV kiw-wn. :i. f-w nie lic f.tmiUi' iu nty rtviliynl ciMiitt. v n lit it f.-ii'iT cnt vitlnnt H'liTi- jfr-i'iiHl ''Xpi'iii'iictf o!if t IiiVt: nn'1 I'"Wt ( tiro (.liiiiniiiilii'H tiny wIm-ii wlii h .'"v.a fitit iinititii' ttam e-i.in.' iIvmi;; tru'i V.y t ( it i. (..it n t tJ.c M-t t... m; 1 -ij.n-j-rtrtMi I'.is; 'nn-r, f M,i' U.ion: u'.A In. i' the nif-Nl ( c'-'fi ii I u(.tti"tf si k m-y lu .1. vi l.'t tlt finini il.iiilf tl:nsi mtiH tiija.'-it-tn ..f tin! puiL" unry hhhiw, it t- :il- ti.r il.'ii.-ui,ti ut i'imI .jtl'r-t 11 iicftly . al rah 1f if .;.yi' I lor ii.i tf.t-. nn'1 yot.i, p.'--irnt." f -vni hlnmld J:at It iii nMrc a-niinM the inMi.lia.iis i-ni:i.' tf iHt hIirI' tiit ilia-in min-r(.fii'il. M'i- Imve h(rHiMitt t 'fiMln 10 U'!i'Vf !, fiini'tv I'ia Tin:..t. mwtt imr' livt-it i lit fi'ii ii.ii ii if-i i; I'li-fiitii tl-itn those it I'lin. KVr, it lv y.iii, un t nwt- t'ni ft W.k wl.lli- th-y iu rit'iihl-. ui n-?-tit '.( rntil no l.ti.u.ui K(il tui niiH'-r tin iii.-xvi '" raiikt-r t!'ir. f.tt-n .-it t(.o vlta. v.iU v..iir lifi- a. AU Vim- tl; livii lfMl Mtatify nf n; liinrtltT.. Htll iU'- l.ii'.U- too tin it-t H-- ot thi-. lenilv. iMmiI nut iln in-.i-f 1 1 1 k n t" i.t!r- il.i-in it i ritl mtu,.' t It l .! ii au In. ;:ttc r i.i-it. h' i ii'. ii'i tuit t .rfi!i:rf ir tl o m.-t p.-if.-i'T jM.ih'.'. nml lliu aHoril thwvlri rely mi It Ihf UKt a'ht whirh ntu -nkilli-itii fnrnlMi l"p; thiii cult. PBEPABED nv U. J. r. AVLE, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowoll, Mess. A .V II S: (i . ) y Wm. A. llruner, Sunbury i Iliid It John, Sliamo.h . W Wirmn, .Nortliuinherland ; J. 1'. Cualow, Milton Hit 4 McCormick, McKwiaaville and by all Druggia'.i throuehout the c-uiity. August IU, lS.Oti ly ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SXjE. X pursuance of an onlor of the Orplmns' Court of Xortlmnibei lanil count v. w ill be I'X'posoil to pnlilic snlo on SATL'IMlA Y, tho li:th day (,r October next, nt tho Public lloueo of Win. M. Weaver, in th town of i"'lniniol;in, the following tJescribed real estate to wit : All those eight lot? of pronnd, titnnto in the town' of Shamokin. county nforesnitl, numbered ns follows : lilock G7 lot no. 4 ; block 72. lot no. C ; block 91), lot no. 4 ; block lo, lot no. 8 ; block 78, lot no. 5 ; block 1)3, lot no. :t ; block 107, lot no. C j block IOC, lot no. 'J. Lnte the estate of Jacob Albright, lute of the city of Lancnstcr, deceased Sale to comiuenco at 10 o'clock, A. M., of Enid day, when the terms of sulo will be mudc L n or. n by CHRISTIAN ZKKC11EU, Adm'r. Ilv order of the Court ) C. 15. I'Lll.SKK, C1U O. C. ts Sunbury, Sept. 27, 18Mi. J EstattTof MARY UPDEGE AFF," DeoU VOTK'K is hereby piven lo Casper L'pdc pruif. Jno. ISreniiisholtz, and Klizabeth, his wife, John I'pdegrall', Adam Updegrall', l.ydii, widow of Snowden 1,1 tint, Sarah, widow ofThoinas UpdeprotT, James I.ytlo for him self and us guardian of Honizettu I.ytle, Jno. Kbright, and Mary, his wile, and J no. Kbriiiht, guardian of Sarah J., Levi and Klizabeth CpdegralT, heirs and legal repre sentatives of Mury UpdcgraCT, late of Lower A u trust a township, dee'd., and to all other persons' interested that you and each of j you be and appear beloretue Urpliaus I ourt to bo held at Sunbury, in and for tho county of Northumberland, on the first MONOAY of November next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said Mary UpdegratT, viz : A certain tract of land situate iu Lower Augusta township, aforesaid, bounded by lands or Christian rerst, Adam Clorist, Lydiu Starr, 1'eter Coldrain, and others, containing thiaty-three and three-fonrths acres, and allowance nl the valuation put thereon by an Inquisition, or to showenase why the laid premises should not be sold according to the acts of assembly in such case made and pro vided. - . HENRY WKLSK, Sheriff. HherilTs Office, 1 ., ruiibury, Sept. 13J.i:.C.J ul 1:: Teachers Wanted. - BV the Board of Kchool Director of fehaino kin dietrict. Northumberland County. The Hoard will meet on the day commonly called THI'ltSDAY, lit 2d day of October nexl, at one o'clock P. M., at the Public Houaa c f Charlca I.eiaeiirinir, in Hhaioukin townchip, to employ teacherafor said District. I'lia county 8uperinlciidaut will also be thei for the examination, &.C., 4 c. liy order of the Board, ELIDA JOHN, See'y. Phsmokin tvri.,9th mo. 6, 1656. ALL persons having claims unsettled, (gainst Uowso Martx &. Muaaer, or Bjweu 4 Mas srr, will please hand then to the aubscriher LP. MAtsSFR. Puntury4Scpt, ST, JOILN FA11EIIA, Ao. 2S4 Market. Street, bwt 8(A, PHII.ADEl.PHIA TM PORTER, Manufacturer kid dealer in alt kinda and qualities of fancy furs, for Ladiea and Children. J. F. would eal Ihe attention of the l.adiea and others to hia inmence aatart ment, being the direct Importer aid Manufactur er of all my furs. I feel eontldrrt in saying that I can ofier the greateat indeeemtnla to thoe in want nnd at the same time will Its one ot tha largcat assortment to select from. Storekeeper! and the trade will please give me a call before purchasing, as my wbleaale depart ment ia well supplied to meet thi demand for every article in the Fur line, and at the loweat possible Manufacturers Prices. ., JOHN FA HE IRA. 284 MatLet Street. Philadelphia, 8rpU V0, IPSO. linw, EAfEHOTEL7 orrosiTp wfist BftANcrt bank, WILLIAM8POBX, PA., WI4.lal.iBl II. H ii'. rrourletor. C. A. Strive, ilstistant . . - i N. U. An Omnibus will rnn to and from the Depot and Packet Lsndinn. to this Hotel, frco of charge. September 18, 18M.--tf DISSOT-TTTIOtM. '"IIIE partnership htretofore existing between the undersigned, uider the firm of Wilker son & Renn was this dny (.Sept. 0 1856,) dissol ujr iiiuiuai ciiiiaeiiu ISAAC M. WILKER80N, JECOB REN'N, Sept. 13, 18S6. tf, "AID AND COMFORT," To Your (Inn Mechanic. ISAAC M. MILKEIISON, Reancctfullv nnonunce that he has Inken the. stand lately ore j pied by George Renn, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rrHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiei x of the public lo his large and splendid as sortmcnt of every nunlity and price ef CA JUMI -AVAIt i; which cannot fail to recommend itselftoevery r S who will examine It, on account of its dura 4. workmanship and splendid finish, made up of I V beat stock to lie had in the city. No effort $ spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly bel. g made. His stuck consists of Mahogany Sofas, DIvaiiM and Lounges Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, HKKAKFAST AND DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phi' a- dolphin manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. Ho also manufacture all kinds and qualities f, CJIAIKS, ncluding varieties never before to bo had ir Hunlinry, mich as Mahcioxt, IIlack Waisut ami Ct RLKii Maple Unttf IAN ; anii Wivhsor CHAIRS, Awn tawct 1'iajo Stools, which arc of the Inteat styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, an every confidence can be entertained about, the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. These articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as tbey can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce Inken in payment for work. I t?" UNDERTAKING. Having pfm-iiUJ n handsome Hkiihi, bo is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, ur at any convenient distance from this place. , , tJ?" The Ware Room is in Fawri Street, be ow Wcatcr Hotel. IS.4AC M. WILKINSON. Sunbury, Sept. 13, 185C. tf. PENNSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED IIT YORK, PA. OFFERS young meu all the advantages of a thorotiii.il Dusineas Education. THE COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Unok-Keeping, as ap plied to Wh.'ilesDlr, Retail, Commission, Man ufacturing, .Shipping, Steam bloating, Individ ual, Partnership, and Compound Company Business. PENMANSHIP in all the Ancient and Modern Hands. Also, LECTURES mi Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Em. For Circulars, &C, address the undersigned. T. K. WHITE, York, Pa. September C, lS3fi. fim. A i'KNNY "BAVKD, IS A DENNY GAINED 1 WE have just rceeivMl direct from Philadel dhia a fresh supply of goKiN, suitable for the full trade. We aro now disposing of our Summer Slock, at VERY LOW 7'KICES, to make room for our winter supply. Now is the time to se cure bargains. E. Y. BRIGHT tf SON. Sept. 13, 1856. LAST NOTICE; ALL persons knowing themselves indebt ed tn the estate of David Martz. lato of Hha mokin township, are hereby notified that nn leas they call and settle their accounts on or beforo the 20th of October next, they will be charged interest on the same and the ac counts will be placed in the hands of a in a gUtrute for collection after that time. 1IENHY MAHTZ, Adm'r. Paxinos, Sept. 'JO, 185C 8t. 3stc5tice IS hereby given that letters of Administration have Uen granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Simeon Oberdorf, lute of Rush township Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims sgiiinst tbe same, will present them properly au thenlicaled for settlement. WILLIAM REED. Up. A ugusta tp., Sept. 13, ISM 6t "ItTanlllU HeuilM. A fresh assortment j .si received by WM; A. 11RUNER. June SI. ISftfi. LABORERS WANTED. .4 NL.MBEU of good Laborers ere wanted on - Section 42 of the Northern Central Rail Road, below Trevorton budge. Good Wagea paiid and the best kind of accommodation given. Ap ply to WM. UAUgLER, on the works, ur to II. Ii. MASSKR, July , lKSG. Sunhury, P. 1ILES for Machinists, carpenters, Ac., &c, Uealty's edge tools, planes and bench screws for sale bj E. Y. U KIUHT V. SON. May 31, 1858. PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroads Ac., for weighing Hay, Cost, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk evsry scale is guaranteed correct, add if after trial, not found satisfactory can be islurned with out charge, Factory at tha Old Stand, established for mora than twenty years corner ofNiuth and Melon Streets, iiiilauiiliibia, ABBOTT & CO. Successors to Ellicott ii Abbott. PhiUdelphia. Sept 18, 1656 calm. Table and Pocket Cutlery, a large selection i f various patterns for sale by May 31 fit. p. V. BRIGHT 4 SOX 185?. FALL STOCK, NEW 00008. 1856. French Merinoes, all colors, Fashionable Cloak OlrJths, Fall Silks the sty lei Magnificent New Dbl.aines, Brat Styles Fsll Calicoes, Very large Stock nf New Shawla, Flannels, Welsh, English and American, Cloths, V eatings and all kinds Mens' Wear Sheetinga. Table Linens, 7wliii, Vc. BYRK A I.ANDELL, 4th., & ARCH Pts., Philadelphia. . Storekeeper ar invited to examine our New Goods. Families can be well suitod i i every kitil of Dry Goods. We make Blk. Silks and Shswls leading er llclea for Wholesaleing. P. 8. JO IIS received dally fiom the Auctions of New York and Phils del phi a. I.l?" Txnma N:t Cash, Sept. 0, '50. w3ino Cancer Cured. ANCERS, Turners, Mens Ulcers, Scrofula While Swelling Sec, cured without Surgical eperationa by Dr. Launsherry. Dr. L' Pamphlet (2nd, 3d..) on the treatment and cure of Cancers, Tumors, tee., will be sent to any address (tree) on receipt Of a postage Stomp Olhre 1I8J WALNUT St., Philadelphia. Sept. 6, 1850 3ru i'HI'KIt alUKS, Late of tite firm nf Stevens, Hollinaaltcail c Co. ja.. sruve.H. ljili-liftlie 1'itlnn Hotel. NATIONAL HOTEL, (lats white swajt. i(ic! Street, above. Tuird, riin.ADKi.riiiA. THE above well-known Establishment, have ing been entirely remodeled, introducing all Mil modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened for the recej tiou of Guests on the FIltST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. Tho proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests flatter themselves with the conviction thnt they will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons. Carriages will nlways be in readiness to con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Kuilroad Depots. SIDES fr HTOVER, Race Street, above '1 hird. Philadelphia, August 30, lHbG. ly fIEraTFor sale. valuable Farm, situate in Jackson town ship. Northumberland County, adjoining lands of .lacnli lliibisb, Jonas Wolf, Jacob Soiler and others, CONTAINING 190 ACRES, will be sold at public sale, on tho premises, Oh SATURDAY, the 25th day of October, next. The land is of good quality, 125 acres being cleared, about fit) of which is pood Mea dow, ou the bnnks of the creek. The ret is well timbered with a variety of pood timbei. The improvements are a ncwTWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, a Log Burn and other outbuildings. Tho farm is well stocked with good Fruit. Con ditions will bo made known on the day of sale. In tho meantime persons wishing to purchase cau apply to tho subscriber. HENRY LA IIR. Jackson twp., August '23, IrTitl. AMKUFCAX HOUSE? WILLIAMS PORT, PA., .1. kl. IlKLTOX, l'i-ojpi ictor. Jas. T. IIai.u Ass't. SeptLS. 18j.fi. -tf Notice to Tax-Pnycr.. IVOTfOE is hereby given to -the i!c!inqueiit Collectors of Northumberland County for the year 1855. thnt ihcy arte called upon by this nolii-e to settle of their duplicate on or bei'oro the November CoUrlnext. otherwise they will be dealt with according tn hw. PHILIP IJKNN. FREDERICK H AA.". C1IAS. HU71ENST1NE. Commissioners' olnee, ) Commissioners. SunLury. Aug. 16, ISSIi. i ah.muus or this NniaiinoR- UOOU! Gratrers of Wheat and J!ie, true T.rinau'n Super I'intphnte nf J.iine,'if gnu want henry Crops, or Leinuu'x American Fertilizer. riIIESE vnluallo Manures have been used for' the past six years successfully for the Grain and Tobacco (-'rop in Virginia, Pennsyl vania, New Jersey. Delaware, Maryland and the Islands of Bermuda and Ltarbadoes A barrel, (250 lbs) is sufficient for an Acre of Land. The above Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Elements whic h largely increase tbe Crop and improve the soiling, doubling the val ue of the land. Price of the Phosphate of Lime, is $40 (10 a ton. Nilregened $."() 00, the Ameri cn Fertilizer ljT6 00 per Ton, or $3 SO a Rarrel, 1 25 n Kpgj also, every variety of Cuann, Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Soda, Bone Dust, Pow.lered Charcoal &c. GEO. ALEINAU, Prnprictor, Ai 19 South Front Street, riin.ADKi.riiiA. Goods delivered free of charge. VW To Wholesale Dealers, a lilicrrl discount Pamphlets in Engltch and German Languages Gratis. Orders at a distance, Cash accompany ing or Draft, promptly attended to by U. A LE1NAU, Proprietor. PIIIAD'A Pa. N. II. Diplomas, have been awarded from the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society ; New Vork Crystal Palace Association and New Jersey State Agricultural Society. Philadelphia, Aug. Ill, I8.r)6 Sin. w. lllMlll, Ltltltliito; K tu., PAPER, PRINTERS' CARDS, ENVELOPE & RAG ao. 5 jVixoji sriiFjyr, miiladfa.'a 100 tons Rsgs Kantrd for Cash. August 23, 1850. Bin .S.MICK & RENN, Announce to the citizens of Sunbury, ond vicinity that they have opened an office in Hunbnrv, one door east ol the Post Office, where tliey aro prepared toattend lo ull kinds of work belonging to the prbfessioti in the la test and most improved style. Sunbury, August Ti, Iti.'ifi.tf; S UMBURY ACADEMY, spills Institution, under the charje of -- Issue Hull', Principal, will communce its H'lMtrr 'Jerm of six months on the second Monday of Keptember next, in this place, at the Academy Rooms, adjoining the Lutheran Church. Good boarding in private families ran bo procured from H'j,25 to $2,50 per week. Kunbury, Aug. 30, 106. (Murixetillg of all kinds, floor and table Gil v Cloths and oil ah hades of the latest style for sate by E, Y. BRIGHT & SON. JACOB I'AIXTF.K'S EST AT 12. VTOTICE Is hereby given that letters of Ad--' ministration have been granted lo the sub scriber, on the estate of Jacob Painter, late of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All pcrsnns in debted to suid estate or having claims aguinst the aame, are requested to call on Johu Buyera, near Suubury, for sclUeineut who is duly authorized to act in tha premises. GEO. A. FRICK, Adm'r. Danville, Aug. 30, 1850.--0t SPICES, sugar, coffee, molasses, tea, eoeoa Water and tSugar biscuit lor sals by May at 'SB- E. Y, BRIGHT it SQV. GOSHEN CHEESE. Just received and for sal by FBASUOLTZ PC TRY. eft 13, IBS. ' PROCLAMATION- 1)UrtHUArT to an art nf th OHlnul AaaoufUj nf tfia Couimonweallli of Pennsylvania, antitltil 'An aet ralalins l tha istecuoa of this Ocmmntwealih," appii.Tnl tho aecolHl Anf of Jul), Anno llotninn, . nut, Vii.uifinil eight huiidtral aiwl thiriy-iune. J, lll'.NKY Wmm;, Miali ttharilf of tha county of Ni Tlhsmlairlaiiil,' Peinnrj-I-vonia, rti, licrehy make known and .ytve laulee to thi elec tors ol the counly sfoieaiicl, tbiit s genaral elwi.,n will he heW m salil eoriinv of NnrthnmhwInrKl 'Hi the HliUON D Ti;r.friAV tllli fOO'fBKK, l.'nO at wtnch time State attrl Crnintv Offieers, oa follows, nr to I eleetcd : fne person as Canal Coinroiaaioner if the Coniioiia weiilth. t'ee peraon aa An Hi tor Pmeral ef tlia fnmmonwealih. tlneperaon HaPnrvevorticneral of the Commonwealth. One person na MerKlier of Congress tn repsent the Cnnntiea of Noriluiiulierlanil anil Kchii) Ikill n person aa Mi-mhrr nf the llonae of HepressfTtalivr' lo repreaeiit the Comity of Nortliiimlieilauil. One peraiai aa Oaninlaaiolier for the county of ft'Ut)l ttrrihellund fof a term of 3 years. One pt-rson aa Mistrict Attorney for the county of Nor-thiimlifilniiil, One peisoil as Auilitor for the county of Northumber land. I also herehy maVe kiinarrl and (live nntiea that the places of hultliiirr the aforviatirl grnetal election in tli-i sev eral lamiugNs ailil towuahli.s within tliecounly of .Nor- llintnlM.rln,Hl ur. na f. .1 1. ..v- The Sunbnrv Dialrlil, eoinpicd of the tirnu)"li of c-ui,uuiy, ana upper Augusiu, at trie uouuty uourt House. The Augusta District, compnsert of the township nf txiwer Aiotuam, at Ilia boti&b ot liliol limcrl'ih, in aihil township. Tin orthllmlicrlaiiil District, c.mpna'il of tn Horamgli nrNtiitliunihcilaisI, nl the honieof tUward I Sis, of the borough nf Northuniiierlaiid. The Point Diiuric.ti at the house of Ileihy Itaaa, In thle borough of Norlliumrxirlaii't. Tim vfilinrt District, at the homo of Frederick Sticker, in mid Uiniliifli. The Turbut llistrict, at tha house o,-cilplii! by Abraham Kissinger. The Uekiure District, at tile Slnkiilg Spring Sehoo House. The Chilisqiiaiiue District at the hiusb of Dciijnrrlin Poritami.i, The Lewis DiMric', nt tl: Render. I lioitsa oCeupird by Michuel The Bhain-Un District, al the house of Charles Leikon rinir. The l.pper Muhoaoy Dlstiict, nt Hie bouse of Daniel Iviai-nbnri. The Little Muliouoy Dialriet, at the liotue of widow P. Raker. The I-nwer Muliouoy District, at the house of : Arh-ignat. The lliisli D'atrirl, at llic I.tt'erfy P"l fVbo.,! Hu.e. The Juckaoti District at llie bouse oceupicd by Helen Buiith. The Owl Dialriet, nt the house of William M. Weaver In the town of Nhantokiti. ' The Zcrlm District at llie liullSe of Johii Weaver in Trevortiin. The Caiui-ron District, nt Ihe house nf tlhlcnn D-rl.-The Jordan Diairlrl nt the In The Mt)unt Cuimel District at Ihe pnUic h'Hise ft Fe lix Lerrli. Tlic Wnnhinpton Dlntnbtnt tlie Itntist nf Win. Kr-hrnii. Tub olfftjcn it r,p(.ti hctWMim U(s hottrn of b nnd ID ri'tck in the forciiooit. und clinM cnrtlnne without inter " ntitm br i"'J'.iinmirMt until 1 o'cl-Kk in tlie eveniiitf lieu tlie polla shull lie rl .E-il. 9 Tiie eevenil I inp lora otW Jud.i Hfrterl on the 3d Friiiay of .Muich. J fAj, in nurMumce r the at fWtiou of HiemHfif tlicait.r Jii'v, tno. will hold the elvctiou vn Tuestlny ti:c (Hh i1h' of T -ctoher next. "That every pprwm vit-iy. H Juwtccnf the Vmrn, wh hall h..lii any ollive or nppotntm-,)! nf pr.fit enrt iniBt un iter tlit? tfovr-rmijent til the L'niteil riMitcii. or m' thiii 4rn or t.f nny rity ir inp)rptrte(l dintrirt, whethyr c i funrnnJ Pifincti "iiicer nr iigfiii, win Phaii he elnpk-ye'l under th IcvinlHlive, rxecutive ir jnitirwry Otpurtnii nt f thi iiatrt nr the I'nitetl St.tte, nr ol fuiv citv nr inexirnnrtirrtl fti-trii i nnd alf. thnt every nieinln-r Cm grrM and of the Sinte l.rishiturt, and ni the wlect nnd eoimnnn coiineil ni' uny city, nr commissioner ol any iiKMrp-Titt-rt iJiMiict, in hy ...... ...v.. ,-m-nr ii.mimi in cxiei'iKiii7 ine nnieenrap- ps-intmentoi Jmltze, 1 nsjrt-H nr Clerk, nf nny clt-rtiun of Un commonwenlth, and that no Inapert-.r, Jniiceni uny f.ther ntheer nf such election, ahull be eligible to any olTu-e to he thm vted for, ' And the aiiid Act if AsucmWv, mtitlef,""nn net relatine to the hrtinna of Hub t'oiiirnonwenlth' puiuitd July the ajnd, iNli, lUrther provide ni foinp, to vil : Thut the lnfliectnraaitd JUhtea chosen un aroreanid, almll ineetutthe reapeltlVe plueei for lmd!ne; the elet-tmli in the diartini to tfhieli hev reanidulty hero'ip; Ii. (.to nine o'clock in the mrtlliijr of the aecnud Tueadny nf Ot IoImt in ich nnd every ear. und enrh of Kiid lnspeaorR ahnllnppihiit oileCl'jrK, W'h. shall be n nuslihed voter of aiich district. . Hrctiox a. Thnt nny fnmj rnroinilled br nnvperm-n voting iu the manner iiIn.vc prpserilHil, ahalllie panmhed na fliniilur fnunU nre diieetefl to be puuinlicd by Ihe eimt ing laws ni tliia O-nmnou weultb. "In ensc the pera ni who xiwil have reeeivcd the second hiyheat number of votea lor IiinpecUira ahall nit itttend on the day of uny eleclion. then I lie prm who shall huve received the aee(iid highest uuinher of yotea fur Judjfe ihe luxt prucediuir eleciiun, ahull net na on inapet toi in hia place, nnd in c the perm elected Judafc shull not attend the Inanector who received tbe hmhetil mnnbrr of frotea, Jhnll npiioint a Jude in hia plw-t-; nti.l il any vacum v tliull continue tn the boainl lor tbe Huucqo' hlt un hour af ter too time tixed by liiw for the opening of tlie election ahe qualified voteta of the. township, Xrurd or no dieirkt! for which auch mTicere ahall huve h..en ele.,rd. prcfetit ut pluee of elections, siuill onof their number lo till such VentlCT, lt itimtl le the dut of aaid aapcKMors rcipeclivety lo ut lew. nt the place of holding every fimerul, special, or township elt ch Mi, durini( tiie whole tune ftiid -lerii-ni is kept, open, for the urp iae ot ' jrivint; inf-rniatiou to the Inspectors and Judue, wh'ii called on, iu rekition o the iijlhl of nny peri' in aastsud by them to vl ut audi elec tion, or auch otliT matterai iu lelutmn to the ufcseKint?iit u voters mi the smiiI inspector nr jud-je or either of Ike in ahall from lime to time require. "N i peri. .n simll be permitted to vote nt nnv election im al i res; ml, uthrr than u white free man ol tvventy-oiie .r more, who nli:il! have resided in the atfifti at lea tone ycitr, uud m Ihe elecil n district where he itiiera to vote nl'teHt ten da)s immediately precceibinr the eleriion, und within two er imnJ stnte o eout.fy trix. whif-i id:;i!! (;:lve lcfn uKXfisejl at teutfl lei; day N-fore ti e elertion, Ii.: a ''itieit of ttie i'niteil r:iitea who had previontfy lie'i n qiiablitit voter of this state, ond removed therefrom nnd returned, and shall have resided iu the election district, mid puid lux ua iiforeMitl. ahull Imj entitled to v te after resKlme in Ibis bite six month, I'rovidifi. That lb" white irtmm, eiti zena of the I'mted Suites, lietween the ape nf twenty-one and twenty-two years, and in Hie electioe dialri' l ten dny iu aforcKiiil, Khali be tutillod to u v.'te, altlimigti they shall not huve pnld taxes. No per u shall he perm !!( to vole whose nam! i.i rmt contained m Ihe hit of laxuble inluihiinutK furnislie.1 bv the commissioners as itfoiraaul, ni:leis, First: lie produce a receipt for the payment, within two yeur. of it state nr county t-ix usaessed iiireeubly ti the constitution, and tnve aiuiafuciory evidence either on Ins own oath ur ntlirrnn tiou, or on the oulh or niTinnuti"ii .f unotiier. that he hn paid siii-h lax. or on failure to produce a receipt, shall make I ..n outh to tlie payment thereof; or second , ii he t'ltimi a : ripht to vte by being uu elector I etween ihe nci o" j twculy.ne uivd twenty-two year. i aiKii) denf on oath I r uftirinrilion, thnt he has resided ?fi t!ie Stne nt lenst on ' year next before hit appiirafion, mid riiake "ueh proi f nf i residence in the diirtriet ns is rerjuued by this act ; nnd that he dies verily believe from i a count given him' deal he is of the fi.renid, und mve such utlier evi- ! thncea ns ia retpiir.Ml hy this uct. whereupon (Jie name of j ihe pernm so mlmiCed to vole, shall Im inserted iu nlphn- j betienl list by Hie inspectors, nnd e note ni:de opposite thereto hy writiin Ihe word lnx," if be iball (w r'-rrnit - 1 'ed to vote by reason of having pjfid lax, or the xvoid I t'age," if he ahull be permuted to vote on aeeount ef his ape, uud iu either ruse Ihe ie.n nf such votes shnll be cutlet! out to the clerk, who shall nuke notes In the tut of i voter keft by them. In ull ruses where Ih nnme of tli perwn elnimhig to vote is not found on the list furnished bv (he Comnnssion tr uud Auesaof, or h np':t to rote wlieihef Amnd there, on or not. ia objected to by a:iy oualiiief) ri!ien. the Iu- ! speetor Cbull rxannne aiieh p-non on ,i,tf as to his "unhti- I c olons, and if he claims to have resided in the ti tle one yenr or more, his oath si atl be u proof thereof, hut he shull i prove by nt least one compel cut wifne-as, who sltali lie a ' quail tied elector, that he letfuhi within Ihe dtstiiet ut least ten daa next iumiediately preeedliu; I be elect ion, untl &hul j also himself swear .that Ins Uun tide residence, iu pursu- I mice of lawful etdlin is with ia the ilulnet. and that he j dm i; t reuT've into said disinct f-,r the purpose uf votirj ! therein. j Kveiy pesin qualified us aforesaid, nml who fchtill muka ; proof, tl renuired, of ret-ithnt nnd nanieiii .f tuxes, us 1 aftiresanl. shall be admitted n, vte in tf:e township, wuid i ordistriet in which be snail n cute. . . If uny pel ill ii"i quali lied to vote in taiiO'irfnonweaJth n'eeabiy to law, (except the aous n quui'hid CiUzensT , S.ialiappejtr al uny plnee .f rleeti:u for the piTfp.se of i- ! siiint! tickets, t r inlineucing citizens qnnltfied to vote, ha j shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any aum ml fceed- lll)t 'lir llllll.iir..i .aiia .m tiny t,llf llim i iJfWf, HTC. b' imprisoned for uny term not exceeding liuce moHhs. Itslullhethe duty of every mayor, aiienu, aid. iiiutn juxiice f the pence, :n,d constable ,.r deputy couviibje. of ever; r'fy, rnuiitv, township or district within tbr c- in inonweiilth, wtieiiever calleil upon by unv nflirer of an election, or hy uny three iiunhthd r lectors tliereof, lo vUw any wuul'iw r uveuue to any window, to ihe place o gcuei.a eleeiion. which shall i f.bsUticted in such a way us to prevent voter from uppronehii.ij thn aunie. und oa iitpifct or refusal to do so on tiirh rt ipiisji n, hind oilmen hall lie deemed ("tilled of uusdt'meun'tr in ilire and on com ii tiou khnll be lined in nny sum n i less limit one Iiiim d red nor more limn one thousand dollars ; nnd it shall be Ihe duly nl the respective oonsmble of euch ward, ffistrrct or township, of this commonweal)! to be present in perwai or by depot) , ut the place of h titling such elections in e.ieh waio, insirici or lowiisnip, tor trie purjn se o ji.nCi v.ii i the pt jee us ui'trea.iitl. Il sluill tie the duty of every pence officer, as aforesaid, who ahall lie present at any such distuibaneea at mi r!c j tiott as ia deacnbeil tn this act, to report the fame io the next court of quurter aeioiis, and also the names ot' the ' witueist s who mu prove tiie same. The Jt!gea are to make their returns for the eoifntt nf NorthuTtil-erinrwI. at the Court House, in Sunlwrv, tin Fn ! due, the 17th day of October. A . I). i IIKUNY WHISK. SmctHT. ftherirTa OffiVr. ffunhurr. ISept, IU, l&fl. 4t. ' $ rennsj Iviinia Wire Works. No. 5fi Arrh Si. brtweeti tec"mJ 5t ThtrtI, (Oppoaile lircad Mrett.) PHIL AUKI.i'Jl IA. St'ere, JiiuiiUt, Scrtent Woven Wire Of all Meshes ami Width, with all kinds ot plain ai d Fancy Viro Work. TRATY Twilled Wir. for ftPaH tachera; - i.rtui, oanu and Itrarel Screens! Paper I Maker Wire j Cylindfr and Uandy Holla, cu. vered iu die Ust manner; Wire and 'ire Ten- j cing. j Avery (jperior arltcle of Heavy Founder i Sieves. AU kind of Iron Ore Wire and Sieve. UAYLtaiH, UAKBY & LYNN. fjOUNTY ORDERS. County orders luken as ch for eooda, nnd on not or book so count by E. Y. UlUUHT 4 $QX. arVa. FEdCLAIM IT TO THE PEOft.13 Ia V.'cremdnt , AO. i. conxFMbF ii.ijAvr .square, SA VS colyi tijildly and Jelitifntrty, hnl lis tnkra tha' forrmw't atopj on l!it (ffand caTol cadi of. Dry Oobds Mehanls ofKtmliiirv. He silnll rofltt'ittie W sell Ilry Votv'A ai'd f!ro re'rica CHEAPER iL'an tvrr. rs liis goods ara bniit;lit rhrap tlipy Vill hp sold cheap. lie fi'i-la ccmriuilit his f dirrlcfi atitf ntlllty, tfia t ho csh' iompctc tvith Ihe World at iilrge and fiuabfary in particular. Jlr would rnnmcrils otlicU tf time and fpacs triru'd permit hut as arly fcOUNTfik-juMPiNc; Nfivirri can dtj that lie will lea re it tn tlia vrMants sri't uninitiatrd, it ts enough to'aay that he has everyi thtm in lire llneoT Dry Goods, Grdcerie JWOT3 A.XD .SHOES, jr., j c. that is kept in any oilier atora in town, atv! If is tanner ia on ihe bre.za. And Ion; mar vas O'er land of Hip free, And the- h'line of Ilia tfre Wliile tier Slurs and tie? Strip? Shin nut like the Sun, 'l'elliii'4 all iiuti.ma Htm Freeduin's hignn. 1'liis it a free country or at least will l; oa' when all ae free, therefore il is free for nil t" d. their trailing where they can BUY he (.'MEAT US',' rejrardlc'B of the rross and aoiir Inhkv of old fogv tilerchnhla. All are invited to :t!ll and l-nrc counthV; ns well ill (lie town are respectfully inviloj, rld every person, rich or poor, h?gh or low, hotid t li te are Invited to call. tTotiie one come all anil stop" tour speed, I have frrtotla ennngh f.r all in need ; Tna laiya theniarlres Sffe nt their posts, And theyolfiie csit supply s lioat. Over other dealers liljihe town These .aarne Ii T liave won renown, I'"ir aelling the rh ipest and llif brut, And Helling more than atl tho roat. I'drmli, Hcirroli I O'er hill nml pliia, Accept my thanks and cull again ; Among iir aatiorttnent yini'll alwaya find, Ocodu to fit and pleuae the ir.ind. We've on hand and alwaya williu?, Ti rll oiii gocal nnj earn a s .itlinfr, . ?t tioid yout tinracs and rmnb this way, We ahall lie ijlnd to sea yoli any da at ji'o. 1 Markket Sijuare, oppusilb the Court lTourt!, T. S He wisher it distinctly understood, that he is not to be undersold hy any riian or combina tion of men. No eharge for showing goods. All kit.. Is of punluce taken in exchange for gomls. Kuii'Mtry, Jme 21, 18.11. BKUDIXG & FURNISHING BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Finding, The suliSPrjMcrs rtsp'ectfully inform their frisnds 4nd the puhlic generally, thnt they have conner t'ed with tlieir Bedding k rurnishtsg luaineas a large slid well aaaorted stock of Caliinet Maker's Findings, at tlieir old stand .Yd. 83 South Serond Strett, Ic'uni Chestnut, rhllalol!i'la. riiey liutc associated with then, W. S.flrowri who has heer for ninny years ohgag-d In the principal estnliliilitnefit of ths kild in this city. The stork of Ciomls ubw on hand compris every description of tftatersalil tinvd hy Cabinet Milkers, coiixU'.liig in part of the fullowitig, vizt Hardvrnre department. Lock, H ingea, Screws Cnstors. 7'ed Sctcw, Chair anrt Sola Sprinjs.. CoiTtn Handles, Ab. , C'ahinet Mnker'i Mnterials. Hair Pei'ting. Curled K iir, Looking tiltis I'lates and I'ratnrs. Olue, Varnish, Sand Paper, Burlaps, lack nnd Fnncy Silk and Wurstcd Ginip, Sola, and Clintr Webbing, Twine, Hacking Bottoms, Wosewood, Mohoganv, Vnlnut and Msple Knnba, Ulass, Screws, &c; Bedding Depnrtment, llaif, HurV.M'W. Wool and Cotton Mattrcssies. Frather A'eds, Bolsters and Pilldws; PI'.iih, Hamask and Moreen Cush ions . L'oml'cirtuliles, Counterpar.c3, Linen an;t Cotton Sheets. Pillow Caaes, Linen and Cotton Towels, Talile Cloths, Table Linen, Table Co ers. STurcen, Demnflk and flush hy the piece. Moss nnd llutk by the bale of pound. The Hair Seating and Curled Hair is fiom the PhiS. Manufactory or ft i. Ni-!.!it. N. B. IIo'i Is, Stbnm Boits and Ships fur lushed nt the shortest notice. HQ MAT, BfiOW.N k AOIILIT, HII South 'Ind St., let'hr Cl.'stnut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, August , ls.in. ly. OTJN NOTICE. A IX B lili W W U K F F L E I X, Importer and Manufacturer of uns, ItiHcs, risloli., 4ir.. Xo. 122 Xvrth Second Stiret, Philadelphia. "1'tT'HEilE he keeps constantly on hanilagen- ' eral assortment of fine double and single barrel Shot Guns, large duck guns, rifles and i':stnd.'1, of nil kinds. Ilso, the celebrated rnsf steel titles, wilii increased twistj, to shoot tl.ai pointed ball of his own make riff barrels, shot bags, pnnches, &c. He invitbs persons wishing tn purchase goodnin his line, to cull and eianiinj his stock beiitTe pnrrhaaing elsewhere, as be is delerni'ne"! toiifll on the r.iorit r'aonahle ternia. t3r" Particular attention paid lo Repairing l.t all its hrum hes. August 30, 1850 w3m FLOUrT IEED & 6R0CEEY STOEE. CHARLES GA11INGEK, KsPlX'TI'l'LLY informs the ciiiier.a of Suubury and the nciu'.il.orlng country that he has purchased the (Irocery Store in Water street, iu the renr (if the wharf, recently kept by Wcise & Cleme:it, and that he has jut replen ished his stock which he will sell at leaVunable prices. He will keep a Vntvt supply of Flour, ff'oitl and Feed, Bread, Fish and Cheese, Hams, shoulders and Herring, Cnflee, Sugar and Molasses, Teas, tipicea and Fruits, Nuts, CoutVctionaries of nil kinds. Hi iota and Shoes, Ladies i.aiters, Mis-cs and ChiMreu's Shoes, also Quetniware, Cedarwarc, Hardware and Notions, &e.,&c. Ci:icns are Icqttestfd to send iri their orders for Flour, Fctd and Uroierics and he will de liver them properly;. KaiiHary, June 14, 1830. !1 lrT"i kvF" v ii h i: cli.:.4SK. Tills Grease is recorrmonded to the notice of Wagoners, Llferv 8tuM keepers, Ac. as being L't eiiBiou to anything ot ihe kind ever :n-trodS.-efl. A il docs not gum upon the axles is much more durable, and is not all'erie 3 by ihe weather, remaining Ihe same in summer aa in w inter, and put up in tin canisters at 37) and 62 cents, for sale by WM. .. WivU.NtR. June 21, Isofl. fiCLLIVti ofP AT 4IST. rlHE aohscriher fespect 'ully informs tha jmlv jL lie tUal he is now aanlibj of his TOCK OK CLOTHING at reduced prices, as he intends guinj into other business. JPeisons iu want of ChtarJ' Clothing should not fail to call. Persona indebted to the suhscrfhrr are tr. luesicl to a'A and settle. SIEGM-fNP SIMON. Kunbury, June 28, 1856, UOWVS and Breiniu's ilasenre of Ginger, and Hus'oand'i Msgnesia at May 81, '66. BKl'NF.n'S. TJORT MO.XAIES, Tcth and Hair Brushes' all qualniea, and anv quanli y, fir sale bv ' WM. A. UK UN EtL June 21. 'Mi. utivt l -tituliruuli'ieil Cii. pnuti-d eash iners, fancy slel!, v. hit t'reje, Irench bor.lcr, ailli iringe and figmej ciik SnawU just Itesived by E. Y. tiliAWf &. SOS. M.J 31 ifif; ' I...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers