- . SIlTlffTlflT&f NEW SERIES. VOL. 9, NO. 30. SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA -SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1S56. OLD SERIES, VOL- 17. NO 4 The Sunbuiy American, rCIILMIIK" KVK.lf SlTCI.I.At BY. II. B.MASSEn, .WvA-rf 5;re. Snnbur;, I'tnna. Ti-.IIMS OF Tt!CKli'TIOl. . v , ,' '.t P-r ...lion" l.-M P-i'l l'IM"1 ' M e'f. 1 1 ll- .,,i , nr Istirrs mi limine tewiinig I" ..i .mamiei"-""1 '. " , oust 'a id. lit 05"!: ai" 1(1 Ii"1 i no Three JVj jy, Seven D l" .. .'. ...I- filter! . n . i . .i len.is" will P"Y i"T mi" ' '. ti.ul t" 11' Vnrr.rull. noil i ..... naf Aeent, nnd frnnk are iisriiut- TRIM OF 7TVRKTIIN8 nir!n f llu, 3 " (in f i'in.f, 3 inonlhs, lix innil"", One yirir. . . f ,mUm, I On ii 3nn 8(10 8111) son ill. Hie iirivile to oo I ail . ., Breen..nl. if Larger Ailni-"!"" . . :.u oiMi.timnt TOUNHY AT LAW, A 'I' .RU(,i,raiiutiiw" ' Mlll,ll)nt tnj ;,linl,rrinml, Kni.m. Lycoming Montour . i I I.o ('.nlllllie" "- References n i'.i.t'.'.'.' " n in Jul. P.. Ttbui, Chris. l.ii'i"u,s, i."." .t nit. gmilh A; Co. : a'ais' Sn"'1''"''!' """L0biTST MOUN'UIN COLLIERY SUVERIOT. -WHITE AS II T.tn the -Mammoth Vkiii. Ir r nri n ii..a.Sleamli.ats iiiu 'uu!y U'-r, lies, btealiih. Mr. CiKXik. . Null 'I THCMHKULiSIl UWt'l SlKri Of' COAL. - ...'.'n ! m: .'. V' .n....n snd fMrA,S, Kv'v M it, t I', for Steamboats, i i ii r. i.ir Hot Air ruiimci's and Steam. lJllOKK:;, ) f0t f;rilic, KtovftS?.ndStca STOVE, ; For stoves, Steuin and burt.ii g XI T, Lime ,. ... !f.r 'Liii.el.i.tnr'! a ml making Steam. Order receded at -Jit. Car.oH o; :."':..i.... Urland Wharf, will '"'u';' ' d!j.'lewm, william mcir. May , 1850. if DIIAVORTEC & CO. Hardware Herchants, Having removed from No. SO to No. 73 M irket Street, l'l.ili'Jv'i '.iii.. Are prepared, will. Rrcally increase J facilities, fill ,'rders for HARDWARE of every m :-el lorma. don. n fail assortment, including Railroad Shovels Pi'ks, ic. foonlrv rnercl.ai.ts.nl others w..! SVT t to thir inter'eM to eal! and examine our stock be fore p'ir:Haiii(j einewJu ic. Apiil f'-, IB5U. ly , XT. 3- OF t r,,) unrl our Natiri Land." Ctj-SVBHANNA CAMP, No. 20, of the O. N of the U. S. A. hnbls it. nutedses-ion. every Moenin, inth.-irM- H-l.-W-j -j ' y. r.riBhta store, SSauoury, Pa. Ii.ituation a..a .tJi ia, vs.'-"- ,OT. ,. vni-NU. W. C. JOHN CJ.Y0UNC1, Ea't Wttvr.r.T, R July IS, l$5C-oct80'5S iSutibur "O. 03T TJ. s i-vri'TiV i n'l.i'Cl!.. No. 30, V. ol l A. in tt.c me.icaii Mall, opposilo f .1 .. S2,ir,!.ltrV. 1' V. linuhta ''ore, Mem'ntrs of the MHfKCi ' , C. W. kiitu. 1-S- . S..n!..,rv. July.S. 1356.-oct20. o5.. Tamils uroN camp, No. nrJ. . to . Is its stare ' :iuc."i- - -.iu lho Amcricii. 1UII. M i'-d a,"""y- A. J. ROCKP.rF.LLER, P. J. P. S;ii-."i)Et Uobiv,. H. S. Sunhury. Joly 5, lS.'G. tf. -r-.i'tx.' ii .VI. nil. lur table iifc two sic 1 nl 37 i and 024 cents-just received by received bv . A. ilt.L':;EPv, W June 21, 'SO. . , i ,-', -.i r.-i. t..n: .aT. iUxspci. and f ine O esssickberi y Hranily t i-w'f ,.-.-ive,l a fresh supply of Blackberry ltrandv and invaluable reinedy for Summer t.ljll.i. Av-rct - ly W.M. A. EEC NEK. i for.. AT P.W. Oil AY'S STOUK . I jree a--. .tPient just received from Phila de'lphia. and solJ cl.e.',.er Or ... ever for cash or Tountry produce. Among his stock w.U Lo .oaaJ j-aj.y oreHSioodJ, of all Minis an 4 the lal'st an.! moit fa-bio.y.r'..le ii!c. Blaik mid Fa icy Uresa.fil1-'. I bulhes, irai:e De Labia, IJin-hn.ns, Lawns, .Shawls, I'..nls, Dress T.iu.minas, Uote OI W, Storks, Cloths. Cus,'.i..e.ts, Ytsti.iK. Linen Dulls. Irish Linens, Muslins Parasols and I mbrclb.s, ic, 4 c. . H liD v AKK a senenii nsoii.iit-iiu ci'OC EM E8, Fish, Cheese, Paisins, Tobr sjld Cigars, Qacensware, Boots, Shoes, Hals Tobacco and Caps, ami a general lati. ' li-l'LLASE CALL AND f-Er. i Bunbury.Moy 24, 1850. tf " " " FOR SAI.F.P eTts FT CAM ENOlXr.S yilHoise power isch, Jk v.im liiers. Would make ex beul pmnp .ijoj ansinee. lo.jclbfr willi 1 large bbvin3 cylin tieis, siu'.ttblo lor a Matt fu-nace. Appb to HENPvY LO.NtiirXEt:KEIt &. c o. . fcUamokin Iron Works, b'uainokin, l'a. ShamaUri, July 21, IS'io,-' TOR rALE n excelleJ4, aifoml-hand Cor.k ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal Diner. Emthire at tlii e-IHe. nnnA LABOKEUS on the Una otiha Uniou 2UUU Canal Watoa SI 14 Oa.h. Ap. 7, w ROCKAVELUCWJ CO Jrui.t t Raaq. Ft. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRIL3NG & GRANT VU13 now nicniii a new nml vcry ilcKirnlilc tork of Pining awl Siuiimcr liooiU, eni' lirncini; nn un.ili'ss variety. .Tl.eir atotk ron titti in part tif Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimcres, Summer Warea lor men and boya, all aiylea ami prices. DRF.SS GOODS. ; SILKS I'luin and I'iguretl Black: An mniiini'.Kt nf Tln'iil Ktriipanil Fi?ureJ Fan cy Drem SilUs at niiuaiinlly lew rrir"i Mirllies. Ilrn7e. Braic Vt l.aina, Muo. l)o Lain. La mi, Ac, fJINGHAMS from f. to 25 cent per yarJ. CALICOES "'3 " 12J " " VII1TK (JOODS, Cainliric Jarnnctta, iSwisa, Tarl'ni), Mull, Bolii- lietl, rreruli ami Swiss Lacra, L.lcinga, Ac. Brown ami I.U-aclicJ Muslina, Drillings. Ticks, Clictha, Towlitigs, Tulilo Uinpcra, i c. Riiotr.it i ks. HAEDWARE and Q.UEENSWAHE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-wiire, Iron, Bleel, Plaster Salt and Fibli. Also a tresli aiiiip'v nf Pliirij!" AND MKDICINF.9. Thankful lor past favors, wo liope liy atrirt attention a nd a desire to please, still to meet willi tlir npi rova! of our friends. IV C.iui.iry produco of all kinds taken at the highest market priro faunhury, May 24, 1856. ly. ''VI ? "l.P"?"f " r v. w vo "j? Flour, Feed and Provision More. &EASH0LTZ & rTERY, Uroatlway, between Market tV Blackberry Sts. Ill ESPKCTFirLLY inform the citizens of Sunhury and vi.-inity that they have just received a lurgo and well selected assortment of ihoiee oonsislnig in purl nf Hams. Silmu'dr-rs. VnvLfii-1. Jicnimr. While Fii.li, Cod Fish, Suit I'reserved Fruit, i'iiklrs, Crncl.ers, Cheese, MoUskcs, Hire, Suiir. O'l'lVf, (;mp. r?.'!.'! and ground.) Im perial. Vo'iticr llf.o;i, (lui.i'.nvder and Black " fi.s, t'ttiar.wr'rp, Stone-warr, S.nps, liruh' j plow nnd wn.il: l iuv. H'.?! -. and i-liocs, tui.acco, seRaVs, &c, tiigctlivr wiili every article usually found in u lirst class V'ocery Store, all of which will be sold nt the lowest price, cither for cash or country produce. We nre alto prepared to sup- ly tile citizens with f.csii I n ai', t'.ust, roll-, pies, pretzels ni'! cakes of every kind. N. B. The highest canh prices will be paid for butler and mtpi, o.i' . rye and wheat. Kuiibury, May 21, 18C0. AT S. H. Thompson's Store, Li Lower Auyuf.tn ton i.ti:, at the Junction vj the Tulvch-iclen and J'lum crttk rouon. JPHiE subscriber Laving returned from the city -V with a new and cilei.sivo aNorlment of faliuinublc goods, respectfully culls the attention of Farmers, Merhanfts and others to the same. Sl'KlNU AXU Srj.MMEIt (JOOI)S, consisting in part if Dry (iotwis, viz : Cloths, Ciithinierts, Ct:::iiiicts, Jtana, Drillings, Muslins, Vesting, Tweeds, anil all kinds of jiring unil jSutniucr Wear, LADIES UUF.SS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lau'.j, Giuehams, Berapes, liobrs, ll'tixileiii. Flannels, oc. Sugnr, Teas, Coffee, liicc, Molanses, Cheese, Spices, Suit, &c., &c, 6.C. I EB.nriUvnn, ; Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, Ac ! Queens and Glassware, ! of va. ions stvlcs and patterns. j boots And eiiols. j A lurgc assiTtnieiil i f Boots and Shoes, for '. men. women and children, i Hats Caps, Ac, of various sizes and styles. I Bet-ides a large and general assortment of lasr.ioiialila goods. I. all anil examine lor your selves. Country produce ot all kinds taken in exchange at the. highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 6 too. 24, lbo3 MOUXT CARMEL lI0U3i!, ' .MOUNT CAELIEI, Xprthumlcrlund County, I'tnnstlcauia. rEHHIS lare p.nd commodious Hotel is silua- I ft ted nenrly half way between. Sunhury and 1 t reeted her guests with all hat grace and i'otltvdle. The scenery the salubrity of the j tiegawo of manlier for which she was dis , atmosphc.-c and the root mountain breezes, make j tinguished, Eiailv Archer surveyed her with il one of the most uelighiful summer retreats in r tiro couniry. 1 lie Motel. H a new structure, lour ; s-.oncs niii, nricu up wuri an iuo moi.eru cou ! venienres. The pure mountain water is ihtro j dueed into every chamber. The place is easy j of access, beiog but one and a halt hours lii'.c from Sunhury, over tho Philadelphia and Sun I bury Kail Komi. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. Every attenc.aixe will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable, ('barges mode rats. JESSE KICK. MU CarmclMay 24, I6SC If " New Goods for the People ! BENJ A M1N IIKFFNKR rl ESPE'JTFl'LLY infon.is the publicin gen- end that he has just n ceived and opened a Silrl:.iid stock of SPUING AMD SUMMEIt; GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township, liis stock consist in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. , . of all kinds, of linen, eo'ton and worsted. " ' ALSO: Callcoc)', Ciiiigiiiiiiiri, I.atvii), liioiiHicliiiu U l.alueij nnd ul! kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. .Visa aa assortment ,,f HiirU IVRVC, JfOU and Stcol, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEEN 3WARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of SWOTS & SHOES. HATS Sc CAPS, a guod selection, Suit, Fisli, c. And a great variety of other articles such a are suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold at the loyjest prices. nf Country produce taken in exilian; a the highest prices, Lewcr Augusta, May 84, 1800. Silk, cotton and linen llandlierchiifs, faury neck t.cs, gents' collars, cotton, opera sack tuo Welsh Flaimeia, port inunnlis and the best as sortment of liaia and Cap in town for sale by May 31 '60. E. Y. UhlUUT at bON. sr 1JAISINS, Figs, Jujube Paste. Kock Candy, Jelly Cakes and Uiua Drop fur sale by TiTl,'sa. VM. A. BPIVER Select )odiin (From tbs Kiiiikerbm-ker. . ' Spring, Autumn, and Eternity. "Pb IihVIi irln'lo PTerylliinjr boautiful in liis time.'" Kcch'sitistii'iis, 3, 11. 'l'licre nrn Iwn thinjis I Jeurly love, In imtiirn'a I'irciinir J(.'r, Which lift my ppiril fur nl.ova Tim wpijjlit nf earthly enro Tbey lirinjr licfon; my co!er view The liriu'litnpfs nf n houip. Whorif 'ill tiicir lovi'lini'ss is truo, Nor change can ever come. Thn early times of Spring's first hours, HrinRS frwthuess to the heart ; They rouse the weniieil spirit's powers, And sweeter life imparl : Her dancing breezes gently woo Tim blossoms of tlio rose. All wet with sparkling mottling dwi '.''heir petals to iuclosc. The weary sufferer of pniri, The ijottvil with enro cr erief, Iluil her returning once upain, With hopes of sweet relief: Spring himrs cannot fail to bring Calm umi consoling thought, Her uiuny voices ever sin;; Of joy to morlul bryuylit, Uitt Low, O Autumn ! eIuiII I dare To paint thy poryeous lines; The soilness of thy mortiinji uir, Thino evening's pearly dews : The solemn grandeur of thy night, Whoso starry crown is set With gems more radiantly bright, Thuu eurlhly corciict? The plofy of thy sunset hour, Vv'hi-ii-uH ig culm utld still, lii ings lull con vict ion of the Pnwor That lituven uml eurth ilolh fill j Oh 1 who can gaze upon thy skies, As twilight shades them o'er, And nvt from earthly dreumit.s rise, Thiiir mal;.;r to iiuote ? Tl.e wreath of fading Summer Dowers Is yet upon thy brow, Lut all the mirth of .Summer hours is changed. in sadness now. And yet upon'thy dying keud, A solemn beuty lies, Mure glorious tln.u the riches spread 'Neutu Summers's glowing skies. Ever, O Autumn! shall tlou be To uj, uu emblem uu et Of spirits sinking peucel'ully To slumber eiiim and sweet: Though thy delight's not ionj; muy last, Yet ouis k1ii.I1 still increase : The reign be soi'ti forever pust, Iut ours shall never couse. All ! not like thee shall pass away, Tl.e Christian's hope- and joy : Yt'u int.!; for un eteinul day, And bliss without aihij For fiioiits hid from mortal silit, Revealed in realms. above Tor faiieless crowns of heavenly lig And perl'ectness of love. ht, Select Sale. COUSIN BEN, OR, TUK G0OU I'KKD r.EWA.IlitD. ' "Visitors I" cscl.iiiiifil Kate Iiennet iin- ' patiently, ns she laid aide the book she !.id been reading, and in which tl.e had been deeply interested, mid took the cards which the servant presented. 'Dear me, how provoking ! Just, ns I nm in the most exciting put t of tho story ami ! that pelt, disagreeublu Emily Archer, too," 'she added, reading oue of tho garis j '''u0 else, 1 wonder " j Was th. re magic in that simple bit of ; pi.steboirrd, insviii.ed vith only two words, Uiclmrd Waireti '.'; It would almost seem 60, so iiis',iilitu:iCoB3 did her countenance charge. The frown tiiut disfigured her oeauliful brow uisippeured, her eyes snaik. J !ed, and. with .lit unother thought oi' the ! I'Oo'iC, bin: hast.lv ussnred herself by a elanco m the mirror that her toilet was unexcen- j .iouablo. nm! lull tlio room. aVS SOU L-.llC.CU LOO U. UU IOg-1 OOII, UIIU , ... , i.i ii one rapid, critical glance ; but dress, as well l V . ' 1 ai mal.r was faultless. It must be conlessed that Kato Dennett I enters u room like a queen," she thought, : with a pang if envy and jealousy, as in , Richard Wurrjii's face she read umlistin 1 guished admiraliou of the lovely gitl Lc'oro 1 tin-in. j .Whut casual observer, who had marked the I meeting of these two ladies, would have 1 dreamed that, under nil their outward iriend liness, each hated thu other with her whole 'heart! Yet so it was. Kato and Emily were rival belles, anil their claims to adniiia tii'll were s.' equally balanced that it required no little exertion on either side, to gain tho ascendency und be acknowledged the victor! :'.".-. 1. 1 . ..1 1 i- ......... 1 11 lau. wan ner crunsicui u-auire-, ip.ueuiy ; dignitv. elegant figure und exouisite taste ut atUcUmenls 01 I lie weuue.i pair, nui c.ouu first sight Uuew her rival into the shade, less us her !il had been a stoi;:' was gather Enuly's niiiuuiit ftylu and spiighlly conver-j '"3- Hr husband, always cheoriu. crw sation were by many preferred to Kate's - ... sliiluesqiie beauty. It wus impossible to decide which wus the loveliest each had her aiijiyij-ils and udiuirers but us. they were equally numerous, ft seemed probublu that thu season would draw to a close wilhuut thu ull impoi taut decision of the question, which had been ,r excellence tho belle, .lest at this time Richard V. arn-n returned from Europe, 'i'i.o i.rt;vul of to undeniably eli-L'ant, hiiudsome und wealthy a geutkir.au was uu event ; till the fashionable world was in a flutter, and the rivals saw nt once that the important epoch hud arrived. She whose claims lie advocated, wliuin lie lavoreu: with his admiration, would at once stand upon the pieearious pinnacle oi' belleship, though their tactics were entirely i'.itleiciit. Emily brought to bear upon him the bat teries if,. her Sprightly wit, while Kute adreVtly laid tho mine of uppurently queenly indifference. As yet, tholigh it was'evident that Richard uiltniicd both, !,!.' prt-fci. i.eo was not known pel hups bu hardly knew himself which oue hu thought the must charming Rut during this exposition of lliy claims of the rivafs, a lively conversation had been going ou. Tho last new novel and the opera had been discussed, as well us sonio of their mutual friends, and in the midst of some wickuuiy witty remarks of Emily upon u would-b fashionable lady, ft loud voice was i teari ia tha ball It casna ec-arer the deer, and the words could be distinctly understood. "Yon no-brained, impudent juckunnpes, I'll teach you manners; I'll make you laugh on I'ul lire side of. your mouth." The door was flung open, nnd in walked n tall, athletic younfr man, whose really fine form was disguised in an ill-titling suit of evidently domestic manufacture, unit stood for n moment awkwardly looking round him ; then hastily approaching Kute ho flung his arms uroiiinl her und gave her a loud smack on the cheek. Shu withdrew herself quickly nnd naughtily fU'in his embrace, . 'Sir!" said she, with freezing dignity. 'Law! don't ye know who I bo T' ex claimed the new coiner, in tin wise disconcer ted. '-Willi, now, 1 do actually believe you've forgot me. Don't yer know your cousin lien ? Yo see 1 don't like I'itrniin7' no how you can fix it, so 1 quit thut and como to the city. Jim Simpson was down to our place and he's doing first rate here. lie said it was dreadful hard to get n start in the city, but I guess I ain't a going to slump through where he gets ahead. I'll risk it, any how." Citlhurine, at tho commencement of this speech, had alternately Hushed and ..iicd, for she was deeply niurUiitd that Richurd Warren and Emily Archer should have been witi.i'S-cS 10 SU':!: a scene. She cuuaht a triumphant glucce from Emi'y. It restored her pride. With oil the grace with which she was mistress, she turned to the new comer 'You must excuse me. Cousin Men," she said. "I had forgotten you. A few years muku a change, and I cun hardly retrace in your countenance a feature thut reminds me of the lad who went nutting with mo in the dear old woods of Hampton. Allow me. Miss Archer,'" she added, turning to her, ' to present to you uiy cousin, Mr. Adams M. U'urren, Mr. Adams," and with perfect composure she saw his awkward bow und scrape. Emily nt once commenced a conversation with Mr. Adams, and was proceeding to drug him out most ridiculously, when blutu tamo to iho rescue. "You forget. Miss Archer," said slip, "that my cousin has just arrived in tow n, nnd lots not yet hud an opportunity to see the lions lie will be belter able to give his opinion of tjii'in in a few diiys, when 1 shall have the pleasure of ucting ns his cicerone." Mr. Warren, like a well-bred gentleman, as ho was, uddiessed some remarks to Mr. Adams on subjects with which he was familiar, und siiurtly ufter he, with Miss Archer, took leave. Kute could have cried with vexation ut the thought of the sarcastic and ludicrous description of the scene which Emily would delimi t in giving, but she con trolled herself. She wus u kind-heai ted girl and could not forget tho visits she had puid her dear uncle und unlit Adams, or lien's unt:riiif ifl'oils to make her happy when at Ins lalticra bouse. Mio resolved to repay i him now, und her giuciousuess of manner ! cjiiitu fascinated poor lien, as tho niiitlo nil I burls of inquiries u limit the old bum. No sooner hud Richard Warren nnd Miss Archer left the house than sho began, with nil her powers of sarcasm, as Kate hud foreseen, to ridicule the 6cetie they had wit nessed. Mr. Warren smiled but seemed ubsent. - I had no idea that flio LVnnptts had such vulgar relations," .continued Emily, knowing ! well that the fastidious Richard Warren I would consider this u serious objectiu'i to the ! woman of his choice. "Notni'.hot.iniliiitf nil : ivuk ii. l.iicU's elegance, there is a certain ' something about the family thut betrays low I blood." I "Yes," returned Warren, hardly knowing I what he hud suid ; und feeling thut she had ' gained one point, Emily walked on, in the 1 best possible spirits, internally triuuinl'.iug ' over the discomfiture of her rival, ; That evening, at the opera, who should be at Kate's side but cousin "Gen dressed in tusle and evidently ma interested in tl perj'ol.naiiee, wln'.u Miss llennett listened with polite r.'.icution to his frank and seiisi- bio ci '..cisin. At parlies, too, he was her 'i'.ieudatit ; and this open acknowledgment of her relations quite blunted the point of Emily's satires. Air. Dennett assisted the youth to a situation, und very speedily his rusticity wore oil. lie had but Ii good looks and good sense. Under his cousin's judic.ous training he very soon did her no discredit, e,cn unions tho crowd of fine gentlemen that surrounded her. Emily Archer saw all, and bit her lip in vexation. Alio could not but iicUnowieilge ,!, ,,.. 1 Uat ,r(tnl)!lej in the event which sho hoped n.,-,111,1 hi. Ill i 1 1 II t P her ! From that time Richard Warren was her constant attendant, and ere long he had '. t t 1.. i . . l ..: . ...r.... l... (V.. OTieoiy lieu. low o uircu 11.3 o.v.cieucu uv ui.n- ' . ' , . .11.1 ' ' HIT hl.r ll,C lll.!iel 1111,1 llll..'L "Kate," he said, shortly after their betro. thai, "I shall never ce.iso to thank cousin lieu for giving me my bride, 1 admired you us a belle, bin his coining and your tecep; PP. of lii iik proved thut you were something better than a mere fiuu lady that you were a ti'i.o woman, oii-si, with thut greatest of uli attractions a heart. Ci't-fcta liiut yoa owe him a debt of gratitude." Many years had passed. In the sober matron, Mrs. Warren, oue would have hardly i recognized the da.diiug belle Kato Dciinitt. I Dh st Willi wealth, 11 cheerful home, a fond ' husband and loviui; children, sho hud led a huntir life, and time had but increased the moody, restless uml uiilii.ppy. sue trieii 111 I ....I.. ... .1 oai. ll,:, ,,. I.iu rrl,,,,i hu. ! VUll. Ill uiseo.r, inu w, hit ,iru,,, u he oul v made evusivo replies to her iiupiiries. and could only guess ut his troubles; but they were connected with his business she illumined. Her surmises were correct. 1 le entered the room one da" where she was sitting, u lid exclaimed, flinging i.iisclf on the sola : "Kate, wo are ruined. In vain I have ctrii;:aled for weeks past: it is useless to .attempt it longer. I o-ih.y 1 snail be ki.owa I as a bankrupt penniless, and worse than pcnnilesi. In trving to double mv fortune 1 have lost bee "ill's. uil. You and my children are Why should los3 f wealth trouble you, Eiclii.id T" taid his wife tenderly, approaching und taking bis hand. -That is, after ull, but 11 trilling misfortune. While we ure spared to each other, blest with health und children, why should we repine ut the mere loss of fortune ?" The husband groaned. "Ah, to bo dishonest, Kate," he said: '.'fear to look- men in the face, because I am a baii!;runt unable to puy-iny debts. Kute, ;,i lie-very ideVof this-tlries mo nearly mud. To uvoiu this, what have 1 not done: 1 have passed sleepless nights and uuxious days, but ail iu vain." With soothing words the wife tried to comfort Lim ; but alas, he paid little hood to Utr efforts Just then ft servant entered, saying that a gentleman washed to see Mr. Warien. . "Tell him thai 1 ennnot," replied his master j "1 will aee nobody." "Hut you will," replied n cheerful voice, am) a gentleman closely followed the servant as he entered. "How is this, my dear. Dick I" ho said i 'yon are in trouble, and did uot apply to mej that wag not right." "And of what use would it have been!" returned Warren. "I am weary of boriow ing of one friend to repay tho other, day alter day. Even that has tailed ine at last, nnd 1 huve come to hide inyrvif from the prying gaze of thosu who will soon bu talking of my disgriic V' "1 hud heard rumors of this, Dick, nnd went to your office to see you j us vou were not there 1 followed yon here. Yfou havo two hours yet before bunk hours are over. Hero is u blank check J fill it up yourself, and it shall bo duly honored. Repay ut your convenience. No thanks ; it is only a loun, I know your business well, uml that in n little time, with perhaps a little assistance, all will be right again. Totally overcome, Richard could only grasp his fi i' nil's hand, while his eyes filled wit!, un unwonted moisture "How can we ever thunk yon, dearest cousin Ren?" cried Kate. "How can wo over repay you '(" "Tut, tut, Kate: I am only discharging a part of :i debt 1 owe you, my tletr girl. 1 owe all 1 possess all I nm to you. When I lirst Crtine here, u raw, ignorant, awkward country booby, you were not ashamed of me. Ym took me cordially by the hand, influenced your father to assist nie, and more thnn all, by unvarying kindness, offering me a homo nnd innocent umnsemeiit in your society, kept me out of tunny tomptii' ions th.it beset n lonely, inexperienced lad. such cs without you 1 should have been, i thanked you for it then, even when 1 didn't appreciate tho sacrifice it was in a liuu huly to in.vo u pumpkin like myself ubont her, "and v. hen 1 i knew more nf tho world and understood the . rarity of such conduct, 1 loved you the better ' lor it. und felt the moru grateful. 1 i,m! :.o opportunity to miow il L 'loru in any sub- ' stantiul form. !nil now, yon see, you are I under no obligations. I'm only gelling rid '. of u little of the heavy loud you placed mo , under long ago. Le oil' with you, Dick, and i hereafter rely on mi) in uil cases like the j present. Don't get discouraged too easily business men, of nil other, should have elastic temperaments Oood-by, how," he j added, as Warren disappeaied, kisj-iiij; the j tear:? from Hutu's cheek, "ami be assured that j Den Adams, tho millionaire, has never for- ' gotten, and will try to repay your kindness ) to your poor and uwkwurd cousin." "1 nm richly repaid," she utlered. "How ! little 1 dreamed, long ugo, that twice in i:iy ! lifj 1 should owe my higlie-.r. happiness to ' the trilling acts of kindness towards my good ; couoiu." i Cfniocs Habits or M acckrki.. The habits of these lish lire very peculiar. And ul- j though they have been taken in immense i numbers for three quarters of u century, the I hiibils are nut well tiii(!:tood. They" often more in immense numbers, apparently filling tho oceun for miles in extent. They ate found near the surface. Sometimes they will take the hook with the greatest eagerness, ut j other times not a mackerel will bite fur days, i although millions of them are visiblu in tv water. When they are in good tnood Tor ' taking the buit, ten, twenty. ud eve;, thirty ! barrels are taken by a veaal. lrW i,our, They usually bi1 moru. freely soon after I suuiisu in the mor.iing, and towards s'mset ! in tile cveii;jr. They all cease to bile about '-.e sume tune, as if they were actuated by a common impulse. They are easily f. ihteued, I and w ill descend into deep w ater. 1 1 bus : often happened that n fleet of vsssels lyin,' oil the Cajie, say u nulo or two from the ; shore, in lii- nnu.w of a Schui.l o! inacliei'el i and taking them rapidly on their ik-.-'!:, when the firing of a gun, or" the blast of a rock j would send every mackerel fathoms deep it. to ' the water, us suddenly as thought they had ; been converted into so many pigs oi' lead, ! und perhaps u would bo some hours before they would ri)-uppear. They are caugut more abundantly near thn shore, mid Very rarely out of sight of laud. Old LV.ohij Memorial. MOKK (,'OLKT ElKiLKlTK. The Ki!glMl seem 10 hav a particular horror fur anything yellow, l'l-oiei-sor M.ihan shocked the usseiii. bly ul the Cueeii.s levee by his yelloy vest, mid now sumo Americans at the Coin Em peror of Russia, has disturbed lite nerves of the correspondent of the Loudon Daily News by wearing yellow plumes in their cliapeaus. He says they were thu must stared at individuals iu the place, which ,s nothing singular for a live Yaukeu gor.-raliy mana ges to lilake himself luiiced wherever he goes. All equal I reach of etiquette in the cirie?;.oiident's opinion, was, that the A reri cam, on leaving the Imperial presence, tamed hi- backs upon the Emperor. He congratulates his country that Englishmen only retired with their faces ;u royalty, wait ing backwards like u crab. Economy or F: ki. is Mamti ii::. j Jik.v. Nj less than two tons of coal and about half a ton of limestone un.' c.ed to making a ton f piij iron. 'I'll') manufacture of JO tor .ol pig iron requires no less the eiiormcus quality of a million tens of coal and and a quarter of a million tons of lime, if the aiuciut of coal tL'is requited ut present coulp be reduced to one hail by oiiu ,ier improvement, a clean saving ol at leu.-t three iiiillio..i "f do . lors would be the result '.-.) the cutiiilri. ii is beiiie.i by tnuny liietallurg.j'.j that s-ieh a saving will be eliecled. Who is the lucky man that will make the impro.-euieDt. Scieu tijic American. Gp.laT Dr. n-. An unpreceiietitod J.-'t;'lu i va; l to prevail ill Chaiitatiguo county, N. Y. The streams arc lower than they have been before within tho memory of the oldest iiihaiii'ant. Springs and Wilis that nave never before failed ate how dry. The grass in the pastures and meadows is killed and being as dry :i, t-i. it-r. burns with thu greatest rapidity. !,' coiisiquei.ee lii-niiict.re liies are raging iu the forests, destroying much tin ber uml other property. Thu loss ii estimated i'l f JH.IMK). If a jc.uig win an risl.is u l.uvi lei. sell published us ",'aciuatilig, beaut :!id, und accomplished." let her pack 11 ji her best clothes ill a ilii ly towel, crewiout nf tnu back up-stairs window,' Some dal'U nigl.l, and elope with the man who feeds and curries her fath er's hors.ii. fs a. big price to pay for com pliments, but it will iriu them, just as cer tain as a ruin barrel will beget mosquitoes. In fact we never knew a woman to muke a very decided f of herself, in any wuy, with out enhunciiig her chugns two or three him Jred. per ceut bv lh asiu ber case got into 0 c t x n (from ihs PiiiiftaHjAia r.vraing Journal How Moiis. Louis D.irbot became entitled to vote ns a citieen of the United States, ai related by himself, by uncti8.ectili.ly, to un inquisitive member of the Native American party.. Voc la bo!!o France vera I vos horn, And vero 1 lairn tt take my horn ; From In belle France while jounjr I alryed, Oh ! toujour uial ! I visli 1 stayed. Vel I after tiln I oo:i can spea., Z'Englais qtiilu vl iu a oek j 1 lairn him furce from out ze took, Vile 1 haro valk e orlJ to look. Zen, after lomg-temps I vos lake, For citizen of Unite State, Ven 1 furce come to iXeuvu York bay, On vot vos graude elecciou day. Zey speak mo vile Drondvy valk, Zut 'Eiighits qtiiie vel 1 tun tulk ; And, vould I loike. zey soon cao make, Me citizen of L'uilu Sute. Z'l Court, zey speak vouid give nie paper, Vould 1 but loik to vote for Maker j Dut souhl 1 vote for ozier tick' t. It vould be var ungtulelul vickeJ. Vel ! I have spouk, como now and make, Me citizen of Ciiaii Statu : And 1 vil vote vich evry vny Ze court shall speak me voto zi3 day. "JrsT I.tee You." III t'.ie early part cl tho eighteenth century, n farmer was con demned to sillier the extreme penally of Hie law fur cow. stealing. His wife called to :-u-him a few days previous to Lis execution, to take ulast farewell, when she uslced hi:a-. "My dear, would you like the children to sco you executed ?" "No," replied he, "what must they come for V" ' "That's just liko yon," said t!,o wif, "yon never wanted the children to have any on'ov moiit." " 1 Witimvs. TIipt nrn t'jc very rni.-cVc There's notiiing lil;e 'em. If t!:ey make their minds to marry, it's done. I knew that was terribly r.aid of thunder u;ul Ii tiin. nnd every time n rtorr.i came on, would run into' Mr. Smith's house, (hu v.-: wiilowei) and clasp her little hnnds, and tV one she is II Cv f.,V 'II C.) itPC around till the man vn'r half 0;: four thu woo! 1 bo !:,'iI.m1, Mid the cons- was. she was Mrs. John Smith bolire' ; thtthder-storms rattled over their heads. .-1 Million Duh,l.t of 'l,tr.l llcit'd in on C.,unti.'Ye Rockford (lllinoi.-) Regi-ter est imates the present seasoti'a crop in Win nebago coui.ty ut one millicu bus'ie!". in-1 1 y.-t "not cne-HI'ih of the h t is in f i'.'.iirat:on " I Ofcour-?, then, r!:..- llU ti10 ;,.. h i:1 cu-.j. ration, sue cr.u Urn 0t three nii!!,.,:i l.i-lielr.! lint up iini-ju.it tlion would ba whole h'tate 'ic''i, it oil in cultivation, and how many mil li;:. ltionlhs could biio feed, at this rute ol production ! Oi'coui-s wiiir.cbitg.) riis.;3 oth er urticlc-a iu prope-rtloi:, besides vrLeat. TLiuk of it. IIlMVT f;t.ri K1 TVi!!aT Vir3 On , Thursday, tho lbth ultimo, under the ii,!!u-! ei.ee of a heavy gale of wind, forest fires raged j fearfully in Folter county, l'a. There 'vera ! liYc.ity-lhreo buildings destroyed 0:1 t-i ' road between Coudei sport Wellsvile, in : . Alieg', a:iy cohiity. New Yvrk. iiivluding a ' largo f.tor.::i saw ii!l and tavern- stand. ' Twelve miles southwest of Coudersport. a j seitieineiil composed ol six Houses Lartis, ic, wii burned, and u woiiinn narrowly escaped ; will. hie. Loss ever 12.000. j . (?i.rr.trAi. Oi't-osiTTo.v 10 ViA!.Kr.3. Tho' , Vicar General and Administrator of tlio I 'io- ' i cese of Sail Salvador addresses n circular t j j h a curates, iu which, iii"r declaring William ! I Walker the etumy of tho Catliol.o Church,. I for which he intends to si:b.-:iic,te I'rotes- ! tatitisin, he calls upon the prii-Us to be watch-; fal against the cuuir.y, auu to prtj-aru a a ifr- j . ous resistutice. 1 i ; 1 The frF..v:.sM of the Racine tnd Miiaslsipp' I Railroad to Delott. Wisconsin, will be ceiu" ; brated ou Wednesday, .-thiust. j j AsTiciCARiA Discoveky. Tl-a burin! j 1 place of tho encieut Scythian king has been ' discovered by tne uirectoi ol toe i.r. ur: at ; Ktrlcli iu Southeru Russia, ueai tho frontiers ' j of the Crimea. j ' 1 I Mr.:.:;ci.'.LV A--'"irr.sr. A f-wdayi rince, ; a little child, daughter Mr. umi Mrs. :,: , . j te.. of Columbia, S. C, was strangled to ! ! death by thu rope of a swing, w' li b. by ' some means, became Chtaii-cU aroMid her I '.l':vk. 1 S At.K or G a Wftr-SA-TU tsubella 'rosin; gas works, in Frederick city, M :., l..iv-.- l-e.-u sold by Messrs. Brown i: Smith, of l.'ariisl-v i'a., for SJ l.ioo. 'I'l.-.-y purpose substituting coal gas. Gerrlt Smitli, nf New York had just c.iu tibiit .-d uu udoitioiial sum of tt'lui to the Kansas fund III aid 1' .!-. Free Stale " ., making i,. :-.!! t'.lddU coulribuu-u ': L i - - since Juno lo. Rich deposits c f tin. have been discovered 111 Austrauia, nnd large shipiuuuls oi ore have been made to England. Jewidrv tothepxtetil ofDtO.OOO flr:" ft.n rece.,:!y stolen Iroi.i t!i ';..ii'..ih:-s le Rot!.. (child, of Frankfort on the Main. What a Siimvch! In one ynnr New York city eats Im.OOO oseii. 12.l'ii;i c .ws .'."o.Olll) sheen nnd lambs 4G.HIM, calves, kii.1 'JSIi.OriO swine. If range.! ev.-n mire;.-!, lliey would n...!io procession tnu mile loi.i Always have a heavy atom 011 the top of your pork in pickle. You may keep a b.l ol riealinie.iti.il tins nt one in summer, when you fear it may spoil. Soap dirty clothes, and soak them in water over night. L's hard soap for clothes, aim soft for washing fiojis. In tl: Irish lanur.gc the electric telegraph ts called "Sigea! ubato bolta," the Mora! translation ol which 1 J," Nes upou stilts. '' There is a time for ull things. The time to "leave" is w hen a young lady usks you how the walking is. Longfellow, the pnet, ts"wcJ'id dollars a r. piya taj cf a farmer's gepiment Prtxc tho (Jyrnuntowti Tolcgriih. CIDEIl. There nre few nrticles of a dotnoslic chnr ncter that possesses a higher value l.'mtigood cider. It is liecessi i v for a great variety of uses, and when sufiicieni, care is exercised itt its inaiinfHi'l ure cim'tiiutcs n tnort pleasant und h"uithl'ul bsverngu. Rut r.otc.itlisliiiiiliivr all thh, very little good ?ii!tr is to be foiiiui, owing to the careless'.iess allowed in picking the fiuit, niirl the almost titter neglect of neatness and skill in making uml picsorvinr it, I'.'uny err iu tl.e suppositii n thut all, apples are possessed of equal vi.luo for cider, nnd thai, whether they nro sweet or acid, sound or rotten, they tiro fil 1'ur.tl.H mill, and tuny bo worked up t , equal good U'!vu:.la;;iJ and in!i!. When, ho v. . ,r, c.dir of good q iality is desired, thn iip;,les shouhj be harvcileJ wllt'ii fully ripe, but befire they havo bectit:. in tho slightvs't degu-o dccn' erl. The fruit should then be curel'ully sorted, ur u only the soundest reserved for the brat liquor, or that wli'idi is dcsine.l for use or Market, 6 a beverage ; tui iieperlccl trt. and also t!ut whicU has beco.ua diseased from any cause, Rjt nsiJj for uu iv'e.ior article. I'erP.-ct el- auliness shoii.o U- ob SJtved ill puiTecliiig the grinding procct.i, which should, if ;i''iss,b!e, bu n;rforitid two or three days before pie.i-dhg, nnd Ine piirincij or ground trait permitted to stand and mellow in thu vat liil it nssum' 3 a ileip red color Clean straw should bo est d in ..i u,!:;., tTm "cliees..," us luo'.ddy c'.ravr would detei.orato thy quality cl' the liquor uXjiri.sse.l, by im parting t .) it a musty flavor which v.;!l in-' c tense with a;?, und finally rchd.'r it in .'a t". drink, or lor any other .:,. V.'utit shr.slil never be added, as it ij cert"! ; to rei. li r it hard and unple-jsitii t j t'.." tus'.e when .i:uii1. Thu c.isk.i, also, iu whi' b i-, jv ;i,.t. ilir 'i'd be tboruughly cleansed before being us,:d, ami if tlio, hi'u nioul ly, or pof.ies.-c:! o'' ei.y '...i- p. ear nut fir.eil, it i ul be jnuicloti? to ii.trc- iJuco ii.l j tlier.i, afler t: few s'.ri'-s of Cr.tiv-, u.!i oii'jli ab a I i iiiel'cj ;)':i:i- slime, i.nd set on lito b-. for---djced. T!:e fwuies tl.is i pevr.ier.t") ev.rry p:rt and po:1, i.iey i,;e intio eii igni' io:i w I!! Ci Ji:e ::!. a'il.ace oi tire cask, nod licrtrai. o II i.g iroxiiii.s p.'iujipies nnd uri..' y atoms vii... . are the nine;pal cai.sj ol Scsri.i' -s in d haidiiesa in iho liquor when u-.eu, cr at tempted t lis UK'i'. ns a brvcrajre. Aflf.r cider has fcrmi-aicd ttioronv'.ly, i: tl'.r uhl ba rii':l:ed o;f itito cK't.r burr. !j, und t;uii r.'.d to :( inn;:) I'm- a month or two. v.l-.en to i'..ri.'y from one to two quarts i.f clean i!i..o Leach sand mixed with the whiles of lia'u' u dozen or'.-i, oi, pint, of tiv... I'l'.d '...-ed, sl.C'.'.d io introduced, ami tbr Lipior. ; lt;r a rc.iSon ulile tieie, bo oucu ia.!.cd, ptiO. ii u v ry i. ce aiii.-!. u W;;:.teJ. i.ut in bottles v:;'d c'.u.-e'.y corUeJ. Srme ri'fer to omit tho st-ceiri rai'uing, ar.a i.iii.w t!i rnnin in tho Ij.irr.-is v.itli t!; si mustard, titn-i n'-eYc:!. 'i'lris t-n teccnim- (u lir tiosjesseil ol jt- r to re .u, ri'gs and :-e::t it fro.ii t'.a! but and i!;;..gieeal)'e flavor which ia ar, di-'g-ubliug cud even 11a ise.-.tint? to mo t raia'.iS. Goo i ciJer a'-.vays commntnl-'. and v.ii! coiusiar.d, a good j-i.ee ia our h.ii.Lcts. Ci.v.i. IJetka ccutilv, Aug. I 0K A: Ii::st! Wa:r. "X '.te hand ynt are, thin, my dai'ing !" said 01:0 Irish bricklayer to aiii-'.i or, "vo.i r.iouiit i!..! l-ebler w-d h.-J !.;!! o' "oLtiei r.ii-1 Katt-r '.-i-i t'., heads iv 113 ns yea go. Co'i ! Idalherat'o; . b!o:.d anil our.s! by t'u'i.i l!i .'.'-: h..L'. I ! ..,1 ' ry yi r.-i 1 1' tip. from the ;!..t in'.!.. 1 .'of, 1. mi uo'.vti ai,.i;.i, w:.I, ut yi.v.r b'-in' spilt." "You don't do i;, hit-'."' t ir : 1 1 tho fi-1-low-U.borer; "I'd lay a t-iile ym coul.i'iit." "Fur n j-'.i.t o' whiskey i wo rd, :!i.V is ir the ioieS o' Vo l I U.iel.i f.ut lift ? D'VJ taUu ti'.y U, h. neyr- "Faith. I'll bi t my hi 'e aa'i.-t yer J !::-, a:iJ linn's a fair tru.le, tl- it y 1 c-.n. ''.'." "In w!d your t!.:ty Uaiki:-:, a:.d we'll t'nry il." rVarfrl cr tie ;!.; ;'bt r.r-y fpctn, it v as si; :. o!.IV.I. Wlo-o tw i-tLird;, up '.ho lad der. 1'adiiy reared cut "M'llarty, ye u.vii ye, tit a if 7, or I'il i.p:!l TO ! ' ure. vv.' isn't it that i'd bo nfter Laing yu do':" returned Mac. When safe lainle l hu exclaimed "1 lihlr.'i thit.li it v..ii in tha !.Uc5 0' ye. Ms it happens, you've wvn '1.1 bate; but jj -t as was tiaiiu' by third 1: r.ojifi : An ii jTisr.i isitKit. In France ts.;''!r:g !s peihapb less a 1 age than it is wit' us: be i" .lice the l.ln r'y of tin. ker.- Ii giu.-ter, 1 thiii... tb:ii: i'l A.ic Aa 'i'l....-, in the L'lii'ed States, I Poplo ulloMlleke.ii ollinll ..u.i ii, cabins ol -lean. bouts, or 1 tl er p'no-.- of l sort, are few uud far I stwet-ii. Ii I '.uico oi. t': eon,. :;;,'. ii. I. v c:.l"iun tot,,- g.-is-lieiiK-e;?) n.ilrilg'-.i. in a cigi.r 0.1 such i-eia-sioiii. H'a..i.y dresser I.:iu '..i!c looking I any entered a lirst class railnnd cer, ill til" I'. ril iiepot.il i In rt tllln: 110. A: she ope: 1 .1 ;!i.. i.oor uinl tin i. r place obji !'. .' I thu cr 1. .is nc. .pieu 1 , ll.inti of .our gentli'-iicil, i'l'-'. 1 '' rt.,o.il, lit the ': .. 1. '. .'! 1.1 .' appearance, w.i I.. tl.e i.ft 'f lighting his cigar. Observing ti e ho I'.ude a siguiticiint gl .iliac, a.nl w.'.ii . racn ns'ic W'-i ! ; . l.ieiio. s of i .ci chimin, ba,d : "il 1 -'.d sme'U.t,' t. Hin.uie .01, 11. -.-dam?" Tl.o 1 ady turned tiAar! hiti., .i.d wuli uti ait i.l'i....-t .l.ui!.. r.-pui-u: "1 do not Uiu.w. ii.. ji. rlieiiua L is cut' yti snioie .! iii ;.iy pr-.-refco !" ilo put out Lis c:-j:i.' Can Do inrtt: !.'.-.-Sin..! I'i'.b'S IV, -in l.i.s villa! ex it-tii g i.i:i:i:i"Ller. lie a.iM "i-miio to lie.--" on the v conn-.- ,!:;', and .!! ! cioes when a ii.un.-.onie vio,..: lion. Not e'llg since, he cai i -Ni t a t':c I.Vi VI ' l 1 i' . I.:.- 1. 1 . d..V the ii i.' li.S s'. 1 : in tl ii for t: 1 .1' ,e que. .-. Vent .e v.av. pret ty iiolno of a very worthy micliaiiic, In., by rejoices in iho possess. or. i f n y. 1 little w.lo. The li'isuii:..' was not when hlmo, it c.i'n-l, and :n wus 01 ' with the pr.-tty l.tt'.e v. ii'o 0!' tl.e teii n.'. She could nr-t liquidate the auioi nt due, bu'. iho lAiid'ord becuiuii.g really 1 nainniei!. to!.' her he would give her a receipt ill fall f' just nin kis, Sir!' and she, boiling witi inJignution, "IMV-elf and husband are very poor; peri.t; neVaniiot pay ur rent ; Sat 1 tell you, sir, wh are not so poor that we cuu do cur ;tu kissing." Ain't lliata glorious consolation for poor folks ? The harder."'! creditor may tuke all their property, but be c-uoutt d-prive thers l tU pt'.'.les Ji (."ft4;..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers