.... ; , . -r , . r NEW SERIES, VOL. 9, NO. 29. SUNBU11Y, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PtV. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1856. OLD SERIES, VOL- 17. NO 3 The Sunbury American. EY II. B. MASSER, Market Square, Sunbury, Penna. .. ' -KRM9 of sTiTscniPTio- s.t. . ,,,,. . inter, on to'W rsmnng iu ""' ......li.in. mint .olftoe, to "" CIjUB9 so' 10 0" 51) OH CO.... W " ,ldJie" Tbrre Do (I.VCK virt i.ti ,, conW.in.t! sal""-" " 1 ffice ,.ow. TURM OF ADV.." (i, Simile, 3 inusO.s, Til X. 'IV'.itll., your, linn, niim, J " " ... ,.l,lit.mer.t l 9 5 SOU 6f)fl MO SOU 1(1 OU Will l " : ..I... u.toMtcuto .1. w Hi' I Win !., neatnl u " 1 n ! - E.B. iO.SS, ATTORNEY AT L A Vv , D,N1Btc.t.r,.ofNo, l,urfn....U'ndrJ , lo n ur ,j thumherlanJ, Lmon, I'!'011""' Htm. to!' 'V Tv;", jj,"n, smith & Co. ----nrTTTATTI COLLIERY SIoTwHITESIl rics.n.boalsahdam.iyue, .. iwrt') ot. .r?! COUNTJ , Pa. !!..-; ok cOAl 1,11'. r.r r.:r.,it Furnaces anu l.i. fcStcair.uoats, Uut Air t-TV v 'to T. for VlfllllOrsi '""1 ei.111. I'.IM'KK?., ? e- r;rate .Stoves ami btoa V.i-.V.. S o i'l 'VK, i Kor Stoves, 8K3II1 and uun.in N!'T, v Lime. . , . ... n:. for i.m..l,;.r..er. n.l making otcare to received at Mu Carme! or LrlsaJ Wharf, will J,' I.I 'iU.'l.KHH WILLIAM MUIR. May 3, 1853. DILOKTE BRANSON & CO. Hardware merchants, .... . ...! f.oii, No. 53 to io. i 73 Having ty.iiu.- MutUct .Street, riiilailcl; hia, ,., fli , LeU lor HAHDWAUE of every v.ncty ;:l.cStlcrn.,.frum lull B-ortmeiit, tueludtng Coutilry merchants and o".er il ' their int.-rt to call and examine our alu U Voik j)urj'Iiaain elscvAerc. Apr:! 11, lt56. ly , -cr. s. or -A.- "(.Vwi on. cur .Y.ii'iV Lar.J." ' ' 1 ' S Q L' f; i I A N N CAMP. No. 23, of the 0. J? oflhe C.3. A.h.dd. it. stated seio..a ever) M,V .vru i.g i,.t!.rirN-i 11.11. o,.l;?..t. E. T. ISrijht. store Buubury, Pa. ImUtaUoa and JOJING. YOUNG, W.C. Ji'lWlUKIITiiliS. ,.. 8tinbur.JW 1?. U'5Coct20 56 6i"op XJ. CUM)L RV COUNCIL, No. 30,0. ofl'. A. m. meets cverv Trtsnif eventns m the Markel sticct, Um.bury, Pa. Men.be.sof Ue .raer are respectfully re-paestcd, iS. Y.'.SMi rn.P. fi. , ,rr Sunbury, Julv 5. 5Q.-oH -JO, , ..o WAs'iUMSTON CAMP, No. 19 J. "t V hold, its .tal. meciing. 'ry 1 lirla .renins, ia lU American 1HU, Market Street, f'U"lJUr A.J.KOtKEFELU-.B.P. J. P. Hjukiiki. (ioais. 11- S. Sunbury, July 5, 1830. if. I SCltK OLIVE OIL for t.Me ufe.-two size Juno Sl.'tS. "IIEKM. fish, tanners, Haxsecu ana p..i "i, ft Mints' claw, I'""y. cl,al v"ni"-. !,ts- tu" BsTsit-libci-ry Uiaxttty ! VST receive J a fresh supply of Blackberry .1 Urandv.ndiusaluab.. complain.' by ,m. .. August S, IPSO. ISTEW GOODS P. W. GRAY'S STORE, larje assortment just received Irom 1 htla Jclphia, and sold cheaper than ever for cash or country pvoduce, Aiuonj his slot will be l0U"J Fancy Pre. Ooods. of all kinds ana the latest and most fashionable stiles. Pluck and Fancy Dress S.Iks, thalhes, l'r i-o Do I Bins, Gimrhams, Lawns, Saawls, Prints, Dress Triinuiintia, Hose Gloves, Sloe ks, t luths Cassinieies, i'6tina, Linen Irish Lineni, Melius, Varaols und LmbfelUs, &ri'i ROW ARE a Reneral assortment. OUUCBBIKS, Fuh, Cheese, !iiiisins,rohacco snd Cigars, ueri.sware, Uools, Shoes. Hal. and I I .lurlnlV. Vaps.a.i.i a Benetui rv-PLtAsS .-ALL AND S.-F j Bsmbury.May 24, 1850. if i Oil HALE! T FT CAM ENlilNES 90 Horse power each, wilh boilers. Would make excellent pump iugwiisiuus. together with 2 large blowing cylm-J-. kuitaliie for a blast furnace. Apply to 'ENUVT LONGl". NECK Ell ct CO. HhiniuUii Iron W'oiks, ShaiuoUn, Pa. , July 21, 1855,. STOVES B an excellent second hand Cook jlove, also several Cj Under Coal tCnuuire at ihj "tllre. fvrf LABOKER on the line of the Union liUUU Gau.l Wsjss'it li Cash. Ap. .,Ji "ROCK. A FELLOW; KH'PACO. JJv 80, IMS." s .. ... slRe.diaj P. Bargains at tha Old Stand. FZlILINa & GRANT A RK now oneninn a new and very desirable itock of 8priiia and Summer Goods, cm bracing an cndli's. tariety. Their .tock con- ists in part of Black &-Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Summer Ware, for men and boy., .11 atyle. and prices. DRESS GOODS, SILKS Plain and Figured Black. ' An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan. cy Drena Silk, at unusually low prices, Shcllies, IS razes, Braze Do I.nins, Mm. l)e 1, i.it.s. Lawn., cVc, (SINGH AM from 6 to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 " 12J " W1IITH GOODS, Cambria. Jaronctts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- nctt, French and Swiss Laces, Kdginjs, Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Tick., Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, ij-c.. cittotr.uir.s. HARDWARE and QUEENSWAR.E, Cedar-ware, Hollow-waro, Iron, Steel, l'la.lcr Salt and Flail. Also a frcsli sun pi v of IIHUG9 AND MEDICINES. Thankful fur past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with I'll- approval of our lrienss. r' Country produco of all kinds taken at the highest market prico Suuburv,.May 24, l856.Iy. Flovir, Feed and Provision store. SEASKOLTZ & PETERY, liromlwatj. between Murl et IHackbcrry Sis. rjESrF.CTFITI.LY inform the citizen, of Sunbury and vicinity that they have just rctcivsd a large end well .elected assortment of choice . ' FAMILY GP.OCEISS, consisting in part tif Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel, Ilcrrintr. While Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice, Suirar, Ct.ni'e, (green, roasted and ground.) Im prrial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and L'lack 'l'eus, Cedar-wnre, Stouc-w are, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, seRars, ?.c, toother vvitli every article usually found in a l'.rst class Grocery Store, all of which will ba sold nl the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. Wc are uiso prepared to sup ply the citizens with frerb bread, twist, roils, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind.' N. li. The highest cai.li prices will be paid for butter and cpn;, corn, oais. rve and wheat. Sunbury, May 31, 1856. AT S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auyuntatuicnehip, utile Junction of the 'J'u'jtch'icken and Plum creek ruails. rTpi.T sut;cri!:er having returned fiom the city with s ncv tnd exiensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully calls the attention of Fanners, Mechanics and. others lo the same. iSi'P.lNG AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimercr. Cassincts, Jeans, Drilling, BT..i:. . I---.: 'l' ' - . , ii i jtius.uis, . isiinj, j it cms j ami an Kinas oj Sjiring tuul Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Musi iii de Lnins, Lawns, G'iHuhums, Hcruges, Jlobus, H'oolens, Flannels, fyc. Suar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c, &c, ic. Ilni'dtvaa-f, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives 4c Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of varum.! styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots und Shoes, for men, women and children. H tTS Csrs, &c, of various sizes and styles. Besides . large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. FiF Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 5 mo. 21, lSoO. i MOUNT CAKMEL HOUSE, iKOTJNT CARMEL, Xt'rtltumtjerlduil County, J'tnnfylranict. fSnil Is lurxe and commodious Hotel is situ.v jji ted nearly half way between Sunbury and i'ottsville. The scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the. cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. The p'.tr mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easy of access, being but one and a hall hours rido from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests couifortuble. Charges mode rate. JESSE RICE. Ml. Carmel, May 24, 1850. tf New Goods for the People ! D KN J A 311 N 1 1 1 :FFN K II ffESPCTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that l.e has just received and opened . splendid slock of SPUING- AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His slock consists in part of Clotlis, Cassimers, Cassuiets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, Ginghams, Iiaivun, lUoutfcciiiie le Laluca and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Il'OU and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of GTJEENSV7ARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an asce-tment of UOOTS & SUOIjS. HATS & CAPS, a good seicotiou. . Salt, Fisli, ttc And a great variety of other article such ore suit.iUc to tho trude, ull of which will be sold tt the lowest prices, IV Country produce taken ia exchange a the highebt price. - g Lvwer Augusta, May SI, 1850. -Silk, t uttuu nnd linen Handkechicft, l'diicy neck tit?, gents' collars, cotton, opra sack and W..h r:-iiiiv!j, par! n.oiinais ii;J the test i anrtincnt ufllatrf and Capa in town lor sale by May Ul '60. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. OAI.SINS, Figa, Jujube Paste. ' -felly UVet und (iuo Propa 1 r Mi3i,., , Km. A. Rock Candy. Propa for aale by UK I'M? K. BERltYSBUllG SEMINARY. The Academic Vcnr of this flourifhinir In titulion will commence ou the 2d Monday of Anguat next. . It is located tit Berrysburg. Dauphin Co., I'd,, on one of the henlthiest and most-beautiful valleys in the old Keystone Stnto." The design oftlm Institution is to preparo vonnff Ladies and Gentlemen for the respon sible duties of lifo, and for. Institutions of higher grade. Every facility will bo afforded to those who nro-'desirous of preparing them selves for Teaching. The government of the scliool will be strict ly parentul, snd it shall ulwus be the plensing duty of the Principal to instil into tho mind of his pupils such sentiments, ss, if followed, will lead to houor and hupplness. Tuition per sessiou (-'li weeks.) (reck and Latin, ; Mcfdefirintigiiage (Extra,) Common English (1st Grade,) 1 ' . " (2d Grnde,) Sciences, (Surveying, Chemistry Ac, Erintftig Mid Janitor Services, -Music (I'iano Forte) Excellent Boarding can bo had from S1,0(J to S-,00 per week. Lectures will be deliver ed every week on "Chemistry Philosophy" etc?., to which the pupils are udmilled free of charge. 1 here is a cood Library connected with the .Seminary to which the students have nc cess for u small fee. Tho School will be ex ercised in Composition and Declamation once every week. 1 he principal betiirr a praduate of one of the best Colleges hi tho Union, ntid having experience lis u Teacher Hatters himself, ns heretofore, to give general satisfaction to all who uru placed under his tuition. JUSIA11 t. MJ.N.tUI A. 15, Principal. Berrysburg. July 12. 185G. fTANTED by the board 0r Public Schools, of " Zerbe Township, Northumberland Co. Two male and two female teachers to supply the Schools at this place for the next school year. I wo teachers will be employee from tlie 1st of September, the other schools will not be opened before the luiddlo of November. None but good teachers need apply. Good wages will he pail to competent teachers. V.'. APPLEY.Sec'ry. Trovorton, August 'J, 1S50 "ui. " 1'Pj: iiu.r iMPiiOYFJ) itcr-riioilialc of Lime. rjHE only Silver Medal yet awarded by Agri cultural Societies, was given to this superior Article, at the last Pennsylvania Stale Feir at Harrbhurg, as a Fertilizer of the best quality for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Csrass and I'ointoes, Raising Heavy Crops, and greatly Improving the Soil. The subscriber respectfully informs Farmer, and Dealers tlint he is prepared to sup ply the Fall dsinand with this superior and well tested article. n?" Agents wanted. A libe.dl discount al lowed. ALSO. No. I Peruvian and Mexican Guano Poudrctt and Land Plaster, (ills. Canities, Soap, ic, of the best quality, at the lowest market rates. JNO. L.POMERnY, 910 South Wharvcjr, be!. Market St. Philaaolptiia. August 10, 1850 3m31e NOTICE. IVOTICE is hereby given that application will 1 ' made to the next legislature of Pennsykt r.ia, at the session of lR.r7, for tho creation of a corporate body with banking and discounting privileges, to be called the. "Sham ok is Bask," located at Shamokintown Northumberland Co., Pa., wilh a capital stock of f 150,000, with the privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shaniokin, June 14, 1850. fim LA WNS, Bull' C'hambras, Challi, Alpaca. Poplin, Silk Lustre. Delanes. i'rints, De beges. Bareges, Tissues, Black and Fancv Silks, Scotch, Lancaster, French and English Ging hams. Just received by E. V. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Mav 31 185G HERRING'S SAFE A3AIN THE CaAMPION!! Tin only Sate which, in ertry instance, r sereed their entire content in the late Intensive Fi. cs. 4 T the burn .lie or the Artiznn iV fti.Htbni;.. April loth, ami in Itw OHIiA T riiu: in Marka St Miiy lbt. IS'i, tin- pen. line Herring Safe prcservuit the Jewelry of (jeo. W.M.iiin.iii.i Uro. j lioous, rn- er, ica.. ul I'.hher li Il.o. ami Ktlwunl SfiiuiiiH V Ctt.. after ru mttiiiin fxixMcd in the burning ruiu lur laurly F"ity il"urn, utu proving c'ijn'Iusivf ly wliut wclmve ulwayi clunucil fur thrin, tltrir uicx. iupcrtoriiy over all necuriuen n'w known. In these fin, t)i HKRIUNO'S SAFK. utaiuinifz mtltt by kitle with th' .'ulvcr) tscnt us "varr:mt(l to t'.und Il rr rdiit. innra lnu thnii iliTriiir; a, ' I'liine lurtti tne ttc iu'wlrilyeil violin imt fni i.rci:rviui; thi'ir (-(intriitH in cxi't-ileut uritt-r, I'dt tteiuij llieinneU'ea in u eoniiition to t! lhruii!i luiotiifr urdcit!, while the !: muted u!itiiiumie s'nt uiht;r i u'u lie it. uie limlty umiI in every u ism nee, ant) ill onie cnHtrd ilttMi entm? o-nlnt eonipieU'iy iteHiroycd. Tu ihf ntihlie we won Id Kiniply kiy, ttint, ilurniK the M y;in thr Unrnif's irate has Int-n bet'ore tlmti, more than two liuntireit imv pusst tl through m-cidciital Area wiliiout tlie oi'ctiriciHx ol a Mhgiu loan. e win!.), theft fore, caution purcliaseri npnimt-the mUrt'pri'iii-ntatioH u( i:iteri'ti-il puitics. The Htrrinp' Putmt ig the onl Fir-proof Sale iimile in tins ctty which ! tiMtectM lv n Parent Hicitt, sttd we will ennr- autec it to rrsit more ihun double the auiuuat ff heat of nay other Safe now known. Bole Maaufarttirrrii in tint State of 'IIERRIXCS PiTEM C11AMP10JI SAFES," 31 Walnut t., Phllada. . N U. '-Flvntii h WatHin'a l.nprovrit SulslllunJr,,, .-Oliver Kum's," "C.J. (inylel'a," and S?ott'. Asl.Ftus." Iron CUefits, (11 iiirgeH.surliiiuiil Laving lieca tuken 111 plot ay.ncat lor -lli.-rriiia'i'') will bo soldul low pi ices. l'li.:a.,Jaiic 41, lSoO. ly. 6HEAFF Sc BLACK, MiNKlis ami suirrti.s op WEITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, Krom the Big Mountuiu Colliery DllAMOKiN, NUIt'liri) COUNT V, PKN'N'A. Address Sheaff 4 Black, tSuubury. or Bh- inol.in, 1'a. - Sunbury, May 54, 18SC tf To Btuldei-8 & Carpenters. The subscribes are agents for the sale of Doors. Window blinds, Window Suutlers, and all sizes of Window bash, ull of which, we oiler at the lowost prices. May ii '.".B. E. Y. 1) RIGHT A SON "J A TENT BKITTANIA STOITEKS for bar uollles lor sale by a. u MAsscii. Sunhu.y. July 19, IR.M1. J AINSOOK, Bishop Lawn, Cambric Mus I tin, Jacanett.Xouk Muslin, l'laiu and dot- ted Pwiss, Curtain Muslin, Corded Dimity and Uoniitt Cord, t or sale by B. V. BKIUHT &. 80N. Mj 31, 1658- Hi Select $0drj From the Moaiit Pleasant, Iowa, Obantrrr.) THE PLOW, a HE RAKE, AND THE . HOE. Bl LA.NNKTTA. A song for tho golden past, Ami the high !d forest trees A song fur tho curs of ladies fair, Out flouting upjii the breeze A song for the kni;litly halls of tiptin, With their chivalry long ago Cut a song of Jongs for tho farmer's, tools, Tho plow, tho rake, and the hoc. A shout for t! men of wnr ! Front tho blood-rod iied they come ! They look fron the world to rise wilh awe, .-1t tho sou til of their fife, and druiul Hark ! how Ub rnbblo cheer 1 On hill, and in vullev low ! We'll heed them hot, for our song shall be Of the plow, tho rake, and the hoe. Oh, tho farmer is tho man of men, Willi sinews ike cords of steel, With a kingly s.ey, nud a flashing eye, .'I nd a heart is made to feel To feel the bounungs of joy, A nd throb at tl sight of woo J Then sing a song lor tho noble knight, Of the plow, the rake and the hoe. Come forth, thou son cf toil ! The earth like a bridesmaid gay, Is pitting on a carpet of vendure-dowo, For the feet of tho blue-eyed May I Come forth ! with a lavish hand, Tho seed in the furrows sow ; While wo gaily join in a cheerful song, For the plow, the rako and the uoe. dect Cnlt. THE DIARY OF A YOUNG LADY: OK, rtEVOLVTlONAIlY REMINISCENCES. Wo copy from Watson's "Annuls" the subjoined interesting incidents of the War oT Independence, us observed nnd nrchlyatid pleasantly journalised by a young maiden of Philadelphia, (S. W) who was, at the time, tin involuntary resident at Whiteinurbh, near tho American camp. This young ludy, though evidently a Quakeress, appears to huvo been fully imbued wilh thu epir't of putrioUbiii, nod the wus also, in spite of her thees, an enthusiastic admirer of tho gallant chivalrous nnd hundsorvio young officers who fought for their country and liberty. His torians trace the movements o! armies and the evolutions of battles ; but it is only from such unpretending jottings as thesa that wo mny learn how the. casualties and excitements of war affect individuals and families : NoitTii Walks, Sept. 2f, 1777. As I have no means to semi totters from this our retreat to tnv vontte friend D. N., 1 shall endeavor to journalise, for ber future inspecliun, some of tho doings, thoughts and observations, which nnssess the mind of her vouuir frieud. the writer. Yesterday, winch was tho 24th of Sep tember, two Virginia officers called at our house end informed us that tho British army had crossed the Schuylkill. Presently au other person stopped and conlirnied what they had said, and besides told us that Gen. Washington and his army were near Peuns grove. Well, thee may be assured we wero sadly sacred. However, tho road was very still until evening, when we heard a great I uoiso at tha door. All of us went out lo I see. It was a largo number of wagons, with abot't liOO ineu of the Philadelphia militia. They begged for drink, and several pushed into the house where aome nf them were saucy I tnouyh, which caused some of us wonieu soon I to make our escape in much alarm. But, j after a whilo, perceiving that tho officers were gentlenmiily und llio soldiers civil, we re turned, und when they lult, wo gave them our good wishes. Skit. 25. II. Jones camo riding along and said the British and Hessians were at Skip pack road, and that we should see some of them. Our parents discredited it, but we fearful girls allowed ourselves to bo much disturbed. In the evening, O. Foulko camo und told us thut Geo. Wusliiugtou had come dowu as far as the Trappee, and that Gen. ll'DouCjaU's brigade was stationed at Mont gomery. This bo had from Dr. Edwardi, aid to Lord Stilling. SkiT "j. Cousin Jesse nas neara lutu , , . ,., l.,n IjPII. Honor hi n.y iiuu mv.uu .ui.uiua .... ad. lphia. This excited our lears lor you After a while somebody cauie ncroauiiug -Sally ! Sully 1" 1 ran in a momeut, and behold ! It wus tho light horse come, indeed. They rode up to the house, aud inquired if wo bad horses to sell. The officers took two glasses of wine, and then rode oil. J hey belonged to Leo s troop, in me evening we heard vory heavy fil ing, and we heur that the American army will bo within live miles of us to-night. Our minds are all engrossed with these things; wo thiuu and talk ol nothini else. So much for our retreating from tho city to avoid tho alarms of war. Here pusses an .uiv.'oi ui bci nwac, wilh nothing particular to chronicle. Uct. 19. Now for news and uueommon .. . i i scenes, nesting iu ueu u.u morning .uu ruuiiuating, 1 was aroused by Liddy autf culled to Lear a great commotioa ol drums aud ruuiii.g of wugons. e dressed and got down stairs speedily. Tho news was that tho liritish hud left Philadelphia and that our army wus inarching ut'ler lo tako pos session. We went out to see the army pass. thouyht it strange to jeelto little Jtar. fcoon alter several officers culled to get soinu re freshments, but none of consequence, until the ul'tei uoon, wheu two genteel men of the army rodo up and made their salututicus, aud asked if thev could have quarters for Gen. iSinullwooU. A mil lliougui suo couiu uccotu- 7. . . ... i : i. .,i... module them, i lieu one ol llio ollicers Ois mouutcd, Hinl wrote ciuiullwood's luuiters," over tho door, which saved us from struggling soldiers. Wheu left uloue, ue dressed for ejjecl and adi entm e. Hoou we bad Dr. Gould, fiom Curoliuu. kVhile ho wus yet present, the General urrived, with his six otWuduiits, and having also a large guard of soldiers, with horses aud bunKajto-wauous quite u luinilv ! Soon there wus much luunin-' up and down stair. 1'reseiitlv o wero introduced to General .Siuullwood, Capt. l'urnival, Muj. Stoddard. Gantuiu Euihiy. Mr. Brig, -Mr t'lageu. Col. Wood, and Col. Line. The two lutter are Virgiuiuus, and indisposed. The General and suite are Muryluuders. Son.o of them supped with us; tha others with J esse. V out a new situation for us ! don't, ltou.-evtr.feel ufruid, u'.thyugh among so muuy officers, uiid the yurd full of soldiers. They eat and drink like other folks, aud deport LtiHiiistlves with elcL'Uliee. Oct. 20. t aVe suy ibut thu is impatient lo bsar piy lentiiocut. tf t&fM ciucers 10, eit7e they are yet sleeting in their chambers, I'll draw their characteristics for r jr contem plation. Gen. Hmniiwood is a tall, noitly, well-fornicd, martial man, hating the oeport tnenl of ft centleinnn, a cood audnrst.ndinir. nd much humanity of nature. Col. Wood seems to be one of the most amiable of men tall, genteel, a very agreeable countenance, and is a married man. Col. Line is not mar ried so let me be temperate in his praise, llo is monstrous tall and brown, is very sensible, and agreeable ir. conversation. Of Capt. Euruival 1 muy say that he has vnt of the most agreeable faces I euer saw has a very fine person and light hair in thick pro fusion to help his face. But the glory nf the squad is Major Stoddard so bashful, o famous, Ac. lie should come before the cap tain; but never mind, I at first thought him cross and proud ; but J whs mistaken. He is about nineteen ; is nephew to the General, and acts ns major of brigade, lie can't be called graceful ; but his mind is superior. Eiuley is wretched ugly, anil went away last night. Cols. Wood, Line, and Dr. Gould diued with us, when dressed in wy chint and looked smart enough. Oct. 2ii. A very ruitiy day, which keeps theifikcr? in Iho house. In tho nfternoon the General and officers took tea with us. After supper 1 went into Aunt's and there saw tho General, Col. Line and Major Stod dard. There the Major gat upon the tuition of having me to sing; think of that! He wus very facetious and clever he has the softest voice and iinvr pronounces the 11. Major S. was afterwards Secretary of the navy. To day arrived Col. Guest and Major Lealher buiry thu lutter a young lawyer, who has no lack mf tongue. Oct. 27. This evening thero camo a person belonging to the army how shall I describe him? 11c is near seven feet high thin and meagre; Lo affords no interest. Yet such as ha fell in lore with Liddy at sight .' Put he iias a bUtcr rical in (mI. (jucst a charm ing man and a bravo officer. Nov. 1. The army has hud orders to march to-duy tho regulars first. Thu officeis are all-to dine with us to-dtiy. In tho evening several of them camo to take of our tea. Nov. 2. Tho militia marches and llio Gon- crul and his officeis leave us. I fed sorry to leave their ugreeuble company We saw them turn the road mid go out of sight and they have our youd withes for their softly and welfare. bvx. 5. Oh, Debby ! I am all sensitive wilh I'vur 1 Thu English huvu come out to utluck our uruiy. They are on Chestnut Hill, and our army three miles this side. What will become of us at on! fix miles distant? The battle of Germuntown, and the horrors of thut day, are still vivid in my imagination. Bsc. 6. To our surprise suddenly entered the young Major Sloddurd. llo could scarcely walk ; poor fellow, he was sick from fatigue and cold ; he looked pule und dejec ted ; ht wns soou put to bed, and quickly he found rest in sleep.. Next morning ho rose quite renovated. Ho was every now and then listening fur tiling, and suid, in thut case, he must bo of!', lie remained to tea, 'und next day ho set off again to the urmy. lie said lie shruld always bo near us in the event of an enemy's approach. I have been reflecting how readily we can get reconciled to perils aud alarms, l'ormerly, tho ideu of being within ten miles of a battle-ground was appulling; but now, although within six miles of two huge armies, wo can be easy ami en KKr.ru j,. Due. 8. We have causo of joy. The British have returned to 1'hiladclphiu without a great tight. Dkc. 11. I have mudo two new acquain tances C'uptaiu Lipscomb ond a Mr. Tilly ; tho form.ru tull, genteel man, in delicate health, with the liuest head of huir 1 evor saw a light bhining uuburn, negligently tied aud waving down his back "loose tlowed tho soft redundance of his hair." Tilly is a wild, uoisy mortal, above the common size, a ruddy lure, u greut tulker uud laugher ; he Keeps llio House in coiiliutiai uitriu aim uicr liuieut by his oddities. Aguiu we were sur prised by the presence of Mujor Stoddard While he wus here we got up uu udmirablo joke upou Tilly, by using the liiio effigy of a Brititu grenadier lo bo placed near bis bud chamber, and to give the alarm of "The British have come 1" Tho tiguro looked so real, that wheu Tilly saw it he made ou" by a by-way. aud rau oil' a irreut way, to tho great amusement of the family aud three or four ollkurs present. Dkc. 14. Tho officers still here, and jull of their jukes on Tilly for ln retreat. To-day wo weru visaed ly t-upt. ouiunwoou a pretty little fellow, brother to the Uviivrul. Di;c. 21). Gen. Washington's army has gone into wiuler quurlers ut alley iorge, uuu yia shall liuvo u solitude beiure us. vt e buvu passed several weeks without unj thing ol uiouieut occurring. Wo hud a visit from Mujor Jameson aud Captain Howard, bolh ol tho dragoons. To-duy we visited the heights of tho Barren Hills of Whileinarsh, and hud uu extensive prospect of the country, uud suwthi) traces ul liio lucuiupuient, ii.uuy ragged imitations of chimneys, aud inuii) olUer objects of ruin lolling Ihu tale of whut had been. May 11. Bupor is scarce wilh us, which re stricts uiy ioiita. 1 hud luid usidu my pea ; but this eveuiug, wheu sealed at leu, wo were aroused by ihe approach of light horse, and soou there fallowed 1,0)0 men, uudor Gen. Maxell. We thought they would puss, but soon came iu the Guueral with Col. Broadhead, Muj. Ogduu aud Cupt. Joues. The General is a Scotchman, Willi Lltlu to prepossess. The Colonel is very inuiliul uud tierce. Ogduu is genteel, with a strong nose. Captain Joues wight be culled a conqueror, being tall, cbguul uud handsome. '1 heir brigudo is to be encuinped ubout Ihno miles from us, where we have been to see their encuiiipuient., aud got ecured by the challeugo of thu pickets. Jc.sk 3. All introduction to Mujo' Clough, Cupt. Swan und Mr. Moore, all of lUu cavulry; they had come to dine with Duu dridge. Iu the eveuiug Lieut. Wuiu look tea with us. Saw TieVeiul squads of cavulry to-duy pussiug off towu.ds Sliippuck road. Wo fell ut first alruid they wuro Brilb. They belonged lo Col. Sheldon's regiment ol drugoous, and one of tho cuplaiua iaiuUUard,i camo lo sou us. Jcnk 5. Ue have a call of a squadron ol dragoons, under Major Jameson, wilh Cup. luius Cull and Nixou. They Buy liiey lully believed the Biituh were about lu louvo Philadelphia. This is delightful news. Our army i about six uiiles oK, ou their uiuich to the Jerseys. 1 now ihiuU of nothing but reluming back to the city, ul'ler au oxde of twenty months. Phiuadkumiia, July, 1778. It now pleuBed kind Heuveu to reslom ui buck safely to our home iu th. city. My h.art duiued uud uiy eye sparkled wilh pleasure at this svent. The very uoiso uud rattle of the city wag ail music to my tcuees, to glad was 1 lo be aguiu AT EOMI, COURTSHIP. I sst ono night beside blue eyed srirl The fire was out, snd so, too, wus her mo ther; A feeble flame arond the lamp did curl, - Making faint shadows, blending in each ether ; Twas nearly twelve o'clock, too, in Novem ber, She had shawl on, also, I remember. Well, 1 had been to see her every night Eor thirteen days, and hsd a sneaking uo tion To pon the question, thinking all was right, Aud once or twice had made an awkward motion To take her band, aud stammered, couched stuttered ; But somehow, nothing to the point bad ut tered. I thought this chance riow too good to be lost ; 1 hitched my chair up pretty close beside her, Drew n long breath, sod then my legs 1 crossed, Beut over, sighed, and for five miuutos eyed her. She looked aa if sli. know what next was coming, And with her feet upon the floor was drum raing. I didn't know how to begin, or wh.ro 1 couldn't speak the words were always choking ; I scarce could move I seemed tied to the chair 1 hardly breathed 'twua awfully provok ing 1 Tho perspiration from each poro camo ooz ing. My heart, and brain, and limbs, their power seemed losing. At length I saw a brir.dlo tabby cat Walk purring up, inviting me to pat her; Au Idea came, electric-like, at that ; My doubt, like summer clouds, begau tv scatter ; I seized on tabby, though a scratch she gavo me, And said "Come, l'usi, ask Mary if she'll have mo." 'Twas dono at once tho rauruor now was out, The thing was all explains J in half a min- She blushed, and turning pussy cat about. Said "l'ussv, tell bim'ves ;'" hcrfoot'was in it ! Tho cat hat! tht: eavivl me my category. And here's the catastrophe of my story. anemts. lIomilllt.K SrK.NT. AT AX EXKC'-TIO.V. A shocking scene occurred ut the execution of two robbers named Boyo and Olsen. at Assens, in the Isle of Eunen, in Denmark, on the 1 6th ult. Olsen made such a desper ate resistance thut the executioner and six men who helped him could not bring him to the block without calling soldiers to assist them. As soon as Olscu's head wus served from his body, two young peasant girls, fifteen or seventeen years of age, rushed through tho double line of armed police who guarded the scaffold, and tilled the cups which they carried with the blood that spouted from the neck of the mutilated corpse, nnd instant ly swallowed the horrible draught. There is an old superstition nmcLgnt the rural pop. ulution of Denmark, that tho blood of a beheaded felon, if drunk while il is warm, is uu infullible preservative against epilepsy ami apoplexy. Tho girls were tukeu before a police commissioner, and declared that they had only dono what they had a richt to do. They showed a paper, signed G. Olsuu, iu which he had authorized them, whenever he should come to be executed, to drink his blood. Vai.cabi.b Tablr. Tho following table will assist the agriculturist in calculating the number of plains or trees which may be planted on a giveu piece of ground at any distance apart. It may also assist him iu the distribution of manure, diviion of beds, xc. Ad acre of ground contains f.3 ojU square feet. An acre will contain, at tlieso MiSftll Ecot opart. Plants. Feet apart. Plnr.ts 1 43,560 12 3U2 U 19,300 15 l'.KI 2 10,8H0 IS 114 21 6.9'20 20 im 3 4,840 ili 98 4 t!.7'.'2 24 71 ft 1.712 25 C9 6 1,210 27 ft!) 9 597 39 4S 10 .435 10 27 Franklin's Fii 6t Appearance in an English Printing Ojicc. When quite a youth IVank lin weul tu London, entered u printing office, and inquired if he could get employment as a printer ? "Whero are you from ?" iuquircd th. fore man. "America," was the reply. "Ah," said tho foreman, "from America, ! a lud from America seeking employment us a printer ? Well, do you really understand the art of printing ? Can you set type ?" Franklin stepped to one of the cases,., and in a very brief space set up the following pas sage from the tirsl chapter of the Gospel of St. John. "Nalhunit'l said unto him, can any good thing come out of Nazareth ? Philip suid un to Lira, come uud lee." This was done so quick, so accurately, und contained a delicate reproof, so nm r.ipiiale uud powerful, that it at once gave Iiuu tuuu iii aud chiraclur with ull ia ihu office. A young geutlemau committed suicide in a very novel manner, lust week. He ale a pint of dried apples and drank water 1,11 be "burst." The rash act was caused by his fa ther forbidding him to grease his moustaches with the hutlcr-Knifc. The young ladies in crowds und tears, attended his funeral, with considerable buslle. Tub Slavr Tra'di in CcTt is eftim ated. from reliable data, that not less tlmu 14 000, Africans have been linded ou tlo Island wilhiu the last eigoi uiouihs. Tub Doctors and Hooi f. Tho editor of the Medical and Sor'ical Journal comes out in favor of hoops. Excellent lor summer, but bad for wtr ; fiiuuel j'SttiCAts rjo wurm- The Danger of Flirting with a Lad or tiio iiarem. In n letter from the Turkish Capital, of tho Ustult.. theUnivers gives us tne loliowmg nicturo of tho manners of the lair sex iu 1 ur- "kt'V "Tim Turkish ladies in general, and thosu of the Imperial harem in particular, have solved to participate iu tho blessings of liber ty awarded to the rougher ex by the 'Pan si- J .... , ... .fi i.. . .Ul...l .. ni.iil tpiiliu. wiif.. I ney nwve oi hub ki.imi.-u .... . parent kind of qakmak (veil,) and mi.ko an offer of their hearts to any Jotmft follow who rasv happen to cross their path, whatever 1.0 his'imtioti creed. You may hear them ar ranging an interview from their tahkas, ft..' carringes of thn. country.) with the greutes: freedom. This has led to some trugicui scenes. The second ikbale (ibis is the namo given to tho favorites who succe.nl to thu endimis, whfii dnath causes some vaconcy hi the ranks.) had fallen violently in lofo with young Armenian merchant, whoso shop sho consequently freqnented with grei-t assiduity, purchasing quantities of goods trnm hi in at exorbitant prices. Her advances were, pro bablv, listened to with a willing ear ; lor Emir Arra. the chief ot the Imperial Ilarorn. having discovered that the had recenl.y given him a ring worth lftO.imO piastres, or.lereu one or the balladjU, (axo-bcarers) ot the pa laco. to murder thu young man. Accordingly, one nieht the latter was suddenly attacked n. tho streets br the officer of the s-engho abovo named, and received a stub ia the lult sid. He had strength enough, however to ilruw the murderous weapon rrom the wound un.l to inflict several stubs upon the murderer, whom, in bis full, t.o bad forcibly drawn to tho ground. Tho blows were ill-aimed, nud the wound consequently slight; in dea lt g them ho hud struck tho prouird.vritlv.sttcb l .rco as to bend the point of tho weapon. He was ta ken home, and lived four days, during which tho favorite constantly sent to ascc.-lMi; how he was proceeding, and whether l.e cort.d give a dewripth n ot his assassin. The fur tho victim has applied for redress to tho rep- who have, officially requenUd 'I uud I acha t explain how Fitch "u crinio could have Leeti committed upon a Christian by an offiivr the s-Tiglio. Thrt other day a ymiiu: Gieek, who nlso had an intrigue with one d Ihu h' diesoftho seraglio, was hot down in ton streets, und t reive other persons in o s.miliir pr.'dicamftit. have shut themselves up in their ho'ioes. being af.-aid of meeting v.'ilL a similar fate if they :tir out." n.siititi.t I'UU ot H MICH. Iilli Mli.l .i - Profits ov Ga ps.. In tho i.e'ghbo-liooJ of Cincinnati there jiro mora than two thou sand ncres in grapes. Tho profits per ucro average, taking oim year with another, ui.ont S30O per acre. The" cost of planting range from $101) to 0(l0 per acre. The txpet.si. with ordinary land, need uot exceed JjfloO per acre. Thr Bi-fttwiiRAT Crop. Tho I.ur.rastr (Pa.) Examiner say, that in that end mrsti of the adjoining comities, the buckwheat crop T.as never more promising. Thr Cost of Tita War to Exw.axp. Thu cost of the lute war to England is now asoei. tained to have been, in round numbers, $'), 000,000. No permanent addition was, how ever, mado to tho national debt. Inckndmry Prm.ir ations. The grand jury of Shimiston, Virginia, recently found a true bill agrtinst the Postmaster of thut village, for circulating and delivering to sub.sciberi copies of the New York Tribune. Commkrcr or Boston. The- value of ex ports, including specie, the last week, was ns follows:' A merieaii jf'J20.0 IS; foreign, ?53, 2S3 82 Total, 6274,173. Si.sun.AR Piifkoueno.n. l.ste Ercnch pa pers state that on the night of the 23.1 ult.. nu immense cloud of small white moths burst over the town of Boueii, uud completely coveied the ground in a fow seconds. Soi.o E. L. Anderson, E-q., lias effec ted a ml of bis valuable property, known as the Bedford Springs. The purchasers re side mainly in Philadelphia, ond tho prize is tho rouudsuni of 170,000. Marshal Pcussikr, Duke of Malakofl" has an income of 230.000 francs only fiom the 1'rcucU Government. Thr difficulty of refuting very silly and weak argments reminds one of ihe well kno.ui difficult feat of cutting through aeus'uiou with a swoid. "Among ol ber Mcssings.'" said Dr. Franklin, "a iiinn thouhl thntis Uod lor nia vauitj, because it wakes him huppy-' The St. Louis Democrat says it is estima ted that tho wheat c:-p of Wisconsin, the present year, will not fall shoit of l'ourleou millions of busheU. It appears by a notico from the Commis sioner of Indian ufliiirs, ll.at thn sale of tho Deluwure Trust lands bus been postponed from tho 2'lth of October until the 17lh of November next, at Port Leuveuworlli. Cries Sillvia to a reverend dean, Whut reason can he given, Since marriage is a holy thing, Thut there ure none iu heaven ?' Titers are no women, bo replied. She quick returned the jett : 'Women there are, but l.u. afraid, They cai.uot find a priest'.' Thtrdo-' WwiJt one said to a man at whosn table a tmblUher got v tv drunk,1' Why you ap pear to nave emptied your wiut txlliir into your book-seller'." ' lryou d'V what you should not, you uiosi hear what you would nut. Miss Tulip, in speaking of old bachelors, says, thai they ure Iiowl out old gulden., iu ihu flowerbed of love. As they are useloss i weeds, they chould bo eerved iu tho same majuer choked ? "WhT,"suiil a country clergyman o one of his tlock, "do you always sleep in your ow when 1 urn in the pulpit, whilo yuu ure all attention lo every stranger I invite." "Because, sir, when you pretich, I'm stimuli's right; bull can't trut a urauger without keeping a good Kokout." Iiarick, a noted Kentucky race horse, only three yeura eld, has been sold for $0000. MajorT.rubull is about to leave Vicksbtirg with 300 volunteers for WulUr iu Nicuiu fctu. They raise six hundred bushels of sweet potatoes to the aero ou the Gaudoluupe river, ia Tva. A printer out West, whoso Erstsonlapueu. id lo be very shot I, fat l.llio leilOn, bauC4 luui UrtrSt ull i.eii. Jafci.S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers