lJiror.TAKT TO THE TULLIC, aM A M M 0 X 11 A S S (J R T II K 2 T nr rTpiIU subset ihers re-q.eei.ii'Iy invito the public to call unit examine their ttork of NEW OOODO, embracing every variety. Our Good have been selected wih the greatest care, unit our assort ment em tain the In'cst styles, finth of foreign Hinl domestic manufacture. We Itnvo also matle arrangement, to receive goods direct from Pliil n.Vlil;i.i every few weeks, bv this incites we will be enabled to keep up our assortment. We return our thanks for t!ic liberal patronage be stowed during the past Near, and trus that hy stri''t attention to business, and a desire to please, tve mil continue to receive n share of the same. .' 11. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Sunbnry, Way 31, 1P5G i i tsh Arrival vf DRUGS, I'AINTS.'OILS, &c. Tlflli; iiiiilrrMKneil mviiD tnken tlio store t'oi- a. ineriv kppi ny . etser and r.riiner. u now H i I. ii reaily to till crilors and preccriptioiu fit a mo- inenf titce Km in. bl lirn-i nml u-ll .1n.t-t,l I ttork of I'rni and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Pyr-atuffa, Oil, Point', filam, Putty, end KitiJ-i of Patent Meilieine. I'RI IT AMI CONFECTIONARY all 7V! mco nnd Imported Seenrn of the elioirest brani!. Fancy jNotiolin' toilet mtirlen. and Per fiiiuerv of nil kiuiU. 'i'ootb and linir lirihci ot' every variety. Ciimplinc awl I'luvl nltcaif on hand. ('utoaier will find hi utock complete, com-pri.-iii(T inanv nrtiile it ia iinpoxilil3 liera to enu inern.e. nmi u II fold at moderate priera. Heiiiein'ir tho pliier. next dour to E. X. llriglit" M.Miinioth riton1. VM. A. BRUNEI!. Sunlmty, May SI, lS.Sfi. NEW SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. Ji'sr ra;cKivi;i) uy I. w. tj;i:ei k ( ., Minutu y, p.. llK !''; respnelfiillv to annnunee to our frieniU and the public t .at we arc now re- ceivin a very Inrac and well selected stock of poods united tn the season, which tvii arc deter- ! nii..ed to sell cheap as heretofore, tin. ling our old j motto of j "Small prr fit? and quick Suit s.'' to work well wo sh-ll continue to adhere to it, uur stock consists partly of the following vii: i t.aihe.-; coony. Cfroi Pe Khinc and Sutmncr Silks, Chilli, Pc br", ltarese. paii.ted. and plaid I.nwnip, Cliii'liam I, nuns, Kohed Urcei, Va lett ia Pkirts attd .N'kirtinir, Grata, (.Vrd and Crinnline iSktrla, Jaecuief, (ainbric, Swiss and L.irrcl muslin, 13 ishopo I.awns Plaid. Pot- ted ar.d Kipured SwIm Muin, Linen ciinhric Iianilkerchiefs, (:hetiiise'.t, Collars Cull'n and tiiidersli "v, printed cashmere, thi'in t unit 'othrr to. ne!, uinifluiiua anJ ealitoc; in c;reat variety, Kcudy made tnattlillafi. paraRtiN. FanstVc. ui:nti.i;mi;ns goods. ! Cloth.", r.iksluirri'. IweedK, Wslim:s, simmer j poods iii varion lyles lor coita and paulaiaoim ' a.iirt I'osniis, collars, cravi.i.i, bcsiilcc a l:ir;e a sortinriit ol Ue idy loa.le coats ( aiitalooiis and j vestv toaalher wttli a general assortnient of I, a- ; ilira u!n! sei.tliinein Hoots Mines and (.initrr 1 luiMis. liovs and chililrena H.itu, and Cats Hardware IjiieenKWnrc, l.roccriea. CVil'invnro, ! Stone and Earthenware Prugs, Paints, Fish, j nica'.eail, nans, J ar, Oil dj-c Vc. A good supply ofoL'.uol books and Copybooks! with printed copies on each page. t-'omo. and no charge is made fur show-j ing goodi I. V. Tr:.ER& Co. Country produce tul.eu in exchange for goods, at the highest market puces Stltll.pry, May t!, ISS... THE WEST ERANH INSURANCE CO". Injures Detached lluildings, Stores, Merchan dise, Farm Property and other Puildings, and their contents nt moderate rates, C il'IT tl, s:ioo,ouo. CH AR T E R 1' E It 1' E T U A L . Pj is lc to us. Hon. John J. Ttarce, John IS Hall. I lurles A. Mayer, Charles Crist, 1'eler Pickiuson, Hon. G.C. Harvev, T. T. A brains, P. K. J .11 !,mnn, W. White, Thomas I' itchen. Hun. G. C. HARVEY, Pies. T. T. Auuii.s, Vice Pres. 27ifi. Kitchen, Scc'y. II. CIIAS. ULM AN, General Agent. R E F E R E NCR: Samuel II. Lloyd, A. A . Wincgaidner, 'L. A. Mackev, A. While. James tjuirgle, Johr. W. May nard, Hun. Simon Cameron, P Tims. Bowman, P. P. Wm. Yanderbelt, Win. Feu run, Pr. J. S. Crawfjrd, A. I'pdegralV, James Armstrong, Hon. Win. Hitler. W. GRAY, Agent. Sunbury, lune 21, 1K56. Gtu iSALAMANDER safes OP ruii.Aii i.rtiiA Aiitivs r thr woitao. EVANS .V: WATsoX, Sit. Jti .S'ouVi Fourth St., 7ii'cii.'t7;.ii'i. Have bail the surest detiiuiitia 1 1' il III the loll'iwidlf Cel llticaies, that ih-ir miMiiiiiii tioe of Ki;.i in-uul r Siu-s has at lenmh fully wauuuird the ri-prctRiiiuiioiia Wlifli have been mnde of them TiMilt'i im.' an iitnloiiLtt t Hfui Hy umniit tht; tcrnlic t-itriucut ; K'ffote I'itiLAm.i.rniA. Annl lilh IRV. Mt'Mrs. lA'ans .V AVatsmi : tyt-uis: 1: ithoitis us the li if ist-.-l ftUtoiMeltfa to MkIc to ou, that owuill '.o the Very imt--iive fj uiji it uf two oi the j!au.aii'ler SMu n hu ll w p:iicha.fd t y m oine fi w ;uo,iii,t msec-, wc savi:d U l.;rie jn-rti-M of onr Jt-w-'iiy. HV'I., I upvrj, Ve., v seii t.' iii" f:ii:M:;Kii.iiia n c in Huiistcuil I't-i' t,', uu thcmuru- When w r ibit thai there Safes were located j,, IV Imrth hUtry of the hioMiiit; wo ix.'L-upicd. ami that they te'I tu'1.etpieiit!v into a h'tip i f burnom ruins, where, the Vat oiiceutr.iMou itf'hrat tauised the brun pi,itfk to luetl. v,v eauii't bit ret'uril I he preservation of lie wihiabie. emi I V rts uioNt coiiviiu'inj; pnu'f uf the great tct-unly ullr ilel by your S.-;'i . We h.ih tiivii luuch plctmure ii. reroniiut'Hdiiijf; them to lllCU Vl bUMKUi, h4 it tLIC It ti.ii,. f ;t'j;tiMJ.i I.P'. ItKokoii W . t.MOS V Lino. I'ii.lauklcdm, April V2. lt-j(J. i Mewrs. V 'iins 1 V..i..n ,.iVL , ..Her you my . - 1 t.m aiy in Ihvoi ot the uruit Keeuniy utordel to mv ihtiro ' stock .a' jewtf'O, ltir.), piiper. e., durum the rt-ceiil : 0. 11'fo'jii l-,.iitJ.ir;U; 'J..lil It luft'.'ml j.iar-t-, iron, liit u.fl t .:it lite s;o it rrt; r-iit:iiin'd oi Uv ol ti e alu.iaudLr i jjiff hMnnin.'MrmJ hy yon,' j II iviiitf tuilru innii tlie U'lU ,r)' of the Artittim Hmld- j intr. where they were prev io,;.-iv pUedd und egp-iaed l" a I v.isl lietu lor ii 1 m; ti.itf, ,e preset vm ion ul tlie Vuhiahlo ' u: p ih.is Si-iriutU to veiyone who w.tntned the upemii-; 1 1. nd inieii 'i eiuuiiiiiti 'it, a in itu-r of prot anid uiu hmu. 1 We'll, j iVi q!I aIio may i piire pcri'eet protection fiotn ti e rnvap. sot fire 1 sii'l '-ot liet.t tie t rec mniLiid the u.i ; !' your ?.tn t qs I C'l.Mi'.cr th y have now ji.deioonc :i i m m: irmg icsi. a i,. mouths. Vuti "-n.etitA. Apnl U, lfc."d. Vcshts Kv.nw A V.iImi l.t nil, nn ii doiihi y u W h- ti.-c,.!) eiaiilied to, ;.rM l ie ooi.d.ti- n ni wh.c li 1 -hue ;:: Ltl n.v n.:,. y oi iuso'.itieet vvf it;i ntt of f'. i k. u it o:ln-r valu ii'le d-.eii.uet.iH, w hen uu Fruhiy Uit 1 opciii'd the rd'e unite hv "iir tinti. W i:h my knowedn ot i:s cicat exrionure, U, t the i-itrii-fy of i he hi.nt fr.i u lit a Ii-' i.s luat which cle sir.ty 1 ;he Artiiui '-:l'iii., an nltjo tr.tiu I he foree of tha f.iil i mi ir i'-hup r ilealrd po&m u in the tlnril st ry, 1 c '".Li fu'itfiiu ku sl.ii.b-r uo;utj pri r to its iuu-rior in-' ;eeii -a, th.U theconteiiU which 1 on ce so tiijjhlj r-M w wit) ever la of i ny rt-rviei. to mc. hut us theie leai are now happily rci-i -ed, 1 ict l n ou'y ituv to ruy to y..u Ihut i-.ai licneeiortli r'Hiinunul rlie i.e i f your S.'iteti to ui wi r rfli if w'si M feel n mnMf nrg iir ttie pgriwt r. ' rarity wti.eh scii mean provid. L' uusf mu ir'gnttul mt i icmeuC. " a, KuWAEtJ (jAftCU.L, l)ookbiuder. Co:i:aioly ua lianj ri.tcnl Powder and Taief Proof I J.o.'i.s f -r flni rtnnks, sttures, lie. Ai-rd 2lt, l-'jii. Iv lUfl, firaiii, Eoi;ti.h au.l (ierinuu biter krythes uud soeutli for sale by Wy l 'C1. V iiaUOHT i '. KESOLUTION 2rio$ng Amendnnnts to tkn Constitution of the Cuinmomicalih. ItKfOT.VrDBV TIH SkXATSAND HuVtS Of RxTXSfllff- TTIVor THK CoMMOSWlAl-TH 09 PHN1S..YLVAMIA lfl URMtiiAL A!.unLV mkt, 'l'liut tie fnilowiiiB Hitu itUiruita lire prop teed I't tde constitution oi l he coiiiiioiiwvuh.h,iu uworilaiica with the provim'tn ot Hit- tenth article thereof. FIRST AMKNDMI-.XT. Ther shll be mi ncWiiioiml nrticle tn tnid ennMftuiion lu uo dt!iifimted article rlt ven, followi AUTIU.H XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Seriton I. The suite mny rout met debta, to twpply Ciitutiltlilfriti or finlnrrt ii. rvcnuci, nr to meet expenses mil miJk rvie pfovuk-d for ; but the nenrrfnte mmuut of ! h ik'hM directum! contingent, whcliirr rout met el hy virtue t f nna or m-re nets of the punerRl RMemMy, or n't litlctent p-:rM(l"l'time, ftlrtl. never excettl wen humlntl nml firty thouwut I ,1 OItii, nnrl the money nnsimr, from the crtai i.'ii of Kut-h dtH, thiilt be Bprlivd t the purpose for wh.e'i ft vnB..i,.rii i( to repuv the debts ocontfneted, mid to in other purpose whutever. tui tion 2. In udditinit to the nbove limited power the j ms muy ronintct uvnt: to repel inversion, ntippren insur- lection, Ht:ii-nt the suite in war, nr in redeem the present I outntiimlitii: hitHitechietBof the stiite; but the money nris I inp from the eontni.'timr of neh debt shall b applied to n. i -it her pnrp'Hj wlmti ver I Section 3. Kcpt the debts nbove spwifW, inseetinn I one nn.l two of rins nr"r(-, n- debt whntever nhull be t en :it"( i,y, or on hehnll "id Iht- ftnte. ., , ,, ieetton . j ii -iro'ult; f-r l!if pnvtnpnt if inn present ! iri'luture aliatl, at nt lirt KMion, niter the nil ptin of in new noiitn'trii aioreniii, the HllH 'IliM'llilllH'ltl. reditu a Itir.k illi? 1'lllltl. Wlliell flllUt lw ii mi i" ny in-.- mil uvnir imrirsi ,hi an,-ii iivui, niiu iiuiiii;i!!y t ri'iliiee the piiiieipnl ilicrecf dy a Sinn not leM l!iiin n hnnilreitntii! Titty tliniimtiMl H"l!;irn; which riitk itis t'tiid aluiU u.iiisist tit tilt- net niiiiin.l iiicitne ol' the pu lic wuikfi, t'l'iiii lime to lime nwnrit ty thi itltite, or ttie pr.iiveitii of the mile ot' llir fuiiii:, or any part thereof nirl "f the incline 01 pneeeits nf rile of et'ifks owitcil tiy theRtiiie, together with ottit;r ftiml, or reti-iirem, ttia m tie (li'ipi:iteit tiy law, The sairl sitikinjr f'"t ")' he ni'Ti aw (I, fmni time u lime, 1 ,y tigsieiiina to it any part of 1 lift tuxes, nr other revenue of the Ptnle, .it re iuire(! for the oidiiiary ami current eApeiim-B of jiovera inent, rout imlevi in ease nf x-iir. invtiFioa oi iusiirri'tion, no pint of t'fe saiil miikoifr fonit uliall In- une,l or iippliert otiierwide thua in e.xtiiinnirhlnent ot Ihe pnhlie debt, mi. til tlieainnnnt of 8in-h ucbt is reiNieeit below t)u linn of tree intlliona of ilolkirx. Seeti e: j. 'J'lte ereitit of the eoinmonwealt h hall not n any niuiiiMr, ,r cvt-nt, 'ue pleileil, or loaned to, any iit ilivntual. eniiitriiiy enr)MirMl in. or :i8sH'iiiti.ii : nor nhnll the e'lntiiioiiivulih heri-in'reea joint owmr, or Etnekliohler nijiin c 'inpunv. ae8.Hiatin, or eiirponitior. Setiun 0. Tae eonuiioiiwealth Bhitll imt numime the ilfhl, or any p:i.u tlieruof, of any cunty, city, Ijnronph, or t'lWii'rpi orofany eorp.initioa, of ansoeiation ; nnlepi neli l!it iihalt have he-u einitiaetett to ennlile t lie ptate to repel iiivaDMii, fuppO'iifl i.oii.ei'iie titKiirre lion, iti-fenrt it elt in lime of war. oi to asiiint trie ntnle in the discharge of any pinlion of il pieneut inileliti'dnefill. r-L-etioil 7. The let: ululate !iii e''t 'ipthorize any eoail ty. eiiy. Iiiiromrh, towiRlnp, or incorporated t'.tairiet, tiy virtue of o vole of im eiiienii, or otherwise, to tieeome a f iihnMcr tn any eompany, associMinn,or enriotatiiiii ; or to I'hiain iifiney it, or loan its e,dit to, any corpoia linn, oskoeialion, Institution, or party. flXOND AMKXDMKNT. There thai! be un'mldiunnal artiele to srinl eunititution, to be designuted as artii-le ll, ns follows: AbTli'I.B XII. OF XK1V CO UNTIES. i No c.'i.nly flmll Im divided byn line cnttini; ofl oerone ) tenth of in population, (tMthei Ut form fi new county or otlierwise.) witiiou the exjness tiHuent of audi comity, by ) n vore oi the nUiftor tiiereof; inr sh:dl tuty new county i be eitnblifhed, enntitiiiing less thun luiii hundred iwuure j links. 1 1 1 1 IV 17 .A .! I Lt .l Ij. I From section two of tlie first :irtiele of the constitution, Btriltr out tli-f u"Tiis, of tlie cti y of l'liilnclelphm, und if each county rtspei'tively fri:i feet ton live. p 'iiieiirttele nriku out t.'.e w-'tds. l'hiltidrlpiiui hh (f the nevertil count ie;" from section Aeven. wtine urticte strtkeout (lie w-rds, neitiier the city ol lhil:id.-1pliiu nor tiny." nnd insert in lieu thereof tlie words, "mid no;' nml strikeout ction four, bunie urticlc, und in lieu thetcof insert the loii'twntp : ' Sectit-n 4. Iii th ytrtr oi." thoufud ciVt hundrect nnd sixts-oiiir, :md in tvery pi vcntii rear thcrciiftr, rep resnt'ives o he iuim1er of one hundred, slnll be Appor tioned and dijitTiouteil eiptJilly, throughout the state, by dictrii o irop ir)i..i to t'it number oftuxuble iuhalu t.uits in llie rievi'nil puns Miere.rt ; except thut miy county C'Hit:i'it"ip at ietn' 'iiretj ttumsuiut tive liumtred taxah.es, j may be itllmved n fceirate rc)resen!nti.-n ; but no more I thrni three '"Untied shall lie joined, and ivi eouuly .!iii!i he rivtileit, in ih?' h rni'itl'-n o n itirrric'.. Any city c nt;tin ing a S'liil-ient number of tHXubles ti enti'.c u i.i at U tyl tv i repicacntaiives. sb.ill liavc a sepntnte represcitiatiim iiRsi'jiu J it. aiv1 shall he Un-iiled iut. couveiiient districts ot rrtiititfiioHS r -rritory, of eomil ti'hle population nn ntnr nsniiiy he, each of which district! nluill elect one represent tutive.' A: V. end of section sven, snme nrtiid' insert thrsr Words, 'i,c ciy c Phliueclphin tlmll Ik diviiled Into m n tfie senatorial disric. c"iit:L'noitj territory ns uenrlv be ,iVi,H-,t mi the toiirmtion thereof Tiie lccis!;tt'.ire. at its first neM.on, after thendopttop i,f this ainendinent. hhall divide the city of rinbidelphia itito provided; snell'dislnets to reuiuin unchanged until tho se.i.it.-i iHiuiui repf'.reiiTai.i e iiimncrs. in me maiuier nixwe nppporiionmeut in tlie yeurone thousuud cigiit-edgdretl a"J ,lJ"5'r"ur FOURTH AMF.XDMF.NT. Tn be stctiuii .YA' I V, Article I. T!:e 'etishitere shall tiave tlie power to alter, recoVe, or aiuiui. any ehurter ol iueorporuoou iiereafier eo.oerred by or uutler, auv speelul, or general law, wliciv.r in Iheir opi:.:on it ri.av I e iauiiiou to t!ie citizens of (he eonim n. wcaiili . in uel, nialiuer. however tout llo injuvtiee .lull b done to the cnrpoitalors. 1.1 i!?tArii April 21, rtefolvett, That this resolution pass. On the first umendment, yens 'Jl, nays r,. On the See'Uld tiuieiidiueui., yea. lti. isiys I'. On the third amendment, yeus it, unys I. On the foaitb aniendinriit, yens uuys 4. lUliuet from the Ji-'.i .ail. 'Pit O.MAS A. MAOUIHK. Clerk. 1.1 Hol'SE or It CPBKsKN T AT1VES, ) Aplil ill, ls..0. Res ilved, Tluil this resolution pasB. On the first amend ment, yetii T'i, uays'Jt. On the i.ee(.tud uiileudineiit. yeas lij. navs On the third ntacii.huent, yeas 01, un)s "5, und on foniili aiiieiiitiuenl, yeu. till, nays 10. lO&lruct ir.nu u.e Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Cterk Secrktakt's Oreit s. ) t'.led April SI, MM j A.O Ct ltTIN', t-eetetary ol the Couuiionweullh SteuarArt's OrncK, 1 llurnsburg, Juuc U?, Is50. Penttsili ania, t ; I .'o certify ihjt tneab ve and ft;resoin(E is true and mr re.t Copy til the orh.-mal "liusohitiou relative to on amend uieni i me Coiutituuoii" us the same lemuins on iil m this oilice. in tcstiiHouy whereof I (mve hereunto Set mv hum) und caused to he alllxe.l the s- iil of the tScereturj 's Girice'ie du uud ear uiKive wriiteu. a. a. crKTix, Sc6r.)tary .f Die Cjuuuouwealtli. !s FRSATe, April 21, 195. Uesdiititm propnMug tiincudniiits to the Cuntvtitutiuu of the Comiuoiiweu.il,, iMjmg under conwdciutiuii. hi the quenauii. Will the Semite uree to the first nmemliuciit ? 1 he yes and naya were uktu uu-reeably tu the prtivi ftiiiim in riii.. . . i ' -. - -in innii,!!!.!! wiiuai itii.tiWB, viz: cus Alrbsr lirowne, liucnalew. fie.nwrli, Kvans, r erguh'ui, i- leunikcn, ilogv. Ingrain, Jnmirtou, Kimx, 1 jiu- j Imck, Ja-ewi. -U Chniock, i'l.o. Sel!e(, Shuin.'iu. Ssouther Siraub, Taj-iiiirl, naU, Welsh. Whetiy. Wilkiua und ' i'li.ll. Sprah, ttf4. i .i.ys .'.ers. Cruuu, Cregp, Jurilau, Mtiluigcr and Jrutt j. Ho Hie question wus determined in the oiTirniutive. I wn me tpinsuoii, , Wih i ti. reu:iu; ugre tu the second amendment ? The yea:; hu! n:y were taken nrvenbly to the pruvi sioiir .( the Coiistitutitui ui:d were us fodow, vi ; Yka Mefctrs. llmwii. nuekulew, Cresswtll, Kvons. Iloye, lu-iuu., Jami&iiu, Knox, Uihaueh, hewis, .M'riin t..c!., M.:ier-, rn man, tSoutuer, sitruiib, ullon, WcUi und W likni.s i:i ' Nas Mcssis. Crabb, Tcrj-us-in, Greg-j . Vr.M Vrivo uud i'l.ili, Sieakcr 0 IS 1 1 Ik- tju st itii was deteriiiiticd in the nfllfiuative. n tin niitstion, ill tin; ",-iiaitj areeto the third nmmcudmeiit ? 'l iie ynw ami najj were taken ngiteubly tu the Const. tnt.o.i, mid weioiiri follow, viz: Vi-usM,.,.,. frown, Uuekatew, Cruhb, Cresswcll Kvacs, FiTusoii. Meiimkeii, iipe, Innrain, Jjunif tn' Jortlaa, Knox, Liiuieb, U wn. .M'Clint.-ok, M.-lhn-.'. r' i'ratt, Trice helhrr, feliuman, Mouther. Mrmilt, Tajfu irt' Widtoii, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkiusaud riutt, (speaker .Ntiys .Mr. Orcyi; 1 t'l.ti.ii ij,ieiioii vvas determined in the a.rlrimitive. I'll t!ie ij ti-ttion, Will the rftii ite acree to (lie tot itlinmendment i';ie yenMuiiil nays wtra taken utjreeubiy to the Constitu tut cm;, rtei! were nt. f.ttttiw, VIZ : y.-ts-M.r,i. liKiwne, liuekulew. Cresswell, Kvnns, Khiuokeu, 11 oee, hiLtratii, Juiuiiroii, Joulan, Knox, I jin. Itach, lwis, .M'CluuiH'k, Tnce, Sellers S.iumuu, Souther S:r;ut ., WaUu, Welsli, Wherry, Will:ii-s und i'lutl Spertker U'i. ..is . vri. Crahh, (ir.'g, Mellinirer ami l'i:itt 4. " I uc (jiKMinii was deieriiuiiftl iu tue riliriuaiive. J uinal ni itii. I J . -iit-t: i f Uepreseutalivrs, April y. l'ifl. Tin- yeas ini.l imy were tNken nreealily lt the provi sions i the Coiisiiiuiiou, auduu the tirst piuitutdiniud-in- :!, were i:k i,,i:lfrt-, i iz : V.-.t Ali rii.iiaLriu. Uackus Ikddwin. Hall. Fb-ek, il.c- ii.mL'.) Jhek, (Vurk.) Ilrnduid. IJov), 'lloyer, Jit own. Uit.sh, UiKhiiiiiin. Cnhtwed, t uuipUtf, Cuity, ..is.-. ' i.imi utiwniii, i.'iniiier. ratisoiii, t-ir, IZ. li.oueti. liai.uL il if pr llnmg ltd. I,. It. II 11,1' ii - ii.. i i-.. h. li vuu, Joiius, lointJioii. l.ii-Hirte. IstIni, luiiocer. I.v.lt. M Cu.tuiH.t Art.anhy, .M Vt.m:., Muuyl-, .Miucar, .Mrj l s iry M-nniiujit. Nuunriuaehir. tir, Ienrs..u. rh-'l.-n, 'urer.!.U-,:uM?y. Ilewl. K.-iu!io!,. Ri.MV, It t.-t t Mh uk, Smith. ( V l alien v.. Mini h. i.Ciiiiibu.1.) u ( - uiiiuu.) M.'iu, I !eaittbou, Vail, Whuliuii, Wityht, ,L;ji; :i:ii.) Ur'ght, tl.u-rue,) ..lu.neruiuu und Wilviit Sm uker 7'. Nuy Messrs. Ansr i.iii.e. Itnrie. Clover, rol,um I'o. k. t ry, Kiili -n, l,.u lord, tln.lu',.y, llaniilloa, ll.iu i .a., tl .... Unn-r, liuii. k' r. Ia uh'N.UK. .Muec, .Maniey .lloliis. alumlua, I'.iltins'u, Kon.i,i,ry, Minlii, ('l,ilaile. pliia.) Waller, . InlMde und ear.ley 'it. Sii the riosiioii wus determined iu iiieuiurauitiv. tin tl.c oitcslioii, Will iiic lbmo nree to the soii.l mneiulini-tit ! Tue yens lout liufc were taken, and were us l'-l.iw, vix Yeas Messrs, Anderson, Ibielois. Ilrilkwin. Hail, lirek, (l.yeoiniiidi t.eek, (York,) tJerultnrd, li,i)it, Itrowii, llrn.ii ll:ieliniiii,i I'I.K.'hIL I ii no J ..-II . pMt-lv- I'rui... f ......,., ' r-bi,.r. ,..7. Haines. Ilainel. Horner. Ileina. Ilibtai. ItiU. lUll.as. UijipUj. ItoleomU, llinoieker luibrie, luirhiiiu, I lien., Irwia. .lohns, Joiihimiii, t.ilM.lte, l.elsi, L,,iiiufar, L.V.-U, srcaliuoal, M'l'urihy, M'U,mh. Mutieh. Msiieui .iitl.l. .Moul);ouiel, Moorlira.l, N uurinarhei . tlrr, I'eur j nil, I'ureell, Imiiiim-v, Heed, Iteiuliokl, III. idle. Itoherls, I ln.nk,r4ool':, (Allrtheny,) Rtr.ius, Va.t, WlMSou, Wrists) . .!...! K.artitiura'iS v" . v a V-kn -t"j Nny -Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Pdmrer, Pry Fullun, Uaylnr.i, lolilmny, llnnilltn,, HaiiKnek, lluneker .eisonilug, Slii(ee, Mauley, Morris, MmuuM, I'ullersou, nieljis, MiiMiury, !miih (Cainbrm,) 'I'leain m, Walter, W un tie, WtifUl (Uaupliin) nial Venrtley 45. 8o tl1e411e11u.il was UeteniHiml ia the alRiiaaiivs). . On the gaeslinn, ' ytlltue tlouse agree to the thlrtl smendment t ' tho yeas uml tuns wore taken, and Wero follow, viz: , Vens Messrs. A iders"ii, Buckos. Baldwin, V!ll,Bee, (Lycoming,) lleik (York.) Uernhard, B..yil, Boyrr, Ur. v, n Hiielmiiau, Cnhlwell, Cinp!ell, Ciolv, Iraig, Crawfoid, Mincer, Fnnsold, fmter. Prv, Guia, Humes, lluniel, llnrprr, lielns. llihbs, Hill, HllleRus, Hiplile, llolc aih, Houseoeeper, fmhrie, Ine. hain, Inms. Irwin, Jnhns, John Sou, ljiportn, Lcbo, lingaker, Lovelt, M'Calnioiit, M' Conili, Mauglp, Moueur, Millet, Montgnmer. Nuiiiip niaelier, Oir, I'earson, Phelps l'uretll, Hanisey, Heed. Kiddle, Shenk, Smnh, (Allegheny.) pnmh (Ciiinlirin.) Smith (t.ycomins:.) Tlmmpsoii, Wbullon, Wright, (Duu phin) V ripht (Luzerne) and 'irnmeinmu 01. Nays Messrs. Harry, Clover, Cobourn, Doek, Dowdill, Fulton, Onylord, liihlnmey. Ilainillon, lluueoek, lluneker Leiseiiring, M'Carthv, Magre, Mauley, Monichiut. .Morris, rattPTSoii, Heiiihold. Itnlitrls, !uliliurv, Walter, Winlrode eursely mid right, Piwker 'J5, ' So the question WUS determined In the affirmative. I 'n the question, Will lli House npree to the fourth amendment The yeas and nays were taken, nml were ns follow, vlx: ras .Messrs. Amlersnii. Untkus, Ball, Heck (l.yconling Beek (Vurk.) Bernhard. Howl, Hover, Hrown, Brujli, liueh innii. Caldwell. CampU il, Curt'v, Craig, Crawford. Dowdnll, Kilimier, Faiisold, Fiwter, VlV, Uetz, Maine!, Harper, llein.. I lit,'.. Hill, Hilitgns, llipple, lloleomb, keepe, . Iluilm'ckci, liul.ro', tmiis, Irwin. Johnson, liH,ti.-, ,i ,, J,onink-r, lvett, M'Calinonl. M'Cnrtliy, .M't.'nnili, Mnagle, Alenear. Miller, MnntrT 'ineiy. M'ior liejul. Nuunemaeiier. O.r. 1'inrsou. I'helps, I'nrcell, Hnin sev, Hi ed. Keiiihold. Hutdle, Roberts, r-l euk. Sinilli (Cam bria,) Smith (Wyoainig,) Thompson. Villi, Wiilnr. Whal- I V'right (Luzerne.) Venrseiy, Zimmermaii nud Wright (Speaker Oil. " , Na s Messrs. Barry, Clover, Celioura, rulton, Giliho ny, llatues. llaaeiH-k.'tlinieker, lnehnm, Leiscnnng, Ma ge Mauley, Morris, Patterson, Salisbury and Wintroite tfo the question was determined in the affirmative. Hkcbftarv's Ofhc t, I Ilariisliarg. June J7, 190. I'cnntylrnnin. .. I do hereby certify that the sliove and foregoing is a true nnd eoi reel eopy of the "Vens" uud "Nuy "'taken iu the K.isolution propnsitig ameuilineuts to tli- Constitu tiouoftheCi noioveiillli. ns the same nppeurs on the Jourualsof the two (loiiyes of the Henernl Asseni!,! of mis iainim"iivenira lor tliespsston oi I ) Wit I I.C. twent ( ) huudr ilneiis mv hand mid seal of said oftlep, this twenty-seeenlh day of June, one thousand eijhl hundred uud hft-sl.. A . Ii. 1. 1. HI l., ft'ecrttury of the Commomrtulth. July 12, 1 wo. A. J. CONRAD, hull owing it UN. ffj ESPECTFCLLY informs the public that MJrV be has purchased the Stoic recently kept by J. K. Kaufl'mau, and that he has replenished the same by nn excellent assortment of New i!..... :.. :.... t f 1,1 -, i , . , , uwu im. iitror.1 iron, i iiiiniieipuin, wnil ll uc win sen on terms as reasonable as any oilier establishment. His assortment consists in part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SATTINETTSS, Summer Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices Ladies Dress CT.on.i4 Consisting of Hhel; ilks, Merinos, Alpacas, Pe Laines, Calicoes, Uingliams, Muslins, Trim- ' tnins, o c. I Also a Iresh supply of GROCERIES of all kinds. HARDWARE and dUEEIfSWARE, ledarware, H rooms. Ac. Also a large ossort- i mcnt of Hoots and Slims, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hats and Caps. Silk Hals, and all goods t:ept in a Country Store. All the above named Fun k of goods will be sold tiosiliveiy at low prices for cash, or in ex- I change lor country produce, at the highest ! market price. hollowing Knn. June 1S56. lv new oo2srjVEcrioisrA.iiY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, I! AS just received e new and excellent nssort S ment of goods at his Oonfcctiotmry and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunbury, whero he iiiauufacturea and keeps on hand, at i all times, the most cliuice Confectionary, &.C., W holesale anil Ketail, at I'liiladclplita prices, A mong his ktock of Conlcctionarics, muy be found : French Seerets, l.urned Almonds, Cream 'hite, o Lemon Hose. 11 Vuiiilh. Common stecaet. l.iquuiiee, Gum Drops, all kinds uf scent, I.oe llnn-s, Mint Drops, red and white, .Irlty Cakes, Fruit Drops. Sti'-V riiuea, ol ak scsulj H..ck Ont:.'y, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Ilansatts, Dales, Cur runt a diied, Almonds, Itn;s'nji. Prunes, I-' ins, Cillons, Nuts of nil kinds l.LMON HYP. LI" of a superior rmnlily, by tho sinple or dozen. A superior ijuality of Segars nnd 'J'obacco, and a variety of Coiilcctiotiiiriea, fruit, ail nf which ia offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CKEAM. i He has also opened an 'cc Cream Saloon, and 1 will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ico Cream. ; Sunbury, May 21. 185S ly J Patten's New York WINDOW SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, I 'JCia Chi ftioit St., opposite Jones' Ilottl, I'llll.AUKLFIIlA. Window Shinies, (ill Cornices, liull', White and Hollands, Picture Gonl, Patent Hollers, Curtain Pins uud 1J rociitelles, Satin de Laines, green Worsted Pumasks, Centre Tassels, (simp and Loope, I iiriam Uanils, Lace and Muslin Trim inings, Piece Curtains, M tislins. Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Pra pery, trot up a the shortest notice. Curtains cut, made und put up by the most experienced hands, 1'atti Va S:w Youk Sioiik, 503 Chestnut St., Melodeon Iluildiugs. May 3, 1H50 .1. II. J. l, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CABMEL, Northumberlarid County, Pennsj'lvania. Ml business promptly uttended to. Monies collected and all ordinary wiiiiugs done. Mount Carinel, June 14, 185G. ly NOTICE. 'jV'GTICE is hereby given tliut an application will be made to tho next Legislature, of Pennsylvania, for a Charter incorporating a Saving llank, with discounting privilcee and authority to receive monies on deposit, with a Capital nf U.E 11 L' NUKE I) THOISAMI POLLAKS, to be located at Sunbury, Korthitm bcrbnid county, and called the "Pi.counl and Deposit liauU of Sunbury." , IIE.MIY PON. N EL, J. V. FWLINO, H. 15. MASS EH, JOHN COOPElt, I. T. CLEM KNT, E. WIL VERT. Sunbury, July 5, IftbO Cm NOTICE NllTICK is hereby given Hint I lmva r oi'iveil the I'uinphli't I.iiws fur lifi, nml that they nro ready fur (listiilititiim to thoso legtil ly entitled to vecoicn tlio sump. JAMKS liKAim, I'roth'y. t'rotlionolnrv'H llllicu. ) Huuljuij-, Juiy PJ, l.s.'iC. FURNITURE POLISH. K. ItAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuatile lor restor, inn ho polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage llodiis. Hair Cloth, Ac. Also, for re ir.ovinu spots, liidiuir cra tclles, dtc, eke War ranted to dry immediately nnd retain it glo. Puce 50 eta. per bottle. Hold by WM. A. U RUNE It. June 81, 1850. ! H TMJKItsI.EKVFM, Ccemisiltes, Crotchet ! la J and Needle W.ukcJ Collar. Klouiu'iior. Thread l.acea, Insertina and (Swiss E.lgiug. :'oraleby E. V. BRIGHT dc SUN. May 6 1850. I VDIIOI.EUM PAINTS These paints ara mixed with water, thereby saving th co j of oil, lor tale by ' lliv 1, 'f V'M A. BKl'MIH. JOSEPH A NEEDLES. . MAXitrvruttiB or WIRE, SILK & mili-CLOTH SIEVES, Coarse, medium anil ma in mesh ; large, middle ' sire and miMI in diaiiie'.cr. .Metallic (luUi tr trvcn irirc, Of the best qualities, sarious sites of mesh, from Nob. I to HO inclusie, and from one to six lect in width. They are nnmlureJ so many spaces to a lineal inch, m,d cuttc suit. The auhscrilier a so keeps constantly on hand SCREENS, For Coal, Hand, Ore, Lime, Grain. Gravel, Ounno, Nuiiine, Sojar, 6'alt, Done, Collee. ifpice, PrtiRa. Ilje-Sliitr.&c. ToRcther with an as sortment iifhright mil annealed Iron Wire. All of the above sold wholesale nr retail, by , J. A. NEEDLES, 64 North Front St., Philadelphia. May 31, lRSG. WHITE IIOHSE HOTEL. P0TT.SVILLE, PA. '"flHE suWriber respectfully announces to his old frieio's and the public, rtiat he has taken that did and well known epla'alislitnent, tha White; Horse Hotol. At the corner of Centre and Muhautngo sts., in the borough of l'oltswMe. l'lio house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rcutlerinp; it quite as comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who mat stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FKGER. April 5, IS. V'.- tf irr i f n:i togetdi::. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. - WUY AUK WE SICK? ! hss been tlie lot nf the human race to be weighed down hy disease and suffering. HOl.l.liW.V Ytt 111.1.- are specially adapted to the relief of the Wi'.AK. the M:itVUl.t, the IIKIJCATT.. uud the liFIH.l,of ull climes, uges, st.-xe, and conslitutious. Professor Hollo, way personally superiiitende the tnnuu'iictule of his uied icines in the L'uittI Suites, and Hirers them to a tree and enlightened people, as the best remedy the world ever e.W,for tiie letnovsl of disease. THESE PILLS PUuVyTIIE HI.OOD. fnmous Pi Is are expressly combined to opornte nn (tie stoma- b, tiie liver, the kidneys, the lunfft, tlie skin und the liowe.s, ctrrectini; uny Jeruniemeut in Ihfir func tinns, puiifyiic the blfKHl, the vety lountnin oi life, had thus curim tisense i;i all itsfirins. DYSPEPSIA Ai LIVEIt COMPLAINT Nearly linlf the humuu race have tsken these Pills, has been proved in ull mrlj of ttie vvorl.l, tliut nothing has been found eu.mil to llielll ill eases of d'Sordi-rs of the spo'givoaheaiiliy tone to those argans, however inueti bi er, dyspepsia, and stoiunelt eoiiipluintsgenerully. Tiiey l oeraaged, and when uil uUier nivalis have tailed. GKXKHAL DEHUATY, ILL UF.A LTlf. Many of the nmst deno:ic Governments have opened ilivir Custom Mouses to the introduction of these. Puts. that the nsiv lieeolne the medicine ot the masses. Lptirn- c! CoM.ges admit that tins medieine is the best renie.'y ever known f"i pets-ins of delicate health, or where the sysiein rt-is neen iiuinureu, os us llivigoiuililg properl never fait to au'ool relief. FEMALE COMl'LA l.XTS. No female, young or old. shouM be without this eele i htiited meilieiae. If rnrreis and regulates the monthly j Courses nt ail peijodi, ueting in tunny ,-asi'S like a churn, . It'lsalsa tlie bi-sl stal sal'ent uitdleine that euu be given to ! Children of nil airi's, ite.il for any eompluint ; consequently no family should be without it. Ilolloirai's I'illt are the lest remedy known in Ihf ,vo, fie the inllnwinn ri.l Asthma, Fever and Ague Smne and Gravel ll'.veel Compuililts 1 euune Lolupl'ililts r-econtlniy ?ymii Cousli. lleaitaene. Inw.o't W'eahai's. Co!i!. liutik'itioii l.iv.-r Coinpiaiuts Chest P'seases Intlaenzs l-ownessol sipniis C.istiveness liitLiuimation Plirs ).;iep.ia llr.irhu'u Dronsv Venereal AlTeetions AVurru., of ml kinds Plt.KS AND FISTULAS. v Sold at the Maii'il'aetiirle. of I'rotVtfsnr IIol.to.VAY ; ll .Manleil 1 ue, .New York, rout -JU r-:raiid. i ilon, bv nil respe'-luble Uruguists ami tlealers iu .Medicine tlironeli- ' out the United rnates, tout the eivilued world, iu boxe;., i at ttf cents. OJ t cents, uud fl eueii. l 'i'lierei.a cousulerable saving by taking the larger i si-s. 1 .. It Pireetions for the eui'lance of patients ia every i uisoroer are aiiixeo ti raeli box Mat eh 1, 1-uU I ten IJiOHTind MMIEIMA WINE8, Schiedam r-'chnupps, Wild Cherry brandy. Elai kbrrry and Lavender brandies lor medicinal purposes at May 3 1 , 'SU. V'M. A. U III W EH. Citrate of Magnesia on T A S T Y. LESS SALTS. nniUi"! preparation is recommended as an ex--- cellenl laxative and purgative. It operates mii.lly, is entirely free from uny unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by WM. A. UUTNEll. ""y'" !. . !'! - BLACK, blue and brown cloth, plain and fan- ey cassimcres, Kentucky jeans, atlinetts, strined coutinir. duck linen, tweetls. orenadme silk, silk velvets, plaid and figured vesting, for sale by May 31, IS50. K. Y. HEIGHT & SG.N. TrTr--T'TJ-7, rr pr? 'ovr";r3'-rj SUNBURY, PA riHE subscrilier respectfully informs the public j JL that she still continues to keep tho auuvu i ii.iuru ,uonu I1IJUBV. She lias also received a new supply ef good liijuors and wines, and trusts that she will be I able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her j house. I MARIA THOMPSON .... t.i:.. I Sunbury May 51, lt5 if. rpnOAD AXES, hand nxes, adzes, hatchcta, hammers, chisels of ull kinds, squares, suws, saw setts, augura, planes, plane bits, liles, coiu puffs, screw drivers, brace und bills, hand vices, bevels, spiriflevels, tape lines, drawing knives, monkey wrenches, nipper, plvers, sprintf cullip pers. pinchers, oil stones grind stones, cranks and fixtures, chisel and augur handles for sale by May ol '06. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. JAMES F. CALBREATH'S I.AD1KS FANCV SHOE STORE, So. 59 Sorth Eiohlh Street, Abort Arch, Ennt sittc, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, ran have shoes made to order in the very lest style and workmanship on a few days notice. An excellent assortment to select from, always on hand. May 10, lfcl5C. lv GEORGE SCHALL & CO. mm ACTiiitit ur BLASTING POWDER, Ml. Curmel, Sorthumberlund County, ta. May 10, 85fi nPobaCCO and Segars SO.OOO Imported - Segars of various biands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at WM. A. BP.UNER'S. Bunbury, May 31, IS.'itl, UAWS Saw Spears and Jackson's hand, panncl, rip, compass, tenant brsss buck, framing, circular, cross cut and mill caws for alo by E. V. BRIGHT & SON. May 31, 1850. ,T lTU. Salin and Fancy RiiiKon. silk, ITS. Vorsle.l and Linen biuid, Mohair Head Presses, Mills, (i loves, Stivkings, French em Lruiderdcd and Flourishing 'J'liread. For sale by r.. x. uttiuuT & fcON. May 31, 1850. Stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper uud Envelops, Mourning, Letter, and Cup Par, Pen. Ink, Sand, Ac, at -! May 31, '60. WM. A. UK LIVER'S. VTA1L, spikes, hammered and horse shoe 4-' pails, ruual shrivels, picks, , grub haft and mason hsmmsr, ior sale by ilae-Jl'M K. V. BFICHT it 50V 1S55 . Bpeoial Expross Notice. 1860 HOWARD cSc.CO'S EXntESS. HAVING obtait ed full iiprew privileges over the UATAWM9A. tsUNUUHY ANU ERIK and ll.LIAMSPOKT & ELMIUA KAll.KOAUS, we re now prepared to forward all descriptions of Express (foods by Passanger Trains, daily, between Philadelphia and Elmira, connection at Klmira with all the Western Ex press Companies. All Roods for Tamaqtia, Summit, Cattawissa. Pnnvillc, Milton, Williamsport, Elmira.ond also to Northumberland and Sunliury and all inter mediate places, delivered the same day. Each train in charge of our own Special Messenger. Philadelphia Ollice, 9S Chesnul Street. OlTice Elmira at United States Eipress Office. April 12, 1856 I y BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains. EINO desirous of disposing of my entire stock of Hooks and Stationery, cntrtprising some 20.(1(10 Volumes or Law, Medical, lieli gious Heiciitifie, lilatik, Musical, School and Miscellaneous Hooks. Also, 100 Keanis of letter paper and a lot of wall paper, steel pens, wafers, &C. I will dispose or the hole stock at public, sale sale nt my store, opposite the Court House, commencing nn Monday the 7th day of April, 1656 at I o'clock, 1' M., and continuing, every afternoon and evening until the whole stock is sold. VM. McCAKTY. Per JOS. H. McCAKTY. Sunliury, March 15, 1956. tf New Wholesale Drug Store. T. SPENCER THOMAS. No. 26 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. B M I'CRTEH, Manufacturer and Pealer, in Prugs, Mciliciu.cs, Chemicals, Acids, Pyc stull's, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French ' and American White Zinc, Window Cilnss, (ilisswares, Varnither, Urushes, Iiistruinents, (round Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar ticles usually kept by Druggists, including l!o rax. Indigo, (ilue, Shellac, l'olasli, oc, ic. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, (ioodsscnt to any of the Wharves or Huilroad stations. Uriecs low and goods warranted. March 8, 1856 ly THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF SWUNG AND SUMMER GOODS. j. r. &. i. r. klxnz;, Respectfully announce to their friends and 1'ie ! Pblic ill general that they have receied at their i More in I pper Augusta tuwnsliip, JNortluimlicr- 1 land county Pa., at Klines Grove. Their Spring , and Summer goods are opened to the public a ! fai RPSrolinent of merchandise &r. ' ,, . . r,o .i , , r : Consisting in part of Cloth3, lilaci and fancy j Cass'mers, Salilietts, Cheeks, Kentucky Jeans and till kinds ofrring and Summer ("'oils. A lot of ready made Clouthiug, suitable for j men and boys. Ladies Dress Goods, j Shawls, (iitighuins, Dernge Pelains, Calicoes, , black Silks iVc. ! Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, j Groccrios Ac, of all kinds. j A new supply of Hardware, Qurentware, I i wooden ware L'roonis e. i .Al" a. Ii,ree assoitnient of Hoots and Shoes, Huiiatiie lor ini-n women sun cniniren. Hats and Caps, such as Palm Leaf, Panama. Leghorn. Silk !,-.: Also an assortment of Iionks, Stationery, ink, i Pictures and Picture frames &c. Fish, Salt, Cheese ac., and all j;oods usually! ) kept in a roiititiv store. Cotrcaud sec, Come 1 ; one, come all. Cheaper than the Cheapest. ; Than!. I'nl lor past luvors we hope bv strict at- j tentioii to business to merit a continuance of the same. All of the above named stock of goods will be 1 sold positively at low prices lor cah,or in ex- i j change for country produce at tho highest mar- ' h.ci price, . Klines Grove, Pa., May 17. lfiG tf JOHNSON & EEOTHEH, i CABINET MAKEKS, j No. V I Jor'.h Second .Street, first door above ' Christ Church, Philadelphia. H JiOKSONS i;t want of llnreaus. Tables, Solas, i "- Chairs, Bedsteads, and every varktv ol ; household furniture, would do will to call, as 1 those articles are made up in the best style aod j sold at the lowest prices. j April 12, 1S5G.- ly ! EAHTEEIiWAHE- fr1,E "l'"iber respectfully in'orms the citi- ! - Il'ns "f Sunbury and tho public generally, l'',i0 h.ES coinntenccd tho inanulacture of all I Kinu ui KAllTIIKXWAIir:, I nt his manufactory in Whortleberry S:trcct, one square east uf the River. Ha has en-aed the j ; services of Mr. Ha lie. and you can therefore, depend on having it good article. The p'lii. it are respectfully invited to call, j All orders from u distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.SHLNDEL. Sunbury, Teh. 2, 1S5C tf Dissolution of Partnership. TVJOTICE i hereby given that the partnership ' heretofore existing between Sam'l A Berg stresser & Juo. 11 oil', iu the Mercantile busidess ut .'ly slHirf, has been dissolved by mutual con sent. SAM'L A. RERGSTRESSER ) JOHNHCFF. J The account of the late firm will be settled by S. A. llergstresser who will continue the bu siness at tha old stand. .. A. I! i.iicbi atssKn. Klysburg, April 13, ISiili J. STEWART DEPUY & SONS, Importers ancl Dealers in Carpotings Miifonic Hull, Chestnut St., below Eitjhth, VfjTOl'LD respectfully invite you to cull and ' examine their large and well selected stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Coco and Canton Mat tings, Pruggets, Hearth Runs, Poor Mats, &c, w hu h they will sell to the trade at such price a wi,l make it desirable for those who wish to pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, April IS, 1850. ly Iishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot-- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, .Snoods, Flies, hirby, l.iiueiick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, &c. for sale by May 81, '68. WM. A. BRINE II. I r lull I.ltK'II, muslins, checks, ticking, table diaper, furniture check und Turkish counter panes fur kale by May 3 I '6 E. Y. BRIGHT le SON a i p7. iiYTiiF v tC Vo.y, vi i M r ac rt s iRs ur TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 1-16 Chesnut Street, front of Jones' Hotel, r-fp. PHILADELPHIA. J&r,i-r t,t HAS on hand the cheapest, and 1i I I T 1 1 1 1 I assortment of TRUNKS vS- CARPET RAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PL'BLIC. Sola Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Bound Travellidg Trunks; Packing do, Valises; Ladies' Bonnet Cusea; Carpet II as, Sutchels. j eVc, by the quantity or single article, lower than ! can lie bought at any other place in the city. Julx.51856. WASHINGTON HOTEL, KQUTIIUMRERLAND, PA, a. s. jowisr, IPropriotor, Vonh'd, June T, l85.-m. EAYDOCE.. & TIDIER, DEALEH3 in Watches and Jewelry, will continue, the business at the old stand of James 1). Fidler, " No. 1 2 South ernnrf Slreef, PHII.ADK.I.PHIA, W'he.re they solicit nn examination of their Wtt and varied stock, leelina; assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they possess for procuring aoods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them ta compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Urittuuia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Ueods, &c, &c. N. 11. Repairing of W atches and all kinds ot Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. Pbila., April 7, 1S55. tf. ' TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL IESPFCTFi;i.LY inform the public that " they have leased the new colliery, called tho Lambert colliery, and urc ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new coal Breaker. All orders prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shamokin. Sunliury, June 30, 1855. Photography ! Dagnerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES, (Succersor to McClecs t7en?irH,) "lron.P call the attenion of the public, not only to tho superiority of the Paguerreo- types, the Hyalograph, (iiy sotno called Am'oro type,) and tho various styles of Photography on paper; but to the fact, that parties at a distance ' possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send- : ing it to No. 160 Chestnut St., have trade from j it bv the means of Photography, and the talents . o( Ihe best Artists, a portrait of nr star., from a small Locket to the full size of life. A small book containing; description, priees, Ac, A-c, will be sent gratis to any parson ina king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 100 Chestnut st., below 7th Phila., July Si, 1856. tl". THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, T?SIKDuudei the Seal, Sanction ami Authority af tlie I niverHiiy of TUKK MKDI:IK mid pnj ;r kiiow- ietite, imuierctt ny me mre ot remisyivnnia, Apn.a1-', , l".-, with ti Capital of SHitUHio, rnainty ior the purpise of arrcjiiiiiir the evits ot Spin ions and worthies Nostrums; Also fur supplying the Cormiuiiu!y with n liable lieme- , divaj v. h -rever ii Coumelertt 1'hyivieiaii cannot or wilt t t beemp'ned. 'J'liis I nfttti i:t jf n l;;s i urchisc fmni Dr Jons It. ilowANu, his Celebiatcd i Hova:.rs 'ionic !.38turc, Known fur upwards of twenty-live veura us the only "tire ' and safe cure for V KVKH uud Afi I ' I 5- e,, and tns sues- ' timr.Me Keinedy for noWKI.CO.MlM.AlNTS. lEuwnud Coiupoiind Syrup ,f H: ii'kl -rry Hour, whieu highly up- ) proved nnd popular llf-mcdic. oethrr with The 1" Diversity's Itemeily for Complaints of llie I.umqs ; ; The l uiversity a llcm.-tly for Dyspepsia or Indigcslion ; The I'niv-Tsit'y'a Hein-ly furCt.stive-llowels; Also, tde I 'niversity'w Ahnimac maybe be hud, at tha ; nraiu-h Dlipctieary.ur Store of No. 3, l$33. Mjhn::ny 1. O. CnEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. tJjEKUY & EP.ETY. invite the attention of merchanis and others In 1'ieir Iarje stock of elerjantly bound Uibles, Hymn Iicnks, Prayer Boons, Albums, nnd Presentation L'ooks in all sty lea ol" binding ; Standard Theological, MeJical, Miscellaueotts and School books, which they have received from Trado Salts and are selling at entreinely lowpri.-es. Also direcj from tho mnnufactiirers and Im porters, ever' kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold ai.J Sled Pens, Pencils, Inkstands, Wrapping Pa pers, Ac, tic, at the lowest cash price PKHUY .1 KKKI'Y. S. W. Comer, 4th snd llarn .M'.s. Philidclphia. Scpten.ltr 22, 1855. if TO A STORE T.00M on Market Sruara in Pnn ' bury,snd two rooms adji.ir.inr;. CHARLES PLEASANTS. January 20, 1 Sofi. tf Fashionable lint s and Capa. ASIIS" & R0CAP, A'd. l.".f. Market ft., riHLADELPHIA. INTOUM their friends and tho public pencally. thut they continue to l.i ei r.t S their old st.in.l, a lnri;j and extensive assortment ot hats, cp, Ac, got up of lliebe.-t material and in the latcs) and best style of workmanship and lini.'.i. Country merchants nnd ethers will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Phila.. Nov 10, 1H35. tf. NEW MASONIC HALL, rnii.Aiir.Li'iJiA. ACI'NTS WAVIT'D ill every t nvn snrl e uatv ia th United States, to tell the beautiful picture of the GUAXU i.opgi: HOOM. In the Niir Mimimc IUll. I'hilad.Shia. Tl; s Plat. i. Si-tllti very lapiill.i , and elicit tltc sdiumitioii ' I s'!, for the eorrei'iuer.' and udeluy Willi v.iueh the statcabv. I'uescii I'.icrivi.s axu l-'ntMll'RK urc reprtieiii,' !. s, 1 tiie urit.ii,' lieautv and harmony of the colors, sn.:. of Plate, !W X 4'. I'i ii-e S I IKI. liooKsrllers and Picture Ilralers wtshiejr to t.e ncen cirs lot it, Will pleas uddrea. ! fuitt.r iiiforiiiatio i.. . Husr.v rtt L, Liltiorapher, I'i.ilaueVhia. October 27, IW tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. Till' I.ARiU'.ST I'lAN'fi rriitTK, Mr.I.OPF.t AND Ml blC STdKIJ IN TUK UN PIT!) PTA TU.S, Will be opened October 11th l-ts. iu the Mam:c Ci;IMig, I'llekliut Street, Blsive Seventh, I'llfadeipllla. II) JOHN .MAKSti, the Solo Afi-nt lor Hoao.in.iii, (irtty A Uo.'s eelibruled Dolce Cuiupnin A''.,; iaeent I'eoio Fortes, mid C V. I'isk A C.i'g Preuiiuiii .yielo. denns. Also, I'Kino Voltes uud ..lelndoons .,f oti.erdis. liuirni.licd makers. J M . ha obluiued a lease for ,i-vt-i:.l yeais in Ihe nee,', in itrnitii-ent aiul well known Yl.i. a:e liuil.lliii!, wh'-rc he in.!!... l,,'iliiff the laryoi stisd. ni:.l ns,'itmeut of I'eiuo Fortes, McliNleors, V.,s;,.t ,,,.,1 ;t. steal iiisltntneuts of evety ileeilptlou, ml ta .vimh ue earrfelly selete.1 hy himself, ud vearrunted to give per fect SHtifiictio!! iu every lutaaee. Oetolier sirtli, 135. If COLEMAN'S CHEAP CTJTLEKY STORE, .Yo. 'Jl Sorth Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. plOL'X'l'RY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen per cent, by purchasing at tho above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but , little rent, and living economically, it is plain II can undersell those who purchaso their Goods ! here, pay liigli rent and live like princes. 1 ('oiistaiilly on hand a large assortment of Pen i and Pocket Knives, SeUkOis dud I'.uors, Table ' Knives and Forks iu ivory, slag, bullalo.Soiiv and j wood handles, Carvers and Forks, cVc, Butcher Knives, Dirks, 7iowie Knives, Revolving and piain Pistols, Ac. Also a large assortment of Aecordeons, Ae. Also tine English Twit and German (inns. JOHN M. COLEMAN. Oct. 20, 1855 ly. Importer. THOMAS PALMER. COS! M IiMU. MDUC II i VT. No. 35 North Wharves, i'hiladi lphia, Where tho following good are received and sold on commission : Dried Apples. .Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cher jies,rVc.,Grceu Appl in Barrels or by the bushel Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Teas, blmU'-arks, Raisins, Cranberries, Chestnuts, Figs, Onions, Ground Nuts, I'murst- Mercer Potatoes, Oranges, Grpes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, t'liec.:e. ' And all kind of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April IS, 1856. ly HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAV. Ojfict opposite th.' Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa, Prampl tttiorj to buine in aJjeinitig k.'Oliiirs. ChamoVin White Ash Anthracite CoiL lh,m t,e "OH Win" in the Gap Colliery. H. ZIMMEKMAN A: JNO. P. PCIiSEL, ' auccessors to Kaee, Reed A. Co., will ceu tiuue mining, shipping and selling roal from tka above well known C olliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & Pursel. The point of shipment Is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber land couifty, Pa., whpre oil orders for the varieua kinds of cunl, vizi Lump, Broken, Egj, fetova, and Chestnut Coal, will be UiMikfully rsr.eated and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, Sl'NRt'RT, Jitlt S, 1858. The firm of Kase, Reed A Cu. having sold their lease in the Unp Colliery and interest in tba wharf at Sunbury, to Messrs. Zimmerman it Pursel, would take greut pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others t the new firm, aa they will be able to sell thcin prepared coal ef the best quality, KASE, RKEDcV CO. U XiTED IsTATlTs TlOTELl Chennut Street, (t!mre Fourth. PHILAEBirHIA. J. MacLELLA.N, (late of Jonri HoM. lias the. pleasure to inform his friends and the traveling community, that he has leased this Hause for a term of years, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this favotite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The Houso nui Furniture have been put in first rate order; the rooms ore large and well ventilated. Tho Tables will always 1 e supplied with the best, and the proptietor pledges himself that no .Tort an his part shall or r-ar.ting to make the Cnited States equal i:i remfurU to sdj Hotelin the Quuker City. Phila., July P. 1854 iJAML'EL S. FETIIERSexT , F rstttn 7 , I.AMFS, T.ASTEliys, CIlASngLlFRs I A. CAXlJELBHAS, .-NO. X.iJ ,s. -Z I Strrrt. ahav, ! FHlLAPEU-iUA. j AMNt;:nlarr;cd and improued his store, t and huvintf one of the luruest awortnienva of Lumps in yiiiladelphia. is now prepared t.. furniUi Pine Uil, .'.mp;,eno, Burning riuid. I LardandthlLaiups.an.lLaiiternsjf all patterns : Glass Lamps by the package, at a .mall arlvaoce" ! ovce at-cl.,,:: pricn. Uciiu; Miinulaclurer and i Dealer of 'ine Gil, Itnrning; Fluid and Mcoiiol, i which v. ill 'be furnished to Mcrt'ials r.t such prices that they will Cd it to their sdvai,te buy. Aiuo, Household (ilasswaie ; h d,ic,i?. : lions at the lowest market prices. Phih.uclphiu, Or!. 1-1, 185J.. EOYT5, P.OSSIiil & :"co.," I cnagns xo sntn-ga, tr tlcu nt!)iocitc oal. From the Ltlko l-'itttf!? C.-.Hierw ; Shamoltia, North'd Coimtj, Psiia. ! Address. IJoyd, Iiosaer A Co., Siin! ury, fa. ; 1. M. Pot ii. j. Ho.sKii. iii. rtarn. t. a (is r n! , Sunluirr. April 7, 1855 tf. B.RPWAr.E.-'J-ah;0 Cutlrrr, ftnorr. Peck I 't Knives, Hard saw' Vi'ood saws in j frani". Ases. 'liisels. Poor Locks, snd Hieye Kand bulls, Waiters, ,Vc, just received and for i"!et,y I. VV.TE.NER AGO. Sunliury Dec. S, lfcM. DANVILLE i:0TL. JOHK nSEN, Jit., A'cr.v Stre-t, r.j.?.V-. .,:, pCIS is one of t! e larf rt jnd most cor-.. - dtotis hot- ' in tl.:. imerier of Pennt vlvania u i.as ursii r.-er.t:y tmed up, , cxcsll.nt stv wttti all the Mnder;i c.-nve,,it ::,-es. Eanviliu, :'.-. ;a -lo. vholes.l:-; DOOTFHtli: & TIU'.NIC W AKFHOVK.r, So. 101 Ar,' wee!, up ."Si..r,, Fetwefii Third i FnurlU f in.. unr,. Hlt, near I nioii Hotel rhibvle'p'iia, Carpet Ea; ari.l Vnliees nf s dr-r.-iptmrs CH A KI.I'.S K. THAI hklli. Ill )U HUT n. WOPPUOP. lh.!:t.ieipoi, Jan. i", 1 J if JAU. P.l-;:ii.A l,re and ;i'cndcd ooi uueni ot i.i. i'tpcr. ... v, ie.iiow per, and fil Shades. j.:n reecivr.l and for aula ly I. W. Tf.Mir: & Co, Hiinluirv, .May S, i$r, , ff AMI V.i:jt.NTs.-The hi;:he,t price u Jvviil he sivm for Laud Wat rants ly ihe sub II. I! M'.ss;:k. JXK liouna-j's eeii l r:iied ink, and also Con grcs ink fr.r sale, vrlioIrs,!e and retail l,r Deceikl.er si.-il,. 11 C MASSES. "JEDARTI.'IJ.S. llo,-.,- !'ud..t.. Painted Ii its. Meat Teiolciers, Com Broou.a, li kels, Children's Wagons, and ankce ( le uctt as ( locks ust received and for sale l y May sc. is.-i. i. i r ATTORIiEY AT LAW, SI NIU HV, PA., Aided by svioe ei.;'it years experience in tha pr,:.-:iee nftl.o Lu-.r, will atier.d with fidelity to all mutter appertaining to cr will in the line cr his profcMon. Office v.ith Chailcs J. Bruner. Esq., Murk.'l street. Sniiltiry Se;:. :ft IS'5, ;f $50 HEVARD. rKHE stdiscribcrs oiler a rewaul 1' fifty dollar lor the discovery and conviction ol liie ;. koli or persons, who cut and uestroved the hand on tho Machinery ol 'their Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, Ul.veen Shaniokin and Mi. Carn-.d, on the night of ihe Oth iust. 'l'he above reward will be luid to anv erp S.v ' ing infjf iii a ion that v.iii lead lo tiio convielian i oi the ollcnd- r. ' CLEAVER, rAGEI.Y A Co.. onamohin vjci. r, t.io. it. S3?"FaOT,:OIj3EjS - -,."" . ,. , In Goi(1. Silver, and E-tsUc Steel l'r-r.S. ATHE.MAT1CA L Iii-trmnenls sparat " and in caie, i bet monieters of ituiona sire'., Fpy Glasre: of inly dewription, V, .,.i,s points for Lightning Rods, Maic J. aniens with, acriplural, astronomical and temperance designs. Microscopes and . Microscopic objects, (ialvanto I IJatterie, Electrical .iiachnies, .v -utvci.. I ero, passes, burveving t hula tec. Ac. MCALLISTER cv BROTH EE. (Established in liDfl.) 134 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Ulio-tialcd Catalogu (S4 pagea) with 150 illustration lurui.iied ou appl'talioa, and sent by u.i.'.' rao of chaige. Phiitt.Sept. 8, le'i-6. CEDARWARE, iioiiow-ware, Ulass-nare, ' und a lare slock ef tjiiecu.ware, tivliiiiciuK j tha newest patterns, for sale l.v j Msyal'bri. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. : H?"" ,S' llo". Hats, C-ip. and Gum olhoes, i B just received UI.J for sale bv Oct. 7 ISO!. TENER !, Cn 1 Fairbanks' Platform and Counter 8cale foi ale ry E. Y. Enii.Ji't A bON. , May 31, I :. 1 COLLINS VmXLEESTER'S j TYPE FOUNDRY" i and Printer Furnishing Warebonse, ' So. I LoJye A'.lfi, buck of new Mutauie Hall, ! PhUadelpiia. . Phila., Jan. U, HAM, bhouiJers, Cl,'ce, M attar I, liish svalinon aud Salt for sile bv' May 31 'SC. F. V. !JitKniT 4 vo.N.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers