El B RI AUAIMMY VALLEY MUIR Sixteenth Annual I ' bold ers--Ueport "o "Boarttof Director lOrs. 'The seventh ann .al meeting of the stoCkholders of th. Allegheny NT ley Railroad Company was held 'Teeter ay morning at the (Mice of the iiampany on Pikd 'street. The meeting was _called to order by P. R. Branot, Rig., upon whose motion Henry :Whalen, Esq., of Philapelphia, was called upoil to preside, and Mr. Jacob Glosser appointed Secretary. The report of the President, Colonel Wm: Pnillips, and the Board of Direc- Viz's, was then read, as. follows: AN NU' AL .11PORT. In accordance with the requirements of the charter, the President and Mans , , , gem present the sixteenth annual report tcy•the stockholders of the Allegheny Valet' Raliroad Company, together with tlie" reports from the Superintendent, Chief Engineer, Treasurer and Aiditor, showing in detail the'operations of their respective departments. A condensed statement of the receipts and expenditures for the year is as fol lows: • : - From frights..... Froth pa....eagorn From express.... From mall From mlseellsneous Total . , I ConduCting transportation:.. Motive power Maintenance of ears 197,710 CO 37,016 81 Maintenance of way - ° , lin 645 .79 ' (sacral expenses.. ..-- ' 18,100 85 . 1 ' 'fetal expenses i t ti e ,423 n Total net ear:dogs Mr in During the year 1867 the gross re r eceipts : - of,the road amounted to 1 4 87.240.28, but, • . --owing to the , varying circumstances of the road, as 'regards length, no useful • ; comparison can be made with these fig - Urea the present year. In view of the fact that your road was only opened for through traffic in time to begin the fiscal yearjnst closed; and' that its bassi : • nessi,Vor many months, was subject to .' the many inconveniences and'drawbacks 1 incident to a new road, we haveYeason I , ' to l tongratulate , the ; stockholders noon 'the - rein:tit. - The"receipts for the first six ' months of the year averaged $67,674 per .month. Receiptss - for the second bailor .•,.. the year ..averaged. - • - $99,059' Per 'Month. The, 'expenses for • ••thei•-• first six months . averaged $38,569.• and for - the 'second six months, / 44,68 0. 1- increase of gross re ; ,• kieffits, - 33per cent.; int:tease of expentes t •i• ' 158.10 per cent.; percentage Of earnings ! - in first six months-57-per cent.; for last ,• .- ; -Ms Months, 496.10 per cent.- 1 The year's btisineasproves conclusive ly that your road , :can never fail to pro ; 41tictiample net revenue_ to meet the in . terest upon its bonded debt, end to have ' ! ' • 'at handsome surplus for the interest on • - andliquidatiou •of.. the floating debt, the •'. • improvement of the road,and eventually for dividends. ------ • ...-, .- The: cost of managing and operating • ! the road was. flity..two per cent, of . the gross receipts. The earnings per mile of e• road were 17,224 47; . expensesi•per i , • mile, $3,812 96; net earnings per mile, i $3,411 51. The number of barrels of '- - -crude petroleum carried was 564,667; of • . - refined, 595,577; number of tons of coal carried south, 208,992; northward, 20,387 1 tons. Further interesting details In re ; said to the operations and traffic *of :the ; road, are given in the accoMpanying-re ; ports. :The , road-bed and track are in excellent order, nearly all of the old iron having been replaced by new of the best make. '.;•• 'The track is fully ballasted'and surfaced ; - up to the grade, and thp- engineer pro.; ~.• • - flounces your road to be equal to the best - ' roads in the country, "both for smooth •ness, and solidity; also; for general safe ; . , ty." The rolling. stoc is s uffi ci e nt condi t - to n, and ganerally or the present business of the Company. The i rapid increase of coal, lumber, stone and ' iron traffic, will 'require a considerable addition to the number of gondola cars. The cost of the road is represented by , Capital Stook. 1a,241,230 Bonded Debt 9,,000' Floating Debt, not prOrlded for 1.800001,&13 ' 4 ` 1 Total ' - 8s::012,11:0 , For which you have 131 Miles oflirst class single track - railway,-with the ne cessary side tracks, etc., and equipments 'for a business' of $1,500,000 per , annum. This is equal to a cost of 884000 per mile, and' n view of the fact ,that the forty four miles of road betwaen Pittsburgh :and Kittanning have been anti rely'relaid with new iron and ties, and ,have :been ballasted and otherwise improved, mak ing the road almost equivalent to re building, this cost will be found t com pare not unfavorably with that of s miler -enterprises which have been prosecuted during the same '. period period of highprices ' and:inflated currency. , Your Board of Managers estimat the gross receipts of the road for the co Mg year at $1,500,000. The experience o the t \ . jiat past Veer goes to show that the exp en ses will not be over fifty per cent of the roes receipts, which will leave us, over and above expenses, $750,000. ---- Ded uc ting ..from this sum the interest on $4, 000,000 of bonded debt, 1292,000, ,we will have the tolin of 1448,000, for the interest and. redaction of the iloating . debt. • At the last annual . meeting the stock holders directed the early prosecution of the work of extending the line of the road from the Allegheny river at the month of the ,Maherting to the Susque hanna. The surveys" had already far progressed, and as soon assposslble a 10-, "cation was made, and the: work begun • at the r several important points, to prepare : road bed, Notwithstanding the pi - .or right of: this Company to the location, both by the charter and the surveys of its engineers, the contracter• found his g miund disputed t.. , . , working parties claiming to act unllhr the'direction of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Com. 4 panv. Other points on, the line were al- 1 ap elaime.d 1)3 , the Wi nslow`collier Com pany. It , is not believed , that either' of: the interfering MO will street any at-- pose' seriously _detrituental to the inter: ; 4 381. 8 ; of Your ..mnparly.. _k,eyertheless, the paramount import ance of 1 ,4 04 .- ottio poemng forward the - koryotir ear. , ,mpxtension is Marilfstt. t0..,,up,..ait Ints expended already, if, • r , Y Treys aud grading at different _points, about /80' and, it would be ve ry desirable- to p - tit a larlte force at 'work, or 4 thel,Omiel at the numm an - other T:Peinta :twhere th work heavy i as earlyas possible in th ( e spring l , s in order to sepply the f ueds•for: the pro - aeration of this wOrkinutto fund they' the present floating debt of the - comp , , ..your Board recommend the 'Moe of tfie bonds authorized by. the act of Assembly ~, , ,t April 11, 1857. ,To. enable the comp a . , ta issue the proposed bonds and so 3 P p Y piy_ them, a 'slight ino - dig c a t 'i cm , be. . ' , came necessary in the I prese n t k mrs of the company. The President - has al ready taken, preliminary measures to se. cure the neceseary suppleinentary legis: ,lation, and the stockholders are asked te, approve his action. The bonde,_ when EO3 • eating of the g ock. f the Presider'. s—Eleetlud of Ir rec- zatuencos. ... • . .$669,667. 75 . • .... 23a.ch57 18 i,BBO ...... 8.655 OGOO •14f6,41M 34 Division of Shaier Township. A petition numerously signed by qualified voters of Sheler township wail presented in the Court of Common Pleas yesterday morning, asking for the iiiii sion of said township into two election precincts, as follows : Elaation precinct No. 1 to begin at the south-end corner.of the borough of DlM vale, on the north side of the Allegheny - fiver, thence northwardiy along the divi sion line between lands af.H. and Wm. Slaniple and said borough to south line of land of Wm. Sanaple, Sr.; thence west wardly-'along said line to the division line of hinds of Wm: Sample, Sr., and Jas.. Ii win; thence northwardly along said lino to the north-east corner of said Jas. Irwin's land thence westwardly along the line orsaid land to the division line of ; Ross and Shaler-township; thence northwardly alon said line to a stone at the corner of lands of M. Cridge, David Thompson„W. Theobald and Thom p- Son; thence along the division line be tween lands of said Thompson and Theo 'bald, north 89'.1 degrees east. 82 perches, to corner of lands of A. McFeiron and Win. Thompson; thence north 89, 1 4, east 80 perches; thence through line of land of H. Trimble, sonth 934, east 104 perch es: thence along a lane between lands of Wise and Trimble, south 87, east 50. Perches; thence through land of Mnet go. south 97, east 30 perches; thence south 44, east 12 perches; thence through land of Golo WilitleB heirs, Hoffman, Crinder, and Briarly, ,•past Claw, to di- Vision ' line between lands of lames Claney and Mrs. Fiddlesook, south 44, east 54 perches; thence along said line north 89, east 76 perehee, to the old But ler road, adjacent to the northwest cor ner of the borough of Etna; thence southwardly along the line of said bor ough to the Allegheny river, adjacent to the north .of Big Pine creek; thence westwardly along the said river to tno place of beginning. • - . The place of holding general, special and township elections hi said precinct tole at School House No. 1 in said pre. cinch Election precinct No. 2 in said town ship to be Composed of the residue of said township, and bounded by the lines of Ross, Hatnpton and Indiana ,town ships and by said preCinet No. 1. The piece of holding' the general, special and township 'electiona in said precinct, the present place of holding elections. The Court granted the prayer of the, petitioners, and ordered and decreed that the said township of Shafer be erec ted into two election precincts, 'with metes and botinds above described. In accordance with the act of Assem bly in such cases made and provided, the Court appointed the following named persons as election cactus .for precinct No:1, who 'shall act'as such until _their successors are duly elected: Ado, Win• Sample, Sr.; Inepectorti,Wrn. L. Seavey, 'Charles Theoliald. For precinct No. 2-- Judge. George Rindt; Inspectors, John Campbell John B. Miler. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed rof record befOre#, Snively, Esq., Recorder, February 20, ' • 1 John Schweinhardtto fieorge Eichler. Janitor, .20. )880; lot on Main street, Allegheny, 23 feet - front; with buildings • '..-42,1100 -Robert Arthars to . Misfits A; It:temple, i April la. .., pms;, tot In Reserve township r/ by 207 feeSSMO leeop.ild Vetterel to Mary Sievers, blorember 23, ma; lot NO. lin.llenstiall'eplatr, Third•ward„ A ilegheny. 20 hr./Otfee hi With haildiuga—tn:soo James tirris.helm to Wm. Anderson, Jißy 6 ; 1 81111: lot In Wilkins township, containing 1 selliesl', w th - builiiin.go.4 ,- . - • - /.. - ...44'.... ..," 378 .paul 11. Macke, irnatee. to , George.Ernfr...ifeb ' ruarv, le 1800; 101'110.'41 ln:Mobokeh, liititans ; t0wnahip..;.........:L.. .. .. . .44.1.'..‘.it.:1.:.•.-u.:._104t5 AmandYforie-to Antand boll, J anoo47 -20 . I N O .I . , 14,.0n Franklin street. )ITanspet h er, 4.3. by len' 'feet. with building: . . ..... ~.".. ... :,_.y.,i;11,...114.030 Pani Mrfivske.trnstetirtditebert Robinson, tiep. •Wilat t r2o,-180 ; 1 0 1 . 2 40- 641 it poltsk9l, ;maims tom shin .. . .... .... • . ...?.o=s Paul Mc ATlCii.e, irnitect.'4;.ifitiry' itii n ci ‘ i ti ts p , l; ; o .t k 'o e b ii . ruarr 10, WI; totsiNos 44 .04. 20, . ........ . .... ~. 0450 tleorge ar. Andersbn to Mary Conway, Jujy , , 1897: lot on Birth t &Senna, , Third ward, .„Pitts. ,--' burgh. 21 by. 121.4 et - OA 100 D. "r utPley to Martin 'Kimmel, March 11. 1860; .. let in Lirears plan, Craig street, r irmlngtra,m • ' '2O by ZOO feet.. ..—.. . . JT. ... ill• ~ • gOOO .- Amadens Large ... urge ' Preder ck onas, April rt. Mu; tract of land In Indiana tow nahlP, 'containing fifty-Are acres + with buildings . .. ....... . . . . P. `r. AsEeliian . ;Gh :fan X.ll7,4giii 11; . ' W. FredeMilliken. Jane 10, 1607; lot in McClure town i by 109 feet................ .... ... . . ..X5O rick Larknet to Paul Yoeskel, ......... 10, ..1840; lot lu litason , a plan, being a part otrthe Coal Rill tract; 20 by 121 feet, with buildings .. . . ....... .. ................. . . ............... .$1,475 . 111ORTGAGA8, Same dagia mortgages were Mod of record. • issued, is believed, will-command ready sale! at a satisfactory price, owing to the Lid' that the company is "already in recelpt'of the necessary funds, in , am ple amounts; for the liquidation of .the coupons as they mature. A railroad bridge at Venango City or Franklin, or at each of theme points, would be of great value to your com pany, but of equal or, greater importance to Ahe companies with which we desire to connect. In addition to the faeilities it would afford in the transmission of oil, coal and lumber between the several roads, a - considerable through businessof traffic and trade between the head of the Ohio and the lakes would spring up. Espeially would the picturesque beauty of the Allegheny river and the strange sights of the oil regions make the route a favorable one for tourists to and from the Falls of Niagara. -The Bridge across the Allegheny at Brady's Pend has been completed, and greatly facilitates the shipment Of rail road iron from the extensive works of the Brady's Bend Iron Company. In surrendering, at the close of the year, the trust committed to them, the managers take pleasure in bearing testi to the diligence, faithfulness and ability uniformly evinced by the officers of the Company in conducting the important and difficult duties of their respective positions. The report of J. J. Lawrence, General Superintendent, was next read. The re port gave a detailed statement of the business of the road during the year. From it we learn that 362,883 passengers were carried during the year, 971-10 of whom were laud, and 2 9-10 through. The average number of miles traveled Was 212-10, and`the amount received per mile 3 4.10 cents. Total passenger mile age 7,602,148. During the same period 570,186 ' tens of freight were moved, eighty-nine per cent. of which was local and eleven per cent. through freight. The amount of revenue per ton. per mile 3 2.10 cents, and the cost of transporta tion 17.10 cents. The report states that no serious accident to •_passenger or freight trains has occurred, except one caused by the' breaking . of an axle near Scnibgrass, resulting in the' serious in jury to one passenger, and the slight in jury of four others. The reports of F. W. Martin, Chief En gineer, of construction, and EL Black stone, Chief Engineer, were also read, upon the conclusion of which a resolu tiob was offered and adopted, accepting and adopting the reports as read, A motion was then made that the stockholders go into an election of a Board of. Directors for the ensuing year. - The motion was adopted and E. Gregg, Esq., was appointed Judge and Messrs. G. W. Logan and J. L. Brown, Tellers, to conduct the election. Following is a hat of the Directors elected: William Phillins, William M. Lyon,W. K. Nimick, James Park, Jr., B. F. Jones, J. Patton Lyon, F. R. Bra. not. The meeting then adjourned. PITTREVIVIT-AGATUITZ : . . , CITY TilltAtkbilEa'S nprlCF.'_" FitTatUrtGli, February 11th, iti6v4 • fg"NOTICE ISBEREBY GIVEN to all OWNEnd OF DRAYS, CARTS, CAII.IIIA.OF,S. BOOGIES, &c., (whether resident or non risident,j ti toe City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licertses al this office POnTiliernt. In accordance wart an Act of Asecnibly approved March ao, 11160. abd an ordinance of the Conn-, ells of the 4. ity or F f ttsanrgh, pissed april 10, All Licenses not paid on or bet Te,MAT 1 1869, will be placed 14 the bands of a police o ficer for collection, subject to a collection fee df 50 cents, and all persons who ne,leet or refuse to, take out Licenses w1;l be subject toga - penalty ciduble the amount of the license, to be recuvered befcre the Mayor. The old metal plates of last year must be re• turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or 23 cents additional will be charged on each License. BATES OF LICENSE: Each one horse viehicle • 7.50 Each two horse venicle 12.00• Each four horse vehicle ' 15.00 Each two 4orse back 15.00 Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses, $lB.OO each. One dollar extra will be charged for each additional horse used in any of the above vehicles. A. J. COCHRAN, fettatetwom City Treesurer. OFFICE oy4ll, sIY IntrEyon, PlyTelnirEoll, February 13,1864. OgrNOTICE. TO CONTRACT :- ous.--seated proposals . for the grading, pavingand curbing of CAW/1M STREAM. from Forty-fourth to Forty4fth street; LI.ST ALLEY, from Fountain street to Fortl-tirst street,* ALlifoliD ALL EY, from Bat!er street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. FOSTEst ALLEY, from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad; D • Will be Feb received at this office until SATUR AY, ruary . 27, 1889. Specifications and Blanks for bidding can be had at this office. No bids will be received unless made out on the prcper blanks. 'l'ne Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bide. H. J. moons.. rem City Entritieer. It;r TO SVlLDEBS.—"Seiparate Pronosale, addressed to the Commis sioners for the Erection of City Hall." will be re. elved at the office of the Commissioners, No. 06 SMITHFIELD eTBEET, until MOND4CF, theist day of March next, for the Stone Work, Brick Work, Iron Work • and Carpenter Work, Required in the eon of the new"eity the according to the p laneand specifications of the same, which can be seen at the'odlce of J. W. KENS, Architect. in Appolo Building, No. 80 Fourth Avenue, where all requisite information will be given. - Ats FOR PLAg. itawardirTEßMAZWa received WORK HOUSE. Specifications of work and materials to be seen at the office of Messrs. Barr & Moser, Architects, Sixth street, where propesals will be left. ad dressed to • •• H. S. , FLEM' NO, fe"^ieSitalt Committee, SPECIAL NOTICES. oraturcituvo. wiLitijuaDTE. Thls splendid Nair Dye is the bestin the world: the only true and PeMet 'DYe: horldess• ble, Instantaneous; no d/soppolnttnent; no rt. dletdoes tints' remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes; Inyleor i d e sies and leaves the Hair soh and besatlfal. or brtness. Sold by all . Drugghns and Perttunero: and properly applied at Batche lor, el Wl.t Foetal", No . Bond street, New York. an=:p2/1 InrMARRIAGE AND CELMA. CE.--An Efor young inen on the crime of Solitude. and theyDISEAhk.S and ABUSSB which create iotpedimenta to MARRIAGE, .with sure means of relief. Sent in sealrdl letter en velope& free of charge. Add,ess. Dr. J. SKIL LIN 110ED/ITON, Hownsd Association. Phila delphia, Fa. 11119:d&T towisizat.)3l THE NATIONAL LIUESERINCREOMEIN, UNITEDSTITES OF AMERICA, : . WASHINGTON. D. C. • Chartered by S p ecial. Act of Congress, Approved July AS, 186 g. CaskCaPi -- - $1.000,000. Nina Mee: PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL RANK RITILDING, Where the 'general business "of; the 'ComPtilv transacted. and , .to which all general corres pondence should be addressed. DIRECTO 18 Jay Cooke. Phllaca E. A. Rollins. Wash , n. C, El. Clark, Phlada. Henry Cooke. Wash. John W. Ellis. Clueing. W. E. Chandler, Wash. W.G.• Moorhead. MIL Jno. D. Decrees. Wash. Deo. ir..!l'yler. Phila. " Ed. Dodge, N. York. J: Hinckley Olark. Phila. IL O. Fannestook.N.Y ""- OFFICERS. C.H. CLARE, Philadelphia. President. HENRY D . COOKE, Washington, Vice Preald't. JAY CtRIICE, Chairman Fitanoe and Executive Committee. M EERSONW. & `PEET, Phil.; eland Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Whington. Agin Secretary. FRANCIS' G. SMIT H , D., Medical Director, • J. MWINO.MAAIts. M.D.. A seitMed. Director. MEDICAL ADVIRORY BOARD. J. K. BARNES, Sure. General U. A., Wash'n. r.J..)21011W1Z, Chief Medical Dept U. N., Washington.'D. W. BLISS, M.D., Washington. - • SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. WM. E. CHANDLER, Waabington, D. O. GEORGE, HARDING. Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National in its character, offer s . by reason of the Larg. 4 oapltal, Low Rates of Premium and New Tables. She most , desirable means of insuring Ma yet presented to the pub 'That/des 'of premium being largely reduced, are Made as favora Co m p a nies, nsurers as those of the best Mutual and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes, Dirt , dends and the mlaunderstandinge elm lat ter. are SO apt to cause; the Polloy•liolders. Several new and attractive tables are now presented which need only to be understood to prove acceptable to the public, such as INOtiME-' ORODUCING POLLCI and RETURN PREMI. UM POLICY: In the former, the policy-held& not only eeooree life Immo., payalde at death,' but" will receive, ti living , after a period of a few 'tarsi an annuca•(neenteseuni; in fen or eat. tIU erni.). thd par of po li cy. , The lit ter the Commit agreed td return to Ma/gored Me. totql moat* of nova eaefaktln, : in ad dition to the ansount Ais pates,. The attention of persons contemplating • Insuring their Ries. or Increasing , the amount - of insurance ;hey al-' ready have, is called to the special 'advantages' offered . tl . the National Life /mutters Coat pant t:Circulars,•Pampidetatipditill partici:deli Alien On.rlicati; i n to the Branch 11111ce of the cam 'pan in 'Phi 'dolp orits General Agents. OCAL•AtiNNTSaitIe.WANTXD, every 'Oil/ land ABC APPReatlolls from. compe , + . " tent parties 'tor such 'exoticies witirecitable doriettient," Should be sad resufd Too' THE' COM MST'S IFIENNAILLAC9/NTA WILT, la tint:" respective districts. , Oit'sgnAt nrizirreii k" 8. W. CL - 11.111C A CO., Philadelphia, , TorPeons i rraelesnd kidethera New Jersey. ' JA.I" COKE & Wasbinaton,_D. C., For Maryland, ,11elisrartf' District of Ooltunbla and Weskyirgein. • evAY & CO.; Agents for' Allegheny, Reaver,•.lPatier, ..Mercer and , Washington counties. For further particulars address address B. S. RUS SELL, Manager, Philadelphia. anEnewar §ECOND LlftT. 1869, APPLI• OA.TIONS TO nitre/. LIQUORS, Sled in the etk's °Mee, month or 'February , n 69, NAME. HIND. PLACE. Michael LlMpert. 0: 9., OthWard,Plttsburpti. Phil. Herder, U. O. Bth ward,. Allegheny. The License' Board will sit for hearing the above apolleatlons on WEDNESDAY. the itelkth Intl., at 9 o'clock.A. H. IWO:eat JOHN G. . BROWN. Otatk. THOMAS STEEL, Scare MEM anXOR SALE TO, LET.r-Houses and Leta for sale ln alLisarts of the city and be. Also. several' F AMU- In good locations. Mesh& smaII.WOOLEN PAOTORTorith 30 acres of land, and good Improtementil which f Wlll sell cbeap and on reasonable term. Bnolneur, NOIIIOI. to let on good streets. PrlVate Homes lbrf-Yeatin .biSth Gilles. Par. f h rtber quirticulara Inquire of , WILILY/al ' lira ilk Grant' atreet.'onoosite Mariam .A t<CO rrl 7- * k tAiry ci ti 'UNIOXIONITRPRISE • • ' FOUNDRY • M. . m. JOKIIBRION• • Manufacturer of COOKING STOVER, &rebel, Grates, Venders. hash Weights, and all kinds of Hollow War«, Car Wheels and all kinds of blachinery Castings. COR. WATBON & Goe STS.. FI TytiBURUEI. PA. au.lity=wAti • nose, 13teatif. Packing and Gaskets of the oston Belting Companies manufacture at prices the M a nu f actu r er . allti of gooda Can be bought of A full stock always ou hand at,. the .Ludla Rubber Da•Pot. 1O and NB street. J., & PHILLIPS. fea Bole Agents for the Company. 1:70170N SALES • 'BY R. 'B.. 82 4 1THEON & 00. . - BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE .ztricLioN. AT SMITHSON'S EM43.CRIUM, 35 AND ; 37 FIFTH Al-ENOTt. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON Auction prletors of the well know Mammoth House tsre creating au excilert.mt Cunsequen, upon the ar rival of new goods which are being so,d at re markably low prices. Hoods oferery rariery: the linest sewed but , ,thr most raehlonable bdi pioral galrersard.let .tc , , blankets, nateneis cloths. cas:lmerei, cutlery and carpets. Call ' and examine ho trouble to show goods.. Ladles'. misses" and children's furs at almost your own prices. All goods war ranted as represented. un,.4 BY L LEGGATL RESIDENCE ON NORTH AVENUE I ALLEGHENY, • --- Sale on Thursday, February 25th. Mr. THOMAS HARE, having purchased on another portion of North Avenue, and being dla inclined to rent Ills present dwelling, has conclu ded to sell It. It wi ll therefore be sold by auction THURSDAY. pises, No. 133 North avenne, on Februarr 23th. at 2 o'clock. The lot is 23)1; feet by 170 feet , The house is a three story brick,contalning ten rooms. It has a very handsome • double parlor, with marble mantles. It has hath rtiom, hot and co d water, range in kitchen, dry cemented cellar, pantries, closets and other conveniences. Has throughout. tin rear of lot Is • good brick stable and carriage house. Hydrant in yard and hydrant In stable. The location first cass, being In the central portion of North avenue, commanding a sweeP tug view of the projt cted Park Imrovements. The interior arrangements and finish of the , home are excellent. The bedrooms arelarge. airy and well lighted: high ceilings. kossession will be given on April Ist. Tae premises are now :ptu forinspeoclon. tee A. LEGGATE, Anitioneer, AT AUCTION. Beautiful Residence AT SHAD'YSIDE. Monday, March Ist at 4 O'Clock , Will be sold, re s idence and the premises, the' Rill beautif u lgrounds of the I ste Orrin Newton. Ego., at ilhadyside Station, °tithe' line of the Pennsylvania Railroad., The grounds consist of 4 acres, well improved, and-bight, ornamented with trait, shade and forest trees, siirubber, and small fruits. That portion in front of, the honee is a beautiflal level.lawn of about one hundred ards square, ,wbile that in the rear has a handsome, gentle Slone to the railway. The thouse Is a two.stor double frame, containing rlor, sitting and d n i ng ro, ms,with folding doors, live bed room,. kitchen, wails house, pantries, closets, and other conveniences. There are marble mantles, Boston range, bake oven, boiler, pumps, ipring bonze , stable and carriage. There are handsome frogs and side els, fetes, and anobseryatory (rant which begexceed inly tine views of the surrounding country can obtained. The house is substantially built. and has a very pleasant appearance. it adjoins the residence of Dr. Hussy, and Is eneir.ded by .those of Messrs. Renshaw,' Hitchcock, Pitcairn, Lew near to • , - It i snear to ebnreti and school house, and bet a few yards from Shadyside Station. There art eight trains dishy to and trots the city, eighteen minute, ride; 'in view of the spacious and com fortable dwelling. the eligiblendteation, the easy travel, the good, neighborhood, and 11 , 1 the pleas ant Burr , endings, this property should command the special attention of business men desiring to procure a beautiful suurban home. Tee premi ses are unoccupied, sot hat lamed's , spOssession tan be given. By applying at XIII ood street, arrangements will be made for daily exhibition. Terms—One-third cash, balance in one and two years. 'train for:sale (Caves at 3:45 r. N., city time. A. LEGGATE. Auttioneer. fe= .150 Federal street, Allegheny, BY L WILWLIIE. ELEGANT RESIDENCE, - o. 61, Union Amur, East Commons near North Commons, Alle;heny. SATURDAY. AFTERNOON. February. 27. 1509, at 3 o'clock. will be sold on the . aretn [hes that new and elegantlwo.story Brick Dwelling, No. 01 Union avenue fronting obEast Common of N bc ' near corner ' or( =mon. Allegheny City; containing parlor,: dining:room,' kitchen, and wash.house on drat !tech., flye dumbers and bathroom on second floor, with attic and excel bin dry cellar. .The house th built and tinistted in the best styli press brick ornamenthl front, in side shutters, marble mantle and hearth, gas throughout, hot ant cold stater, and Blimeirs range in kliehen. • The tot is 30 !Vet front on Union svenve, and 115 feet in depth to a wide alley. The &Bastion Ls the:o plea improvement w entirelyr a resi dence, andthe new and very best finish. This ts an excellent chance for purchase, as the owner Ls removing west. Terms, one.thirn eau's, baLance in one and two years, with interest. Visitors invited to examine the premises. , fe3o A. 31 CILWAINS,.. Auctioneer. R RI LE--REALESTA. WIPMERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 Aeres of Land for Sale, In lowa and Minnesota; price from 13.00 to 0.00 per acre. Land bought and sold on corn. mlislen. Taxes paid ; Title( examined; abstracts furnished; Surveying and Plotting done. Information furnished In reference' lb locsil y, i qualitY and ruination of lands. General collect. log business done. Address JaM;d6B YLLINfiTOST. VALUABLEFAItTI FOR SALE. — Bltriate miles frost Might's r.tation. on Western Pennsylvania Railroad. 17 miles ItoM.Allegheny City; contains DOacres of lend, 000 f which is cleared, balance in best umber, wisteria every field, underlaid with best of coal: soli excellent for ;train growinv ; on which are erected a two story frame dwelling, two stables, a young orchard Just Mitten law to bear of best quality of fruit; good roads from station to farm. Versnns wsuitag one - of the beet /31111111 In the county, and at low price zed easy term. are ex pressly directed to the at,uve. Apply to •, • MeLAIN, Real Estate Agt ma: ITALUABLE STOCKTON AVE .location E PAOPERTY FOR SALE—In good near Federal stree., lot SIO feet fr AA by .A 4 0 deep to Water street. A double two story Brick House, 'wide central hall, large parlor, library. *Piing room, dining moll. kitchen, wash. room, elk chambers, two b th rooms, closeia. three attic roms. gas trout' t and cold water fixtares throughout,. and haat porcbee.'cemented cellars, sky light ventilators.; brick stable, etc. Persona lu search of a good location In Alle gheny are requested to examine this desirable property. ,• , • . S. CUTHBERT & BONS, fen BB Sul thael4 stre.t. I COrAT,JE 81,100.4 . ieIiAFIUsNTI TOILE'TSCIAPB • Are 'revered ' 'by ' killed P -. 1 truretnen t ---freab the beet meterlabi, !st ere Ithown al the STANDARD by dealer. end 'ettetonterii , ftlel'every. 'where. 4i.1 7:..;;F.da,Mws • S fie. 1. Ile ft ordained nu , / enacted t y tb, and Convnoit Gouache rlf the tato or At legion'', and 1: is hereby 'enacted by the authority of toe 'same. That the Comlll.l tee on Streets ue acid they are hereby authorized and dincted to Invite and receive proposals ,or the grading and paving of Spring ofarffen avevue as afore-aid, and.to con • tract therefor with' he lowest anti best bidder or bid• err. at tiol:(l6cretlon st.c. 2. That for the purpose of defraying the cost flnd expenses of the said imor,,veinents. there be and is hereby levl' d a special tax. to be a5“ .. ..11.! • now] toe several lots hou ailing aufi abutting poll the eats :spring Garden ace tine. rerpective.y In proportion to the feet front in I hem respectively comprised, and bounding and aborting aq aforesaid. 1-r.e. 3. '1 htatas sof•tt a; the cost and excenses of said improvements shall.be fully ascertained, it Sault be the finty of the Street Commissioner to assess and apportion the same arnongthe several lots bonndiug and abutting upon • said Spring Garden avenue respe.dively. according to the rule above indicated, and tiler. noon proceed to 'mace, demaua and coil ct the same. according to tile provisions of the Act of the Ifiener..l Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled .. A.n Act defining the manner of •totleritfug thpexpenses urgratting and paving of the streets and alleys of the City of Allegheny. and for other 18 pa 52 poses," passed , the thirtletn day of March, bnc. 4. Tit st so much y ordinance of part of any ordinance that mayconflict with, or be supplied by.the foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law tills the 18th day of iebruam A. D. 1860. • AN ORDINANCE To authorise the Grading of Blossom Alley. ' SEC. 1. Belt ordained and enacted by the &fleet and COMMIO.II Councils of the City Allegheny, and at i. hereby ordained and enacted by the au thority of the same, That the Committee on Streets be and they are hereby authorized and directed to invite and receive proposals for the grading of Blomom alley, and to contract there for with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. . SEC. it . That for the purpose of defraying the eost and expenses of the said improvements, there be, and to hereby lea led,a special tax,to be. equally 'assessed upon the several lots bounding and abutting upon the said , Blossom alley re- Spectively la proportion to ttie feet Iron' in them respectively compriaed, and bounding and abut ting as aforesaid. SEC. 3. hat as so( shall e cost and expenses of said Improvewentbe fully ascertained. It shell be the Linty of the Street Commissioners to assess and apportion the same among the Inv-, ral Talleyunding and abutting upon said Blos som respectivela,' according to the rnle demanddlcateo, collect the to make and collect the same. according to the act of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of ?curtsy's's-WC'. entitled "ran Act deflat ing the -stunner of collecting the expenses of grading and paving the streets and alleys of the City or, Allegheny. and for o' her Purposes, I' passed the 'hinted' 'dal of March; 10.1. . exc. 4. That so much of any ordinance aa may conflict with, or be supplied oy the foregoing, be O d d he n a d m and he n eby e rdepenatoe da law,. this the eighteenth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. JADIF..SICBRIER, President of Select C,ounell. Attest: J. R. OXLEY. Clerk of Select Connell. Common L Council. President o Council. Attest: R. Dttivoant. Clerk of vommon Council. feTl:ft AN ORDEIANCE To Author/ice the Grading and paving of Franklin litre.* hem Beaver Av eaue to the Odic, Slyer. Sitc•rtnN 1. Be It ordatned and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the City of All , - yhen y. and it is hereby onlatmed'and enacted by the authority of the woe, That the Committee CM Streets be, and tbev are hereby authorized and directed to Invite - and receive, proposals for the Grading and Paving t f Franklin street. as afoiesaid, and to contract therelor with the low.- est and best bidder or 'bidders,' at their discre tion. Stec. '3. That for the 'purpose of d• fraying the' cost aad expenseiruf. the said Improvements, there be. and is hereby . /evled , a special tax, to be equally assessed upon the several Ici's bound ing and :Orating upon the said Franklin Street. , • respectively In proportion- to the feet front . in teem respectively comprised,. and bounding and abutting as aforesaid. exc. 3. 's hat as sooners the cost and expanses of said Improvements - shall be fully ascertained, It shall be tie duty of the Street Commis.ioner to assess and apportion tne fame among the several lots bounding anti abutting upon said 'Franklin street respectively, according to the rule above. indicated. and thereupon proceed to make de mand and collect the same, according to the pro visions of the Act of the General Asaembly of the Commonwealtn of Fanusylvania, entitled "An Act (kilning the manntr of collecting the ex penses of grading and paving of the atreet and alleys of the City of Allegheny, and for other purposes," passed the 30,h day of March, 1852. SAC 4. 'That so much of any ordinance as may coell'et with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be ' and the same is hereby !repealed. Ordained and enacted into a law this the 18th day of February, 1869. JAMES MeBRIEB, President of Select Council. Attest: J. R. OXLEY. Clerk of Select Connell. • ALFEEDSLACK, President of Common Council. Attest: B. DILWORTH. Clerk of Common Connell. , fe23:fil A N ORDINANCE AN To Autt!orize pr i gr el ding Jolappa . . Sze. 1. Be tt ordained and enacted by the Baled and her e byuncils of andily Allegheny, and if isoractimsel tnaded 611 th 4 ou t/wetly of the same. That- the Comuilttee on btreets be and they are hereby authorized and di rected to Invite and receive proposals for the tined Ing °Minions street, and togontract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. • That for Abe purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of the said Improvementa, there be and is hereby levied a special tax, to be equally assessed upon the several lots bounding and abutting upon the Bald /stapes street respect ively. in proportion to the feet front in them re apecuvety comprised, and bounding and abutting as &remota, • • tiEC. 3. That as soon as the coat ana.expenses of maid Improvements shall be fully ascertained, It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to as alien Aid apportion among the several lots Wand-. lag and &battle g upon mild dalatille street re andtlyelv. accordin e rule dema n ddica d, tit ere upon prim coo make and col het the see, according to the provisions of the Act et the m General A , isembly .of the Common wealth of . Pennsylvania, eatitted . "An A.A. de fining the winner or collecting the expenses of grading aid paving of the streets and alreys of the City s f Al , ettbeny, and for other purposes," passed thh clay of March. 1850. Bri. 4. Tout so Tench of any ordinance as troy conflict with, or be aapplfed by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby 5 peal. d. Ordained ana enacted Into a law this the 18th day of February. A. D. 18615. • C. C. WAY; JAMES MCBRIER, Atte M J. n. . o . : Tareat StleSt Cierk of. Select Council. ALFRED sr:abK President of Common e°u' . Attest: E. Dumont% a,cll Clerk of Common Council. femfs .A N OnDINANCE ' • • to Atitheelee the Grading' and Paving. of Divizie Alley.. SEC. 1. Be lt ordained. and enacted by Vnt Sa lem and Common Oboist lts' Of the Olty dile phenyi and itt ti' hereby mated by tea authority of the same, 't hat the committee, n wee's be, and they, are, hereby au. harixed and (lb ected to Invite and receive Proposa the Orisllng and Paying of Divine alley. H a s aforfaald, aud to contract, there tsr frith the lowest and buthldder or bidders,' at their discretlott.' ,". Ettc: 4. That for the purnose.of defraying the cost and expenses of said lin provements, there be, and is hereby levied, a Special. tax, tope equal* , assedsed alien the :Keeled" lots bclutiditlgandsbltta 'anon , the .sald Divine ey respectively in proportion to the feet front to them respective* , cemyrlsed, and bounding and abutting asafore- Sae. Thetas soon as the Cost and expensed of said ImnroVenlentd shalt be fully ascertained it aball be the duty of thebtreetCommissionerect assess and apportion the same among the sieve eral lots bounding and abutting upon tLe said ligviee alley respectively. according to 'the rule , shove indicated,' ana thereupon proceed to , make, demand and collect the dame, according to the 'provisions of the net of. the General Assembly of themmunwealth, of 'Pennsylvania. entitled "An Al. l dellnins , the 'manner of collecting:the expenses of grading and paving of the-streets and alieyaof the City id Allegheny , and for other purposes.'" passed the 30th of /Starch, 1834.- •-- Sac. 4.. That so much of any ordituinee as may countet loth. or be supplied "y the feregotng. be and the same la hereOyr , mesavd. Ordained and'enseted Into a lave , this the 1&h day of Vebrutry, A. Ir. Dio9. . President (Sr Select Coulien. Attest: TOarrir•lt. Mum,- , Clerk of Stileet Mona. ALFRED REACH'. _ President of Common Cour ell. Attest: R. I) tl wears. Clerk of Common Connell. . , SU LOLL BUTTELL-10 .12 halt ma - Choice Roll Baiter, lust'received and for We by J. B. CANFIELD. • ORDINANCES AN ORDEVANCE To A nthorize the Grading and Paving. oflSpringtianden Avenue from Main • Streei to new 1171 ty Line. • , JAMES McBRIR% • President of the Select Council. Attest: J.: R. t.xl.r.j, Clerk of Select Council. ALFRED SLACK. President of Common Council. AtteAt: R. DiLwoßtil. Clerk of Common Conned. fe=ds , Ali as 'jam AN EW OPERA. 16103 E. Lessee lifa - n44r - er Third nigin of the Frrst SAN n Andthegr,at tomedill, YANKE noncsrsicx. WEDNESDAY' EVENING, eorL,,.". the great Varce act drama of their '4l After whicO PRHAN OF GENEVA. h. ' TIIE SANYEAKS. To conclude with the prize drama or TRUE LO Dailue Dutton Yankee Robinson. t•anyeall Matftwe ou tat urtl,ty. TS lit nGH THEATRE. H. NV. • WILLIAMS .... „.......... Le Dn. J. THAYER ssee .. FRANK J. HONE E.quatrian Director. DR. JAMES L. THAYER'S GREAT CIRCUS - OPEN EVERY INIGHT. MLlncing the following tlrst-class artists: LE MARIE. the dashing equestriedne: t4EORnE M. KELLY, the champion leeper; Mr. CHARLES FISH, the champion bareback rile'r,• Mr. JA.DIE-1 REYN••LDS, clown; Messrs. BURRi WS and BITI:DEAIT in thel r comic trans formations; Mr. JAMEO IdAtiIGAN. classic eaues'rlan and double somersaultist; 11fr. CHARLES MA.DIGAN, Sterile Rider; Mr WM. MoRGAN, gymnast, sc.. and a host or au= l arks. Also trick horse GEN. GRANT, PONIES and MULES. MATINEES every Wednesday and Saturday af ternoons at 2 o'clock. MERCANTILE LIBRARY LECTURES. MISS OLI'QE LOGAN WILL LECTURE dT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday Evening, Feb. 25th. Subject—.'Purls, the City of Lorary." Adralss 75 cents to all parts of the House. No ReservedSeate. NMhirge on Season Tickets. moors open at 7 r Lecture at S P. M. SMYTHE 9 AMERICAN THEATRE. VaatETLIS.) r WEDNESDAY EVENING. February 24. Ex citnaent unabated. I Lust nlgit but a of CUBE, THE MAN-FISH. Herr character street Bongs by - Gus. Williams. New hatpin/by Miss Nellie Tay lor. H. ‘W. Eagan!. Corps of Comedians. The Corps de Ballet la anew and beautiful iiivertise meat. The screaming farce or the 8 WEITZER'S tiOTTAGE. Mot day next the greatest cards Ist America. • MUSEUM AND PARLOR =EXAMDUE,. , The Great Varal.l7 Resort°. FIFTH AVENUE..betsreen Smithfield and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. - • siropen on and Evening, all the year Toning. Admisslon,ils cents: Children; 13 cents:, LEGAL: EXECUTORS' SALE OF . REAL ESTATE. The following valuable property,belonriamto the eatue of J. YORTX.R. deceaaad. La now' open for sale. If private bids are not aattaltan tory to the Execatore;•the property will be e.x— poited at Public Sale, commencing . • • On Monday, March: - lst One Farm, known as the 'lrwin farm, contain ing one hundred and twenty-seveh acres, mare or less, situatrd In Barret township. Westmore land county, about one hundred yards froniA..V., 11.11. - and Allegheny river, reserving the coal. Also, one farm, known as the MAMMA'S:meta taining ninetv-tw Urea, more or less. diluted In finrre/ tpwilihip,Viestmoreland connty. about one VV.n ad one-half milessfrom.Alleiry rive and Railroas, without reaerra gbe tion aS to r coal and minerals. . - Also, one farm, known as the Re/1 farm, con tai lug one Mindrediatni - thirty-rive acres More or less, situated in .Fawn township : Allegheny county, about one mile from W . l'. nallroad and Allegheny river, with coal and minerals. ' - Also one far m, known as the Famine farm, situated In Fawn township, Allegheny coun ty. containing forty-four acres, more or :eau, a bout one mile froth W. F. Raßruad and Allegheny river. Also, one farm, known as the Vantine firm. containing t wenty-slx7acres; more or less, situ ated in Fawn township. Allegheny county, about one mile from river and railroad. Ali the above land la ellgihty situated, and. ex cept the Irwin farm, the fps a re under l a id re served, the balance of theunderlaid with coal and limestone. Inbrmat.on as to ' TERNES OF SALE, Or In reference to the above faring, can belied of either of the executors retlding at Tarentain. Allegheny eounty. Pa. • - In connection therewith will also be eold. TWO LOTS, No. 61 und 61, in the borough of T&rentum, in whiell * IS' a brick house. and ton a eincradlstanca from. W lianroad. • • Sale to Conunence on the Bell Fann, on March lst i r69, at 10 o'clock A . N., and to colltinue Unt Is so.d. • • • JAMES .B. FULTON% JAMES ANCALL, lExtcutors. WM'. Feb EVAlirt, _ TAItENTr3f, Pa., Feb. 10, 1869 vESTERN DISTRICT OF PENSSYLVA.NIA; ss. At Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. the Silt depot February, A. D. .1.1169. To whom it may concern : • The undersigned hereby Wes notice of his ap— polutmen, as, A.solgnee of SAMUE.I. BAILEY and WILLIAM G. McbANDLESS, paitners as Bailey- & McCandless, late of- the couity of Beaver and State of Pennsylvania,who have been adjudged Bat/keel:Os upon their own petition In the District Court of said District. WENMAN ; A. LEWIS, Aoungnee. feto:e2s-w TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for 'the Western. District of Pennsylvania. , 14.31Efi E. DICDLIE. Bankrtipt under the Act of Congress of March 2 d:1867 - , having ap plied for a discharge' from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court' notice Is hereby given to all creditors who have prevediltildr debts, and other persons Interested, to appear on the let day of March, ruary.l669, at /0 o'cl Reg i ste r belore HARPED, Esq., in Bankruptcn et his office, No. Diamond street,- Pitts burg. Pa.- to *bow cause, ifany they , have, why a discharge should net. b e grante&.to the sald. bankrupt.' • feitheZ w S. C. McCA.NDLESS. Clerk. EXECITTORSI - SACF. • SHOE STORE. The stock, Aood will, lease and fixtures of shoe store of the late J. F.. 3 10Ca11,' Esq.. 333 Liberty. street; Pittsburgh. Be't location in the city, and Uoing iiliroaperous business. For further part!. calardlnquire at 334 Liberty street: -• t • -,•;••• -- • EMMA 'IitcCALL, BILIIALET.! Xteoutors. iestos Ail MI iiill—Ei pi N own • - Et. i strWhereas , bitters otadmiiiisteetiob the the undersigned, on the es eboeinitealtie .WlLEitellk I.a.reer Aneeben.9 tit): N. . at 1-Dersons indebted to ,tbe said. emus we - retitiested• to Inlet Imniedlace penitent. said those hring rlaims to present then:.:PrePerly eutkien. Dcateiiforsettlenieet,.to . itaz ji lir sr , .? jet7:4ls3•Nr.,••:•Ded:Be#er nu:Mies/ion, city. AD lIIINISTRATORM : I NO'rICEL.— ~ • i•i•Letteri of zenith titration on. the estate 0 , "Es tiit.t.oloX,- late •e,f fWilittnsburg. eounty or:Allegheny.' or:ceased: nare,been grant. - ed tollie subscriber. ili persons iedebted to said estate are requested So make lineediatcpsyniens. • and Om hiving claims or:de/tumult against the estate or the mid. decedentelli present therm to. . • . RUDD WARD, , • .- lee. 40.N 0 lia Streek.Allegheny City W Y l' , .i nn " ;.(1)/n. . PENN SYLVANIA : es:- • Ait saltet.sburgh,.the ,Ptli.lii! oc.pdien4, e... 13. • The underafglied hereb gives natieeof ids potritment •as Assignee- o r -.IdA'AC s of aiNetthe City end. County of Allegheny. 6,114 Htate oti; ianasieldv:a:,i4B,ftwinittrhulDrithautlidoDnishuirtos,ivtio. has bee t , o.tition till the District Court o ram Die tr i p - - , .. ..._____. .. JOHN ii.- BAILEY.. Aenenet snipefo•W - 'Attorney..lB74w; ST Grant te. , . ..,. .... . ... . . Ng IN Wihr. zisxa : .l -X. WC CANN? tele:e64
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers