& 1 tiff AND spaumAN. My Dollars Relkard. the above reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of - the parties steal log packages of this ' paper from the baggage carenn the railroads. Last week our New Castievackage was stolen twice, and our ,readers in that town were de privednf' their papers. We have an ex- Tertencad detective on the trail, and if we suedeed in ferreting the thief, we prOsecnt him to the bitter end of the acing Part; Managers were smiling erday. yes e Customßouse ran up a 4 new flag onday. legheny Aldermen are complaining dearth of busineas. Q . .-- e,ltetall Coal Trade has been quite y the last few days.: • The velocipede mania has been slow taking root in Pittsburgh. -Liberty Street is predestined to be the greAtletatt thoroughfare of the city. The Thermoineterittooxl at twenty-eight degrees above zero yesterday afternoo. The sewerage act is the chief topic of cosionsation among tax•payers in Alle gheny just now. .A School Treasurer . in Belmont, Ohio, bas ben arrested fbr enibezzling $3,600 of the funds in his keeping• The Sidewalks formed excellent coast ing grounds .for the boys yesterday, a fact which theyseemed to realize fully. Allegheny Counells.—The Allegheny -Councils will hold a regular semi monthly meeting tomorrow evening at seveno'clock. \ 'Dr. Spencer, No. - VA Penn avenue, lois the first person. to administer Laugh ing Gas in this city for the painless ex tracting of teeth'. Personal....Aiderman Lindsay has re moved bis office five doors east of his - farmer office, on •the "north east side of the Diamond square, Allegheny. ' The pflieill-Plttock libel suit attracted a large rittraber of visitors to the lobby of thaPoart, of f.7ammon Pleas room yester " day . ." It will. be Oancluded to-day. The. Opera House Company opened yes terday in Johnstown in "Borneo and Jn _-Oet," the -chief -characters being sustain ,-ed by Mr. Mark SatesandMies Augusta . _ Pound.—A large bunch of keys attach ed to aited 44, was picked ep (ruled eral street yesterday afternoon. The awnercan bave them by calling at the Mayor's of9osoAllegheaY• The Allegheny Board of School COlL trailers will hold a regular monthly meeting next Tuesday evening. The re ..'„prat of the Committee on the establish -inentof alrigh School will be presented. Considerable opposition Is manifesting Itself-to the proposed extension of Fed eral street, Aliegitetty. The jobis a big one, but, if properly executed would be of great advantage, to the oiper part of the city st least. Workmen have been engaged for the last three or four. 'days in constructing a large sewer drop at the corner of Mont gomery avenue and Federal street, Alle gheny. It will sonnet with the Mont gomeri avenue sewer. There is talk of laying the Nicolson on the streets surrounding the Allegheriy 'Park, in order zo - supply the want of a good roadway for driving purposes in the Park itself. The idea is an excellent one and should be carried out. The Proc•taings of the annual meet-- *lug of the stockholders z of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, together With the re ports of the President and ollimrsi-will be found on our seventh page, as well as other interesting city ' intelligence: During the wind storm yesterday sev eral panes of glass were blown out of the .ventral tower of St. Paul's Cathedral and burled into the centre of the church dur- Ing the morning stirvico,caslonins con iilderable alarm. No pern was injured. An Act prirviding for the registering of lots in Allegheny City, or in other words the proposed registry law discussed in A.llegheny COuncils at their last regular meeting, and the act authorizing that city to issue water bonds, passed the Senate yesterday. • Taken Over. --James Rumble, sen teriencilo five years imprisynment lathe Penitentiary for attempting to commit a rape, and William Minninger sentenced to three years in the same institution for larceny, were taken over by Sheriff Cluley yesterday afternoon. Ifetice.—The regular monthlymeeting of.the Wometea Christisa Association wjil takeplace at half past two o'clock on Thursday afternoon, February 25th, at the "Some,". No. 45 Chatham street. All the visitors, and those willing to be come such, are =red to be present. Committed For Tnai.—David Donald 's6n, charged with stealing a raft of logs from Dilworth's- Landing, Fifth ward, Allegheny, had a hearing before Mayor `Drum yesterday afternoon. The evi dence adduced was of such a character that the Mayor committed Donaldsolito jail for tiial, In default of bail in the sum of 1500. • Purim natl.—Tamen:ow , evening, at Lafayette Hell, under the auspices of Jericho Lodge, No. 44, I. 0. B. B. a •grand Purim ball will be held for- the benefit of widows and orphans. The ar .Yangementa have been made on the moat liberal scale, and the invited guests will, ^we dare say, form one of the most brit. llantl fashional3Leaml pgr!eatge mem . Wages of the ammo. •• • • - Enforced.—Tbd late decision of Judge Taylor, of Cambria minty, says the Johnstown Tribune,that the special tax •f twenty-Ave dollars assessed against Um tavern and. saloon keepers of Johns town for the support of s police force is lawful and should • be pal_ i d - is being en arced by.Deptity High Constable Wien rime% to some 4 ;009 Mr; James will have to compel payment by a resort to, segere immures. ' The Lecture In tlt.i Peter. Charch.--A. Urge audience listened apparently with Intense interest to the lecture on Ritual ism, delivered in fit. Peters church , last Wight try the Hector. Rev. J. Eger. The sot.lect wool bandied with great abil ity. WO lit* glad to learn that the leer tete will be published. It should' be Widely elrettiatedi as calculated to dig. 0,410 the elude totionit which prenhil evert attoog church peoplo on this inter (Sting subjeoti Meeting of the Market Committee. Last evening the Market Committee of City Councils held a meeting at City Building. There was a full quorum present, Mr. James M. McEwen, Chair man, presiding. A retition was received and laid on the table from a number of retail dealers occupying stalls iu the Dia mond market houae,_praying for a de crease in their rents. Messrs. John Moessar and John Wrigley, Market Constables, were authorized to act as deputies .to Mr. H. B. Lyon, Sealer of Weights and Measures, as that officer finds himself unable to attend properly to his market duties. A resolution offered by Dr. McCandies-, in Common Council, instructing 17 413 Market Committee to inquire into the expediency of building a new M. Aoret House between Miller and Rober ts street, in the Eleventh ward, was retr- arted to Councils with negative recomm „ mdatiom but the Committee resolved tr ~,sk Coun cils for the privilege of eel „ teaog some suitable site for a new Mar' ket acoom inod ate the chi zens of the zej, Seventh, Eighth, Eleventh and Thirseems to be teenth and Zt other contiguous ward' the deaire of the Com .atittee to have the location some where on Fifth avenue, this side of Solui, and t'o' est:FM.lBh such a first class market pls ee as Will draw patron age to itself so as to 800 n cancel the debt incurred for the Pqrchase of grounds and the.erec:don of ' buildings. - The miserable condition of City Hall was take.° into clonsideration and a mo tion was carried Whim the Superinten dent make an estimate, of the cost: to hc.ve it putin 'good order and report to The Committee, so that ()Landis may be asked for a iffident appropriation to defray the bill of expenses from the contingent fund. The Hall is practically -- out of use for want of repairs, end the city is of course deprived of a large item of revenue. If Councils fail to re paint and repair City Hall, the Commit- , tee will make atrenous effects to convert it into a market place, and thus relieve Market street from the eye-sores in the way of huckster stands, which area dis grace to the thoroughfare. The Com mittee authorized the Chairman to have the Market 1101180 renovated and white washed, and adjourned to Meet at City Hall next Fi iday afternoon at two o'clock, to personally inspect the city build- - bigs and look Into the operations of the markets. End of the Trinity Church Controversy. EDITORS GAZETTE: The following °communication from Mr. Craig explains itself. I ask its publication, as justify ing the confidence I have always felt that Mr. Craig, knowing that the Trinity Church had purchased from a relative of his, the situ of the old "Round Church," about A. D. 1805, and for many years oc cupied it as their place of worship, felt sure that if the lots ,on Sixth street had belonged to the parish, such a purehase would, nAt have been made, and hence concluded• that the Sixth street property did not belong to them. It is much to Mr. Craig's credit that when rightly informed as to the title, he so fully and promptly makes due acknowl , edgment of hiserror. KING—j. have received the copy of the deed to Jolla Gibson et al. I hasten to acknowledge that I have made a great blunder, and to say that I have written to Harrisburg to withdraw my remon strance. lam sure, sir, that you will do me the justice of believing that I was not actuated by any unworthy or *dishon orable motive in the matter. Had all the members of the Trinity Church treated me with the same consideration that you have done, the matter would not have obtained the notoriety it has. I have no excuse to offer, except that I was taken by surprise by the announcement that a bill was before the Senate, &a., and I had only time to make a hasty and imperfect examination., You will also see that the deed bears the date of more than ayear after the Pittsburgh Gazurrn announced that the Penns had made another- dispo sition of the ground. If I felt that I bad any right, I would still plead with you to spare the graves of the old soldiers. With great respect, I remain yours, &a., Crum. The Asbury Life Insurance Company, Among the first-class and thoroughly reliable Life Insurance Companies, per - manently before the public, none is more worthy confidence and patronage than • the Asbury of New York, for which our fellow-citizen,. Francis Sellers, Esq., is the Resident Director for this city. Since its organization this. Company has in sured, in the short period of nine months, over two millions of dollars, au unex ampled success and prosperity. The fol lowing features will commend the Asbury . Company to the reader: It issues policies in all tbo forma in present use, on single and Joint lives. endowments and annuities. A special table for insuring lives of ministers by their congregationsis calculated at mach below the ordinary rates; a special table of half rates for the first ten years; few restrictions on travel and none after the first year; registered policies, counter. signett by the Insurance' Department of the State, certifying that such policies are eacured by a special deposit of public stocks. AIL policies absolutely are non-forfeit. able, as the dividends no policy holders on a new and most popular plan intro duced by this Company, after two pay ments, applicable, at the option of in surers, to an increase of the policy, to reduction of future premiums, or payable in cash. Insurers ineferring to relin quish their interest in profits may have instead a bonus addition of ene-third of amount of policy., Members are accom modated by a loan of one-third of pre miums when divided, but no note re qttired. Mr. S. Y. Kennedy is the Solicitor tor this city andihas .establtshed an oflice et No. 129 Smithfield street, where full In. formation may be obtained regarding policies. We earnestly commend the a.stnuy Company to the confidence of our readers, knowing whereof we speak in asserting its reliability. Allegheny Temperance League. A regular meeting of the Allegheny Temperance'peagne was held last even ing in the Sandusky street Baptist Church, Rev. E. E. Swift in the chair. and W. O. Warren officiating as Secre tary. ' . The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Collins. A petition praying the Legislature to pass an act allowing each township, ward or borough lathe county of Allegheny to decide by a vote of its, citizens Whether license to sell whisky should be granted or not,' was adopted. On motion, Abe friends of the cause throughout the county were requested to circulate the petition and obtain as many names 8.5 possible th ereto, and, then for ward the'rsama to Harrisburg. -After benediction by Rey. A. X. Bell, the mooting adjourned: - • prrrst - RG dA ZEITE A Pleasant Anniversary cima m ,. I • A pleasant re-union of s h e m ora b ou o f Meehanics D odge No. C,, LO.A, t took place on Monday evr io i ng, at the Dining Rooms of Henry s child, Third avenue, the occasion bei -4s the 'First Anniver sary, of the reo - an gi-a don of the Lodge. An elegant end briuntiful repast had be en P rr 4ared mild was served under the su Pe:cßisten of Mr. Mind, in a manner Te hich.rofleeted credit on himself and his est at,lishneent, After the large company had. full, satisfied themselves as to the gritty rf the edibles, the cloth was re rco el and an organization effected by calling Bro. P. G. Andrew Humbert to the Chair, and appointing John Wilhelm, Jr., Secretary. The President upon tak ing the Chair thanked the members for the honor conferred upon him, and then in a neat and felicitous manner present ed Bro. Andrew Miller with a handsome gold headed cane, bearing the in scription , •Presented to Andrew Miller by the members of Mechanics Lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F." Bro. Miller received the \ig D ift in an appropriate manner, and con cluded by revieting briefly the history f the Lodge since its 'reorganization, just one year since. In response to calls, Bro. P. G. James Purnell entertained the company with a few spicy remarks.; which was followed with a statement of the progress and present condition of the Lodge, by Bro. P. G. George Booth. ' Bro. P. G. John A. Myler next stepped forward, and in his usual happy and pertinent style, in behalf of the members of the Lodge, presented the President of the meeting, Bro. P. G. Andrew Hum. bert, with a cane, similar to the one pre sented to Bro. Miller. Though taken completely by surprise by this unexpect ed tern of affairs. Bro. Humbert proved himself equal to - the occasion, and re turned his acknowledgements for the beautiful gift in a neat and attractive speech. Votes of thanks were passed to Mr. Schild for the handsome manner in which he bad managed the entertain ment and to Bro. P. G. John A. Myler, of the Iron City Lodge, for hls kindness in making one of the company. The en tertainment was brought to a close at a late hour. and the participants dispersed with happy and pleasant remembrances of the occasion. and renewed interest and zeal in the prosperity and success of Mechanic's Lodge No. 9. Several days since information was made before Alderman McMasters, by Mrs. Hickman, charging Samuel Hasko. wits with larceny. It appears that Mrs. H. was the proprietress of a hotel or boarding house in the Diamond, and that the accused ingratiated himself into her good graces by promise of marriage, after which he Induced her to dispose of her interest in the hotel, and then such . needed in borrowing 81,600 from her. He then took his departure from the city for parts unknown. Subsequently Mr. William Peters made information before the same magistrate, charging Hasko. witz with fraud, alleging that the accu sed had induced him, the prosecutor, to become security for the payment of a bill for tobacco and aegars, amounting to gao, and had left him to settle it. A few days since it was ascertained that Haskowits had gone to Cleveland, and warrants were loaned and placed in the bands of olUcerDressler for his arrest. Provided with the necessary papers for his arrest and return to this cat', the of ficer. proceeded to Cleveland, where he' learned that his man, although making that city_ his headquarters, was not at present there ' and his whereabouts was not precisely known, as he was on a peddling expedition, and Would not re urn perhaps for several days.' The offt r not wishing to remain there so long a time, he placed the papers in the hands of Chief of Police McKinstry, of that city, who`detailed °Meer Frank to look after the case who, it appears, is a faith ful officer, and performed his Work well, as a dispatch was received at the Mayor's office yesterday announcing the arrest of Haakowits„ and that the officer would arrive in this city with the prisoner last evening. At seven o'clock the Cleveland Express brought both.officer and now to this city. and the latter is now in the lock-up awaiting a hearing. JOSIAH KING. The shooting affray at - the American iTheatre, Monday night, an account of which we published yesterday tmern ling, is creating, considerable talk on the Istreets. and it having been reported that 'there - were several police officers pres ent when the shopting • was done, it has been made the subject of a general reflec tion on the police force. While we have no hesitancy In censuring, a policeman for refusing or neglecting to discharge his duty under such circumstances, we do not approve of the custom of abusing the entire force for the negligence or misconduct of one or two men. We have boon credibly informed that officers Long, Rivers and Ruch were present when the shot was fired, and after the shooting of Smythe, which occurred in the lobby, Robinson re-entered the Theatre and remained several minutes. If such la the Case, the conduct of these officers, if not wholly inexcusable, at least demands some ex planation; and it is due 'to the remainin g members of the force that the - matter be fully investigated, and the blame or negt ligence placed where it properly belongs. We do not know that the officers named were present, or that they did not do their duty if they were, but it is curt rently reported that they were, and that they might have made the arrest if they. desired to do so, and it is due to them if innocent that the matter should be In' vestigated. Hannah Morgan, proprietress of a public house 'on Penn street, in the Ninth ward, made - information before Alderman. Taylor, yesterday; against Thomas and Sarah Thema and Tames Rolands `for- larceny. It seems that the accused, who are strap- F gars In the 'city, have been boarding at the house of We. Morgan for a short time. _The landlady states that yester day she had fifty dollars stolen from heir ands enspicioned the, encased of hay- Mg committed the theft, hence the , information. The accused were ar rested and after- a bearing the Alder men discharged Rolando, and at their own request held the otheni for s further hearing on Thursday. 7ln is but Just to say that the evidenee does not implicate any of them. The • only Point u r g ed by the pres eou t r i x soom s to be the Possession of money .by the defendants. Tie Alderman would have discharged all the parties but for'the request of Tbabl as,l who wished to have the, matter more fully investigated. I • Stock were Sales.--th o fon o wing stocks, were sold last evening on the second floor of Vointnerolai sees R oom s, no Smith field street, by A. Mollwatue, Auction eer. Birmingham & Pittsburgh Bridge- 136330 Coiumbia Oil Company . .... . 24.75 Western Papua Oil (lom pany:.... .. . . 1.05 'Citizens' insurance Company .. . 45.00 Captured An InvestigaUon Demanded. Alleged Larceny. .VI I ,I•NEADA.t, FE ittARY < iBBpiT4 Ormu. Holism.—The Opera House was filled with a select audience last night, attracted doubtless by the. numerous pictures of the Cretan beauty, Madatr j 'e Sanyeah, so cons'picrtously PrAted throughout the city. The SanYer...tis are, beyond all question, the mosei fearless, graceful and excellent performers on the flying trapeze on this side, of the ocean, and some of the feats peeformed by them are truly astonishing : 'ln addition to the Sanyeah exhibition. nowever, a very at- tractive bill was presented last night, commencing with "Naval Engage ments," in which Mrs. Harry Hetto ap peared as Mary Mortimer, Mr. Dowd as Tom Kingston, and the yandeerens in the remaining role& The cast was a good one, and the piece was frequently ap plauded by the audience. The enter tainment concluded with "The Wife of 'a Day," with Yankee Robinson in the rote of Nathan Tucker. To-night the "Or phan of Geneva" will be presented, after which the Sanyeabs, and "True Love," with Yankee Robinson as Darius Dut= ton, saran after-piece. • AMEI3JCAN TlATRlC.—Notwithstancl- Ing thetslight lid iiries Mr. Smythe, the gentlemanly manager of the American Theatre, received - on Monday evening will prevent him from leaving his room for a few days, the show at the American goes on as usual, antl the crowd of pat rons has not diminished in the slightest degree. Gerr, the man-fish, Miss Mollie Taylor, who by the way is a very charm= ing ballad singer, the Zgane - and Gus. Williams from the principal attractions. P/TTBBEIROH THEATIZE.—The crowd at the Old Theatre continues to increase under the many attractions presented by Dr. Thayer and his excellent company of acrobats, gymnast‘ and equestrians. The matinee this afternoon will afford an ex cellent opportunity for ladies and chil dren to witness this unequalled exhi bition. Another Concert. We know it will be gratifying to most of our readers to learn that we aye to have a first class musical entertain eat la here, produced entirely by home to ent. That we have really a large number of good artists among us, no one aL all ac quainted in the community Will deny. The great difficulty has been to get a suf ficient number of them interested:enough to endure the tedium of the long and nu merous rehearsals required, in produc ing any of the grand choruses of the old masters. Prof. Lawton and the "Grand Army of the Republic" seem to have overcome this difficulty, for from thirty to forty of our best singers have been for some weeks rehearsing such productions as Hayden's "Hallelujah Chorus," Han del's chorus of "The Heavens are Tell ing;" selections from Mozart's Twelfth Mass, Bishop's "Tramp Chorus," and a number of "Old Folk's" songs and hymns, with the intention of giving a grand concert in "Old Folks" costume, the proceeds to go to Post 117 G. A. R., located at East Liberty. Under Prof. Lawton's skillful leader ship a high degree of profialency has been attained, and Itis really an evening's en tertainment to hear so many trained voices swelling in unison through the difficult measures of the "Hallelujah" alone. The concert will not be givens un til the latter part of March, as all inter ested are anxious to make it an entire success. In the meantime the singers have devoted themselves to study and practice, and the gentlemen of Post 117 are waking all the necessary prepare• tions to have the affair come off at the Academy of Music. Obstructing Sidewalks. Mayor Brush it appears is determined to enforce the ordinance relative to the obstruction of sidewalks by merchants and, others, by placing boxes, barrels, Ate., upon them. A number of persona have already been arrested and required to pay the penalty prescribed for the of fense, and yesterday informations were made by officer Daniel McMullen against nineteen others for the same offense. The custom of blockading the sidewalks has been enjoyed so long. that many persons presume it an established right, and consequently It will require a con siderable effort on the part of the author ities to abolish it; but a persOverance in the course already .begun will doubtless have the desired effect. Old:boreas:was on a "tear" yesterday, and indulged in a number of little freaks of fun at the expense .of our citizens. The wires of the Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Company on Smithfield street were torn down for a considerable dis tat:lora fine cherry tree on Centre \avenue .was blown down, and dealers in light wares throughout the city who had their goods displayed on the sidewalks were put to the trouble of gathering them .from the streets. ' The wind storm commenced` early in the morning and continued with but lit tle if any cessation throughout the:day. We have heard of no serious damage having been done, however, in thiallo. cality. Danger Ahead. "Fore-wamod is fore-arnied" is an bi d . proverb bat nevertheless a true one, and we will endeavor to arm the commtini , ty at large against a prospect 9f hay ng their necks broken by warning all th lie who traverse Webster avenue that be close board fence at the corner of W - ington street and that thoroughfare s a dangerous affair, and liable at any t e to tumble down upon the head of so e unsuspecting passer. The Street Wm misaloner of that district, if be knowspis duty.and desires to perform it, as we verily believe he does, will Rive the mat ter hiltattention and cause the fence to be removed immediately before any one is injured. A dispatch was received yesterday morning by Officer Bell, of Alderman Taylor's police, directing him to arrest . O. 0. Hess, who was supposed to be lurk ing about Pittsburgh, and had been charged before a Justice of the Peace in Latrobe with false pretence. The officer, after a few hours , search, apprehended Hess at Bast Liberty and started with him on the - three o'clooki train for . Latrobe. Tho dispatch did notstate the circumstance, or anything connected with the case, further than to name .the information upon which his arrest was ordered. Allegheny Pollee ILinipmas. The new uniforms for the Allegheny police ; have been iiniahed, and; will be worn for thetrat time on Monday next. They were made by. Mr. Geo. Dosch, and are models in lit and finishi On the same day the new arrangement of the force, into three relleili,will go into operation. Our readers have al ready been made acquainted with this system and hardly need be reminded of It again. The system has been found to work *ell in other cities, and will un doubtedly be much more efficient and satisfactory than the old method. Amnsetatintik On a aTear.” Taken pact. IMEse Mite Logan, ' ll) *morrow night Miss 'Olive Logan, AP:theress,,scholar and lectures, will ad dress an audience at the Academy of Music, under the auspices of the Mer cantile Library Lecture Committee,.on Paris, the City of Luxury. Miss Logan is a very remarkable woman in many respects. She is notably superior in physique to the majority of her sex, be ing endowed by Nature with heavenly gifts of extreme beauty, native ability and great susceptibility to • culture and polish. She has had rare training in the severely-elegant schools of the world, having her primary in Now Yorkeher academy in London, and her sociallinish in Paris. She is genial in temper, bril liant and witty in conVersation, keen and pungent with her pen. Deigning to ;enter the lecture field, her triumph was complete from the start. She is the Ma ter' of that field—the queen of lecturers. —and each succeeding season will see her increase in honor and in renown. In Temperauceville Biddy Dougan, Mary Welsh and Mat tie Doran are residents of Temperance.. ville. Yesterday Biddy made informa tion before Alderman Strain against Mary for disorderly conduct and aggra vated assault and battery. Mattie also made a similar information against Mary. The allegations are that Mary, who seems , to be a rather disagreeable neighbor, got into an argument with the other two, and to enforce her ideas, at tacked them with a broom and several other articles of household furniture. which could be made do execution, in the way of bruising their bodies. War rants in both cases were issued for the arrest of the accused. , ___........_ Tilt Tapper Committed. John Berger, .a youth about eighteen years of age, was committed to jail by Alderman Eggers, of Allegheny, on Sat urday, for robbing the money drawer of a milk wagon. It seems that the vehicle was standing on Chestnut street, in the 7th ward, while the proprietor, Mr. John Bergenmier, was in a store near by, attending to some business. When he came out again he detected the as cued just in the act of leaving the wag on, and suspecting mischief, at once se cured . him. A n examination of the money drawer revealed a deficiency of 30 cents, which was afterward found up on Berger, hence the information for lar ceny upon which the accused was com mitted for larceny. Pittsburgh Put and Present. ' Pittsburgh Put and Present. Pittsburgh Put and Present. Pittsburgh Past and Present. Pittsburgh Put and Present. In Leisure Hours. In Leisure Hours. In Leisure Hours. In Leisure Hours. In Leisure Hours. j A full and authentic ,history of Pitts burgh from 1753 to 1816 la contained in Nos. 1,2, 8, 4 and 5 of the above Maga zine, and will be continued to the pres ent time. A full set of back numbers are- still on hand and can be had at the office. The February number is new in press and will be out in a few days, contain ing another instalment of the history of our Smoky City, and a great variety of choice reading by first-class writers. O'DWign do Co., 6 Publishers, 69 Fourth avenue. For the Ladles. For the benefit of our lady-readers, who are desirous to know where they can be accommodated with trimmings, lace goods. and notions of aSuperior quality upon most reasonable terms, we call at tention to the establishment of W. W. Moorhead, No. 81 Market street. whosh stock is one of the largest and best se lected, and the best to select from, now offered to the public. In order to make room for the spring trade, the time for which is rapidly approaching, his im mense stock of superior goods. is 'being sold at reduced prices, and ladies 2 ,when on a shopping tour will find it to their advantage to call and examine it. A large force of courteous and accommo dating assistants are constantly employ ed in the establishment, and customers, no matter whether they purchase or not, receive proper attention. A Mean Act.-Jacob Whitesell, a resi dent of Bewickly, appeared before Al- derman MoMasters yesterday and made complaint against James Irwin, for trespass vi et arrnif. Whitesell states that he was the owner of a Valuable dog of the St. Bernard breed, upon which he paid taxes, the same as on • other prop erty. A few days since, he alleges, he missed the dog, and on making investi ;rations discovered that 'Erwin had en ticed the animal on his premises, killed it and sold the hide for five dollars. A capiss for the arrest of the accused was issued. Chapped Hands, face and all rough ness of the skin,, certainly cured - by using the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard tit Co., New' York. It surpasses all other remedies as it will pre- vent roughness of the skin if used du avoid cold weather. It is easy t he yplitxl, ing all the trouble of greasy compounds now in use. It can be used by ladies with the Most - tender skin, without irritation or pain, making it soft and clear. Sold by the druggists goner ally., wT Fine Suburban Residence.—A. Leggate, Auctioneer, will sell on Monday next, at four o'clock, the four acre plot and residence of the late drrin Newton, at Shadyside., The grounds, situation, con venience, neighborhood, and entire sur roundings are all that could be desired by a business man.` See advertisement by A. - Leggate, Auctloneer. The sacrifice of goOds at 27 Fifth ave nue, lately oocupledy Messrs. Dennison & Hackett, still con 'num to draw hun dreds to that establishment. The stock embraces everything kept in first-olass trimming and notion houses and iaoffered at prices away down below original cost. Vail and satistryonmelf of the character ofebargains afforded. • • Therware meals served at the Conti nental Dining Room every day which could hardly fail to awaken the dormant activities of the • most satiated epicure. This may seem a strong assertion, but any of our readers are at liberty toques. tion its truth, provided they first call at the Continental, next door to the Pcst, ! office, Fifth avenue. • , The «Continental,► next dcior to the Postoffice, Fifth 'Wenn% still ccattinnes to be a place of eager resort by business' men and others. who are compelled to take dinner in the city. 'Holtzheimer understands their wants, and takes pride and pleasure in supplying them, hence the popularity of his. establish-. • Superior Cream Candles Cream Chao olates, Cream Almonds and _Extra Flue Bon. Bons,' at 112 Federal street, Alle gheny dty. Catawba Wine. J. T. Sample, ,the popniar . druggiirs; corner of Federal ftnd'lttoblirson streets, . Allegheny, has added to his stock :Of California and other choice wipes a app . . ply.of Benriett's pure . Catawba, ferment ed in the skin. We owe to the ezurtesy of Mr. Sample our warrant (M. Baying that there is some mistake about this, as a liberal supply submitted to our own test has not yet fermented in the skin; on the eontraryia free libation of it lin gers in our skin oh the very best terms with our palate and all the viscera. Bennett is a home grape-grower, and is supplying some of our best families with wines fit for a President or even an Editor. Such efforts and such Etnecess deserve encouragement. Law Books in large assortment, com prising volumes esteemed highly valtut 7 ble; second-hand books Of ancient and modern writers, rare ana attractive to book connoisseurs; first quality legal,bus iness and epistolary stations: v, envelopes, pens, Pencils, inks, etc.; together with all the latest magazines and illustrated pa pers, will be found at the old estab lished and ever popular literary head quarters of Col. J. D. Egan. Sixth avenue, near Smitfiflelketreet. Go there for any and everythi e .of in the literary line you. may want, ns nowhere else can you pro cure better advantages 'in selection and prices. 1234 e 4.4 Sheetinglnstitut. 12;40 4.4 long clothtach 126‘i dark domestic •n it ghams. 12%.c linens,_crashedand hucks. 12;4o new style dark prints. . 12Mc gray twilled heavy flannels. Blankets at a great reduction. Bed spreads and quilts cheap. 26c 4-4 twilled feather tickings. Pink prints, blue prints, oil chintz. 20c Scotch gingbarns, all styles.l New dry goods and low prices, on west corner of Market and Fourth streets, No. 69, E. R. Gardner. „ —3 New Table Linens, Towels,. Napkins and Prints just opened at. J. M.. Burch field di Co.'s, No. 52 St. Clair street. Cree Brothers are now selling their entire stock to quit busines& A rare op- portunity to secure bargains, as it is tie ing, sold regardless of cost. You save fifty per cent. by calling soon at 26 Fifth avenue. Plain, Pink, Buff and Blue Percleos, just received at J. M. Burchfield & Co.'s, No. 52 St. Clair street. 1 1..4 Sheeting Muslius just opened at J, M. Burchfield & Co.'s, No. 52 St. Clair street. ' • French Green Peas, Mushroons, Cel ery Sauce, and Preserved Canton Ginger,. at 112 Federal street, Allegheny. Cass'mares for men and boys' wear, at Bates Sr Bell's. Lace Curtains, Gilt Cornices Mid 'Pea tibnle Lace, at Bates 4t Bell's. . Plqaes, fresh stock, at Bates dt Bell's. The place to get ' White tame, Cal cined Plaster, Hy - drataks Cement. is at Esker & Caskera, la Smithfield street ... Good Pea Ants, well rosiated, at 112., Federal street, Allegheny city. 6 analn and Colored C2ilntres and Lamm at Bates at Bell's. - Black and Colored Silks selling cheap at J. M. Burchfield dr, Co.'s, No. 52 Si. . Clair street. Superfine, tine and plain mixed can dies at 112 Federal street, Allegheny. Ladles' Underelothitig., at Bates & Bell's. . French Green Peas, Ninskroons, Cel ery Sauce, Preserved Canton, at 112 Fed eral street, Allegheny. 6 French Corsets and Hoop Skirts, the choicest and best makes, at Bates k Bell's. Fine Binged Almonds at 112 Federal street, Allegheny, Geo. Beaven. 6 Linen Pillow Casing, Sheeting and Shirting, at Bates & Bell's. DIED. ADAIIL—In Sewickley. of apoplexy, W.. A.. ADA-16. In the 60th year of his age. 'UNDERTAKERS. LEX. AIKEN. ENDER- T AKER, No. 166 FOURTH STREET, ti..burgu, .lel4. COFFINS of all kinds,CRAPES, GLOVEc. and cry description of Funaml Far. lashing Goods furnished. Rooms open day and %debt: Rearm. rod Carriages furnished. KX7Bll3llW:llB—Keir.lraviu Kerr, P.D.. JR W. Jacobn_,s D. D. Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob B Faa• 01131 LES & PEEBLES_ I ,.._II3E• " )ERTAXERS AND - LIVERY arreatL3 cornet BANDIISKYSTREET AND ORURO I AVENUn Allegheny City. whore their cont. ROOMS ar e constantly supplied with real and imitation 1w ewood. Mahogany and Walffat Oodles, at prices tarying from *4. to 8100. Bo • dies prepared for inn rment. Hearses and Car tinges famished; also. .11 'Linda of Mourning; Goods, if required. Oboe of en at all hours, day and night. AO BT. T. RODNEY . , UNDER -i • TAXER AND EMBALMER, No. 45 OBIOi EST. Allegheny, seeps constantljt on hand; a large assortment of ready-made Corona of the / A Bowing klnds: First, the celebrated American Burial Oases, Metallic. Self-sealing Air-tighti Caw a and 'Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and! Rosewo. d Imitation Coffins. Walnut CoMnsi from 425 upwards. Rosewood Imitation Coffin& from $5 upwards, and no - pain s will be mare•t. to give entire satisfaction. Crape , all etomi famished free cf charge. Best. ifearses • • Oar 'lases tarnished to short notice. C fur,q_ Waned to funerals at sik ' q 4-11*ENRY HALE, . li - HERG'HANT TAILOR. g Car. of Penn and Si. Clair' Streetsi - - Hu now. In nook oxio of the largest and:s Ti a varied aasortinentaiilf . -,.: ~ ' Fail and Winter' Goods i a ev r broeliit n -=h Lte_thls ally. Ills 'stock ti ll the ?maan SU =gnat nunigheteres c CU MR l l4 9l Enntl' ' t OVEROONZEINK3 woo: a ibll pin of gnat's . . . goods. q. N • w GOOD( _• - .4 JOE A trrytaß OVERCO T,_ • ; !OR A 15TPLIsH DRIOSS C i AT. ,_ _ 1 r FOR A STYLISH HOUSES COAT BUR A STYLISFI WALK IN • COA T, . 1 • TOR A STYLISH PAIR OP . reTt lips. 1: , FORA STYLISE VEST OP L 1 ler all the latest 'Meg ent elo ••• eS, =oda ° f 1 1 - - Ass material. sad by Brat-elan • oilmen, and prices zugerltbllap. low, go to th e well Wl♦l • ezahant altar, W HEW. , riurEmo soleO. BO ST . CLAW S , now SlztiL Nntr 64*DEL 'llloB.bija, x. D B.' •THE vNi)EitstGiv HA 't .. 020 01,AUSD thetnselves to tbor tbr tb, PRACTICE OF -litED 4:11-NE. nou Offfee, No. 19 STOCKTON' Clty. THOS S. O F TO N A IL • D.. ~O 1 . ' S. T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers