Pfb . . . . -...- . . J3UQUESNX.,WORKS , • COLEMAN' RO 86 M C 0, ,. f . ~ 'Manufacturers of iRON, NAILS, STEI,L, _ _AXLF-lI..AND. SPRINGS 9 - . wide Ifon Sheet "sad Taut 'lron. Juniata Wap Bar Iron. Charcoal Iron.finde r f nt. ' , ILD•on, Planted Cutter Bars, r rill and Drainer Bars, T Rail for Coal Roads; Ives Wedges. slat Ball for Coal Roads, Bolter 'lro;larsirirMarii,Chain' Units:Boller 'Remo. liteei and Iron Barrow Teeth. Carriage, Wagon, Beat and Coach springs and Axles all string: Blab Steelfor Plows. Cultivator Steel:Steel Winaa And iifontda pattern. Boring, rteel ail 'sites. A. B. Steel tinfl Steel Tires Steel orow RUB, liteel Shafting. fee. , • • • ALL EFOODS 'llllEitCLAiii AIM WARRA2 4 - . - TED. Agra:Sees _arid W_calcs 10th Street and Vie sheny rhea and 7.1 WATER STRRET. Pitts- Ullll- is4:elt2 ---- GODIROY BilititiCKEß & CO. 42 Exchange Place, New York, . 'piepared,: an Bole Age'nts inJhe 'United States for tlaccrlttrlnnilarilOg and Iron Corn- Piny of Duldirttrg, We4halla, to oontrnet or well is otaantlitesto drat pnrehaseis,idellvered in either New York or Philadelonts,) the celebrated v. G. SPIEGELEISEN `Used so extensively for the manufacturing of SESSEVIER STEEL. IroM Is free from Biapur and thosplkorne, and eontalnis a beryper cent ale of Manganese. paitleulari, samples, Prices or ebentleal an alyst, will be promptly forwarded on applies . salon. ja110:1378 STEEL— WOll3O. SINGER,. I IMIOg &CO., PrrTSBURGU. Pati— anufrotorers of every deseriptSon of CASTERMAN STEEL, f ELLEnaf, ,LICD PLATYOII3 I EMBERS ' ,• , AXIAZW. SEEM. TIBE, Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 /Mit 13bh . 9/120C13.A.T. rA.11,11471318:- Yttr. rriC3llll: 1 18322.31.mmuiNELLSA., SPROUL 'Parma—B. /MR. CRESCENT STEELWORKS, MILLER; BARR & PARKIN, oniceL - No. 339 Marti St, • PTITSBI7IIGH PL. feicdo MACS DIAMOND , 'STEEL WORK& ?ARK, T , D' u, orrißEß & CO., Manufacturers of on defoniptlono of puree SirinEFM34, and Wareleon99:, 122.1548.1PD0ND and 1.191 and Ulf YlStsr BTBSILTS, .."' W f : ? mi •_ .7.s.yzAirgai• :5q..... • • .P.POuFra, valet. prrrslivzion roliGrz AND, IRON ,C 0.9 xesurAciviams OP 1411?lrest, _ Sari SeISO . • • . • • . nalltoltdillaehatles Solletit , BallebaltaijiMai •• • . Leeemotive "IPBablea; • 1.,,,J1449, . 4 • •! Tikeei • f (I'l ~ .4 4415#4., WO* Steamboat Mama .1 1 $ 0 1 2 0 10 /$. Frfink r i - , : • witstirt: . ' ...rook= • Offloo NG: 177 PENN Sa ' rifts:arum re. ttUltslllllso.N;tltoC. , o&.'; Thb Tel:liege are now erepereff towrent Hein jeg far 4 4 e 4 1 e 4 118- BLUBIPUJOirai r/U)- CEEB. • The rote:riot quality Impaited Rood Iron, the gtest Imptovement In Inferior Iron. and the seduced cost.couoehd It to aL 1 . 211/JULICSILrer I Of • sand Iron. • • - - • PartlerWlahlhg can oidhih liceupes by ling to . • .JAMES- P. SPEER, Attorney tor the Trustee', OFFICE, 860 PUN 8181.81% Parties interested liTer ' lnvited'to visit the ZROEICBEROZR WORKS. where the process Is now In successitil operation. Itthd).7 Krotsoxi P R ES T ON & CO4 Petotania Works. WiretTasey ;Nos. 156 szled FLEW orPoKie Wuougs aala WAGE' .- 1440 411 1..", ,-1 , PITTS • No'inzTY - *omo. P ITTB6I7IIOII NOVELTY wo Founded A• D 1833. 6 • JUUUM I , - xastromningstE,‘ os r • NILYSToIeiSTANDAVD,WAINBANK. SPAT PIW PAT ENT) POS3I,AND utrUNTZB' . , 04klire S•:.. , • Janes Faced Patent 'Doer Locks' and Latehei. Pilt*„f "PP OZPIIIST#IVAXIM & glthr - fts, Pittsburg ,k-gpsisze, . - G.AS 'D sir nt": JOHN IL coorza, jeini InkCOOPEI4 CO?, • 13/14138 PCII72I3)SELB, GAS AND STiuld.grivrEits, , MonufiCtorersof 1 *m 11111215 ARD BRAES WO2// of ay descripttoo; gle , alers in OAB A.TID 'll3Bl.lgff, of So=da. Crir.` of Pike and Walnut Streets, PrITSBURGEL J. KNIT - TORT 'PITT FOUNDRY 001111 NY. OFFICE AND WORKS, _ TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBITILGEE, PA. V i-E n gines, Boiling Mill Ma. chitterY, Nail 'Machines, Be. torts, and Castings generally. ATLAS W0P4 1 4 1, *-- ,IdORTiI;)N STREET, Ninth Ward, • Pri7r€ll3Ul'EL THOMAS N. KILLER, President. Theie to W e o s lN are 'Amu Vtigargeli,anstrost now prepared t=h are Itngines, of essay dessriptioa. Diners, 00 Tanks. _ Ekes* Iron Work. Italiroad-Costings. Bolling RIR Castings. Engine Castings. • Easiiine Castings. General Castings. ORDERS ISOLICITZD. noP:nn9 .-',.:8V1CE13:.,...'4 3 , 1 )., 1 ! 311. ". PITTSBURGH :GAZETTE: WEDNESDA.r. " FEBRUARY 24, 18 UNDIM, MACHINISTS, ROBINSO — 31, SEA. & CO., Sncce.sson to BOsnimir, MOM $ MM-I,IIIIS. WikszacroroN WORKS, FOUNDERS AND WACHINISTS e PITTSBURGH, MannfacYuterl of Bost and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, 31111 Machinery, Gelling, OssiLttga o'l'll descriptions: 011 Taus and , St s Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. IR, corner First and Smithileld Streets. Agents for GIFFARD'iI PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. 7ail:rs2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. artier Street, Ninth Ward, (OpPoslte inlon Iron 11111 s,) PITTSBURGH. Raft 1111 and • Bridge Castirig% THIMBLE SKEINS AND' PIPE BOXES, MACIUMIBY. Ain cuurrines ezmulazur. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. FJONEST & ocIIBIRI Timms ,cmuLls ac co., Fourth Ward/ dry and lathineVorks, SANDUSKY ST., ALLISILMNY OITY, PA., . Yanulkoinferil . of Steam Mosinee, Oil Poem* . knile9l, Shafting, Grid and .tlaw Mill Work, Moiling Mill andagm Machine Outings, Grate Weights, WBoxes, . Build to rna have op handl Entine. of all 4ka sizes. . orderß CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Perin Street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Clifil sou., liM Castings, 801 l Lathes, 80. LUMBER. LyIIBERT LIMBER!! Ltancariannt PATTERSON. Dealer in all Muds of Lumber. ' ON NANO AND POlt BALE 1 000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards: 150.000 feet 13 , f and 2 Inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feesDry.l3f Men Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 2 tncb Oak,• 35,000 act Dry_ SI% and 3 inch Ash, 5,000 ft. ,4%,3ln.Cherry &Maple, 30,000 ft. D ry IY /,1)1, 9 and 3 Inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Pry Poplar Scantling; 350 000 feet Hemlock Jolsts and scanting: '6d,000 we: t s awed; 250,000 No. 116-inch shingled, eased: - - 40,000 No. 1154n0h 5111ngleS, stirred; 40,000 Fire Brick; -- 1,000 Fire Tile.' • " 100 Tons Irtro cisr . Nanc n he s ter o ndl Pß ß OL E CATU CT. M fOm n sine eotly the Gas Works, Allegheny City. no IRON BROKERS. &mop. M. !VIPIMEISHAItip , IRON .BRONE3I3. 9 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Dongtuunora, Josephine, Isabella,Duneannon,htanhope„ Olen don,and other brands or Anthracite, Xoughlo &heap Coke and c.*. colaracw. utcona., timotsrumentol Inmost reivieetrally self stead COPPER. r AKE StrrEltiOltq -01111% MILL AID fliatTize woaxa PITTE/ErCritell. I,c PARK; bIoCI4RDY & CO., • d ju s p au P tu ge re ss sso eo h p a ßoo n ß oß e ed . Snid Boot Whl r tuuter Solder. Mao Imparters and Deal ers ,n Metal. Tin Plane r s ' et Iron. Knee.. ? dm. pon itantly on hand Machin ea ai.d wools. WAtebotiso; 20,140 Olga WrltitsT and Die • %WSW STREET,. 'Pittsburgh. special order. of copper ant to any desired pat. gra. I_ • latitltottsdisT HUGH . TIL BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and linquesneSt 4 (NZATI. Tint POINTO Engine Builders,, Founders and Machinists. Manufseture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and tyre TIONARYII i NGINES, of all sizes. Special attention invited to our now STATION ART - OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER of 15-horsespower. OASTINGS,_of every kind, made to order atour Foundry, on T BIRD STREE T below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SFIAIPTING., PIILLE HANGERS,ROUSE and TOBACRO SCREWS a IRON TOBACCO PRESSES. on hand and made order, at the INDOSTRIAL WORKS, 7/routing on the Allegheny River, near the Point, pITTBBl7lrall, A. ir/r All orders promptly tilled. TIM 178. PR T • Pnvr BOMB, STILL WINK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, auxurAcroasats os- TUBULAR, ,DOUBLE-PLIED - TUBULAR. FIBS-BOX AND CYLINDER . STEAM BOIL ER!!. OIL STILLS AND OIL . TANN% ONGINNIB, BREECHING AND ASH nom, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND OGN. MOWERS; STEAM PIPES, OASIBILETERB AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES Once and Warehocorner Second, Third. Shdrt andld rtyStireets, PITTSBURGH. Pa. . . . sir Oracle . , sent to the ibove• address will be romptly attended to. oth7:181) DL„PARSHiLL al, 'CO., -, • .BOILER MAKERS '- AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. AO, AA, MA AND AO PENN ST. large yard odd fhiniiilied it mut the Inest 'approvedmachin -ery, , we are pre pared to mannfacture every description of BOIL ABS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, 'Steam -Pipes,' Locomo tive Boilers Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Mita: tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pam', and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers., - • Repairing dor eon shortest notloe. ise:c3l JAMES M. AnT4t, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PrMTSIBUMMIC , mum:Tacna= OP IRON. OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS. corms STEAM Palls BOLLING MILL GTAORRs And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. asairD H. 11817811.... IDICITDD D. DRUM JARED M. MESH & SON, 142r177ACT0 111 0 8 01 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SUEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, sko THE BEST STOVES. • A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of • . . Coo Paiior and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for tbe celebrated Base Burning One OM Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best la the World for Parlor,Office. Store or Church, Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do- sloth Ly until you see or send for Circular. . . . . No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agenta for Orientals—DEM MUER BROS., 310,thIleld Et.; GEO. MIBLEY, Allegheny City. GRAFI; 11176 US 8600.1 MANtmAcrarszss Or vrAsy VARISTI 07 s Mare; - BOSTON COOSINO BANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," Fos WA5311203 BIaILDMIL , TIM NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, REGULATOR. ,, COLUMBIA. COOK STOVIC TAN'S telscitulatl • Pattern) :PORTABLE RANGE C AST MN MANTLES: WELLMA% N REF i;EC TOR, GRATEIs,Cree from (Urt and dust; ALTS. FRuNTS, FENDIES, 206 and 205 Liberty Street, re2f0,17 PITTSBURGH.-PA. , 000 K ' STOVES. CET STHE BEST. BISSFAL COJNI TRIUMPH. FOB BITUMIN OUS COAL. Warriukted to Cook, Bake or Boast as - • hill assay other Store LI the Union. BmaELL & No. 285 Lberty , Street. l o z a r t i gut...lB, agAliacotnti'iiirarg: AM:cross COAL COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON;',STEWOr & 00:,, , . Having removed their Moe to NO, 567 LIBERTY sower, (Lately City Flour MittIECIOND ELOOIt. Are now prepkred to lunge g_ ood TOI3OIIIO. elik NY Luxe, 1717 T COAL Oh SLACK, at the lowest morket price. All orders te their other or addressed to them t h roug h the wilt be attended to promptly. - - - WEST COMMON , Machine Stone Worket northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. "'RED'S , ATVATER AI 00.• Save on band or p_repare on short notice Heath and Step StOtleS. Flag. ibr Sidewalks, Brower Vaults, ac. Bead ono Tomb Stones, &e. • Orders promptly ezecnted. Prices reasonable • ORT HIT 1000 'CONON. No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DICALEBB IN GOVEMKENT SECURITIES AND COLD. DRUM MOND ON TUE DOM. Collections made on all accessible 1: 0 0 1 2da the United States and Canada". ~ - . D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. W 711 allowWeett,, .- D. NATIONAL BANK OF COHERCE • Cor. of Wood and Stith St a. A. IiATTERSOA .... JUL H. HILL CAPITAL, .1 $500,000. A. Patterson, W. H.oßckhOrtrown, Ch m ao . L, Dan. 8. Have Danvidion, W. . iiisoor*rs nAn. arg:ow. HART, CAUGHEY as, CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, lairThroviseri , P d s IBTICCEBBOII.S TO HANNA. HART 'CO..) Dula= Is Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase ano sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Burnt Drafts 031 London. myiaets N HOLMES Sc SONS, Collections made on all the principal points of the United states and Canadair• Stocks,Bonds and other Securities STONE. DIRECTORS: IJno. 0 Blaber, Robt. R. King, • tiiinVl r e.t e d BAWL. MeCLVBECAN, Pron. ON. cashier. D. LEET DIBBOTOBB: • K • ilearge • 11. Palmwer"BB W W tu. Douglas, Beea. T, AT U X . 57 Market Street, PMM I MEnI3IThU3VII, PA‘.. BOUGHT AND BOIR ON OOKAID3SION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale or 'United States Securities. Dialß S4IIINGS After the Flrstoi March Next, Will be closed on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, And open Maly from 0 o'clock ♦. M. to 3 o'clock P. M.. and on • - Saturday Evenings. fel9:eSs • OILS. ECLIPSE . PETROLEUM REFINERY. DEMME' W. C. TWIDDLE, 11140 i. HFA.CTURER LaTiCating & High Test.Thurdig Oils. minds great heat Witliout limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot, weather. • • 'Locomotive. Engine, ;Igraine Shpp, Will cut Screws. • _ Saw latll and Planing Sill One, Adapted for high speed. Spindle on, Wool l nead•light Oil, Tanners' Staff.' 'Mensal", lag aShniabiag Harness. Oil Parretti:We. ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Bust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tvreddle , spatent by Superheated Steam in Van coo. The Lubricating Oils are almost odorless, perfectly pure. unifbrm, and mostly • light col ored. stand a bightemperaturis main eßauroaa and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Otis are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined: and orders left at 114 WOOD STREET.t works at Sharpsburg Bridge. A8 P :114 P 16 . 19 Commission Merchants and Broken In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY. PrITSBIIRGII, rartADILPHLt ADDB3BB, WARING; KING & CO. ! ' 071*i/bun it;iet. 9CAVIL COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, DEIALII,RB IN Petroleum and. its Products, plttaburßh umee;aeLzar.,va earner of Duquesne Way and Inns streets. PhiledelphlsOfilee-IWI WALNUT ST. spiturso IVIAIIIONO OIL WORKS, , H. LONC & CO., Office, DALZJILL BUILDING, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. Pl. SHEETINGS AND BATTING. 110FOLAMpA6BEILL As, CO n vu JPag ; . _ ANCHOR' COTTON MULLS. AP1T . T8313X7)%448. JlGlsol'acUms of HEAVY INEDII7II.O24LIea2. AKCJIOII AND 111.161NOLLL SIErSETIN6S AND BATTING. CENTRAL AND 'UNION PACIFIC PLAIIMAY BONDS, The cheapest investment now in the market for sale by PIL. R. IMCIERIEZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, ( dealer in Government. Bondi. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. e. • dad Es T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to S. JONES it CO.-) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts.,,. SE3 11. 'N 3rA IR. Si, BUY AND SEDL ALL KINDS 07 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST TA.VOR.Ai3LE TEBME. edlr Interest Allowed on Deposits. air Money loaned on Government Bonds at owest market rates. • Orders -executed for the Purchase mind Sale of _SMOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMICS T. BRADY & CO. littAingt Gap*. FINANCE AND TRADE r Mixon ov Prrizarituax Warms, TUESDAY, February 23, 1869. 5 The is in an unsettled condition, opening at 132% and declined t0132V, and closed stronger at 1323(,@ 132 r%. Tiler? is a general disposition to cover gold for either short sales or mer chandise sold: In the oversold condition of the market and the uncertainty of the course of our bonds, in Europe, it ,may at any time become necessary to ship gold to' cover our indebzenness abroad,ln which case a rapid rise would be inevit able. The Herald, representing the extreme bear side, readily admits a sudden rise in gold, whilst the World, in the interest of the bull cliques, warns its readers to sell anything they do not possess, especially gold; what the bull clique can do need not be said, when the past three months have shown it re peatedly. In governments there was a dull and and rather lower market; sympathizing with the decline in gold, and an indis position to buy, on the presumption that our Bonds are going to be par•in gold, or better, or in other words, that they will command a premium in Europe which will cover the discount on greenbacks and more. We are now on the eve of the Spring business, which hag suffered already by the decline in gold and more so has the export interest suffered. The merchants need accommodations and and the bankshave not the means to ac commodate them, being overloaded with stocks and securities. It hetionies thus evident that this curtailing power of the banks will revert on there= Sources of private capitalists, who, getting good interest. will - withdraw their deposits from banks and manage their own in vestments, Taking everYthirig Into con sideration, it is quite likely that bonds have nearly regaled their higheit point, and a general detillnkfirpriqs,ibased on gold. at 14634, would hurl - - dotvir stocka and bonds - alike:, , In stooks the Market is ' extremely dull, and heavy in all the Erie connections, while some western roads ire higher, like Fort Wayne, Michigan-Southern; even Cleveland Is firm at ninety; North west and St. Paul shares are all firm; Express shares are quit and lower. The stagnation of business must curtail the ,receipts of these amipardes, whilst their expenses are increased. Through a pro tracted business season people are as anxious to save in freights as In any thing else, and the money packages are coming in more aptgingly; that business is now done by the Postoffice, ands by drafts, being greatly , facilitated through the Naticniia , lianks. In local stocks a dull market• tuts to be reported. The report that the Penna. Central Railroad would issue new stook after April next had frightened a few timid holders, but on second thought they find it rather an adviMbige. The property will be more et:duo:toed in yalue by its through connections, whilst the receipts will be fully equal td a ten per cent. dividend on the entire Sitars Capital Business is extremely dull, as is always the case.wheri the currency value is &a turb94 decline In gold- -.Money scarcer. Closing quotations. as received by Ph.. R. Meitr. Gold,' 182%; Eighty-one's, 114; , !Five %Twentieth.. 1862, 1145 it 40, 1864, 111„ do, 1865,"112%; d 0,1865, new. 110%; do, 1867, 111; do, 1868, 1103 f; Ten korties, 109%; 'Railroads Cleve• land & Pittsburga, 89%; PittsbUrgh, Fort ' 'Wayne t Chicago. 213.; Clficago & Rock Island, 26X; Chicago & North- Weittern,'Eaw do - Preferred. 90%; Erie, New York Central, 37%; gan 'Southern, 95: Reading, 913 ; Ohio 4- Mississippi CertUlcateS, 54; West ern Union Telegraph Company,• 87%; Merchants •Union Express Company, 17%; Pacific Mail, 100%; Adams, - 631 ?lining shares—Gregory, 3,20; Quartz Hill, 80; Smith & Parmel9, 1,50; Cory: don, 10. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co.; Gold, 182%; 'United States sixes, 1881's, 114 X; 6-20's, 1862, 114%; 5-20',,.1664, 111%; 6-2 it's, 1865, 113; 10-40's, 109 X; 6-20's Jan'y and July, 1885, 110 X, do. 1867, 111; do. 1868, 111; Seven Thirties, par less %; Due Com- 1:::21 pounds, 119; Ten Forties, 109%; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 10 3 ; Paoli:W*4,lol;i. r.iii Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.i NEW Tons, February 23, . 1869. . Money is very easy to-day; demands _ on call are freely met at 5 ®6c on Govern ments and 6®70 on stock; collateral prime disConnts, 7 ® Bc. The railway war on western freight between the New York Central, Erie and Penn sylvania .Central on one side, and the fast freight lines on the other, to-day caused contracts to be made at 25@X`e per hundred, through to Ch cago. These are the - lowest rates ever mkiie, and - the , railroads seem determined to extermin- at transportation comparno*F . The Shipment _ • of currency to the South and West have ceased, and remittances are expected from the former unless the cot ton trade revives. Sterling is quiet st - ff ®9%c for sixty -days, and' ' 934®19%,c for sight billi. Gold is weak and lower; opened at 13333 and closed at , 132%. Loans are made at 6 Cr 7 per cent. for car rying. Clearances o-a amount to 1 sixty-three millions. t Isisnot believed the combination who recently held the price above 135 have entirely unloaded, purpose encouraged a. decline for the purpose of buying more, in order to make a low average for the entire amount. . Governmentaimproved 1 3 to % at the morning sessions, with most active business in '64s and '62s. The former were in active borrowing demand for de livery on speculative sales. At the af ternoon boards there was a decline of y,, but the ; market finally closed firm. Coupons of 1881, 113%®114%; do. ''62, 114%®114%; do. '64, 111% ©111%; de. '65, 112%®112%; new do.,110%®110t1; -do. '67, 110%®111; do. '64 111®111%.; Ten- Forties, /99%®10914. The decline was occasioned by. Washington reports that the Senate Finance efemmittee have de cided not to report on any more mea sures this session. State securities firm, with a sharp ad vance on LOIIIBI£II3IIA. Missourls, 87@ 8734; new Tennessee's, 65's; old do., 6 By 3; North Carolinas, 68%; Lnisiana Levee 6s, 7034; do. 83, 8.5.:. .. . The Railway share market during the morning was steady, but rather dull and without an important feature. Pacific Mail fell to par, while other miscellane ous shares were firm. Express shares were dull in the afternoon. The Rail way market was strong_and generally higher. Fort Wayne was the most prom inent feature, and , advanced to 122% on the growing belief that the Erie iarty and Fort Wayne managers have arnica... bly adjusted their difficulties. Michigan Southern rose to. 96%, on anticipation of consolidation with Lake Shore roads. Wabash firm and higher. Miscellaneous list active and excited on Pacific Mail, which fell to 9714; while other stobks were higher. The general market. closed steady. Ilse -Unity erices:—Crunberland, 37® 37%; American, 423;®43; Adana,. 623" ®62t4: Merubants, 18018; Quicksilver, 2414@,24%; Canton, 60y061: ,_ Pacific Mail, 97zlair„:: Western Union Tel-. egraph, 3 , 7337%; Mariposa; 83:®9; db. pref., 2934®30; New York Central, 1637 ®164; Erie, 36®3634; Hudson, 136,a"®137; Harlem. 13754;, Reading. 91%492; 4 Terre Haute, 38®39; pref. 65% Wabash, 66% (4) 66%; preferred, 77®78; St. Paul, ' 643; ®65; preferred, 77®77y0 Ft. Wayne, 122%,01=%; Ohloand'Mississippi, am@ 34: Michigan Southern, 96%®96%; .5 Michigan Central, 118®119: Illinois Cen tral, 144; Pittsburgh, 903<®91; Toledo 10534®10514; Rock Island, 127 1 3 ®127% Northwestern, 82%®83; do. preferre 91®9158; Bur lington and Quincy, 190, Chicago and Alton, 150; C. C. C. (S; Ind., 70; St. Joseph, 120; 1 Mining Shares dull; Gregory, 240; Quartz Hill. N. Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 157 ; Franklin, 18;. Heels, 70; Hancock, 334; Minnesota, 3 ; Quincy, 26. 1 " Exports gold fin' to-day, 4850,000. Receipts at the` Sub-Treasury, 41,W,-. 560; payments, i 95,501;. balance, 490,- 889,560.. , .. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITBOURGII. GAZETTE, TIJEaDA.T, Feb. 23, 1869. $ This has been imother comparatively quiet day in the oil business, the opera tions in the aggregate being unusually light, and the mar .434 apparently, is dull and offish with `'a , drooping tendency. There seems to 'b an absence.. of that buoyaney which h so long prevailed, . . and the specul e feeling ii - not. so strong as it, has has een, giving conclu sive evidence that the market is weaker, and that there is th e apprehension of a .atill farther decline, and whit is true of this market, is •equally applicable, 10 thoie of Philadfilphia and New 'York buyers, for the trine being, appear =to be scarce everywhere, while, at the same time, it is but proper to remark, that sellers generally, are not, as yet, dis posed to make any important - . conces sion in order to effect sales. As we noted " the other - day, it i s thought that the bull' movement is not dead, only resting a little, and that they still possess vital ity enough to put the mai ket back whenever they ar so disposed. . CRUDE—The market is quiet and a little weak ; but without iniiiortant change. Sale 2,000 bbls till August, seller, at 163.6; - 1,000 same option till July Ist at 1634, and two lots of 500 each on spot at 16%. REFINED—The market was dull and weak to-day, hot a single sale reported, and compared with yesterday prices are a shade lower. February was held at 37 eta; and.we are cognizant of an order having been sent to Philadelphia to sell 500 WWI at that figure,-but it did not go .through. Late in the day soy 'was the best offer that could be obtained,• and March was ,quoted at 36%. Porthe hsta months, there is nothing doing. LUBRICATING OILS. ' Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40e Eclipse Railroad Azle 35c Eclipsf›Machincry 75e Eclipse lipindld, _ 800 4pincue Eclipse l'Unners' Stuffing .. . ... ... 40e Eclipse Tanners' Finishing 0i1.....650 OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. B.; B. Lockhart. Frew & Co., 635 bbla to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadetphbx. H. W. C. Tweddle, 349 Warden. Frew Co., Philadelphia. Livingaten Bro,, 200 BosswLek, Pllford dr, Co., Philadelphia. Total ehipatenia Refined 1184 OIL SHIPPED BAST FROM DIIQUESEIE . H. 11. , ..L0nica.: Co., 168 bbls refined to Waring, ding &leo., Philadelphia; Brooks. B. & CO.. 128 bbls refipo4, to W. F. & Co.; Philadelphia. G. W.Holdship & Co., 101 bbls isfined to Warring King & Philadelphia. Total abipments Refined 'B9B NEw _Yowl, Feb. '23.-Dry/ G0r44.--- The weather is rather too inclement fbr active trade, and Consequently there is only a moderate demand for textile fab rics, at prices showing no important change. me market is rather stronger however, under the improved tone of new material. " II U DEPOT.
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