THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Marrafaeturers of thogreateat variety of Cook., Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. • Sole Agent's for the celebrated Base Burning OM enl Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal C hu rchC Beet in the World for Parlor,tffice. Store or ?Ire needs no rekindling—burns all winter. Do nct buy until you see or send for Circular. • Ho: 30 WOOD STREET Our Agents - for Orlentals—DE OASLER BROS., , field lit.: GEO., RUBLE Alle: belly City. GRUP, HUGUS 84 CO awarrAcTirizzas Oa avzar veatrry or IlErre10V1013; BOSTON COOKING E.,4NGE, `THE FIERY FVBNACE," !oY Wealn3r6 BIIILDINGs. . . TEEM NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE "REGULATOR.'" COLUMBIA COOK STOVE TAN'S ICincinnatl Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE raIRON ANTS, WELLMAN'S RE TOIL GR M ATES, LE free from dirt, • and dust WALTZ FRONTS,- FENDERS, fie. -206 and 208 Liberty Street, .:yl7 COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. missELL 4t CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITUM.I27OUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or !toast as iftll asany other Store In the, Union. PE BTSSET,T, di CO., N 0.285 Liberty Street.- . Allmon hand and for sale, '- PARLOR STOVES, BRAYINGRTO ORATE FRO - .PRIMERS, COOKING. ORS, de. STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE • - •-. 4. IRON =ANO: STEEL. WORKS. COT & CO., ALVOIPACTORRRI3 OP iron. Nails and Steel. Carriage and Wagon Springs and Axles. Duquesne; XL. Ba n duniata Merchant Platund sad:Square Iron; Hoop, Sheetnnd Iron; - Oval, Half Oral and Half Bound Iron; Cylinder and - Wagon Box Iron; Drag and Dropper Bars; T and Slat Ball for coal Roads; Cue Nails and Spikes Plow, Spring and A B Steel; Laminated Steel; Cut tar Bars, Crow Bars , &c., ae. • -- - Office and Warehouse-77--WATER STEEBT, Pittsburgh. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. , SINGER, NIMICK & CO. PPITSBORGEE. PA.. Manufaetnrera of every deacrlpti of CAST AND CERMAN STEEL,. 1 BA/LWAY SPRINGS,__ IrLiarac. Aism PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, dre., Ate Warehouse, 83. Water and,-100 _First SU., WLLEIt t BARR & PMU":MII. • _6ZRZEAL reit - num s: wm. METCALF,I REUBEN MILL. EWAN W. SAES, CHAS. PARKIN. Elrzcz.a. Piarnout-e. M. HIES. CRESCENT STR.EL WORKS. ' ItA.Traf, ac IPARIC.II% Office, No. 339 Liberty St, • Ille14:d48 PITTSBITRGH. BLACK DIAIffOND is=l STEEL WORKS. MI, BROTHER & CO.. Manatactuiers of all dual; iloaa of lEPPMEIPAL,.- Mae and Wirehouse a o , .L9llll. 14111 . - gszcoND and 119 and 121 FERIST fan:ZITS, pITTSIMIGH STEEL WORKS DitiTA.ll24llll2l? IN 1848.) & WOODS, uttabisos.s . TO ANDERSON, COO; C 0.,) Iffsautacterers of every description of . r r • STEEL. sitariekrritrED TOOT. BTAgli: Mil, Mislay, Circular Rang and".oross Cut .1 -• • • SAW, 1 2 1:ATES. • c_aet and llernien Plow and Meta Steve. Doe York. Bake and Toe Calk ' Bellread Bprina teel an d irrog ii_cdrus,cpat.Btaal .712 art ULM( nteel, Sprint ~ ,T7re YFlow Wing*, etc.: Olt Drill Meal, °Moe sad Workrackintar MUST AND - AUMBSts.i' rittabarglk, Pa. - • Mule • , . IRON WORKS. IA& V,liissit„ . .; . W. F. Tornfir.;Supit. T "- . AND. IRON. CO., JITJTAOTCOLOttO OF ' Xe' liar Irons Pftilroadlollsh lean and Bonn lialiroad Car ides Rolled; satraed .111, I Niseapsotiverrskmal§aaress tl44ollads 1101‘01 5 ./StraPs; Elston Heads; itaaasbaat ahattal - . lateasbeas erallaktil; Piston Rods Wristsi PlUalug Jaws, Canals, &e. . Offroo, No. 177 PENN STREET, " PITTSEIIIIGift. P'.. 1011rEittION, -PRESTON Sc s Cl64 .04 Pefinsylvania Iron Works Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 161 mar. STREET .opposite liononaluela House. ants:dl ' . • _P/TTIMUROII. LAKE SUPERI OR OOPPNB MILL, AND MEL TITO • VORIS - PTPX6I3I73ROH. PARK; IntaCUltbr & CO. Xnantnotorers of Sheathing, Brendan' and Bolt 'elefer. "relied Copper Bottoms, liaised BO- Spel tesSolder. impor•••rs and , Dealers' So Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wlre da. Con vastly an Yana Tianar i pcninef i raz Aluiv trwitt-itristi - sawastosisurboppoz2l;4l,..i.A. - Aiiii* .41#4 7 . *E. - r:4,2-tAv Jr..... ed 0.% 4.07 ;t. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sinaillano n Stinelo t (NINTH WARD,) prx~rsnuitai-I. PA. WILLIANI SMITH, Manufacturer or CAST IRON BOWL 'PIPE, YOR GAS AND WATER WORkEt. My Pines are a cast invariably in. Pits,' In dry sand, and 12 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of Wineral Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also can the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS wonits, PITTSBURGH, PA. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the a nd d most complete estahllshmenui In the West, are flow prepared to furnish 0. LP7ING3TON.R. 11. 81111.T.W. A. BOSINSON, LIM INGSTON & CO., IRON FOUNDERS, - zMA—NriIiACTUREMS OF . . ' FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All deacriptioas, ibr Plumbers andS3as Fitters; Ai , rleulturailmplements, Cotto2rand Woolen Mill Ma chinery, &c. All Job Work promptly attended to. ()Mee and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON,"IREALA Successors to Soauceow. Sinus a lirmass, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND _ NIRCHMISTS,PIFTSI34B6H, mantthictirers of Boat and Stationary Steam . El eatelliict 'uting st g s a tnil deacriptionv Hill e tril Tigki ari Stills,Boiler and Sheet Iron Work.' 01SelN. rne r 3snild S ty , .Ueise l 4agt arerielng Boilers. . jal:rs ,MON'I I BLANC FOCSIBIIit. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, lOppos!te l if i nto3 kohlallat) s:. liTtes Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, asozulnura 'AND , CASZWRith - :6l2l:taAgaZ Ordars promptly and earefalrY exerilted. Charges reasonable. mew & premucutik' I P ITTIMPRGirL. T ilol ug - cPY.PiA.P9r , fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Works, BANDINKY 13T., ;ALLEGHENY CITY, TA.* Menutzetseers'eriffteitts E6sl 1311 Presses, Psa lm Br i ngi t tA t rist 8,14 Nem Boxes, &c. Baud to order and I've, on alltniginenotaltalseer ," • • .•, eIFaTRAX, FOVNDBY 3sa auppIIOILLWORKS ; , :SBol:l'4lkeilt litreez PLUM. 11.0141?" g•• - - p.m Ho w mutoutiiitt, toteo4.-, S A:a nnaiii: ll gritillUalailLAl4, • • .1 1.44 ,First Street,. ilittifinritkili a . Agent for the sale df Corn.ikaa v J e ifephlne, Doneguanon, 041 41744. , _ mil other brands of Ann Coke and C. B. Charcoal itlf/111 1, gninents are most ree4eadille Collated. BE Ei 4 0 .41itykit . 111tOTIN' - ' PAOTIIBING COMPANY, Manufacturers of • IRINTINCAND I AIRA PING.PAPERS, CLINTON g Omo. i BRIGBTON MILL—NEW SBIGHTON, , • ; Onieit AND lir °um .; ,• • N 0.82 Third Streetirittobarghaa. „, , 0771 C 121— AIIOUSTeA19 0 ,Traaldifft. - ' JN_Q,H. IV/ lin N. Titanial. Bentw./, RlDDLR.Hatretary. DIEZOTOES—Augnet Banjo, dole Atwell, B. B Hartman, John B. Ltflnaton, Haab paid for Panto Stook.- , • - - jsZtonil rEdirni/ rafbMin pwa, K4,zittee FRENCH ;FAMILV , FLOUR piourwm- i?ns!, roe lea!:aatrrhan ice. 101134 EL BULL.‘2I,IIIE. , * • an~— • - - A.4_ bolt roottts. , pzARNIIIMMIUMAiiiVIKtfe •"- ' Sqdarta Oblo oar. OODIN FLUDII AND ODRA 11X4 1 •1•• .:a& 1 (7: .:-.442 4 Sheab 5 •Pi. e• *FA, Le, s 4 r , :41 , 0 :Ur - • 11.. :ie t: KNAP FORT 'ePITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, VrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma.. - chinery, Nail Machines, Retorts, and Castings generally. MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, 7E ) =WIEIMMO/I. Engines, of every description. Boilers, 011 Tanis. Sheet Iron Work. 34111 " 44 / CluithMu, Bolling 11111 Castings. ituirine castinis. Machine Catitinge. filener,al Caisthicis, ORDERS B,CiLECIT.XD nos:n4is IRONAiRCOUiawe • ' - 1117'1111 T OUR.- PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : .MONDAY, JANUARY 1R69.1 ENGINES, BOILERS, -&c is COr. Point Alley and Duquesne (NEAR THE Pont?, ) Enoineßuilders,Founders &Machinists, Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES_ and STA. TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. 7. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horse power. - CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order at our Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells. SHAFTING, . PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand land made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, PronUng on the Allegheny River, near the Point, - PITTSBURGR, PA. air All order/3 promptlyilled. TEtY tr F° l r E - MILE CARROLL & SNYDER, • TUBULAR, DOUBLE - FIXED-TUBULAR, PTUIL BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES', GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIM= Office and Warehouse corner Seeon Third, Short and Liberty Streets, ■i' Orders sent to the above address will be Dromotty attended to. mh7:139 'WIC BARNHILL, CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SKEET IRON WORKERS, NOS.. 20, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN BT. Having secured a lame yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILEM Lit the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the oonntry. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Stearn Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pant, Tanks, *Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron. Bridges, Sugar Pans. and sole 'mann. faclurers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. JAMES M. RITES, • Nos. 55 and 56 Water . Street, PITTES/WRGH, •PA., 1112,1 1: 1 1.111, or IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK. For Steamboat,. JARED x. BRUM ZDMUND D. BRUM. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, ittaterecTrreaeB Or - Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE, &C. 61 Penn Street, Pittebutya. OILS. OWN, W ARING AND RING, ^6om.tga' Aeon merehaini said Brokilti _ Petroleum and its Products, -DALIELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PPITSBIIIIOII, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING &CO., • 127 Walnut Street. TACK. BROTHERS, • COMMISSION. KETCHANT' AND DEALINS IN PetrojetunauditsProducts • . • ritatrarshdarce—Duastro stnimiNe, tor iter of Notations Way And Irwin mom. Phlltdelppla oillet-127 WALNUT Nr. slols*X M. LONG & CO., ILAXLIIIACTURILVI OP ' PUKE WHITE BURNING OIL, Brqnd.- 66 L UCIFEIt." Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. W HARDWARE HOUSE. _......, . wiPPYi PP 47..i& xtrwEß,; I gl • , ;.ri.f.,i ..-,.:.•,.,!...i, •.,-,,..,--i. - ~!A.I. IMMEI Maindisotunrs and Importers • 1 - i• " • • • '-. • :. • • - • ', • • ' . 1• 4 . g 40,47V411) WA- Xt 7 ,14 ~j ., i• , i r.,NA. ' -- -..:t ..1 - • .2' . ..;;.1. :• -, ,f , ' 1, • .t ..ki4;.', ",. 887 .Lißti.irk4isier.iT. -PWLINE 07 WAY2Ig, r owe Square Below Ilfnion Depot, ''/P l 77Zgifinftrikrai '1 Assists for PAIHAAjfKB 9 scAms, 14 . 1 0VE148.17-WORKI3.. 1 11 ,7' 1 1BPW]fg .;: .‘ h.‘it NOVE'l47it' WORKS.' ld'AEcroE! to :CO. r ., VPAorvan Or goviteake,misidird i ; patios , ipuArDnui ,suid /,banter S OAIAES, lanes Fated Pattiat Door toikle . 1 PAINT AND 0 /PEE MlLus, DALLIABLZ =DDT. ae. Corner of Grant and First Streets.' sects „ grrTeoußOß. , GAS AND . STEAM ,PrrtiNG. JOON Y. 4100,12 JOE. NAT'L . EMMY SIZIM il l) .41 1 41! PoorElatkfikk,„ BRAM r'FOlinoirDaitij, UV" GAS AND . STEAM FITTERS Niusvilligtarers of Mil% AND BRAISAAtit i a ' • Amur desonotion: dealers NAG AND ruirme, or on mode. Corner of Pike and. WahlutStree% . . 'I, • - PrnaaPaGge ' • r is* • ,Nri„lUt t“.• 11•7/.14 :420 dli7rtl.ll4 fled 1143414 76-.4144 PITT STILL AND TANK WORKS. MANO74CII7IIKaB or PITTSBURGH, Pa. HARDWARE. 1"--C CUTLERY - ; &Cb I MEE FINANCIAL. OBT PITT BANKING Milli No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $2OO 000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE DEILLEBS IDi GOTERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSIT Collections made on all - accessible pants In the United States and Canadas. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, E. Fawcett, BAWL. BfeeLtmEEAN, Pres'lL D. LENT WILSON. Cashiers.. NATIONAL BANK OF COIIIIEBOK ca. of Wood and Sixth Si a. A. PATTERSON President JOS. H. RILL ..... :Cashier CAPITAL, : ; $500,000. DLIIILCTOBS: - George W. Cass, James McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, W. 8. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIL HART, CAUGREY 411. CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS; • . Corner Third and ,Wood iiitreery, prvreuerviton, PA..; • ' (IIiCCESSORIS TO HANNA, BART & 00..) . Mumma IN Exchange, Cob, Coupons, And particular attention paid to he purthase and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. =Tian V-HOLMES-8C . .1A • '57 Market Street, - 13 IPTTSITIME1,01-X, PA. • Collections made on all the principal points of the United Mates and Canada'. Stocks, Bonds did'Tither Sectuities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON coantissiox. Parttenlex attention pita to the perchase and sale of United States Securities. - ja3o:al WESTFJIN SAVINGS BANK; No. 69 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 18 66. interest paid onTinle 1:0e;p belts ANY 13IIM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DraTarns SUBJEVy n aIfIEO/1.. WITHOUT IA Discounts Daily at o'clock. President—THOMPSON BELL. , TIN President...A. AL 31ARSiTALL I.~ O OBIPSOR BEL I E aI47"B: X. ibta DILWORTH. I "A" ' H J. J. OILLZSPIM , 08. ALBREE. Stockholders to whom w Wm. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell. Willis Da/5e11.% D. W. C. Bidwell E. M. Fulton. ' DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 65 FOURTIR STREET. CHARTERED IN 1855. ASSETS Open- daily. ftom SI :to 111 o'elOkPlll.lool7lBll - and BA7I I BIkBY ENZN/Ntlei fralnida7 Ist to November st..trOM 7 to sko , clockf'stvid from November let to May Ist, from 8 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sum. of n profits han ONE DOLLAR And a alvidend of the declared twice a year, In June and 'December. Interest has been deelared semi-annually in June and December. since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent._ayear. fater at, If not drawn out, la.placed to the endit H of thedepositor a. principal, and bears the same In - *treat from the lit day* of June and December. oompounding twice a year, without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pass bock At this rate money will double In less than twelve years. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rnles and P~ulations e „LnrashadliclUsteB IsPARdiII4PA 61430,11 Bic. 33 Pillaft l gitEoltbleALßEEll . : Yt .fl PliZiJlDANyfi:_ . _ •Joho G. Backoiin, Beat. Iratinestosk James Herdmils, James Smiley', James 8. -- 11.1diedii, "; Blue Peunack nitrir Wm. J. Andersom,‘ Galvin Adams, John O. Bindley, George Black, Busse Aloogo A. Carhei- crane. A . Cones , .' • John Eva's, ' Job's J. filllesple. William B. Haven, Yeler H. Hunker, Ilehard Hato Ja , TugA Boomer st—qASIZEI WINES LI • ORS WOE 6, psi a. .t MI ME ESTAZILEMED mod. scgmxpT & g_4433AT DIPOITZWI,9!!, lipßOp6l)ll' wms Am), Liquom, bro. - 1 %0 ilgr" /1440M0, I . 1 Would direct the attention of the üblio 4 the tact tarr, po• seising gu ri rsor facilities through revel's+ largo Wine and , L iq uor. ltrurar, ,gorppe. and visiting their Immo nada weld, ayare enabled to offer the various Fides of c_nolos wilting AND LIQUOIig at prices as than au ti s m rates.. sg. • am nations of. quail ler and lornipligism• of. pricer -respectfully roUcited.. .• . ~ ld A dialog nicortment of intia OLD Bre Wa-, StVaoastaativ in band . • , , r . , . . 1 oozes:l.4:r N 011.1141. 11%11% 1911i'lllatud 119 f, • • !num . • - - lIANC74IOIIIWgir I pyre ilistilleil -Pare ,Mao.olo4alla • endr4Q , X 4 . 1- 107 M 040,', '•, • t. et taw #02.4 ,gal:44;1! =I MEM DEBECTOBBi Jno. 0 Idler, 1 Robt. H. King, • Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey. =ZYMI !take reference: , Joseph Dilworth, RAY. DsTid Kerr, emrsrLimbert. A. k. Brown, Tbomu Ewlor. 99,161, lAO 19 Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135 X; Eighty-one's, 111's; Five Twenties, 111 X.; do, 1864, 107 x: do, 1865, 108 X; do, 1865, new. 107; do, 1867, 107 X; do, 1888, 107341' 1 Ten Forties, 106; Ridlroads —Cleveland & Pittsibrirg:l. ex; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne` d; Chicago. 113 x; Chime & Ruck Island .1.205; Chicago & North Western, 82X; do Preferred, 84X; Michigan Southern, 8811; ;Reading, 97X; Erie, NMNew,Yor_is teß;4l* 169 %;A1g0 & AtlaaltalPld , LlerUneatea, 84X: Western Union Telegraph C0.,83X; Mercnants Union Express Co., 114 X; Bacilli" Mail. 119 X: *dams, 4_Bx; Mining shares—Gregory, 4,00; Quarts NM, 72; Smith' it. - Parmele, 2,65. —cooing quetatiOne received by James T. Brady & • Co.: Gold, 135%; United States Sixes, 1881'5,... 11.1; 1882, 111 X; 8.205, 1884, 107 x; 5..20'5, 1865, 108 X; 10.40'., 105 X; &Wray January and , July, '65, 107; 5-20's, January and Ally. 1 '67 107 W ,'BB, MX; June 7-80's; par less x; July 7-30's, do X; 7-30's, due Compounds. 119; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central. A. M. Pollock% ht. D., Robert Robb. - iJohn 'Alexander Speer. Christian Yeager. 401*ft Or Lcomill Her J.*Lyncti. Peter A. Madeira John Mars/1.11, Widter.P %p .•K gA arstlaD. Ormsb et Pnill ns4)riqPirC4 y HenryL. Ringwatt, --Wm, Z. Ilchmerts, Alexander Tindle, W lUUta Van.t&trh. base Winttler, #7 o 4,4oyr°t , .6st v, . . PITTSBURGH LIVE STOCK MARKET. - ' PENN'A CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, tg '- WEDNESDAY, January 2, 1669. , CATTRX, ,' y i • • 'Sine° the . date of onr , last' report, on Wednesday. there has been but compara tively little done, the-vales all told only reaching 106, head, , making the sales for the entire week, <mix - 350 head., .which is comparatively speaking, next to nothing. There was a very good atieridance of buy ers, and If the stock had have been here the sales would no. doubt been larger then for. weeks past,and that,too,at advanced prices. Compared with last week, good shipping Cattle are at least 50 cts - porlhundred high er, and even at the advance, many Eastern dealers were obliged to return home, with with their money in their poOkets. We think it le IllielY; - hOweyer; that'next week and the week thereafter will bifog in in.; creased 'arrlials as big prices generally, draws tkelal,Oßt, We.qut t, prime,to..extrA 41ppIng ttWirat li't6 - 8 ;It'd Ihdpinito good - at '2X. c" Elks* ' kir eedttwie hi demand, and( Amite* Illipply.liMd:May be quoted* 4%30 &tire,/ to wait, tan. oxi l dltion. The sales re r wpm 1 ~., L. ~,Crawford to 43111 Co.. e art r n iti pi 19,0401404 . alr lio ta l owri a . , 3 ?•1; 214 -:.i kl IN I' ' :st al ,vroPA' 4101 VL ISM ME CENTRAL' AND ENION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, Theehea e pest investment : n the market tar by PH. mionTrz, Corner FIFTH AVENUE ek WOOD STEEETS Also, dealer Jn Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. deal JAME§ T. BRADYCO., 86 • (Successors to S. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 313 AL l'aq 31BE. 3Fit. SE6 - , BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP GOVERNADDIT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Cam" Interest Allowed on Deposits. air Money loaned on Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sala of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. aar'" PARTIES DESIIII VG TO IN- V • $ T In UNION AND CENTRAL PA ing before CIFIC BONDS can save one per cent. by purchas- J.&N - (74.13.1t Ist. Bondi on hand for delivery. • ' JAMES T.- BRADY & CO., Agents Central and Untan Pacific Railroad com nies, corner Fourth and Wood itreete. 8:b13 RitbintrO ittayttr. FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF THE PIT strung . Gazrrrs, SAIIRDAY, Jaimary 2, 1869,. During the past week financial circles were greatly agitated prior to the quar terly statement by the national banks. The - tightness of the money market exceeded anything before witnessed either, in New York or elsewhere, and yet atocks, bonds and gold advanced in the face of, heavy disbursements by the Government. The advance in the gold market was the more remarkable since ever there was a differ ence between gold and paper circulation, gold always yielded on a tight money mar ket, and especially just before large dis bursements by the Government, but the causes this time were 'extraordinary ones. Exchange dealers demanded an advance on their rates for short- sight bills, and most of the gold contracts outstanding fell due on the second of January just immediately after' the:Government pay ments had begun, but had not yet shown any effect on the market. This week is most likely to witness a material decline on the gold premium, as a better turn can be Made on governments hefore it is likely that gold will in any way materially . ad- Vance. Government bonds remain strong and have advanced, and are now quoted 23 per cent. above the quotations current a year ago; this reflects the'stagnation in any branch of business, and will tend More and more to deter people from embarking in any kind of commercial enterprises. So far the investment bends have always proven to be most proatable, and people of but little ambition realize handsomely without almost any risk. Those, however, who bought government bonds at par or Wow take advantage of the depressed con dition of affairs and seekother investments which must eventually prove more remun erative, and, meanwhile, they reap a good 'profit on what they had invested at a time when many were afraid to trust the Goy ernment. Stocks are entirely moved by cliques independent of their intrinsic value, and all speculation on the future price , of any , of them is waste ottime and money. Business "is very dull, and besides the yearly settlements, little is doing. Money remains still close. • weighing 38,950, at 8,25; same to same 16, weighing 18,315, at 6,00; Holmes, Lafferty it Co. to Klemen 16, Weighing 4.725; Sham berg to Obner 9, weighing 8,375: Orr it Williams to Duffv 11, weighing 16.27: 1 , at 7,25; same to same 2, weighing 2,9;0, at 5,25. The supply of Sheep has also been ex ceedingly light this week, and with a very air Eastern demand, the market has ruled •rm and prices, compared with last week, e higher. The sales since our last report., n Wednesday, aggregate 967 head for hich prices ranged from 3. 1 4 to 514 cts per pound, and these may be regarded as the extremes of the market. The demand was mainly for New York, the number taken for Phdadelphia being unusually small. kVe understand, howevel. that some of the iPhiladelphia shippers bought pretty liber ally at or near Greensburg, and this . being the case it is probable that that - rrarket, after all, will be pretty well supplied. ' The sales reported were as follows: McPherson to Pierce 178 head, weighing 12,800,' at $3,87; Pearce to Pidcock. 136, weighing 15,240, at 5,60; Stiera to Pidcock 197 1 weighing 16,350; Browning to same 74, weighing 5,300, at 3,50; Deitrich to same 180, weighing 13,950, at 4,37; same to same j 202, weighing 15,625, at 4.1234. • HOGS. The market for this class of stock con-. tinues remarkably firm, notwithstanding the change in the weather, which is owing to- the fact that the arrivals continue ex- ceedingly light and the pens for some time past have been kept almost empty. To-- day, there were not over two car loads of Hogs in the pens unsold, while there are plenty of buyers, all , anxious to get Hogs, even at a big price.. The sales since the date of our last report foot up 2,904 head, making about 9,000 head sold during the week. Prices remain , without quotable change. Light averages, such as are usually shipped to New York, may -be quoted at 9 to 9, while good to prime heavy Hogs, such as- are shipped to Phil adelphia, range from 10 to 10ji. Our pack- • era have been out for about two weeks, - and Mr. My ers, of the firm of E. H. Myers & Co., was to have left for Chicago this afternoon to buy Hogs. This`firm roports having • packed - -thus far -4,300 head, for which the average price is eight cents. Robinson ft Co. have packed something like a 1,000, and Hanna 4 Co., about 1,500• head. , - - " • PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OPTICS OM= PITTSBURGH CIA ZETTRi SATURDAY, January 2, 1869. GENERAL REVIEW. The market for Petroleum has been very much excited this week, and with a fair volume of business, prices, compared with last week, have advanced materially, and the market to-day closed firm, with more buyers than Sellers. The market is in an ' unusually , excited condition,, unusual, wo mean, at this season of the year, and we might sayalmost wholly unexpected, and. never before, we believe, in . the history of the trade, have prides started Out so high at the opening of the year. , Receipts of Crude for the week, 7,922 barrels; front January Ist, 1868, to December Ist, 1,067,- 077, against 774,540 barrels, the year pre ceeding. Shipments of Refined this week, 8,061, against 13,533 last week; from Jan uary Ist, 1868, to December 31st, 726,586, against 680,234, the year preceeding. Sales. this week, 26,500 barrels, against 18,500 last weak. CRUDE. The Crude market was again strong and considerably excited to-day, and with con siderable inquiry, mainly for filture de livery, and but little' offering, prices con tinue to rule thin - with an advancing ten dency. We have but ° three to bales to re cord, 1000 bbls, on spot, (40 to 4G gravity) at 13c; 2500 seller's option, March to lklay, on private terms, 100 bbls Smith's Ferry at 11%c. At the close holders were ask ing 13%c for the first six months, with 13 to 13%c, bid. It seems strange that there should be such a difference made between Venango and Smith's Ferry oil,- from a cent and a half, to. two cents per gal lon, yet such is the fact. The party, who. sold the 100 bbls above noted, ertdeaVored. to spring a fraction More but without suc cess. We suppose 'that the gravity, has something to do with it, ad well as the fact that sellers cannot offer large lots for fn. : ture deliveries, and there are but few buy_ era for sinall lots, particularly of light gravity oil. =Ms= The market 'foi%Refinect is also very Aim.: and considerably elicited, and compared with Thursday, prices have still further ad vanced. We can 'report _a "line of 1,000 each January to March at 314; and 500 each, April to December at 32g for April, and an advance of-f for each subsequent month. Offers to buy January to Decem ber, inclusive, at 30, 'advancing 1",`• and January to June at 32 to 32g. For spot oil there WEDS to be no demand, the inquiry being almost entirely for futures, and we quote nomainally at 30g. Thus it will be , seen, that with the exception of spot, there has been' a general advance all around, the market claidng strong:, , OR. SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. B. E. H. Koehler Co., 53 bbls refined to °. Waring, King & CO., Philadelphia. McCreery & Co., 104 do •do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Phllidelplaa. W. B. Lupton, 102 do tar to . J. K. France,. New York. Nat. Ref._Co., 52 do. tar, New YOrk, Par- Milne Co. • Total shipments -Refined... l ... r - .157 - • Tar' 154 OIL SHIPPED EAST FROM DUQUE/MB DEplitT 4, BIOOICS;' 88 60 . do Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. U. W. Holderilp&Co.; obitdiWar.. ing, Ring dr, Co., Philadelphia. IfoKeinia; - &- Pagerak 20 ;d?,, lif: 0 ; to, Phipps', Philadelphia. " • , Totalahlgo?o//t3 Refined......,. 257 4 257 . Niw ORLllaws, JautuAry.2,7-(kitten n ar,. , ket irregular, but vaster 'than' yesterday; • middlings closed firm at 25r, an advance of 1-2 o on tbree days' prfres; sales of 7,300 , bales; 'roc:l34)M fat Thurachiy) evening and yesterday, 7,883 bales; exports, 12,077 bales. v Gol4 135 14. Sterling commercial 453;e. 46 New .Hork sight drafts 1-2 o dis count., ;Flour, low grades scarce and the market firro;.supertine.B7,soa7,62,, double extra $7,75, treble. extra $8,25.• Corn steady; white 870. - Data Quiet at 68a70c. Bran•nn changed. , Hay _quiet at° $25a27,00. 'Pork dull at $28,50. Bacon firmer; shoulders 14 1-20, clear rib 18Nc, clear sides 19 1 0. Lard firmer; tierce 17 1-2a17 3-4 e, and .keg 18 1- 2c,.,Eingarfirm;,common Baloo, priMe. 12'c, ye l low clarified 18)/12 3-4 b. MoTasses firm ; common 52 1-2a55c, prime 68a65c, choice 67a68c. Whiskey quiet at $1.17:I-2. 1 ' Coffee, fair 14 11204 We, pilme,T6aj7e,r • NEW Yonx, Sanuary 2.—Dry Goods This being a day between two holidays,{ the market, as might have been, expezted, has been characterized by extremelanguor, but prices nevartheleas -are firmly austalu ed, and an IrnproVed inquiry is anticipated } 'both for cotton and woolen goods ere long. There have been numerous changes in bnai nen on the first inst., and on this account buyers hive remained otit cif , market re-.! eently. We quote heavy brown aheetings at `15141:16e for beat makes A.tlantio A tine Etheeting4;_l334 for do t , V heavy Shegtings: l 3 tor Amoskeafr A. Bleached /Whaling-- -f Ide for Fruit of the Loom; 18c for Hill's 'Simper Idem; 170 for llope: 1430 for Mys tic Lake; 29c Obr4.,..lsTevr4:York aelia<2so fdr ,, 7 Lancast e r. ' Pricitt—Paertfiet,'lNo: Cocheco; 18)4c• Lowell, 11a1134c: Warnautta, =eCHICAGO, January 2.—Catite 'Market Beef Cattle.,taa and firm at 54 1 2 44 12 X . 7 for conutiontla n holes. "-Holm Acarturatra' 25a500 higher; sales at $9.10a9,60 for cora- 19,60a10 1 1234 for fair to good, ICAO extrawramrz i 3•) Of -I> 1" ; ?." ; SHEEP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers