•gittslnagt etaidtt. .--.-------- BMllty of MOBS. Men do not care for brains i excess ect in women. They like a sympathe n tic intell which can follow them, and seize their thoughts as quelt as they are uttered, but 'they do not in ich care for any clear or spe cial knowledg of facts; and even the most, i ;philosophic an. Ong them would rather be,, - set right in a classical quotation, an astro-' nomical calculation, or the exoct bearing of a political ouestion by a lovely being of tarlatanO whom be• was graciously unbend ing to instruct. Neither (13 they want any thing strong minded. To most men, in deed, the feminine strong mindedness that can discuss immoral ptoblems without blushing, and despise religious obselvances as useful only to wealt souls, is a quality a.s unwomanly as a well developed biseps or a huge fist would be. It is sympathy, not an tagonism; it is companionship; not rivalry, still less supremacy, that:they like in women, and sonic women with brains, as well as learning—for the two are not, the same_ thing—understand this. Others, enthusiasts for the freedom of thought and intellectual rights, show theirs defiantly, and meet. with their reward. Yen shrink from them. Even cleveroun meon, able to meet them on their own grd, d not feel drawn to them, while all but high class Min& are dwarfed and, humiliated by their learnUig" and , their moral courage. And thls is what no man likes to feel in the presence of a woman, and because of a superiority. But the brains most useful to women and most befitting to their work inlife are those which show themselves in con , - - mon sense, in good judgment and that kind of patient courage which enables them to bear small crosses and : great trials alike with dignity and ' good temper. Mere in- tellectual culture, - however valuable in it- 13elf, does not reach to the worth of. this - kind of moral power, for as the true do main of woman is the home, and her way of ordering her-domestic life the best of her faculties, mere intellectual culture does not help in this, and, ifl fact, is often a hind rance rather than a help. Ar.otrr thirty-five years since, Hon. Thos. I Carlin, at one time Governor of Missouri, 4 was at Quincy - , Illinois, during a greatTerush at the Land Office. ,At supper h as a large crowd and various topics were dis cussed. Among the subjects was women, when one of the company said, "that all women were alike; none were what they .should be;" and made other more insulting remarks about the sex. Governor Carlin was at the table, but said nothing. As soon as he had finished his repast he went out into the.office of the tavern and waited for the slanderer. As soon -as he made his ap- ' pearance the Governor said.; "Sir! I heard you at the supper table make some remarks reflecting upon women. Sir, 'my wife is a woman, my , sister' are women, and I am rearing stp daughters that will be women. On their account, as well as other good wo men whose integrity you have assailed, I have determined to thrash you,"which he proceeded to do in a highly satisfactory manner to all present. "CAltriroN" writes from San,Francisco to the Boston Journal: "People here com misserate the people of the East upon the re action which must take place when we re turn to a specie basis; but if you t are to come up to San Francisco prices you had better stick to paper , currency. I believe there is no city in the' world where living, costs so much as in San Francisco. A dol lar in currency is worth more in Boston than &dollar in gold in San Francisco. .In 1866, when gold was at 160, I obtained as good a suit of clothing for 00 in Boston' as I can now obtain here for $6O in gold. The citizens of Boston obtain their Daily Journal for four cents, postal currency, but here your newspaper costs a dime at a news stall and there are no newsboys." T lIE recent unexampled cold in Western Kansas took the people so by surprise that almost all the freezable produce of the sea son was destroyed. The potatoes were left in the ground until the wet season should be over; but, before it was dry enough to dig them, they were frozen solid. Terrible suffering by cold and hunger is the conse quenee It is feared that hundreds of fami lies are in danger of perishing. Wood, in some places on the prairies, is thirty dollars a cord; and at many homes there is said to be neither fuel nor food. The towns and villages of the State Eve actively organizinganzi charities for the snffenng country; 'should reive the ompt and bountiful aid of thos ec e in otherprStates who are more blessed. GA.BATERS have become so erce and daring lit Bear River City, Uta fi h, that a Vigilance Committee has taken them in band. After three had been hung, hand bills were distributed, warning the: entire -gang that all who were in the city after a certain hour would be disposed of in the same way. "Since that," says the Pwneer index, "meny a bundle of sin and blankets has passed the city limits." One amusing incident occurred during the "garoting sea son." As a gentleman stepped out- of a club-room he was met by one of -the gang, who dealt a powerful blow at his head. It was warded off, and the assassin cooly step ped forward and apologized for the assault, saying that he "thought it :was somebody else." Joni HETBUICN, Sr., of Gloucester N. J., publishes a card in the &lent:fie American, in which he claims to have dis covered the real cause of our annual No vember meteoric showers. He rests upon the fact that "at that period of the year the earth actually crosses the sun's path; that is; the earth is directly behind the sun and passes over his orbit on the 14th day of No vember of every year." He says that the sun leaves "a meteoric train bend him, which stretches out many degrees L eynd. the earth's orbit." We.do not pretend to know the scientific or astronomicalvalue o this theory, Nit we give it as one of the the ories on a subject curious and interesting. OM TUE population of Turkey is estimated at 441,000,000. Her army numbers a total of • nearly 600,000. Her regular army is com poked er 136,000 men.' The reserve army amok to 200,000v -the auxiliary troops to 100;000; the irregular troops to 00,000. The resources of Greece when compared with -those of Turkey assume insignificant pro portions. She has a population of 1,500,- 4300, and her maxinram army numbers about ,12,000 - men, with at least 2,000 om cers. Turkey has a good navy, not i 1 numbers, but in strength and effic d iency. Greece has two steamers and a squaron of coasting ships. , D.ESTITUTION Yonx.—l.t. 18 esti mated that no less than two hundred thou sand persons are now residing in lieW 7 York City who have no work, no real homes, and no means which, insure them a liveli hood. Some of them beg or steal outright; but a large number eke out a miserable ex istence by running into debt for lodging and board, or by borrowing from week to week of whonisoever will lend them, or by quar tering themselves on reluctant relatives or friends. The result is reported to be an ag regate of want, squalor, misery and degra . ation fearful to contemplate. Washtngton Items. - • Parties interested in the Postal Telegraph bill are making arrangements to advocate it with vigor, ,and a good showing of facts and figures as soon as it can be reached after the re•assembling of Congress. There will be a strong lobby against the measure, and the House Committee is probably adverse to its passage. General Grant haying had his attention called to the alleged conversation reported in the New Yorit papers, in which he was reported as atitocating the repeal of the 1 Tenure of 01116 act; and in favor of an extra session of,:Congressin March, and the retention in office of capable men without Iregard to their politics, &c. General Grant pronounced all these assertions as garbled misrepresentations of what he had said, and he repudiated them all, and said be wondered that any respectable paper would give them credence or circulation. . M. DE LESSEPS, the Suez. Canal contrac tor, makes a curious statement, bearing on the veracity and exacttudelof the Bible. He says that engaged prospecting in the neigh borhood of the Red Sea, he visited the fauntains of Moses, which are still in accor dance with the description given by the Bible The Bible of all boOks is the most truthful. Stange to relate, the different localities mentioned in this sacred-work, still possess the same physiognomy and the same names The Bible states that "in Blim were twelve fountains of water, and three score and ten palm trees." Well, even now, we are able to seethe seventy old trunks of those t as well as the twelve fountains. RT/FICIAL Seem, a substance used in France for the purpose of colorink saffron, is believed to be a compouttd of picric acid, though the actual ingredientsare kept secret. Picrate of potash is highly explosive, and the fact that a box of this artificial saffron was exploded by a spark from a tobacco pipe is considered conclusive proof that the dye is some sort of picric acid. Further experi ments show that artificial saffron will ex plode as readily as gunpowder, but with lorry per cent. less of projectile force. It is asserted that woolen stockings dyed with picrate of potash are liable to explode on the feet of those who sit too near the fire. OICE of the'most delicate witicisms, utter ed by Rossini on•his death-bed, is the fol lowing. It is characteristic of the affection ate relations prevailing between him and his wife: "What is the difference between you and a clock ?" said the sick maestro to his faithful wife and nurse, when she had just told him what time it was; and as Madame Rossini said she was unable to solve the riddle, her husband told her the solution: "The Clock indicates the hours to me, and you; cause me to forget them." Certainly a, mot of which every teuder bridegroom might be proud. Aic lowa correspondent of the Chicago Journal .says that. in Mahaska county, lowa, lives Mr. D. C. White, who, twenty years ago, fell on the grounditi the winter in such a manner as to dislocate his neck and frac ture the skull. By some strange circum stance, the spinal cord was not severed. For five years he was confined to his bed, but finally so far recovered that he could go about his business. His head is kept in po sition by a nand around the head, and con nected with supports which pass down the back and around the body. • Arc exchange says that Rev. Isaac Price, of Schuylkill township, Chester county, Pa., has held the ,position of pOstmasier at Schuykill post-office'' which is about one mile and a half from Phenixville, for thirty eight consecuitve years. He removed from North Coventry . in 1828, entered upon the mercantile business at the corner stores, where he still continues the same business, was appointed post master under Genera Jackson, in 1830, and has held quiet posses sion of his office during all the changes o administration since that time. CHICAGO has a detective officer who .in order to obtain a reward of five hundred dollars offered for the apprehension and conviction of an incenniary, induced a aim• ple minded German to plead guilty to the charge, with the promise of one-half the reward. The German was compelled to serve three years in the State prison, while the detective pocketed the whole $5OO be sides considerable property of the German entrusted to his care. SPECIAL NOTICES. W"Plimmrils PAP/3IAN LOTION," FOR BEAUTIFYING THE SHIN AND CO. FLEXION. Removea , all Eruptions. Freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches. Tan. etc.. and renders tne Skin gott fair and bloo For Ladies n t ttee. Nursery it is invaluable.ming. Fur Oentlemen.i ahr shaving, it has no equal. •.•PAFHLAN LOTION" is the cnly reliable remedy for diseaaee and blem ishes of the skin. PUALON'S "PAPTUAN SOAP" For the Toilet, Nursery and Rath; will not obey the • a kin, Price, 25 cents per cake. "FLOWDEI MAYO," • A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. Exquisite, delicate lasting fragrance. Sold by all Druggsts , PIIIALON & NON, Now York , Je3:r9-11-orr, kgrESATCUELOWS HAtlft DIE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable. instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes; invigo rutbs and leareatioe Hair soft and beautiful. biack or Grown. Sold II all Druggists and Peritimers; and properly appticd at Batebelors Wig Factory, No. 113 Bond street, New Fort. aP2S:p2B r4r . 6VIDE TO DIARRIAGE. ;- - 'ng Men's Guide to Happy hiarriage nd a Conjugal Felici,y. The humane a b uses benevo lent thyselaus, on the Errurs and incident tu Youth and Lady Manhood, nt in sealed 'utter e,Yeiones, free of charge. Address HOW ARD AS SOCIATION, Box F., Philadelphia, Fa. my18:08T eee .r ee eeeeeeeeeeeeee ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, BY It B. BMITHBOB & 00. V. OOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS `FOR29IE MILLION. SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 53 AND 57 FIFTH. AVENUE• Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO.. proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction Hou the arrise are v al crea— of ting an - excitement consequent upon new goods which are being so 'd at remarkable low prices. Goods of every vartety; the finest sewed ankletotf._.te most fashionable balmoral gaiters and an shoes, slippers, - &c,, - blankets, flannels, cloths. casslmeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and_ examine. No trouble to show goodfl. Ladies'. misses' and children's fuse at almost your own prices. All goodcwartanted as renresented no-si _ ---.----,--------- ASSIGNEPS SALEp No. IS - 131 a - .- mom), tic....sE—mosimy AFTERNOON. 11. at 2 o'clock. will he sold the premises , by order JAMES W. MU! AY . Assignee. all the right, title and Interest of R. C. S fiTTON In lease of the lot and frame buildings, No. 75 West side of ll.am nd. Second Ward. Adegheny city; the lot. tronting 15 feet on llt.mond. and running Tack. 38 feet: the lease haying 2ve years to run from Septein. her. Ist, 11305, .at annual rent of_fst2s, payable quarterly: and subject to all the termu and condi - Mons of said lease. Terms cash. Po A. NiclLWAssession glYen NE. Au Lctione er. ben VItESH JFlSll.—Beniamin Pal. PRES i otlll eontlnuent to all city and Goan , try orders for - FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. Send to No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET. Pitts, burg". or Me old well knovrn TWIN CITY bTAND .6.11,411134 ' 904 t 1 ' 4869-2- LIFE INSBA'NUE COMPINY, AUCTION SALES, BY it. IrILWAniL THE NATION • OF THE UNITED STATES OF AILERICA WASHINGTON , Chartered by special Aet of Congress, Approved July 15, ISM Cash Capital - - - 81,00(4000. Breach Office: PHILA.DELPHIA , 'FIRST NA. • NAL BANE BIIILDING Where the genera. business of the Companyls trans acted. and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. • DIRECTO AS. Jay Cooke. Philada. E. A. Rolling. Wesh'n. R. Clark, Philada. Henry D. Cooke, Wash. John W. Ellis. Cincinnati. Wm. E. Chandler,Wash. Wm• G. Moorhead, Phila. Edward Detrees. Wash. Geo. F.. Tyler. Phila. Dodge, N. York. J. Hinckley Clark. l'hila. H. C. Fannestock, N. Y. • . OFFICERS. C. H. MARK, Philadelphia, President. HENRY D. C.OOKR, Washington, Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Y . /Lance and Executive Committee. EMERSON W. PEET, Phila., Sec'y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington. Aas't Secretary. FRANCIS G. SM.II H. M.D., Medical Direetor, . J. EWING MeARS. 31. D., Ass' Medical Director. MEDICAL. ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. BARNES. Surgeon General U. S. A., Wash`n. P. J• FIORWITZ,•Chief Medical Department 11. S. • N., Wa: hlngton. D• W. BLISS, M• D., Washington. SOLICITORS AND. ATTORNEYS. Wit. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C. • GEORGE HARDING. Philadelphia, Pa. This Co mpany, National In its character, offers, by reason of the Larg , Capital, Low Rates or Premium and New Tables, ented t the mosto the p ub lic m eans of In suring life et pres The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favor:side to the. insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complica tions and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and the misunderstandings which the latter are so apt to cause the Policy-Holders. Several new and attractive tables are nose pre sented which need only to be understood to prove ac ceptable to the public, such as lblet ME-PRO DUC IN G POLICY and ELTUR.N PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the policy-holder not only secures a life insurance, payable at death, but will receive, it living, after a period of a few years an annual in r - come sew:lin ten per cent. (10 per 'cent.) of the pa of Ms pOifej/. The I.tter the Company' agrees to re turn to the assured the total amount of money he has paid in, to addition to the amount of his poltey. The attention of persons contemplating insuring their lives or increasing the amount of Insurance they already have, Is called to the special advant ages offered by the National Life Insurance Cum- Pan' Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on application to the Branch Office of the Company in rhiladelphla, or Its General Agents. LOCAL AGENTS ARE WAN tir TED in e evry City and Town; and applications from competent parties for such agencies with suitable endorseinent, should be addrsed To THE COMPANY'S GEN ERAL AGEN es TS ONLy, in their respectlvellia tricts. GENERAL kGENTs: E. W. CLARK 3 CO., Philadelphia. • For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE& CO.. Wabhlngto.u , D. C.. Columbia a For Marylan. Delaware. Virgtnia, D istrict of nd West Virginia IRA R. JleVAIr & CO., Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Washington COM:MOS. " For further partleulars address . B. S. RUSSELL, Manager for beneral Agent, Harrinburg. Pa. suZialW&F ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO., OP IFITTSBORGR, PA, Oitlo©, No. 424 PENN . . (12/ lti.erioNA.r. Tarsi Co. ottniao.) DIRICRTORS : _ . . Robt. Dickson, Volta. Liddell, "ti '. J. Friday, G. siedie, 'I, %Van Buren,. . Eirsch. E. H. Myers, 4J. Hangethical, brie. Siebet, L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, . Schlldeciter • E. 11. 'MYERS* riesident. SORT. DlOE,bOl , :, Vice President. 11011. T. J. GRIEB. Treasurer. J..ALDIETZ. Seeretarv. 03:trarr VirESTERN EIiSURAINCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBUBASH. tomenmyt NIMIC.K, President» WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. OEORGE 'NEELL; tieneral Agent. °nice, WA Water street, Span` I. Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will in.ture against all kinds of FL-e and Marine Maks. wellme institution, managed bind4TeC who are known to the community who are determined by promptness and liberality to MilitO taro thecharseter which they have asicuned, as of. ragtag the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. __ ______ _ DtnICTOnS: Alexander Nins!ek, Joan R. McCune, 1.?"..,33311,311-merc7Ajorfe.y; C VA l rlist Cl4r . ET k a e ll9 Joseph Kirkpatrla. Phillip Reymer, Wm.. Morrison. nor Jame.__ Ale x ander Speer, Andrew klen, David M Ac. La's. I). Ihmien. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO:•, OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1903. CASH CAPITAL PAID AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED IND 10.000,000 IN BOLD. • Insurance against Fire effected on Houses and Buildings, Goods. Wares and Merchandise, Steam boats, en. Polieles issued payable la gold PI NS rency• Unit(.4 States Branch Odice, 40 STREET, New York. All losses of ,the United States Branch will be ad- Jested in New York. J. X. -31(201-.A.1101ECICAN, A.g9nt, PITTSBURGH, PA. °Mee. 67 FM:MTH STREET. MR. McLAT36IiLIN .s also Agent for the Haanhat tan Life Insurance ComnanT- sels:r72 pENNSTLYANIA. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGN OFFICE; No. icam WOOD STREET, BANK 07 CODERERCE BUILDING. Tide is Rona* Company, and insures airsinst loss by Fire exclustvelV. t LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. 130TLE,,Vice President. - ROBEAT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH IdeELIIENY. Secretary. DIRECTORS: Glieeg%W. e°21.5, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Planer, John Voegtley, A. Ammon. 11rA. Leonard waiter, C. C. Rorie Robert Patrick. Jacob rAinter. - Josiah King Jas. EL Hopkns, Henry Sproul, FIDERIENITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, OF PHILADELPHIA , MICE, 435 & 437 CHESTNUT 5T., N ZAR IT3 Charles A. Banisher, Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Baranel tirant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, F cerise W. Richards._ Deorge Pales. CHARLES BAN 'KEIt, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, tieeretary pro President . J. OA.RDNER .Aolgor, North West corner Third and Wood Streets, zahMsir IS A LLEGFIENIF INSURANCE COM. PANT OS PITTSBURGH. OIfSICE, No. al WITH STREET, BANS BX.O __lnsane against all Wilda of Fire and Marine Blikl, JOHN JR., President. JOHN D. MoOOIID, Vice President. 0. G. DONNZLL: Secretary. - CAPT. WK. WALL General Agent. Drat rose: Min trills, Jr., Crpl. Wm. Dean, John D. McCord, B. L. Fabneetooß C. e. limey, W. H. Eirerson,l garreY_Chllds, Robert D. Davis, T. J. Doskinsoa, Francis Sellers, T. Hays, cant. J. T. Staiakdale., pr a ll;LES) . lIVISURAN4.3E CORI. conics , N. E. CORN)SE WOOD It TiUTE VS, A Some ecru/piny, taking Firc and Marine Matt. DISUCTOBS: . runnvi, Capt. John L. Rhoads. ,Wm, John Watt, figurosel F. Shrivel', John S. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. V a n n es K ir k , wed M. Brush,.. Win. Kirk, Wut F. Lang, James D. Verner . titamuelldcCrlc itlin 101. PHILLIP/3, President. • JOHN WATT NER erm/is m , Vice t. • . ' W. F. GARD , b Presiden t • QAlrx. iAii. evuDo, 414 INSURANCE BEN FRAINELIN • INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEORECY, Office in Franklin Savings Bank Building% No. 43 Ohio St., ELltefitheny. A HOME COXPANY, manage.si by Direetora well known to Ike comniunity, who trut by fair deallpg to merit a share ofiyour patronage. zimsnit utwitv GEO. D. RIDDI/111•., DIRECTORS: , Henry Irwin, 'D. L. Vattersou, l'aenrY erwle, (.4eo. It. Riddle, iJae;ob Franz, ottlell, Faas, Simon Drum, jO - , B. Smith, ;Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, 111.. Whiston, ~ toseph Crate, Jos. Lautner, J.2lnkand, iJeremlaU liohen ap10:035 NATIONAL INSURANCE. CO., i OF THF, CITY OF ALLEGHE NY. Office, No. 89 t EDERAL STREET, entrance on Stockton Aveny FIRE ' SI:TRANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTL. 4 i, President JAS. E. STETENSON. Secretary. • DU:LECTORS: A. H. English' fo.u.P.Wintatas Jno. Thompson Jno. A.. Myler, lats, Lockhart, os. Myers, Jae. L. GrAllamOtobt, Les, . C. Boylo, Jno. Brown, Jt. 'Geo. GArst, Jacob Kopp. 0o17:t134 • BANIIR - UP'l l- NOTICE U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvanla. PITT:4I3OIMM, December 30th. ISBN. Tins is TO GIVE'NOTICE that on the 30th day of December. A. 1). MS, a arrant In Bankruptcy was issued agalned the _.. ESTATE OF CHARLES C, BALSLEY. of All.gbeny city. in the county of Allegheny, and State of 'Penna., who has been adjudged a bank rupt on and own petition; that th belonging of any debts and delivery of any property to such bankrupt to lam or for his use, and the Armo rer. of any property by hlm are forbidden by law; that a meeting uf the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as ' signees. of his estate, will be held at a Court of 'Bankruptcy,-to be holden at,No. 116 Federal St.. Allegheny Cltv, Allegheny county, Penna., before JOHN N. VURVIANCe, Esq.. Regiser. on bef o r e 10tO day of February, A. D. 1869, at It) o'clock TllO.llAs A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. as Mecsenger. de3l:cl3 _. ---U. S. 51ARSUAL'S OFFICE, W. U. Of PellTlSTlVallift. 1 PITTRBUR(III, DeLember liSth. LBOB. TIFIVS•IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 21-t day of December, A. D. 1865, a 'arrant In Bankruptcy W55191.11e1 against the ESTATE OF ARTHUR MUNRO% OUSl'Keesport borough, in the county-of Allegheny. State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a anyd ank ebts andrupt on hidelis ownvery p of a etin; that te payment of a ti ll o y property h belonging to such bankrupt to hint or . for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the c•editOrs of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or timbre assignees of his estate. will be - held at '3 Court of Bankruptcy. to be holden at the ottice of the Regis ter. No. 93 Diamond street. in the City of Pitts byirgh. Penna.. before SAMUEL HARPER, Eq,, 1 at Rego o'clstcr. on the 11th day of o anuar), A. 11, 1809, lock X. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. Marshal, as 51essenger. de:c4 u. s.-34ARSHAT.,S OFFICE, I). of Pennsylvania. - PlttScrran,Dee. 28, 11868. MIMS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 24th day of BankruptcyDecs Issuedagainst the. ESTATE OF WLLLILM JOHNSON, of the ,ttv of Pittsburgh. in the county of Allegheny, ' State of Pennsylvania. who 1115 been adjudged a bankrupt on 1116 Own petition; that the payment of , ‘ soy debts and deity ery of any prlerty belonging to such trankrnpd to' nur for his forbidden the ,• transfer of any •property by hith are by l law; that. a meeting of the creditors of the said '- bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate. will be held at a Court of Mani:ropy..., to be holden at the office of the Re - gister, , No. 93 Diamond street, in the City of ell.lB - Allegheny eounty, Pa.. before bAMUEL• . liAliPEtt, Esq . . . Register. on the 14th day ol Jan uary, A. D. le•o9,at 10 o'clo THosl ck Aii A. HOWLEY.' rIrU, b• Marshal. as Messenger. • U. S. 'MARSHAL'S OFFICE': • IV: D. of Pennsylv.tnia. FlTTsittfutzti. December 29. 1569. HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That on the 28th day of December. A. D. 1808. • 1, arrant in liankruptey was issued against the es tate ofJOSEP II B. HUFF, of WM.3 township„ in the County of Allegheny. and Stat bankrupt ennsyl-j Vania, who has been adiudged a. on his own petition; that the payment 01 31.11 y debt 1111.1dellvery of any propertybelonging to such bank, rapt to hint or for his u••e. and the transfer of tiny property by Ilitn nee forbidden by that anti:idling of the creditors of the said bankrupt. to prove their debts,and to choose one or more assignees of his es tate, will be held at a Court of . Bankruptcy, to be holden at Tio• 03 , lamonti street. Pittsb•urgh, Allegheny county, Ps., before bAtiIUEL. HAR PER., F.:so, Register. on th ex 9111 day of JanuarY, A. D. 1869, at 9 o'clock A. 31 TuonAs A. ROWLEY. • U. S• Marshal, as Messenger. MEM ~1e:t~:c11 LEGAL. ORMAN'S COURT SALE. Wlll be !old at Nrblle Vendue, at the COURT ROUSE, in the City of Pittsburgh, on !THURSDAY, JANUARY °lst, 1869,1 1 AT 10 O'CLOCK, . • The following roperty beloneitg to •the estate of James Bieck. deceased. Ali that lot of gr,dinU, In (3ollins township. (now Eightet nth Ward, Pltts burgh.) bounded by lands of Samuel Semple, 'H• Williams and Wm. Semple. and by a township road: coat:doing 10 acres and 105 perkiest and having erected thereon a large double Frarre 1...rea1/ 1 g Bellee, with a ilne barn and other outbuildings and a C al Itank oyeued on the premises, and will be sold as e. whole or sub.diyieed.to silt ptirehasers.! • • Also. Lot. Nos 9 and 10 in ._. G. Haile) . .. elan. In East 1.1. b, r y, each fronting 60 feet on the Turn -Pike road, and extending bad. 198 feet. and haying thereon erected a goad two story Bch:al:louse and Frame Stable. Terrell—One half cash, balance In one year. 1 1E A. HILANDS, Trustee,. Jal:e.2l-igyo! . at the Court House. iiiTilE DISTRICT _COURT OF.. THE UNITEIrSTATES,_FOR TILE WEST-: 'ILN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANI A. WASHINGTON BRITI ON. a bankrupts under the act of Congress of March 55(1, 1807, hg applied provable dsharge from all his debts. and other Maims under Bald Act, by order of the Court notice Is hereby given to all creditors who have proved thelr debts. and other persons intere.ted, :.try appear on the Gth day of FEBRU AltY. 1869, at 10 o'clock A., Si. before. JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq. Register, at • his oßiee, No. 116 Federal streel, Atlegiteny city. Pa:. to• show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. de2libil At S.(' . MCCIANDLESS.'C Ierk. ADIVIEVISTIIATOWS NOTICE-- Lettere of administration on the estate of tralttilt CARNAHAN, tate of the Borough of Temperance,' tile deceased. have heen granted to Die undersigned, and mil persons indebted to Bald estate are requested to make Immediate payment, se en nt d t th e hos m proper g ly e havin claims agishiwithout delay to st the same will pre , wushlP nol6:a3lat MOSEp robatedS CHES" . hartlerett ---------- HOW MAN ROOD: LOST I HON RESTORED! Just puhtished in seated most. f A effrNZi t2TAIt vilvgiN,n RadicalCul Sprmatorrhess, or Seminal Weakness, InvOluntar, Emisions, Sexual Debility andltnpedirneuts to Max. rlage generally; Nervousness, Consumption, Rub. lepsy Rom; Mental and Physical Incapacity, re. trueltll-14..:Ikeltfilo7Vetbel'e;UrignIllfoboLIC2; & C c ' ? l . Iv ' ir i BOOT TO 't in uvUSADS OP SUP PE.Re,RS,'• seal under seal, a plains:ay.:lope, to :My address, post. raid, ,a receipt of six ceuts, or two postage stamps, to CHAS. J. C. KLINE & Co., 132 BOWERY, NEW YORK, POSTOPPICE BOX 4580. Also DT. CUlirerVreW El ' 'Marriage (*nide," Price 25 cents. mytgo&wT iiWN 1100 D. 1 )---Anot her New A MEDICAL PAMPHLET, f r Oln the pen o Dn. Currie. The Medical TiT4OB SON bof this work "This valuable treatise on the cause and cure o premature decline, shows how health le impaired through secret abuses of youth and manhood, and how easily regidned. It gives a Blear 'synopsis of the Impediments to marriage, the cause and eliecti of nervous debility, end the remcdie a therefor." A pocket edition of the above will be foi warded on receiptof 25 cents, by addressing: al or CUE. Thi,hlo. 58 North Charles Street, Baltimor r e. Md , Diliti • • ' DVICE to Y G OUN MEN ABOU' ATO MARRY. Essa-ys Yor Young Men. • On the Errors, Abuses and Diseases Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, with the humane view treatment and cure, sent by mail In sealed lette S. i envelopes tree of chance. Address, HOWARD A SOCIATION, Box. Phlidalphia, Pa. se22::9o.d&T _ _ WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Ti B. LYON, Seater of Weights and Measures, *YO . I:III,TH rBEET, Wu. prieravtli ihii,ezactl tut WM. MILI,ER, Nos. 221 AND 5123, Corner Liberty and IrwidStreeta, 150_1tlisrs. of NE.W.3IA.CKERE.L, It barrels, halves, quarters and kits. • 100 chests choice YOUNG lIYSON, JAPAN, and IMPERIAL TEAS. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. 25 bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. 45 bbls. LONG IsLA N I) SYRUP. 50 bbls. SY RUT, cholcs brands. 100 bbls. N: 0. -MOLASSES. 50 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 200 bbls. REFINED SUGAR. 75 blids. PORTO RICO, CUBA and DE.SIA RARA SUGARS. 200. bags Rio CO FEE. 50 sags IMPORTED LAOIJAY RA COFFEES. 100 casesM CLARET. 1150 cases 110011' CHANDON^S CRAM. l'AtiNE WINES SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORTER con stantly on hand. TENTS WANTED. Pre:tdtut. .Secrceury: A G 810 A DAY.. TWO $l.O MAPS FOR $4. PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS OF AMERICA AVD EUROPE. AMERICA AND TUE UNITED STATES UP AMERICA.. Colored-4n 4000 Counties.. place These great Maps, now just completed show every of importance, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the warious European ttstes. These Maps are needed in every imhool and family in the land—they occnpy the space of one Map, and by means of the Reverser. either tide can be thrown front. and any part brought 'es el to the eye. Coun ty, rights and large discount given to g. od Agents. Apply for Circulars. Terms and Sample Maps to • LLOYD'S MA P BUREAU, Belli-h7Nd&T 23 Conrtlandt street: N. OFFICE OF CO Pi R tt O s LLE h U ,D AL e IA mb G e I r K 26. CO.. SP,a. S IDROPOSALS FOR WRITING t Sealed Proposes will be receved at this of tiectOntil JANUARY 4.th, 114419, inc i usive, for Wel ting and Copying from the original assessmeuts re turned by the several Assessors for the year 1569. Eighty-eight Office Duplicates for Taxes of 1869: Eighty-eight School Duplicates for Tx xes of 1569. Eighty-eight Collection Duplicate. for Taxes of 69: Tim work to be done in the othce of the County Com missioners, and to be cOmpleted on or before the Ist day of April, 1809. Bids to be made at so much the ronning line complete. to include the calcula tion and extension of all Taxes, and the comparing of each and ull the books with the originals, besides a Tecupitulation la each of the books, proving the tot ar ofthe Taxes by the Total valuation. The cor rectneas of the Duplicates must be probated before wartanks are iseued in payment. tond; with sufficient security, will be required for the Maim , at of the contract. Sample can be seen on spplication. Iliy (dere .1911 of the County ,Commissioners. ffeZ3:Ma-T HENRY LAMBERT, Controller, FRENCH BURR JILL STONES. Portabie Flour and Feed Mills, 319 and 321 Liberty St.,Pittsbiirgh, Pa MEDICAL. (Between Liberty end !Inn street' (Late Miller & Ricketson,) Offer to the trade'at Low Figurel LLOYD'S /reach Burr Smut Nullities, THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE. BOLTING CLOTHS, All numbers and best quality. For sale at W. W. WALILIVN. WANTED - ON COMMISSION, ONE HUNDRED TON:S 17.0101-4 Th; FOR THE - HOLIDAYS The highest market prices and quick sales guarantt-ed. Mark packages distinctly and send voices by mall. • U. P. BALLARDI be CO. Commission Merchants, 332, 'Washington str 1." - ew I ork. nolna3l °" l "''rgslji l igii, l llLZmt b elio n, V sT6Vr.°" OTICE TO . BAKERS. N• -- 4 sealed Proposals; addressed to the "Inspectors of the Alleghenv County Prison," will be received at this office unill the 31st Inet.,lnclusive for turnish fog the County Prlion with Bread for six months, from J kET 15th. 1869. Loaves to Weigh one a ball and two pounds respectively, and to be of ap proved goalie). Bids to be mace at so much per Pound. Bonds lot two thousand dollars will be re quired for faithful performance of contract— The name of the security must accompany t at this he told. Bill s° s endorzed by Inc Warden awl prouated I will be paid monthly. de2l:b7l 11E15.11-11 LADIBEKT, Controller GRAY'S FERRY • PRINTING INK. WORKS, Grero Ferond and Thirty-1111rd Stree ry , R rldt'sladelphin. Ra. G. E. ROBIN . SON, manufacturer of BLACK and COLOttEI) rata ng and Lithographic lays. Var• rilsbes._Stc. Oc2a:sant lt/jONEY MONEY !-L54,000 to IVA, in a Mortgage on City or County Propert y,*for a term of three years. 62.000 to loan on Bond and Mortgage for 2 years. WANTED—Buslness or Accommodation Paper to the amount of 1•40,00 0 ; time from 60 days to 4 months. WANTED—To exchange a Farm of 160 Acres o ing f Land In Missouri fora Family Mors CO. and Spr Wagon. Apply to B. Nict.AlN , de4_ Corner Fourth ay. and Smitbdeld et J. Z. SWINI ..... ... J. Y. MUTT SWLNT & BRATT, ARCHTTECTUNAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No, 63 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL POSTS and BAL. LSTEI4S constantly on hand, TUENINO, of all descriptions. done sierras CITY OF ALLEGHENY, Pa., TREASEHER'S OFFICE, Dee. 191,.1868.1 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO, mthe hoidtrs of the SIX PER CENT. MIJNICIz VAL BONDS of the City. or Allegheny, that the Coupons on said Bonds coming due January Ist, 1809, will be paid on said day, (less toe State taa,)• at the . Bank of Pittsburgh, In the eltr ofriurgh, Va. D. MACVERR ttsb ON, de15:1>11 Treasurer of the City Of Allegheny. Pa. CITT OF ALLEGHENY. PA., TRRAAVNER'S OFFICE Dec. I% 1868. A LLEGHENY CITY COMPRO ri WINDS WA.NTED.—Persous bolding Compromise Bouus or the City of Allegheny, Fe. are nerell null fled that the litittrig Fund for MS will be Invested In said Bonds at the lowest rates otrered. Proposals will be received by the under signed untll .10R1DAY, January Ist, 1809. • D. MACFEttIi. O II, del2:h47 Treasurer of the City Allegheny Pa. NOTICE.HaulinTog all Fergana. übbishr En gaged in or Whesling R o Ashes: You are hereby notified um 1,. place Isny rubbish or ashes on the wharf.• All rubbish er ashes must be taken to the Point. Any person caught vi olating the above notice will be deslt with to the fullest extent of the law. ROBERT A. RILL. Anl,l - Allegheny Wharf Raster. FIedIFTEENTH LIST, 1565-LIST OF APPLICATIONS TO SELL LIQUORS, lu the Clerk's Other. month of lletemher,l Bo S. Allegheny. R. r. Getty, other goods, Third ward. , The License Board will sit on W F.DN ESD AT, the 30th lust. et 9 o'clock, A. /11. Yortenting the ;shove appllea , ton. deM.e2 JOHN G.UROWN. Clerk --___— BAXLEY. 2,500 BIISEIELS CHOICE SPRING AND FA • In store and for sale by 3SV-,AVOR lie:arr.-it, noo .329 LIBERTY STREET CLOVERSEED: A CHOICE LOT JUST RECEIVED J. KNOX, 131 Liberty Street. now:TTns GOOD NEWS. OEM BREAD. IN DWI TIMES ... Enquire for 'SVAIVIVIS Dread. • WARD 'IS largest and best. The Initials "E. w." Irts on every loilone €lB6, an 4 . PIG LEAD-50 0 Pigs Soft Galen lu store ana for sale by Aga 4. u. 4914. tgy - NEW OPERA HOUSE. Lessee -Manager . W. CANNING. Fir_ t appearsneein duce years of the great favor- MIL A. 19) MISS COULDOCK. MONIIAY EVEN IN U. :1 ASU tVKY 4. 1669. Wilt be pret•tn.ed t9e bt autlft.l emotional romance of the WILLOW COPSE Luke Fielding Mr. Couldoek. Rose Fieohng . • `Mis.3 Cowdock. In preparnti9n the new pnetPal Aroma founded ,onlennyson's exquisite poem, entitled DORA. Grand Mattnee on S..tura,,y U.RGH THEATRE. r. Lessee H. W. WILLIAbig stare 3l2lolrPr ti i O. F.DEtON TRIUMPHANT First appearance of I he beautiful •Dansuese SUSIE SUMMER FIELD. The new Far Ex travmran z 3 eel Itted TALISMAN. Or the Enthautoi tirovoe, of Elflajp. Two p. !forma ces on New Tcar's Day. , ....,,,,,t,:,,,,,:.,4, 4 , : , ..y \ , .:... 1 - .4.-.. 8 ."- R.. :.-„A.,.,... : ,.,.., : c ~: ~.,....,... , ~.... ~., , .. , ... . , D. R. - LOCKS, PETROLEUM V, NASBY, POSTMASTER AT CONFEDERATE. X ROADS. Will lecture at the - ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAY EVENUM. JANUARY 4, 1869. Subject—:TlJESED BE CAN/lAN.', Tickets 50 cents. No resen - od seats: Doors open at 7 Lecture commences at 7:74. Tickets can t o had at the Library, corneal :cl6Penn and hlath streets. ', WMASONIC HALL. ONLY THREE, NICHTS. MONDAY, HOW .(ND IVEDNESKY, January 4, 5 and 6. MATINEE, IVED'NES6Ar,' Jan. 6. at 2.!5 P. M• 13141N_ Tr, _'r COM, THE ORM MUSICAL MYSTERY OF THE 1- NINETEENTH CENTURY. Admission 50 cents. Reserved' Seats, 75 cents.; Doors open 7. Commoices had o'clock. Tick ets for Reserved Seats Inas be at the 31usle Stott's fC. t*. Mellor'S, NO. Si Wood-street, and at Kleber's 12.2 Wood street.. iheSteinway ()rand Plano used Is from Richer' s WarcrooraS. al:cls • FAIR-THE XLS,SION CHURCH AID SOCIETY will bold their SECOND ANNUAL FAIR at MIS SION CHURCH, Allegheny, corner Notth and Avery streets, Allegheny, commencing CHRIST-- MAS EVE, December 24th. Rev. lIENRY HIGHLAND GARNETT will SS liver the Opening Address. Vocal and Instrumental Music by eminent artists ach evening during the Fair., Admittance 15 cents' 1.,'-ORPIIANS' FAIR: BASEAPENT O F CATHi:DRAL. ADMI2SION The splendid newly organized Cathedral Brass Band will enliven the Fair every evening. de= C:=9=4lONS. DE LONG'S l - FASHIONABLE DANCUKI ACADEMY, A.'l" 31.....A.FAIrrACTE 1-111.1.1... . SECOND AND LAST QUARTER OF THE SEASON. The Second and last term of the season will com mence on-SATURDAY. January 2d, for J aventies with a sirand Matinee. GYNTIS EVENING CLASS will commence Janu ary 4th, at 7', - 6 r'• b , • - To insure a I lull term all shoul d commence at the beginning. as the season .elo-es April Ist. X. De Long ifthe best and only genuine Professor of the 'art of Dancing- An all its brancnes, In tills city Gents desirous of learning how to Wai tz. can be taught p,rfeetly in three lessons. For partiulars please c 11 for circulars at the Music St.)! es, or at the Gall due • tuition hours. denisel7 PROF. CARPENTER'S . . , FASHIONABLE. DANCING ACADEMY. No. 75 THIRD STREET, is now open for the ira ceptlon of pupils. Class days and, hours—For La dies. Masters and Misses, Wednesdy and Saturday‘ gildNo'clock P. For Gentlemen—Tuesdy ant ay Evenings. at 8 o'clozk. Private lessonc given. Circulars can be had at the Music Stores and at the Academy. Classes out of the citYt convenient, attended to. . . _ Isar Hall to let to Select Parties Z. A. BEAM I Tg' 1 n r rI M V Vr _,....,_ ...-----... OR SALE. • • . -,.. . ' 1 Acre at Woods Run. , 4 Acres and House in Easttlberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy Hill. .., 2 Acres on Greensburg Pike. 5 Acres on Four Mlle Run Boa - I.}f „miles fran. ' 'P. C. R. R. 10 Acres near P. F. W. .t C. R. R. 118 Acres near Pa. R. R., Westmoreland county. 90 Acres at Hill Side Station. Pa. R. R. 4 Furms in Preston county, West Virginia.' with 185 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid coal. Improvements, in Trumbull 108 Acres and good :omit y. Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Hal and dwellings. House and. Lot on Center Avenue, near . Kirk patrick. House ad Lot on Vicroy• House and Lot In East Liberty.street. . House and Lot lu Mansfield. ~. House and Lot on Carroll street, AlleghenY• House and Lot on Beaver avenue. 11 Houses and *Lots, very cheap. on Tine street. 2 Lots, very cheap, on Vine fitrret. 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 House of 9 Booms and 2 Lots on Roberts St,---, Farms la Illinois, Missouri and West Virginia. Coal Lands in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette and Beaver counties in Penna. -- , • • TO-LET. A Houses of 9 Booms in the 17th ward; rent 4300,- 3 'do. of 3 do. .do. 17th do. do. 144 'do. of 3 do. do. Vath do. do. 156 A do. of 8 do. do. Bth do.. do. 360 I do. of 6 do. do. Sth do. do. 300 1 do. of 9 do. 241 do. do. 000 1• do. of 3 do. do. 6th do. do. 1991 1 do. of 5 do. do 6th do. do. 2140 1 do. of 4 do. do. 17th do. do. 168 1 do. of .7 do. do. lad do. I do. of 6 do. Grant street. The Houses that I have fir rent will be rented very tow to good tenants for the balance of the ren tal year Ds P. RATCR'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh• 7:p113 VAltill FOR SALE --Containing 100 ACRES, two tulles northwest of Saleny Ohio: Three good -Orebards, tillgar Camp, Barn, Dwelling House, Carriage House and other oat—, betiding& Will exchange for city Property. Terms may. For full particulars tnqnlre of • SAND Ed., PATTERSON. On therilseg. St " 0 4 , % , ,f' OE SALE & TO LET. —House..-3<5,4„;04 Eand Lots for sale In all parts of the city Bud an- P o 0 Sc bs. AUG, several FA itard in good hoer , 1 IA .. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTOIVI.e with SO A ,t , .. i of land, and good improvements, wideli It+ ae - cheap and on reasonable terms. Business uses . to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses for rent inbuilt cities. For 'further prallmilars inquire 'WILLIAM WARD, tamllo Grant street. ononsite Cathedral. de2l:b 7s PRODUCE . AND COMIISSION not, tiE FOR BALE.—The Fixtures, Lease and biood - Will of an old established Produce adn n:llB6lOn House, locattil In this CllY, and having large correspondenCe 'nth couotry dealers. kpplT to Crl'llnEßT & BON, pl 7 bmlthnald IMAM. • de24:100 25 cents. I= APPLY AT !!!!=1 El I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers