°FMB ALLtatf.ENY Doi r GE COIIPANT, Pittenurgh, Januarr 1.1889. jarDIVIDEVD---The President, Managere and Company forerectlnqq a bridge over the Alter bYny river. opposite in the county of Allegheny, have this day declared dividend of TWO DOLAA.IIa on each share of the capital of the Company. payable to the etockholders wd or their le representatives, by tit Treasurer, • • forthwith. • • ja4:st.w.r. WM. soszmulta, Treas'r. N HOLMES & SONS, BANKERS,•PITTSBITEOH, PA JOHN G.- HOLHES, Is thls 1& admltted-aa a mtmber of our Arta. The name and style remain unchanged. January 1, 1868. N. HOLMES A, 80103. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 'M'S UNITED STATES FOR THE 'WESTERN STRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.—ROBERT P. GETTY, s bontrimpL under the Act of Congress of March Rd 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act. by order . of the Court, tletiCe is hereby given to all Creditors who have proved their debts. and other persons lw erested, to anima? on the Oth day of Februa , y, MO,' at Mr o'clock A. X.fore JOHN N., Pußvu.rre.E, Esq., Register In Bank ruptcy, at his once , No. 116 Federal street, Alle gheny city. Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge Should not be granted to the said banlcrapt. .8. C. MCCANDLEde, Clerk or S. District Court for salt Distract. U. 9, TifAitBllll.' `ti OFFICE, _ W. D. Of Pennsylvania. eirriimi January 9, 1869. Tan IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ' on the 31st day 01 Dectalber. - A. D. 1868, a arrant in Bankruptcy was Pau, d against the :Es tate of WILLIAM A. CHESI9IIIA2f. of Allegheny City; in the camity of Allegheny and State of Penn sylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and - delivery of any Property belonging to such Bank rupt t 6 him or for his use, and the transfer of any Property by him, are fflrbidgen by law: that a meet ing of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Baukrup:cy, to be holden at No. 118 Federal street. Allegheny City, Allegheny county, Pa.. before JOHN N. PPR VIANCE, Esqßegibter, on the 13th day Of Feb ruary, &. D. /8 . 09, at 10 o'clock A. M. TEMIAS A. ROWLEY, U. b. Maishal. as hiessenver. rOT I LOTS. LOTS .1v1:c28 LOT! LOT!' LOT! Taggart,Street, Allegheny, AT Are'riorr. - POSITIVE SALE, On Tuesday, January sth, 1868, &T.'2 O'CLOCK, Will be sold on • the_premtses, that VACANT LOT sid,folnlng Stewart Hamilton's house on Taggart street, second ward, Al egheny, 510 feet ny 100 feet. The Passenger Hallway runs i n fro nt of the Mt. Sale without res, rre. Trams—Hatt cash, balanCe In two yearly payments. A..LEfiGATE, Anetioneer. ram OT ICE.—We have this day as. soclated with na in copartnership, EDWIN ItILES and JOHN Et, SLAGLE. The baldness will be • - continued as heretofore under the name and style of COLEMAN, RAH .Sr. CO. Pitt:burgh, January lit, 1 869. - DUQT.JESINIE WORKS, COLEMAN, RM & CO,. Manufacturers of I IRON, NAILS. STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, ; Duquesne Iron. Sheet and Tank Iron, Juniata Iron. Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal Iron, ilrlluder Iron, X L Iron. Flanged Cniter.Bars. Duardirnn. Drag and . Dropper Bars, T Ball for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges, ; • Flat Ball for Coal Bonds, Boller Iron,_ Crow Bars, l Chain Links. Boiler Henos. Steel and Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage; Wagon, Seat and Coach Springs, _ and +Wes. all styles: clan Steel for Plows, Unitive, for Steel. Steel Wins, and Moulds cat to pittern, S..ring steel all sizes. A. • B. ales! and Steel Tire, Steel Crow Bars. Steel Shafting, t.. ALL GOODS Pllll4 CLASI AND WARRANTED. ces_and Works 18th street and Allegheny river 77 WA.TER STREET, Pittsburgh. ClifllCE GOODS JOSEPH HORNE & CO. RECEIVED DAILY, MEWS NWT VELVET lIATN„, - HAT AND BoNNATIrtiAM6I3. GERMAN rowN WOuLd, ZEPHYR AND KwITTING tILEJKS, BLACK Vr.LVETEEN, BONNET. VELVET, BLACKS do SHADE SATINS TErmunio BAT N 4, ALLd, ' _ BASH AND HOW EltilsONS., AND,BLACE. SATIN RIBBONS, W.wldsbi . . ALEXANDRiI'S SID GLOVES. ' In Wbfle Open, and Dark: Tar Topped Kid 610Vf 11. WOO/ Mita &ad gloves, Bibbed Fancy and y Pain. - 1301EILMtle, .. ; HANDKERCHIEFS. , . •-. . .IEMB.BOIDr.arEs " r - PUCKET B ' , 0K13. ...= " • " CALF WALLET!, to BTILL minim =mans ix WOOLEI% (mobs, 7atiiLinizar GOODS, " • t i HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS, 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. IXESEi cariaram. 'Notice ,ls hereby given that the partnershiP -I heretofore existing sides the, name and style of 1 JOSEPH- & CO6, : 4 manufacturer. ofAxesAbovels. Hoes add HAnges ; the lintbire 'Works, OtIESTIIIT BM/Mt In the-. , '.Fourth Ward; Allegheny eitv, has this day been die solved by intanal consent. JOSEPH sisA, yr is au therised to settle the business of the aim it 'heir odlee..No. 100 WAT&S WITIZET, Pittsburgh. JOPICP/1 Olta.PP, PST= GRAFF. January 1:4669. . riIRE 17NDEMIGED bavg;thili JL d a y 'entered Into •eo partnersblp peder,tne firm name of . . , GRAFF, MODE TT & for the Purpose of taming beakless of mann facturing AXES, HOES, !SHOVELS AND HINGES, at the IDIP/lIE WORKS on DHICeTNIVF STREET, In the Fourth Ward, Allegheny city. The/ respect " fully solicit the cOntlnua.ce ef the patronage of the old Jinn PErR • • di IS AIIf e C I ASP, JAMB McirEYIT, wird,w4 Artssit. MEI £' ALL.. PAPER-REMOVAL. , ,• _ THE OLD WEB STORE IN A NEW PLiCE, ALARSIIALL -gag removed from Si WOOD STREET NQq;.l9,i :LIBERTY few doorsabove — 9011 N-340 Bap Ear COM - 110'W Uncap per stems: itemmer for axle br ' se • /14ALANDLCZBr 1k gm OM AXIIBEMZNTB FOR LIM TERESIDE. ou:g uo'pu. b. Blw-We shall , it atm. begin a powettal atom Writtea expo:lo4 tor, tiz4orgf AND Roux by Mae...Ba dace& HABDINV DAVIS, author of • *Lite in the •Iroit - .entitled 46 Tita Ptter/9Na Titaciltzer: • • For'itale b ; DIY 4 , 04141414. • . • SINGLE ,, NUMBERS 10. CENTS. , ; immune F'ORIBOW.,- • , Single Coples-so,' lavulablria, Minus. Time 0)01“ $10; /11vCcoplei rrri _PAM a nntatat , ;.orll.-46.00,,c,,, HEARTH AND HOME AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY FARM, GARDEN AND FIRESIDE:- D O NALD" G. MITCHELL HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. NO. 3 NOW READY 1 1 • TABLE OF CONTENTS ItICCEPTI . O* bIeOT4D TareFRIENDS. A Picture. A. L. srEnuots EXPERIMENTS IN.OsiDENING. BATAIID TATLon M. BLANKETING OF HORSES. Pr..f:ssor LIATITARD MILCR COWS AND DIARF FARMING. Cal/ILES 14. FLINT IMPROVED WHEAT CIIDTVRE. BY AX OLD ?LEXIE VL • GRAPES, NEW AND OLD, IN 11168. ANDIUM FITLLIB Vn. VARIETIES OF THE RASPBERRY BEV:MITES FOR TELE CRANBERRY. LYMAS TEE F'ARMER'S SAVINGS BANS. • H. A. Strzt,Dox A SIVIS3-AMERICAN OTTAGE (3 LLlustraUons-) XL THE LATIAG OF TOWNS. Prot. Maticirs Wil.sox PATENT..EIGHT 21LiNLA.. • Dn. J. T. C. Sian:. WINTER ADORNMENTS.- FERNS., • XV. FARMING LANDIS NEAR NEW YORE .XV ' HOLIDAY-WEEK AND A CQUAINTANCES. DONALD G..IIITCIULL COUNTRY SLEIGHING. (41 per, ) • E, C. ISTZDKAN .CAN I WRITE? /EARWIG? BIZC/IZB OTOWIG. MB. DARLIMSGN 8111 E T CERA (With Illustnitlons. XX. . IN THE ICE. (Continued.) • , J. 2'P THOWBRU)O2. • . • , . X.XL 13H0rP1:15(6 AT STE WART'S LIELiWrI f T BODV4J. - • cutoL;as-catisaliot itHS.aUN lrae. ' rW1p1Y,...10 xaiv 08 44*Nritf Mitrez WORK. allustrated.l Ma s • MAXI' K. DODOS. NZ . WSTKAD AND 1'1.4 Loan. - • • 62.4.cr. ositzamoon. A . WONAURB, LUtkUtitf. xx - 7, - ( r A ap4 ,37.7 , w uu via Luti 4A WOOING GO: Mu. lLuty ffi . DODoill. ILLUSTRATION' OF itrE ABOVE. I= rvatimixsa. rir Park Row, let, FOE THE EDITES). BY [MEI E. WILLIAMS DON.A.T..D G. MITCHELL Mrs. JointsEr JAYIS HOGG D. J. IC PgM numrazo iquags. MN STRIPED ',FELT SKIRTS CASHMERE tE SCARFS, in all calqra, • - WOOLiN'IIOBIEBY at very low Meal. LADIES & GENTS E/NEBITB..TODPSD °LOVES. 'Lig it Ex.asz. Wooliji.i/r0035,-"?0,11awlir, and' ChWren ) ! Semitic' Ladlei Hemstitched -tintirol ' mired and, Lace Handkerchiefs, Gents $U Handkerchiefs, in all , styles. - HOOP 8810,2$ OKIHTI4 PAPER COLLARS AND °Erin; WOOLEN MITTS AND WRISTLETS. , Kamm GLTDE & a : en 's inet , SO Market Street. Th 6 rouiritheileserldei lota, viz: tiite Note dotted Novi 11, 18011 at mat. rais.,ooo one Notidated Noi. 5, DIOS, at 4nios. for 4,500 'One Note dated Noir. 15, 16014 lig 4 moe, 1 9: 4 600 One Note dated Noii:18;1181118,4t 6 Inca; ro: 4,000 All draws by 51108 N 1311 11.0814_11LAIE 4 CO.: to the order of J li. DIAIDGE, managing Director, and by him enderset. babe been • - LOST,. r sad HlSlAtilahf arChare_o7:taatttateti Wgilist the panelists .t • the tame. Tay) , are made payabte at ithe stilthealitithutarHaalt,stilltsbarshiC Da J o Dolma am. eta pee. THOs. e. 1141 , .. WAIN Veil SU L K eterboro sad Marwatra' • war said Mining o. - • rlttaltarsk, r Ul-Isol. GAZETTE MONDAY,;IAN tf ii-14-:-:;‘15-6 PEREMPTORY SALE. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JAN. 4th, sth and 6th. lIORNING, AFTERNOON & iYENING, Ma MASONIC HALL AUCTION ROOMS, 55 and 57 FIFT AVENUE. Boots and Shoes, White and Brown Blankets, Undershirts and Drawers. Shawls and Scarfs, Cassimeres, Jeans, Flannels, Coverlets, Clothing, Merinos, Delotus, Table Linen, Checks, Gloves, Wool and Merino Ho Trunks, Valises, Notions and Cutlery. Hale commences MONDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. and will be continued TUISDAY and WEDNESDAY. The entire consignment must and will be sold without any riserratlon. The special attention of dealers, as well as the Dub. lie generally, is called to this very attractive sale. H. B. SMITHSON & ja4 AUCTIONEERS. )VIf.4TER..GOODS Very Cheap. BATES' & BELL OFFER THE BALANCE OF THEM WINTER_ STOCK Inal LOw PRICES. NEW GOODS ' crar.an r •ONE maim omsz or inug • larxe variety of NOTICIE. -NEW ADVERTISE/KEN _ , AT WILLIAM BERLE'S 180 04 182 Federl street, Allegheny 7 .11 D DE.'I BLEACHED SHIRTING 3117SLINI GOOD QUAIATY- AT 12) CENTS, YARD WIDE HEAVY UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. RED, YELLOW AND WHITE ALL WOOL FLANNELS AT 25 CENTS, ALL WOOL GREY, TWILLED FLANNEL. FULL ASSORTMENT OP Blankets, Cassimeres, AT LOW PRICES, WHOLZeALZ AND RETAIL, AT WILLIAM SEMPLVS, 180 & jB2 Federal St., Allegheny. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice .Ls hereby given that the Partnership he'etofore existing under the name and style of LITTLE. BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. SAMUEL 11. BAIRD is authorized to settle the business of the firm at their ollice,._Noa. 112 and 114 SECOND AVENUE. . SAMUEL H.' BAIRD JA3IES PATTON. , MART LITTLE,_ 1 JOBS' 11. STEWART. 1 - THOMAS LITTLE, JR., L SAMUELH. •BA IRD, Executors of Thomas Little, sr.. deceased. J Pittsburgh, December 16. MS. MIRE WHOLESALE GROCERY Business will be carried on at Noe. 112 and 114 SECOND AVENUE, as heretofore, under the firm name of • LITTLE do BAIRD. HAVING SOLD OUT, IN• tereat In the 4rm Of ' LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTOIt, to my partner. SAMUEL H. BAIRD, I take planar are In recommending him to the patronage of oar customers and the trade generally. de2S:i:*7 JAMES PATTON. JR. 47, HEINNETERS 47. JOE BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray itc" Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. IAPER. PAPER. Printing, Straw, Rag, Glass, Carpet, ROOFING, lIARDWIRE AND LINILLIB, Manufactured and aeletry FRAZIER, lIIETZGEII & CO., 02 TRIER AVENVIL PAyEC PAID FOR ROPE, RAOI3 AND OLDIur En FOR dTIM 11013111. PtS~ T 3 . ATo • 'NORD- . 1 '4 . Ms,:3l WOOD STREET. ROCK - THE 'BABY 'EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD OXLY st LEMON & Practical Furniture ilfannincturers, •i 118 7'4:1174PL1K AVEPTULI. Where mai * titund a full assoitmeni Chamber emu Kitchen Furniture. deigi W . „. .ItiAcnows.: DROP-- WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS t AXD XAxturAcrvuzza cf.a.47:49.34..f MOPED TO 110. 'lO5 'l4lBiffirt 'STREET, rrrrantmatt, riNNA. White. Lead, Window' giros and olasiware at Manztracturors prices. - deg KEYSTONE POTTERY. . • "NanaAntares* Of quEsnrammer.. narsToz. wAiiii °Moe and Warehouse. 383 LIBIRTY erritlEZZ, it All orders promptly ascended sal _ piu ms a " IlpeoUksttloas for BRIDGE to _be erected scrotatue_AL WORRNY BIY/GB, froth the mouth! of FORTY - THIR D (Ewalt, trritierr. win be re. eelved at the once of.EIILL hI3IIIITTERLY . , Real loath Rotate, *e Lawrenceville.' until th e SIM ;ot JANUAtty, where a plat and survey or ate river can be examined. and all other information ob talathi s Hy order of the con amlttee. deep • ' 811Q2OIRLIrolll reW Auss i t just received tem .thitiliAlitto Arst out o olie of the Meanies! brawl, dosser. am aid Dried B W eef. for solo hen:all re. Cd l 74ltOre Of • JOHN A. ranumt sag man were saut Kim math AT 2b CENTS, Flannels, Jeans, &c. . F UMUEIIiI:.LVEILEIZEIt,I4I=II“I. Aumitizmourwritmozr. Der Lumbe t t., ° os *A*D QED lroaliug • ammo feet. Dry Igoe Boar*. 42.0.it0et 1X.0u1a.91.9109...C1ear ank Drr IX Inch Common F lan k; 80:000 feet:Dlttatid *lieu claitt , • • 25,000 feet Dry '4, and a Inch Ash,: 9OM feet Dry 9 alle 99:009re‘99111:-Ikl!Sliiii 311refetit9921:4' 10.000 feet Dry •opiar Seentitop -390, 000 feet Hemlock Joists and Mauling: 280; W 0 112.4ti0n Shinglea,annetti, 250,000 0;2 loittieb 81floolesotwea,2* 40,000 o."1-1111.;ftitirtiblngles, elkarea: MI.OOO Fire Brick; • • 1,000 Fire Tile. 4 . 1011 V-FuliCl4l. - ;! tub otti e —No 35 MEHL/A STRUM 'Prost • Wanehester,and REBEDU9 OTEEKT. eppo 'site the OsaiVorke..,Allenheny Chp. non MOM A ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. 041 0 x :e".ugiorl *Wm Awl lam SKATES, 4iII4TPII, SKATES. linettean • New York Club, . Enipire, Starr, &e. I :a • At All other styles and sixes at the eery lowest rates Wilnannti, Utak TP 1 / 1 11TIERAL 9T.. ALLICOMe.N.I". del/ Air BRIP:=The ti_istinership ', waiting at er the bead. of MoKINNEY. 2 , 11i1.80N it cll.. for the purpose -of mining coal, was dissolved on lb. .518th of July. 150 4. 7 bve side of the Want Coal Worlteto V. . INMEbiney and P. Wilbert, J. N. McKinley is empowered to erdLeot all debts due the late arinoind he has as stoned and witi_pay all tb' liabilities or debts of the .late firm of Si exl , NblAtig.B.L.oll I de2l_bB3 1110IINNillieTIEL80114 s' ,Pinunts,THEL BLOOD. y`q = Fon turn MOMFIIRr AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 180 and 182 Fedi,lal street, Allegheny $1,123¢ Blaek, iioWn and Gold Mixed WATERPROOF CLOTHS, GOOD . QUALITY -AT .31,CEFTS, HEAVY WIDE POPLINS, In elicloe colors AT $2,50 GORED BOITLEVaD, FELT SKIRTS, Enna as Bald early In the season at $4,60 AT 13, Op, GORED BOULEVARD FELT SKIRTS, same as sold early In the season at $6,00. Fall assortment of DEdiSS GOODS' .cLOAKINGB, SHAWLS, &c.l at very low prices Wholesale and Retail at - WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Allegheny.' BLECTIt . , An Infallible remedy for Summer Comp:Mot. Diu. rhea, Dysentery, Vomiting, Boar ?stomach - and Cholera Morbna. Int. lulls' cuitur CIIIIR, A specific tOrlen, Croups and Pala ' n Stomach, tor sale by IWUTaB4r, =MrG, Corner of Liberty and Ittrayne Street" GPENTs F'oll SOHOONEWEER & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD IticCOVi VERDITEII GIIEEIt, The only great _peat that will hot deteriorate 14 exooenre. It w ill loot better, last longer and girt more perfect eatiataction than arty valet In the mutes • • 2,000;000 ACRES • • CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE. • Union •Pactio Railroad Company, 3 14Ersao Lying along the line of their road. se , $llOO tO isokt ist Ann:, " And on a ORRDIT OP ItrflZ Poz Anther periteelawnvullA Ro.. addrus • ZV1:1,1144 1181/1519117Z e • Land Onnteissioner, ?was, Luna On OSAY. IL LLEIBOlUIF • Bepys = OUIJA BELL --._.. E' _ ...BTJ~B.`. .113!9Moit AMD,1451/ItO,lA ANBICTINGS AND BATTING x I O;*i'AID*ILAs" UFFIcZ a LLEOIIENV fw.stmance Co:, ) Ao. 37 111 Th .Avrinte. Pittsburgh. January 1, /SOO. tgr AN ELECTION for TWELVE. DIRECTORS to serTe for the ensuing yar: will take place at the alike of the cons Patty on 3 /ONDAY, January 11th; between the boars of 10 1, M. and 0 P.i :c2O ,„ C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. a' tgr• ELECTION NOTICE. A' iseetlng of the STOCEROLDERS of the ADD FELLOWS FUND . ASS"CIATION wilt be held in their Hall In TEDIFERANtiEvu.LE,ott the FIRST MiIIADAY IN _JANUARY, 1889, be tweeni be hournot Salad ftF. R. . . 'deBo:cB JOHN S. HOLLY:fOSUEAD, Seep: Exert-ANON, NATIONAL BANS Or) Pirrenunntr. December 12, 1808. Ctg9 - - The Annual 'Elertionnf Di.. tbt 'Bank will take nlaPe a the Bank r c7741.3 1 :4DAY, S January 19th. 1869, be!: tween the hours of is'e'eleek. at: and 3 irctock. IL M. MURRAY, tiel2..b29:n.w. GEM Orrica or Rix 7x.txxitzi- INsun*ANthe Co., - ALLEGIIIINT, PA., Dec. 29, 186 s, ? THE ANNUAL ELECTION • FOR YIFTEEIT DIRECTOR% to serfrefor the entudnt year will •be held at the °Mee of the company, 41 1)1110 STREET. on MON. DAY, January 11th, 1889, between tne mum A. M. and SI P. 1. GEO. D. BIDDLE, Secretary. "MEI . • • Tliß LITTLE HAW . MILL Rrx RAILROAD CO., t Tomperanceville, :Joe. 28, TBOB. cam THE LITTLE • Sitar MILL *divide n RUN ROA Uplßr RPOEAD CENT t ru e hf dGov ard a me e t o axo ntoekholoerofrhheirtsxmonnbesepay - tires On and after the IrißsT DAY OF JANUARY, 1889, at the once of the corn palm delo:e9-. _ liV3l ESPY, President. 10"" . PITTSBURGH & CONNIELLS.• VIi.LE RAILROAD COJIPANY FIRST MORTGAGE .130.NDS.—The Coupons of the above . Bonds, due JANUARY Ist, will be paid after that date on Dresentation.and . dell •ery at the office of the Treasurer, Pittsburgh. or at the 3lerehants' Nation al Bank ofßaltimere. Jr.. JOHN R..PAGE. Treasurer. • •Mr b tl i Lgaitilio., Plttsb'h Dec . 18, 1.9 . 68,', ~. tar EPISCOPAL CLASSICAL -ACADEMY. • • fichOol Room of OT.. PETER'S CHURCH, corner Grant and Diamond streets. The Second Term or the School year beghwthe' FIRJT MONDAY IN JANUARY. No ituplis under ten years of age received. Mr. FRANCIS SCHMID, T. L. ELAN. Apply to the Principal liev. It L L. BaLL.AN, Pittsburgh. de24:hB9 071 , 1011 OF CONTROLLER. Al ALLIEGRZNY Co. , / PIT , 811CitGli, Dec. :slat, 1888. nr" ALLEGHENY • COUNTY PRISON—The annual election 'of otacees of this Ins tl t talon wilfbe held at the s toted meeting of the BOARD OF INSPECTORS on JANUARY By . Order of the Board.. detd:litded&F HENRY LAMBERT, Controller. • L PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO R. it: col 07FICZ Or THE SECRETARY. - • P/TTSIMIL9B,,Becemter .15. 19613, • rTHE HOARD • OF DIREe. ; TORS of tills Company have declared the reveler QUATtIEBLY DIVIDe.ND - (No. 20) of 2 per cent, free of Government Tax. on the capi tal stock for the quarter ending December 31, 181361,and semi-annual 'interest:of:3l.6 per ;cent., less 'Government Tax, on the Third Mortgage Bones, Payable on and atter moNDAY. the 19th \ day ot. JannatT, 1569, acthe office of WI3.(SLOW, LeNrER CO., No. 2.7 PLNEaTBEKT, to those registered at New York, and at, the Ofilce of the Treasurer, to those registered at Pittsburgh. The Tran+fer Books will `close rott e n ßUY, • 26th instant. at 2v. x. and ze wispAy, the 20th of January, 1409 at 10A. It. \ • F. 11. *l. IJTCRISafr, de2S:bloo Secretary, OPTICS. HOIME OF REFF6E WES:I7.RX PA., • • No. 67 FourthEtreet. Pittsburgh, \ December 23d, 1.568. rgbr' i THEANNUAL MEETING OF the Contributors „ to thi Ilonse of Itefuge will • be held at the Office of the Institition, No. 47 FOURTH B TREET,.Pittsburgh, on MONDAY, the 4th day , ofJanuary. IRD9, teiterFen the hours oflo . andl2 o'clock, to hear the Report of the Board I Manage's*, and to elect *Meth fosthe ensuin yea . • By order J. B. I) NEEDS, de24:l)tht . Beczetar FIRST NATIONAL BANS, PITTSBMIGM, • Docember 17th, MSS. t farTIIE A N CTONIIAL ELECTION foor r NJ NE DIBERS of Oils Bank to serve f 'the ensuing Tear. will be held at the Banking Route, corner ofFIP TN AVENUE and WOOL) STREET. on TUESDAY, Jantinvv 12, 1b69; between 'UM hours of 11 A. K. and 2 P. M. - de/ii;b69. . • J. D. SCULLY. Cvahler. MERCELANTS AND MANUFACTURERS NAT. BANE, RITTSBURGR, Dec.:l2 186.. f ('THE ANNUAL ELE C TION for DIRECTORS Of this Bank will take place at the BANKING HOUn; c , nier of First and Wood streets, on TUReRA.I. January 12ilt 11969. between the hours of /1 A. M. aud'lS P.m. deI4:DES JOHN SCOTT. JR., Cashier. TIMID N AmOWAr. HANK or PiTaaleJa6 PA., • Prrt:ZtraG.O. Decemberlittb,4lB6B. I Ia'ELECTION 'NOTICE.—The AnktuatEleOttna liteeetOrii th Hint to serve daring the !molar year, will tak' niece at the Baok, on TUESDAY, January 12th, 1869, be tween the DO= ef 10 a: aod 3r. ' • • del4:b3B JOHN 11. LIVI • lit•ToN. Cashier. _ _ .. _ . _ U.1410K AATION AL BA:RI4 .. s ' - Pittburgh, Dec. 2, 18613. ._ . i IigrIFOTICE-The Annual Eleor, wing yearwNilfbeho I I RE CTtOhR ,PorkengedoO U he en T.treelDAY;.January. 19th , 1869, betsteen the hours et land, aP. It. . . deltbBo- . . . • -. IL S. sisrttr. ashler.' e - MICHANICS NATIONAL BAN7C. Pittsburgh. Dee. 11, 186 e. grAN ELECTION FOII.DIRECIN. TORS of thu Rank will be Backing Roans, on TIDOSDAT, January , /HQ. 1869. between the hours of TX N. and 1 P JOHN G. MARTIN,. Cashier • ALLEGHZNT RATIONAL DANA / Pirrehuttatt,'Dee. 12. 180 s. farTEIE ANDIVAL WILON t - OfDtteters' tai serre diiihth the 'enehtur Drie w . l j i g — het ahne VelfwilertanhcTuUrP' xt A. at. and 01. _del3:b29 rITTSBnIGIIIIATIOSAL BAN'S OiCioismilencs; e - December 11. , tar he antlual electton toe: , Nine threeturs of this Pant, to terve ter ths ensuing lean - wall be held, at the Basking Hoase,:, earnerart,Wood Street and Sixth avenue, ou TUBB. DAY. denuary ,l l l ./888.1?e.tweexa the hours A. x. and IP. X. - _III3NPn. H. nmi.. Cashier. Prortale 11, , ArzwrA n t e B ec A m Inc be O r. F u r ... l.:rlS its or 4.4.• OrTITE ANNU AL b , ELJECTM e Der ELEVEN'. DECTURS br this sank will be held at the Banking Reuse en TI , ESDA.T. January 12, 11143,9, between the boure . ut IA. X delS:hti ; , TBADZfillitleft NAiIOIPAI: BANK. rTI P E ITT ANN U Li A be EL d E CTION IbritIALVEN DIttECTUBS will be neld a$ 'the Banking Hoare on - TUBS tieY. 1689, beirre . ea the tingle ot" /0 and 11 11 ,A•at,.-/,..1 - dels:b42 CYRUS CLARK ti Ja.. Caabier CraznV s trtaitAt, nAlitiC OR . PlT: l WClige* 34 trium,Ta., Dec. 10, Teaft. r Or THE ANNEAL 'ELECTION tof D tre&nri'otthis 14 WO); . for the eneutng yea - r , will be held at theltanzneir /louse, on TUESDAY, lath January, 11109145 X. twevi the beers 01'10 A, at.. and 2 I..•te, • :illelB:b93 I d r E. BRADY; Jni, , Cashiero • 'LLIZEIRS t " -- To wgrakir GoolyEns. ERUff(at MINUTED SIIPMPHOSPiIiTE or MANUT/UMBULD BY The Allegheny vr, RE'TFARD ft CAIIIPBEL.L'i P~f7/.j , . OEO4 81d, Penn .Btreet, .5- 5 - 5 - 4 4111 . 8 33188 Wholuive stro ll : We e, a in itr et , to inLgell ao . pr 2 ard tosal t alarge crops o Wbest. Corn,' Mov publlelted %ousel *pamphlet evatalalag laterelrA -144 yalaatd•Ida$111211e11111 of thlB Fortillzra. cop ies WIIICA Do; not nee to Nay sandlag us ear • • - willllllBl BANK NOTICES. DUCVID,LEBS. Asslstans Cashittr IFERT =BIM 5 !lE;.a
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