DI re..Div.EurZ, RINKER BD 11110 rov , US Wood St., near corner of Fifth. Government Securities, Gold, silver, And Coupons, . • . • . p•Nekteehlirald et) llh-ral tem. Drafts fold to all the prhselhel cl ii,t her-m.oh.. I ILL SEES 7 3-10 BONDS Converted into 5-20'8,1865, sons DELIVERED DEREDIATELE. JAS. T. BRADY & Bankers, tor. Fourtlris Wood Streets. TO, HOLDERS OF 7-30'8, nwial,arratienta wfilt WO,* Clocklac.c. mr...argm...a., lineDano to coArni. wli: allima for Dellve.l7. ILI B, McVAY & CO., meetrar.ora. O.ER POLIATII MID 81111i1TELD 50141.1118 7-30 330 iN 13S 002:77.11TZD INTO 5-20 80ND5,1865, I= atot tltzmlear-.."" In "- il b Rotten: 'ROBINSON BROS,, N 9. 11 Pri.IIRTSI Onßiftsimulf aayttt FINANCE AND TRADE. Oinclive,wess Prneartto a a AurrE: - . • Tacusnar, July 15, 185, The New York stock, onotatloee b-day, as received by Mr. P.ll. Ruts. were as follow.: Gold, 11,4 Eighty.one bonds, 110; Five Twentieth leer. 11134; rive • Tweetlee. 1001 .1011 H; rive Twenties, 1551, 10441il Ceti: • eolk S•venl Thirties. 101344121eR1i Ten - Stock.— Ede [learned, 7IX: Glensland i Plttabnreb. 141 N; • Chicago and Reek /A. 4 Ctisagb and Northwestern. _itSfl Maw° and Northwestern preferred 70744 - • Fort Wayne Rallroad.ltte4;sllchlgen South. re Rattreed, GA; New York Central, 106%; Heed , AR& /OCR. Idlttleg eheree-thwydon,. 1,91; ' Quetta Rill. IRS; Gregory, t,50; Smith k Para. melee, !MI Western Union Telegraph Com. 550 74 4.0 4. - • • Gold 'opened at IaSN. but under order. to buy, went up to 110 y-,:, and closed firm. Gov. • gramma securities are dull :and lower, rape efaßy of INC and Gas; the currenc) • toads ere but little effecled, but there Is more • dlapcwitlea to sell than to buy. There I. but little doing In Railroad shares • and prim tend • downward fee rant. of outside support; low -• Inked fancy Glares are -more dealt In than the • aUltd dividend pitying Gloria, which .bowls very uabealthr auto Or tastes 111 WWI street . Melee shares have recovered, sod ere better again, but nut tench In , :emend by real levee tore. Local money market easier, and atocka and Bank'ahirea In better request at current quo tation.. Otheing. quotations received fly-,Tame. T. • . Brady : tr. S.. Stift: Mei .11.Wle, te 1154 . " 1040 e "La n.. /USW 74Sb Jane 7.10 e July 7.10 a Dee. Compounds, Istl. Gold • • Oliver 113 S ' —The New Tort correspondent of the Basta. Chnswereial Bulletlit, white at follows con opening the failure of the widely known dry geode tom of (leo. A. Wltha d Co,: "The atiapenalon of tho heavy dry goodt house of (he. A. Wick. a Co...few day. .go. wet. I lutense etettemeattn business circles. The west oxtraratant rumors as to the tarn nlgiannen rat their as.. aa Compared with ths" liateitth• were ado., and dry goons pope. sabred seriously la the market. The failure la attelnuted to lo .ses by depreciation of stock dtatoll the past year:nail enormous retreat to MMees—toteh as 02; 00 pa. year, for rent, moat Wire coettabuted out • little to the disaster St • meeting of creditor. held on the Fah It Vol shown that the gloss suet, of the firm aMonated te 41,425,2,5 0?; s rota liabilities, lb 741 . 783 30 i "rhea rat. esio.ooo. The drat bat a r•ther alg tutor Watery. Al Iteothethal forma don, to 15l1,•Wlets contributed Iseo.ooo, and SWOther Vattnerl2.ooo—maklng a total capttai • 0111 keen. in 1245, the style of the'drin tem Wicks, Smith & tn.., and the sooner w. potted to be worth .oco Doe—Wic k , being per. • . sassily eredtted with a propetty at S7MkOM. Is June, 18. "he firm sou disthived— C, S Smith. who had tower put a dollar Into the basis.. twitting with 1210,000. At this rime . fled altar Smith , . retirement,' be firm was .up r "d e t : b e e f - usw.porjahl '414-e"tt:e'llhlcallleipfrOlVe stein tip to duittary last. are atatod shover toesenatlag oily sIOO.OO, At the loot tamed este Libby put In $2.4.1. and eta Illp• 030,000 True this .mall beet:ming there was drswn by the select Tinnier* from -toot to the day ol append., ina,saa 43—Geo. A. Wick. 907. get. Smith 170' UAL on above, and other partners smaller sum." . — ThNrkToser ear. "The prep.. . Ithes te e thel. ll bust.. octal.. to to. enure, sad the imp triton. of general (Awl. lurch tidlse Is large. Yhe dry s nods entries Sr... yet. moderate in amount. Toe domestic emotes.hn boon partletoate In the calm.- , yea that the h,.eoeot harreet• throughout the sowitt7 wilt give them pallor trade rot the fall commotion. Severn, additional dry cause concerns hare susfssnded b. cause of the unsatisfactor rults of th e win. ter sod sprthg busies., the n decline in the walls of their good. on Issue, and their extra, eget. rents sod abet expense. Tee 1011.. frees them failure. are divided betweeu the • sessufaeruotre no the other elite, the AnterlCAD importers and the domestic commini. men The beektuot estates •1,1 lived up, paying h is : Inagua on the dollar. The banks heal hat • modern. alumna this their paper. undet elacouitt, tad m oo t of this with "renames." nerriatrsan PETQOLE CIL SIANIKE7 Milos Op in. Pr...schen Ossarra, • Tug asoas.July Is. its& • VROGDE—There le no abatement to the ex eltsinent lea the crude market, the sale. la the earregateteday being the I srgest of the ass. lac ?wham nearlyforly.three thouantet bur, vete. Compared with yeattirday, prase have WWI butler advanced, and this evening Spot ell aimed tins at thirteen, au adv... of about one kvitdrtt # wr era. within the last ihrre, mate. Pear. deliveries have also advanced alitterlally, era thou. who contracted largely thirty days Mire for all the year, their option, eoald now re 3 di.e L fawns, and those who 'taught for alillSea r at IVA, same option, may be Seek! in the same utepary. A private tel. waft fium"lhil" Seidel:tan, at 0,1 City this efbenthon ousted at Sloth "and everybody ...fp , We had the following sales reported, SOW Dbl. to be dedvered at lability in m, b.end si per eh a.oranced .... 124 WOO Scpt.aeller's optioe ....... 19;5 fit on spot —.... Its " within Mt dept. b. ...... ..... atter slept. sot, b. Is SOO " ail liei, buyer • iLI I. Sept., buyer " October, sayer ail de year, buyer P. t. ISM first fall freshet teed ipot--In talk is kw) " ant or second water, seller llyt MOO " gra enter._ 119 " istry—spos...... 0000 " &Invertible in tank at 'Salome, buyer., ail lIM7, at se per belt buyer has nrlrllete of taxing on drat water, at 55,76 EEFlNED—Thesewas but comparatively LLttN done In bonded ell tOday, the maarement Crade taking the attention of nearly all the brokers, kut tbe market ravertbeless Is lira, cad FS...re weal 1101a111006. sale. were: 1000 bbl. for July delivery I 0 Philadelphia, twins option, at Sac; zoo for September, sari. option, antis, de . lvered on Can at worketiVoo Ohl., 100 each for September, October, Novem. bar 1.6 Deetrober, at ale, delivered In Phil. delphts;soo for October, bract's - option. at ate, and aso for huenst, same opticu, at me, do. livered ht OILISZITraD rat Blr /1.. V. LK. Jodimaiz & Co, 112 bbls relined, to Warted Kum & Uo, Ptdlndelpht, Work & &wooer, (lb do do, to P. Wright a Liana. Pnlhdeluni... Loaktirt ea trew, DI do do. Phila. NM. Xief. - 4 St. Co.. Ito do do; to Wright k loan PhDadelphiad Forsyth, Dry. at Co. ON do do, to W. (L. Wardes e. Co, Philadelphia. Montshelioth Kohler k Co in do do, to Kw, it (Jo, Philadelphia. .7... Blume,. Jr., 100 do do, 10 Z. A. Dilworth CO.,Dhiladelphis. J. Meyer k Co.. /30 do do, to. Waring, Kir, a k Pallpialphis • Inghtniso ddidtroon;'Pkt do do, to P. Wriakt t Sots, Philadalph la. 3.17 Kirkpatrick la Do, 015 do do, to Warta& KM% Ido, Pluladelphia WetaenberKer, lad do 401 to W. P.• 7.0y00 tk 800, Phlkuleiphia. 011. Simian tan it limcSNE •Dlrrot_ BMA.. nAlientla• & 00, I bbli renal tO VP• waram Plitlertelphlo. 80 • Oil w •t••• clo,to W. P. Loci. & Ito, Plulsdo pits. 11 , DL. I,ag & O%Co do dO, to Waring, King &00. Ptaloaclidao. notottiosoo VolBet . Co,t 11 do dojo P Wright 45000, 011adolphts. !audio thl Won., 00 do'd.a, to C .Alotie, Ilitisdalittilk. • ' eselonait - lark... Tillegraohlo the I'lltseareb Untette.t. 0110111.21, July I.EL— !'lour scarce and lira'. Wheat; the •Ppoly ls chiefly now. Wee of No. I red at VAS and of choice Ann. WY - Y . White at at GO. Una unchanged. Vats Isom sad On goOd demand at ale for %'o. I la balk. Rye firm at and sODall7 thip t. • otatam Lem and quiet 1( 130 fir midona.. WoJaky steady at Me In bond. Mess Pork lsta at SU; is not, In Mach demand, out as a Tata good brands asero Tot offered at this SSW Balk • Meats in IMMO demand; sales Of X.= lie at 100 for abouldsrs, No for DUNN sad Me for clear aides, closing atom, Wider. asked hlgherpricre and butter rat., obtafned soma eases: Pairs of 110 Ilho for /boulder% 1.3342 for clear ...11040 Corniest.; limns dim at :•••04. • Lard thin al 1114ot no •., at Inf. Baton Mall. at 120IM, boa goo Ire . Egg s latompuly 010ellag flrm...r. Ex- :,,• , -r. ,,- .• , ;.=71 , : , :: . •,?,.:•.;..! . ,- ,4 - , ,, t,,f.--,..: ,- , , 4 , !.- tze..11.-cz:i,..) JAM DitLZELL & Skri. Financial Matters In New York. PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. , ___ 69 and TO Water Street, , u .... .idch......;:2140. 1 FULTON; NOLLMAN A CO., , . .87 Tcharsra to t h e flasburall Gaulle.; 1 MaahraCtere the beet LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS, ', coaDAGE, lad drealsrs it cauma LIIMMICATIMII and CARBON OILS. We marrrat oar rks. I Lard OD cleat to thc OAKUM, test Clvoltnati, or other _hcatdc, 000 arlhoW W P 61 " 10 .7 ."-'-'ncillf or b ZVl:gm% be AND .41Ard. 7 Lard ta Dora tirset Lnertratteir wad standard brands of Carbon (ph constantly on hat , )(embalms and wahnfactursat seal and It to [belt In l i:rgt.. " "''' b'lbre or fcll',USg JFITITIEIIRGII etsiturrs. Winos or Tu. PrryanYhoe Gacm - rre, j .• • Tactisoay. July 19. lest. There is a 'continued fair businesss doing In the general markets, and with a steady de. !hand (or most or the leading commodities, prices, although without nuotable chauge, see Or,. and well mglntalne.i. GROCESIRS—There has been o steads - on. then in the krocm market during the ;net .77n, and Sugars and Coffees have advanced She advance to Coffee Is owing to the upward minement In gold, while sola." arnandlng upward 1n COPICIUMCC Of the Ina eased :nand In anticipation of a heavy cern rt fruit throughout the country. lUD Coffee is quoted at r.trjl43,le for good; .751;c for prinno, and 2.sife for th.dee. Sagan—hard retinal, Coffee. 17e; • Coffee, 10431olle; holm "C,'''l6l..frgilffga; amine Pont Rico, /73. ag ile; 1 pliml, L - 3447 2 ne; prime cola, Gal.:leagued do, i 2 1,;41-.;'.,*; Sugar liotpre. lila; I 41c. Mee —Rangoon, iud;e; Carolun, J. raps range alithe way from tad.leggfl; neat ding to gulf. iffy. Porto 1.1,0 Molasses, lie, and Now Or- Illeans, W. Teas—Young Ilyson, iddl.lo; Gun powder. '11.11,31,60; hope:Sal, di.2. - ; imen ; !Ooloor - 73.7R1,23; Jana, 7tf:/1.17. spices—: Pepper, alffe; Cinnamon, 73c; C10t.., lit . Large No. 0 Matheral hare Ad rum% 43 per bed In the oath • Crif.APV—There was a sato of IbM bush new ;M.A., on Wednesday, to areive, un - itrtreete term•—trat male Cale season. Osts fires audio demand but ism exalted and onebauged; we noto small Isles et 8*,.57. Corn may be, quoted at Walk, and but little oiret PIC. Eye t .Inm:einem at 21,23.91,30. So moremeut in FLOUR—There It a continued felt den.nd, but tae market Is leas excited, and prices remain unchanged. We Continue quote at e 11.50012,50 for Spring WhcatrtMilt for Wir— ier Wheat: and fie,oooll.oo for-tancy brandy. Rye Flour II quoted PROVISIONS—Ram. le limn mith itnuell falrfobblng demand but tutees remain unchanged-1134g tor Shoulder; t.,fe fan lila. and, and I:lrgla.l.Zeinr Clear 'tildes; and 213:"M for Sugar Cured Hama. Prime kettle rendered Lard le quoted at 136131.je, and Mess Polk at 5Z1.50Q21,14. PUTATOThere Is a cootie/led IMr de. Maott, and the market they be quoted steady at ke,t144,60 per bbl or yew, It ...1.41 per hoshei for old. 1311171:11—Irouter and dull but unchanged. Small a flea of prime lush at; 16&I7. Common riacked Cull at 6Ltioc. iXICISIn fate demand and Mead) , with reg ular sales at.g1022 far treat parked—mostly at .8 mom KILL FEED-1a tcarci and am but utt . clanged. kale. on track at 11.1.63 far Middlings and 11,000146(ot /Iran. OlL—Lard OR le 11r22 and uoo6soged-25 for No:2, sod 11.07 for No. I. VUEESE—t steady, with tegular jobbing asks at Isqa6e, 6COOrditit to quality.. Supply fully up to the demand. cENTRA.I. Litc-arUtli si.aui&Lr i °Mei or TUIL PITTVIC,IIII, GSZKre, Jusy le , is67._i AlitllTll3{ 0 . 7 ni OCL crl{l,l, Tel It WECK. The following statement tholesthe numb., of ears of stock received at the Contest Yard.' during the week ending - Wednevloy, Jule itth : Cattle. fiNa. P. Ft. W. b.C. It. cv• esca RI eat. C. a P. R. R IS P. C. &C.R. it " 19 II " Total IS, ILO . Total Insterert:—lls tit The market ruled ilrm again thin week, and ander the influence of • good eastern demand, prices, compared with last week, have slit ther advanced. There was an Improved demand for stock cattle, One party alone taking nearly all the rattle of thin description that Was at. fared for shipment to Lancaster a tint, at prices raoging from X!.. to 63,c, according to quality. The best grades of Cattle, suitable for tetailing in the eastern . markets, may be quo ted from one quarter to one.half tent per pound higher than last week, ranging erns b!, to tfNe. One New York Ursa bought two Stoves of extra Ohio cattle at sg, while so (neat we could . learn, Olds was the higheat figure paid by Philadelphia shippers, and there was Put one drove !fought at that cries for that mailict. Good to medium cattle sold at front to se, and the grant proportion of cattle or ante this week were of thin description, though as al ready stated, there were two or three extra deur°, and they brought extra priers. Upon the whole, the market was agar. one for hold. eta, and with a demand fully up to the surpli, cattle at all kinds sold readily, and thit, too, at full prices. ... 107 10 , 1. .. Iln!Unser° market, :ny Telrernyb to the Plitaber.h Gmetteol halm stunk Jule lb.—Coffee; sales of in hugs of dam:arr.! Btu In bonds at 10k h, gold; prom., bi,ttliie, Allay pow. -Flour unlit high prudes of aneuern nod tatol)s declined .ii, per barrel. Pineal; tecelp , fictolovtair. Orme. , ileditied loiLliic. Corn dug: yellow, g 1,1441,16. Oslo dvetto log. at 01e(j31 for old athe spot. and Pie otter .1 to arrive. Pro. long P.¢4 active. but vary drill. Bulk Shorli'ler, u!;.- Bacon; enoctldere, PP4o; sheer. tilt 5,1., Ili, - clear rito cid., 14 , ,(4.4}:e. ; 1,... , 1; i*.ais, (or etti. Busts Park belo ot The supply of Sheep this week was remarks. 101,10. My light, nal tesehtme knit thp number offered i r s ter. lasi week, nod will, a - fair demand, the market imulevlllo gla Ittliy Telveripo to the Plltshot.p, pg4.-tte./ ruled gem, and prices are from ohe.p.irter to L,,..„.,.. , Jul , ~......,,, Cl! 1 , 2 ~,,, one-half a cant per pound Maher. I mp abould of totem:ad at adt,Ss oa t medium loaf, 1.1. - 41; he borne 4 mind, however, that the Irove., en t' r; 1 .7 3 . 11, ..: , ow iti , de. non"- - 4 t in'i 46 '.; 1 A. oevr. $12,5 . 1p13,00. New g brat, meet sigivo noted iggiined in c0...eq . -ten. 0. 5 1,:54 1 ,...0. Corn; y.lielimi mad dellrored. any Improvement to the demand, but ono 1 C. 31,0, all.; In bulk, Sk. Mess ;mark, almost enure) to the greatly diroltilshql or. tid 3 .2S. boa".; a boulders, lidsh; Moor aides, deals. Hod there been anything/lice the cum- ; IL'Fr°r. l'iTi.i:cTit,",‘Z,tt.'',;,;"‘k'Ci,„l;4r4'',,!,'',' oer of Sheep on Vile this week ' s hal tbme Ives ! uttottaluy ici.s . iti.r. num. armor; Now i tr. last ;reek, prima would not have rued Sr; ; tuausi I l!SIIIIEde. Bow nitladsV,lis bond 112..8. higher than they did lasr week. — :eller. Buyer. Yo. Aver. • I' ke. i Lafferty to Bawl to Da r Go . Lafferty tu Lloyd Yu et no Smith to Trak .... . ........ ... pti iii .0 Smith St T. to Todd . 210. 0, ',I Attlee to 1taw1......e.- kJ el k Loans to 8aw1..__....—. ;u of to Ilsonea to bawl toe 42. Gam to Rawl Sou NI Idi Drakesro Rawl' 041 5,4 ho onston to fl 'kW bb 0 lii J o h n. 10 Edam., 174 II Irl Hedges to truces lie se a t Hedges to Dab kb hda ~ i*A Ilaishall to Pampa. kst e 1 To Roberts to Lloyd 162 5; 4 e s hull A Co. so Lloyd "15 51 1 s Boren. to. Lloyd, is II rave per head Lafferty WI/mulch flu t ;7O per brad There has been a fait bueinees done la LIAR dais of Hoek this week, and with a supply atuiut equal to the demand, paces see no high er, Utough pretty well sustained. We now giobe New York Hogs at iftqcife, gross, and Phitadelphle flogs at 70;4e, and these rnay be rygarded aa the eateries. of the market. Seller. Buyer. No. Artie . 1 5 21c0. tigrotito agt•obreltt dr. 00 250 ris I Alkgre to Motu - rat & Co. $7 .40 7:71 Keg. to 011egrelat b. C 0.... 00 217 715 Jobeitrig to 011ehtelet ..... 55 207 742 Martin to 011ittretat 123 5204 710 Lafferty to Chlrhtelat....... 45 irt Porter to ..112brolat 163 255 7 .54 Crawfonl tO Cillehretet 11 ZIA 7V) Ph 1.111131 to GI/et:2r. 06 250 7it Hedge. to 0112.brelat 25 itAI 720 Dreht to 011ehrelat.... ..... 105 510 010 e111•11p1 to Gilchtelet 00 252 727 Pllll/Iye to 1mh0tr.......... 145 Mt 750 So.tt to Imhoff .... . : ..... 13,1 240 715 11buter to Imhoff ..... 91 24.5 740 Beare. & Cu. to Bettoff.... 111 244 7 •or &Scott to Imhoff' 154 220 ; 10 Ergo. to Unbar 17 Jr 724 Magruder te. Imhoff.— .... so ie, 702 ehilliln to 10tb0ff............... , 96 271 7ea eraartnel to Imbed' 140 103 712 Croarron.l to lotboff or • atO 7lt '4l . to to ~.. 154 275. Orr a Scott to Imhoff et ,' , I • 740 Orr t Scott to-,lmhoff 31 Lit 735 1/n• & Scott to Imhoff 111 220 . 7e5 Ilalllgatrto Ky. 135 200- 725 Batter to Kry• 05 2 1 14 7 .25 tlrahatn to Ken/ "at Bo 725 flulek 0.3 Key. ... 751 2527 7to nature to Bryn 105 . 115 7 :su Czawtord to Erl.m.- 117 kW 660 11.000 nye. SALtS Or C ATM. Smithk Talmage .01412 brad nit ilium stool, aTetitang nom, to Fon. at TA. Smith & Tal mage sold tor 11. Phillips :2 hood pretty good Ohio steer& aaaaa ging 1220, at 7,34, to Foust, is Co. Iledges.d. Taller to Smith & rllooney Is head falnah Penns steers, aseraging about 00, at 7 3 / 4 t also, to head, itieroging 323, at 7; somata Ctuwedy, 10 head, .o,l,the 06,740, fair ish lowa cattle, at 71 earn. to. time, 34 heed, Vrcighlag WiWil. et Ti; same to same, 40 hood. welshing 37,175, at It; same to H. Ruseelraiin :2 head tight heifers and steers at di asine to. Cowper &Co.OO held. weighing 1;1.44, at t, s. „— cove and helfereraanse to B.2.lcoorvey to hood, welshing 18,075—c0w0, bulls and half,da, et 63,1 —on' the ear& W. 30010ston to Mossiiges, . GSlatt a. Co: II hoed 0004 Ohlo niters, arer vg . log IWO, at ini. John Oloae to Messenger, cii. hitt 3.120.61 head prime Colo *teen, aerrogitht 1190, at Fn. Carson to Stull, & Mooney so head of Fayette County steer& areragthe 1400;"at %7f.' Do lap to Smith Is .looney 74 head of good Scut Una Ohio i alters, ... ....... 1200, at 03.4. Elllenger to 01.118 & Mooney 17 head of geed Champion County, Ohio, atoms at 934. Mcflatvey to Levi t cow at. 834. Comp lied to Cowper & Co. 17. head, weighing 13.770. at 0,00. Campbell to IL. Mayo. & Co. 3 hulls at o. Scotland to burley 18 head, weighing 19,. 700, at 7. John :Loss to Mayors &Co. It head. wolghlng 63, 8 1,0, at 7.34, !!unman test:met 17 head, weighing 73,70, at ' Soo. Warner to Mooney & Co. 10 head. weighing 37,7 0, at 8,40. Felten to Maples & Co. IT head, weighing 21,.. 300, et 074. 'Freston to Maynes 0 bead 0010 a at 0, and 2 bulls at 3. "Warns to Cowper & Co, .20 /teed of good .took tattle at 11,10 i Same to same, 20 heulat 3)1. Met - needy to Cowper. & Co.Z/ head same kind of -.cattle, at 04, tarry.[ t o mile, VS . head, weighing :73,550, at 6,66. 1110. Garvey to same, ge bead, Weighing 2.8,0 , 30, at 7,10. MI, Loni• market. Illr Telerrmat to Me eltmorrel. fiarrtut. at, Lope. 'July 13.—Tobacpa active and Welter. erprom:ly low and medium armlet; lour. C40006A0; cOmmou mut medium leaf, r0.0:412. Oa ellen, Kooet;.'; Work Irmo pros. eliCeol7,oo; good imd Wight leaf. CIA OSA: Cotton Mal; alo tor low milidlithit; HUMP 1 / 1 70: thole, uraltta•rd tog,Lal. la. Float lo anal lirmatal,,elatri 011.0) for new room; $10,7601 . 450 for double ou0 5 ; tis,rqpit.73 for CIIMCO And fancy, Irina% amber, prat. new, St.fa prttl3o; 82,325(4 bat ..th 2 udned. MU Inse from %a to 'Lt.. okt. proor mos arm. Lot oiolet. Mrs, Foul, r.U.76. 11.cup:clear lim 5110111- d.c.. ham , W 41 16. 141 roger cured. yaal. Lar d . 12 , ,,e for ratra otaace I3c fur keg. Whiskey held firmly at szokonca. . • . • 'Chicago Gatti., Market. (By TNegnph to the Pittibp.gh flionooo. laly 18.—B.oft CottiOtOOdatatelsr &W on,a 1/506.111 for fair to good •Shlpoing% : Hog. Iteleo higher, 'at. Knouti,to tor rood to ohOloo smooth. Shoop 401),10fIl6r Imre/41U - .2 ..._ ..~.. v.f -... .. c, :,. New tonic, July 11,1,67. ONET. NoneY , tes , l3 . as. tate for Ball louts. ker. ling •liilot and Graz, at IP4II(SP. Gold with net revertsl change, opening at 1.146, clos ing ct 1 : 4 ot , : , 01/14. Total exports specie to-day • e.orxtetsVette GovernmenCittoeks quiet and without .11N:tarot Frelahts to Liverpool are quiet and ueeloingtut t.,roina quotations : , ollort`l thit Couto:me ti, .; to. "ti, [Ws: .7n. 1.n..c, on, •.1 semter dud July, 1•1:;;; On, • 6 7 ,•1e7.cy; 7.1,, forts. 4CUTATio:In. Stocks art• rit.4l.ly. Catann, 01 011 , 0(11111d iota a. it 34; 11415.4.'"Wr0.1rn TeV6uruph, Paczile llxtl , / 4 - 1 6111144; Atlantic York Ccutro.l, tlc Lrm, t l; ;f67P4. Iluf Rnn. 11.1!id117141CV41445:• DlclC•otrul. , 15 61 ' 4 5;Sothla•rn. s I; T 'M111 , “ Ya tlixeatern• 4 . ` orals ,t 1 preferred, 7 0 %071; loutWuy, Itr:1,4101(0);. • Aro gonorollo stoadr. Adoitto, 71541 7; mooricoo, 05,.A.0; rotted SMEI-11, 7Ab7 2 :1; wn e ' , s " , rgo ( - 5,, ^P5.Y, .:',!4(07; Palo, por Itos ' Unfoo, 1,1!4d12 .or 25 por.ld. ,el 7 To , por oont. IMM. MINING fiII•IIaa Queued irregular, Lining angler. Corraton, Aluerie,e, nag. 50; Columbia, getirts 111i1,5.15; a 5; Sullth end i.argilee, 555; Uregory. SUT•ShitAbCP.V 11.1CCSIVTA. The receipts xt the E l l l l-free , mry to-tI vt..m payment 3, 41.:03,1,=2; bni4.co, . . !Yew York Prows, Market. TetreraOl. to t'y ttetburial ti•xettp.' rw J ulv 10.—Cdt tr.l 0 10.1° rtr• or mid I le, arch,. 9:1704 Gel In.lor 0120 L... 1 2.7 c tor rolddll uplltnds—eld..lly a l t neld” snipe. Fl ner our: ruceltd... at tuar:zet drlll and ;"GOoc hots at Vi1t , ..2.5 for e r slo.7,irg 1 :a tor choi. do. 1104,.411,',. ' , Moil extra remu.2 100 I 1 01.10, iit.::413.0n tor trail, brood. 0 , 6,1 , for oprtag 1..011fq,1111 .I.A, 010. CanfOrnlll .010. 11,1.411 t. 0•,, at e 174415 It ye ' 1 1 , 11: •11.1,11,1 Whiaky /1•1•1 . V. II ....at recelt/M-E..•412 lo.ort rules 17,200 [Mall !•I 1.1 11., t 2.70 for now ev.er Joroey, for White California, ....!2.5 for now ember Georgia audit/M rules k/ a7O for lira' witke Virginia. Rye quirk 7,0u0 bash weetern fit MA city a1.52' , .;. Corn receipt.. 111.471 0.9 h; mar kt', lUtc lower; 'tales 103.000 bur nt eIAIGLatI new otlxmf astern; $ 1 .0701.071; /Or MOOT lats 110; 10ce31.1.0. for unrourrli $1.114 fur white "Ireton,' and 61.1441.15 for Soothern and wretern tlatti—rerelpts of UM ohols; market Is quiet non lino, with rates of 2.450 00,1,0, a1k.1 1 5. for a °Ger. iund 112 c for Ohio. aloe it quirt Colfar In oultanetal. lager 1s arm with salve of 175 hogsheads ut for Cato, Atulaosee ts poet nt 51e' for Al a.ttorodo llop. are ',yr:L. Petroleum is q Get and Ono at ivitp IC for crude' in bulk. 00,1 :lutgfaleofor lined in bond. Pork is heavy and . ..maw with fairs of that barrels 01 aO2 y4,1'02.27'4 , 'or now mom. olooing at 5.G.61 cash;{__ for old do; els 75 for pilule, and $ - J'Z Tor prime . Beef a faro 411.11b0.1.101115 ' lierf llama dull Bacon is grin ...I got' t. Cut turtaa are tearer but deg', with onlots of MI packager at lotylle Jar Gambler, nud 'giro far hams. Lunt Is bet", nod lower. alt. Rale, of IWO barrels at 13//1510e for new, nor/mull lots et 10 54013%. /utter Is unchanged. Cheeee is 10011, Sieighls are quirt 000 unchanged. I.urtui. sr. tr.—Floor clowd dull at 14(03 inset or common 00.1 Interior grades of oh!. Wheat doll, heavy null nominally lower; roemptif lot now Merman., and unt. tern held (nu buck for still lower prices. lye dull ot 41.13 lor weuteret. Oats firm and quiet at +213b3 for western. and. 92(pr.1 for It.: to. Corn dull at sl,tiled out for new mixed ne“ o , 0, and 40.7 kw very choice tots. lurk Sole!: sales of 5cC barrels of mess at 41240 fur east,. Beef quiet and firm. Cut menus lirto owl quiet wlln a limited nudely. Ea. eon quiet and firm. Lard anti beery, ot 13Q14 for fair to prime steam. and 13u4 for kettle rendered. =!EU! • lily' elegraph to the altazaarge Gazette.) nrYrALO, July steady, Wheat doll mul eciu•cci lee No ditlwankan by the boat load would bring .wont CM. Corn doll; the only wes rates reported ere 8,500 bush els of :so. catied tern at in., and the market omelets weak. Oats In lair demand: nales of LTV bushels of No.: western 70c, and 1..10 do to arrlva toe. Ilya nominal. Mao Pork unchanged. Lard unchanged. Barley nominal at 61,15 for Canada dolleer .J. Eralzhtstiolat at IlLic on Corn to Now Tart:. Reempta—Corn. 01.000 bushels; Oats. Tlteet bushelatklour, OM barrels. Shipments Len., 115 WO bahhele; Oat., VA* Mud:tele, CLUcero Market. ty xaerrurc tu the rrr:eneraa•:..:rue. ; • Lulcano..luic LI —Flour doll and ilrOop. inn. V. brat. dull. Stile Idgber tban yester , day: No. 1. et .11,:14,01,73 relrons. Coro la tit at, at a1N53,..0 or No. In t•Oct, for No. 1; nlOslns .itunt, 04 K11444,1 , „4.; tor No. I. Vat s ounnn4 strong and 4d,L, II tuber;' Sales 0' No. at nafi:lne; notnnolanntly dropped hark and clo, 1 quiet, at ISc. Rye. at $1,1001,11 lor No. In 4tore. Barley inanity, ano no o Con:, Elnsw Fork, at LIM as oon, at 1.2,441*.i. I:narlot4—llonr.7.o nava% 9,4.0; too n, 11:,wen Etta, noel: tto24, 4,110 anlpmenta—noor. SLIM; 4014144, 2.0'0; corn, 170,40, Oat& 6)040 Lusa. New Orients Warhol. 1 , 7 rei,traph to the Ntiadsurgb Gaztin. Nr.w Out.r.aas, Joly S 3 —Cntton quiet and ftrin; oaten ut NU bales new ualddllict at qdtc. Sugar and Itoliowel unenanned alto Codit tranquctlong. /lour quint; •uperdna in. 73, engine 1111,30. Corn qatet and Ural; Yellow and mixed (11 2.5f/I.:P, whit. 01,40. t.),t,. Urn. at k lie; at 621;0. Lard active; prince Unice keg tic. llacnn anaunchanged. 124.1 IS y,,. Starling lirtita. New York ',14131. Earns.. prttignini. =I Telren4iti to the Pl.st,;lrzb liatetta) 2liawar - icam. July 11.—Flour dull; city ffoualo extra A1110912..3; onvotry do; 4111,15 0:10 ia;extra 44 Outi Iu,CO. Wheat dull aL az:a for No. I 42,3 i for N. 000 0,01 for No. 3, 0 0 411,12:01m retorted. Oath oral at Flo to, No. 2. 'Corn anndy at Y.fo fur ' No. 1 old. Itcoyints—Flour, 41u barman SV beat, 2atto busnels;'o2tA. zioa, Corn, WO Infan +, Fun, ....to 1700 lfarryia of Flour; 30,000 bluntly of wbeAt; •an Oualf els of Corn. mempni. market. Calf Telegranb tot.. Plt.lnrgti t+•>cit, 'jeer/tie, July IS—Cotton 16 firm at 139 Ti:,,23 1 y, exports ivere ale lice, receipt', S te.. Flourle ta:emitted; suuerdno to 59,01ex:1. Corn, rellovi, el.lixtllll.l6 per lin. lit rnitn Corn thoru le none in tee market. ad , urn e 1 .0de591,02 per ton. Ilex la'Vl," Le@ s:e.t.a per ton, Fork is 1125,0e(re25,30 per btu. 11-iiem is 15a.'.12 , 4 for elem. *ldes. Lord le / 1 .4.4t1 5 . /Le river Is fallleß. • New York Dry GOIH:l• 111111.kiri. I:.V Telegraph to the !Imam,. Palette.] NLIV Yuen, Joly _pry soot's upeban. gtol nod busineaadoll, but•atoady for nom: moo V. paten,. which aro more loquirod for. hut nonentity at unprofitable rout", which bolder, are not willing to NeCOnt In fltnee Ciptalutaret. Staple good% aalcable at 1.1342 IJh for Phllltdelph la Mark et =II2=EIMEI • • Jtil; !S.—Floursuper dots 4Skirg W. %Vilest llennor; now red ikS,7O, unl du Ss"). I[yo OWL Corn dull; tamed western $l,lO. Oats declining, hi loin. Whin ky in luau! V. 34. 13=! Telegraph m the letobaralliatette.l Torreo, July 11.—Flour quiet. Wheat Cull, at VA, (or new amber Dl lea lean. I.lora dull and notional, at 070 for No. 1; 82(o for oats reams and tlrtr.; wales at g3e. 1111P08IN L 2 114.1141.0 ' I PirDDICROff.ruST LS , ATILS If Cato/too 11. R. July 20-00 lybh, dour. T 1.1 Jenkins: I oar ore, .1 Craig: I nor lumber. Wit I.nris. I du gram, Kell & Ititcloo23 train:l, I , Sefier. h Co; to bhs thorn, Voigt h Co:50 do do, Vangorder h • Oh. pstd; 60 do do, Drown & (Jo; 10461. lard ell. • K 11 Alter. a (Jo:s Costa Lamest, I Dunlap; In • skseat., ir Knox: 000 pkg. lead, Dan., (Ilona ben a lho; 1 001 basun, Pet.t.t a Newlin:4 bid. (2 , 11 6 , 1 7 . Rea 7 , 11 one bay, W Morrows ; 31 sits alga. 11 i° ;11111,1e; 3 bbill elgs, Grail .0 linter; 13 sks wool, S Ilatbausit .6. (Jo; G sheets 000,10 11.011111 a Co:21 krsa bld), lard, S S Marian; 0 bag hardware, T W Itlchard.; 16 bra cheese, I 0 (wart; l cat bra, Bricker A Co; lon barrel. dour, (I II Leech; 100 do do, Kirkpatrick rs. Ilea tor.; RD I. do, Stighmter & Vookstop; iO/ do do ' 1 Kell & Eltettart; I ear ¢dd.lllol., Jr 13Iclart. . I . I . ll ;l;. '.l 3 ' T.3. ' • .. feefirr; Ta r ttranT, 31 ''' „1.3 ' etra; 12 bola white lime, W W Wallace, Pi hbl. scrap . I aterl. 0 pc. do, And..., Cook & Co; 2 casks . , 0 1.111 , 0.6. 0 1 11 ant ry flobloson;62 bdls_spolt . e. : I 1 ' n it. t' o n t ' rc ' ir ' 6 .2 l n ce. b k7 . malt, t 0 ;t 1 ; 00 11 1 4. ' ,:ra " 1/1% Ira, t ot 0 Co; 20 tot cheese, L. 11 Volgt h • Co; I tot he t CV; 0 0 rbillidod I bbl bar... F Seder. h Cu; a it. ch -ese Shocoaker h LUC I ca.k were J iloonel.• 1 OM smith] tub lard • Carter. Mei Ire,. ec (lot i bbl eggs, I firkin but-', . '.7`e.,!;"*.1P:,17.." a no% o , o .Ni o oi t i d ß . h .y ir :i n ii l Z;TT:l b t ' i 8;0118,2 G 041117 0.. LaPP. as ' weise,• I b•in.hm, Bkins, II 5D.3113,71 34 s on. ft Knox ,t Sod:100 • 6 61.00. McKenna /t 1f0Rt4:33 do do, I/ S Mo. ci..tVgn't;litddl..et'le'rjoi7.lll6",o4l"iir d o r' 40 d4 0 . 0 8 4 133L 10 .3 0 2: I n) & Co; 4 lads err., 3 kr,. butter. W H Ilirltpstrlck ye Co; 42 old. apple, W J Steel & Jiro; 0 do do, Edo ears, pen.. boiter , Fetser A Arso.troum G do du. Owen.. h. Ilstplu, 1 at corn, AO. trotist .104 bg. to ed 1.• ca.— 4 ' cargeord. D VisllSCe. l'U' ' --- -..---' - PrcrencrEoo. l'ontrirdca Awn Ciarrshan jr. H, ju•y 1E1. 0 ,0 eke A.A. 21••toor At florae. 2 lot. rod.e. Arbuthnot, Shannon ,t ...,, . •,.. - i • hardirols, Joe 2 10dridei 8 6k. anti ' s • 111 dir .0 Son; 41 racks outs, 16 do cm 31, lb.: . s .'- Hood; log hos starch, V llettriceou; la . r ai at., (0.0 1...ng & Co: 17 no. dry ~.,,,k . .. Campbril & Brown; 0 do egg., cr.& h p,,...! odo do. Steel & tfita: 60 *kr oar., 55,,,i. 0 .,'"il Dr.: s ran stoves, A. Miller; 11 la 1, 1 , 1611.1 r .1 K aloft; 16 do do, Is m , :& 00121 do do, WM Gormtectro do do, Gormley 6 110; a cases ~. bacon, 1 . PBlood.: 61( bbls tour, I Dlckry & Cot 05 caddies tobacco, obis do, E. Iletrletan; 33 to hsm. ' .7 H ( ( ticker; 3 do beef, It Roblimon a Delaage. (1.4 dodo, .7 11 Parker. 10 peen lode., Id PILuvaUR Arlen Cloxfiktheeload. 11. 11., July ea r back, 0 Wettnchi 2do charcoal, Sheer, Nitnick 0 Co: UP bdl. payer, Markle, ! Dickson a Col M takr hair, 21 Driftage, II eves I ran, Miller A Yearey; 101 aks 0.t.,A V Stever. ! hold 3 roll. leather, bile Andarsod; { bones Ind.., E Henshdolo 60 cement, (/ U Leech; I Ifid lard, I .5 Keynoter & Co;metal M. Wlelletahami Ica to. bark, Flaccus .0 Son. ALC”ussr siA33o3f. July 18-4 tall SWAM Daly. b. Roberson: 10 bdls link. Munroe ily Ustifillon;l2Mde., I bbl tallow, .1 Welts; 21 hided, 2 bbl. tallow, A Welt.; la aka 000,7 Roast lat pigs lead, I.l.ymer. liatiaman & 00( 10 bids Ileue, I Crafty I car Iron ore, Spang. Chal fant R Co; 4 car. Wheat, Kennedy A Urn 1121 slts MI/Ilerd sad oat/. DISMAL 0 /hogenbehn. Acdaner VALLEY RAILROD Jul 113-• LA kg. L6 nsli., 610 bars iroo, Martin , Trlelt y en t Co: g 6bl. eggs, 4 pkg. butter, 71aliti lc Ilidlt/11 I th e .g.., 17 .asek• rags.] 11 Dravna rolls 1e,21 Delangei 4 by. llarsett,Ellol 6. Orr; YARD! mes4l,Nisillk la Co. ...'::;':;',..,:'.;if4'1,4,:?..-:-..: EMS PITTSBURGE DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY, JULY' 19, 1567 T WINES, is enn witty. 114 a to_acssser Call or stud for Cucular. RIVER NEWS fhe Silver Cloud No. 2. m charge of Capralo 11. U, .Itartln, foliose. the alemeaucr from Clo• Cluasti to flee Orleans. M. J. Le el. has teen elected Probing of the Ailed.lc and Mloshmippl Steam.hip ComeanY, and the boat. of the line Win immediately tommellce running /main. The Louisville Cbtericr says Lam year a fleet of mialhosts came in from Pittaburgh with. J abo y ut. 1,000,00 , bushels of coal on the 27th of ul. Cairt•ins John Wiiams, John N. Shook and A. it. lime, of Cinci ll nnati, have been appointed committee by the by the Steamboat's Aim. therm. to co-operate with the Mhamber of a u rruTd`Wr n olL", , ri.V.:',W,goer f oU:To.",t Um of the enlargement of the present octal. The Dubuque Timm stye that Mr. Merry has Irecently tried hi. Costing elevator la unload• and relimillog barge rgoes of grain. It worked to a charm, MlO so maw,' m he of its ha auc wor cela k, thn as a he ha invention ordered machineryt e deand of loor a . o. Rust for eight ale vator, to atillltion to the sta already provided for. It is said this Loren ' tins will so cheapen freight rates. through sao log of expcnee of manual labor and rapidity in testifitiong mai,. that It c lose an almost ualvermt demi e in the valley of the Mississippi to .hilt grain f rt the East via the tiler end t.certn. act nut by rail. tate the fottowim from the Loulaville . Henry L. Bally, pilot of Mir femme to. host Alimmtilei to- Isom Cairo, under date of Friday, the 10th, at en. , that the Alps Md. reached that point twenty-nioe hours out from Louisville. She met the N•ehttniale at the head rifaue river 141and,.wboat Roches. for at French ;Island; the Marry Mean, from Memphis, In a crippled condition, at the ii.. term a boat aground at the foot of Ournherland Land, and IL 1.. Hodge N 0.2 at Cottoowold. The Almgouged all the boat. left head of her the same day, and the pilot reports 6 feet water On the .boniest bail. The bar In front of Er:mm.llle Is showing it self. It has hero crowded out nem the middle nf the river, and etretchee further down ll] front of the city than ever known before. A river man of close °to-creation, gives It as his I opinion toot it le washing down into the timid, and in another year the channel will come on the other side of it. The steamer h arriteJ Saint tarolie Saturday. c arom New Linea., t oail the t trip that lees New Oceans in Dian, day. Amongst the passengers were a large number of the oldest and most resptable cau se• of the Crescent City, many of ec hem • trip North for pleasure andhealth, health, while, at the name tlmenuite number are leaving their homes never to return, prefeming the quiet North to the turmoil at the South. The Memphis Avalanche proposes to publieh the names of all colored stewards who are idea. tired with the Radical party of Tennessee. This course will prove a ling one in the way of temmetuction,and our Idea la that Congress can hold out as king mourobstroperom South ern bretbern be the river reporter of the 01- ranch,. The following la the way he proposes . to reconstruct We wlllpublish nest week n full het of the Browulow unto vmmearies, who idy the Myer as steward. w e hare our /Ist nearly compLete. Among.the number inapt. Frank Illeme. cat ered steward, • fellow name d btlaW, who Is mernhcy of the Anal league, end l• t arots so Col !part with the brovralow Colored men who belong to the river fraternity sad hare been taking an active part with Rad. Male, here been epotted. They will perhape be able to realise :Ws fall which pays the best, wind rtl.llllo/..' putted by Barbour Lewis and arch Ilke, or prod living and.gand wages on • steambiatt. The Baltimore Our., of the lith, saym "Presl dent announced at the meeting of the , Board of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, yesterday, that *civicc, had been re. eelwed Mum thu North German Lloyd, that the work open the eplendld Iron steamer. for the Baltimore and firemen Line has progressed mugh more rapidly than urea expected. and that it was probable that the first simmer, whose mune had been determined upon, 'The Baltimore,' would proMbiy be able to make swing, trip during this year, of upon , as heretofore expected. ice: ork the moon steamer Is also reported to be ad. rancleg rapidly. This steamer it to be celled 'The Berlin,' otter the capital of the new Ger. man Union. The advice., of , President Attic,, of the North German Lloyd., indicate the tallest cronedence In the success of this impoto taut enterpilee. That Company la already en tertaining the design of building two addl. Lionel lira-elms iron steamers, to be placed upon the line at an early period, the prospect being such for a wilturni large businese aa to Justify a regular fortnightly departure It rim Baltimore and firemen, rrspectlveiy. It is un derstood that there is an increasing interest in Ore Western at.tl Southern States In encnectlon whichassengers, emigrant and other business will be done by this line." • An inimenee Iron drating dock far chips of the largest class Is now building in England, on a novel plan ;patented). for the eervhae of the Koren: meta et the navel station of Bermuda. I It Is plionfi roposed to mar the enormoue mites (gat. lest) heroes the Atlantic. It le con , wonted of a seinbrylindrical form, like a ship, In six aeries of longitudinal camper....,' rig: two auctions In the bottom. to be kept empty, one aeries on etch side, at midnight, a as water chambers, And oue eerie. on each tide, at top, as load water chamber*. The wa• ter chamber. are kept full, and the dock their. , by sunk. when not In nee. and all m thus ready I for the Immediate retain of any vessel at o, without theme of pump. or m achinery.m The vsel having been towed into es the dock, without closing the end., the gate. ' are opened to the upper load chamber. `project. tog .oi the water and the weight of watch the dock 14 Bunk) and they' Are map led in.o , the sea. The dock arid vesitel are tone rained NW:latently to permit (the end. being then slimed) the remaining water in the dock to be drawn oil Into the air compartments In the domino, loaning the dock clear for the work men. Aftetweide, at leisure. the Water Is pumped out of the bottom compartnicut• Into the mad ch•mbere at the top of the aides. tor the neat 0444114113. rot ducking's:nail vessel., hollow boats, or pouto.me. fitting the 14111 0.1 1 / 1 1411010/ the dock, are proposed. which will be emptied as above Into th, bottom air cham bers, Paul will Ocala. !butted out wtitiout their load, making room for other reseele. By emptylm; the water chambers on one Ode only, the dock can he cosily careened for repalts. p The aboafest oint btween' Loulselle stub Erenarille Is Scuilletown e bar. on which ) there are but feet. Between this point and bout. stile, Rising Sun bar Is the shosieet. on which there are 44 feet. The Loutertllc t/ounee. with It• usual falsity, eey. the tatter bar la toe , 6.1[4..3 , 44[t0n on the Ohio. The (ho 11 fast losing Its reputation for reliability.— tlineinnon pup,. ORDINANCES. lIRDINANCE rreitilring Berries , f . tot.e rell , lre ntraaore yy d S L ' t l27l! .t:n ! !n 7 tt: l 7llr:tY ' l , l;l 7 gl t r ' ://;: is any pyrsen or yo none teltlntr e tt!tree: thnznarket. nth raise titan ny nattatore. sits I to Rabin an • Otte or not les. Man one one ran., Mao eye dollars , to be recovered atonveartly o con elln'tiai.O. • Ordained and enacted Into a law thin the lltb Gay of July, .1. D. 1e57. I , IIES lecnitllCH Prealernt nelect Couuctl. Attest: C. AtAces...tn. Clerk of select Council. of l'resklent of Coussuon Council. Attcstt Holtz, Ott Clem of Gointuou Council. Ist Pittsburgh Importing Rouse. LMTABLINHED 18.16. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, lIIIPOIITEDA or FOBEItiN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Street, PITTErBII I IIGH, • Woohl direet the ttention oto Int fact! hot. :maser* I o na ont.erlorf the midie througt. Cnt large wine and Honor. boosts in Europe, andmaking their Importations C 11.., the ore rustled to odor toe vartoim grades or C halet , A Deo •nd Lagoon, at prices Ova that Casten* rare.. K gouda orlon of ought!** sod comparison of price. rargiceVoliy sotiritod, A. eholee amortrornt of PUDE OLD .RYE EY eon...iota OD hand. at:Mkt,* J. SCHOOPiIdAIiER & SON, Proprietors of the M . XTTE/331:71 , 11.1313 White Lead and Color Work; ManOftotoron Of WHITE AND RED LEAD, ZINO PUTTY IILIIII LEAD 'WO/I , A VELD/ITER (ALIEN, And all colon Orr orb OIL. °MOO. 80. 07 POURTII lIITREET. Pan , ory, Not. 400, 4051, 434. 43($ and 4Mlt, llenenen nttett, and 49,01 and 63 Lnedtil troel. A liennnn•. GREAT REVOLUTION IN TIVE WINS TPA OE OF TE tiN ITC()SATEn. —PORE CALIYOUNIa t , ll/dPAU de Mtn= Iris! and n taaine P gi n Acif ' o ' r n lin p 4 r e n . " Iti V a b Oiltral dyn ;n ' ed would rail the attention ol Wine Dealers and lintel Keeper* to th. fag letter. whlth may be a cornet Ide a of the iv:alit/of thelt Wiest •`CoNlTlelotTal. HOTEL, 1 . 1171...DZ1.C111.a. Oct. =Lb, "Menlo. HOUCIIIII CO.—Genf teem: Hal. Ing Alien your flallforniaChaninaine a tborounh Wa /11V; 1 1 . r1(41 ' e ' req ' titlilt ' r=i! ' l Italy at once place It on oar bUI af fare , loon J. E. KINOVLIty 2 CO." 'Llg:".lllsll,B{gli'Vt,c.`Wirgt. OM O. W.A. J. 11. IVATIMIPS ..... D. T. OAi IRON CITY BELT WORM. CEO. 0. CLARK & CO., 111Reunetlurrs !a ivory descrlption of riVent, eltrtUb.d, ii.allted sad Riveted thtk-loaned Xaorskthor Xleleasic, No. 400 1,111)MTV 00.. 00 Soar. mit, Uel. newt. Plttithorslt. ULU:ILES BEIZENSTEIN, - 132 FEDERAL NT, ALLEGHENY. (Fourth doer above irlausund.l Glass, China Ware & Table Cutlery At E a SITEMN PRICEB. Leruthiner rentitred or a ilmt Maas store no bud. Call and essmlue nor areni. jelnia DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER /11111' —Tee Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned hu thls day boon di.. ...end or mutant consent. The bmineis or tee aria 0111 be settled ooar. LEI/DELL. Per T. 11. Hamilton Co.. the A t torneys. _June ism. pri—lMl:alS NEW FUMY CLASS GROCERY. No. Sall rk.DISRAL tlt.. ♦LLYtIIIYN Y. Yresb stock of 01.o:doe Teaa. Caine, Sugar*, Sc., Sc., ',flack we ever to the publie at lowssUpstoes. A. G. BRYANT. =MI CHOICE BEDDING PLANTS. A eery larks stook or Roses, Geranium, Verbenas, ae„ In blows!, at the Uskland ...boom,. .110111 A. •I I k A. If MOOCH. *cod fora analogue. =MO NSW PROFESSIONAL. T. REDICK. M. D., Hu rumored his ogle. to the CDR. OF BEAVER AND FAYETTE STREETS, loTS:tIt 711111 Ward. ItI,LEGHYPY CITY' R . A. CAMERON, Attorney -at-Law, No. 98 Fifth Street CCM R . BIDDLE BOTIERTS: Atiorney-at-Law. Ocoee, N. 75 GRANT STREET. ilirnnenial attention given to cases in rant rapt,. my :ala H. L. fIIcCULLOUGII, Attorney-at-Law, No. 104 FIFTH STREET. Pittsburgh MCI EUSTACE S. itiORIZOVF, ALDERMAN. Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace, AND POLICE Office. No. 72 rensylunia Wane, rilllSargh, Doc". Actnowle.firm te Prvoisltto. ancl All .111.2..11.11 e. , With ortormancso and dispatch. wt. 41117107., =3 Cooveystmer, Heal Hints and Instinct:ice Agent, CAP-SUN b . ritISET, East lttemingliam. Cellectem id' Rents solicited sod Promptly attended to. rovilictio WILLIAM IL LIAREIEIL JUSTIOE OF TEE PEAOE, CosvEys.NcElN se. omee. 17ATriON itiTRE T. nearly opposit., the lINID•ay Depot. euut. Vit.. burgh. litt.ineca en. tru-ae.l to Ws care promplly attended to. • , vt DANIEL .3101 EAL, P.T. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN I= No. 150 Granl . Bl., near 'MI at 20.71 GEO. 1d..C0CE[51.424.1, Attorney and Colimallor-at-Law. 11 Cer—YI1I.Toti•A LAW lailL1)11SH. Nn. 611 GRAN"' NTREE.T, eornerof rounb. All Segal bade eie en: rilltea n hie cert. will re ceive prevent atteallon. antirtls J . S. FERGUSON, _ Attorney-at-Law, = EIICOIVII PLO.. ?MIXT ROO, H. H. 31c011;121Cii, ~ C L.ttC51C. 2 103, . ./Atm-Le&W, S 7 Grant Street Prompt attention elven to all linds law burlreac AM W 4 TllO9. 111. 11.411tir, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • No. 07 Firth iritmat, =I W . A. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AM LAW, No. 93 Diamond Street, PI rENHUROHI 1./1, mh.sal JOHN W. RIDDELL, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFIcE. 80. I= FOURTH STREET I=!=! H. C. MACELYIELL. ATTORNEY& COUNSELLOR AT LAW No. e 9 Grant Street, PITT` it URGEI t yA inr24.0.2 B . F. BROWN, Mate Lou Cieltla Agent. U. e. nap. COm.,) ellter,lo, 67 Fourth SE, second floor, ==! num, CORO, AUSIFS OF PAT fly Collected charge awn wall claims an fettled, and tan aat. aln c.a., .6 matl7l,ll $lOO. COUNTY. *lOO. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. LOST OISCHARCES. Soldiers who tare lost their discharge certin cstss sod who tra.otberwise cntlticd to the slit lions! 1100 Sousa), esti brae flute coca at loaded to ST SSllitsr oil or add ssss Ins & HILL PATTERgOii, ATTORNEYS AT Ld W AND CLAIM AGENTB, I=Et=fl JOFIR A. STRAIN. aT11: 0 3ELF1336.41-2.7". Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peacc 4U:D POLICE MIEIIn'ItATL, Othce, tl2 FIRS St, oppnAte Cnthedr►l, 112= • • Une.le good, ArAnodrie.lannentn, °erudition. Sad 1.. c sal . Unsin , la eleented WltrtrTnnAotneed And dtitnteb. /.21 WILLIAM JANCEII'; NOTARY JUaTICR vi 1112„ int ACE, AND HEAL ESTATE Ali rT. OM. 'cm - I Butler end in.wor .trtett:l..serreneg,l • llB. .I'VeTi'k:.`ll:l?;tl;;li°,c`,l,l!`"!; - }V. Linda sd —J.deo tber.aWlut L and LIA Notar/ JA.NcEr. CEICALTIIA2I T. EVV EVG, Attorney at Law, •9 firint Nreet, Pitt.burgb, Pa Comatssloner Tor OLlo, LenlanaJ. yirplys. i191.421r1 snag nth, tittles. ss•ls:th:ss JOUN C. flicC6lll*, Al - RANEY - AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. _ No. 87 Pilt4 Street. ar•renslous, Banutles. sad Artesn urn, pl.antiv collvetea. HOTELS WHITE 1101US,E, PERRYSVILUE, ALLEOF,ENY CO., PA. Newly regttcd and I l taalthed, and ready La ye nta anhterlber= e tATte palna 'to will lowdso: tlood rappers Styled at any hour In the artarnoon. anYlwtt NT). atm+ a ...... bIUBNCE HOTEL, WS THE SURVI'EAS (LAS. N. E. Cor. Fenn & Oanal Eta., ll=l== JAMES JOHNSON, Propriotor. to the pohil. 110UnE. -- Messrs. WELSH & reCILFFERTY, Would reopeclAllg 'lnform . thele . frlenda and pu elle In general Mat, having pusenaset: • iII3EINTEILEI.BII XXCI11:71211E1, They are prepared to forolsb MEALS AT ALL Mall:S..lly Art.lllllo, ,La belt hrs.'s or the eholeatt IrIHTODU, AND MALT LIQUOILS will ne iound at the her. Call lu god ma •WUIINNIE WELSH.•• tem:a ST. JAMES HOTEL, I= Nos. 404 Sr. 407 Liberty St., Oppoette the 'Linton Depot. The Proprietor'awould respeetrelly inintln the public that the naloon and Dinise booms are ntkn n ,L e 7r7,llll ' .ni l ".*"... 16, d llh •aPPers aethe sborteati‘..to ic.. Private dinina MOM lor Ladle, ell tn. delicacies of tdi ...aeon put be 'errs , ' at Ali 11 , :bre of th e tray and n eht, nunoape included. heehnieeet brands oc Wines, Liquor.. Oillarts etc., Will be found at the bar. .3,trl. K. lANAUAN. enT/Pree Proprietor. BIIIOAD WAY Dining and Billiard Booms, 409 & 411 LIIIEIITY einturr, tit.t.otite the OaWu Depot Meal. at all bamboo( Um day aud days Included. The beat that the maenad :11/1 will always be found on Idle tablas. B. ilV{Vll4 " .ll.ll7ld Via liAlt.s Will be foud nat the . J. P. NMI DEM, PN.P.IO". BINGHAM HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND MARKET STD., 3Pxxxi.xviazmoeiiix.A- TWA nom wad Critint ■ow vyen for thi ftOODUOD of gnat/. with 11 lb* oDpolnizocata Of MST-CLAM 1101 XL, OURLIB PHOPRIETOII =I MANUFACTURERS. LORIOIN IRON WORKS. TONES St LINGERS, 3 P 2 "r"X • MMI:FMLVA-3ZIG, I=l AMERICAN AND GLAIR n.r,noop,she.a and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; Angle and j Iron; Guard Iron; • - Coal Screen Iron; T Raih,l6 tc tltiflbs. to the; aid Trans Ila I ts,punclied and coun ter male • Boiler,ilri deo and Taut',iCi retS Cut Nulls and Spikes; Ship and Boat tiplite“ Railroad Spiaebt • , Railroad Fist' Oars and Dolts; Railroad Car xra eels and Axles; Street Car 11 heeia and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Slzafthigf Pateiet Vold !lolled Piston Rods; Mowir and Reaper Baru. WAILLYIUVO orrice. 1 halter and 153 great Sts Nos, 22,24 and 231 liver SI N CHICAIIO. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORE% SINOLII S it CO I=l HEST lIEFEM CAST SITU WADI, r. AND MACK D 7 AIL MAE Ku :, minar. CzaCCLAL . 42.11/i0 MO Cr. 0413 COY • SA' 7 PILATES. ELLICTIG A 1•1) 1 ;i:111•ELI.11:210 RAILWAY SPRINGS, cam' szyr.ing stecti Cast an Carman' P;ow Steel, • rum- wiNud aza).LieW/CIS. 1141:11. SPLIEVGB, .1:11,E3 IND ',ITEEI, TIRE, Utitas, rr, HOT:, Itnar. FOUR. TUX CALIF 'AND AlktillN Tat:: ,An? CIXAV-11A1111, to., as.. £s. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsegh, CCM!) ATLAS vcoans, T °Jr STRE.27. Ninth Ward, Pitisbargb, 1:1=3 TIIO2IA A, N. RILLLEII, Pre); Ede nt Therm Wort. nve amens tbn_larenti andoot con2plelo er.anll o .natnt in ,ti e West. 104 are new pro - ared to turn litt En{/Ines of Every Description Boller., 011 Taut., Sheet Iron Work it. Ilroad Casting, Bolling MU Citstiugra EagJut Caatiugs Ala allue Castings, t;eueral-Clistlug, Itra ORDERS SOLICITED. PITTSBURG!! FOUNDRY., -...JOUR U, nlCLliBolf. A. GARRISON & CO., tOnecossors to Bolltroto, tlartlicia A Co. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS llatinacturers of CHILLED ROLL EDS, OF &LL SIZES, From In. fled, Itrit ; no, Zlne, Copper, Bert. ro 1.-ZP da .crtpriono: Wu.): 31111, latent Donule lirtntler With a yarn,' vl other 2 5 / I LLCILLS 0 . always Oa ham: and to Gran:, on slwr: 00 co and Ca `l/plre and ll artLon.sen .fi0.119 Smithfield Street, MM=ME! YOILIAIR..J.. 13,111 ynABA HOLLER WORKS. BORROW._IIIIUIIILL do CO., ht..OIOI.kIYPPIIPP OP Steam BoUna, 00 Rtllie, Agitators, Tana,. Salt P.., Caparactcra, Vira , azitt Iron Sheet Ina Work; ac., M. LIBERTY AND SECOND BTB., PITTS II Ult 6 If, IMPAIILINO A 1 , 710 g PTLY fir: fORT lekrz P.OITIVDRY CHARM KNAP NEPHEWS I= KEAY Y 4 , I I :II9`ANCF AND ALL E.LNLRI ME RRAYT f;ASEENMIL ard:Hal att,a Han bald pa RHI,LLNO M,LL HI.AhT MACHINERY and RYIVIZTE. REPAIRS attended to PrOnayMl. £3 /141 , 1.0 rat, till boat materials bet *Map be need at Stilt vonsvis. diJNISCI af oar. +Ad &tact. me HI tarp:dad,with NEW AND 11rMot:ED patterns, H3Estructed der the saperetelon_ or air . Ea. 31102. (0 furnis un h NAIL. MAULILNE.I st short no. Mae. UTILITY SVOllleib. • McIMIN SLATOR, No. 83 Lth TI)• et., opposite Follett!, yirarrOrr.OTrallus Or CABINET ILUDWARE. They make, specials of Iron Berbtaart mad Pivot Craton: rorret,a.a, 11,1froad and Pivot C. 0.,: 14 &trod rasoranyarOlooo for Krt..- aim? Tahiti, Cc. T A to,y also manoacture sad tr t : t ztst i an2l2 , :v ,riAT . t . ou , lLl...atertes.Oring Te Er:cooed., liaah Button. A UM ' O r t=t l aur 'Aar Mates, ( } rind - alone liamorlura eer ra.h islOrrO. ROBERT LEA, E 1 SERIN ENGINES AND BOILERS Freight lloisters AIM DOCTOR ENGrriER. Zir C•stlngs of all de.riptlortg nada to order Corner or First and Ferry 8 eeeee a. = pmrsaunan. PA • . VA ;mm-- . . 7 / 1 1111.11 Arr:V . 1 - 4101'E . A. raiinlaL.T.Z &" 00. . Vo.nniaaLurgiosery variety OE teak, Parlor and Ueatiug - Stoves , !ra i tcl Coal: utovecl (I.l.:monnrsct-tre• (MAT:4M, GIIATE VICONTM, 4.1^1•.n ann. Wr.mhonsa, tarter Of et,ond sue thitratteo on trpon.i tAttli it. Dal,. ' Tittattlt 0: ati - &all. JAnED nnusit 8. SON,. I=l steam Boilers, Oil stiles, Tanks, Meet Iron Works, ,Ft. No 61 . Yowl. Street, ruaNiumin,pc 131 A_Et ILDWAI.I EL . B. WOLF. JR., &CO., Hardware & 0 utlery. Are Dow 1 , C019114 lances ,Itioas to our stock Which it ofcMJ t , Maim at meLine . ..tnialmra -- z- , x - r.scuidese. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Std., intteribus - 10:41Pf•• watt: BIACEi !DIA:MOND ,4277C7r5FLIEr6M. C/1733t11je1l • PALM, mitimuan CD.,, 2t. ainfactartra Of QUALITT 11EXINED o.aff•D Boman, flat lag Or.lairop, of all slier. War. .111. d too at to lay larportal or manarotorodia rued aao 11112e1110, N 0.19 504 161.Ctret. uc Poem. altro•to. •Itl•hWr011 I• 11 LIPPINCOTT & HiItEIVIILL, No. 118 Water Street, DiAIM7ACTC3rI3 or PAL:TENT JIWUN D. PATENT TT. If N.H.T.b. • ENT VAT rutnlizu cumuidat, nrLAY. MILL Al!!) MONS-047 Ea AL - 172 - a-. • 1619:diof If.. At `SIX.. "...JOU/ V 4 ALLEY /TOPE 1 11ORKS. • • - • ALLC44. UPKEE 6. CO" thllo.. isnd Wasuboose, 30114 DEISTS ST.. op. Mit i Va. 7 = l ;taltrAll ' lWr Wral which axe 100 ecinbratedlegbeily tad ZOlOlOl. Oral coots,/ sto”..; also. tbe Ast 3 oo.oat lad Ma=tont fur cull 112 Woad, and Ma aarlololo4 Star of tbo amploo. 10 ...nod: 00sec tsars. DO, MAU and Hanna Ware renerallk. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. wAsormyrama nr Iron, Bubket, Tub and. Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, • PITTIMpRUILI. A. TEkMrFACTURRps NATIONAL ISOILEII WORRL Boilers, Tanks, Stills, PANS, CHnorEys. ♦SU ALL /[11.9)% pp Sheet Iron Work, Construeis.l In the best manner VE „ tth 1911eFs LOW AS Sum:mote WO CAN AY. AFFOLLOED 1 AN Y• iltltitr..ASS & SON; Careen M., Monongahela Borough, At 1.04,00 th and or tne Monongsbets Blldg6 In, 7,14 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND vw4C)IaEL - s, Corn•^r Carroll and Stuallama Stree,s, Muth. Ward, PITTSBUNGIII, PA. li7C73:tX. OltarrrizlE, I=l Cast J,ron Bowl Pipe, FOR-GAS AND WATER WORKS V. P :l2;:gt,VAFV.ntslon, `;`1,1;';;11Al. OEM MOO FOE GB BD SALIZa TOCEI, I would odenelll the ationon of noporlulend eats of Usa Fora* tou tlr tal:e of ILI,AU.riS. =I rer..ux BOILER, STILL HD TVA WORT. C29.laßt OLE ! a tIrIiYDEIR MAZ1117.1.C717.1=2.4 OP :UVULAR, DOBBLE•TLIIED, TUBULAR rumsoa i CYLINDnr. STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BRIMMING AND ASH revs SETTLLNO PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENEEIts, STEAM PIPES, .3ABOMETERS, AND/EON BRIDGES, ' MESON IMES AND COAL SHIITES. Waco wadi:Yorks corn or ilycon d. Third; Short .end Llbcrty Streets, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sir Orders sent to the above yddryre will be Promptly attended to. • mh7:ls - v]p,strvau-s IRON IND NAIL WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO. I=l BAR, BOILER, SHEET 11-1 .a.1 4 43Er5.1 - 3a..‹.)Da • NAILS AND NAIL EODS. LIFFICE AND WAHEROLTSE, Nos. 64, 6t. h 6 Anderson t.; Thiee iktuuee North of tiartrt Ordge, 'ALMA:HENN CITY. ardS:ks4 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, 10.1:17,CfrornS OP Best Coalman, Refined Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. .15.R.ILCJIANT BAH. HOUND I MQIUIBY MOH NAB U. T and ANULZ HOMER PLATraant .HOSTXOWEE 18.314.1.131 t. OTLIN EY and (MARL Olt rzNor,u MON. T EAILtI. WJ and la lb.. to Itko Tord, WOOL:1111T CHAIM and dalttEd tor alma aLAT ItAILB. Ponebtd sod Cdootettanit. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS and SP/SEN. . Warehou.e Omee at the Works. UAE6N. at in aal 01l or Pint RI. loftilrjr_the this Works. I.l.trilrirb":'ant4:l.ll KRYSTONR IRON WORKS. HITICIIISON - ,76 - LASS & CO., 6183:1 Wskotrcrarrra of the dIT nt it,,, o Hound, ek,uare, gat and llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop Ind sand Iron, Bo:ter-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, • Sheet Iron, t.c,, Works, PITT TOV7HPHIC, az Motouskala Mar. thlleo aryl Warekryart, No.. 146 Water St. JNDUBTRIIL WORIf.S HUGU. M. BOLE & CO., rotr.rD /ER S, Engine Builders an Biachialsis, Make to order Marine and Land Nt run Even.. oral' als-s, or to Oro .a.lrraettoo. Cutlnta. or every de. arlpllon. mane to or d er. JA.to Sn4loo, an0 , t....a. 11. 1101.0, Pontoon. Marbine 210 P. Co, Point Alley S Murat. Way. loondrr. 'Nos. a: 00.0 50 Med 017000. IVITTNBULGII, I=l CRESCENT STai Pi IRK& !num, Bia 4 maha, 117 /L 1, ?..:011=5 07 BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Wonotatod lequial to an/ln tho ➢loa kat. •lthot tratowtodor or D - meatto Moo afootoro. AT:ENT/ON I'ALU TO /IN& CAW? 1111 MN 0TE.1... - - Office, &8 Wood Street, I T. 0r.6111.6 .HUTEL BUILDINti. Pznanimaa, 4,m 1eth....14. 41.1:11111 DUQUESNE IRON AMU STEEL WORKS. • HAIIATAFT,TAIIIa & 00., MIICILFACT9LIMIO.7 Iron.. Nails, Springs, Axles, DIADEM SPIIING !FD d, D,STDDY, I=l 244 r. 77 V4Tz,tox ,firoot • - FITTSMITRGEL rit i g 11341 I; :MIAS-VAN :43:41 •NDERSON, CCUj • CO.. 05000ISBOUSTO JO.Nra. MITI) • Ut)7tl Manufacturer. ht the ben realise! Out Ina Behar, Ylat sad taesagea. CI all else.. nay Plate& 110 e, 101 k and etkeet Cast 111•01, Cas thee Rd Soaping arc! Mowing Machin STEAM PLOWIWINUet, 5 P111.4610 4 4421 4 LAM cisuux.e t tra. eke. Cad at Common P. 14141 1 .4 fIVIng Steel, bluo.2geo•Tilf of a o r c.lZ:ht YaZZ 114.97:d1 BERLIN -FOUNDRY. PRICE & MIS, Oft ♦aD WAasuorst. No. 29 Wood Street Manotheturtind tcny COP on band Thimble, Skein k Pipe Iloies, 114 . 11 , 3[1rit,joi, :.00 .1ft01414. 18 . HULL() w NIGAIt MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OrFOMTIC UNION MON M. XT . Z . AS2SrIipnEII.IIS3:2. Rolling MW and Bridge Castings. LAC OIR MI CASIII6S GIMALLY, Ura.. M...PtlY and earefully minuted., MIAIifIEZ SZAHONABLE. a= EIIBEUT & MIAOW:ND. Go EfltEtSON - , - 1 5 11,EWITE& 00, rsrrsriJ4 'I4 LIEtt)N VVrtitEt ECS. Nr. and s, First:it.. •OPIX./tA ittooncittbem HOU., Pinyttirgb, .1,24:ds IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & . laitant.eturer. ltell..a.t.Wtreoat,JtmftMiPWUM4 . in =EMT IRON. omen AHD Winanoves. NOoIiN&U/STRI. oesaa R ATT.ROADS P.ENNSYLVANIA agar t; T :IiNi t e.T.Z the Dass.Oger TrAIIIIS Oil the Wehtersa Fennotrants DaHeald well attire at had deport,,Pront the Federal OLD, Depot, wile. phony CID, as !ollows: • DiVALS. 11:101.11 "" rO b' N " I ' T.t. ' ?1 .1 1 ,1 [1!!.t.0„ No.l 9:(6,11 .. ,, ,,,arob'et No 1 11= A.. gaPrietit Ml:re Rr, •••• .111.11 rer.i...t No. 2 11, r.m.IHILIIIIertr'r Ac 2:5.L 0.111 . Harmarave r,crort 0 .. :2 r. r. peg The erymenn . , sr. f;".1 I`,k7ll,;`..t;!".raf:C7 at L.. 1.5 oor-Tnantacltt•nr: ilcte.—Yor and g0...1 oLly [talus .4 , 4" •L Frre rk• ,? ~rittk Watzet'.., Mot or eT.2,...s tor Butler t-17; E t 4. ' 11 lon LLr- Thr, Wer.p.rn Ratlr OIF `7l not t pt. ro Wear i;4...-{int!, u." . t!..k.lr ..iron rttllttY t 9 eiter .ll ;witt r : trac gelt. or We own,. 111,Ceaf.IALt;:t H. ',1 ., t.ltoona, l'a. P l al7 l ,ll7Ari/..1 [TATRA L 0 , 3 and after JU, r and depart fr,.r. Wastanstoo LlO , rty Mall T re eltfl . ... MO a In, Walton rut. Li a lirlaton N 0.2.. ann •I‘'• n Na. Edlel In ; ; elnclonatl Ex. 9:10a .:r.; 10111'S01 n Johnctann Az.10:10 a 10U..l ' 1 0 0 0 .1 14 . p P ftrltYr3 ' WalPs NW. %/Op rn Altoona ACCOM CPS and tatlarant 0:Z sn The Chur.th le•e0 Wain/ Et‘tlna firer). oo.tv.lay al N.ll et. I . lltsour., nt ICU a tn. l lncurnl.,..a.,a I'lttv..rnl. at 10:Z p.m., and 901.1 e at Wall's Stktlan at ::o7 p. rains Ylinedal l lnr ALI 0:4),s: ' , caves. dnuy. All•otna ty Pnllanololda Exnr a aa rnd !no Alt , ona re. modAtlon 00.1 Train norrtvo .1011 y. dirt. clanatl r=pr,- trite. dal, seep, Monday. All 044, tras c da, !..a.t. o•d t aY. For A. - Ma, Info.. nonl7 %O . W. 1.1 . Ante. Tte Canners r'ompaity 00111 - assirne any rnnt for :14,0a for laeartne anparal. and I; rosindtat,llitr to lnle liL11.11,111,11!P Aargagana,nd. lag that ain...at In vitro 77111 P..... tn.. risk of tau wrat.r, u.nes. taann onr,"‘'. t. WI ral m.. 1 pe 15 rlLvenJnot, Altnona. l'a. Itailroall Lille, UV!, ALL IA!L, FAST FREIGHT LINE, LII:T.C7 DEM' tEN Boston, New York and Pittsburgh, Tia ilarrithvz. anent wa •,•,nd /airy City, Without Change of Cars. • NEW YORK lio6 (p+ yrsrt PITTSEISEMI HlVovltyt,,t At r¢¢ No. .4. N. Ilan E!:. (.4 we ng.,nt of 1.13. ••A•. nllentown Trme.pori Atli. • :,,mp , ny, ao.l 110 K to. I •guatl tte.:17 . 4. Ccatr.ll.l. E., at tome pier • Mlle of 1,,1at 1.c , ..1 at $OO °MU at the Um .Itostort OM., 77 ITASrIINGTON ST ' JONA .1% HAMILTON. Agent, °Mee, root of I,ll6EnTr ST., EM MEN CM= PITIZEURCH, LGLI:%IStS C,ZinNi,T; a. a PAN 0.917r;1E 111117 E. On and anct SUNDAY, April !W. than. ma aad Onion Utipo, •4111.11crwar . . llteann. ann.ll , l. Tart Gina..........,9:15 44. N. 10:e. P. V. nail. 1... 1... 4. N. arto 5.. /112nd 1ei . 15 Nrle.r, N. Tbe 9:43 Tenin aril,* IS e1:W.1.42 a IO r. 11. lb-. evealne, 714 1101IMI lbt AD Wio "I 111.lNitS. jnci ' mft. A a n tr.r urfP.l•4l the principal point. Weal and &alb at. oCI, IWhnnnr intl%:l nnalni Tic ..te 'an c . ure 11nd th • COLECUS & CfNClNtinf R. 1 __ Onion Depot, (south side.) st.t) m i!.SA• • Tlck.c Agent 1867. Frt..k . : 7 011 1867. THE Pl7l - 6..0 AU ti,, FT. WAVNIt A Z ., /tICA• Ot n. 11., AND CLL V4E...AN It S PI.TTSH Olttikt A • mint ...siva ead lease aS the Nelda Veto,. As Eris & a:ln a'Welted • !,!Z ;12 Who. r.x•Vrp: Depart fade asinedy. Arrive to Allestenejr. N. tit's Ac.am , N. Artie Ac 1:60 at Leetsdale •• 1000 aes N. IPle 310. a r F:r7.• Xl. •ti;WcllaUl4 •• 910 an"il ••10X0,0 VI;010eL0 .• Leetsdsle flea tde p re; • •• •• n N. &Win •• La•lt Colon '• N. lire,.- o Cl o s D 1 . . a g Lectcpin io l' 4•,-io•e. "'" •P. pe:g•• Z . ' llelfot A< VALCUT RAIL -111)./111, I= (ha cud nil, 1 , /4111t.:4' S. J. 6,A1 Y. . V. RI LI anti mg h 0 .:0w...4 itt11111..0.2 v.. 21.4 . 1.4.7. ‘ l .. . Vr a r. .4l.. t \ ' .C ' rt:n;l: 2;7 2 0 'h.. A 01 tun 10 pa,i. N. war. men*. K. Zi no re n 000101 . 100 , at .!.I%g .0 r:cretf.gzg °- ji. 4 f: Cc? I-1.41 ?) arLit..s SpringA.-.-r.p.-/;..r.F.1n:2.t. 'nu trur.,tt'n sat • 7 , 7.7,y .d West NAllrson •• C a l j v. fr. 3it Ntr" . .7, . for Cttt, st. t T. E. r.Jr,-. Veld r i l • . • 5 1 ,X.VreigIt.:1 • '.-tAL 4. Rili';•, -4 'L'. 7l . PENNA. SALT ,roANFAcrureo ~~~~~r ~~~~~~~~~ ~, , - -....17 :' tii'-1---.., -10tfri a ilfaig.4./.4,8..1±,. .- -1.4 p, ~.,, :, • '-:.4,:•-q-7-,,,,5 ''''' , '• , , , 47-:-1. ! .., 11 thr-ti-el/illikti -,etryafjp, 44 fjgg CTUR'O PENNA. - SALT IVIAWFA C =I etry I simarcurti•e - tirri . cm, - PlTTermitim. enne tetb. 1687. ( Ti k ToTier, ISIIrEN to the TAT Paters tho'Cltr of or that tn.' yTr •aterrr It ow ready to mealy, II I Ye C.l up to the I,T DAY Inr ADU t,at- utlY TAX: T. XI CITY HI/ILI/II:I; Stale %VAT tat..lettrrantll. , . 1.1rAn... I. Ilkewlin du% nntl W.% I. Val li Onni betale JULY In or -4....F.p5t. • N, AL/.rq 1.!1K it. •r!.t,!,3111:,.. purvAtE OC. - 23;;:i rENN for Mt cure or all •lllbaact Of • brivatenaterb. In rhno •o four,lays, by en butir,ly new ..id sato trtatteent. Also. Weakness. and all other elstaan.3 of the gmlbal Offilllll,lll,l Itchy prerratto. yiTre warrikote.l.or Mon?). r.,113,1.1.41, .1.)111 , A1 tlourt-7 tO 10 a. r..., I to 3 In.! C leap. III•••• • . . f 0 bhli rd 010 hilt reaoho4: 13 On torts no; VO Int,r,ou if ::: t 1irr 4 1 , 10 , .: bn at! prim., J nut 1 ,, [1 , /r.l 50. elfoOlbokou Vol for isle loy dCHWELK6II A LANG. u. add Wood ottett • MEDICAL. PTIONI It hOuld take a mw a 'Ultima to teed the trail I=! ant sutler; and I(a sick man were to attempt I= and dle before be got hatfthroodb. The tltop. toms oittbaAlsease 'are, h.ilaz cough. ezpecto• =1 langt. eltallplets, burning to the pilmi of the = night- sweats. hectic laver, trartlaig of Oath or SaranDU. somettmea expectoration of blood = =I = ll=l ==! =1 = ...idly In order to iacertstri what to 10101 00 ts. slit of the cavity of the <b.f. The lift of aymptoms elicited In this way axe atmint manly 1 1 .=151!! I= not WI In mertalulus whether the Lungs Stu setter natorellr or not. Hence It Is the best method of examining the the ?bele Relent— cen4lclon once diecover t d, the approprlnco = dis,a4ed p . art =pre complater ander. the Lana- ease of appropriate remedies. We have loom been of the opinion tnat eOnsumption or decoy °refuting of the beeillythreerthi e • ethe , doPetd" IIIIMI:1 lies. to to eovrec. taiberevloOs Matter. •ad do- P.'telt In the lunge, or elsewhere In the body. lest aa calculi or atone la delleialted In the bled der. a small particle of which attracts other partttlea. tintlilt becomes et miett opens. to the natural 'toolbox is to bring on lanntranntorT action, which action, 14It could, would cam 14. out of the arateen, and which eoahl haee been =!!!MMEM Dr, KEYSER'S PILCTUIDLL SYRUP IE . eons- Otte and perfect cure In the forming stage at lung disease. It sets en the very pets tple have atatea above, by enabling the seeming or earrylng ott orgAin to doe double she. of wort: Wage wad repair are cull) tompracodea, and I=l I==sl must be health and ease, the contrary °lslet... and drionsoe. • In many 'ones of contamption Ea= = IZEtt LUNO CURE C, PULMONARY RE:AI-ORA. =1 Ltd restore. the planet° be renewed. while It dlesolees and emite out from the bali those particles or Worn out or extraneous matter s . wtaela only tend to Clot or &stony It. by blade.- log the renew! imatarlal being deposited In proper plate. PULMONARY CONATIMPTION. RESULTINU • PROM PLEURIAY, CURED. AuGement 'of George Ford. eagpentor. of No. I=l I took a violent amok of 'tiepin, Ls May. MA which left me with a eatigh lastly, all ono I=l nAdenalal”, my hothh. During Lhlii attach oletteley I had teverel tphyalci.e al the 'blehesi reputation In the cit . ). After 1 had nutlet', re corer 0 from Lbe blearl.T.l les. advised to 1111 into the country, which I Cla, sod when there • called lo . doctor, mho to'd me my left long affected. and [bet If something Were not done& soon . / would die of CONISUMPTIOy. / ed oh from this time until shout the middle or Jetta, my whet aid - Iti.g 'Crease gradually 1==!! =I elate of despondency, and knowing the genera belt! coz !be WM - Abaft - 7 Or brring heard of core. 'made by Da. KKYDEIt, ad seen; hisadvertizement la the nirisoapen, LW . . Induced In Weber lett to tall on the Doc. tar at Ids adiee. «reap [treat, and bad him en. =lnc nay ung.with las "LIDNU iiOIIND." Ha told me lb ti prim obe of my left long was very much dlmased, Vhc he Miocight with hCeal'cahe and the heneeeraveep We use of hit medicine, = pnLut Traa ovcrane hundred and thlt. tr bents let a minute, and lea. xonarall7 Pro. Dared. thd had to cough night and day. lams. mooed the Doctor's treatment to October. with i • feeble. Dreher. conalltallon. and cantina.* It I Diltidially data the present time. The Doctor's medicines helped tee from the very start. and 1 could gradvally Del myself /1.1U.E and my couch and expectoration lemming. have gathed gr.tly An flesh, and cOrtalder MY sac well; all the rattling or my lung has ceased; 04 my general health is in every Way good. Lit me relatiye. and frldude know of the advanced' stage of soy disease and my extraordinary roma cry. Use of the medicines given me.by Dr. Keyser was a toodtdoe tilled LUNG CUBE. which I took In connection with *heather Met_ meat. Orange loan PrITIRM - 4011, Duet m. IST. ♦.VU7RLR CURIE Or CII2ISUMPrION .6TATEXINT Cl' JOHN et. MOHAN. or 1 . 611111 coorai, ousutioxi_couoTs. j !was dlashlrded from tbff United dt4os army Yummy. ISA on amount of a ironnd In the tad. from a shell. and a disease islet; din arm • byeleisac prouomneed CONSITIIPTION. Ika a to' ribie cough and fed away in strvegth an desh and wee unable to &sae! thins. Shortly at ter on retorn from %ha army. 1 reo.:e aro:gleamn to a phynelas Of My eaighborhood and. after ward., to another in Pittsburgh of high primes mom whose nu:medic. I used :faithfully far Ise Months. Without any benefit whams., blame er grew wares. and wasted dab are strength every day. In Aneest. joy Mother took me to DOCTOR ILMI'mETL, of Worsen street, Who., till la such raw. like odor had been :highl y poken of and nut myself under birs'Yeatinefte. he dom. r esaminid my beige ref? eare fnily ...ilk his LUNG SOUND,ansi told mo thdi me' eft lung was badly - dimmed at the no per Dart. but If 1 warren:lW be rhought be weld awe Ina by fohowing I,ls alresti.s nlWeiy. whin* I dl. root that day to this 1 lemiaallY improved on. .der Dr. Nerenes menders from tha Ors; week I nera/ Zak. COuratoe,d take them. and 'ter genera/164m J,aa boprorril. and my. nest...spare It was g enway.e¢ swain and Ivttera /t pained gm. and haa . lootait fail Immo,/ end tree from PM. 1 e nem do a Pell der , . Pork, audtakvirreat pleasure to Klein my testimony lo favor hf Dr. Katre'l triatiocal.and medicines. ' Jolly (i.. wicossgr. — • , Tor creek. PITTS/MUG* April Mb, ([67. A um or Ore years' rianding cured ey DR. KLYNCIVS gECIVRAI, ann:P: , tiwaratiti—My wire has boon mediae4 with • cough and difficulty of breathlsigibrOve or ilia , )cars, welch, for .earrit Vara had , . had grad. oat, tocresatd lo riolenee. The complalnt has. been hereditary, and dm bed been treated L ly. rTem' physlatana without lay relief. ta this. ; , state other ease I procured some of your P 1.0•• 'trigaL COUI/11 lITUOr. I botighLthe 0,0 'Woe • tiny cant bottle, which relit red her re', mach: I then called arid got a 4onar bout.. which cured her. - antinly. and she has neer no trace of the farmer direeen, erupt weakness.' I ; 0001,1 .J. , rlata thro,- nevi the medicine my If . fo • cold and curb.' The medicine cured me by Itaklag onedutc, / Capra. my retire sailafte itiou with ie. reedielee, rod you are at Ahead/ to I publlata ihla if 4.151,4.151,5 Ot to do to. • ' : • WM. WILIfUtf, Aliterege, 1111.1. Ward. • Our sot. Jai= ta."1,20, tome thy. Teets 01 : sige drodectwiiheonsomptkon of the loom fur withoh he areadistherged horn the solo. Ile w.igualoca by ...ay phydelage, wt. di agree c d that hem,at di. with the disease; We brought lam to Lie. lisraEX . Elo Wood 'street. (now .1N Penn west,' wi,. gag, bon d ing hi s Itinge.-tommetwed to treat Um and cored him too.' and well.' Ile ix new well sad has been go Gtr the p all throe 'conk i-elbers odUcteel la lute meaner eau Mew LSO be du.. • ..t una. PAurna. • • • , • Mum Aux rAnrims. Temperancevllle,ll4Dr. 6th, DR. KETSCIthi ?MOM 811111! KEYSEIt'S LUNII.CURE. • •. - va b. h.ci .1 his taIEAT 1140101112 STONE. 140 \YO4IO STEELE. ermsullalloa 4400..N0. 1044 ,44.414111411441. 190 PENN OTANI!, Row 10 A.M. unUl 4 P. 44 46,1143 P
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