I': • 00 .S. GS.II):Y 00'S, TR 6 DRY GOODS! Wholesale and Itdtail, at „WEE. SEMPLE'S, ; 180. ISO t: 182 Federal M., II 181 - Lick 1111 km line Lawns; Plain and Printed Pet vtles; • Plain • alad Man eines; tbeekl and Tickihgs; Cot t °nudes & Farmr,re, Linen; rive ae.d Efermyrlannels; br. Brown B.hlrtings; troarsets and noop Idris; Mosquito Netting; poidery and Wallow; AT LOWEST NET PRICES, AT sgmpLys, ISO and 102 Federal St., acarlarzr.sex- cirrir Clf,Ordczn pronnitl, Oiled j_lp . IST 0 PE?. ED, 91A.CRUi!II. & CARLISLE, I Jib. .19 fIA Sired, An elraant assortment of Sun Shades and Parasols, 1411' . BIITTOSE AND TRLILXISOB, ISCLIFIAOSTO kg Imam runs. U MI TEE. BEST KM GLOVES. IMWMTIS. BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS Nrc are lest cooled a tall flue or Class. and COPOill of the celebrated 4 1S " Kid Glove, at $l.lO per Pair. We ■ are atahlrlred o te nanette every rely of ?me, limn & CkILLISLE, No. 3.01 Wirth. isoect. Sint NEW. AIWII TO OWNERS OF HORSES. gator n th the Gap mine. ad Melting 1 DratißLE _ GOODS 11,4'llmv-arrFtz=7n'-,ll:na . wart., The Mire , were dthcOVered many th from thelted Lion Tara to SV.CliAtti id • p et" ' nee . teed sheet the thee Cl the tot e- • • - AA., croses•te rear end or the et Charles • Intiomay war taro Trotted tar capper. hest • Hotel. Third roma. elth ad Lame Hones I were noon'abandoned, the era to ronehroery , taken. In and skillikith treated, at a moderate charge Horses el ary Infect/as diseases sot Of that period being 11. mlaptol to working admitted, atevery at•emlon paid in them at them profitably. two g. nerstion• tad pm- , • the oweer's staple- IHICIOR wkeT•tt amt.. • and away,and tbe cunt...Lamm, had been I tat CURE ALL LINASIRNT, as used by all the forgotten. when shout Ilt teen years aro JOSEPH HORNE & CO'S. , Frov.xtng,..zoglignitv!'474l7 2 I trivir.7,7.-...-,-,x2.7i.,,T - ....:r.=.-.P.„7 - ,1.g 'A-4 .17V11 be' 'l - 2;:'ailgt :T'idtll7..' ! tble'y have kw n dowdily ../gc•- , • I hro ••.. , Night and canary emes promptly attended to. I were reopened with the view of olds/nun - - • Remember the address. et Chafes etstdew • copper, but the ore 9. 6.3 soon dtrorrve ell ta Pointed Trimming Gibbon; I TRIMS la/IEBT, opposite Re Charles Hot.. •be richer in nickel, nmorc valuable hai r nend, Plain Trloamink Wibbous, all shades; 1 1.""li _____ ,ad since then they haTO been ,rocked for that. Metal ezeicatgely. The Introduction Jet and Crystal Gimps and Fringer, ' paor. N. F. DUFFER, or rocket ceets by the rovernrackt, and the war which roma Ie mall tcange so amerce "" redllaU Trimau g g 1 VETERINARY SURGEON AND HORSE TUNER, gave great Impetus to theft works. rt.; White Cotton and Hall Fringing mines sae now aimed mainly. we bellevw A nal nne aretOcculdlV. lad Glom; 7. l :=Ta i l l ; r X ',' .l ' e ' erg. ' l4 l C+r. ' o ' l . 7nrd 'e' L' '' l ' iYaerro ' llin v a " gtitt c t `, lll ' ..l ' .....°T.l " ..7l. e Lisle, Ozford, Neapolitan, Silk and Rid gonr,i , A,NE,4 , ::. 0. ,,, h ,.: b c ,',.. * Z . ,t,g. Lt a r l i Camden.ln all, alsout Or es hundred and 1 iranc7.ctra7oi wo - sinuoal or:anti...l he nhe, hnnn 'L.' emble • Pni " TA. .... ...I illatl.h Gloves: Tee tweet, netweeel Otdo arra end stock , aMo•ting works. title and Cotton Lace Hose; i arena, ()Eke at ate tatter and read.. s• tes • Gent's', Ladle.% Miss& , and Infants * I 1VT0r . , 1* ,•,,,,, 1 = itfriregt ' ol hones. kihnsiery; ad, • Ithihe asananer es Yes. M. A. ,contra. 1 i. la. , 1 Cabo may be men at b rest lan, corner at Nan Umbrellas and Parse:llG Tait Lace norm bert nt. allegneny.).l i Ors lemma In • o edimr . Ladles or mentlemen. • Irtmbroldmies, Handkerchiefs, Lace Berm by petecon, to tbr fauvism g..are. John J. Painter, J. , hem,. Wm. n. Him. 11. Gelds, Sc.; Kicker. SLIP.. U. a. Pons. PDX , Duplex Reception Skirt; i _____-..- Corsets, Belting and Buckler; t , Palm. Linen and Silk Fans; ' --- Game Underwear, Air Laalne, Gents OHIO AVENUE and children: , Bead Collars & Belts, something new; ItairaUG STOKE, JEST RECEIVED AT ~, . . : .I . I:MT . O , PPIIPI). mama may > K tomel a :cleat A.d al:Ms:act of IiOIIONS, a all land., as : ler Pram: Call and eimalue. ' 1 illl FBESII DRUGS &M) DIEDICINES, 77 and 79 Market Street. 1 , saplam9o' Amerlem and Fortlau PICIEFUTMS, TOMES . . . ARTICLE:a, mammerhlaa la tae :Me of a drat RECEIVE' ) ir lll3 DAY. - . grope% tisllarZitourtiliVniliii,riZ: mat‘y, qaletlf • I . -- . ' . in. H. nuccrl, ILICRUM GLYDB -it .. CO. ; 1 feu - 9 Comer Ohio Amalie aud Llueoln Ouels. i11.1.1M/liVii crrt. no,. ; 78 and SO Mar ket S treet ' - WhOleSale 'DrUggiStr ST Wood Street, I 1/1110 ISOIIIII3I 0? 11111150, • Jet Read and Bugle Gimps and Fringes Crptalßeati Gimps and Drop Trtromings..l Jet and Crystal Ornaments. .I Pun ME and Jet Drop Malone- I . Fine Assortment- o? Parasols and Sun 1 - _ - Umbrellas. Englistßottnet and Trimming gibbon; , all orldthe sad shades, . i WOK. wasaLaND oaaset. L. xl=l=l, . Colored Velvet Ilibboot. • i MORELLAD 41, lIITUIIELL, Elegant Astortment 'Real point and -Ap- I • pique Laces awl Handlerehlefe. ' Livery - . and Mlle Stables, 1 , 4 FULL LINE ALEXANDRE'S KW DLOYES • •, • . 23 LIIISIETT STREET, nu Jobbing Trade will mot a complete atoct . Os above goods so oar Wtadessla D e part. OppOslte r e atmliaaLsltag.ro.4 MIMI. - Meas. togetbar with a groat airless' of ! . . • PITTSBURCH. • .Faitel - Genii's & Notions Generally, 1 as.rartlesla attention . pald SO taralstdag • • Beano sad Carriages for tauerals. .rims til. . EdISTERJe PRICES. I Itoesrlros as lleerr salsas.• • -- E EMI H. n..,7Ailitfl; fk`zikr.•,erbicr. Dr-swum:li as, nEcKERT, _ , litn%trige. Stir undo COlllse. 110,g St tne , lowest retest tent sons Lentil... WO. tARSQX 1 No 27 Fifth Street, .; I STISMILT, VOLlVlTlllinrobs es.l Lerman Mee.. l Illrenleghsas. Horses, Can . l.o. , o4V!ff.G.S . . MLE SELLING FiE,t4PA . , ;;;:Fr....... witen t FAZ l ,Ecij: sy. Plonen r Yes, II , .1.00. tua nest manner. Private families, gurntsbeg MI) GLOVES for - vith we 11.C.}.1101 . 1.e• *ldet elegant Cap , CID GLOVES. * , 17. .. • • .... 1. 00 • rLsze.. Stables kept open sa l hours of 'Me gay . KW triggyflps ayty r . -..-.• sis I Gee. DYERS AND SCOURERS. BiILAW 11/313 for. ST/LAW LILTe for TM= STACA UAW for. FINIS trii4W MATS for LADILI , 110sE, ids. per p.". or two pa ,{ N lor 56.40. Nos. 13. send 137 Third Street, lADIZIP HOOP SMUT?, Gds., GUe.. 75.. 1600, 06.. ..6 $l.OO. DYER. AND SCOURER, DENNISON & [(ECKERT. fI&ICEI,I3teC4NDLESA & CO, r i . ...., • - (l.ste Wilma, Carr a Co..)_ l KID GLOVES sod LADIES' PLUMES dna. phittl.E.3ll.P. DZALEILS to - i e.. 1 or d,..d. ' • I FOREIGN AND DONIESTiC DRY GOODS.'; . C G• IFC • 4COER,S I 210,94 WOOD ATEXICT. ' FANCY- . third boom about Diamond &lief, • i . . .- 1.17•MIIITIMIH. I.A. ' Dyeing and Scouring Establishment, No. GI Pla.llo2llD ALLEY._ BREWS. NEALBTEIIB, No. Iu . '''''M 'WOO And Smithfield PITTs B .treets, ~—....e. • -- i ',..W% PA. • prrrsountal JOLEWERV. ; Ail go.d. retu com rn meod lo too leech& West. 11V. toldect to the comer meet. mouttm. MT 5..... --- - OARSON,ABLINGT O Ii 41. CO ; ------- • • MI:U.IIg tinfoceta ... ...MUT mall SILIGEULIt AI CLEAN. MUM 'NNW /3° stir (baecersots tico• F. netittalumen C...) • PRACTICAL LITHOORAPHERRI Az TgAlt:ti;"rgiVit a '47.rfit'ilAlLNS: H11111net• thud, Letter Ueado. Boatly Vigi:r'Ce%Taan',fl 10°,7p Cud., Se. 0.. 2S .ad sent...costal:mi. Mop.. taetil r .9. A. MILLER, 1.. , .• aorta% IHODICR W VA)., crtatnbsgri• i WW. W. 413DZETION, AV. , Cne. • I , . • . , lt,T=TATZl'amr--- cuAL ALES-AND PORTER. LITHOGRAPHER, no , so romns Apollo Da ear Mang.* manila factlttles and Bona Vona cHECIM Dlcarrea. N:011aa, SILL and -bar-IN f rmeVISALZ PIA been re nc tDe L2l" =al; vng,‘„,ir .rfv.4,A -- TOB HA ACCO. CIGARS r. , Bto. Cinn d howl it; 11:rketo . - . PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY.' '"""larig.llV:=l."'""' . - 111. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, spgment & D i c uAy, • AIN Mr.06.Z(.10 lEMEILIZIErr. • 442tal . 14tttl.MVZtraf . .P "``°21.1R: III i sTRAS BRBIBIS EiCELSIOII 'Young. R.& WL.JENKINSON. Me, Porter andlirowu stout, ; rerraßtruu, rn. ° 11D4 Tobacco, Snuff, tigars,Tlpes, at, aeszierw•sion. 'tummy. iimais L" ""'.T• _ GREAT SALE OF DRY GOODS! rreptentory to Onetloll, beginning on Monday, July Rah. and Conlin . Wog to August Sth, Aro, which 800 tbo of bolonoe or the Stock lir &ay.) bo dispo OS PUBLIC AUCTION 1-4 511):F.TWO‘ MEDIUM CO ***** hgclitiaCTA). CIL •wS W4.14./L. CM.ISI.ILEUGS ROONEY & DRENNAN, N 0.50 Federal Street I:2=l====l THE PLACE TO BUT TOM DRY' GOODS! 13 O,T BERCIIFIELD & CO'S, No. S 7 Market Street SUMUR DRESS GOODS bELLINO OUT AT REDUCED PRICES! THE STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW, ♦nd encaper than =Tin the city No. B 7 11eLeaskiat IStro at. C=l WHOLESALE DI GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No:115 Wood Street, Hay. Jartopeneda lug. new MICA Or aeaaoua➢la DRY GOODS AND AOTIONS9 Wl,lab they offer at F..STICP N PRICES. Ear "Punta maat . ttna up akoald call at No. 3.143 Fo od Shoot. C. wnsrncxor•a.r. EILAXTFOS4.O. SSIXIMNSOR 40110 Sweeney awl Olin." It was suggest ed that ha might scenre ball, the amount requiretilbeing only three hundred dollars. "Until a, Ma" said he, ot wun't no bait; , won't Mtge It,N yon bring t'; I'll go to ol." not Citing ectintred to commit both man and adio s the :Mora told the latter she might to homa to her children. Sweeney, as he paitted into the prison, turned to his wiresabl: "Get outor that house, • 1i0.12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. • us's, wontlto good for too when I get Oat ot tills!' tic looked what ' niestne ; he meant, and his wail looked as lithe on -1 dentood him. Some timed otter Sweeny released, earth.; conclude d to iseeePtrg "Pianos, fOrgans, ' rho rail ' tendered for hint, but it not bet certain his feeling toward its had else And Basica! Boats teneraßy. • changed, It was 'suggested to the paroles • who had secured bis relemin that they SES-Sole Agents tor the Celebrated BRAJ)eII should be to the alert to runts. In mem BY, New York. and SCIIUMACtISB CO. ihe attempted OS endlly sasitspit and relladelnble, PM:OPd. battery' , dispoaltion. Mr. S. thought it Also, aster a two hard mat he snoutil be matte to auger for D. 4U. W. .. " E ' ilc ' cr " OE^ I l ini *. Lt r g ` f? ! 'T e1 Y ' 7fV l T l l b ri er ig U tlVt " , 01101, andTIV:ON'e rwr - Exi . u OITA& and so do au think; but t Under tilt, law there The bat Dorian and (tarmac, (noun and , Is no litolo.for A. We retnumoce - ot an tro. tar IaWITZ on rate. entree of a hard working, honest laborer I retratlnlag in lull for Are dent),, tinder stm puNos AND OUGAIMS.—A very I a.' oevsmussms. ut, sue. I. hi. Brea stock of licence, Mid slandered e neighbor, and salt I being enteral, ha was arrested and lalged KNalig a. CO.'S PIANOS, to pall where b e remained for the length of _ _ • " PIANOS. ORGANS, &c, EffASC..W.L.II.I7L. BAIIR, & BUMMER, I=3 HAINES BEM *Oa, and Git;;;iateft before the ettee woe itisrosZA of, PRINCES , AUTOMATIC ORA' A.NR I.being utabla to procure ball. at BLUE MUSIC MTORE, I No. 43 PITTA STREET: Pennsylvania Nickel. .4 . 1.19 not generally known," Observes the ranklin Repository. "that among the most TERINARY SURGEONS. 1 %Waldo mineral productions of oar State is Nickel, the metal so largely ay.' In the coinage of cents. Foartecn miles from Last. NOTICE. DRUGGISTS GEORG A. Ei.LLY, I=l tfT2 C IM A A 9 PATENT rgCgaDDDA, I s DYE lift; "YE, ie. rmlrleto , of D. RIEDE '[ .. !l e.l,brat, d M a . . Vigra ogzu LIVERY STABLES LAtill.:E,L, ticit I 11. ods (leaned or Dyed. LITHOaRAPEEERS. OHN IVIEGRAW, !ilt 14 ttAittgil -ai* Tie WaPnwerfc,tl The American soya YOr leveret days Philadelphia 1100 been sure With (ier mans, and redolent of maslealeCeleiles sad t;ercnea Inscription e, out all the pecollan• ties of the Tentenla world. This annual I. magical fletti'al boa been hold hare before. bat netor createi finite so meet war a. on this oemision. In enegi rospcets it does tillteh gnat, by dllinilug a taste for euperl- Or rutafte among the Manses at Min' tevoldc i ttrtO Coder other eltmelnstanceli sorrel not ; mraltal at all. Comenil observer.. bar of lay, years remarked a great Improve• mo ot theArnerican. In their ability Ito eine and play te harmony. even in thence companies, wlthent peeve/et le , • boat - sal:and tea must aWS ...11 - a oar German I friend, their 01 tau credit of tilt ; thoughlt wrath be lolly to ear that fund Of It daft ant toma Item the Mmeral Itn- PrOtentent of peref* , lu otelllred eat- I i turn and refla natant. r We do nut I.:dart: at:7 :a :a • that In 00eal I manic the lierinere are safe to follow, tar 'VIM well ',new I-pc widely pr0fe.,..,, o f it mak diner on that hea d, and CspeMagy In regard to the peculiar construction of their Vocal httrIIIIMI4.e. Rut Wt: do ay that the Werk'e Of their coruptocre, whether of vocal or inetrumer.tal mimic, are mote the temper of an Intellect.] peOple, Con tate more food far mental illgestlun. and may he urn. longer si :hoot •wears• pees 01l 1110,1 01 ally other nation. In- M d e ed, it 1111.1111 hardly he other+ Ito, for • erhlie Imly mmea la n great passion, It Is I only one of the many others, and ant the ; erliattet, while In litinanny II hem. to be " Trt i nt " : ' 4o. * • l 4P . ilf.rln h2 n U t i f ' :l . ging elmleties the clegre of one can t and tho °hornets of our meter,: foul otter pain le displays are supplied. Thor create cents. of MUSINaI n o where otherwhie there would bo one , and In the generone • and V.I. I natured elm, iv; in far the orive4 cAmonfoits like the preemit, a. toot ut merit Is pro ; tented tor whiett• thousands ell over the I country a I r o o o constantly In prep:trate - In. W.: f r t e ntf ". n d O ol talent thumbs unr to Inflection people in ate life. If they make music the companion Of ; the flresnle, far rich and poor unke, they undoubtedly exert a great Influence for ; rood. We regret that the mimicsl fetes oflie Germane de not bring mans eidenriiGon devoted to Inbtrumental mimic, In which they are admitted to excel all other mem. An Instrumental competition similar to the meagerfest :could be something worth trav eling many a mile to hetir..tl It would, moreover, have the effect ot stimulating a struggle for pre...thence among profmeo re of mimic prmlne tire of mi. improvement. ..et us, IniUreser: . h . fl . ILankful fur what we hal,o to the Fwnheriest, 511.0 It ealloonS the relatit. life of America very motet - ugly, and Is always a grateful reenrYenee. Suffering for Ilia Wife. A slender ease, peculiar in it! serrounit logs, transpired yesterday. The . wife of . 10 Sti Sweeney, rcsillng in the Third want, it is ! alleged, Last luiputailons upon the chastity of n daughter of Margaret Galls. cher. Thu parties are neighbor!, and the circumstance Very naturally caused consid erable MM. Sir. Sweeney was apftealed to In the matter, and ho inggestist that his wife should be arrested. ti !no had made Lim 1.19.111. alleged. Acting upon this suggestion, Mr, t;alladher entered suit for slander, a sepias was mined, and Jar. Gallas cher, to his surprise, was arrested with his wife and taken to the"St.eritra omen. lie protruded that he knew nothing shoot the matter, that his wile van alone concerned, lint It was all to no ptirpoie, the writ read ••John Sweeties . 'rife" = home time Singe information woe 111.10 heroes Alterman lAndsay, of the Sixth ward, agalllsl. one G. X. Evans, for surety Of the peace. The defendant was arrested. and a gentleman, too much engaged at the time to go to the otliee of the• magistrate, scot word that he POulti become security for Evans , appearance. This was latiellte , to e nett Leans wan reter'ed tram enstiSlY. Thinformation was returned to the ogice 001101 h n e o M t beeeiektn teo rr s tahleeneoSurr t , y Ia t neset eted cNom flan TUeSclS n , l A p dr lll t Lin he a C m t eet an gy I. woe on the st reef, arrested him, cook him to e ttia office, andonaile out a comiultmeitt, on which he wax tor t lodge ell. YeaterdpV hall wee entered in the Court Clerk's office, ! and ant released (rem' with What I Alderman Lindsay had to do with the caw. after the return of 1110 Inforumtion to Court, we cannot see. We Judge he had , properly nothing to no with W. that this arrest and commit tut of Lean on Tuesday was without antherlty of law. and that be j is answerable in some shape for so dotng. Appolotment• by the Governor. GOVernOrGOlry Dos mole the totlobing appOlntmente: Superintendent of Pool]. Printing—Jae Yonngman, of sunbury. f:Ommtn.;lon to lurastlanto Prison Sys tem., under pros/S/00S of joint resolution, approved April 17th, I‘ , 7—/iOn. Alexander Ilesry, of ri.110410 phi. Lion. 71.11. Crone, of Philade phis: lino. fn. ,getnsn. of Williareeportt lion. Win. St. Watts, trO ogf Carenerland n gouty:, Then. IL Sarin, Leg., of Allegheny county. Como:Mtge to investigate Matters con. C ne me n te p ri h un o d A r n PtrenimM anO f,itotut stbooo 100100. unproved; April 12:11, I...—General James L. Selfridge, of itethlotlem4 General Hector Tyndale', of Philadelphia; colonel I E. IL :Jose, of West Ci.exter. I=M:=11 'the Coatesville Ws.) resod says. Our fellow townsman, William IL .teb. one do' , feet week, while pettier on Ole coat, snit sometblna on hie arm near the elbow, which he On at tile time fond a small wimp e. On C.. 1.11.141011 he found there was s o m e o.thlog more than usual there. and eveetly extracted nocelle one and a ball lathes long. It IC. very ranch cur , roded, and had evidently been In hie person for considerable Mac.. Thu mystery when and how le tountlits way Into Ms per son, to be has an recollection of ever hex log mot with on accident that would ex ' plain this phenomenon. Tlie operation of extraction on. soccessfelly accomplished, and we are happy to state the patient le do. tag =1 • - lifts been indulged in to each an extent le the streets of Allegheny city tnat citizens have come to regard It 101 {L 1:11.1bM000. 11116 complaint bee been made to Moyer Morel- son with a view to stooping the amusement. to ihn bora, but iiiinnytinee to persons who hare been Iniured by being struck with ball& and the occupant.. of houses the win dows of which have been broken. The Mayor , ' edict is that Ulu boys than net play Waive the street, the public groundsaf fording ample room for °seem. In OM {MM. Steeliest At elettlfttsd, ono of Or. Horn. Strickland, of Onveland, ithlo, is under slew hoods ler fOr a recent attempt to murder Isis father by tbe application of chloroform sod a hatchet. The evidence proved numerous threats by the eon to take his father's life because he refused him mos boy and Consent to his marriage.. The font tly iisreisithy, or - high social Pooltion. and Mention. creates Considerable excitement. It Is roported that a man named Atha& Slyets,nrogrlotor of the Sherman Hoerr. Petroleum f_entro. war arrcrtell nt that plane by a Voltnl Stater noteettve, chMlfell With !om, emmtorfelt govotament Carr Taney. A heating wet lout, villteirreroltml 11l hit Inuring hold In 41x , thouratut dollatp bonito far tont. NOR MlSlE•ncylOwiat —W.V. D. ff. A. !le- Lean. D. D., formerly ortnemal of thu burgh Central nigh FOllllOl, 1100 taken Charge of thu Ifeaver nemthary for thn• nn Or TUR own. flo affolollto qua o lned for O th . p M &tlon, ming thoough .010121 . and an necompllMecl gentleman. The Erie Conference or lip. Methealist Episcopal Cburell. In s.aLnelOn of Now ceeije, elected the Inllnwln it per. pans AS delefflstrei 41, tbu tlenernl Confer ence: Ream. W./. Dry. - G. W. M a ltby. R. Care.h.rs, i:. .1 I. nakt.r, U. W. Chat:, J. Cr fer.r. and J. ree, 1in131.1 iinri.—Tithrftday rem - alas. Anton Itannhot, einplored at tho eat Inetnty Losrlo, Oliver & lotd nil. hand caught In sortie iunchnierr, by s.rleil It wne von , badly crushed- and lacerated. hr. A. G. Walter wan called and dresseil the m u . tlh,ted hand._ I A Naltimlit School CoProutton I. to he held at lld City Irlday.- oaterilay , and nanday. It IS ID bo belt' ender the aUsple, of the Mato Sabbath SChoolAblonlatlon, Res . . Alfred Taylor, act:rotary: The Colored People; throtiout the state of PennsyPranur are mai: ne erten ults arrangements to eolobreto the Met of I Auttnin, th e anal Verde* . of the West India 1 einanelpation. ' • • Two oo oo wnrc golnu tow Ninon( on Saturn Ay last. anal otter 11111=14in Intro- Istg from various part.s of the coanty. s'lrnitunn committee 13 1.1111.1 of. ' • fatralrhea Yel'IMLY•i/ar. 10Id tbreertoortba per rent et all tbe Mal ptirraerd In the I;tllted 54 tnx. ibei------ Ang Lodge or l a oma Mlilty. r. Templa IR Pliolit etallud G 1I1"TS131IEGI1 DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1861. , pOR 8 Ar.C. -mule inforgietian. yenter(l•9 merino Alatht ° vin Thydriesin g ratnal Sohn Collins. charg ' SECOND 11.1111iKERS' AND -, PM sALE—The best Farm lit In g b:sa, nn'lth Matelot. onLxinief. Ricbsrde I u nRytILST V Q in it'll) Y dlnilitie TA- ' 't - Falitrl.l township, Wes , moreland e - noty. alle g ee their he WAS drivin g a wa g on end v. arils:X ., TER rktie eir.ST, will moot p0i . .. , ely l i a.. t•rJcta.tln. p eat WO •Cre, • alLusted FIS had stopped tit the Soho WU Ma t e T ,,sac Owl , at.•l'Yri(ai HALL. on the ercnineoi tell, swath of the lenarti r vel . r-atiniad. It tell, when the defendant =aliening:s , d r o ve .1 , ,, it st ir, 1,7 The lareeit, sweetest and me. , Sim tea. p tattoo. The 1min" ,, , , ;7.' . 0. 7 t....-,e . 'q .t.. , ,),Lge wain_, inuring It nod .loins are e 1(01 enterpriae ever Inangor,atid la the , 1 ,, ,1ci1 0 1 . : , , s ti.o,zr.,lslipok,,,e,e ; , t 11 4n.a,, r.. ,.. ..a . t 0 7,., asantme the Wironot Of thirty dollars. .S. ta .. ,, `i• A Pre - en ,•.„".,T•T;:r,:.....!.!7.,' .. „. 4 .,e ini'n'y. ' i(';',(-5.1-.i:.....-d•-(1.( point tat,. i n a ne *sir Nr2.3.l.llBtledfOr thO arrest n( Collins.. t':e i t' , •! , •‘',••'‘' f'.7.•,,';" ii," e ,,,il - ,ii , nrhdie rn. , n'..,, - e e• 0 ini• n , •( } nor nit.ni inn( ilidi mai1 .. 11.14 Trthilie'rifte•ot the elty. ' The • Or len , l e e ls al , !..• It lb ail o J a fr. 4, _V in _ l• .f Mee of Shp vra.ll waer , (1, , -“ir f. 0.: =l.c a /e re, tne .., 7 r""' 'tn.' ninnies '''' lin ticket. 1114 •1, 2,.' 6,,,, Ar.,..,ty. . tL"';;,`.°;'.".P.K°,.tr'.",..,, •,,,,9°.%'.. 1 1?, I.' . amine id,. fp r a ty l n.. 1 e o r IT ip i , v 7,1,1,11 r, ers . t rr t , l c on . h , er i Z l ) ln do p, , ,o z. (', (('.'gl'iktt'y';;:tri 'tn't‘r T ltttion Ur {elf. •t the ' 1-4•• • v" ., ., '' ':',*(•• f... .Pr''',.,'ll'.., '''' ..-'• U., en toe 21,1 of Jety. . , serts..sitnatel to KitalleitZ t0 ,,, ,a , e 2,,, ,r , 2: s e n with ever ticket. The -read Dlstribrw : rIY rolintli.:l,,,on to e YoaiI , 11 , 1,01o;1; 1 ..;= iii,,,,,gisr“ent,w.lil he co ndeeletoLtr , il , 7l . tT'i, • t %:t . , , , -,R;• , , • , o • .• ,; . -t ,a,t',O,.; u 0 a,,0r,0. ale Cllr , T , lle oal - a t IVffertlOttiZeial;ll.ll. V1Z7.143. , 1.5_01,V.m1,1.ate a too-store MI kg, ~,,,.g 1 ''t .. 1‘ '',''''. A W•k , ' .th .a. , ai tt't. s . 1 <4ll247l'4'ea.'rffitasArcoiter ontanit,lings, 6 rstrranss t • the nitmPlr of r,.... and t-e , „ 00d50, ,, .. d . L.., ~.., ~..,„. „.. 0 0 , 1 1 1. ,,,,. Fed. ras also of distribution , it ree Colon nen . cth , r ,,,, ~,,,,,,, mo 3 , i ,,, , ~,.....,..,,a, cot,tnr. tn. will stePllnid of the it aaataa.... 1 pm..te • ne iiiii;i, t 0 ~,w, m gardening Irolll,l trlgct glitch wlll ler . [le to ad who horns:pate lo do , 00 to oo tt ;o4 ~,,,.I. wilikiT• '''' '''''' r'''''''' ..dtha 'at.. .tat aa° .t.a. ' Also a ingot of in acree..situa aed In Feet ' o ', l ' gr t i '. 2; fl a at.' --r•-• -vb. -''''.;'r: I %innet,: ~....w. lodine ..,0.w. r. } 11,1 ,, ;''''' i c . ' g r ..‘=" ;'',l7, g; !Vg , ' , T. ' '' '' ' ' ' ' " ' 9 1 ' L4.7.u'VL°Tutb;rl4.-'.°-,;%"..,,TZtat. helm,`c..- , !t :rote 7:,-,"::;,r4P,!-,T,:ri-J,',',`l.til'Zrat.l:.7. LI 1 rOoT came horse, t , :it ,,, • , ; .,,, ,, 0 t. V "' . "' e r = ' e t , ' , ' , ;Vs i nn ' Tit ' I ; .I ' 4 ' l be l er r , rr n'' t "' l s ' is ' e *U 4 T ir 'r e ' srf ' t re I 1 ;:1. ° 0 ,..;, : ii i1t , daF, , ar ' o a ' ' , , , a. : •'"l ll o a „ .rarT ,l,: o il o k .. ,, a b .• : - . li , M eo s ' i ' e. • a • tran.rera t•• come r trao•kellop polo' the i „ • f „,,,,, i,.,,,„ E o „, .n, of eel monnal tosnent of wissacer fh. 11 oti.ellse a i 1, 1 1 , 0, 7, - ii;,, 1 . ,:,..,,,, - , I s ~,, 'ir,,,d„ .bundittiCl ". s"' ."t '" ' 7 7"d TT''. TII .' : s '•o r. ton tl didace, witi 5,4 huts abort • thine stdc, to:, .1 1,2 111..!1[111...5t ..e,r. MILLI- I ‘1„,„ - : ~„„',„ ~, , neech e,.:khan, Leh the pr. Ott .tklell ars air le to andtll. to all i a-Ans . :L; i'..i . - h e at , 3 t , o o pyom pro perty "'lin in,.. I.lnt or I . .. Bents: ...5.41-0,1 ,. cash ...aur , .....• . ••=1 , ..,7, , v r ! . 0.. < r!,;:r,'",! , t' , .7.... - ..grl o, ' , l`" , 'n ° "` i . 11... b 11:4'.',,F , r 7 .tf'„`, ~, , Wres, a wn,. .4..,,,C:tg: ~,t‘ ',,,,:Z ° .f1 ,1 '..-E7:,.::" I z"""`u'l,"lt'n'oT"'Vp''Vg ''..'l3'tElt.r pr, a...lta at S . • 0.0: e co. rash presents at ,l tOti a ' aa 't a `r,l r o a' •,•• '',,,,t,i ..; -own. oboe,- ion ''' r"''''' -a." at .t.'".a't.T..ara Ta.a. gtrr% 9,z. , i,;; . `Poq ~.„..,::: ,<, ~ qt. 1 ;...,3.",,t,"'; "...." , j,flzirrf o r:. , .." r t , " V-"i ,- "; I within imil , ,s aril ' , 11.1poo s,,,tral it. IL: wili at pm% i ' s ' 24 . i . 7.the ca. .ae ' ,.. ' .;t ;,riffgi he roW can !v••••••, ,,,,, ,,,(' ‘ T'.., C"""P'.s.:r '''''' "' "r" "' r''''' '''''''''''''. "lin,,`"nnVor;.en'!',o`-...!21Pe;0n tnranblo. I dred and nn o . oath pressed , at ini d e o ue hun o te' l • w 0,, , ,, o‘-il.: . 5.p.,,,, , :res Oran:tend o ' ."' 'c'n" .'s cn.' 9''''''''''.' "TT'''. I le ells 'goo P r ot s , o oni..rnte white oat olred es. p ....vat st S -,. en.l, roam.. ' .at a wnse . ..iroe . . i ie . tom.,-t 'i n's Lowey. Int litim I. amo:Mop to Siiirtro. 1 . 1.31 - S melon,' ----- -.,- t ' .', wt, • tenant :boo., n,n,n .1 ,nn. e. tia..on sinliccerlne's eraad bi•• a , t fiePo t 'll . ..? n t i,,,",,, a s ' t%? , , , al:lllo 1t.' 0,1 rhnni.g ' ;13:011.11`,%'''":,k':;;;ACaalili.:.,111:.ojni.'.•,"i'....11'":,::1;:':' 1 .; . e 1 : , ? ", 1 F '.. ,? i i7,7,. ':-r. " '" , ft' '" : :it '..g r -' l . lc . l:: ' 7 .41 71 n . % 11 ai • idaeldner.-7 it metre et Wile,. eat, rase half T.; .....,.„,,,ni,,;sll t.,;‘,,, al the renn•• tenirni lin. mtos.. imp , f I Wm , . ler A Whelan half • ^ •••t l. 's - 7 - - w,.. a sat of 1 . 1 tt,etla, and thret '-" s '''"'-''''''''6'..;.' ''' W1'....'" & 'tn. I •,',ll,'s°V.:_a;'i tire:m..lre. This f+rut la pleas , ' c ' st. p att ' , I t. :, ' l ' n g ir m ulaTlTP .' s ' aiitt• ; It ' 41:1..T1 : : : I .V."l. and ',.,. •° a": ~T o a t "a at t ."' '-' a . ::. ' , ' ,11 % r ' ; ' " ht" lg; i half ea, swl.,e mac Inn at 11,.:.. • I. pmerre • ' i• ° ,? - ,a. -•,,, "d , -- - ' ''''."..".. • '' • 1 ',U I '.',:•.".!,',1,="0. 1 1!`. ,4 ,::;1 :.i,T1i1:.',V,V,"11"X.4;.-i.',',,:*.°' mitt 7,,,,,,„.11N?,,r:m.4 1 tilL; ' ,: ' ,lll ' ''"°.° "'r 4 , 4 a *--,, , , 'f'r,,,11,::',!.,',',',',,,:!-,i,!:,'1...-.. S: c..„,, ...h•;"`-'ir, 1 1 4 ' 1 . l attat ' llii el.: '; Tt?, ',-' ,l .0 - , 00.. ,,,, ..." , "",3 c0 0 ,"*.1,',17,7;t1„ 't 5 " 0 '''';'-', ''''''ea .ins at r 4". ' -9 01.0 . I ',.i:EVit?ih'::`.iic7g;',Vl.?ttlist:iii.r. "i'itts` prvp. itenTrnTl'Z.V;sii-gi:Z=.lclidi'ict:: I e a „ i r 1 ta ''' } a Ttt , aaa n a d..l, °w oo r r 'a r . :4:o ' in In E., .. "Ea. ' "aaaT"...°l" a ata ' ra a ' a'' "ala•a'at. I ti . l . M ' :i , l r ...ed t r .t . ?..alliti. Itoll ' aris conotr. i.... , ,laic pod a., watcheit at *PAP . nba.' e•I m o . ` ,..oroaentrum aro a amid frame hose. .. nt'ha. at ""' ''11.0'..• ar." Wa ; ah" , at , t'l „ o' .' I risme ' barn. and other 01114uildlOg sWIt tOO ,V. ladites• cold watahos at Vs: , ' l'wiyar •••..-a- leered and under good mace. toe ai r esidue In -"'"'''' anaaa 'aatTh" at ra ' a....°. ;,oil Ilinuer. The non .of • • y.ad d ninity, well U:lnVe‘:7,;T:l`2,l,i: , reri Itvinl;fl;r':,'.=`,. I :;.,... , ;e 1 ,f ,, , , ,‘,7 , ; , , , e;t 0 ,;; ,,, ,.;4 - 47: , ;; , ;iTT:; . iiit 2e , cylinder watches al. SI. it= P 1 .t..`1 . 1 ac; : e yofiSLl[Linlirtte ,, lllt t ely. wach, at 01. ~,m ortee Prise , sidhed at t tO `''''. y.i g in i i nem n nue ot , r tr . SS ... Cra, e , 'I otyl valLic ...1 . 111 1 . ients......P.,:ts. InanediatelY - • al. Its TOWER., V . ... "., :h.5 tvirt,,T,;,r,zrav„',7,;, o ',%! . .' , TN ., i 9 =.oi --,-- -..... ~ 4 T.aat '' ...at ' i bold, rh. vlil newt fairest and moat laibars - 1 0 - -t--- f...lll:ns4.'.illrl'lall..n.'?oll'els:l7:rat',.?il'illV: SIIIVIIFIEL3C°III°. i ' it'S . l7;:l 9 !'..it ' PVZra r n ' a!t ' a ' a ";V' t ea ~...I'.' , ';'`.: I a' VALUABLE FARM si Uroadway. Pi,. York, who will •eel , tne roe - 1 1 , a'raa la ta ,j 'a ' l '''''. l """l "1' . 1 ,2 Y " ""7V lAT PUBLIC SALE. r., ..n. ots cu.erta tunes, . . { l lll l ll Wi 1. handed over to a committresslected by the au,ll. __, , e . oc , : . t o ric,, li , c4 . n o. lm . 1 p , it . l a r t %IL.: I tr i pj , tillof p , 1;: ., THIRD ARRIVAL ....n.i:1}i.;.,ug....i . ;,,viL,1.u.xfft,T .. ..F.Y , t; 1 imam lerme or Club Eatea.-6ey orris pre.- tee s! oslonot are or moren . pmerslor llciaeta Malicious allse6leL-4•=b Stallard t, Alleged tirslaaree.—Jatirb Tcpndr and rreilenct lialdlnit er were yesterday held 'to bat! by Justice Arent Of avierve town snip. on complaint ofJames Bell, to an swer a charge of medntainlng a nuisance, In pursuing tbebnainess of .bliteitenlitlilnd on chestnut street, In tie Third ward,. lie anent-. This average number of 114',D9 in the city of tide since Ow 10th 0! Msy, is o Iwo, tion over two n wvelc. Neien,y Million feet of lumber bare been shlnped from ttlillarnsport !meet the non of .lunnnry. '.4,iltlltf.conti Local Matters First Pane. ZEROECANT TAILORS JCL S' REDUCTION' =1 BOYS', YOUTH'S AN'D CHILDREN'S G'l.l®'l'Bl I~TG, AT REDUCED PRICES! GM&Y & LORAIN, No. 47 Wt. astir Strew.. HENRY G. HALE lORTHIFT GOB. PIO in ST. GENE St& NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, =I All the Novelties of the . Season, I=l First-Class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. or .. „ .n Mg la..rio wont., tor the same, wild be i ~nd ;..: ,,, T . . f t utlo...tur eoromtkolon: We el I SUMMER GOODS IL -- -'''''''' 4 ' °3 ' ; ''' l::: '"` r d k- " ',- 9 ''. gr. 4 AT . • 1 .-.L. r ,, r Oil so• 11.0 Ilelet to e latt''.." . , $37. 11:. 0r...r send ..N . ery sublertoe .'" Vel= " o4l . i Oe rub ......I send Me Voat ~1111.. e wdore.s....)th E. HOUSTON & nn 30 ': ;: ,.....,;_,i;, ; .1:2 : g!,1. - .=,..;::! . 1: irgg:zr.'N . l tiu, 0, I u ,,,„"(!t,f1714, I ' .- , Irll4lllON 4 BLE I ....s•._,I"IiEL*IIIIOAD,B EXTRACT MERCHANT TAILORS, 1 t, ;. , , b,,,,t.'rt.rti u gt " AgrVv a gfafo r” r g: . , raes oat Ina larsana OR make , 1 , N , ...'a• • anlltuwv A.ND DEALERS IN 'LXIBOLD'S Men and Boys' Clothing and Gen- 1 V -7- - Goods, i ,oricentraled Fluid Extrad tiemen's Furnishing ear/Apar Ma No. 107 Fifth 5...4 .. , 1 EmuI!:....e.. , ERLIPT . LYE and ULCERATIVE . i ULLAsiN a lac TIIttUAT, Ate.lL KINN , LI ELLUn. ISCALI, and aKIN. CORNER UV CHERRY ALLEY RtU h to dl Blend Visa All late, styles and moveltle In CLOttin. 3nd talat, the retnant ts of lIISE, hur•dltars Petea erasers and to salt the lItn•s• 1.9 r othtrw., and IS taktn AISIJLTI3 and 1.1 , 10 C Vt . ll7)!...4lZo r f:T;llt th.• itxt,“t of E. J. 31cGRATI'T, tint - Impart la, added to a ply% of water, la equal to the Llst.on lstet llriny, a.. 1 OUP boti:e . MERCHANT TAILOR. • •frial to a eallon of the avrUP of naesnOntilln. ne pnlsll•hed In :S. W. corner . 131A.110.1i0 and OHIO SYSEV.T.Ias •LL.F.III-11SNY CITY. ~t no Extrazs esrearsrlll.. In certa.,t.c. large s..onzEtet of` leurataldng Good. lion,. no Ilan antlnTracers..,. noral• U tt t r n L way. ou baud. Ina 0 1 th^. - 410.1, and else**. arl.ina front he •ts•ea fartt er , 0 6 .1.1i A ar" 6." ""ar "rk. rc ' e, v o s ;:l;.: .21:a•inTtlra • 1. M. any utA•r rot, f oft snt • EIENRI CAPPEI.I., Merchant TAILOIL.4 dealtr , 1.”4.e trah Ode 14 . r . , en eta. of tt. custom /Ito toe mien. Ott Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods 1 tow lkitde or rmror or, I I_l RIDDLE No. 183 LibertySt, — - Routes tilted up wlttt RATER, OAS and • Pittabargb,l4.,Cownlulon K u rth... u. W ESTERN SAVUGS BANK, 1 15T , PA3t bruamiurd t trujkag . ...• ,r, ~,,,k. Irboleule Detter luCountry Produce . Unteeriee t alt manufactures. vine advaneld t - - J nrkr...rdeiViVift 4 ., la...stmt. t gig=ents, wad paid for Produce 0 0009 . . • ~ro. 59 Fourth Street. 1 wy174.5 ; ally. .11 i I :OM( L. COCIPAP,....JOii. SLATP......IMPAY nta, , JOLLA a. LiOnsA.WAILO doUna..igia. R. gUlAdt. ~.-.,.jma.ra.,iammgLmrj:, 2.8043. ..- 74C•Xl. 0.44.7'04. ' J OHN 1. 11013 SE t/. Duos.; mac - JON 111. COOPER &, CO:, I C 08604310 301111 L. HOMO & CO., WWII*. Int eeeee raid ott Time Deposit. 0.105 W t " ' L''''''''"'2'. ass '' Pr" " "l ' L id. . .1 1 ; p ' d r ggittg nd.egriA7',ll‘l,ll,rttgtp Z Any MOS received from one Doom mel a , Upward. BRASS FOUNDERS, 1.4111:. faulting to bile.. [Tow 14. 00 0 to 8:0:0. , . Depo•lta subject to Chetl. without: , 42CEIOMLAILEII tr..LANG, Wh01e —ju.„,,,,,, • jWM be sold pa rbatosuble tem. II applied ror br Steam and Gas Fitters, EATING, ICE CREAM, &c. 1 Drup,ctst awl Chealltz, lot Bectadwar. IC Y. ,I walu dealers loGroterea. Flour. Ont. Prol i DI DAIL'S% AT 12 O'CLOCK. duce. Provlslorlsh, CbeVie. Salt, Carbon 011. . I Ur 18 ut MI ItrorBtuts. ..,,,,....., I soon. Kw:brace tblll oubortnwty. .: n gg and rd wood dtr,.l., neut./Oat . 7. ' 4 . 4 I preShient—THOMPSON BELL • I • . PIP b b Pa. HEB,BST - ORDINItitY, 1 -rw - -......dtiki11..1!-'2,1?.(7A,Vi!.'11. „ 7,," : drt h,,,".`," : 57,::::::" . 4.:::::. ,n3Lt• I:oll7sEinta,,,ug - 2 Afi t at i ' Tice rf” - eSideDivv - is M. illast‘ n SlVi l tild o M re uft verrd " csr7i r ri r it U c M i r dtti N trs °slo"sB4 A l7° P ail " • I TUKES ANL •11/ iII:AL of all iandS. H.. MILD, CI......NiCATED , 1/14ECT0 03 . ~.. 1 ••?......;Trt 7 . • 7 . 7 .!tt...un t... It troloyou black I 1.4 4 b ,,,,,, 4,..,.a. L. pw ",,,uto. ; No.ll , stti Serest. Pm /buret. rat I 1 ..."°' n` 44 . 4 ' 4 ' u 1 corner Of Pike and WalnatStreets, 1 ~...,,.• . 1.1.4 and al:emotions of tn. skill. , st,,,Sing ____-- i VOR BALE. . . . • COAL co. .K.E &o. J.. A.Luza. nea we ate ~ I 1: ' • °I NII 11"CILI bratl NC..3°l:sl, • i pITTBIIIIItOII NATIONAL Wm. Potartto, .....rph "11W011.11. tarsi with. a fe. re. of titysleliler S.- 'A- Csidwell, BCT. 144 , 1 Kam t u. ou me Ili tuburwu. Fort Wevne •.3.1 CI.. COAL g. ~,,,, ~,,srp A • r ; o• L 4141, HOutY L4abttt :8 lolly, Blom.itig f........... 0! als. . Pal 0ar...•41.int...,f01t• ro oft, owl full.. tit) IX Vv... moist. ...NY. i W. „--- -Adzen• 4 1 :: : r w -1, : ,..--; alLlertm... I'..+ ~lop u:vot luatuoillat.4. / 4,r wrists apply us , Miner., shippers and Kesler. whole:ale unit to i '"' L. tiEI:LT, Autottoo.... , 40, In tub N0..1 fed-rids! , Allegheny_ i 112 .S.urrirrir.T.D STRKET. Three door below ttxtb. riT71.011 1 ... Ta. All she latost Brrtor Moth.. C,oortreerns cad t"'";:olstr.'on"hia'd."..l ROSSER TRITER EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA • t e'ere7rlTerth. at ("M""' atria a t" F b 11,1rardS or Is 'oars. Troporra by 11. T. LIELII/10L11, DINING, LUNCH, COFFEE IND ICE MEDI ROOMS, -FOB LADIES AHD GESTLEIEN. 1 No. 64 Fourth St. ficarOar. MORNING LITN , FIILS ...reed daily. from I toll a. at. l/IfiliElt acread Isom 11 to Zr 0'c.M...ge.1,1-14.. for testis.. or So cents 11Prtl i zol ' ar ;Mallon Vern to the nue. of ' ea sod gentlemen 'r fife[ a comfortable ' mall, eke ealoe men 1 of • r•nd ,11113 of et ra. .‘r =jot the losorlts 4.rf the season: also, 10 thr tarnishing n 1.111.. parties awl others, al their reat i cstres at elscober% with the L.{ Or WEDDII9O. POUND AIM SPORDE CMLE3 With the rerhes, assortment of nirl.st cm) rersllel ' ,. ''' .re , ll=. - 1:1 0 : 1 .:; , ? ' . r,„" c. , .. 17,, g.: 1 ,10w,iy1;, 1 .,r02=,.1nr“." . "me. Walton an 4 Yogic futnlahed 011,114 ml I pals. ' " i:ErX ' i , elverevare. Cutlery, Glasse/aro gor4 Table Linea See hire. 1.,..411. W1L1.1.11160.V9 DINING ROOMS, - 36 .Market. tlasond sad TlLled blte•Ss.) rrautqw Fs. The lan... Is uwel, eurulabed - with Tver7shllst 'hat r10nv:1,,, , ...• [tracts. Catlng House. The chola- of cverythlos the mak. alT , ortls Will be herre+l op 14 al. touts of 41., or MO , ULYISU KOOKS, .500 floor. J. IL WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. Sir Tb. blemet zuwetet prlee 1.10 for all 5100. of ...L.. eu,. fell.ant NEW ICE CREAM SALOON. • • P• H. M'CUIRE. • 119 viml IiTLII.ST, above Na:ll.4tildur— irlirAtiV,'tlalk;l,llrAgYMEAlLlE4E, COSFECTION.ILY An. airrarele. .21,1 priest. 1.1111. mrpVlitel Wort ."" Z9i NEW STORE. • MEC1M1L13.49.0.13., Confeetkirter, Fruit Store& Bakery, ICE CEELAI .0 1111 . 111 , I;EMELID ISEUZICT. LEGAL. .... IN THE MATTER OF THE ...v.wrztti,TNewiktichtf. %My DOOMber Vert, IS. libelee II hereby given teat tbe Aesthete het lied. by leave et Cones. Ma seebett. es Aaelhere IA the above nea t end thea seta 1.11011011•3 , 1 allevred by the tame oft the Sohn VAX "r JULY. A. U. IS I boles. cease be thrat. why "th aacoaonlnae bat n. Wewea. LEA &WEIIIIINS , CIEIZOIEEM=SA.T 3 E I : I3 WORCESTERSHIRE SMICE —,' EXTRACT of • Earth from CONNOISSEUR!' • hi MICA Lei EX. 11M/. CO ha Till CAM to hie Mother `ONLIGOOD sAucr • 1,"„', Tar,: 111,017 ...teem le ed to I [Var. rants:TT r.a ale of whole. Or r'4lll' gfr Tate whole. =MISS. follo tat The emcee. of this omit delldou and it...hail ed condiment having momod storm) tmorliml pled [li/te.ren.c:ih:RlTlllt; 1 niVrVe r i ' .3 ‘ . s . th sil d L x?ct: rural' felt , c mord to err that toe name of . 1.1 t• • 7611111h5 :V the Wit• PP LAlthlo 8 31=trI t c0 8 4 L i d a PERLIN.% iiiOectee teE. JOB DIISCAMS SONS, NOW Tait. AGENTS FOIL TIM V. P. A. ICOUTOr rnoNottscam lIT 1= RIEFIIIGERATOUS, XC:f Crilanzrris; Torry'i Ice Cretun Freezers, • TAUT CIITAI, AT Graftpu's House -Furnishing Store, EIG Federal at., Nee'. We Ilelleoe4 Depot, MME=2 CUE S u 2 , lPggezt l LTD Al IigR I TAT ,LEATilga BELTi3O AND DOSE, Yanniaotossel st No. 085MITUYUCILU H/LETLEY. PHELPS & CO. Asonta for Now Yolk Rabbet Uo. Gruen. Belting.. LtZtit , ,,TLWAN't Arr2.ltVint r . L 4l7. LUV ETU .nil E L I" . Ü b L t 4001t.ci.ote. COLGATE & CO.'S N.. 04), GERMAN . () A C ° r, ERABIVE SOAP ins!zuractu red troal MRS v )42-• or It•Co.1.1•01- Yoe. sal* vy all lirov.ra. - , tur.l.V• R r. GETTN, Wholesale and ltelall Grocer. lu TEA13.:11% KU anti yon MU Velma. fIVAZZ' VOV.IIIA':r; (0.12: rafted. nlleubeny UM, 11711T7rha_ AN SP BRENT . BLUE OIL c • yfa / ea Og re Vl.mr I lad.. A .ul , norunlelniustlMClT.l 11 Cloth Way. ooms aoS • 0.1, uun l. Plil/413. - • SPECIAL NOTICES ,lIEL2IBOLDM PLI;U ME YOa TUE ItiNDKIX.(IIIII' QM= Night Silootraimg IMMOZI P s :ti:ght 81eee..193x - FC!P.SAII,E OR 11E7.11T,11..:11EAP =MO ...... s - iarso al Ca,caer • nano.. on Ste Cen- 1 NUT COAL . ; ....0 ttalroal eentsaine ..:Seer., trtana- ' • • - 1 aena, twonanies end 5:14: , .. good orettard: al , , (Y 1 Fourth St reet, ~,„,,.• I saaturn Ind good fur eat:salon. Also. ea- . Meat eat 1 - ant-Cornei YOUlali AND TEX • i Cater. end win Pumps or ou r4oolo. Masa “ :U P . t nu. '"' ",, 4r- -- ' i otu oth.r Vann, a g.a.lieralta. and • nit la- 51aA ET, rat...ant, En. ; Nearly• Oppo•lte Rank of Pitt alma gh. I fitted pout Gas aad - Water. In tea men an .. ..___.". ,seed, which i will ad canto aad o'. reasons- i Ali artler.L.n :kilt e rt. In tba city. or •hiptecnt , fitters.. A 5, ren.her uf condi...tiding lots ; wat, tall n.ret izr. us,t and law/Atm* -.Lau- 1 OHABTERED IN 1662 - I proerd MI. try expediatcad workmen. s a a-rant Perch... la the car au! auttuti.e. i 9''' , .. - R- ';' ..''' .4 .-''.. ll % ,' "_' 1 4 2! . . ; .!_ ; °_ .; 5';' ; _ .;. - ; t»`Eei DAI . .T trum 9in 4 o'cloele • and on i H,.;•1a,k,."..°.°Pi1d...arT work. A 1,.i cac , , , • , .... 1,,,,, ." - -...... . . . ~, , pit Cerro tartlenare • Saintra or • rte or,. t,o 0.,, ad Lact,ul nar.. .. L • • COA L , We.DNENDAT AND PIATIJ.IDAT .11V r,tm.. i . 1 .. 1 ' . rrel..h I: eer It/ mane.. W"'ll"'''' WI ". ' BEST FANCILY .: from May at a Noeemlar ta , %to nd'cloch, end /. L. ATtaals..BAslloll J0515...1. itakratilT. ~ .9 Gnat taro, 115. m Norm : her la to Nay lat. ato 5 e'cluct. 1 Ilednfetard air Ny . pl.tt9 noon ire tba , ...ire!. f ' "'" "-".". " Nr""h'""'" 'CI“ ATWOOD & AI'CAFFREY. _ • • . Always on hand antLdillr t rrdprOmptly tlorder, , T.. 1. Institution estachhly oller to those hose 1' Irrimr.ON a ooN. N•i• Vett/. FOIL SALE, earning. are limited. the °Mar...la' a ace. l, , AT LOWEST sung= RATES,' BY ;',"1',... '7 '". ' ' e r .. tr• '''',. l,*"' l,l,%::; ' '. I i,r.vr Ann or couNrcurEi (A. ,1.11 he a resource hen a cde . a . 'BRASS FOUNTIERS, , . A Beautiful Bundl i ng Site, i Ina interest insttatt of remasang atP s elnatt , 1 • A sE, Vag t'5,1 ' .0N' 5 .-TA FE NO OTUE/a , -, ; OSCAR F. LAMM. & CO., 1 , ; Only lyi meta f ~ the rtly.. containing 31 : 3 3 c ,„,,, z 3,,r T gc,,,,,,,,,,,,.: , STEAM AND GAS FITTED/4 t'I""NOT A IiFEW of the worn 1 Aci,-,..,...i, ~,,,,,, 0, :,.../ ode spangs. /a ! - - isizatinal, 1 Cor. of 3rd and LtbertTStreets. .--- •tls,..leruclear Ardlellnanllnd It nee fr.. 1 , i.... c , ... ,,,,,, APO , . CU. Swint! Street ni r. it. T. IC. Liam. . IIEOEUE A. BEEIIT. C.. of th , ..b1.0.1. Itiastr...l.s, SATE-ACT , • 3LHIN Lk scrAl.T. , - " Akne Canon A. Snyder'. INttniargli. Poo.. Co A• ref'. •te a ranalr of the a Waal lama. 1 • 1155 rts.sl.lnrsegs i Laid and Heavy Castles. fitrinsbeal Massone - • t J.W'''''' ' _ TU .: ''','!...'ne‘2.!!4 . ,_ : .'''l.J.!." ___:..______. ALLEGIIENY CITY. , S. 11. 11AUTLIAN. JANES PARK. du. Ito der! ' Anthracite Coal lemlehed et the lowest rain. : nnelLlTAni AND releA,nri. re_y BP rr i tple tIVIPLIAILIiderEtZegrZat, Iltdr.l:. P.:. ____ - D. E. E.:MELLY. 1 .4., ac.. az. ' . . ' . o. I. er....Niy WA.INia Cr./MO. A. line DLLS", I. WO. K. NINICK. , Agents for A.S.Canieron it Co.'s ' EN. tatersls-4.5 J. L. NaLLES. A. n. IlEal., • F. , 52011t,_ I WM* NO CLAIN EY, & CO e 1 i F ‘ik t ill ks . f t 3 lk " I . Y.. - c,FtigirtlT ES' E. , I ST E-A-21-r- - ItTl6l-126' ''' - • '" L. 6 C..tans...relE H. ..1,1. . .1121 a , KOLltTroae-1). 5'..t. A. 5. UNLL. mLIIS:`,T BLOINE IL ENGINES, Gas Coal ' Works ' • A LILEGLIENT ' Ililit r ,T•'32l:,l:l7r l anirgslatit s . mr_ - others, and caeca one I. warranted to glVe'ata ;l radon. Evans nona.ttv 012 band. reatale otOce address. BOX 541. Eh:sheath, and/ALE SAVINGS BANE, 8a111,111,VAP1.T . .,..., Pittsbutal Savlam Naze Bandana. corner Liberty street and ALLECIIIENY, PA. • Virgin alicy. Pittnetntb. BRANCO urriclos: crrao.ria.sooca. is 3.84.15. No. A Liberty eacet. under Penn's/. IL. Onia. .......W .W.. • r"Wwo l h , ..' w'rntt , ns' STOGYBOLDEBB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE tlf=o'gr.'=.l;;,'; - 07,:b•.;.t.t i uLt i r:ru .r.,, ,, ::% L7 e ,, l 7l=,,: l legi,lVg . Pg= recent prompt attentlov. l''.' l " given to Col... Rona and proceed. prunlitl..... COALI COALS! -COAL!!! -, =Wed. Miscount Liats-aloadap midTedirsday.' otincwoas, • , U. W eitzl, J, T. Stockdae, & DICKSON, STEWART -CO., 1 1i,1=,, ~,,,,- , Vgi=' Jas. L. tilt/LRAM, Prceldeat• 111.100 temoved that Ofece t0 ..101111 W. BIDDLE, C.Oner. . , . 01114 Nig/. tti..mto■ Cyr.. Ma= I=l lay - 101. BAILNIIILL b. CO., , FOR SALE—A convenient, I VI:LTAENAIItr.I. 11101 . 11 g, BOILER MAKERS tif eight room, tot dlia.l With many eitrit lira of : . , in rod .mail h•rind orth r; ritietii/ toczt , id A NO , in the thrlyibs vorthath of Siii• Brighton...wan- i to one. ithor of ihr <Ay. •the nei ,,, tith. 1 1 . SHEET IRON. WORICERS, • k i,•••""...-..,' :'",-;'- d ‘r`n•-• ' Nt.. l- %1•1 ! 6 , 4 .,Lt0,.... , • on SALE—Toot I)ESIRABLE , 1100, 20,1'2, 24 trod 26 Peon fAt. ' ; F Itan•g sect:mods large yardmid frruirbod It I . noose and Lot at Ot, Sixth St., ; . .1:t ti, loons ....rod Insentient" , rth are ore- . ' ". ' ' , Awe. tirol lifield . „I Oran! airier.,contain pared to m.uuma.d. ~. , 7 .k."' I P" .. Of b*". i mg ttdrathrt ' ro , this. o *i:it.l tneolern eon: 1 1 ere in the brat clone., and warranty.] equal to Levu:ow:vs. omiiit noose, roomy yard. and C.O. . the made, In the yonntry. MMus:Yr. Unwell- I awry bonze fit ice rear, • c Int. Fir.. Iledr..illeanz els... t...,,,,0uv. 801 - I ;,..1M` 1 " ,.-Tz hiii i ili , at Thin. ~,,,,,,,,, , . rr, Condenzers. Batt ran, Tooke. Oil Slid, 1 Agitattirs, Bottling roar, Bailer hot. Bridge.„ , VOlt SALE—A aline yearlo lease'! diktat . r... and .ale 111.2hittlaret• of BABY:- i , :- . 4t0 • Lot situate on lintli, Wee:, Moth i y,dby nth he on artirb IA erected &Irmo 1111.. Lid VATENT BOILICBri. 1 tiwriting. now renting for Wipe , month. M., Itenanthe dune on the 010.1... l notice. letdert , • betel of n root.. which wilt tent for Vt, mob- i I inFl• o t.o . tal of kid, airlll,t , per {frkr. and rnil be . ::4us. PP., '" .:itg r oT . Z !Itarni l atTte s = luau i ranee thdoth o C. b. IiATICB, fi'id Boil, StyAr, Litior.ocwelite._ VAILIVAIILE COAL PROPERTY 1 Pitt SAI.g., ritnated In Unica townytito,ott the yrobleytow it plant, .01. torte wilt,. truth the fray. adjoining pitiyryty of ihin.rtth •rfoilL • to. Crew Lod other, hay lay • iv , lo of coatcif chotcr quality. as y of n•cr - ir. lio.tes..lon at ence, i• yd., 4 Chulp. A 1.1.11 ~, .1 tie 11. MeI...AN .4 Co,. In Ythotth ft. TWO, FINE L(STS OF GROUND s- Is Mr'? arlatiiiir Omer, In:outing on Math rt. 1 Pr:4 14 ' e " h. 11. HELM '1 al • CO. . VerlN TIIE SPRING AND SUM 0. . lI,NTIIS% J.. untl.i..* • clamtge. naf tGit 'Y fiUYI.•}IDAi FUr.r.tact Or fat al•letnlit of /be ,r,vpst. ••.•• fily•ro LEDLESTS SPECIFIC, The Great Amelia:a Diuretic! AlTool, tyronettlitto relief end effects permanent. enr li~e •,1y ever oiscortrol. Paco ol.ou per box. ' ' boob by *II 1/...tlYbs. JOIN D. MUM. lien. al Agent. CZ= arTOENG LADIES, BEWARE the Warta. n 4• et. of fact roarder• and Washes All We ream dles Close up the pore. or M. sale. and to • 0.011 time destroy the torn• plc atop. if yen sKtald bate • freer, healthy a ad out SIDI a [lmamate. oat St CLattsuLa'a CAI ,8.411.141,1t11.". .1111/.11,14/ ROBINSON,yj nEA & CO., (Mesas ors to 1/0111ssori, MIMS as Itmamms.l WASHINGTON WORHS, folandars and V schl¢l4ll6 IPlttsb..lo4, 311.111 . 10.11rU1l of Boat .4 oration., Memo Sd•lne.... mast Engine, Ml 4 Marnineryi 41551 eaarrlaa; carmine or all daterintlora: I Tants and SIMI, Boiler and Shear Iron Work. Ornee: No. Vienna noes and nattinarl4 ML. W. rents for 017tAltIrS rATILNT JECTUIt for feed...l9re. 15111,41 tar"PdlOSE TVIIO desire IMIL LIANcy,Ir co.+ et.rxioN must parity Itn , l enrich lb. bind.% Which tLienol.ll . B VON. ESITUCT ny nAlniArAltiLL• in•a. richly dons. Ack for 111C1.511h...1i . 5. Take No ft./v.4.w a - CARE SUPERIOR COPPER MU a SMELTING WORKS. • PIT1111:11Mtill. PARE,. ENCIIRDY Itt CO.; twmutorett atnoesthlng. Itog rtiuTet Uo et•iieTs w 1 ' ma as Tlo Pleb, librot lm ts WI. AL • co " 64s4TIonets` Ataciallael Tool.. ' yreboi No. 140 1 , 10• IT SI BEST saI4I2O‘SECIINVSTIMILT, rittaborgll. ,met.l2l order, of C•POot tot to tot deolred raw, myI4:eSI:O4T CONLITANTITV slims:lTT. ar.sieocros Elrrneare The earalsTlMM Toota who desire • 14.40 quasllt, 10.4 larso dogma ran, ik0111155.5.•_ IrBOIIIETIIIING NEW.—CALL and examine the vow SILVER-TIPPED SHOES. UT .ey 0011 r mica ta long as Moto without thy. Rept ea r O6 WAIL E. SCIDIERTZ, to•ls:stt No:3IIMM rt., rltteborp. IarT!!"I"IIOP..LITIcEN , erlitaNur A. scam, DENTIST, I.ro. 2114 lalir STREET, =MEE IMEI • ar— - • m j a it m? t al u il. vi r t, NOT TO „," 0 „, far yV o g !Ira. Ir. Essays 4,[7:11::.:: ord wrruolatlon. on Um L 111.610100. Ergots, /Onto+ and. MSC.. Irolueed by brouronco or liaturc's Law& loge dest ;lye ot 1131. dent in UlTtigla r Votrtlfi ' ALorelatlon. brymyroroy. IMPORTANT TO 1110USEILEEP • FititliteS TEL DIART, . N o. us 111ANOND, PITTIbItUIII4III, Sugars, Coffeea and GroCerife, WilV,M43f."'e2°.:Sr.Vitl!",."`" YZ,43141E At non, If MAYON!). ritIBIMIVI. I=3 1 vr 111 1,1, to 1t.,: Itlghest tue.ler, on the orens• Ises. adJuents g the vumse or esultuileul, Jeffer son county. Otto, uu the foulten 6 dap 1i56111 'Math (.Sn•_ . Lt) Nett, The old boniest , ad. formed' owned end oeeti- I . 'tr.. - - ''''' t"'''' ' ' l'j"" W. ' . '"1"'" I FETZER ik-AirdasTßolgu, 10, tete, more o. let., e:o one of trot vest rtrtos to tw owdy. a fair nrOdort l oo of .1 111 . 4 .5 . 1 , ... , %%/1.n 1 ;.J. ,.. 11 .. t ntl7 ... ttlattce o lelne4 1 TOBLIDISC LID comussios liecain, bibP cram . l wdlcder arst tot wuole are, e- ... „.„... se, o K the tilde, to Ito 1. t „ log 1C dlvlded 1 wtrib sl Mln° lllo .T. 81 7". 8.F...,!Ag..1;i4 to ton trat, or 101.1-1 a, lb 1-I,b. Seeds, Dried Yrolts..lFrodLeel 1144,T: 1 3 1 4 ' r rrtVet. o s o s s Port l l. l ls ` tr trne?,:l 'lg:tn. i l "ft!: IftBWireet, corner of Pint. Fattlburnb. Fa. tear for 1110 DM roil, r. lune. Arta. ...... ...--- ........steDEAW 0001 ode to . ornatene. at toted.. of said roe• dst „I• sa,c, tlo- I.looi about four wet. sti, „„,.,o cao ~.. c „,„ ~,, „.... , „,,, ~,,,,,,,,, „,„ i R . li li.N .,,c o h l A.N a Td E4 . oN:; u. C ..i o . sragais Lo s i g a. n Jtatarii joy ESL 1 SWAIN. MILL FEED and FAUDI/Ol faunal. D'llo order . 11, In. 191/lan:tont% opposlte CRY Hall. Alba -1.1.1 70•51 COUNTRY LIESIDENCE DAV. CILIWPOILD, Commis .F40 , X1. 13.2t..T.JE, , sIo e III.6II.OIIA.NT InKISIILTAI.,IILOVIDI ORE, VitillUliklT 131.113A1 t LEON , FIEE BRICE ted ULAY Au Warehouse Sod Ufece. NO. 300 111100104 " "• ""'"'"1"• " •d.." "". 't and 309 I . F.XICATIIILET. &Grano farsiblzed. Itifc'e'ggyt,'"Cut.•=gt'oPvtte.Tr.c°,7 ;gt,:T.l ' c0..4.. , ... ,,,,, .".d• • not , .•oulde two-etc.!, •I ' Vrtca cw.idnr. In rood re, !, 1 [TILE. BAIRD & PATTON, rg'r;:j..,rlr;'..',l:,',.!';.P.TA',,Tll,tr. 1, _/- 4 ,,W2T1. r ....'1 6 Pr0d ....„ Vr i. ,, or ..g . Mer t.11::::: doston move t 1 51,c00n: Orltt -table a. ear. i i.igt or cl oo s od Leli e bll, Iron, ItLit, M 1.., rime Loon , lILIMOJAUIe of trod and ornamental i „,„„„ y...„ • „„, „, Fxo „„„ o ,„„ or „ t::,:0T,',.V0,..f,,V.' • ;,.,T, • , • ," • ,',„:.1P:i'• • I generally ll end 111 necondilm,yitutraran. wilLt n i:ll o wea., t T. 11.1".....5. O. Annizen....... , CD. lafrifXll. ITU el No. it tonttlateld street. 1 pETmER tr. Enos.. tuccessors I - - A.A tO Rcymer A Andervon.)W lesslelleWers 1...`0tt SALE.—llott . at and Lot on ir.Toretta Trutt, Ormond 11P 1 Cdv. ponfeV l, °• . Lotc.t. street..Msecwr Let ,I br 170 i cry. flngar..?lrewortn. Au. Nov. tla And 1111 for.. Hou.„ trews, rootatos two ratite., *rat, 1 wood even. above 1/1100 Flttaburstb. 1.21:41_ ' 115,t ' .: amtl Lot on toro•r of otdestiet and 1 1 . 01:01 B. cAYETEED,,cosainis- Iltmt.too tow .tt. All. glivot vitt, withda dove i v" sfoo and Torwardlng Werth... and etbole -1 rettott..• wad. of res.. ustr eta leas. Lot ts ity 1 „la dealtr In Weetarn Reserve Moose. Att. I.L. 11. net. brick, etntatos coot route. and tn. 1 ter. LAM, Pork, 11.Aon, alone. llsb. Fa end 1 „toed a.m. • Fear! Asbna, and UM, Dried Pratt. sad Fro. Vet tut end uric. 0011. 1 1ne. on ...Aver street., duce generally. Nos. 144 and 144 Front Arent, M.cltafiter. LOT -Itty Lao „et. ect. el lg.. . Itlttaldtretw- A 50, „vac) alIs•11 fitolbSc9 eau L.Oll In good , - locaticus• Inquire Of .1. IttSlll 4: CO.. I:eaver. near Chcsu. blraeq, 3174.4.. f. IMPROVED PROPERTY • JOHN D. BAILEY & no., Steak and Beal Estate ..Brokers, 11SN1 IN DAY A ‘S,fD/Cp..1,,.,m,"d"16tii1i.%111,3111. LACY .In. Jlll.l Ist, 110. JOHN D. DAILEY ti BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND ILECTI4INEEILS. An pre pared to sell at Auetten, Ntoeks. Monde. sod .1 Mods of deeurltles. heal Nets, House hold If uria‘ture. hr.. ilber on the tavalscs or sot the hoard ut Trade Hoorn, Hertleul wife:l , loo PRO , at h..wrom W the Isle of Heal Ketste at tale - ate tale. OF 'IIILI3IIO6—JOI I Ii A nttlfWll & Co. no Butaltriat.o errlterfr oppostta the Coslo Moo Re 01 1 on 1...krt . :1r WV•4Pcl.l{firtearntr7t.aira'.‘'Nn ItVe o n f %ludo& Rde• 111.60 sod upwards. Colored Olt Cloths, a w ls. o uollattd. lists, Imo. UttrO lulus, s tudß lrC.o , Cor.l and Ta.”els. at toe aute store. on hood or mod, to order. • doe stock of White &ad Callao ohbla. Collars 00.. foe ounttorneo , wear. uthfreet WE WILL iIiEEP ON lIiND bp r i:r.rd: , taic:4 • llV E. .;lt l l:l2 , E , i ` ps cowft, 1.0013nT HUHN AnalllihNED ePOKIES, . SPAY ISAKTAI YOURS, avt At 111, - ,ll.,Arne WAGON W 01049, 11...2 the rOnl .3:0*1 `"" ,1,17.;;;;;T: YOUIMTVIt 100. jOlllll PECK, 01INAMENTAL t , NAIR WOIDLILU AND riturtatEtt, Fourth niers. one door front Wood. =tabu re.. Mt/MT./ on 11:1114 s:`,',"7.l=Vgat '414% woosTopers, ' oa tiosol chntus, Urseelets. Le. A hood prlcu In cash will h 0 Oven for Haw Uslr. bodies' and gentlemen's hstr•euttlne &mole than estset mane. r, TON . C. DL GEARING, • Planing 111111, Sash ffi Door FaCtOry, corner B UTLE U snit Al.t.rutlltAll" bloth Word, and su. 13 3111111Y1NL1 1 rtt“hortth. Turotog. intatoa ItrookotS. 1310034..0tters Ana blokocd mot HttAit A 1,334111 tone to onitr: luniAof work cow.. .11v oo hand. Orders Rots 000ntrr ototootbr attended W. tosal tab t !.II ZEN ALLEC—NOTICE IS .... heresy given that Om ~rott of the 'Mare" o*PP'ea"'"o4li" 14.'734 blTlV,":l4llriar.lll%! yne ' res n . g f...m U sts pracest lanais. to Csestuat street, s distance at 10) Sent has been tied Mt Court. at No..sti. July Term..Mel... l mM be I emsarmed. uul.:ss °Werth.. are filled Incruper Mme. JullN C. alsool4 ll a. lerstala Visheltur. - 'WES . I` COMMON 31.4.4_1111NE a t INTONE {Mtn.: orthwest Corner of W." C°731:61111:e1V/i/ZIL a cu. . klitllt7,?'l7:l; trrl..lriVsei'.,'ll.`;aluit "Yrttk:NC 41ttfilIPN''P,. 11, K I ! . t` .. ligNrd on promptly caseated. e111t ; ,./Wtf i ks Rrl Zs - law P.A../-.11541k../ la, . , . . •, house Builder and Carpenter, ci alz, 4 2vr y? l EllatErii . B All.ki" and DO 41/ . Jobbins and Iter.ll r•l( d 4 ue le itb unat um and dtan?Jitcl.. _ , ...:, _ )71,073 la ALLIS 14 • 1: UIKnT4:I " " „ i gunuggy Tor r. Wmnalers% 151' j.ll. 1. ,T9..at•OXolllo.ll,beh, k Hier dITICKT, - I>. II- I-41 HUT, eitUGHEI & B nkera and Brokers, = t " tr:l°72s I,_s 2 CORNER THIRD MO WOOD STREETS, , jApiNEsE • O t f : E 1 prrrsmnali.p,i, I°P.s:l:Gtoult,EE,sitilkailTßlF_Eßo SZLLSES••.....II. 00,15218-..4. DOVSEATLI.• ----- _ F, SELLERS & CO., 13E0CF.530133 TO EAIIIIA,ELLST & 000 PORK PACKERS, Gr. Orsafactstrrs eof Ma Jay r, 42. x New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Will be rebilit for dolloct7 On diendaTt Rith but.. Choice Su g ar...Of:Cl 1.42 ,0 1% Do do . QO U. 41: . Do do do noorrougoeg; . i /WRIGH T DELFTS olc . t),:l.m.rt. 0r , 1_ ,,,,, . . . , Do Q. . do Bretittinst 111C011: l Na T :: Plen Cin-cd Iltcon Shoulder*: Di.utiliES &,. SOS -A-141 , RIGHT t" Do do do sides. . _./ 3 , . 1a)11.ISSION : At reduced prices 1121 :P.l.P.Plient qualltY• : From Ude nate w o Mail be rratilt-ty •llPP Ulld 1 13.a.I N ZDELME : LIS ' """ C'r '' i n s R ' '''' "''... 1 U" with all artlcim In the L'lorli:.on tra e. IN , Paroel.P. ... ''''' ..- - .1.10[4.1 • - --- - 7---- No. 57 Market Street, Gr4ll i1;17.!t R a 4 o'l ' 1. 11 13.11tEWER Buitt7. ,t. CO., 1 . ...: Ist Fade, si, .„., . Pl 4 . • PITTSESIUdIi. , i ._._. __. ______ C°3l3llSBl°s MUCTINNTS9 . • . Depotita rreolved In Par Fonds mailemienor. : rrk -8-I P-Ecit misriET PteNtc• .3.1)fi5 I'd rad 7113 • Coll.:Mont made on nil the rrincitoil pants of the Called 0.10.8 and Cmiaden. T ' ['eclat, Globe It Liberty , OS Works, 1 ...:‘,As mom, for c rT,...ns i.sswlQll. 1.1' , .. stocks, Bonds and Other Securities end can tollreProp mule. on constgeme.t. 0 . 0r"" .2. "F .....m. Yl. " fi ' r ."'" ' BOUGHT AND sou ON commatos. anJ antT/72.0t t i rnOn ttl o at Lawroncoollle. wa . 1 ii ' fkrii:i ' cook riltor. ilttl74.lf.""'l.M.tis67 : , gr:ieular attenttno poll to the puretuo and ROBERT IC.NOX,, dr.; s. Seeuvities, COILICESSION EIERCHANT. And drater In Includlnn U. 9.151TEn Or 14SE do. do. O....AUrd FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, u . s. c .A;oirlt, o futEliTrptari., 0111c0. 4E3 LIBERTY NT., Elltnbargb. nna VocrOcrabought or collected. L. J. BLANCHARD k CO., WLIOLSALE AND RETAIL 0, 396 Penn Street. . K 1.77.1 7 OLL lIITCUART, 7. 717C7.7 77 . COMMISSION MEROILINTB. to • Fleur; Grain, Seed% 31111 Feed, &e, mritatlT 34 9 LI9r.6T l Aggi r rita 11. Pk. ()WEBS KENNEDV? 1(33(1(311, PRODUCI. COMMISSION MICULHANTS Whonnalo Manua In NUILLIIIN AND 1/01SYS ILL FRUIT'S, SALT. YLUULL .4 d WIT u T s ED, SI M S. 11TZOES, Af Inatslc ' roan. Vffl% ia as,Al iava.PPo. b3the D .T. al a's. TE Atans for sale at S m vouel ZllnadVe sad a_w.n'a Sal, aplddyd I COLL & MILLS , rpacridAL FLumßEas, Ixrrstilat.9ll ' OAS AND STEAM ERTEN, HEST exmILY COAL, BANK FOR DAVINCS, j svo• one Palma let:nowt. AND SLACK• 1 ( rorn . lerly the DDIESAVINOS INSTITUT/elq) j PITTABFIZUH, PA. No. 367 ' LIBERTY STREET, I PAINTERS. (LtiolY City Fleur ht 111) dECOND PLUOIIo L. now prOpsred lurulsh taxi You ghloillthl LUMP. MUT COAL OR ISLAtai. • Lithe lowest market prier. 41- A I order. left at their when r •dilressed to thorn through Um mail, will be MP/rled to promptly. 14`011T PITT COAL COM.PANY —iShippars and dealsrs in bopertor Castly and Mods Coal,"?.nt Cost and Slack, general or. C t T a dee second Mord Pittsburgh narloss Bank. Build.. Fl l rto Crfges " , ro r gerq7y et a::" rittSbOrgh. Ocilla left at dither or .0 above places will receive prompt troth . PostAageo *Macs Box 5117. DUMCCUItat 4. J. Om %Wow. 11. 1.. VartirtarlK:ll. B. Mccut %Warr. WY. lintatialcr, lizOntin O. HUD. JAS. I.oo2orCradar, WALT.% 1167,-Tr. 401115 &LIG. Luc= igriooD. .1. J. ul I.oanl, Pres•t. I A. Y. /dlcrill 111. ISCOI. liarfttni Treasurer. W. CLA.riZIP gla W.. dltactiagrgarg.. • isiod/1 CHARLES n. AIIMBTILONG, • DlALlall TOUGHIOCIZEBUs CONELLSVILLE COAL •d ta. , tuaetoretwol Oeal,lllack awl Desalplaurfted Coke u'rvfl)ec AN!, Y• 81), corals or Potler and HOME arat yard Lib or!, and Clymer !are., Nut. ward. and beeped Street, near Look. IS 01, MU zbarab, Pa. randltra and Mthethetathei eauppl led *ILO the beat airtiele ar Cwal or Cots at the brood.. , OW. rders leis at lay of their ollices will raeolv• protani atistoUon. • SEWING tiIACHLEhS. DON'T BE DECLIVED RY Illovristatg pm( cond. advartieeesents of Wee slur Itubd tul l e t e s t lle.ll lL ELI% Cu n n een ed for ha. tun yet:4 e i tig . ty -raid 111 3 sn Xt7eZes, IOCS $ 3 . 11133. • nafi6.s —. , sboennmllndeld. GIIOVEII ts. ELASTIC STITCH AND LUCK STITCH Sewing Machines Arc THE lIPMT far Emil! 1.214 Ina Me...UM P... Call .d see Mans at. • MO. 105 Firth Street. 'rYzjitiivE aft A . • GROVER &BAKES r. Holiday GM. It I mita mid therefore Lbe lasi. Mental] too.R.ndeee het NO. lon flieTet ST„ shims Smithfield. & CALIJALILtiE ILLBn.na should Awe the now GLOYUA !A) U. 1 SUM lAMBI.. E..z..... jr b ov ;l:v2rthi..v. le l. the beet torn:tall ‘" • No. 103 mina _ atone ennthfien...- I=l T UE GIELOVER as BAILER • SEWING MACHINE utt. Ultima Thule of meetanum. ri.se .WP '24 ."."‘“'" "' NU 106117TH STRLET, OX • J. A. HERRON HAS REMOVED His Office and Residence to No. ti tiaItIFIELD ST., • Nearly epqaellos tpe blowatami.fleu 101211 - A 4 .10811114 Eno. bay k.r.t6"re.ir P V:M Y 4 uOuS,_evi.oras elbetati . Presldent. Dr. U.. sod wILKOI McUANT/trielatiratant CETEMI Exchange, Coin, Coupons, i I^l3 l y, 10-111 jai Nit^c" l . 4 N;•1 I,qtrtlgliy , ntff a Szr o le to ttm var IMMENSE SUCCESS' GOVERti:gENT Borips CROWDED agas• ITUNDREDS TURN ARr.", Nic.Vl.7 PEOPLE'S' SAVINGS BANK. OF PITTSBUOGII. Capital, - - 8100,000. 01710 E. NO. 80 FOURTH BTESET, LIZNILY LLOYD President Vice rreoldent WILLLIN REA. &Veil' lllia txuuu, SIDNIT I. TON BONNHOUT, )1. 11.—TIme Urprelts oande In Vale 13.n1r on or before Filter OF JULY. WILL BEAR INTEREST FROM TELT DATE ..15r,vat COAL MEN'S TRUST COMPANY, I GIS AND STE - 1 . 31 FITTERS , STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LUSO. • -• i . 11eer and Ale Pornr, all klods of Beer and Al. Capital, -- - $200.000. i latri.M'!Ugli. l :::Mibl:M.l v i."4'.'" " ' 1 570. SIGCI Ohio ES trecrtv WITH PRIVILEGE OP 3300 . 000 . ! (Between I. mane sad Bbestoot nk.) ALLEWIEST CITY. PA. Deposit. re c etve Wadi dill eeeeee allow.{ - Homes fitted up with h•. and water at abort ed• Special attention ;Ova. to Golleo. notice. - jei,.., lions.i OW. B. araoukan. JAS. BP . _ —......... , -- -.-- -- -- No. 65 Smithfield St., President:—.l - . J. BIKER. Cashier—E. J. ROBERTS. 5../. nsss,L. DIRECT W7 3. ..I. TATTLIISOP, V/. /L. HIMBON. WM. M0171t6A1... TD.. F.tunow, JAS. H.Hnerunt, : A. J. 11105 M. M. 0. Furl - v.:L., J. IL JOIINSIM, D. L. P.LITMIMSLIM. ,nyl(Mi'l MILTON & WHIM, House . and Sign Painters, 133 THIRD STREET, Wlttlibetribt Graining, Glazing Gilding =2 XLIED • PAINTS, VA.NISHES, PUTTY. OLA.W. BRUstiES, TUBVLSTINE. .111. TC ES:2=:l HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN, ' 110tH, SIGN BD OBNIIENTAL EOM& lIBLINEIIS AN GLAZLENS. No. AVRNLIE, Pitlniesegb. All onsen by mall prnmptli oak 1..1ed to. REMOVAL. ' • JOHN F. CLULEY. House and Sign painter, Has removed to No. 134 5.111T11/14.41./ tT.. l'lttebarge, tvv., mermen veroalto tee old stand. • 1301iSIT woonron .0. anions. MCGOWAN & SNYDER, HOI MMLI caDual AND °N:6 N . :6 Yo. 65. !north gad. of Dlassond,AllegnonY• Commercial and elue signs made to Order Orders respeetfally solicited and onnopti it. rooted. Mimeo Points, Winnow litson sad ir.ti7 coo stiv on band. apts;xl. J-OHN T. • GRAY, BOLDS Jain BIOS - PARiTER GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand 13t., Pittsburgh. Pistn end Urnomontal tin. of oven 000 f'fl . lion dons to order. All work dorm lootf promptly sr le W . COULTER, • HOUSE AND MON ,PAINTERi • Oor. 701YETI1 AND tI QJNT frrs., Prirdn.ft /Woolen left .t the thop. or opot t ig s. !4tp Will rootlet prompt at Ceetlon. WILLLIJR EL BROWN, • (I.to of toe tlrm or EnOWNE a M031,0‘.1 LIOULIS AND SIGN PJLISTEItS, Northeastcorner of Tbirdaad Wake% nrart4 srR&IBHIPs .BALTDDORE AND HAVANA I ZEMPV,F.TOetci Nir riv . roAVANA, AND N o Ortokri ft:CAM PUN H ItTICIti TILE UNITED BTATZS MAIL. The TOM-Mass hteemslape of thlo line eall follow. ..LIBMITIP - 1,25.1t0m, for Hew Orleans els Eel Wert and Havana, Tho+. A. Oslo. (londnender.WT.troEnuAk. aprlll7th: "CUBA" LIM tons. fur New Ortrant sae Herons. —. Condmand. on SATURDAY /root ll 4tb. /root itlYWlttl , Wit Afir,JOINT, at 'I o'clock . r• M. I/roe-MeV, on the days an. Ronne... Tut htl ht or .s "' l4 '"'""" U. Wartt ILD i co" Area% 15 Wns.ar. x. B.—NO BIN of Lading buttnessof the Comm pony Pill be algned. 'Permits for UM freight omen le procured Irma this Idles. 'Co height reenlyed not 1171. of Lang .10114 d OD dilOt aolo STgAITI TO AND FROM LIVER• COOL. AND QUEENSTOWN OSSI-INIO TWICE A. WELL. The INMAN LIST. •Ilul EVERY SATURDAY . EVERY WERNESEAT • UsUIUSING U. B. llamas sold to Ind rroas Inland . ynti,ut &o•isnd. tiersodly cud rumor. A. r oy at tuvoma j vg i . 'VI E ; Agoo, Ad'arO 'J. Is. Or ,P 713. BINS N. J.. Ut4.241 A•lsms! Xsprostntos, PlUsollutb. EVERY NIGHT THIS WEER: SUS OF TEMPERANCE, Pittsburgh Dbisiou, \o. 42. A SELECT I ICI , vllll4. nby tbr •b 1S w•2l‘ knortn orgtaltatton. WEDNESDAY, Jul y 31y1 /1t Monitor Grove. A ?pecOLI Ira. will Insve • Itual.n. Sa. la., T. turDin, mt. M•: .. Exslon Trait, prer• n7.l`t:•,". • • • . . John H. %Z. Finehtrt, Geo. X. osart.,. rhos SP• n 7:i43.1.:•:. 1:70P:A.,0"n" H. I) Minh sf,no r . , E. I'. Mrs. C.... IV:Henry , Ml•s Mry Ai.. a.', .• rart, •• lf.l. •. MI..U. 0011.14, " M. • 1 . 04 0 , m. ear., A. Ift.esenrl.lo, • H.; .• Mtn Mary IHsulogr.• • 31:ggle PM or cn • A gn, 6 nenner., FLUMBLNG. GAS FITTING. N. BIDDLE 8. 'IMO:, Practical Plumbers, GAS AND STEAM EITTERS, 511111 T, bet, riik. end Clinuf. =I Wise on bard Mandeßoys, Pendants, Brack ets sad all kinds of Gas Itassres. Lead ripe, t.tiret'Lliad. Bar Lead, Gum Hose. Hydrant.. intoner Baths. Water tilosets..Bato oh, LIR. Yet, ant i le bumps, Hydraulic 1011212. Vitrified Undo rirt, f Sywors.- Ali work warrent.d ty giveitainJtetion. • • BVERRLE MILLER; PLUMBERS, 1 SPANGLE:FL & BRADFORD, Plumbers and Gas Fitters, Wro..rl Ohio fil., .ILLLIGHEIST VITT PITTSBURCH, PA. ...........:......e. JOWCISON. 11E1MM/I & JOIIIISION, P'l 4 ll-11.C7TpCLEL- 7 . 4 Plumbers, Gas and SteaniFittarf 717TH STREET TATENbIuN , 3121TT/BrJEVITRIGIMC. Z 70.. Alt orders by run exacs.U.l satisfactorily sad promptly use tde. to. - fall use of Bath Tabs,. ramps, Hulas. Rater Closets, Maks, Chudelters, reattLuts. and Gu Shad. for. sale at Sao Most rewound.. , • D rices. - Orders Cram eountripatrons hi mall prompt ly attendedo. t Uom 800. ertrydesoriptton. je9:dl3 LN - 1 - I:IRANCE TEMPLE'S INS 01710 X. N. Z. 00E. A mons cOmPAsry TABINO AI4D ILAH/140 tniagia. """ Clept.. tuna L. Hba Wm. Pb 1171.. Jobu 7 atm • Samuel P. ahrterer, Ch.. Arbuckle. John L. 511'11110 . • VAtIiL IL AIL 9 .Iff k ! " Win. V. Albk. O. Hankoa Lore, j"° .. 4 -WII. PHILLIPS. JOHN MATT, VI. TITI100.1• W. F. divnutirs. accrotaw Oeull ANL juiLly 04771. " ME= LLEGUEN INSURAINCE CO. `..Q. A street F O rirrlniuueu.-01111oe, No. II Flip) Block • dirdl.s 011 lands of fln and Mario, MAU. JOHN uivrt.N. Jn., rreNden... JOHN D. WOODY, Mee rraaidtllA. C. O. BONNET. tictretat7• Capt. WX. 1)W, general A uO J Z t...7t r at..„ e.orjais, n o wt 11. Da• J U05t125.11• rrlr Mules PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE uoiresy. OF PITTABUROH, PA. Oetee,S l nmi Street, sank 151001. 791, l sllote+ C.irtalN.l7, ...d 1n.i.14 •.d..% IC .o 6 , o7ogl=igH., prksidast. C. C. HOT LY Vice Presi lent.. th)ll3lti .1. ViSIOEL, Tre...urs, 1011k1 ii'LLl.liCii. Becrellh7. . • • DreiCronst I.4onard Wat., Ga.% Wthko.. 11 C. C. .144 h Goo. W. Er.. Hobert Patrick. J. C. rs.. J j am .... b il l:al. li n e l .. r. . 41 A ... C . . ::::... ~ ..si, Jannis King Jahn Vaegao. • HourriSproul, INDEMNITY - • . AGAINST LOSS BY ; FIBS.. - - - FRANKLIN INSURANCE' COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA.' oiliest 433 aad 417 ciaravivr.sr. Neu Filth. Tomas Wagner. U. W. BUlciter. • Alorioes H. Loot.. David B.'Browle. Swan 1 I r. Jacol:K. ikons W. Mallards. (loom. rem CH AN. D. BANDANA. Pr...Knt. EDW D C. U•LE. Vh. wm. C. STEELE, hear, tarn T.D J. GARDNER COFFIN. Agent, Etn.D.rie North Wen tor. Third • Wood hte. W - • EHTERN - tnismaricie co., OP PITTSHOW.O II . *LILLY: Ina 1111CIOX. moan,. CAl r i. 'MINA r.c.M,...1 ..„.,1.. Ottliw. el Water ..... I. emu • (We an . li Will Insure onro ao stairs. titteha 1e h. • wane% al. blade of Tire azd Mortar. atlas. • home larUtottoo managed try as who are well known to the eotataaatey. aad who ere eletOtogOed by promouttes sad Übetle to wodatala the character which thee he • rameel an oSating flu best rerateetton IR Welk who d kill tO be lonmat. lellt=ol23. Mile g. ' . I= l 7llarke. .1 eowr MbAsIWY. Jobs P. IleCane. • Alaaa•dor !Per. Janur'. a.., 4.lldraVALCollei, %TM Kiretrita ' 'Mad 11. L'o tllltera S. Itoge Wr'. • .I. tole. V. H Vogel., P.......”. FIRE lIEUFENS Ur • NZW BIZLZ • . On omega. .1 tholl par. 11131% :Old and Tel vet • 1.111 MARKET wrarsi. 1.4. R. HUM.. a Ilan. L E4t, t gins. and J. • H. *sm ream. as and 2113%. Clair WM. ZMI I B4NCE CO. ID ADD 10T/1 all ~w~=~
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