[ll 150 Eittsturgt Gaya', 7111 DAY. JULY In, IU7 -- • - - MON REPEBLICAN NOMINITION. ran JCIXIZ OF IMPIMIS coo or: HERBY WARREN WILILAWS, = lIIMMEM • Moat young men regard the want of a rich father as a great misfortune, and as a sufficient excuse for a failure to ste wed in life. Stoney and the advantages it brings—education, ialluenee and a -tirtart" in life—are regarded as almost essential to Success. They overlent; the 'feeling of dependence it cherishes ' and 'the enervating effect it produces. They, fdrget that the proudest and 'most hardy seas is ever seitscistaining and is nour ished Into strength and .power by resist ing itself the force of winds and storm', and not by tieing protected by others. They neglect, too, the pages of biography which abound in examples of men wtro, from poverty, have attained eminence In every Sphere of life, - whether it be . in . accumulating wealth or acquiring knowl, edge or in invention, discovery or in any of the professiens; While r, comparatively • few eo distinguished were. nourished in the lap of ease and wealth. Their own observation, too, might correct their er. *means impressions and stimulate them Lek energy for self elevation . Al! around lb they May see young men posses ad everyapparent advantage, unambl it. indolent, prOdigal of time and mon waiting for the portion of goods that is )b fall to them, that they may spend IL On the other hand they may bee multitudes of poor, but industrious, earnest and rising young men, who, if spared, are eertainly dtitined to make a mark: in the world. Instead,. therefore, of allowing this absence of the case and luenries of wealth to discourage them, It should give them heart and stimulate ambition. I'auros., who has written the interesting biographies of Commo. doreVA.DERMLT,T. GOEDON BENNETT, Joss C. Cat EOEN and lieNr.r CLAY, hi cote of these articles says: ,Let us ace- er again commend any one for 'rising' from obscenity to eminence. bet reserve our special homage for those who ham:, become respectable human -beings in spite of having bad every advantage procured for them by rich fathers.", nom our article yesterday, entitled, "Who Are Citzens h was our inter .lion to strike out every allusion to Judge Stowe and the case pending before him, One such allusion escaped our notice on revision.. Our purpose way to discuss the question abtractly, making the ex. Aiding case simply_ the occasion. Our readers will confer a favor on us by us . derstanding the article in this sense. It is stated that we misapprehend Judge Stowe's poeation In thu matter. When he makes a deciii.on if the case shill take sdch a turn as to call upon him for that duty, we shall be careful to present our readers' with a full and explicit state :meeker the grounds on which he rests. • LOVIRLOIA ig in trouble about Jut levees. The had negotiated a loin of four millions of dollars to pat them In repair. The removal of Ger. Wr.r.ra and ihe-appointment of .11r. Ft.swimns to Governor, by General UrsIIIDAN, and tuperadded thereto, the supplemental reconstraction. bill, now in the hands of the President, by which "the existing Governments of the seceding States are 'declared to be illegal and Told; have frightened the capitalists,. who naturally want to know, when paying over their ; money, that they are getting anima se . eniity for it. . To help both parties out of the difll - General B. F. .1317TLER suggest's `thatthe - bondsbe signed by Governor i FLI3DEP.S. The capitalists do not nn demand how , 3ir. FLJIN Obits' 11 signature as Governor by military appointment, will make the bonds good while the Government contracting the debt istlle pl and void. The objection of the cap- Batista is well taken. -What means will be devised to bridge - this dilemma it would be . useless to pre dict. It is certainly most desirable to have the matter satisfactorily arranged, ao that the inundations of theriver rely be speedily guarded against. But this inconvenience the people of Lotasiana have brought on themselves. If, when the rebel armies surrendered, those peo ple had recognized the fact' that they were conquered, and bad accepted the situation in good faith, their State might, months ago . , have been restored to its old rank in. the 'Union. They did no such thing. /es soon LS they were beat en they assumed that the war and their • - overthrow had settled nothing; that their resistance of the Government bad In . no respect changed their relations thereto; and that whatever rights the Constitution gave them they still retained as absolutely as even this arguments. - 7-11011 was such as might be expected from a fifth-rate attorney; bri , was such as no statesman would patiently listen to for a • single instant. btatesmen know thit wars go tluim.gb nations as plowshares; and that the Great must dote; mine what shall follow idler; The evil Louisiatv+ Lag brought upon itself iumust bear as hest ft can, though the lighter it may prove, the better shall WO be satisfied. IT OAS nEER dP7dItENT for some time that the Italian Party of Action, headed by gsrunsim, was. meditating the seizure of Rome. A day or two ago, cable telegrams announced that the Pope was so much alarmed that he had Shan orders for resiorins many of the batteries which formerly pntected the city; that he had applied to the Emperor of Franca for assistance; and that the Emperor, in response, bad 110tilIed GAR. WALD' that none but French batteries - would be restored. This seemed like an attempt to put - the . Pope or with words that signified nothing. That tbo rope should restore batteries .which-the French originally erected Ina natural enough. That he should restore no others was probable, for the French doubtless made WIEN! W. ]actions of spots for defences and carried np all that,were required. Rat, unless French guns, manned by French troops, and covered by the ;Preach flag, were Ibund-in these batteries, this reminder as to the oried of the batteries could not be expected to deter the enterprise or shake the courage of assusaLm. Yesterday, there was a report that Ica.POLZO?i had gone further; even m anias the Pope that in case of extremity he should have all ncedfttl help. We do - sot fatly credit this report. IC Na co- LION has resolved to maintain the tem - poralitles or the Pope, it is hardly -am cervable that ho will wait until the Ital ian patriots shall take possession of the territories of the Church; for then there would begrest danger of : a formidable struggle, -in which nations not a few might be Inyolved. • Warn: statesmen are seeking by ai .p;Onsible means to mtthe Sari Francisco the gateway for the traffic between this country and a large part of Europe, with China and India, the politicians on the,Pacitic coast have taken alarm at one of the inevitable contiequAuccs of this gigantic scheme. The recently , . con structed platform of the Republican party of California has this inscription: "That the importation of Chinese or say other people of the llongollairrace Into the Pacific States or Territories is in *eery respect injurious and degrading to American labor, by forcing It into un just and ruinous competition, and an evil that, shobld be restricted by legisla tion and abated by such legal and con stitutional means as are in our power." lance the Chinese are. finding less need Roof formerly of the famous wall they built to keep foreigners . out of that country, theiCaliforoians rosy be able to bay it, and reset it around Melt bordei. . . ---, • WHO ARE CITIZENS , The Iteautirs or Bible Language. { NEW ADVETITLSEEDETS. , The Comptes of the United States . If Ave need higher illnstration not only 1 --;-- ----- —_-___. ,of the power or natural objects to adorn FOR SALE. passed over the President', veto an Actra iiiiettli artho Civil Ili •hes Bill.' This • .1 3 3 n er,i gn , •111V 4 gr i nlify torte. hot proof t ., .= ' theme Act declares— . I I.a,iuty, Nye ,COttlt -' 1 " rt i l ' .l.,o :It ' f - tt ' ete . tn .. the „,•,,,,, ~,.., ~,,,. 1 ,,,,,, , 0 „,,,, ~,, BOAC. Tans., nittSl , M 1.0 .1 ,1 10 its te01 . .1, willlcarrlsx. and carrf..? ray or D . ,toglat At • '‘That eli persona bars in Ilic United I Slater, and not PUbjeet to any foreign ; !'''''' have ''''kn'''''l"l:Ni th e '''' ''''Y 4 . Z ' rVale ' : l l ‘ ;,, r gt ‘ , ° e.l ` ,h . 7. " .li7VlZlPjr ,-`,114 are , , t . tt ,o lt , t , n x truutre.. and thitt is doe n i etirt i li - f, t , o , power, eaciudio g Indians not taxed, rittoooo. or or Mrs. atiwooirn. l l= 34 ar c c i t t i f i z z e e nxf 0 ,Xli,eaerfry v•sievai wrset, Allntto.nr. T a t' c d , ~b -; 4 l `nc e o s i o rs , n , w a i t hs uo c u b t ;, i . i , l r tst , r . a . , ;l l . , t i oi. 4. l.l " d ., i7i f s " l ' a d fe:id i d"r:ai.-t's: limn Bat wia.ii . d. nova i"nat na. ' NLW LAW BOOKS. regard to any previous condition of ea- : tare wit, to ie . nipeolt ,I to. It, rpfentnee . EMDFUELD ,t': F0F.1...W OF 1111LIVAti. very or involun t ary servitude, exeept as , was st on, to natural oba•cts, and • si..ad i.,. 0 .. ~...iii. r.t , tipss, punishment for crime whereof the patty • throtiMiout all its 6,,1:1 , , nos ',tam, and r attir 4 r ,,! L 1:"1 „ ,tr!;,, " . " ,T,,,1.e, Fitt[ '''' .7.3 " Shall halo been duly convicted, Anil.'' dowers. anti ga.u., 1,, 0r . 0 ,‘,, t , t ... F tt , o r tt r o e c i ll i, ll3 . , xr.A...sr its cz,4=. hare thr saute rights _ in they Starr ood ill " qr " th ' n ` "r Ito rit1F....9. arm - , Termory of the United States, to (make : ''' . ' 21. ' ; 1 , ' ,., ' , g ,.1 ‘ , r i i , ' ; ' ,.:, ' ,. ' ,, 1 , i , i , ' ,., , 1 T T, ' , ' Z1 i n ' i,,„,., ,0,,,,,,, Jrr. ___ Jo_t_yytit STItF.ET _ and enforce contracts, to sue, be • - ' ' ' ' • ' r.. , . t., A 1.1. , 'Laud tor them, 0 . 11,1 it, 1.11,1!•ri picKLING viNEGAIL ties, and give evidence," /cc., &e: ~ dl c.l,ies and blos-mi 0. , tic. rat,. ' Now, this Act does not spnci.,iis non.: -yin; inniiiiiniii, nini ii , inn:. Aniii :, n ~nit ri—i—i. • •ni , nl i g •?i , ,‘le taws ran r, 0 ..,,,, , , u ,„ t ., is. roc ror c . .a.sr. 11 , 41 man aerate all the things which a eitiarm i'fi:i';'• faith beforeil -T,r i t , ' o V, " ‘ ' '' ',. ' h a ,,%. l : g , . , !,7,7,.?: Zw,.1,:1vir6r.,,,,!A.7„, of b ''''' may do and enjoy; lint it aces make I ii.bid l si te l a ta s ste n a - d - o ' f ' itt e e l' ihr L t ' rzt abort f,lllO . JOEIN A. 11F.MMAW, plain that blacks and whites, bora in o p ‘ IIP fir ' PP ' i ' d in''''''' ' l "i • • alto briar ' " ~,,,.. t.lt.oor gto.l Moot or ...tr. ~ this country, small citizens alike; en- ''":•',1,,,,T,','„07:-.:„'',1=.".„).`:„..1.'„.'13';1;„.„„,,,,,b„ • HILLOALE CEMETERY. tided to the same rights and liable to je.tpt up ' potty in the Savior'a teaching, An ourlors. , ,, M4h!_Coroorattm of 1110. the same duties. ' . i lie lig l and the olive. the sparrow and : dit,it„,rl;:.d t ,t,„, r ,,„,,14 ° 17.,.'j . te r a n ta , 4 , tho illy of the littid. irk,. peculiar faire' '.l---,Pt td. au ra mY edits , No IV 11141 N Sr .. This is the doctrine we enforced ye, owl bnauty to the great truths they ware' - trtctott 301.111 tiF.IMI.E. terday. This Act, in its teller or. spirit, 1 uo•si t" , ilin•An'i''• , . file rihle throttonout 14 remar:Ml° in . rvo GLASS MANlJFAcirunEuts. sweeps into the limbo of the - departed, i i. ,.., re ,,' l _„. 1 , i Z „ „„p e , m ,,,, „f 1„,„1, • ~., all Cm ideas of caste entertained by the 1 ~, ritten r.y u. 11.110, for removed :rum ~.,,,,, ,, , n .PNIK,- X a% r y!,Fi,:,Ti .. ,: ‘ `,,X,l'V,; A l r.; Coast dating tiro "D ar k Day ,- of th ., .:n•ii..inni. in inn, and phfee,o7ll . l menial 31,rsourt .31.4 C.:tn./or, .1. ~.,,,,, ti,,. '' , ',quilt, hot Limon:hoot the whole MOO, u,,,, [VI c2trtlptilArn addreta W A LLAVE A DeminatiOn of Slavery: t.: UN:tiled 31,.. a roVrittlion of I Ma. 1... '‘,..j,,', l ,l ll "''' ° '' .• 1." ea., M. 1 . 0 . 11, . ---"-!..0....•---,--• • - • -- 1 ..111A and sublimity are appealed to ~,..,,,,, NOTIC E vi inEnirtm GEN. M. .IMT. T110111 , 30ti,. a distim I moo. e thoorstOtlons to r..att.ll tlo• ottoral , 1-'`' , GIVEN ton say wiry F.I.L . EN .11.11 I INA N. t'littiO.t "attire. Tltitt Armour m harlna without Just CV,. ot o °To, W, OM guislied . °nicer in the rebel service, I : ,!, ‘ , 1 1 1 1 : r ,,n . 1 1,,,, g , ~n, ~,,, w o k, „., 0 .r,. ~ t,.....aia man.. I ' , IL not he ' creitoOtto, I a from Missouri, recently gave a publicetZ7 I reference to nature can he made. ion . a ' l'i v Ig t i lr a tri:7l.`:,;=;,l,:. ‘ i 'l7.=„7. ". 01 . a. pt. u dorsement of 'Gem Longstreet's position; Or u!laPhiiiints ^ f the tillOA , i n the ~'“' - J .111,11 0111.1.1 VA N. _ M.1,1..s TolwOsltlO. and advised the acceptance of the Re:- i ,_, ,wl c y, t . it . found in the aultione anil p. 0 .: • trlston I presentation or the wound norm. 1 construction Act. Ile was instantly as- 1 I.y which nature is ever modem Pr 1.4 . ." ' iod. No sailed by democratic journals, north and 1 Vo ' i:::u h : ' , ' . ' - ' e " e t i e •t r i ' l;:• 'l „! ' rii r i l •T ' i7i7it " s l.„( wri .,,ti s &MAIL TO one of them he replies, and t.ettt . total the grand and terril.le in 'tad his indignant response gives us a little I ta re twit tl'of , ,, ','" , , , r i r' ‘ , l 4`;;ll ‘ n h „2 (;:`,., insight into Southern history during the I 111,yli appreciation 'of the Itentottnl, and of rebellion. Democracy there, as here, !I;. Al :to the author or lwanty, , a;:isn.: , r f e t • i x , ; consisted In-avoiding conscription, and 1,`C,, , '":'`, 1 ,,t,"„‘,.`::',"....' 1 ", r „ :4 :.‘,', 1 ,: t a, ' yen that lighting. with words when other then I oven Solontott, in MI 1. - - glory, woo not were using boyonetsi. or[*•••I 1L,. • ..n, or thc t," . nil I ' ,1.1.: "II l. It I ,o (theta. the grass of the NE," Toot:, July it , . IFS:. ' ' l.ii"• o...r]loott the ebotient Or beauty Editor of file Banner. Yozi , o, :Via, : 71l tt, or,. lout tal opening Itud to tiro burl—l see in the Be..' York 1ke,, , ,f , ~..o', chill tad poker.-I'r,. I.IM I I- lof this dap . an extract from vour paper ''' ,•••••'''. _ IRON CITY CUTLERY CO., , of the Utti rust., in which you have. in . W Main fr.ni I - learner', StOry. lour oopobition to certain letters written i No. 3 St. Clair Street - by gentlemen of ire South, thought i Front the last installment of Air. proper to use very disrespectful language I Beechei's - ”Norno•ni." is the hedge,. we thiviar PoroCutod of AN intEw aeons me about your superiors. From the style in 1 'dip the following „mention, hits .4 , entire , In k i...i.... 0 b, ll , 7 ,, dlzre z ~, .C i tt i t i t: , ry ,,, a ,r i.1 . 1' , •:: e i ~, which you speak. P judge 'you to have i ‘l'',' / •" . " been one of those miserable, dirty dogs 1 . rue important erg:tote elianues in thy ,to teas 00 hand • are.Cl.ll 'LOCK Or t, i r • VII . A? tit ilte stootto I toll ,vr.ts ! HARDWARE. CUTLERY. who published an eight•by.tett sheet I [ - i ' l ' i. '. ..it u i%:, ' pro . diti•e importrint ,wallet ItVett during the welter, on earthly purpose i : a do do• cobl,ttotopernmen. :OM In the Orns, Illfirs. ktoroivers. Flst.ols. 5 1.019/ Tackle but to avoid cascription, and who, to I ,lenders„ 0nt0r...... Then. is I MOMMUF : r5t.r.T:4170".11 or I : lqln , fr. ', VlOlS ' V.;llTt cover tap their own cowardice, tried to, ! the appearance ot new tor,,, in ih.''•iiii i ‘ J • ' 1i,f,, , ^ T.n.g., .."'",..7;, Set f,,,—,..". t . .., C '7,s.„ ' - `` ..t i o " and-in some instances did, break down i th e thsplncertmit of obi onett, lota all no- ! iiC;.--,,-..:-;ra;aj,i--;;i1----- an d ----A some of the .purest and noblest men 111 I tiro change ilk Prnpartion and letionee In 1 M. 11 , MOWN, Manager. the Confederacy. Prob a bly sroo,, of Al- the moral not ltitellcclttol 1'1..11111r. As- I Jte.,,,ti Inert Sidney Johnson's blood is on your rii'i ttl '' . '" beg"' t "'P leken - thr "'" ' ';'Tf - i ' BLACK LACE SACQUES I —.. . . . • ...AL sidney Janus.-_ - • • . Irittor , ~, , w ne u ter. A scorn of as. hands, erd you may be one °filo: hounds i ~,;,,,.- ~,,„4„,: „ .., „„s „ n „1,,,,,,, to , -.- ' FOIR., BA.LE. that barked at Joseph N. Johnston, and i '-, • ' l .' o " i ' tson or to generous glisten of duty is t A ~,,,,,,„...„..‘ It may lm, if your paper had strength 1 :h.weedy seen, so Jost as frermently t AI 11 lillfLi FOC ZLISL6 lilt:, . 0 , . 1 . ..4 . 4 ,„ 4 4 44 . 4 4 , 4 ,,,, enough and was published to lite end of . misunderstood. ' rho transition (min ! ; Itall7eee . Ult fl leter. n ' iti, l wAt ' ght Mon shalt ...a the Confederacy, that many ofourmoum• 1 girlhood to womanhood In marked by t FOR ISALIII BY • . crank. _ 191 mishaps can be partially attrilitnesl to : the sod Of senument rat' er s ! ban ' es%V.. 7 :: aTe l st7l l .l . l• l •Te?a r k l ' is. ' ;sl: ' ,l7,: i ns ' l yoor Loftiness. You shouldhave starred : than by etaillatt Of ptaiinn. In radium-. etrr, Itt feet lone. elflt It ....gene...term. , .earlier, remained longer,tree Doedor L. gi ns slum end eemnplere ret• I ' I WHITE, ORR CO ~, of -- - .i , ' 3 ' '" "•'....'''. ' r "' • " .4. ' & endured nano !nine the aluses of tantracler Mon awe ' re ' hardahlti, braved more dangers, awl sttr• I tosn' i r to ''sn'thissnotee" , nil , i o tr , ll- • 1 •nel complete...oat as almvet . telodera It tem. , . • ' Inn fla p Intlell to Di.. 1611mtna nod form. , ' Illsco .I Peones.: 0.n.0., snot, e•mtlks, Sr ' tendered with rourcoregret than either of , :-• . • , . is t rour go.ol a nd-Mona 11,3 Turn.. Lath., of one • original en. on moots. et t iere ' . ' ono W.aul Lathe; one cost colon Eu.tuas lute the gentlemen you name before germ I lin. other elements mare stuldie, but of 1 25 Fifth Street. . el ...ler, Mtn. stroke; • tov holler, 01 lu. Mum should have presumed to have written : profound value In the structure of find t qr. , _ II feet not a-tmo .la lm.• - Also , severs' tell Well s wanes. sustionor ant such an article. I cannot for art instant : west wonderful of all arettittsitures-t , e ' TO GL 155 AIASUFACTERERB. I I ,' , ":;,; ° '` I ''' . "1%."1 ""'“ `.."' d • ' l L In imaium you have been a soldier. anal 1 eharesser; birth up of invisible maw- , ! toot'lP:Xgrte.'iastltia:at'li.eiViesittei;:e.th' • supporta you must he a "broken down ;rims, without sound or force, perinaneut : 0 . • I I leaf: UNDERSIGNED having : 111313/1 .11. DOLE a CO. 1/01616.111D," an "old dogs" or a ''little in its nittnre, yet in form flexible and ....euree the wee agency for the sale of the C0,1,4610.1.7' and Duquesne Way. DUN " and, therefine, I will let you pass 1 Prolific in ohaIla o • cisi ar ain.. m tr On""" is ..l.brisiol . .o.l6dail until I return South, when I Will inquire 1 ' I "' r ' . l l `''''''''' '''-'"'''"'" '''''''''''''''' '''''' ' ' COPLEY POT CLAY. 'VILE PEOPEE'S ort, oi mail', All ""trey cams. to . into your antecedents, and if you are t , ,:.. ~-:„,„„,,,, thr ,„ ~,,„‘„ „„„,,, .Ar t tow prrommt to pans It In any qusnllty . I l ' worthy or notice I will teach you better I t orierMentation! Witt; some ' lt fa fer •' os those eislater to proton? thle euperlor *Mete. , TEA STORE Collect° =-- r's _Notice. E., : tnanners. meat of passions: with mottos'( the 011 w - ! 11.V.11y=1,...?;‘,...7.0.f."1!:w 7: sire Ni ; . Orr , cr . ...titsfon or INrelit...tr. I:l[l , liliAt Mc Jr•VP- TUOMrSONs or New Orleans. ' toter; iioll With richly eselev , il manna.: .tetter •r t0..4.700t. tam. soy Mite marZet, ', ..00 It t r it A *----..”"..------ it.. the ferment of Lhottcht owl of the 7 ,. .„,, ,lsaf f ,::::eise AA , nt . trA.Ate .. 11.10 Aof eta ~ W ilson -& Underwood. , 1-7.‘:,:;,.;",V;aVit.'..., „,V,-, - Jeu l e Attit. r /Alk ' Niag.ra Vats. • Moral Iltallre. Some mama , squander i ~,,,,.,,,,„7„,- , '„,,,t. -vr,f,-,llgr.,r r iz:rx . . _ N 0,,,,, ~ hereby t orn that Me coned . I.Ula A correspondent of the New York ; iths.foren in inter t ntn i t m e t ttrj s ts.. „ Ti t i r eAr . ~ v cor ,„ t o n . e . p p lo=l.....! . .n r ,, o nt . t c e.t , ..7. i n . f . t ro ht . snay . l 4 .. 1 , (110iCE FAMILY GROIERIM. 'of 6P r•tdal, ra ins. sormerly termed IA- Gazelle, among other thlnge, says: The ' " I°M " .mr"" are a 'l • • 5 1, 1 COwo". s" '"i"ei ao don.. er•tr . . rod inn inn. lttullimi. Calf ! lorml away flaelemdt, iitll 1 , .. erti t 0 , . On. ones rhea Vat see best wholesale Imam c .j...,ce..e. nILV Alt rLA Pi: 6 e...n, WIN' to 'lll4 sable Pock, a famous landmsrk, it will he , ~,, , ~.„.„- I , s : t„ ~,, „Hon.,' miTiliti nor. a RO3l. wt.... ? I. 'ft..'" .....". mem, ecto-er Itsconeut will be rem:reel thcreon te• the ollector. on ael after t e Isr de JUI.t. , remembered, was to have been blown to , ~. : :tu!i l- spotitatteris harmony of all the t ~. Yon PILL lilms Work, 1 • w e d,t,.,,,,,,,, „ p,,,, e „, ~,,. . N 0.15 South West Diamond, ~. ...11,,T1., j ,- : ,, b 7 A. , =. 4 ....;vr. A . % :;,..v., : Mends last autumn . . The occasional mit- parts ref one's nature, the augmentation I ...t!' - ''' The RI g hest market Price , c.u....,,,,..,,..,: ,, ,, L1..1....6 3 1i p 1r.: , Y ,, C . 1TY. eddluotaltipen ss sou telaeurre.; by the las o ing of portions of this rock and the con- nen, ta ;tut it south pan. M the gortel fare stant_dtangur attending the visits of pHs i tne. 'rhea , is a breadh, a depth, n ter- , o raneir e lliervisuron xso.. nee.. Cwlretor no ' - thacactstr ot armaron. and EDWIN .to r grins thereto, finally induced the town Mite of experienee which to to min- PAID (US 11 v ! , ,i i., ,, t74...yr r o . otnctur ter tne(Ment,of 0551ef, authorities of Clifton to Coke the matte r glt jives More of nay than ts possessweil by • t receivt. atter net i a ,n.,... In hand and unanimously condemn it to `'mrsert of ordinary um.. A gIinRNBIENT sEcußlTres, ' I TIES B. YOUNGSOa, !.g., , p5,;:, 7 ,1;:g,"1,1.,'=itiT.;1=.",,"d' destruction, Drillers - were set to work . • ••• " ----a " . " --- • • • norm, evy •ite bo prepared to reeelve the mats noon its summit, th e day of wrath was : _-. t , Ico . dllt I I - um - ern who'll'y has a rit- . ' NO. :100 NV yiie street, “ . ..it`e,,.., 4 ;:2,,,P.tr;.•,-,,,,r. to the tacielty of fixed, and at the appointed tirne the not . ''''' '''''' raia`e.` " e"mra n ' ''' ' '' - '.. ' - ' ' ath "' ' GOLD SILVER • Inc essore to at.rancur s tan,. remnants' as ass e tow. - .south I' invers Is in the r 9 y Ma bra , r^M• inter•••••I 0 .•" .." tird I" ..., taloa. I...puty cost. , ur ff. t.. wrr I an. am . tidal crevices in the rock were charged • r 0 .,,,d ~,„(,..„. i: 0. hounded ity :talent ' , uf sort:ewe Its tit lion turd ho h. opened a trlitattrent at toot,. :me,. to receive the lave, with gunpowder for its final swum. . oni o'sr 'ho s t s. Moh n '''"''' it " 1 °•1 " °1- • CUTPONS IND NIIOIND liiitlSl NUtie, , .er L.A.. cm the ems cameo, between roc hours era o'clock 0. m .t. 4 co•cluea p. tn., or 5 . ,111 OM, I remember the kindly obituary notice , pal ritter Is siolllthussitst's inssok. winch - - BIKEBY IND CONFECIIONERY. "1' paid it by. tne Ereuing Ciaretre and 6 host eon.: lea into ra.iloot hazard, I let '"lntl- . ! t Tercets., on TlllEnt.t•Y, July 161 d. at Prvvrn A +mite, $171• , • t wit pow', trittelt m dry ,J. F. STARS & co.. Banker/I, At the above rum. r. rot!, tree. Is t CARR, Al AeAtitlo y. o- I.IIL.DA Y. July Inth. at uf other sympathizing jOUrnaln. Vital al Isl. , is the 0 o• .1 atm. r 61.1/r6. , kiltsitta, ,tu , la 1 tors thronged the cliffs on Lath side'. to , 11l the strutter- It' rat:sisal , prod. -- I , rot. 11,011 ANL , 051111) ,TIIIIeTtt. h e 'ai.L 4 1e,`:....`,..:',",,.,'1,4.,,..",...,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,. ~.. , ~, ~,....,..,.... .., 5 .,,,,,,... :,,,,,,, 5 u ,,.., witness in explosion calculated to rend ' .......F" 1...M1.1% 006,0a . 1f..5 0 .-i&Ottt . r . 'lt , _reys.ma,ter *me. lop In Om, em eled ad. ut•on elvoo to • tettdeto dm.. , . • high heaven and shuddering earth hy '"'''''' ' / Y. " * ""‘ l ' a "'"'''''''' piTTsßunGu . turAilltlnA ern mk Partte, lesau•ra.no Males , } t a payable wily In 0 rteuhsetr 01 Nation et e. •1.1. CA, AY, VA. it• .01.1 Yt.l.7iT. Cu rve., al ' I Ito 111,11 V rt.itt. - itliA nottl.3 0f001.. , 11 . 111‘,13 t which the condemned rock tens 10 ' . • '"' ' " - . sweet .:I 11 rd A It siorelor ed. even.. MM. heron trout 9 A. M. 10 3 r. Is• be blown into Cobble stones. AS. ', nil ‘ ni ' t. l jt,..r: Tl.l.'.^:tt:lr'l.lll‘.lll...."t.t.:ll"'n'AhT-.• r i. .. h ttZt ' long fuse Te3cirmg 'half w ay fr om ev,r.t Illitmt, mat It, Unitarians who w or tin Falls to the Clifton Rouse, on, tteawn,... CITY La (WORE _ iEt 0. AI. CZ, li7 -El. 1.... , I. t....d . 010t5v . - •lAlarrosa mean. : j''''''''' JOLTS SI. SULLIVAN. clsa....ros. : was cairtiou.sly lighted; the people ac ; LOUtinREI it FREW, ' 11'11`W, P.OPPER & CO., toted for safety. The shuck Chide; lint -The tiro tirvesotro . ra in 1 , .M . 0.611. when the milpharousvaporafioated away . Motor, ft, ineh Orris tamest out by lite to Mingle with the mist of water., Ta- ; =tad Lee ol last year aeti sous ila.:l ble Rick, £0 long reported P. be to:ter. aye. , h'rofm2- 1 tess.i . t , '"J:•: • : , , 0 ,. . , ,,, , , :::' , , , ,,, 1! log to ire fall, remained unniutilated mid r . " ° Of the dry, ' I , S . ,'`,, ` ` ' " •, ianit s, unmoved! The ttfifsoniuns nibbed their I ''"°".•"''' l'a"`•' asst ' pup py • - are tees tong s ; Under the mane roof. eyes in astonishment, and the spectators - retired with a half suspicion of being •••••"" •••••• r" - """" • . - - " sold. Dallied in their undertaking, the' A CtIEISP WAY CallanCks rested for a 5010013, and,gran - o e uil al. 'Mt SA 'U.11)4, OPUI at., by roluc ted the object of their fears a temporary M rt.. l •:-111 , 6, Df , r atarrt.lere 111.... r'. I reprieve., But latterly, you know, the : rats ts. " stir wrt - t nein 'h. hetllt.f • .rwt• - prialnee of Canada has become a "110. • .st "err amt. M tbe ,err ...r , tal... was 1 minion," and the dignity of-such an ' °"''' ."11.‘1'." the elevation, more than ever, demands the • sacrifice of Table Rock. The second , • movement was inaugurated last steels, and yesterday, when I visited the its. I cility to take a formal farewell of the • n,,,, : or the nand o us....tv roe.at sort. tr.. seductive spot, 1 round the base of the • „es., cuss. from the Splll4ll 55. del. tote St cliff completely fuerfornted with 'trill • holes, waiting to be ,charged, While. a ' JOSEPH FLEMING'S party of busy workmen still pushed en: the undermining process. Saturday,_' the lath Inst., is fixed for Um demolition. O I Dru ,, and Patent Medicine Depot; • uummenCiAL en, ' -,- and if there la any virtue in nitro.glyeer- •:-- • so. NA ILOORET .sere, hie, Table Rock will from that time for. Near Pour.. ward be numbered-among the things 1.0,.0 that were. lam strongly tempted to be' at the death. . REATOREA GRAY or PAVED . ,_ ....-_____ lll. I It. ale ss a ..1-reslns 1. , 1 eS , I , /.• : , ..P . ; 111 - e Murder or tilt thigilth Causal at 1 tr;...T;,ter e . d sitfalTs r ,e.:. t ' uatre e .% theeee eee ktrittsti let, sta. ; The llesoll Perfect Efate. lieetorer The telegraph has announced the bill: , "1.w:1ot xver Hair cola. ficetoaro M.seden Int rat her el. 1111 r Color Itemorsr.. lag of the acting English Conseil B. O. I ••, , ,,ioa Halr ftntor Wender" WeSt6101•611111d, at Brunswick, Georgii• :; • a',,.= 0..35 ne " . 1 . , : 17, 1 2,11'2,1', e , .4::=2;.: From accounts in the Georgia ;rapers it oi. too. 13x:clothed hal, rend Iteetorer.• appears that Westmoreland was eng•ged •; ..;'," : :,`:,l';',; , e „,s, le i VIt":1`;;;.7:; ` .114:: in blockade-running storing the u ar, es ea.,. 11,1. r i'llinr RAIL.IIer" and gained considerable wealth. Slaw !;',',l`;`,;,. a- s ;l'i.,!!S e e s . ` , i,diV4s e s ' „ e s e t. ae Zi e g.V.. the war he hats been acting us British :or tem to APi bWAirlo. „ ." , ,i , l.S. 1 . 21/ISZ , Irla. Consul at Brunswck. There he made I a. e .tent e • ur .it ' ff e l l'intritt e . a a a .. a ximt:2 the acquaintance l ot a la _cautiful young ..a. tr. b- 1...LC.1. ....4.. s IttatMel.. LA OS S lady, the denghter of a prominent citi. ' l"e" . r".• a.5•4a. se ' 1,1 .e.: sm. ien, to whom he successfuily paid his . . A THIELY WARNING. addresses. At the same time a young man timed Captain E. J. Martin en- I It le rsyee ally Importaal•at this time. mben , deavored to Will the affections of the, the markets or the Vatted et.t.. Ale Corneae ' young lady, and a coolness spraug up 1 wha the alma abler... aneler Um name el ion 'between Abe two. An Cioression by , e „,,,,,, „ en „„ ... Silas ue s . e nt s son:saes. ' Martin one day was construed by West. I purporting to be medicinal, but net • estatjem moreland into an. Insult, and be chid: 1 lenged his rival. Arrangements were , r " .m. " a " ° ' `rale Wiled to the merle es ...rem made her a duel, but the friends of the ; v.:" ee .. M.. ." th.. the M . " """ n ' lly h. " parties succeeded in adjusting the rola, ' 0. '""" ' " r " e "": °" " """''' 'Lae' 10.1 extellre 5,14.41.nt• t AIWA ir...•• rel. 'the ill-feeling continued, 110 ii . I.:V- ; '',''''''' me a' an t all the 1,,,•-• c0...d0h. aleo• cr. On the :ith instant. 'Westmoreland . s ot ‘ o ' re• 6 l 7 ...nufselor .1 watt aS. aFtIcIS MD. and the young lady were merriest. if- s.t.t.eoo.r opeeior, ......reo At t iA,A.llo, ter the ceremoay Westmoreland went tot Tcr I .I[s , (l.t.r.itmealtu a tvnas.it 111 r. his office to make arrangements fir the . Test valeta none of Owe 101..• but are a bridal tour, and while sitting there con. cumquat... or enre man , . or .1e with the verslng with a gentleman, Stertin came , so. iste...f tra ....I. r all.ahlr e1..... 1 ...... up, and walked directly in front of him, I also °. ".° "1 .e.. " ".. ... 0 .. ' ". th.. wi hoot a word of warning and expla- I, "• " re ' ""° .. 1. "''''''' c " .. , ! ""`"''' ". nation, drew a pistol, and fired the ball ' ea " "'thee "thew"' le.e V*"‘. ' . s atels before the world without airiest or core taking effect in Westmoreland's groin. 1 ~„„:„ . ~,k ~ , „,,, „,, e „„, t s „ she es„,. 1 Westmoreland-sprang to his feet, when I tined ;he of an the other toll,. advert...l In Martin fired again, shooting him 1 the unton 500.,..na the cirntaatstireddca through the breast Westinoroluod I authenticate hrstaefutnees arc Masud hy ladi- Seized his assailant by the arm and ask- , ,mos s 01 . / !In tilehest standing to every prefrs od, "Martin, what have I done tel yon ! simalcalnut sod walk .tare. Llteare of In& MEd you shoot me?" These ware the .51 ' 0• '"" a mna " th'' ' last words he spoke.' Re fell to the ' PEN C 8 CASALE:VaIi. i floor and died in about fifteen luintileS. I a tree welch Is almodsot.ln CartaaLs. Nova I Martin matte no Scala, to eaca cad 1 ne., AAA the mute northern tan• . 1 t. O New I surrendered LO a squad Of sold' re. The I Eanatia taste.. utar , also foenet In the elevated people were so Much incense against i a0d1110111L[4.1.11. 1 airlona of the Middle State, him that he was sent to Savannah for ino abounds In medicinal virtues. Di. elect, sale keeping. Captain Martin is 01111 of 001100. au peanut , a madame from the to be a youog man of excellent repine. ;' ^ " a "eath °"e 'a. the ""7". eats ' r''' tion. Mnße served on the staff of Oene,„l IsAff D'S 'Mira P 1.6 cumeounni, wets 1. Johnson in Virginia, and is tlio Owner ",.. - .''''''" . j . , ! `.., " ,.. " 1,1!t:r " 1 " :,, " ,,,r1„ " :„L ! ' „ ' : of a large rice plantation. Ills friends 1 ,7, ' ,'',. e „e1;',„„,,„. ee „n s . ill h. s o „...n, .contend that other motives than .lent• i th.iii;Sol:C7ncatia calliar. 11 Will h. 160 . 0 *CO oust Y prompted /dm ' add ' justify' his ' ' ts;"n . l::;:, i ,r,fal ai reallir 'l7,', A l U ' it; conduct. ' • . i., chronic coueles. molt an Infallible Mandan/Or ma. Mae Mar i 'd ''' d'id"th e ‘"" took VII le of 'hared!. DIAMOSDL-Some time ogo one of our , t1z.....5. , 5 0 ,. tt. nilt , nnlytoL .... r was and cot a revenue officers distinguished himself by 1 d 0.... terTait ' dozen r , soave AIN... noneo laming a circular in regard to the per. : ;S:rtvittit , ,yii n st . ... or the bladder ave tamer or weal,. baggage of tessengers arriving' .. 171.t , 055i t 5 , t47 , .... pl. ist.Z.ll Ilk= from, abroad. One of tho finest points in i es:Nt. ' tettin ' t the7l ' Xill i tea . 1:1OPZ1110011LI.4 this' circular was that which specified I otWi, ° ,ll4',.rLV,i_s,.2l o . Wore, Waking of that certain articlea of luxury might he I the pine moat "LL t, ' l,;e=tsed to lencorrerea. admitted free if their value was proper- 1 ;17,,t,•,.rarx,!,:= , ;,;,:,, ,, ,,f, , t, , „?,?.„, , r:p=r,",fj, tina'td to the "station of the owner." :of the bowel, In chronte ' estmrhal affeetlett, This: at once, raised the query what so-'f 1 4,l le : l4 ' lVr. l l7: ' ?rf r:ll'l,7'V:f;"arl,tiotl dal "'station" entitled the wearlpg of i sis.or army:lo atone there% od ons whla diamOnds and other jewelry. An article I n a sg r eenoa l ai e sv e r;"..tlt: l . ' .7ll=t e r e igtes e n e s now before us enebles us to forts a judge : Inas .. ' d..... . b `rPg'jrV.l„r"""" " ' ment on this perplexing s.ubject. It con - ' lli e tn• %tax IPS . vilirTs. L vViii i i %TS: taint a list of several owners of the more ,L'ut-J.rro.iir,..Yritk,"e a lt.slfi r ,;,,,'" : :',,""„",l:: : ,',,, l°ll 4" . valuable diamOnds and precious atones ville,ian sweet. • atat worn In this country. Of these we find _ _____ _ that a - negro minstrel has a single Ma- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nioadjln worth CI 000. A "late negro minstrel" had pins and rings valued at I is,,,, Waer ai AJTA W6 Ll RA rcatS j a r" tsOti d lOrL "" seti krP d r p " mit " if: $25,000. A favorite dancer hiss $4.090 I nachos efteloratfaeramtistraMes fieftfidr•l'sand invested 111 diamonds. Tim wife of a 1 as maw papers tarofwama 0 ?" U. "' 5155 . , negro minstrel Is said to have the awn , i "" d .. em . ththea th a -- - - - mous amount of $7OOlO in jewels A ROBINSON BROTTTERR, circus clown has a single diamond vainest , at $2,060, and a cluster diamond worth 1 23sammliesisrawe $l,OOO. A ' ‘ 'retired" circus performer : has a thousand dollar. more than this I Bra. " r°lll " .llBlSZET.Plignb '' Ch. invested in these vanities. - I —The portrait of Queen Victorisi, on FEjt r ep La Tte l jrittveee d ral.:l t i ,W exhillition in Philadelphia, though •U. r i s. 33,01171:11E1, good ettottgla npeelmen art, is pro area tots:watts .ell Railroad Bonds nonnced by a person who claims to know, j s . 1 . 4 1 8 , 44 ,, mart- It MOM resembling the Pueen than ir ; gaiter .011..1 MAW. Land Warrants...a°, .1t blul been painted for lin entirely Wife.. I ' T. :Sondem . tee . ezaria= e r . out person. The original (for 51. r. pea- J `j,t 4 B e e ,.:j:r;,k,!=ri t t. 1 4 ., t rAita. body'a Ls only n COpy.) IIOW On eXlnln tion ut. the Royal Atwidetny, and the I IerNOTICE. -.- ON AND AFTER . 0111 torltor native, and:writ/on have cruelly placed near it the j,:sarav fluntnanYnth cortain-photogruplut of the'-Queen, as if I ran o. ear l are on,' tea hamar. ffora Oak, purposely to show how bad a draught,. I land wation t o nhe Coon Moire. vorrv i = man. the sun la. 'The whole - town isrgA,Nr i for r...wom• laughing at. the artist tor his H41(11010; I. w-t.tion wile. going lo comma from flattery or his loyal Subject, • Irril• Nr omw-ory.ar,•Af uslR , tl eere ur r.• • PITTSBVRGII DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1861 A Good Family none* W B. 11118 ELTON, M. D., No. 67 Federal tit , Allegheny City. TnE QUEEN OF TOE TTltl.—rbelltale Right tor viarytand i vdig privilege or maiiiifvetury of a PATENT wAsoinc FLUID, W Et ch. vbertver Introduced. hes met with but ter...M.lnm, Will be so't . op . :1=41:1f , :gun . e. 1719:02? 131Tbtrit street. Ali Untie of ert•6l, 44nc 'nth pr4mrthess ant 41eitnel.. Te.e I.•eudr• xp•e•• eetli eLLI tor sat,' 4 Ile, • lotheb•reA . et • 4.,• 4, e. let•Te o•4era bef4r• 'en o'cloca the mort.le• to nave then nt• Jae.•i[la, •4•T. 1.151. r. left e the foliow plat.!. be : /1...4, co, rtr.b an! loran et, , . . 1.11, Yareet too; ,/ancv. car. r•• iV .0 a Vtito. Arre,3•7 , ut.. nftt, H Y. t N. J. ,e,..1‘1". L.coet .Itret3. NO VACATION. Prof. 11. 110118OCK trltt cotal.ue la gixe Instructions on the Piano and Organ. =ln I= bele, prewl.+l • Ith aI..RUC sad I'aRTY.C , I. "ROAN. 1101.51. Earn eTcry uyp+rtuo::y 1v Study lilt Grll,l”fal la.trana/ St. =I App Tat 1,11.1ter., No. 31 11ChIZT .cr aecond 400 r Voln tafti •Irtve • Yr. T BUSINESS MOUS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , Nos, 6 and 8 Bt. (lair Street. s Test/otos] lThittlor. I Root-Noutdo,. rooms whip and auittartell, rum. unlimited ...... $lO Out Arithmetic and rvamamahis> Der of throe smooth. i reumuouldr. Per mouth rot Circular. or 61.711r11, whirr" N. SHArrn.ll.. or noun+. .t. r wcilAvsmsrp... M2MMIGI Fine Gold and Sillier Watches. tee lowed print. the resh:le a:e Welted to cal. end eruttatne our stork Derote porelvelog else•rore. I=l = = FINE COLD JEWELRY, I= Watcni repairing promPtlY atteDded b. •t W. WILSON'S. No. 84 IOGNITIIttd[N.T. Two doors DtieeL • .5:441 • W• CHERRY SEEDER! CHERRY SEEDER! Goers nittlii• 11$1.. Cbe ,, l•:• ,, b•th.t , for raw." or ffryfug rn .0 , 1 .00 oar of the". vol noire motto., It not only ..... Um, .111 Moor. t will more to•r tot, ror Oast, In ser, fro one both. or rnerrlrs. 'Pie machine Is clef •r, slot ole. dumb!. and botoftorof I fro` 0 0 1.- pot. ft oolustabls, tlistrlfy odaysttsof It wall b y fad:orris. for We wholesale and retotl = (Z. 411IDEN SPOT WASTED.— , A ran, twelve In Id arra., anal leml...Pable for RIL,Jeo porpote, •0610 ft - At. add to• Ore.) on It. . 1 Censer Ins! allusebnater,•• A Ilegbeny and rata thrib r Lots In n'tnent any lonallte desired. In suit s ad tutee and potheLs. Y srms. A den d ap• ald country r4.ll.lcocell. Mebterif Iwpro.. , set Uptaproted, for sale or trade for *l llgia, P iaand Calms collected aria, the tit road deapetele. Lead, Pon, and J. P. IRAEL. ItesdratJte Anal, ....reder•l 01., Allerne.Y. JUST RECEIVED, AT ROBERTS•& SHERRATT'S WIIULESIO.t AND lItTAIL rin, fair Ebett iron fue Intfutm, I= A new sopply of toe Cheet a, lee Vets sod Ma ore. Ilefr ..... tort. 11 , er C,cre. lee Cream Yr,term, sie•t Bates .•ater Coolers. diet% lad• dere. Lad ••fall line of Honae-fornishleer Goode. Also, menuf•etnrera 412.1 /of on e.. CQUiLI , ,I for meau, bin. podding.. An JAMES B. JONES, . DIALIII IN Scrap Iron, Light Iron, CAST AND INIIOVUOT MON. • ROPE, dOCA. Dormer Andwon 9 and Mvor . AII•Igh•toY -v V rAGITINifiTON AV EN e, era. tri c4V,:ar a , tu,ght.l l the nature lute, to he thr same b i.= as Vl7•ll.ms k ! mustfrom, mongol*. street to • *to Nee, will must on tbe . nr. ml,es, on hATElfttlAr, August 124, 1.7 at .3 0 do*, to faloll the guiles of hee monolotsucnt. A. 00. ALI XIINDMIt, ts ART, JARED 1710:00.0 • Viewers. BIDIvELL STIIIEET.—Notice iN ed Via ci elveatest We nderol.ree.l am . ple. to d a amages Cant benellte hr tee opening or Bidwell suet. a coed %Veld. eilee.e.er. (P.m ItA pre,. nt to s .lelara Day. Aw,,T,..11A.`"V.°11':,7',:67,..7.L i : i f, Wend to te. dotted of little ~ppnletmeet. mon.vei. II HAY, Vlewere. JOEIEPEI WIGGINS. Collecting Agent, Office at the Hord of Trade ROOMJI PITTSBURGH, PA. 818. of All not oolloted And ptOmptly at tended to.. Boot of reftrencel when. Jyu ItIT , ADDAP HAT AND. SHOE evannuraw. Prnotiod Real) D SOOTS nod MOWS, Ilan ..4.rn. bore Mil° 9I V, lenbny City. No 'Men olio In the two allea nu better 1/4/11S160 h oblnlagod In We we of /in% ens. 11.14._ noes. eed en tarns of due °WWI ./3 Ban ornals M liernolnimAn tee (Mr ditalor. 11 content NMI r. prollts, eel dotanslokl Wafer nen banning wall who I srOP wan tbelt plifOnnn. loraPIC! -FOU SALE Half Interest in an Established Dry Coons Store, VEONtiAt. SIMILES, ALLEMISENY DOITG AT PHESDST il;10,000 PER ANNIIII. ; vie 11.,„ bus . l . <ls in hustler: of My Hall. a , , t v !mAtg i, ne I , l i g . :lss.ll;n i ! 1 grits Shia ti m . iligili.e Perm r:?, :: I `,,r,;,,!1g" re;.. 111 :tl' Address D. 11.. Post etacs, dfle l gh . tuy. Pa. I T Vsna ',. t r n ht • sre o l; r in ' tt o " o .e [e '' ' ' ' ''°'. at • if Wm's _ .__, _ _ _ . _ I j, ma, i J. 1 tVa. llc l e 4. ' City Controller. VALUAHLE 191.1,111.TALS rola I a bic li e D . llA , S 4; llltN AND LAWYER.I. 1 pROPOSALS FOR CAST IRON „, rth ,u.... 11 ,,,krynt Art, wits , A. .rtaxratTs AND SLAG STONE Clit.rd. - -, I Form, a,rl Ital., •r 1 •i. 0 11,111ard on Iletkr4tc". - L C al lesolstne . 9. rsu.ro. 1 - ' • CONT,oLLSII ., , , I , r. 1 t. Idrtglaes K., to [lie nautrust , Art. an,f , S. f'ltT Of 611iLehvg, JulT tab. 1,7. S' Em,sonss Internal htvenur Gicsle. with ail 1 5,,,,.. r s p r ,,,„„,..„” , '• the Ams-n.taelos. Prier 11. I unst, T HUNS rs y y 4, r r". ,, Teist. OD oftsee Ursa ntly s a nr , llll InKe.t of the Lawa of Penn- , , ~, -,,,`,.,. 15,,,., , r.s ..,,o,Ss, sst ,, ,,,o'eSog;ls sT4lan.la. fsenll,-it to bal. Prl e s2._ _ 1 fi.ellf;,..ilr2.."lll:lg,;in'i.t•-•,-e- ' g rii " jjt o , il . ) „ r 0 rd ''.. .:::g r ,‘ a I l i2 1 TlZ;!"aniirt.j.g.2.e. I Ini etseetion of Y r dersletree's ' antl . iiorllt'aig.pste ' s's aver lames and North a, , i - . • Price Ir.lo. For slle br • - • to be II l'et 1.4,21 Inch pi , n 'sr .a"" .. 1 ' 1 . 2 - Te7e ' s K, t y a ,t coyiPANY, sl . ,ls: at the Int...rsmion'of n l i c:ln'an.l l No ' rth 1 ~, , , V . c s, , , i ll:sx ( IT, is Inch. entals, and 12 tees long. I • lneh A':! - .. ri1:`;.: . 1 . 1qr,,r.77 0 .„ , „ "), t - 211ao,for 11111114ln ne an. tsattlros;do'ne 'FL:Sti I =l: 4 t%YtlZ l S' ‘ o ' ::k :le " i ' . 7 . '"rt " t r"- i:rerl ' Otr3 ' rlit's;l to•t ' n ..1""r?;1:'" th:'"';?;n'e Two-Story 'Brick D wetting, i ."'T'''''' .R. IL FRANCIS, ._ „ fltl Controller. 115 Wood .treel.. DESHIAULE RESIDENCE, SITCIATE Iti IIcKEESPOLIT Cont,rdng nine re , .m.. with ...hh .. ".. nd authtithilmtr: railt tr•tes. ,hrcht,try Se. Car ru,rlc.t. rt.ct 31-rtrt.Met hY tigill4 amyl, to as sun I.:et 4 • Appta to Capt. 11. tINCL.AIP., McKeea port. or STEEL & WILSON Brokers and Itcal L'alnLe anent• No. 66 brolthtel.tstrett MEI COMPIIEsSED BUNGS. ARMSTRONG, BRO. & CO., Manufacturer , alla Whott.le MACHINE CUT CORKS, Plugs, Taps, ie,sh Moss, nob, RO 15. 19150te:9, sc.. . ee. Nos. 17.2 A: 12..1 Third Ni., ADAMS PATENT SPIRAL PEN RACK, Vrtritale by t•lttloners, llootsyllers nod Dealers In Yanyv and Notions. 1•10.02 STEAM BOILERS, Steam E1ic,111.5 and Iron TUrlllPg And One" Iron Pinner, hate riat6rc4 to No. 31 Market St., 1 , : ,, RN LSI 0Y e.rcoNll,) rrrromlßOlt. • • Whore Mel nce prep...4l nO S.:tame:Urn ntl icAriunr.crufirits or lann• of • Saddles, 'b'runLr, FURNITURE And nll kr ;1311/ t.:te n 11I,1n.W1r , anal Let to •,alt. INT CM"' C.,DM. W . J. J111(1.:ISS. = kla•lv, ;old hts In,r,tt to W5l. S. WILT, 011 Artll lat, rettr. from ttr, firm. sad Mr. IT iLT as imnaer from that at... Ibe it:. e ea at itai , r old .t.. . . N... 41 Will IllitELD Xi Framr. , . • ; iirt.... a•... , .. ,,, .••.. ~..•••,,,....., ~ w ... W A tell satoTtsecal ' of rittAban".l 'limits. T. C. ru...1. '."........ Lured TV mitury .aslaittr OW tumla.l. LAI WLIST , Vikai YkIIC.P.• MORRISON BARB & CO . ' " 9 . CO. , : g.:•,,,r,•—.1e. c. porra.....vra. B. INU.T. 1110.aulacliat , • 0 . 1 lad, or !BOOK AND PRINT VIPER. SO Ou Il 00 ororr. IL:Or:opt:7 Eted. I= ES=l2 =I iirlilaßest rub ,iald kyr rt.. - To HOUSE ITEILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.. Tbu larien avortsuent of GRATES, all Sizes; Cooking Ranges & Stoves, =9 WERE LOW PRICES. B r BISSELL &- CO., ME G CITY COLLECTING AGENCY a.au •. a. ti.T0N....0. O. asaat.s. SEITONS, SEXTON, Local Collecting Agents, :66. 6 RT. CLAIR STREET. 2.0 nuts .11 ileteribllon. takra entlrcltoe Np • harAt byre 11111 s arc tt.c.lletle,S. wttl. MAIIOOIIF A. CO., =I BROOIS, Broom Brush and Broom'Fhldlugs W mano Factory on 4 ofeboullo, la the tau of &h. r • Lnsaeo. Ron. 172 and 174 Wood 144. Plltaporgla. awar47.: SAMVEL Ji..VICKEItSIIMA • i Il e on • rgroker, 124 Firat Streit, P/TIFIBUIEGII, PA. Agent fog the gals of Cornwall, Donaghotom, Joseptdos, Duneennon. illisudon. scot other brands orAnthreelte. Tough. lognuns Vote and till pbanVe C. charcoal PDI MONK. 1m A llonenrnments and order's resbectreill toUrs 10 OIL BIESTINEFIS. . - THOS. S. CALHOUN I 1781.LP1E1NT3011 . 4.,, • • Pir..lol Lace& Street, A!legiteny City; ti i me , sei , gx . :7 . 3lr A tva of CRUDE TANKS. MUTATIONS bnlit on the must Improved giga ton. IKON TANK BOTTOttn nod ropy. All kind, of reasonables ciao. done for Kellen on the most terms and at the shorleat notice. nobione -- and. gnANCIZA roazoiss. J &S. FIIANCIES, . CARPENTERS AND BEILDRRS. Contracts taken for Sllldiofs. Mori Pronto, end Jobbing. Partstniar matent!on finial 10 Mosby framing for Foundries .4 *hops, of Li descriptins. . . 2b6 tII SS Wool Bt. Alltgbely Ci 7, PA, 17:aw GEORGE. IBEAVEN, . • CANDY, MANUFACTURER, And dodo 'I PIo n Foralintind AUTd, American 71tu 12 a.` TSOILRAL IrritZET, woad door front the Tint National Hank: alliorhans lan B 4" & MOSER., • : AL.WICUEEXTIOCITMS. • PHI= ASSOCIATION SIMI/INN. Noe. 111 and a ter. CLAIR trritirr ,PTT IOBUNtIO. PA. /IP , olat attention eM 00 rrs to the deslgrolor sod building of Coot: asao 4 WM , . Itoiloll.o FROPOSALS FOR COAL. CONTitnlr Ert , 0rr...... 1 .11,- ALLIMIzESS, July WM, • gtal,•et Prn,eals will h. rcealved at ile . e . Ea r T WWI WICI,NILS/ , .11', trtt AF tteaT,...l4 r inTi:/PI E C'j,V"'Nirclatrira.V.ZßlA: LONE. t. , ! , IL, tube tlellveTed It the foIL,IIIICDUs. EMI DISSOLUTION NOTICE.—TEIE !Inn a lISI LI VP. ❑ItO%VN d. CO. IA Ills day dle2hl, en by Ilnaltstlon an.l 13111{111d. couseut. JOHN R. WATSOR illypoitog of bls interest Co the remaining yartoory. ;lorsous kn.wing themsel ye: Indy:AE.llo flab/ firm will pßose call =1 having elattou will Preterit the saint to .10IIN it. WATnUN, at our utile, 55 relit.' mtge.. be bet og aulltorlie‘t to kettle oil %ego.' u Allegheny City. July let. or BAILIFF, BROWN & °AMON, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Filters ❑OU6ES YITTEII VP W/TII Water, Garda Steam Pipes cs. ours meocaesrisa est., ALLEGHENY CITY. i - 511 LOUISVILLE TOBACCO. JUST RECEIVED, A Large Stock of the BANNER BRAND, Also, o. lot of the colobtoted Vine Cut Navy, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE AT B. kit HAMMON'S, No..FEDERAL ETREET, ALLEGHENY, U . P. INTERNAL REVENUE, 23d DISTRICT. I=l Of Every Description. SCUOOL MD OFFICE MOMS& famlthfield Street, =I M=MM 'OY ALL TNICIC3 AND QUALITY. AT 8. 33:11=1,1173.78. UREA! TEA.. Prime Manz 1ip00...1. Kitra v. 14 •` tionn • EMI PLACID TEAN—Oadowes. Peat st.ad per pound. tra `• 1.9 •• lILAUK TEAPI—Po chaos . , Nouchosx and Co OHM Ex. Plue Wan nav•d Kr lima Wt. $1.20 •kith C . "° 1.41 a JAPAN NAN. Ilnellored Japro. nett fatal" /Laver PIM Japan. 1 mina &Irma. Ll.O MIXED DAR. No, 1 /dlxtd rru. y n•Pt Wank, ti do. 1r.H.K1.10 •• •• trot • a. •• 1.10 tom the aboTa ane one ran au,sct Juat what kind of tea they ve.dt. and have them put up to any ganutPr. sod rorwarrud by aor of the Es.. ponna la the prlet,t,eaide4 gctllnd a pane sad pee aean artlol4 (matt!) Ault. their mato. A. TIO 172 d 111 Tedara/ It, later en 7. poisosous AND FILTHY! Adulterations are awl • 13 Tiß II INEFACTELI OF 3DfLTI3ITID RIM). BLACK LEAD, WORRY CRACKERS, TLRBA ALBA, - - Tummuo, Are Assent the Adulteration• Used =I TUE PURE SPICE MILLS, Manufacture none but porn:slly rules mrisirs. 8500,00 REWARD For ant *dullard:or: Wan In at, Sploca. Out rt ' ct.Vat f f U'ulte"gg.lVl:Lttar.r. t .'"" MOMS MEMMINE UNLIEMS NIUMND ARBUCKLES & CO., lhalcule Crotin aad.Fnpri•lon of Pm Bfite • 222 and 221 Liberty Street,. PISTSBUIIOII. rA. ri_ A pound of nor prime rowed UNGITUND Wa " r; ' 4l2:l 4 t t o' trtgr ' ill i a ‘ l e orT:lttd==. howl., town hay Cot", la thu marttt. Jill pITTSBERGR PAPER •k• lAVTUßlZikletiferAlrli, Mairalke.tarersol PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS CLlN las m ilite, T HitVallilits:l ) . l lll: OTTICE /LAD weocznousa s No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Or/10811.8—AUGOBT Trecidekt. B. LIVINUriTOI4. TWri HAAT UST. 1211/lli.ll, &crew., DirrscTOkik—Aorket Hut% Joh, Atwell, I. H. Hartman, John H.Ll•lniisten. Jahn*. ref. kink. U. H. Merrick. each 141114 for Paper iketkOk. nolguick FOR SALE. • ONE I INCH ENGLES, =lash Grote; anis, on Iron bee plat!. , One secend•hand OSCILLATING ENGINE. 0 tarn, IT II twin stroke. one i Inch oerend•hand ENGINE , 14 . Inch stroke, borlsontaL en ken ben pl., • One 1074 men ANGINA, 4 lost 01001 e, second. lune. The abore lOU Ira told chesg nit nests. at =1 C.:niter Sandust7 and Water fltre.l., tor4:lls_ ♦LLEGNT.NT (MIT. PA. FolliALE.—we have for sale good .eoond•4ud Iron Turning Lathes. r.p.,1.11,.d.pt...0 for torn Leg axles. We Whit' the above at reason eh e ra.eh A 1.,. UNA iron Inch theh 'Woke on iron bed; boiler 44) Inches omelet M livelong, two IS lanh dues. inquire at the IN DUISIBIAL WORKS. noGai a. BMX a. 00.. I=! = CII9QUET CROQUET 1 M have jolt received a line essortnamit sr sbe eaove, ranalos Is price fro. Vl* all Per vet: the flout sesorment She city. Yor gale by MEE] NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS eill LOVil OF THE • CO3IIuoNWIALTH Or PENNSNINANIA, Due After July 1, 1856, and Before July 2,1860. Iloplipr, or the following LOANS' OF Tall CitininIONWELLTH YE2rNeILVANIA art inimited.to pri sent theta for payment (Princi pal and Interest.) at The Farmers' and Mechanics' Na tional Bank of I' hiladelptda. . . . Loan or March - A, MO, due March 1, •• February lu, 1,11, dlle July 1, '• • March M, tan, dull July I, It.. •• Jaullary:6, Cut{ Julyl ISIO. •• .lune 7, Intl, due AUll/C.l 7719.. •• March 70. lel:. due JWy I. two. • • April a. Ism. due .14y I, 1100. Alao, aL BANK a:HABIT-It ,(IANS , Itte prloo to July 2, taco. All of the abort LOANS will cease to draw In -wrest alter August 15, 1667. nmag JOHN W. GE WY, "OVEILNUIL. JOlll FAISUTRANFT, ...ULU Wit GENEUAL KENBLE, NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OVERDUE LOANS or nix CO3IIIO3IWEALTII OF PENNSYLVANIA Holders of the following Lonae of the Con. mouse ealth of HetallOyleanta un n nnne (principal and tutereet.) by presenting them . the Farmers' audMrChinlce National Dant, on nod after May tn. . t Loan of March :i s 1,4. one Deo. 1. MIL Lone of April 00. 10m. due Dee. I. 11,1. Le. or April 10,1010, due Aye. 1 . .Loan of March Cl, ]s3l, due July 1, ;SJA. All of the above Loans will cease to draw In terest on August 1. left. DIU W. GEIHY, JOHN F. 11111TILINFT, IVILLIDI 11, kEIIBLE, H,AIiiLSBURi, JULY. 29, 1867. TO THE HOLDERS Loans of the Commonwealth PENNSYLVANIA, Due July Ist, 1868. The laoscasksioners of the Inklnf fund will reeelyerropases 00111 Papternber Id. Bal. (or tnr Sedeso.salan or Doe Million Dollars of the lona, of this Commonwealth, due 4617 Ist. S.& Holders will address tlo;Ir propossis t• , We Canosnossioners or the Pinking fund, lisrets. born, Pannsylvasia, and endorsed ••frapusals Mettle IP/demotion of Louise( lgd.'• FRANCIS JORDAN, SECEETA.RT OE STATE. JDilfi F. lIIRTRANFT, • /.111.113701: urliEasL. WILLIMI 11. KEMBLE. SDIIt•SD BUR. -• 13.1,411 BAILS lE. BURKE Sc. BARNES, Fire Proof Salanatider Eafe, VARY NOB, STEEL . IINED arsGLA PZOOf Hlnt IRON WINDOW SHUTTER MANUFACTURERS, 129 14131 Third St., Wood and Smlthaeld. rlrrnliUlll3l.l, Hest the follow o;lattlettol remmenestloa of the Pro proof onalltles of oar tofu : 71thubun Agu Pat:ulna thrlti. Or W. A- J. wncr.tho. onneuthwu. Vito. June WO, lOC. Zwrs. Par. • hamar,. Pintobrorth. Pa. Gawthrahr—We stab you. to-day. by rah: road. a se. of your make, the s few repair.. The sate west through the dltarthrus Are that de. oured here on the dm of ]larch tut. bir.thi .onr store sad warehu.e. awl we are gbh d in form 7. that the Rotors take. Wut or the Led sure the'tlre were 0.0 harmed In the least. We did not sup.re any safe. ethertally so small gam could pomlbly stand the. • nom and when we Mammald the papers all Safe and sowed, we wgre agreeably athappdttatd. We 0111 give yuu an order Md. a lane are We who, we get tutu our new Man. Truly Renee. 7emthth W. A A. 4. PACILICD. si to no' P 00044 110 .. SHEPHARD'S CRACKERS 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH., ,PA. fel••41 JIM% 10fill .011 N XNABLI....JOIIN 11. BOTIT, PITIVIIIRGII LIMP COMPAINY JOHN ROSS & No, 23 IVood SG. Pittsbuigh, LAMPS, LAMP EASES, CHIMNEYS, UMW, ETC Lunn rsAlso, Tr denie in ernryiltne petinioloK to the utt, TUMLER.. TABLE WABE. WINDOW BLAbe..O4 neerythine to the 4ilnta Line. 11101ING & CO., I=l Commission Merchants in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. - 2 -= No. 555 Penn Bt., prrisßusea: PA. t! WALL PAPERS AT REDUCED PRICES TO burr THE MiMSI At No.lol Market Street JOB. R. 1101:1111ES a' DRO. BoTTLEp ALES. . KEJSSIrrf, 'MURTON. • And all best brand. of AUICS Alio SODA WATZIAA, bottleAby .• • J. CAW FTUMA & C 0... mhtalg AIM "..4tia 4 XARILET liTitalgT, Pittsburgh grg • CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE I=l TRIUMPrCOOKING STOVE, LI trill/ ET REARREAsgrxne • FOR THE FOURTH. xU. I W U. xr-ms. of dl docripticuat, tt GEORGE NOLELEEY'R.-- -- No. 10 lefo&I .tract. klOthiu7. QINDAYi ACCIOOL CELEBTIA. • nop A MONICA PINNER. PARTISA..te.i Inrittabod•Al.A the Dell - - WM GAILY. CONYECTIONA RMS. CAKES, YAWNS, At thelouse price .1 , 4 On Ike norteet natio% Ai aMlXAMirrffi 3FLICCI /WW2/Pt 90. it 1/1131011) ) . Altribrity. je2d:tnft. • 1". 1222 Et =Et=! I=l iy ••• >74 ;W . A N FARBEVES, 7 r'in'rrP•'."'' ' , LIES. rty.a d ir l VZ da,. for tr , ttle .t h . Lw r l s ri m PlT . Dm', fr 0 ttn 'r`„,m,,' • ' ';:',,: r t°.:Ps He:. 0; tistojcd ror Flocntlol ° C. om '' lo ' till 11, 'NI" uarblnet. 0.400 .r ' tTliciftru ' uta: ;rake:l Inns Co, ti JV Til L :l2l 01.• T ans. `,2lv.e-tern lion Woe.. corner 0,0, and A C T OAtt A I.) I)3I,IEI,IIIIIEVTURS of dant. NN ' 'n;ne ot;._____—Pietsoureb• _ lsla:tar o 051111115 'ay. IitICILIBD 17R, ESQ., • WAITE D, Was elected Vice Fre , lder t • J•trt GO/VW, Cosider: JULY COLD COUPONS, .r All Ei dIeAIN.KI. rrattaeto And Compound Interest Notes REPCHLICAN , EXECUTIVE , COMMITTEE. WANTED—Men in Salesmen M e emlr< Cl :11!. CommZtee relnelleti lo Deparament of National /Ut meet an Aly at °nee, lapp 11. 11. CIGUILLN , - 310.11 OAT, JCL'S 22d, AT Id A. E., OIL WORKS& COMPANIES EUREKA 011 WORKS, Eureka'Carbori Oil, Sperm - Lubricating Oils; CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Crude, itethied and Lubricating tflli; LIZZ6, Sperm, Whale and Fish Oils, C. NOBLE, Agt, 19 Irwin Street, I=2 = Cosx.ra: SOHO OIL WORKS. BM. KEEN & CO_ U rAcruar2 Or rur. CELEBRATED SPERM LIDIRICkTOI. retroteim Luhrlcatiog Sperm, Lard and Wba-e 111111.11G61, SUB GUM STANDARD -WHITE BURNIN6,OIi, No. 1 St. Clair Street PITTSBURGH, PA.. SZND VOR A CIIICULA IL. dc7:455 TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERV:LINTS, Petroleum and Its Products, MEM= - rITTSBUNGII Orr ICS—ltaltell's Intlltting corner orDuqueste Way and Irwin street. PHILADELTHLI.O77ICIC - 127 Walnut at. anttatan I= WARING & KING, I=l ERCOEI3 a3D MRS Petroleum and Its Products. Dalzell's Block, Duque.= Way, rITT9III7I[4III. PA. CHILAJJ.SLFLUA £1 ) D1 M: WARINC. KING tK CO.. =EITIMII wotamaiDGE 00 PEFENIMG canai.-gLiKru". OF PITTSBURGH. PEMBA JUAN riediten.— HENRY 1. Lt,NO. "leery ned. , • 11V08.1ilti 111 it:3lP2 RAN CETILLE. grilce, N. 2 Duquesne Way, iia.pevloaHndre.) KAATTACTUIIERS OP PUY:4' WHIST BURNING OIL E - rand—"Luoifar." .311%.:ftt BUY THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD.,z_T sou OIL uzyms.r.3 I=l T. H. d E NY.r LCD., PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N.W.Car.3d apa Market Stan EAGLE OIL lilif4rt S X-1.2b370 - 2 . 0=1 1 0:3C . M 0 . WICHTMAIM & ANDSIZSON = Re!loon and Dealers in P ETB 0 E °incr.. sr.COSD STORY, 01 , 62:"?..'1 COCA tir. AN111,r01 7 141 , 1 . WAY. BREWEIR, BUIZEE ts. COMMISSION MEIICII &rag, .10Z.V.78 MIK TIIZ. Patine. Globe & Liberty Oil Works Ample 814 rare tor Crude an 4110111 3 04 011 Lit. eral cuff 00.0 c. Ir.wle on ,nslarunersti of Grade or fleece.] Yerrols.e.c. Tents [or eorate .4 ablpfrrrot of trade 00 01 Lawrenceville. andUtllet too Warsbousa.torarr 4 f 1/10t.rno Wa7 flaneo ,, t Paro.o,o FOR REST, 1 LARGE BOOM, 4t6 story, •InI3AZIETTE oirler. Poe polkolirs Inquire ADAM HK.C.KKU., or at G sZST CoUNT • ING KO.Oll. • Of10:00 S . 9. BRYAN, BONDS, STOCKS.' AND REAL ESTATE, Apollo Builtl!ng, Fourth Street 111111111, COYEINESI - 13D I:NICIPAL Insurance i .alintug St. Giber Stocks. °Merl exeented et the New Yore. Philadel obi. and Heston block hoard. by is ItiteePth at the reveler rates of coot mtestuu turret t Ib %Wise tnizi A . LIMITED PARTNERSHIP . _ has been marred Into, to commence from the tOOO u:Alf OT JUNE. DM. end to continue t >JUNE 3000. IMOi between EMIL NCH &LK. of the City of fluaborsh, and CHAELEN LEN DIU; of Ute . Clty of Philadelphia, Mate of Mena sihrmht. We business to be that of dealing In -and the ruilalns of 1 ctroleuro. Coal or bliale MIS, and the chtmeal, fo exlmustlee use. of the articles used lo toe metaled( process. either by sate or further manufa•torot to be conducted to %btu.: of EMIL SCII &LE, the Oenbrsl raft oar, In the City of llitsburgh.. CIIsILLES LLISNUI lathe 13yeclal Feltner. who has con tributed thereto the sum of Elfty Thousand Dollars in cash, EMIL oC3iLlf. General Partner. EM=1:12219 - ' CILUMII.I LEN,taa, 4poalsl rarmer. Pittsburgh. J. 10thvik7. Before me. A. B. Nltalinsadr. of the CUT of Ilttstorgb. Count, et a.lial•anT. BMW of Penusylvanta, persona:lr and ;aced . EMIL OCLIALIC. and made arirmadou ttat CilLltts6.l istsbiNlG haa as 100011 1 Partner contributed to ca.b the sem of 1180.000 as the rarrberstdo (Monet of which ho. the said )MIL SCHALK. is the General runner. rittaiilllth. lane 1110. Doff. CIUN A WAREHOUSE. RICHARD BREED it H., vrazz..Orwrzi.num, No. 100 Wood Street .5 II TUTTANIa. AND HILVER rt....79E1).14- EILN Want., TEA TRAYS wad TAUL I. CUT. LX.U Ntr i ityl s N7l4l3 , ..,15HINA A IVI N ,Ent' a - . Milt V - P,i!thro , A, I,NlMAlsal2l , lt!," 7 °"" l Puo; El.dtlitITTZONlll. ' ANULItiH eSTONE W AIM at all satliktlas la ax.lt who.ale sad re tall trade. " Tite latig= i inoNCC:DietA stock of Vral7 f l l g t ceraad W.% age Was as La the easter. dale. _ _ rif4 ilsAlmv344ll I' • UCLA FOUNDRY, Carson SI" 9th Ward, near .1. V.ll. Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, • Rag Mill Rut &thin Cadigi gentially. JOUti/NO ortardnanendad to. Ota do n:n oteds :Anent:l and caretolly and sallatantort4 o. . ----- TrAXEsSEE FLIOStkz473 bldg. arrITO rall, ha' salr by . ISAIAH I , leLla R. CO 117Tif:THEICr. ANTI CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, &o. JACOB IL MILLER lIIRGIINY IN CIRPETS =1 WE HAVE JUST OPENED =I Bought at. rocont Auction Wu In At, Vora. arnica are oter at a I= Reduction of 20 Per Cent., From prices of test mon Lb. We hoot reduce) eLLmwooli . iri[GiNs I=l Red, White aud Ch eeked Matting", WHITE MA.TTINGS, = NOTTINGUAN LACE CIALTAIN% & COLLINS. =1 Neat boireltior : e ons 0001 tats; Coattoo Roues ono rostorackk . over 14Iner , a Book NEW CARPET STORE. =2=== M=MM ....,.- -a.w..nn i 0 FOR RENT =MEE rlirChtSti and sills on cosnolesal Bank, r= I=l JAWS T. BRADY & 00., Corn., Fourth and WOodbs. ?resident of Association. 6 Diamond `street. riltsbnrib JUNE, 1867. A NEW STOOK, 25 Cents Per Yard tRIISSELS carrrs, 23 penile Per Yard. To 3* Cents Per turd To 35 Cen(i Per Yard I= At /3 to price $lO to siw—beinc ICREOUCTION OF FIFTY PER Cat 71and 73 Fifth Street. FREf3II ARRIVAL OF rt ss, =I Tapestry Brussels. • Body Brussels, 3-Ply and 2-rlr. Tapestry Ingrains. A Frill Line of Straw Idattings, PLAIN, CHECKED AND NANCY. Our sheet is tulle. than at any preetr_h_4p_lh . this 'ease.. rhose wishing to. , ss. will de well to Slue us Scull. BOVARDI ROSE do CO., SI ELVIS STREET, (seCosilloor.l ==IM == HAVE REM WCALLUH BROTHERS,: zz e uN w s , fv ,,,, vulagtw COW No. 51 Filth Street, _ _ A - now line of all tow sae) dezlntde flatten. .111EDALLIO1Y. VELVETS. Teivets, Brussels, TdPES TR r BRUSSELS, . A lam .4 °hole* assortment of Piano and Table Covers, 1041713 COTU, WIC BUS' LID lIIL 4=oll 33Saitie TBRE PLY AND TWO PLY 41a4 every vulet7 or so+ prlad iIIeCALLIIM BROTHERS, . bs , OM Wiliam *Street. CARPETS. OLIVER _ COMPANY HAVE JUT! OPENED For the Spring Trade, ===il NEW CARPETS, Oil ClOths, Shades, de. Attention Lt celled W ode Atte meek of 111.111101D168 TABLE AD 11156 COIIIS Great Decline in Prices. BOOTS. SHOES. nO ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF UENIS - .B6M.YOUTWE 311iSES , ♦\L CHILIHM4 . 3 BOOTS, SHIMS, AND GAITERS, and at reasonable at 31 FIFTH STREET. 110 -..n0 , cr0; t„ • 04,e4.x6011 LADIES , ENGLISH LASTING CONGRESS GAITERS, AND BALMORALS, Rorih $3, selling at $1.50, at 31 FIFTH STREET. W, E. OCTIMERTZ & CO, I . HATS, CAPS, &O. STRAW GOODS, SUMMER SALES ALL THE NEW STYLE HATS, rufr sALL CHEAP, ♦T MCCORD & CO.'s, Z.Tc..ll3l l M7cbcbel. Miltreolt. BATS ! RATS.! r. OILLIVLY.. GRAHAM & BYUE, At N 0.52 St. Clair litreOft, /tare aaa or the tory bait Mai abet' at cses `AND STBAW GOODS In the city. Ann Otnletaatly In receipt of all that to new, .e taw oao he ivory a t tention given to Istalling, anetnotowy. 7A LEATHEJI, of the best ths ?stint MSS SW tossett.lng Ns WS at AU St rss, jell. , J. & 11. kilt
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