Q MINI Ei DR 090 isto wurrs. . •minzafarri.AND ou.kan.s. . • . p l ias J•Aa.tiriri kigirawlea ivALwra. ..Brag BEADED rAßAsor.a, A FIN'S ABlSOliteldigHT OF PANS. 61ir47 - ;w,rp!COTTON DOSE • ; Six Pairs Whila.ilition Hose for $1! • A FREER rercicx or BEAD GIMPS AND BUTTONS, • , 713:73T. ft . F.O siren AT Nos. 78 add 80 Market Street. MACRON!, GLEBE A. CO. .ti • 8.-Onrstore will be closed nt 3 o'clock r. Sit excepting on natarthr.ten TIIIMMINGS Al • • • • 10.A.r1.`4:101\T'S. • . 33eraattittal ialacieo •of .• rimu l di ft etir r f lIKAD RIAUSINGS, • ‘: 7DBWILS.LAONS. • - 0 a= NUTX - 070i„ etc.. etc. . , WITH A * COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADLES , COTTON • x's 9 B UYY.Ii 4) OIYI t TO Th' ,4 Hosucdy (DINTS LIIILKAI7-10411.17.- LAIDICS. 7 iBITE SILK ULOVEK • Bu rTUAILE tAtMILS, B H E • - BLACK. 11711 D NETs, DEAL LACKS AND KiNIINGs. • , , - LINEN OuLLAns & 'NM A 003177x/77 . 1770cs or , 4111/03193, • QOM, _LAMY GOODS. et al.) MpTIOXS, At Wholesale. or Retail at • L. • . F. H. • EATON'S, • -.17 Filth Street. J 77 NEW GOODS I - & CARLISLE, No. 18 3P111.113. Ef treat. NI T* are aztft . ze t of REAL LACE GOODS, EI II SILK PARASOLS, EL ANT PARTY PANS, FINENEW ININNET tilioNe, STYLE, 1DL733 ar.A.I. GUIPURE IL LACES, rung PRAtfL BUTTONS. 'We bars lusApprzed &beautiful lot of • REAL CLUNOT LACES AND INSERTINGB. We would bolts ancelal .attention to a new and p W e ndid- ImTeVm Ge W men ItTof V. ga2WlE:ATelg:ololgt An*surtsntofnewcrsln KID tiLoVES, SLACKLACE MlTTS—new styles; A most Co oplete assortment br 11ADZES' and CIIILDREIPSVY[TON HOSE, GENT'S FINE SLUTS;DERITY TIES, SCARPS; MAN. pIISPENDP:II3, UM LADIES`M, alk"SGAirii. MERINO UNDER ,. To Merchants and Dealers. Gee Wholesale Denostmeut. now . slacked wlthosetythlog 111 the NOTION LINE, which we offer to the Trude us lows. any house East or West. DIACRIINE & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, • Agents file the “LOCKWOOD MANITRACTU RING c.:OIII.AN *.•• BRADMCY'd DUPLEX ALLIC TIU IiKAAT at Masufecturers• Feces. FM 108. HORNE t CO's. 81DC. , 0201:SITNIIKAANDDER 111' RAM oWi ti W V rr ESA - D": 0 DAISIES. ' HAM. STRAW )30P. NETS In sew-shapes, Pismo% In all Um tnahloniblentyles. DISO2II4' I Ca t figured — and checked, all whltha If tros nt/LW (iutoDS.TiDALMIN n DSand OUS AMIE NTS. 1661r411. " Orlir Ci`CfC , Cl4ll. SWISS. CIIECES. BLIANT, NAINSOOK TA IitaTAAS. SUMME IL D. IL ALUSLLSIS, LINENS, S. and A fall assortment oC: • WHIMS -:GOODS. BEAL AN - D . IAL CIIUNy .LACE COLLARS. UNADAND lAL VAL.-LACE. COLLARS, GEAL POINTE LACE IX/GLANS, NETTS and lIAND KERCHIEFS.' TRIMMING AND FIAIUNGING SWISS AND CAIIIIILIC ELKIN AND INHAltilMit+., LINEN, COLLAINL CLIFF'S AND taiNaN, various stile.. Putrilbadon Swim' mat lermicb Cambric LA A RS U ,SETS Y ,EDNDNG A NPD NLDINITGINGn d CEOL BBINIDRIGIL DI/MIS NOS IN GUIPURE AND •CHUNY LAVE., - - GALLOONS, FANCY 'MID* DUTTON, , BALL; AND DltOP vast- Bead Ritireamers, Ornaments and Reiss. . . 2131:1"=4:3 0 14703.) • in tilicest atilai In BEAU "SILK, FANCY' C3lO/MUET, MACK • AND WHITE PEARL, It rEBIELLE .I.Er. U ALLoOLASS AND C AILED. plaln and painted. • • VogiEr& NETA, COILS, HAIR IiZES• AND EQ_LIRIiDUPLEXELLIPTICand BU TON 1100 P BElltTni_liF.LTn, • BELTINtM, CL BES AND BBC Ell..t_; FANI4-In_gtir.ll variety fro palm lent to trooy:BlJkitt Flat UN DEEBT..!L , E, for ladles and fiRaiIItILTIVANA AJ LIT! `1 11 1. .....AP L . TRAVELLING ItAlltl•;and BATT' a ` ...•. 1 BROOKE S: Cilatlan: ands; - ~. .-: 'FILL LIME - or - . 441 10.17 Y. • - •.: 4.1.1; AT roptrtaut Platlllia. , Arent. 71 and 79 Jefarket Strsd. Jals:d24 C. ASILDILMINOT T. SIIANIVON..J. O. > icrumrsox. ARBUTIMOT, BRANNOII & 00., • AV. 1.14 'flood fared, rz'rrsituitetti, Hare Jun opened ilsaie stock of Fancy and Sta . ple-Lor Goods. Adapted to the protogaesson'sirulei. which they slier MAW LOWLWT EASTERN r/lICEs. NEW, PRINTS, FARIIICIPS AND ICE °SLAIN t-H, LAWNS, MIMI ICS' CA SS ,tIINOHAMS,. MEEKS. WHITE Ot / O DB. JEANH, CLOTHS. DRESS GOODzi, LINENS _DRILLS, _Welt 1:1AIOR HEALS BLEACD Ass BROWN SHEETINOS COTTOISADES. And SHIRTINUS: Bnilap; Cotton , a • Idereban are -Incited slockand, prices • . d Linen Duck. &t. to call and examine oar Jell CABO; niicCANDLE9B & CO.. itot:WlLfiqS, tuna & .WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 94 wc,cmCi at., ours bonne above"Dlimond - ; jekel3. PITTSBUttGIi, PA. 11- CIGARS, Ow. EXCEILS3OII, TOBACON - WORKS itt & JrNKINSION, xAIfvTACTI,RKIiE OF Jt7.lt2tbeoY • • .TOpACCO, SNUFF AND SUGARS, tirLD.IOI.4I.etMEEIO , , Tlllvid99r from . D Saspenglonridgel • _ . • - • ALLlF...futzp r r. Brafth Store iu Woo. Ohio.. 413,24:bae Rit 'JEW"! BIESy Sizinestlairer utd Wbolessle_ aadßetall Malts in TOBACCO.' SNUFF AND CIGARS. Jo. OEM-CLAIR STILEFM, PITTBI3O2OII, bk_mrasonsocat et MICEILSCHAILM PIPES. lad dintuußG TUBM:9OVot the be.ll quail ty. .on bands . • • m>=•:= GEORGE ' IILITJEENSCEIMN . trdiunx - 11itinstatt.iiltRi,ORzwrie BEGABBi_ CHEWING TOBACCO, TObaced, Pipes, .ice. iglervesrstis: - 1191 crept, (Near corner ortabartni JOHN MEGRA.. W, Malt Dosalis 14131 , 4 *ttirPr of al d.intr4l 6 , f t" ,Banff-'and Segura,' .. - -- , AattuwaTHEET. word:dent of Smoking Tobacco, Pats TObueo toilettes £l'. yo on bum. 1.37.4;1... • • CLOTHING FE'R Bow* and 4 . :17 in the Ilezeteie styles, n 04 4. 07, .4 Mod. OR4V . jr,og • • ' , 47 Clair Street. --11Enit't Go HALE, IT2I/ f CHANT TAILOR, ; J 3ll 4m 6 9rat Corner of Pout *St 'Char Sti: i i iiidOto to sir.= biids.nunda t ad the 1. ,resis=lYr . Ate_l f ir be rb l enrattrr g i 6 s ;int" .0114 " An'i re wV e lW 4 n ham the _try zrelF WOOMAAPAiLin; AllNTEtfaunrtAl-T-AN' t .4tilt,f)aztitt, _ _ lirEDNESDAT, 31:fLY 18. 1886 CITY AND SUBTRIIIa. ALAldglonal Local Matters ea Vire,. Page Th Thasette.—Persona leaving the city doting the summer. can have the Gamma mailed to them by leaving their address at onrOmintlng room. . Wake WO. Another water Chamber!" Daring the administration of thit dignitarywho filled the Mayor's chair pelori to the 'ln vent of the predecessor of the present Chief Magistrate, in consequence of the dental to reporters of customary facilities all procuring police Items, we found Ocatitiloq to use the term "Star Chamber," as applicable to the Mayor's office. We mention the fact ari pre farathrY to frillreSithiwthe belief that it might not be inappropriate for tth to resume its use as appropo under the present municipal re gime, It seeming to us that of all men else re porters ariathiret avoided In the giving oat of pales news. The policemen seem to be special ly cautioned as to their icommunications with .them, and in' response to the usual inquiry, "What do you know t" or "what has been done: to.day," the man with the pencil and. ote book is referred to a Memoranda or lnnet= of the day's proceed ings, to view on the Mayor's desk. This is nspected. The naineof the defendant appears, the' charge against him Is stated, and also the dlsponition of the case; but In vain, alnnoltt mvariably, will the reporter seek for tnrther particulars, and we have time and I taken our departure from the Mayor's I again the irreastible Impression that it was ordered we should know just eomueh and no more. The idea has ever obtained with Chief Hague that an embargoshotild be placed upon reporters, that they should not be al lowed to publish anything in the police way until math time as he should decide to make It known, believing that the newspapers were productive, in this regard, of eausingdielcultv in making arrests. This policy he caused Mayor Sawyer to adopt, and had things all his own way, and it appears to us that Mayor Mc- Carthy has also become a convert. It may servo vary well as an excuse for an officer to say that he would have succeeded in making an arrest had it not been for the publication of the facts concerning the robbery, burglary, or whatever the ease may have been, but we venture the assertion that In nine cases out of ten such is not the fact, the reporter being blamed, while in truth the fault is with the officer. incompetency or lack of energy in the disenarge of his duty being the real cause of failure. A crime is committed, and the pollee assume to know the utility partieswitat harm can come of the publication of the facts The culprits become aware the pollee are on their track, without the ald of newspapers. In many Instances offenders are known by others than the pollee, and their places of res idence or resort visited. Then, what harm can the publication of their names dot This idea about newspapers we declare Is simply absurd, and 11 the present adminis tration continues the Hague policy, we shall insist upon designating it as a "Star Chamber Arrangement." Troy Hill Liquor Saner Arrested—Re lease on Hall. It certainly must bo an unpleasant reflec tion to any one in the enjoyment of fresh air during this heated term to know that he is doomed to spend a term, no matter tow brief, in the county prison, and from which there is no proper way of escape. Such a feeling Is en tertained by the individuals who were convict ed or pleaded guilty, at the recent term of the Quarter Sessions, to selling liquor on the Sab bath day, the penalty for which is fine and Imprisonment. Of this number la William Einstein against whom there are no less than five indictments. Neglecting to appear court, with a number elf others In a like pre!: dicament, processes ware issued for him. lie Is the propr ietor ii of a beer hall on Troy and was visited on Monday by court oilleers Smith and Boston, who held processes for his arrest. Upon his assuring them that he would appear on yesterday morning, they did not exercise the authority reposed in them of arresting him at the time. Re failed to comply with his promise, and On yesterday officer John Lutz called upon him, when Einstein, having been permitted to go upstairs in his place of business for a stated purpose, attempted to make his escape by jutuning out of a second story window. In so doi inred himself so seriously that lie was nglie unable j t o o profit by his strategy, and was conveyed to prison. Sub. srquently be secured his release by giving ball in the sum of ghee. 11Wer In a Beer HaIlL In yesterday's issue we noticed the fact that there had been quite a disorder on Pennsylva nia avenue during the preceding day, but were unable to give any of the particulars. We have since learned the occasion of the dis turbance, which appears to be as follows: An immense number of Germans had assemoled in J. 11. Dlttler's tavern, on the corner of the avenue and Magee street, for the purpose of enjoying themselves In a convivial way. in spired by the late news of Germanic belliger ency In Europe, they becitme pugnacious, and began pummeling each other after the moot improved style. of the prize ring. Several of the emergency pollee endeavored to effect an entrance in order to quell the distinrb the proprietor of ltas house closed= and refused them admission. After some twenty minutes of patient waiting the door was opegild and several of the- participants. in the quarrel within rushed out, and without deigning a word to anyone, left the Beene of strife. From their damaged nasal organs and discolored Optics, we judge they were any. thing but satisfied with the reSnlt of the melee. Nt. Pent , . °optima Asylums. Tho following tweed gentlemen have bee elected Managers of .9t Patin. Orphan .day Rt. Area. H. Domlnec, Very Rev. J. Hickey, James ideCabe. Thomas O'Ronke,John (Moa ner, John Savage, W. H. Keel_ , Maginn, Terence Campbell, John Kr-Keown, Dominic Ihmsen, Michael Kane, Charles B. Kenny. The Board then organized: President—lD. Rev. M. Domlnec; Vice Prosidemt.—Very J. Hickey; secretary--Charles B. Kenny; Treasurer—Dominec Ihmsen. Reserving and Discharging Committee—John McKeown and James . McCabe. Firdring Committee, Female Asylum—Tbornaa O'Rourke, W. 11, Heel, C. B. Kenny, Male Asylum—Dominic lhmsen, Ter rence Campbell, Charles 'Magian. Building Committee—Thomas O'Rourke, James McCabe W. H. Reel, John Savage, Michael Kane,john O'Connor. Very itev..T. Hickey, Treasurer Building Committee. As Oratorleal NpLance. At a bearing in Alderman Butler's ogles yesterday, in which an Irishman. named Pat rick Einelow was charged with surety of the peace, several witnesses testified that Patrick had beenran Intolerable nuisance to the neigh borhood during the last ten years, It appears that the accused Is In the _habit of Imbibing to some extent, and while under the influence of Polutlfms _he imagines himself possessed of some oratorical powers, which, midi the alit of a strong. voice, 'he tests on the public streets, much to the disgust of his neighbors. Patrick seemed astounded at the charge of nuisance, and declared that -If he was such, there were A great many more respectable members of society equally liable to preselect- Lion for theism' offence. ineld W bad. Aggravated • Assault and Italltery.— Alexander Martin was before Alderman Tay lor yesterday, Chargegi with_mgravated as sault and battery oh Oath or Williarn Arnold, who alleges Martin struck. him with a heavy _whip across the hack, knocking Venal,at ter which lie jumped upon him. ile wit nesses were called who corroborated Arnold , . statement; and Martin was therefore required to furnish baU to the amount; of Al= for bin nal , vmmneoat the October term of the Critub Court. A Loading rbsee.—At the corner of Pride ectnnePennsyhtusuaarcnue;nlehtly,there canicoAntes crowd of men,who so ooplete. Iq bleek,UP eideWalk ladle* fi nd alga °laity ln luttudet 4 , and ninny, declining to run the gauntlet ol er beer,ilWry Id,cross to the opposite side of le Street. The two leen uln grey , . wher.proinenado the avenue would be but discharging a duty /spoofed and requlxed or thein'were they iteep the sidewalk clear nt the popit'stated, ' Horse Mee laillhelltrest.—A' horse be. longing toJOhn Bogen , tell dead ylistiirday on Pennsylvania Avenue. lie was hitched to a heavily' laden coal: wagon at the time, the ~ pejittiv, ofrhichivistitthe =tame heat, com pletely brostratekhim. The animal was not v ri Flvbdthe. Ices Onttwiiff ... so!oi fo 7 ... wAbo7y.lty ntsamterly Conninuet and Salt at the Yeige.eunie, munmatlon anadnaVnitimen.linlmen,yentordah.._before dl dermal& ..Denaldson,forlassetY.'ol . - Peace and dine:dear cabana: • Agnes man assented and fined sWand coats, tor the Lid named of , foam, and amid ina.r to keep the panne on. - . -- - -isbausrad.-..Adazu Bodies, whom e no. toed a few days slimes having been -w before Alderman blish; on a elusrge 01. saarolt and batterr.:preferred against, him , by. William ConoMays Itsul ritLhearing yesterday before this saiteratei b i t the evidence being insuf. atent Wiuv*titirther prosecution, bewail A'Etir r C. Mikes; Sicced aporirlds ihrui. to Noon toWnstily, a Wish measuring in.length thirteen • and a balfinehosi eleven sld,throseigbib r inches in circcunfortnete, four. in diameter, and weigh ing two pounds Just three - etnittes. it was of Vie variety knOillitie•thweirb , Scarlet Short - . - itre 'isf Shea , abgieL•Tidi' rebuilt 011 itellnory.at Bharpatea caught , Are YOOtar4l3 , lOcitnind at Wee. 0. 0 1 ;LT the explosion of the MIL The only. . ago done was the des, traction of Nemo twelve Pairehi Of :caned oil. The :llamas , were - eallog t4.5h0:14 thrlawlog damp eath= thottro. - - . -. . ' , -1. . . -- • • .11inet6er.—air Ildensinia "while i$ Work laying brick WOG= hettauk.vattl. en Monday, was, taken - seddentr' la m th a nn the 'ethane of. etatatroke. He, was , to-las hoziwon Ciamatreet r inikenhoire wing; &alit CBridireVe dekth-' one unareb,nOW - eoUrso of erection In the Ite youth- weal: Is , fast apprtvietifflf complo lion., It bee , very .neet &Moe fa ;marl rereest.anil enite4 'to me neoneuttes of • .rhe Welaterltiatotlinalist , I:ll%a2t a g r ft°l2, lL "wftlYmw , kos thereto vas Kai; totcsninar li e ininpr• EARLY - TELtefIUIVIS; FROM wesintaVeN. The Resinnation of General peed—Rom ' IL I L titaustintrif to Siteeeea fled—Rom of Host Pseentan An y—itite for the antioltall Alerintal— Tennesiat'Leglaisteire—Ro - finereiss— Voniniltialtis to Revise the Rtaintea or the United States—Resolution for the AsilisslaaiOns of Tennessee Representa tives—The Sierehonts , Rank Swindle , Gen. apelaCP• Letter of llealguation— Peddle Roney on Deposit. New Yoar., July 17.;=-Thecratcreing papers have the following specials from Washington: The President, on receiving Attorney General Speed's resignation. Immediately telegraphed to Hon. Henry Stansbury, of Kentucky, prof fering him the appointnuint,,And Mnight re- ceived a reply which does not accept, but states that ho (Mr. Stansbury,) will innuedi ately come to Washington to confer with the President on the subject. itovill,do doubt accept the nomination. The Honorable Freeman IClark,toinntroller of the Currency, to-day tendered his resigna tion to the Secretary of the Treasury, to take effect on the 24th Instant. This action by Mr. Clark has been contemplated for some time. He la said not to be very welt pleased tall the Manner in - which the National . .Bitick - esti gation has been condneted by the Itonse ore mince, and as his relations with Mr. loch have lately peen unpleasant, he thus re lieves bin:loci/ [roman =comfortable position. The Board of Managers of the National Mil l= Asseyfolurul%triv4g,danefairstell the a location of from localities desirous of securing iM sneh institnion In their vicinity. For ,the purpose of organization they cleated Ono Governor, Major General E. W. Ilinks,,of Massachusett, and selected an Executive Committee consist nig of the PreAdent, Secretary and General Rinks. They also. adopted hp lave for the government of the Board of Managers, look. leg to the organization of the asylum and to a -proper investment of the funds,with aorlaw to income. The fund now amountele soulettung In excess of 0,(221,000, which will yield an an neal income of about 4,1130,000. The Board ap propriated 1145,000 to enable a system of out aide relief LO be organized. in =ler to grant the neeessai7.ald to =oh applicants as maybe deserving o It In places where theyeannot be provided for, in anticpation of the organized system of operations contemplated. The followlng Postmasteds were appointed t.O-day bythe President John H. Gould, of Lockport, Y.; John Ryan, of Median; Al fred X. Brooks, of Ilion, N. Y.; Ira tiodfry, of Lima, Y. ' Aprivato dispatch received here, from. Ten nessee, says the Legislature of that State to- day lacked seven votes of a quorum. The following gentlemen have been selected as the members of the commission to review and codify the statutes of the United States, in accordance with the act of Congress recently passed Caleb Cushing, of husetts, J uttgo William Johnson, of Ohio, and Return J. Moles, of Washington. It is conceded to be a good selection. It is quite likely that an effort will be made to admit the representatives from Tennessee In the House before the adjournment. A reso lution to that effect mill come up to-morrow or next day, and of its passage there a strong probabilityof success. The report of the investigation into the Merchan' National Bank swindle was sub mittedd In ts the House to-day. It was accom panie with evidence, fills o six hundred pages the , and shows a which remarkable ver con spiracy to defraud the Government for the benefit of individuals, on the part of ilnyek, Ilayne and others. Tie bank bad been rotten for several months, and only bottled op by government funds, which watt to Bayne Attorney General Speed's letter of resign*. tion is as follows. Bra : I hereby resign to you the Mace of At torney General of the United States. Be good enough, sir, to accept my thanks for the kind ness, consideration and confidence yon have ever shown to me. I have the honor to be, most respectfully, ti AIM Brest, There is considerable speculation as to who will be chosen Vico President pro rem of the Senate before the adjournment. Senators Pomeroy Wade conceded that theEa are st el:o r :M u ll: 11 . , as the President and speaker of the Stones are both from the West. The question wall probe. bly be settled by secret caucus. The bill for the regulation of the election of United States Senators win probably be called up In the /louse to-morrow and the previous question moved. The following is the recapitulation of the returns to the Banking Committee from the Assistant Treasurers and Government Depos. 'torns respecting the amount of public money on the first of Stay, PM Amount of coin on deposit, 1910,.T.4,474; amount of currency on do posit, $31,317k09, allAtle,l73; less over Illtt,EnT626; add amotmt in Naticnial limb, V 40,594169. Amount to the m , Wit of the nlmatirer is as follows: With Assistant Treas. urine, p National tanks, ° Total, Amount to ert of= Ring officers is as follows: With Treasurer and Assistant Treasurers, ; with Na tional banks, 1118,M0,=9. Total, 15,L70. Add amount to credit of Treasurer 11192,170,619. Total, rtayesson. Less overdrafts Meal. Total public money May let, Vitinitt,lB3. FROM NEW TOHK. Pears for the Raley eLthe Emigrant Pliny .11Iesiare It et the bees"—The Weather in drew Tort—ArgiVlLl of ilteaniers. New Yeas, July 17.—Thu large emigrant. ship "Monarch of the Seas," which sailed from Liverpool on the lath of March Last for New York, has been font menthe at sea, and fears are entertained that some disaster has over taken her, and that sho has gone to the bot tom with all on board. She sad six hundred and seventy-four passengers, and a crew of fifty-four men, including officers. The vessel was veined at g 123,000, and I. fully insured. The thermometer In the' shade at eight o'clock this morning Is ninety-six degrees, and still ruing. Yesterday was the warmest day for the last tea years. There - were tweetvtive cases of sun stroke In the city, thirteen of them pray tagfataL In Et ooklyn only six cams are ported,re two of them being The steliffiter Teutons, from Hamburg, and 'rallsman, from Jamaica, have smiled, but bring no news. The Merck.. from Havre, is signalled. Ilea. Did Endorsee the Philadelphia Caaveailica. ssurstiros, July 17.—The following letter has been received by Senator Doolittle from General Dix, containing hie views in re. gard to the Philadelphia Convention: Ness York., July 13.—My Dear Sir: It, have re ceived the cal issued by yourself and others for a National Union Convention in Philadel phia on the 14th of august I concur in its propositions, its reasonings and its objects, awl will do all 1n my power to carry them out I long since expressed the opinion that the States were entitled to their representation in Conggrreessss ,, that their exclusion was viols- Lion_ faith and of th e obligations of the tionatitution,andtlutt a persistence Meath a policy moat lead to consequences most dis estrous to the puma of the country. These and other thaMarationa connected with the I present unsatisfactory relations of the states to the Federal Government and to each other, render most timely and proper ouch a meet ing as you have recommended, of the patriotic and reflecting men of the Union, to consult to. gether for the general welfare. l am trolyyoure, Joss .1„ Dix. Hon. John , Prom Nempatla-(Mtrase Vasa a loyal ELM= Tsars., July 17.—During the • war General Clary's Deputy Quartermaster Genes al oocuplod the house of a loyal citizen, Mr. Duval, then residing in Philadelphia, as quer. Lets. Since then Duval Instituted a suit for rent and recovered the amount claimed. On the Sherif attempting to carry out the orders et the'Court, Ghary brought In a guard and or dered them to put him off the lot or kill him. On Saturday, as Gary was leaving onfurlough r the J Woo ordered the Sheriff to arrest him, but be evaded the posse by engaging passage on one boat and leaving on another, taking an armed guardwith him. The Pod, a Radical WOW, ova be' diagram:4th° uniform ha wears and the Government ho represents by setting civil law at defiance. 'Ltirtidataie—Amlot of Es friii!terar lienthers. Nesavitue, .11ly 18—Them was no quoruM In the flonse,ouly fifty members being pres ent. A member named Williams, from Carter county, was arrested by the Sergeant-storms and brought to the House and held In them custody. Judge Prism: Issued a writ of bib eall *Mew in favortif witusinw : A resolution paused to arrest seven other - refractory mom- Dora The Governor commlnalonod the Mike Commissioners today, ; NOTIQEB.,,,t NCOW][4M. •TO TIOE ISOL/DIOOO OF BOUNTY OEN2I4PIOATXS, front No.l to fel, infatlilYM THE FOURTH WARD SCHODi.BOARD , . Of Antihero citywill Weed the' above gen . :ober . ' of the tact continue/a Woad by the Bounty Com missioner. in May, UNS. co preatmtation tO V. LlNN atitlE. litaltatell. ai ,Pll 21=004 National Sank ot Annithenl. • ' - Other numbers will tie adworthieil for at soonas the taxes are collacud. -AL L uwa lc-6 tirr li 6 . ir '.C.l ls e ° ; lc k.: 8 ""145. ":11))44- Prestyl:93.l—:' Fi , _INTII:I O .7IPIC3IF 4: itatiictititiTiyers,of the City of Pittebtfth; is ' VOW retAito Mere In UMW ps 1616 161.1 <Mitt. No 119 , lrosatti street.' 1011)611 to o redoett2p or YIPZ VEIL CAW?. It ;old boron) tlil xIWST mAT t pa before the VaRST VAT vlt JULY , . NEXT abe , la order i to cove coo oodoxpen _ oo or oultWoro artAtaennea. =minter. pitii'ot the .IstitedNC Tlc f telpe t aror t alelaldout lollop! Allon`a ta - or- ota, ter.soAd• . lota .orbr {he -sere. plead: for Nuns, paypoees Or for city relit c444-Apply to ME .t -BOYD. at the *Mee of Mirapatrlet .rielloiklooraer of,_Diamono sod Omit! streets. or to.xx. ILABD.A.LIAN. on, the' ,propettr.lit Lower ria tnalx,HOSeL. , - : tartrwae • • . . THE IFELEIMATED =STEEL •sg Tt r i nt2r, A T , tr al Tjunalt t i j ja ir r a 'xt Du taps. WURII.4 lieu the Peotratury. All,. gh"Vgrla....agnOt mwvd mu h, ay e. fUmPe rows ehe .obe fmee ey w..=e o s material: r' no r.nted. BELTING, DELTlllnteatiker 14 61,1= LI:f 4 .°F; tit V' :4 at, as uproot Nifty at stv ii ive r ighmta 1 311 matt to is. cuss news. SPSMIAI; Mr PERMS FOR DM ramtelos qjjnumkusina cese.6" Phalan , * " Flea Bleinning Careaa.,, " Main a54:1044 , * . . Phelan.* •Night .1111reantag Cerevis.” rbaiaa•• "Night atimanth at iteresili." A•moat exoltlM, denials, and Fragnif ihrrhame, &wiled from Um rue and ixeratfal Bower from whir-1i It Ulm turimma.l: . - Manufactured only by WIEMLON do MOM Preen, Trunk. BEWARE or'pborrrEprErTs _ _ . ,„, ARK roR . PBBIAMVS--"rAMK, NO OTAER. jytt:Kirmarr igg- THE ctintarit inme qiirLENT THICOME.I.7 OF - HAIR-RESTORERS! MRS. WINSLOW'S quteN HAIR. RESTOS= ',QUEEN, not only In NA 0. but In YtaTunt, I lad" Seat 14 % l e le itlrgsess..-1 .1 )11 11r Arl d " An Infallible SUlATOstrin ,and 1100 of the Hair If falthfUllynottort. „.„. It ta . no Ski& Dye. • II auts cuoy dlreellt upon the roots of they hale slung " bole to " f=g r oTt i tre r i:gre U raltl7: decay and rf nod dart.iruff: end enylng all humors of the rti• It 0111 clams e. dr3 Kw" • tr 7 hair to soft sod 1000- 11 1' oM, d ° u to youth! and Maw it UWO.O , life, um. Mkt CHUM UM BALI MOIL Moe alps..! bottle. Soyl by all Drum/Ist/ , • R. - mamma & 611, • mysktat Wholesale Agents. Imo'' wag• . Hatiu,runa. & co., BOILER MAKERS As ID SHEET IRON WORKEBS, Now-se. 22, Di and SO Pena streirt. B►vtng ecenrea ►Large gaol, and Welshed It vlth the mutt. approved autehluerg, we are prepared to manufactuie every deacrlntlou of BOLUSES, In the beat manner. and wmr►atea equal many made In the doentfl•UnLllllLETE:liusracoanse r nggincos, STEAM PIPES. LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. CON DENSEILS, SALT 'PANE. ;TANK% OIL smut. AGITATORS. SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON, 1181IMIELL SUGAR PANE; clad sole mmuellacturere el BABNNILL•E PATENT BOILERS, Repalrtag done on the shortest notice. Jed:ell p - LASE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, PITTTSBUROIL PARK, McCUEIIY dc CO. MannOtetnrera of IMIZATHING. BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COYTEN, PILIDISED OOPPRIt IHYITOMN, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPELTEB 13OLDER. ilifkr2Marfa 121N, d fitifeic% e4.."altul l ot hand, TINNERS , MACHINES and TOOLS. Ware boo ion, No. Milner and 120 !lacono STOWS., PIM. burgh. Special order* of Copper ant to any dealred pattern. MittrAlditarT uy-pirrs suntiii - ssw worms, p l ritl i nktainitelliVatr.„- w a`c"L ed &ST STEEL SAWS, of every Osmium:3c Kolar. Ortalii - Citi,ilnagosnel all other srteuttio v , arier • Ali kinds of KNIVES and Sheet Cut- St e el Extra liadined BEAYKS IdOWINS KNIVES., go. s WWatehdote and Waists, earner Wausau:l SnOng Stain& Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to re-tonthing e suntednit and straightening and Salm also, to n al kinds. Poaching and Drililog done at reasonable 00 1". AEA tr. Cit);.(l9llc eesson to Endiragoar. atibizsit, WAVOGION 0.0. alanufacturers of BOAT AN SAT EST NULLS ENSINKS, BLAST ENGINES, *ILL AEA 011.1KEItY, CAsTINUS of all deseriptions,LL TANKS and STILLS, SOILES AND St C M Miff WORK. mirAgents for tiIITAKIPS PATENT INJECTOR or feeding bonen. JOHN COCHRAN & DUO, ltiontactaroot of IRON WARMS AND VAULT lIUQID, IRON RAILING, WINDOW 1111UTTEVJ3, WI DOW (WARM, ie., Non. 1;1 SIMOND and NS THIRD STRICRT. between Wood sod Markel, art onhand variety arum patterns, tauey and suitable lbs all Purposes, air P attention told to matloOng Oravo Lots. Jobbitot dove at soon ,Odra, matoOr arIIIIUUAGEAND CF.LiBAC~ r an iinssy of Warning DM Instruction for Young Non. Also, Ulusaco acol Abases which p rws. trots the •ital powers., with left= of sure rViiMlr . Dint free of charge In welded letter envelopes, Ad doo.. Dr. J. MULLIN IIOtItiIITON. Howard A. 91/Dation. nilssielphia, sur2JlWinigliT. ;G) y r . ".M - 113NION Hti REPIUBLICAII EXEC. G4O3IIIIITTER Or ALLEGHENY JOHN RA GILL, •EhalnAlll,l.:Lawreaeerllle. CAPT. W. N. ...... —.Temptratkomll3r. GEORGE 7. GILMORE. Inuobaryih. URN. A . L. PWhSOS LarratimGic. WM. IL WILLN Pltttinfth. . r .... 1 .4'.+5 A1 S -ROW TOVISS.OII3 AT N ,0 1,0•11 tEL L. ertr.rtirN 11. GETZIL.— C014...1. 11.101.1kLAND legm. "s l4t"b' *"P°T. JAN. ii: - Ainaim up,. st. 0 . 1.1, -- iWal'ilui... HEN. O. B.s(. ir0UNU........11.01m0N To=p. JOHN NeK6I.V I' WindyTe r, OIGUIPBE WILJAIN. ..... -................... D. JONATHAN 81LAL1C....-.....M050n rubb46ee. .11. MEN DICNISUN--...............di *snob*. J. H. OWNS TeeeeWee. MELCHOR VIDINZU..... --Ba l t= Nowerielp WM. P. NILLS.H. ColllaeW. JusICYLI A. BUTLILIt trll.ll. Hlitt-111,,...". ........ .... .... i e. Cot- J. HALINNaltis Temperaarern e. JuILN A. MEYLILIe ,_.Allegbeep. uliAUkell MANXMAN ....- lllllAlsrpern. JUUN U. JOSEPH rIIALWL", .....Platwrirb. itILNCIT-- rti.Hotogb. Cars. #.1)1IN IA BIEWAUT Ositarrervelp. IS W. N. FUNIrIALICE eAbee r. llArr, _JOHN GI LTILLAN .....Upper Ht. I.lleN IT. WM. AUTLENZUY .111rmlaghara. JOHN W. UIDDILLL, UheirmeA. . T. M. BATA; go eN tl r k . ern= 7CONGIIESSION CONVIESI- 1/ 20 AL 2241 . tilent or. The UNION REPIrOUCrthr Y &bun mo tthe 2hll oenimeesionel Dletriet are requested to st the mmil places of bolding eleettobs lu Din Wards. Boroughs Ana Teirsablye; to eiteiDistritit. On Saturday, August. 11th, A,O elect too deiews bi o etch election district , to meet to County 'cotton on TUMID/IY. An coat Ilitto. et 10 o ock .A. for the. purpose placing In namlottLob • !meditate fel,Oolgrem. of The primary electioheye lb* townships will 14 beldbetteeen Lbe bent. unbar aad cecina, mid to theentree met boromitui tietereen the hours of foot sod seven 0 . 01004 p 10. to the welds and bor. mmhe the elections then be by batlet,l end In the toso•hiti• by markinA or by ballet. • By order of the Committee. -It. W. T. OlLMONT.,epairmilii.. v W.lgtai n re, C 1 8ftfttnr k 4. myleibel..l* arCONGIIIIIIS, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD -- mous ril himself at thedieposal ofbla lei ends, in responses., their eali snide UIS name 1 now presented by them iu a candidate for noudna. lion for Collared!, tot th e. Ind iDlittlicti Sulkiest to tbe action otille Union Republican eountrllonsen- Uon. _ . _ • - .1911E_ uij :i , CENERAL JAL 11; NEOLEY n 0na4.4 4 an rtniannt:atieklat arCONORESS.—The Meath of - HON: JOHN P:4111 1 10' • - win present ifs rtairdirto tbit nbEventlots of She- Union piny. fur neminstinn as is: nntsnitate for Con- PUS in the 2Z4 bistriet., • -:lllnl3ntrr BIICTION.. : MAT 'ELEGANT: , SIB INALts ,r - - nOauzi AND OUNAILICNTAL (MOUNDS ATORADT INDIO Jolt 11 . II Ohh —THUM:WAY' ArNSISNOON, , **even, will be sold on She preialseklin Thom, lownsttli, the slogonkAnOnrbon .rosldenee of Jos.. rennoe lini.f,..nronuon on tAe.NevonNi Steen , Bond so on seorynnorinOis. =woad. Lament!, ,terupppolie NOWT was ossilOn; the rounds eon ,lllllillit six stens , nlOro SOIL vometsechl great nsintalnesati, MIS In slopes and gzsieled'lralks, ,Anti.rnown with , hlekoriessndotheribnell slindo DlWThelpecninditv also cried in °manta is w t i sbrobaseri , ornponoo, • srr i g.7lll=lol3. 6 11114 4 1 11 1Mj=g U a: 8 1 7411 1 , tre q:111 . 411 8 .4n r ll i lat 11 4' ,v :fe - Ntyp water is n ono•praut never dm NUS II the ova. Hest sttostion;. nod in esektullrizsprom3, Grimy in the bosustrui East eoptinsndinr Denny of 111 . 4=111 ill low !Monies b 7 tonous rOIM Tbollansioislllart l b uilt eo,r n, atiiee.n t t Aell tw o .. onmitotoryoatn tasandssurmounttdy we o y t eawl th e Int a rior or elaand tastotni San non-ONo 44Snw eQUiPhSUKand limn Um niodorn poveineins; eonialcungrlsmeleal roOnissnO iwo nontrir,wido,balls iisoewnestinaleig." Anomie led. ICI' narble,oUvrolk goorgi dlniOlf indldtenele. . snsiti inainte4. Imelda 1 , 0011,14 n. sash. ko throushonsi bath roe •, Plied frookohnorn; flonton?. otesmbealNr§ th roolto-- out 1 / 1 0.401140: trol2 Sara for wino wall{ eteollent • iffy' eelloeliro`:nlio,!?fAll: g , and eoblty stablip,..wi li ou *ad bOIIIIE, se! Ilb 4.14 eed in= A , • 'BEG OHIO - ISTRMICT; ; netr the- Peultantlo7,l.4ll6-: tlittitit9gl= ...Cemented- ",17 illaVriaTE •TA14124714/14411.10WEIllatTiNGlo •:,11111113..utadolo ..orcier iibmnipsited - soon. nottee. artionla% at lautlonad.co nelts torsos .. n -Di • and _heavy, worki. All *Wit Marrattld Ord.rs dir 31 (INLY LOAN orricE, xo, fiIIITHITELD Erruam corner "11.04 xf11 8 :4 11 t.., on 11avcr 4eweirh old snit , P. I.llotMt 4 ssa vain.. ankles of wl7 , 21,.•01. cpumi 461 Lusted. j 4.1,7 N seetAblet ta ens of are or gr. at mrrercriptulanitiztal UM ~~~pg.g~.. _ . COALS FOR SAL • The valuable e I mines owned by the Southern Coal Mining Company, alt.ted In oheltry LW., twelve miles northeast of Montevallo, and.° and halfwit. from We North and booth Railroad (new In running order to this vol.), nod ono.nriar ter of a wile (mm the. Bauch Road to We. Red Mountain Coalillnea; are now Oneredfor -• Tn.., mined nave been In weeesafel opera tion for soma years, are situated In the heart, of the mineral region of the State. and are only sixty-five miles by rail ;from Senna, from whence %bare Le water transportation to the Gull., There is not In We United Stai ns bitter onpor ttntlty• fora lisle and prontabikn. larentaannt la the Coal Moline.. Math 04, BALE • One half oath, and the balance at the expiration of six months, without interest; or. one-aixth cash and the balance, languid monthly- payments, with ant lotereat. G. Itl. IIIeCONNICO, 1 ~ FAWN AND - COAL LAND 3PC01.1.-/ELA.XmICI to Robinson ).-miles out the Steuben ville , plkort.hreatinarters of a mile tram Mansfield, • Ririn'Or OlraVOilit acres, of which tirehty-Pre mares oiltri cost. The .2 to lame of the Met le well timbered. The Improrements are a lea bonne Still barn, .rd a tram stable. and all tinder. Rood reser. 11 la wellmaarnel....Tbf..r •^I Iles a such an elevation atwlll Lt. r the ship ment of It on the mitaburgh and Reti res', easy. Apply for further. hertlOolltre to 041 1 /... BRIAN, Broker is Otoeks And Real anat a Fourth 0t,.. CBurk.o's MaltltilL) FOR SALE. • A VIEST-ULA/SS lIIMINESS STAND. The Mock, natures. hood Will. blare House. Dwelling and large Lot la Sewickley. Cash Wes 83,000 II month. Possession given immediately. Six mail Mews and Lou, very clump. Several Lots at Edgeworth Station. from one to fire acres in each. Apply to JA Ell 3 T. SAMPLE. Baal grtate Broker tad Ineureaee Ataut. Jai No. IN rederal street. Bllegbeor FOR BALE—. 4 Farm of about 26 .e. acres, oppoilte Townsend Station s Borth West ern Wattles limn Pittsburgh; abbe& 6 acres riented; balance geed Umber land in varletlest acres .0 1 4:11.0d Teo, pit open: a frame dwelling of four rooms:A=l onager water, 50 fruit tree s of rnaletlea oaf t; Is a s plendid plum for • erne. yard. Also. a. lot 50 by -let her, On Peebles street, In township, Allegheny cotuaty. WIII be sold cheap. Joe ten.. inc., apply at the Beal Estate and ineetwnee 00W1 ot U. In, EAMES, Sete . Butler street, Lswnencerville. VALUABLE WAWA FOll SALE.- 4 Farm, ootitainlo,g about DO acres, near the Six Mlle Perry, on the limsoUgahels river,ou which la erected a two-story Erick Mauston (louse and barn, and other out.buildlngs. Also, several other farms, wallooaled, in Allegheny and Westmore land °mingles, containing from leo toile acres. Coil and Lime Parma for mile on the litenbanythe Rait rzin,aa.traf:lgabela rivii4;.thtrAintilsztipar. (Opposite tiniCathedrila Joiner, No. Lib Omni maul. UNEELGREEN BARILET.—VaIua. hie property (dr Late. A two story brick dwel ling hounand two sate. orchid.° grimed .Russo Ir this village. The house is arranged with hall s palior..dlnlog room,kitejsen, cellar, and four andobers, porches, titc,,,pring house, fruit and shade tree. Also, 10 ures of land with deeding house, alAble and two wells of water. SS miles nom Alritit""g.yotll4llknirli,Bl.(=,llra?. at. SALE.-200 acres coal and A: BALE... aid ambito, situated about giro-1a out of Bel. gel Iltatlonn the Pittsburgh and Isteubetivllle Railroad. The railroad sons directly through the property. ,_o One hundred and arty acres of the stio- Nu is coder cultivation, the remainlog acres in good white orb timber. JOHN D. NAMET, Or, .No MY fourth strut E. C. KEYS. No. ague. mask. . 17 3 ' Duquesne Way. . . FOB MALE, 600 Acres Coal, near Noblestown, PlUsbumb and IStaubeavillo Railroad. • /Stoc; alt j a iN al Eats li ttllfok ir e'r, Jr 4 Na 102 /fourth meet. 14 1 0 i i SALE, 500 Acres Coal, near Mansfield, gan rillabargb and Steabeuviths lialtroad JOHN D. RAILMY. Block and Real Palate broker. 114 No. 102 Yoarth meet. 1 5 i —One Patent Steam fzro i zle r rla n Tal i gr z ur Unease a tat. 14 kat long, wain Smoke r. ti tre ne aRLLAJI SOAP AZTTLE, holds LIMO posed.: •. OM, LRONSIJAP PILASTER aq:etlWM. R.P.IeNICDY a CO. 330 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. SALE—,a Very desirable two story Brick Dareiling of to. rooms and axial cellar. Weide on Allen etrect, Lawrenceville. arar Passenger Rahway. All excellent well el - water on the lot Wrli be ethipoard of on liberal term., and lannesilste poroesskin ghee applied for soon. Poeta.. spiny at the - Seal Yaws and ansarance 41 b. BAWLS. Ruder street, Lawrenceville FOR sum._ 400 alas rikeerz chinch Par ting Lang, all e iy z: char ainia l tfTsPrel ' asorisTintidlakir ° situaled in ber ry towealup, Westmoreland manly. three miles wen of itialrarlUe Jaberion. Pa. Railroad bare. tarmgb the Tann. In good neiribborhood. This place la Otrered at a low attire. Apply In . IL MCLAIN AC.. FOR-B.4LE:-106 acres coal. sift". stud one mile nest of Balser !Dutton. 05 the rittsbussib sad ig.:groaa. --40 D D. BAILEY, No. lid tourth street, Or. Z. C. Elels, No. 6S111.• Moen. Duquesne War. V A v3ii 4 :gro B'4El ":16i y: CARPETS! CARPETS !CARPETS! KOPARLAND & COLLINS, 71 73 Pub Sleet, 2d door, ♦ra sow ttt recalpilof an unusually lux. sad ebo/ea 'stock of Carpets, Mar OD Cloths, • Window Shades, Damask., Rep Terries Lace and No Cur tains, With a host of new and elegant _patterns of Corso/ to tmiteh. sates, "dl :feltVlSßlZtmileitaa,"na,:rdntote moss catenated !comsat' Soros,. and America, and to In exantination of which the public are cordially Invited. As this Immense stock isas purchased before the late rise In gold. It will readily be WWII that our pat rons share gogally Irish as to• advantages of‘por. chasing at the Sowed. mutes sales. jys Al-cauxuni 'maracas ! , N 0.130 AXIL DjUirrli atitNXT. We base on hands very aperitif:thick ,01* 4 _ ' • CLAILELIPZITYINTCI- • •ufae ' a i hitH '4l° l l .ll l 4Veno"47,4 3 : gointei W di Mt wide. ' ' c l PIANO ANL/ lADLE • • OVNILY—Neery kind in .11glINTH NO-4/ose tie detest enality to the : Ip j:jalfl DlS itAinliO, DOA AND If ANILL• II AMMO% Ae. • '•ltel'Atittill Fonoirli*, 11.,a It. McCallum • COAk ago. cokp.too o tto twi,.*Cltylftbur, litttiihy.ooitDyt..ool4 00 00W iteptted _th:lll.thhat . ,geod: _Yonthloghent LUM,P, COAL gou.v!..Acx. , _ Altlutowtst Market prlce.z. ,• - ,thrAll Wert tett at thole °him addrested to tuna Ihtellgh tht matt, will be attended toptomptly. ' O lll - I , L ' UUtIiTB O NG I Youghiogheny and Doniiibfliille Coal e as /4anflatum m ,ef...- ,- . 66 "; of tutiii-ii4 Oilolietinit yard on Libel ward and on hecond 4 rat r ar`ll. l .l3ll;,‘,?Rab.ratt.-". ..... , Taaalltee_endlltallunienerears supplted with thalJest arttelO of vosi or COlge IA the lowest huh rates. . - Order* left agent at the puma rcesivnArobtrs ffoinia l s'lSElßLACir 111:1471.3 ANL SIGN • PimweitiiifiEW am% ) It3lieka44l6 Alin and eftiiiitillittrib'oiirverj6,l4,4;tl4, done to alta r .; Au work done vz?ipp.47 reSSOOM urnalliklw ( E 4 t 4o t tbofir4a 13/° "M°E,llalrd. HO* 'P i ° KlG N:rai. hiiiiili-eilihaVnisr or Third end Iliaket streets, in] it, Islith 0 8 PF Tas :.`poutijpix'P,P,VV:9;3o9*.ll'-f ADRONISTRATOWN' NOTICE: itoil v ilirrlsll=l&ll.ln d t"`"°.° CiL tm aitsglatrikrelialat .-- tt'"" . 1 Ole_ "pAtioi rgaft-Anauli. " - PLAMIUNG,.:IIIAS 2TZTING, MUFF BROWN & CO. . . , . PiUBIBERS,CAS& PIPE.FrITERS, • , . Federal sl4llleghepyi 612 Penn Street, - Pittsburgh. h WATER AND GAB ircFroaxs e 9 notainir ood. Hauges ailed up with HlB.. WATZR or lITEA.II P/11123 at alert wile& - liatioeriesAtted op at abort notice atu]ln lined with Sheet k.Ar , p t7 p. ; . now Preeetti "tin klydl . o-AttoOlpherict We keep eonatoutlp'ett ' hand larforipplijA SHEET I.l4Alt,__Lzao rms. IRON J. COCAS. llTTritos UP . ALL KINDS, lITDILLPIT !VAL .:ahtoettract all oratorio] itept.hp fret-dui We world Invite the atteattollor all Who have ley work to do to ouritue of-busbiesa, as we reel CODA dent we eau give the hest Of saUsaellou L , reilltrge material, workaaarteklp awl price. IDDY,WILLIIMSHAIMBY pmetrxiamott ,_ GAS AND STEAM PITT/IBA Cor. Sixth and fin itlffield ffireeeB . , PITTB 3lrlitill, PA., Cor. Beaver and Chestnnt Streeti, MANCHESTER. All Amis.(' Water, ()as and We... Fix urea am tasUy on hand. yekoi ADDY; WILLIAM & BARTLEY, . • !K m , on hand a Importer anlele of W r COCOIS PUMPS, Earl% 11,ArilN i c ` MATFEW6IINV wAß;tBMitsg. Aec., .7=wwAsn 1 ,'" 8 " 18 . Car. lizthmid Smithfield ; Streets. sAll orlon 04171;,..p.u=11.71.= pumas NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels Can be fenasbed with best duality of HYDRANT HOSE & PIPES, AT BBOnniese NoTSCE &MD MST rannis, By exiling on JOHN MAFFET, Nos. 127 and 129 First Street, PIITABORGLII, PA. nythano WELIDON &KELLY, - PLUMMERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS- A large assortment of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c.. ALWAYS ON RAND. 164 Wood Street, Near 81V6, 0121:b7 T. T. ZWICNS pLIUMBING, CIS AND STEAM PITTING, HADRANTS. WON PUMPS. " E " It& mic l:/CAD PLPEB. • SINKS. RAMS& WATER CLOSETS AND WASHISTANDS, 3Erviritrzass Addl & Climbs.) Mt77 , &48 vo. 16.3 Wood sr.. Pittsburgh. P. 11E4ii:r.nx & JOHNSON: Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Minh Street actennatom. 3E 2. 1 1 7M88117.151.C3-.1EL1 2 .491. • AU order. by mall eneeated satlgtenel, and. D romptlytended to. A l ee of Bath Tabs. Penna. Bunt*, Water Comets, BUM.. Chandeners, l'endanto, and Use ntmetee, for We at the most reasonage priors. Orden tram country parent by nth PromlrtlY at tended to. One lime of every daseriptlon, lentee Irluanuzs GALg" B AZT o u STEAM tlaratallatt A et? U . X . 4==ot and practical Wornm GAS FIXTURES. SINKS, BATHTUBS. SHOWLIYIL&TBS, WAVLE CLOSETS, constantly on hand and nude to orderEfltliLETS, TATE 1z SEVILLE, " YAWL' l arrThrr an alVT " , " itsaan,ilk• PROFIII3I4IAL. - B. F. BROWN, Local , Claim Agent, tr. S. SABI. cool, 01k., No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECOND FLUOR,) Pittaburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. Rci deft° made milt churls nee nettled, and the but a moderate:ea etrietbee L . H. !,INDSAir. 6 TA33IIOEUICAW. Office, Boyle Iltreet, Allection7 alpectlal attention given to drawing Deeds. Leases ano other legal documents. All collections animated to btm wan receive care ful and prompt attentlan. leZdf JOUR W.'IAYLOR, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, mro:tok • PITTSBUBUII. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth laid Grant Streets, PITTELBURGII; PA. Spatial attention given to Ml gases requiring Surgical oiiratiour. 16124110 C , ;1141.1=1141. J. C. 11000BUIS• !JAMMU & NoCOD ATTORNEYS £' COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant PrrTsatlAtoil, PA. JOAN A . BTRAtIt, Asrissmaic,s h miri Jiutllho - of the Peace, • ....tkOirilionfitAtotosATs. ~.°I4CP, JIR Vi 4h Mollie eatbedna• . • . „. A. D Oedt ,,, lkindgiAdarieliltelk , : - Ackhowledicoiehhe, Despoil ohs sad puslaciw *Anat.:4 with proutpinvoi antillitpato • • • — myhhall WILLIAM vv Psikoti mm' . HEAIi ISISTATE 40 EN I . ..• • vtlix„ og,tagrof ' atior pad Wave, strum; Lawrenceville. in otloa of and the pre: pya_ttall Ana achnowle,meht of !II „kiwis of Lgtal n7ve!nT., WiLuthiedi*G'Elti ince oftheYeltee iith,ll Notary tablui EWE"B. ORHOW, - 'II!2CONViYANCER, iERMik AND, • avenue, ''4ls Petassitarfelfg6 Yost of Main ad - spraile - Chikaa Sliset orztacal . • ft. rs'. Attorney a tL aw, 'koi;al9 G r ant wribt,"rittanirgti, Pa; _ ifhlo,Yoeky., WertVir- Sinio.Missourifer rir undother Scotto. . oarletors wrz= 111 TARE .CLALIMISi .11ENISION% Flu isOII i NTIE 4 .BACKPAY. r i1 = m 1 ,.... i vr s w;,„rtiAvg:;grva,lL,,„,, , ;dgg, v. - • wee, oppo. the coarttlowej: , N. prcnfeWet" doe; b n ae Jr mo, - DAY. caNvelvaiza: caLwieur, V. cmeslazo, ts , t. . . And in tie Amu., Bi.ouna. wsoutiliT OVUM' tit, ye., "IRS - 11NWISi 'and MI kinds of Boiling Mill supplies. ltVarehousetiiidolliee, Nos. 380 and 3881 . 011 s ISTBLIPT.. Storage to be bait einualisiments . . . . WX. J. 111:111.....: 1171111. - - WW STEEL* , MEW, _ . ,11 • • ING. 6' WsIeiraItODUIIgE....CORIdISSLON MRBOILAMTS,reeeIye and so.U.Yloar, Corn Meal, Mt* mod thorib Mani; Haeon,_Lard, Mlitter..Cbetoc, Ztigrr.)lll 3 A - Mali.;o - Yarttemtar sUention.-oald to th of - 11forklgot and , ./konmatle T stria: timstmrste. Pa.. leMlo . . . BR.EIAPEWBUILICE.Bi CO., -coacinkoiCiuktlionis halt/4 Gloikiiiadliiblittr Works, Azdiplattora to ma gekr Cituditiorid Iteffinixtl:llt: IJbe, .41 esstrialvamede as coludisuasatitorOruJe or Relined retroleum. Yarde.tor Monte and •shID" metn,..4Cxud•tl4l,,A Lavreneeville,_ Corner 01 DIIIIeIOIOO Woy and lifincock Wlttentrgb. , rai76.al6 .. ... 91TelLsET. KEIL4;"IIIITCHARTi-, . . COMIIISSIONIKEMiIiTS, • - Flour, Grain,' SeedCllllll; : rimad, 349 LIBERTY wrinswr, inrolibr PIPTSBMWEL, PA. . --- WILLIAM C LEE, Boiealsor . ts Aram 61(1111)0k, CONNIFM:PO AND FORWARDING N 0.102 Eeconi . t, oLbuardc. h, p.P a A . 'Sh rA Works. - DozerlnP s Gsad A n /AD OT HEMP :71/21C OT ar , Conslgn.sroSs so. Ilaitsta sad promy filled. myilshys P. OW*lth_.... 11312110071 , . 11•1111211. OWENS, __KENNEDY . /Oc• HARPER, PRODUM COMMISSION SOCEORANTS, and Wholesale Dealer. In FOrtgION AND DOWlratglO VBUIT SALT, -FLOM, •Slurrsit; • NOUS, 10. FAWNS, so., amain Frosislons a nd . Frothy* gen. orgl7. No. TS LEDISILLN STNlGST,..oppoene the SallrosA Depot.' Ausatrang, FA., • _Agents tor Sin el glitses, Donnell* Ammo,' awl s , apoord niuktimil C. RALKUMProduce and Om enLuton Nerehaat, Warehouse No. NO LLOINTT STBENT, kittabarAtdia. Whole:We dealer la Muter, Cheese. Lard. Pork, Bacon, Neaal4 Tallow. Prather*, Brooms, otatoes,Hom iny, Dried &ran; Green Yrnlta, Cabm a n Moat. *fan, Clover Beads, Timothy dead., Flax Seeds, daseatt 3. l= ni t: e riloalar attroalon Ova jo ,fix.ack. Waking. J. H. AXJIIII = UNTS coatans GRmom O and dealers In FLOUR, A aLdri M tuDucx, fileaund street, between Wood a nd Smithfied. Yltitnrarith. TOOL P0WE1t.......102f1f 4. A. BUNITARD HOTTER, AIKEN & SHEPAIt D ConnLuton Merchants, and dealers In Yoreign and Donssaile hula, Mow, Butter, Potato. I tut produce generally. No. WM LIBICBTI BTHKET. rowans Basaenger MOOt..Plttabargh. UTIS SWARD CiLlPSHEPAßD'Comiailssion 6 Jeczeilants and dealer* In Flour, Grain and - Pro• duce. pit, MTh - Merit garret, Pittabruldi. eboloo bin d. Floor for Bakers End paid oonstanup no Particular attention so =lnc ordarcfor MarChandtile ffanarally. ocCly yrrx.r., DAD & PATTON, W animals Grocers. Conmalmlon Merehaata,_ and dea/era find. Flour, flacon, Cheese. inch, carbon Lard I.lon, Nall; Glass, Cotton Yarns sag all PlUaburgb manufactures generally Is and 114 Becorukstreet, Ylttabargh. WY. P. MCA... 111011. 11132121MLL UTM. P. BECIL &. CO No. 1S I Liberty street, Plttsborgl;, :c m - c 2- %wig_ ALltr cwere.. , Yoh. ie.. rrodatt, Ors.; Grata 'smut, areen lei Dfledi Prins. ie.. Balt sndl.tine: jylit - • 'C. l))7 •ri: t Reigarr Auden* • )Wbalesale Dealers In ro 4111:17ralts, Harland • • ~ Coupetimery, • 11.017. Xl= ' ..1137DILVW LW= - pp KNOX & SON, : Coaalitisslon 1 3 /.. KLBOHANTElanigNiKenla MD ORLIN. KILL P/MI and PB,ODUCE !la 76 DIMaIII7. °pipette Vity LIKL . ty. JOHN H : CANlM"Comenaliudon and Forwarding Marehant and wiwitaala dealer In Wrote= Reserve 'Cheese.. Bauer. Lani. Park; Brown,Floar Ills • Pot nal Petri Anima. alslaratah • 4 1 41N, O. 5L113121, A. OW% c= t i t ir. REITER, PRODUCE. ; • r 4: 4 414= a , reS. Cl= , 1011E11 I. 40011 1E & BROS. Minces. u soul To Joax I. Roma & tiro s JJADES DALZELL SON,Blium w fltelaren of Lard CL. sad Cosarshgslou Mewl/ads hir the purchase sa4 see of Crude and Rearted re lacd Nos. b and 70 Water street, Platsbargh, gcnonumit &LANG,Wholeliale P.- , deals= to Groosslos, Moser. Grata, Produee. Pro rtalons, Plata Chem. bait, earts3st 011. Nos. US and nu Wood Street, near Liberty !Street, .Pittabursh, . • iielasy DEAD &BILILZGAIIt, Grocers and Commission Iferchants, and dealers in all knob ofCo=l,l7 Freda* end Pitinbarsh Juinnlietants, No. 20 LibatyNtreet. onixiiito of Waxt Meet. Pittaboinll. • spnly FETZER & ARMSTRONG, For *? 7nrofnin.. " Dloon. BI K 7 1 "_,H r "Vjer le and Produce senerallklin. 111 Market reef, corner of First. Iltinorgb, fmly 101unT ....... naLurht, POBT. itsthlLE Whole we Grocers, Condidssion sad 702 , 11Ixdlag Ger- Omits and dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh Ida. nations. tie. 251141bart1 Urea, Plitaburgh. JOHN WAIT ..7011W WiLSON. WATT & WILSON, Wholesale tiratern Cloamtsaion Yerebanta, and dealer in UPrad ae rea; OILa and PLUS D *W Manallotarta, No. lie Lib inty BIDDLF 183 Liberty St whoh.s. DV.l ll 4An ew llLlNt ere 'll 'ftit= LIV Irireard d = " ISALUEDICKEY&CO.,WhoIesaIe O'Meara, Ijoinm/aalon aterebanta. and dealers In Produce, No. IA Water glutei and .! Front street. lelttabnlh. fOIIIITAIN HORTICULTURAL ice - Cram llalogn, Irourtb - stnict4,ned.gb!utheleld, b ." A r e=i2ited:Oootigiiiiiinost indeaut *WT . ' YR eARDZ24 neldOoN in the aims. 'brut efehlD r caa P' l ""T i f •- !' " Y!' .1 1 .12 M. ORt,uaB *A h. bsee ea for the *4 +rut rosin autadtsoersv Wl; i lurn , Say) *s fror r A i tv.=.lrl r 4 i oa ' : -Sa*AP 9 *, 4 , .1%#01.4!,1404/1,40 MCI _COffiIKDNION . . . WALLACT.. QIIIPVOII dr. WALILACE, Whole- Amie GROCERS END PRODUCE DEALERS. Erd. Sixtb street, PiLtubnrst, . - J . 8. NEWBITEJI & CO., 00)=313ION 'KEROltiard, And dealer& In :Flour, Grain. Feed +Lnd -Cash adystices mode coo conolgomento. 'Wooelonote, - . No. 396 PENN lITESET. opv—mto Union Depot,rittoursta.ra. •,••• :.:.::..:......::..:........L.Volagg. FVOIGHT & Ny (Succetutotb to Et.• Orsif.)Preguee and Comagsalon shunts. 111 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. it IA h' :1113=11X --- I.Snotearor to atackeown 4 Unbolt) Doalorin _Floor =MG Produce and Commlostos WIL IPLuTD _MEN fLOYD & CO., Wholesale 611001018, No. 17$ Wood and 2SS Liberty street, elttslea nth. aotallsd PLANOB ORGANS, Ste. THE • AND • Schotionekr `Co. PhUadelphis i =" XALZITC:bei The Eate,y , Co.' Cottage Organ, AN D - AMERICAN CIRCA% Ackeowlebtted bithe best mules! talent In the tinned tastes to be superior to aU others in power, ot. sone, at!ltliorou u ti workman- Chlse buthiments- Dore Tor - Para With the 5.01. layman:its ever sal competitory at the vulgate Rate sad. County Yoh& - la Wee, -they -see lower than sely Other,. • All warranted forma , IhOra..'-' , - 4- B i7t6 t nth No. IA PLAXIsIi atheet, iitealthigh,l4La . „v. -156-11"116 GRAND • ' v*C f rain Wm:Saliba k - " anal ' .. 4* I T10D136 P IA NO-The "V 2 ,1 E1 . 1.1. b. 00. a in l W,_. o, wi . waiducwrcodr_ aldls AND .r.EAS VI Le and ..tare• le . raletanw‘er,rlw, _Thi... MICA irSeelltet ir4; , a uirro ."-- reinoils . ..pec' allar_ . e t:h ....L.. 6 ea . e rs, „,,r Xn b A ug an t 00 it- naqtteftioxmoltwilt,, of th e. Pi el.'Pec. lll 1 7' dintett to thelqievo Trig BLUR • • 41 -.....' ' '' ''' 4.' tor taro AFAVaUraI.4 ' ' it '" i ; ”" air Vi g 0.. •:" - - •' ' • htana •• • aare au ~a;~~j~:i:~M~i~ a:Ti:e1:~ E.: . . THE- k . ISCIIIBRU S I ha* e thii:4yOnli*ipt4l - Lthii4lpnrtuirship, .i,iget,Wy.tollis ppnlabbla of tba sat or 41.Fli:10- pamed•thlilia day 9filistNlol. l --....-: ~ •-• ' • '' ',",- "_- ..,.. - ..... Theirstluership to he coat/Meted - wider ttai 11114X0 '.f.-)LiLLE II . PARA' TAMEUGA.i CIO Inttsbnriih, end .'pirepwe of,Ennaktartnit and selling BTILEI. and Its prodnets. semeral partaers.IIIIIIIEUBEN3PILIZII and PAnitinot.the City. of Pittennints, and GEO. lialtiVeitthe riortierin of Lawreneerint, - : The sPeelel Partsinin roe 3.1-11,04...J1.-xmar. and SAIIMU:AVUPP. orthellproattCoriaw*T.o l llP. Inch 1 ' Vier 'llartierll; ill,To7tosittitrated Twelve Iltionsand Neer Una Usti Donate In cash.. The islet partnership to 'enteskaPtiVon the /EMT DAT OP WANILLWir. andliiternanite.itithe Tangrz-nestuax or DizeniaFik is f• BECitIP MIL- 1 - emu. W. nAluri L a mrai Partners. ninui /IlPeell*P;itnrli• • 11011.1.311:1 THEATIM,'• WM. HENDERSON CHAS. H. DOPIIHIS' TWO ar LEISDID BILLS THIS W A q ICM/L. latme:gairressastolfliltratieltractlos. .PosltOoly tv so world summed , DUPREI a: BENEDICT'S "7 , MAMMOTH HEW ORLEANS & irsnopoiaiAx 3SCODTEIMXIEL43 . . - DirIggVVZW.DUNATINZgak July IG th , 17th. end un.h. Introducing ilitTtliTit: A.NCY DAN CLIS , The I.EIUH BALL POLItA. The 111. &CR' LB L I% IPSEttITALIAN °MIL& As mi,4,Thres Axdor.t, ert , 4rikhb,-BliesuX 11011:nes, and hephy. - • • GrandeompitmentatThettetit Oredneedltyeitntng, Jul d y 18th, to LEWLIIIEH EDICT Comealan . , tlotTataborluitt ALL HALL.—For nights onI yDAVIS' world renowned reliou.ANts or rue RAIL /OD THE urauN, commencing MONDAY NitiliT; duly • 10th. 1009. Adrohdlon, Za; wont Bests, .50e. Doors o at half past seven. rmoranla moves at II o'cloes... Carriages ordered nth/o'clock. • DADDY 11. DA Vid. Arttst,..Prorriotol, Tiedittsfor lidserrevl beats at M. ale." d 112 Wood Street. fyl4:f77 Buxuaws: IIIILIJARDS!: • • 23 1 11017=20 .13.49i.rat s ' Respectfully esmcninces to his fricaidsitel the Nib. genorall7. Iflet be O. }mg OTC Macaw and 131111 eoo.llohe BILLIARD KW COIDer.It UY 'LIBERTY AND IST. CLAIR bTR TS„ - eintrance firombt. Clair, The tablea Kronor, azinconstruct- Ed In the MOST epproved sod emit Me etyle, and ell the appartenancee are new and complete. • Every thing which maycondoco to the lamella . * and ekty ment at Ws patrons-will be Worded. mvl7m4l • - 800 Z 'SHOES,' &co. : MEN'S BOOTS, Boys' Boots, Yotrtle.Boots Ladies' Gaiters, Lcu Ba'morals, mama AND 0 BOOTS, BALMORALS AND GAITERS, At Reasonable Rates, SOUTH s ROSS', ea mkare.,Tqs-ot torn.bs SIERT= PARAMUS. PRO BO NO PIMLICO. Yet they say 31s.:a heinous Crime the way bust nese is copditeted- Some say It la murdering the trade. Villiers my It is against his own interests. We don't believe It. Let us the what the true Mate. of affairs Is. - The truth Is this: That there Market establishment, neatly fitted up, at No. fle street, Pittsburgh, over which - W. U. MAHAFFEY presides, and In welch boots and shoo are sold at prices eo low as to astonish the natives. Hear me Nile / give you the prices Of a few articles, while all other articles are , told correspondingly low: Us dies• Clougreirs Lasting gaiters selling. at ALSO: La dies, Sewed Morocco Bootee: V..te; Men's Congress ,Lasting ( hitters at WO:. Children's Slippers at ter.• CalW42ll•l, Morocco Shoes at 50c. It large lot or lant's prime One calf balmorals and glltersjust re ceived and selling exceedingly low. in addition to MUM. keeps any ankle In the boot or shoe line, 'nod manntactures to order Ladles' Cowen lasting gaiter =erect* boot, ladles , and gentlemen's fan cy cloth embroideredslippers. Likewise gent' , first class calf boots made to order $1.50 lower than any other first class hdu wou ld the city. Lasts fit up to nth. feet, which we advise every man to have of his own. Ladles" and gent's fancy cloth slipper uppers, 011 k embroldeftd, for sale. Where in consists the crime. If in selling low, we plead guilty; and by selling low we expect to preserve taOVISI Interests, and make quick suies aud many of them. Inviting you to call and see tor yourselves we leave the subject with you. E2E2 No. 97 Market Street ALICIORALS. L.idies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Kid Heel Slippers, Men's Calf Boots. Men's Calf Ba Men's. Calf Gaiters, - Men's Calf Oxford Ties, DDYV, YOUTHS', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S 3EICOCIPZI3 ALMJ33I /133201003:111111 In Bury Variety, at Insatiable Prim, at 61 MARKET STREET. J. A. ROINSOIIrift, CO JUST ARRIVED FROM THE. EAST. BOOTS AND SHOES. • .T.A.DAMEO .121.400.33.121, No. 89 Maxlpet . Pittaburgh, • This old established house has now ln store thh:ty dye thousand dollars worth of Boots aritithoci. the hy tis the latest, the quality. the best, w h.we are • i determined to sell at VERY LOW PRI k 3. We here resolved not to be undersold byanyjn the bus- Mess that keep goods worth having. sewer Cal l and examine our stock of goods , and we feel that_you will purchase what ,you want in the Boot and r oe Lie.. Do not forget the Week.. 89 Markel street. jed3 JAMES ROBB. . . GREAT EXUITE R QT AT 92 Federal Street. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, AT REDUCED PRIM, neroccr-aarrcbcmcws GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. Je2l Pri :Tr) :1>f:1: PI :4 :4 CIA or SUMMER BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, alfid BalNlOrtsid, Jvet preceatelvm,ed, either b e h:4 3l Id at the VERY LOW tizyz as A OALL 11 .Erors al Ety4 “r en ge tiri L a Emir, WIIIRIL J. R. & W. C. BORLAND, N Market street, Zd doer from Fifth St MOW= FIELDING 40101 PIYLDIKO. C. FIELDING & BRO., Manufacturers and Dealers to 10‘msortwors. zacimac. BOOTS, MOBS Br, GAITEB4 No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. tt el..pairing iirompuyexe.tod en . the shortest stir' leo= CANTS , " FINE CALIF - BOOTS AND CONGRESS GAIT_ BMX layla J. W. 04RNSILILN at CO'S, LI Market at. T _AMES , FINE lIALINVIIAL AND , coNctintsseArrEam, - . J. W.VAltateltsat. at cola. Btatarket Bt.; LAD I J Ili • 1 00 LADLES' FINE KID WIPPEKtiat7. (ur.bautaß &c 1 1 ,23, CSarket paINITME OAItAIL . HtWOOD MADE, "aPr Mee lighoicitalo or`,Retail . • JAMES iv ivooniVELt. - No‘.*7saoMxuinsrsssr opyalaS• door&Co.'i. wd ,;•%. ) NO. romenurratrr . , •.- • . • .......; . -. .fENIERLA:-DR&IGOT,INGeFneE..• aEliGutiiiitti, -- ci . 11 Emit II P. ' iv ~..,', Ta r es, Ji-a• - ting l 4 .oltrAprr AND a4114th1:2`68:0,1t: , . f.A.TAN , No.. 1 9 - ST. CLAM STRAIM, "'oat ':,,. mi fts . ' Itestience,ll,l*nr,ot;rms:- BUXOM - P.A.:..' -1":. - -.- ':- : - ,-- ' lel( sittir-4 - rtiOItIMAGEB ieantr '.lo , ,stitc4 the tollAvrbk6 Ntuoul • th500;S8s000, $5,000, $lO,OOO, Fo r .'.ne;twel!psokttire• ?earl. • OZO. Ist: • -1(0. -13 at. mann:EL 41CliS ! F i EIVEILV VARIETY iiiiiiiil:iilszrii;iiii iii).l4;::•: , ' - ~, •:. f, ffAbrILIEIIO% - 17P110;4STE:141![.1,111):901111T. 4os'n wooDicott.:&ii. f ' , 7 - - - , Carsta WOOd ind Second Ai., Plttibtgith, AOENIN . l_ fr'irAtil*-°44lll'B7sti4rs!' -.'. ,•-:,'.-', il ar . 9 00; . ocioik PFATMIistB9 0 . ),„ - . ,- ' ~.. For,: o Weekii- - Only.-.., - -._ , ..f ir i . „a l o n e viol 171.707 CU CAIXBILIN BOIS_ ,1 .. ' crap *WV for the 'anal/ alum otIIIME Dia,. - LASS. at. Ito., , 0 itariet *riati '• ' .., - L ?: ',. i .- ofrOhda•- - ',, , ' 13.041 64`111iA.:Jr........ - : • is itead..tmitzpastticht iiorito r i .,•- ... : : - ' ' 2, -: . ;:-a ... .. ' ~-..1=1.7./0 C 0 "a" "a "r rle 'r.y ,'-. ' :s c :. :,;1;.::',.3 . : ,. . , : A ~', .. ': .- 4:im -- 1 7,, !*_;.,.. f .- ..;r , e. - It +7 l k7-7,:.,...nujEtiike,;l'Eg :-.colso , 43,l,,e4,,iii t iarear Kagalej-T.pfz ~.., -7?1,04i645thr05r.,..-. -;#1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers