C THE paiLx-;,fiAZETTE. rinujimitsb pettnixpail, fteed,-Bc Co., 110. 1141 aratrArrPlNFM?n. P al Ini l k. S ZVVCiirailida......7. ll;4 a. . . „ %Ite Wittobugh tazdte, MUREOAY, JULY 19. 1866. iwrinuerrE cowr, TRADE, Notwithstanding the entire suspension of busirtesshy The Penusylvtnia Coal Com pany, the ittuunlty of anthracite mined and marketed, so far this year, is largely in excess of the amount for- the correspond ing portion of last year. There is a proba bility that that company may adjust its 'controversy with the Erie Railway Com pany, respecting the price of freight, and resale operatidus.. But, independently of tble Ceittingetiny,, the ratio of increase in the supplywill., be ...Maintained up to the close c t i: .casial:natili*, unless a general strike shall .uccar among. . the miners, of which there ire premonitory symptoms. The miners profess to. regulate the- rate of their Wages by the price of coat No fairer bashi could; be asked for. But the fact they. Over put down wages while =coal fails in price, but are sure to delnand larger compensation when coal' advances. Last 'spring the ° coal market opened at, say Vi par ton. Wages were adjus ted to that standard. At the rates agreed upon, miners of ordinary skill . and industry, averaged four dollars a day net for themselves. They used the compensation of their helper" at one dollar and 114 cents', day: ' As the season pro gressed 'Coal. lowered Int Market 'value: The miners forgoti - .IIS time], to adjust their own wages to the falling„ market, and attempted no abatement of the wages of their helpers. Rtkrutly and has advanced in price, but not beyond the point at which it stood when the questlon was settled. But there itsk,heen a considerable eleva tion over thOlowest dePression:' The mi ners noir insist their wages must go up in the same propartion.' "If they bad put down their wages when 'coal fell, the claim to an increase now wouldbe valid;'but they did no such thing. , They are now simply en deavering to extort 'd concession from their employers. • Their case: would appear in a better light if they proposed to raise the wages of their helpers... This they are not disposed to do. They insist en confining the helpers to $1,50 - a day, while they crowd their own compensation up to Vi a day. It is mani fest that skilled labor, of any sort, is of greater value than simply muscle work. But there is nothing like this difference be tween the work of a miner and his helper. Bo tar as severity of toil is concerned, the helper has much the worst employment. With 'only $1,50 a day, as prices stand for all articles necessary to the subsistence of themselvei and families, they must have a hard time In this aspect of the case it will not do for the . for the miners to talk of the rights and dig nity 6(1443 tolling*a&vs. They are them selves oppressors of the men they employ: If they Prbposed - to advance their own wages to $4,50 a day; while they advanced the pay of their helper§ to s2a day the look of the thing would be decidedly improved. Consumers of coal would certainly grumble less, ur'at l&tat grurithle with less reason. If an advance of wages shall be demand ed by the miners; it is probade the employ ers will refuic immplience.., They certainly will if the demand shall be put in the offen sive form it was last year. Pis a matter of congratulation to our citizens that:the sterling patriots represent ing the majority of the National Legisla ture, know fall well their duty, and arenot direllet in performing it. The passage of the wisely framed and much needed Freed men's Bureau bill, over the veto message of the President, almost before the ink in winch it was written had dried, is a new evidence that Congress is determined to protect and care for the poot, down-trodden freedmen of the South. There was appa rent baste in their action, but none too much. They anticipated the veto, know ing it to a:specialty in which the Presi dent delights, and acted according to the dictates of honor and justice. Frustrated again in an effort - lo win favor with the late slave owners, the accidental President may adopt now, policies to elevate himself with the reconstructed rebels, and, if possi ble, farther sink 'into the degradation as signed him by the patriotic masses of the North. TuE New York Leader, the recognized 'l'ammany orgau, does not relish the idea of President JohMost and Secretary Sew ard marching into' the Democratic party, through the Philadelphia Convention, and g the control of affairs. It says : - "In regard to the proposition to merge the, great Democratic party in this move artent„, ..*, . 1 ' it is not prepared to surrender its leaders and, transfer its forces to the mercy of - those who come claiming to tai commanders-in-chief, without any rank or file, without weapons of warfare, without tunmunition, without baggage or baggage - wagons, or even ambulances, but -on .foot, - Weary . and wasted, defeated and I dejeckd,riarrying with them nothing but ' , the record-of , .their losses and defeats, and :the prehtige of played-out power, and who shoultrbe extremely thankful for rest, shel ter and . prOtection, instead of being ans. 'ions for cowl d and control." That may s be regarded as harsh on the deseiting Republicans, lmt It is the exact MU. COSDIZISSIONER tiorm warmly sp .-. roves tbe Plilladelplibt Convention. He predicts, as the result of it, that the South willresume lie old place, as the domiva - ling political forcer thenatlon. No doubt titatia the- into/Atom, but Abe best laidPians political strategists not notrequeutly .: ...,Tan,Dertmenstie Congressional conferees of the district comprising .Indiana, Fayette and Westmoreland: males, will assemble atthe'CobreSonse. Greensburg on Fri day,'-tire 27th inst.,. "place in -nomination n'eandidate ibe Con .„ 0. 0 4. • THOMAS • ' WO_ written a 'fetter positively 51: g to be a'eetOidate •fer bongteeNiii sition , to Oexo 13totleld been.diectiveresitiLitt tite,eites 9f tieriaal patriotic soldiers have been to a tell for aJoloteott-ClymerConyent lon, at79shiniron; - ' A letterfinniTihe city of, ktmleo de . • seribeallislranien - as a man nearlysix feet in holght,".light slightly . bald, blue - oyes, lungface, largo whiskers and mous , 'cache. 7q plOnstut see alcer, whit good • gestunng, Xaila Cailota Amelia AngtunalibitoriaAerneNnaLespoldina, is twenty six - years of age, of medium height, light Asir, )1 111 c'e3t0 fad aquas facl46l - rim& vigor anikAotertabition.- 1 that fruzn 1/1 .. anno=ma- :ofticialq i., thotrnite ;.:ii.'lli.7ipttin.jelettzi"dra'potottett_thi, jmustatutteb,eWszteatd. States a n d 'An. ~ Saba, 8 % e 0 4, to uestinas _ . judiaa:( U ) - m;trimatui ch mall, albr. s'..-.,..-BLAts4lnprao*inittitt -siree Pen" or 0131,5 Tiactiar,B:,o(,- Y ir n.rt (mace • post (6.. , -'' 1 oronel.---.,„..1 with 3, .441 stogie . t : being () Purr -, - CM x..... n4— ~ i "" , tc{l~t~4.~c, ~'~`s'.:-s]3 ` ~' v- ~.9 ..~.3x...,.,,.. ~....e. r -~ 1 ..~. VOLUME I XXX.-NO. 169 • ;~,~ Cubit'''. cocoanut Cream Far the hair. It has no equal for promoting the growth of liar. For sale at Yultonts Drug Stole. corner Fifth and thnithfleld'streeta Drees Goode, , Closing out without regard to 'cost, on the nortn-east corner of Pcinrth and Market Ste. C. Itsnson Levis a Bah. 017 Goods Of all the leading markets at popular prices, on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market street. C.,llsason Lora & lino. ==l White and black, of the latest styles and St low prices, on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. HI2IBOIK LOYI 41 Bee. Block Maks, All widths and qualities, at a mall advance on Eastern cost, on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. Manson Lova it lino. Lett en Nate, A splendid Rosewood Piano, of a celebrated make, full seran-ootave, and handsomely fin ished, price very low, at Gardiner's great Boot and Shoe bonne, No. 80 Filth garnet. Refrigerators.les Chests, . . Feur and five muutte Cream Freezers, Ice Pitchers, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Meat Safes, Bath Tubs, and a full line of goods gen erally, suitable for the heated term. Our stock Is the largest, our variety the best, and our prices the lowest to be found anywhere west of the mountains. Call and 'molt 124 Wood street, south side, five doors above Finn Bt. W. W. BRADISUAW. • The Allegheny Shoe Marl. A. Leggate , s Auction House, No. 1 59 Federal street, Allegheny, famous for its auction sales of Boots and Shoes, presents to merchants having superfluous stock every facility for IL4 speedy conversion into cash. To buyers . 101- lug to save money, every attraction Is Offered in the purchase of Boots and Shoes. A large stock is alirays on band for private sales, and buyers will übdoubtedly consult their inter ests by giving this establishment a call. Hostertter's 011omnen lUlters—A Ilan deed GloatOrem In One. Not tho least striking Merit of liostettor's Celebrated Bitters is the wide scope of their operation as a preventative and remedial pre paration. As a protective medicine they ward off all the diseases—and their name is legion —that originate in unwholesome air, impure water, exhatistlng beat, or other local and climatic causes. This alone would be safe cleat to Mann , for any corrective and altera tive medicine a world-wide and undying celebrity. But Hostettces Great Specific has a hundred other claims to the confidence and high constueration of the public- In Dyspep sia, Liver Complaint, Chills and Fever, Bilious Remittent Foyers, Cholera Ilorbus, Cramps, Colic, ConstipaUon, General Debility, Prema ture Decay, Female Irregularities, Constlto timed Weakness, Sea Sickness, Diarrhea, Dys entery, Flatulency, Vertigo, Fainting Fits, Hysterics, and all complaints proceeding from imperfect Digestion, and a disordered condi tion of the liver and bowels, Hostettai atom sell Bitters are the most powerful, speedy, harmless and agreeable of all remedies adver tised by the press or administered in family practice. lloaletteea Bitters 6 re told wholered 6 and retail at Ivry low mites at elerning , s Drng and Patent Medicine Depot, No. Si Market dr oet, earner of the Diamond And Market, neer fourth Street. THE ANTI-RENT TROUBLE. ThoSberlff Executes Ibis Wilt With the ALA or the DUltori — Arresi of Colo."- Clareb—A Deputy Ahern!' Also Ayres- ..A.I-DANT, N. T., July IL—A detachment of ono-hundred and fifteen men from the Tenth regiment pair-elided to the scene of the anti rent difficulty, to the town of Knox, this morn ing. The Sherif found Warner's house closed and its doors barricaded. He forced them open and removed the furniture into the road, where it soon after wax drenched by a severe storm. The eoldiena were quartered In the house and outbulldimis, and to-morrow they will assist in executing the writs. Colonel Wal ter B. Church, the principal party in interest against the anti-renters, was arrested by a constable on a charge of assault with a dead ly,weapon upon one of the parties who resist ' ed theexeoution of the processes. A deputy sheriff was also arrested on a like charge. They were taken sax miles to a ma gistrate, before whom they gave bail. The detective officers arrested three anti renters, against whom warrants bad been is sued, and placed them under military guard. FROM NEW ORLEANS. Gant. Onset Orders Arrests to be Made Only on Proper AOldnvits—Confeder ate Military Ornmaloitions Prohibi ted by Gen. abet ides. • tow °scrims, J dy 18.--General Baird Issued an order In accordance with Gen. Grant , s ar rest order. He orders arrests only upon prop er smdavita, and advises that netnal arrest@ be deferred until properly investigated, unless there is manifest danger of esespe. General Sheridan was compelled to leave his present quarters, and seeks others near Jackson Square. General Sheridan has issued an order pro hibiting. the reorganisstiOn of Confederate companies, batteries, brigades, de., for any purpose whatever. Terrific Gate—Tessele Lost. Ustvoroir, Tarot, July I&—hate accounts any the steamer Potomaski is ashore five miles below. Mr. Hunt, undervrriter,procured the assistance of the revenue cutter Delaware to go to her relief. The steamer Harlan brings accounts of a terrible three days , gale at Indianola, begin ning on the lith, and ending In a terrific her. Keane on Buntlay. Four vessels were totally wrecked. Of two no - vestige is left. The schooner Veto, capacity flee thousand barrels, drove through the wharf. title lie. high and dry ashore. The whole of the freight of the Harlan was washed from the wharf. The steamer FotOrnaski, which was anchored astride the bar disappeared . lt wad eoppueed Ate had foundered at her anchorage, and all on board had been lost Her passengers had been previously, landed. No such stone has ever occurred on this coast es far as remem bered. BetsVy Th Lorin In New York. blirw Year, July IS.—A heavy thunder s 'torte accompanied by torrents of rain, oc. tarred this aftetnoon, lasting about half an honr. Several places wore struck by light ning. . A block of. - twelve unfinished brick Imatblings on Werra:loci, Brooklyn, wad nearly deguollshed by./ htning and the gale. One or two vessels w struck by lightning. St Johns Chapel was ipe_t on are In this city, and the steeple of St. ligesea Church struck. Notwithstanding the large quantity of rain, the heat.after the storm passed, was untlimln- Ished. . Several more fatal :mama sunstroke are re ported, and a large number of people were taken to their homes by the police, In a par tial state of prostration. Indboa Valois Conigrossional Cony. tlon-Speoch by Gov./Norma. • Haw Atessy, Len., July lu—The Union Con gressional Convention was held at the fair grounds. Five • oonntier were represented. About g six thousand persons were present, in cludin the Ladies. J. M. IdeGampbell wes &Wed Chinn:den. An able speech, in thb afternoon, from Bon. Newcomb , of Indian apolis, was Warmly applauded. • At two delimit In the afternoon Governor Morton appeared, • accompanied by General Gresham And others. Be seems west, and wee, assixted to the stand, where, taking a seat, he delsvered an eltsrimt address, of , three hours , duration, dor widen he was , frequently greeted with veal crone applause. The Awl/mil vs Clerk of the House --+Coompoood Lief era Note CoountOr falter Arrested: • . • Wastrortricoranly - 38.-4ndge Wylie. of the Supreme Court, has decided, on a wilt of he &ars coves, that the Sergeardwd...arms of the Holm of Bebresentatives has a lawful right VA the M 4 W7 of iho Parties charged with or eidattnic Yr. riunter, Clerk of the Poetofooo Ckrillfalttee. • The-principal party connected with the 7coonterfelt hundred dollar compound interest .note heehaw:tarn:sited. The brasses and_plates ItaveAdso been secured on Stan nee Ulan& thottsand dollars of emulterfelta god suite appuximMkomf of a Oren clam coon hufelangentabllgunenn. rimsllfornla. . _ Sag Zsanotco,e July l6.—The amount of its*ht roonkfroft &aids port teethe etc months onMng J lllas+uly first, shows a decrease from tho await period last year Of tipwitivis of halls mil o ,Sydney.dates ,p Mort the market for MeadoWhinOhromP44 otOsequeneo of the arrival of twenty-nine cargoes from Cu be and Ninth Anierfea. , taltforula flour SUL'. 'quoted at 0.16,-131011. Al3lOB V tan. Mining BLOCKS were better : (Road 41 , =, l'ati. - Yedhow 7acireN: 13110nigo, .944 , 1 911 Cbolan, Ng; senaem - 70%. ; Oade .11s1 ~feir Turk .- New Itostx; July isde to-dar Pltta• toe coes company °" ail fellows, showing bigwesfam: _tons to etssizasSE! Fertsik4COUSSiaglitgairdAga !!!Ei Vueserat - wa weeewtrawase 'New, J!, 1.41". sw Tozwiirdyln. , —Toor, new tries of ahol. era In Brat pn - _are reported tOdartwo of whit* were Thirteen new cams and 1 4 2 .4 4 1 41,1 ex oleporlea 3n Alizseete, N. J. .:- THE - PITTSBI*Off:-.AZETTE'; iIftNTD DITIBNS FOUR O'CLOCK. A. M VERY LATEST TELEntms. FROM EUROPE. One Day's Later News THE WAR IN GERIIAN V Prussians Continue Victorious PRUSSIA AND ITALY ACCEPT AN ARM TICE ON CONDITIONS. The Atlantic Telegraph Cable ticw Yens., July I , .—The Africa's dates are oat, day later than those already received. The Great Eastern arrived at Itearhaven en o morning of Um Sth. The William Currey, th the short end of thu eabl”, itneltored ul Valentin on the morning of the 7111 Inet. The Afunilrur•e announcement of the cession of Venetia and the mediation of SI/11010011 was accepted us an ailment I . OIIV I' of peace. I.he excitement on the i.(111•14 011 ' , Uhl, f . , change on the bth was great, e-giee,llly w tilt regard to Italian .riartlaem wlnrll, lel gel) . ad vanced. Euglieh seem It len were kepi down bp the maintenance "( Inc teini. rule et 10 Joel cent. Otx the Paris Byturme (110 MI milvanee.l IFt nt., waning:L . lMM teem Tiy ithin a few days, while Italian ielvane- ed 17 per cent. In lao 11111$. , t. the , db, tile most sanguine hopes were not only not re:d igest, but commenced gmilaallv melting as ay. The Minister of Pollee, lit ban an nounced that the proposals for 1111 !tendst Ice, presented by Gen. Guldens, have been in clined. The Florence jonrnals euus it ler the .5051 r um proposals inadmissible. They regard the ces sion of Venetia azi n stnititgetti to Prussia, enabling Amtria to resume huailt ties against Maly. They declare tl t Italy will not lend herself to such proceeding , . cession of Panetta W Fruare, alth at Ile° to its subsequent cession to Italy, would be violation of national light, mid submission to a foreigner. Italy tr 11l one Venice to her arm, alone. The Moniteur du Solt', of the evening of the 6th, contains no Official announcement. The /Writ. says the Prussian reply to the proposal for nu armistice has not .) et been re- Caired. The delay is sad., to have °rise° from the distance of the iteitaignati - tors an Han min, whiela were yesterday rata, cessively adValleed several points. it ho llered in official tarries in Berlin that the ar- Miatice aasan only Isa neeepted after proeluidia.al settlement of the principal taste of the negm tuition for peace. Prtision n 111 1. wand the occupation at the s hole of Itotteinia, and the evacuation lay AOstrla 01 the fortresses ad lia -*Ker"f?,;;gl-jlLri'Letroe of the French, thanking bins, °nal sala.dan he was about to eater Mtncom• munication with the king Of PI ttnaM. Frnace assert u that the eeSISIon of Venetia was mad., UnatoutiltiOnadlV The reale correspondent of Pall Mall Gat.uoi says it Monne sa ltliosta suppers that .t,- %xis platted herself the mercy Of IF mt.., when propostaa,,• , tat cede tenets... Stv• It neat beforehand what silo teas to get a, COlllpellaa tioo. • - The Wainer -Abend Po.dietys that prey lone to the bhuht of the $4 test., the Aware,' Uovern- - - want hail ihrinitly responded the Emperor of the French to bring about an arillistoec loos tieeell Austria anti Italy in enter to render it possible for the Austrian troops alt 1003 10 jOtli the Army of the North. The Emperor of the French, willing to meet his wishes of the Austrian Government, and desirous to "we peatati once more established to Europe, even went further, and without being directly or In directly requeated so to do by the Austrian Ealthinet is ak, offered his goood oilier~ to meet an tam Gee between Austria and Protsla This Offer was secchteil Icy the A u.trian Gov ernment. The L.0114/On Tones, of the lilt says there Is WO ranch reason to fear M u tt noataiittes will be resumed an both the hoed'', of war II ~ Austria will be unahle to it Wolin,. any cn siderable number of ttoo, trollinlet and Milos., 'sheltered by the aegis of 1' Now, May toon compelled Willa,. terliii Of ponce theta loy 1 . , aseilit, in her 0. 501...1 , 11/11. Toe Timer remarks IL is olilllcult too loadley. that either Italy or Prussia, will ultimately repel the pantile overtutes of the Eeiniserof Nalo. leen especially it they. should LW by I.ngland sooner or later, therefore a it boot any sacrifice to the soldier, oi one.Hille the slightest burden tot Franey, the Fr. , uel, Empe ror will proliabi, lied i i again the teal orbiter of Europe. It is position a Inch lofty stobltlou would disdasu to almae. The war Intelligence from the coot lan fron tier states that the Austrians are streugt loos ing then - forties at Eningn. A dispatch of the fah Moto the Itn.l.tl head. quarters Says: I.olollolerlisg It expedient to deprive the Austrians of the teletu i mist, at liOrgoforte, oil the right hank of the 1' , .. at have commenced °pentanens tor an al Lark It IN stated that a portion of the Austrian fore. in Venetia have been ordered north. Severe engagements Its. of Mises, place be tween the Prussians and Pets arras, , neat Dernmach, in Saxe Wishner, as Whit, the tat ter were repulsed, and his Pres:4ll/ns OeCtipleol GertntraCh fore. The Pronosilsols captured eight po,ltions, and were itig Victors °ugly. The Austrian prisoners taken to Lite bultit on the 3d are est imatell at abets.. tine hundred and sixteen guns s ere raptured. Tine hoses Sustained by the lirst Prussian army were considerable. Thoeu ut the second were eone parattvely entail. The Bavarian army had iodermi the Tyrol, and wag pres.cil Mg in the threet ion of Italy. It was assertitsl that the Alistruins hail evac uated ail their puoitions on the right bank of the &Melo. lrarnntou's wound a - as very slight. Brescia, July O.—T wo Au-iron grailmats have been repulsed in an shuck on tiargarno, Lake Garda Princess Helena win, marrie t to lr a n ce C;hrinttan Augustenburit, at IV indsoi on the Mb, Inpresence of the Queen, the ging anti Queen of the Belgtans, and a tinstinguisli ed company, but the affair w comparatively private. The Marquis of Lansdowne, who had been named for °Mee in the Derby Ministry, tined suddenly ou the bib, front paralyst, lit tine House of hurtle, On the Gilt, lord Brougham advertO to the hostile state. of Europe. lie hoped a Congress would be shortly hold, and peace firmly established. lie did not thmk Venetia ought to belong to Italy, but at the some tone ought Lobe free from hie Austrian yoke. At the request of Lord Derby, Earl Russell moved an adjournment till the nth. lit the Commons, Mr. taatliatme, in reply to an inquiry, explitin.l the position or ttle IrOV °rument toward the Bunk of Englund, and stated that the Bank acted entirely on arm , n responsibility in the rate of discount,the Government having no control lit the neater. A Vienna toles says there is a good prospect of an armistice for six weeks. hos tilities have not beenresumed. The Austrian army of the north continued their retreat without uniesuttlun. The Prus sians have advanced further into Bohemia. The Bingo( Prussia bud ordered the release of all the Austrlan prisoners on giving then parole net to serve again /luring the war. Severe lighting is reported as having taken place on the frontiers of Venetia and Tyrol. The reports were contradictory as to the rte sults. Thu old Atlantic cable was tented anal found In perfect condition. 'I'M, foregoing advises are the Latest via Queenstown. The news by the stainerowl morning of the 7th, state that the Praia:olms tontteued vietorinus• had defeated the Bayern.. at tilrinbitek an d occupied that town. Tim 0011CillS1011 01 an ar.. minden was then considered Improbable. Pub. I lie opinion In Prussia and Italy Is strongly adverse to it. ' The Paris Il•mps announces that Prussia and Italy bad accepted the armistice on the fob. lowlng combining: Prussia to retain her pres ent DOBit1(111., her troops to be support...l by the countries occupied. Atistria in not to in crease her armies In tine Held, Italy Is to oc cupy one fortress in the quadrilateral. Italy, tarePlYolouleutied the Meer/stout of two fen t resses in the quadrilateral. Mr. Gladstone took an official farewell of the porters Rotate, Um of express gov ing ernme deep g nt rat ,on the tithitude to the sups , Mr. Mill presented u petition from Era. Ger don, Complaining of the Wegal trial and OM!. GUMMI of her husband in Jamaica, eating tint bt Cousequeneo she Inns been reduced to a 'State of destitution, and pruying for redress. lefiAnOt—The drnift , of the prOposmi Modi fication., In the French constitution has ban presented to the Senate. Bourse on the Gth less arm. Rendes closed atESige. AOSTaia—A. IleCond COnSilriPLloll /MS been Ordered to take place In Mowery. The cholera has broken out at. et. Peters burg. lsimdon Money Market—The illecerint do mended at the flank is of the full average character. On the Stock Exchange advances somerofere at per cent. Consols, in spite of tendency to reaction' at the opening, closed strong. An Impression prevails that the worst cliMoultics are likely to be soon our. mounted. flank rates unchanged. Latex! Telegraph 10 Qusertsfoust.—A Vilma mi. grant says there are good prOspeets that hostilities will not he resumed for six weeks. The Austrian Army of the North continues to retreat without molestation. Reports are recolVeil from the TVrtil, but they are entirely , contradictory as Millie result. TheTaris Bourse remains. without change. Routes closed yesterday at lion. The shore and of the Athurtic telegraph Ms ble was suocessfully laid on the Gtli Mut, The old cable was tested and found to be in excel. lent condition. Groat preparations are making to suPP I .Y] the army with breech loading [hies. " • 'i EBIBP , Wis "WV 7—Morning.-cliaetidstadles — I MOSSlM.lllehardson, armee &Co. reportirloUr l heavy and 11044 IWhcat dull and 460411 lower, Corn Mardi o and teals ed lower. Prises of Ali articles nominal. • PrOvisiotis—The earns circular reports Deaf tinietf Task arm; Nl.= very dull, larrYthitt .add nominal::• , • • . • Tab Brokarsttirrralar marts eiatali•ailis at VI torZOPN 0114r.qtgerd4tid ittegkdr. ••' , • • a, , - y. ,-,tzg; 7 - = • ,tarAS.,.•:.s.S,-7, PITTSBURGH, TURSIAY JULY 19, ',..1066. Coffee quiet. Rice easier: Linseed, no &ales. Cod Oil. no sales. Linseed Oil - dull and nand, nal. Room quiet at 8116d0859.1 for' Comport American. Spirits of Turpentine quiet and steady at les 611 for refined. LoN now MARK - a - rd.—Messrs. Bailers Circe tar reports: lireadstuffs quiet and easier. I ron quiet, at .£0 for rails and bars, and 056. for :betel, pig. Sugar quiet and steady. Pe troleum quiet and steady., is. lld.:for refined. I,,,rts . r.—Lirerpoot, July 7, p. m.—Cottoni ale 3 to -day of „coo bales, incitidli4gloo bales to speculators and exporters. Pet '4611 and lower, the improvement on ridaybav leg been lost, owing to the failure of peace nrgotiations. Middling uplands are. Punted I at about ltd. Breadstuff's are firmer, but sales small. Provisions Inactive. . . London, July 7.—Unttotl States Gara are de rlt It log, owing to large shipments. The Moe. ota price, are 64 , 4 to 65. Consols for money. 10 cm; Erio shares, 38 to. 48}5; Cen tral. to 7d. McCall's airatilar reports breed stutrm inactive and nominally considerably CONGRFSSIONALPROCEEDIIO. rutil without Omendment the bill to reor _J...., the ‘.lyrteu.l force of (he War Depart ment, and too bill relating to the rations of soldiers held as prisoners of war. lie also reported adversely. on the bill to ap point a Commission on Transportation be tkeen the Western and Atlaptle Sta. es, and the bill to Increase the pay of army Masers. A resolution authoring the employment of a landscape painter and a topographical engi neer to aid the Committee on Public Build ings and Grounds in the selection of a Park and site for a Presidential Mansion, was adopted. On motion of Mr. Sherman, the hill to reduce the rate of interest on the public debt and provide for feuding the same, was taken up. Several amendments were agreed to, and the tertber consideration of the bill was post poned tilt to-morrow. . . Mr. lesatinden reported, with amendments, the bill making appropriations. for sundry civil expense& Mr. Pomeroy - introduced a bill to amend the am of .lone 24th. 1016, forte disposal of pub he muds for homesteads lb actual settlers In the States of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, linnet., and Florida, which was referred to the LonnnILLOO on rUblie Lands. It yirosides [lnn any person who has served not less than Iwtire months In the army or navy of the United .+tai,•+ nUring the war for the pref.... vialon of the Union, shall have the right to purchaec at the minimum rate, or locate by military land warrant, one hundred and sixty metes of land, anti to enter ono honored and sixty acres; according to the provisions of the ilomestoul Uhl of ESE The "International fietilling• !Match- Hamill Beaten Badly by the Mtn'lish Manlyloss-Full Perfect:llnm of tbe Race. We are sorry to announce the defeat of our plucky oarsman Jimmy Hamill, by the English champion, Kelly. Jimmy could not have been in good condition, else he would not have lett fered such an Inglorious defeat. Hamill did his best to gain tile victory, but the long pulls of his rival seemed to be far more effective than the quick movements of the "little en gine." Ills Ignorance of the river, combined with poor physical condition and the excites meet of the occasion, were too many obstacles In the way of Ma success. Seated in his shell upon the Monongahela river course, Jimmy ilamil in still the champion of the world. Thousands of dollars have changed hands up on the ram, but the best of humor prevails amongHaraill's backers. They still have un shaken confidence in his rowing abilities and would buck him to-morrow If the rare could be repeated. The following Is the report di the [lra rues-, cl ipped from the Manchester ( Eric's,' I Examiner of July sth: Tile drat race between iinnitil nod Ke ll ey 1 tee n place yesterday morning , on the Tyne, and was won by Kelley by nearly half a mile. The weather was as mild as could be desired, scarcely more than a ripple d isturbing the sur face of the water. More than a dozen steam ers, all Mistily laden, lay off the quay. Tin high levee and temporary bridges were thronged with people. Hamill was the first to pot in an appearance, which he did shortly before seven o'clock, on Mansion them Quay. lie was accompanied by his brother, Mr. John Hamill, Mr. J. Laugh lin and John Mackey, the latter carrying his mulls. Hamill looked the picture of good health rind sound training, nod during the time th at intervened between his amval and ' when he had to gift inn, his skiff, be walked 1 leisurely up and down the quay. At live minutes past seven Kelly came down the river in his cutter, which Vila steered by G. Diewitt, and at the Mansion House quay he alighted upon the raft lie did not go ashore but remained upon the timber, and personally looked after his skiff, which was rowed down close after his cutter. Precisely at 754 o'clock, both men got into their edriffs, Kelley being the first to pull off from the shore. Hamill lost no time in following suit. Mean while the cutters of the respective men rowed to Abair station; that belonging to Kelley-, with Drewitt, in the bow to mach ben up, book up her position at the second pier orthe High Level Bridge from the north shore, that being Kellers aide according to the result of the toes. Hamill was attended by Jack Clasper in another eight streaked boat by George strong. Both men paddled off to their respective cut ters and et once prepared themselves for the coming contest. • Kelley soon doffed his flan- 1 nets and strew bat, wbitili he banded into hie cutter, and then late his beat end to the stream. Hamill not having any superfluous clothing of which to divest Mimed!, allowed els skiff just to lie apart the stream until Kelley should be ready. Exactly at twenty-ohm minutes to eight o'clock the cry was raised "they're off," they're off," and so Indeed they were, but so may did they get away that it was almost Im perceptible. At the first two stroke*, Kel/ey's skiff shot out ahead, and In a taw more he had his stern clean past Hamill's. Kelley pulled his usual long launching stroke, while that of Hamilire was short and quick, at something like nearly two to one of 1%6103.'8. It was plainly app.- rent from the mart that these would have but little effect, when pitted against those of the English Champion, for although at first he had the appearance of coming op to Kelley, the latter soon shook him off, and not only so, but et the Skinnerburn was leading the Amer ican by about a length. The latter, however, nothing daunted, gave way with a will, his strokes now settling down to about two to three of Kelley's, but although he pulled vigo rously, his strokes seerued to have but little effect. The cheering on board the special s'eamers was tremendous, the people on board shouting tastily to their respective men to urge them on, We friends of the American still thinking that he had a chance. By the time they ar rived at the Grindstone Quay, however, Kel ley's long and powerful stroke was telling im mensely in his favor, so much so Indeed that at this polut he bad Me boat completely clear HOUSE. by upwards of a length, and was giving Hamill the lancet of histackmater. Mr. Wusithurne, of Illinois, asked end ols The cheering on board the boats was now mince leave of absence for the remainder of taken up by the people on the shore, who ran the session, on account of ill-health. In a body along the quay in pursuit of the two in his mutton, the amendment of the Sere skiffs. Opposite the Lead factory., both men ate to the Unites bill creating the grade of 1 had settled down into a steady stroko-that of rieneral in the army was taken upland neon(- , Hamill not being now so rapid as at the corn ea by dienting minced of the words .`of the' mencement i ine," till' words eof tee warder army," so that Kelley had evidently the advantage in style, the General's aids-dc-camp shall be selected each stroke seemed to make the interval wider t rum the regular army. lie said that was the and wider between the two Mats, until at the in i eel ion of the Senate's amendment. gas works he bed - added another length to the The Senate amendment. Al. ootretirred in. gap between them. nand% however, was 1,1,0 was also greeted to Mr, Washburue, pulling a plucky stern race, for his strokes, of Illinois, to tile with the Clerk the reports ot alter settling down_to theirregular averages, the Memphis luvestigatton, the same leave [lever faltered in the slightest, notwithstand mins also given to the minority, tug the fact that Kelley wile lending him Cottle Sir. Wilsliburne then left the Hall, apparent- extent he was. ly q uit,, ill. Thu English champion gradually improved Mr. Ellett offered a resolution, which was his position until getting near Watterson. adopted, directing the Clerk of the Home to -•-- --•--_- - - fliers Kelley was fully four lengths ahead, present to the Secretary of state the Freed. and there were cries that Hamill was done up. era', Bureau hill, with the certificates of the The newish ley el order-Dleelmege of These were Teel. by the assertion, and perhaps I lert; of the louse and the Secretary of the the Prlnoinevs-liorOweell Inquest net belief on the part of some, that he was only nave, that it was passed over the veto by a yet Concluded. ' acing himself for th e finish. trio- I hints vote. The .1 my summoned by the Coroner to hold Tile belief, however, was a delusion, for The contested Ideation case in the 11th die. Kelly, admirably piloted by Drowltt , gradual- Is a.l. of Pennsylvania was decided against Mr . an inquest upon the body of Caroline Foul, ly Increased the gap between the boats. i ...groin, th e sitting member, and to favor of the young colored gin who was murdered on Jack Clasper did all he could to keep Hamill 'lr. howl! z, who was sworn in. the night of July 9th, at Sewickley, held an atilt/ t mold not succeed. At Claaper's Mr. n'ible. from the Committee for the Ina limn h oiisie b" Harry shot. ahead magnificently, adjourned meeting yesterday eitecnoOn at the so moth so indeed as to obtain a lead of at triet or cementite, reported several Mils, eeing which was the Senate bill relating to Mayor's office, In Allegheny city. A number least ten lengths. s tin, public schools of the District, providing of witnesses were examined but no evidence liamUl eteured to the north aide of the that ino school fund shall be apportioned whatever .._„ course to gain some slight advantage, if poset ....tunny for the miecation of white and color- was adduced calcddated to unveil ble, and the movement lost him some little ed children, which was passed. the deep mystery enshrouding the horrible ground, while Kelly, amid tremendous Mees er. Alloy, from the Wein. Committee to In- murder. The prisoners Archibald Lee, tell_ log, was still gaining. At the lower end of the vc.tigate th e assault on the Clerk of th e Post- D 'mine, great cheering bunt forth as it was wilco Commitim, made a report In part, re- Dabney . Scott Bassett and Benjamin seen that the American looked ahead, sad eon, inend ing the discharge from custody of Ford, all of whom hail been arrested upon the then pulled vigorously for about a score of t'sl w net Powers, there Being no evidence suft ileum tto wreraut his detention. Tne report t h e witness wand after being warnednet to gain perhaps a length, but Kelly saw the charge of killing the girl, were placed upon strokes, and that he must possibly by this w agreed d to. SnV any th ing which might criminate teem- move and did the same. The senate amendment to the concurrent ac r eec , T hey D n ° p h,„,„im e s t ra i g eteer. Here Kelley wee, at a modest reckoning, resolution. providing for a joint Committleo ward stories which were subjeetal to rigid eight or nine lengths ahead. The steamer* of retrenchment, was taken - from the Speak- questioning and cross exam nationby the were in no way pressing upon the last man, cr's table. urors, Coroner, and Deputy District Attorney and a good course was kept for the tampon- Me Wilson, or lowa, offered an amendment 'Flack. They each proved an alibi, and Batts , ten. instructing the Committee to inquire into the S e a beyond a doubt the minds of all present , Kelley seemed to see himself a trillealthough ea:ennui and statements , in reference to the Government debt, and the management there• , w aoui ere in t noce th o t of T t h b e e d lu read ry charge p h . . wilit hw l t 'u h d e W elt: f f cruterre as e bb lhervi "PP" w n ere e"L loll " of, and the mode of depositing and keeping mended the' Mayor to discruirge the Prisoners tholes that It was all over; that Elwell' Weald that t hey the piddle money end the documents relating from custody, which was accordingly done. never last, an he was continually loosing thereto. The amendment was agreed to, and The inquest was not concluded, as Coroner ground. me Senate amendment as amended was 'Rawson and the jury are determined to use Armstrong's Quay was next reached where ecu reed in. every possible exertion to ferret out the hu- Kellerhad gained in a very short space Of Tio, sauna amendments to the Boom bills man goods who perpetrated the double crime time three or four more lengths, and when were taken up rind dimmed of me follower The of repo and murder. The citizens of sew lek. the ern man Watt Opposite the Convent!) , Tay hill to authorize the construction of a striae bey will probably oiler a large rowan( for the ern, on the King's Meadows, Hamill was through a military reservation in Kansas. discovery of the guilty narties. The jury will abreast of Armstrong's. 'Ube neiniment glee. the secretary of War reassemble on the last Sates day in July, pt Here Hamill pulled with his le ft hand se If t e,s r ate revoke the permission. It was con- the Mayor's *Mee, to resume their Invenigii- ho were going to land, but his erratic course en ere.' in. Tbe 1,111 Increasing The pensions of tie, was quickly altered under the dirostion of sonnets' widows and orphans, On motion of J. IL Clasper, while at the same time Kelly, Sir. sawyer the amendments wore nun, :or.- Falling of the hoof of Whittles Hall. who would hug the north shore was likewise The and a committee ot conference asked-ordered by Drewitt to keep a better Meng, Yesterday evening about eight o'clock a por The bill to ex the lumber of Judaea of the ' and he occasionally ;lunette trifle te the south. su pronto Court of the United State, The sub- non of the roof of Wilkins Hall, iinundletely Above the Meadows House a few yards, stliute passed by the Senate provides that no above the room mounted by the Pittsburgh Hamill, by some misadventure, nearly caught vacancy In the office of Aeseclatti Justice of tlymnealnin, gave way and fell into the build- a "crab," and he seemed totioundersomewbet the Supremo Court shall be filled by appoint in Ms boot. He thereby lost a couple of meet until the number of Associate Justices lug. A heavy rain was falling at the time, and strokes, and seeing his mishap, for the next is reduced to six, and that thereaftei the Su- the consequence wee the water soaked fifty or sixty yards he pulled away tepidly. ponne Court shall consist of the Chief Justicethrough the floors ot the third and second When Kelley was passing the top end of the nee six Assoointe J latices, any four of whom Meadow, Hamill stns abreast of Armstrong's oli shall constitute a Orgia, . tortes Into the elegantly turniehed reception top quay, losing gronnil almost every stroke, Mr. Wentworth inquired whether this bill room of the Mayor's office, doing considerable and at this point the race seemed virt uall y abolished the judgeship, to which the ]'real- ~g _ ma e to the furniture and fixtures. The e can could recover the lost ground. dent had some time since mint in an appoint. " building ie o.llCil by the seine of the late lion -ri over, sa it woe inmost limmaible that the mint. Witham Wilkins, who bays leaserlit for a term intinued to exert him- Blr. W Bum, of lowa, replied that it did, bet or year e to th,,, al t •. ti, A short time eine° the "r"u'd 7 lead, K"il :I ded 'some little to the ' Netwithstending that he possessed Win t bat it hao Intlisad the House SUMO thee heroto police Committee of Councils reeled the third self, and every stroke I_already ~... anal the nomination was made. number of the fleor to JOhn.D. Bailey Esq., who sub-lensed tI. ,w hen ar a - r : u z u , z, r ,,..„„ t „ I,,, tcr or ge 'T ha ,:4' r inernbers of the Suirreme Court doomed a ris to the managers of gynninalintl. The latter Hamill was clearing the Meadows, and must duet sin of the number of Judges a great tun parties have attached swings, , ropes and earl- have been forty lengths behind. prevenient. The llonSe seconded the previous question ens other gymnastic, Eppliances to the ceiling and concurred in the subatltute-,yeas, 70; ..... w hi c h tt . g , au,,,,c,aog. A lly weakened Eternal on entering the strait for the Mead nays, 41. to • f tad caused its fall, A few days since and also Dulled with create!. regularity than owe seemed to improve his course somewhat, Mr: Bally . called-oirMr. J. td.Killenithe Chair man of the Police Cmmittee, Rua lufortned honse. This gav e some hopes to th e sympe he hail ilotie since lerWing Ciasuer's boat Mr. Mei laberger gave notioe that he would 1 tomorrow call up the question of privilege him that the roof was Inmate. The latter gen- -- - t thizerso tort Am er i ca n . arising between lion. Mr. Conicllrig and Gen , nem= sent fur William Iteed, carpentori and • Ag *leapt to renew the excitement was .told hid' teinspeetthe roof and report tothe made - by the throng,wbo followed in the wake he Reuse then proceeded to the considers- Committee the result ot his inspection. Up to , of the competitors, but this was short-lived, thou of the bill reported on July litri from the the present lltr.lteed has not reported. There for on glancing onward to the English chant- L ' mudtle " l. Wqe and Meads, tdPvdteat the was floozie injured by the accident. revenue and for other parposes,oonsent=ll pion, It WWI evident. that he won luny pro been given to dispense with Its cOlield 11! I.lci - - -- I — . ..--- pared for and teal to tiny iinPrOVerinta. lw In Comm etc of the Whole. &Metal mounters; sadden Death ow a Soldier at the Arse. the condition of Ws antagonist. Indicated a " emirs to offer amendments. but . .., trat-inquest. When Kelley saw liamill's spurt, he lnereased end continued to draw ateadi- Mr. Merrill declined to yield for that, putPme, A member of the ordnanoe corps "at the his own strokes, . _ und moved the previous question on the bill- .a head ; and Orally banisher' au !lope Ilefial United States Arsenal, et Lawrenceville, LT, imp who supported the /mar aud some verbal amendments, whn.h be sat- a breasts o ose w "red. Tile preview) question weitseconded. named Thomas Sweeney, died on T ue sda y lean colors. l og . „__,... Mr, stevens moved le lay the:hilt milt night under the following circumstances i The .steady pulling aid was of short table, 0. tnere wits no opportunity ail ,H e had been attending si plemle at live City duration, for when along Aof Darwent offer amendments. Rejected-yew' itt, nays 79. Park during the day, at which he drank to Hough, h arinua seemed even a mo g ra zs i g rregular ' V ' r. 6 . Denton 11 66a turtiii -yam 14. on such an ex that he had .to be carried to ititd less powerful than in any previous part for the adjournment of the present' sessi on , 'he Mt 'lion in a helpless c ondition , being un- of th e °""st);i2, eon k ' • ' on Wednesday, Ihe L oh of ten July, at II seelock; --- - " Kelley, orr trary, opt • almost a per- Mr. Ashley moved to layi the table.: able to articulate a words in th: .b iri . v . hi r Atzit Lb: ? m a y atm ightnecmcfrom the Meadows wthe Mr. Month suggested that it be aniendedlry Artionel' be was' e a el vt! 'clock u se, • euspension Bridge, and has pulling never adding a proviso that on and after to-morrow where•he wan vial a bo ut a e ,,,,„ har ,„,„, t varied from the bftuttful long, powerful the /louse meet at. 11 a. nii, , night by ono of tee aerKe erde, --, '''' -4 stroke with which he started. ceo was dl t tm, hastened for the sun Long before approaching the bridge the race Sir. theme nethopted the en thin etidinso that S e v u r ia Dmied .0c kao matter. , wh. modified Ids reantition by axing Monday, the virtually over atilt was im thie wi th -, 1:30, for adtournment. , • ~. that.. . ~..- i. ft. eurgeon arrived, a ' few minutes later, ho in the distance for Hamill to overtake his an. Objection being made the Pro t declared Sweeney to be dead. _Coroner Claw. - tagonlst. Kelley pulled ateadlly onward, and to clan ge the hOur Of Meeting wag not a pay-afternoon son. held an . buest . Ventral to the eff ec ti seemed slightly to increase his lead without. tinged question, awl the Sneakier liaviag sus- when tf Mary r e mitte d a ver esenous °flint, Hamill keeping up the same to his death from In. united the objeetictu,' Mr. prelim iri th drevithe that the deceased came it , Og g,. hcat. • rate of progression which he Intilmaintelned modification, leaving tila reWintlen es origin- temperance, e o l o ined w y evening 10 „ throughout. ally offered.. The resolution was not laid on ft Mary's was bur ed .. There w as no change In position tin the end the table: yeas fO r ney's l• . , •.. Marro tlemedetTinitn lellib% homers . Tee of the rano, Kelley passing th e_ flag' at-Seam- Mr. Dawes moved ter unread the resolution deceased was a native ot he rid and wee button Point, the winner by fully Aix hundred by making it read - Monday, 23d. • .. about thirty.five year's of ago. Ile millet. yards. The previous tintration having tot:mama • nd ed for a term of fire years, a nd had three Y et As heturnid ids boat his victory watt hailed an, Mr. Schenck moved to lay Lbe resolution to serve at the time of hie demise. . - Lys simultaneous cheer from the steamers; and enfiment an UM table,'and ealleglfor .. ~ --sio-------- .... andttie ataembled crowds which fringed elth the yews end • more laying' he wanted to see '; Washington and Jefferson Conran* . er shore. who were forstandingletthelr Pests andnn° •lt 14 P•acovill Ofillis alt4F, nilldellrer ndi . iCeilef lay upon his oars until Hamill came er. .. . were not. The metier/ Wes negatived...yeas, .i '-.. • Pulling al cid ~,, and t h ew ong e the gallant her ' - thestudenta'Utirhgt 4 n 4e6twge* anitpentor of the car, shoolaands inth • entrat 511; nevi, 74. -.• .5 r i-li,l'i,i , - ~, i • sermon ore _ d Jefferson .CoUegoost anew manne 'rue question recurred on the tonernbhent ti,tin of Washington au , . ._ • ft ., ai r . act won h a il e d . 1, - • ' fixing the iMil as theiday,o2 adjourptnent.. The b ec • c cehtmg, ea Tuesday oforimili . , July fist; " The mIY y another;, , amendment was rejected-to 60,theiPeaker cheer. • , - • .., Ito Dr Prestley, of this ottYr willjeliver the Both men were then.talten on board the airing the meting vote in 'the a e nt i rd * ' ..--* v• • • - ''''•i&nui tiefatothoPtillS end tit Ref ' boldittie tou t nn Crt h webr," and the 'rise reraration mangthettitti day of .rausherilati m e- .... tw . - weft , i g A. a dmd er .: a adjournment was then agreed to-yea5...74 erarY ri0........ -, ''''''' - .min!, f.latold a ire tle t oohs lilli•" oft ;--e " "4"ci tet. On the eaMeseter 0 Y Py: , „„„,„„, „„,„ ‘ „,,„,„,„„ ii , ~,,,,,,,,,,,o i, weet „,,,„, nreablence all , Canonsburg, on .'' Melleiira mews!' twenty-three minute! and. by a vote of 72 to Mt.% .. - ..,. '.• ' ' w hi c h comma li e Mranortat• of the, class for taeldeelittellecotele- ... " The Speakee'Pri: , A' , l3 - letter from the Italy ears 19111brraill by .114 M. pt: lat. Ste: Hoveyunwere Ur. Moak for Eedlikand Clark .of - -thellbase • 's r illithat httelltd. In zeenlionrof24_,_e*Xerk..,Tlitteeetient rill peeve Clasper, the 444 am; 0.11 .. r.. wt 4 compliance with. tinier ore . the Menses pro- mostilutcr enn4 t° every 66271 V g meinber, .ohletaled.as referee... - ... -• .. • • - , ••• ' salted this Clas to the Stray of the Sudo The comm enc ement exorcises:at the College - -Nancy, - after. getting rat board the kennel the yrecomecinzuregn „:::.., ~, ~ , ... . • will tee swerves' On i.Thuraday,,August hi, beat, generously made aocilleetion for tholes, Tile Speaker presenter( 'a messiagetkom , the closets With the Beceallelrelite'Addrent by the big man; whictrattionnted to eight pounds. - t licnatitosemitituileathigt aetionrafthe death prodnent , .. .. ....... _. ~ -.- • , The,' tatting at the start was. six to four ort Of Senator Lan% of , ....,. ~- .. - • KelleiebntstterWarda . any.tidds...were o ff ered subject Werefiledelly Identra t ., Clarkeetd_ Kati Alleg ed' ll666"ks.°ll'666' Horse Thief Tialanie , Attollie be- that. Kelley would Will -' . - '• '' - Sail, Yamaha:an& /Yltiltelri eller' white, the Waging to Jaw ZinioleninuiS Of: Lawrelithe.i :Ilituitill vrAlas badly defrait44 .m.gm c eoch# , nouns etilraraed.. . , iyille, wir m beliroM_watiltyPark,enToota hiciac`i , ,i,....'.. ~,-,, '.., . .. . '...:,.. . • • ...' - ~.....„_...,:,- ...i, The fraloWtatil the'We' 'nettle resolutions day Itign Where it - boo been planed ballast " ...._., -- ;,.-..,,;..' tC I :•.T.-,'...1. .to adiCenn itin the2sth; , -- .. tared '. .%) ',Scott and - Matrak. Were eon.- k.,lllnittatkiltaineiffi-MtiWerestifermetAiii, yern.;.htesses Alloy ker. Yemen, Meow , fled -- lir tire" -lasett, , ... and , " ,i- imMediately•• set C. Donnelly, yeaterdayi , that; Michael at nell, nuaktatid, , Thautly, Otatw - ii;li , Div% atatit findinittrie,edienetindeleLYAlter We the:halt efbOnasilualnellYbarawitilliteThird rntrael'Dentio. - - .Delano,,lDatallig, 'Makable seseetieneyWent;to••Atidrew . 4acks . Ward Orr Eltuiday_ls nowittandr 'aye& reewci, g e hmilyeighencnt,gmci ~ nutot,.. Gerneel, Mete - 1112121 1 teTainn etreetiiinuttn they 'fern belligdint Of eartget.' , ',....,: ; ' .... ~...-...,, ...:• Dtdiard - 61ratilbrenner, ,tiriatiell:U wold_,_ .. lishi,' , liar& 'foetid huMuiriuuatnented.Willfaln 7 reed , eu' ;I' l .' ~.C. ,,, r^ ::', ~ ......,.- - • . 111t...t. . ing, tiara, .mramcgi, km .„.w . . - - Vs.; Sub. 'dowering town th e :. atoledirliorse tont:rain, .... Dejetrand.;,,rnegrarate,ratiwiiidcw, brad,,,Conneetteciti.nur °biol.-Joh*, ,li.a .for the small sum at 400. - *:-Yr,l?l was 'iitt,'ttwat&tatt, redeetedlinithhrialobla. atm, .. /ratan. 7.Xastansi . M Krai& ladt laM74 l ,ltf, ter , 1 , 1 , 1 fid,, 4 15 OPP.; tOnisi... sou NIL° lam lawintkateatitkeyreowit gisuplise k inj„,tobso. wArlssiAL:ao .. _ :Itwils• , ,q,-,- ,, •= '' 4 =''N:=:? - = = i -.. :' ,- ..-- " -!;9S , y. Ill.. l bett r. R. , • ,-.,,,- . 1 -' -,:= =--,: --= V ..- -Z 7 7 , " 'i ,- f:; . ; 7 tCl7,' .c i• . 7.i.-- - t-.'...,..i . i . i . A';' . 5 , :':: ' ''-'4'J" :''''-:.'';' ~'!' " . ''- ' l - '''''''. ' " •'' ''''''''d' rl' f •• ir' " l -• <•:' : - ' .•'• . ~ - - - ....,-.'. , : - ..1 , ,fi1..i.:Yi;v.'C,-?2 , iiit.,.;,., - .4 . 1 ,- ..5:,•... - , , .'," -',;•;,;;,_ 1. , - ~,,..-.-.... 11,,....-....'-.4:•..•;.,- - .4o.l 2 '''''iza t'. s :', ,n;:,..:0-:•„*c_, , -..,,.,- ,; . 1i'.24..itel ‘ 4.ze. e y,,1,;:43,,,,,-,, ;;;, : Ziii_l:l , - , i,"‘ . 1-'f„!:, , , , ;'.-L.- .!'„. -1. , ..iP1.1 . :'• • ..., - •,ef1i15 ,. ..- 7 ,..ii.',,:,,,-s.. ...'.': '.i ..----,1•1 •:'"Cr 5 =":' , .': ... ' ., - . '-' -,. ..:'":" n. - . -' ..- '-- '.' 'iii' , "" . '''''' ~..„ ;,..., :,.- ~., '....,,.,,,,,,.....,_ ,••:•:••!ei.: • ,•, , i 5.,..... ' !, .., ..< . i , ,. ..r2z,.....yni ~: -.,.,,,, ~ A..., a....... , ,' .', -".': .44, 1,.--, , : - et-- - - - ~. --- - .-... , ..:i -,. •,.. •..-..: -•-. = : -=: .7 , : - •- • :- -..-.:: -.: -;-,:•• .. ::.- ~ = - : '. : - -. 4 , -!, -: :=:- . :', . • • • : ;::"-.:'.- .= '- .. -'.-i. ,. ,'. [ Si...,' -` -':i. il. - !::.:'::.. , '.: • .. ' = , ,. -:,-:.:- Weenrstricur, July 18, IEO6 SENATE. Mr. Wllimn, from the Military Committee • • . . • •-. The bat to morass° the compensation of clerks, messengers, and other employees of the s e ame, WWI taken up, and, after discus- SIMI, woo recommitted. Mr. Trumbull called up the bill recently potted by the Sonata. and imbeetittentlY amended In the lionse, for bridging the Mis sissippi at Quincy, Keokuk, Winona and other KIM to. The Mouse amendments were agreed to, with an amendment requiring the consent of the mates on each side of the river where Itrahres are prepared. Mr. Henderson offered two amendments, one of n [ltch provided that no drawbridge should be al lowed if the board of engineers decided that brhlges of eonthaurata span were practl .Me, and the other prohibiting the construe *lon of drawbridges before the 4th of March, I Both amendments were reflected. Mr. Pomeroy announced the death of Senator Ism., of Kamm.. He offered the customary re,olution3 of respect to the memory of the 61,4,11.1.41, and also delivered an addreiis upon . Lane's Me and character. . . . Mr. Ll..n.lricke followed. Mr. Pomeroy In s tulogy na Wo late Senator. In the course of 1.4 I eniarke he Bald be bad investigated clke.rges of corruption [rat Mr. LIMO al, si laded they wore -founded. ~ . . 31 r. It tie spoke Of the dootased as a maxi in a (mut great faults were mingled with great virtues, mans of strong friendship and im pl..eable enmities, a man of extraordinary without polish or culture, could vet move an audience as few men could. He (Mr ihmil(tle) had no doubts that nonator Lase aas subject to temporary lite of Insanity and had been informed by the physician who waited-on him, that be (Mr. Lane) was not sane NV bra be lett Washington. The ((muate adjourned after adopting Mr. Pomeroy's resolutum. Blond, Longyear IPCtillOngh, Mercer, Miler, Moorhead, Morr ie, Newell, Niblock, son Noell, Pathan:6lW Plante, Pr Ran dall, (PIL) Randall. • (g,y.,) :Bayanon , Rice. (M 0.,) Bitter, Rosa, Rossean, Bawler. Sit grbres, Taber, Tayldr,' Thayer, Taornton, Tumble Van drama, Ward, Warner, Wash buena, an,) Weabbione, (Maas.,) Walker, Whaley, brldge, Wright-7a. heye-41 Atnee.Alidetson, ash- ley', (Ohio, )'er, Banks, Baxter, Benjamin, Bidwell, Buligham; Bontwell, Brownell, Clarke, it'lC:rtastmer.Crehr, Do ii; , a i e r llr i „ . Dri g tir f. F o it:n ) s i l i miZ g Beeper, Ho ly, (Rowe,) ( Illinois , ) Jencks, Holly, Lawrence, illbuij Loan, Lynch, Moreton, McClurg, Mchner, Morrill, Moulton, Meyers, firth, .Payne, Rio% (klns , i.,) BoUbui, Scofield. Shanahan:ler, Spalding, Sta vin*. Francis, Thomas, John L. Thomas. Jr., Trowbridge, Van Horn, (New York,) Van Horn, (bllssouri,) Wentworth, Willhuns, Wil son; (10wa.,) (Pennsylvania,) WI, ham From Mexico Atli 'Max, July 18.—The steamer hianbat lanarom Vera Crux on the 9th, has arrived at Quarantine. The yellow foyer was not so prevalent at Vera Grua. The wile of Maximilian was soon to leave for Europe to arrange for a now loan. Guerrillas bat wheen quite near Vera Crux. Deaths from Hest In ' • 'more. DALTIKOSS, July 113.—The . •loathe from the beat today will roach dity 51 The beat has been very severe, though them in 801130 Meese. We have hurl no rain as yet. The thermometer to-night Indicates SS deg. CITY AND SUBURBAN Additional Local Matters on Third Page The 4Ame4 Jell NVo hear persons. friends of those incarcer ated, complaining of the present arrange ments at the county jail. The Warden, Mr. White, and his assistant, Mr. iimith, carry out the rules of the Prison Board to thelettex, and for this they are to De commended. At pro sent there are confined in the jail a number of persons, whose character for integrity and honesty in other respects can Ife well substan tiated, Lir violating the liquor law,. vending without license, or on the Sabbath day, and placed on ATIL equality with . other prisoners. charged with or under sentence for misde meanors Or felonies. According to the rules, visitors can only Do admitted within certain hours, On a permit, after which none, save members of the board of inspectors, are al lowed admission. Under this arrange meat, which has been in effect ior -11, year or two, there has been a manliest change for, the better in the management and discipline Of the county prison, and it le not now, as was the case heretofore, so much a haven of Mist Or retreat for the depraved anal vicious, who were walling to be deprived of their liberty Out doors to enjoy the national and sleeping lineament/if furnished by the , county, until they had eniticiently recupera ted to enter upon another season of debauch. ' ery. in other words, ender previous arrange month to he In prison wassimply to be de prived. of the privilege of going about the streets, but the pa wont system, a sort of soli. tory con fi nement, with curtain aged times for exercise in the hall of the prison, in not, found quite so sagrecable, and hence there has been a visible diminution of the number of commitments on "own confession" of depra. veal specimens 01 humanity. lint It seema.Wrong that a man, having the respect and esteem of his neighbors nasal fel low citizens for honesty and uprightness, should, for the violation of n local law, of the propriety or jeatness of which there Is a di versity of opinion, be placed on a par with a thief, burglar, or counterfeiter, occupy the Came cell, and be deprived of communication with friends, as much so, almost, as if en in mate of the Penitentiary. This matter was for cibly brought to our mind on Sunday evening last. The Mayor of Allegheny city, with two friends, called at the prison to see e well known garower,who bad, on the previous day, been sentenced for selling liquor illegally. It was after tea. The Mayor urged that the prisoner was a man of delicate health, and that the gentlemen with him, the prisoner's friends, wore &sirens of contributing to his comfort, should bu require anything. The Warden, obeying orders, informed the May ofor that as he (the Mager) was one of the inspectors, the prison was flee to him at, all tunas., but the other gentlemen he could not admit, under the rules. There are no ,communities in which life Is I more sacred or property more taro than in those where the law is rigidly enforced. And In this instance, or hi the matte: to which we refer wo cannot. say that there is touch room for ' fault finding. The Judges of opnr Criminal Court, In their administration of the law, Iliad intern perdfitieMPlin the moat fruitful source of crime, anal in alluding to the rite. °roes prison disetpline, eas may be' charged with .king Timmy for the vendor, who may be aonsidered equally culpable with_ the mu mmer—the former profitin a g In the moral struetlon of the latter. But, really, we Wink there should be come distinction or discrimi nation male between Um - class of offenders consigned to the county prison. We may refer to this matter again. PRIGE THREE CENTS. DEFEATED! Daring - Forger Arrested—Attempt to Defraud the Bank of Pittsburgh. Yesterday morning, about eleven O'clock, a Man, giving hie name as Chas. Fisher, enter ed the Bank of Pittabarga, and presenting himself at the teller's desk, demanded pay ment on a check for .I„..MS, purporting to be signed by one of the virectors of the Bank, Mr. Dennis Leonard, the well-known lumber merchant, on Penn street. Believing the sig nature to be genuine, Mr. Cast, the teller. Pro ceeded to count out the money, Mit ere be Lad got through, Mr. Leonard, who had been at tending a meeting of the Board of Directors, entered, when Mr. Gust handed bun the check, widen, without an instant's hesitation, he pronounced a forgery. Making some ex cuse, the teller went to tne door, and seeing ofticer Bushel, of the Mayor's pollee, across the street, be called him over, and stated the cit.- onmstance.s to him. The officer walked in and arrested Fisher at the desk. At. drat he seemed greatly surprised and averred his In nocence. On being questioned as to how he came In possession of he stated that be-had been playing Me cardscheek, with a man from Philinlelphia, at Johnstown, on Friday TO • .t hint, MI6 116 had won twelve hun- U 1 dalid.ra, la payment of which the stran ger gave him the cheek, while he gave the gambler eighty dollars fn greenbacks. Be was committed for a hearing to-day. lager ye. lager, A rough and tumble frght occurred between two Germans, last evening, on Pennsylvania Avenue, originating, wo judge, in overdildni gene° in their national beverage. Having been ejected from the saloon which they bad been patronizing, they occupied the sidewalk for a time in Belli Mu their disputa, the na ture of which wtnr to the merits of the war against Austria by Prussia and Italy. The Anstnau advocatef Bldg, burly fellow, was full of fight, and blustered much, whilst his antagonist, a comparatively , diminutive spe cimen of the Germatdo race, was cool, yet de cided. and when the dispute culmi nated In an appeal to battle, he dealt his blows fast and furious, soon obliging his windy and fleshy antagonist to succumb. The battle was not of the scientifie order, pugilistic:ldly speak ing, but nevertheless was of a decisive na ture, the advocate of Austria, While pros trat, vociferously appealing for a Cessation of hostilities. The victor, observing men "in grey" approaching, beat a hasty retreat, leav ing the Unfortunate Austrian to fall into their hands, and be made answer fors breach of the peace. Country Residence for Sale. D. O'Neill Esq., of the Dlapatch, Offers for sale one of the most charming country resi dences in this neighborhood. It Is located on the Perryville Plank Road, about seven miles from the city, and situated Ina delightful neighborhood. The house contains two par- tors, wide hall, dining room, kitchen and five bedrooms, with porch in front, end is embow ered in shrubbery, making It altogether one of the best located and 'most desirable resi dences In this vicinity. There are some thir teen acres of land attached to the twice, in cluding a fine bearing orchard, well stocked with apple, peach arm quince trees, and a gar den tiled with goosetcrry and currant trees, grape vines, &e. There is also a very superior stable on the premiers, with coach house, cow stable. sc.; and attached to the dwelling are two large cisterns. and a never failing well of the best water. The property Is most de sirable, in all respects, and would make alto gather a most oonvement and handsome coun try residence. The furniture will also be sold with the house., if desired. Charged With Stealing a Flat-Bast d German named Louie Fix bought a flat boat, a abort time since, and brought tt to Sharpsburg for the purpose of loading It with vegetables, with the intention of trans porting them to this city. On Tuesday even ing, however, he utilised the flat from its moorings, and supposing It had been taken or floated down the stream, he came to this city in quest of it. After some search, he found it tied at the Allegheny wharf, and accordingly went to take possession ol it„ when a young man named John Grogan Interfered, and would not allow him to touch the craft, slat ing that he part owned it, having purchased it from a third y, whom he refuse name. This made Fix believe that Cland to was the thief, and he immediately accused him of the crime, whereupon Grogan made off, running . the direction of (twin street, while Fix re to the °Moe of Alderman Taylor and nted proceedings against Grogan for lar- A warrant has been placed in the bands leer Dell for his arrest. • oft OEM of =1 Robert Graham appeared before Justice Lipp, of Birmingham, yesterday, and made Oath against James Craft for assault and bat tery. It appears that Craft has been In tne employ of Graham for some time, and yester- day asked for an advance of ten per cent. on his present salary. Graham refused tho de mend, and In the conversation that followed used very abusive and insulting language to Craft, who after making some taunting re plies struck his employer in the face with Lir nat. Craft admitted the offence, but urged b, discharge on the ground that he had beer. provoked to it by Graham. The Justice - Luv lag discretionary powers, held James in five hunured dollars to answer at the Septum ber term of the Criminal Court. Mot Blotlty.—Mary. Jane Abe, who was ar rested a few ilex ego at the Instance of De tective Jones, al with setting fire to the residence of Mrs. Brown, No. 701 Penn street, had a hearing yesterday before the Mayor, which resulted in her being acquitted, there being not a particle of evidence adduced to warrant the proseention. Mrs. Alia was ably defended by Billings G. Child., Esq., while Detectivee. Jones conducted the prosecution for the Commonwealth. The Ple•nle Tioday.—Our readers will bear in mind that the grand charike , pio-nlo under tho auspices of the society of St. Vincent de Paul, will be held to-day at McFarland's Grove, The Oakland Passenger Railway and Penn sylvania Central road pass within a few yards of the grove. All who desire spending a pleasant day should visit McFarland's Grove Charged wins Nikoling Coal.—Ellen Mur ray was before Alderman Taylor yesterday, charged with the weeny of several buckets of coal from the cellar of John Martin, in the Fifth ward. A hearing was had, at which It was clearly proven the prosecution was per sisted through malice, and the defendant was discharged. Injured While lad named Nicholas Keich had his bead severely out by diving againet the bottom of the Allegheny river addle bathing In that stream on Tuesday evening, Be wee taken to tea liomeopattno Hospital and Dbspensary,Ho.l46 Second eiveet, where his wound was dressed by Dr. Cowley. assaulted a IPalleenzaa.--Ono of the 41- leghen pollee was assaulted by an Indtvld uW named Carl Berger, with a sword, on Tuesday evening, while the officer was en deavoring to arrest him. Berger was dually disarmed and taken to the tombs. He will have a hearing to-day. Surety be fo re Pesee.—Bridget Donnelly appeared Alderman dolma yesterday, and made oath against Matilda Jerleyn for swrety of the peace. Thu accused was arres ted and held In the sum of $3O to keep the peace for the period of one year and one day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: CEMETERY.-The beautiful oburban Phiou of mbulebre. serail' one, in i n r" ro:nty Waal on New Brighton road, immediately north of Allegberie, For burial iota. PerUdia or utirO, call at ventral Drug Store of COVL & DLL %EY. Alle gheny City.. FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN DERTA_KERS ha 196 Bht ttlitield St" con 7th, antrum trams !Seventh 311011.1 .IPM7rVE)3EITYIM.C3 I .3. AND 133 3.4240113 NY NILIULET. ALLIAGIIIISMIN. PA. ALEX., AIKEN, • • . ITATJDEEELTAICH/Nle No sa Youth slareedaDtaboxihaa, t OOlrylNbol {naiads, ORAPIM, tudjarlaiond ceendeocrlytkna Or Fantod learanalnia lanassed. zoom °pond. y and night. ilesraimodeontigooforolibed. Barsiunrina—aec. Darld_Brarr, MD., Bev. W. Jacown.D.D.; =main BrMa. Cad.. Jacob B K.O. . MASONIC HALL. • • , • , - FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Harry IL • Wig. World Renowned p..enasrcorLkoaner.s. • . . . • OF TILE „•. . • WAR FOR •• THE • 'UNION, G'Onineniana MONDAY latleßT,'.hili 10th. 2860. AthulaloO. Mkt Brant oora openat LtallfiliT , V47 " "Fraliii.ViT. C VM7" prime. , mom, Venn roe Reamed Bens aall.'Aleberd Bro., 122 Wood Caren. ' Synciati DIRER, CLOSE & , COll. - .TERS;SIID WAYNE STREETS; • Latest. dylesof nUUMUllikotistantlYaikluind. • • . 1.01 . 411101K,-- and 4611peral stree#MA l gile t 4r,P E : Waal' Tethlew "••••••• • 2L.. Al* ... • .- .W4li.fi-.4 : -':,;. m R ex .11121914 M, VIAWINGIti„ mid SPEW ID tor on at 41 caT nia.. aatt !It,/r p,, , I th rrintiormr.rr . ` mi: .`,.:•-•'. .6)16.1T.-:.*,.. Y } 73 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TW(YEDITLONS,II3tUED. on wiriorimotaiw•iink mammals. I Tae edition Is Ibrwardedirtdei WUI rasa toe salters eoonUi U tbimell , , BINGLX-00_01121. E1G1TYAL".:4;,,..... $l5O REM' 81. W ADVtRTMUMn. DUNSEATH & CO., 88 Wirtia. Intreert. I= Fine Watches, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver aid Silver Plated Ware .° We aro In receipt dolly of noir styles of COLD CELAIE.S,_ PI AS 'Se, WINOS, ge, Call and see our at ock nod get prices. LADIES , AND GENT'S • 'ALL STYLES, AT GUEATLTREDUCED PRICES. AT IGEIMBE FOR CU LAP iSMr•ZI4O 4 I".ELCOMILI3IIIB, GO TO H AS L ETT & 93) SMITHFIELD STREET. • KENNEDY'S OLD STAND THE ACT OF CONGIIESS, AP to the YEN 'VI:Ik Ju els+. ne a, of MP, et,. additional pension following po , r m .s: To those weo have lust both eyes or hands; To those who have lost both feet; To those who have lost one hand or foot: ' To those who have been deprived of their pen sions under act of Pfareball, 1065, are restored. Pensions are extended to dependent fathers and brothers. Apply by mall or In person, to M'MASTER, GAZIAM Ei, CO., Office, No. 98 Grant Street, A LLEGELE.NY COUNTY, SS.—The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To Thornton A. Shinn, Mary Johnston. lleurge Johnston_ chil dren of Washington Joisedon: David Wand, Nancy Miller, Mary F. Wood. Wm. li. Wood. Frederlck A. Woad, sirab A. Wood. Bennington S. Wcvad. Charles N. Wood, Emily I. Wood. (Charles and E. P. Wood, minor chlldren of Mary R. Wood, de ceasedoJobn imaband of Fanny W. McClelland, deceased; Mary McClelland. Ann B. McClelland, Kate McClelland. James McClelland. William McClelland, Frank McClelland, John Mc . delland, Jr.. kingh McClelland and 11, lethington Johnston: We command you and every and all of ' you, that laying as We all business and excuses, you CIO apimar In vour proper persons before our Judge* of On Court of COUIII2O. rleaa, to be holden at Pittoburgh, in and for the County of Allogbeny. on the 161ST MAY Olf JULY NEXT, at 10 o'clock, ii.,to•ussrer eald bill or petition exhibited to our said Court. and to du further, and receive whatour ICourt shall 1..0 conaldered In ghat behalf. II ereof fail not at your peril and the penalty that may 'mess,W the Ikon. JAMES P. STERRITT, Presi dent of our said Court, at Pittsburgh, Lois :did day of 4 one A. D., teed. j e .y ;e 4g,,c,. JAcßii 11. WALTER, l'roth'y. BUSINESS MAN'S Ith H COLLEGE No. 4 St, Clair Street. We lure engaged the services of an experienced teacher expressly for tie months of July and Au gust. Students entering on the let of July can easi ly complete the course by the last of August. Forcinctdars and specimens of penmanship, apply at the College Rooms, or address N. SHAFFER and J. F. MeCLAYMONDS. 1:=3:1= TN THE ORPHANS , COURT OF -.ALLEGLIANY COUNTY.—In Partition. No. a March Tem tate of BAISAU STEEL, do- cease And d now, June Id, Vied, on motion of A. If. BROWN, Attorney for l'artitioner, Court confirms tbe Inquisition Mode in tutor proceedings, and grant s rule on .betrs and parties interested to be and appear before Inc said Court, on Saturday, August 4th, 1566, At 10 o'clock, a. tr., to accept orefuse to accept at valuation; and direct notice or t h is rule to be given to Lamle Seaton, Sarah P. Conover and James B. 110Fuland, not now within the Jurisdiction of She Courts of this Commonwealth, by advertisement once a week for six gOettel•lVe. weeks ln rirrs notifin Dams GJISISTTP. From the Record. Wkt. A. HERCON, Clerk. de:Sul/LK LEATHER BELTING, OirRINAN CLARK, No: 11 ig 13TREET, near the Penitentiaryvakile ghee], City, manufactureva of every ileseriptian or Patent ntretched, Cemented and Riveted OAK TANNED LATHER BYLTING. DELTI4 made to meter and repaired at 01011 notice. Particular at tention paid to Pelt. far Roiling MUD and Unary works. work warranted. Orders spectrallY re licited. jeZlll7.i 1)110013CE NOW RECEIVING. MO pounds prime Fresh Hatter: :co I,o‘r. choice (attles Cream Cheese: EOO bbls. prime Peach Blow Potatoes; 000 dozen Fancy Brooms, In sterol Hal pounds clear J ids Bacon In store; ZOO pounds Hard Country SOsix. In store; MU boxes itosln Soap. in start: 10 barrels prima Sorghum: bushelslimall Beaus: barrel pure Mountain Blackbemr W Inc. In store for sale by H. 11.1DDIA ist ,el 3 No. 013 Libel ty street P • C. DUFFY, A. 11...111IACTIIIISII O P Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wat, And dealer In STOVES. HOUSE ruuNtsn NG litAl/111 , WATER CI.M./LXES A-ND TOILET ARTICLES, No. 1.4.0 •31-z-c•..xst Elltineart, PI eIIH l'A. Thin Rotor I. On- 4 VT neapUeatU I pI L ace In the city Whey Stores and' .1 %V nre. Job Work promptly atte.nd ed to. mylibbal FISH! FISIIII FIS1111! lIENDLIISON & LAIRD, Dealer. In FLOCS. FEED AND CIZODUCE,..wiII reeelve consignment.. of WRITE Finil and PFCK- Enht. env:throat Lake Superior dating the aeason. orders from City and Conntry Meruhanu will b. Oiled at the intrust rate.. OM. and Warehouse. Corner Second and Try worts, Vituborgh, Pa. leiDentire FOIL RENT. A FRAME HOUSE. With seven rooms and bail, good stable. excellent water at. the door; situated on the old Washington pad, about five miles from the city. Possession umediately. For further particulatx, enquire of O. IR. TOWER, 10. 101 Founts Street. MEM HENRY REA, JR., COMMISSION MERCHANT IN FLOUR, S, BGUTRAIN, TE BREW, BACON, LAID) R, MR • BEM X.d.13 , 0rt3r SElitaroot. 15:TTEI rrrismnion, 22 ST. CLAW STREET. SURVEYING INIASI P STR BB UMII.NTS, LE SPECTACLES. 22 SURV R EYI OPERA I.ILALISFM. TELE S COPES, SITEREOsCOPES, MICROSCOPES, COMBINATION HYDROMETER& • stsndsra.) TREIDIOMETEBS, BAROMETERS; SACIIROM ETERS„4. for sale at reasonable pries., by J. DIAMOND, Practical Optlefan, =St. Clair street. VIRE BRICK AND CLAN,-luk AL store and for sole all Mods FIRE BRICK AND BAR'S JOILISTOWS CLAY, At the Warehouse, Nos. 360 and 368 Penn street. 1= D. L. PATTERSON a. CO. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, Between Beaver street and Ohio Riser. Manchester,: Pa. Orden. rer:ell➢ kinds of Lumber for building boat Wing. dent blank. lath runless du. mylkm FOR SALE, . STEAM FERRY BOAR, AT LAWRFNCEVILLE. Anqulre of [MEM VOIR THE PURCHASE AND SALE or all deoliptions of • RE4111.1. mirram:: JOltti D. DArrArY, N 0.102 Fourth street. Or, N. C. KILYIS, No. 0B111•5 Mock, 13114uOstle Way OLMES, BELL & CO., Author Cotton Milts, Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of . A"liellOR (A) lifiEETlNftl3, • . • ANCHOR 4..p)OHKETINOS, ANCEIOis (0) bill/EMUS. • And BATTING. . —• MylS:aM ID 2 n.I!VITITE & UNDERTAKERS. AND EMBALMERS, ninehnver„ Wood , ' Hun and viatuttr• COFFIN-ROOMS Al MAKHESTER . LIVERY STABLE. Owner at etialtud sad Martian arena. Itasca and . Carriages Ihridsbed. nunklytl BARR itlllOBEl4 . ARCHITECT% lirte =rimed-14lb* Trutt Assoelitiock Dames, laic 2 Ind.. 4 claw street, , i iher, the, 0111 be limed to meettbele Mods and * th e,. deetring bele servieet. ielltellearitTa . . QUICK MAO •As UV/JAL ItlttUli. kiACH lb IC makes, with (WY -two-Gone. power, 30,00 'platelet Bricks par day with well rtannedealam wet l c eettereitturtre ,It the Maim dotes not Reticent whet wo ata& ter II we will take It beet awl refund the.. moaer,!. Adtireat Atilt Adi ItEtaU A, Ilene:al Agent, • 141 ilroarivray Nateetterit. - • • ' • nerretirerawii -400 bbls. for attle imannuicer lanoL,Lowb.-416 bdia for- 14014:by„., •14.. _ rF_._ v - nt! f it ~ 7_l Q 111 AR FITTHO = DAY. CRAWFORD 359 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. MESE CI
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