, . • r.. ..., ._,..,.. , .• _..........____ , ‘,........„.........„,:::...„..,____:,,._......,.....:_...„.____,____.„,..„..•. rw„.,. • 4" :1 IliePitoSurgit attic ..pdptaiirkt , tv ;• , 'REED 4:00. ...omit, KING. / occ.sus P. REED (8" .2.51 nalt.4cers. tf WEDNESDAY, JII:1, - Y IS,, 1866. UNION REPUBLICAN: NOMINATIONS. FOR fiIVEUNOR MAJ. W.; GEARY. I= • ' 61128171 0 . SAMUEL B. CLiTLET, City DOHA G. BiLOWIII, Elan:mum Tp CLV.QA (TY O 1 11/:118 Nam, ALEXANDER BULANDS, city. nscaanrst HENRY NWIVELT. City utotSTtn: JOREPII I: 114 Y. r "In Tp I=l 1 , 111.CT.11 or rtiou: J 01.115 1 ,1". nuavo. UMW Tp. I==3l E. 31.110114, City. is E.0R44 WiILNOP, Tp. 2 , .1.1 , 1ttgE SIPILEKRiorth Fayette Tp. tin= U EL CIFI/I.IIWICH. Collin. Tp. wi mil/km PETER, Boa. Tp. ;Z. A. CALI/LIN, MT. THE TARIFI hits been evident for a mouth past that" par it a rev kion of the import duties as 'wail d e maialed alike by the manufacturing, egti- etil anal and cominvlvial interetit3 Of the omutr), and as would at. the same ihrie furtily the' public eredit,•cOuld - not be ob. t a i A R soon n 8 ttte OisuussiuFt rwas ap proaehed in earnest the Missouri Reinhlt r W'iritielt Ootverfully e,t,ldiellineni of diversified ; utatinitatiffet , in S. bolts :et the only direct way toper- mineiti :till' . }great prosperity, *its over ywtit•crt:d 1.,y party discipline, and joined lustily in the cry that such :t [arid' as would make the introduction and support of man- u ures possible, un a broad scaly, would be ucce , sarily unequal and tyrannlealoltat it was' fur better to jog on in the old way, raising gotin amt meat, and sending those ennunodities to Europe in exchango for manuthetured goods, and balancing tne de ficit by a steady export of gold and nation al and corporate bonds. it did not: any this in plain terms; but this was the inevi table logic of its inculcations. The Chicago Tribunt, which is the most vehement and lwrpetual scold of all American journals— , which so delights in startling antithesis' that it constantly rushes from one extreme to another, regardless of all sense of con aistency—dismounteti the hobby of Protec tion which it rode all last winter, unlearned the argument of its editor, embOdied in a flaming speech at the formation of the Pro tective League, in February—lf we remem ber aright—and bectme more flippant and' virulent in demanding Free Trade than the New York World. The New York Timex, whose conductors were educated in the po litical philosophy of Mr. RENILY Cl-tY, fol- . lowed in the same direction. These are mentioned only as notable instances of de fection. Of course, the burden of complaint was that the proposed law was dictated by New England, end deltp,med to benefit her pe culiar industries al the expense of the in- , duaries of other Staten, particularly those. of the West and South. Every intelflgent! man knew that there was no truth in .11e.te' statements; thM New England orig tally espoused the doctrine of Free T.adt got its first conamercial start under it, cl ring the French Revolution and the first Napol eonic empire; was.subjeeted to vast losses by non-intercourse, the Embargo and the second war with Englitl, all measures in aid of Protection, and carried by a twill - tiro! of Southern and Western menlnrs of Congress; and that she finally accepted Protection When the frientli of. that policy in other ',onions of the Union, became so powethil and numerous, that further re sistance was unavailing. Besides, it is yell-known that Manufactures of many sorts, have taken such root iu -New Eng land chat inadequate protection will oper ate less injuriously there than el.e.where. Hence, a number of the New En eland Senators resolved to thke 11w responsibility of postisming the farther consideration or the Tariff bill till next December. They felt their section could stand it as long Its the rest could. Liowaxer, -the manufacturers have ;some satisfaction in the reduction of the gxcise The'dirtzlnlnaan of governmental income contemplated by the new bill is one hundred millions of dollars, of'whiilt; it is comunted,difteen mill to will be ta4sl off from the inhahltanti •of - Pennsylvania. Perhaps these-hgurts-tlssign our people a greater degree of relief than will be ex perienced practlf_ally. The manufacturers made a serial:Li mis take for themselves, last' winter andspring, when they resisted a rapid and close ap proximation to a specle, basis. was then nt or perhaps somewhat Tower. The Treasury Department could cash have worked down ttr,tbe-solid foundation of coin, not only furnishing stable gionnd for hpure calcniations,.but ..necesserily ad jijoing prices cir:litlipr, inatcriiil 'and pro ducts on that lower.szle. With one con, sent ,the manufacturers objected. fThey slid, do not diminish the rfflatife or actual value of Paper Money. If any deviation is made, let there be Viler wt inere,ase than a falling, off in irredeemable currency:, The - ideas and pl a n's of the Treasury Depart; mentwereOVerrtiled„ T4O;9110UU1 of spe cie was diminished by shipments lo Eu rope, and the quantity of paperprontises was 'enlarged. Gold went up to *1.52, wherit it still teleran& If the' other 'result had boon-produced ; gold buil reectled to par ; the attainment ' would have: lumen cqitivnieni 'to au -Increase of the impost duties: to -flfty.two"-isee-centi`ittivalorem— whieli. is a larger..juaesso,:of Protection than .they ran rointonably:expeet Congress_ to enact. . Now, a resmnplion 01 specitt:narnents is farther off, appakently, ,than it 'wns Jix niMiths ago: Then 11. - Wits near kband, and could easily IlirPO been grasped: Neisi, it is far off, among the contingencies, of the future. M=Vt=l2l Recently the Chimbersburg Ilepoaitpry made tome-wholesome reflections an the degeneracy of Temisylvaxia polities as exemplified in Atte section of mediocre men - . as-United States Senators. ..The fault is nol confined to nither laxly. Sipco Mr, - . no Individual; really eonspic - tioni for ability has . been_ Chosen to the ;Senate.:, .40th, : _purties4hayn peen of great superiority, , but they are inn. th,ual made to give place iii Chen of in. • k ; Stab 7leillt4io* - oddljrA 4o to each or Oietti ehiiiitj nGtmen Cl tird6t.. AtlCoiS, in t4Sifitli*ii*,inliniiko. cl4•*'c.i •••''''•bn•• of tliein 'wort' dagrO ' .. • • - ata of natural capacity oi. mental' ?culture. VOLn ic They are promment, dextertiq , re jAi n flgowin Cobb Is tp in manipulating calfaaaeal,„ tau for that fake the,,stotair fit, Georgia in behalf grasp of understanding retuisiteft, dealtresifent Jtilinson's , with problems of finfabrtini natidtkl con- --.oe.dele`ptionof ei-rebeilesislatorsand cerement._ soldiers will be sent to the Ouladelphia Convention from LOlllsl2llB. PirladolPhlit'anuPhihis that no ono of As candidates for the next Governor her citizens has wean the Benatoria lihon- ship of Tennessee, Judge Trigg and Thos ors since Mr. DALLAS laid them down. II A. It Nelson have been mentioned . For this she is herself principally to blame. -=Colonel John Doniphan is a candidate She has through a long suetesslon Of years for the Conservativeum n n a a t ' l ° n I I n s t r t i h c e t kept Ler meat eminent andworthy sons Sli th Misstme,Congress (Van Horn's) the heekgeGua ' re L usul t „, g rsi lham rec°gnitl" —General Charles Devene is talked of as commensurate to ---- —cuts, an d con' a candidata for Congress in the district straining them to act subordinate parts, If now represented by John D. Baldwin—the any. Who can tell for instance, what Eighth Massaclisetts. might happen If, upon the expiration of —Colonel 8 Poo o rma v n, o of I li r ie u te t Mr. BneweLew's term, s h e should asks g:Solll6/, t I me tal m rl r. Al r be for the Reputil seat in the. Senate for tit C. DARE] nee grn m the Sixteenth Ohio District. —The Republican Congressional Con A man greatly dlertinguisked as , a 'thinker, Con both in this country and in Europe, With- ventiOn of the Sixth lowa District will out a rival in exactitude anti fiallness of convene at. Webster City on August Ist. knowledge in 0,9 whole rano of Political n ll o on A tio W. n. Hubbard IS a candidate for re Economy, Ins intellectaal supremacy would _ ft is proposed that A. IL Stephens, II V.Johnson and B. IL Mil, the two linter enforee aelmawledgenien' t, and the olden dor of his name eclipse the pretensions of Senators in the rebel Congress, shall repre a spore of smart politicatina While she line sent the State of Georgia in the Plillailel men of so peculiarly a representative flier pho Convention. auer, she defeats' heroolf, awl fi rst l y, b y aii - d -i o Lkheer nondescripts at New Haven; convention of Democrats passing them over, and demanding p refer- Connecticut, on the Ist of August, will se ,havefeet delegates to the. National Convention went for men wild no intrinsic clienrei, to priority; beyond hundreds of others din at Philadelphia all parts of the Cominonwialth A thange —Among the additional candidates spoken of for Congress, In the 2d West Virginia which shall amount to a positive reform is district, are Mr. Kitchen, of Be rkely Co:, needed in this particular. and Mr. Farnsworth, of Eviller, and Judge nunkor, of Monongalia —The rebels have called a meeting at Jackson,. Mississippi, for August 1, to de thle respecting the keruhng of delegates to the Philadelphia Convention. A largo litimber of rebel Generals are invited to be Present. —A plan is on foot among a certain allows of New York politicians to make Gen. Daniel B Stales the next Governor of that State. lie has been written to on the subject, and is auderatood to be willing to make the canvass —Mr. C.A. Walborn, the Andrew John son Postmaster of Philadelphia, proposes resigning anti running for Congress against . Judge Roney, if the latter Is renominated in the fourth district. Of course 'my policy" will hold the Postmastership open tor Walton to slip into after his defeat, which is almost certain. —The New York Tribune says: ` is stated, we know not with what truth, that General John A. Dix has written a letter favoring the Pluldelplita Convection, and will , proluibly be a member of it. The Ex, press so understands the matter but we shall wait before we quite believe that General Dix lies "surrendered his sword." —Hon. H. E Paine is a candidate for nomination to Congress by the Republi- cans in the Ist Wisconsin district. In the 4th Congressional district lion Charles A . Eldridge desire- a re-nomination from the tionocracy. R. II Carpenter, one of the most prominent war democrats of the Staff,announces hunseit as heartily endor sing the Congressional plan of reconstruc tion. GENERAL NEWS. etinitoys 265,atexabonts, ned,at.„410;8 111 ,000. r ;beer sold in Londdn is ctited "mother-to-law." —The first. Wade between the Austrians and - Italians wee fought en Sunday,. YOrk insurance. -companies lostV,5 L OOO,OOO on thel'Oftlardree. r—thelamit.4_tablealtkliiieslitoleii have been•cl.ose4 by tttP.l''rneo4 l *V*On. —The Mayor of New Orleans hag di rected t 4 closure +Aa'', pudding liens in the city. • .„ . .—The "injunction cocktail" and "Car dozo smash" two you., -popular in New York —Four ciseeof tie disease - known as the "black death" have occurred in Dublin, —At a recent Wooden wedding in New Jersey, several ladies wore curls made of shavings. to'thel. nutnber or 2,3.50, have found.watery gra.ves in New York since lane 1911. i. iiii:tho'weste.rn border o . „ . Kansas are'filittinedst intlientious of luditio —gr. D.R Knight:a ,young:Philadel phia artist,.has' just entkiPleted portrait of Governor Curtin. —lnfanticide is greatly on the increase in Nets York." 'There have been forty-fire 'eases in the List six months: -4t is nor that several eases in Now York . which:has been reported as cholera, were really the results of sun-stroke. . —ln last.siuc.montha there have bean three hundred`rind seventy-seven. fires in New York; imusingli loss of sti,ooo,ooo. -.Atm disthretive mark, the Prussians. iiieViiietir ifilVo? white - linen with .red cross worked upon it round their left ,-- . 4l,pcipalar life of _Abraham Lincoln, in , 11tgi g -IItsorfo'AITIZAVT: - 111 CD . —The Paris papers announce the death or Dr.. Jbheih Dfry.„ the - eeTelirated French novelist, at the. advanced age of six.ty- —A. initial& of catChaYe 'ilia in the vicinity of VincenriK of 4, , ditease called the black tongue. Some suppose It to be Lim rinderpest. . eo)Oied i lrllts ibrollgla a snit for breach of promise of marriage against a negro man. It is the Scat case of the kind known in:Georgia. —Norwalk is a lively town. A pick- . . pocket was arrested there on Thurstlity list tried; sentenced, and the ro.xt day . suirte off for a seven years term in the Pen iteu th.ry. —Fenian i'resident, Roberts Las been in dieted by tile Grand Jury. at New York for vialt Lion or tlte neutrality:: lan's. lie Las been Lewin f.1,0 9 1-for trial in Court. —Nearly three f.1,091-for for situations in Die Trsasury Department as clerks, messengers, watchmen, Sc., wore received last week, bin no appointments were made: . —Under the litutd,ol , "Religious Intelli gence," the hew York H. preset has an ar ticle with the queer caption of "Hell for North Carolina." "Help" probably the word intended in that connection. Tlie Ai4lAlta (N. .T.-) Adaettiaer (Mr. borne 'crignn,) rCOrds the pro posed Philadelphia Convention as ivreove atelitlioitile to 'the `Trnitin party, and in .the interest oc-t/iepenieerats. —The Soldiers' Cemetery near Fortress lift.ume Is nelitly'Completed. About four SU:amend dead of Union regiments from the various hattle-tiehleglong 'the 'Tames and. the-Patentee have been already removed to to the new burying grbitiid: - -:—Au "enterprising CAlifornian has stalled for the east with a drove of horses, the na tire ,breed,.Bo - 30C Jive hundred, intending to drive them Into Visouri to supply the de mand. 'Thos horses cost. but 'little on the Pacific slope, nrmtougb, and can live on a bunch of grass. t. —The serietuf eirargo made against Gen. Kilpatribk,lifirdiddr to Chili, ; or introducing a woman of more than doubtful reputation into the best ,society. in 'Valparaiso, thus bringing disgrace Open the American name, has been liivesalgated by . - the State Depart ment, and the - scandal proves to have no foliptlatien in act-, . -- , - , Pent promises, to bo useint for other purposes brnideVfnet. A patent bas been tan ern bv-..,,i.whielt:picture•frames, book hacks, eard:parier, mouldings and decora tionsfor-furnirnre;l:tricica for building pur poses, lints for:stores and all other nrti •elesi In Which lione,ltuha rubber end gut- to percha arectinttiondet parte, can be man: ufactured from pest. , „.„ , , c . , ' N. it iiaii - o akiiiiA!r:a'llioio of wide ness in,,Charjcs the .riecortd, when, On his deuth-bed, - be hogged pardon of the compa ny itib attendance ‘ `.`for yeleg- -such ass tut boniernnabl3/ long time in diiiig," it Wu certainly an instance of . good manners scarcely lose remarkable , on ths part of a gentleman who, at the funeralef'baby, audience apologised to thefor p senting of' baby, small a coffin to so large an A& mbly I That man was's: gentleman, you y ho sure. . :,... . _ . • —A man hiring at • a village near lebile. Ittempted.folrighteksonto girls by wrap-. ping a - white - elelli' eternal' his ..i. y'-and ;personating - a ghtlit.:',,All VIII b t one, who pal ed out, a revolver and tired six bellAintollie R.:ad .- and body:' At the first shot tile gluistifell;het she continued firing. She then went !ionic' end ' relatialthe Cir.: curnstanee, And .:parties returnin to. the spot found life CotripletelY ertinee, i, s ci balls' baling.:Denetratettibflfforheed, and the otherfourthe region of the heart. . .. -..-. , .. Tipsy: . at santtegh; The Springs are 'Mourning : yearly more rind more. the Wei-ft katures ef ilitden-lia den: - thidef the attraaiie - natio of the Clulrlionse, Morrisserkeeppsathe "tiger, , ! where men, able andnot able, goto have c. round with the ferik.lous beast. - This Glib House bailtwo especte.: The one is that Cif - AIL ordesly.imuse, Very4llkt, with thelfesi; tablein the plecoOho most &lions wines, and faultless attandantar- , Merchants, judg .. 0 es, dltionaires, mlle.lni Pinta In be - trierat;taill'rk seen here - front ,daY. to dnr. Even Men who have rooms and familimrit. the lintels Aims daily it 'tlie'; club lithise. ' lirealast is on the table from 10 to li dinner 7froni.l3 to 11" ...., ~ :71 1 ,9 house closes'arf s.'"ul - '"l'liis is ode We ate 3rlttlr wears. , The,otheynspect Pi that Of a hOtilie. ''.6l . galit4l642tihettiinoli - 00131t Mid find rilit;. and Irani ItinAiliny.itenatkindopair,4latf burl tiinznielviti:Aldyna‘ in'nn_hour to:these : ilptlife-fromittdttitAttieytevnr,cppe-*>" - Trom-Which. they idukAtt,'„:Kliame'-Wop.,and, IMVetty;trellftie . ehildiert i a eldijrnn.l-•ipik., fnk...lattoAitp*.ir,frnnt:,liew-arnrlC :IA iCeev,. `ARAWkoldibtrtg P-1010.1%.Vitiid these '.;Ea.otl u- fi p t o errO- A r ke ri.l, t tliii . iit:i't,„:,:•.Tt k a t ai 7 4 1 , 1 41.v 4 2: , -,; M —The New York Herald has a story that Secretary Stanton has been incited to re sign, and that the War ikpartinent wilt he put in charge of General Gnuit. In the impending break up of the Cabinet, it is by no means impossible that the emphatic War Secretary will retire from the position tic has occupied with so much honor. to him self and profit to the country. But there is not the ren.otest probability that his port. folic will he placed in the hinds pt the Lieutenant General. FRUIT WAX FRUIT WAX PRUI'I' WAY FRUIT WAX FRUIT WAX WAX FRUIT WAX' FR iliT WAX FRUIT WAX FRUIT WAX FRUIT WAX FRUIT WAX FIIUIT WAX FRUIT WAX FRUIT WAX FRUIT WAX Thu beet and most reliable article The be st an d moat reliable article The best and most tbilatdc article The best and most reliable article The beat and most reliable ankle The beat and most reliable article Cheaper than elsewhere In the Its. Cheaper than Orval...yin the city Cheaper than elsewhere In the cite. Cheaper than eleewhere 10 the Ott . Cheaper lPVrgZeN'7r AinLAd t%io Ur. AT ILKSII.NU•S AT lII.EMLNU'S Du it rOIII4, AT FLE.IIII4O . S 1/tetti No. el Markt% street. No. PI Market street. No. Pi Stark, etreel, • ! • Corner of w e IPlamond and Mirket street Corner of the Diamond and Market street Is ICIETW NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BIN 01111.11; Jr., Adams Express Office, al FVth &sea, is an atahnrized Al/00 1 1 0 r 00. 1.0 Advertisements for the CietZETTAnlid a 4 other papers throughout the United FlCates and Me pandas. GENERAL 3 3 / I "Wnialitiamit 00/09.04,. IL 0. GENCII43IBIM. 01•11 //nem. A 13o1Ir11oror Atrverkxu & Forel& 3P,126...1 .1 311 ZIT , Mike. No. 12 SL Clair st.Adence, 14 lily 61. c.:TRAIt COW.- sONoolher -Ca me thing tot he preui i.e. near Thouaogoo . Mills to Northt Irayetto township, Allealteny Co. A LAiIIiESIVTTEII AN with the fit hoitt brolten off. The *whet Is re. ti to ttl " at:l”. " .;;lrsy l : 47,7.7 ,vrtla.,z, a ri of Kevin-11.4 to Law. .111:4100 . OA() 11. WEST. _ grit Alf INILAILE.—StraYed from the reeldeneeotAlae unglerulguttl, uymg lu the YLret Ward, Allegboat, July ins., A BAT NIASE. white star In forebend, anent nine yeere a lump on right ohoulner. Any Information con certina, her, I( left et litnyor'e tnalen,Alleglienr. xttl bellberallr Jytt :go JAMES (Mt. OlllenoP.l.AniOn..PAClrlonal4WaY Co., I ' 3,...11,un1a, July 311 k. f plow swrrAtEsr, IN GOLlik, ON A. the Slrat Alotterweithodli ot Linton Paclne Railway Company. • gal tern 411r1sIon. due August 1.1, the llgg i rg:LignVtlfruk c ETC C (7. ° . ilVelt Yurt..on or after tha t /71.Z:ge W J rALikont; Treasurer, Norm= IS HOMEY GIVEN A. , _thAt the repot'. of the viewers fertile opeolpg of IDAVII3 ALLIT, In the City of Alleylmply, set ting forth the damages ondbenentesesessed upon the ?Property adPoLtlln ate., It MI Med July Ittlth, 114116, lu the Illetrlct Court of Allehheal emnity. towhich Court appeals from eald report fumy be toads within sll.weeks Irmo the Plate of the WOK thereof. Bt. A. WO‘PLIWAIttI. jyl7utt - City Solicitor: NOTlCE.—Letters of Administra- A. , tLon on the estateof W 14 ., BENNETT. late of the City of Pittsburgh, Liquor ildrebaot, deceased, ' h are been grouted to ilie udliseriber. Alt oereons Indebted Us the god estate are requested,to mete impaedlatepareeat. (nod save cost,/ Fed tire WM elatma against the estate of the said eeedent 111 teethe known the Bettie without delay, to Itlat LUTON, Adm•r • No:. XI Firth St" -Pittsburgh. r= . .cars. IMOrOtaItiOvILIC.BE HEcErv .ED tor, We conW ~,t rM l.lse.Coabs Man at Ve L F4f j e m Atann Tele -1 pt #l . l ls ll.llgv,ilAnext , iyu:Kn - • NO:Oh wnd' ttreet, up Instr. _ - GRAND FESTIVAL , FOR THE BENEFIT OF Tilt POOR. • -The Socha! or A NT. VINCENT me•rmii. at , tathed War. PAUL'S .thaI'HEDILLLI.,-*lll.hold a YltS/IYAL on kIUBDDAY, duly . FAUL,II4I/15 GROVR, rho prOrMada , S P P L"'" to the relief or tan poor. groTa tin „,_ Dy Actiarroodatlem Trains on 'Rio reallanalla , l Railroad, itartlay st 10130 lad 1100 A. 21., ay.. 2130 and 3140 P. N., nod the Oakland raseragoy 'hallwayeri ry fifteen adagios. Dinner tidk.l34 lacdnding milmt•sloa, CO cent& GOOD': NEWS . VOIR THE AF YLt PATE TIIIStCINEK&ISItI(4I, at low prices. T W IST trac traffi c . IIItAXIVIaIIaANTATIOX 111Trillta Sado. - :1101/ANDOI IILITEJ3B,II4 . pa r e bottei. - •. • Ito. ROW 'IN IIatIJSAILV, pare s . *lowa lb. .111t7tWag pranottloraott . . C "CLA Y.--10 F stt,r B RI CK sat If :IL kinds D 040 0 FIBS BRICK' AND taws 10111STORI At the wateume. Noe. 8O& 68d.368 has romatrert =I lIIEGHENY 'CO. MEDICAL 'SOCIETY wilL held 4 1 di twat 'Te l ma mettunctnsbi TrY.ST. inUNAMLVICRSITIr Or PthliiirLYANAA, t: July 17 th.•S 13 trf , u t i t ,, Itecordinlisee;etily.' ;402,5,11EWA11WW/Lli:11E het will lend to the eontle , :' o * Vres ' Clete Stole , Treat ten #0411110 , 1 , ...11tA901c, Luocigie 5011g1:41310r,12t9PP. -,1461#418 1 , 'll2 2 416 Lia l ige lalw lure 60 1101044PRIME - :011/ANGES. „ . JAWtratibt , ,& - 40 1 ° 3 ' 4 if i aqq l L'i.imes o . Corneiffek• BANKERS &BROKERS, *Va.:al:m.6s ."` Gove - rittneatiecturities, Foreigwftobange,. • Goloil i Raver , arid Coutons. COLZECTIONS nude on all seeeuebls points In the United States and Cenades. Interest allowed ea Tine Deposits! U. CiARSARD....D. A. 1190111....43r. V.:oApitAtty. POINT MALT HeiIISES. W. H. GARRABI;49O., Masters, Drain it, Hap Dealers, N. 17 Water Street, and Noe. 6 and 7 Penn street, PITTSBUIRCH,A.. OtIN gialinethr P 11,15:01T. LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, Family Groups, • COUNTRY SCENERIES, cirupoir icrxisvirta," Aloe /Moisture netures takes at the (Anon' or J. W. PURVIANCE & CO.'S, Xbs. 2 and 4 St. Clair Strut; )718s. ord. NOTICE-SLAEGIITEIt 11101UNIES. ERN A VANS AN U lie .NoUoo it= i=trArtf HUUtI 001 tde the city Melte. according We proritions or the ordl nonce adopted July Ft, "ltfbel, entlited "An Ordinance Relating to Nulaaneee. tt lt• same ate not removed within TEN DA VS the neitiot .rxed onbcd In mid ordinance will he rtglity, vo- Owner, of st.AuotrrEst. I%UUONI3 Are gun 0011- .. 4 .to hove the unlatee of the city lhalltraecordlne to the prethdollsofealdoolluince, within 'vrtherrtN DAYrs, or the same will he pro ceeded insilast to hie manner. Person. owning OPSN LOTS are tondo notified to hatte too saute fenced tor hantedtaterr, ao in to prevent the accoMulatlon ofilltri thereon. • And owners of property uponwhich are PRIVII2t thatheralteendeclered nolaances by mtldordinternt not removed and abated itnmediately, white, pro ceeded againet 10 lite manner. . No mo t her notice will be coven to the short:MIME but upon failure to eomoly. Itb Out law at the aryl ,lntiouef Meitner hcreiniipecltled, 1011Mdiale are. will bet then to compel Oa enforcement. lowa Foundry for dale. WITH A DESIRE TO IMILRJE • • room ;moose I offer for male thy FOUNDRY, Which coil time of the Ural F-state.- Ihnidiage, Ys ehltiery, Lathes, roets, La— toffedier with Illegaoll will and at. the Wane. al present couacetwo with thethate. Thu cstablisidithat, well limited Itirouah out tile United Stat.", Sill thieUrated fin and li s t- or ose leading thundrlrs fur constreetteg and ing and putting up all hinds of Robing filth and fund thug Chilled. dolls arid otiur Roils mot Ma elithery, and 11111 Cailleas generator, to all the milli throughout the twitutry, wi th °nicest... soul Tare faellinKJl, 11.1•11.• 11111.pulit •Vcry varlet' of pat terns for turning rot wtitk, either ilithd or lie err • This affords au opportheity seldom offonol to par ties stint:leg to embark, Ina solidi Wife and Profita ble-bosoms+. If the purcllser should desire It the properlf will Ise leach' fora term of yeath, And the Patieths, Tools , Lathes, and all Om uthehl. tot sold st an appraised value. For terms, de.. app.) . to ►t the • lows Foundry, • • SECON I) AND a Ahneu. rdtaborgh. Pa. ly 15'!e1.1 NM E. AND vsEruL ENTER. HARRINGTON'S CELEBRATED Self-Itaxifying Patent Thyere, FOR BLACKSMITH'S nd aU Others trading a Blast. 13110 *N , I4 NEW DltU6.Bro az. No. N St. Clair Street. cßAlipoun ME JOHN.C. PAURY Cooutr. tltatc .t 1 Territorial nights for sale at T grea pergolas. ough the Eastern. States this TUT ENE Is g hr so t cral oat The foltowittit named practleM orkmao. moon g many When of Ptttaburgh aced riclatty, bare cor dially oretlded to Its excellence mad good perform .J 0H.., N WlLSON,Turrens . P.M temp, Ps. H. H.; JOHN DORM Pattabargh: St Atalls WitOSIZIt, do; WM. -ANA lAN do; Also Talton's, Yon a Co., Sem./ Street; 'dream. Lards, tlllver Tblllps, earlier and Water streets, Loop them cenatantit hand. nights will be sold ref each at low rates, but val uable reel or personal property, scads es tows or city lot., or othex real estate; Isor.es, carrleyee, will be laded at such rates to such r strut tia may be liareed opal, Address. J. R itAnstritaTos. Or 13 SACKETT STILLET. Brookliii...Now York.. _,Dlr:gll _ . Orr CoLs . exv.att Or IMM,. AL trite LW , : 4 t =.11101.1. P MTION 11121111 A -1. PA si titutturght July loth. Ia ) liE ANNUAL LINTS OF LUCIEN.. BICS AND T.II..XES ON I)itNLL@LCAILKI Alt FA WATCHIr.h, FIANUS, ItILVKLI PLATE, tee., Is nu. , In this ollice, ami otter this date payment will be received thereon for she City or Pitt...burgh, Bare ough of Lawrenceville and Pitt township. Weer.. meat he taken oat before the 31st Inst.; after that data 10 per cent. will be added. Taxes on Inewstres., Carriages. Watches, dr., must be paid before the 20th ol ...gust: after that date penalty will.be added. Deputy Collect.). W. Z. li A KRIS° ti sod JOHN A. HERHILANT will ho ready to receive, after the 15th !natant, for tbat portion of the Dlstzlet pot to 'eluded lu the above limps, and will post notice. through the different Borootcha and Townships of the thuitaand places when and where they will be praparel to receive taxes. WM, LITTLE. 93yee . tor,2141pl.trict. P. _aylGalawT FOR iitv4N-rr. THE lINDERSIGNED OFFERS A- for rent, oottt the he or Januar* tell, th e house now ooropteit by Wm, M. 66 Slidthfield Street, It Is 'within apptlnuten ludic of the Postottice; has double parlor. Itrgitheu roOmn, 4tc., and It pitrridr4l with gas and 'Ter n phynicito or Insrcor' there In no better location in the city. The TIM -2t11.13104 CAILVETT, will he Bold with the holser, if denUvd• For * terms, apply to D. OTIVEILL, DAILY DISPATCH OFFICY., Math Street, Pittsburgh 111131Z1 OFFICt or TUC PITTSBUItfiIT, FORT WAYNI AMD CIIICAOO ItAILWAT 001111.41.2% Y. rirrsnuaan. S tine ZSth. len . . . DIVIDEND No. 10.—The Boaid of Directors of this Company have deelami the regular •dieldead of TWO AN /I ONE.HALP ou the capital stock (or the guar-. ter cutting,JUnegt, psfable, free of Vatted butte. toe, Cu and alter July IS next. ' The semi-annual dividend of THRICE' AND ONE .IOIMY Coo PLR doe October I, on the mortgage bonds is also ordered paid, less united Male. tax, In ...Heil:W. l On, et the cane time. bbareboldoes and bondholders reentered at New York Wlll receive their .111,1464de et Me Banking Monsen( WINSLOW, LANDED A CO.. and those reentered at Pittsburgh of the Treasurer to that Tiro trawsfartsoOks will close Jane an. ate o'clock 1'.11.,.and will re-open - gulf IS, thew:Mutt By orderof thelloard. F. H. HUTCHINSON, .11,12;fal secretary. REMOVAL. 160. Smithfield Street. JOHN ZWEIDINGE'R, ronnerly of 80 EITTII STREET, has removal to No. 160 SoilithtOld Street, Two 40111 above Sixth street, where he he, an S salient stock of Pianos, Melodeons, Organs • And all kinds at 1111151061:13ISTRIMIZNTS and -ZirMaileallasinasnants repaired win nestatae and avatatt. 1) te: aft S TMMIEM M OTT, Die.Staker that snit Meast.NOgrayst.: my% Imes Awif sun utintairt • SUPERIOR -filgtai-PRESSE4iN ctwieUipgbq~aw , c'!a visiting coca., I•Au4iiikrwrianmailutsno ouvraniu., irAd mle*, . ...,46AKFY/00134'11"'S 1FF4*.41 Or PENSIONS 7- .•: 1114*1-1P*0479r rigfEllithi / 86 0 i - • sig3:-t.ii -.tki soialt , rsot , ilium woo hooreiost Obt.Wlllo,..roz 00, bands, or -. ►1001: or ir i mtbe orsestersosierUialet ell,'",:!: I!4',r4*lo7riitia;Oeiff,:- EVERSON,Irrona: C 0... !4' 113- n •-• -- VO r tatic s h , , tememontms °woe tril°4* f” !.. Vt",‘ fdlak9h./116- joi' ,:ra CAIiENTER AN11;!P"--Lc';;;.t; Ith, VA" .0 4 ,* • . ,` 7: DESIPAIUM VM , 717 7 ' 7. willtrittitismkricE VOR BALE] FOE BALE.-6 beautiful countiy Aldenoe on the I . ern:Wine Plank Road, ,about wren miles irallitt,r. and stiastati tnadeughtitinoghbor - Oltaista fib parlors: ;tilde ball. dining r In. hltehen gee bedrooms. With porch In front, ndis - embowered In elthubberr. making lialWge Me of the best located and most de sirable illateat 1k this itailiv itheiearacome n Acres of Land attic ' to the house, including a line bearing or eluthd, ell stookod with apple, peach and quince trees, tad a garden tilled with gameberrY nod co , " rant trees. grape Tines, ate. There Is oleo a yer2 - matins stable on the premises. with coach honer, cow etable, de.; and attached .to the dwellingare two tepee thiterbs, and a neyer falling well of the best water. The properly is the moot desirable, to all respects, and would make altogether a most convent cut and handsome count 17 restdence, The Partition , will also be sold with the house, if de sired.' For kerms, an., apply to CliMiTiras DIAPATCrII OFFICE P'IL Co 1 3 ' S I, S. 14111111AVIX# Agricultural. bawl Scrip for Sale. • TIeUNITEDTATES gOVEßN tlmitirong grante dll to the Commonwealth of Prisurylvanla'lLml , Strip, • representing MOW sere* of Pliblie Lands for the entiowsnent. of A gig celteraLCOUnges,in We State, tho Board of Com telssinuttea nom offer this Latin liarle to the public. Prepossla tor tile pointless of this Lail* Merin, eul dr,astal to,"Xlle MANI of Coteroissioners of Agri soltorarLann liertn." will -he retelveg at Illeber v l , r tihetigat•s• °Mee, at Harrisburg, until • Wedirmsday, Augiist 15, 1966. Tills ttol ally bt located Id any :State or Terri,. ry. by the bow,n of the +cell, upon any of the no approprtshed lends (except mineral lands) or tin I silb ol Platen widely may ho subj. et to sate at pet sate entry. Each Vero or represents a prar ter stiollen anc• Itridrell and slatyterms. Bld. 11111sYbe made an ter aere, and tin bids will tn. Iv evllt d.fne le.. then one quarter section. Tlialiorlp will be i•6l/4,1 Immediately on the pay mentor the money to the nu y' General, one third of which munt be paid within lon days sad th r,mainin two-thirdn within thirty day. after 0.41 pension of till. acceptance of the hid or blots Id th Board Of Conialinnioners. J. M. CAMPBELL, Surveyor General for the Board of Comatiradpot:r.,_ IV MILLER, C. N'. n'cluzg , „ IfILLERIANKETSON Wholesale Grocers, I= BRANDIES, WIRES AND CIGARS Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C Constantly on hand MERCIIANIS' HOTEL, Corner Smithfield and Third Streets 3Pl'T'rElliZtrf THIS OLD FAVORITE HOTEL baling Ix.an restovale.l. npaircd ILIVIMMMUNL. Is ROW OHM FOR VIE RECEPTION Of GUM Th. pnlptletor (formerly of t ' IrT. CILAI:LEss) expects from Its central loc,i Ism, Isis vs, per - levee, determination to rates, soil is, intmiiitATit ciiatitiM, to deter.. e 610 rei-i•lre a liberal pat redeltds S. 11. BIALA. Proprietor. a9:e413 UTILITY WORKS. McLEAN & SLATOR, No. 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, INIANCIVAUTrteLiti OT CABINET MAKERS' HARDWARE They make • specially of Iron Bedstead sod Picot Castors: Porcelslu, Itedatead awl 1 . 1e..1 CaNlor•Z dstead Pasteolnirs: Mops for IC leash. Tahles, itc. They also inanoractore and have colitis Idly on band•Tbamb Latches, holing Latches, 111•Leun's Window Sash dupportor, klccentr .ash Milton, Utility Monter and Mut Mow's, 4 rIod• stone liandinya, /lad Irons, t•ash Weights, .to., 1 7 7" . " TIBBYItrILICE /a. CO., , =I FLINT GLASS PRESCRIPTION VIALS AND. BOTTLES. Vince, No. 04) WATER STEP:ET, 2d floor =1 r All ware warranted •Nual to any lek tlU' oily. Jr74:24-Todai_ _— __ S, 8. SIT TAP, Broker in Stocks, PONDS AND lIICAL 103TATIC, ' YOUItTII STREET, (Borte•s Butldlus,) boys nod sells on Coomdsems DANK. RAILROAD, INSURANCE. PETROLEUM IiTOCEN, and GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL, RAILROAD AND MILER BONDS Orders executed by telegraph at the NEW youx .ad PHILADELPHIA STOCK BOARDS at the rates of commlsproo eorrrot in those elites SVNTErglitg OAK TANNED, P"- LEATHEII BELTING AND BORE, Mannfactared at No. DS NatITIIFINLD bT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO Also, Agents for Nen York Rubber co. (3Fum .13eltin " : 17 414 7 ;4 ; ;;;; TUNiai! Always on hsm, 1L1"17.,.. PiTS. niCLT 1100166 . J. H. JOHr4f4TON, 43w Dmee 4.. . Fine 'And'',t3hot. Aideri-7t.fin.ua mosrrktvoLvElta,. OA:14 klndo or • ' 4/011 1 :2 1 lar172 0" X-TrOZT. ' Military Cols. wle,‘.longatied,lirluk stpue bl e a t at notipa. all !ag:r MA I M Ven e t, in t erz. l* "- rnkM !"' "NerßePellther itie , plesei • 'Corner PoinF'and:Warie stracta, %ism : EEI 1866. 'sPgum 6 ont 4 Ts• 1366• - 11110.001tP. 181 woo') STREET, WLh t o Cliff sPeittoLle i n t l on to Molt largo and liprAntkatut #um < seer Wear, • • vrebricttv. iit.4424itied " ..lW r Og V irs4: l llAki : p i t ILI A . .../31p8m%!u u; Fi:oxiis., taltAq OWLS Of *very description, sn. cvii in, 10 . A ` (W . ; :lv AlC u alegl isma L,...LA ß Nll A ;Odk r 'it at AlV , To D 238•1 - rtiEna.—Sltaatod • to Poi tottitaltellop ot the trondoda. Walt Vtlittolt.•l llo, lWPOtted tor richness of toll. and qualityor Mabel. Coal and otOot attn. • orals In - great ddsatitteac Octet OtAber• tread but short dittos.* DOS the treat Kanawha and tiauley Met* Aseverstianne 'with boon., ardour, ae,, ooudttlow.:. Priced stoonliog ,to °cation 41** todwcooduonto,. , llmOordd_ land...poop ;red., " Itir VteliTh7firlt " t " ,rd a °" 1 " . ". w p 00 o to timber. t r l_,=tall i fied=tlMir trtir W b itts=l: -.701 . timber punk:alai address WM: MULL:. zres t va: Ya. - .,:arettlieLYSEKOsaluzioli '110.17 Ytderst 1117ust•dirs. •.‘ Notice to Invalid Pensioners. ALL % rE.Niikomis :NM *MAW moiling • penalun Or W Per month, aro Entitled to from is to Salt --- Aresidliag to rote Or tilsoblitty. under 'oat iot tune ylel. Apply at otter or att4tors 11: F. BROWN • Xa ter4Cal 43111444 1. S abl i at i Ca m ' an . Rittstoirg F.xemptcut,,iftlsonkc isrF. 9 1 . ti4iiiiirAJAMODAIIII Or „ourx9pußiN tiouielOkotbr,s,txcal!itt , p. aoVmUNLSSTUCA I trit i ri#P e argi ti A!LOV , 4; aissallo4o",( 44 4: 1 4/OUPIiVOWF" • - • rr 11'r ;+1 i T), l l l l7l l l 7 C — o T Aryoot n ' c erN Is Idsday dissolved, by mutem, o d Wi c t i o t riirt Ot UIVIV:4 " Pr e' ' t!s = e at ' DA 4ra. O'NEILL. WILLIAM ADEILwON. J.rf 14thh ihO. Having disposed of ml lutere‘t in th. • ••o a , e tt a Ream Job rstutlnS c.taoilalnakont" to air, Resell Errett., I desire to return ruyilistsks to my blends for patronage bestowed upon the min e d . rwg . ) . emw ection Islth It; and I would turthrr recommend the 1101 r Ilan to the public 9 eVerr way worthy:of tbelrCondd tl en...L•upport on . Their h c" o ur ca : : t e m ' 7 , 1 x x l itt tl vr t ri;dcidw W it ;l 1 7:t b t t u g if Iny;4akr terms n n t : s a ins: . 1 Co . a 1 1: P i I. 1" ; ° 0 1 : g o t . 0 nro lit 1 : I I . 17 "lm 0 & ANDERSON, Book and Job Printers, Will continue the Boot. and Job Pritttlog business in all its brunches, at Illy GAZETTE. STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISIIMENT, 84 Fifth St., GazettO'Builaittg. And relpectinlly solicit a share of public patron age. Jyl6llte DAY, McABOY & SPANG, I=lllE2i= IRON CITY 1111, - ,; IiORI4B. OFFICE ANA WAREHOUSE, Nos. 15 Wood and 102 and 101 Third St, IMPORTERS OF AND I)ICALIiaB IN Saddlery Hardware and ,Trimming And Idannfoctutero ofon varieties of Superior Wood and Iron names Wronght rust Kit!, lung lilt.,Shadier. Krabdoonr. Wheel Kitt, Millen Hai, dr— rte. - Keep also o , band • tairkiut complete . astortutent of goods 1 their Hue, all of ',Web they otter at as fair prices and Op as gout! tenon a. are uttered by any 110.1. the trade F.ALIT Olt WEST. mytl:b3l Ir II E HAVING Iwo. Appointed tteertver far the firm of rOtt- Tett it. Fla EAD L hi the IlletrlCt Coort of Allegheny County, re.. Ant sell, at pribtle elle, on the Arch:dice, es the Int day of AUII T 1167 i, trttlotet reeerre, And to thelltAltioti Wilder, the fol. toeing described property; toting the teen-known w'4?ZPUT[ I'URA4CE, Situate al WM3llloll3liloo, 00 the rittS10711(11 and Erie R.allroso. it ntfilet northers. of PUteburgh. with SA aer o. of land, wore or less, altonadinir with leen Ore. Coal. Lime 01000. lire Clay. kw., and writnever lolling 0r ..ter- AltrUhl FIALN AC C ' is a • satortaullal stone stark, 11 feel MO i f Yr feel 0, Mar, W. 11 feet leash. and has wade fro. to . 4, tont of meta/ per day,hirl; Cat, easily he Increased. There le hoc M w ~ last nn sterol of pipe, one Famine. of ITS horse power, and a Doctor r.nglae, Reservoir. Sr. Alas. stock of Cit.litlig h0n..., II and rote lielslt 11011 S, ,0103, .50. Also. Ir.roke ~01 eaeh 1,2 feet diameter, 1110111SLO and 9 OM let euemen., hoarding loots, slore hon. and warerooro, !dark •115 MI shop. stables and Other banding,. Also, COOl 11:1111 , ..1, and onnlelent Carl ill con. ry in morals. de.. In and tram She furnace. Ti,; C.unpany al4l ands nyworable leaser. Mr the prlnelpal reinvesan lo the vicluily. The propwry trouts on r 3 00 5 'leer, mud Beaver and E.rie Is en) of 300050 Will offers toespl talista 11 rare rhanee I nv estment. For further earl leutart ,ll, = DBES STEAM DOOR AND JOB PRINTING. With a large plurality of NEWTYPE AND INCREASED FACI TIES, I= PLAIN AND O,NADIENTAL PRINTING In the reel best style and at the lowest rates. JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, 59 Filth St., Masonic Bali. iy, CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, No. 100 Wood Street. BRITANNIA AND SILVER PLATED TA.BLA WARR, TEA TRAYS AND TABLIC CUTLERY. always on hand. CHINA TEA CHINA DIN N KR SETS. CHINA SETS, 'III.NA VANES. CHINA srirromis, BOHEMIAN WARE.? EVERY DESCRIPTION LAVA CAM) ilAstters, LAVA VASES, LAVA SPIT! DONS. ENGLISH (TONE WARE of all varieties, Wean wholesale and retail trade. Tins ssas:At and most nom pleln, stock of everything tu this Hue In the elty. Voices and terms the same wain the eastern titles. tnyllosla AI.LEGIIENN COUNTY, 99 =The Conononnealth ofPenusylvanta. To Thornton A. blelno, Story Johnston, M. 40 Johoetotlv.o"l - of WaihlngtonJohnetoul David Wandovancy Miller, 31acy V. Wo.sd, Win. Wood, Yraderlck A. Wood, sarali A. Wand, - Bennington b. Wood, Charles h. Wood, Badly P. Wood, (Charles E. and ulinor ehlldren.of Mnry B. Wood, In ceaaed John 111 , 1elland, hutbnaa - of FannyW. McClelland, de.mascd; Mary Mothellan.t. Ann It. ileCielland, Kate BleClelland, Jame, McClelland, William McClelland, Prank MeClellan_ ,d John Me ,ulrlland, Jr.. Ilugh McClelland and Waellingtun Johnston: We command you and every and all of ye., that laying .Ide all,nnalneas and eXC120.4 10 0 be and appear in lour proper persona' befOre our Judges of the Cuu_lul Uollimall tin., to beholden at Pittsburgh, 10 and for t h e County of Allegheny, on the tel ter DAY CV J 1111; at.lo 0 does. sold,tovrrd bill or petition exhibited In our Court. and in do further, bud ',erten what our sald Court shall hair considered-its that behalf.. Hereof fall out at yonr perll and the penalty that May ensue. Wltneas, the lion. JAMES P. sT.Eititurr. Presi dent 'of our said Conn, at Pittsburgh, uds:2oll der of Jane, A. D., 1016. Ieak:MA:MP JACOB It. WALTEIf.22 - O . OO Y. BUSINESS MAN'S COMMERCIAL, COLLEGE . No. 4 St. Clair Street. • We have engaged the nerviees of all experienced Wacker expreoMly for the- month. of July and AL gust. Students enterlngon {ho lot of July can mal ty complete tae course by the last of Aegu{t• For circulars and apectmens Of penumulhth, apply at the College Rooms. or 0441e11i N. SILANItt.Ii aLd .1. F. XeCLAYMON DS. • 16=11 H. Sol:TO JIM nom; JOHN 'ROSS. & 0,0 PINOICHSORS TO WM. N. OGDEN .411. CO ? • . • AIA.MILTINCTI:IIIEII;SANt? 1/P.A.L.193.4 Carbon :Oil La•liii}S . "Vtd.k..,Fixtairep l • CHANDELIERSARBONOILS, mvpi; .. tzt.o, .18 . ;:erc., otr .71.9:idindawl • I.l.+Tfiliblilill, J. *.ionitieride . . ' '.. . . • scow.' .JOHNSTON 'Sr. ticorr;... DEAVEltey.27:', • Flue ifideltesiCleelis - JeUeleT;' • SILVER4LATED- WARE, ETC, • • • No; 274 LIIIEWIR NWitillsl=olllVitle . , Air Partenlar atteattan,„ ;Oven 11 .*Pdr/Nr Watcadei locks Awl. Jerndera ASI Week warmtn , ed _ Tri "cmtlitvisi Pitt.lVED ../NO.idied lideltbiaal pension, to the followlua ohms qtperMas:. To thme who tiamlugte botlieyear or- hand ; . To these who halm lose both Sedt ' thoire•Abo.haye loot QUO bald or foot: To Attosi , ,who ham ,INlCO.,dcarly,cd,Or Melt pen alone undam act of blare. 5d..1864. — . rbstontd• 'DroPetullbne ;are hatette . hd .to Oepentleel rathemood ' Apply by mall Or la person oo • • • • Oe,- WMASTERI 44 9 ri Office, IV?. OS Gr_anii-IS4re; Jell. J. C. soirrtnit • i.....4...11,1711. i*al :r, C4-11111151U111 & , CO4:. C.l U. ..' tlitortrOrEinitpenrlllit: I,4nlrozi *lid bertyi , 11asiitievi;•Bt{swbenviiaLguliSO " .ing t # of @note. Al `U. Stout; Leger eve Iktid - I 311PATIVariteingEN=4 V, Zsi;] -Ord@, tad and Slapped to all ppirtOOt the ton, ttl..ou,sbort n0Uc0.,.. - , ..:. ~:. ~, -1045111,d4t..1- 7:#oU'„s' .404E.Z4-' . 0 .0 414 ` ;,A GROCERY STORE,'t Btu iwnr TT e l iggeirgigigNVri ia irisitritsukrcr ' ''-' - 1. '` i , iitti.eil.,,,i,, '=- I -7:';,f talrbicille4 :-..,', ,nifi1,,V6,444, r-- f- - ,'"-, -,„,, , 2 ' , 41.. egirrtlat, pat_tart-,,,,_..-,-4,ti-out, a p , % . un at i..kvse 4- 7 va r - i - „ m ., 0 ,,,y, anprzur-414"t -J.. L rtif,\''' 14 1fi!410.41 ARMY NATIONAL BANK; 110. 33 Fifth Street. Capital, .$500,000 DISCOUNTS DAfIT AT 12 N. Depo.lta received and collections made on all ►C- Ibla points on the moot roason►ble tern. it. W. mACKEw, cashier. JOSHUA MODS.% of J. RHODES & CO. 0. 0. HUSSEY, of HUSSEY. WELLS E. CO REESE OWENS, of F. SELLERS & CO D. B. CiALWAS, Et.. 331 LIBERTY STREET J.W. COOK, of ANDERSON. COOK de CO THOS. S..O11411W; of SHOENBEROIOI d CO. MATTILEWB d CO ft.'SII(YTH, of CHEBB4.BIIITif & CO. , :.f ~__ _ NHIONAI,JIUST COMPINY, 4 6 23:,1re1 Street., FIFTH WARD,PiTTSOURCH Deposits received and Intern! illoVrod On de p .efts. Codectional rondo on all Inc principal points of the United States. ALL KINI,P.e. OF GOVERNMENT GEM:WITTER, 13cyw;7Lt szadl. SBalct. HI STOCKHOLDERS ISDITIDUILLY P,I3PONSIBLE. ROBERT [HOBSON, President. JOHN H. RALSTON. Vice President. ROBERT J. OILIER, Cashier. plusCrOlte: ILOUEUT DICKSON, ICHAILLES MYERS, JOHN H. RALSTON, fJtYSEPH LANG, WILLIAM • WILLIAM BILWKIILL, CRAS. H.ARYSTIICNG Rrbl. ONAPIPORD, J JAMES LITTELL, PAUL MOMENT, Ult. .1. ALIL. .I.A.IdIRI TAYLOR.. ,Iy6:(17 OUR GRAND GIFT CONCERT Adrertleed fur euly 4th. wUI poeltively be glveu of CITY MEAltgLlAlima PITTBBUR6II, MONDAY, JULY 30th, 1866, AT 8 O'CLOCK l', VI=CC CLASS MUSICAL 3 ALENT ENliktiED ilgittle to the amount of th 7 Will be presented to C) the , Tic ;CO ket CN Molders. Including City Property, Greenbacks, Fine Farms, Sc. TICKETS orria' oarr. DOLLAR EACH. No blanks, A gift, for Corry ticket holder. LIST. OF GIFTS: 1 Floe Three-story RMek Residence, corner Canal and Chestnut streets. Allegheny 1 Brisk Residence, Li o. (leant SL. Pittsburgh 0,500 1 Brick Allure Mouse. No. 0 Andsreou street. Allegheny 5.000 5 Flue ileilding Lots in centre of East Liberty, near I', IL 11 Station.-- 0,100 5 City Lots, Nos. 15, 11, 17, 16 and 11 'Ridge at.. P1u5burgb...........„ 2,1100 left In Greenbacks 4EOOO 1 gift in Greenbacks 500 1' guilt tireenbaelm...... 2150 Ureenbacks...- 1215 I gift In Greenbacks 75 1' girths Greenbacks........ 50 100 gilts in timenhacks, lilo each 1,000 000 gilts in tireenbsets, t each 1,000 400 giftirin limenbacks. 0.50 each...... 2,000 2,0011/Ifts n i filt i V in= g 800k5....... 2,0 43 : 1 Vine Horse and Top Boggy.— ....... '7Oll 10 gifts of Wheeler .4 WUSbn Sewing Machines 1,030 10 gifts of L excellent Melodeons ...... 1.010 AgP4TILILIAI,II,7,:•i - LiaL;zzr•ile!..2 One tioldWatelies. netts of Western Farms. (twit: re"tazio iia Ddrassiscrazzl. LOCATED AB FOLLOWS: Your in ShannOn county, Oneof 7.61 acres- and Three of.loo acres each; Two In Texas comity, each 160 serve: One In Ripley enmity of ISO acres, and Two to Oregentounty, esehial wires: Also, Two Farms InAturathon beauty. Wisconsin, Illanalau acres re soectisr.ty. All rich Warming Land in good settle. = molts. Also. 401ntarestall =each) in Oil Well,, boated on thagamomPithele treek,_Yenango county Po, Including TilltEE PLOWING - WELI.O an other reeducate°. wells In that wonderful region. These interesta will be preseeted Norte' gift., alued at from peo each. 51,00 eh. Not one e x Them is au unprodneUve well, hat in walls prodncing, and othersyet to be tested, close to predating wells, all under contract for comple tion, free of further expense. /daps showieg the Location of aald wells, de., on nand. Persons wishing to examine deeds, or certain ar tieletrof the•above property can be sumommodated catr W arrante e wherel the particular. may be ob taleed. Deeds given for all the above heal Estate. A COlittECT LIST, MOM/DING THE VICHET HOLDICII6 , HAMM ADDIIIMES, AND THEIP. TWEET .111IMBEISel IS KEPT AT OUR. DOWILDE, au THAT ALL MAY ItEIIEIVE JUSTICE, WHETHER. THEY ATTEND THE CONCEETOIC larr. Our amallait gifts are phonograph/lot Marna entailed Persona The drawing Will take place after the concert. fuernights In augoesidOn.• A Mitemitteo will be Op- Inted by Hie Ticket Holders Done to superintend the same. and me that the tillts are dlstrihnted impartially. and the result published immediately. enbacka, Deeds, AC.. forwarded be express. itELYA ISLE WANTED in every town. mud village within 500 mile. of Pittsburgh, to whom liberal indneements are offerea. CLUB HATES: 6 rakers to one address $ 50 10 'l' ickettfte ote add rest b 00 50 Tickets to cue address 43 50 luU Tickets toone address 05 00 Tickets selling fast. Oct up your clubs zed send en your orders with Um name and address InauiLof each subscriber. • momber of pacts Issued. Itiooo. PrieeAitt b. Tbey are format At on r °Mee. No. 20 Vlrwts OTEKET, nit /floor, 'Chronicle , Helldal*. little's And at the principal Hotel. Wet, Merin and Dreg Stores of - lUD : city antfAlleglienr. Scut by mall oo receipt of , price and stamp fee re :tura pellage.t, . 4 e Send for .olroularig. now maybe sent us at re g ister ed either by dolt, postodlee OWer: *sprees or lettere. . We ovu excel let references, With which oar arreartS are furnished. IL—Altheligti Our ticket! Dined Dor We 4th last. wore nearly all sold, yet It became eabsolutelY aortae:try to deter oar Concert e few deys, to allow r menet a erects ilme to correct their reports. We must positively have the Name. Post Waco Wi tness, and Number of eneh perso.t!s tido:t, or no cannottiojustlee to our ticket.holders, °notelets or our reference. of worse, tickets Issued for the ith Int% are good for the rah, and have an moms interest to all the Wt. ' • Agenda must he careful toforWerti report. no no to. resell n. 119th lest., as our. concert will ceitelall . take place ou the 3000 erltkoittlitil. no extra Charge furs dallealed, - • • It Will be seen that we haveadded mime very. ysi. noble city property to our ilst. at moderate All oothineulatlons ehould tat addressed tO IichONALD, THOMSON. et elki .. lyiLtinwTaltel x 505,Pittabitrgh, lne 1111111110 E IRON WORKS. JONES tz LAUGRUNS, zakrww!atrzscA•mc, -liiiltiiiietunzios Or own AND molt SiillsHoop,Sheetand.Plate:lflM; - ielliaji4 A0100.' 4 '0417' ' - Guardlirqn; torsi S cree* ron, _ • • 2 ! 13 "•, 64 h1Yarl Trani; 0'61.6114k mid ter sank; Bildga and Tank Itivs Cut Walls and SP Magi and Boat ,1 11 ,s; ' iiiininnif *Mier? - ; Itlitit*Cd:P!W O # 4 4 9 1 41 1016 4 ~ V *Proati l - C l ar' L * l lo "l an- 413 4e5; fiikeetUr r itilAll'Oijah Lib* Axl !g! entent Cold Boiled Patent Cold dolled ` *4414,04 ' Itifita.44lanaper Bare wmnrai&dsivAlwbrptoic. • •a - ~1 21,4 :4414 0 10 P Frlnt " •• , • 0s: IgMind SNIAIT:er •••. - Settets; > i31111:1•13% Tag 10:11SSMANO Fifth StridibetweewTsitessiiandil Cfsays ant Sines; AUASPiiiTOtIitIVALERIN HARDWARE: /mu, gisia ioas 1:4 "*s"Vgirutillire! o Pr lC t i t " .I *P 4l 9111 rOmmuntait:' _ - - FLOUR AN D, trisrispik l , 8.. Z . •M 2 M 4 ST . E B 4& ; GO einenY, ;156 ,Nor • . iindosanikauer 113ar.. 04r,.:a11.41.7., vaXt'isciZa-rui ,"' ' ,Claavad tor. - I Dos iv orks mramaTaxirr. rurnastritcar;rx.: - 4549isArevnt- • . 2513A5z8 emurrza our. LEAD' 4srtreeditiedaskikrortal•Vi- • -" :=Yrktv wZ,. - • Ittri4lM-e: EEG 400 TEM-4;tigHt Biletinert to W sell by sample.---- ANDIOMMOOtigia CITIMICHNO,OHOLNIGY Vittn itot addressroabstcdo co /Oak. , OIIIIr. J,-0. , 3114T0N• 371 1 435 311 , 13 h IM.; (3,13100, ANTED.-ST TWO SINGLE rr ENTLEAUIIi. where there are no other boarders, A BUTTE OP BOOMS. cougisUng of o bed roams, bath • rooakaad for furnished o nufurialsh,A, In • ptillaWli loca tion to Pittsburgh or Allegheny, with of with"' taard A.do.resit9iirtleidanh J. tt. Ji r "' l2 • '•• .. -) ion 29g, Pittsburgh. WANTED—AGENTS—MALE and Frfiriutrailatit press, and or only war, JOT rg_LLeito, or Vargtola Soto lltatll a. stattll t tt . .l of: fAwry sm . .l.lllrg coorralsa ra tz ttArdeT e r ny orterms Jytl:f3bdiarF ALlberty Bt., i'lliaborgb, W JOSHUA RHODES, President pro ton ANTED- , -$2OO per Mont'timid to genti., to iatrddaeeOarmew Ipfi !18 and 11510 tIEWP4I.4 1111.C7/41.41C., iaLtebtra`• - Patent. Addren,_ la th stamp: KONAIIEWM'EXWitiIt tl kCIILN b V.lnctifplon. Hue., or. PMadel. nets. ca. WD:e7itdrwr THOMAS PALS innnn Oa um , I= AL. 13.7.. 4:3 c• V 33: 3FIL an Warehouse, ••91 Wood SireeL Second dud i' belerst Dhetaosil AlI Y . • - nnedtgod • • .PITTAIWKQU. PA. pAPERIIANGINGS FOB - - pARLOR PAPERS.. A MM. LOT op S+audard Goa Parrs NolFrealved, of beautlfOl deslOs for V Pay e rs Ikt 111',131111 VII'A 12EZEd TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. == alaserteart Wed/ Papers. Tor the Arit time to tie Tem% *NEW' EJraLISUF -PAPER 8 • choice selection ciliate Newest French Papers rot sailibl • MULLINS P. ILISRSILALL. ST 'Mod Street No. 107 MARKET STREET. NEAR VIETH JOS. R. HUGHES a BRIJ AN ORDINANCE relating to Nul enaees, Secnon I.rße ft ordaturd.and enacted by the Select and Common 001111Ciill of the City of A ltsphens. and it is hereby reacted by Mc waltorgly eV the same, That any person who shall permit any earth, brick, stone. Weibel coal, wood, ashen, mortar, rubbish, lune , dial:lugs or manure to remein (except in the erection, repair In or femoral of ballaings, In front of any poraw l:l ny oweder occupied by them, and hPoo any:street, lane or alley of the city, shall for feit and pay (hr every o ff ense , besides the aspen. el removing the same, the LLOILI of not less summa- uor more than ten dollars, to be recovere d rily upon conviction. ISEO. A Any person keeping a pig sty or slaughter house within tic, limits of the city shall be liable to fine of not less than nee nor more than ten dol jars, to be recovered BUILLILILILLI upon conviction. SEC. 3. Any person tropic g a enable of any kind In a filthy condition shall boilable to a fine of not , lean than dee nor more than ten dollars, to he re covered mtmenarily upon conviction. nrc. 4. Any person rho shall suffer gerbage, ashes, rubbish, gat. carton or filth of any land to remainupon any part of that half of any street, lane or alley in front of or bounding upon any lot or 'groom' owned or occupied by them, or omen any lot or private ground owned or occupied by them, shall t w en ab l e a tos, ein b o r no ovicd than m e r n i o y r up m on coan ideion. , - S. Any persons who shall auger their Jan:ries o uch o r trait i n f ttilttg,te= ZarlTll,: e f romlOns: and`bo offensive so any parson °cal:lvy - lug adjoln lug lot, or who shall suffer their privy to be filled within two feet of theturface of tho gronrid, shall Lbe llsble to a fine of not.leas than live nor More than en t dollen', to be recovered -summarily upon con- victim . SEC. 0. It shall be the duty of any person OWiling er occupying any lot abutting. upon any unpaved street or private Ailey to keep the glitters fsaid street or private alley next to the lot owned or oc cupied by than free from all obstructions., and upon failure of any one to do so theystuill be lisble to • Eno of not true than five nor more than Londoners, to he recovered 111.116111117 Uttoll conviction. Siete Z Any person owning any vacant or opon lot shall have the some fenced up to snob s manner a• to prevent It from being used Ca a piano of deposit for nibble', garbage or other filUt, and any - person offenoing optima the requirement this section shell forfeit and par the eons of not less than are nor more than ten dollars, to be recovered summa rily upon conviction. SEC. 8. The oath of the Street Commissioner and is assistant snail be sufficient to eouvact in any sue arising under the above ordinance, and under 2rieggen of that part of the city code relating to Ordained and enacted into a law, this 12th day if Jane, Anno Domini one tbo.and elghtliundred dui sixty-Mx. JAIDIS Ale111211:11. President of Select Council, Attest: D. IlAtirannolv, Clerkoflielect CenciL . W. President of Comm E ot lt to Y uiteLl. AttestHouma DILWO R CouTIL, - lerk of Common ncil, A N 011DINA.NCE toauthorlze the Grad log and Paving of Chestnut street. Sic. 1. Bo it ordained etrulenneted by the ash:dam' Common Coonstlegftrte City of diiiithuiY, Moi U hereby orefoloodondoMtetiso by antAority of the emote. That the Committee on streets, he, and they are hereby authorized and directed to Invite and re ceive proposals for the Grading and Paving of Chestnut street tram the south line of Liberty Mines op to the point where the paving done by the West ern Peonnylvania flathead Company terminates, and to contract therefore with the lowest and best bidder or bidders. at their discretion. See. 2. That for the purp vie of defraying the cost and expenses of the sold improventents, there be, and Is hereby levied, a apecial tax, to be equally as seased upon the several lots boonding and abutting pen Utensil' street respectively, In proportion to the feet front In them respectively comprised. and boundingand abotting an aforeasid. g wk. a. That as mum as the cost and expenses of. Mid LIZIVICOVeIIIentS shall be Luny ascertained, Rebell be the duty of the Street Commissioner to assess and apportion the Lime among the several hits bounding and abutting upon said street respectively, sword s log to the cute above Indicated, and the re upon pro ceed to make demand. and collret tbe. name, ac cording to provision. of the Act of the General As nembly of the Conntiouwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled' "An Act defining the manner et collecting Ne 'slrr"....,du7l47"lLL:joithlll:llV"oti"itiii""itturaM?Lr" purpose p 11h00..4. Thule mocha( any omlinance as may con. diet With; or be eurplled by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a low this, the 12th day of July, Ana° POraLll, one thrposand eight hun dred and Maly-111X. • JAJDESIDDIDLUER — , Freeldint of the Select Coandl. Attest: D. MACCinflow,_ Clerk of the Select Connell. CHARLES W. RENNET, President of the Common CounclL Attests RontraT DO.Wonvn.„ Clerk of the common Council. . Jy17:197 An ORDINAIIICE t o stuthort.e the siirriZit'VZlTZWlLl l =Obtedanct Common Oottnetla of Vol . City of Al ken , insd“ fearnstrie ordained and t er by a of tee •••• toms.. What the Committer on Streets be, and they •..1 are hereby authorized and directed to - invite and r lemcceliPlf of and•of .IVetoOnt. .Alloy. .and to , eilatractrtherefor • with the lorst and best Md.:hoof bidders, at their .7 - • Section 2. - That for the purpose of del Cost and impelitee orthe said improvements, n and M hereby levied, especial tax: toile cornallY ameesed upon the several lot. bounding and shun- touponthe aeld idlers respectively, In proportion to front in them.respectively Compri/red. • ...lc...cuing end sandbag asellirmaill.„ Szcatou 11. That as noon OA the °oat an e euneners of eshipmprovements shall be Italy ascertained, it shall be the duly of the Street tionanissioner to se- ease ond apportion the, Mine. anima the several lots bounding - end abutting aponeald alley. respective- •, ly. seconllngtotuerWeableu Indicates], indanere ,npon proceed to =eke demand and collect the same, ace Ming , the . pterlidrine - Otthe -Ant of General • **semi:deur the ,Commonweelth of konuellvema, • zt t he t.g. Act defining the maner of collecting, the expenaercof grading and ' pavi n g .)f the stream * p... ' rorn """ , l 42leVATO gat' gard73 7 o; n Atngll,l2 , ~nnotiOnt 4. That nOlEnten or any ordinance as may mallet w i t 0 r IM sel•Pliert bY the Guegoing. ••,' and the 1111010 inberehy.repraled. • . Urdahled and enacted Into a law, this the I.2tb day -,.. or mut; Ai..D:v non thonaandLelght hundred and, ...I. • '• YAMS • r•• • 11. •r- .President of SeleetColinclis Attest: C l le 3,lkliattpir. rk of detect OotinrJl. C. W. 111t2a7iElf, . President of Vommon Council. • Dri.wownr, • . ofCamman Uounes, - 1727-94 AIIV ottailarAicom 46 - liicieeiise the AA. width of tlitisltte walks on Oentrot.fnesot- - - -.--. 8en11 014.1 .:: , 4 4 it-OTATinta anctrenaefat . Eta Be- .: ' Oret ., ,cor4 COMMA* COtllitia E4u., CM, reltr i leaJicoy. ~...,/ '.-- C 4 t i tfe fitiVo walk* on Nor 'adept den ' fral ' ,streets r .; ? fetinelrwlnirrionto Irestworli t0 , A1i0nnear..! , :n1, , , , , t.. ~.: be eitellsho4 on d- b l , a 7 l l , gf,l. kn AVV L iNVt e ."' - • A .: 1&:4171.,T,1f1f sit Ordinorlos ' :LoYHOL ll3 6 l , , ere - ; a :w e " s log h d ereb iZrl e iiintielikii.,_, „'t...uth • ' 4 l isy r ralay, " A..l). coke th ousand elant u.. 1 ..7..”4 .- - .._ ,, i itztßa4- , •• , •• • - ' i - , '' '":'' '41g:1144/tie. ',•' ' :. ' • -- .- . , ..'preount of e.eloctOottnen. p: 1). lif.Anirranq.w, - , ci . L. _ • 1 ., --- - -' ~' - -.-- Clerk Ift r(VV. DENNEY. '1 iaqng COMM OI / POMO/. tt. ji- FlleidUSt.l,,,;CA.Hilitr, OT TH COIIIIII ' 0 ¢ Coune4l; . •, .Ls6,e.r.'l.,Z,TZ'ir.i2T7•lo"MtS mare, T i t & AL CPPPe mm,... r ~,a No et d , '4l* . l i t i l i e :lr nruznoHnie .4iv,„Azzi. L (maw A:kim 2rlcir=feasticbt l , ralsmotatt,A. b 0 W ‘ltati Ootoite the Cheapen tbAb t .tity st o ,usaM az. ' 4 T War o, '-' 4 4 rk clua PF " IPUV r26 t p v. ti .....,,,- - v• -;. fk ~ IA : P t tE P#E. B - o ** :: , 0 1.- ratk. Eri bseg Traill u slAtiOßrit • - g , .q ...m. -- x -- t a iumutti... vii . Ftfr, 4-,... ____...4 9 tiotela ~ 10. 0 41* `I ' `:"''' f"-.9,1174W PITISBUROK IRON WORKS. PAINTER ag-SONS4 itlkii,i4o.oo.cl l .ooSlATivkl* HOOPS AND.REUMTI3,.; , teiiitdio - . --:.1. - -',--- • Pivissuncum PA; NOTION ''''“‘" • BUY YOUR OT Toys, •• -Baskets, " • ~;>::.;. 11 --:- •? 111= 41 - Ll ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers