? II •1 : t. . ,• - • • • Tom ' tinier a n t •. • . sL:Diar corner. Pc-Fitilh i 118 Woo d • Honda; vf4eriptioue of tifff....ra -add, okk o nliberal tonfol• . Ddairmy~aon = we r.zebeasso $Ol4 at armitbfkratt nonnbough tiviitahest .3:tetxua'surabiii' isisued 'DA tray YOPIG • ' 2 YDISCE AND TAAVE. ' Tur.o.ki-,Jarloso- Tnly,xew York : " Atom .qnotations tOslay, Were all follows : Cf01d,14454; VA% /4 , Bl4lf 4 flffs lingl 104115 , 13 ; 1.-fiCe.lolo4l Celli6d9ftdfl ,iIXP/s" Cleveland : , fit Pittatarritt. 11.• li.„ MX; Fort' Zslme, 054; Eric , : GM l'reltenirniC4 tele:. .--The latrtnliftistaihrY rCceital-TOrlite; lest ending .ittrie 53, einem . OS they can be 4180- .7110 ml betOM - the recefrita frOm theT o 1 toast, areretarned, are eolnllared With ci - pretriOUSOStftehtett in the Tnlia,dlig MiU , Evirrt MatAn . ,o 3 , , it, Millions,- against-70 lf lions adinentAt of_SecreterYs Dcd,,/664. and i4t LllllO l lB intimate of Dec., lfida; Item hltelnis , tovennO- 20 rnillidd9+."4("o)-InildOn2ff, 441 ' nil to-Wiens estimate tulabOrdi axd-from n 3l, , eellatMAl. Oulef'sZ,','lkilkdo,:ir . 14 .4 'M Mil. lions and ct'' ,i,...5. it,lll/I";ft,',fr., •re, diet th • ~ , , ,i C estitc.,. • 1-qt..:•:4 in rattloVic - 14., : , et tee netuht ;leenitai,looltbe ai, gal 4 thnate of la's/ over SO millions less ' —1 im impart , ntrins for tho,Prttweelt (MO. Of o f York I.:sae) IffeltelidU' th 6 the p , ~., - vO.l, return .i.n oar t Ve,ruszlotlt , ,.. , ' c011,13A , thelodal entsutowf ex,cm,i7t , hams %scotc:lst ear.. The export. Mea tan I ot dem-situ prOtlnce : wend 'to 10, 09 if gfif inf,t (-1,044 aPildone wend luSt lyear. The est, e , or spscie omountg ro %,,,t7.0, atraidst \ • e. , ..e , ,-te sawn we laStyrar. Teo c stone) for the West: urettitMit.: dille r o c c eltql . a e.tto t, - Vat,";r74l'44.ay:Zego . o . Tov ip g f. ' , ~.,, ifle a , l'h 4 - 14 * thel •' —The New leer Trstrune, of dth, says, 1 hespAN:lo cut .41 the one -sfear,feerttnentes adieltisekly to the veleMe` of ash ta r oozy eml autil it t.f: übsorbeflinsures oon mouzy 5 f m,,, , , t. The acct. See le* the Trenenr3,' situ le I lII* h.syurent of the Temporary loam up - ~ ecescisittee will sciffrtm aturtherlargearnoUnt fr `of odusater.„ shirk preSerdstriotemelat, of the , Sr , L amy ore sonenl en eximuldou of earrency WIIICh enn Wive telt One rretl,theetlrelantle n ot eve neeellltiaten enteltpri,li, anti new ape . - calstltii.f. is existiV stockit. Thu Satter re eelt.l4til.fetille.ere . In . the prices at tin? sts , c3: IL,';'7,"i',,lg"..t!ir. I fi r t i ut n t a o to Mr; A l it: Zit 1 n a?., vs t;1 liniti w'inst Ito f.lurpor, motley Mria in cfenf,e of production. None ot the currency ,banflootnurea tosuppreas thealcautio rebel-. Iles has Idea te pat in of sight, Ont remains to inTft'Utg2t'ttit9r,nnnlneVtgrjrct= let,le,lf`Bg`r „greo..mhoutuae,the crepe every Mill being umple, The tenlttruate hulllnees i wlll tr:nply a • _ f ,s.s.t dcat of money, but there al I be no w.mt of smommodation f or ell enterprises, 'Wells maps or otherwise if fnuflimi is notproceeded f I ~. vllll, Of which the llopogrnien daily less, f - I _ —Nlre see it stated that an OfnCittiOlfir win b. Inadoto exchange 7.30 noted; ()tang of the _ I series tor Saes. the exchange , to tm made on -'equal terms us respeets the prtnelpal, and the ' interest to be adjusted by pained:Or the , amount due on mat security. _Tbb exchange , will he et:Meat the Sulf-trensfirv, and without tat intervention of agents. There me also rasters taut it Ls the porposo or s o crotm. 1 Nou.ot .to tuna hid attention estrly to the ' liquidation ofthe Tempmary termitic , emu fr v,I ej which, hoever, ToqMres seem cone,. -` . th nett the . thine, is not impreimblef f inal,r: t i oi ls,,, 4 l_ , co, rwsci again shows d ten -1 ifTic ' cy to necumtliatte at• the huge =Maar ,. eta circles. Some of the. Now Torkbanius do. cline to redeye strei delmalt, exceptoa ems , talon that , the depositor shall draw It out --- again. ' lOU quite possible that the liquids - bon of the certificates of indebtedness will throw upOlt the market a large additiould amount of this description of money.- New Tork•Stoelk and Money Market. ' . liew.l7onr.; gulp 17. Tho money unarkel la Working easy. again and tbo supply of idle enpital trectinittlating: tiatiClt l' bank carrency Sn a„sonreo ortroobio to the bankicand it is 4iiii.4ll.l2dMilt tO'd6pose of ZG . The denituid for money attho Stock Mxchtingi isfroely nithAtle3peicent.i endirlme paper. ,19:18.91 , 9 at, %WITS MA; Thontarket for exi change was deli and It-i-WW•tinthiths the close. of tan day r with very ilttio detrain& AV link lust open- board.'rio the favorite, and_, • over 1.3,00 shares Sold from t 5 down to OW,. mid 'Atterivards ap_t*Ol,l4. Tito balance - of the Market was generally lower in symentliT With . the tailor Edo.- The following-work. the W ed- ; , b liNfd P git letAnnipatiy:rtirit New XnritthintrtSTO ce. %tie, Hudson. niver, Mgt-A.A. Fending, I.lo‘Aut 1114.6; Michigan Saatherm et*, Governmentscaultle‘w ere - quiet this attar. The iolie.Wing Vveie-theefOslig prices: istereil lOsl. thrpon 1831,1% I *.X. I %n ..'er.sl7-IT-45V07ttL,54A, '..14;.0-ifis registered 10-1.6-I..Mapints: .0041itigostr1.30s;101 Julio 74es. lot • igiltdii; July 7-.10n,101K. • tdil ciosod ut 191`:A Yetrolcetia Stocki.-AZOltheiva-fr SIMLA:IIi, 374 Central.,.thin 011,210; United Yorko .Goth,. 1 113 .7 i a -f=. H ill, -Tgoi Post , a n - ei Article Says gold 19 strong Ungirst, in anticipation that the nest news '' '1 - • . from Know. will-be less favnrabla to the res toration of -peace. _ - The stock . market .LS irregular. Goveni manta steady without meth activity. nail road ,deires ure rather lower; in sympathy , with.Pric, in Willett there Alia a sadden ofbrea eVc_aing, . Throne , the taanlyulutiong opecuJaters,atterthe hoard, New torkuoittrai sold nt 1013 f; faX. BE . ' ''-'• PIO* liorluiViittlelliarliet. 'll ~:, ~..wa - Ntiitui July 10.—The current vetoes tot. .- . iii 6 Ii 'oillt•tittil theiiiiice. - ts - .. i . p 7.50; :rettir- iY,lret. sutya, e'er. 4 b f a ll d o . w s s l Itsu r, cA t e t docud p SLel7; p ommon :3 J l O 1140 $l5; interior, .11014. •- sat CaLvem—Ylrat ouitlity, 'per pcmuil, Ile le lec; onliaurx,,lfqllc; couituou,titici.hilerler, 14044. i . r hcai. 17BeSi . rikirtr A i SD LA xllr, iut p 6 5 6 3 ; -.-,, -.•. .'-. ,-: . ~•• • •. ..• . .:. ai , • , ":it kvo N a-,-I,sea uferor,a4prei med4ag(lli . - Llitatvyvrn-real. 'M IlTh loieneilloV;lWlO3 e maskat for Rear' exult) tswittiOtlt ,I.E.Ci ''''''''-. ,I 'd. e i T', "F...rl'llll:LtV;,,litrhiuTrlL"l..! 6 1111 . "-;-... - . N 51.. 4 11." • 9 .17)N - : 1 4 t .4bout. lae,t, vevelCa:- tie r S , al.' '. -. .tllfoigli the uti tube rof &ALI on poloalo4 lll A e.,41 ti. larger propoytlint of . cuttie 'Were _Put ketii.utti - c elittt InUille:iinailAtiti'ereutticr not-;. hew , . eo exces.itvely mini, prices woulil Luxe • .' leek, hiviher.- yeitisSeorclutlecttasolnnilpriciat i. INSt week- :_*itedp.i, -And launtis sehl' quite, briskistitt troll,' hp. , ,•,' .; -alte• Oill'oreoLteados, varying , ' flood !ONO I •• - holO•omalerately laatertn,tidOrts!s-the very nn •• • !-' o,oral•lo rvtato•oeteKrovatbee.... 'pal total ri- , volpts otoll. slot:1i a,.nt .all s , inn }Midi, loe thIS , • vlriol:•satal-'latt;leectri: **rev - At Alleriort , a—. • .Nenvel , .. a,%1; coot , BO ealv . ea, Pi; Sitl43plaild tool*. at.' At Deowntrio'a—lloevoa, 401 rows; - ' 70; veal ealvw, -it; sheep. , snit lambs, NIUU. • • - At Ogfrients—euice,'.! i i" calves, _ool ,l lcett and i lamba,AO.' 111,141iiimbtrItaus-116evet,%;Itows, • :^I,-veal calves, tat; slump null Luuts;7 - ..,but. To _" loot Otters slleext—leoves,lTiA calvea.a.OoOftevp ..,. ' : giFi.l4lu.'fatNittg"t.,A.irral:.gg!.rz---t,tiv,.,‘.., ,- ~... ~.:„.t it, t.,„ ......;,: 1a .„ C f r ...ig., , , L '.- 1 ,- '• • ' '.l:l.llVe'l,, iir.7; e ' I.tiTlielr;ll,l•ll.aul a ; 1. 7 1 1 :i19; liaise, i '- ~... New. Nazis VA.ollnealgfrirel., ... AY: Yong:Jolilt;-Cottoin: Ural, at Bcamc :for °mi.:lw upllttute:,:"Floor dall, , bean and 10gr2r.4 lowan) ea,vg0,4 0 3 for ortarL-titaet 404.30@ ' . '.10.00 for er.tra-;rOuoll-lioop-OblO; and 11it0.0.5* . 12.0.1 for .tratlajbruilil4 smirker:. dosing 011. , -:- . IVlkte.e gate. lit'V., - .W. - f0r 2;15 wobtonl. Ito. or Wite....4, -nada; -nfiirlt.ot .74121 V, -.... ...ittwer; a210.1.0:01,13.4. nt t.1.,1u for no w. No. 1 tilt. ~,,,osotwor;43;00 for (.0W umber dersoy". um-eipt. ~.-)44llyoorninnlrlyti' is Sessi . , sad drooping. ' "Itsi:eititS of' Bareyolonov llarle7 11,-litilL Bap : - - leyitl....is . .11111 ood. rlovainni. Tieggipt, of ;. . - .:-.;'fitiLZrlgtiocilgc-IMil'ilfgrAl'3,.- - ::olf:5 1t0,040 tius..at. 62505Ze.,)f0r unsound 7114' -,'; Ot.l'A.M4,.rt--:ifioglnefr:oxiiti....witl.- .dilixoebepa:;cita 6 iir';r4.:lnoOgo, and triC '- - for- hoodoomo. _MM. , tzoll-JoirroY• . giro dolt:, 7... -...;.... .c.itep‘ tirIll; Cuitri 'OA - 11.1;0 IZio Cu. private tsru,al. .yogar oulotxocttltebAlyiSitiCS 473 hluls.. ". --.,-,.• ' gabs :lttscorood'i4,lo,lgtgic; and :AO boxes ' u n ity.llriv 4124. Molloses.qtnot.. ' MIA . wilt*: ~..,...,,..11,14014144% crop. TOtrceearrlarrir,ll/41.•.Z.4.,...1t,t0 for, .-orodo, mod Seir..oo for -reline& tit' binici. , POrir. „,-.1 - - . )...z.vs,,rold lowort len .11-.40,11.37ki for 'IOW 11309 . 0,! •' - 7. 0,02.1t,gmt 01;60 forreittOor.:4ASOCM,lo for old. ..,... , ~ , 10.;•101(1 V-400aW:Olor Prituo. Iteof steriAly;, . ' 0.-04.121,r.10 for ricivr plitu itiolta.o.4.rtrAf glor. ' = ,t.."-..''..'tflligtTiMe;.l3,4l;,44- for stioalthrs, %utiiitliti4trafis4sL 1114, ..- .licalr, &ill fit 186,4,14. , --- - - a' ,^ 1 1 ,,,Ta50" for OltlOVood . /0 4 . ,0- . for Stato. C4r.ovit dui! Said Itrw94-0,6.611c.....,- _______ . . 1. • : s Detrolt:lstiobar- ---ittas-tte :,t.4.• . •, our marl et Pintoottially 'without 'ebauce. , ,--:‘• - I frao• - otataao bas been quieted; down 'settle. !,.1v1 1 4; a Mato of things arni4b, le pot .reffrettOd es• 4tealerf. tit it wilt give-thee' an opportual.. • --!,,-.-..•7.7.-1,,!•:,.-vvzt; ssircrcruorctlsit;siulty tigtoof - ,tot in,' when', rn tho opiniO ' n of those best Reim . r'•:'-'itt.7.3lra'iligitit"4., liVlT4.7tagccr,„l,dvaneoe will tvt that, atom the, atoelia Me light in; e - '' 'yards generally: thrnagboor, the country.. the_.' ~......, . demand will be very largo for building par-,,...„ ......-:,:. ,"(iur.r.d.,:•141 ibis city there aro more sizees for . . ' --- ~.- ...t...buildina.‘aos•bt contemplation than at , any --: --:- -. ./01-14.erpp1i.04.-‘-trOpn,..lcily 14. • ',.t. .i.,, , ' , . , . = f., i-,........-,-Lo. .....•;-..,-..-....::;. '..., ..,t.3.904,4,11.1110 ptitfo Itlaricet. . • ~, -Vnitittetray:Solutylo:—Tao iattlo Market ' ' '.--.'ContinUcti. 7/1111' but-W.log ate' father hiabstt .- • . ...,,, :, tys-log 4o theiight reacipta.,Whleit wily reach ,- newel ISA heath , Extrriureraelling at iili.gis •':-j .'',..., : cents,' fair to good at 16fill. errata. and tiilU.e. '.........'"----,p:r ill forcoul moo; sa Os ittott l tY - • ~,,1 ,•- -". ' l'-•'.' • "slice tiro 16' fats 4letnaud, at lOrwer rates;: Soda bead arriviti foul sold at finis' 5a5, , ,.0 per jl'-',-;•S;4qoi, PA,VE,4-!;,lt'Atlttigiiitgf::iid laii - d Sold - at ',;.: T'' • ";7 - -tbdailtareat yarcls at S14011:501.13e - HO lbws ott, ~,,• li,iatakillog-A-10textittat:1411...,f- , f , ',.. - ! , ',•: , .., , ,;-,i,e: -,, a1 t441 . 04.ct .',-.".,.:' ditorsat.o4.4alY-17,-rour CM et•••:-W.Jseat..iiiii; '.. , - . .-i i : i: Z2Villltir.ll4;.eciniair curly _i a .„ j ~..-: . .pneat :la loe'.'rei:ewooltilt-7401114144Ogi!&-,,I ~.1 )',.lrigigt•Sitibtr4e..ll,(Mta liLl.it;•,y andAtiiitetpi 0, ' sit , -...=.;•.": nntditliiiifor....No-,:r-Oilenif e-,..--Sarloyolo'd Bye, . ; •-•,..• _ ~_ :-: •,,, , - -.-notattotil ;g0ti.7,,...24 ,...4.4ri1,...4....w.tut r : ,-,..,'', .-,;:;. ,-- :,11,3""0.(1:,rinitOt. - 'J:Y. , s.:~' ,- ?* ,;-, • ..3 .:,...•.: -.' ..:,......q,:,..,..,7i ''-',-...."......-'........F.:,..4,14`,,,, i.,,,, ~1 4 , ;?.. ',.M. ;,;I{l:!i",tiPli,lliftlgiN•o4lPrltlF,..^ i 7..--.tiZvrikir., -4oly our4rirf;•vlleattiii=', *'4l"::Fe.i.tiial;.saivollt"4Tl9:AOT 2. " °. ' /,;"' c•orn 51 4 e. 1 01P4'.7.'":...,-,; : " - . .„.„:.;.,//21:...T ,_„.,. ,f4s-::,,--i-_.:*-- , ' , .. ,, - -4, ' L:.:- . • iq;::- Eal x - :;s: a ^ ~ ~.: ,:=,;- :~ ~ § ~~\~~» -,- ~3: <,:;: _. .~7' k • r .silkirtstOW_ll ...:• ""---77----, •••• • - , • -- -- • Ofinfelnor'stfePriaitimarrOacarst / - . - ~.•,.... - TETADA July 17,1936. i The river has undergone twt, little change 1 ea mdleats : titillesiud Stagnation which hare pre- • since our 'flat report, the Pier Mar - - T iedrai for some daps past still continue; 8 88 1 trig about thwenty Inches last et-lining, The ,z4o.lWoduco markets Instead o f im p,ing are ; weather continues excessively hot, the mars -rotitioiicorso., It seems almost impossible to I nary indicating trout alto Olin the abide dup. inures nytkini 3 OwLug to a want of confidence ' lug the day. Towards evening it became \ chiefly Lind a strong breeze sprung' el). which EitiVOrkilit 4V:it-With= all. there are no Mai iittion,ilivieseitot . 81 iiooB,BBB,tB Improve _ cooled the atmosphere temporarlty,and ghoul • there was a 'Mg t Ahdarestellinetuirate hard been, very , • 5 o'cloc k o slight sPri Inkling of rain, 1 but it only lasted a moment. p minify forioind,dayhplastk. In Toledo Wheat At We umin landing business may virtually bee' L deelitiON' fieln SS', ti3l6iientiii,dr bush el, be corusiderod suspended. The Monongahela. , _,- ..... • , _,.._,• .........- sh o rt RiVer pact - eta continue to run regular_ly and While irCaidanor_NO-.. ulirma_l2l,ltt a ,,, a ,r. th e Gallatin , Capt. Carlin°, said the Rbele ter. rime:since WaS•varglog ,17 . ..;'' ,. !•x 'Ts. i n Capt. Phillips ; ; Ere -the • • regular packets for nowdooted at 41,fd to---rg -The -• dee! no ~,,„ Brownsville this evening, leaving at 6 iPclock. Thwrittstiurgh and Zanesville Packet Julia, , Wneat has of conrse gi*enPleur aoolack e,..u --,-One fromtheittleets of-which it is not likely ans been eh • stored, mid as now plying in the nobs 10 r ecover .:, Wkeellng and _Parkenibttrig trade. , ... ~.ft:MUSO-iFirinsfidtatidtirately actfra briPon. 8 ,,,0 8 :Ash • The cane of tne steam boa t Bpray,:Whiell was changed:: Sales of / 0 tows common and, _ 1.-„,,, seized home days since on the libel - of 'T. M.• at ti - - a tang 'llolinea: ditto "'nu . ; t 7 ;r -- ; Park*ell and others, WB5 18WILtrt betbrti'.lhe U Pearls at 1.54. - i ,• ... • , ~..• •'' ••• ' ••,_:• - ........•.•„,; : di ~,, 8 ce,,m . y es terday . 10 ,,e0u, • g . , ,pbB. lBBl .oBi v i r - - as . : 4 l .th llnL ao l i t Wh ve bee i,,Oi t om no t t in v i nsa ues c u''''' on s fl lje, - -ysi -- , having, made . _ _ hia_wililltt_h_etlinikutd dttly„ at •it la imposziblo to give quotations.- No 1. Uhl. K 600„.. th e aoatiftei welion9 l Wo efellittel lox raga Oats are offerMg in °aerator .a.t. and I.2ol_tbel...maYli th eu.o,,laulltirirtnnta. ordered ilnd but - rim-buyer& Prune White _Oa may ; ;Minim Mir k eguill.acoouri.. ,t was orde red . bo 4 c u rlo 4 roeo l• - bl i cher' ir m 14 - d'al" • •Manfintlidne libellant* and retUnt 0 ' the S lades rom store anal a, neer ing toi ,_., Were zu pert an Cluein g:witty., Bee lefleaffolllo.lltyo. ar, 04 8 ,1, 00' nail Th e folirrywkingaybog_B4.4„,:- ..._.: t 4 _sane. ousuprimowestetti ditto 'VW& •• No move- ang,i 7. 11 4 0 , . 4,...,..i0ck, .. Pickett , kimee,olo, tr.ent In Barley or litickarboat. - • Erwhi, Plne ~_- PROVIBIONd-Bscon in arm but, wiebpaired. ilit l' d, - Enima " - ' 4 " .30 '. l, ';Or i ar Vol• • Batlor, 'in ilistnitianaldillibteritll tOTlMfOrMlicruldera ab.„reilas,_ _ • , iy ... to so for,;;BWlAtrabedie,Bdiandeniatetiudl2s4exfor r, Byer ... ~,..,tar.licAtenatireinetomlneingthritii..o-, Gastef f calcimin e . say .A s b t rax,,,, , The .Porledoll andnominaL • - it for heal:mine Saturday, with about naa FLOURsrladrill and weak, and a round lot tows freight, including 815 Worlds pork on , could be - parch:seed eta Material reduction. Liorernment account -• . . : -.., ... ~,., • ttilittlrimar ven.r:ttom stare; prices have tun. StrAlrnesT _Earantssnat Com:mums A i • Maginiebutlittiiiehanges-ao to all for boring Loris v: ....v.-The proceeding's of this tumor - . WZ31.31015 ter,WW,lerg and ell to pi for.. taut convention at Louisville was brought to fan brands:l ~..-: -• , •,, ft close on Thursday. The most perfect bar .. _ ..MED-aarepOt•ted,in.“ool.deinand mony. prevailed during the, session.. The cons Isuktehillrig.upiiard:,.: Sainotienilieconds nt R esolved, • tneinlinotisly Tainedithe session .. 4 ,944 and I car Middlings a t sl,tti. Resolved, That iu consideration of the .-PltiifdiD-Brilinef pigs at Mari. • , atringeneY of the steamboat law in regard to ••,. p a c k d , tiroderallidetnanct safiffte in engineers, that as a matter of jut dice to the for , packed, le ,firta hands:- Salo or a kegs craft that the law in rellktrd to the Maratha , - prime, in s e , nds, at 'M. ' turoofteillerslron be stillbtly enforced Against. • EGOS. ,, Dttliraxid irregular, sale* - being re- alt manufacturers of boiler-iron, for the rim portal - 16141 a: ... ~ _, s • , son that It has become eemMon tor mane's°. Pc OEn-ils little betternun unchanged. timers to !stamp bollerstron-entlndy Vegard li r e en nuolti . quote at ikt,Tsos - Per tibl. lOW' of its quality, as being charetall • Lfom-in 1 - ' - 3. ILATSSiIf Walling sr 037@19•• for new, and aid conformity with ' the lair. or Cangres s la iv• , ales Medi a ,. 43.41,:m711511m • .(1 . 1 ) 30. , . gal , l,4to b t.hat material. 'bit B. Kr Jr resolved, That each local James MitiMiety,, , • assileitition tie Instrnated to mettiorbill Con- Nathaniel Rolm., rxitaaiiii*u fritsither itAisuci. grew for the enforcement of We a eve men- gr,,itaeke.p.... S,* - -: li -- ', _..• _••',.• •7: 7 , - - " ' tinned lawi believing, as we do. that all Pa' c. W'. Itilltetson pea of the:ones ,s, 41.1. -- :::::ps I NKIF (wig& Przrestracni dAZlrriis t 'releener% and t attention =when the boilers ,• . • ..., •.,.., ~.Tcriatar.July 1.7, 1350 • . ,„,,-- construet;fl of Material of inferior - ...,;oi.O. 00...-...-Theroureao new gbarect.eriatimi finality. - .• • ..• :,- „1 - :iri tip Brudonarke4irtittbypf opeoutiotlce. All experience has demonstrated that In the Tbindateilid Oral:leen some what- restricted, TnTtr.rorl'n.ga Irtc'emtrorl=tf hs l e= leidMtit*Wildnnßingtiiii *ripply iii iluthiodlng7; I rvin '- holler., we !finst irotaof very. Inferior • iilight:indtheredro no Mdicatlotta eV' pres. rtlity, frequerAty,inttOuvrtnixit=z•co:„ ni:re, One of itnyliierMated arrivals , tfle :^ `"—thet• eau' :11:1"tliker‘r1Ceat I:rem:wally try off at We nisi clues dell Will negleeted,whlle prices have un- ;,low of the hammer, after Meaking off inflate ,dcrtione no essential change:- We continuo to o f 0 , 8 8 0 88 8 .. This canno t 1 . ,,, 0 „,,,,,,, , i b iu‘ quote - at nett bbla returned ratd lefSl,7, b bia the trim is of good quality; and gunk afahheld .lnehided,aceonaing to grav ityand Orono may be used In We couvrruction of the boiler. 'DO rePrWe aWS the "tre TheB - ° 1 t4 e 'l n n tic " It Doing the object of this Convention to fur. attifi•of ferrhaebto arrive, at le 'eta. Thee° Is sish sate, reliable, and competent engineer/I, wie hafirvelnent to note le regiird to the gett ers' tone - urine marketa in:ttat cast, Lind wo we hold that we are entitled to boilers mile of good material; and when now boilers are to preant)lnt i rt, OW same remarks Will apply tO be construetcd Many port where thew is a : t.Tutle at a - wells, although viola , o no defi -into reporta from there. . ... : -11•EPINBD-another foreign steamer lias ars local Inspector, the iron and rivets of ouch boiler. shall be Inspected and approved of by him before such boilers shall be built-pi ovis 'dreg andher olinews Ls - reported trafavorble , -0 0 d 0, 0 thspecto, Mo., no ?MS , ~,,,mino,,,, Thfalblaralilliot to to joined life or to make such inspection he may deem nes itnituatiort Wolff aireudybrokendown and - de- „„,,,,, r y. \ Moralized•Market,but, on the cOntrary, ll ...a.- have .a . tendency to still further denreas, It ; audio thing Were possible, and stagnate the trade both for crude and refined... _Thera was 1145 - ti: tingle' operation in bonded oil to-day that we could: hearhf, and yesterday's writes 'could „not ...be, realised . to-day. On Monday there was a rale of 500 bins for September de livery in Philadelphia, at 39; and it said , that, ' tbere was a sale of WM libia,, there, for Wen same Month, at. Mk No movement trfree oil. AIIitIVALS-•-Thero bas not been n single a r drat of oil by the Allegticay River since our last report.' Messrs. Waring 3. King received Winds from i'Stalts Ferry" and 1). lily te etered a car load qn hi the P. F. , W. A C. It. It. .tind'lC - .slo.latcherta, Sabbis. .A.ILLEGRENY CATTLE MARKET Orme* Or sire Prreistrann GsSorra, Tarsi:mi. July 17, lerSt. CATTIX—The • stipple . 'of cattle woo again light thls week. not exceeding six nundreu bead, but the demand was also very much re• atiltitel, and and the Market ruled dull na neg _ . looted, and soma nine or ten car loads . were lestover unsold: -In consequence of the ex •ce•SSively hot, weather, the butcher:l bought • very sparingly, and, ctimparatlvoly speaking, I.thero , Was no demand for shipment. Of the -;;:attle offered, the great bulk were from Ohio, aoutc, lOW from l'ennaylvania. and a drove r' 1,041 frOtnXilliciagil. A few weeks *Mee nearly atr the cattle. .oflarell in • this market were bonglitancbiesigei but qualityr•drs, sp. pears; Mtn; buy seater ofeatile at ro. lativolsrlower figures nearer home. As will bo:segabrrofcrencato.the sales, _good to ex cattlellold irtfrObil3 to 8}4,. - crosS very Dirsel fat lthg Wove giligeNortille medium ' grades brought ' :roux. 7 to 7}4.. Stock cattle may Do fairly quoted at, el to 6%,,adoorilingva to ty and condition. Inferior sold at tram '5,4 to —for rough stags and bulls. Messrs. Marks Velum= report having sold as low as 'Sy • Ami 0:11 , -Wolfe disposed orseMo hulls stg‘,4-• 1311£,EP7:here was a- moderate supply of Shrop;:and With fair demand tho market roled steely and hut week , a prices were follr wastalno, '.llle quote at sto 5% per pound, grOrajOifitir to spied, and 8 to 04 for _prime to extra fat mutton sheep. Lambs May be .quoted at from 43 in SS per bead. Mutton is now the cheapest meat in market , and, fortu nately Itjas regarded us Atte most healthful, being r eeoutrnended daring lhe Season it, prerMemeo to either Beef, Pork or Veal. ilOtiS--There Lit next to nothing doing m this class Glee at theta yards Soule es etoallartles In a retail Way, and we quote nom inally at 10 to 10%, groSs. • utrearalleaLreS Or °ATMs. Greenwald Is Kahn ietallod 75 head at 7 to 1 6 ,i; Itothcidlds Inliert, 40 head at 714487,;,, liesiewood a Co., TS heat iVitt,elLi Joon bexviinsoldlil bead for RearleWoixt it Co. at 7,46%; I.l • Wolfs,* head mixed Otdo cattle 474t03164 'Myers at 'Seedy 97 head, and bier rick & Ltou - d Itimas & limas wholesaled 61'. head of extra Ohio steers to Shamberg, averaging MC lbs at on per head; retailed le head at to;ils,. Oliver 11111e11 frhOle.6.llC 3 to ks & "Tome. I man 33 head of fairish western cattle, averag i ng about MO, at 7.10. !darks & Triter:nen sold 13 heed of pretty good stock cattle to Walls, averaging sr,at tiesheal to lit Tors Needy, and retailed 8:3 bead. atr3Al • Wails glafferty retailed 80 head of Illinois wade ut7% tB%; John 11. Glassßand bead at Peoria. stOelc steers at 5 to had 18 beadle& over. • ..Etaertela'& Co. had 53 bead lett over. .. . • St. Leal* Market. 1 03 disi ' , WS' - 17 —Flour in fair demand nod Zia lower on medium low grades; 50c OR best qualities; Nidele on extra spring; tdrixle or; cams WI. Red 10%0141 , 4e 013 doable extra. Wtaint-ileallued. &Wee; good fall, WA Prima. eporta74.., chow', -raPi3s. Corn—White palace. eleEkka mixed. }chow, Wpm, omi, .drobaing, at tedVe . Pork uociannged. .13aeoe easier. alocaldora, lac. Clear aides, ely,OW4. Whisky active, at 61,1910.,N. ' • ' • 14, chicaao e • ClacAoo, July 17.—Flonr dull and declined •f. 541 se. 'Wawa. unceitled,-and -dealuied 1436;1; elites at .a 1,131144113. for lio. 1, and 500-for ha. Coin - active and advanced "JelreSici Wes at f 3 .14 ..647e for No. 1, and /1161151001;!f Yam litill'aod declined. lc; sales at 14',4 for No. a0d;t1f111%o for N 0.2 Provisions a aIL - • Kew Orteitua Market. nos Otti.smst. Jnly V.—Cotton ilrm; stiles I,eko bales 10e/middling 3.-Mte; to-dere re oulPte. U 7 'bele% teeelpfe,tor tour days, fte tears, - IX7 Met to'eek; exports, 5,767 battuivek.els, %DAM trales. Steel in g, Nos ISort; Illetuttleu, put. 'Si PreMiniP, Freltruts m; New York,tl; Liverpool, ,14. Telledlo BlLorket“ Tommo, July 17.---Flour doll and declining. Wftedt-dull audliolowortosace of Amber et 61,1e'Ner.'t /LIMY& VA. Cornwetted° drmeret for MtY. 1 tnlziel; 78c for No.l white; O. TWO*. -Vote 101oirIT. lako freiglate dull and notidnal. July 17.-1 cox 0a0,1.11. Volgt &co; I car wheat J SlAggett & Co;learryo, Vim Volgt &' co; i 4o ;10. .1 S Squall; I Com staves, Italya & li.obin -60-P.n7"lc7ltTluortibo'llr7l..Lal"WitAgillall"tuun;247“"pAlcga°;:urtlL ell', ' 4 110 ell" ti ,LeuzifiG 11110 011 , Iv ilictattehoort; Otos hams, 1..' -II ,Volgt & co; I Ux. tobacco, t ,14:_glitiTi,117.:11xlniser,r igr:' :14X, ..,,,,.........n..0., smut, a co; Zr 2 bias dour, -Shornakar & pout; 1 car ryo, Culp & Shepard; AcplaisSour, C 11 tomb. . , Cl,ovor.Asla Aso ri.rilloclM ILAILIWAO. ..111uolV5..1atabormcrel&0511reir&I, 4 11 Ctit , 4 1. ri \ V01d...,....,... -.1) Illy ;UM do; Vearhog &It g; 1490 . !pes vrator_plpe, H U 0011ina111. pugs tobacco , shit:don ft - W Litman 10 hhd• ba ton, 11, IS Townsend; BO airs corn, Culp . it Shop; ard;lool4dsiloM,Seghsuyar S Volotomp; lo ibbla appiti, rotior, Aiken & SOcoard; 10u luto choose . , that a Molter; 10 dodo,' C Jenk ll / 5 4 100 VA* limo, King & co;:o bbls sand, Bryan, - 1V ullf er & toOte bra startlitS ilouralton; to do d0,›.115,9:03i0r,5*00 lb coI5O , Ins Cheese, Potter Moon & Shepard; 101.1.1 oatmeal. Voila & co; *Pat ebuoier 6 COVeri Itar corh, It'Kuox & Son. datsonsiv .82..ari0rr,.. "KW K.„..4r, b c , x 6,l obccse:Lialitriiii-llldclici W bga wheat, Core, /Coy it Noble ;13 mrs torn. al. Steel & Son; oats Omen. Lewis, - Ilail&& ,Dalzoll, I - cox oats, Owens, lieunedY & per; -140 do, It. Knox & Sou -, IS cars mated, Liculau,7 & MCCUtChCoily 4 do whcat,Acusicdp & Bro. lesiva Wes, MO gat '2E FribissOitil.' do do, tiorriptini a Co. la iloz' braccrarl' near it -10 40 do do, Wm. Seddon; 4 dos tubs,,Jas.o,llanion. I ..ppritatraort;CouranitraamoCisoiwirvii 11. E. ~Tu:l7-33)Pbla Mar, Kirkpatrick b, Herron ... but dry apples, 5 bble cgs* . 1 / 1 . IV Itrinaln; .1 lulls,bromus, It Dalze.ll 4 co; 41 do do Arbukica Sent 1 cars wheat, Wander.; 3 Cara cora Am niona Scott; 1 do d6;llUmore, 'Simpson & urn 1 cat Acrop IMO T latilotiogrioOtaKa.ilour, Jaw Gat-dinar; 33 bbl. 4 tiro May, QS ilo lino; 05 Mils ,1. , JI Volgt A oo,„. _ . , ll_TptE COU k R I F O ° F t r l u TeSters=ral airlikitdo a i 07. al,w2.°.7A.lLlger fa; gritator,ttra. tin% aim tun InqubdttOn- mod., In anew ..p . tannedlnoa,anto : ' , grunt 11 onto on hero 'and' parties latorested to MCI and appOne ?oittoottp natd Von ro,on vd-16,:itviek. Ahi....vegtor:reise to Oceatt4 Unroll Y. Co l Oo th er ru al.l 4 .11CY0521 notantliAttt, OdtWarlialatbe Adrottotten...f he Conzia or tau t ottanonstoattb,,.ay,adratatacoon t: -ondoco NITA fotalx.anontatdoO''atotanlu:the ritssf•-.- f.? ° gati ul 't "Zigtr u lf. 4l t „ . . • atiO iVtiolaaa l o:tOn feetlOneri • BM MI BMIt NEWS. p..-,v7zg _ PITT SBURGII, BUOWNS VILLE ADD OP.NZVA U.S.YAM 30.r1e CIPA/MEP Vail rue three426e33:E daily aide-wheel ateamers between • l'ittabargh, MonougahriaCity‘ Brownsville., Bleels LaMdleg, tireenstroro, Canova and the Dun/WU Olt 'legions. This line ts composed of the follaWing steamier*. FAYETTE .• • i; CAPT. M. A. COX. ..... ....CAPT. Z . ....CAP, W. .D. 11 CA lBiliEld. FRANKLIN.— ......... ... BALM) I.3ALL AT IN .. ...... ...CAPT. A. S. 11,S: Them pa, Win leave Pittubersti dairyt a. ud r.„!t0qc.11."4"-wbsP..d""!`"" Th :Ill e through packet Tor the 011-BegiOnli 741111ehys Pittsburgh daily al Ip. Brountairllle dull at • m. ItartirtninG—Leaves Flroschsville [or Fittaboksh dally at 7a. ro. and 4 p. Leave* fireettaboro goad Gamma at 12. ltied's Landing at 2 p. The line le composed of first-class aide-wheel steamers, bye uxpressly for the trade. They are commanded onicurs of loug experience, Who will hay particular attention to t ell Wad com fort paeseni.,•ers. rile hosts will leave proniptly at the hour advertised letiEttiliTU BP.CEIVAI) AT ,tht. nouns, • For further particurg a At the Wharf-lltoah foot °ill rant st., I. COLVIN iii. Agent, my11:bill0 ilroweiville. Mt. pEorims, OEI4. LLNE OF STEAIIIERS, ( ttacoaryaßATED.):. , • Minato...O. Monond held OGyGeneva ..Browas- vine an This tiompsar will run a daily host between the 'ir:ereertieTm. rrtflitgrtTl.tr Bn i . 7: " I=D commander, and'al.Ecyron, BADICat rinuars, commander: (The Elector Is iow:taltig erinigileted and will take her place in the nue ha a few.days-) at n il ftrT i'vrrktr PlirttitelrargghS.ll ivirm .51 D 'AT'Vh:Pa?.allrtri;IttErAW i g Mau r. and Brownsville at Ir. st. ' The , Elector leamm 1101i1tAk . .IrEDIMWAY t'!.4 Ptf,lDANitarll6.l.>Air"rlllPlWaraitj, WM Via)* r Va. st. anditroirtmlile at 44. V. '1 he Company hare a b u nt-010000 Wharf Boat st Monongahela Ott and Pittsburgh. l'ltelght re ceived at all Lours. Iko charge for commission on tine tern freight, This tine Irill not min hosts on the Sabbath. Wor further particulars enquire on board, Or to JirtiN S. 1.1..1iN INtiti all. Agent, at Itte Wharf BOAS root or Grant street. Mblnisted THE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine FLUID EXTRACT SAIIaStiPhMLU COMBINED lodide of Lime, PLIZPAILED POll G. W. 11147ES,130GTON, James R. 'Nichols & cuisxuwrs, lulo...curagi B oi rrx, ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARS I= Prot. - nide . 01 trait, Which has become so layorsiay known as • • Tonic fits& Bistorative, Cy . rny.t.i.;.• add hieittalsla'OU parts toast?". ty The new preparation,. ”SAUSArAliTiath. COll DINATION ;FMK la/IDM Olf Pre.n is dne dram thsetPrfthinbaltersthre annum. in a form capable of exerting /all wilion liven the system. and this to minute and pleitaant dotes. It I. conceded that the alterntive: reehlveni: dr tonic effects of ludme. are exerted most dceldedlr when thsoclated with other alteraat, condithation; and the Sarsaparilla seems to lth perfectly ill the Womble requisition. The lint elect Usually obserradirlasst .tliAltlile ?Alit Lids WWII lODIDE or LBW , to taken, to an Utermanol apintitee abowlng Mon ; d lias tool* iiroj:ertim ors marked :barmier. Ito alterative nri nets are moodiest In lissom:lf combination with the blood and tlssuel. dole, eciMntiOns women and children Impreee reiltily: :11244 .. ite am, and tho el. Ma Tonotione stomas biliddlyinineddloil. nib lid:nimbly allantellto.ninells nulaberof chron te or faeluni+ adMillolio.vttiou*An clindron. it Is mined to %beim. botlilbyttkadldneti euld elillobleml of bingeing dieting thipiellenlltiiiillinlins form of tbssomody.. li ,*y t!_.i. Elvatl* A l ' in g P eri°4 \ .tiers Confidd:rin ed Inflanneseitin dallied. end no bSinusallep.lertellointlinatltin tO i their/ruin encountered. In Whinellwolllngs,l;; ; ,,iffre. lolnl i lda• nun', and Dlotortknoof tliti Splne,ll.s eAVeldibo W en peralidently; in Igmtiyau• '40.0g; -pOll. tellidia Qible a l n eifle *S:,in 'i: - Szi: ...L.,. ."2. - . .., in the i Sprhis of the'lliestr, Add during the Warm , Weather. • 'l'll al:cub:MAUl* of MOrtiia iiitt6rt in 11101‘1 1141 I memo eie'beeoine mialltitt and.ery troublesoll/C , I,.aasttnds; Ileadacilm,: Bolls, 'Costiveness. letollinti jillpetitn; thins to the lolatiaridijdothilliallun IN net comma. ~/Cotbing , arty crowd Is Uttar "ads.o44 y. itlAantaite, At iirr0. 0 40 5610 i iNc l a kell - than Ala now combination .- of sAltiniyOu:LLA Wllll WEILDE OT delblE. • • i• -i i . i, . Noinneuestklit llto 11. Oelanndleill9rou . finals/I° 'Altsiat,hre or Blood Ptirilar hae mr bearsbaens*gee4 solthl** reach actiritiell tag. indecd.:liiiisr eittratOeirliud urammo .ecnotlq MDR, tu,no:irre..!,xoexpvit iftooyea: '4.4 ;I , The warden of rot:Otani mew sonossnlind it. Ina neserllnton.of are nbeurtealsetrionsar. tbefiapeutla value. manner ...lie. eta., are 'lien In a earetdar. winch tan Oa ban a; tbe store of sny and first. Clau Druggists'. • . ror sale in ritliburgb by U. Z. Btlst.gal l (0.. Aim; maxiains., mitangwyr, _ 11V40 Ex TIL4MT . 01' P .• ~SARSAPARILLAS " eoinb#lol-01th iodide Oridnia! 4 ' • Bold it t®w,it bt =No, 01.110'0i-0.041 • MOWS 4: )8:111, H A Y t.a r. RAKES a FiCa*i4 ma , ar.Not... : ;a g 44l:- tatpm - th . - •` • " 7 AO -.41110.71"t4"1".,;741V jAn etAle* z• 100 walk sor.ara.-.., _. • MEE ITII . MURK& minmPlazzum • Hartford Fire lasarasea €olPash • swigs. • • • • • siri t Wk iki ne . sectcrea in the aDo►e n'inied JONINL Arad. townie:steam two eau, ALLEGHENY INSIDLINCE CO. OF VITTEINEIBOIL—OIace. No. 17 Fifth dreet Bank Mock. intolTo4l4l4Est W , ilndo.of Intessol Maine Uloksl JUH_4 I 8 V j a., CrealdeaL JOHN D . Mc~UxD . Vice PaealdEDL. QaDA WH. D DISBIROSS : Jain D.llGrOorel. - Harvey tar. ,121orkluson. Cart. Wio. De m, Jam Irwin. Jr., Bro. 1). Iltelrerr. B. I. Yabnestork, nowt. Dsrlo. WESTERNIENSUILCSICE CO" OF nzWirtilt HOUCK. President. (limo e l luardE irgarai,e AK ent. Mite, YS Water street. Spang Co. m i re Muer. np stairs, rittat , 4%., Will Instate all %lads of Me and Marine Wa, 'A house Inelittition managed by Directars erbe are well ktaown to tbe community, and who are determined by promptness an d liberality, to Main tain the character which they have esautned, as dr' wing the beat protatiften to .tbose desire to be insured. Au DIELCTMei. itrow Darla Et. Lvog, Rea 3,TbOaru. Chu. J. manta 44..hn 81,Cuu.6 Jtanaer. t ~ f patter . - L it 4.lrE iV Niqtatritutuorogicrya I ' l°4 etaiPA " um.ot Lire INISUIcANCE COMPANY fN reittliStiralo% tiMtlirj.s payment of .peemlnut. Its CASH CAPITAL, an so wt cumularam of V.,003,03), Is ricarety invested In nob. . n o gado anis mortgages of BEAT. KSTATIL lets now In its lath sear Of baldness, and bar paid to the -Aancgra „mg, unritAng or it. mttmbers the (Um o CNN MILLION DOLLARS. .To thb data net a gn u% ease of litigation bas occurred, an arldeam that liberMig and fair &spud bra ayeetalty RILh Vapoliers . Of gonayarg are not orfeltedlry reason of ros-pament of premium after Um mcond Year. No Pigments repaired alter ten rears, but Pflto 63 .."1 1. "S ° fro°, 4 ) , , ,frq Kfr- J. C. WALKS:S., President.. N. B. PALMEN, Vice President. s. H. WHITE. deeretary. ' Branch Oates for Vleatern keringleards, Attie and black Applications will te Fifth street, rlttatrarrti. Wstyl Rlntcd ji u . r ife:ll l lll. 4 ., latt.AAPAtt.w AMERICA N -oitTru LIFE:INSURANOECOIAPANY. • Widows and Orphans , Fund. PUESIDENT-IE. D. !MORGAN. '.3h. 63 Filititaus • St:, mw York aECE, TAUT—a: W. EICEEMILL. B.A. TINDALL , IlLikdieed Examiner E. T. 0 0 013._ , SPECIAL AGENT FOE WESTERN , 67 Fourth gt., Pittsburgh. -AGENTSVANTED. mr0.0.6.1, FENNSILVANIiINSITRANCE CO OF PITTSBURGH, PA. °Mee.= Fifth Streektlank Block, tasuresegolott b' IMOVATI WALT,M Prtsl.l.ll- C. U. t ce TONVAWAI:I==. I.....rdwv...:—— L riorwabo, R. V. Doyle, eo.Nr. Velum. Robert Planet. J. 0. 1...pe, Jsoobriallier. J. O. rattier. jJoutl.sub.tilizgrik., 1 J A n . h Ar... n Yoe:N . lo'. kl.ary Sproul, I pEopLEOB INSURANCE CO. OFIROL. N. L. 0011.14 =WOOD I.liD 111714.113 axnuro Cnipt. John L. lawa.ls. .I=clP.lnbrlner. Jonn John G. rune. Jong 7. A ll r l=on. Capt. J. IMO. Wm. Van Kirk, Frank S. lawn. Jana D. Vioner". litafrogzlrde,. JOWL tv.Art, 8 41818 . , W. P. 0.8111,187. W. Secretary. Jail a 7 Cant. SAM= tivit.DO.V. Oooljkit. S. IiPPLNEOTT .BAKE ELL, • No. U 8 Water Street, mustrrAcumsscs or PATENT OUOTIND. PATENT TEMPEST-0' PATENT TOOTHED MOULAY , NEILL AND S 1 XL NAT S. EIM tiiirEernolwa MORROW' usserrlcrwocas gtesin Betters, Oil Str.ls, Agitators, Tanks. kagt Palll4 Ganwacters, Wrasigta Iran liridgin,Sbect tion Wark,, ece., .kc., CORNER LlDEiiilt AND SECOND STS" PITTEIBUNI iff. P 4. 1 WrSIEN!IPANO DUNE PROM ?MT. la 7.14:421 IENGISIE.JrAIthING. LUBRICATIVE nPACKINC, YOn Mt . .SIOFFVIO BOXES Of SIMI! 211411 ES • a art Me recommend.) by al t am vvr.l.74l,wurargwatHt;:lll.:: roads in Country. and ou uttal by over nvo IITATIONSA7 MN ' OINKS. ligacnirstAmitrAnrso. PACIONIR POLE ...n .suaturAfrruunts..... Pos. flOaiittlnat7,Plierrilkiell. my...4%MA w. s. Warnewas......a. Zama. ...C. Ar. Astern CAN stacnisir. %ORR& FISHER, BAUM dr, CO. t Busine.. Builders and. leaddaists, WASlMACrtrimme or Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And ererythlng . neeessary, for goring Oil Wall. Partionlar attantiolgpat.to Mtn, . ithaftlnit ?MOM Bangani, Atm Altadfirras A** %Mei nearirik Vv. o. it. l a. nor AMMO WWl' 1.101/PTI.T.- _ promaw. wows. .: noon U. 50L1i....1 Lima raison ...noffran oas. MUCH M. BOLE Ilk _CO.. YOUVOL .10111,. ENGINE fIITILIMits -ANII PIA CIILNItgre; atanalletuientl:Yrgaka.nt2,A.7lJier. tllselnaL WELL .i..lt tanner lan.thetrfiv__En tit s ...tosrltroa,:rdllrea of Lead end Merles rai .ll,ront art welt eanted leptitatlon Of 'the lisp! pit Mr. JAMES INZI.SUIL we hede - le were 11 . share of patronage from tiumalbost Wald a en, and others Irks ask good ulaellthetp. Oar atei will Pato do finnan In the beat manner foga falfsontpertia: tan th a t a t: VIII?" ti=a t= e r .ll , alga V,lMer4 Ma t t ardVlOTiellaVA l r:e . eiLe. p .. D.queree eik ti n 6 " ;li s tofri. LeTarrroAtTalAime"'"": 11.6 ‘ K oval,' ----CL Ina,"-orlaiiii w t • iii " '',kii; U. tiancicir, • • *_. . , loots kb a street.autoingh 4 ..„.,,,.,„,...:,...„.....,,,,....-... ,„.........„,,,L.b......... ...,........' ii . M. slid Ntiaa, t4 U 1 011 1 :11 111101 . „ u7d,7 ---- -.10 - ripatoor 4roir, -In ousitsre 'Um, ass ~.b. -so tan be ordain bl MUIR iiirAwatth Moue. at st. alltlond. Or Watt rars...r2taiLiziovett te.., 1 w w VA br zii - -, r. ~ 'Rim :a . 1.. .w. to groat Menses too uter uutnrdee- WeiM them 11MOnsalliuti cm liberal taw. _ Ho= u Aillrx""' AS's-:-: - TV A ,O lia - - lt-..14 . is ...: - 1 W 4, tO,'i„ ~..,..., . , h.iiii.iVigi:i-aiiiii., and a i. c DorliVilewrzyuni: Aii tweets'. ondtp . tiom - so html otrl , 1 . 477 41 1 P - ';,ur lC t,OOe , t , fiiii4sriiiA'esv r•4 2_ „,l4saur,„ :; „,,, _ lia.. .a..1...4 wad, ot.tb.itouswri4 -_rtr. za: umosontro of the abovo. - droodOtra l .._ _:.......,: p hdt, rigriggrdro...,riii...,, anzrounau. cena ta [acme Mgr Irorglns4 MO ow lin t VlV -n '1 1 ;7 111 141 11 1= 14 :4 4, 4 4 are liailkAtispiArotkv , Arms wen Yor may Tenintan i tUrijjott ors - tmAteetl - t. Omuta , them with pfOmytaeet and 11,1Attu.ii ..__ 'roun i. b. fi l w o :::':eg' 6l1 " 4"dns a t , y , w i i th aiird "g au t " ch s t ura i r,": B 7 l uss 2r; ma 031 " 317" ‘-•.- .. -11. a ,` •, ' 2 .47 cot 8 & WIUGHT, lartiVail het„, iibe.4l44iaialgiatil44-7,i / lima and Sheet Metal Workers, it to i• , , ----"br ....* J.-Nutt antr9r.1i.,....t • - ,tyi_ of r abar illtalds ustetty 42 so *au ............_ inul2ol, . mat ppu ski. lio.tatucCOril.r.sarmirrr tr . Venn ill sr. filmy', , - endf v . , 40, sEVEUANCE, No. IitiIiVATER ~ ,:,. : .,, ... „3, oexicoppagrAW e ~_.4 . l '4_.,,, , °J. ' S l TAVlOAd i r m 'iuirizeD 7 o l :oo,l 43 4u4 . rlatW il = *Pf i r......ff "gr2 , *%stspikeiiiiiimiTimoiliiii • . 6 .lZZano_war ziktPljf i y'll e .rAttrit; a _tr d _ r -J.---_, ..4.{. edet &hurt =UM. A IPA sr' mule lnr../ ' - Wber ► l and Mend num.' re'isairuilcootentlyou . _ rla itnIMM , „ M=M=M I= - me - ..m:lasto J.k.ECIIIIMM....e.'.6._XCECKW-allr. " ,SOHO OIL WORKS. Buff &CO., " • Nil FMFAOII7II=I3 OF TEM €ELEBBATED SPERM LETIRMATOR. PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm,tard and Whale Oils, 1➢ uonwzas on mum MASI Am% Standard Burning Oil, No. XI/Market Streot, PITTSBURGH, PA. , 'itZtl3 WWI& OISOQLAR. Iffpxsa AGENCY IitfI3BIOATING Olt 4:2l*iin . puny Keeps constantly on baud ' , TAY of Natural Lubricating Oil, OP 'TES BEST GRAVITIES. Free From all Impurities. Wars! 33grial Warranted, UIL v,) BE W52171/111,DE EyP NE:THZ lICOMPA.I. address TIODIT4ON, Agent, WILTII 'X' sl H. Nir.VIN a CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts., , • „ PITTSBI7II64I, PA. - - WARING & KING, COISISSIOI I6RCUM(I3 OD BOBS Petroleum and its Products, 4 DtIQUESXE 111`.4F, i=wilrisBB7Ji=tc4rB. ge A. 11) DRESS: WARING, KING & CO., MT 11 :40 127 Vlinlant lit.. Plats ryTOOLDIUDGE OIL REFINING c;ctqwgzo..t!..w - sr , OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. jOilN WATT_ President. HENRY 1.01 4 11, Keel. and TnAis... WOBICB IN TE7IICPEItANCEVIL LE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, KANUFACTUILERS Of MIRE WHITS 131:TIZN-INcla- Brand—"Luoifer." J 1 Mai _ tj_Q3L_TPERIOIIL OIL ENGINES• We "W gra toWiiiwctiwg. sad wU keep on [Mal. prior oof Co3Cr... 31= 4 .741a1COElta 11111 11111E11 I COIIO3 DI MIMI 11011 n -to .it .04 rtel,v.'rcothrlg:Trit.7"Mlizitrta CO. WA(.1•1611TIIIAS IL D. Ar Dlll-2,01, EAGLE OIL WOURS, Z o senv-romacro - c r il lo. lINIONTMAN &, ANDERSON , U cilium's and Dealers in PETROLEUM . OTTICE. SEEON D STORY COEN EU g l / 4 N COCK ST. AND DENIMS E N7IS;;AX9 IDELETNIS 1:110?; DIE.LIT MANTA , AMU. U. TAGIL ........................................ FWD. CUMUIt. 1 , TACK Into. 8,,, co., , PETROLEUM AND . ITSPRODUCTS'. ' 7 Hancock St., PNViburgli. 1 Putr.ADzArNIA Orrice, EAT %Yu n ut o met. WARDEN b. - ILIATCIIELDEBKE&A BILO TN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUSI, WitALIE OIL, ILOWN, VIRITS TURPENTINE, NrOBTFI CANOE:TN • TAB, AC., Cotter of Doquosia• Wet & Hancock St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. • I&Nresehl , WEL 9,WAIMEA, ID NVISuot swot , alAdetptAa. my.M.N, Pt wx. NOM& .......... ........tAims Awns JAmEs IRWIN ii, C 0.,. NANITTPACTULINI&I NIP __ _ OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. CP Mae., 7L5/ Wlragarix.ot Mt" J./mammon. rt -- BANKING ROUSE. N. BOLUS & hONS, - Scam 13.0rEL, Ro. 57 MARKET sTREET, Pittsburgh. f3:llZreV par v '":4 11 rVi e ",%':/*h Untunintsignd'a=" " P STOCKS,TIONDS AND OTHER SEGURITIES Bought and . gold On Commission.. .Tr ot tlentar nttontlon paid to the parcbase and 1 Mall STATES SUERITIES. /NCI.IJDINO (w its:ttL lotx, d ts :. Utt D o , NOUN cuorr, REall. ES T 4 TS JI V , 'olClue.bio. 139 Fourth Street, Pitfibunah, Boa tor gala the falowing Beal Estate -1"alle "' rlaPi: toff t room rirn=sfurrrO t r i tri rs' A b il hid) colderf b ett.tx gag: 'll."7trlttsl3l4/71.11:fiLlE: LAND, altuate at 7 ii=tilititr agn " l.:. t li ag.ga new oaine duel lug, 'an a argo number of lwoftun trait Mei tne beat quality . good supply II WM/. , Mut air... Ulna and? G anda cresof groun"ln be ota separately tf neared. olld the retinue 11. low 01 trirombrimiosattrigriegattailatte above iand • e. Keith or vtaill obutatsflog about O aorta o u r aoalpsulendlieotqueal„.4lly, .a .t ud t.b na l ai e n i t tu aco lei .farnaug garderng pazow i a; jo , :d t Inure to w aolal a arigtrasettPri iha La Witco sownatitp. belt u part of the Carter (ann. 117 C I' l l VeTZtl e ili a rg u rA r g re g Vg nut.4=laifilt nforo/ alnuat-hfl atalularo. Eital ItioV24 irtFatrorliVal Varxr n road. fatownsh els taffeta the oily. tot further parttoulara Inquire of tbnabooo agenb FM/WM& Ml= Wo are nAr prossad to thrash this SILND►RD bond of • MIXAI7XII Zalaaa-T), For Refiners' use, promptly and In any quantity. . _ Peatortd Syr op Cures' 13irotichitis aWC'O6I.4LISIU:I 33 ig ni DiseascF of the Lungs ,w4 m e r t : y! l i ta l f. In a cured by in. NET • Prrrentruon. Jarman U. Dn. lOrfsicar.—Ay wits has rmsn afflicted with it by cough and difficulty of breathing for tire or di years. athietb for several yearsback, had graousily increased In six:deuce. The complaint bas been editery, and she had been Located by ee'reri her. et clans without any relief. In thia state of her ease procured sonic of your rEcTultal , COOOUSI RUC bought, the lin tine, a Oily cent bottle, rebid:lre tiered her yefy t o uch; 1000 called and got a dolls- I aqttlt trttlth cured her entirely. and the now now no trace 'of staterme altanst, med icine ese.. 1 mount also that 1 us ed the myself tad cold and cough. Tito anedleine cured many taking rmedicine, Lfullr'ro'lraTOr •bi n4La ttz C T 2ll " tt I sire o. srlif Tun de • Npu 2nilewtton Bridge •) BLUE LEAD. . • givint.te the SYCTA LITT to 'be SUPETiIOII to 1011010:nrs4 brollibt city. T.ll. NE!. . ELV & CO., N I ;IV, Cotner Third, and Mayne fits. iPattd7ll J. LANCE, ;WO9Pra _XeiNft. AND EICOUIC4II , ,, A uo, - . - ;'• , , - t mEDIo Al CURS CONSVMPnOIi CURES COLDS; CURES Embroil:unman, Eprll2l, 1107. HEAD THE EIEUTD...-DH.- Kooegm-1 bare a daughter who has taken several nualleines fur Abaci cough without hem.. amo ng alum Tell I.3lelrf Pectoral. I Pileahelwd from Tvu a. bottte of men Pectoral Syrup, and before she had used half a I out entirely was relieved. The second bottle cured her of her cough. 4011 if PART N. 1101:1oon street, A Iglreny. Fll. VTrrMllgbeP .kIitEAT UEIffIArI4IOU A L co U —I Ilre Peeblesd 1 cuuntT tatu h ui. d th t e .t.tohlP X n t.ngt v b e atwn ' eon ' t Wi ned eight months. 1 employed the physic... in the country, am! my CoUgli continued unai...l' autil emly v . , October.. At , tgai ,. . ,, titn , . „ 4!, Tat d a i i ., lo.;:: t. e7o our (alit r o ' tlU - gut 1 o 1 Ywari'entlAdy Irce.frellt • uii u d rt ruVitlr, ' lll trit,',,bukblo 'remedy will do for others what it Ills I done in my eme.JOHN O. L.FETLE, Witscsat B. H. hunt. ' Peebles Urntuthlp. Paswoh TowNsiar, April Lt. /SW A WONDERED CUBB.—Some time ago an old Tiy.hh e or or taTe ersts,,ny,„edy.lll„7„ti,lLa,,,,bol,l4.oultt relatti'veralr me'l7ol.. had (turn every remedy t1:11.-Z"..111 11 . he could riot. hve. had about i the third ol tfAiyur.I;t'APAI.VA 7,l4o'eLiffAVlNT.' TZ ,tottea the eme more remarkable. is toe extrenne age of thn man, he Ming *Wit chtlitylears ofd, ) have no dental.)e roctosal timed 101 l JOH Bre. N IdetILNALLi. DR. KETBKB•B PECTIZAT.SIIcur 'mead& V11.1.8.-I'letote aend'intkartotterskupplydor your ski iter.'rh!'ecV.'c's3.rit'l.T.enet=dre for Pectoral Syron. We have sold siateen bottles the sat week.. and are now entirely out. ar. A. Alto. and kV. P. Mahan. tooth of Blairsville, Pa.. told us they would not be without It lit raM.llloa. 10 an .110 u. lt onee o=llo again. Your,. Aespeetully , J. WATTSBBON 2 BONS • January it. Oak errraistresin, Iffoyemtor 18, iiirritifm—Althostab not cm advocate° , r.t...1 I r .' "' "." I t ofrk t lffNrA.T. Vif c""ble to '4 II Y rtliy the at of tufri As • m e. it ire Iwo pereon Iwbe may' in tiny maroon be afflicted et it coughs, colds •Ild horrrenr.66or till/ l and for tut peculiar. qualLicatinsXtri.7.llB•ll, ‘..o rt d j". I " Itn i e tlgit rsi or less in my 170,0, affectef • with 11 1... 4 " "". r :f to il I gotrarid z tmicialusotre'acwnisper, and by taking stew Oita tbe above Syrup it would. relieve me entirely In recommending lids med i icine. I most onhialla th tet t I ne " thOlbirv e ls), ' t r iof :1 1 1.111,Itc r iZ='i muae26.-• so prevalent. Yours, most respewstallzku J.. jolt Cashier ClUsenetlieposit anco-BL Mare-lilt. MA aced Dr. Keyser's Cough nyrop for • bad liq cot Dave ugh of several years standing. and ran cheerl say it Is the best medicine fur tr. l o it hve ever taken. rItA.T2 SIND Ult. KEYSEIt'S PECTORAL. Itirfan—Dear Elm Kamm the delay of my acknowledging the excellenee of yOur reetorai Oookis Syrup sooner. tate great plesusure In say • log that It Es all yowl) it is. lt kpocired the mart out tam, morgh. and the wont one I was ever enac .5 V.acthinl have l',Vauds:va r tbltn =lt AL ad would sire Mos lairs triad 1 Lime done. sad mar wok timed to say, `qt. lone quack medicine. would polluter another such att attack. for au/ onsideration, or at any cost. Intl co_nlident I con resit.: more freely than I ever did. I alsa.• acknowledge debt of -gratitude for inventing or excellent a remedy. YoU are at liberty to me my umu an sine regard se you think Voirri nuerT. Meuentrcr Common Connell„Pitisturrilh. 14• LW DO Strllkfle2 tom/ fellow-citizens. lino all who entertain doubts can commit tile personally. ILO I. ANOTHER NEW CEIiTIVIO aihr- Ab,llS 'CM:TOIL/a. 5111.31..1 work,en troubled with • eon& an.l cold 1 0 r sertrw—so tool ran 1 1, 0 1 I.wWd not geop. I had the &drive nod eta :ititypt!:ggrio.rmgl4rbe 01, n ot to the prec • ureS • bottle of yout'Ve'et,.Lnl obr'ritn! wU cured use eotlrtlY. °4". 11o. zle Liberty Ointi..l.lttstolirgh.Ne. Jawaty 7th, tb.%). “eior THATCOIIOHING."—••IIow caul dolt?" , Go to Nert;r's, tat Wood Weal, and net Wttle of t'irseettit li:retri:l4•lrlindebell,LVlOraYZiltrtg i f t E. ' irel l flre g g , o e r el. " / 747teristtil=rtiedtt=Te! non r•l'lgoTe, U 7 r sev.'•74lo:ll°,:ilt 1:00,111 ittlibbOrn tn., with outlet .-ear two weeks ago re WOO, 10, rnsburitit. with one el the roost Sittreolog. oontrary. =Slot. nitruistuable etorsunaezeriltlO.rice,e, Illit.?1,11:,:gpl,1,11JV eat, fat'one ;21;1Iret.rts now. oritirlit* lt eat, hut it was no go. lit Met. It tet•ined rattler to her, Unproved by practice, sod to tore acquired strength, noteney And dlstressitstity ,opers. Sion. in tIILS 11114104 0 f the Stair . 'MC 0110.4 43.111:1j ttrbllfttrlo..o4ll% 4Z011.1/4. '41,11! rl4l tI directips. wad In fortrehtbt hours `t , f,r toutb.bu, grlVAlkgr, ArgettaTtaisTain,44:ll'gatto: rortni4st.e .4rar...y •• beyser• famous Cangt reetteal. —Bromore4ll. clif pftr,./kr. it. Md. DU. KEYSER'S PERFOR L SYRIA' Ls pupal ad and sold b 7 DR. GEORGE B. ILETSAS, Na 140 WOOD STREET ;Peossxo4 NW Great Nervous Remedy, Dr. geyser's Nervous Antidote Will relieve' -without 'fall. sod orlon in nuknro care alliliervoila Irritability. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote - - ttltldota Hy nod Dr. lieyser's Nerqous Antidote irment-c-twliehltigattio Nerve: Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Curo,lif arrow' Heads lbc. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Cara Nervous Cramp or the Ilowola. Dr. Key,ser's Nervous Antidote Atria Cute Neturalgis Dr. fleyseios-Nervens Antidote Wlit Care Pionralgia of ttia Tram. Dr. ileysees Nervous Antidote WIII Curti Tftriralgia of the !Stomach Dr; KffStes Nervous Antidote , Will our. zioxisalgli ofthelir!n. D. win eu rscelirm'mls Nseravtonsb'Arnomti a d n i i e 4 4Elde, ' Dr. Keyser's NenoniAntidate CFI tiellrWgto ne4diaag.. iii.ileyser"l,lietrous Antidote atmonn, refiltlittoll'of todacer t. Dr. Keyser's Piervoni Antidote VIII Coro • *bloat oftifisroatt, Dr. Keyser's-Aory‘,l AnUdote, wioorlotopi,?!4 sorsocaomo; DP. i Br 4 Keyseesaeuvois - VAidole are 3416ciAtiazkisfe• Kr; Iletier"iNervouA Antidote 12 " 'WIII Cara Laihicio • ,trevaivre4foolti#i,iorSyirlu v^ , lei 110 Weal,. Street. Eiltt aburiflit u=omm _ 186 6 , :;;Atrwitn- -- Egomm ----- ... mozAlicatustrA erarsarmaxil. =ORAL ic a t , 'Z4 l 4`"" DAILY TIMMS. ~..,. y a m p . tu Maud atter ISUNDATer.. 4 . v,,,u. toms-the Unkat Zama jet_ t. ~ Moon wet LlW_Extie • tow...wit - . I :40 A it. 1 Alf AMY Leaves rat a *, t._. award= as prtriclpaisiaboas. mi Zrr . ..v at vi o A. x.i lL Y7rolln ktifb,gu t taig,.lA 7 is - . • ilantractre.rAti IP. 11;.: lairTOtt, VIO /..1,111; IVtiagsAlCl4:2l44a.. S Ztrl lib It \ .1 0 A. 34, stopptes at neatly all stations: Al c rit , ~,, P. K.• .rriattart, ens T. ....• , n t„„,, 2hiladelphia . at 12:43 A. M. 87 t al k liAratli — I there transferred at Bales llepO!" West lade RI , . irectly to Express Ulan far ZieW York. ral.m.g re atsKe a.. b.. virLionra.ria• immusall—beaveakittiburia , at P 4 1 5 P. N.. minor owl as prinoirai ttali ..s. Arrives at Latronel CIS r. Y. t nnan., ar3o It IlAt Narritbaill. L i mn . IL; ! M ina . 70a.t. N.1 . 4* Cori. via ALlenteen, Mina. la L..M AFA-..thin.NA - ..;; - k•thro w *u"th'lAL„.'tilt' W y.u. , nt•ai I')Liattp? t o Balliziore and ramadoiTAM't w i t • ...Itto urn ta Allaotaon. FAST LlNX—Leayee rirtataargli as 11r.15 I. 11.- ItOPPin .0 1 7 et tair.ited stations. at.triitta at al- WM. . 51:20 A. lii.._• iiartilhung! IMO A, sr . ; p a nt. mo m, 12:111) r. 311.4 New Yorlyreia AtlenWee I. 1 11 p. st.; rbiladeVuust 1:10 P. K.; 11:11d Now York, Y. flded i galsouS. 2 I. Y. , aut. , • Wbastar./Am ti on. . .. Vatig aliktartrafaa, ftasdawas.tri,d. , I..a.COMIIODATIox TILAINB, DAILY, SUNDAY ELYOKYTEAD. JYrigrOler24,ADOOlDEODATlOli — D ai lyl esee p t 1:1,11a yaDat4tNi P. U., 16t?l:int/Mt at resoles stations berweimPitlabiduh and Lonemangn, and gs,..,th, It BlairglßM'Entersootionvitn trains et, the Wass. • Bran. Ind Wed Petinarrants Raiircral. A.LTCONA • AJODOILNISDATILYN—Dativ (except SandayeratlPMAAXA annlirduE,ltallresetaratailour beporema _Putehurrh acid Altoona. and making Move connection ulti?.. , vie, , ~—. iv..l! , A d,,,,,,,.h. Nv,,,,,, Pcnitryiv.-. . .. 1.-'" •- w A ....1,,t00 MP:- ro,a, sad liolndspAntag Urns.. Wales A.C.r.nnanodll3otP, NC. 1. dallY ( • o . 6 ePt P..' Weir 4 , forevearaddatt" No. PA daily (eroapt Can- VIVI_ rectuntdathin ,ti U. ii.'. ' 4. ' 7 (.zsetAiw.- a... 114... ...soe. N. Draddoeles Acconsibidatlen No: — 1. daily DDEcept ",,,V,N:utgoliurr.....ittioti No. 4, mar OxemPi 6 u. - d'lVlAlariiiloa NO. tu dally ( 62 .i 1 0 0, dat)ilat tito r. 0., . , 1 . s. Accommodation No. 6, daily leliviAbon . 'Va 10:10 r. Y.. . Btation iii Stir Cain : day et.se.ls 1.• U., and a r rives lo Pittsbutah at tried A. 11. -Itelitinting, leaves Pittsburgh at Dan r. M. and arrive* at WalPsillation ►at. 1:01 r. H. -an Teal.lam. letrinstorghas follows: V.I. Line. 11,11 , 6 • Oa First Mato CLAD. Accommodation ...... 6.1) A. Vs Brinton Accommodation No. 1.., . . . .. DSO A it. Second Walla Matt. Aceommeellaion.... 0:60 A. 11, JolmstOwn AracontnOdation ................• 11115. - A. ass Baltimore Express I. r. V. Paladelottla I.rpreaa 1.10 E. Y. Now York Express-- .... . ... ... . . ....... 1;60 r. al. WElrd WaiPsication Aosotrunodation.—.. 2.03 1 . rt. WalPs Acconsmodation, No. 4 46.0 r. 11. BraddoeVs Aocciemodation No. L.-- 6,50 0. u. Wall•lPAcCaLllinontalOn Pio. h... —...... 7.',.0 r. 1) AlloOnlSACclnnmodstkin and Eancrrant.. 10 00 0. ~ 1 6 F. Is M . 10 ingt=clphla Kart's,. and the lialtdmare -nresuwill arrive With the hen york Ezhress it LSO?. x., (meander's. 3 he new tltdon Depot lintel. occupying open upper stories o f the Depot But:ding, is now for the lariClA6 aeconimol Restaurant h to com munity. A capacious Banns. day and night, Nundeys excepted. Novicr--in case or loss, the Courpany will bold themselves responsible for rational baggage only, and (or an nmount pot lei.PoPgl.4s loo . .. Poe tletets apply loW. H. BECKWITH, Agent, At the Peramylvaniallentndlroad Passenger:in _ tloo, on Liberty and V. laddiagion streets. my-il pITTSBUIRGH, rr. - Ja WAYNE et CIUDAD° Ith.l.L.W/L Y AND CLEVELAND PITTSBUIDM HARALDAIL , Ina& 81/611suer arrauguatrout. ISM On .d after Slay 20th, ME trains 0111 run a. Follows. vls: Pao. FN. \ For Pittsburga. Chicago. Lit. 441.1.; iy,etosyr. .r.xpress 15,20 A. 0. Express ......... 4,10 A. U. 2:10 A. 0. i 1:66 r. H. Espress.—. ..... , 41. V. Mail 1.45 A. O. C .s ie A. sr. ~ bte A. N. For Newcastle and Erto Enbe A. U. j?..URV: r(r.161.1,111.Vr. tc., 11:10 1. 11.. 1' P. la., II:10 P. ft: En. liNritaila-4: 11 6 P. SG • • 0. 0 P. rgabiztifilig 14, 1 t a tto r. V. Learnt...ll44ll6M for Nast Bauicrox—OiCOA. IL. 11:600. u.. las r. Y. and 60 0. 0. 11001 seriat-2:75 r. K. tam CM2LNJ:TA r. S. EamoNT - 10: 1 9 2 :r. Y. IPLLIAVILIA,I:3O I:. K. 1 7I•LIVIT "11.4v'1912'... Bib A. U. 9: " ' cao 1 .. 31 12..; .4:34 • 'ea V. 3 `itir-1:03 A. • • • OtOICBSPARKIN. Tittettigenh A. °n VA a fraliT, ?NW. ' Alleglmny (My. my= 7.lt.liletBl e GISITIOULAIMIZU IJITTSIMUIIGWCO . MICOM LAMSON AND cilium- NATI RAIVIOAD. THE GREAT SHORT LUaAt. INE ROUTE STEUBMIN TO CAiLOPLBUS, CINCIDINAI 1, Lad '''''''Vrl°lB7 , 6lrnrivsgr. tin 11110ISDAY, JOLT lad: nee. TI I SIOO will leave Pity:burgh sa follows: r. b. arrives at Cincinniti noon next day. • 2110 A. ix arrive. at Cincinnati at 3i3) r. Y..ame day. r. x. arrive at Cincinnati at 4:4 A. at. next . morning. Steubenville, siceondnodaUon at 4:2) r. at, and LOCI a. u. S. 7.-SCrUll., • • Clean Tileb!grAM I T A - r a o. Ture,Asmutrido PII," NB Mti.A I- ,!ltainirgit Spring Arrangement. UtLerelatter THURSDAY, BURCH Mil, lESS, The train, will lelse the Depot, Cotner ol Boil • Water Streets. ol sollows: Senna .4a rtnes rtttabsurolt. Slttablek Nan to and rev Tlnloltown... 700 a. as. ear r. x. EnreSS, • .. PIP P. 11 . lideo a. le. Walt Nelletoll AeCOSIMSOdaUOSe CIS P. Y. WS A. B. nest Blegeppost JLerAle4l.....ll:CO A. M. &BOA. sp. Second t .. ...10:00 P. x. 2:011 P. P. Urouldookla . 4:10r. x. WS P. x, Sunday CLuten Train to no d *fromWest Ne.5t0n........... Ivier. B. 1PoB&. as Tweets apply to T. B. SING, Agent.,l. - W B. lattltri, runt. MI ALLEGHENY .f 7 It ' VALLEY RI,IMILOLD. • CHANGE or, iturg. • • ~ On and after TIIIINSON, AnrSINNII, truths-mit 10.1 , c and arrive N. Depot, corner Pike and Canal streets. PlOstotrah, as dnloars: Laratit. Arrive , . Nan, to and from Itabontog...l.lo A. N. 6:03 P.. 31. Express, do do ... COO P. N. 10:01A. N. Sods Works Acoomodatton.,.. 8:(0 A. N. Klekindfittls' dO .... 1:90 P. N. First. Roam, do .... 9:00 A. si. , II•20 A. N. rornsuf M. nn ....1140 A.. N. 140 P. B. Setond 'Holton' do .. . ONO e. N. !NO r. r. woodsy Lnuren Troth, to tot ' d rrom nodaWorks LOD r. N. it2:oo .k. ia I °la' IL IILdVIDSTONIo. dunk - - TORT pm FOUTIORT. . CRIMES reruns -warripmereassa As • "Marl( -ORDNANCE, • AND ALL KINDS OF amayy CAMINO& trIttALMILL "" ItErklAtt attes(led to.prompttr. Ai' Iterertotorq the . best mator.als will Minim be red at this Foonsley. Attention 1r moo to our NEW FLY wuma PATTERN and Intresred tunnies for OttloS Ap th _ :att._ vWi1a........101111 ALLIN L. 11•113.11. ALLEir STOVE ALLEN WIKEE:& CO., Omae iiiod,Wai". lu Obes m 30AnionRalti !Pr o. satd• • • 'cisme:air • mo - , Tufo* o r co° 6, PARLOR wad T/613 IsTortd, azoool-Irtileb are Um col einated &Meshes, sod Snultor Cool Cooking WTtla.arexleb,ger,ZVZ'VVgligkwlreV, raj !rood; •Iso, Anne% tirstoo..tondW . S ata.onloo. pIItIroTODAI w.v wastes. yirr . . . -- BRADLEY 8g CO. . kariamsture avertvarlety of COOK, PARLOR - - AND HEATING STOVES , : Av i td ,E*;,idica4o.ll , l - fibiatittußzi...isor t t . t ri fAg t IDati -.GRATES,* GRATE FRONT% , • .I)lsai *lid Wanibcrase4 artes, et Second Ltd Woo' straeto. tztrtaat oa,Simrsid rigrert- DitllGi& AND. CHEMICA.T.S;; vrat. a. au k arl.4.l4,lVOLtaxaalp.. B . o o.n.z aina. IntecLELLAND 47 CO Corner. Federal.and Laeockitreeti, ax.x.ancimnomtsr. Wholesale aiulnetaitDruggista , efigro l la tb fan t etS 2 j 7 Ah l A l gt t . ! nt at: VOA. alma - Alto& Is iargil wt. and ?w"1.141."' tt . we". IieHOONISAILER SO N, Pittsburg'Wh,le l'ea 4 * W°l29l kaiIEWHITE UAW Slat IgliOGßr i / 14 °V ))/ • ir w • zwch, e ood. atz4e)aet: Turd Win iFO#RVESCINC caRATE-OPloo#,Elnit, alt a.:lototvntti.x..ttlitoitturattvwv=i.: r.wor g!i!Wilsl4W:lMoi*iist BOLSOLUSEEILOILBECEIV . tar ,fialeoat ososoft ICKTAVE' j j 4d ..19ttiburgb, re"' 01116,ACITEPENTI1M4iiia ir*F edanSlar,rt. t.- . ioc tittti 4 vto iburgb,aP 7 iltt a • Gra.nob.e.r.ilaNEM • ' - ' I2CU t k khorl. urr. ..E+311106 . EMMEN MI GEO. Vr i . BABA • ' 'SAW v ansuENT grEL -, WoRKs• MILLER, Rai R; DABS , QUALITY VALITT CAST -STEEL, Wamolterd PAntsl. ruar either imßorta ofe?ome ette ArreFofapaitTO giSE cjar 011 ice, 38 Wood Street. IN ST. CIUNLIN TWEET.. OLOLDING. PrillisllßOT'.."Bth' IcOrdEl FEETSEIOSEO STEEL %Viral co., - ~ .. . otociamsous. To A pinsia- . .:iuyii • 00..3 • Ilmontsettuora ati . tilt ititniti %sit i.)•oeuri. Mt and Octsata, of altsantsi SstrrlW-klioa, .oslir uulebeet east. IRAQI: 4131VW*..;.11 Ala .‘,L,... ~, ; ..,,,, • ~ • REAPING. ANDZOWAGIIIASSINKS, STEETPLIWW wrorsui.sratsse,simme. cruicuww, com and common Pip& and Spring meld. CO:Le—Corner of 1 . 14 t and F.o2l:titieti,s4srr, :Oat' above tto alOoollaau. OEM BLACK DLiKaltm Ener3333lEr-s IPVCldtir.rh inTrastrutor, PA. PARK. BROWIIPAL de ur.. itsnufariarara of NEST ONDLlffra (.IVer STILEL. *m. Plat and uan4Wn.r isms. Warranted equal to any Imported or tnannractured thla coca try. elniMnika tad warrhonse, No. Skean Mt Pint. Indan and ITlNteond arrata. FlUsbumh AIM • 40,0, „suursiori. Jar 1 .j ..4. lELL!t: !TEEL: II r . ORICS. 14 — 33 ±lkaare :it' act , . 1. Las ' Mi filem. sruutairnarar -iwAxica S T Etpp ato roam... BALTIMORE s..IIOVVIA:S 4401.. SHIP CODIPANY. • 7 '• ' Nue, 4 , vot AfritlTS G THE cre4rteD NTETES.ATALL., TbeVlrst4.llllnal3teanuildpa °fells ilno gall as foIUDCU RA 7-1420:MarrcEAUMCO_Inmand, on. "TALBERT C'-1.3s tons: W. J. tltafford, Commend. From 1111(if7; iV(A7IIPaIti,kI6BI.4',ENT, t i` 4 4 'T`rtil`n Y es :AT egfitiallasuaTtc: commodirlana. „-) ti 17111 E M. IF IA N. B.—No BIM. of Lading big' &Pacer Bin ComgetlAld"ia ny will t i le alEnt Efeirnalts4:7 r ig tr i rl h e t 4 , r.:42. Rm. IaZZ allcrlgd ' :Inlay of apla.ty Q. TEAM TO .111. 1 . - 0 EttonirizvEn kJ POOL AND HUMENSTOTVICALUZIAAND) twice <Feet. Tao WALLS LINE, Fannie EVERY SkTIIRDAY,_ EVERY WEDNESDAiI.'. CAILETING U. 121:11LAILB. • - T 1 eta *old to and (tom Irelsud, ENO's& Scot. land Germany and France. AS the CoorLany 7 s (Bleu, JOUN G. lIALE, Agent, • 15 Broadsvay, M. BINGHAM. Ja.. Agent, " Adams Kalamai Otike, Fifth street. LOUISVILLE, INDIANAPOL IB, T. Lou iRI goUNDBIEB. WEEIEM.. ,-, ':'. : : IELLANEO I3 I ENNA. SALT MANUFA I . PITTSBURGH. PA. PENNA. SA - LT MANUFACTUR'G Co. PITTSBURGH, PA. On this. Continent. 7 ,„ rs so PIIONOIRVUED BY THE m It st actuated Analytical Chemists. It estorels Gray Hall; It Prevents Haw Voting Put: IL Changes tie limae to their Original ?/. It Eradicates; Dandruff and Hannan. It Keepatnesicalp Heathy; . It Conulas no Injurious Ingredient, ~ And . to antermalsedrd_ed..to be:a l I , 3l . end mi lZati Mari Par rlYg i l!rl An4C4.. • • are . Ittn o bottlecowzgruna.o4 l 44n to o snaar otit.LizinlNW4l.ol%3• needed to - eatabllsh the edkamitat WV. Du GIIARANTEIt to 'refund-the •leosey OTITYWIZIOU Who Will use two could, and then say 01St oai Beatorattse au Istle4 to tlltUdistY ' 1.44 liiitliClATT Os; CO., Esiotalators, - S. E. SELLERS CO., Wholesale and ReOil Agents, Wood' treet,-PsOsburgliMa; CO L STRICHLANIPS dielliduot COUGH. BALSAM As.' warranted to tie the only pee. B a j a s_ Coln:711o= i > t- U • AOSOULO. COhighr • • : ones Canons Camas, waste:au. atjaLlol.2Sitrig WOILIO .1 • . , Cat E. :saeal l t tata n ity_sea — al . For Pis yr eterfwben. 11. - IS: ' sy.i.tarats s oo : sTißicKutniws REM. iwy CI USED tboil- A t rv, uat. ISITes Nafte ,3l4 f• • and eirecl.C. ens awe. Tr? It " -RCO • r itewasnotetto cam , . g for We Dr all COMMAS, p u Wanda Per battle* ai 1 1 -• Wnoctieass wants . UM ."11tEIP..EP8141....ipyr.;- Strickland." : ezorizia til -fat ----i['\l —. .... :&,&`-,:tulr ....... .1 \ / A - , • adds: , ma aarauunore to . ~I,C. ,1...\ • otrengthen Um tjmasab and , i x . '. if orvous system...Ws 'OW- ~,...: c:.... tau rOrnedlr Ibr:LWlDevis. or Inamtlar,, urarrocs. _..... • " Actlty - 1- V ttie - ' A larigri -: "..i ,Astmeaey and Statkintli - - ' , ry ~,,r4 / - ~,Isnot slaboboliag?=74 - 907 / .: -ETeirtgarla 141sPnale , Pa - .. 'o„."l , !frer 7 7 s ` '', l' r5....21.4,b0... . 79WIVATE DISEASE .5. - -• • 1111.." TWINS.. tisselp t llsikela•ta.i No,' ,716 TSlrd Watt., treats _.. elcripuons at Vs, Tt.kilti=o,llll2traletzaWrmitirstiosi. Int -.Masses. or IS tletat . a. ills ix muskrat an_ ire ... 1 ) being Igg . t t amt, tutte u Xml,7,•:= l .o 4 . 1..!,,14111,d taariturtmagointevapeeiree U; ins i Vidarargislal Va t . " Inf . L 1 6 . 1'5 14 1 : riNr° the : ' ...*,-i7%,...111f:11: ° °4l` l c r ir"'DlAM " 1 tiflee hatite,'S A. Al. to 6P . if.,,f. r., V. to 9 r., V. Mamas. Irith •Aater., tin.,l OUNIA..,' No. TA Thie 'tree,. rittotate ,, e --..- , :t.l ..:., twee:N6+n .. FOIrrX -- YEARS ,PILieTICR'. acs . 'Pie • ii dem etana.llyngt awl d ed nt e nth e a c i a t m y. u sdth tr e y a r m a o m lu ie t . - '• of Tallests lraslad .l.ma MIT !ii ll ma. 1, mnieleut MM& aasttots„..or - gezum :ipnest, - melt ill-aiseiksa. slutactberatraca; see _in • smelt 'starter time tam berees . Aore bY laY AM VILONI , '. AIME 116146.11130..41eatabita seat tours pan •,t •- tile talon. Allietteet tont tmatalekhetatim to 17etti..___Wkanlanli Elt l rt. ! l i j ek - 1 5'm r . latatarl ' I. *name..llllA.Norall ..' MO). ' r , slimly sia:, Pittsbarm Ps," RIVATE Y - _ - • - simi. • -•-- • • - - _Anti iitealatioistiotaplintenitilA ,, *ow two 14:targ au tamely new and alga ,artalastat,,A4/04-61=1IIM WelalltaN Bad in 01,M. 4/MSRIKI OLUAXlMltliVorgnas Asa ilattitlaa 11=ranalatealar saaala zajandadi - - ,ca , M.' lfaaolOilaFaoll rms. savate,:: , mywitie "nrgellft , 11_ W EIIINIEB4 - 000 atatitteestaltrawbarrOut:Da ti FtM* llo . Prixor nnw parcelled &Et f" %Burk& saw " ' 13 11=11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers