PITTSBURGH GAZETTE.; ==== l . PITTIPU ON ". ij MORNING. itiLY 22 . "Di bfil;—:---R.E'A.tArlrG MITZIIWdL3E orA v l. ,- r... ON EACHPAGE Or 2711.81'... , dim We lo** to-qesletta item V. Mat , ,'aloe; -EN; '4ll*PlY.th-i'th#''l !tr- 140 0- -, if; t' lli .papar. d4o l Lerf. , iii.,. _liithiciio; , 4 , -5 1 - '4.40 , to tho peeica ofeseettalu meth* In Philadel phia, at the NOMA edfiekhtrelaticist tal/sil , rind mahmilihiticd**tecit that cilyna the 'Llontli-whia„binny - cribs Ilmagteld Mite.. , :. iti proper, for ia id; elins *a k t l u° ,. ..- letter ease transmitted :la tinitc to nosh a! on ' - Baturday marring, but 'face sera aeretbrSi e . were not aware or id ididnionaa ti k lii : m q iiat,d4el In , the Rath • Aniedait,:, We letn coronet tor rte notsipieriii: iir aPi•Pillir ! ,At resent Mahal leave thie letter with - Our . :tam, 'easel:to oi:tio ellipiiiiiitoristaletauts, resetting to. ourselves the privilege ist. 'enticing . .-ltmere filly bereeth'er;,4o4l.l!TUratheire it ri .", eceemito 0.4; ''.. ``j'.:, : - ~"- ,:t '. ' .- 1 . Mr. Metdrk initetrthaiT he i4,4d not : h." - felt celled (into reply, if ida:cume, had not been - pacaliatlfsaid - in: car article, aswell slain otimier'it faded to einteelm tonny;that bbi " . game was not used is our aftterialiimeks . at " - 511,4 t Onli appea ri ng in rata proceeEngs' which weapled from the Plilladelpida.pspao, and in the l e tt c,T 4 7ll'.. tb r' i r ie e 4l 4 Ghuette. an an .' Jr en n'kunceMitacue teitie at: alt : ... ~. .-- titheributhatti.if e 'ethibrthoo* ri v i • -Fint=itin Merrierettedh,thit thetmeeting at the Railroad office had no more reference to the . building of the Reinplield -Mad, '"thati ft had "io - bitildiniCs rood M'tkr, - Caon,r • roil` *A . u l i to '...':,. ibi4 time.tb.iie luili beeni ite nimicilint; by the - Pezthitlicirde- Wined. „or ii the - chime of • . L'llulsdattd4la aid of the liempfceld Railroad. :-, If the Michaels!, he isayi;:.Madbeen toad `with 'lay bat jatindiCed esrectraiea, they' wield bate been better understand." "- . ' ' - We regent very moon *died; that vie should busier Mucifinispatzstwi the meaning of the r . ieathiriere.' and Lib** 'o_2434ei,. th ith we are • .' net ,alooe, ha Eimer mmacteticato oveleivet put : upon - than by every person. in the- teesuv, • -both friends end, as to the Remplield. pMftot. .. "- That the - muter, mei:hive the_ ciciatbet elearly ":- t befis, him. We republish'. the- rindraliiiir,' no . . ic _ . , - • Reastat, itud theiiroject of continuing the ". -..' clitedsmati and -Belpre Railroad. from. Athens, Obla tkrocrgitiaarietbe to the eltietWbedang, lath alter to connecting, t...:the - Hemp. . field sod Trotiptandre Ridr, die City" of -..' -Thfiedelphiatathneetthern Ohialleueseicy Mid * • lemma; is regarded byrtbis meeting as a - ''• Mastro al* great Importance to the intonate of ilia city' et. Phladelphia'asid is entitled to the I Y . :: maideration sad aid of its burins. men , ' I "',' ' ltachrol, - Thst in the opinion of this meeting; lea' Miasma Old Mare Ralledad'ilmpany May look lath ea toneltmadidene e loam city ea Philadapbbs for the- neectemi ramble,' sod . ' required ttembunditlieft mad fromliselem to --. .: ...'Wheeling,wills a .vieg-to connecting"lath the ;,•-,Dstemplasdavonds, - ea •to m , city epees Chet - - beard, to enrpply the I •apM• required to-.eon street a raM•ad to counnottluitom of Parkerso": , burg with the ikatimere indOble - liciCfread. as 'Withal by the &writ of ,thri''NuA h 'ilrf thth Virginia --"Resotem4 „That -Soho' B. My•iii, dolin - ' awl 'tine,d Company. Thomas P. Zoo*, 13. V Merelek; T h e T, Lik:and V. S. - Brown, tio a - Mamittee to '''-bring'cithe notice of the Board . of . Trade ! this ' '" 'city the loperesnee - ot' securing direct c s•si j arimd ~ " conneaskitsilith 'anthem - Ohio; arid , the, Stem - of 'Ketitnals7 and Tenninde, by duns of the " Peimsyliania Ran Ada 'to elmeastask the lierapddi Rai[ Road through Media* Athens 'undialliathe to Pahismatandldisysiille, and "-- the Brant - nil saids'frai from; .throcadt • -•, - . Leangth . and Louisville! in Sashvale in Tee : ,ge.....i. fe .th th..:. 3., ...et , .• _ . ... of the meeting as publishedin as.letter to tite -whaling Ossetia, itla that utile octea sicai d' ; ,,,,id. 'th amerthga M' t he intimation of the . Cinclisnatlisalßelpre arca& Earl efts to Wheeling , - the coadreatioa epthe .116eptct Road, weveldiwassed at -lapitt arid , ~ interesting explanation! into glum try a gentle . . man from Ohio ; but or *deo mien.. feeling , , . . . pervaded the meatin' g.-.that the ammatiorm watt ~ David R. Brown; ~ nanaked to the met lrig that no project bed lever • beies - :papaied to - Philadelphia reOuiringlso Utile aid,. that prim '. used halt thebendta. , iThiok 'of it,'.lse remit a, to' milthicuscro littAotdaars riled forloory ~ to bring seven banded W diel Comftualnutrall '.., way nom : Nashvillkledn , - lisiougis s hosdaille, ' laingth and Mayerliii;R4 Pattimouth, Chil -• •. limbo andidariata Ohio, ‘aisd Wheeling, Vs., ' • - .- to our great ParaPivania Railroad. at Greens burgh—a Jim:coding $1.5,000,000. ‘ Piiladel ..--- flltlt a'"theln T nd. traaiftfitiend t . o k -in - cmeecee.f p ro perly climtaal elfart.Y ~. : , _ . . . • ' • ' . Ir.. . .thy& lift epiittuitOtrirdligalPt4, , `fends weinlaidis Bale more Pirt)iandas In their „, # 4. i l iage, ft, it thenaldMeang,cthe ir60 4 4. - ' .. : *se, sa Mr. filemick 'aye, lusd. no more repot, ~. • -pm to the builcling"of the Rempfield road,llim {;tie lading of a roadla !the =Mk Wecoafete '..:: _. that ~,*re're.thth th as ' undio4iiiid itsi tbe' • , i 'Remplirldpioject was specifically inclucied inihe . y _ proJedwhir.lteras to briefs. the nide of the/Ranh , wed to PhßidelPhia;bt way of th o chmeeth.; Marietta, and Wheeling Md, apeciallyiellifte ... burgh was nowherei motioned. in the' smite, ilule Whetung, , Oreenshorgit end the ire.pow ' road figured'largely.., fiA week however '1 Mr. • . llariek'eScalelmee; MilevehereaftiagOlt our . , IPhiladelphts fiiembit veal hare a little-piny Vir. ' "...130 . oar. obtaaated, "end 'express themiebra in langnago that we CSITTLittb and . . --- 7 ‘ . "Ohs said' munatioi is en Antra to tree ;charge of 'Olin teith;4lol..iiifiandeddi the . promise .of -the Railroad Compared, added la ' - the later of the Pothsta, - quotid by lfr:;,Afit ` -rick ; end the -failure td eamt ont 'dad plan ise . ' on the ids or the'COdpavy, - nithar print"; gr hardily; wbila at.n . greeting to the. Rankled. ~. . --offia, oomposeci:partlylof the.Dirodowe of. the Company,. s pledge , to ' , anothr ierK-widele •we adadopt to bathe ilehinalienk4i weve r recv made. We aro ho avid any farther laben: l .., in this belliari by the actailicatheaticiinflienetat ' 'Reithriuths the r.ith.yikr *Ma' and Pea* '. 41tdite Wined C• 04; .: *Web: falli death - • . .. . , add disposition. tik 11 Ini, - And jut**, the . dQsa .. • • Przrthmson, 21,;1861; IV th Milo of de Pdit s . l o s •47osetar - •1- . • tiot,-Aiotottioo hine host - VOW to too fta, biting peragtsphe, in a ooromnnitationicr lLL North American atek:ThaltedAtatee• Ifhtze4 . v i to S. V. Itlerriek,,and addeteisinLicr ih6 , ;editor.of the Pittehlresk Oesette, c dated Hake-:I ‘l4s l tioit/y 15th: ' ' • “Ist- 'the time therein indiestl4 , • ardour, es'ik ifesosilm ha, ewe made 11 • the Oblo end ,Poottulun4 P . Ocentany for . aesistrante, you; char o f : Faith carries with It ha own mfotattom ' - god. If In proper time aid had been rsquirgl the PoonsylunioltoneOad•Cmerny;tiusd'old wad hue girm: , thd. The 'Read ban MU` 'Ude; onrahi, lies nen? been reftistd; became pnr alai rimer Eeen .eked." Now eir, without wiehlni is aaj: iga y contr tatiain come a_iarty to 107 • • r. - ‘. kterriet =dee editor of the Cheek it, Is 'due to the and Wf truth to Mae' me. pluttleaDi that in all and; eiek one of these.3l6, 6 The Atodottpakpersonalkr,intia ;tine ot • 41*Paonaylnitla Ihdlnuel!Company; Phi 1, "• - delphli, 'tn. the mouth of*Aidr Orriaany and offedelly`trothled the tkasPOn l A.4P4 o3 ' - Poi; C:Ptitims4.lbot j ti patted hail - - ontred wham.% hattbatomineemmary tiatalipe attention of the Ptamotasthettaueosa Company', bibs performance of Its obliptknuWedged by • him, Fr , otE" l 7. to the',P9Pl4.!cf._. Allegheny county, in .aid ofthe Itaihmad: 1111-had Urbana to make any amine bototorooroot-tWatioookos 41.11 sit;_ of the "Pensuirdda ,Cokapanyzfor •••••• memis • aa their ortomand. , -. 5191, that our elitint could not now bahmger postposed. - .•That , • notion of the PennijkoOnlttartad Board iota, • iniNsFelloible.laTordei 11,11.011,!*1311infOluld• underriOul l o . 4 0 0iOnl'i ' le i Cr e ;***FiPP O'4 ' . ealstr,if. tho• Pledge midi by the rtago , hl 4 * ••• Rai held COPRIDY; and thotilsolowsom a (wen hid , opoo sit; i Ihtodd . feel It .to yokr to y pent tic r irlida's t #4 fti "# 'll4 . OO I,ati Stoetholders of too 2 . 01 . 1 1 . 1 4 3 4A,0 11' ... Imo Itsiitt'istdll4 "But to the Ent allot tloa. .. - ~-<~ _ ~ _ - y am '.. ......~ r..lr .. r ` idertitiisif#l(she *le - 04+ indieged•g. 4i, zed . Triiionzeaßan - a - atompiwy; .aiiirig!),AlkkestßlAlPA-F4 in the #4td 1 4 1 •• ipabrOill IMO that the Boad beeebeen nied• . I,Atinitterly at • low, in antway 'heaver, to reencile the two farmer of these allegations. iill`rliiiilb,44.4tOiva:44***fii keel** to -eicar,FrOttC'ties=thst the L time when sue& /e -rase& idretidlusiiiike Made , 'Pat' . Rarely- ISr. Merritt ,doeil nob belong to that clams of baardsts,..ibi , upon inch a pleeoseek to obootrekhoeselses. hem- a. solemn obligation.— Neither *ll thefitackhelders of that corporation, , amongst whom -are manyott ;hunted honored names in. the,CoMmerealtb, etnetionany ilea of lied filth of the Cempany. tr:Arlthlegr_9#a. .;"thatthe Road W eek" ibis almost incredible diet each an leek= 4.carle. Ylive been :Pawed ape,. :with air Miriam of information on that point. within - the poirei.of lierrick.":.The , Road is not ,Wnad.e," ,of it has yet been opened' foitrarel:=na t. , 0 Resew; which, Lowest; tre Months of toll; and ansiety, and a large ix penditarformoiry, ace pt before us, ere we reach tbeNiltato bee of Ohio, sad connection wilt tinder these uircurcustanom then, I amfolly,riti-, thoriseeto ney.thittnoienditlon of things is likely to occur Which 'could render the performance - of , the engligemenii et the Penneylennie Paned' Company; entered into by their President, with the people of ,Allegheny , county to aid their Western Road, be :more acceptable or usefal than at the present nionient. Tne bemu...—Trata the. followthi Parariph., from the. patiiiiiri Bun "o[ f3Staidity; Altera iaeonto hole that the &maim to the anal; by the fate freshet en the Jeniate,,are not seri, one I . ile it first enticipatedi'" • . .intri4itenee leached hat .p . 3, EUrrißi;urgh train el ha pOt nine lettere-Mg, that the dem4, 'age . tethi eanel Menet ea' emit' , 'es had been apprehended. A teatimes whetted pained over the Mainline .east of the mountains, marts that the miter had, subsided,. sad the Whole dam age to the - nog siay be repaired ; in. the contra , of three — riots, while that to the raltrorof may be remedied MA few dye. ' The Cana! Commb sieneue. indeed, MOM that.their repairs eat be made In Mk due ,- Passengers went through to ilantiejaion yesterday. and as there ts ordy *mai 28 - miles uf4he !bad thence' to liollidephargb, the MOM may be continued throatti at onto by . , , • , ediANc - t,'401 6 , Goßetle• - Csa-or! the ChliZMai! Cottlmitteesppoirtted to make arretgelontn l o2 rho corn COOVOtttal 'to be held stßitiltbdlthk; on f 1) Mat 63'0 APO:next. Rdt the :to 'iltakthltingt.oo-14 11 : 6 anci lo2 .4.fli e a I wn4 pretested ttitaisineo. l o4beloPPOln ted 31?.W1,140i030.2°0q-Pro.t. • Motiotylt. was .ricolied, that is Manes Committteo bo appointed, to =AM of Tol-'' lowing-nand gentlemen :—Frederiek• Vora*, Eaq4Cor Mugu Roberteme, Josiah King. Thos.J •11. , Hatre,-L. - - G.. Uoyd, Jacob Painter,-James "Manley; Jai& McKnight, Joshos Hanna, and , liieholes.-ToegAily, Eno. .• • • : E'=-Itiron-then mulled that a Committee bo sp."! - pointed" to pupate lisaltablep place for holding , the-Copemtion. ! The' Chairman appointed the following named tediums opi said - Committee- Dui E. Appleton.-Joke , Noniron,: Daniel Ifo -Excedy, James ill'HlPettlgraas.,•• • motion the .Committea"amazement , was increased 14' Me addition of the following names, erlu_Dr.•R. Sheldon, Joints A. Eakin, Daniel Barter, Edward Campbell, J. O'H Denny, It. IP. Bahipecoi, John E. Parke, John kl; Porter. and `.Beniamin -Kelly. - • DIM! these'additional names, the Commißeareads: on followt-.Jamee I Dunlop, Eno., Daniel McCurdy, W. J . .Msdairs. Alittsader, Itictuirdooo, James H. Smell, Jobe .Iforeson, Alexander. Watson:l4n Cid. Ilium Italtl, &YAM Percival, Jacob )raj Wm: .It:Shme;'Ciipt. John 'thly, *moons CoPer:.!Dte. `E- - - Appleton; Simnel - E. - nuke, High IdiCeeputok, John ..Bl l #. ' Miqoi Went. Ifsj: J. M'S- 81304rms. It isto.J4 hoped that the rtipectire Con:ult imo will on soon as potudiple, end make tuck iriattgatetitt an may seem bent vital to 'advance the Alen of-their•appolidment. The ruisage_ Committee, - partienlatty; are tram mended Marine_ in dint scathe, and appoint adationalmeintera, if they diem sub necersary. '• The Ctontoittee adjournedto meant the'saine place Oktr.l.Dontotin office, on Sd street.. Pittai , . bar kg. on the 'Mb Mit; at 2 o'clock en kg. ~, ppinctoni attendance on put at the meimern - of • the'Cotamittes is earneetly reppieet-, tints litiar s.• v. xERSIcE, ENE: • • ib OdEsiti , ; V kite Pittito•y/i fimette. - , tier leadei - Of the LOth July, together with tawdry articles in other Pittsburgh papers in rei- Litton "to railroad Morentesda le this my, have If ivy name 61 sot been prothinsady weal in l year :article; as well m ethers, I should hot care telt 'ealled Upon to tremble on with a reply.— But ail firm beim &reedy assailed witheelitrlle of brisieb of felt:btu: silmaioning Pittsburgh ln thretp, alter 'obtaining - the eubeeription from Yomeounty by; intildnpfilse promism---fte that lithe rent charge; thotigh - asteisii In other lan e sseete- 1 1'fielit doe tote ped to reply Dilly. , - We are eh sited, theihif I onderstendehe tin-: or of those several artielesOrith basing obtained the Alletiosoltauttieription under promise of re. tundsig . the like tonomt to: the. Western . road, .which prsusise w More failed to fulfil-and Mal l .now we hisikabssidoned - Pittsburgh. and are 1 tuarlowto the conspleties of the lien n&rind, ' ' , with a slew of: zed:log..li .Wheeling couneetion; 1 l awhleti I toostunequiroadly deny, An my bun behalf' and on behalf of. the Posinsylvanis Bon; :, In order tbst your public , may atuderMital the position ail& Company towards your city, I beg you tuintert the following extrael ef my led :ter of AuginititS47,.. the basis of the char g e-as S o A.,the ..ta0,d.1.., the temporary& , of , the Portage Dallstiait telqf be peel to .the W 4.05 aorta* . the Compel upon ilter Matpletlint of the,iiritt; be dirt to the WM or Weetemilividon, beini earitbsit mob deice In the road, whet made to that polakwill Dank& hinds reqpisioi to Its -completles to . ?lltebn - ' natarti of the country through whleh • ; :OThe part of the Western Division of the road passe, tiO adverse:to sultan lesprosetnebt, sad time 'nuit elapse before ifeaspeldes win be reduced._ Abode tatewtylbie Wiwi of the eonstry between the - blemeepbela and the Commangh premisbt Obellattet sibleb Shutt be ammo by doe Pi] itagdoll tameitc neeetemilli slow in weestrim -DOW. Thts dhltitre, thong) stater by gawk tif ty milts; will:mules pitman:l4oWe in. el*: 4 7.1 1 , I" OligearZoom sootlooi which pt wets . • , 1 , 7 4,1„ eludiefore, we are itotepe,Dedte 'pastpoue • Illiketiatobloomint tie the Western Pleitibm antil litili.Castero ta,tnished. WieUrtiole wrirliwUl re, AD*. dttlibilt art llhne Pisa it would It both Di. lid= wore put under Cotpzuelimi at Ps mete pwicel. iltnt tf,the meyall CS provided to tom .mete= the Yeittern IHrisien in tom as the ma. mye arisumats, the two sections cm be madir ppslr, and a Railroad connection be' 1_ wane btdween the two oilimal knot two Mrs. dtiilineb than If the policy la mimed Which pee- . enfelient tliotate. 1, : /..° Vie question, therefore, for yo u r nitliens to aeAdels, wililhey. expedite by their enbserip [" ticiatheolimbig *fa, oontithuntsiallrosil between their piwn. market and she Atbuitle, or : will they'. . bestow` thtdr energies upon • road which cannot i 'beiMadessailidide to. any mead extent for the . next Ise . or air pant , . °I look with confidence to the rOspottseTbe . , ponsyluais )3,511rayl must be premed With . ..I"i'effeot.' this pad abject . and _enable the DlSeetssfee press amid both , divisions cd.the 'Sued' the same' ailna, a *llllloa or Ismael from the Westmeountien, Thar:Mon, Ms* the wrist= or thiorliniume, ,111 how mother kailigi from Sho:trnstrevy ar. auk ;IV - at rlbidelidds;ind dumb Iwo is *WI bn dusted, dimmed to the liresiteintruisioNVrhicitt 1 4 bs tvg.i.ss bud se dek moor nt me m. "Iji it on/lcpdsoegderotodtolke oi Relbead, hew elan the colnec ng ; link be: mac betvesi -Pittgaimit „and ;the State soot The aasSw , Tonneglnnla ; Rails* hose. adoptsd 41033331131tei policy to brine no - bond.: &la Conpany..lllo their road =shackled by debt; sad, tedis,cot weft a it competent to any otospiiti , tending to Rieretall Its asefolnesa et , profit, Lad ifaat• = tee' the !hada that: may be !aphid . 01., that, piitpose;'lozoos as its ova pi ist k.. i d the " don of the Ohio roads aIIZI iso e itich ."1;;;L n. wring link advising_ ...The',,PetelflOranbi.-"firm4 el=ani‘l6ll • Mod &Art loCSldelt , gon the f thei `,lbw Bead wassails the occaelon versants it, ooettractice. •-• ere vent *our /taw energetic sastst %raj° piece; the Reambenie Road in a poet; thin which shill insure theisochmcg albs Mk Central road to such a point $3 it ean„;thrbisb mrolty,connect, Irltklt, and p,t L ear , eursOreu, to'sonceanateithat istatoction.- . - '"Very reapectfally,' — '( as!) B. V. MERRICK - Pree't Penn • it. R. Co." 4 By #r ens 49 to #de extract, Jon"! le' 'redreArbst thil !imp* , of the Pepitityleaubs liaffraiff ildatahig 1 1 44 QV =ado thatimatitia. 'iamb' a d to be falMr4a. irirst-4,tae time therein indicated lam not y•rit a wired, losiliusioApplioadou haa Me becm madi bi the - PaniPiaduldidtatiMrtialhe Peuriayb=is Itaffroad Campuny for sindstance, g ar of "Rorie Faith" carries vlth it own 1 - %lire Tinier lie2iitato figreWFUitage to thelettei. -: 5 i i ::,, ,t, e. i ..! { - 4, •}y . I Becona-In regard-b tiie Hempeeld road, Ili bureau undoubted right . .to take any messure we may limn for oar interest in relation to ihrrith out at all affection our relations with thordty Cit . But up flatil thriiitioT4 batmen no more-' moot that I know ii; by the Penneylvenis Bail road; or bythe citizen of Philadelphia, in aid of the IleMptleldiast Poe hoe any application, that "[lmp of, beim made to apirtho Mt the of moon- ipriOar. 'The meeting at thellaiired:offsee; the pro ceedings allernich-yon petalled '• had no more reference td die of. that. road ;:thati had to the binding of . s Wad to dement; and Irthe reeled= hiid been read with any but ; , joodiced * r eticle, .they Would tie tun bet; ter ,undenstood. - __Thst malting we miles& the request of a eitiven of ; !deride; who desired to sive est, if .; the Rempleld road Wu • made, it would be for the intcreet of Philadelphb toeske a rcad'frorMite - southern ermine di 'arietta, 1 r lethe purpose :of: forrninS oonnee M tlOl; with the settee Ohio road , and dist unless theft*. ; VS Company wed beamed tuck sconneetion would be owls; they meld be Weed tirtellta -thee at Belpre,lopposite Parkesiburiblusteid of at Ibtrieltai tilteentilles The action of shit:meeting; item, poligi out the - only mode by which any portion,oftheifilontherti Onto, Kentucky and Tennessee trate raw bp sae- el to the City of Pittsburgh; ; bemineelf delphis should make. he oonneadon from Wheel, log tclldurieds, andifthe citizens of Pittiburgh hare public spirit enough to ,make the litenben elite ess.l, then there lecke VOW llukof acme 20 miles along the river fronStsubcronle to.Wheet; log to. give you direct catemnsication brndirout. to liashrille, Tepee ;-;;, - 1 this seen of that meeting: 'Unitas, should bring about this result, you will be in deed is us Iblynarukobillautkerhoonnection.l Hine encouragement had.bee given , by they meeting to went thollelpris comps:llW push lag their ead'is far north an Diarist* ; would PoloisbellYhtetsken up Pith:the prom ; Peet of a Baltimore conneetico, and breached Of 1 to Perketsbars- under theardoellepe that the ProketsburS. road veld wine time.bix built. :They without stopping to think or inquire. you Imre gone off, as usual, at ,a halt eock," and roundly chargeuswildr .. "penis frith,” .etaie we 1 , are taking steps which, Rented Out. will ' erne . l As regards the Reoptield toad, thae•rldwaYs .call that no steps in furtherance of that project Imo mu come: to my knowledge in thle city. that right yen barb to - complain it the counties at Weeterehcla end Washingtedoinie to ma* • des fot deeprevia& to the East; or. if the Weenstohral&lNdisond'CoMpswy deer to cm; ;lounge a intar,b Owenting two of the Plaid& am gentiles la the SOW In btltylni thtlf.i/P -41sse ostto their lea, I apse a loot* •Mrs. Not reed was and, to tent the Wade of thi West to the See lkiartt ; and we OAR en c meryjost and peso , mesas to effect that Joe Tee better pea and but some ten• ages more distract, to bring to your borders Sudo= trade and Wok edit' they. beat yrn in Ildr competition, --- ;you bee nothing .to cam pdaie of. Be op enddoing,' or you via be left bele In the sum, Mak* Pourredto:Steu benville and Wheeling. and, , by the time it is • , you will hot Ws trade reedy, which can only be he by utility and totcwMes , .; woold esepanfei suggest to you the impolley of your *retesting bickerings avast this city. -The in terests of the two cities are identified so closely that it is impossible - to separate; them. -They send or fall together. The Penoryienla Rail road is Just as titipartput to one as to the ether; for, without it, neither city' cauldhave withstood tin competition an both aides. • In rattle:to gut pledgetem;tatoed in my tsh ter of August, t have 'hut few wo t rd ti Nay. The extract speaks ;ter I called upon yar.to stibemile, in order. tn -eels he to pat the Western Bidden:- under contract: The argument used was acknowledged to be sound b y all y our CitilAMS. - ^Tb. leer afterwards you respeted to call. If you had not, the Wee ; tern Divide Dodd uot, in all probability, ere been under contract WO lime, "a the Ptau ; sylenisltallreed PdgehisesPpped et 68E951- , ern slope of thedndgktby. Alleglatiy: If eel he bee the men; where Wield now Mrs been do Pre ; petty of Pittsburgh T. Where. would now hare ; been the Pennsylvania Edited',.chectecl at the mountain' p -Your own boil Inowledge will &e -1 ten di reply: That antecription; was the turn. v In of our; prosperity.. It was the lever ; the will tiittyocroily rep. It etteenteted ; our" effete, and enabled us to so -on in the East and complete env enbecriptioa." Tke ; ,ashastlythilt plied you in a position to "orgebeand prose cute the Itickboomlbse. I mesa its lamed is then a man hi your-entity doubts its wis dom! If there : is, be eseed.'sreas effeet from When that sisberifitie was Owe, itt , 'one. ,thesht JOACcosaisnY Pau *mid' to the•;Wrenbee 'of Ohio—ii ro ad to the Mee lineot Rent*Winic iply vas contempla ted: If, in proper tee, aid bad been req of the Pensylvania Railroad Compido',*.thet Ole. POO hare' bee eon- - Bei other mats ear n trourpleC ,The red his Demands witheete, --our aid Mauve. been refuted, because • etw Ad los neer too eked.- Wee; our facia 1141elphia,16th 'ors mr Tom P)..jooa 11161„ was Never a tory . por! barrewof . ._naiva; Of - nearer the stegoitinis;pOnikirltilqalkeii thin that of ours. Everybody cupid hex gone.. . leaving the lower in the bested atmosphere of , our Glean *stWiets: liroad ,l way is fairly captirwl by the bellesoff& iota, earl 'route , for the :spittigr„' and fait Modes Not . Tort lady peel": Eva% body esthete ham grewfo . thecountryt or the ceax Pact of the houses Writ is an !.h! MP* Ito the Wlio. Itiste& . Wall street barber iliflacAll° l the stock books ago only wathbefi fella a: 401 444 , editors,lrbo are Amino! ta thn dish. rev , southern uncrasnall ins 'hem looting tkraugb stocka of goads, but:the " soles ore. very amall Mid must be for some weeks to Collie. lik:Atexast is owe more to emery from ri vate lib. !Ma pill appal, on the Adage of tba Broodars7 &KAM lea.teraber. mow claims to be a -t=sylva and area AMA ground Judge 'Oakley bielasided-tbsadtis proceedings in the Bowan Court id thia gam dr ist : l4, Aw ed =hop tt , dbmoutinuel • &Weida nouuttenotlf for Aar fart* pUtptual: ha ~,l'orawylvenia. Mr. ferrest- bar just notemeneed a nit for libel gmbisliLedestages 5i.11120. 0 0 0 . le.' it enesceselalosit the room s or *bleb orreititerefdted melan-titti ago. Thedirthothat ebaddlt ONO hu taken b ben ontaphillo& gad murximrageled by th e 4w,-- Ths Unirnblibu th dog& id Sta'4l Worth% e the, tataid get ahlt2 *Oa OP .eacleall Ads them. but also recognW the jugleent, it* gab tin taken by the South, Widchlluilfortb reform in tote.; The yeruli - ls Inter tenor...a:4 :The take the question in hand; and glee the Booth gate idneri, la 'edict 'dichrieg the liOrtb-4 be ' % igatontich as law obliges them to marendsr the _mggey, which theY have Importere of tunignMat MAO aratikkrillope =out of the lair. rectally pammLby, our' reit:ding the illegal tax on passim gam snivini brae. One, firm alone retrieved $50,000, and hairYIIU large -011.1111 i of tide kind agairdaannsylvirda and Idasnalutiottr;vhich they will ml doubt mdlettV ft* poi* emigrants bad to pay fhb money., stra for lopsseage bither,bnt not an tddlieln /Uwe *V tardy Petits rendered by the date. . The llangarbut sympathisers here are ;mortified at the iefural-of Kossuth to come to the Vaiit4 Mates, and.thebagerams of Noisy g e t total after pliallegb adony in th e west. -- T nun. Fetage, Landing seems to have been a. Weans floe, and 9 poop lnibble,wben esplo• ded loans no testes6lo qpi4mini: When the good mom ffnalVal,W#FßCOSilitOg some; aadistpolideal fugitives, ems Ago depas of. badbmesmose Far Ammo elapse WOO. They will let them have in okmattlaity ro tern ,boluMt liebig plorebota ole;lb• soil do, and t agradit.them throagh lowa begging Pe grbega boot iksoblee that not only or iistantle laagintegaMi thetn;but who absolutely beg, with rbs earrielpr gf flmmost abLect The steamer yeateeday *wool 4`tr Milltom of win, !CDC by exchange dcaltal to: Ifiedratta eicainsk hiwidcb inithey ann besamle Produce; bids; the rest test of the bellows of trade , and xbe'soandstess of bushmaciell at rate tbarViin riot &Ida on, ..The steamer gum Cali fornia is uoi ding sind sid- of the week' will abow.inorts toirientithd tbanibaseromenoement . G; , • cr,urnaM, Buratuppr*sp AlD . Facilities fbr triallsorbtliett dreate., l4oll "._,T el and basinems: Bat • yvt! ago our mows s sui" "ma Mitt, micas bWpesis, vas such that the mum for hi amicnnodatiod INow am Hotel crowded ati&till 140s1 the Mg iv doubled, The Cleiclend. colniajM and Ciachtmatt, and the Ilindstrigit Heaved's Mega ICamel much of thlsincresesk.' Ugh mete him drawn to it the best beats that dOsloa the Wet* . • • • Ithternekadsch Tas 31 0 16 k.dAiLlmain Pi Imin*foritsa__ T.Firt.`, ol o CleTePodltili leltakr* I#ll/ ofAseebeits shoe Lias--tho gotpire Elute sad si s t e rerm. theAlsdams 'said • nee; reL9lty todlnaldr the ic Lorulan floetherner and Bat) kir Dastito and digit to L o b, Superior, sal the Tcdedo and. , Citteetle„ Ilia Waist &WM th is port: • •,• A liniteripackets hike a thie, passeugess sumo Wet* sl"errening tentiothem st Maim to bresktest.,,sed fdseMitni . !0 dinner the net ~-- •:-..-41ntitherlifui of Packets oonneMmit the -tioreland littshutsh iledirosti,"conmys . pick, Mamerito' Pletcher& in a dui*, Sad thei Minder forth, Orleans and 13i. Loafs; tahlogpscket sod railroad to Cleveland: Ands the, qutetest. sad most homfortabliroute.te CincinnaM • , Tl4.citizr - ' sea of: Brie, erroldiag the , SrielisteasioneatuA. taken duet tod end retina snd 'picket to Pittsbntgh :Of . this used, counting its thiniaid4. Citinet !hued hes become the centre owing to the Mimi dint p soilitiea which i mingle: you itsel.hegea ur this is accomplished without deettaidig the business of Chan •rontes which-Intim pour ed their ones of produot into peteheid.. The' bosieeei of the: Ohio Canal hen gresl4 'aeries , ekeyel _the tartiyllets end plalAt toads oho! & greater travel than eeer, d country . campers inelineerltu been Imouichtinin connectionsith pertelead and .Pouncts. markets, and ; ill ••that :Wintry:through the, neer immemnocats ' pass feels the beneficialsffects of their roastoMf IdeaktiMeorhile the idiot* Country Is halted •bytdaten; our atm Forest City, melee* Impala; they heti - elite 1418'0%1,4=db:4 tdi may side,, eddiejt W tteeltperminent and beetall'al improve meth, 'doubling its toodnese, andgiving - proof th#:'.triabetantist ; and well conceived , public tripicrierenti are the balls of luting. prosper- "The iMirmised business at the present yesi but en earnest of the figure. - Another pat la Witnesathecompirrtion of the Lake Shore Itall rairl, siffordlnig-earess to the Fattens: markets amnia:le par:. A'nilroadeonneathui mill have been formed with tielfeet to Chlesp, - and soon will beta St. Lags. Ansibrosd connectiorivith 'Terre Haute, will compel the rich and 'valuable Productions 'hag its line, to pass throughOlerve. . land. and•an iron network .of accanianiagion I pill IM MO" here. ' • , year ;and Ohio him; cuing Ohio suet; will Manufacture . Ohlri wool In the ocitr uptirktlie . Lake Ohm" midis the rich .ores of Xako.Sziparlor win be smelted here. and a poi. thin of the cotton crop of.the South, Instead of melting Sootataloans and spindles, will be new ntactured In Cleveland. • • - - These Lopes are not 'eldinerlcsi, and their re alization will benignly brought about by those hirgitiestortransportatims which We this 'year , .•• to • upon Cleveland.-:-Cirreloud ger. VLOODIN TEE 31;111ELTA. The folloving - derpstch furnishes the latest in , teTlhgenee Lowtereinr, Jody 17. There hes bean a Menteentdona freshet -on-!lie Juniata rimy and u tenttene 4DIO9Dt prop, letty Wm been swept oft In many plum. for Mlles Ingether,lhe time and the canal form one The ries hi the ;Wei Isa so ondden, that it created the utmost consternates' along its bank*, The mad waters swopt evaphlntbsfore that in their track. - - - It is next et this duo, owing to. the excitement which prevails; to, get anything like minute partionlare.." Tits report I send, you ' , can rely,upon es being carrect. • , • At this plus, sacra homerOitiatel to the lower port,,pf the go, have.been submerged The loss of property though urinal) affecting I a number of poor families, Is not put There Was no toes of life, lam happy to ss, bus. I F Between this. and Huntingdon, the crops of .whet, barmy fences, he, midis low lands, have been 'wept Pray. • - • , - At tibeaffmnilW. near Wettest/set. the family of. Mr. Robert Kinkead, consisting of -himself, , wife, end six children, - mot leGesllibmum, TM dr00:114. They thought ttososselves In DO dan ger, end tuning in the house until it was too tats to save tbenissivell by fliffXt The h°B2° was weep from Its foundedia /yr pp torrent, and Denied down the stream. At IleConsebtews, the dwellingsofJohneoil- ter, Slrlelder, Enke, and the taeneeles of Fedi man ,and Lang, together with a umber of ague tenements, were wept away. Th r ten ong la of ilfe Imes that I hare hard of. Tliii4smagil In the Cane' Urn Hullintdon Is my sodomy acid # bale beard prima whether It can be repaired split this' At" Aleisndele, the. lesa ir k e d ble my hear% sad several peraaaa are repo rt ed. to have been 'drowned- , The large railroad bridge and miimet et Jig) Creek, • the railroad bridge at Nterstswg, Is gutingdem county, and several: Giber bridge', bare)aat meted away. -• The lop by 04 s 4kvtsfalt 11 014 001 1b9 cm" ems have not been etis to weenen# Tuesday pight.' • A tuts ran elf chi Mink last el It spproulted 11111 Creek, sthelmMe there would Imes be Priem lose of life, Illopimpon, t believe, was ruin- - • • IdfShf p.s rammer; Can.,-The &item Com Pall Pb.*' VP04141 1 11 UM* g M ti e el ear of now end wall- isr I,,lewth fernitere, vidett /emu to be owl* ,tp; Tiusat upon thme erdlnertly In um The tel hoe no plntforommi the ends nape tit tea tar NM drderrjoytendememthe doors meta dm sides as th e c olter, sod Masotti form send-dreles at the tbres gtelog Mors room god better Will r !rgeyer&lrith additional Menton to paw Angers Itoor the cu to brat= nearer etteginiO, OW puff. 00 hi, Ades td irgaitP#VDrAh. dltorttb. sr the ear Is miry dos it.introosAf le se pane& the other Casidair so CMS es timieditt-' • the ,riddance from the smolders crowd of the old 'Ostcoilis one • good thing to be _eddied and boped f0r.—.14".. T. TM - , - , A tiA 011114 if. DIAMIIia, CIIOI3IA EA- fAXTUII ,C6D1414 mop m .,Fe boos the (Abides • swim, says the ViWne Woo the Professor of Cimisby in. the Keaolth Ifdif* tab "I would vista through the sadism es' your popes, to eve_ynblicity to the bet. theft jhew seen instant relief ellilliaciaes of Mantes, by the use of Motto Scipio:trio Acid, a tee-spoonful efe Worsted to:hake being tatted del four "SduCes j(! bulk ;tinter. - • Also to We of ad eft lainAitet ja v4lph the child wee very much stcluilid, 44 We itto.mii*# 4n *strew seatsof iniesaility. - Aost*".. 7 4 rota be retalud. .thisrmay seeintogulOuzl— the child inunedlately end armed—, Waning the; Mile It new F194.0ay , and tho. there is iut reual. IPOIIOO say effects sherd' It dew hot - .yrcdnoe a curs, and believing that It ha.. domespecific effect in count jerdotintltheqtinie,tn& immediately arresting 44.4.1t 00 °.7. • • tav, ;TOP "'Peat:l'llY' • I . 49IIENCE BEID. . . nelre.bay was heard to sni that be hut quip Wins upwspepers, pad bed pile bits the erscu snerisinibushseen "I get, itee doling iireols," sea be, ilsr Unpins." ntlaybig ithnti" salm pps' i ot his cosorkliss. !Possum," replied Mie , • Pangeall; " . dassarovab, r•••=li tual—Dear Too Mndanit Id ad ad*. oa4l L Ws alaid4y; theatre we rook um* Y0Ut...../ n• two dare be the Nastyltoda Ralharik..Wa an. ar, they oat, tad It Is Wag loaatrid lby abate. may day. 401 IN 10010 4 00. Oarantll4 Adtdaad o.„lllasch 10„1,1. 4 M. 111.41q-ilftoßlt, Year ii/AStiAL Ire ma/ dan a. 444 040 Atock 014 4444 4* Moo imrdld lis 1.14 1 .504.4tp1r" Vast ad*. la Tartiyic Tatass Lilly mem. Wa as Wald loweral adralidat taltibadoi. If IMO Vrif4/...; Yaws, &a, W. 4/.IICOTS.- `kaiak 41 Karin 4 BrDoweli, 144 Wood what WI. lidlrra, V Wand Rdes4 B. A. yabantaak.* oe, cagier Woad sad V.,B%utretr D. U. Carry, 0. A. Itak.lcamb Datidar. sad IL r•iktiltsZta,Alletbeny. R. talu b i t id 4; prirlbr. • AvU4Saffr Cana Usda.Sintatlid..4otaaata4 rit with to r. J. KIDDk" W 0 R. Lam yoe ttmt. m bat. asad all of yotr Worm troatai l m left with as. NC. 006 lot M apt m Sum mom at MIA upomitla, as It Ma time poen: astilvtke fame 11M Imo may it/la 0* It atm to lum bimetal of et itit ela. It Ima antarnatti otter 10 , 141 00 t 0 elm.. If. sad fua tb.ta moot tie WA to Mat • M 174 on haat t A.PAITXII6O3: ' taws. I'tb.l‘4olll. - . Om* .4t!'.. Ma braanda of atalleremmatil gam villeptft Mmittomof tbla abadidse afrW4llbml{ him blatitAtitooi,;lllm,bermitht ' mat popilar IMMO in twee . ' *" Ma mak trf MD I I ty Matt= Mt 40.11,101 streelebtited as the Arabs were v cents 4cup, is the healing ste, =ter of their proerillbe men of qtr : ! 4d wA =miss tuts. Me. rordn. celeigeueo 49:bbVoinernt Is a coarodUou of beimuue li Rom rue *sate ariagalie ow peculiar lo Arstei.. end erne by tbinee 4<tSe arfickj gemeaeluel tide ilieer. -selte:lw that even the erikl Arab of the Pout pertermal each agneolousaorea. •It be eUrodir ec..l fb< rem .tsa, .Meet: Umbra le how. th e greeted blesdriS of tte , lea " a r ' J7l" WOO bEgreg*OPlP93lfOr PlitiOUrghl UNC II OUBAGE /10M2 INSZIUTIO NS I 1 4"'''- 41W ' in drd• 'S i b ° . IPI eCLIg; U.U. doissiiProoddont.........A. &e 7. -; ,"Ta2nrgr dr+ o .oorort tidote all MOballitl.P. er c aii; lawell do audios. it to the eil•tei Of t vumtm. Wbo ore ad WADS of Pittotura. well and foootablY bmoragir"....itT thatr voodoo, intolllsesoo, nim r ,ri.rwcazw oiu6taff, oal =Or. marlaintirto Ass isonxicnozi lain Int ileolis w—mei. aa lioli isa to U. 0z.% vibes , bytni•s ttoi.ostk way:mull mom . *maw ft. , 1.1.1 it 011.11 M tdes 'Want tom ft 'woe. ts .in darttsithi maims .ith the oneao &Y. Yon mat Wisdom • smdbies toes mast we saws It raw.. away sastssitst shOsa.toseftosaYll bul facts a vaaaissaiessi: and it. Peels Oa SW bat istaelbal Semi rongstkva-zar Mad itgUod a SU' asps: biltied NI essU or aliaos }basalt! sem Ur boom spies Ws secardsoce vah netkisel sad phi. kolg admil 11004100-41 pesseaso Use-ssoaWSPooeUM *Mak='isid-diensee a Use W sat Y. =WM obet tha& uakos. eUsassee .0 camar......:iessuit .r. 4,,,,,-.5.. bika;ortgaileslwarld. Julsalast,U;mmicUßeimettb. t r. aseesa anises, Sem onusistioislanie,s , alto. t It Winans lossray be tessgesa by th e aspeeeef;Uit it es core sees may arms, ha ups masker i• It will be Cbst i isesSesseatr a Asthma; es whishalkt the bassuitusay orlichule IS see UMW. , seats of Usk blast. ' A. 1.6 Osettesd, then. -by other ea. "Win" . Nth. Oglrd Jae Wear sass' or Solana Sea rata •o.eseso,saser se a Waits* fa tb• ssiglell Jam Sears OsUst . This Saimaa orepaselos to. posysedse warmest. tabs make to all ethane." - CAPlls3e—Diffar• sea wt for to.. esidesa On AA. . Dies Bseseesnles frees Kostear-seelleasisectber. Ow , ,: varaw , zuliiiiii. uo Wow 4.. -:, .:,;,Fccrogn and American Hardin& LOGAN; WILSON.' & CO,; r" eta 129 Wood titreet,, =- - :ape seei...a.t”txrorronruarr.arrelisercrir HARDWARE .a; a./ "Pegg t.* aid which tbo anelmsra vim Pl lrith " 't= ~.!_PitubFgh:LifottiOn. $100,000. - .: • 8O:76 'FOURTH 0107. 1 stra—Jostax IL Luca. • • adrattsemist apollm patof tblirssP. . - . tb• 2lst I;ext, at lireirpott;iliiiii,UaVidnilltiaK (Mai Tamura' chlid of Lull* and.Osibortad Saa b. sqc4l yew, stlootbsould 14 dsyr. . • riLtit. Perm,.lvivaia Railroad Company; doubt with th p Ys. no rrolneatly .l r*l t. Itrz opratlo s atria t rz-• "di" o li t lbstalas et. • tat. r• azadArkl Zoal t. tool bow mach they...)ll Isda• 6( atm truth) that Itt• warjta .. t&elitillt not so great—that •Il dame, tui repaired bg teralarA•r,or. 044 Dome Wary at MU mat mkt PlpirlAS,trtidorill r=:•st mom • ar• tor th• amiaat.rotus , j ghIIIA•WA., sal artAtrantl to.tatatat " 1" ibMW " a . 1113 DAI& ' - • • et ea ad.°, LW railhead Ocalp•atr, ai O a a Maud. at Um T ier rator 'Sth he '. r•toror. "r . =tal ""*" • • MAIM *THAW, iNtuAr•Ad Oblo • • ' OL) /MACH CO. L•d , eb A Co.* ttwor• Lbw. W. AMMAN A wo IMAM GUAVA . Al -I,:hdoa . VI MODEM E.TERM&-Td Bold; (tC Asa vol 4. k held lbs. steamer yoare.)=4 e tem Ist aeuevobee etas-. teentlial. 203 aear kje Plalk comees=la wearer ef tee 0 Aver. Charting vreek. kat Ik• MOW :=174.1* . "1=4. - • • • ssbeel balsr.• • tato eve std, gudav et •• , Wu=rtgree kb ittlee byla•V .41 •1. 1 VDU. bvlen.r ke seteker,ekled AOSICLI• ar ezed i te141 . 11 , ker•Dlnk. Verlit t tt y ;ley idea. Madve th tt vara'ever.• Urea abiding Muslim and Irish & BURCHFIELD hail(' ieceiv whale* maws of monk" abase oono.ol dtimsls tem Liao saw • f4Vaav irisl M Vrthi is Ow oorth•••• corms ot Fourth am WC. LAIN BLACK RUES—Far Baas and I g Dorm , Atm. lisbt sod dub timagesb* KUM kw . haw. arattaksot. to b. anal l , bo. stored 1111UIPUT • BUILCUTI Valuable Property for Sale. rE subscriber, wishing t° lb at, at ptlway. vase, tab NAM, la Irma p, maims. twili t . 44 , 41,: ib beg 11 . tlt r Valatt vA la Allot I kttabungb sat libnlatar Rabaul: l. sheawtmartns ot a. 1210 tram Ma paint adaetad Ibr Lb Da , pa. law afbatlaa as arstetmitt eta..st b tir a suer ant Of Or then "daft./ ettlet tab bentatur aotar Ity-iltalg.gba,a/VtUag.aelvbtaat.-ala,lt at alba rriraart.- last Wax bond. taaatbaa vaaselloa I.lo;Cisetarkstlowl mill pupa oalft ta• papa [ha tract. tootalas la all 41a a. rya at ant tab tabtatla au 4,11100 ototallast Umbrr Oast UP mbar. dab. 1,1 6,1 v a fa z.... t a ....12.1k . • tati vw..4,o,. 44• = tba i..... 117 7 .113111 =.00 7 It • et hare IMIZIMIXISM. ism=Tr. nom aratamatal beef b "" a rMa% I a raTICA " irstras=nakal vaatnappotbaloa :00,Waatilt llaPlitta tibia U alestorti at , uaeat the , at mu. to salt panbraraold • datta " iatl . V. aC ••• .X.IZ=I I .. Slat aro tot blit4oll ilo c aotl iat taaa D:0 dm% Lara. July Is. mama oiitiaTue &nit Sale 44. PURSUANT co Gni:War of the =«I atjytibr=,a. y otpos mid ooffty.4ml^l. tVeMact.A.II.II:IO I6I, AMY I kl k*AV l‘l i E r.it ar s - ooroctLogeo l sof • -• oesfor_.*'-neaf` as - • • ; of . molMirook Ito /if ft Iraf th 6f tr= alteftlb... of tbe ot witb th • hoWtrarisdeelnit tbitast:lrgir widow aLtbik clooktak ths,lstZt l lltziald lo bat " attar =Wen br Aril.* to the ',wheat. lANCT i-6011131103, jJ4 •96IX likr.l;7 IMITTL&FIaraN dtd-gtta, al Pm, lklttualcr .pagit kYti l gl i : ":"IVC . _ 11141illi ' • Alex Lo CiNCIN .4trrsvi Tl; us., - • : • V• _ 'LUST LOWS Win i re"" .. " " ft "" ILICIAS EOM Pitubutgh Life Incurs ce Corn . .‘• rritie ' COMPANY . Nita intorpozked ill . ust: villa • Tortoni ChAtiori 0 00100 hommosoat baiar n o • =Atha At 10 TY doos Mateo both obt=tot Stott imA• 'ALVA atm tho Ambito thottini kr that . - . D .l .ll)..muo d yr IhrPerthat. jr 14 ve• Itt•Austutt CotohAtohA A0.0.m.ft"3244 1at0l .5111 " Ilt . W•OPYr! . ...i. ix ' Th. Marta CM l i I frban lb my/ 0 0 .• tootAhtbAhotoitt= eroditoto—to mkt._ ohottorriwthotrown utest,* b_roollt.D2 An i t. or *Pee 61 . 6 6 6,11 " = " r!!‘ . • • .... -- - • nom ot tbe • ~ - 1. ' - -'' •-• ' J. on. g, hooey Tram ren •-.i 1 : , -L a5 ,00 1,. 41 4, . wAftAki.' ~ ' .lrialp- c ittria44 "i• , 1 4 ., '''. 1 , _, &um. Ito. Wolter amid ta . o no. '. •_, • 11°' Willi"' ' WU 'N. r,.... 1:,:v. r....u..td., of r, Dia i d "X l ,=, hhip.,-WbottetioUnett• ", •,- -;: ' Iltib. A. W. Wails. A. tt.lke6ll.o6t.' E. • • • ; ,:•• -, . . • . . r m" k Illala hilmatly. 0. . 7. ; 1 00* . at tt. 14 ,. . , i tt, 001 00 4 • l!. : ...111437;m0h6otkoptt. , .. - ' - ii"tkin - ft i t a w:souk. a : F r :Pk:CAL, , .. , 4 4rj o 4 4, Courn!'. It, 7 , 6 ratLaWa t. 4. .. • , .. To oslan at god& - N STORE, w alled for, the Moving pack ' • Prr, * XWt °moist, mowed to can Posislinsda al hash!. . coma ram sod aro* r. ' •••- ' and Painted.' Mtp:TallAN D ; Bantaarta air, BY ••„ P= Bjet bat Brod/mod dottrel atal most mu • of Carta WWII. Weir D.11111.E. that - ea% • valiant tatrinloot to Me dialog' and niimal • • • 71:14to Bonilla' oalforiallf• ,4 Woo aponintsd iobr stotit• fOr fkta - • tniatt of Ports dram Istolta al todooot prima. • • ft. BELL TATUB , —,23O bbV. Extri Pamir i Br - file • IL W. ILARBA ED LE &D r-SO golbd. for sjalitati .0.042--1 00 boxes Nor 1 Rosin, fa? We by ,tras ft. W. 11AUL0011. ri - ACKEREL-50 bbls. LFge If°. /Ts. - ju.t ndfd •1411 , NOY jyttl , JOHN wor co. LinsEED 01L-1500 91 .1 1 9 013 STONE-800 lb& Ar r ale ik ia.. L. - ••• laiekt PmertY. rQERsoNS siribesatiful, healthy, !tio uelt=d de4744mi= beautiful, ° nr. , to amend ffermilastlykl.aia,....../ 6.= ° . try IPuddnnkaa. mandarnes4 ,thr tut awns bons [be ity. UT OJT stell , r i = th a d r n its b i and ttt t— r •gt Is now Wei. retAltitanla m =nd) italknarox C l l_ l lNiptasvaty fly Iming Cleanitia. nes will fatty= tpa Uma? tg manna, at the bra 3 p vim* I dial Le= iitan! rEas tr o r=dmemt I 132:1f r ="" JAB. He Q fortabxLlE irtODLIVER OIL-3 WOO genuine Rush aksitbs - A CO.' (ra Jacob Townsend Sampanlin-24 irte w. 4 ISALUI DICKEY CO., Ageriiti Itt for e: aurae/ Iranivorkc Erik callitanUrcat Wald sad W atvcrike....k . ..of CittaltY. Var , 409. CHEESE -54 boxes, on corOsiment now imsdint, tar snle !twig DICIXT a CO. /4011EliEL' in ciaartaibble. far :0 20 bi : ISAIAH Illeggr 111) wssn and trout etx - • 11 . 10E÷TAT r,he tirror or bbl. for sale by 1314AniirtMjaiu, trndEGIS-1 bbl. ror sale !aria' Orem mosieeneeet. - mutt =MT ceroons 'Guava's; - ; TIRAMSS. neises in the bes 4 and •nU 1,-.la=eable thou from o r 0r...r01dn7 u.lronodorltboot "Oa b. or loorontletz t pia. Menet, ow& Gfirli A ta.... Pb ‘ llidelptt. -Y irso l rOstormoeo Windom ON • Mr dirroliTbonsmber At Intorno* .momor trot mon ol i o bit on ea rat nand bi0t0!11,,... Len lr I=ll ' M cow. nu my, tor t io win nold moo coot chnuoltoloo. milt out to ordoblo tor tbno who wish 16 ocardt to onto .7tr.1.1.Wt0 beentaltolooril .notlet. Ls shooT. temed bria, dworiag beyond lob of Meow Ttdrtemo raw eloW. nod annoy ondlokled ...bikini to this tooth of otenba proctleobse .abbot blot to redo. t oi o. rtV deck tei P.`°.= bonbon Lbo Eliala 'roadbed. ' • w il t latiosentiloro subedited orlthes ea nor wilt Orme* loot lo et Mos profoodond goollantkos an bold by, tom et tho most dleboodeboy medical moo In the comont - , bon hod tbo planer. _to mot ler: trat , Wpm , ticsi nod hoot now Otto Imo • Loorabla of Us •rbanctota bodkin the prafesoka owl ot. • torationem . ! probolOOl Wittier en, oly ttooo wbo "boo tbstootres oder bit cams • • Jam kl. Wo t n or teral. v ,...„ : • isay latOrbono with rfr, neekt. - bajo . lbood ato .kpartaxott onset geolt - . ; lT 10'17.tordatoor tba canards." Imo zy. I. ey 2 boom 'Wort, sod Mt Moo roam p ea s. •, • Cowanolkor tL Stelumbers Most. -' • 4. 11ro boo knowo worst ear of puma &stoma tomb tady him witit doe mod !Ezra. DriLj=" lataaaai sod eon Illaataa 65 5t=..,.1 ‘l . lalla tap bomb'ofrtoci -!.1 . 10060 alletor win at at SO or on row" mooted to "or • 'bit to De. Menlo, Amid. Lid pa, mehlimm TWO. lo • oil selootal co olant mart= prelantor awake •NIMI Nee SOW.' Ompe. oklIA ...Marinaoa MOW a altar aia , =rad." pooemed by ybyeteeny m or, e ill oath 50.050 liben sidratintioniko oat reit: Wm. Lenny & Co., 4 -. 1 LASS .MANUFACTURERS, keel! , dOll - .14174114A114,,..= ZtVextriru4srer. balm, 141 Wood street. cdisburgla.. C h attalfl a c i ottintels= .l besetolics tbe del am& smart L:tibe t. :4Z l . l .l4 CULLY do. Tbrakeed tat Dreas4ll44. sad . etriet sttesdikes tgelQ-1ty.0 4 : 71 V i z: b. n= aim 441114 istrMse4l:2Q! TROPOB4IIB—, • WILL bo; reatived by th e. P4llllllAratia. AZ un a r 4. ,° '" rn TlN:l=g lt,i`b= o. des4L o diaZrAt . i s ;r4.4.rt.. is ilss ?dub Ward. • • its b l inding sill lbs bylb4 414 tW rr i rx:& t re ..bard LLhe ants yes The serticts be Molded directed by dm boobs la sobs stem eraperistesdeses tbs sort sill bolus. • . Twos sob tibia seasisted. " • IMMO ' 11141 , 1 ' Saddam Itastarer linos. 11aLlesed. 16 1 AL SODA-4000 lbsillneieb,llr sale by Jyls 4 S J. 61DD CO. Data J.ll,eiehhelm kNFORM his friends and the public in gen ma. LW kw by ne.vild ease. otrat. No. Aiilakaallinbiriae.- • 11111VBIN, CLAPP &,,DOUGLASiesio - : ffe j =4rrattai t ot Maw eL ,Lorlto tbo ot trattos of Ow liortivran Trod. to thou Mout of (loaf.. re oeivodl d trots feats W ho m.111'10.0t4 aw l for salt as flr Y AIRRIST, a Holmes -Lumar Demi. •, • lam.Ageth.Postollef, •?: • 10 Dble . cat , 1 - 7 roativid Vali teditr.stN tr kt eve Hll lona W00110161111. 1 : 10101 . TtittikrattY.Dl--.i. pang lbie , acquainted = br Mhattklbe•mk '4trato 141107, Aft...Dl.l3alt• tbkmem .—......_ • co -PAR . . _ or the Ma n r w lb* ja ru detitgl t g a lLr i , ou IkerVgl44.l° I?: of wx• bourreamr — iMil tb. erda_ cm ' mAN, • - LORENZ &WI of fteoZ t t l or drea" " 41171 {S u klh. oxoSinti f n" IC ' lb. btolisoot. they datZ ..._..a.rnxi, t.osa ortkiettothair 1100 .2_ i...=...,.... ena.tot to Um. totottm =4 lizya . .sttoollm - to WO.so moil tem= p.. 14, ....... to Ott okt fa ir T a .k. . o_f .!..„ 4.• Ws moo pmparat so ar ln ". , himdito.d.l7Mr... ift.atisrollaZ I 11AVING:eold our Canal Stnek;-and bur Vitra l dirri s tittioo. l / 4 = valberrilteelownon anorairl o tthit ba• ft- " aydr Uth. MI , • " pitift ac•co., • nikrar-b - osibasito.vtsiciarts. 1 icrl'itrpf & V.4 kidosar. I •:: "^" .5 1 . A• • 1.. = II 0. P tO I '. Jaw a. Groan. Assat, PlUaranb. t 4 ' u‘oormo.l%.. Job , loa. ' ' IL CLARKE & CO., • - : iroaciAapreco Azto ouwaiseacrs litacuarcs. ' - TUE OPARTNE3IBIIIP beretirforcei. MMTlry •iitrtht l 2.4t r l i urrk I. Ude dor dissolved br de dad et =deb liellwr of »w aidersidsoo u edi ae n o r i g, eu moan of te. ow 9rm• Th. 141 1111 ti,:i; 1. rfiteldleredsl#oll. 111 . - A - PEPIANE. T STICUATION, et periodi l tatvat tarn Int, ter r• 4 :eop o r . ~..101rmany Thum I A; telt . 404 ?AO ,- T I M th ° trio W brierslleed=fd. e dith - the. redtobeg m r.iiilletr a edilllerlfdecoestit.. -( add Ibueetthendf dill de meet to tweedy stk. oleo draws pleho dd. ow: folthmtleah or elterodoos of old don. ; e cho AS the enc. of the Weatlendertroldsebe mow. 5 . : in Pm z o t „, s . . 424. - hit IL =who. di Wadi. 11RITANNIA 11:11 BETTS, CASTORS, , 0.4.04.,A...ma1.. Tea Swab, Plate Ligmealts 8»10110. anon oullity "et Batism W.. oe.ii;l.;:taake.esPrar =re. 606 6166 1616"ft'l a. my annn: Miro? Smith, 47 Ypaketstre:!. kirmatiev,.with t li r k = Th. "Odd. ce ham! stegt a, i t,.. " " N ulTrayr”,l"--6. istanAry LS. - *um irk • 11141 alleted • . • :cRD 914-12 bble. for sal* by_ • Fyn - °usu.& TRAYED OR STOLEN from the Were - W,,,MbFu,./41=4 moil DOU. w. Anionne nrt.Fpfaz sokll4AArre VAT:cant "..n.'"111:10.11116 P 1.41111 ." .1714 • 111 Viktor MOW ' YAK 75 Magee Lew, Nov Fork, •' : • kmMPORTER and Jobber in TRENCH and xmq pat FANCY. MOM Oman Tom alai tom. ~....,sftntg...dtk.. thie n0 . 5.1./...0.0ce5 , 1.a01v '' lades trd " 'Nerillt. '.• • t ' • . . , shostanrf *put Ibt Azorims Ito Tin Slz.neW old dt mu W sago thii Fyejgl4 reativerlfar all the Way Statue' on the PetFuOita4 Central/laarca. temitzg th . p=766. 3,2,?"ll'liat mvec=. r imm •COV Dna COLA' • CISIVIITO -NETS, Bane, White, de., to • trartriristaciiium k _ . EAT PLAID:OLNOILADIS of n super, kw uilty. litgr ii.ina • 5ad . .0.0.71 , st Ito et :, ... .. , , Nuapny a Eugoznitui, . PIG IRON -150 tons Mill Creek Pig-Iron : Wm ram Croat t . do b 7 - kr ROWNSOK LIITLIFO3. 1116 ' 04 WWI. And: - WINDOW OLASS to bolas t t iseseed • T o . . • AO lIISON. LITZLE*OOe ACK: 000 Etwoni'Shoulders, Ufe. ~20:46 enk.twojbtatEe. • • ONnea a Gamilig. MHZ r TBMEISS of 'the! wi aks e =o4. o. l =roat r a=" 6. vittabarab am, larataaas ca. j7 coms•my. • JANFIS Gil Jalk2a • • VIBE hire cal hand GOANY' ir Cod Gror• lb, Zak Irmsnegtri taiti lentoi tb• Unital BUM. Whirl, Ire will si qtroviti kw to mut Ms ... • muziaDa illtaw • I. WAitle omit UNION OOKING RILESS--Timhea. -neatest met setce, veneer Pfeil ta va• oak • inr. ..rm dole, brute& WI frletlowleareeuramilsormilb , ro lett tbia lbo r egr a rrz s grOirs4 prea eWs st . Btallaiery *labels. Mutat dt. ;SAY FORKS, Ray Rake% and &I ; t'll 1te00124 by , Jat • ; &r. Vo3og IIII•IIOUT 00. 'WAILS 300- kep assorted skies stare, It sal by :cosmos, 74111.1 co. YB . InT-300 bush: d ri ed Pemba& e • i hie ' 111:4.11D OLL-20 1^..b.15. No. 1-Bennett & • 11Jhams sosks. *a by . latutrouncorra 03. 3y1(1 WiJar sad Trod paid. IEITANTED—Land vaunts wantOd, I IF for .aim lb, tilibmt,Villdlp. a al • Tzetuage Nardi 1 - lin& for the /IDXOOIIII ' 11 KISSER, 101 ilaid Wed, sign the I ll arrcot in z ' n"P' erthl i Wcesagsw ll6—i43"• ' I rarag y . 0 . T ow. er • car •••• • _ . , .r.91,RA.11 CHEESE-41 boteiireceMper D34.11'. Lbw, foe AAA by JAMES DA 17115. EI Waist% sad 71, /rant yA F UMBRIOK-25000 for rale _ li"8-4Tae Sugar Cured, apd _ake, peso b.( wad ber onip.o4.te br ylb J. D. WILIJA)I4S L0D..17A Wind at QUGAII-,-Lovering's Crusluxl: and Pallier Nor.Oriesta, Lod not •ftrffigM..btoOo , , /YIN • • J. D. WILoa it CO. - , TIF4t w —Prime to Exult Mlle Amen: -c gt , t;er " °1 115 51 "" AF I.D• MM. CO. C 4 " / P -40 b"e 6 Stan • • " WIMNCCI. VINEGAR -15 bids. Cider for one by Tie D. WILLIAM Iby Sa--411aCkirtli disobr mai bl • Noted for Three Prime Arliclas L • DRAB. IN KIND I— Moue Mei ?Or, JUll in Us Mom& /4 saMd for 0.7147[ =PO% 114nE ' nbalrLlLUnn 7.7.146 W PlP7. 7 .hr;•- now tar &pod anon its Portia, 17 • -. . Mic lt lzyboe,_' 4 " ls Hl4 yep 4t ruiPV, it ifi 1410pearB, AWN !It No. 81 Waiid 'IOW; "."""c". 4 coc•icc wracc Ow" cc 1 . 1 , 0 , 41 ,ipa... by Ittadea. • =O. igftd bi • • ". Wile the mess ' I LnaKe . . r"" *AV BVA P .ThaI • .1004iskea_ •:•'• .1 r ! ;•••• _PIANOS-1 largirigodc'e bog. 1811-10 bbls. -White Fish; - isl 4 14" . , VIREMIUMCHEESE- 2 Extra LastoPm, JIL oat= Gab= Chmemsed imull %oral* br - • jyt: .• - . MAL 41.111.ealdJEO CO. • 1 n 4 ,1,114.1& OLIVE ,01514, in Flasks, the.best R . :Pt4 4)l . l 4ritri l ew st ica m tZ;._ . .43,2 . Livens sad 'ha Rams. . „MAW : rty" itlrm — ar article but net sat ar br RH. a. IrCsing,c;„. ippoWDER--- Emu= n_ see sOOO Imp Asa, by 11. 1, ssitnim o fi n ace. ~LAKET W 15E—Ji choice artieleja! ftro nyna'!.3.7 a !"` °* .t.VUlM T a 6). ..ton;}=mt.autp 4. &V). 111/ANORLAND HAY FORICS: , -A sciod ittfildsot Harpy tir adsbrstodidas tdd my. intro, ea b.t . antr ix trat i rbirs velfanyi ' 11.• rf th • Mat drilatottinta.. .0: • TZABJ-4-.. On= • "Poo 2 14 lifsek - 73'312 - _ Ataxelbe Joacia. p **, • largh,(Fllll azdictinglerelt ssexs"o~ stood ae Capps Soots stoc:iOf . I....l3kriwpionoto *MP Tllvmm Inik...""'""Part+tbat ClLlMirr4o.bxces NV: B ir for saletg: F 7 (MB- - 300 blk9. extra Far, for side by . , „ , Livirmtinuf s. : NEl)g=flW Ms No. 3, lairs WINDOW-€l OO trzerFOrtikl w. tut:at:mu. - 10.0 DA ASII-450 casks, of car own "mica! hems, wsznalmid or.. lash Sot as saj.inzpotlO, Auld (maw stOp . lovrtasarltetglet ' '' • =MR( . *CO., - .1r117 ' ' 'lust st. baikt maw. - ...4,L.80pA-20,0 casts for aali w Z 4ifildfillikAna t a ck inalul al for ,- yak by .3711 - • • trata-00 pri m e Caavaaied — Nbraide by 'on WOOL! W OOLU—Qaoh paigor thadifet • a. •a w.naisavon. Sfr ll . -15CASkel 8 f . o a rre I t ui L. l ; l l C r OFI6I-125 anekairiterag o Vida .• GLASS S-40 beis:ll:o., - for saki by JAL A. catzteanox lUfflagVZhai4 numfokagoial hal i co. Wit the of aiJ We of heads. a - —rig • 110:11110bartanit borrow or koalas AMR Star tbodsitmedonat, otoa oßgookie or nom ,".111.astrel. BORN--500 by. fibellok for sat 11.t' t kJ - 71.11.114Lit01111 AC* 7- 4:4211 - : &rem - 11 4 ' . 3:4 1 31" 3 , PLkTI23, 11LPT1- GAS nANDELlMEtnakt,,,imar --isiffS zi. e .rceler t • ftm Vierapn, Istpsrla6urignb' wnubm pm jmr 4,,nd 4a~•* "L. AM-4 casks aaperloz for male on iterr . ” 7 .. • ' . -:2411)-1.500 lbs. No.- I, for stab by . wpm . * 8021..1111ressest. SQP4Al 3 ikt—mPatawlortorietibrpt'.. - . Wm mai by ,` " ~no o-iiko~a nsaa N~ c~ ~e.r i Oil' SUGAR-150 bbU ass'd Nos, r alaby JIIO . w•• r.smaos_ • . NYDER-400 kegs Da Pon ,fl,6tEmesituaus...a.br. FLAXSEED OIL-5 caiksvirtantedpqre, iAt.'l"l. mums: irok UNIATA BLOOMS-20 tons for Sale J O. MOLASSES-400 bbla: 044 for -• by ' hlO IrALP..W3t, B. SYRUP-28 bbls. for de '111" N N O. SUOAI . I7-1 . 51) blxds.icer salt_t . w; = r. 0 HESS — lG basa Lin% an 4 1121..1ibt"" `• "- A A • \I M,UIL-6°.tib;'3•Nor R 0 . 3. for LARGE &100tg lin trxerel norm . att jUltlai MACKEEPL — Pre!: kifw ! 4 . 1 . 0 g u"'"esild la sa• Pr All. oioaxr co. 1 1 011 Y 8110448-400 bbla. aas'd4gl.4.- Nos., for' WM. V= 1310 COFFEE-560 boo and for JA, oak by ~ Jys !VA Al DO. PIPES—T o t Dozes Whitt Elam . WAG Klai-k-CO. Yang Ladies' Saninary—aegitany. AND MRS. N.- W. METCALF, Prig• momailo. Illaiday. Septa.= 04- May_ !kiwi stmt. Coors. of lad rata et MUM Ur Misse no .bentaite!. /Ormattmilitil .4 anal= tit Singy Pitectipsti. - 0 , 11113 - .41.W.J. PETTIGREW legs to intimate aski tasellser that be cals &Mill. or 232. Ossemls at Si is the how% and a grid it= " & ". l= bl 1"4" 1 ." th in7Pmeet thoi wail • tbon pate= twl6., 6 •• •• i• . • .;,), • ?. • !.. 1.,.,..•16f :• • 311 . • 41i p.:4:4.4:risectitti _ • _____ _ N sw . llo , l:lT .a .E u r jm. N.F.4 .lL Yol ,....ami tK ClTY .i lit .11= 41.1100.01.161=11.i ,l'itl ald nr6l )kih n.StiO• ibtall * Oi th r. ,11 , . , Viirlia LItA a DITANICH AS PV1.1.0103: . . . ltorothal Wu n 6 delfolt. ', .'- • aaJlteedorMom.' '-" ' 3.4 TIND KW 'min ono ..3 K.. .b.. maims tan VesL a boars,. zigii?geggrraretirziagaiar • b cro bdiesaiii CatilleTrais karat Dookirk at 4&I. Men a rumen u O m I;w stowbof tottds Tats to otootoombio Ww. lhoom mad .pronoo. . . ar lan tram Dmtiot to lin lint..4i. Stood 01.18, - 1 .4.4 win to glast In aOW dam . reirrrir 14 , 1: = l t.: rra...,,,, b'' paritaugr awake low be pakil oto Otnek. Th. axle bug a „ TiArt. • , or Tra. trlitb. snt In wool.ll - koirp4 1 4 7diVfotf 4 ... ;411 to ...ini,,, ia dirine lau t ttim jani lo i. 121 tar Fekeo of , rar ~ , x , r , . 8., .4 ~,,,„ lo c .- .if.WlTllkinAlt. &Pail". AMU*. . 2 .1_7 &OM • - psr CONSEQUENCE of theidecease of John doles. ibo lo lotooo aids COMIO busby dimotoetl..- Jahn • folly aatbalard natio the b plow alsam of p the Or —. AU wows Wing wll pazroamt. Palobargb. Job? Int. 1. Ibr . . •-•• . ?ART . - .- -. I O IO I W r-COL--• " ~py ----- r• temessocas..t. Maxim cd..l . the - teitijaels of the Ageoeyef the Pentk ithsaiotral Maned Company tiaraftei be ea. 40e9r4 bbaa m. Mum and styi• - • ' ' 031 - 001 i &COLE. Orals et Pena awl War , . : W.- • - Plttsbiritbanly 155,1131.-(jr9 - °VW Bo* Pl*. Striff• Pimp. RIO Bead 150.—CeSW Bail toad' , I 11131i6Criball baying been appointed sgutzagl =lnnis onoryi o nnj • Xtergrnaamg tomsnontsO I..yenni any %a. in nye dap all lorlherned4 tree or toaaw .6. a itinn Ens= ra....n... Is t ipl i am itr ift=olra:Ar r aCetb= ..* .... . , ..„.,,...„.„.„.......... .......,,,, ~..... ) .amobtae b at "u • 25.g0u86 To.arsimula 1 .. --. 1:85.1. ' 21 . 21 pirrn% AND OLE,. VELA ckve n uta. .liserxt mui Ramat fait 40 . . ..: A e SSIE - N l,7 oKRB ,o...b late s,l / 71 - .gry nothre.th ..monu mo jag . 44 .... th, l 3-04 To lOottoii. : 8 baleZ E . , T., 1 .V.". cbw. c3.ert . " /344 ." 5 . -nu . ci. ciNNATI. • - by Orreleurf and awful:Wl Os DotbOs. 1.11. sod Wars**, To Sant =rss/ .....bggglp 01. tt 'Lod., -..... lif m =f , A. I f, br zi. 73! so.. u tora I qu a'n"" lso ."" ssOce . V .m.. Ukb . " ,nu tiv b 7„ . „. tai.v . : 4oa. ctodo . . 1 .4. r. " 4 calmsARIA , . . _. XOSOfisf. . -- r' sr "`" ''' .I'''r'sn''Ulcia..l.2. 4, 41t uo fin; not. of lis:tbOolil oaLliSsfsi= _... - ."- (Co Sala) =roar ~._ m .., . / - 'f• ' ' 0 Ilra:rli0001"44.V. 1: flifo =le ' 1 'l°4' WA-tal/.- 7 PENNSYLVVM ILAILROAN, issi SPRING ARRANGEMENT. `lB5l \I rorty,six bonier to Philadelplin. Forty t om home to Baltimore. 281 lanes Ilailroa-103 idles ConaL " • " 1.1=4, NiloXO 01317dRAida 701 4 1 1: 6 /1;nrYORK. BA LI P I PP 0 1 3 114 • Beitierse lives 4ti EAFtigre and iiy , re . l . 3 ewtnarhd.witA piece Lana: .:. ~Lwo ail ] Lines l EFf. 111 _11,46i Boats Min:L - Imi roil Plissiolcumß , sr • -; .RivarivelonlohnictOirti,Umics by reran Haltom , „ ::BOI3JDATIOMEGIT,. - , ' 4111V-PENNEriPtAitl* Ito 1119024.xt ltatrom. mffin 61.mito . lidittsi.n. rYta a ab taraise=tuly at Elyhtrigttb. atbi.tntrtymbiti f of= • naldablOklne:_:_ran tolseurMat.,-wl. is do .Irdatrafff .folro toy T.tTe l tel brb4b. this No dm* , hi Butage on this iota's: Tbik ftda ad, CAI nod. wit oorox4 of Qs food mow .4l7"=lbbiloom4ft "." o: . doooddiotaa' idoodo•" 2°y"‘4 sm" n u' . rHOlkESAiit. D. emr. Masa Sufis. Pada kraut. - -113X4-Tj.fiT . TAIION oomPAN:6 -. 'RAIL ROAD AHD CANAIe„ PITTSUUEGB, PHILADELPHIA. • pana- MOSE, AND 2 , 113 W TORK.-_,:,., . . , i - ,, , . . s..td ".Cnnal being in - nnier, we aro r tad toorthooktia• to i tiSS:l75l6 tem lowest earsentratas in vith sad &swab. . Th. testi and einare - caattoliedifytt6 ppridpx.:_Bill4 ot lanai troassoittodoool,ll 1 . .. T. IrttPuT tk . . . .., , b t.O:oi r atidons . ' . ' • - IS i KAM. PototOtoto: —: ' LIAVIDS a LILIKM. Yloorle ,' 151Wptitinit littot, N nit tri, *WA no X.ltal ais. o.- BIV Mirl 76,21AtitAX ° Clasoxil ! - ;:ini - ;• , ,--;:' ! : ' , "- . 7 ti r eAteelkait ,- ' -,- : -- - reszatmucmii• - ' - ,1851. /1100/INE' ' icalmigaucima ROlrxi. - Aiioinurville sa.Cumbadaild, b Biltimon., 4- , ----• '• • • - . aisd Philider& - ,' `' § - N., 31011.Niros i 5.,.... seldwi timilharf fi ka..,mN • . • ar.btbz.thgsadayj;rjrt.morl=tr. can. a; , Host lerra put t a. di Mgr a 0.r .d.”...pt Yr v 4 • • ~. • .., 1 4 11 ; t. ,-- I 'l d' . T= l ttoons . tit*. iiik , &Vie. 1 1 l M. I.„.lnts. ja.4ol=aay . ont sl= kZLtr ter m CUtrbtia USW4rltipyl2B WS‘lTw flt COOL NI z • Sai l s Ai wrung basis Ow uw,maa.,' ci otilWe e d wrz ° Cf." MUM A well known r Line is now, trtztld to iCutY ctrlg,AlB.. Osua ' a - a — Laken.— et thig i sralannarpumi in inmate Ity, eardly OE DAWN ce a. , Rif . * (taus -4 constamr. a c ,..11. •,Itswitr umownt.a. =tn la iw ...www e dnuo.; o t VoiraiVEgortit i "zo uoo p =a o ltuerwint altro . 9 . 4 Moms °ar t ' ant `' - ear. and Soutonatow. Nieto. Wm. 11. M3Dgett Ma spec - W.:Miantc oito the CAM liolMitados t= ottuns4n WAV 414"4:0A wives_ .thi sv . V cair . Aviova.. m ... 3 4=1;51k= 49,51 1. 1 2'' p~gIWA.II-450 loaves Love:isles Don- A. DEG CO. IDAGED.BIANK 80010.—51444400ke, riff "IPe l l Vltati tr i .• lim"tk T. INBRED OIL--10r w rons (to - arri.9 jib ian yky,.. J. 5c0..01/01110- plan BONNETS AND HAM-41- H. Liamiss Too Mt tootolot rat ostiot7 ato=larel otNOP - anSE-52 bOxes. - now lan uring arni_for th../gbr - • . P AID wg ET ' elG a n , gyp, • Vster sod Frost _ _ InaBESS—WO bozo in atore;rorisiiiet , -NJ yen BAUM DIMLY 00.. WOOS -30° do , . for. ante 0141_ _ - w. waszivos.. V — , l-e"RIALAW 1-4 A" e recd and 4"T S."reldrrudglir P ecaebl* D sig Qud[er.fir o l .bi c..atiritUMM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers