~:s ie!r.-~~«•rv:~~c%.-: i?c,•.•rcce-..ve¢:.: qxc~. y ..1; ~J~ y 3. }l.:Ss'.:l'::s~~f' • I:, 'ESTABLISELED t IDU-1786-:,•- • ,1,7": • „... PITTSBUROILGAZSM: !DUMDUM DAILY -131D-WDZICLY.IS lninit coo; ""&” " 0 " '1 "n: 4 "d " *V"' • toutt. • t ' .4tatistai*44 ?' 4 4tu1tb . ..1 - rr_lt , =ir d aL:W7 • PA; gold.* - .• • I; a.' • ;CY_ • alt CO . woo mint tar onettcattoto to War:4 toner tatt•Z - nen to he Told lanatatarls saran.. no ash Ppm • bo anjU it alog Om roar ratan.. , 0n00Eh . 1. 00,71102 C 5 0r • riethe:dr, Anuenegro.. : , t Oon Spar* MI Itattiot litotaartaar tat . • CO Iletto or los, taint ?' th.Dollsrfte W addltltana than • ••• • cnn, thina l rn earlonvoototratanabl• at warm pintnat.' _ • nata the n.h t taaiwnai moors. Inertia 0.17012111 mama= tor oath atklatonat ?guars Innatod nod. Ow pony *an, ittratiaanriAr giatonat • otalaro:latelitt in* ;fart hg , t ub. o.t . 7and the stoonoccrtarattrEe their Annovonnion§orfdllaTr ,trattliZlLre4i4'i.i. tkintattioni - notabar truntalans. will to tansttOlt.; TlVtrof=tgatilysitlairiti •, • :t their oartittan.v.ta bantners: =a all" kr: • tho lantaltot orlon nolownwollanalladnantionetta • trasmaltrAlT Ixasitotad .wa than. own bUSIMON. • Carom nitertototattr. to length or othrawhon _ ""th."ft' *" Lit= "l ,ad i nt b Ottltltiln i nratZ V " ‘ Ili roint tannahly, and nano: • and nu* at. nth. ohnt•Ont•Ora.. :MA adt imt: i, 1 0 0 00..401 0 .0 8. isSe4 Itutenn is:vaults* at tolttlatasDat*h IMP VMS, hrsoTlkantnelttl6daist n i *.l.nttoWa%n winds ratotatiaa, mandated= Lotman* to mane. Inn . vtinaltottoost. ant catlf . bo Int r al aim tbri u staleVa 612 Jetl th rate . = " tjah ° natt tl ant4ant tta sirs at Deana than 11 00)0 Dar Lao..• t: 't • ' on or tnr.Rlittotaitiotarni;hrlntti "dm t. '• • lOW er.yeal, tato, PA. tO As acme! : din .anottal O .IDnaoo of ra trawn and ans Calm nne roan: too the Ottalknoas, thaw lanotkaut....l,-,..:.:t.tt-a4l /??:. • " eh 6±M. 4 1 t 111 - • 'n•nira..-11400 h=tomantott... "..0:11. : %In troadotandvorthotaanta to to plat tnadtsnon BUSINE . S.t . S.,,C4 10,154 . - . . '•''ar ~.Etta~•~~ :A9' : „~ .~ - Pa.: .1~~5!~ ,:ips. wzAvga„ Attora a .at . f liturth &elf icsith ded N D Pd.T.: D 0 - • -, 7e-' 7 t'ill,Col " a d de ed , •• atrjra:l27.naiitl' ...0•1• - Of 'EINUSTI?"•4 HAN"' . ..T.e.2l4.l4l.W.A.lgalleire M k iap - - 1....r5uk.0a ro‘atb.tmet.aalmf h tmayammt aw.tai crevia. Nitabomitt. Pa 5.. . ,...,.. 1 ._.• • , • . h. /1.--S. 1); 046.1..• t 14, 061111Dblili . 04) . 1:7119 et .): Tiri. York.:nil JHARBISON SEWELL, ZUV um atlarw, Ohio Stal•Coaidtdoar Mr jakirs r•aviedcwaists of Dedt.ant.Pß.or. .;--saum .i.coE:7,.=Asxiw— .i :Office ea yosurth stmt. abot• • AP. &G-: I.: B. FETTERMAN. Attar-. s p r. st Egtate Arrats,ll4. 1104th L AMES d KIIHN, Aitorney at LAW. bffiee, '4.1 6A. Mt` '6 =MX IrifePL, *ZE & , WATSOL:Ationktro at ,hivir, N. uo emit, utubma. mull co4rWm. B.%ego.2l•l23g y Air ex=l3Bo.ll..Theksati,bas WARD' JONES, 'Attaitiry, at i Wri :ease/ stmt. bitmalYcott..l:9l2S. t. 'lll/113PlItI:E: - BRA Pitts llT.•.Attoriiil. at kata; .111 , •NO:ll99lft.h Ttroeburg:3w P. • . LtIqvii:4*I4t:;111:1:7_0:e:4:1:14 *. CO Bankeisi '"n mi i=?lth m ="u u " newt ban to tho of • Orb, ,titlacon corelonr att.ndod to, and Mamma/ of the Trofon. / AL 61 - 011., • sadlzriance Etrokas. NorthEest ogner if Wad prosasal - li4otirestnotylkoder'lisllaakffoltes4lll3l,qa- L Gold asulatlter. Staalcitansht mad, - LABINTER, JlL;Banlter and Br:Aar, TT. Wasktreet, No.akidicantegeornaat alPlttibareu ,A LP 'A • 043,'.^431uutger•ItSkers, . south r..t. Cdesser of T 614 IlsartOtNti-AII ...,...,, 1,: I AA :& :g' • - oFn . in • . •am u....tte taw ' - 15•Itseatislt• • • • Honk Notes um! Sped!. No. 69 strolvti-Pltti .. — te.Collottboto made - IL - thorientkoPl CitioO - . }KRAM4R, AA:tilit,- - Bilnkent. anftitt, Tondgp road ragmegib of Doloodb,Emolc Vote.— 1 1 antroribtrd am Wood ottooti. amour •omosits, - -ttol Chaliositolot -`"' T...,04R0T18818.4 -0 9. Banking/kW; w rit=glt=em=tt * ".. ettoottt. uwe.a stem. • MIZTIX. lELVEK;OO/11/131351011 • a.d •101213115 .../X119.....«....Z.1111711te1.M..-7-TIL NAIL: i t dean Ford= set , 7.,::. ... h r l g Noses...ad Arad.- Cjapgaa Siall•al 011 Dv r.h.fib....-mtre. rd....a-1,. __....—.:. • Sus highest prominza DalAct - N1M15AA.P......... -- -,A=lniidieratPilknot,ll4lsdriii • , ;W. ,T1.141.0.1t; Elommissionar and Erin .412 5e12 , 22 lars22. 21244 421220211 210 fi • : • " “." • • 'AND STIMMIXBIL c.„-SMICtOBT;' late Ja Oti k Stock . tosaloobellsr, BtarriPrTritisi, aatiliga4'63l , 7 et Mutat sad Ttited rittalmrstb- E s,ch e ay b Uei ',.„ TbtnS drat. 61 , 1;i4tiar,0 0 .,,,,AS IPtierMrpros.' ate* .1101 7 S.INS, Ifwkimaler-abd - :•CARPET =LLB& ta:rr fibula& Am Vuolumsie, bk,l6 /With Si: • Tom, oil ARC :./ '" ... • It W4'O,INDEXTER, corn'er of Wjter • • Va,hekit stroe.,' ~‘ yotibp i zottEndr4„ =liosia.:ax.cm.•.ttuo, optale Prxture,ltnag= i . al.-Algra Irrt sale a ftligpiirt * - ' , limes easbestail Mamas - sad Mt KW .. • ' i . • ••.WI amklat a Cota 111 .- B.'.I4CANVIMY A:CD—Mkkrir . Totwori aadtmairdWoriUsiaiiatik Zdt. Psnalltudn. 4os rmaorms..Plttsbsosh.,, - T:NOODSA.SOI3TRODij ti• 'D • . sal Coin:Maks . • jbato Di. ' H:- JO ; STOH wairllont4.6ealan '•• as sotTfthr. r. p•jk,pe, Canal flea Sn. ral'anteallt , lAL. , : r2.1 -5am5er......:,.. ia.6 ::::........' d“....:.,... - Li-inz : .A.RIY4 Jen? 'kW, 13acees40 • ~-;_,:. ": ,:, ,]-., , :.•!:- _ ' Diar airaaa,A9a,.. mom a • • zupo•N &•• m.,41 , 714.1e5a1e an , 3:m+ati ham 144 Ittriidatlirjr Gm - IS, IMP/It BURCHITELW Ww_ttrial DEMBTL R. -D. RITTiT, • Dentist, Corner Forretti sea Pecataist.. tieteara. Mutes ad,10174z,.43, WOOL - 1031 17R PUY *I.,F , E; Woo 4 EURBAUCIM-IV , Q Them, I aloctiaoi , wardlss juidialoa Idereb WOW , • 116Remnd *trod. -- • ~apex sox 0047:71 Wbeasige %aloe 101 1, 41 n" .41 -; Amt. Pt itxharah. , • _ r `,..:'.fW -.1"-WILSOZTrWatatell.- I - e r ill faxi. it= p...l„,____,Xllthrreo,44, - ' ''. • athilie `,..:*.-',lllllllpalrryWnrr"..:7 .ra. , Vli --. 0 ,' . W,, • .- . .. . _ MENESI • r,,.% • _ ,Anureatsis: 4 1, - - ,', - 4rewsTocs. , i arino ' • ...tintmedivadiabo , ... ig 'l' - - • -- . , ' 1 ""', !!".7"." MEWLMcDOWELL, Accesiari Ibr adetati l f. aur. rmaiumhd smn &A Wbla Vd tleg- AiLl.asn , W 1 D NO:OUMW l l.= STrapr 0 W sa =Vivv . .hd 11t w7telitll , ,r ma Nilgi •fi ~T}T~IT ~ ,y~j~ 7~ VaDlLEßSlLiit,l9l*)levdelbli6gist • RElTsfi. W6oLeeale and Raton SOHOONM AN Rik CO.:Wholesale Drak psts, Pr 0.24 WOl4 st.:Pittsbant. - ' - n cdmmwL I.V.wiLsort:Tvaesatearoaerawia gitner2=A7l4" sox :L.' SEIZE, Wholesale Grocer,. •• oa Baigholnias oi QAMIEFTsIo 431IRIVER., Wholesale! Groz Ittir d trrikratiLlia. • OfIN-TiAlrEAVOßrillt , e. pi' 'Pied ' dea;aad ocontaka Mareboati, sad • • bill • • • Powder 0,,0f . 14 . car171 . 4.44X411. Al a il• : tit • . „-. f 1 .•ti trill Oacualseloa Mactuab, No. 1.1 r J P , 3 iAttArrii , 8: CO., 'Wholesale OBN.W.OTA:OO.;-14ole*itGroatrii Produce saa .y=51441.0.; 1):.261 WM: rft Msft CWIEIRIP,Inte .'or-WarreanTohio, 'Doh Aug, se•Me..36. fa condo et ottestsulehmamerf= Mob=h. • • rSAL97 l frailfird:Te wn hOlgra= ,n.t.031:,30/14MAtaitUadris • ter. a JENGLISIL BENNETTIVe c o,atagNok .oiogbou.amarmn. sad: Wa.=? l / 4 60 15 Dealers It .I!vadam,Larcil bank Manu6cions..S..-14285c0g44, wit/II Mina 0. • a= 114766..;.:Wa1l 15:1111,161—..11111M 6 Jpan,_. a:h.lLLSidaa goz. Wholosila Grocers and Cammis adura. o. 257 Mott stmt. MOORE,Wholesalit Grocer, ItectlltringTheillavdeakrin fadoso..Piet= LaLeVio..lls " igrt. sa ta luad tr U M dlarCr. W k OBE INT 7 PLT , CO., Wholesale ei=.2ftnnscutr 02=4. ; a : ),:, ~.. a a :. , a, ; :. :.. :,_., ~.... .. /I= l ;:z.PP= .z - 11.8AW.110 ao 004. Whakeide.4ozo. McrOANDlZEB,l , isatteseors to tat; Wlndanic actors. liatunling Cltlasnainten ildebanut. deans In lron. Noun our, Clacton 'rAM, and Yttlablach atsralliettosa pronsl7, Canna erWood callingtsrclans.- -.ICIALBERTSON4: °LOWE; Wholesale ii,A3roarn sad Comm:anion Iterelairts i.s Dlen PIP .:I).,WILLIAATSA CO., Whoiestile and TAtal IV =mai; ranradlair sea Catillabilkel 142=107.,..:A110i1: OA= ,BISSON' , LITTLE -4E ..COApNo. 255 al inietraiasairtabweb., Mahal* em% Pro. sadlliciins4ll.*ai MitctstriScla • ~ 0 0.. 0:- A , ywirD 1004 Groom c 0 Aramaksala.-Aall=lirdnar-4=l 7 OTIN.PAIMEtriat),, eUmoere .Deslas PsatnatJorriv+ W 11.4 U.P.ri. old Mow = " at. RIM liectlfua 1015J1111NO.— Casomasial Ear, bscruh. TILLZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com .4llmkaimadrarsnirdluzitintood.tadeaskrlst thou gig. Glum, Oaten Itaissu, sad Pituauancb Uslanfaclasrea limmlir—ap.silicezrxt, o 4 TO nod at, rtmearsa. 7-4.;-=ICAL rI :V : :.{:4ori :s • , • •••- HENRY }LUBER; 'Dealer in lilasK Ma deal Imitraismitn:aed Laporte, of Dalin 1!!%; afbr.rinanz k Clare. graodAred sour. wit!. rmi.Ws Adams AttiebauFt. Mo. kr' ICtil;hit 4.visymytio:4:l:4l FILINO,S, WILSON Manuftte... al all sta. tatilfjtrlr . !nevi= 'sheik atll4ol. =sad , talltlar 41.; telat lara sat 104 41b a zt5 ‘(xjrly` F . o,ltealt, into st, : Tina: cutriall-•.:-Z.nrao atos--,...cau. reamer. p'ox CITY TACK - FACTORY :- The e imb• : mite, immafirtanr. Ind 'mini gin hand 411 gNr nets. iftlids,Sod Staesbler. W Mo=4, Nang los , Bitmot new , Barwsl wad WWI, sad - Tonr. bard Nair. (bon And 2J= ies: Mb=Makers' Pointr, Elvetik.morted La ?, " * Z " -. -Y ' , '31 ,. szWzrakkila n tePtdabcc l Nll; . tiiiitifuiteftir, • I W. =o4 S N I = l a n dosioro Cogoloss. Nth , aoes itgt mou tetiMoklap gmastly. coraa of fkoi sOd non E.; rITTSBMIGH lirjrAtil WORES.Ban• - Hens liambetariml of Sods Mi. Mach- Proiden. Martale zed dapharlt /MIL Wordage" no. GI Warasc. /.J°. 0.7. ITi 7 ;13:11:1A;(0.;(:;:fid 110 trALTIM P. MARSHALL, tliccesedr to ••• Emma C..lllC—lnitortil end VW* Is ',numb sad :Amnion .. - Psocr 'Borpekeitecod Ikeda; Meier Mob% Thy Dowd MON, Alsa—ATMLes. Pristang. Wu=slPaprr. 6.5 Wood CNA /Mum alles...lMerco4 Itsr, , OBERTMoRRISi -- Tes ,andlifina Mar ebtotabd - o/m.at Or • • Mibantb. ---7 CLURG & CO s • zo matt =. Tan Asrlr t."ls' We wail Mal. I=nM=ION MMMS. CIIN - A. CAM=Agent f the Lako rde hxt tothenzl= s r i .r . Dam:- II :LEE WA , 004 Treaspo rtereLbyeatial II 'tea nnrusp2s immthati, arma irMs ivrcivvEl4:4Aolit):l i.A.BßOWNwotildmostrlvsinilly: inform . .2e i rtletbal ht= n.h.nast eteedlelMenet whin tett i ellgt atigettem tatElar thh bet . an watt to Aar th Value State MM. an be erlthoot the ski of wastet.:lletete trusehmt the ik...tolAituel woe eetat of litenehe* yet le f .i erh that , ekt eastramentas well to the rah ,- 6 irt=ttreet, ' 1 • JET:~:~:~.i: jef i;(~f.ti:►)~R.{:yV:i_it: jc firiJOHNSTO/V;PATZlatikan. Piummta—Redas" myna 0 . Third strestas6 Ent fisol Moen • MEMARY MOON. Sapp, horn Edlnbirrab ' Eleollandl y erWVrienedMir lt,te mania alat u tg i zaddes..=Tr w ig% to gin teemetana erlalL n'we iluargrgdeeing and In general artEl be carried Oarigt. the coma !.r „ ramiud eftrunirsais4roue,' ENGRAVING:. AHD- prgaaJOHNßOLEnvirrer,,Wood , . vbs, (tlaristoryd.Vttiaiek W r/nri klutUntrr, ads mamas, 11214..... .bras .taleht. fiat far . 440" .11tianeolta•in11,111 'ocAft afliat.snd the 04 pts i p _ r • . WELLL&M... IFCILMAMS lati,opsitt a v a lt.=,ht , :atithr, ba rT, 14 AuKuhn. I =rVO. aft 001 W G Lomem. M •- - • - " MrtßiT - , )1. Yriregithr, litteolinat -kit i , .• -. ' NEW;LITUOGranneJATAIXL , IBRMENT.. : Era ABUT, max reilia4 t.t r e I. le that Monde snil thistablto oroprooriO t o ouento, In tbo_llrot /* it b" lint b S caro pr =r o C.l4llg. c r .t...0. - . 11, _•-fiekolloosnbliiilto. 4o Inil;liu =MI 034 Pirna!tr.4 l . VP 1 1 2016 ~ Mobil= A vli ; '• iirii ,- :::`,l 4,i- -! i't iq, l 1 , :-.: i: • "F- _ • • - F.)/ PITTSOURGA WEDNESDAY -MORNING,' ikallr Fire Erick italpfsetining Cain% 40111... AL X. XXX*•3I. rams. GLOVER. BIER 4 b CO. ; Pitors ze trro. t:i. sussennins, hai• bera . podia Attlita tor the .bore et .worms head supply of t=ttreters? Mow Briet.eroeihhtftreter.Mfam Ileartbsoadlekorals. ....I.,roweredlossodor odor* toe to mule to g etar etterw to salt medusa. w atten he emoulttl2 w e d. woe u =orzinto eatowersteSe= us wi• e.o. echoed ito 7; the to= =es, ttodr rotor r kei=rett 'known to alatost all awe= who ase pu. 210 lOwerlodors ham determined that the oda Nom ottheir horn* enviable repittatet. sod th.o oo ellothoe ;hall epirel to Istelortbeto ma better Mh were twretatore beat llde trar. uly .4,tahadoes saw atenutocturing Fire th az~ e at v Cthel Lb It, Pittobar R TII & NOBLE—City Marini 0.,665 Ilboet7 tor of Adams NG. Plttsialtt • OFIO/S§ThiMPA oi9ll . . 111141/009 C • maw, w t :rn roftreukThis, . 4. 11 - 09 • bAlrixt 10 A. !Lod I PAL. at his 1000•000. 00.9/ 'Now Cowl Factory-41114k :. gma,M A.lourrE & co. .i.tout eliectninc trionn the plink that they likee shop= Lax*. mersi sad tiendml Amt. Ttur .gym. 300.06601/V.04 wweiv• maws tar every asst or 130.000.0. 801ZW4 WIWWOO. igetr,,VineT l° "'non e3 ro. Enabled ta clo inet l ib i r m th emon - i mastaible tr.a. IDWI• wwnloo inti Pi tAtitrt coma.t®t netlemon fLey We per beaten= wursafatf o their work. We w e 21. B. Itepalling date fa tip beet mannen met an the • I t.. • AGLEIdARBLE WORKS, (established ssal),_by_ EDMUND WILKINS, No. 14 Llbortda tzrz= „. ....ze d ji=.4.,.... • Tam - F•as ork ad. sad mak to arda. _ - - . . 4t4 Admit* idea. of Drawlags al Ittath. • ! Jalo . VITIVOIEGIL COMIEROIAL ' Coitscre, =ttrrthrar:rett a°l7 - • assuro—Jobn Flepssi !thedred anw 721 . 1 N;.relgenti.iareiot 0 0 = ^3 At.:Go; —sues; Leedom ma Osareerdal Lair: - Thar 0 , 10 Its Tried et Beet Ifeeslap sect tre applim marry brars,h of beams m an hp crt i ga raid sesmesWP , .* r****d b l tose.ll swop , godertran=retel Lc* IMIII7 Idesday rershig:_, De to say et the reddest eltr surehests. OA= .'.: '7":...:EACILE 1114004 . ,-waagg. .._, .-' EsrAizasen l&U; EDMUND . ~.. -•-•. :I IiVIDUMNa.: 2,15 Liberty st., , bad &Waal .to ttetaburabo ho , Idanninasnajlartalltanba o sonanatoim . te...)innUa Mese, amen am Pier Tom . ainaya an band end =do to =kr, of Um . euime Mattes, and at aa , 7 radnad A alidanuadochka of Iharrinfi as • .• Imported : , - trced. Leal/. - • ... . '•• , ' , - ~,, 112thWiNCES- , - ,- ; ,r. ..- Jatom Wm. Bo ir, E.t tato-WV:Alton_ .. Airtifiset ~,*.t.aiw John br, (kaa -..,, ... . - • caw. brokara pita • ikAg, .... - ',cir a mos, , 4.:, .. L_EL &bean DP.... .- r e Corn - . ...iam El Say. , lam dent,. 7 do.' , Datati to . - in. a ca. ,- do. 2.1444111,Z0g, D. 2'; It 00 , • ~,tral.4.. , Jadlna la ik Co IfranSl., j.j. ha , palatal the la pa nsa . largest and IfeallabaniVtoW:rhtt% mama gr= o,l ‘ol l "df•Tor. PP.Y0114.1g1540P..br.ftar,5...',.' . THIRD STREET. - .iii 7 toLVIRI 4 . olotbriciaie sa6 tII• .drmagwarnaseszt =72. MEW W.WOO,DWELL: gEN . . _ ,L . .ganitrflurisrrußE me.r4-4_9p _ - footedet,'llfar•assia VT a9O Mid' 4. , M . riliWital7 Want Na bards • CIIFtOOI.B Mat b• Ma sou emulated tb• r sal flatateloelsof boarebeld fundlare enr. ttd• attn ab• la daterodaut SO obbabd tbatala7afth ! eneflomsmed aatstials. beat Itatlonatulda. 1N1.1.140.- 41[...taed n... i1l lie ashaS of ha ordas and lbellity.be . . - b. 0,03444...-N,.Low 74,asoud Md. . — Na ti se ackpled ..• tetnalblioi idadate44 fb• aantla• snetatena arab bi• wiry at obahts and Pi., and ban. shear.a oa band dee women radar of nay dedsantka ad ferraltode. frau the cbespeet sad phaseet.e. sae asalahe =1 away. Slat • 11661 i Aar pas of sae, ma 7 be from We stork, or asambotond es wasda. at otdot.. , He tbaante aolente mall= tblett.M dam : =sr ble&ttlialsen . f i r a i 7 . .hida t I:m=3 =aaa ma& ...T.0runnwt......70. ... A.m.. ... ,_ ~ . .. _ Pater, draotat. dlloa.. ,.. =0•040001 apart. tt nia _ ,_. constabea of nut ' labodaltbaa..Onesereatob•ased Zaynt. r Combas. baba Ted•stae platruflef and , ktoortoot paler= Tubas. Wbstsbataremet . Parlor Wallas Dabs of irsrlosa babe Watt Tebbe 11=7 hdald Asada mac stabdr, sad bolder•enatake albsnaboOas ku ar • sod asbasd•earrek sat may ta• blea,•stanela SWILL •11 eininsf Os —Wile.-ftx •sebehooklallslbe kW nabs verd.Pea. to , /l•aa bier labia; prat**. and voistatmas at each • taw sasarbacolt ball and =re=ts la4aaease., sad nada , hi aD6 po a har M m= Inm s, Matta saoad r 1i C i Ceblattonsliers =opted vita al •11.1clabe Iheli . . 1 • steenatoan •adl Mad; forabbal al th• shawl nodes. 1 . All otaas Dreaded, aboaded so .. AOUNTYLANDS—CArr. NAnolt. Altar turret Lev. Ito. 183 Third el, mew et mem . haring made to the 'la ps% LW ptorarie DOWai m i•l7=lll/ Aged- soldiers. their trldteWead end edit attend to soy ether bog =zettneeted biterelereteent ter nay eilto Ms Amides ekes; ee the Courts et the f n ,Waeltdastor,. - • ipe=ain Drawing, Perspective, and Pairdingiii OiL _ . M . R. D. 11; SMITH ia Dow prepared to give • laereeesee to • fro papa* la Me dMinnt tresoebs• • delightful art. 8.4 Us roome, in Hoerr &sib • Aitinson's sew. btUdiag, Vial gra t, Wiwi Vlrwal sad Maxus amt. , Hann of tratractlan. tom frai WM:. and 3 team CM to 1)(, e. in Charrosan4 Other portlealass cao .t, Imenni OrisMair (attargoaa) at tar mom Saw to DrAlansaa er.Dr..l4o.isas . .. ja..Z.Att W. Dizonlanitdon Pat4mt Lever Watches, ayperfarAewp_WolchnesnufnckaPiphogll. tkgit&RDsON, 81 Market street, Ls sok, Ascot th e at m. mond leeor Watedbm awaranteeb attaching to mob Water mat to the Mbabralty. WM. DIXON. Chne Muter so; Watch Wanshelmer, 411 Equana, Ume Irellßoad, Wasatch nth =Nur re.* soessseerers wars. NO.—. is ',rammed by ads to b. of MY ameaad mad sobratch :I=abt . .....232Tltisf.tabe mime emmadel,ity MY re. ii i=ontortiarati2 to tll.. to it. otto:' Steamboat agency; and General Conunip slaw Receiving and Forwarding. • FLUMER. & CO- bare this amodatadirith Sham Ur. Jobs Llano. aspl to the gou a. &ma'am& Airrat., sad " 1/rttl_nrilerdr . ? ! Tanmus. ANIL 11.1,e31. '142 n Imams' Ear. Card. . • - .f .. Tf..lii.llEß - S. -Sum& euutPhytician. 0n...u..m.5. tomer a n. 0 . lg. 41....; IL F t ow oloce olOto Budtbflold at. • . Z.= tu rie=l=l , l4 . 4llloll zil portioolar also tioa to flato=l.olls4 sad tio ammo of R ONEGGES CO.; La • • -or Wined, . . A Card. .....- -: LSAVE 11=1,..UP.. (on' the New York s a.g= wvno®, fo the % g am ! Cdr. th• OrddmOds parka; =I lan ad Z i largest a: =11,77=7.1:16V, 1 ~; :..."1. ' ".. fdatrass. Clidatat. rkar a• • c r T o r Wan= r r 4 *ra n t eh*. Mat4s. il Uda. Blleduad Curtain lesads.Coriald s ad Woesud, PlK P M=sad ridges, Rap p d =6Ll2..dar is .2ll.N=Vir id and <Glad , AU arias h sakfulls readvs3 ard_mommtli. . aold - WM. zionLx..Tes,d stn.,. PA: MAMMA; Agent for DeloWore Mir tozi eddy ustersaes oacainar, 42 Wan Amt. t 'ii ' l`.i' ,~)J~~i h`p '~f . .'~. ~. .. x"3757 GLENN, Boo: Burins, Wood street, IF T toostad datefrom tba of M i n mina to It Eri 4 =OEll alt 4 = . etp utu. s s. Scots tt sua=t ri liobt w g kraut earafollyekswasbad. asata patty In gilt tatters • Fittgralt!ralovltal to tall. YrWte low • • • irnoußonClTY OLABSVORK.S.— w.CUrILABI umulk., of IR:r Mo. Marlud stmt. Doman nit sad e• ParidauluimOloa DM la ad eat. Alio—halm bb Tinthill4 Sus, Gal Morthaiiis otesuntomvreopodsicneeri.t. 1t0m . ..1 Nal W tl it; Snd 7,,,,,,...,.",!!•va1trir. GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., , - 13ANICERS. nukku nt izen,Ndk - co iLum Nom, ko. - isuounfk. Nem end Dtefte eollowed on all parte the Cl oion,-• Atm= booed and oeM of rel7=e? L I VE= & eon.' , yVHOLESALE and retail nusnufactall eras end deans In aft and Ow. No. IN et.Lrord. third dear below Dimond A . T, Mlw bre they otter atoll end footplate stook of a=d/3abe thila own sad Easternosnnteetow of every onaltr WV% by whole.= wed mu% ands'rite the =tante= of their =Women =tithe Sdthll , them thei th wine= foe the mat twieWeld term; . . ::....,' . 11431]Ma''' - . ?EMS. WILSON hful rahloatal his Hat ' aaa oo Steil, to N. 11l Wald ittrt., Writ:lcor noolls /4 11, 4 64 1n.7. . ...... • _ .., O.PARTNERSHIP—Havivg , taken .my ion, tdlntrd 1.. Wlllos, Lao 'wl.l•UnT In Um ...ufseL.' LVTAMtr" a PgrtwZA= 1 . , 8411inell 11111102teelithrlee• the ----- . 9 . ,= Thl ii MOW stmt. AlliskiEr vitrvusd7 , or ii. P0E1 0 E1 , 4 50 bags Rio, (bruits by - mos - -•- Jim.= airwEasos tOD. - • C.Iig:ILLOES-1000 114: forsib by . 11. TAIIISEITOCI 4.00:z DBE - rBt3Mir---F" POTASH-500 lbs. tor: tale then - H. A. I.IIMIECOM - GO , p ist . irH7F , dasetig z - feA s b-- - . . .. . . . . . .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . • . , . . . . . . . . ..... . ' ~. . .. . . . . .. . , . ...• IeaRDS. !pins' SUMMER; RETREAT. it n open air.t.,,,„...-..„=-.....m. '''''''" a t . A lam =Mr am - --- 16iT Ott. =el..; brA *m tt.:7 1 . 111 . ~. IN Onssholts; to.. kart I the eakenii:st;lAL ,, ~ 1 W a tazrly . xtastaliztleta nscro. ramp PIO strait - a= nor 04_ .. at di .mrawar...tesnai -N c . k. IC I _ - rg ai r. ..... t .' l9 , rm.anigOg. P., _• 41749ta...m, ii. , := atr:""'"4t° ' 1 ". • Tte• Oardsn la Ityp . , ort Teilpersocs ptliijea Oa Baullay.: r.., .: ~-• • !,t ! C , .. : ; . satbitt. -t-P.-11.3ffooredILD., 4 , c... 1403140ROPATM0 PHYBIOIAN,• &nine's .== d ttd. 1....001. 0 e=41 , 4 1; it.4e1"2.- 1 ...UMPIEMZOMH 3 Pratr.s /Vat- : was AMMON. a =aux Asa% . :( , MoLfullit I Wpo 86 Mad stria; Pitts:Wl'' , f , psz, l, GR KING ODS Are so Von , Anatol that Um* eicitiiPt 6tit, orarderth.4.44,.% rho lit , mi ittathatents Iltthm• Stab • 24simts um antisslied-rthe•li Wait MOW. utalsatalOas4 • ithaal disputa OA ....a..1._ , ..V: manbetored. iamb§ Jaelma 'nil . attack ti1...!.....ft atrittot. • Pea* at the raroa= i s wi ;, s . sikrattVaVPs"also.l4eAs.dsm. atity EMMET & SLECLOIL,. Btorsge,Ohipping& Commis' datillfailiiiite, OLERALII Cilw„ Plasts, s., Me. TO cm pcdr. qal CeslrZta.%= . 6l ''. 114 " —W MAINS ' tlLUoink • cip , 14.:61n , Alcianar Bradley, . ' ' ' Xd. la Toodeirest, batman First end diecenaeft. - j = mum ifr till GiXIMLWITOTiid " 4 ... AIitrFACTUREB '4sf-'elity'ilaticriplion , Agiarr4prz i ata g r i rt_sig 92 1.. i 7 m..,.-k.d..---tr..—as“,r.,_...df. rainr' i6 ierd i rm b lteeit=e7=o%.7rire Mademmtan of AmMeed Odom waning Mew '' ' GE42. B. ARNOLD CO. have' this day sr. titot ,tth then JOIIN ISCIILLY. ritutargb: May 114.1551. • (awl . , • ` 1 /VOLAD/ ROMA ' _ • Roc suer ly the Eachadigo,} Comer of Penn and fit. Clair Strobe' 1: i : 4actoos. central, and mosi conaird• attlr . „ 110t114 m 1=1 . ,bant im azogl i tur . oprjbe t . tt0.2 . ....M .,4 , tbs ., rr l n ; Z . ' —4 . tt ."i lla W .-- tabeeltu "l tital .""a6 imottatat andrtotto =4 Kasen 5%,...... mw.b*.ill ..au," " IreiB= l onalk:atoo "b' ' oaten. vietreaff It =waalai rutlata: It tbs=dar hie Wilms to tfo mile% end bawls L'..3="abarorta PINE i.ll=l . CEDAR lEROESEN kedpsls ftstantly cra axtast &rib. tam . au.m4, Zl.k NAL etwrlf Mutt Wads, su otbo Min hl 0.4 U • Wannormoumaia /LAIL streeldi Preih Asstatined _ , of 8p0006. . .EWMAB PALMER la daily iota:faint cam the Loserna j at=i Cll. old No. 55 . 'Eames - Tainfand Poiutratriars, PiWtiorakz. slxvit=morklmstc=l la laartAttoft: no pow= en tlyqlootilto. sad iba eakm In point otft. irsor: att=4 l &=.=mar• oc. rpro...4=ViZtrzldb=azdrll4,lo% Ail !CORD ..1 'CO, . Molest& nod ,Retail ILI: Xsaabbeteresoni Dealer, Is Ba Mt* 44 164: .......r w.d ...4 iirlb gtiet PtUninnlth• 1n:m.64 eget ft tell and saespirle et.* 11.04, 740.6.. or =l.4eaßil and 140.,•trt Wholosie ram atenago of that" taakiens awl mien aUr. imarlas UM thiT16.7.111 M 1... Lb. MR SerIPT DIGBY M. A Tailor. . _ Pittiburgialas ripe sad Tata :Waft THE vmdelligneVut"nste° ll lo 44 / :t a anISUN TUBE VMS. Mr MI ilb• . 1114141 1 5. 1 0 or OLII 401MOVI sadesheelnermsan swim. at. • IFROUGHTLIRQX TIIBES, - /dui lummox. ta "wet tmlwitio. vetwa -- ismirpinatomenisaiags.s. vim% 2 ..7- • -•- sotimasuirmart,; aid Lein BANK STOCKS--_ , iro thane Stmbattesal Etaalvemetaime Mak, .-. 4 oax 0.4.4 , • • • jam , .. rairjs • ROL A. WILL& W. Wood Moos; stow Ifdareb. A LLEOHENY CITY BONDS—; • les WACO Atlegrara COE Orara trg literat ese rts trades dralat proz. Tor - .. • • • • 1.. SILL CO. etleesetrif • - - 6i wm: SQUICK of the Meta:lint, & Ideaufsatutore' Seat; Brack albs kraut*. Bast t 9 Jolt . _ p. A Ethoeeto;ra tooter. • Ma BANE 'NOTES, . at • lowest rtel rattaduld WOW "me. Awe ass a. la pis halth FL D.XMW - 1.11 • We. LOT on Penn :stteet; :adjoining Mat. Nave .14011 bejold T. lidaluSlit Oslo( SWlNNlWwlttaftporsos legutra , A. WILKINS 00. To Gardeners. A,mikre. of gotmd test the eity, suit able et insilmateg. %or Oa. Sepals et • Are Ton Mated - to the Tooth Ail*, a AVE liollmeteeth t••• It se,: use i .• MITERS 7emsati - 15xCh • • . It • asalarr eate vansose•l oactoZ= • ..• oath. Encrol&l b erroittudo. • • R eg newt, Pi=h. AX, AND MANURE FORKS- 423 , dos. aiLF s z o ‘ K t ta ... vqviu b tamprks . a.m. be sarpriowl: Rio. raiz* Not TU. ioldAous Izmir* tball laboStbearo. spakir - - - Curled Rau Matrasses. ! - YE 'on hand larr stock of Maras& sod. enter Mar. 3s..outtlins rats ottl slow WI& X ‘ stri* strestorroodot POEo. wiuxira,a piN• G . roes SI 4111 6 PlittlagPur D 1 a 743:14r.....3....b15t81:4.17 . Jtet . "• _ . • ZOO • Wank no! vreorn I The rtrignedkoono oeset on v ur onat i onez er zo=eTvi==.4 Mens of airless. losDm a.antootarn. riga such to order on snort notke mnL . 14b211 • tome of Poratailrni—Th. 111D s4 E8:—. 34 Dry Flea!,LfrvalattrAtton. ItY 2N-7 cask" 5 • 11 1 14.t e 'facin. F L . ( 2eF ß— e2 b b l i . Nerl44!'"l BORAX—G cases Refined, for Bale by .43 a.BcUOONMuasaaoo. IMP BLACK-30 bble. seed. for sale by j. 3:. SCHOONMANSA • CO. • 110111GIRON-33 tone Allegheny. for onlokby JL /a. . J.alt. ?WM, Boma Cbmah . . -VI. by NEcIA.II,--760 J. pure Cider, for bale - • YJAT D. - , . 8 E 23 0 118 7 150 . dm, Ohio, for B a le KOLD SPEOWILES—AIarge awsortmont nntwarm 13 , 0041 far and 61.8=7, ,44. el to 111 1 4.1.1:,374 =TN ci34.2= cm. little. trot to to dte. ' - W. W WILSOLVtn• , iatat t stmt. -RAPE' SHAWM—Reted-lhis Per one canon a there .7.riff d.hlag• . 11 " 6431. a !" 11 1 LBOld 00. • fIHEESE.--31 bza. ()beam, moiling per 1 1—?lnd•aira /It" *t b iA6{ . 24127.1.14 ‘ . No. CI Watse et. COPPERA3,--.35 . bb15. for tale by; J. KIDD , 60, VVotxt at. TAA CANDLES-1.0 bOxes, pilaw sZti• dit 0:4 sias br .J. JUDD k CO, ,Wand- 1\ 4EDICATED Wines and Briaties, a Creak kcituit nothadaigtior cc . ensesss !JAPAN TARNISH-- 3 bble. (Bsltimore) IFme Yip - a ca. yer. . • 310.00.-Woad IPRGAR-30 b 4. in:redder far sale by a. V. TON Daman I 03. 'PANARY - HEED.-3,s9ol=received v: boa tuba,. paws apt .167. 9 *. Jei OvaiioNaort ad stiteL • Luir-4 - . bblii,:thLto Louirrirle. for sale by. awe %somas =isms • bble.foriaje by.' :,41%. *at, ' • • .1.10:01:00100.nWeillei. BTh — i -- mEm„ 'MMLS:SteI • . . , 31091314ENT8 ?Aft Mat MOIL bafl o r itiliata' . 410:1 - isold-^Thirsamm ' :4. - koiei•oo'os • PACMO. fter VAt tl itaarllot troV "' Bmirm..... , . ill ' i AMERICA, PA.A.moo. N WWWWoll4%7.,xtwfro , fiVillit l a Una, He i Ac Natty =lllFri 9 rarlOriimanne...poor • ° Ntrw_Yart.....--,Aut ' H _ Ityr • 1111. 1 80 PA: Wm All utd M Limpool.loaM it .HONtffisK: inul AT snoop= as La t;lVre.l ., 1 1 ,,,t_ 7 4t *a !".." * .rr? TPNH ar utx...watbiartorlmiT tt. g as tn. tr a, citipt tothe Continent I.; %Am OconnALtsi. void mold en metric da • MAT hrmitPAAir mpg /10.44 rXNAIIIo aao3oo. •U PI S rigir7= . iry' Atm I.lm, to ttlodispiettjyOui ho 63_4.4 .ALII 'au D3PANMES of Ilaga• . , 1 - Tis folknor,ll4; ILI pratthals satl 4.1**2•14 Ws silsa Oistiadi omtect.,to.tbr,kttar: •*" -';' ,.. " . a' .... , ZoirsisA .. onultatg;.ChnieNlNCie. Anspc% emirs zapjZszs.. - .1 . 1 .1. .I<nrstramaits.=aottls, IMO 24 4 44. 1.1z5zuz.- ." /14 P ts - W A. ° Z VA mr ""L bulrz.. P.. Um mufti a :& .1 n,Aa.M " Oot W i thW 'via .1 .' .eham .4 Ewa"; liar .43mad0ts. szltIRC. .1..nz017 .43 ; Amine dilly, itt p.p. ar.; , ftesaro , gay... 7, , 1 1. •-• 111344' Tv xemr, ciarted. aa4 Jackal , coutissAacherstput N.. I C. IIB " , PPFern PAY . 44rirreat9 7. x.;_nut .t 6 A. N. , ~ 1 14xima.1fisoldartie., Eil vi h 4 oloT. . ftttly,ll ": =s4ghlui F tos_ ,Clty Inv.*. zentnem 11119 5.1a4.454 o XOO. fl Mi l"' IT Ai.4. C6"* =‘= " 6.. 4. aaaeThasi.. 00 R pe e t V Bi4 r.d o cin , . ;.... P : d M. r i tt . V= l 1I ttt .1140..07 V . a%. 4 r0 4,.. 1 t 4 .0 . g:.oi : M k s=6l4l =Jaw, .1411.7.....11.8.740.. Ai ii,....“..x....d.up....“ .... . , . • 301.0a0-13 Parpra* Witadbrdi NAT Lat4p... 4.enrites UrZ4"." Q71'.11 7 4 7 ; . - , 1 . , Halkin . di liciti. dd.& 4 iro2 at. 6h. u. •, , , - .112..1tWtt Pirervolie: &At - . 14pu,.11M00. ret i trins Itualimi .00,Welrodps, *a.* st.; 11.!. -8ALL1.1.•xtir4,,,v4,...w. rextri.,_ 1111.27aNu= ..._ .......... arzet at , ~-!.,, , sniadrnill4.Xoolu. Mrs. gllr=4= Ili VbSitlli al C° Muttfz/f r Aj=4 . ll.l l ll' .., dviez ,maditg4 il A aNfivraleilfer;7. Aitisiipiiiiioti !i x, amp= ._ .... .aa i ....... 4 _ v _ . :V ... ..., Mot I ..t.. tabS *orb aermr ar. Thandpl, sad I =TlVa l atati al isi4bilsithiCtlisi ieilmn Aeon ttoir d,optim mayst. ~ar. = „ma,. m ualtearskalle wits or Do= Tarr. litokaseus m nroaseid alarm; is ff. , BOWS -413ONS;i9na;m. M==tl:== - • , 71/SESTIWASIA. -- :. • Sega& gs Atiollks i 0 ritte Enact r t. it ,. .. 4 *Pao Rooms 1g Mioetb 1 SkAlselmasildo ."I :7:77 . IIAsUWWL ii w ls•7 26 kllalleZl: 4 :l' t P ' lon in .. a We IDA a ?ma co-4a 1 = 6 r&rage P te" V; 1 11.... . "Ft NSW YOWL ' • - I PrreradlCKirlor C" 'nralarilt .7 ' A____ ,_ .. --•••••••••'-- - ......._ 5aa15.......- ""Z lb'etAsalt.,.... , /Lanai' ADIELAm .. .:1 DISNW" .r! ' 6 1 =tef i Dol.ol... ra CialeF.e3 , s leas,t cel=l .... lir ur a , triett ....qg kunra li "TAlAThetees Itsala.=• Enr"- " c..ftink—piTh Srsach....-.,,...: ,k,...-. , ----- , 4,41 NORTH CALAmAAA.. i _tb.ruogi- .1( 8am1.41.10 'S ilk Of AL Oct. E .,, i 2 '~~~~. S ~ ."I '' / ..---~~'"SCI RE= Ve=lialt U r ' aft . r300.11 44 -:...A1 OOUTII • 141.1 . - .41.0•• l — Clarks .. Z..ier Dia UV& ~ .r&=, s t,,,, ,, Agta.....1nt11t t e.•................ 1 110000060:101113)0400. Ptustrcif a ...013•33103.. IIX a 01 , 0 •WATOOO6OK-'3‘ . .tulitosni,t.,. - • , it i lresemp..,Awv i te../e anamso. 3 , COOOlO Ji;ir 6.lloolmrkl. a 0028...__. uni )316300' 1300 Y a m.iiii. ii ka w At 2mak erg.tt itt00.......k, i T ... "- . 4...._........t ak:itetstrLT--. 4 • x 01110. H 4421016. gi.)004.----1 1 30 1 *Nalli aulleusebo6.olo 14' StWetClll2l. " .1, 2. -do t ica lrao.d3.lo 6 Snook .02. Timm . Direbaules : illu3k 0 riz i..... ,.. ....... 1. ..,,,,,,...... zr.w... _,....„ . 1 , ....,„... .1,.......; .. :1=.......... Ilk 041 . Treat* , 130616 of 1.110 301 01 UP 10•11-.7 .. ......1.4 tic l "-s kif - tr;Z 6 r ...... * ''', •1N00003.-......40 Xi AEU& 1:1=3,000s, .00 ila d Mrel EiN tammter-......30 Oa pallipppt 004......, . gt0,b)=.111....-4o WI:61/03a LLAI6UIL =3OI...t. . 3 oeooo,-..t .. ; 40.6_. ....................§ Brinetkriti 2.4lcczyNtaij =at W -.... • ..do ' • doTh3o3- - 13./A 1100001. 36 310. iiiiasal.a...4o Xasia.o3d • - .:.10,0) W h atramendUe....-.410 tar 6410.0 .:.................1 6 ,03 at Eargralk... 020 11.010rie -...-.. 1,00 63 01,-..400........ .. rbalers..-...........-. VIO Portusoolo3-4 00110000—......--. 6.03 =1 O : kr *-- ....71 c '' l "-- 431 StiZith at Chine:Mb". • • NTir..60030.......:...,-....... lykl ....-..... 2.1.6 PRICES OP MOLL 111011110 . ST A. WILICIIiS 8; Go. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BEGKERS, worn 01 UAW= ery TOIEDITII. ===3D llDlV . Dfistes --t 1 / 1 A Os. &A. 6. Plttotartsh rit...±.l • JANX MOIL rank or Plttstarsb........ Maretuetet Alma Dank Xxabastse .ADryihnly IDvDtp Damn Norttunt WNW* 'Jammu. C 0... gt.tams . Imam. (ka— lauclatad ilream'a Co admara 121tethto zfb. Morse. nu raty MAclartmo au, to. littdiargh W0r1u..... ranta ‘ V UMW.Pma'.. (NM.] HMI Road Ohio it IMIL. Han Had Halt.* Ohio Hall Road.. amLard Wollells It. R Marlow It. W.T. Dry Dock 4utpletrli. • cioris '1 I P N lt .t, [giM I I§ 4 I bil 1 2 4 le I!i' =-. f_,Jok I. o =l* . iiglifiniOrt.l tattle lig ArpnxisorTr,"., eio sawn., r.ntb • . • ilmith't. Nib QMITH'S First IkKtk • ‘ l,6 w lrfA pn. _4,4t.d . M1 . ' TV %OA b 7 g v vs on . bind, law tuotortment of wi=ozooolOtrwrig2 l A/Vetwr moircozadtstWaQom , • , - COMMERCIAL. •, ausagaii - r/ I, ltvf?pttimmainliidwAps* tett& mmT ft , .:ft,Kl ion adp". orsp,,nr,trom. L 7 Ag i . $ /b. Al tot betro;Abr's2; '' l : Citobb assuzp—b. , i.ibbi.be mutat *rib , nokhd da !.F hiiii aotiHlat fmast tome., bbiabi. bob bra b.= Wt IneAdt?tLb rlnt b Ibribm aboxibbmisb, of trao.ibbli,Sod ebb blebs at Pitubanft, maufwb....bue pia bbbbb lb. Wt..** bi'fbdeb, ababbast bletbi dal to be dm. laded/ beribba a riot bbiborial ap 4 burbwbbobbbowsdat. nabob UN4alb ! boo. the ebb is 'ban lobo b 16114440 bl bat *Nib bat barb bb ebbollbrib as U t utts• Prr allot-ea OM* gboall birra bessibmtbLibla a base gamma! tinny barb bboitabilliabliribbbot tabs tram thl.ool irtgeatteneskto atendata Elod ribs.b•Pbbbib_hr tbajbb, .141. maga goel soadltbei tor wad bai.,biebewba booi Am ibtabarit ,usbi 'aka! 4=oo bineLi fLi tri&e: nd batilsomi Li obbabibb of brobVb F i r b'Abi bbabl , tilbob b r ecre b b be Mb Ilbabibb , the ,b51.2=1 , ns bold AUK, azd Aso bibs ydtif.. Sr.:: r. 7; , Sanaa contlaiss Metal, audio stings las: Sabo slam lo prism toms 117911 a cleots44, trio msltbri;btr. bus' sold of taii3M...uh.d. ot edeitainipikeikit sail Wolin ooze gibed We& too SS Ob. taildnissier,litdsik tla Ea- Antos Seedi,bad tots to . 4 ,1 41 - lis zooltSt oilitainS *POPS liatistuill.g. t. 7 .4 0 t orr.rk 4,..rho!VqiiiSsook ot 1 " Aziotor 'riirtuir - einT6;u•iszi !of** vaAmi.starielteetea: - , Bitol4-ttto Waist to admits insoinso4l Mks. restslistars Stesset!the like altar orsokits..l6lll Akio SOPS A.fo itskosi!Usoltal kis. AS toe A& bozo nano* sospdSto IDASISro slam SO% sel'stooblers ,st Is, no Wait censZlii7 ;oral MSS NS it X to Ksebolosiths Wits* Astoloi - Onsids.robl" 6 toros toot silisod nabs Ms essiL ' - ' IXOSTlZ—Nosidni of oxiscusurbsstraosstrot ho bat isswirdassol Wag liolsi..lfrosli son osts • moodssablktession, st 11363105. Tba tstallsrlas ;Atli /*Paid 4iStts,Wr Pin alto SEo !.• bell Reid • 10:103til; , 'Ibi ' rsielita r timlitas irdiplies ne. 'sw* viassalbsto oar Ovo . tstSoos ttiortnli boils Qs 'boar store it Ripen : =5015p • .nrasBAte•li••••i•istea.• ••• atanam Nu. N. 404oho1nA0AAW. bin stoss 64 It 62 ,114% 10 . WU" ibitsouiS 11421-,So a pie pitquory and 4alsinx—Foi•ft• • AO request, int,Thalid =pi lThoittftba istirlid. Its Toot 411.1,66, " 12.2 "t 12 ' Sal StOok Ida;it • —warts zrstmaig—isewag amsdusba ban sung deft ildnnalaint W intnibk bally nsolled. VIM Undo to thb trio, the Inneg_rbliall._ it IT $3 ton Anlitbanbk 3.2,30 . 325 4.n div Onsall‘bbd.b 7 Zib 7 h": 1 0: I _ l 'l /14. .1111:121 01231--lil liottak s continued gixdklauccri at otreAmtdlaes' allot WasiG , Bola or mar at tbe 7i10610)(4. iradtivit nosila mall Lots mi 11®17a taloa emildJiteg act ctn. 1:03 334 .100 liNxeto 4 1I r PO,'N.MPF/*--3319€912/46' :aii.eutim'ki•usi. Nit' Int lbO No ; • ClMBZ4tieePto, /Yip ima tar itathy 4 tai - meta is you sorpliod. Tho WY box Yous,la PAO: rose Dior VOY lam al stoat Gs too **moo. asumums—ro.Ranops • " th• 0 ' 8 ' 4142 " taw ' t' '141g 2 47 .; • It ocuinum—ms qt slaty i thor , irueni ', Rata thlo k•••4• 1, •••••!*••• W •• •• gal sg. g l• 7 k6 4°2.4 ' 4 `l -I ! l T U N: lth r br . ,mlir 24t Ettok ~~.~ r ==:l 1:!CMI 631T01t TAIL4II—.• slay asiaNial reisafas bas taken 1110..111 en aaa►..mee.nda booL 720 tellovins la eineutid 1.1.6 ofwierq. • ~ , - ........4 LI: I"` ....... t1 0=7.4....W.11tt : rit.V..." ..* . .. ''. —,...„„.,,..". - , , ge..rs • , • ..itt, 4, N .,- = ' • r ........i ge1 . , .1. :. i . .„..„ ..., i-f...iz ~...........__..6 .3r, „. 7t . , - . Woks snel Ewa* ne.ll/11131r: Wm berises,i9all pf. abrakb4.4 X/1414/ a, esalk poi Ibilk sale al aorso as . , COO lIM.-'IF• sake • mamas dimsad. kik the ikartotorlll aria mar from tan bligs'at 10.6artiss tke. st Oa. ' *C4III/133---4klas at --- espdbi at 1:34 a:2=U talenrat Ibiond etelpped at% • 16 . , DattOB,IIII.O.II3NICI us nn 811111M1—WoUlad em immftas abaft,* 1,344,5ti055. The LLlontaz lo • eon. . , ft.l4 - .—."^.;•13, =M7'7-10 ' 11 Ag5u1tri1t........--10; 11 Illonarosteml--22. s • , Ami.6...L.41,‘, ax IMI4. Al . • " ansa esuir T ' Cialooolal..-311' 0112.TearAela..111-60 Own IShouse...-11 , 1 , 1 Cub...4A Dal= SUM—W. odes lab soar In the ~ld, et* • wittrats *mad, sod beitil • rift ham /tan at, St i****l s Its/*/* sod 7114100010, olts. , V. re rat gort. as isle bast ** art buds. ' •••• Dal= 5t.W4=4.p0.m.mcd.e . .* ,, 1i4 bk• from deli inter, it Mete • . - Itoo3-o*** Qui Ibittil tied" wise, im wow: iss odd fag !lit adsr edwasid is p dams 111.610111. to tbsisatfrogslgood.isssof Tater tbs ribs of Night. ten Wombs. god ars very tsir, sod tass.td.d. Aiditta mottos. Os was Y glees lad 11(1115.1i*.r.d.td.sf dididiAtti 4/.64 bdds boa y'destgast 7x; water. :sbgitoord.'to arrigfuesit. of 'bleb. ada tot. toot coodisit to bull WS; with same kogrosamot ts Odom lb* 11b. os tbssrlssrf hive limn omitted blots of 1 to 200 bbL. WS :NW 314.34 frogs trig astat WWII* bbl. Stis sibifteldietS. kits b.dd mom east to null lots tor lb. am teat... bass di ...4 454 riffel 3 . 6ol bffnefllni EYE YLOITA. ads WA bbb. to id oittiftbssiodbot .432 CI 11 bbl. Tbe wood ram frost stors ars $2Pp ail tam feati fled trod" at COW se* • YIIII-11/. wad • osetbtord good delegtil InAttirisr taktritb. Ado IgtgriftstsidittgaionS S. Sear fog , %du Mutsu. st tbs *Mowing strbegog Mackerel CIS btd. tor Ism...A Mb St Sir acsalt:iblob is so togst.o.- sang No may to soot.d ISt 114110...43.1 SU to Milo 1 tetroold nig gig 12 Mb Salsa ins btd. 4.1 $21 p six fierstrigle ofi 13f' Idl.o. 2 lPloSt* India /.11ATILM.Ptiora stsuFehang . ed isteloirk;l4 . "gm 4l, " 4 "*.a. ZNifad. Ps As Waited lotto SANAA:Lk • 1414 g. a.) Ch . 112.12 rtar/ lat. rgb• Aug Lot lloWior do .111131V-Ilos datazot , lab olltlfinostl2..% If Um: A m Of te411(1111 salos 11: of Mama Mils at Itt,to toilet ot Mitt. lo;' of Coissolittto Q edi Wei KlgoOfComb at tOtOffq 0t,4 otzeglib walnut" Ifilmtbffltf otlf)ttflio 16. Wu oil:buss Of SO* tit Lemma of OAS loot • • ' 0.1111/ITbs ;mist amtlaass indst; ►gadendag to tar Didd Istekes "balm bent la goodusts =bask Foe. 'tsbsatsrndT &laid* 6m 4k the idlts tt essaisgase pit. itr. .17s:Illetelaker.tasa te quoted et We, dal kilktilllas al 0400. ba. W «ek-tery kW* is post lag tbersrd.sad addstsgal Is gladeeste say I. adr awed as lbsebselest 11011631a:sal Idea stare st 301137e11bn. Zetdad,,bas beds .delat tedtui day,b• quoted reisdasna 606/1/te bst., - • .011.4XE81101,Ws aottei n ceitlaued ialstates le the wake; with iekeibludlsdeaui <ld laistess blad bales et suis fa waked Ilseltslloat et SO bids st 40(003( lbekle sad red Olretudalss. - A. ads of 10 kbds harke. at N on task 1101001- Me saki •at Itedad lots at ate ke MOW, sad C 410710 kr alt bbk.ke, (Mmes. kid 10 , bA salter honsa cawrte punt st oggArwog, tar nk; - Bawl wss ottln st IV IR 011/38—.Wadew glukalta bisadj. Sky 10'$3;10 te , de kb 10 be 14 i(• Ise'd waste? Waits -dindslle esLL at VI leo Van tam eltykuisdi; MY 1/11/85-111s cads du Mat at 1.1.1 i 8.14 sad elsealdend si ON** Dtvalayismct D1v.14? 41Iat Div.Jaa.ll prct Div.cz a pr et. DivAi, IDlT.Jan.6pre ICON lam PlAlLS—Walubiola a HU cif miss oiwaiwa Oi' lbw Whet al arttelir. '- ~ • ~ , • 1 • ............gN lwaw—Lt.. t bar .7 .... pga ..... z ........... m .... ;...._ : ~' w 1tard.........—....----.—.---2.4 awyt.. I :•,. Stttit-10 to 9.2 p0.....--.........140 w . VI; ' "war a • aiort-eut - a 4 ': l ' " 914 2122 I D1T.1660, SID • ai tirti=7:=433 Thasbottprtets md7.a. m4lst to totWituttlitt Witte -I.IAY-6alw Oam intim are midst. itt Unit W ' noPl3—Thitt instep will, Itto, at 'bald a. Mt! s. ' LARL"atstkti tr. Ilet, pit titi 'Wits of ettiathotw Wit triawidttt. Ws ntiritatta Wit MAW. !'fgrit ' ii 40.10 ex ittig watt, i 7 , LlLS.TWlsittptiitAttPt4 "X 3 tUt quotathap: 141CW:tomb qtalied p2l o..lati Sinr YttY doldialte W , -1.171111ZW-Thi lastliet .to pate tit WI. timaa. awl= Ibittleintrat Um „rates, IW. Ablatito femme= '.was all lit tr O 1060 . watsx ,; • • mAD—Teiriii 1 : 111r;nn 4=1;1 , 14 44 PrilUrtui 'at el fat solgoitit Atis fit tot. ,- . . Pitt,Ths titesdt namf's..dasy,vasumetion -Raw g1Y"a214041,11 - .AN= Lasti•Paralmil sidang WI. NiC [ l : 4 Wat"!lr. :144 WoOldi its root alp arlittattiOU' - pid as et. ustor.ll - i lted No l oily wl l 4ll WMkt /wide DA OW' , -,410 * -41 i 1 9 4 0394 0 4.0441115, saoler2ii, 'scr.":~sr.• I 4. I " 4.l*lo " 4.bVillie 4 1* 1 04 1 .7 1 ; 'sant At0p_keig.4,45..7505304.111W, Wet 1NTrbe . 4111.11.124t j kil3Zo.lbilare• lad issalaisalltlik , - - Pio iattlimlitatinot Gengliis,ioo4z Okiltachl4 IRK Wins • •21._ ,AAJUI-raurs . are tum.....TAi lii iiiisdkrostet 13.1* th...111 2 047.1 1 hWa1ai9. 4 *. • 8P1C68,1141t0w5145061.33;t10imi 2:;i3Slik64 l rnie 31101 , ;-Biler st =WM, beg; lad.= kitt; 111P11.1:1M SCIAEMSZNII,B6Oc .1101" st Om{ an lerset—a.: msist.la i;easionebru, pidn• 15,1' , 16.1 es luiros3.2.st4l. • 1 • MSES?EM:E!I ':robitoo-drbireisg gad ogegiant I* tiagelstigag et stahulactaint tobeemstatagitel soatiggeZt i n= Tee following easy be even es the great Plegtela matotteetond 1:1412to. DaltProg: 2= baggliptieg Vie; Vestals Wag 111111=Lidelrg Dlog- LW Wows leittletioi et .k l .l.!ra . ;TIN x. 4.0 Its m it. ire su.e3 ensAii ti; Y tae sft lktk nal, rafts testozirmtim.'- ,tau.ow-Ailarrw, 0000 - 304: ,, • 1 Limulus-14rith amnia Jobs hi the Ude iamb It .. at MOP, it gal. • fIabMUMMY—Th. regain gall= ,gx t. be at Zell. ,Idage lots weal& algot than • *- • - .' - ' OOOl, -Tbe onedig ' s by deer have nir ihniag the week. bat nesrlrehll- brought keened being Or ady ddw, ...WI to sal lure waste Inv, tragontredla this market Design gee 411 laying-%t. tie for mei=to bleed. Igo an bbxel, undo be esiga pet= gad es. I tra ink* scesalote et dental 'weing3gei Lanier. wee sm. mar .t Phihdalats to the . ..trtok Inn mote bloigefs. it eta bag gk tub sad ph* Snead War% ibv aallrd. gash sad eta... . - , ; Moeda anti m.. ttnot4bo shot was vitt attoultd to dor, IF' tOtit ham ond pant stool 601.b00t Inn Mild, tad et molt ptiodielli, to city bottliirit„ Matt& snot pool 6gOnot. teed toiteodrailood *dooi ma hat hpOtt:. . IS=!g; AZD CIinS,FRM. =kV eiteccd t soil Willgoss!l o6►e►naamU to - 41135,1-I<am Otereing:' . . . le—TL. suzkit ea *06317 *la *Met AMP.. The affairs. neebell WO bad: AZ of which vale 11%zy grYaiV fgenwit=bt...f. !.0‘ ra W—liire quota :.• . • • rapt mak about. 100111maila toe VA air= to lire York; 800 can and estvlia; boipaall MO slump sod lambs: • - • • .• Bed Cottla442• - . Ate . micas. , cod . fl mintsis.t. 5.11. ama 01 to fri5.00441 , /Pi .k.-T h. ! 44 . • 'll.i if ad Sit Cal f 1: .Mfr . sh C elerdli tin• eO t itatiad* o aonfrolJAoll .10 / 40.-"— ' inf,dr dapac:G NU at 1140: 1 41 FA Moo iaC Weite—Sami at Or time si E'on' 4a) &at du lariat at tram 1/180 ma.oo eseh:ansi aalltT PORT, OF FITTSBURPH: vas Lotairrac—T64o.ol, kti+... 1, 49r" 'Amer, Cmt . iiieteteliin lame amlim,oll, . r -. . - • Arrnr-Illers Tro“.6 1 104' 6 12144,1 n cbanall. by metal last, last enalas: ad ha*. - ' . • - • . .41.1nabc.1.1rorrungle. J. 31.01" • .Itednoor_ Woodwast. . ,Ercottib=ania i r b girif.. V=•."4=jukthiSOML 1)0V1iID, KKdliwu )kkg,l3mnr. rtek ' lbw ezmmrr:==L Nonce... ' 0 r . 4 04.1t ar : fu =. , NS Pllnaintulak J.4D11.11.1.412dD1t; . - D Licht Ms Punmeet 'Finkel twos dany st $ = Udo 4. 8 1 =1%%1 1 ctt4.,°l 4 : 4 1 ,',Ailira rit--:=4II4A6dPIMS 11111 y do finteltert• 8 P Siite" ID bilU l3 Al2t MAI exterr bbli tiotts yiso*lr. Jae Xsums—li labels totarsts veal' • L 3 ela Vistas [humus Clot t Thar, _IS lye boater Ito 11(C.f7: , II dot Osumi Paw 50.1.& lWe tatles Doff= Ox 300 Wet I•lnssect 1011 ma MI Ibis Ilmae; Balm; Dam • 2 Bedlees, - ' • 8ERC.0122.4%8. 4 rAztanz=r be sin WOO: I.OOS Tikes mew Inns '4OO Bs treri 1 BAB sus.lo4 Bass 3.11.073.—Prik Bzass—t & . : 411 51; B Coltglbacril,..BAß H. EC4; ta keibass=letsd a lel V i sTrl E 2 l iretTsbelerra earl mum a A emsber. IB wail elms Irs Huai est Wotan ear Brie &Bela'•• • , • , • 1.0185 5117118-4135 . 085549.5-131855 8.15.1 • 11353- 5.4 34J 005595.1. h. 15 Ws desAtkardasr.lo bo.a 5111 . 4 31.45451.1 La 8.74•5 • 115 Dow 88Apkto numb •8. Watorremo 8553 40 Ka 5552385 - - . Ca 34 1 .71tei155r8r1=819855..• 857, 3 3 r babgroboli"Vir MN Wel 1 b o l o . l 8•87; 417 I m :Z i kad m. o4 . llVr i t i r; NI tWAVIsSS .1" Mt41111 .' It—, a cc, SO.D tbda t 903, Mepopalf. 825.59•3-I'. 1fti.34585'it:.335 , ule team!. 5151 - 4114011455855. 52 b. Um. Dkto a co 15 30 04001 5 •Cr 419,1 .Cbatabh 9 bbb, 5550 lot E • C. 3do We 150488 k 11.55558 r. 34 ass 4,051 tYmtao.:-.13 Ilea .-60 Thri01........,.... t eel Asamal : Vitrbllire.... Canwool,Dabbiz:. f. .6. f l 4 ' % -• 7 254 . 1.1:0 ri,•; • :7= cue.:abbe uns 8.40ns rospectilally informs Cray J.ll Idserhasta Sit_p• . estar, th_olo_LA 720• •Isolowl• - ronACCO. Jour,: m• 171CrOM . b k i.r ar..ln. on. doar neetb westotßALW whAnolls hat now la sieges:l4 t r e gsso == mosttal it." L 6l; seaskalbatareg ,o a• mad durl kialsomens ."17,4 4 4 4 . 5 5.' U .:• • HAL PRINTIIi k WRAPPING' al t a .. o blexL.ltas sad stays Wetpolic ." 50 Do rc iabl• Owns, po it edlunt . ' " ' • smartid 3taaills • ; : 111 ID) = r aliet 3122Melat 1 .u 03. baßala MI blot Walla yhas — a Nom, - ter‘ la a lb* lovat Priteh by . HAWN.. sane and DesdrOle9oad4 - , VARIOIa STYLtS, o ihla mora y AttantlawlataVited to ttieb doles seartaintothabob La.'s, White taco& Ilbr draw, At n. We will retell% =day torunrow. - Cram aToee— IaOLDEN SYRUP—Int& tibia:tad 10 gal. kegs, from th. Rt I.eeb tam t atris kY • ANNPS' OIL-27'bblal' Bank Oil.for T• 3 •8 • J. •IL FLOYD. lODIDE POWII-.40 lbs fot sale :by • 'ha'. • , • n. 4 rang =lm a Co.= = LEir.:,.1400 Wooßiga Galati; ' •- 7Et r AGIO WATCH/3S, or Double Hunting IVA. Gold Loses Watebos: sods m as to alms au both =des with soldlass.,. or to aboxthe taw open at Nam% ,71.471hks =Lain.; remind aud me 11s 412 • mum Maritsa sa6 froth sta. WEATHERS-0)00. ibILICIZ IWO* : B.4WattRUAIIOEL LUISTER =ge . r WO? . TW4b!l' , B , 7 500 lb .. itgol BL( 1 ) . 1M-3-11. JO, tone Sof!lewt. i f a or sale ARD 011,--10 Will:No.1, for 'saleb ALA 3.1 WICK at IdeCANDLY4B: po-x CLAY-7 ions copu f Alip i pay; No . 24.inas teacited sad to au, s.sm b ilourgy. a 03:: EF/NED 110119 X—Sit Ibi to i sale by, Jel4 . J. JUDD 4t Wad Lt.' LAX-1000 lbs. for sitio—k' EARL r A.SII-30 bas. rINSBED bble.Griswold'abrand, .I.l.t.akobr. j. 14 LB. WOULD. r TASH-4 casks far asle,by , FIRS PROOF PAUTT--10 bble.fm , sele by 1 . hal ' ' - CAUTIELO. irtIICKETS--50 dot *delalithe, for 8010 111 EESWAX - WANTED--ale highest rioO LI '444L cornifilzsr .'" Nalre.dsts . LOODllloaprilzo vireo:lnd ',ti n y /A W L . 77.1" 4 ! .LILTALLZR. • - •1811 . - 10 xx 44 " 6 _ . - FoR-sone.KilsFof Pock, Enquire ' , it W WIZUWW: O " . r 'ut itANUINGS--A large assortment, iajibrantyA,..k" 11/3.l4l&eirs ear • ell " • • Wad it. VOD LIVER 011,-40 gelleiget 'urn. Li er sae z.ir.a,excLatut. b3rts window. Gun, easor4 beT9N Nauruan are ciLUE-400 bbleara" uu bag . ,;'! Lf ~ 0 3X,,i,•'ACKL, ,,;t G• ' TOIMME LXIIT=;-NIIIVIBER 290. , 4 _ _ (Arms meurr. ii)LTS uurmaraul DAY. =POUTS Br. WE PITTOMGR-OAZETTE. Russia has et length made her appearance in.• palate at the World'i:Pair. The articles sent from thatinrontrisrare the last to reach London, and the space in the, glare palace allotted for their•exhibition hes:just-been relieved of the elose wooden barrier whir-haled It out from the public, eye, 'A London. letterof the 4th instant ,•. The ;sigh board tepee, wbkh, throe the arrival of her ice bomidroargoes, has - kept inquisitire • yes from w a n e - Inm 4rseris,•is down'at last, and her territories are. now, after long delay, • thrown open to the: rest of, the -worliL The hingth'el tbria' the,bad expended"® her preps ratans the ealitt mahogany Of which she had MilA - feint stands and:04110, milli lose neWtors enditdrd ' covered over' . with Oath Or releetti stakether little indications on herpes% of an Intention !o do !things on a scale al;ioniewliat• pratantittui' grandeur, had coluddetted prddluerielosity; and con seqientti,,RaWia, loceo..literally crammed with "riaiters, erer since' she "first, opened her getet4•four diva &psi% -0. • We now enter thislthe Asti Department of the Northern Wow* the'crowd being so dense thetss are oblige:lto welt kink in the neighbor llood of each °Wit,' before we can edge oursay near enoughtn eitadite ' And here it is that the great ,Polar ,Bear liertaken the world by surprise. ; for though : e ll were, prepared to be hold a rich itisplity of natural products from a country. which extends the Arctilategions to theiNqueMr, eicenprishig isierY riflery of soil, locality: and climate, no one imagined that Bu"• sia could mate anyfitaudon 41, n ergetie intbm ceritce:loottrts lei her anthem neighbors In ' the production of . o Sett of - taste and luxury; and yet this depertmemtigiathi*Wa are now mideiroring to edge our way, . (in eridearor which hulks= powers of redstance t erctiro and peed* to the utmost) .coltains aerial of the moat superb things ;in the - whole 'collections of the Crystal•Delace, - emially wonderful for beau ty' ofderdpe; e richness of the material em ployed, and the akill:with which th e y are put for inimince, at these rasmilficent objects is Ihilarhite, not fernier'. villa solid substance, as one wirdd imagine at, first sight; butraneered error with perfection' of end that Is absolutely . inoomprehenalle; look. , it:thesi. lofty folding !loam with their lustroeirtsal, Jinn hole simple - and yet isniraperb they are end :hot hnrmo• niMnly thareglided ormunenti,to richowichaste, ; sominust with the ectqalato shadings 'and.reiningsl of lids lovely green mobiltaiiee„' infinitely more tomitiful than the rioting •marbli. these gigantic Tases;Latnizted• on f,itatstas, of the gams precious material; what simple, se vere_grams'd forta t ind !UM happily* hamagined their few, richly-gilded oniaments: • Mete ems Diana ii7tiet /11140E4 ; AU, elegant chalr;the seat of which L of, rich silk,. brocaded with. flowers, , In the style of the thinks of LyanM this rang ' stifles:at eameey-pleoe, elaborately, yet most el. *gently .o;lW:tented,' the nterks..of the fire-. p,.ther fender - sad firrirona being so richly •SJitied that the ski* iteiresauticient, or itself to -Werlelt. Mohr parlor; all, are uf.admireble work manship; hi'excellent taite,and shoirthe appli cabUity,of this substance as a substitutefor mar- - taiapdfoilrood. We easetecf jewels, at each of which a couple "Cif.pefficemen are constantly on guard, contain nisrinierdr'of skilful setting that compare re .episidebly sien with the work of some of the beet Prencbjewellers: This tiara of diamonds, wbasetteraulonefloiestatribildeacith allthecolore .of theiaixtbeir; Irlttrani superb oialtc(thecen teat ate; the latieediiithe world, nearly an inch in length;)" fnll - ofllerj Iridescent gleams, set in trocakg the totem , and baridsan , of rubies along' ate lower edge, is -valued at twenty-Eve thettesnd &titre: -.The -twat pitte set in the form of s ran; oyerwhicho butterfly' lahoverinp Ibis . . bunch of ruby summate, and anise bracelets . Of green etunneled;folliage, 'with doirere' of dhunondi and buds or pearla, are eicli'vEned st three theusand"rti*bundred dollars: :iThis elegant little:knot, , composed of small .ntrquitont, rem , closely set, with ear rings to match, beautiful tut they ari..may be bad fo - r,the moderate' onto of one hundred dol ''-Thti tithe! , titer MMtldinf Cram , 6t diamonds Ude:smiled:with maistyrd !mummers costly hattlett chaste than the former outc i ant4 a gor geous necklace of diamonda*m . each of whose, medallions hallo' a 'caulker cC ruby berries; .sdidt fcdiage emeralds' mod spisYrof pearls. AR INDIAN 8T0RY... 1 ,- .. . .: frie . oa utter sti'thelialidue J . Otrmil.) Beyond the meadow; se. justly reiiible, on 4 Chteside erf.tusitoodiorered MIL ..deks large . rock,' brawn, . mawolad,. nit& lightniewsearred, .. ....1-4. ;top has a Pge.Of.itdoreat-.l;An Indian . woman, lurking be hin d it, while the whites were burning the Tillage anti" slajW,g her people, was semi by one of the fonder& who inifeediately Weeded his ride and shot the poor *relates dead, ender the, hexprention, it ItLieddi that be was Mai et one of tha warrior's . The Indian woman • had kohild in her era* arid tite..borrortstricken. tatirdeter, 'as ikime stonereett. for whit he bad ' done, - ifter busying themether et the:foist of the 'sock,-carried- the child, 'so strengely-baptised in blood, with him to the settlements If .this arms , were not well authenticated, : I Should doubt its trathfultenti . It is Wed known • that whew the 'MU-it-cheek: "Males wore dc- : . I ateared, the;lndians received warning of the •enemy's weir appease:hand ded. - , 14ow.what was Leis poor woman doing with berboy so near the Beene of disaster. while- her:protectorswere far away f :.I. *. sometimes imagine CillSl3l. Tor each , strange Womanly' adduct. -VIM& her'stealing , leek to her ruined home in - seitril *slaps of a - missing bustand, , or old bed-ridden. tether, or in heart-sohing search-farts lost . child, th at she :feared the ',bites' might . ..EU and bear Sway: Let the, cause bare been that it may,'.. . , the peer Sufferer sleeps quietly where the fa.s3a. tram and elm:wire above bor. their delicate and grseedd drabs. Tbe history of the Indian bo y as .wild se his adopting was arrange. . He was taken into the family of the destroyer of his mother'and treated at i member - . He grew up a treielndean, scorn ing • work,hilent. and wayward, but :eminently Itandaatus.add graceful.:.Helad,. fee playmate, 4i t . 7 "ag ger gb etril t Zti l ti ne 7,l= 'il l i th .7l alhall ' seirdr of towers and 'hide '''They were the sent to school; and, although heWeaseldom • ' Sound inside the.scimel room, as ther generally seutisi,whenin eight of the lig loonse,he to bunt or fish all day, Abe to study—yet, when.eseoieg acme; and the maiden wended h r ,..r way - bflm,, in BOZO wood or glen 'by the path, she would en his tali; dark 'form standing•erect - .lxt the gloom 1 of trade& waiting to guard het safely home. lf a knowledgolet thisawast disposition ruched lii; adopted father,. It was not. front her—she /seed him too well teem' . him beaten:. .• lkired this,. is if to be Wandered . arthat tile prettyldri and her Indtanumpanionshould love each other? The rosy .Checked. 'largo eyed daughter of .the old • reptain,"44 .time WM B mad. admired end had many =lore, bast,turugsl to her list love. Tint at last Wooer coiner post !eased remora wealth road higher standin,..- end a ad eaglet began in the little heart-between Torre: and pride. This. sounds, etrang4 bat in Woe days Indians were looked , ttpon*oosi as we rook on negroes, and, to marry Co niush be neath her, to be giant, at 8.6 'ono . - 4ttradcd and , onteest,. startled the poor girt lideilet know ishetherk,natudi own plead his manse; or not. I:like to Think he did. not.,-I.: wee 'hint gliding sway throksh the atillirtods to eta:n=4r done. leaving lOver‘to sago his Ult. Pride ?roved the 'victor. -The iredaili_ suitor 'woo scv . epted. On the day or the "sreddthg Izertati-ings absent. The younger portion of the eongpamejetted at U 1 aped,-tor secret lad bunco known. The night ?gassed, gand.in She elonling.the alum" Lied' urents rem plion ;to gild their daughter - and intr. linSbind amicierkand 'the ha"- gtuaVetons. lathe 'whither; one. was he ever heard. of; after.:,..Tiii slayer .of mother wept over. his lobed :god . , the pointed jcfer, the suer, bad done' his work end iiraY—oq Air,t4 vittb.34q. silent Pr4.4j44ria has • letter trom Madrid &Ing 'toe.M . .s . 'et me- Violater eiparlment with * now itpOtents for fly.. The filet . waes MAW Juldas-Zeres, who though rather fat and eel Sulfur, soared through the air, by this he* etyrhsgs...witjt A grea." nee and:rapidity. Abe was awevreSed tly tants of /MVO I,2ooTeet,rking to the air above' g(X), but exceeded the grOgrknuttaboth inheight sad distmees.: lie. d -esamktott-otatte; &eructate of the *MP ie ne7 heee e t; spread of wee mom feet, are AiMetieft 6 .lqgnsamits of g r..tity;iiiia wider - gto, sin to Inenil . with great. rapidity; the . make knoll!, like • Wind 'The Aston) int of . Madrid at so novels phenomenon:is desenibed Fastnmease. • ' A Mr. limas Pteri•nalso Ammon. ees that :he ,baa invented k e e ta PbeW.APPnrants - for teleb:ezei- that he Pr9ol . ,re to qatbit it at the unstop - di 'Mare of the preamM month, lambe inll fly frceitilhe Military School to ChaMed . ti e adosem . .—pazdect by his two sons, one of tiritatieito kid the other at femm e=:Team TheprOperag= of three nets of wings haimnajed theieshibithea'nutil now. :Thelma-en- tar' him-Wed :bb tpatimint Ortwitely, with cont. pleteliumhatturfkrwzraeroesalieSeine with Itatl the morninustils wings have • spread of 15 feet, and by their bap the flyer Can tioyeuritte-dowalst the air, With the fireiltiref • twellenr;••kimmingziloog near the tftamd'or'aigsmtbs upright to4tuttaky at' his wr.4.1 • -h =SEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers