OMNI '4 r: ;*, ; , .41 EBT • 4 rN 1786: P ITTgIiOAGiI M .11 = DAILY• AND , • • --.Mriiirg,./k; 00.-"; . • .. -•- Naga sanier.-1 -• • .... • 11111111131111 41111.0ffaa • WP :. WALT—flora• (Collarkper 1if. 11 1% I Dams if voilfl U. mimac.. • WXLILIN-I'.O dollars 10111.0 i. 1. 14 , 62.4 !aLla .11 amolted on Us. Thaw copies permsores—--•• Ten copies do 00... 'Mnt7ttoMa ' de X 0 0" The locket tot blob te to oldsvmsd 40 as .0.1 pOd Invvlatty &Snow. _No h& Ppm be mot We Ito tat albino, salmi, We !ow iiitS 01., saus... (10 Uses of AMMO& i D= .—.....-„, Do Ma Infix ...,......-....-...... II OD • Do WM 0ra15...-.............. 4CO • • Do. tolto leant TOO , . 8.128•9100 orom 9809--..-...6....... 900 : . Do. ' four U —...,...-... 1000. . • ' Do Az taml2BB--....4.........- 13 CO man 80.1184..-........... 111 00 • - tilagott Cord; C., Inzekicoomm-41. 00 pow &pan, 488.4894.14 44 14810809 fell 00 ' , rem) m 1048444 for melt 8041 , Wma actmoo. Warted arer ow mood. Gad far tsa, sadlUoDai sow , inmenjdFda QM me , .t.i , tvertlanoaata alloaarDl •1488•89. 4 0 11 MA OW " . ..i 10, to Da diarza.l as. moan aa4 • bat Po 01Iabera not notostlid , la MD load DavarrthamastLa U lt.( Um mount chanotO AD Nair irk Ammand= DaratJato• to *OWN 16=4 thi. Mao M okber Mmtiorscata. _ A.lnntionsmota Dot muted au do, op ILD V 16.011.0 .I•Aber of Immtlom 9 ill Is magmal till WW4.41.0 6.0.. ....................,. ~r , . Th. pctolkAgo of amona 0:18•811908 8 - their owsloo.6Loto Dustman. tr 8 . 11 1 ::: parommootedD"Vtilote"M•D bo4ooo4Vrek • • of •498Moommals , Wall . 0 , will boy chap; our =.6. Tee {may .o atrattlsicat, Va. anil De milatetif eljrh.V.W.o, tip =a t : 1 tad it,. ...., moadosa.. =4 ralltkrld==l.arato.4e.,l47 10 •D' _ . . alla.:411. Isollors to Wttlital 60 oral,: .1, ID al .4 . 1 oth. l i r = (go i sa . 3 , e 8 m • . o =s . 2 = .... 4.l="4lh=oati °Woo afflatlZ sateDlM.: 1 r ' .. )o)0 , aOl as .-----.... 1 ...= a .4. 1 ...r.- i„,. ~... 3 LLD that 10 unto L. to Do peal tr. ..; ante. La 11to hml 04, Do 88=8 04, ' B ' •41 Do 9...• of mot km Dow 10 cesstr Ilao. . _ • '' rirce sir notk. to blar4 trlpto prim - '::13 Tern Llennar. Petition. t 1 I.t. Vr.= 4 •o l t.r.,,. , d tlevatag • anal of tttatta. sm. ow 7rs .. 0... ram d wtaar eresl_...,s, F • 0...a. „ . ..„,,, au. 4.11 . , na.7---. ........ . • kn Inconlar.( aduthmenaDODOlD to sdnees. BUSINESS ,CARDS.-7 ATrOZNICYEL . ----• `- AMEST;XER.A,MLOMIY4 I . IOI4-43 ate an. rixtrairU.adalcs .4Q4. YEAVES,4IIOegIe=4:II . war Lb* %in.'s Mak Pli, 4 tiosa atscodkl.lo P... 5 17. i n. ' s M ••.•- • • ' , A.! ‘• _ llwter a Erderatema. . , , LIPIIANT R. - Atwater -at L. tro. Tpurill amt. MOM& bet.malreed .6 E oath WI 61.1wL, rittabatlik , rt. / • • Lnd,,,mr...1.- Dams , • A • isessios • 'PLUM' ; QUINN & COLLIER, Atti3= l YArr — : 47 011 es on /math vireoLsbovil ,~.~:.erawmiimLL~: 4'o. /ff. lAttor. •sr."l'""a!`"!..4!"l.'" CBS j: llMlN;Attoritey et Law L ____ d ollioe Trim so, earmaghsat dna Wi•IW MAIMS C.FLANFAINaI; 11070i.e.artioy _ . _ ••••41•Fr 1 413 st=etitt.: \ C T S " • —.o.l4launtet • ei rom • 41.4.1k1n. B. Jar. y mom= (Mo. W. luta.. r.;,mr "iDWAND.P. 'JONES. Attorney it Ls* Mao on Fourth itirt, mom. -,-~_ • rll3l MIME - X: ATtNV_l_.4!k:po . Aspkers: %; ' fourth amt. sest ib tgt I.tai., " a 36 4 4' . rtriPartMl""n",,AsAP•""ii:matto le? 41. sm. a. . ye t HOYALAC4 .4 . ib , .... 16 144.ffligi. iagrau-k131‘... .1 . - A. ; .alti: uoro ßseket.7ol ll : z .r.. 1') ... : .i..:.- ftab....t.W. Wl;liAß.llapcmatasket 7-7 LA vilar,This , g7 $ ••;' •. 'Red* . Voidi,LW'casks4" . '• • 40,.tmots. notitm & SON, Loftin* 41 - Fare .0=0:=70/ar i• - ''- teinitiVidt.Vez-Fet. :: isacisr2...l-... NW. -. • illag24 = .141.1131; -Bankers And .". •ftr._Datkire Dmlre:tte t....:-:::: =4,tiktiltrrToixl imaa. -11 .. rn.C30 . fc` , l , • ' T . t:'.' , ' Ir , oAtitoTurats . & co. Banking Mule. i I lige ° uir e elt,V4a=figgi- • •••• • • 11$0.114110:61 • , Painig staisammi deo Oaf gt • • —•-• 'i.' , ~ • • warm. ■ . --P.m...W. taus. 1 ,J ; • ' • ALVEZABNA a .co.'7owion to E 177 r, uum 41 . 21=t tbz W Er ti g il i Ai gin.U....,R0 Rxslti < =ti f . nZtr .r . DIY. ; , r , ). Tie) - 9 - 4 4, for ule. sat ode a 4 ses7. , ....i'iralth. , ..„Z. sll4l =k r l b a=l.llairrk•S i'..1•:;01M••• '''' '.... • wino:tumour:4a oil; ' . :-....:;Ar-tr...941!!!".!!1.1"" . . 4, G W.:XATlOB,;(kilaissi er sad Bilk _Rmtter,43 2 Peoxdstregt.- Scrle, il:: 'firm to sit bestams ostenmori ta WO Agis: ',.'t•salltillblatitnkkalki•XVand or la dort _ . • .2 1 2Eggiav . . .!t.;6 II STOCKTON. Jotmstolv I Ow, • ; abase , : lop . Mil!. cot ... 1 .. - tm H it O . . Lm w t r it. SC r ph , t m og . i t ten i i m . t .-rp P t. i i':.'ftk."a"°YlcrPolk • • , "....,-,. • llOP~ , Booksolier and': • .• . • !TA.III four th • A itaktlam 1~~~~1~; M'CILIN I • ,ItinntsettiteMd = b c=7 Oregai. nem Wood ,7111:1-7"" COMMISSIOM! - • • XII fiWTPISII.III I ESTE ft; arrert • I ,• - Wt. Nowt Pittaba 7 ViaLf. ntr, • •••11120,11 , 1r. ant tar lb, at. ' , Weateni Ira. !hat •lath • i',- - azaidea Itnannalo ' • • ' one's t " %Via ra h =-T? 1.1%t r I ann.r• jl., . griart- and Jcatins t Ca-IstapariartittoUrsta. • - -- • • .X.. MoANEILTY. &:Cl3—.lrearpotterl4 ah r ixt . arlilfgui leadeasts.' MY Ti2VOODS&SON;XtODUCE DEALERS • .4 Lg. n Wear aw e ILUM: .1L 'JOHN z •N. Forwarding and_ V c4aadaka , madam: xa 112 arerstmt: V LER a JONES, Sorwarding and... I Wm mraw& Dealer. to !hightail ... pi tt.. • • - ir t • -E50y._....................—....x.5. . I Y. AROMONESA CO., • Baeoencest to 'Air .. w= „ looce a Ong Creadell.. sed Vorytdiamtker hi PRlstiont aistrersetnnol Cixlm, ritu ____,...-..--_,__., —... DRY 'GOOD: r. 4 : .Witikr. donterritZtotima UmilloseueltlyriMMik !: WOOL 1 Para 11. E. Wool. ' • and .11ARBAUCIEL • *.t 10r'''''"A=t; ' NRCHMITB. lietiniClifiatiiffTro.. 11=m:a Abasa...laUsravrar. las c .mt ! • "" Mababelli . JllWahVanTer ITJEM. f.a WILY 0.44 weer Maft't urroru,ntlabuzb, I re. trphil/no 413r7. Titr: ;.• _yr " DRIICKIETt3. PARNESTOOK &' CO.. Whobtsale ViMaaS =nu= 0=14.41M RO. • 1.11. C. • • .EYSEEt & IsicDOWELL, (Successor, to surr a%lx:4mgal* ma .Itetall Dewed eon., or Waal amid sztl Threniy. • . ' sari eC94.Wh9limiale Drigostir. Deal. •• .eakta Panta,ollB. DIG Cad,. solliastressentgr• of Dr. IL'lmoes adeftsbd Wane Bodge, Lie. lug • • lirrosr. 63. saws of Read•sel ealogs. • • • h. OrdasuUt onraLly pal; E, .BELLER9; _Wholesale Melee in Moss. Mal^ 07. Italbs 0114 Varthhe. D. 7' WOOO rnist, sunbeam. Ps. Mcndif mingo.l. • • • •:a:a•~: ir~a ~ °~ .. LUUN ssrrgß,Whalesolo ond Retail DfluctlAWarcser of Librety otot socoo nue SCIIOONUAKERAL CO.Whoiesale Drag- No• 14 Wad d,..lMtubetsk. ' • • - .13T 'LI N, . WILSON. Wholesale° , lead . . wee:ow= Merchant.. Arilltrinalii erpi emus. Ma. MI ikentni.....a252.. Grocer.l,:ffEEMVrhales3l4i Oopunimion Idseloostood dsterjlopor sod Itoso.corses et Qoimugi. P. SHRIVE& Wholesale Gro• la ir a l • .6.lao....'"Vallarlitti I 1 1` Z. I I I nrp.kahmootiviiNtAtimit.w. Wad OL. PitiGbarg6. • i. WM& 4 mamma kir= 0X1VA.C..4.M% N 0,116 WM* Lin; 24.A.TMEWS CO., liTholeatili •t i 2gb"Mok. catoal l atM4l.. I ' . la. diffe = Cer re lL "li ß ea i rell so . BF4 r i erg, iEO tod - Ulkat, rua . • , • -a. H CANFIELD, .laW of Vamp, Ohio, ouousoeuo aal T.. Nordught. sad Into*. • to If nat. - our. NA &F. VON BONNHORST 3 CO., Whole- Dearrs " b =et ' ; L =es sad M l = Wa r A r i to.l6, earner of t rtnet sad Mum, lA," Braarrx-mict=wio mhbi..veroneve,---- g • i:LISEI • C.IiNNETT: • late En Ugh, Clatairr4 fir!erks; it_TticoSl§ . • .1. Nu. 141•III4M.•-•••L.5 1 ► 10211.1....-Af UM • NM nrasa. BOE,. Wholesale Grocers sad Mental:a:4 So. Z 7 Utort,7 On* K . MOORS, Wholesale grocer. aircariee Produce. Pittsburgh or V anise sod Ikasertis Atrium sad Wooer, So. Ili Wort/ street. Ou Mod =lam a/A . . t sollog i tS . Mongorbela ?nitrite., °BERT. MIZELL /0 CO, Wholesale erwrhoagasite liscimato, Pietro Ptu!mars ilasalKums• Orr: KIRSET A. CUNNINOHAbIaii -irtaaM=SCd-----1-- Mot =M=l ierw.L —11.1191---..—:.:-.JUTI3I lerAll ' • OK. C idoCANDLESS. summon to z ' 4 ' 4 ' fiar...%=2= • tig.= .--- t' l lriOnfig"4 .6""m"l trft.l' . ' WWI : • • ' 0 .- -- ._ ls . i •Pr , ' • y.l/05taSOZEW01711k Wlll3lB=lo A %Mitoses*Mi=igi<=l:ll..l.ezt,...7 Z. h. 111014•• D. AVILLIAMS & CO.. Wholesale. wad • m An ny t iar....ftnr.rteur ::-.: "2 <sracr Arco2 =A l l= sta. IluibaTTE- ms._ 4. M:4l' .. w • " tYD....iWab k&kxWsbwrwvara d• Cargr .AßA-417C-C7o7:WhOO*OCeii: pa dov . bum LScasco. UM V.- 11 , , „ Ihs; D 1.7. R LL, Wait Oloeetom mrogr-ni."'"frd I. l l .l :Tut i8t:(77W.:,:ti:14 :AVM LLOR,Deslet inßana FaiV'Airre= :y •;4 ' • er tun. ME LAVmeastand 1132a.+.. <4 Malmo •trfata. . . . . .. • ; - 1_ 11AIMFACTVILEBS. MILLINGS, WILSON -& • CO., afro lam! Pty 01 Mum. tack& Imm sea gimp tack chair. ju rnl nalt ua., Mgde.t,:gk . im Igtma ealls4, gm. - 0g.141785C0AT 41:00.4.114 16 - UKsty Atm. ' * ' 4 &rOni-la2uNl oerc r ma gOhWao Errrer ono: Cripffrrt WOO ael T ~ gßiDßa ry d r i r...tor,..TOloo •00.. Worehovos. SO OUT 11., PlSLotrargh. CHILDS 4VCCt.'Man' ~- - 44 r/SeUDT. T. 140 1713;;Ki t 7 No. san4rate. F ik_r7 . : :ENS b 14140 4. ManthatUrerg a g ad 81LE478t444 Pl44at At4 4 4• 1116 .t=4 . . n im =mg. rur mg. WAIL 4.4 a ':U11.014, ALKALI , .WORKB.—Bet , MhVe rod s. 41 . . . WALTER P. MAILIIIALL,'Soitatibr to aseand ECOl—lawriat sae thol.o la trod. eaLl.airrnagrftlak Wrn= 4. • • s sag mwatag Evaag as Waal War..., Wyss •• .• ODZBT MOILRI23,_Tes and Wine Mer t err. 1.1032610- - amt. 114c.0 Wirt..44" WOLVRO:rocers . And_ Nyta tra Y. Y 56 WWII • ob . . wool t : s.brkTY 6 6 Simi.; ~" ,,, Yl of !_.. • •GI/Wri• ited 61r. law , lao•—rmvpr. IN is. NDdw lad MAL. .13 ppimer an ‘• - • t Ursa. --- . - - ,: ;; ;f < Erma AOI2ITEL Vd..,:t'=u.... liewesarrie .D.ILEEOII L'o4 Tesiksprirtari . tir o.o.4aerelliel4.ll4rekke4a. 1071%e e 4 rim itnet VlKEtitUir aLINDS • lAtillikil#N would most respectfall:tinfonn thy •biletitst b.korp.ontmadatlallitaal enflame! at the t Dialoensl,. 6.11r567 Mt/..•.13W e* 6.01. Wat it 1r53116661/Mq atm Villas trut: ot . to ortr d Mt: ba•M‘rae reroomt.ta ant Lt n it, it. 34 =wea... 'lining pardrowl N. stectli ...A •rri ..= .of Os eabto.tertalgtrbasent of Ramsay • 0 ftralda MeV 614 easionam. as :I=l - 174 pols Far latz6,..ith may daps fr. and, no. 6 Wood greet. rittatrumb. .1, A. nsowx. PAPER HANGING AND PLAlthatill G. PII /0.75T0N, , /tem. }tr i cot,' & IlartaF.ita, ier VETERINARY MIGNON. 'AljAit HARDIE, Veterinary.3orgeon, late z iZ e Z b lM Lug. .1 ` • • gi0.14 portfia I y exissa•novi roar ttr " Et 0440 -1 Miwitanittilas 11.11.141,1 • Nee tarried ..... og 'furl same ma Palasttratis Awase. ' • - —•- _ _ MUMMY •: I A 1.1 I• :Is: MILLE JOHNSON,tigraTie OD Wood , .ptaso . digkci r embria pith n a,p,..— . ria. =l...t;c,s...l4"='fb";l."lnsT: LILLIAMSCHUCILOLAN'S Lithogrt Mlle/retenLThlnt' Watt. mane the :elt h.MNAleadimpee. havens, Phew Ils. t Idle. A relter:termeat ....bloc •Deweirei thulium .0 VIIIIUn 11M1.4 %d.m.l,nd et FLOSSIOII , 4 And rifted •lo edam. m t ..... the meet etneered etele. ‘ eshl • • • 1..1, • Bueetmer & Zueller's • fiSWAIVICKI UP 1110 V3TABLD3IIMENT:. nrillig.6.BOVE . 1' I R 24 foredo Ily *two an ce te osorniVai t t u rajr,VlTZVZ •n , , • t mcing4k se. .10 Tb.4l,4oolLanueui Is u aee 11.Pti .rtn•t. tuften 1.1, ',A . 3 4 fourth uP,Im • witoker D.: : ;..; ..;•.,..3. :,) . 413 .1, , • ,:g., . * :ti i. '• ' • %:..- 4 . 1 ell ' .. . ” , .!?4 • BOlifYt PII'B B i m 7! .. 1. '. 5.L S. imam, .. . • . . 1 , • ... . . - • •or,ovEß, ICIER i (10.;:i.mbrisirolet. WILE SUBSCRBERS,'. bildi . Al ma • j of Agents ftrt tbe above seodoet u ytil keep woostantly ea head • oppiT of the tele ear. Firs Brtet.Creldble ilaeltr. Terms Iteerthess Thar are also Vreeen4 tennis.. c.d., sot Baia te he madam tie• e+ed that~ to salt perthorrs. ie Ihall bm:en:AO elle& , We do ot deem It aftesary to esued/rate thi seine ed. ...wes the Maras Fin Brisk peewee over ell ottem:hat, haw Woe odenal foe sale le the Dolled Misr. their IMP! etsettifillw ..,all Maws to abort ell wrens who gee Fir. . The trtayrirtor. hare dateralsed the. U. estAb i be n e one W INSt temeot reelable rteatettee. sal OS expue she t' be veavel to lute them ...a On here hendolons bee.. This Is the oali aim sosaaSsettwiag Win Ildriat Bothse. • :" • .... t COW Bllo.snenth stalltasselat.• ... WE_ N — OBLE—Oity — Ns IN Weft see ofkladel. noway.. NICHOLAS :Engineer, Aseeti ear kir W. Wasik BoIIITUV. 01.07.1. towed tot:mixt 10 A. H. and 0 P. at his 0.0010000. 1+0 , 2 buret,7 pm; Maud, . A.144/r. • New Coach Factory—Allegheny. 0-Etyk • M...A; WIIITE•A CO. w.ouM re ep .. eetallh Inform the.nubile thtt they boo. ti•btop. escort, between iltderel sod PoodouttY streets. They ore Mir ouhludr ... . fod to reels oaten ?Of etery deecti Cburbet Iteroueben. fhtiattetb PS. 1.771 . 7 : . b. ' b. ' Mi..7Mthtt.r 111 lbe tamale* of th e &berm omit. tt:* fuelltum they hun g they feel ocedid.l they my enabled to do rock tat the ma etammoble Immo with th rnEMV:lltrlM 01;1;ailou er iaikrwi, .od .8 woe bob competent mark - tomb they hem ors hoedttaloo In ersratotlug titer wart. We thereforesuk the stmotket of the public to We mourn -. It. It. Repotting don to the hart otanam.!.d o. the mart amentable Lamm MILE MARBLE, WORKS, (eetitaiebid trist . i xD at l P, ZI k ra 9 Ls, Tombs, wd=a, 'mute' nes. mid =.2.c.a. Dr=abs.l4:l.iL EI T TSBURGH .COAESIERCIAL 'Cou,pls; Orono of Tb and Market 'stmts. Tbo oat: cloy. 1 1 !collation of no Mod In 1104totrob. • ozsm.-.talto • Mo* , lostnotor to the IL. Cbstobrlllo.TOkOloor of reamoissalp ‘ *erooikelo Comatttlods, to _ . MU. N. WoUrok, Lothoor Citootexial too. Thome de= anatOoto Boe Kontos. "d rarkParookt 20=4 b ozo So WIT too the UTILO • =:6O arZfi r tree=l6•l; • . RAO= MMIII/4 MAK& eta . EsnotuanziilB32,by EDMUND • WILKINS,. No. 24S Liberty al" boot entreat Moot, POlobarob. p.. V solloiamonomo, . • .70. ISautl+ Mow Oren atd Pke Togo. ohms co bond ord mots to otter. of lbo thoket Mortar. awl al Troy not 000 t weed. 4 chart riecOat toonotoor os , : • •• • •• •t 1' 4.• • •• • ItinktLlC s3- . • tloa Itormar Pow Clork Jhdoo urine Jakle PLI4. • pip not...Ayobloret Jobs Boyd.; ,goo rms. Broker.. Pftobn • Mow 2 Raba, do • 2. IL noon lot. •• MI Can% • . Wilma 41 kip. • Mon Sorsoot. ' Robert Iteltoltgbs, • at. Da&slay & Oa. L!,(8. 0 rCaist&ljblei=nand&i. 6: loOtoof, Alkotosw. . IL.W. Solo 'Woad Or Um ovry. Ilbetsl patoto-, Ow . 4.66n6 during shilaws ye.," ID rule Weer and boOttoblorotwted b 22..t0r • Nimett'siranoetaomitki DePos4 4 FYi If o -1 3 1 1 IIRO Mgt • ' air ri tZ r ll2:l-46A1 . 11 . 411111 Y 1 Wtelnalib CARAUT FURNITURE BIANItz . irserecoma V 7 109 Sttlrd stmt. ,1711. 1 1Monorm. Lb trivads End aulalnsf• LW to tumori colaplatod Ito &fawn affl taeat daft of bawl:l4f fureltn.r• crof beful• I fhl• atf.•• 1.• d.trnittned up 0.1.1 y 0 11f oft: sellessomed material; test worroar.fdlA lad dew. smt from Ur ord:st of Ids asd ISAVI n t: to son. • World A rhoeflo tderiffassf the manes. or Ushers spits Itio ow; qualdf a./ gr ahot . +ro errs os Mot tr cnsult of or. f d.,11 cf furattur.... films eropeft sod y Sr eto rat snot ••••17,tbst • Ea . bar part 01 MO. tenT faraist.l front nle suarl, fa. r i val le =of Igt: e5t•241.70.11. mat 11Wegrt The ;do is& wilds err:. la pet. of Ma slosi , , rad. Le Mr-Mawr r i ztssal Mir tamed P. oszpsred tes ossy of tbe. Larne! Posh"; thirst& Maim. and befecrs <helm of era rsirty,simisUas morrot. mobs fad ors Stirhetr ol o, Loser.. sod of eeervi z as afro= Omer; ear .hror /Cry t. Dimas etre !Moat art Arras fel:of= Thiabas; What V shy prof W Dora of marls Userort Tater adtaro inlaid muse; sure Mrde.rst issfrie , sap. goahogra. roomed MIA emit. ad infs. Up ler. renter Mrs tarns et dared Omaha rfer; sad sheerally Ur tot{ heit sirs ~ d d .. Pastore hall e .0 .1 pre Mfrs Warr ad meitotsosta el inch s lame assetsers; NWle W 1 YE garter tecoptkee ettreasd sod IlmTr. rearm asdlesot eases. ato lards, 6. errs; tort nor. Mt arms. sod smote alseloSsflo sad tor for otaldroor. tor ...Mles rah. a' . yr audiseasy.strourose desir Istar. es. A 1......1rtt...10t common Mortars sad Iflcaloor omits. CUntsnr....l... , =MAW • Lila an •ri/Figni In the, I 116.6.66 b ...a Ildial=reSt slit:warred mho; . aIIMrkI. g. 7 Jag —. I I OUNET-LANI*I-Ears. enAn. Nana', I Alan. 46.16.363 Thidl sa. erre of Cherry bring mare sreramereta for Um errs; •111 prom Semite Isar tern sisd radials. thoir shims am .atiarmouo.tu wrote. Mr err orsetros rill the swersmost Of say of Itn Dern amts. the Arlo, 60.;!, Ve.M4 6f . 1 6. ely brikinugM.PenPectiva and Tailitirig in Oa SMITH is now ptered to give lartrtafka lo • At • polla la the dMatta laaarbra Waal art. tt MCA la Slearla_bagla • anatorat's saw Itallalas, Ina antra litter. Wont war ilartrt t atrrotia Wars of Laotrortloo. rata _pap. IS. rad =l' to IN P.a. • Caws.. tabtr oara.a•al cap Do 1 a.Maif (gtortaaa) aba maw • to nth or La. Malan.. , 1• Jam-011 • W..llkon's LimdonTatcintLeivOgratcha.. a kips Wades ars ofbra b ridllessllL . . ICHAIWSON, HI Nuke, street, is , 'mu Adoda lbs Ms stsaii asaad Law Valais' s vane s+ t s adadad sn ma. Wads a stoma se au adatraty,llM. VIIO. tiast :ars sad Wose: basubstans, IS Kuss Swam Ikon -: , Thisesalas• thss lb. mom paying V. Na , ---.0 Inmate:l er 40.$ to b. ef Sly Oflllhielielk sadasbasit salaAy Sam wpm 11 cr. oslea sc-aapszdat N a samba beano e 7 an. 64=latos Ms Wash Ck• ... CO loft Wes bOa fal. ar Ur wawa , . WY. DIXON. - . • salddlt . BfatimboatAgency, and Omani Caannir daa. aecaiving and Forwarding. 4ALDWIN, PLUMEit è• CO.. We this day undated with OMB, Hr. Jahn lartm. sad Oen ine IA tho pa 41:e . 0 maktost 1411WIL. liel.Ml ""am""M """Var."-..74arrlCt - 'IMTIUL A prlt MM. :.. to WiWams . .." ' . . . RR.J.4.2dYin—ScisgemandPhyliciam k sad daollta6. maw, Dstilaitoos my, XI, ail:eet era door Awn Eadelleld Dr. Xfonl pas passnaosdlf Instal la rittobarre uA Lit Woof to• thr Mays of hi. Probevlos. alu era asrlicatar enmities to !Imams. era. sad LW Owasso ef . „ pLONZOOER CO., Importers of Wines, • moss% sell Owla pees, MI !Wah113.41 One. bt ' ' •:• ' "": " • • • BANE PITTED - IN, (oil 'the New York oltav!....g=ar.l=go. ear UniAlf i r s ; 14s parlor. and ban ea= lamed and MOO aapnier asnartnarnt a e s .,A.D..Laanga,,Brocolala. g=0.0912.11 Ducat De Latom 11 I riltilr. Tartar Ref Mob. m t iomix =of digiatliet o=.ot ; ildiffmnd 1; I was • altr i Mraig rtr. &It wad Illkoc.d. clidatshoi and idnish.lisr,;L, 4Travalia . t4 colodea indmr ttlazdtfatistadd 'Aiglajt 1. I, MADEIRA.' AgikA - o - . twoure Otopisi.:43 mot. • GARDINER COFFIN; Age:A[ol.7=l'lin vossmi, north nilsorort Weal • • WIL GLENN, Bon Burn= Wood'greeti seayed don. trmit the - cover Wald. ,hen he le 1 . " Vaide a" Vgrgt.rtn: 16 :11 ‘ . thou wat.bmjer S= d lrela Vas=j2:l " = " X ~' • - F-ITTSB6OI.I CITY ciLtsgiVORICS.— VG.CUIit(INCIIIIII a tx) , ataaasdarata ow now a* , Ah.rket tem.. Mt ana Yf ur. tira gl ati l a 4 2.l ail . Biiargridliffili, - 73 , 377irratqta id <min of Vta7= asClMsiblegioalasZr. TewrullV fwlnfaylt• RANKERS.. . . mum IN 11611141,N477744 707. Al 74 Aura 5t.1147 il 4, Vet. 1,44 Drafts coll4cled sr . 417 - 447Net4a.- 41‘411A 4 4 Draf t s mid ink ... • • ... • frblallawlL • .1. Wilson esBonj:L-.^:` ' 00LEsALE and:vita niinafacptia a as Wray sad deskralliEl77o4477k Rs Id 7477--71t7•27a2771. ' OM . glate 511 E 4:4717,,:b • .444 ." g b th7r IrtIVII on the SOW, .z f , . ' atairallyteT. • . ~• • Littlibtrik ... .. „ . ..: Ala S •WILSON • Lee • %robin= 111 . Hat ~m c o aik. 0 r.. et Ivo *frt.:looBn mth Distoonnt slier. ' .... .• EO-PARTNEBSIIIT—IrWring taken my R .:m..1 9..• Wilson, Into intstissts9l, In tbo mai tar 1.1~90 , 9 will trmattri• d tam o ban ander t mum of J. WILNuN h. ISON., at 01 Wtrod stmt. JA5193 WILISON..• • .. ..Ps 9...-3•Slini• Wilson candour+ Ile list on 4 Ow rim, N 0.9 iNdsre stmt. AlleslssiggiSTiisits K , r U. tor solo by l iSmt. mous= &co. los - ltie " : A ° .O . r.., BA -7"1"11 tSSIATY 7 0 1 : 1501:71111k. Day. a ri• L•ll=zorocit a 00... CSII-6 tierces for Ira= I:MIiERMN 1101 11 11 - 71 4MH . ; BUR. Hi ,MONIDAYI:IIIL.WaIFAMIIIt...: ...L I A+SPAO4I,..; ' ,RAUL; ie I stitaamons'eansi : !;1 . ; 03113E211VCIOD MIMS° rlasajEl 'SUMMER REMELT is so w a s saccanaandgina a! vidteit. -laaa tom made isaidorad by aba ebtaaa Ehnatlarry and Planets • brim ••••tles g grer • biaaffidng Mani and abratinrty t et do eb*aagtbada are .A.E=V•atarnetVat In Me f r i at connd. The anat ada Ind jt r =tri=ed Li MI - Y.l4.mi Lndlati .. batnela Pit . a d re atrod and lb. allaybay n VALIIO P. l rVaste• , ==eni u lf , 4lb=tl aro smusscossr. ..midvosi!ssissersusuissi.situdss ' • ' . • • • • • P.R. Moare,lLD, 11. , • • OMZEOPATIIIC 'PHYSICIAN, , daTotes altentue to Ms tangent of dinaim of an , ma and ehlklna. and nano dhows raarrsDr. ad Online amide anal dal dimagra. • Mks Andanlar? Enowant Nand ¬ itAldiett 11114 Iq A.1140.ty Qty. usna [ran 1 ta 3. and Dom . / co 1111.. • • silStr ..7721 RODS--Bpratt's Patent: • •. • JAKLII 3ACHBON, Oman Ago,. Witotrado Dtpot, SG Wood street, Pittsburph o leartiviistbV• • • 'SESE LIGHTNING RODS are so con . they wawa net n o ne . of tr. 1b Ik on and atuebenents dines , b* roam and Magmata an worleekt nbolo be Wear • nunantal. and a/Ulan &rout. O. bed monbet'bs nianadmonarad. - Jamas Jaetaan •in attacb Won MUM swam lama Prk•at Lao atm; 10 atom (Mailman szo k. n , r0==2 4 011 . 4 rzed Cr. i. nor d'' • inr2lll, • • i a H —.- M .-- 1=&1= ..... , ...-..a o. erra4l . ltasage,Shlppiatiecmiuioalerchants. r.II4EBA.LEde Mess in Groceries, Glum, to, tat, PL.,, , , , , ale.. lio. TO an Dal. and 153 r*4.lE lerett 'lb td r.• .t. ••' ' • ~...*. aro au...=.2'gZaLent• Lakilie: . lar tellra: A. Mb .II Co.... a Cl.mthml; - • ---; •••• ' . - - •, ' FV. fare Zr. Also • Alesandes. Bradley, 16,?1,711144 tyva, between First quid g:toosil sig.. , • - 'csioN'orma oounst.svavn,i MANUFACTURER of every description eIf.IO.ICLTO STO T;. x •ll b tlolt.rz . o4 .... r v 4" ...."- wi..7.l7iiiTle Peed ktellleatet•l7.l,llng wow Phan taat oK Us Sums Marx IfpolOta Stoloc AOKI f.., rag d taVVIII , O7ISZTO VlV=lre= bg . ar t, of mum alwrotous. • GI E . OAMO/012) & CO. have this days& ' .irtertirm JOaN.D.IIGNILIAN OYU d . Ma Li •• ' • Dzyl " CLAIR HOTS • . ceki ' Pm aialltAgOr et . restA: te c p4i;6o'cit, 9 ss OAnygkil- AmE s trtgMal ., 743noo.a. ‘97 4.• Eitllodtes: mem sal proem. as the SLCI4I.IIe num; r lt Is WA.. omo.s =ft monartoy. t r .. t re tb tzn u tdrurethurout. to .10910 e of Ito nibs moos doototo I=ll 4 o trovele s j r . o ft . rtrc , == lad ooeo tilta ABDIOO4It .gturvoitsvar keeps. on4ty on it • SAISM6III tf eab o r4 t.t Tobx eloitra n lo. th." lfi It b.' 7.1 6 3 . 41 4 nest% OSA UT. Vs Davao, toil weer Ms at o n occn .j " le f , 4 .# VAt..rrr . • : • -.. /tali Auot lint of Spring Goods. THOMAS PALMER is daily teething Dm the L.Y. CU., as Ow •13 Mud. No. 55 Bla an rt. StaixtL. . 'Basta Ma and Aura t7ilirlll ar . 70:41g 1 t "' " ' 4& 4 16 1,,, i w ii at .". ....seriarrurFolur g . 4l = Nigrnt hatlvortm W. 1, eared=af coZ. ' " or: Ai m = rwsle va.lcsrest ral, to liale.l k r rest ilos igbot um swam. elf)porilaW mg. b.a• wpm neoRD iftboleing4: and Retail =AN.' ra — riroi .11, 1. 7. 114 1rantuart ' oder • tall.odza l 26. re w g z lit4==teg. 1111/. mantas Corn WM SNIT •41 .!g Of 121.0040 as 11j1711- Tallatilhspe .ono r, • vnary Ltely Clatlll/Nr .W .Lawr Pittsburgh Ote Pipe oat Tube Wesits.„. TUB undendstad have just completed thOr • IRON TUBE WORK • • aad ao. maaiabotarair all Aro of yt ussre. up. onacatn!sall Woe 110•1. IglAr so WROOONT IRON TUB= VW! 11.7 offs, Ix Nola at ta. , knreal 1(11.1.6111 g 7. /*Tr . .) ta ontrry. ua10 , ThZ .. ..14 1 .e. ' • siao42ratagiatatii.... • • UAW. '. 60 obano Malv.oo6oB.666l6l66otheliiive 1)6+00 , . us • ••• 161666000 . 111. mu.s • .rithiorairs • • • W *U.K. stoop r 04,0, firA3IIENY CITY BONDS -7- 116,0X0 All.gbesy Ott Cadvaicic Jotand Ss ids motto do. Ist sm. Yes mit br - 101.1. LULL & 00, • • • P1541,1•2..5s , .• ' I .• • di Woad itt; • , .r 7 QTOCCOr the Merchant!k idistataciaiert. mia;ll ° 4 P r itzt i MatLts Itgais. I , •: ombat. • • ' : • • • • • IN BANIUMES, at lona 'ztrogerirnie--- • • klitYren .PeatrAteet. adjoining Mit- On" ritablo.nll bi lan, I=lih, bolo* ea /Wed *pit or • • 'To Oordisozng.:'`': - FEW sera of Bound near oh. ale onlol.l. SD, sta va tita a aa Are You Suldect to the Tooth Ache. Br volt hollow teeth ?' If , so. me • • 111,011 AILILATUr /roach llodi Xasmg,t , ye.. °radon Inarseted noststWolw• ii ,,..... --Q.-:.,:=-4 ...,,,,, t , .. AMOS.. n 7 .11 s.. jelfilll • ' , .a+& jotiotfo's ogbrolaa Mtn , .ht.onoo. " trgil /1. . • .011:4/f.rtZt. •. Mot Wool Tor wawa of Id& OA MOO:We. yaw. Woo /coil Wool M rormonot and tMb pa.. t.bkh gar sow =N. moot mom tbolr leltai cella, orat I Curled 'Hair Matranta. LIAVE on hand a larq b Ltock of Maoism .ltkr .10 1 1. - vitrolotp,2 r " . •• aulle Mini ousel maat . ..• I - - g" Et P " ° t F.,. earl SI.- rtr', „ han ligaLllbTia!Sabl, r .!, : • 6 4 :3 tg, •• • •'• 41.0 • • • • ilselins u al y tit . d.a 4'4.r.t• srrst imartm.pot: , l L ' et Co. Ilr"C 8 7 1 hitA aht.l.4lPejnimplir ostouhetarera.. relati.l S° ' . • • " at P. .4 1 1l i EB-34 Dry " 7 li i r rikr s itj iVG BACON -77 oaks Met,. Ms tldititrialte. - carol:lß-lo° b . . w oo , nosa von. 'l'64' ORAI ca" t ibli argil I:slWlritiC4.4•l. sonoca litge-71aalr—Arsifiby 4A. Id • ntazot acu ,I)lTolWs — ,la tan • •_yilgftle Je3J.4 'IL nOTDAß,,,MiChangalsellUsii, ki t ATISO • bbr.%pOro CidOr,' Tor safer Al r t a it.r.PTT.,_ Bile? GOLD All kinds ia cribs to:4 rvrIZIA.4 I rlto . ttoN , lon aralratavmdps . l o . Kt', 11 i. W. W. Witty. d due: any,. per orspinlaVulles of lbw. vrn• NOMA. LI WI prims. • • A. a. YAWN • W. ICTIEFACC—at bss. Cheese, receiving per • 11110141Pilhor. sod OW mal• bj •0 He. Ca omit. . OPPERAS.-35 DMA. fur naleity ' • .0 SZpot waa a. . TAM OANDLES--I0 boxes, Yun• alti• • toe Nib by . J. RIDD mx).. • tm0..03.. Wood mL B IC ATEA Winesant itrnxiies, trash 01. lat)ast hoximt sad tvr isle bk bbLv. t.filiithP o re) 9irt iwftb .tr:7 • . ViNEGAII-30 bbla. poracider for see by • -la' g. 1. Vox BONIIOUT I CO. rirKg:Carittil;W* ool bia?" lll44lll " 4 tromP!! ll ,4lprho• ore t ic jghtr a ... -101;tsth ark:. ~ ~~~ . r t 1AX), 4 ,111,-30 bb:l!impforeco..b.i6;.w., STEAMERS, / 1 ", . 10 .,MR, 1110 4 1 Mr= *a*, .; •,. misioseups. • UZI& . il• W I R R I Al/.11 Lrar ar t — J ulys ataicanna,.clum..Abr U l m 110&1.iUsT =. in 1 llama—. s a l r i e id%7411r tti 4 2 ( IZUCT . .4/16(V, OpUbYl=a2 /3; ELM Odrirfort. Cabs Rap . RIA: J /l fl bs. 19061 !UM CAN •tr/. liarrlous. Cam 6 WARR! 7:ol)N,Plar4 far 11nanra—....—J.011 9 R r t=7 T V "'— - - ; gi49199=.. = to NI /OA A. Stoso. Orrrro 'Marne. Lore.AMon New Y4t :prat 'D r thsges If 13.,. t ar 21 lost, Cobs 3 111 tram and for I.lmrpobl. unless atbsratie at AL - Utters fid"Rompuramspb .pd Iv Lulu& !air bag, .4 boot/and by* out b7 IRO ItnilleaWNWOW Nutter ar vb..* tartars to thy Ootahrout at Eareisi;iy !id Ctirte.Ues. carob wev.kl 00. cam • dui. nte,azonsl /boar yawn required IN to brypall by /at.bas tb•Ondlagos of Rumps by as Cunard Um. es ,L a .. t 44=0 prs_ laßs. elegy& to ; chars .o.ers by emr Winig roust bp mink' hronaty ; mots z WI arum I ylond rtttagm to bs wept to Nowysprrs by Wilsey Lk* to Cla Candlayst.' Mal/ Int _ " Ray mut" bacb. tor Panw mull b/.1.1 or Loam i f s. tbo Ooour¢tdlßumps. by the Rams and Mune . I . Us 1211222teg LAO 2retrals 23.1.4214321111.2 1.1132142342 cornel4o.tho i5t.i .... ;•1-: . '! 44 „ . . .. . . Itiarsccii*l.32ll2lcm. 2,WLL : Nei NOM 11•12.2.m"Nws 2r2tMstke ex 31•• two,- /1.2 a trnisq. irer 0.232. on. Raab, ad aa 3 Iszt. 2.. an r..2',llt=lt.ali= " Icic= 1.22 pfsagaubm.,2sl74 1=.11:01 ' .r. .I.:o:strat tria muaty. knit, daily, al ... 2..; 01." .3144 . ' Ittßy Dada, h.; lismit, Cr22r1:23. 241 ,4 itti . 222=122,112212r2 fait 112• Yon .3.PP. antes. ate 2..0ml elspuo2st•a. 2t. . 2. 7112.1 .4=v4r ..3 Wir2 , 22.7 Wh 12 244 4 . 4P2. OM.. . Iki, •am sorts or OW. ram. 2.2=22227. 1 . jr:L A Z7I 4 , L=2, 3232,14Vatttu1 , Ant , . • st gji r. v.: 224 412.1..a 3 1 4 t . 1 er2l z72, rr/7 4 +Ar d T irrir P''' 1 •seallUA . ilL.*. Obis, ?frt . C0.. 4 =42. . ~.It=l UAW& 22 Ur ., , 22 4 23 ., kai5 . 2 ,. 2g2 , ,. .1 . 1 . L12. 1 0= c0.7,47,t 4W?. AMT. 2it 2- Mt Or V22 4.avi s l V 4 ,23 . ;-2t7. 4„ 11=. 4 ,4 tan, k,.. 2 .1 mdsuse porp tya, 0211 r. cr.s2 am Ihxtars. %l 2-11.2.1 r. a fo r=rur . o . ._ l =l, 1.2 . = . 22y = c21221 2.1 latri, at II 2 42.1 0 migro2 7.o=e sad 7s. ' '. 4V=1644 W. ,• =t a' rt i ltrirg " i 4 . 1 , 22 ros.; et. 0 1 r az i or l 3 . 2 24 a4. ; eu24/2,2b. 1.44 . om, P., vas 3.22.272 2.;10321 a.= " =2,-Via l it totldito.2. 0.2422. tuners 1.01_1,11.- , . 47.2Vni . ,. .. . ~. all at /13 a. 1.3 , di ti . 1 IV 11 !AI g+ . 4 .)..... s • mM .no; Clam 1122Atert • 1•6-172 . 172.. Tee al 2311.11: e1,= . 2434......m* Barveta.-3y_Ln Pa An 1 122 co W r!, al S r..., tlepertr 011 4 a ~., • . . • ,Issenacsa•-ei lase, IT AM.. am Ivo* ggik um: ao.n. ink rstarOas 21 2. It.. • • . . I , usur.--By ktrnrhof x a*. r:S: rmu"' " h . Anne A.,4•22r -11 4. 4. 0 1nr1a ni2411221,_121; Allit2i" • • ''''`,..• ~,..! V i=.2 4 dad P s ma = n, n03=1.,cdb...•=. .1:4(.12 11114- • . la tlr( - 1111 Wit bek.13114 42.21 t 1. . • . • •• 4 ' - " ' or DISCOUNT , 'paw= MT la 211 MEM= linen. :it • ti. 1101.11E8 a: BONS, itszkam, Be. SI atom d.framp 21V44.6f 41, 19 .4 dm:A*4A yrimt T vAm. us ws, a mumice.:-:—.. Baik art ii.,, - 11 ... 0. ... ;.. . i s ......... ja„..(0...... • I, ..,""ItZe t ub., -,. t.e ' 'A .....t loi of ii , l i tt ilmk-=- ' Sask ~, WAN • 'LI dolloniNsarre Eliat.... - da . • .^ ' 2el IFIL-pit Balk of Xamßikm-----.40 : '• , Sink---.......... , ' -NOM ' ItIAND. • Wyacht. 2t!mcdrEte ... 7 u ,., , ...,N zm ai rj .l , o".4 .. --4 1 :7 - • : •1 0 PeßiZa e...... 1 jc , ............- , .., ir . ..47 w46 . i . iirq wok: 4 v ''......2h - - - I u . - Ex,. VlnVik I ..,421.0.t.p.: 14. ...,ZE1 =1",=..."--- '414e..... akka............. A, Iwo, Wean% OWL ......--... . b3).'l ';e _ ULT/11` i tyliV • k '4 but- -*'..—..-. - N, OM Mr , --- il i nel m =4 , . M ..,, , 4 1= 2 i , 41 Is t. W, E.W ., 0... k-----. a , mtna ozioa w Ew & a S)-t a-f Lr..a.-ut-„d,bol. e . le e sla..u.,-.,P.mM. 24 edaat•* e.l. m0..2.„2.501R,,, P , k „ t e ,,,. I ?um&rilatV Termer britel fer l.2ar Boa eiTe - T a 612 n. 11X.e Be,r-ii 21M 22.142:1. , 0beW s ppm„„„„„,, A 222 ' 2 AL2V el 2 7{ %eat Xliee 0 11. , WC . g 1.7. -- 8=.7 - 0. ii. -_-1, ~i, NAN. *I llmgm, Bk„VitiLsommya Boa 2 r a..._ .a.Til .01.........._. . :: )4 Bat E.; kires— ' ... - Tat e " 1 4 ..1.—.1 mst Atbas---Ao VI» si.j. etas IT • Ile* li .= t st deek•-...............2 ' • 'IV" 2 1 2=131tiv0rea....2..A0 Irramme. .:. par..--::1 Smut 21Wane.........(10 Stelantu....-........-- Breath al Tomu6 Truett e Penc,.........,440 Bk etiLli.i ivvi. Tirmadt le lleleYekl..-.....4 ,5 Belt Ott. ................„ Branth O. R10.T....---.. 2.,,,k of fftort, at ilteinumi—de Belk g tr.,Wr011 , Manch eoolirestaix.... 242T2112 iampAus..... Bzumb at Wuttairca.....,• . =nu. a 4:aar - ... ~ ,V3 l''' n m et.t=wotowniiit:.,.. are t iVntialii. : Much al 111. Ye ragp_ai, ei.d....u..—____,,x =o:rg. l . --- tr, , irg a k:::::... f a Hanes ros...LE_ I . igultz„.,...--,....t.... __ l s. L gmads et Tut.. stm,.t..-_--.. Ilre,th 2% Noraet....-.....40 Prodelekai es- --- /X Iltsinh e ri1......, Tea Then..............-. ..2T ersaete fortimleeti- -20 1212 . 0 0.•••• , • -,- * - , 6 ',4,1 Hunch el 7 .,,, ,..- . .......--_- . 4.00 = it Ir " dlOgt - ,toit.Z.ft LVee. ,--•••••••-• 0 mttgre.l.... , z , —7— Palm. gr 2L- - VOILKINS'' B ; Co. ..stooK.AND XXOBASIiOE' BROX:ERS, OORNEII OP mug= AND TIM 5115. t=:= Chard Tlt Afte 72.l ifil:Vi y .ocZp Phil.. n'ntaste k 11r . f11an ... 1 Allegheny Erlngs 7 - isoia.s.irtocu. tad Mos o mj 1 1 . 1 4 0 r :::::: [. =2;OVI4i;*.-111PY:::::: 0 , --,-- 7 - L ,,, , ..nistaisu. Realm Imams. - Co., iatimitaansisrance pa. amid. Fireman t: ' , i i. ', apJailiFril IrletUl.."Pri.. lei, Moneskhrlvl*••••,— . . ker.; -set; Cittsbargb tiONF.— ldosontrskia • klas , klrot ILVTII.4I Otttokr Peon'. { WI Ault Salk OW tkevelsad " "Laek C0..F.t1 (z:: t Perrysville Pk Ed Chartists tlreenebit.Yßkplke 1td.... _ - , OPAZIL PitiaiUtah k tkaon r r I gym: -" ttai i ingh ''''' '''''' Ohb Isle NOW . Donilas. .ft947lFralTiroa7.;;;::::: E2MM =MM :limith's Se* Gewspbies... First BO* in ueagaAp , an in- hol 1.506.1eII:r• !V I VI rting . 7 dera4= o.l m gr.; dical r a.ti= .Baca zusud .taEsug a m p.. sal sszt7lT 0,0„ , Boma I la 44 4. 1 1. ‘ " e l m ) RAX Y a fprzi 4 , • TB Amelia Barialoh It.M. h and a gyiff r liCtrtnialt of WINDOW COMIC= and VIM an curtalni. wm. N matToppodis tb DM Ob. 1;14 me *lli. l• tiOxe.a.t49l G ...., ~.,... .. . .. ...., „..,. ~,,, '.',,';;t:ol‘tbit•itt)•l2';l,•-•:.,,i, ,- :1 - i._: . LW . Its th.l.paperleio*nd trW'retigiassw Enso ."mup3m ,•• •• Mtn armanies Oturcir. •Ma day. n• • J • "n 'Wend , , the wait; on Saturdarora Wad Saailai iigtekeilata, tifittr* Thai arsa t cox& .42 ,00 mry aux:taloa vitalg/Z - afailtolsbeniaa - 01-ealkei &nee* IsOmeds.,l,l kale et so Wit ni am x:titan el V.. 42, 00,irpa, atf. , ,,llis.letaetl33/ /be. f.,wal 1.180 issue agionts tame:164..1 - a es. .1.7 VOL 614, ./. Mithad to - mall 'lo Moot mothinas Is [gamma at the MI, at 432 and lira SULOSHEiIIba? &ow Wert an lennos m p.zr co pt. Pc • p.. , .. 3 4. 1 :em U ADM lam tag bomb Ma no; sad OM al 10 ne."-lee , •- • agoczares—The suilyt jiirltboit panartalbie obastami -sere! ado/ inromilma to m.ll ba,t; !Ma at piailaX 4mi isabbta at 11. S:. llamas le elos dy at tf/037M MM. : stakooot. tam szoloottla Malost 'ttet the tetkee tMeetl Wage tar Rece lotemallaMale3beee bd.* ae lam males Salto of Ittoi at - ' 11.1.00,1!MiotM0 Mat Mithaaktm,Ma for elm* wilvi:taid egt: MIN Ws. mom emu at iofitcyog, • r ' l4 . 21 —Raelrial.: it iXiit,s44ge, bpi. nay—aa.tor wood* , Aida vwxm ban leas ifs, .1. Hasa Wawa 1111 to la f tc., ....10x wiles. • ' Dat otaz' multaaroe..l24 hadloiritlthima dtppol oelki 111 lb. . • - 'IILITHIIIII3=Wo Maw a =MM. Maiaatln Abe am ,Ml6•lrttb maH OmatlaMitoil tttio at nal& - -)3oAP—tamlot Wad mots oft Ut O ad 4 , o sal aokaleilro fmiteote: witp man atm al a1,e41 fix Mom attl e4te WPM. Ike otdatai7 'MAW&• - 'l49ol.—Sho mdpte tar amtot mos buni =Mind to null Wald Mimi Mi. bam mrelmlas Mos' Magltat leak s tbMlbrommotk matrobod to toil blood 'CACITMLY, AOAIMHZ eisielocatl Ilia Cosa tbill gonadal' detalptkey or tierv wq, PUNS :Mit/. •alt• WOS. diSwi to . 07 2Wk• and so articadmatfm, trlgcb may, be odd ta Oftt MOM-. It would tor tr.n to 47 . 11 the looser of dw.PiWg Pi viorthaiffir4d.doirrisk.n, 1,7 ,- • . . r • ' 41,, , ti , ,,!: ,: aarnoll:% , :: , ' ".' 1 '-'. ..' ' li.:. 1,44 blitetkaajoWlim 14 ti th• Milii4l:4,llr; ..V1 , 4 4 1 ..•,.... a. .1t0r . .. 4 jo... z t.r. a salmis fm ash sembar .:Ll tr.bgi . , insmexs-s hold of a tinW. on Wield., and; ~ la;li ' n.Cr M' 5 'iiT .. ?!4 .. 4 001 .• ~ , . , .,., J * lll - 81111=11 4 . eirgirtiSin i g t !1:117 1 4. -. .HO 16. Mail .1,141g00.14 I , ‘ ba.ktf./ . gf, ra,V. a „,. th . „kt.,, c ;,7.1.4•. : ii, .04 • ~..tx, rg i bi14 , 71,0 74 .117 , . ,,0 u5it0 0. t j ia=r7ftgall statil i..34ba emi.•bram•inaili.b.lkcene FAWA14,4=.47 ft .4,4 At bes WY.= Lbw an an • 7— linailft-sft3 on tba 4 .. lytt sad. rezoi i le with isal, . iu +', .i il, . 7 "' its'ik4 , The ' et lb. sae Bis halts_ _ , i lizzars "Ze. 8z • medallion: sotto az WWI. la • man namnrnix, and tat= Oft At iSsoi =Morn tbs names of Z: =ft= gam, and luusup._,llll/i Is an 1C 4"17 ;171r bets in a. ig d in_t _ t isal i =rrn% lb. bands at tboa. lin. pro gni .p 10d... Nal . ' 'a, drealry=l., 11;'611113411. klintlesi iliusii'i" es* ziokuns. s Sword szst mks In /Mb.= —•=o ad I= vlgnang • 17111azatiitskis I I Wye =W. .co ea= and =ob. • holding Mane In " t t gl 6 = l" Y er 1: • •19 . •.ra it rear . ft= gia lb. 5ft........ 3 gam on lb. talk= =gin. It Pals lb. lane= or. Ihften,l/salwrood.Sald gifting= tic t. : . -3. 6# 1; ihra . lafa 4=ate dwalntibasid. a a!Md eon an eag=snreoasagd by es= of mg, :r"...zr:ftinfr'stairsir.,lr.. ,eater II di, vfth Ail w ASHY in 1= aft. flab 0 ..- , 41 . 116-3. 'imileatid ill. 'bin kiii - ciuvie It .37.- . LI VoTioli Um o.Mtaight rke; guld Ant , • sward • • ea= OM" ==ligrall. In the dlstaanall akl a=nti. =Kt . 111W1111 4 / .11 rie ri g= itz t ka Pori!. earaer-tila .ts, Iri I N.V . ambit'ts i 'l4Zithz thie b 'is , . =ti=ne 1 41li zt le . .._ 1;s4:. ,s i ziA u s , ir,ssiffz CV Mir Ter}".444,,ilnrittiVizoinzil Ititi..Zl Insl=l==.l=l== gftl wow egg= %,„ e . - /pria ainiii; ;efts. iiit...blgigniltn ' a.i. 34 - ;.' ' Ara 411V1C "' LIAM . _lll.,lnt Z i = rie s - . said• noftftgAnd monad oz is V I ' ,ilTitnr I"4 11171k9 .1 :Tif 4....11 .. „ 7, ria. . ib ve . . .4 4 th , ' , L ie .... 2 :Del ',7 Id bat . e b o4: .... '*"). I . . na ,.., ii,i , i. 11 Jo' -;:il T.: , --. !, 74 si J i 7. PORT:, MTTSBUR.6II. .4 1 k I! 64, OGWbum land mak.hei irrealag. askt .4 21 . 0 111it"..1 • IX ..„, e , umusiat, 22... • , a. IL Citot".ll. Inoue Wollsyille. 2.00111. 1, } K U " Ut4VE 9 a TErIA.DAT, • • • • POtl. PILTLADIMPICIA AMA RAlsuagas. Rim& ' . • ..!f51711111g5-I,llotiNii . • u o ?•, , a..liii-41r41.4.41a tYM tLt6 eh* .Cilsoress, Immix tom detained. mill Nankai, abowa ibb dar.otirrlmta gen opparteraltr to all • .141,1.0:a that rca..,mnak,Mkir.iiissolar . 'sier Mkt leo === .•,:.".... .. 4 ~ r- - - - It 1, t.:-' I cfcai2,v`l6l —*S lft , 6 l4s' idiZZ4 :ll izer«.Tb.4''ila i Mat I 4117 MA liciabliels Al tat tl- col wW i totb I AA t= VII grit IL'atnitar - ‘""ril,""r N jak v i iksiA9.. le b d'U'6 'A' tOW 'fflirt i tttrator: 1 lebb Lou db slr=?I b rg Aau 1 rrati=lid=Nti% l 7 woe' .ct,-...1' prcw i rd .„.,,d,l ental Nor 1 b0ae0p0t,.....t.t4. PEA Ln. Cowars—m mt. v atir i. 14 ''.i b l c. 4 1 rAtiVitrNIVIireti liz ` u. " muut.44-mao'i.icts •W 61,6 *.ir: 711111rtc. ,do Xb b Lltri; Tbutor J . bIAA ll A as F . .. a L.I. i vra r. a =,. ; I tr i A m b e a t it t a w alge n. air sti=k = , . , . . .. .. .ITINFIS:i"—Prs Pao No fi a %ark trom# , rst. Lash I On_ S 1 42 1,4m6= 4 20u ss t i bAn z.. r I.St SO ti - idttLor m r, SO tAls satr llscaurtanit. lio 'latlibla zua 11192ttorze-120 DL catniiiiii..Vted, it Et; Il /g un lirarioDamaidwßitnrulei,..nm, rit)._ 991 babas Ora a Cc; tpiripek (4,M -WRIEI4IIII,PIR R 11 U1r0291-44 duty,n ►g =flA_ " ll%.l.T.3ll , lNctlrg b .V . a 9110211111.111-Put t0rtb.411111.4119"9 *M ". IIA., ' 7& , , tr• 9r0164 14r i b ="141.1947,174/ 9 11 " 10 1 6. 111W4gall7141.ritAgrrattlitaktbras424bri a'a'r Oa J de P 1141999V11 to ..01s21 w tpArt, Fimbratt-,ll7,;:mirt&atttlr".' awl.llaksr 419 UM.. 1114.49949.'il ix mdmolo beis blow Bek w 593 2 ,144 49 Ron& • r b ; Y . 11 u l egad lea t. , b 4 61 11 dAdzzi quentss-Pis Restim=4"66igkiutud.: :ttlm tilt; ; tob Leech Reg .44.9194194941911 1 1 „. bbla bas r o t 1,190,1 4 17 .4 =1. 1 r laor 11 de ^7. Asircoleilko, 4 14 d . ma.n aMs Obi, dr, 4.41, 414/7 . . for i tap al tro l glieti * • do 4 te l er 1/7c •9 ReYM2I. "1 1 7466.41 °4. 491 11T 4 51 7. 09 .1 1%49 9199 Lebo reot wag, 79 Mils dour 47.4=11, 1L 11,11 .1. IGO 'llO6 96 9 . • 96 , =UM wpaiA InLasatJuly gtialt% Intaia&htit IDITJUzr 4 pr ct M. . prat4.lfet •. R ES . -o,:delASiespeeifully iCkfoinvei.j• kaa th• atm. mib , . h. D oi : IVlili'VArtirl i n C Atr 6 r:l_ . co 114 a ": n 1744:41 ri 1 6t - it%Va =sr.= an trt g agf r" . p a w i n tl ou i tO. h. ii.'4:14111, VIRIITTINQ kWRAPPIIPO !PAPERS—' ter . • Btsd.. Itatiat Stelli-Wripbtfirr; ..-; ba.:. 4.* • V441.4*"..41"...i:',;,i! I'. 13 gowka Foal os. nib*, ; . rovtot9k9.wmptle P 2 "*. 4,01 ." 1 P 111sr".' • W1R 1:20, ie.A4,l=fil d i • 1 Dit. 1640, $lO 77 " Seliceiiio6ol4o,E, —: - i nv vinfOus . 'nts i a flue r g9T n i Au" A.. 7 3411 . n ... 11.414.14"'". t1..._ ' 4 l' 4 ' 6 , " x Is. ..w.., ~....-07... - - si, aanc— cax ,„ :• • CIP, • ht.* '. • . 4Pl2a* TANNERS' 011,-27 bbis. ; . Oil, for isa J.,111.7L01D. =EMI =MCI PITTSBURGH'GAMETTE . • . • • ;,WHIG: ST.III3LT ICIEST; • • 7 , - , 1 rorimineati"' • , WILLIA*P.,JOBOTOK: • ituir.sit.i. ~ttrsais srmits carat IitOuARD•COU us . L of ashoontmat, , , MOW CHAMB/438:4 Blowout: Fraatthr. JOIM MI W. COMM of WI ,LLIM.JMUPoit Smosbaxots. '• . . Wbik . . - .”I,nrcri arms or forma 00i7LT. 'WALTZ EV7:O - 1/.IW Alt a of Pirebloa,... HENRI , N, IV I 1,14/11; pof Atttolosrei, r ecionalre arveri Of ccknir or oirorrn oissioxs, C. WILL.II. )17CUllift, Pitlabanf6. • aniioaios 1000tl Varn 000 0 .1 7131 8 9010,10 . T 110144 81f1.1.441. AllosboOt. • Illtoo.l4.NNSY welf.w.oft, .101111.11141,Eit, of _ fillitNesfocK t oi iluithuse. , ' • ALEX. RICU& DSON, of AO5 ~T: - eea mesa , JARRD jJ . 86U6f1~ of . lflt buxrb. Jou.% Y. n0w1..11N13.4g es. cwt. ttoßEar wst: VMS% of ejatooy. JOTIN E=MCE:.t : - • ' 41 1 / 4 4 tho - io4 tit stns' ~ :33AILROADIMICErr- t a MEWWIG 1 1 r to T®-sarroz4 , 714mktbn following front wlateittundtrast your daunt of Pittsburgh, isit.ekare, aro diMonteistet With - the notion of . 'ret4lM influen, tier patties in Philadelphia,' for 'theuNeirier in councillors wittr the Penesybraitialtearoad,' and' tbe,Cteuleettt!inta 'BeiPtn , Railroad. The:pro..J posed aitlott.rn Philadelphia ooptemPlates a ccm-, neeihn With Belpre road - at ' a point which will lawn 'Pittibiirgh thirty , iles out of the Way, of the malnlitien tied this' retirees of Pittsburgh subeeribetkilbMdirtowards the ormstrantionwt the Mad..nith,thaiipaderetwidiegthat the. line should-he brongbt etre/, her deer. `.d , lietwie. 'meeting was etdred yoltiabeigh, to i its into tunwideration Mid Madan of the Pittebrirgh and tHembensille Railroad:to entinterietthe effect of these Philadelphia movements; and meetingsare 1 , to beheld, ht all.the adjacent counties. Through these Movements several new. , annum, Will he 'opened . Philidelphta - and New York s Which will materially interfere With' the fq tallf!.,prospecte of the Baltimore' and Ohio Roll semi , The prized' the Weitero trade is now bo iler conteadedibr Bostano Nov. Park, Phila. delPhitiiind Baltimore, and the result of all'. the efforts will be to "concentrate, the Bittle in' this 1 col:udder the shove :Seely partially cbtreat as regards this city., Prnta.9ucsintetimli Wealth,. enterprise, &nom conansad a large tradefrom the West aid South West. Still We. get 'only„ a. smat-portion of the vast' irade of Pittsburgh. Wheeling, Clncinnsti; , Mitlistre,'Lerciistille and • Blowhole region Ixateding tho.Ohle;' JUiddle Kentucky, Tennessee, sod other - Riser.. This trade is, principally with philadel• phis and Ude:tore. Now what we rept:ls,ond OWE! tare is an direct Pittabstigh; through the State of Neer' ersey,:--and the great coal end iron ,hekla of Penneykrania. This city and Be New England States, and the.eitira'.on the Hudson are obliged to go to Philadelphia for - their fed. , Thousands or reiseli . in the Comt e:Oliver tindespasibuideetswiihout stopping: *Mob if imbed - this read would load and unload bere.; - Where are the:millions or tens 'of keit that come down the Beading Behind, "end Abe - ..Pennsyherdereinala'corisumeill'.*lte onehalt of It in oar aim city' and Mate. — if 'We. had di met communiadi on with Pittsbough,leeato thb !hundreds at 'Minters on 'the Ohte would'load their pameagers in the Westchester of Amerlisa,'.ind in ten hours or less they,itould be. walking the streets of the Londoner elmericu.-7, Baltimore and Philadelphia bavafiliitara been, stroggliegfor this great prase. 'Their trade with' Ude region is enormous, and rapidly increasing.. and tbo late maim peeves that - Philadelphia: is on as 111 nambeislit' least they in cl.B C u ilig to re il threar ett.,-....-4.La.:,;«/,11,,t.1t. cc. Other eitial are extending' Budr iron ; 4: uir:e l an directions, and why should not the Puipire •city extend twit' taint& the rich eeele fields and the inamonse trade Sidi:said orthe Ohio; , wits : , ital,ooo lane inltength, , nter three; times -its ',length in tribtdarie . ss, , tosaynothingofthe nrlrh- Mlsaiseinpi. Who;ls to the gieat.wore— Our Merchant' PenCei--trill not the Press air duns up, as it is their duty. Rai eau Itostance,- ; e gdon tiniestla the ,„ to owns& Ancona of Ain occur. , trap *hi* happened in-Scots county, Team, !wally; which itnotevlittle romantic— . Crait;:the Sitter afsEyery'eopsforisdda. estate; ha la - hit employas•st - laborer,.n. Mr. liticeoitto tetame eninittrezEof his'AP,ughtsr, a girl of slant thirteen oefooitien ths Sabbath, thwBiliitittOi; 'inAlriblapHsearnf 'ler rather, Bear and theilrf . Vent, Mlle and were , widriied.- - They'reissalail tether until the following SatardaY, - Whin the, Atha; in.tbealateaceeftheassbaniktcameand tea itiedo*telSßfnkedhgrnlandPatting her undeszeare 'of has biother : in4swat'uk.iy : consini , Iflom'Ve&r't eaSa hideslied her to itarry, ptert-: lag diertlit tWialßiliSiipfkby weed 800 . 0 and, See coettle‘afttlita' &ital. Louise Me;.11y.,.' Ae sort as these tinnunetanows,wezelinctned by the - hriabaild, he made eppiicatidn to,tha.ltadge of the Circuit; obtained n. writ of hebennoorvai sad itaiternrintrenit, '',Tiiii''Conspitiy fleeing were overtaken inVirgiltit;.trat the veleta:al lost its virtue, and the pandit psity' got the, wife tow hip poseettsion, :he : thought it unsafe to retain her; on seesag piatels,dpmen by betidlreiliiriei: PeA r al l * for „de : 4,lly • • ' dforthatetTortsoss not ilteiiinado - torieeirek herby the..lnsebactd. c,She was then,taken on to &Ott IL, and there confined ; WA guarded anti! ' witct:4{4 , l.bi3 Be* Yittilifutherand.,l reinforce , seniellalitefllatidgher asefuSeneatin,Scatt; ' _er.btattand4Tth hhipartfignoraidYPlOSed . ON tack g tried Otte? iatirAile' Wort bW tagtate roma Ana; .4ik :ttoi:lntia elite' the/tither. breathing,earses, ato x,enmno . , wad ostatiflt reinfoketaent; o e alto; hiaposses ;aloh,andittirted on the lateiniedjourziey, through bn6bs-Kelstat l / 4 1;&e:' 4 On going abisnt tediniles . Ibeyend Etaileillwtepolorief Speai'ei her met plaindist their ,retartt: Pentalprse-ten delasottres. the hosband,was nntallowistas ep diehOnse where the (ether wee t and on the coating ithf'finisi v irio 'were al Mi. party,- the igirl Wavahat: to' s,tsont,istad• were wade ,for hloody.vorle aboald 'en titres:dot. bo, made ,to, recover bar, ilatimklatedloy the. ishoW' of 'weapons and. the scagend ;and deter- Trained ashiner th? husbands pai r tY Abitsuid inithek; '• • . • . tether and hie , Perty resemedthek . . jour ney, and were passite.nnihrotigh Leo br the Imi eeeeeete,_ .13y.A.fittatreson, the husband eent mesoeugura,bearing nlettornt protest sad entrentj here Sharer, (the brother-injaut,),who; on tie return With others, had, f'een 'oohed with or fiabess ceTt.te. Vfielettir 'insisted ea ,fe, name. ot the. party-with Abe - kid; - and' an .agreement,,terrne, of ,ncotennuodatinni an the law wienbont to be onfereerl, and the sentiments brtlie edinmehity ree.,re ,thooo ef .syruptithy for the lunebatid,;• What tiled this nnlitle bad npen the rattler tro4Lsco mot yet Immo:L. 13tscieninar Seurs—ThA'fAllotring is s car, rest reolpt for making A syruiv for Dysentery..,-• It is said to be ca excellent and ogres:tide total-, oblev for chlldren Quetta Blackberry juice. - ._ Chace of Naiiheg, powdered; t Onnee of Cinamon, '; °Sege of Allspice, do - • % 4 Ousee of ClUres, do ; ...Moil them together:So' get the strength of the Spioes ma th'vesortte the jtke. While hot itdd' Amiert of 4th proof French' binaly:• - and sweet loaf- sugar. Oise a 'child' tiro A6ll,- fipcionfuls three times a dap, And add tOtheetimat Otplf the disease be hot choaed. ;ITicregisethi dose according to the age.-7Dekiloare.qm,e,,e,„" Tau PosuoiLevr-:-To illustrate thabrateiis tan—cy of th e.postage in regard.lo trausieut' nelleraPere;the Natchez Courier towing: ; ! ; - .we 'neve eotnewhit aroused, magic the pOst il7trioi em Saturday, whtm a worthy althea eteped to psy, rortage any letter MO/ CO, of: Tura de<e Cele?". whleh IheekTel h0 3 11 1 4.4* aloha IreidAt.." The postage on the former yea but three 'ceuti 3 Ocrilitadieriii'irate;'and the aston ishwteat%of thetiettizia , iaa erldraitlY - hicreeka . when our posmatterl hcrontied him that it.he would cut the readmimatter of tie piper germl samosa I .it f,t,,e4illtv the Peetege w9t4enkT be - PaOicarT 13trtr.iee treartheA Chrlatian , Arleekate sad' Journal; thit .the,negotiations„ cotmovent r tipmt. the 'mach MatlFlttotdali on orthe Coun,forest amicable let "lemma of the smihrtonato diapnte,between the W S 'branches of the 3tethallst Charrii, hive tail ed; 'the' ilotith - mikb* it iiprineitclaite thatlhh. justice of her claim etuill be admitted. and the North refe.siag to make any such acknowledge aunt VOLUId - 011 1 1 1 --NUMBER :288 . , Tai.,KEISCOPM"PiEO4?cIiCAL SIBLINA iri:Ori the 'pita Seidenst ieee veal' rileeting or the Board of Te : tees;of the Pellagra Thiele- Setninery _of the: Proteetent -Episcopal 'Chereh in the Darted pettA :win be held' st ! Telni'o:Oiniel, In New. Terh. city, ;for Alm Per- Prt e , . . of tilling P..lh4nsiorO,E.ecleilastiatl lery, till the vacancy- crested, b$ the recent - " 6 4.9 Dm Her. John D.. Ogi.lby..D. D. The Loihneing list of the candidates nominated Tor' the !Mee; at thedeln Would meeting ow the 46th nit Night Derv. Bishop Honlniwltet:WlCl. eon; D. D,:,_ /WT. Miles 11.11111111; ROW C. 8. Hen- Wro: johnson, D....D.: Rev Hew idtdaix..D- D.: 'Dee. Therein W. Colt; IX D.; ReeBnoluel :Nee-Jesse A. Spen cer; Binr.-Eendrialc Melt:elf; D. D.; Rov. John P. 134 0 4. 2 , xi , Sec ' Nana Tioroth 'Bev. gunnel Yoller, , D..1'.;. :Dm -11oVert. IL Civet; LW; Odateleliisrexu3.-Jl7:-. Rev John J. Rob. erteen; . 1):1). - ,_ aid the: Nee, Traver. This , epecial meeting of the: Merl . Tristeee will be held "bead two 'Weeks advance alba Annual EpinceEel Coneenthin *the Dimon of New ' ILiiiirio TO tioBithaif WM . 08: "-' We oa that certain sentient papers have takimPliettbiundertheirepecialprotectimi, - -- and bated down's rule trhich - ts''hhreafter to. .measure. her lionducto, , Tist , srePtiot. content with indsg,upon hertlevetumew general doc trines, but they Insist that her purely local legis lation shill square With the.llool33pf men a thonsand miles distant Those malty of efforts like these ire Southern inSii; ran have among them an.institution . which . .they Fall/ local and [ !Incase.. -They .iariekrigidly upon the deo- '.. trine or rein-interference ,and..are.not "slow, at 'shoving their indignatien when, officious Out eiders make eargeitioris'about her of ,this local ; uestion, -: We do not noinplain of this; but we do insist,t and, shalt always' theist upon the right et ifentaybranhot? i , 11921 - M. tepee laws regulating Mir own - local and HUM ,. officers, in dependent of - the interferenco of Any earthly power !., is - Pefinsylirenia'S right, and the - craven Thit ad craven who; yield; it. is unworthy of his The Anti-.d riu ' iPPiug !Law of 1.847 lms.'" e a local ; law and regulates tiokeortdriet cif State fil - 1 Th6eltitizen.4 of Pennaylvania aro able to de .termine whether this is* is right Or' not, with out, dietetic* from`; any 'smarter. ' The - bill re peek% Its,. math motion is a local lea; and was _passed ara? „ such. eiretunsuume. with, ERICh Si- - 'Cation of legislative, role_und propriety; and • 'Mich wean - dem deterMination to enecte. pure ly political object{-that Governor Johnston has ' not acted upon it: ..Le.. thus doing,' he is in the exercise of.ri right gummed by tbeLConstitu-• tan of our State, of which. no man. can or dare deprive 'hint. — Hanthern'icten„. exhibik a great, deal of feeling Oti the- sidiject - br Hifi - clause rel ative to the^,State Jolla - It ifsPezirs'M as de; - .40 ,41 3 , y , their interest to heleitem use If the jails prohibited for tlie,,,reasna that if .Imill:tilted and elates - are deposited, in the , for safokeeping, they Will be ia the cuitcziy of a State.othcer who is emenabWto - Stall VC'erritot Habeas Corpus would lie in that 'ease'end the alleged .E.'ngitive mighthebrought Defoe* L. , :titate Judge who might:try and discharge; the rizoner at any time In, the presence or accidental absence of the alleged miner. - There - Would 'be anonflict of-authority-4 relieving of the U. B.' Marshal of I . mtponsiblity anda - aubjetting"to's delay, con- AltiOni undaanewles, , whiob'wo =POI" , South"! ern Men „would not, enjoy:, Their,otalety to force these "Ovili upon, themselves is ,iumccouut• able; Delimit proceeds horn . ~ These mune sontlitiiipiPers are exerting what ever influence they suppose theY'rray presets to , effect the defeat of ,Gov.:-Jolmston.' , if 'that be their_ desire, the- means: they use;will be most liliely to defeektheirhOpee The Stata„kride to which Pennoylvanie, like - other' States,., fondly theirs, trill; rieo beyond control;' khep the effort to force her citizens into - :pativireabliedinit by 'others, is distinitlgyituble, lint 'bid 'much we Wish - to say ; ' lf„ by,,the. efforts, of , Fouthero ',Whigs; Gov..'Yohristori eliorild bo defeated, they may be , Ted me timbal in Gongrena.;or. he:4lm felfs . `to aid .Southero , lige in,their scheme*, alsayinGl re- Member o„tratni-thelefteelesztleltich• the ,'epteite'Virdeirt:t - 44 die - reekiewritla, 44.4ted deeply feel. r --, We will' prolong thii iiiiele: Any 8 math .era mew, wile suppoisesqloi:-Joliniton' im the Nadir party of Pennsylvardwitillrile alight to re, ititi 4 oPr xt!ktiolei admecement,:er , to dissolve the Unlchi,"ii., a knave tree_fooL,..3 , le,vrill-use no Milder terms for weare"utterly disgusted with the Pharissiee'pretmititietre 'Superior loyalty to theetinstitatioe •and the:Helen aided almost Asily.miluteour ears. Thetiontheen Wedge may attend ownlecol politica, ,l'eamtrivania 'Whigs Wilt atteid,.ta theirs, Both. will more 'Malt:Mir:seed ie , their'strerte to overthrow a desperate adierearj, if enehliisich of the party is : allowed -intorno I =nderbid ih 'its' titbit.-- 45rnf.4" a :** - .:-.-.1 ; .. ..: ','. ~, "~a:xesatosxsc: IVhigeoi No rth Car, oil= ere battling roaxlfelty,,Mteßr. t he Com :Au the firieCortg r.43.tioitaizidid - on: - nos. L gliztiMin is *gains candidate for re-election; argil. masa by Barg -B. Ctoither;% ! , i , d+UnionAsudidatt :- ' hell the' lateeoemtier,a - IYl4,*didste, &nil oppinitiortir. : ,Intbeth.lrd.diettict, latelyrepreshBted by the tifinf ,Y4'^nud DeberrYi Yihig, the .I)ettiocrats lave: nominated the post rote Y.tfkgdwell, na'the Union men the goy . Alfred Dockery. • • ' ~:olotahai.fettrth.A.istridc laiely'rerated by tke../lonotable...L. Sheppard; "Vibif,,Uames Dt.oretteal,:Wh4. il . n caroliglabr, eitioret. op pOeihob: In the fifth distriat Abram W. Van eblo,,,theliTanurasten Leumber f hp no oppo -, be tfinnesth dieted* is ' cl.4idjAto foe, re , nloction witland:ropposala. Iu the, ise!,entb. district , Bre', , dshn, ;She late . benakaticnieta;er, ie"olenedthbut-ono41"'• la'lhtielghtli'd'tateict, the Jri;.."fidward.ntatt rir,erlttileed'at,'fifst nominktfoil; - has :been again brouthtinto the fleld,lttenc, of the declension of Idr. Wealthegton. ,- -nlr: Ref fin is the Democratic , I ;date-,J tr.; . the ninth 'diaixict, Utejion. David,Ondsw. Whig. for r ce on t se no op , .7 , lflnt eleetinsidakes place the4th'eLktibest. . . . ArasurrEbecnost...--Elections milt (ale place in ite , suoca . of Xczatack4Lidianav Alabama, on , the 4th of 'Augnst; and in Nerthnisi Ten besesaM ;On'ttre Ith of - Angnit:'' . ltenthili is to cbeinte a.(krrernor, Lieutenant . 13,111`14.31' tfZl=- 41:114T., an4;ten members or Congress. -. , l.realinna „We likawise:te chooek ten Inemt..ons Congress.- - . 'The' eleetian Mahan* is for golirtmr.-Joops. latais;•and seienixiernberi of for. In Ar kansas, a Member of cofigehi ih be'ete:ofed. Illinois; and Itiwa, liavbatreadi *tee n their Congressional deleZstian , .. the) , Lars elect local atv.l . l24leiel.offmers. North Carolina Will "choose nine. member. a of 'Oongresis!. - ln Tenneasseee, the ileqrpil 1? trnor; Legiststare, and ele.yen - Meniheta'U'don. gq•as•-••.•, - , . ..• • non Tun Cameos Goon..11orn”:-.12titiniso'Sbe 16th. MAY ha" been ' rccetved 4t -Bestou.The forrneelee" statesthit the ,Intelligence isitktho effect thit ilia - Kalif *a? witliout 4teil:de bnpretelitt'belzeitaditiyiltiVulrg lish.•- , The property of thenettlein'te coirtharitly captured and carried off.,:ThirllnOisltdeassatir Volgan had arrieedout widt7o9edditiemaltroops to amain quelling the icbeth m t.,, ' , 'At Tarebookles„ Capt. Tyldeel.ia O h the rebels in which '46.0f Hied. A rebel chief mined Almost had ban wititeed by Malor-Pmuntadnitt, i iereaca.,:iThe -Kelm lest 30 ° 1411 0r, 61 ? ., 0f w) , ano,4r o *nedin :1 1 30t' tempt,to criMilie • Nottilthatitidingthei44l4birei. the sppearit' tate, end ;the iiltistrylsetl,e` &ruby Is at a complete shuulstill:., , :, At, , ,Porellaretlicre• hall beeir eart-tositial, by which' 64 rebels had.been;anelenmedir priba- At stator them will he bunnudethers jewels -ttrinue IN TUN AI oschihi Louth° great mail were - ;.tranSferred *Om- the National to the osinherland.: and West-liana' Pls4- Road, etaPt onti.lites .3014 3 4:Iginita the Way mail from Ctunberlind 10 Brownisille.— Hereafter the eastern mail will tare Cumber land lithe morning, and lay over itlt night ut .BrownsAlle,-arriting hers some 4lmeiltifitnt the `thick will 11117„acixtniing then addition of the znad,_say„frota cenlost.4rAhe Western itid4litabt.4o 33 4 l U:74 ll l elio,lay,orpr at - Itraimaeitte' add irriie - :titre in thh inuremg stsmtlt thilurrangetent;the-Peo ple. of. -this 4laceilare.greittlY aggriested, l - , The eastern mail, whiolt-wellme,baretofarmecetred it 7 O'clock htll3e Matting. algid; &nil depraving on of allessternlettersmd Tamers ens day longer' than fameidj,remi to lilthes Westarttintd7ittsburgh'mille :14Wtr, now take,...two.diya to,seach.Pittiburgtr'elld Wheelingor,yealte4knutilfrom : those.pli m e ln4- this new arrangement of the mails has produced great diseatiartiction antongst our citizens, and w=the eras complabzedot may be speedily r —Unionir Democrat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers