fjsD THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MOND AY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1901!, K. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR PRESENT STATUS OF ANTHRA CITE COAL TRADE. End of the Steel Sttlko Mntked by Large ruiclinscs of Bessemer Vlg lion Depaitment of Labor Inves tigating the Effect of Ttnde School Teaching Will Take Years to Re cover tiom tho Effects of the Strike The D, L. and W. Board for Today. The di'iimml for mlliim In- rriniiltiM ttnusinilly aimil fni- tills ifHHnii, ton plili't'ltiK llio lui'so uihhuihw taken ilur IliR the Hl'sH luilf of Hie .vi'iir. Tin' (If iniiiid Ih must umiki'il fmni llir- AWst. n4 K.iHlntt timlf. while still of fair vol llllli'. lurilM t ll lllipill'"' of folder vvi-ntlier. Tin- output of tin' (olll.'ili'S Is slowly Inpii'iiMinj:. Tin- otnpll.iiloii of tlir- llt-iiii-s- ol Hie AimiM shipment? h.itf been iloliiyi'il Tor stuue n-timm. bill the sii-plt'tiili"!' oillpul Im ilin,ilil at 1 ,r.00.U"O tony. At till' head of tin- l.akf nnlwili "ti MllshtlV bi'tlct tliey have been, lint in o not iip.nly up to what tliey should In to piimiiii- ii pli'iitliul supply of ioal on ttu tint I, -i Ip'forp iiuaIkiUIihi luii'f. V.otatl Hade In that li-iillory Is Hiill llslil. At riiluiRo many ileuleii liuvp now I'nlr Miippllfi on liniiil. lint lelnl'l bnyliiR l sliitli. Tin- inilviili bv laki lire I m ipiicIiir. bill tin- mippllpi' on ilicl,- n n- xt ill fully soo.iilin ioiim hln liiBt ypH'--i lluiiri'i at thK s.-iiyoii. Ai ilVnlH by rail an- -nauly nnd In Hi'' f.icv of .in Im ipiiiIiir niaii'lly of iiih nt tho mines arrhaN of all-iall ioal m-e likely to In1 piini- for .-.nine weeks .Minn; tin' Albilili'- -Piihoaid tleiileii IIIP RPttlllR ihi'lr Sllpplll'f up III IIOMIIIll. 1'Iip nlt-r.ill tiadi' N now itillte latRP anil In likely In show a i uiiHlilei.ilil'' I'leir-iiM- wlili uilib'i M-atlu-r. ICis-l'-i n liiiMne.-i-i N now of n! eliiniif lev mid Is iiinlltii'd moii- to teituiti or rhiiI'-h ilian foiinpilv Ki!K ioal i ini tllilp to In- th" Mx. In iiiiixt ilt-iimud. TIipip seeniM to li- veij 1 1 1 1 1 - miIiik lulu HloiiiRP ii" pi. while pi In"' aro RPlitfiall.v 111 m Tin- outlook lor I. up .till and winter ii evelletit ami lln-i l little doiilil but thai I hi' piei-HW i-ar will In niPinoi-abb' In the liltin "f Hip ioal traile. The it'i'lll pi lie-, lor fid liilinltiK white null I ii b. New Yoik haibor pints me HioUeii $1' '-KM. H L'.'i; stove and ehelnut. il.r.O. IIu KlneelliiK and Mining Jouriml Effect of Tiade School Teaching. The (Ifpai'iment of labor it t WushiilK tou h.iH aboiii i tint lu.letl an InvextlR.i t lull of the elTrel of Hade school leai h Iiir mi pioiluellon, pi oiioiuy ol itce of law iiiali'ikiN. u.tRpf ami In peplli-iiiK piiiidMiient. The woik of itntlieiliiK tlic-e MalNlii-i ha" been cnnhl on til j tins country, ureal iiriiain ami a-.iu-lim (otintilcH of Ihiuipe. The n-pint will be sent to i-oiiKiPss e.ul. next si -slnn. iVrlaln rl,inp ot publii- lnten -ts In tills coiititiy espet hilly' when- IwIuh ait N .ippllid. Ii.ip had to ilepeml lai'Rely on lorelsti artNtli .-kill and orip of thf objeptx of thN InsextlRatlon N to delPiinliie how fin Hip I'lilted HtatP? N supplyliiR It- own tralnlin; oi ls flrauluR upon tin- tiiuiif-d artisan.-' of IClliopc. It lum been i l.iinid until n-c-entl' that Hi-- fniPlKli teelltilial mIiooN Hltpplloil the skill fill tllN lOllllll'V ill LCitalu iliroeiions Abandonment of No. 7 Shalt. No. 7 shaft of the lhle iompaii. It Is itlltliniltatielv ailliouili Pd, Will b itbandoned on oi about Nov. 1. This Is one of the oldest winking of the loinpaliy ami while then- N some eoa) yet remaining It can with mon- piollt bo retuovptl thiough thu lloyl shaft, Wllll-ll Will ledllie the cost of mining. The shutting down of this slialt will jot seriously uttect tho-e cmplo.w-d Ihi'ie, for they will all be eiuoed to I'ltlier No. -1 in the Host shall, or the old tunnel, which within a --hm I pel lod n III be it-adv to start. ('poll good aiillini il it is also slated that D. I!. Williams, Hi - l.s at the Mnyt shart, will be sent to ihe is.iinum lo take the plate of lleuiy .McMillan, ptmnoteil to illstilit siipei iiiteuilt-ui Wilkes-U.uie Iletinil. . ' Take Ypnis tn Scmvui-. 'X dlspanh liom Munile iml.. sas "Local menibus of the Ainalgaiuateil association sa it will take iliai botl. jcara to jcrovcr what It lost b th--Jpccnt strike. The meinbeis of the Amalgamated assot latlon in iv have not learned what the teiius of -eitlf-ment weic. They have ln-tn infoiiueil that there will be no change In wages nnd that the mill will lomlnup as a Union concern but nothing further. "It Is belleod that I'ik-hIpiiI Shatter Tias not yet dt'iided on the lull ipiiiis iiml litts ordeied his men back to woik Willi the View of getting the lust teilllS liosslbb .' I I)., L. & W. Boaid for Today. Following Ir Hip make-up of the P, L. - W. board for today;, si:im '.:. Wil.l I'lill i:.i.t- C. U. Iluiili. MOSfl.W, iki i ,ih i:.isi -j 1 1. in , i.ji km 10 l si:i'ii:iiu:it -u .0 J, iu T. I'hpaliKk, T 8 .. III . I. Vlil'jilli) ; i . II .1. III., I I' .Ml'VTIl., s. iii , Win. Kliliy; 8 in., .1. .1. luMt-llo, S p. ill, .1. A. ; A i. in, li Hun; t p. in , . . lliilliuloint uniiinl, Ktv.-il a. in, .1. Ilrimwii, li) j m.. wi-t, (,. 1' , s p. m., wot. to, Hiiliitl.i'l 11 p. m., nl I. I atrisR-, 7 p In., tavt tit.ui ..ty Aus. Ilwri 1 p. in.. I.aitimri. I'u.lhia tj.l.'i i. in,, K riiiiHTly; t- a in , ( p. ui , W, II. lljrlholuinctv , ID p. m., Lamp ''If. Ff'nzn Ermiiif-7 . w , ISatTnf?; 7 in, cin,-cr. 10 . in.) A. Yn.uuti, III a in.. I'. I.. ilmiMT! ll.liO a. in, Mokii; 7 p. in, Muipiij. .V..JI! 7 p. lit., Staniun; S. .ill p. in, JlUiovtui. WIUI I It Wot-10 a. it,.. ('. Klnjkliv, 1 i, It,, Kfl im; 2 p. in., M. I juno.Ii ; .' , m , I, 11, M (ami; 4 p. in,, .1. . J h t it i . . : .' in , I, U, tiivaii'i G i. in., P. (' 0fl( i: Kftinul lions! I'loax- lVC il.' ).'ud voiuitil tla.i ir 7M r ic on 7 a. in.,, for wuiU lulu. M. 1,0111 i And crur will irpoit t p. ni., opt !1, to t,1 mo ecjliift to KlnsUin lor woik nut Jl the Buyinc Bessemer Pifj Iron. The (" - nil Leader yesterday said: "The long ivpet-ied and strike-delayed buying of bissemer pie Iron has stait ti, The 1'iiitPd Stutes Steel corpora tion heads the list of buyerp, and It conies from a rellablo authority that this cone ui alone Is taking every pound Hm it i an lay Its hands upon, leavliiR bic little for the independent consume. Tin pi ' has not been told, but as Ihe Villi I .States .Steel corporation axed the last price at 915.25 in the val ley. It 1 ullosether possible that they will ninkc the prima prlco upon the iiiuU-rlitl which 1m now being old." This nnd That. At Ihp .Sharon, I'a., woiku of the Na tional Steel poinpany, tho twplvp-hoitr ri'i'ord for rolling blllotx was biokpti one night ictpntly, when SM limn wpip ttiriipd otll, thnilRli about two houix wetf lout on ni'L-ount of a break In thp iiiachltU'ty. The bet prpvloiis reconl was a2T loiiH. Korty afiPS of laud on the (ioltlon faun, mntliwest of Wilmington, Del., bap bien nold to Hip .Ipksop SIppI poiii p.ili.v. of KiikIiiIiiI, and Rniillid has been broken for a plant which will i owr from ten to twelve acn-M. V. 1 Wnu tier Is AuiPiicati iiRpnt of the Jps-op coiupaio. Thf AlllK-l'halmeis company Is mak ing ii shipment of ten uatluadri of ma chinery, consisting of a J,.'00 horp powpr Pitlcal ('loss.ponipound piirIiip, eli-., to be InstallPd In the cpnlral gen orutliiK station of the Sydtu-y City and .Suburban Tramway. .Sydney, New South Wnlf-s. The endue was built In Hip Alibi shoos at .Milwaukee. Wis. A slinllai niachllip will be forwanl'-d 10 Austrulla In Oecpinbi-i'. At the annual mcptlut; ol th" Thomas lion iiiiiipany at llokpiiilauiiia, I'a., Hip old board oT dliectots was ip-pIpcI-i-d. Hies.- being. In the older of their seiiluilty. S.i iiun-1 Thomas, W. N. llul-li-U. H. 1-'. r'aikellthal. Jr.. .1. S. ltodell bougli. W. Ii. Iluideiibeifeh. I-'. It. iMake mid .1. S. Ntatlse. The follow ing iIIIipih weie K-eleitPil: 1!. I'. I'.u liPllthal. Jl.. itesipit; W. II lllll ll k, llf-pHsllPllt. mill .1. W. Ve.lel, sei-ri'tary and iip.isuipi. Ilarlfiiiil Clt.. I ml.. Is to bae an other iii-opel.lthe window glass pom p.inx Tin- in, Ljanial Ion has alieady fntiui'd aim liii'liides a iniiubei- of well known l-'iemh and lielglau woikeis. Til" i-oullil'-l loi the election of Hie plant will hi Id anil when i onipbMed, It u 11' rU" llnrttoul f'lty the tlNtlm -lion ol Ix-lng the foiciiio-ti wimlow gla-s cputet ill the I 'nlled Slates. It will then have sl window t'ai -tm'iei-, with a combined ui,icit. of '.'li poi". his leg cut orr. William Ciane Met with a Seilous Accident Yesterday. William I'tane. aged ::0 ,, a biickl.iyei- who has been pinplo.M'ti 1u this i-ltv bill a shoit time, was stuick by a fielght tialn mi the kawann.i allioad neat- Hie I'hoenK laiguii? Iioilsf jpsteiil.iv afteinoou about 4 o'lloi'k. Ills left eR was i iiiiiim(p1) sereit-d a little below the knee. lie u dlsioveieil bj mil- of the permanent men limit the I'hoenlx i mii pany silting alonlde the tiack. pci- le tl.V l-llllKI-'flUS. 'It's bad looking, ain't It'.'" he said looking down at the stump. The peim.'iueiit tll.lll ugief-d that It was and tailed up the r'irkawamia lio-ipllal. ("i.nie was lemoved to that insiltiillon in Hip ambulant e a short time ufter wai'l"-. ami was lepmted to he in a er tavorable cotitlltioii last night. COMMITTEE OF NOTIFICATION. Colonel Fitzsimmous, of This City, Made a Member of It. Colonel 1-'. J. ritv.shiinions on Satur day i etch pd the following 1 1 on i John Ua relay, of (eltysburg. ihalr- nuili of the let cut Deniociatlc state i omen) Ion "Von haw- been appointed a mouther of Hie i oiiliuitlee to notify lion. Hal moil Yet kes and lion. A. .1. I'alm of the nominations made bv the 1 Jeniocr.u le state iimvetitlou on Thuisila.v, August l.V l'.Kil. 'The lolllllllttee will meet III tile pa. bus of the t ' hotel, Philadel phia, on Weilllesilll.v. September :;.".. I!'n. al 2 o't lo I; p. m. The lion. I,, len W. Uoty. of Wesinioielaiitl niiiuty, will pi'-sitle." CHILD CALLED FOR FATHER. He Was Incaicerated in the County Jail. Willi a iling i hlltl i-iyliig piteoiifly I'm Its fnt liet. .lohn thiivpy. of I0:i Put nam street, and the latter languishing In the i utility Jail. Attorney P. II. Hoj li on Saluitiay furnished ball and seemed the patent's leli'if-p. liaivcv was i ollUlllttetl to await tlial on the ihaige of sending a tlueateiilng letter thiough Hit mall, which Is a fed eral udeiise. Attorney lloyle bad ap plied for a wilt of habeas corpus, but when the i hlltl becaiiie so ill that Hie patent's release was instantly letiulied, lie had him leleasetl on ball. ROCHE WAS ABJECT. Wanted to Get Down on His Knees to Apologize. John Km he. of Mineral si I eel. who was auesteil for deeluilug that he was glad Ptesident McKlub-y was tb-ail, was very abjett when aualgiiPd betme Maglstiate Millar on Satuulay, and sahl he was willing to go down on his knees to apologize. lie f-uld he Was ill link, and didn't kuuvv what he was saying. The magls Uale aiioidlngly let li Im off with a line ol Jj 4 CONDITIONS ARE UNCHANGED. Nothlnp; of Special Significance in the Anthracite Coal Tiade. R Milium Wlrr from Tin- Awtttriatrd Pro. Philatlelphia, .Sept. 2.. The Ledger In Us coal article tomorrow will sa: Tlu- aiitliin nt to.d tuttc plfllN rinilanc f'f tpii'Ml Hiuiiihuhco 'lite toiulitioiH Ate rutKiin M.ilK illu li.i tiii, .1. 'Unit- mji ulhri l' wntkini; Jl llie iniiH's jt vvetk, ii mi 'I'linirilJV i.tttit .in alnimt i'.i'lon, tlnoiijli Un- ili.nv In liu ftt.t tu tin- in. niuri ot Hip late n..i. ic nt . 'I Iii M'lllng n i;otjil, prU'cn an- iiulnUini'l, ami litiKilnrlh tin if will lii full woiklntc i it luqiiMtltiii lot I he tnljuitl Aiiliinai iltnuntl. srmki .in- iiriicull.! mull, untl lliU h'iiih to Ih- llic iJ'i' '.-p.'i I jlU in tin. ,ii jik up Hi, 1j1.ii". ulir-le lli, it- will li.iie I, i knp phlp muiK iniilo u t l.e sii.ii s .itr- ti li, nt all a). qi.ite tu ill,- wlutti ilintitiil .mil alit'.iil.v tle-ic i iiiutli In. n In ininfiii'tit u mat i-oimiIi'J in lllll llaillilill Seine, el III ).it;iT ilolli'ii in Jvnv .,rk ii'pnii dial tin. .up i-iiiiivly mill ii., tin n itairinKM t.ikiHL' Hip loA ji Ij.t j Hi? iiiiin .an piiiiltiii' li. Made a World's Recoid. Nrvv oik. Scjit. .' -Oiri '..nail ,piioii nitiitfti-i an p.Niltlnj: ute al i In nlMnag tuik totlj.v. Ilip twenty Hip mile open imp iur pu. fr.Jlutial. was a leconl bitakti li. . i . i c Hun hup wji rwiiily elRlit o! tho t.utpi '-p.iii.-- in 1 1,. ciiiiMi.v wite puwa ,-n mlrictl ,,' iliflpiprit polnU in the rate Hip pace vi.ti tpirtiu liom tin tait. Irani, kuiiier miuihI a koo.1 pmltiun nt t lie start an.) kept it iiiiki ol lii loni; jotuiiry. He iiiuirnl Hip ltn ui litp, un mnl IKit'Pii, but lo,t the tncnty tn Mtrailaiul Puller jinnrifil Hip liuneli un Hip lust lap. hut Ki.nncr tlocd titm2 mnl -n-oa tin- ran- h i lenictli, with Hd'arlaiiJ ctntil, h..lf a leiiKih lr fore HauMiian, lliitler IniUliliiir in the rink. Tho time, &3:6JK-3, U a world's ircnul in icm Ktltlcn. The old rerorJ, 1.00'js, wa nude at Ilevcre Peach In June dy Mrl'jtlaiid. Socialist Congress Opens. I.uhfck, Sept. ii. The twelfth annujl Ucimin lodalUt congicu upcnnl litre today, SECOND REPORT OP GRAND JURY TOMASHIFSKY IS INDICTED FOR MURDER. True Bills for Assault and Battery Returned Against Nathan Cobb, the Caibondnlo Mnn Who Stabbed Constable E. J. Nenry and Two Others Caibondale Churches Make Complaint Against the Executor of the Hunt Estate, in Which They Have an Inteiest Other Court Matters. The gland July inuile Us spcoiicI ip- port Satuidav, mtiirulug a largo num ber of tine mid Ignored bills. Its work was not i omplelftl. however, and at the ieitiesl of Ulstllct Attorney W. It. Lewis. Judge I'mpetitpr continued Us sessions over Into Hie t tilt il week. A Hue bill was leliirned against Adam Toniiishlfski, of the Aichbald mines, (bulged with Hie minder of D.tvld Thotuas, a bleaker boy. Tcimu shit'skl bit the boy mi Ihe head with u pick handle, ftactuiliig his skull mid causing death within a shoit lime. Klghty lute bills wpip ipturiii'il In as sault mid battery i asps, among tht-in thtee against Nathan Cohh, the t'nr iHUidal" mail, who slabbed Constable I'. .1. .Nenty, Daniel Deinpspy mid Will iam Osbmiir. mid miother agalusl Mor gan Swepiuw, chaigptl with abusing n boy named Mcfiutlu. Tl lie bills fur larceny and leieivliig weie ietunied against IM w a ni Vlcary, l.ouls Thonias. .lane .Morgan. Margatet Itlghltm. .lohn lleiny, Frank riiijevv skl. .Illl.v Naioil'oiiek, Kranels Sletecl ski. .Niithonliie .Ipgioiskl. Hal i.v Smith. Stanley Smith, John Jlr.nly, August liocktad. .lohn Dubiey, c'arile Hilltop ami Philip Mixer. Among the other tine bills ! etui lied weie tho following: Imi'Ium: hiImh in tavern t W. Iniin, W V I'lallip'. pi. a. I .llv ptilp-i.pi II. Low. li! l,..t . t'tliik II. .UI UK, jr . I l'Uutnti il.i lulili llav .itiil aih I an lliv, P.iltiik M' ant. .n. pn. I I, i, II SW. lp . W l'litilliii, .ro. Ilip Tiinlll.'l.s 1 1 1 C tl 1 I.I tl . Pilllll IPIiiiIIC. T'3 .lainiw lluwjp. .loliti Un tie, pirn .-llinit liipur nitliotil .1 lippii'p I' siiiiuiiMin W V. I'lillliin iiiut. Adam llahinwit, lhomai I.. ,liull. pie- llnrclai.i I h.irlt Itannnn anil W ilium O riovli , I tank Iti.l.lini;. jr , pim. li.ntud Al.'ati. . Vlurl W.dlaip anil llrniy Ire, 1 tank lluhlm. jr . pi(.. rnitic7lPtiiPnt"l!tlvviti Mnnn, Ktlwaid I p.iiv, pio-i ntltiiiiy .fittrliin4ki: W i ln.iu H.-.T1, i o.. liuer titllis. .leiiat'ian iieiul. U. I.H1IM llupprirlil, (,'iiilc M llkcll. lira- l-lliflll l.j IhiIcp ('. I.. Iliuut Hale, i.i,,. Mlntipt it liie Nfvnoml lllpn Me l.hali. th Mi bin, iin. Adiippiy . ant lia.t inly l , ( ailtk'ii; llliotlj Mrlioll, prm. I'.iiiiii.ititii .ir.-I liaitinlv -M. A Cadilpti, lihmla Nuliulls. pun. Daniel II. iiiiii-s, l.liatpi K. MaiPii. pio. I 'tuiitiioli sl0.l-Kll. n Plain iv, ( hailntte llar .iid, pitiv I't iniliilttil a. ktiol(il:ni(nt Haiil II Mi-ple in- and .lino --tipln'it: An l.n,e 1) Hi-ip, ptm. Milttiotn Jli-i liii-f .In.i.pli I'm ill, Margan-t M nnw ttiiij;, prux. Ilit'.tking linn fipU'ht i..r lnhil CVpiftn, I'taiik lli'lillli'.'. jr.. prm. nliii; piinmr tn rvape 1'iank IVrttjpn and i in ei'kii.i-ki : I lioiuas MiHuvrrn. (iru Want Executor Removed. On appllcalion of Hip Kltst Piesbv teilaa antl Tilnitv Kpl.-coiial churi lies of t'ai hoiidale, .Imlge Voslmiff on Sat uiilay Issued a citation on V. 1.. Yar ilnglou. to show ciiie w'hy he should not b-- leniiiM'd fi mil Hip otlb c- of e-i-ciitoi of tho i-M.ile of .lane Hunt, ileceasetl. , The i lunches atp reshlil.ii. legatees of the Hunt eMatet. .lames Hlair Hunt aged 4S yeais. was beiiuealheil all Hie pergonal pi uppity ami a life lllteiesi in the n'lll estate. The eP, II-tin- was directed to pay over to Hunt the lents ami other piollis of tin -i u estate and applv them lo lie -uppiei of 1 1 nut. lie was also empoweied to Sell tlu- leal e.-lal II the piollts weie not stlllli lent to give the heir a de cent ami comfortable lllng. The complainants allege that Mi Yaiiliiglon I-. administering' his tl list lonlrary to the wl-hes of the dec -dent, a pxpic.ssed In her will. They t hinge that he collct'lp PNcesshe i oiumlsslons, that he sold a pioperty for $1,000 when II was worth fully $1"iU0, and that he gave the proceed.--. les a $00 coiiuhIr slou. to the heir. Instead of Investing Ii ami giving him the proceed. The citation Is made iciuriiable Oc tober ;. Attorneys .lames K. Hun- ami .lohn 1 Ite.v nolds lepresent the i him lies. Judge Vosburg's Fhst Opinion. .Iildgi Voshuig, or the mpliaus' court, handed down his Mrst opinion S, i tin tiny ll was on a t nation to i onipel Daniel Ilicspphi i- and Charles V. Vejger, e et lllor.s of the estate of Mutilclu A. Swingle, to tile an account. The e cciitois clt'inuiieil on the ground that the petition was Insiitlleicnt The judge lllle.s thai the petition vv.i.s mf- tlclput anil ortleis t Im-- evi utots to malic an act minting , COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. virtltil ol ll1- in l.ntir of iltt iiinillT h.h rrtuitiitl Nit mil ii, hi tin' i, me ol .Itwi li I Wm-lktK jE.iinst Mlilui-I Miller A vitil el l,al,t'.i toiim vj Ifciinl siumljv I, i totlil't I the ilif-i'ill In liow- r.liltr vvliy ,1 o I , ri (..irvi) ulniultl lint In- rrli.iMil ftutii itiiiriMiu mint .Indue o.Inii ni.nle an cnler. Sitnnlar, cl iliaiKlni; Itolitit UiKui,, of jmllini. Ii.itn II r nflitf of Rii.Hilun of I In- Wlli... n ililliliru, a n1 a I ipoilit ,-. Iluut-r lljilcv In lili .i.'jil. In Hip i"ni' of 1' V Vlu.vir aealiKt .1. . Mil )rr, I lie iiii.v on sjnail.ty. n-iunii-cl a vrpliit ler tin- iniliiff in the- t-iini n' ltl, uliah ii il lllet Un- lull a mount nf th.- ilinn. Transport Btiford Agiouiid. Manilj. sept. 2' 'Ih.' I nllcil sun luti. pail Rnfoiil. cjiijniit tin- srnntMiiili IiiIjiiih .i r,' liter tlir Ivvi-nlj tlaiil, anil Hipii tnnli-i nnli-n to piote.-U lu New tni, 1m4 t;ni aat"tnul en a mnl bai nil the M.aul of Mtnilunju llei pu-i-I Kin is iiu danu'riuu.. nnlei ,'i ti.noon .ln.iili aet in. llojta luvi tien . 111 10 lni nifttame DR. BARRETT, Dentist, 115 .101111112 veniie, Oier illulie Waiilinu.p TEETH I xllJited "11 ( leaned SO,- Sidled 7.V- I nmiii'd, cold f-l up I miuiimI, puiiilaiti lup llililirc w .ii I. . . . i up I'lllcd with L-nld 7V up I'dli'd vvllli kllc-r -'an Tilled with uolil .Mlcj . 7V I'nll S-t )( Td-lli il up llvaininalloii nnd i.tlm.iti-i fli-c. If vonr leill, mi. di,j.. In;, If von need tin iitlllulal net, if von vvMi oiin- leilh r.-pljutl without a plate. If vim vvi.h .vniii vvinl. iloim palhlemilj ami well l,v ulljlde la.idnatea ul Iuhk rvperlnie at the very leant tot lOit-iUlint with h'ood, ' Work, wall on ntc, m A i fix' 1? v I TS W. V 7 -l,rr?L T, ,T ,T-rl,l l ,ltrl,lB.J 'J-Sr JLiO Mni ' Itiiijiiiiiiii i . 5 fflgmmBmSti' S flll .am i ii i i i ,.iiiw.i.iuii. wjfj lilif tiHiWrtmdiWilftMtfl imTtnTfciaaniiB nfr S MM . -Vi5!Ei-.Ti?-H il ill rhAWmmkmP W ffiSK&:S . M B w On s mi BJBb-BWB B MM S k VH j; SaTllS L.r7?rrg;---1!ifS Hili 'Hill rgA-il-- S iS!1 jlJP .g--l r: vi 1,1 o I UMlJft-tl 4!giffliaaMglf-"-pf,-'1i ' m " ' '-TT m ' "'-iBiin- i-. "-TUni'JJIIU. jjlliigi it? i. 7 - - h;viifi of money by calling 0 of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of j Ihe public is invited to call here before buying. g H N. B.-There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey f; g Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building, j 1 314-316 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON. PA. I ? (t (l (f (1 f (t T( Tf 't (f (f ff RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PEimvANinila Schedule in Effect June f), 1901. Trains leave Scrantou; 6.45 n. m., week days, thiough ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Suubury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 9,38 a. m., -week days, fd Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbuiy, Harris burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule tiain from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia vlaPotts vllle. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. tn., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .1 11 iinrmvov On Mjr J 11. WOOD. (Jen li Agi. Delaware. Lackawanna and Western In r.ffert Aus 11. 1W1 Trains leave Scraiitou lor Ww ork M 1. 10, .I.IX) fiftS, 7 50 an.l 10 lli a in. l.M'i, H JO, 3 4',, .1 () and 8.. 10 p. 111 l'or Sew Voik ami riiiladclplua -T ui) ami 11) U 5 a 111, ami U.l'l ami S li p 111 l'ni 'I'oliyluniu M C.10 p m l'or HutTal.1 1 13. 0 22 and tl IX) J. in. , 1 ::0. :'.1', ;.0i and 11 "" l in l'or lllngliairilon and way sta tion 10.2U a in and I 0.1 p. 111 Toi lliiveso. SyiaciHe and I'licj LIS anil t. '.'I a ni j l."H and .1 11 P 111. Oaiv.'Ko, njri.iiiinc- anil fna train at C'-i a ni daily, rxtept -.iinday. l'or llontrcM im) a ni ; 1 U', and TO', "p. m NlrhnlKon atcoiiitnodallni.--l Oi) and 1. 1 p. in. Itlooinibitr JlivWun -I'ol Voilhiimlieiland, at I j and 100i a 111.. l.-')0 and 0.10 p 111 l'or l'lvinniith, at 1-10 a. in ; 3 .'" and 'Ml.', p in Snnilav Trains l'or Ne Voil, 1 40. u.mi. (V '.'i and 11)6', a in ; 3 'JO. 8 15 and .1 W p in. lor IlufTdln 1.11 and ( 32 a ni : I .10, a.ji, 7.(i" and 11 3."i p ni l'or llinslumton antl wav ua liom I1.I1O antl 10,-ti .1 111 Illooinslniii; divlaifin Ifave Scranton, 10 0i a. ni and A.10 p in. New Jersey Contral. Slatlon In Sew- Yoik I'oot ol Liberty urec-t, K It., and Soulli l'errj TiMf. TAiu.t. in i:rri:r t .iuxk :.o. w Tialns lrave Scranton or New cirk, Newail., Klialit-th. I'lilladelplilj, I'a. ton. IlKtlilrhriii, Al Ictitovvn, Mauili Chunk and laii Haven, at i., a. ni : npre. 1 10; fxpre, 1 W p. 111. Sun riava, '-.15 l '" l'or I'ittkton and WIlL-a llanp. g.jl a in j 1 10 and t.W P m Hiindaja. .' IS ni. Tor Baltimore anil U (Islington and polnn goulli and Went via Hetlileheni, s.M a. ill., I 10 and 4.W p. I". Sunclaja. ? 15 p. ni. Kor l'tiR Hiancli. Ocean (iiuic, etc., at S5i a 111. (tlnoiiKli loacli), and 1.10 p. m. l'or ltcadins. l-lunon and llanivliuic, via Al Untonii. bill a. in antl 110 p. in Sundaje, IMS p ni. l'or I'oltkvllle, D1 a. in, 1.10 p m. For Mountain I'acL, S i j a. in., Liu and 4 1X1 P hi Tlirottpli tltkcti tr nil point" eait, aoutli and writ at lovu'tt latri al tlie ktatlon r m. nritr. urn. vm .Et. J. II OI.IIAUSL.N, (len. SMipt. Delaware and Hudson. In KfTect .June 0. TGI. Tralna foi t'ailionclalt leavp Simnlon at R '(), gOO. fc.OI. l"-l"' I"! 1-00. I.-."). S.M1. ,-li-' S"0. fiiS, 7.S7, 0.13. II :0 p. m.i 1.16 a in for Ilonc-mlale and Lake l.odoir, ci-.'i), 10.11 a. , 11 and i.'lO P. m. lor Wllke.nairc fi 4.1. 7 49. a m.l 12 0-1. 1-eS. 2.13, 3 3J, 10.41, ll.M P l"- Tor b. V II. II. PolnH-fl 45 I'll and 11 "0 P. 111. S.41, 127. CSS. fj.ll), It) II 7 l 0.3 a, 111. ; 2.19, Tor l'ennvlvanla II. H polnla 6 IS, 9.33, !H, 3 31 and 4.-.!7 v 111 l'or Albany and all polnta north (! JO a. m ami S.til p. in. Sl'VDW TRMSS. Tor Carbontlale S GO, 11.3.) a. m.i 2 41, 3.5L 6 5J ami 10 62 p ni. l'or Wllkw-narrf 9 S3 a. m ; 12.0.1, 1 SS, 3.1$, 6..1J and 8.12 p. in. l'or Alhany ami point noith ,1.5i p. m. l'or lloiif "ilali and Lako Lodore 8 60, 11 33 a. 111. and 3.32 p. in, Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division. Train for New York ami intermediate nolnu leave Scranton aa Mlovvi. "'.'0 a. in.; 2. J'i p. 111 Airlvali-IO.TS a. in frnni llnnratUIe. Ilinlct and Interineillate ponl. n,"i) p in, (11.111 New lulk ami Inlrrinriliatc pnlnti, Nu Sunday train.. :W r- here at the right time. J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. (0 (t (f (? (0 (9 (t (f (f (M (9 (t (tS(t .IIh.i) lv lt)!'Ii-lil III III.' N h!- .1 l llll tll OLlhOMM- til 1 . !.!.. Will l) Ulltt finiuti In i iim ,(-. nuii h ititi'ifoi to .ill i 0111 1(l Ul llul'iWtir. Inl At v It HUM 1 toil- .III'' C ii, tn uiil !. kruti k nupciiiinn rkv lnh, W iuii (uiilWli ih r jiul liilliiio compi titton. WSM4, 412 Spruce Street. Try our 10c. Linen Collais. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and anncx Virginia Ave. and Ileach, Atlantic City, N. .7. Sixth tar, 3i0 heaiitifnl 1001114 en;iilte, slnla and Willi hath, hoi and told t-ea water Iatli4 In hotel and annex Location sele,t and centril, vulhin few jards of Ihe Steel I'ler Orchestra Ollira fpotial spttng rales, ill to 15 by vi.ek; fiO up l dav Spei r.ite-i to families Coachea unci all trains. Writ. Iur Imoklct CIIAItLl'S !'. COIT. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Rnihoad. In I'flert .lime 2, POL Tialns leavf- Sciant.-ii l'or Philadelphia ami New vk via I). .V 11 II It . at t IS and 0..1S a. lit , and 2 I, t.'J7 llllaek Ili.itnond Lvprcvi), and II.SD p. ni. Sun day. I) A II It It. 1..M. 8.!7 p. in. ('or White llavrn, lli.lrtoti and prlnclpil pointa In the coal region, via I) k II. It It,, ti.-IJ, 2 1S and 1-7 p. in l'or 1'oiUwIU-, fits a ni . 1 IR n. 111 l'or llethhhein, laclon. Heading- 1 or t.eniva, uui.iii--.ii-r, fiuu.iiij, .iai;.iia raita, ( hicaco and alt pointa west, via I), k II. It. II, 7.48, 11 Si a. 111. 1 2. a Al (Illat k Diamond Kv prcM-1. 7 43. IIML 11 30 p ni. Sunday, 1). & II. II It , II 5S. 8 -11 p. in. Pullman njilut and nleenlnz or l.ehlsli V.illev parloi tan on all trains bttween Wllke..larra and Ni-w York, Philadelphia, ItufTalo and Bus. lirtuloi. 111 id?!-. IIOI.LIN II. Wll.lll'R, (ien. Supl , stieet, New Yoik. eiiAiii.r.s i.i:r cn. Pass ari . street. New Yoik A VV. NOSXLM.M IICII, Div. Pass. 20 Coitland 2 Cortland At , South iteinieiiein, i'a. I'oi tickets and Pullman levervalloas apply to 3(n Laikavvanna avintie, Saatitun, I'a, New York, Ontailo and Western. In efli'it TiK'stlav, -c-it 17. I'ml NDIIIII lllll Ml Loan- la-ive suit,- Trams. Sii.inluii, I jiliundalr. I .nl.1.1.1 .No. I IH..10.1 in. 11 Ida 111 1. imp. in No. 7 10 p. in. i. I'.ahoitdali-ii to p. in MilTIi iml NI) Leave Liavr nu. r.nlo.-l.i. l'.alioud.ili'. Siiuinti II . tl-l.l 111. 7 111. 1 ,.. . 'J.L'i P. in I. lj j III M NIAs (INLY 1,1-avp Tialns. Siitihlnn. ,Su. 'I Mitiu, 111, No. S 7.KIII. 111. MIIII ll,f , l.i'Ji' Aii iv. C.llliolid.ile. ( jiIomj 11.1(1 n. Ill 111 Cih 111 i ( -jt li.Mnl.ili-, ; 111 1, 111 IIHIII lltll Nil laavi' I.C.IM' I Jilu.lj, (',' No il 7.U.1 111 .No HI . ... t -Kip 111 iilii.n m Vttiv.. Si 1 anion 7 Uia 11 11 r, 1 1.1 111. No. I on week ikiva. and 11 on sn,,a... lu.ikt- liiiln line innneclliin for New Yoik till Mlddletnwii, Mallun, Noiulch, lliielda, (I.utlh and all point vvrl. l'or lurlher Inloniialinii ion. nil tu-krl imenis .1. C NI)l'.ltst)N,,(!. I' , New oik J, I!, HI'I.MI, T P. A, suantnii, p.,, ftp."' p; (J& 1 II Im am MM ff ij tmJiu II .r.l.l... and principal Inleirnedlau- ftitions vn 1). Ar II. II. II., 0 IS, n.iS a. in , -lis", 127 (lllaek Uia 1110111I I.xpieiut). II 30 p. 111 .Sundays, U. li II, It. It., ft: 113 a. in. I I 5 S27 p. in. l'or Tunkhannotk, J'o.vandi, Llmita. Ithaca, fieneva ami intriineiliatc ttalioiw, via 1).. I & W. It. It . 8 10 a. in and 3 10 p m . ,,. , ,.,,. Guernsey Hall Is Headquarters for the Leading High-Grade Pianosand Organs Guernsey Hall is well known as the most liberal Music House to deal with. Prices are always low, terms easy and goods equal if not superior to any in the market. Every instrument is thorough ly guaranteed. Pianos are a few of HiHiftng and celebrated instruments that can al ways be found in stock. Special bargains can be secured here almost every day in the week on Pianos and Organs that have either been re- turned or left on sale by parties leaving the city. You can often secure a $350 or $400 Piano for less than half that amount It will pay any person who is desirous these rare opportunities. g Cf (0 (V (t t (9 (9 (f (t (0 ( (t EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition ll.v a ire cut act of tho leghla ture free tuition 1? now granted at 1 in Literary Institute nnd State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all tliosn pippailiiR to tcacb. TI1I.1 school niaiiit, litis (ouif,c.i of stutly for tt-acliois. for thoo propariiiK fot i-ullt'Rc-, anil fur tlmsi- stiulj Ihk iihikIl. It will pav lo write f,u partleulari No other hthotd ciiTeis sttt li ttiherioi ad vjlit..ui' at bulIi low late Aiklicil J. P. Welsh, A. H, Ph. D. , Prin. lllti-1 national l'llIHr.lolltll-llll- Si IllMil 111 Siiaiitou, I'a, 1 Iiiitiiitii.iii'il) 1 fn'ti I'n-t- rii bulaisliljift. Km pai lb ular.i, ailtlicss I'll, u lis '. I! M11 can lay, St i-uliliiii. I'a. BINGHAIY1T0N TRAINING SCHOOL l'or Netnti lliikwud and Heat Mute I In! ilr.n Plii.i,., Ti.miiiiu Mann il Training, V.1111 111.11 1.11. Mii-u. Hi. nuns, Kimltrait-11 Un year ai uml C ut ul.11 S. A. Doolittle, (-' laivnvv Ilin Mutton, N CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Wissahickon Heights, Chwlnut Hill, Pa! A Loitillnc nrhool fur hoys in the e-lcvated antcaiitliiil open country nottli of rhlla drlphta .fJ minulca frnni Jlroatl St Station l'or catiifoRtics raltlics JAMP.S L. PATTHIHON. Ilfad-Maitcr. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRANTON lA. T J. Poster, President. Llnnr 11 Lawalt, Treav It. J. Poster, Stanley P. Allen, Vlie President. Secretary HENRY BELIN, JR., Ccneral Ajent for the Wyoming D.ilnct for Dupont's Powder lluilnj, niastlns, Siwrtins, Sniokrles and thj tttpauiio Chcmual Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Salely Fuse, Caps and I'xplodcri. llcom I'Jl Con liell Ilulldlns .scunlcn. Mil M'lli tiio.s. roni) JOHN II SMITH K SON W. 11. MULLIGAN , .. . Pli'jton Plyiiioiith , Wilkee-ll.irra BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTOnEI) BY . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IW M1TK T II K N A l K. v. v. 41, c & & c nil i the many beautiful 5T. vr- (f (9 (? (v (0 (9 (0 fl 1 Lager Beer Brewery Manuracturors or OLD STOCK PSLSER 430 to 4R5 N. Ninth Strest, .PA Telephone Call. 2I?.Si. 1 THE CO, Booms 1 nnd'i.Com'lth D'l'd'g, SCRANTON, Pat. ninlng and Blasting POWDER Mel Mooilcnil Umh1l Woiiu. LAFLIN RAND POVVODR CO, '3 ORANOE GUN POWDER Clfotrlo tlatterter, Kleatrln Rzplodtrt, zplodlnK bU.ti, safety Kill an 1 Repauno Ghamlca! Co.'s explos'iVc- P"or yenM this remctly has been the standard nen'c rrtorative. Thousands nf happy men owe their newly found strength to Its use Scxlne Pills replace weakness and exhaustion with Mrength and vigor, the tirnln becomes clear; the nerves steady nnd calm; Rloomy forebodinRS are banished and perfect vitality 1 ful ly restored. If you arr stifffrlnB as above, try a box; you'll be encouraged by its effect to take the full course of six boxes then If you are uot entirely cured, we will refund j our money. This satis factory utTcr is one of Ihe factors of our Mil-etas fl 00 per box fl lioxrs (with piaran. tte loctire or money luck 1, SS 00, mailed in plain packagis, Hook free l'EAL MniuciM'. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. l'or sale by John II Phclpi, PharniacUt, cornet Wyoming avcime and Spruce street. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS 1 lis 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers