4f - - --ylw JTT" V t wr j&Yfc ;c?' tibiine. cmnton TUB ONLY SCRANTON PAPKR RbCKIVING TUB GOMCI.IU'I; Nl.vVS bl-KVICI: Oh' TUB ASSOCIATED PKhSS, THI: OKhAI'BSr NlivVS AGENCY IN TtUl WJU') . - ,,ANT()V ,,A 'itksdai mohxlmj, septiombick im, umm. rwo CENTS. TWO CENTS. iiiTiTair" MAJESTY OF LAW IS VINDICATED Gzolaosz Arraigned, Jury Securedt and Taking ot tvidcnce Br (jim in One Dau. ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY By Diicction of Couit This Is Subse quently Changed to Not Guilty. Counsel for Piisonei Makes a Statement Explaining Why He Appeals All the Pioceedlngs ChnJacteilzed by Decoiom Speed and the Uttei Absence of Passion 01 reeling Piisonei Listens Un moved to Story of His Clime. 1 I l,i-ne Win 11 mi II" t ulnl I'iin Muffilln. Si'il -'! la on F. (Vtilgns;. n pi h imI mi : 1 la I this nioinlng. iliniRnl with tin' mtlldei tif I'lesldent AAllllnni l Willie. Hh enteied 11 plea it j. u ill . ' which was iiljsiiciit l ! hunt,, il tu "not guilt," li illteetlnn n' ih toiut -Ml the events 01 the l.i iiiilltatcil tli.it llw tiiul will he slioit Colli t tonvelietl ul Hi o 1 lOl'U, 1 ml within two hours eight Jin ii hud In 1 11 si 1 uuil. Tei hnlcalltles weie not 1 iim.iI b.v examining lotm-el. hut it w,is slgnllliunt that eet man who -ti,l hi had not loimed an opinion on till 1 VC ll HXI UM'll llV till' ill-tlht jitoui'V ThnM who ai know Ic-tlgut ihi hail fni mid in iiiinliiii 01 stated "hat thev weie ptejudli ed bui.ulmtltid 'h.it tluli opinion i mild hf changt il hy I ldiiur, mi'ip atiepitd In eat h side. .In-ine Tinman C, hlti', one nf the I l"St .111(1 lllot 1 xpeih III I'd lit till' Ml-n-nir mint judges, w.i on the hem li, Inum dlntelv at tot the opening ot tin man ami aflci the piiuinei had pit ail ed .1 iii it I.111.1I11 .1 l.evvK senior iiniiix-l fin tlie defendant niuioiliueil hat tngethei with his colleague, for mer .lustlif Coin it I'. Titus and .Mr. ' iillmi I. I.adtl, the wete mad to 1 t in 1) half of 1 hi- in isnii.'i. Statement by Counsel for Defense. I thought It best," he said, "fin inv i ollt allies anil imself, that I should -i miiiu tiling legaidlng oiit iniwine hen n attoi ni'ys lor the delendaiit. At ihr time niv n.iini' watt suggested t was mil ot tin I'ltj, and kmn nothing of what was tliuispilllig lieu- with lel i MKc to thi' -tics Hon of counsel lor 11.- deft nilaiit. Whi'it tlu 1 In utn innies of id selection weie tolil in inn 1 won extmiuelv teluitaut to at -1 fjit Mut the duty had been Imposed and I consldi ted It my dttt In all the i Iieiunstant es to defend this nun 'i-k that no evidence be presented hens 1 hat the outt will nut penult the u optanie of any evidence tin !. It would he atcepted at the ttlal or the most meagte ciimlnal In the land" 1 .1111 familiar with these ilnum stain es," said Justice While ill lepl. 'and 1 ,wih to t-ay I will k1m nu CNPiy .i.siuiiiui i that the jnisoner will hue a fair mid lnipaithil 1 1 lit 1. and that dining the piogu'ss of the tilal he ei(ie Hin.li tieatineut as the law demands In any ciiiiunal i.ise," Seeming the Jtity. The Mink of mi tiling tln junus was then undei taken with a teleiitv that was niunini;. llefoie the das was tiver the entile panel had been sworn, the Iiuoi.s had listened to .1 deMilpiiun nf the Ti'injilp of Mush, whoic the iiline (iiiUited, had hoen pliotoiaphs of the Inteilot of that htiuituie. and had In en told by thiii? MiigcoiiH what taiiseil the death of the pieshleiit and the eftei t of ot the assassin's shot upon the unions niKAiis of the hoib Thej hail .ils-o Irarni'd why the fatal bullet had nni been located. The pieseiitatlon of the i,o eminent' case hemin shoith lieloie .! oiltnU, heu Assistant Dlstilu Altnini.v Mai ler bewail with nun h dellbeiatlou to nddiess the jui He spoke ei lulellv, "Wo shall show,' said he, ' llmt, lui some da.NS pilot to the shouting;, this dcfendaiil had pioiiieilltated the sluiiit ItlK of the pteslilent. He knew that on the lilh of Septeinbei the piident would letehe the pnpnlaii' In the Temple ot Mush , that on that da he went to thu exposition, ot Into line with the people am) appioaihed the piesideut, that lie had a weapon 1 nn (ealed In his hand and as the pies), dent extended his hand In klmll. Kieet lUK lie tiled the Intal shot ' He 111 eil two shots. In lint, (me of Ihem look ifleit In the abdomen nml tatised that nioital wound which in sulted in the piesldent's deatli That, in bilef, Is the sloi we shall show otl. Witnesses will tell oil tills stoi, and I am sine that when joii luue heaul the esldeine nu will IntM' 110 dlttUillty In leaihiiiK a enllit of nitii der In the fhst deiee ' The Fhst Wltuebs. The (list witness. Saiuinl J J'lelils, "hlef engineer of the r,in-.ini 1 U an e losltimi. desulbeil the khhiimI llooi ilau of the Temple of .Mush, and was ollowed by I'eliy A lillss, phntnK. aphei, who piesented -lews of Hip in let lor of the building The lemniniler if the afternoon was taken up with the testimony of iluee phNslihins, i0 ,,f whom had atteudul the piesidint din lllg Ills last llaS, While the othel pel- foinied the autnps. Tin- hittei , Haney It. Oaylonl, was the Hist of the trio to bo Hilled, lie dt si llhed the loca tion of the wounds in the sloinaili ami the dlt i'( Hon of the bullet The ause of death was ntti United lo the Kunshot wound." but fundamental!, he said, It was duo to the chaiiBes b.u k of the Ktoinaih, In the paniieas. mused by the "bieakliiK down" of Ihe mali'iliil of the paniieas, as a lesult of the pass. aii(' of the bullet. Ur Ilviuiatin .Mynlii followed, mid bis testimony was of liupoiiuuce luus- '" nun 11 hi It iihiusiii out uii' iih 1 hat the leiisnii wli the fatal bullet hail not been loiated at the autops was because of the tlliw llllliKliess nf the piesldeiii's lel.ltlses to have the body tuitlui inulllJled b their liisiiuiiienls. Di .M.Mitii and l)r .Maun, who fol lowed him, both teslllleil that the pi 1 mal in use of ilea 111 was the gunshot wound In the stouuti h One eft'ei t ot this wound w.is, Ihev said to muse the BllliKielie to fill in 111 tile palltleas, and Ihe spnl ol polsoiu it tlssin was as Iiiikc as a silei ilolhil Piisonei Is Unmoved. The piisonei. iVolgos illlilliK thf llinllilliK ecinieil no lutiiist wluitexei III the pioi eeillims, hut as the lesii moiiN was Iiitioiliii ed he paid mote al teiitlon lo what was said, and lonkid at the Mil lolls w II 111 sses 1 loxelv The pi tillable iluiatloii of the 1 1 lit I. it Is believed tan b" plat ed at two full ilavs When Distill t Attnine I'liinev was asked bv .lusilie W Idle at noon as to 111' time lie would take in the pie enlatlnli ot his 1 use, he tlet lined that he would lotnlude liv Tllestlav noon. .llldKt Tlllls fol the tlefeuse Was lloll 1 oininlltal. howevei, ami ineielv le plietl Tli.it ilipeiids upon the tin 11 ihinus take It Is tint piohable that an.v de fense will he put III. iiwIliK In Ihe iliai 111 tei of the pilstinei ami his lelusnl to help Ills attorneys in am wax to pin line HVldeme w hii h the inuld use 111 his Ihmii. The Idea of an attenipl to enter the iilisiini o his s.inlt.v Is mil lllnUHht nt 111 View ol the lepolts .it Ihe two alienists who have lecentlv ex amined him. ami theie is utollliil foi the belli f that the ttlal will be 1 ini tialled wllh a si ssiiin nf inn .me day mine " DETAILS OF THE TRIAL. Utlfl.ll 1 Si I I 1 I I ON I I .ilu.i- I I I I 1 .-'I 111 tin! 4t 10 ii'il, 11k linn iliuiiiiii; ih 111.' s, IIUIiih ( mil I r lit' inmitt lnt.tr. Illli.i I111 in in (.' WI1II1 lliclttrt VII. utn l'i inn 1 nni tm ilinci nf liiiinlrr JL,ni'i i hIliu ' n "11 n . l.n k ti.l jVeil tin irlmr In tif pit 11I11I 'lilltllt,' f t j-1 nllili il I hiIm il, I III Innr Itukr. Iiwit niKi nut a liiltitlt, Itn lii'tu , i ul lint 111011I111L ti Ill" lot lint )jli 1 nni1 I in 1 1 1m tniiitiil tin I11I11I it tin f 1 1- 111 1 In' dkiil tint llu ili.i ef he .tlilt. I" nitin.l. 'Ill" Illll thfll ihiiiiiiImI Wllliili Hi i II In mill' t.i Jiinrr. Iiiil lii i'ii 1 npiiil llifi II n'l l.i x two nun 1 hail h'in ,l,iiitnil Hi n 1 lil m i" in tilt lni Aftetnoon Session. I ml. mil lln 1.11)1(1 imlil.i ipitin htul thr (jit tl II It VIHllil II" 'l Jill, ill li..il,l. 11 Uil a ulllnti-. .11 111 Mill' Wlllllll ill ill lull, fur lilt f. w iiliu p.1 foil jlin.it thi rlillin t' ulm 1I1 Mittii.it. nut .jiiiirtii.t Ih n 111 In til. IijiV into tin. htnlilii M .in 1 hii 11 .11 nu. I lii pi 111111 t ua. Iiirnik.it ih hiiiijiIiiI ih lui.. 11, tu two iithi 'I ami ji ' 11 1 I. k lielnt Wliie llslltlli il ill i i..n ttll llu jllti.l- win. lull illnall lii'i II line 11 Illll III'VMIlii t Illll lltlM.-' Ill 1xu1111111i1.1t nl ell 11 lui tin . il sjintirl I' W ilit, , ! V1.I111, 1 tittuit w.i. 1 illnl .an' In p.. 111111 itiwi'i 1.1 Ihr riiiti'.n. Iiiniitihl mil i ln lnt itiililn if mliti.t nil Ilit I'llt 1.1 tit l)ll.llll III link I illlikl Willi lli liilv dtni iku Jilil Ml pllllli. 'I il ', I. tin tle.lnilt II lull li hit, in 1 titl.i! illlil.lillli 111 lll.tulillt li. w Mfl, 111' 11 1 il.i il ltnl.'i ill- wit. LiimihI ll.l In' loiiliiiunl li u i" e lit' I'1'. "I '" ' in"t mllll-fl ill fliilit if I1111 W1I1I w 1 iiieilill'i to l til 1. ill mil In WJ nlli i llu Illlllll Jill. Wnll u I sililln I ilrll.l III I1MII1I Oil I..', .if Klllljlo W I. In M l.lllnl III lll.MI Will' lllU(lull I) . "ill.-i'l lui liolll .ill'- .iml III' n'l. I lie li 111 II I hill ill I III' ,1)11 1 1 lie 111 si ih lilrtlt I'llt n' I lie i.nllllAll whn.ll lui) U11111111I ll'llll ' I'll ibl 1 I. III. It till nllt. u heii the h iiiii nf Iriiiiini l Imi. "t I ullint, wit iillftl ami In ilnl hot ni)i. '"lull V ill tine Vl .'ir. -i mill Hie null, .111 I tile nllili ill l'l In I ilill if I lieu w H I allfd Hi w I im iii il j I Ihe luuii.t ill 1 he illv Illll llllilliel lilMllil s lljlliplul J lluli-l of I J. I II Illll. 111;. wi. t-vtii-i.l lii ilit' pi.ipli' jt ml I iiiil jilin, a Illll. li p illl f oltln I, Wl llll'il Itlll illlllieill llelv i'i 111 U. lieuiiM Ml lilil il.t Infill " J in't l.l lull" Ml W.II1I i pilllilllUII Oil llli Jlltl " Willl.im I I iiitli.', a lii." ileihr mi ex-ni-i-il liei him lii Illl piejlllieil . 'lllll thi .It 1) IUI lilt liuihnii II Mnlll. Iii'illar nine ileiln .( II ilulii . ialle.1 lie li.nl fiiniiiil nu npiiiioii Inn w 1 upei li a n i.'.li'WIr ilmilit .mil wut tuiptiii ami iniii i (In id lentil jiiiui at . '0 p III I'llhtll I Villlli, J uilillai lur, klnw nf lie I3e.uil tiuiii leatiilU aliiiiil II Hi lllil tntmiil ill up iiinii He wu aiitpldhle In huh ili , ami Ihe ii at utllplilnl In III lieilik nUnili II) Roll of Juiy Called. Ih. lull i,f llu jitil WJ Illl II lalll'i) lllii liilllni Id In iiuilpliii' Ihe veiiiic nf Jiu.ir. ntlultiallv piipmit in pel thlli .U.I11II li.nl Illll I.IIU milieu uiil up, thfli luiuk iv IIII1111. whiili liul mil In Hi 1 illnl 'Mi Ih-lliil Vtlillliel," aihl llu 1. mil, ail ilii".inii thai ki'iillruuii. "I ile. lie In I1.1111. if I uii, him Im it a t uiie nni ainiiipiii li will ti'i(llll.' Illl 'nil In piraelit tin eilllelite 111 'illll tjM' ' I I ipe III luniplil It In toill.lllnw li mil " wat the rrpli 'Villi him liilii; ill II Mpilll (l'l 111111 lie llll.i ' Inline Wllllf auli lii Vll llll IIiii iieniui 11p.u1 t li. tint) t liiimt, take Ui'ie mil pnpainl n. j ' ihe Ititin npllul Piosecutlon Opens. I lull 111 U II ilul I Illl il lli 1 UllntUl 1 Ml llii pi i.iiiitimi al 4111 llu pliitl 1. I Hi liliiwnl the iilllali.ili ut llu 1 -.11I1 III hi llllii' ami ihalll Hi pi.... I llllnll Wl. Illll emit llnl In pltne hi Mill that Ihe iltlitiilna hail 1m 1 11 tin itti,il ti putt lii llii .li.iliii, nit illiiul nf 1'ie.nl. 1,1 Vlihllilii? Imiltlill lit.. Ihll In llililid tin lutijile ot Vlii.u Hi Illl I'lll VllllUJll .UM Hi II With 1 Wl Ipull (ntiiialeil lniir.illi a hamlkeii hit f in In html. Hill In appmii'l I11I1111 thr iiriil, in in nkc Inn I Mini linn ami llml Ihi .hut that i iilul In ile ilenh nt tin 1 lie f eviiuiUi While ihe 1. .1.1. ml ill. Iml Htliun.i 1. n'il,uik. llu mull nllii IjI. who l)ii nullum up. u 1 l.l 11 kh i..nl 1 laia.! map of Ihe inupU i.l VI ., ill whlih Ihe Millie ttiitiunl stniuel I I ulil 1 ihll di.liifer, wa the II1.1 iiiirn. Hi i I1I1 1 UK lie 1 1 of ihr I'au Vmuuiii 1 ip.iillnii ami vi.ilnl tin liniple nf Vlii.u on llu 1I11 ul ihe 1111111 in like una. 1111 meni ul Hie pxiiiiii nf atlli In tl the lime II .iiiililul Ihe ll.lp, 01 LTtnillnl ll.mi plan uf Ihe iniipli whlili iui nrltieil In unhiin linwiil Ihe pn-lli'iii ami il II 1 1 1 ion ol llu ai.le ill wlilili Hit pn.iiliiil timid ami the plaie ran h ol tin uniting pirn oniipltil I lit II. k ilia pi lii'. ami tlmdl ilu olaliiili wen llentllliril, ami I tu wliuii. in i the iildlltr pillom ami 1I1. lain lutwiiii raili Ihi wluie. wa ipicili mil In llif 1I1. Iiiii 'Illnl Illl IH llu. 1 Milllilldlilill III liwnr ((.'unlliiueil nu J'att I. J PRESIDENTS IN NEW YORK. Officials of the United Mine Woikets Confer with Piesldent Mitchell. Bv JiiJiwiif Witt? (10111 'Ihe AMdiiilfd l'i New Yolk, Kept. L'.i John l-'nllf', Khiiiuoklii Pa,; Thoinas I)urf, llale ton, lir, anil T. 1). Nlihols, Sit 1111(011, I'a., the titesltlctits of the ant hi 111 He dlstilt'ls of the I'tiKed Mine Workeis of Ann ilea, anlved In this 1 lt tonlKhl at the siiiumims nf 1'ieslileiit John .Mitchell, ot the l 'lilted .Mine Woikeis The object of the confei elite, Il was lent lied, was to nitike niiaiiRenients foi a confeieiice tomoiiovv Wllh some of the piesldenls of (he toal-nii ijIiik iojiIs leKUKliiiK disputed points 111 the piesent UBieemeiit between the union and the emploveis. With the iiteshU'iils or the illstlhts weit ,lohu .Mllllitilkiml.nr Toledo, ptesl ilent of the Intel national I'nion of Al lied .Met hullli s Salilllil llollipeis tnesl ilenl of the Aim I it an IVtleiallon of I.abui, and .Max .Monls, one of lis he piesldeiits .Ml. (loliipeis saltl llii'se had tome to have a tall itt;aidliij; the tumble of the buss woikeis in la toii, Ohio. Ill lefilellie tn the ituleHlient ol the mine woikeis, Mi .M In hell would not say w bethel an.v ft It lion would ntlo nvei the ilispntetl points In the iiKiee iiienl. He would not siv what tin weie No iit(einji( would be made to see All. .MoiKilii "I btlleve," he snlil, "iluit we will haven lonfeieiue tomoiiovv wllh I'tesl dent rndetwootl, of the Ihie 1.1II101I I do mil know w bethel we will tolilei with anv of the oltlteis nf the othel inal-i an Iiik mads We want In have some llilnis's sininhleneti In the nKiee meiit that is all MISSING GIRL IS FOUND IN JERSEY Miss Uloodgood Went Theie on Fil- tlay and Reglsteied nt a Hotel as Mis. Louise Johnson. Bt ) it lii-it War frtm II Awni itr-d ITim New Voik. Sept. 21 -.Miss Helm A. Hloodmiod the IT-Veal -old dauphin of William lilooilpnntl. s.t liln plate, who tlls.ippeaietl fl mil liei hnllie on Thuisilav, has heeu found Captain Titus of the deltillve binenil, mi liitlllli 4 1 1 at II JO o'i lot 1 tills foieiionli that the Bill was nt the Washington house, lt.isk.ni; Itldse X .1 At lOltllllif lo the pinpili'lnl nf Hie Washington house, J!. It Tioxell. he. and mil the New Vol k polite, Jimivh tin- 1 inilil fni llnilliiR the .Minim wom an. Ile said thai last Pililay moruiUR she eiietiiKtil a loom at tile hotel ami kepi in heisell. but tle(lelj asked to si the New Vol k new spjpei s. AVlieu the lievvspapeis anlvitl this inoiniiij; .Ml. Tioxell tllstoveietl ullei liuiklii"; ovei them that one ol bis ".iiest, was tin- iiiisslin, siiuhk woman Winn she .iskul Itn Ihe niollllim p.tpeis as usual .Ml. Tioxell told lit 1 Unit thev hail not et Ml I iv ed. as he did lint wall! liei to si e what had bet 11 piloted toiiieinlm; liei He at oin e iiimiiuuitaletl wllh the New Ytnl polite and .Miss iiinnd k'linil patents wile nntllletl Ilt'l imilliti went m liaskiiiei iiltlt at nine. When she atilvid Miss I!iuitlf;oml was InklUK a walk with two of the wouitli ftinsls ol the hotel Hie said she bail Kiuie 10 Masking llldse In spend a lew lavs iUiell ill tile 1 fiimtl. Miss Ulnoilyooil dltl mil have ans lilKKiiKe anil she lepisleied as Mis. l.nlllse .liihlisnn. Shu tnld the pinpilelnr she had inme out into the 1 mint 1 to spend a lew il.tvs with Mends, She was veiv unlet and ladllke in hi r lllllllllel ami Ihe ut lit I guests did mil pav uiiiili attention lo hei until Ibis iiiiituiiiK. w lien the uewspapeis niilvnl 1 nlilallilliK Iml phtllle and lepolts of litt clls.ippeaiant e She was not awaie l lilt t lift Identity hail been ilisiuveittl ti 11 1 i I she met her niothei, Mis IJIooiIkooiI Was nveilnvttl nil seeinj,' he (lallKlltel, llllt llle l.ltlel illll not show iiiiiili eniolloii, It set med as If Miss r.liiiiiliniil was 11111I11 Milne menial su.iin RECIPROCITY WITH CUBA. Piesldent Roosevelt Decides to Ne gotiate nn Agieeuient. ltcUtlrt Tfirt llo-a Tk Awocllttd ritu Vashin(,lon. Sept .',1 Attn sevtial t ollfeieni es between I'lesldent l!ooi Velt and (aVneial Wood, now nun H,el eial of Cuba, It has been delei niilietl to ncKOtlate a letlpioilly aKieetneiit betwein the I'nlted States anil the Isl and. The ntri cement Is to lie sent to inliHiess eall.v ill Deiembei Cueals ami inaihlueiv fiom the I'llltid Stales will entei Cuba at 1 e iluieti 1 ales ami siirji and tobieto will he the piluilpal Cuban pioilints nf let ttd bv Hit ilKieeiuelit Emma Goldman to Go Flee. Id t vi lieiw Wnetiuiu III Vuii ilnl I'm. Chlinuo ept. LM The nine iinaiih Isis. who have been unilet anosi heie sntc the assassination of 1'ieslilent .MilClulei. weie (oia Hlven (heir fl ee 1I11111. .ludKe chetlaln so nideiinn; alter the pinsei uilnii hail atliultteil that there was no lee,al ev Idem e atiulnsl tliejn. Ihiima liolilmau will also he set at libel i.v Admit a 1 Snmpson's Movements, Ut )tiiiif -Wrf Iron, Thai Aioeitnd Pit Moslem Mass, Sept J i --Meat Ail 11111.1I Sampson aiiompaiilt tl hv his tliimhlei. Mis W T Cluveilne and his son., lialph ami llairild, saltl itooil b.ve to the liavv aid liuliiv uiiiili siaillm; tm I'm I llanillloii, N. V. to vlcit '.Mis. rillvetnti, ilam-hiei of Adiniial Samp sou Chattels Ginuted, Hi I.Villltilt Wilt fr 111 I i tt.uiialeil I'le.a Il.tl il-lnilfi. Sept .',! ('haiteis weie Issneil bv the stale depai nneiit lodav to the follow liu (oipoialions St hu.v 1 kill Ciiiiul.v l.leitili louipanv, foils. lllt. npllul. $10 000 The Smith lliatlliiitl Walei 1 iimp in-. , MiatlloHl, uipllal JIO.O00. Latest "Refoim" Pnity. Ilr I vtluaiu Mi fiom Ihe ni uleil l-riwi I'hlladelphla, Sept. 21, The state and Ity 1 m 'ii tioiiK of the Union patty. Ihe new letoini elllei prise eiiKlnct'li d by oppolieiils of the Itepnhlh an slate and tlty oiitnnl.atloiis, will be lie Id In thi city tomoiiovv. STATEMENT OP SHAFFER He Gives ,1 Hlstoru ol the Uiiimig- cessltil Strike of the flmal- uanidted fls.socl.itlon. REASONS WHY IT FAILED Organintions They Relltd Upon for HelpEpoiftlly th Amricn Fd eintion of Labor Did Not Give Them Any Assistance Newspnpeis Published Statements Replete with Lies and Some of Their Ofllrinls Deseited Them nud Went to Wotk for the Amalgamated Association, 11 liiliMlvf Wire from Tin.' AMOiiale.l 1'init 1'illshiiip t-i'pl Ji -The ssuf I.Ueil l'l ess has set nud an ndvalne opv of the sl.itellli III bv I'lesldent Sllaffei of Ihe AuialeT.uiiJtetl in-iu iatlon rIvIiik j hlsioiv of llu lute stilke of steel and tin woikeis fiom Its nu epl lou ami the teinis of Ihe settlement The 1 Inula! will be 111 lilt d to all illstlhts ut out e. Ill pall, the 1 In ulai is as lollnivs ' When we hail almost ininpleled ill -iniiueinpnts with the iepieentntlves nf the Ameiliau 'I'liiplate iniupauv lot scale i.ites and (omiltloiis al the 1 011 felellie held III Cleveland, the I'UPstlotl of sljilllnf; foi Monessen was In 11.11 lied, ami aflei ilseuslon It was aKieed bv both shies Hint the mallei was tn pe settled bv the sheet steel tonlelente If the slit et sleel 1 ouipaliy signed f(,i all, Ihe Ameiltan Tlnplate (ompaiiv would tlo likewise Thus, Jim pen elve, Ihe scule question was mil settled 1 o'lll- phtel.v with the list named lompany and toiilil not be until the othei om pany hail settled. The tlnplate people knew that we laid ilet lilctl lo eufoiie Allltle NIN. Set Hon .';"., 1 ouseilientl the 1 Inn ge tll.lt We lnoke oil I UKIee ment must ies upon the ait lou of the sheet 1 illlleli Ill e They Began to Doubt. ' We Weie ill f.ihlv Rood 1 ullilllloll to will witholil help but looked tin aid 1 1 nlll olhei labor bodies, snnie of w lilt 11 weie pltdped. ttlltl to the (it'lii'ial puh llt , but fiioilfillv telleil upon ihe Ameiliau r'edei.itlim of l.ubni with whhh botlv we hnve heen atllllated ever -litt 0 lis Intepllon anil tow mil whose siippoil we have nevei failed to lonlilbute. ' We weie t niitltlenl nf w llllilliy until the uewspapeis tiellheiatelv ami malh lullslj published sl.itelm ills whlillWMe leplete wllh lies Oui people began to doubt anil uplnald Mitno who had been ollh lals dt'sitletl us and attei vv uitls, like J II lllikev, of Mllvvullkee, ai - ii'ptid the teinis n the tiusi nml slabbed llumhetls who ilaietl not sltepnt home Willi In nlhei plat es ,md In neai Iv ev'ei v mill the 1 1 u-t Med lo inn wen mam Amalgamated ns.-oi Ia tlon men fiom stilk'nK mills We knew oui u"h wnillil be lost, but ptoi eetieil. fei II111; sine we 1011I1I win if snppni t inulil be seiund foi the faithful sMk eis The A met lean rederatlon frave us mil one 1 mil The lepoil that liiiamlal help tame titan the national Indue of lilt Mine Woikeis is absiilulelv Illlse we in ehetl untiling 'IVicelxIns that link nf nioiiev hiss of publlf ippioval, dfsei (inn bv hiin dietls of oui nvv II people and lleglei t bv Othel Ol K.llll.llloriS would lellllel it Impossible to tf.iln a deilsive viilmv, we endeavoied to .ie what Ave 1 nuld. I in Hinged fni Mr Cinmpeis of the Xineilian I'iiI"! allon nf l.abnl, tn meel Mi Mm gnu to effei 1 a settlement Mi. Mnigitn g.tvt iiji his vaiatlnn, went lo Ni vv Voik ami vv.titid for Mi (loiup eis who fulleil 10 appe.n nni has le sion eplnlu"d w h he lieglet inl mil lllliess. e Wee i,ll(ll 11)11111 al llle liiit ioiiiil odlie by John Mltihell, of the 1 lilted Mine Woikeis .Mi Kaslev, ol the Civic TVdeinllon .Mi. Helii While, of the dainienl Woikeis, and 1'iof .Tenks, nt the Col Hell ltulvesi Would Piesenl Pioposltiou, 'These gentlemen liiiiilieil taiefullv Into out stilke and Mi Mlti hell suit that If we would piesent h inoposltlou, wlihli In outlined, he would demand .HK'ptaute by the tills!, ot tall rail the lllllieis ami he s.ihl he lelt sine Ml. SaiKe.iut would rail out Hie tialunieii to sMke also We sent the pioplsltloli to llle luembeis of the exetutlve boaid. which voted 111 tavoi of the pioposl- 1 1 tin. whh li was In effei t that Hie stab shall In sinned fm the mills vv lilt h weie slmmd for last mmi, with the tllidei stainllnu' that union pi it es shall he paid In the mills now on si like anil that no slilkei shall lose his position liei Illlse nf i linnet Hull wllh lrtlmi ol -gnnlallniis, nor shall he be pi evented fiom i ontliiuliig: his memheislilp II he desues "1 nol Hit d .Mi .Milt hell ami Mi Has. lev of the in i ejituni e nf Ihe proposi tion, ami on Sepienibt'i 4 inelved a telt'Kinm tiom Ml. Mix hell nml the othei s named, stating Unit the.v hail nu extended lonleieine wllh Messis Stliwab, Cm v I'lesion, riiHliiuu iml Mi Mill lib, ol the Culled Stales Steel etn pointloli nml that tin pioposlUon fill the settlement nf th pleselll sll I'.e was lejetlnl The., hoWeVel, piesent ett ulliilliel pioposlUon, Willi II Ml .Mlli hell ami his inmpaulon lahoi lead is silAgt'Hlid should be aneptetl, as it was Ihe last proposition uie niinpauy would elllellalll This In t lift I was the skulllg of the agn eiiieiit tor all mills vvlilth weie union last e.ll. exi epl Old Meailow, SiiItsImieT llvde I'.nk, Ciesteni. lion ilnle, Cliestei. Caiubl Itlge, Sl.n Hud Moliesseli ami that thine would be no disi ilmliiatiou aguliirn the te-euiplov-meiit ol auv one bv the louipanv by leason of Ills lonneitlou with the slilko ami no ipieHtlous will he asked as lo the membeishlp of nli nniii In an.v union, As a lesull of this eommuiili ullon Pies ldent Shalfer seuiietl another iimfei .III e. CniitlnultiK Mi. Shatfei says' "The confei elite was held in Now Voik Sept. 11, ami Ihe silblolned tjtnle ineiil made "Anierhau (In plate. I'lisl-Siale shall he (he pi Ices .'igieed upon at Cleveland and found In scale book Seiond This iiiilllnct Is between Ihe A A. und the A. 'I'. Co, the hitter he lm; a ilHUnt I ami sepal nte umipaiiy III Itself, Third The cninpaiiv leseive the right to tllschuige anv eiuplove who Shall bv lnleifelelit e, itblise of mil sliaint pteveiit anolhet limn peaieablv following his vocalloli wllhout lelei enee lo connet lion with labor oig.iut ratlun, 1'oin th Non-union mills shall be pre sented as sin h no attempts made to oigaule, mi thaiteis gum led, old chattels letallieil by men If thev de she. "rifth Individual agieeinents shull be made foi mills of luipioved clniai (el until the.v are developed, when M'.iles shall be made to guv tu. Sixth Scale Is signed Im mill" be low L.lwooil, Iml Clwood I'ln, l.aliKhllu, Middletinvu, Iml. Kali on. Clas Clt Audi inn, llld .lollet, New KetisliiKton (two mills) Atlanta. Iml Counellsvllle New Castle (twin, Lis bon, .lohiisiown, Muskegon, Cnnnon huiK. l.a Melle Canal Dovet ' Si venth gleetl th it the iompan shall not liultl piejudlie against ein ploes bv teasnn of tlleli IIP lllliel ship with the A. A ' Hlglith This ugi cement s tu lenuiin In foice thiee ve.ns fioni .1 il I I liil. but tei iiiliiable at liluel, ilavs null.,. ft 11 II 1 eltllel pat I.V nil HI aflef Illl I, 1 111).'. Miethii'ii This last t lapse Is lo be oietl upon bv tin tin Indues and an swer given liuiiii tllatelv. If x on agiee to a thice ve.ns' si ale with nliieiv ilavs' notltlt atloii, i) es If oii pie. ter the e,nlv sule, voti mi Do till" at olue Ol the above will bet-nine law bv defaull Note This agiceiuent is oiilj foi the stale .vtat ending June Rti snj Sliet t Ste'l iiimp.iin Stale as piluttd Is signed fni mills of last eai. Inn H.vde I'aik anil Canal Dovci Sleel llnop i nmpanv Stale a, pi lined sinned fm nulls, signed tm last jiat ' .Ml Shallei i loses bv s,tng he Is willing lo ifsgn if the ui-'iubeis think Ile Is metlli lent and Ini.ipitile. CALL FOR TOWN MEETING Issued by ex-Goveiuoi Pattison and Othei Demociats. lit t xi lie.it r Wile 11. Ill lie Vn. laierl l'tev I'liltadPlphla. Sept 2 1 A i.ill slgnetl b.v foi nn i Coventor Matllson, ex-,ludne .lames Cla.v C.otdon, ex-National Chali nuill NVnt 1' Hal I H, eX.Congiessin.nl Wm. .Mi Aleer.Dalla. Situ'dti's ami loin -teen oilier Heinoi nits of (his ill, v.m issued tonight fni a town meeting to be held at the At ademy ol Mitsi nu Wedut sdn.v o niiiiilliale a full iniiiil.v ticket lii opposition to tin legulai lb -publiiau ami the icgiil.n Deiuoii.it th kets. The i all inv in sail ' Ueinm lath lll mis fa oi able lo a union with the Imlepeiitli nt liepublli ans and letoini vnteis fni the oveithlow of the iiuilipt pnlltlial ilug that loiiliuls ihe admlllls tititlon of t It", ntfalis " Unless then is some i haiige in the plans of the I'attl-nn wing ot (lie pailv llie tit kit width was pl.ti ed In the Held b.v the Munltlpal league tonight and whli h Is to be named bv ihe Union pailv at its til, louvilltloil tnmuiinvv will In named m the town meeting 'Ihe tit kit whlih the Miiuiiip.il bague named tonight W as pillows' Km dlstiht attorney, I'. U Itntlieiinel, Jl . piesent Illl lllllbent l it lOUllillltl Captain John M Waltnu piesent hi 1 lllllbent letoitlei of deeds .lulin ' -din, piesent Im umheiif i lei K of itiai l.i st(,tins i out t Plank A II. in land Judges of i (million pleas inuil. No 1 lleiuv Minlil nuil 3 11. n i y Davis menilitis of the hnaiil of I -vision of taxes, Sluioii (lial ami It A. I.lil.tns pte-iiit inenib"s 'I lie n Klll.il llelilm lalli ills inimnll ler met tonight and an epied the reslg ll.ltlou nl Ci. ii in in Koliei I i: I'.ilt Isiill William c lieiuieii wits ini,d In liN plat e ANTI-TAMMANY TICKET. Nameb of Those Who Will Head the , Tr . iij,ei num. 111 I v. In i W lit fit III I he V , ,al il I'n New Voik. St pi a I Tin antl-Talii-1111111 I llllfelellt i lOIUUlltleeS lothlV agiietl upon a llikei loi t'oiint ami hoiougli oftiies, maklnu ihe gtiteial fusion lb kel SO till seleilill as hell below In Muni s. I di I mill. Ihi II ItiW llml II , i I.HW villi VI i.linl 1 1, i.l P. in I I in l'l.. nl. l.l nl Vliuhailan II it. iijIi I VI nil A I x Illll l.l ml in in I Im llini.l Vllmn.i WII1IVVI IIIVVI.Ii's II linVH ilml 11 in I Im s ,,r.-' 1 I I n llllii X i li.ui i Inl IihIm nf snii,ni,. t mill Vllllll.VX I n nun x tpuu i, i wilt v ni.vxriiviiii III, pl lUIIN I'll'" Kill I I Vlthl ilti'il sVV. I I I; liltH Ml VI M lllil.e of ( III I nun sVVH H l VIII in ilul Petll I ('mint I Ink IIKlVIVs Will ins It. f ) l(el!llil mllN II I II0SM 1(1 Ilul linn I C.ilnlll I Pit C.I s VV M Illll I I li llei i, Illl s I, III 111 NhltVX I I I lii pit Vlls I IVIkstlX XII ti Vs I itlltiMX llml l"in i - MAKING WHITE HOUSE READY Personal Eftecta of President und Mia. McKinloy B1iik Shipped. III 1 villi if Win Umii Hie Vlila!eil ir.. Wushlllgtoii. Isept Jl The peisonnl elfecls ol l'esienl ami M I s Mi Kin le.v ut the while house aie being loi waidetl to ('untnn. It Is expei led 1 1 1 it l ev ci thine will have been shlpptd In linn low evening, pti paiattuy to the In stallation ol I'lesldent anil Mis Moose ei In the exeiinlve mansion on WmI nestlav All Hie peisnlial gilts lo I'lisldent Mi Mlllev will la Induibd in Ihe ef fei ts leinovt'd. but such gifts as the vases ptcseuleil b.v the piesldeni of Uiame to the pit "Idem ol the I'nlted Males at the (lose ot the Spanish win, ol ionise, will li mnlll, Theie ate not many piosents, howevei, of the slibllv ollleliil ilass Seiietui) Coitel)ou exni'ls to tuki llie n'son,i iupel H ill 1'iesident Me. i Klnloy lo Canton next Wedmsdu, TEXAS HAD A VERY NARROW ESCAPE HAVE THE RIGHT RING. Lnncnster Republicans Call foi Rem edy of Nototlotts Evils. Ill Ititi.f Wire flint Ihe to 'tlfil 'rHi I .a lii aster, Sept ':: A t a uniting; of the l.cptihilt'au toiiutv i iiininlttee lo iIhj, lesolutloiis weie passed deploiing the mil Ion g-ilevotts loss In the death of I'lesldent MoKlnley mitt expiesslng lotilhleute hi and piomlslng snppoit to I'lesldent Moosevelt Tile lesolutloiis also tall oil the local lepiesentallVe III longless Hllil llleill hils of the stale leglsl.itiu e lo vv ol k and Vole foi ihe etuii linelit of ili.'tsih IlleilSllles to sllppiess the i oullllg to out shines of tilmluiils ami agltalms who ing.iiile agalusi i ontittit loiml gnvei iinient, i r plotting ami touspli I li K againsi tin' lives ami leputatlotis of those In high ollh t of speaking oi pi luting tliat whlih slimulntes to deeds nf vloleitie uuil ibiilh, ami the abso lute extiipatlon ol uu.tiihv Its nltlets ami abi Hois --- DARING ROBBERY IN PHILADELPHIA Eight Masked Men Bind and Gag Two Watchmen and Blow Open a Tinctlon Company Sate. H ttilutttr Wire flout 1 lie tu., ltJ fit I'lillaiiilpbla Sept :'! Highl masKnl men rarlv tmlav entiled the i in H.it n nl Hit llobuesbiii g Tm oui ami l'lauk fm t lallwav, 111 the exlleme tun tin n-t- I ti set t Ion ot Iheiliv, ami aftru bind in: and gagging two wattliiiien pio- leedill lo tile llllii e Wln-le the blew open Iwo safes ami lobbed them nf the dav s leielpts amniinilng lo about ! -.ml ii'eoige Nni, in nllil Clan me I lepevv the w an limeil w ic the iml.v nuiipauls of the tiuilillug at the time. At muling to tin-It stni v. It was .thinii J :.'i uilml; Ibis inoiiiliig when tin- eight maslxil lohbeis appciuil Hath man was aimed with a levolvii II limit tete. mtiiiv the lutimleis bound tin vvntih mi ti siitnelv with win ami. altei gag ging them, pitshtil them Into a inim-i Willi lle.iV llllllllllels the llillbeis bloke the tiiiililii.ttli.il knobs linui tin tlonis of llie sales ami Insilltil dv on Itllle III tile holes The explosions Illl w oft the thiols nml whi kid the ollh e Mtl'l sn, in Inn thth liii.HV the llill beis went to the Tninliv vv.itel walks, nil the banks of tile Del, IW, lie llvel while tlnv stole it low boat ami es- i.ipitl Nolan u Inl In loosening his hands iftei ;i hall boiii's hind wink lie t. leased I i pew nud thev lint I tit it 111.- I'olli e TO SEEK A CONFERENCE. Piemdeut Nichols Depart to Join Piesldent Mitchell in New Yoik. Ill I vi In. n. Win II in II . . I 1 1 . . 1 I'ii W llkes-H.nie Sept J I T D Nlih ols piesldent nt the t lilted .Mill' Woikeis ot Uii Ullsl .lilt 111 ,H lit tls- llihl I. -I I tm New Voik this .tin i mum to loin I'lesldeiii Mltihell and the othei ineillbeis ol III" eseititlve liouil nl ie 1'lliletl Mine Woikeis who will attempt to set llie Intel vl'Ws wllh the pes. dents ol ihe aiilhi.it 11 il-uiii vlug mails with a view nf getting the toil magnates lo ittjite In a Jnllil inlilei I'llt i nl iipel.ltnl s nllil lllltlels The null nllle ill til" vst ul tile ev eillllve lin.lld In New "l ol k Is aw.llletl wllh i iilisile,tbe Inletest bv the mlneisiii this sei Him Manv tliluktli.it llllless the tn.ll I nlllp, lilies lllllM'Ilt III tile holding of II llllii! inllltlellte time Will be nllOllli'l gUli'l.ll Stilke llext pl II, II lint soollel 'I lie ottltlals o the l.ehlgh alley ,''"'1 ""'l'-mv h-ie .env tin m out that thev have posttil llnllics ieilles. Ing theli foi en igh i iml ntlier lOlllpallV elllplovis In seve Iheli (nu ll. n Hun vv llli tin li unions MGR. GARVEY'S INSTALLATION. Plnns toi the Ceiemoules and Subse quent Reception Aie Complete. Ill I m hem Win l II V . lau li l'l Allnoiia. Sept J! Might I'.ev II A ilaivev, nf Plttston will aiiive hem to moiiovv evening to be Installed as bishop of tin new dint est nf Alloona An llblsliop Mvau nl I'lulnilclphla, ami nthei high dtmiltailes ol the Inn li. ale xpet 1 1 d low llliess Ihe t el em utiles, whlih will In litied uboiit with all llie pomp anil solemiilt.v of am lent illiiul and Cm in lilslinp llnb.ill ol 'lalitnll lilsliop ,-siiiiuthaii, nt lliniisbuig ami Mishnp 1'HliniUI It e nf Kile wlllllheli pilesis, an expei Inl lo alteiitl Mlshop I'lulail, of flushing will be kept awav b III lirallh. All in lailgenieiils m the big it i . itliiii have In en t oinpleieil - DEATH ROLL OF A DAY. II. Miluiiir Wile fnitii Ile Vet.,. I. Inl I'letl Allelilnvvn I'll Sept .' i .lease M. I.lm died t inlii x agel '4 Veins e was a uiembei nl llu state . oin-tll ill lonal . oiiv ntl'iii nuil was the lli-i setminiv of Ihe Alleuiown tali 1 1 out I "..' to ISM Mr I. tin wits a bankei u m II Ihe p.tuli ol' N7, 1 w hen his bank tailed ClKllleslllll S C Sepl .'! -, lalin-s .Mi. lames , ) of Cliestei Meld i oil 11 1 X this stale the well-known pltt liei ol llie lliooklvii ami I'.alllmiii e base hall i lulls, died al an lultl mill heie lodav Di Mi. lames was giatluatitl al the Si iii I li Caiolina Metlhal lollege In this cilv ami in in lii ed his pinfesslnu In Cheiaw loi a vein, but Inst season le lUltietl to his nld love base ball Another Pilze Fight. Mr 1 1. Iii.iie Wiic limn Hit V,.iii ult.i I'rfi Mulfulo, Sepl J I l'l a il 1 Mine was kiioikeil mil III the ninth louiid (onlghl b Millie lVlllH. lit Km t Kile. Fnlilpnr. R!im tln .fhlu nnurf .iuuiiiit tuityi if tiiu juniuu vvlll f ol iniitilru Goncernlno the Brooklijn's Famous Loop. ALMOST HAD COLLISION Ciulser Cut in Fjont of the Battle ships Bow at a Distance Not tu Exceed 150 Yaids, Accoidlng to Commander Heilnei Then Only the Piompt Stopping of the En gines Avelted a Clash Schley's Counsel Ttying- to Carry tho Waj Into the Tield of Sampson's Opei ntious. II. I ttheiie W re In, in Thr? Avonatrtl Trt. Wnshlnginii Seit. ".'The )llt plaved bv tin bittleshlti Texa.s In Mm naval battle olf Santiago. July Z, ly. In whlih the Spanish fleet, under Ad inli.il t'eivetu. wjs suuk, xvai Hie ba sis of the gte.iter p.tit of todny't pio leetllngs In the S( hley naval com t ot liuitiliv. (Jf the four w Knesset exam ined tint lug the dav, tin re had been o.'lius on boa id Ihe Texas dm Ing th" hntlle and two of them weie new xvlt nesses ThesLi welt Cnmiuaniler (iemge C llellner, who was navlgalor on Ihe Texas, and Cnminandei Alex M Males win was the chief engineer mi tliat bittleship. Ciunmaudrr llar bei, exetutlve tilth el and Chief Ml! liv ing nllli ci nl the ship since the death of Captain I'hllllp, wus lecnllcd. The toiiilh witness was Commander Sea ton Si lnoHlei , exetutlve ofih'f 1' on Jhe Mass, ii husetts and now goveiuor of tile ishilltl of CilUIIU 'I'lie lesiimouv sevetal times dm Ing" the dav was somen lint ext King and I was espei lallv so when Ummninntler lli'llnei ilesiiib-d the battle ami the pail Hi Ti xas had taken tu It He saltl Ih. il whin the Miookl.vn made Its limp at the beginning nf the battle It had pissed at loss the Texas' bow al a disunite lint tn exieed 100 ol 10 vauls, ami at Ihe (niniiianil of Captain I'hlHp llie 'l'i xas had lieeirblfmglitln a ii, nl stop Ihlgllieer Mates testifbd that llu staibnaiil engines had been sinppul ami s.i i,l h thought this als. hud happened tn llie poll engines Cniiiiiiiiiulei lleilmi expiessed tin npluinU that tlliee miles hail been lost bv tills niano-Mcer. anil tiom the fact tliat pint nl the nnichinei v xvas it iimgeil lie said he (iinsideied tint tin Texas was p gmatei danger when Ihe MiooklMi itiissctl her biw than at ,iu othei tlin- dining Hie battle tin imi examination, Commander llellnet nilinlltetl having taken part In the piepai.tiliiti ot Ihe otlltlal navv ilipaituient chin t showing the posi tions at tiifleieiit times of the ships vv I 'it'll p n Ih ipatetl in the battle. lie s.ild that at ( nidlng to this chait the two ship, nevei weie neai ei' than fiO't vanls nl t at It it lift . but he contended Hie limit was ln.it i mate, and he said In had onlv i nnsented to It a.s a eoni- pininise ('11111111. miter nates ailimiini thai the ollh Inl ste.nu log of thf Texas ciint. illi'd im tei mil of the .-lgln.1 lo mv ei se the itiglnes. Commander Jsihineibi iHstllbd c nni eiuliiK the eo'il siipplv nf the Massnhtisetts, vvhlch he saltl vvrniltl have been .siitltclent for a blniknil of lnnii sixteen to twenty tlnv s. 'Ihe dav- t losetl with another cou tioveisv bitween otinsel as to tin pnlii v of biitmliig Admlial Samp'on'-t name I n to the Mai. PROCEEDINGS IN DETAIL. W al.iiirinii, sej I 2. -(iniiiiatnler S. TiTerrl'f, Mini mi sn iii ih,i hail tnld haw AJinlial Sdilev, ilier tie jiinal uf Ihe llilm; Sqnatlion oft ,.,. 1 1 il,., nml the sikltiiuir of the Colon in tl r lai bnr I nl in, I. ml ihr M."i Illicit, tu S-'o In an I put hei. Ilul H"'-'' 'f" lltetlactlvt? slidls had I eeu liinl at 1. ut; tame it il Colon, liJil in t itn utileml the Vlat.arhitst.ttii tu ' tet out nf leu " t mailed Ile nan iknl H lie ile-irnl jKt no nutiitioti of In tftlinony of ii mini ' limn i niu' it Uttnn ftum A'lrnird s hlei' li-matkH nn thf l.na. linelit on the tl .t I llu Ijnii liaidiiuiit nf lh inlon vvluih 1 i i liMiil. whlih I nhoiilil 1 1 1st In .upiilv." Iir irpllta h 1 ill He taitl vvlieii lie lame iboml tl t Villlinal jnii.ill '"ii'il b" 11",H "-1 '"' foil "" ins .lit Hi ina.li lliht tlituntiit In ronnrril n .Mill ln tiuiaik Ilul lit? t. iuliiij to -InU !' I nl. ii 1 uiitintti l'i s.lU,nlir vn linn a.kfd ihn t Ihe it ll tili)lv nt 111" V ' .i.iil-Cttt. Ill- II I iliit ht iui hi li tt r- leinai'lfil lltfn il.Ji nil Hil.ll, I I In ti Illll Mlllllflll mil Ml t" l'"1' iv " We.l Lleuteimnt Coininniider Heilnei. I eiiieiioil I omnia mli I I. Heilicr. who ai laviaatoi nl Hie I'i'lJt iluilli! Hie s(ijiUS, v. u a lu'M lallnl lie ..IJ lit luil In-ml im R"'" liinl ii In n Hie iiiailron a punilifil I'lenfnegn In hi kiionUiki no t-IIiti I a mult to a.teiti ri Mheilin oi nni Hie iiinli tint at hi Hie In Im al Ilnl point or m ilt .tit.tr sioiHli miH iIipii Xui hail ilin litrn an 'nntt to roii iniii.i, ale mid I "bain on 'lion until Capiai i Vlil ilit sininl on Uf Vlaililthcail, vilit-n i Mliiiiliou u..iierlil litiiri (Viililfirm to mihm lurnli llllii f siiilia.u 'We hml," the m not ea -I .'il w.Jlliii. l""11 H""i "i'l ' Illll Ma llinililllli m totiuli " Xons (il Oil ftili ail. thii iiu.nl ih l' '"H 'ol1"" ' ''"' iii1'' n...l. ilnl llu .iliuliiil . .itliallr-rt llitt hi I . mil nil ill I Ml. i I I YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I il iliit Im -i'iii n Im "i, l)!. ' UlChcl letnpiiat i e 7- liejlf t I uivti n nil ii a u" . -... 4. d'jjri - get tlin II nn " lv s t in fl P'r i'ia . i in 45 pr i fit. piei , nil. ii, 'I In in i u Inl S p. Ill, Imlii 'fHtt ,itti'f )- -f 4- WEATHER FORECAST. Jf( - f - 4 W 1,1.1111, Sept il -arirfil fir -t- la. inn l'.iiiitltaiilat lair Til-Hi uii -H lVitlne.i'at , buht aoutlirl7 wlnii. 4-t 4.s4.-.V44 !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers