wi'AVii T-i- & .tg a ,yrj,.i. rv'ivTf',1!- "' J(jHirrii,t W(iW WW 5-'' Iff THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAV. SEPTEMBER 23, 1901'. 31 .'I NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKMANNOCK. Ipfelal to the Crranlon Tribune Sept .'.'.- IniticK Al. ami .loliii Hor Icn linvr- letttineil to Cornell I'nlve't Ut.v u Itli.ua top smother school year. Chin nk N iii-IIiib nn iulnlp Hociutniy for ono or the rucuU, I'ror. Slovens, and nt tin- K.uiiG tlmu tutorlup nnel lio puiliiR hlniKcir to lecr-lvc lilBhiT ilr Riit .IiiIiii entoin thi nophomore cI.ism this rail. Mis IhiulUy V l.milx and iliuigh In Malicl. vlMltoil lilcmls at Wilkes Hhi m on Tiiday. Mliwcn Maty and .lo"iphlno Hnvee, or Siiimtnn. mo vHltlnjr their parent. Mr. and ill?. I'.itilik Boyco, on I'lne MIOOt. Mm i:. .M. I'lilllliix H lonllncil to her home oil Win ten Htieet with n euiu tittiuk or the asthma. Mm IJ. I), ruiin.in, or Sloctini Mieet. pae a p.tity for tho pldent Indies of the town, and clxti en or them gathered to enjn hei hospitality and inch oth ii me-let. It was a dellKhtflll pvellt nii'i tin inoiiiorv of It will brighten libin a daj to rmno. Tho (onihlnrd nK's or tlirHC pieent wan lit" veins' 'J'h. follow Iiib li Hat of the name-, tu nc ilie-r with their iikci: Mm. Prevent, TV Mi Helen Sliupkllio, 77, Mm. Har ltit Little, S"p Mix. Jmiiics II.iiiIuiit. Tt. Mis Hrown, i'.j. Mih. Steven'. "7. Mtc. liiiulenei, 73, Mik. .lames Yoium, wi; Mi.i IMgnr Hterliottt, 77: JII House, hi Mi? Hllza WllllaniK. hi: Mm. Kininn Owteihont. S.l, Mm. t'liiistl.iii Kunn lii.in C.i. Mm. It II, Atkinson. 7,1: Mm Jiienb Kieskv, til. Mm. llll.ibeth 11. ripaul litip. 71 Mi ni.d Mm i'li.nu" Knoll, of Mont ioe isltod at the homo of Mr. and M lilies Iioss, on Tlnimday. Mi T. II Oianvllle Is the cucst of fi amis ,u rsir.intnn hint week. Miss Mabel I.envlB Ii.ih roup to K.iltl-iiioi-" Aid I" loMtmo her studios at a leinale i ollcse Mis Km Sue Stink, oC Sci.intnn who litis i. mi vHitlns filends ut thin pl.uo nir j.i.st four vvcpkb, left S.itmd.iy for ilii liiBVllle, wheio slio will visit her .mill .Mm. Allnot Ulley. lieoiRo Phlllipson, who 1s omplojed ni f". email In n spool faetoiy at Allen town li nt Sunday with his wife at till" plat e. oims man by the name or l.ooml, whoe liomo Is at Monti oe, was shot while standing in riont ot the Ketler hoip-e on Thuisday evening. It ap peal, that :i low was In prosrtM on the opposite side of the street and that n bv-t.milet by the name of .!i aimer, (i lailioad man from Sayie, dlschaiKed a iiiolver, under tho intluenco of the excitement. None of the paitlelp.ints weie lnjiucd, but the ball took effei t in the leg or oti!ig Loomls, p.lsslUK thioiiRli tho lleshy pnit ot the thigh, and eomlng out In the le.ir. He was I'vatPd by l)i. 13. 11. Hldleman, who pirinoiinied tho wound not dangerous, and on Satutday he was lemoved to his home at Monttoe. Uianger wa.s given a healing befoie Justice James T. ICetcliledgo, nnd held foi couit, ball being lled in the sum of $500 Aitoine S. L,ciov Till'any, of Nlcli olon. wbo was nonilnated tor elistiict rit.oinev by tho 1'iolilbltloii county ennvi ntlon, has tiled u paper in tha iniiilssloneih' ofllc o diiectlng that his mine be wlthili.iwn lioni the uoinln.i- ni. he having been nominated wlth i in his consent, and against his wishes Tin qtiaiteily Hireling of the Win inns Itaplii-t pastoi's conli'ieneo will be li 'ri nt Kussoll Hill on Monday uf tninoiin anil evening. The coiunilltee of an ingeiiiunts is John Hague, H M. I'.i-i and I). 1. Wooils, and they have iii.iiirpiI nn Inteiestlng ptogiamnie. In hr veiling n sermon will bo dcllveied bv Jtrv. J. H. howls. Mis Nina I'ainey, of Seianton, Is vi-iimg hoi mint, Aim. Jooph I.uce, on I'iiio stieet. Allss Anna r.usons, ,i mlsslonaiy among the AIoi inons, spoke at the 15ap ttst chinch, to a well tilled house last evening. .Vest Sunday night an other addioss wilt bo mailo bv Miss Alinnis, a iiil.-s.lon.uy limn Klnwha, China 1. in his Snulies and wife, of Sci an ion aie t'lo guests of the lormoiV) binthei, A. II. Siuler, on Tloira street. lis.- Nellie Iio.no, vvhn his been vis. Ituig the past two weeks at Itlng b union and Uwcgo, letuiiRd home on Thin sil.i). Ali-s Aim Inn and llleanor Metialf 1-fl Thuisdav for Hlniiia. N. V. vvluio they will attend the Hlmli.i l'ltualo college. N A I'oty of Mdionpany was ir. ccntlv clieteil distilct lueslrknt of W -omlng lounty I". O. S. or A. Hun o Tlliiiau and Fiance Aim k of Montiu-o and Dell Tltiu.in and llattlo M.iMi.ml of IMlllpsbiug, N. J, nte vls iiIiir .Mr and Alts. John Tllinan, on Thud sliei't. Mrs I'.. ii Inn lletts and sun or I'hlla dilph la in o vIslthiR- her pal out-, All. and AIis. Jo-eph llhoirks, In this place. Alis.-os Kate and Aljitle Vo-o, and Jean Slinp-ou leturiiod on Tluu'sdiiy from a week's visit at tho l'an-Anieii-can. UARFORD. Fperidl to the Scranton Tribune. liailnnl, Kept, 'ii. Clyde I'atteif-on ninl .Iei.nle linbhltiri lett Sattiulay Tor StioudHbttig Ktate Xoimnl Kchonl. loulf-o .Sophia and Hemy Andrews nte attending HlnomMitirs Stato ol ntal bihool. The lotiuiliiH or Mrs. rhailes THTnny, or Klngwley, weie interred in Hut foul cenieteiy. September 1.) Mr and Mm. Finnic Tiffnny and Mih. rails Tlllany have letiuned fiom Svia t'tthe, wlieui they hnvo bcen vlsdtlng Geotge Tirianv. Hev. H. .1. Whnleii will pieaeh In the Congregatloniil chiireli Sunday inorn Ing and evening, and will lectin o Jlon day evonlng. Al the home or Mr. and Mis. Thomas Mai Council. September IS, occuued tho nianlago or their daughter, Tlonn, to nihiH li'itrner, or Ulnghatnton, N, y, Illlund KstnhciukB was In Monti o.o Saturday. "V. H. (Julio nnd wire, from the West, ate visiting old 0 lends In town. Mih. Hnll will bo In Harfonl, Septein ber 111, nnd will lemnln till after Sep tember fi-', with a full lino of millinery goods. Tho tnfuut sou or Mr. nnd Mrs, Henry Jeffeis, or I'lnlnsboro, N. J was bi ought lieto for builal, September 9. llarfoid fair, September L'5 nnd 20. School nnd all places of business wero (lohrHi Thursday, out of lespect for tho futiPial of President McKluloy. Tho niHtiy friends of Miss Hthel Tif fany guvo Iter h htnprlso paity, Sep tember 18, In honor of Iter sixteenth blithUay. TOBVHANNA. FprrUI lo the Scranton Tribuni. Tobylianna, Sept. 22. All that Is mortal of the lato Mrs. (ieolge II. Ill-loads whs laid to test nt Strouds burg nt 2,o0 o'clock Friday ufternoon, Tho runout! took plaro at tho homo or tho deceased, at Tobvhnnnu, and the esteem and respect In which she was held by all her iieiiualntiinees were amply attested by the thiotig of soi sowlng lelatlves nnd fi lends at the sad obsequies. Tho lemalns were viewed previous to the time set rot the funeial by the many present Tho mpi vices were conducted by Jlev. C W. Hi ecu. ot I'on-Aigvl, 1'a., and Itev.Utnest How den, of Tobylianna. Dining tho set vices, several beautiful hvinns weio sung by a quartette from Stioudsbtllg. The lloral tributes weio numerous and beautiful. Tho pall bearer.s weio Chatles S. Itubard, of Philadelphia; Dr. John IllioailR, of riilhidelphla; Putnam Allen, of Ful ton, N. V.; W. Unmet Haiton, of 15.it Stioudsbutg; 1. Seldon Case and T. AI MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. Paiber, barber, shave a pig; How many hairs wll make .1 wig" "Four and twenty, that's enough." (!lve the poor baiber a plnih or snuff. Find tlnee other b.ubers. Solutiona for Last Mondiv tnirelhri ' Pi lit. 10. "Illnls of a feather tlmk 'IumIi, Vpt .i in 1 the nipklu 17 Hold ptrlure upld' fmnn the iriok.'i he id, down Then ! dot- bold i-idewijs and the turkey ful Hid 11 toi'i pinhlo Wrdudaj, hett 1 l.inh u linger. and clothei I.vnch, or Tohjhannn. Mn, niionds was the wife or Dr. cieotge 11, llhnndN, and daughter of Isaac S. CasiP, ot Tobylianna. She was yet in tho prime or lire and her death Is deeply dcploied bv her many ft lends who extend to her beieaveil lelatlves tholr sympathy In their lns.. In i hni liable vvoik, .Mm Ithoads was always deeply InleieMcd and was es pecially s-olldtoita in relieving tho ne cessities or the needy nnd distressed. She was a piominent chinch weaker, and a member or the Uadles' Aid to cloly and Hjuvorth league. HAWELY. Special to the Vnnton Tribune. Haw ley, Sept Hi. The twelfth an nual convention of the Hnnesdale dis tilct Kpwoith league will bo held In Haw ley Monday evening nnd all day Tuesday, September 30 and October Jtrv. Frank D Oamevvell, Ph.D., or tho Noith t'hln.i I'onfeicnce, lecttues Mon dav evening, September "0. Subject, "The Siege iu Peklu." Ur. aaiuewell Is the "Methodist .Mlfcslniinry-Hngl-ncei," whose detenses of Pekin saved a'lflij roielgnois and native converts for lirty-slv d,is from Hoer massacic, and elicited tho written comniendatloii of fulled States Minister to Chlnn, M.i Jm II. If. Conger, and the icconimen datlon of sir Claude MnrDonald, Hng Itinds minuter to China, to Queen Vic lot l.i for special iccognitjon by tho J.ngllsli goveinment. The CliiUtlmi Ailvncate of Match l'l, 1001, hays or this li'i tun, dcllveied at llacketihtick, JC. J.: ' For lull two bonis he kept his former follow townsmen entinnced by his tacts, which i-eomed sti anger than llctlon by fur." THE ONION'S ODOR. Due to tho Tiosence of Sulphur Its Germ Killing 'Piopeity. 1'rom the ltuil Palfonnan It Is inteiestlng to make inquiiylnto tho f.un-o ot this unrortunato quality nr Hie onion. It t blmply due to tho pi-CM'iico In komo quantity or nnother miueial mattei In the bulb sulphur It Is this killing pioperty that makes the bulb s-o eiy itHcrul as u nieiliclnul agent at all times, but especially in the opting, which used to be and still Is In ninny places the season for taking the hilmstono nnd tieucle In old-fashioned houpes, bcroto sulphur tablets enmo Into vogue. Now sulphur, when united to hydtogen, one of th gases or watet, foims sulphurated hydiogen, nnd then becomes n foul smelling, well nigh a letld compound. The onion, being so Juicy, has u ery laigo per centage of water iu Its tlsiiee, and this, combining with the sulphur, forms the stiongly scented and offensive sub stanco called sulphuret or nllyle, which is found lii' nil the alliums. Tho sulphuiet of allyle mingles moie especially with the volatile or aromatic oil of the onion. It is Identical with the mnludorant ptlnclple found In asafoe tlda, which Is almost the svmbol of nil smells that aie nasty. The. hoicer.ulieti, so much used with roast beef for Its keen audi biting pro perty, and the ordinary mustaid or our tables both owo their stiongly stimula tive piopertlcs to tills famo sulphuiet of nllyle, which elves them heat nnd nerldlty, but not nn ofTensIvo smell, owing to tho different arrangement or tho ntoms of their vegetublo oils. This brlngcs us to a most curious fact In nature, that most strangely, yet most ceitutnly, constructs all vegetable i olalllo oils In exactly the same wny cotnposea them nil, whether they nte the nronintlc esfeiiees of elove, or anges, lemons, cinnamon, etc., of ex actly the same proportions, which nic SS'i ot carbon to ll?i of hydrogen, nnd obtnlna nil the vast seeming diversities that our nostrlln detect In their scent simply by a dlfTeient arrangement of tho ntotns In each vegetable oil. Wharton's Silent Partner "Do .vou lcmeniber the day I stood beloio you, asking for your daughter's hand?" said Wharton. "yes," the once proud man replied; "ah, that was ono ot the happiest days of my life." Old llonrv Pelton was bent and grey. The Impel loin manner that once had made lilm n iiuin who nttiacled notice wherever ho went had dlsappeaied. He was humble almost cringing now. Tho loss ot his f oi tune bad (rushed his spirit and he was a pathetic llgure. "You looked as If It nindo you very h;ippy," his f-on-ln-lavv went on, Ironl eallv. "I lenicnibcr still what a limp feeling I hid In my back when you turned on me after I hnd let you know the objer t of my visit." Tho old man winced and was about Week's Puzzles: Ihiiriilay, ept. l'l Kauner .lone' ti'ad can be fmind between the woman and nun to the right of IliCtUlP. I'llchy, Sept. 20 lliniel Wtlaler. S-iturdiy, Nvt. 21 'Hie horv's mine founj one head and the other' noc i outlined by tho boj's knee to say something, but the other con tinued: "I believe )ou told men ou'd lather see your daughter go to her grave than to the altar with such a scrawny-looking, woithlcss, dissipated, Incompe tent, liltlo noodle as X was" 'Hut but," the old man stammered, "I was excited, I didn't" "No J, on weien't." Wharton Intcr niptcd; "jou didn't lose your head over tildes Iu those days. You meant eveiy word ot It. You told me I wasn't capable of suppoitlug a. pet kitten, to say nothing or u wire and family, and ou gavo men to understand that It wouldn't do mo any good to over ex pect any help Irom you If your daugh ter was fool enough to nuury mo In spite or your piotcsts, didn't you'.'" "Well, peihaps 1 did say something or tho kind, but leally I didn't mean to" "Oh, es you did, You meas every woid of it. And today jou como mound lieto to havo me give ou si job, so that you can keep body and soul together' Do you think, now that 1 vo got up In the world, 1 would be Justliled In discharging my Janitor or one of my window washers In order to make a place for a man who tieatcd me as you did when X was down?" The old man passed a hand wearily across his brow, shook his head sadly nnd tinned to go. "Walt," his son-in-law said. "I'm not through, Peihaps you iecall tho r,u t that nrter your daughter and I got man led without your consent I swerved mound a sharp corner. If nu paid any attention to what I was doing In thoso days you must have noticed that 1 began to get nhead In the world along about the time ou weie being made a, giandrather. It was atthattlmo 1 gavo up my old habits and began cultivating tho business Instinct. I ceased pei milting people to stand me up in comets and take my little MS n week nwuy from me while telling ine what a good fellow I was. I began grabbing things that were not legally nailed down. In a little whllo I could go In nmong a crowd of business men and stay nil day without emerging ns mi object of pity. .Before long 1 got to b a member of a bo.n d of directors and leporteis would Interview me on the business outlook "When 1 had become whnt tho pub lic was pleased to call a man of Im portance In tho community I took a silent partner Into tho business with inc. This silent pat titer never diew nny dividends never was seen around tho olllce; never even demanded a look at the books to seo that he was be ing ftiltly treated. "Today ono-huir or the vast fortune which the world supposes to be mine belongs In reality lo my silent pint ner." The old man looked as If he didn't moio than hair understand what had been said: He nodded In a perfunctory way when his sou-ln-law pnused, and then, nrter ,i shoit silence, said: "Well, I must go. 1 " "No. I urn just coming to tho p.itt that should Intel est you. You see the things jou told me about myself the day I stood there iisklnir you ror your dnttghlei weie mostly new to me. I hadn't known myseir very well berote that. I had thought 1 was a pretty Important sort of a chap, but when I got lo thinking It over carefully I was forced to admit to myself that yon had founed a pretty fair estimate or me. Now, 1 hold that nearly nil rools would be better ir they didn't have mistaken Ideas about themselves, Ay a. tulc, 1 A Resident of Scranton Shows the Way. Only one way to euro a bad back, I.lnltnent nnd plasters may relieve It, They won't cure It. Hacknche means sick kldnejs. Doan's Kidney Pills cute all kidney Ills. Seianton people piove this. Itcnd a rase of It; All. Albeit Itoflkllly of 311 Noith Kverett avenue, Hyde Pnik, engineer nt the Capottso mines, says. "I had for vears a dull pain acioss my back. Aly back felt lame and sole so much so that when I bent It was nil 1 could do tos tralghten up ngaln. Whenever I took cold It affected my back. At night it bothetcd me a gteat deal with sharp twinges which kept me awake for houis. 1 often got up In tho morn ing feeling tlicrl and devoid of all cn eigy and nmbltlon. There was also a kidney weaknesH which nt times was annoying and painful, I had my atten tion called to Doan's Kidney Pills thiough our paipers fiom time to time by tending the testimony from people. I went down to Matthews) Uros.' ding stoie and got a box. They benefited me In every way. I have felt slight touches of the pain since, 'but a resort to Doan's Kidney Pills never failed to quickly relieve it." For sale by nil dealeis. Pi lees r0 cents. Poster-Alllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents tor the United Stntes. Komewber the name Doan's and take no substitute. they think they nre all right when In ract they are all wrong. If they could just bo told what is the matter with themselves they would be able In many cases to quit placing the blame where It doesn't belong and get on to the aajihalt. Anyway, that's what hap pened to me, and the mote I thought nlout it as I got along, the more thot oughly 1 became convinced that 1 ought to do something for the man who had done me such a set vice. It' you hadn't inn away when jou failed and kept In hiding riom that day until this I would have told you about It bororo. Gentlemen," ho said, leading the old man into the general oftlce, "let ine Intioduee the silent partner in the 111 m ot Wluuton & Co." Chicago Rec-otd-Herdld. THEATRICAL NEWS. ATTRACTIONS TODAY. AC'VDf.MV Kinas Humane compani 15ht ST ill llaintj I'me nutltMrupi Aficrnoon and nleht "A Day nnd a Night." Pi iiipliiaiirn in the plot of a play nnv proie inti 1 .I 1 ti aome, but the crnerit public aie nioic 1 i-. ,1 iirnuKd by diicct Mmplkity to en pape their attention, tplced by thoso neceary condiment, "wit" and "pinRer " Ihi latter method has been adopted by Sir. Hojt, when he wrote hi hide-splitting; coined), "V l)jy and a NlRlit." Tho fut tliit the imbllo ear i en tranced by tweet and'dihinir melodies did not e-caro Mr. Ilojtd prutleed ienves, and the Kieatest popular compose, have contributed to tho plav, music that will liie in tho heart of tho people "V Dav and i N'lpht" I popuhr, and drperied v m, heom-e iw Mori I connected and up marioiKly fuiinj. 'the plij will be presented at the l.jieum next Ihursdai cunlnir, Sept 't A Famous Drama. The Homou Herald fil.tj. di-iiihe4 "On the WabaOi," the opening lull of the Kins Dramatic company, this cieninjr, In- the followinj; well choscn word: "it i a pliy that holds the au elience alternate! between tears and hushtci, with ihc intrnvs heart ftorv, thnlline incident'', and bright comedy scenea.llu t inn through like a streak ot auilune " "On the Wibah" will be foun I one of the many ttrona; bllU which will lip presented it the Academy of Mihic thl. week at popular piice. It i generally conudercd one of the bet constructed plaja of iu kind The drama, evil for nine dlBcnnt tape tettings each of which aie shown complete. "Dainty Pareo Burlesqueis." Vlamger Hcnington will piesent to hii patrona on Monday al the sur theater the "Dunty Paree lluilctquir." This company coine for ono week, with matinees, Monday, Wednesday, Ihurs day and Saturday. It ha 1 roster that com prl many of the khinine; lights of the vaude ville atagc, among whom are MW Von Shcrrcr and Courtnej, opeintic ductlsH, the inanelom Mile l.a Tosca, picmier lidy rontortionislrt; Honan and hearnej, Inh comedy and hoxiug artists; I'rcd WickofT, character comedian anl unlqu story teller, the universal faiorltos Car ver and Pollard, and the firaham. America' leading aonir illustrator. Two laughable tklti are giicn at each performanee, "llouprrs" 'lioubles" and "1'ui Upside Down," with the cnttic com pany in the cast, showing a wealth of tecnery and beautiful costume, nurieloua transforma tion, and pretty and ahapcly girls Thl Is con kiderrd to bo the best ihonr on the road today and will be one of the cunt of the aeison, STAGE NOTES. Min ilelaide Tliuiston's debut In h r new play, "buret Cloiei." will occur at Norfolk, i , thin evening-. Miss Thurston has been provided by her managers) with a very fine production, and her supporting company U ono of particular ex. ccllence. "sweet Cloier" was tried last season and proied a pronounced success It I described as being a drama of virlli'y and power, mingled with delicious comedy. firatp Oeorge, the charming snung aitres who aihleied much success laM winter in "Her Maj enty," i to appear at tho Theater Republic, New oik, dining November Miss fieoigc Will pro. ducc a play written especially for hei by a prim Inent American dramatist, and, in addition, will revive several aeml-c lassie comedies, among them "The Countiy till I," which at one time ni popular at Dalv'a. Wilton l.ackije, Tliendoie Roberta and J. II nilmour lino been mentioned for the support of the jouthful star. Wagenlnl k Kemper unnoumr Hut they lino made a thice jeiu" rontilit with Ml.s Jano Oiker to plaj the leading rules with Arthur Iljron, nt tha expiration ot which time they are to star her in classic llajs, a branch of tho diauia In whUli till firm Ins attained much prominence. Vim Oiker will make her fist ap pearancc with Mr. Iljion in the new clriinatlo cointdv "I'ctticoit and Dionet," playinj tha part of Ruth Wcldin, a cliaiacter vihlcli callj for much cliamatic power as well a feminine charm, It will he remembered that when Ml4 Oiker nnde her debut last season with Louis James sln was hailed a one of the coming i.n inen of tie itogo, 'J he attlstie ccn.,atlon she made throughout the tour quite Justifies the confidence of her managcis In her ability to till her pieaent position Vs Oaktr I by far the most beautiful of all tho moie recent recruit to the stage, and her pictures have already a prominent place In the gallrilea of eiery pho tographer of note Ml I.aura Hint, while tcheauing for tho "Kings Carulial," which is to open nevt Monday at llio New V.ork tlieater, New V,nrk, twd a nar. low escape from being killed Thursdiy night. In tho part of the act iu which Miss Hurt it fleeing from the brigands she mounts n horso and ildes up a gorge, which at the top in forty feet aboio the stage. She hat heretofore been using her own polo pony In the woik .and never had any trouble, Ihtnsda night, II, 11, hire, the managei, wished tier to try a big black horse, which had been trained by Manager Lawrence to V THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Four Llnei, 3 Cents for Each Extra Urn. Tor Bent. For Remito About 1200 feet oftloor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Hnquire at office of The Tribuni-.. I OK HUNT Truck, ami dally fall". to mil'i from Scranton, Fchcucr Pros., 311 nrook M 1 Oil UKXT-Wl tlrcc-n Hldge atlfct, eigbt rooms; team heat. l-0rt m:.T-Nlncreoin Iioiup In rccn ttlilRc; . all convinlrncc; largo lot. Itfnt, ?19- u '"M S O, Tribune. . tOlt nKNT-KIsM room, 713 .leffenon avenues all modern ronienlrncra. For Sale. WWWWWWWWWWWWV i I OK SVbi: Household fullilture. Intlildlin? h handaoinf UinliiR loom ait ..27 Mnnroo ne. I'KV C0lI.M pfr ton. delliered in entiJ city and south Mile Addietf John Hall, 11 H f'edar avenue, 'phone i.OS.1 I Oil SVLK Tcto light aprlng wagon and aome hirne, cheap. Kan, iear 1132 l.uiemo ttrect. lOil SVI.C-Car load of dravlns "l'Ua"stt , horses and Rood family horsei. Ill 224 OaK ford court. J. 11. Field. lOl: S.i: A Cottrelt fc Som cjllndtr rjf". 3.1x36, In cood condition, new roller. VOO. Apply Wilkeallarre Timej Oftlce, WIlkcaDarre, I'a, Real Estate. 5,C0O WIIJ, lilt double hoii-o and lull lot Washington avenue, near l'ina stieet, redutrd from $S,500. Wonderlul baigaln. Way teima Don't nifva it. C'omegja, Dime Biiik building 1 OK l.K Two cottage In hlmlmnt will be (.old to the highet bidder on October 16th Term to milt, l'xamlne properly and send In jour bid to Or Ilateson 317 Washington aienue. 10n SAI 1 llest building lota in Dmimore, cor ner Dudley and SlMh streeN Will rut tu fires to mitt (lUichatera Addie Arthur VI t'lose, Hunmorc IOIt SVI.i: V farm. 120 aele and (lock, good orchard with all comemencea Kight mile from Saanton, two miles from Moscow. Maty Jrnklna, Maple Lake, l'a. make the trip up the gorge It I a very strong animal, but wa uneasy and frietioua when it came time for him to work Alls nurt, honeier, was not d Hinted bv die iniinil. actions, and ulil fho would attempt the rule 'the hcr-c dished up the wooden gorge at top kpeed, and when it reached the plvtform at the end it stum bled and felt heaiily against one of the wooden supports Mis. Hurt was thrown on her side, She got up in a few moments and reached the tage b mollis of an elevator twd in Hie performance to enable tier tu come down cpiteklr. She said that she felt alt right and soon alterward went to her room in the Itnssniorc hotel Alter rc-t-ins- for an hour the tried to (.et up, and found she va limbic to wall.. Ilr tarlton Simon, of No. 311 1-ast Sitj-littli street, was called. Ho found that Mli Burt's right thigh had been di located, her spine e'ieiely stnincd and her right tide coiered with laieratlous and briu-wc The dislocation wi reduced and the wounds dres-el. The doctor said ehe will be unahl to appear Monday night at the opening. Mi- Hurt U well known here and has many rchtlves residing iu this clti ) BASE BALL NntlonrU Lengue. At Cinelnnatl (first gnme) It t incinnatl 4 JfllOSOflt- It New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- O Itatterles Hihn and I'eit7, Hickman, and Wall Unipuc Uioin. II 1' 11 1 I 2 Mag. s At Cincinnitl (seiond gune) It II 1 Cincinnati fl 0 0 0 0 0. 1 n 1 r 7 .1 New York 4 0 2 0 10 12 0-10 9 1 Ratterles Mimmel, SudhofT and Dergenj Tai lor ind Warner. Lmplrc Hrown. Attendance R.rxv), Chingo- R I! E Chicago 0 0 1 0 1 0 .1 ft 0 - ) li, ii ritUburg 2 .1 1 i 3 00 0 4-1". .'1 1 Ilattenes 'I aikr and Kllng: Phillppl and Zimmer. Umpire Diner. Attendance 9,Ofi At St Limn- It II I.'. st lorn finnoiiiit-3 10 4 Ilrookln . ,,0 0 0 00 003 0-5 6 I Ilattenes erkes and Schiiiei; Newton and Mcliuiie. I mpire hnulle. Attendance S.OOO. THE MARKETS. SATURDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS The folUsrlsf e,soltlrs ut tanks d Tha Tribune bill I Jordan Oo , rocrai 70S 7M litars building, Bcrantoai, r TelephoH I0M Open High- Lost- ClM- 4 Inf. set. st Inff Aiiirrhan sugir nit n.'i 1 ,jij jjj', Atchison "li't 77 7t' 7u'a Mctiison, V oe 'i7 rii4 07 Ilrook, Ti ictlon lift, OHj ih3, wii. Hilt o.'Olilo IW 10!i(, 0.l 101', fhei K Ohio i,4 47 tn tft' Chic. 4. (it. West 2i; 2, et '4 M. Piu! 1MU lnl K.lii pT Rock Island HI 111 14T'a It fl j Kan e.Tci, I'r., 5H Viij ;,fi Jipj Louis, K Nash In, in.1T, 104a, pj-,,, Man, 1 leiated 120 j.ji; u0 l.'2 Met Traction lnVi; 11,914 luji, livs Mis-o, l'.ulflo 10P, 10l, 10i, 10", outli Pacilic ."1" 'f't ', .Til, Norfolk k West Mi Sir, s,-,t, r,,is, V. . Cential Y,'f, li7 1 17 117'i Out. k Western ,'j tit, .111, tivij l'rnna It It lift ldi'j l.i' 1 H lteiding Ily 4JiJ It 4'ij in, Reading III , Pr , 7(i34 7T 7n't, 76 Soutlirrn R It 3I4 ,1V lia .ht, Southein It. 1! . I'r, ... S'i1, Sn1, (.11, si'i Tenn. dial A. lion ell fit un, i.i't I' S. Leather IT II 12T, i, V S Leather, I'r., .... el st, H'j SI . V h Ituhlier lti'i ISIS, isi, 11,1, I nlon Pacltlu i, Hhi'j vn'3 mu4 Wabash, 1' I'i'i It tm, KH, Western I'nion (O'i 02', 02'j 02', Col, Puel A. lion ')1 W, 00 11014 Amal. Popper tut 101 100 100, Texas Pacific 4P, 4)'i 41 H Amer. Car I'oundry .... SOU !W'i .'10 ,.d U s, cirri Co 4J IU, J jl, 41, V S bteelCo, IT, .. fit OH, Ol'j IU, Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Rased on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Cn , Pr County Savings Dank k Triut Co, first National Rank CC'arbondale) , Standard Dillllng Co , Third National Hank Dime Depoit and Discount Hank, Economy Light, II. k V. Co , I'irst National Rank , Lacka, Trust Safe Deposit Co Clark k hoover Co., Pr. ., , Scranton Iron 1'enco ft Mfg. Co. ,, Rid. 00 seo Asked. 321 30 480 275 IJOO 150 125 JOO M Scranton Axle works Scranton Savings Hank ,-on Traders' National Hank uj Seianton Dolt k Nut Co 101 SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. W'AM'H) Vlan ni II r nil an ami makf lilm-cll Krnrriilly iwtfiii around hotel. Hotel Tenaie. AW IMIIIMIN who will illalrlliutp rlmilar for M ilall) tluulil ndJion i-umlan! Co., t Wells, ClilcaRci WANTKII Vloii iu Irani limber tude, Hieateal oiiiiituiiit. c r uffcrul, only rlntit wiek requliedi pwlllniH punlthclv Kiiar.tnted (siadu ate llliKliatnl i.ilalnKiip mailed (i.e. Moler'a Itaiber acluiol, l Vnrk cllj tit ll'l r Klll.i:, credit Kiirn, 'iitiiiip mn liooki 60.' hook, 1,V , 11 Imok. JV . l.50 Look, fiix.. tJ.W liook. 7Jc lo be-t lite Mi Mnlej I'eiKU'on, JWiil I'lflli, ( liicliinali Vi Mi:tl lu,(inii nctbe aicciiM iniimcliatclv t taki- crdein for "l.lle of William Jli Klnle.v " Memorial edition. (irmliL' roioril of lil wbotc IHuMrloiiH i ueer l.laboiatelv Itlii-tinled Selli at tight,' llet trrnn to aRriiK. niiokM on cred it. 6.jmplr, rnalilllii; oil to make from JV lo ii clalb, bv mall i9lpald I'ltl.t: on ii)dkliou Address Ulnbp lllble I'liblUMiis lo, 7!.: t'licMinil Hreet, Philadelpl.li, Pa WANTI.H A .voiing man for general nltke woik in a lire iiwuranie offlic within a ten mile of Seriiiton Hint hue knowlidgc ut map and atleet line aheel; alo sood penniui and ioiiih pondent. Party mut be ac the and ot good hah li Itefeience leijulrcd (loud oppoittuillj fur right pull Answer, gllltur. age. ivpnlleme and nddre Vildiew, "I'lu- InMiiame," i ue snau ton 'I illume llHICKIAM'ltS HXMI.D I'or flic briik work Coinmunlcatlnii and pernn,il application will be urelied at in) oflli in ilaniuck, S. n .1, ltiK-iiuii Help Wanted Female. WANTKD girl for generil hoiwewnik Vppl at 101 South Main aienue, muol tome ice omnii'iidul WAMI I) joung gill or middle iged woman to woik for Mintl luniti V good home. ( ill after 4 o'clock at Mil .lackaon ftreel WAMH)-f!hl for grnenl houework al Dalton. Addrcn It T, caie Tribune. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Eecelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALDFRT ECIII.UTZ. corner Mulbarrj street and Webster avenue. OUSTAV riCHI.L, 650 Adams avenue. West Side OEOItOE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TEHPPE, "20 Odar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Main aunue and Market street. Green Ridge CTIAItLES P. JONES, 1537 Dickson avenue. P. J JOHNS, 020 Oreen Ridge street O. LORENZ, corner Waihlngton ave nue and Marlon itreet. Petersburg W. II. KNEITEb, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. bone & EON. Wanted. WANTED A large show case Apply (Vllliam QifJord, 1517 Dickson aienue Agents Wanted. WAMI l)-Kuintsheil (ront room liv elderlv lidv, cent rail located Rent must be reason iu!c. ddicss I , lYibunc Othce. AOKNT-i W WILD-life of JleKinlei. the Iiun clred page, laige book. Ilandsomilv illns trated Outfll free. Now rracH. 7" per cent discount to agents 1'ieiglit paid. Credit gum Henr Neil, .11 Dearborn sticct, Cnlcago AGENTS WN'IED-Life of McKinle. (lie hun clred page book Hindiouicly illuslratid Outfit free. Now icadv. 7) per cent discount to agents, freight pud. Credit given, llciuy Nell, .121 Deaiboin street, Chicago. Money to Loan. $30 to $50,000 AT ONCE 4 and 6 per cent. In terest. Easy terms to lepay, George W. Olcll, Coal Exchange building. 3JO,O0O TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or monthly paments. Stark k Co.,Tradeis' blJg ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN -Quick, straight leans or Building and Loan At from 4 to per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314 J15 Cennell building. ' Furnished Rooms. VOR RLST l'lirnlshed fiont room, with licit, bath and gas, near court boue; gentl-man prefened. Addres. Room, llox IW IOR 111. NT l'lirnlshed 625 Linden street room, iieat and bath Bom cling, ll'RNISllED PROSr ItOOVI, with boaid. W) Washington avenue Boarders Wnnted. WANTED Table boarders. Washington avenue. Mis. Tompkins, S31 People's Bank 135 New Mexico It) k C. Co 73 nosns Scranton Passenger Railway, first Mortgage, due 19-20 115 People's "tiect Rallwa. first mort- gage-, due 101S 115 People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 1921 115 Dickson Manufacturing Co 10.) Lacka Township School 5 per cent. ... 102 City of Scranton it. Imp. 6 per cent 102 Scranton liactlon n per cent 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by 11 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Aic Rcaris Per bushel, ihoice marrow, $2 60a2ii5. Huttcr-rreeh creameiy, 21a22e j dairy, fresh, 2U. Cheese Hill cream, 10'iallc. l'ggs Western licsh, 13',ialS; nearby stale, I54j17Hc. Medium Beans Per bushel, $2 50 Green Pea Per bushel, $1 40al 15 IToui Rest patent, per barrel, l 15, Ileans Per bushel, choice mairow, H 10. Potatoes-I'er bu.hel-tlal 10 Philadelphia Grain nnd Froduoe, Philadelphia, Sept " -L've stock -Rcce Ipts fur tho week tattle, 4,7'U, she, p, 9,112, hugs, 2,li0i tattle, well supplied and lukvl liiaetlvu and loner: the aviingc ejualltv being ordmari , stockeu and feeders nut 'cm sale, best, fv 75a S ST, 1 hole e y lOitfs), good, V25a3u7, meil lulu, $1 7'iaj, eomiiiou, III r0al G2. Mieep and Iimbs-Palrly aitlva feeling on all descriptions H steadily maintained prieu, ex ccpt cull and Infeilor stock, which were not wanted; extia 4all,i i 1 holer, 3jc ; good, 3atV,c , iiieilimn, 2a1i ; common, I'jaJ'ic , lamb, lafis Hogs li'ted strong and hlgli', kupplles being piomptl Wight; let westenl, us,a0,' ; fit e-ows, 3a1c, ; thin cows, 2a2ijc. ; vesl calve, fair ilcmanJ and steadily held, at Oanljo , c tra cholie, 7',it ; common, 4aHic ; milch rows of desirable selections sold for M5a55i dress'd steers selling fairly well, F'iaO'sc; dressed cows, tj!ia7',ic. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than Pour Llnei, 6 Centt lor L'och Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. IIIIWMII) O. M'Atl.DIMI, 2J lIUDbRS BANK llullillntf Atchltects. DVVIS, AUCHUIXT. CONM:i.b niwAitii ii. Ilulldlng. ritFIIHlltK I,. 11IIOWX. aikii. n, niiAt, - 'tit0 I'vliangc Illdg,,12fl Washington ave. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II I. IIMiDIMI, ram CONVIIM, IlllH.DINO. Dentists. DK C. i: .II,KNHi:it(ll.lt, I'AbU liUILDIM', l'"iie licrt, hcrantun. Hit C. ( l.M'IIVlll, If, WVOVIISd AVH.NUh. Lawyets. hjnk i: iiovii:. riotti:-,.AT-Av. llooiin 1J. it, iu and H lluir llullding r k iitvtv. v it' .,( omviosw k vinr nLDcii t. ii. iti.fi.tMii.i:. moith- lows nm.o- tilted c;n teal elate secmit Vleaia Iluitdlng, ""ner Washington aienue and pluce street. WIM.MID, W 1 iiiii v 1 KNM'I'. AlTORSE,1 ltcpiibllr.111 llulldlng, sun romisellois at lni. Washington airnue. H 'MP ,lhs p, lloilES AND LOUV selIori.il I in- Comniuimeallli llullding, Rooml 11, -'( und 21 "IV, M,"1 " ihvm:ii, tiohm: ml '"M. ''Hi floor, Vlrar ftiilldlng. ltoovis I A HVllli:, Vll(lltNK-Vrf,W, liOUtll of Trade lluildlng, Vianloii, I'a ,'"i'i'n Pm '', TIIMIEIIV NVriONAL ank Ituildlng '( OMt-'(H S 011 llPI't'lll.tfVS llllltllMI. W llCltllOl.l' 111 1 in- VIOM.II 10 NO. -It W.uiinlng aienue Physicians nnd Suigeons. V. K. ALIEN, Ml OltIH WAMHVGION' Hit S W I. WIOIll.U V OH It R S.i'1 WAbll Inglon aienue llisidcmr, 1 !t Vtulherrv. 'Iircnio dim-as., lung, brail. I.ldne arid genito urlnaiy oigans a specially Houis, 1 to 4 p. m Hotels nnd Restaurantg. IHI! IK CAPE. ir. Wll Ul IKWKLIN AVE- nue. ltatea reasonable. P. XKieit.rR, Pioprlelor. sciumov iioum:. m:ah i, l a. w. paS senger depot ('omtuited on the European plan IfTOIt KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A It nitlt.Oi CLEANS PRIVY VAULTh AND cess pools, no odor, only Impioved pumps used A IT Ilrlggs, piopneloi, Lejio order 1100 Norlh Miln avenue, or Elcke's drug stole, cor ner Adimt and Mulheir) llolli telephones Seeds. O 1! CLARKE. A- ( 0 . MTD-MLN AND NUItS. eiinen, store 201 Washington avenue; green lioustt, IrtiO North Main avenue; store tele phone, 72. Who Screens. JOM.PII KI'ETTIL, IIP. Ml 511 LVIKs.. AVR, huauton, Pa, minufacturer of Wiie Screens. Miscellaneous. DlthsMVhlNi; POtt tlllLDItEN 10 0RDI.lt, also ladies' wai-t IaiuIS shoemaker, 211 1h111s avenue MKivRon: proi. I'liisn.nv wppiikn i.s valopes, papn bigs, twine Warchouae, lii Washington aienue, Suanlm, Pa 1IIK WILKES IlMtltl'. RI'eORD CN RE II Ml in Siranton at the new slands ot Reisman Hi os , IWi spruip and Wll Linden, VI Norton, X22 Laiknwanni aienue, I b. Sichuter, 211 Spruce street Lost. I OVT unday morning, between Madison 111! and 1'iri.t l'tcsbterlan rl.uicli, a Miidl rile tnond stick pin PleasO retiun to 0 Madison .iieuue 01 Itlttcnbendcr A ( o .0r- On "sunda) la.t, while hull terrier rup Pars anil till clipped Reward for return ti VI J Hoi, in ,121 l.ukawarna aienue, or 1720 Madison aienue. Situations Wanted. birt'VIION W Vn li -Washing and imning In do at home In hit ila.s hundress; besi let erences given it needed Addiess Vlrs 1, M , care 520 l'cict couit. Mrt'MION W VNII D -Expert bookkeeper anl ofluc manager would like permanent engage ment thice rias per week, Falar evpectcd, lea enable Vdriress O h, Iribune otitic WORK W MED bi an expenenecd laundress, washing and liuiiing to do at home, ( all or addles. M. N , 2oS Penn aienui. Sill MION-s VI VNII fl Iwn coloird girls, si. tris, want situilion in pniate fiinllies al geneial Iwiu-ewoil, oi miisin. 5.,., I.aikawantu aienue-. Sll't VTIOS W VNII ll-ltv a .Miiing man as slcn egiaphcr and i.vpiwiilii. or am oilirr honm alI imploimint liner iimm evperlenre, can nc rilerrniis Addics llox .111, llonesdale, I'a, Sill MION W Wll D In oung lady, whs would like to do wrlling Cm spend whol of her time, if so deslied, would piefci to lie 111 in Inaiiianic ollue. Address Mudcnt, Tribuni 1 (tier 'lit VI ION W WIIH liv i hdv to work bv the div, to take washing and Ironing horn', Addusa tl li . 410 Smith Washington nenue stll'VITON WWIMI Hi voung girlv wa.shin dishes, attending children, 01 any lishe work, willing In wink for 1 a wesf cbthe jini boaid, Vddirs 1. D, We.t Pnlo postoflicr Ml'l'MION W AN'II'D-I!v compelcnS woman, In lestauierl or dilng geneial housework, 727 I'ellovvs street. Mil' VI ION WVNII D Washing and ironing I) do it homo by first cIiim, 1 undrew; referemii If needed. Addrc Mrs. L, M , euro 5.0 I'oreet couit. Slll'AriOV WAN'IEH-To go nut by the nf vvaling or cloning. Mis Russell,, 1213 lc dir uicnue, S1TI vriOV WVNTH) My a good, honet maa a .1 niaehlnlst or in the shop. Apply II L, Dunmore, Pa A I DY would; like lo get work to v' out h tlio ila or washing to take horns. 3u llrcck couit. tit. i LEGAL. NOritE IS Ili'.llt.ltV give" that an applkatins will li" un le to tho floiernor of Penns lunla, en Mondai, October 7, 10O1. at ten o'clock a m . bv Cceirgo Seheuer and oihers, under tin it of Assembly enlitled. "An Act to provldi foi the Ine 01 penal ion and legulation of errtair eoipniatloiis," appioved Apiil 20, li7(, and (hi suiplimenl therein lor tli chaiter of an In tended eorpoiation to In' called "Peiuissl v inia naking Companv," the chiracter and ol ject o( which Is tho tnamifacturing, liuilng am silling all I Ind of baked goods, meichandisi, nnd commodities, and foi theso purposes to haw povih and enjoy all the rights, benefits am privileges a lonKrrrd by the, Act of Assemhr; aforesaid, aid it supplements It V VIMMFIIMVN, Solicitor, Seranton. I'a . sepl 14, 1001 NOTICE The annual meeting of tho members n the I.ackawanni Morn Asfnclation, Llmlte I will bo held nt the ofhee of the association 11 the city of Scranton, Pa , on Wednesday, Oftn ber 2nI, 1001, at ten O'clock a tn foi the slec tion of managers or the ensuing year and s the transaction of mich other business u nil. pipperly como before the meeting 11 S. rvincilILD, Secretary. Sciaulou. I'a., Sept. 10th, IDOL
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